Музыкальные консерватории Неаполя
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Это список музыкальных консерваторий в Неаполе , Италия .
Консерватория Сан -Пьетро Маджелла
[ редактировать ]Консерватория Неаполя - это музыкальная школа, расположенная в Неаполе , Италия . Он расположен в комплексе Сан -Пьетро Маджелла .
Первоначально он был расположен в церкви бывшего монастыря Сан -Себастьяно и был назван консерваторией Сан -Себастьяно , образуя в 1807 году слиянием консерватории Санта -Мария Ди Лорето, консерватории Сант Онофрио в Капуане и консерваторной жалости турок . Он также стал известен как настоящий музыкальный колледж , и после 1826 года, когда он перешел в свое нынешнее место, как консерватория музыки Сан -Пьетро Маджелла . [ 1 ] [ 2 ]

Консерватория и прилегающая церковь сегодня являются частью старого монашеского комплекса Сан -Пьетро, построенного в конце 13 -го века и посвященного монаху Пьетро да Мороне, который стал папой Селестиной V в 1294 году. В консерватории есть впечатляющая библиотека Рукописи, относящиеся к жизни и музыкальному производству композиторов, которые жили и работали в Неаполе, среди которых являются Алессандро Скарлатти , Перголесси , Винченцо Баттиста , Доменико Симароса , Россини , Беллини и Донизетти . Витторио Монти , который около 1904 года сочинил знаменитых Csárdás , изучал скрипку и композицию в этой консерватории. Другим учеником был Леонардо де Лоренцо , флейтист многих американских оркестров и учитель в музыкальной школе Истман . Исторический музей имеет редкие антикварные музыкальные инструменты.
The historic conservatories
[edit]San Pietro a Majella is the last in a long string of establishments that have been music conservatories in Naples. Their existence goes back to the Spanish rule of the city as a vicerealm starting in the early 16th century. These early conservatories were Santa Maria di Loreto, Pietà dei Turchini, Sant'Onofrio a Capuana, and I Poveri di Gesù Cristo. They enjoyed a considerable reputation as training grounds not only for young children to be trained in church music, but, eventually, as a feeder system into the world of commercial music once that opened up in the early 17th century.
Conservatorio di Santa Maria di Loreto
[edit]Santa Maria di Loreto was built in 1535 and was the original conservatory in Naples, coming at the beginning of the Spanish expansion of Naples under the city's most famous viceroy, don Pedro de Toledo. It is the first secular music conservatory.[3] Alumni include Salvatore Lanzetti[4] and Domenico Cimarosa. Old maps show Santa Maria di Loreto to have been a seafront "borgo" —a separate section of town. Thus, the conservatory was beyond the Spanish fortifications that guarded the southeastern approach to Naples.
Conservatorio di Sant'Onofrio a Capuana
[edit]Sant'Onofrio a Capuana dates from 1578 and counts as its alumni Niccoló Jommelli, Giovanni Paisiello, Niccolò Piccinni, and Antonio Sacchini, four of the great names in the 18th century Neapolitan music. The Italian Baroque composer Cristofaro Caresana was a director from 1667 until 1690. The original building still stands, just across the street on the north side of the old Vicaria, the tribunale, the Naples Hall of Justice.
Conservatorio della Pietà dei Turchini
[edit]The building of the Conservatorio della Pietà dei Turchini, built in 1583, still stands on via Medina, near city hall. The Church of Pietà dei Turchini, still consecrated has a plaque explaining the role of the conservatory among the major four. The name "conservatory" originally indicated a place that "conserved" orphans and young women. All of the institutions instructed their wards in music; thus was born the modern meaning of "music school. By the 19th century however, most of the pupils of the conservatory were not orphans.
Evidence of the productivity of this conservatory is that among its pupils were: Giovanni Salvatore, Francesco Provenzale, Gaetano Greco, Nicola Fago, Carmine Giordani, Michele de Falco, Leonardo Leo, Giuseppe de Majo, Lorenzo Fago (Son of Nicola Fago) (1704–1793), Nicola Sala, Niccolo Jommelli, Girolamo Abos, Pasquale Cafaro, Pasquale Errichelli, Giacomo Tritto, Ferdinando Orlandi, Gaspare Spontini, Giuseppe Farinelli, and Luigi Lablache.
Teachers of this Conservatory, some of whom had been pupils listed above, included: Giovanni Maria Sabino, Erasmo di Bartolo, Giovanni Salvatore, Francesco Provenzale (1624–1704), Cristoforo Caresana, Gennaro Ursino, Nicola Fago (1677–1745), Lorenzo Fago (1704–1793), Nicola Sala (1713–1801), Girolamo Abos (1715–1760), Pasquale Cafaro (1716–1787), and Giacomo Tritto (1733–1824).
Conservatorio dei Poveri di Gesù Cristo
[edit]The Conservatorio dei Poveri di Gesù Cristo was founded in 1589 by Marcello Fossataro, a Franciscan friar. It was adjacent to the church of Santa Maria a Colonna on via dei Tribunale. Illustrious names connected with the school include the philosopher Giovan Battista Vico; a "maestro de [sic] grammatica" from 1620 to 1627. Musical luminaries at the conservatory included Francesco Durante, Gaetano Greco, Nicola Porpora, Leonardo Vinci and Giovanni Battista Pergolesi. This conservatory was suppressed in November 1743 and converted into an establishment of the archiepiscopal seminary.[5]
Conservatorio di San Sebastiano
[edit]In 1806, with Napoleon Bonaparte's brother, Joseph, installed as the king of Naples in what would be a decade of French rule of the kingdom, monastic life in the kingdom was drastically reorganized and the three surviving monastery music schools were consolidated into a single building, the Church of San Sebastiano, not far from the modern conservatory. Finally, in 1826 that consolidated conservatory was moved to the present site.
[edit]- Notes
- ^ Riordinamento – Conservatorio di Musica San Pietro a Majella; accessed 29 May 2012.
- ^ Di Benedetto & Fabris 2001
- ^ Olmstead, Andrea (1999). Juilliard: a history. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press. ISBN 0-252-02487-7.
- ^ Salvetti, Guido (2001). "Lanzetti, Salvatore". Oxford Music Online. doi:10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.16008. Retrieved 2020-02-24.
- ^ Di Benedetto & Fabris 2001 (suppression of the Conservatorio dei Poveri di Gesù Cristo)
- Sources
- Di Benedetto, Renato; Fabris, Dinko (2001). "Naples. 3: The Spanish era (1503–1734). (vi) The conservatories." in Sadie 2001.
- Di Giacomo, Salvatore (1924). I quattro antichi conservatori di musica a Napoli (The Four Ancient Music Conservatories of Naples). Milan: Sandron.
- Florimo, Francesco (1882). La scuola musicale di Napoli e i suoi conservatori, con uno sguardo sulla storia della musica in Italia (The Music School and Conservatories in Naples, with a look at the musical history of Italy). Four volumes. Napoli: Morano.
- Сэди, Стэнли, редактор; Джон Тирелл; Исполнительный редактор (2001). Новая роща словарь музыки и музыкантов , 2 -е издание. Лондон: Макмиллан. ISBN 978-1-56159-239-5 (твердый переплет). OCLC 419285866 (электронная книга).
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