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2010 Игры Содружества

XIX Игры Содружества
Логотип Игр Содружества 2010 года
Принимающий город Дели , Индия
Девиз Выйти и играть
Народы 71 Содружества команда
Спортсмены 4,352
События 272 события в 21 дисциплинах [ 1 ]
Открытие 3 октября 2010 г.
Закрытие 14 октября 2010
Открыт Чарльз, принц Уэльский и Пратибха Патил , президент Индии
Закрыто Принц Эдвард, граф Уэссекс
Клятва спортсмена Абхинав Биндра
Королева финального бегуна Сушил Кумар
Гимн Jiyo utho badho jeeto ( ar rahman )
Рука Джавахарлал Неру стадион
Веб -сайт www.CWGDelhi2010.org

Игры Содружества 2010 года , официально известные как Игры Содружества XIX и широко известный как Дели 2010 , [ 2 ] Было международным мульти спортивным мероприятием для членов Содружества , которое проводилось в Дели , Индия , с 3 по 14 октября 2010 года. В общей сложности 4352 спортсмена из 71 страны Содружества и зависимости соревновались в 21 спорте и 272 мероприятия, что делает его Крупнейшие игры Содружества на сегодняшний день. Это было также крупнейшее международное мульти спортивное мероприятие , которое будет проводиться в Дели и Индии, затмевав азиатские игры в 1951 и 1982 годах . Церемонии открытия и закрытия были проведены на стадионе Джавахарлал Неру , главном стадионе мероприятия.

Впервые Игры Содружества проводились в Индии, а во второй раз, когда они проходили в Азии после Куала -Лумпура , Малайзия, в 1998 году . Это был также первый раз, когда Республика Содружества организовала игры, второй в стране, которой в настоящее время не возглавлял британский монарх со времен Малайзии в 1998 году. Официальным талисманом Игр был Шера и официальная песня игр », Jiyo Utho Badho Jeeto "был составлен Академией и Грэмми -лауреатом индийского художника -звукозаписи А.Р. Рахманом .

Подготовка к играм получила широкое внимание международных СМИ, причем критика была выровнена против организаторов за медленные темпы работы , а также проблемы, связанные с безопасностью и гигиеной. Однако, несмотря на угрозы бойкотов и снятия спортсменов, в этом мероприятии участвовали все страны -члены Содружества наций , за исключением Фиджи , которое приостановлено от Содружества и Токелау , которое не послало команду.

Всемирно известная церемония открытия улучшила изображение игр, [ 3 ] [ 4 ] и развеяли негативные представления, окружающие их, многие наблюдатели отмечали, что они начали с опасающейся записки, но были исключительным опытом с в значительной степени положительного конца. [ 5 ] Президент Международного олимпийского комитета , Жак Рогге , сказал, что Индия сделала хорошую основу для будущей олимпийской заявки, которая была подтверждена австралийским министром спорта. [ 6 ] [ 7 ] Начальник Федерации Игр Содружества Майк Феннелл заявил, что «Дели прошел фантастические игры». [ 8 ] Некоторые наблюдатели обвинили разделы средств массовой информации в предвзятости, несправедливых ожиданиях и негативной отчетности. [ 9 ]

Последний подсчет медалей был проведен Австралией с 74 золотами и 177 большинством медалей в целом. Ведущая Nation India добилась лучших результатов на Играх Содружества , заняв второе место в общем зачете, выиграв 38 золотых и 101 медали.

Выбор хоста

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Дели был выбран в качестве принимающего города Игр Содружества 2010 года 14 ноября 2003 года во время Генеральной Ассамблеи CGF в заливе Монтего , Ямайка, побеждая заявку из Гамильтона, Онтарио , Канада. [ 10 ] Девиз предложения Индии был новыми границами и дружбой . [ 11 ]

Индия изменила баланс в свою пользу во втором раунде голосования с обещанием, что она предоставит 100 000 долларов США для каждой участвующей страны, а также воздушные билеты, посадка, проживание и транспорт. [ 12 ] Успешные афроазиатские игры 2003 года, проведенные в Хайдарабаде, также считались, что показала, что в Индии есть ресурсы, инфраструктуру и технические ноу-хау, чтобы поставить большое спортивное мероприятие. [ 13 ] Между тем, Гамильтон боролся с понятием, что страна не будет награждена двумя крупными многовозможными мероприятиями в том же году после того, как Ванкувер был награжден зимними Олимпийскими играми 2010 года в начале года. [ 14 ]

Дели предъявляет заявку на 1990 и Игры Содружества 1994 годов , но проиграл Окленду и Виктории соответственно. Заявка Гамильтона была попыткой Канады провести игры в пятый раз. [ 15 ] [ 16 ]

Результаты ставок на игры в Игры Содружества 2010 года
Город Страна Голоса
Дели Индия 46
Гамильтон Канада 22

Разработка и подготовка

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Организационный комитет

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Основное здание организационного комитета Игр Содружества 2010 года

Организация Игр Содружества 2010 года была окружена задержками: в январе 2010 года вице-председатель Индийской олимпийской ассоциации Раджа Рандхир Сингх выразил обеспокоенность тем, что Дели не достиг скорости в формировании и организации своего комитета игр, и после отчета правительства Индии 2009 года , показывающего Майка Феннелла за графиком отставал две трети площадок, Президент Федерации Игр Содружества что медленное прогресс в подготовке представлял собой серьезный риск для этого события. [ 17 ] Сингх также призвал к обновлению организационных комитетов игр: [ 18 ] Джарнайл Сингх, бывший секретарь правительства Индии, была назначена главным исполнительным директором и Индийской олимпийской ассоциации президент Суреш Калмади был назначен главой комитета. Несмотря на задержки и случаи коррупции, взимаемые с организаторов, комментаторы заявили, что они уверены, что Индия успешно проведет игры и сделает это вовремя. [ 19 ] [ 20 ]

При запуске эстафеты «Королева Батон» в октябре 2009 года бизнес -клуб Индии (BCI) был сформирован в рамках партнерства организационного комитета, Конфедерации индийской промышленности и Федерации индийской торговой палаты и промышленности . BCI была сформирована как на рынке игр, так и для продвижения индийских бизнес -интересов на международном уровне. [ 21 ]


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Стадион Джавахарлала Неру, Нью -Дели
Основное место проведения игр, стадион Джавахарлала Неру
Майор Дхайан Чанд Национальный стадион

События состоялись на 12 соревнованиях. В общей сложности было использовано 20 заведений для обучения. Из этих 20 человек использовался для стрельбы из лука; три для водных водных ресурсов; Два для газонных мисок; два для нетбола; восемь для регби семерки, в том числе семь мест в Университете Дели ; два для стрельбы; один для тыквы; два для настольного тенниса; Один для тяжелой атлетики, три для борьбы и два для тенниса. [ 22 ]

В общей сложности пять мест были вновь построены для мероприятия; Спортивный комплекс , Siri Fort Sports Yamuna спортивный комплекс Thyagaraj, спортивный комплекс , спортивный комплекс Thyagaraj, спортивный комплекс Yamuna , а также учреждение по регби на стадионе Университета Дели . Это не включает в себя два места - спортивный комплекс Индиры Ганди и стадион Джавахарлала Неру - который получил серьезные ремонтные работы или подъем. Все остальные места существовали до мероприятия. Самым большим местом было стадион Jawaharlal Nehru, который составил 60 000 человек, был основным местом мероприятия, проведя как открытие , так и церемонии закрытия . С другой стороны, стрельба из центральной полиции (CRPF), расположенная в Кадарпуре, имел наименьшую вместимость сидения, 345.

На мероприятии было три основных мест неконкурентных площадках, помимо деревни Игр Содружества; а именно штаб -квартира организационного комитета по организационному комитету в Дели 2010 года, главном медиа -центре и Games Family Hotel, Hotel Ashok.

Деревня Игр Содружества

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Министр по делам молодежи и спорта союза, доктор г -жа Гилл, встречающуюся с членами Северной Ирландии в Деревне Игр

Деревня Игр Содружества обеспечила жилье и обучение для спортсменов игр и была открыта с 23 сентября по 18 октября 2010 года. Она расположена вдоль восточного берега реки Ямуна, в непосредственной близости от соревнований и тренировочных площадок, а также городских достопримечательностей, и распространяется на площадь 63,5 га (157 акров). Включая пять основных зон-жилой зоны, Международной зоны, зоны обучения, основной обеды и операционной зоны-Деревни Игр, которая была зоной, не приготовленной на курсе, [ 23 ] был универсально доступен, особенно для размещения спортсменов с параспортом . [ 24 ] Было предоставлено бесплатное жилье для всех спортсменов в Деревне Игр, а также бесплатный транспорт и другие преимущества, такие как бесплатная поездка в знаменитый Тадж -Махал и зарезервированный переулок для участников на отдельных автомагистралях. [ 25 ] Деревня Games разместила более 8000 спортсменов и чиновников для игр.

Первоначальный общий бюджет, оцененный Индийской олимпийской ассоциацией в 2003 году для размещения игр, составил . Фунтов стерлингов 16,2 млрд (190 миллионов долларов США). Однако в 2010 году официальный общий бюджет вскоре увеличился до приблизительно фунтов стерлингов 115 миллиардов (1,4 млрд. Долл. США), что исключало не связанную с спортивной инфраструктуру развитие. [ 26 ] Журнал Business Today подсчитал, что игры стоят фунтов стерлингов 700 миллиардов (8,4 миллиарда долларов США). [ 27 ] Игры Содружества 2010 года, как сообщается, были самыми дорогими играми Содружества в истории. [ 28 ]


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Delhi metro
Terminal 3 of Indira Gandhi International Airport

Был построен четырехполосная пролетная пролета, 2,2 км (1,4 мили) от дороги Лодхи до Транс-Ямуны, связывая Деревню Игр на стадионе Джавахарлал Неру , что сократило время прохождения между деревней и стадием до шести минут.

В ответ на опасения по поводу большого количества поездов, которые ежедневно проходят мимо столичного региона Дели, было завершено строительство дорожных мостов и чрезмерных мостов вдоль железнодорожных линий. Чтобы расширить дорожную инфраструктуру, эстакады, эстакады Cloverleaf и мосты, были построены для улучшения связей для игр и города в целом. Проекты, расширяющие дороги, были закончены с акцентом на расширение национальных автомагистралей. Чтобы улучшить транспортный поток на существующих дорогах, были составлены планы, чтобы сделать как внутренние, так и внешние кольцевые дороги.

To support its commitment to mass transport, nine corridors have been identified and were constructed as High Capacity Bus Systems (for example, one from Ambedkar Nagar to Red Fort). Six of these corridors were expected to be operational in 2010. Additionally, The Delhi Metro was expanded to accommodate more people and boost the use of public transport during the event. The metro has extended to Gurgaon and the Noida area. For this large increase in the size of the network, Delhi Metro had deployed 14 tunnel boring machines.[29] Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) was used to tag vehicles in venue parking lots to help organise mass parking and increase security.[30]

Indira Gandhi International Airport was modernised, expanded, and upgraded. Costing nearly $1.95 billion, Terminal 3 has increased airport passenger capacity to more than 37 million passengers a year by 2010. A new runway has been constructed, allowing for more than 75 flights an hour. At more than 4400 metres long, it is one of Asia's longest. The airport has been connected to the city via a six-lane expressway (Delhi–Gurgaon Expressway) and the $580 million Delhi Airport Metro Express line.[31]

Logo for the Delhi 2010 Commonwealth Games being recognised as the first ever "Green Commonwealth Games"

Green Games


The organisers signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the United Nations Environment Programme to show the intention to host a "sustainable games" and to take the environment into consideration when constructing and renovating venues. Thyagaraj Stadium is intended to be a key example of environmentally considered construction.

In opposition to this intention, a number of environmental controversies arose and the adverse ecological impact of various aspects of the games have been protested by city residents.[32][33] City residents filed a public interest petition to the Supreme Court of India against the felling of 'heritage' trees in the Siri Fort area to make way for Games facilities. The court appointed architect Charles Correa to assess the impact and he severely criticised the designs on ecological grounds.[34] In spite of this, in April 2009 the Supreme Court allowed the construction on the grounds that "much time had been lost" and "the damage already caused to the environment could not be undone".[35][36]

The Commonwealth Games village, located on the flood plains of the Yamuna, has also been the subject of controversies about the flouting of ecological norms.[37] After a prolonged legal battle between city residents and the state, construction was permitted to continue on the basis of an order of the Supreme Court of India in July 2009, which held that the government had satisfied the requirements of "due process of the law" by issuing public notice of its intention to begin construction work in September 1999 (a date four years prior to the acceptance of Delhi's bid for the games).[38]

Queen's baton relay

The 2010 Queen's Baton Relay inauguration at Buckingham Palace in London, United Kingdom
Mr. Mike Fennel, President of the CGF hands over the Baton to Sheila Dikshit, Chief Minister of Delhi at Wagah Border, Punjab

The Queen's Baton Relay began when the baton, which contains Elizabeth II's message to the athletes, left Buckingham Palace on 29 October 2009. The baton arrived at the 2010 Games opening ceremony on 3 October 2010, after visiting the other 54 nations of the Commonwealth and travelling throughout India, reaching millions of people to join in the celebrations for the Games. The baton arrived in India on 25 June 2010 through the Wagah Border crossing from Pakistan.[39]

The baton was designed by Michael Foley of Foley Designs and a graduate of the National Institute of Design.[40] It is a triangular section of aluminium twisted into a helix shape and then coated with coloured soils collected from all the regions of India. The coloured soils are a first for the styling of a Queen's Baton. A jewel-encrusted box was used to house the Queen's message, which was laser-engraved onto a miniature 18 carat gold leaf—representative of the ancient Indian 'patras. The Queen's baton is ergonomically contoured for ease of use. It is 664 millimetres (26.1 in) high, 34 millimetres (1.3 in) wide at the base, and 86 millimetres (3.4 in) wide at the top and weighs 1,900 grams (67 oz).

The Queen's baton has a number of technological features including:

  • The ability to capture images and sound
  • Global positioning system (GPS) technology so the baton's location can be tracked
  • Embedded light emitting diodes (LEDs) which will change into the colours of a country's flag whilst in that country
  • A text messaging capability so that people can send messages of congratulations and encouragement to the baton bearers throughout the relay

Other preparation


In preparation for an influx of English-speaking tourists for the Games, the Delhi government implemented a program to teach English, and the necessary skills for serving tourists, to key workers—such as cab drivers, security workers, waiters, porters, and service staff. In the two years prior to the Games 2000 drivers were taught English. In addition to Delhi, the Indian Government plans to expand the program to teach people in local tourist destinations in other parts of India.[41]

HOHO Delhi Bus Inauguration in Delhi

To facilitate hassle-free sightseeing in Delhi, Delhi Tourism undertook the launch of India's very first Hop on Hop Off bus known as HOHO DELHI, modelled on popular concept of transport facilities in Western countries. The bus, which is equipped with state-of-the-art technologies like digital video screens and GPS systems, also had trained guides who were responsible for giving information about the sites.

To prepare for the energy-usage spike during the games and to end chronic power cuts in Delhi, the government undertook a large power-production initiative to increase power production to 7000 MW (from the previous 4500 MW). To achieve this the government streamlined the power distribution process, directed additional energy to Delhi, and constructed new power plants.[42]

Ministry of Railways run a special Commonwealth Express train for foreign delegates and participants to visit Taj Mahal at Agra during the Games

Indian states trained state police forces to handle tourist-related issues and deploy them prior to the Games. A large-scale construction and "beautification" project has resulted in the demolition of hundreds of homes and the displacement of city dwellers—at least 100,000 of New Delhi's 160,000 homeless people have removed from shelters, some of which have been demolished.[43][44] Bamboo screens have been erected around city slums to separate visitors from the sights of the slums,[45] a practice which human rights campaigners have deemed dishonest and immoral.[46]

The Delhi High Court implemented a series of "mobile courts" to be dispatched throughout Delhi to relocate migrant beggars from Delhi streets. The mobile courts would consider each beggar on a case-by-case basis to determine whether the beggar should be sent back to his/her state of residence, or be permitted to remain in government-shelters.[47]

Opening ceremony

The 2010 Commonwealth Games opening ceremony at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium

The opening ceremony was held at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, the main stadium of the event, in New Delhi, India. It began at 19:00  (IST) on 3 October.[48] The opening ceremony was directed by Ganapathy Bharat, known commonly as Bharat Bala, an acclaimed Tamil film director, screenwriter and film producer based in Kodambakkam, Chennai. The ceremony featured over 8,000 performers, and lasted for two-and-a-half hours.[49] It is estimated that 3.50 billion (US$77 million) were spent to produce the ceremony.[50]

Swagatham presentation at the opening ceremony

The ceremony was divided into six separate segments, each showcasing the rich, ancient and diverse cultures of India, including art, traditions, dances, music and colours. It began with a showcase of a variety of drummers from all parts of India, accompanied by seven-year-old tabla player Keshav. The countdown took place on a screen in the stadium, and was accompanied by fireworks. The centerpiece of the ceremony was the helium aerostat, which acted as a giant 360° screen for spectators. The ceremony showcased a fusion of various classical dances from all parts of India, mehendi decorations, sand paintings and yoga. The title song was performed by A R Rahman. Singer Hariharan sang the welcome song for the Games, titled "Swagatam", with thousands of school children.[51]

The Prince of Wales (now Charles III; representing Elizabeth II as Head of the Commonwealth) and President of India Pratibha Patil officially declared the Games open.[52] Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of the host nation, India, attended the opening ceremony as well. A total of three heads of state from outside India attended the opening ceremony; two from Commonwealth nations and one from a non-Commonwealth nation. The three head of states were Mohamed Nasheed, President of the Maldives, Marcus Stephen, President of Nauru and a multiple Commonwealth gold medallist, and Albert II, Prince of Monaco, representing the International Olympic Committee.[53] As well, Sir Anand Satyanand, the Governor General of New Zealand, attended the ceremony.[54]

Closing ceremony

Closing ceremony of the 2010 Commonwealth Games

The closing ceremony featuring both Indian and Scottish performers.[55][56] The closing ceremony was not as well received as the opening ceremony.[57] The Commonwealth Games flag was handed over to representatives of Glasgow, Scotland, which hosted the XX Commonwealth Games in 2014. At the closing ceremony, the President of the Commonwealth Games Federation declared that Delhi had hosted a "truly exceptional Games".[58] A day after the ceremony, Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond stated that

Scotland is highly impressed with Delhi's success in holding the multi-sport event, Delhi hosted a very successful Commonwealth Games. It will be a challenge to emulate.

— Alex Salmond, First Minister of Scotland[59]

The Games


Participating Commonwealth Games Associations


There were 71 participating nations at the 2010 Commonwealth Games. As Fiji was suspended from the Commonwealth, it was banned from participating in the Games.[60] Rwanda fielded a team for the games for the first time after becoming a Commonwealth member in 2009.[61] The numbers of athletes from each country is shown in brackets.

Participating Commonwealth countries and territories



There were events in 21 disciplines across 17 sports for the 2010 Commonwealth Games.

Kabaddi was a demonstration sport at the Games.[130]

Triathlon was excluded from the games as there was no suitable location for the swimming stage.[131] The organisers have also removed basketball, but included archery, tennis and wrestling. Cricket, although in strong demand, did not make a comeback as the Board of Control for Cricket in India were not keen on a Twenty20 tournament, and the organisers did not want a one day tournament.[132]


OC Opening ceremony Event competitions 1 Gold medal events CC Closing ceremony
October 3
Ceremonies OC CC
Archery 2 2 2 2 8
Athletics 2 7 8 9 8 7 9 2 52
Badminton 1 5 6
Boxing 10 10
Cycling Road cycling 2 2 4
Track cycling 3 4 4 3 14
Diving 3 2 3 2 10
Gymnastics Artistic 1 1 2 5 5 14
Rhythmic 1 1 4 6
Hockey 1 1 2
Lawn bowls 2 2 2 6
Netball 1 1
Rugby sevens 1 1
Shooting 4 4 4 5 4 3 2 4 6 36
Squash 2 3 5
Swimming 5 5 9 5 11 9 44
Synchronised swimming 2 2
Table tennis 1 1 1 2 3 8
Tennis 2 3 5
Weightlifting 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 17
Wrestling 3 4 4 3 3 4 21
Daily medal events 8 18 27 35 43 32 29 14 21 29 16 272
Cumulative total 8 26 53 88 131 163 192 206 227 256 272
October 3

Medal table

Medalists of the Badminton mixed team competition at the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi. From left: India (silver), Malaysia (gold), and England (bronze).
Medalists of the 10-metre air pistol pairs women at the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi. From left: Dina Aspandiyarova, Pamela McKenzie, Heena Sidhu, Annu Raj Singh, Dorothy Ludwig, and Lynda Hare.

Only the top ten nations by medal rank are shown in this medal table. Nations are ranked first by count of gold medals, then silver medals, then bronze medals.

The ranking in this table is consistent with International Olympic Committee convention in its published medal tables. By default, the table is ordered by the number of gold medals the athletes from a nation have won (in this context, a "nation" is an entity represented by an NOC). The number of silver medals is taken into consideration next and then the number of bronze medals. If nations are still tied, equal ranking is given and they are listed alphabetically by IOC country code.

In Boxing two bronze medals were awarded in each weight class. Additionally there was a tie of three athletes for the third place in the women's pole vault in athletics meant that three bronze medals were awarded. Therefore, the total number of bronze medals is greater than the total number of gold or silver medals.[133]

  *   Host nation (India)

1 Australia745548177
2 India*382736101
3 England376045142
4 Canada26173275
5 Kenya12111033
 South Africa12111033
7 Malaysia12101335
8 Singapore1111931
9 Nigeria11101435
10 Scotland910726
Totals (36 entries)272275281828
Source: [134]

Podium sweeps

Date Sport Event Team Gold Silver Bronze
6 October Swimming Women's 200 metre breaststroke  Australia Leisel Jones Tessa Wallace Sarah Katsoulis
6 October Gymnastics Women's artistic individual all-around  Australia Lauren Mitchell Emily Little Georgia Bonora
8 October Squash Men's singles  England Nick Matthew James Willstrop Peter Barker
8 October Athletics Men's 110 metres hurdles  England Andy Turner William Sharman Lawrence Clarke
9 October Athletics Women's 3000 metres steeplechase  Kenya Milcah Chemos Cheywa Mercy Wanjiru Njoroge Gladys Jerotich Kipkemoi
10 October Athletics Men's 800 metres  Kenya Boaz Lalang Richard Kiplagat Abraham Kiplagat
11 October Athletics Men's 3000 metres steeplechase  Kenya Richard Mateelong Ezekiel Cheboi Brimin Kipruto
11 October Athletics Women's discus throw  India Krishna Poonia Harwant Kaur Seema Antil
12 October Powerlifting Women's Open bench press  Nigeria Esther Oyema Ganiyatu Onaolapo Osamwenyobor Araspmwan
12 October Powerlifting Men's Open bench press  Nigeria Yakubu Adesokan Anthony Ulonnam Ikechukwu Obichukwu
12 October Table tennis Women's singles  Singapore Feng Tianwei Yu Mengyu Wang Yuegu
12 October Athletics Women's 5000 metres  Kenya Vivian Cheruiyot Sylvia Kibet Ines Chenonge



The host broadcast activities were provided by SIS Live, the production house,[135] in partnership with Prasar Bharati, the host broadcaster, which includes Doordarshan.[136]

In New Zealand, the rights were first won by TVNZ.[137] In September 2009, it was reported that TVNZ were seeking to offload the rights to SKY TV to avoid a NZ$5 million loss in the event,[138] and the deal was confirmed in January 2010, backed by the country's government.[139][140] Although Sky is a pay television broadcaster, they still promised that the coverage would be broadcast free-to-air.[141]

Territory Broadcaster Ref
 Asia APBU [142]
 Australia [143][144]
 Canada CBC [145]
 Caribbean CMC [142]
 Cyprus CyBC [142]
 India [146]
 Malaysia [147][148]
 Namibia nbc [142]
 New Zealand [139]
 Nigeria Broadcasting Organisation of Nigeria [142]
 Sub-Saharan Africa [142][149]
 Pacific Islands [139]
 Papua New Guinea [139]
 Seychelles SBC [142]
 Singapore MediaCorp [150]
 South Africa [142][149]
 Tanzania Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation [142]
 United Kingdom BBC [151]
 United States Video Sound Inc. [142]





The official motto for the 2010 Commonwealth Games was "Come out and play". It was chosen to represent the invitation of the athletes from the Commonwealth member countries to participate in the games and achieve success as well as the call of the Indian people to support their country's hosting of the games.[152]


The logo of the 2010 Commonwealth Games is an image of Chakra, India's national symbol of freedom, unity, power and progress. The silhouette of the figures spiralling upwards from the Chakra, represents the growth of India into a vibrant nation and the games motto, Come out and play. The logo consists of six colours which are green, red, yellow, blue, purple and pink. Green represents life, energy, high spirits, the 2010 games as a green games and determination in overcoming challenges, purple represents reassurance, mystery and excitement, red represents unity, yellow represents destiny, blue represents equality while pink represents luxury and surprise.[152]


Shera, the Mascot of the Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010 takes a pleasant ride in the Dal Lake of the Srinagar, in Jammu and Kashmir on 29 June 2010

The official mascot for the 2010 Commonwealth Games was Shera, an anthropomorphised tiger.[153] His name comes from "Sher", a Hindi word meaning tiger (Hindi "Bagh" means tiger, however, Sher can be colloquially used for both lion and tiger). Shera is described as being the older brother of Jigrr, the mascot of the 2008 Commonwealth Youth Games. The logo and the look for the games were designed by Idiom Design and Consulting. There is one song for Shera also composed by the popular composer of India the song contains initiative "Shera Shera"[154][155] The mascot Shera visited many schools across Delhi to create enthusiasm and interest for the Commonwealth Games being held.


Suresh Kalmadi, Chairman of Organising Committee of 2010 Commonwealth Games and Mr. Pawan Munjal, MD & CEO of Hero Honda signing an MoU on the major private sector partner for the Games

Indian Railways served as the lead partner of the 2010 Commonwealth Games.[156] Central Bank of India, Air India and NTPC Limited served as the official partners for banking,[157] airline[158] and power[159] respectively. Hero Honda was the official motorcycle partner as well as the presenting partner of the Queen's Baton Relay.[160][161][162] Tata Motors served as the vehicle transport sponsor by providing vehicles and its maintenance services during the Queen's Baton Relay.[163][164] Swiss watchmaker Tissot was the official timekeeper sponsor of the games.[165]

Sponsors of the 2010 Commonwealth Games[166]
Lead Partner

Official song


The official song of the 2010 Commonwealth Games "Jiyo Utho Badho Jeeto" was composed and performed by the Indian musician A. R. Rahman.[167] The song's title is based on the slogan of the games, "Come out and play". The song was written by Mehboob in Hindi with a sprinkling of English words. It was released on 28 August 2010. The music video, directed by Bharath Bala was released on 23 September and featured a shorter version of the song. A. R. Rahman also gave a live concert for the theme song in Gurgaon, Haryana, which was previewed on various news channels. The official video of the song has been released on YouTube. However this song was not much appreciated by the people[168] as it was being compared with 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa's official song Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) of Shakira.

Concerns and controversies


Several concerns were raised over the preparations of the Games and these included excessive budget overruns,[169] likelihood of floods in Delhi due to heavy monsoon rains, infrastructural compromise, poor living conditions at the Commonwealth Games Village, delays in construction of the main Games' venues,[170][171] the withdrawal of prominent athletes,[172] widespread corruption by officials of the Games' Organising Committee[173] and possibility of a terrorist attack by militants.[174]

The negative pre-event publicity and heavy security presence played in part in low spectator attendance during the initial events. However the numbers picked up as the Games progressed.

Formation of investigation committee


The day after the conclusion of the Games, the Indian Government announced the formation of a special committee to probe the allegations of corruption and mismanagement against the Organising Committee. The probe committee will be led by former Comptroller and Auditor General of India VK Shunglu. This probe will be in addition to the Central Bureau of Investigation, Enforcement Directorate, and Central Vigilance Commission investigations already underway. The Prime Minister of India, Dr Manmohan Singh had promised in mid-August, when reports of the bungling first surfaced, that corrupt officials will be given "severe and exemplary" punishment after the Games. The probe committee is tasked with looking into "all aspects of organising and conducting" the Games, and "to draw lessons from it." It was given three months to submit its report, but the report was never publicly released.[175][176] The Indian Sports Ministry has directed the Organising Committee of the 2010 Commonwealth Games (led by Suresh Kalmadi), to not release any staffer from their positions until the probe committee's work is finished.



One of the aims of hosting the Commonwealth Games was to build world-class athletics infrastructure within the country, expose audiences to top-level non-cricket competition and encourage the youth to "Come out and play" (the official theme of the games).[177] Building a sporting culture that looks beyond cricket is seen as an important task for a country which won its first ever individual Olympic gold medal in Beijing 2008, despite having the world's second-largest population.[178]

Sebastian Coe, former Olympic gold medalist and chairman of the 2012 Summer Olympics Organising Committee, was at the stadium during the 4 × 400 m women's relay and described the audience's cheers for the racers as "potentially the moment that could change the course of athletics in Asia, the moment that could inspire thousands of people who'd never even seen an athletics track before to get involved... To build a truly global capacity in sport, you have to take it round the world – out of your own backyard. That means taking risks and facing challenges, but it has to be done."[179]

See also



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