Тектоника пластины


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Тектоника пластины (из латинского Tectonicus , от древнегреческого τεκτονικός ( tektonikós ) ', относящийся к строительству') [ 1 ] является научной теорией что Земли , литосфера включает в себя ряд больших тектонических пластин , которые медленно движутся с 3–4 миллиардов лет назад. [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] Модель основана на концепции континентального дрейфа , идеи, разработанной в течение первых десятилетий 20 -го века. Тектоника пластины стала принятой геосиентами после того, как распределение морского дна в середине до конца 1960-х годов было подтверждено .
Earth's lithosphere, the rigid outer shell of the planet including the crust and upper mantle, is fractured into seven or eight major plates (depending on how they are defined) and many minor plates or "platelets". Where the plates meet, their relative motion determines the type of plate boundary (or fault): convergent, divergent, or transform. The relative movement of the plates typically ranges from zero to 10 cm annually.[5] Разломы, как правило, геологически активны, испытывают землетрясения , вулканическую активность , строительство гор и образование океанических траншеи .
Tectonic plates are composed of the oceanic lithosphere and the thicker continental lithosphere, each topped by its own kind of crust. Along convergent plate boundaries, the process of subduction carries the edge of one plate down under the other plate and into the mantle. This process reduces the total surface area (crust) of the Earth. The lost surface is balanced by the formation of new oceanic crust along divergent margins by seafloor spreading, keeping the total surface area constant in a tectonic "conveyor belt".
Tectonic plates are relatively rigid and float across the ductile asthenosphere beneath. Lateral density variations in the mantle result in convection currents, the slow creeping motion of Earth's solid mantle. At a seafloor spreading ridge, plates move away from the ridge, which is a topographic high, and the newly formed crust cools as it moves away, increasing its density and contributing to the motion. At a subduction zone the relatively cold, dense oceanic crust sinks down into the mantle, forming the downward convecting limb of a mantle cell,[6] which is the strongest driver of plate motion.[7][8] The relative importance and interaction of other proposed factors such as active convection, upwelling inside the mantle, and tidal drag of the Moon is still the subject of debate.
Key principles
This section needs additional citations for verification. (July 2021) |
The outer layers of Earth are divided into the lithosphere and asthenosphere. The division is based on differences in mechanical properties and in the method for the transfer of heat. The lithosphere is cooler and more rigid, while the asthenosphere is hotter and flows more easily. In terms of heat transfer, the lithosphere loses heat by conduction, whereas the asthenosphere also transfers heat by convection and has a nearly adiabatic temperature gradient. This division should not be confused with the chemical subdivision of these same layers into the mantle (comprising both the asthenosphere and the mantle portion of the lithosphere) and the crust: a given piece of mantle may be part of the lithosphere or the asthenosphere at different times depending on its temperature and pressure.
The key principle of plate tectonics is that the lithosphere exists as separate and distinct tectonic plates, which ride on the fluid-like solid the asthenosphere. Plate motions range from 10 to 40 millimetres per year (0.4 to 1.6 in/year) at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (about as fast as fingernails grow), to about 160 millimetres per year (6.3 in/year) for the Nazca Plate (about as fast as hair grows).[9][10]
Tectonic lithosphere plates consist of lithospheric mantle overlain by one or two types of crustal material: oceanic crust (in older texts called sima from silicon and magnesium) and continental crust (sial from silicon and aluminium). The distinction between oceanic crust and continental crust is based on their modes of formation. Oceanic crust is formed at sea-floor spreading centers. Continental crust is formed through arc volcanism and accretion of terranes through plate tectonic processes. Oceanic crust is denser than continental crust because it has less silicon and more of the heavier elements than continental crust.[11][12] As a result of this density difference, oceanic crust generally lies below sea level, while continental crust buoyantly projects above sea level.
Average oceanic lithosphere is typically 100 km (62 mi) thick.[13] Its thickness is a function of its age. As time passes, it cools by conducting heat from below, and releasing it raditively into space. The adjacent mantle below is cooled by this process and added to its base. Because it is formed at mid-ocean ridges and spreads outwards, its thickness is therefore a function of its distance from the mid-ocean ridge where it was formed. For a typical distance that oceanic lithosphere must travel before being subducted, the thickness varies from about 6 km (4 mi) thick at mid-ocean ridges to greater than 100 km (62 mi) at subduction zones. For shorter or longer distances, the subduction zone, and therefore also the mean, thickness becomes smaller or larger, respectively.[14] Continental lithosphere is typically about 200 km (120 mi) thick, though this varies considerably between basins, mountain ranges, and stable cratonic interiors of continents.
The location where two plates meet is called a plate boundary. Plate boundaries are where geological events occur, such as earthquakes and the creation of topographic features such as mountains, volcanoes, mid-ocean ridges, and oceanic trenches. The vast majority of the world's active volcanoes occur along plate boundaries, with the Pacific Plate's Ring of Fire being the most active and widely known. Some volcanoes occur in the interiors of plates, and these have been variously attributed to internal plate deformation[15] and to mantle plumes.
Tectonic plates may include continental crust or oceanic crust, or both. For example, the African Plate includes the continent and parts of the floor of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
Some pieces of oceanic crust, known as ophiolites, failed to be subducted under continental crust at destructive plate boundaries; instead these oceanic crustal fragments were pushed upward and were preserved within continental crust.
Types of plate boundaries
Three types of plate boundaries exist,[16] characterized by the way the plates move relative to each other. They are associated with different types of surface phenomena. The different types of plate boundaries are:[17][18]

- Divergent boundaries (constructive boundaries or extensional boundaries). These are where two plates slide apart from each other. At zones of ocean-to-ocean rifting, divergent boundaries form by seafloor spreading, allowing for the formation of new ocean basin, e.g. the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and East Pacific Rise. As the ocean plate splits, the ridge forms at the spreading center, the ocean basin expands, and finally, the plate area increases causing many small volcanoes and/or shallow earthquakes. At zones of continent-to-continent rifting, divergent boundaries may cause new ocean basin to form as the continent splits, spreads, the central rift collapses, and ocean fills the basin, e.g., the East African Rift, the Baikal Rift, the West Antarctic Rift, the Rio Grande Rift.

- Convergent boundaries (destructive boundaries or active margins) occur where two plates slide toward each other to form either a subduction zone (one plate moving underneath the other) or a continental collision.
- Subduction zones are of two types: ocean-to-continent subduction, where the dense oceanic lithosphere plunges beneath the less dense continent, or ocean-to-ocean subduction where older, cooler, denser oceanic crust slips beneath less dense oceanic crust. Deep marine trenches are typically associated with subduction zones, and the basins that develop along the active boundary are often called "foreland basins".
- Earthquakes trace the path of the downward-moving plate as it descends into asthenosphere, a trench forms, and as the subducted plate is heated it releases volatiles, mostly water from hydrous minerals, into the surrounding mantle. The addition of water lowers the melting point of the mantle material above the subducting slab, causing it to melt. The magma that results typically leads to volcanism.[19]
- At zones of ocean-to-ocean subduction a deep trench to forms in an arc shape. The upper mantle of the subducted plate then heats and magma rises to form curving chains of volcanic islands e.g. the Aleutian Islands, the Mariana Islands, the Japanese island arc.
- At zones of ocean-to-continent subduction mountain ranges form, e.g. the Andes, the Cascade Range.
- At continental collision zones there are two masses of continental lithosphere converging. Since they are of similar density, neither is subducted. The plate edges are compressed, folded, and uplifted forming mountain ranges, e.g. Himalayas and Alps. Closure of ocean basins can occur at continent-to-continent boundaries.

- Transform boundaries (conservative boundaries or strike-slip boundaries) occur where plates are neither created nor destroyed. Instead two plates slide, or perhaps more accurately grind past each other, along transform faults. The relative motion of the two plates is either sinistral (left side toward the observer) or dextral (right side toward the observer). Transform faults occur across a spreading center. Strong earthquakes can occur along a fault. The San Andreas Fault in California is an example of a transform boundary exhibiting dextral motion.
- Other plate boundary zones occur where the effects of the interactions are unclear, and the boundaries, usually occurring along a broad belt, are not well defined and may show various types of movements in different episodes.
Driving forces of plate motion

Tectonic plates are able to move because of the relative density of oceanic lithosphere and the relative weakness of the asthenosphere. Dissipation of heat from the mantle is the original source of the energy required to drive plate tectonics through convection or large scale upwelling and doming. As a consequence, a powerful source generating plate motion is the excess density of the oceanic lithosphere sinking in subduction zones. When the new crust forms at mid-ocean ridges, this oceanic lithosphere is initially less dense than the underlying asthenosphere, but it becomes denser with age as it conductively cools and thickens. The greater density of old lithosphere relative to the underlying asthenosphere allows it to sink into the deep mantle at subduction zones, providing most of the driving force for plate movement. The weakness of the asthenosphere allows the tectonic plates to move easily towards a subduction zone.[20]
Driving forces related to mantle dynamics
For much of the first quarter of the 20th century, the leading theory of the driving force behind tectonic plate motions envisaged large scale convection currents in the upper mantle, which can be transmitted through the asthenosphere. This theory was launched by Arthur Holmes and some forerunners in the 1930s[21] and was immediately recognized as the solution for the acceptance of the theory as originally discussed in the papers of Alfred Wegener in the early years of the 20th century. However, despite its acceptance, it was long debated in the scientific community because the leading theory still envisaged a static Earth without moving continents up until the major breakthroughs of the early sixties.
Two- and three-dimensional imaging of Earth's interior (seismic tomography) shows a varying lateral density distribution throughout the mantle. Such density variations can be material (from rock chemistry), mineral (from variations in mineral structures), or thermal (through thermal expansion and contraction from heat energy). The manifestation of this varying lateral density is mantle convection from buoyancy forces.[22]
How mantle convection directly and indirectly relates to plate motion is a matter of ongoing study and discussion in geodynamics. Somehow, this energy must be transferred to the lithosphere for tectonic plates to move. There are essentially two main types of mechanisms that are thought to exist related to the dynamics of the mantle that influence plate motion which are primary (through the large scale convection cells) or secondary. The secondary mechanisms view plate motion driven by friction between the convection currents in the asthenosphere and the more rigid overlying lithosphere. This is due to the inflow of mantle material related to the downward pull on plates in subduction zones at ocean trenches. Slab pull may occur in a geodynamic setting where basal tractions continue to act on the plate as it dives into the mantle (although perhaps to a greater extent acting on both the under and upper side of the slab). Furthermore, slabs that are broken off and sink into the mantle can cause viscous mantle forces driving plates through slab suction.
Plume tectonics
In the theory of plume tectonics followed by numerous researchers during the 1990s, a modified concept of mantle convection currents is used. It asserts that super plumes rise from the deeper mantle and are the drivers or substitutes of the major convection cells. These ideas find their roots in the early 1930s in the works of Beloussov and van Bemmelen, which were initially opposed to plate tectonics and placed the mechanism in a fixed frame of vertical movements. Van Bemmelen later modified the concept in his "Undation Models" and used "Mantle Blisters" as the driving force for horizontal movements, invoking gravitational forces away from the regional crustal doming.[23][24]
The theories find resonance in the modern theories which envisage hot spots or mantle plumes which remain fixed and are overridden by oceanic and continental lithosphere plates over time and leave their traces in the geological record (though these phenomena are not invoked as real driving mechanisms, but rather as modulators).
The mechanism is still advocated to explain the break-up of supercontinents during specific geological epochs.[25] It has followers amongst the scientists involved in the theory of Earth expansion.[26][27][28]
Surge tectonics
Another theory is that the mantle flows neither in cells nor large plumes but rather as a series of channels just below Earth's crust, which then provide basal friction to the lithosphere. This theory, called "surge tectonics", was popularized during the 1980s and 1990s.[29] Recent research, based on three-dimensional computer modelling, suggests that plate geometry is governed by a feedback between mantle convection patterns and the strength of the lithosphere.[30]
Driving forces related to gravity
Forces related to gravity are invoked as secondary phenomena within the framework of a more general driving mechanism such as the various forms of mantle dynamics described above. In modern views, gravity is invoked as the major driving force, through slab pull along subduction zones.
Gravitational sliding away from a spreading ridge is one of the proposed driving forces, it proposes plate motion is driven by the higher elevation of plates at ocean ridges.[31][32] As oceanic lithosphere is formed at spreading ridges from hot mantle material, it gradually cools and thickens with age (and thus adds distance from the ridge). Cool oceanic lithosphere is significantly denser than the hot mantle material from which it is derived and so with increasing thickness it gradually subsides into the mantle to compensate the greater load. The result is a slight lateral incline with increased distance from the ridge axis.
This force is regarded as a secondary force and is often referred to as "ridge push". This is a misnomer as there is no force "pushing" horizontally, indeed tensional features are dominant along ridges. It is more accurate to refer to this mechanism as "gravitational sliding", since the topography across the whole plate can vary considerably and spreading ridges are only the most prominent feature. Other mechanisms generating this gravitational secondary force include flexural bulging of the lithosphere before it dives underneath an adjacent plate, producing a clear topographical feature that can offset, or at least affect, the influence of topographical ocean ridges. Mantle plumes and hot spots are also postulated to impinge on the underside of tectonic plates.
Slab pull: Scientific opinion is that the asthenosphere is insufficiently competent or rigid to directly cause motion by friction along the base of the lithosphere. Slab pull is therefore most widely thought to be the greatest force acting on the plates. In this understanding, plate motion is mostly driven by the weight of cold, dense plates sinking into the mantle at trenches.[8] Recent models indicate that trench suction plays an important role as well. However, the fact that the North American Plate is nowhere being subducted, although it is in motion, presents a problem. The same holds for the African, Eurasian, and Antarctic plates.
Gravitational sliding away from mantle doming: According to older theories, one of the driving mechanisms of the plates is the existence of large scale asthenosphere/mantle domes which cause the gravitational sliding of lithosphere plates away from them (see the paragraph on Mantle Mechanisms). This gravitational sliding represents a secondary phenomenon of this basically vertically oriented mechanism. It finds its roots in the Undation Model of van Bemmelen. This can act on various scales, from the small scale of one island arc up to the larger scale of an entire ocean basin.[31][32][25]
Driving forces related to Earth rotation
Alfred Wegener, being a meteorologist, had proposed tidal forces and centrifugal forces as the main driving mechanisms behind continental drift; however, these forces were considered far too small to cause continental motion as the concept was of continents plowing through oceanic crust.[33] Therefore, Wegener later changed his position and asserted that convection currents are the main driving force of plate tectonics in the last edition of his book in 1929.
However, in the plate tectonics context (accepted since the seafloor spreading proposals of Heezen, Hess, Dietz, Morley, Vine, and Matthews (see below) during the early 1960s), the oceanic crust is suggested to be in motion with the continents which caused the proposals related to Earth rotation to be reconsidered. In more recent literature, these driving forces are:
- Tidal drag due to the gravitational force the Moon (and the Sun) exerts on the crust of Earth[34]
- Global deformation of the geoid due to small displacements of the rotational pole with respect to Earth's crust
- Other smaller deformation effects of the crust due to wobbles and spin movements of Earth's rotation on a smaller timescale
Forces that are small and generally negligible are:
- The Coriolis force[35][36]
- The centrifugal force, which is treated as a slight modification of gravity[35][36]: 249
For these mechanisms to be overall valid, systematic relationships should exist all over the globe between the orientation and kinematics of deformation and the geographical latitudinal and longitudinal grid of Earth itself. These systematic relations studies in the second half of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century underline exactly the opposite: that the plates had not moved in time, that the deformation grid was fixed with respect to Earth's equator and axis, and that gravitational driving forces were generally acting vertically and caused only local horizontal movements (the so-called pre-plate tectonic, "fixist theories"). Later studies (discussed below on this page), therefore, invoked many of the relationships recognized during this pre-plate tectonics period to support their theories (see reviews of these various mechanisms related to Earth rotation the work of van Dijk and collaborators).[37]
Possible tidal effect on plate tectonics
Of the many forces discussed above, tidal force is still highly debated and defended as a possible principal driving force of plate tectonics. The other forces are only used in global geodynamic models not using plate tectonics concepts (therefore beyond the discussions treated in this section) or proposed as minor modulations within the overall plate tectonics model. In 1973, George W. Moore[38] of the USGS and R. C. Bostrom[39] presented evidence for a general westward drift of Earth's lithosphere with respect to the mantle, based on the steepness of the subduction zones (shallow dipping towards the east, steeply dipping towards the west). They concluded that tidal forces (the tidal lag or "friction") caused by Earth's rotation and the forces acting upon it by the Moon are a driving force for plate tectonics. As Earth spins eastward beneath the Moon, the Moon's gravity ever so slightly pulls Earth's surface layer back westward, just as proposed by Alfred Wegener (see above). Since 1990 this theory is mainly advocated by Doglioni and co-workers (Doglioni 1990), such as in a more recent 2006 study,[40] where scientists reviewed and advocated these ideas. It has been suggested in Lovett (2006) that this observation may also explain why Venus and Mars have no plate tectonics, as Venus has no moon and Mars' moons are too small to have significant tidal effects on the planet. In a paper by [41] it was suggested that, on the other hand, it can easily be observed that many plates are moving north and eastward, and that the dominantly westward motion of the Pacific Ocean basins derives simply from the eastward bias of the Pacific spreading center (which is not a predicted manifestation of such lunar forces). In the same paper the authors admit, however, that relative to the lower mantle, there is a slight westward component in the motions of all the plates. They demonstrated though that the westward drift, seen only for the past 30 Ma, is attributed to the increased dominance of the steadily growing and accelerating Pacific plate. The debate is still open, and a recent paper by Hofmeister et al. (2022) [42] revived the idea advocating again the interaction between the Earth's rotation and the Moon as main driving forces for the plates.
Relative significance of each driving force mechanism
The vector of a plate's motion is a function of all the forces acting on the plate; however, therein lies the problem regarding the degree to which each process contributes to the overall motion of each tectonic plate.
The diversity of geodynamic settings and the properties of each plate result from the impact of the various processes actively driving each individual plate. One method of dealing with this problem is to consider the relative rate at which each plate is moving as well as the evidence related to the significance of each process to the overall driving force on the plate.
One of the most significant correlations discovered to date is that lithospheric plates attached to downgoing (subducting) plates move much faster than other types of plates. The Pacific plate, for instance, is essentially surrounded by zones of subduction (the so-called Ring of Fire) and moves much faster than the plates of the Atlantic basin, which are attached (perhaps one could say 'welded') to adjacent continents instead of subducting plates. It is thus thought that forces associated with the downgoing plate (slab pull and slab suction) are the driving forces which determine the motion of plates, except for those plates which are not being subducted.[8] This view however has been contradicted by a recent study which found that the actual motions of the Pacific Plate and other plates associated with the East Pacific Rise do not correlate mainly with either slab pull or slab push, but rather with a mantle convection upwelling whose horizontal spreading along the bases of the various plates drives them along via viscosity-related traction forces.[43] The driving forces of plate motion continue to be active subjects of on-going research within geophysics and tectonophysics.
History of the theory

The development of the theory of plate tectonics was the scientific and cultural change which occurred during a period of 50 years of scientific debate. The event of the acceptance itself was a paradigm shift and can therefore be classified as a scientific revolution,[44] now described as the Plate Tectonics Revolution.
Around the start of the twentieth century, various theorists unsuccessfully attempted to explain the many geographical, geological, and biological continuities between continents. In 1912, the meteorologist Alfred Wegener described what he called continental drift, an idea that culminated fifty years later in the modern theory of plate tectonics.[45]
Wegener expanded his theory in his 1915 book The Origin of Continents and Oceans.[46] Starting from the idea (also expressed by his forerunners) that the present continents once formed a single land mass (later called Pangaea), Wegener suggested that these separated and drifted apart, likening them to "icebergs" of low density sial floating on a sea of denser sima.[47][48] Supporting evidence for the idea came from the dove-tailing outlines of South America's east coast and Africa's west coast Antonio Snider-Pellegrini had drawn on his maps, and from the matching of the rock formations along these edges. Confirmation of their previous contiguous nature also came from the fossil plants Glossopteris and Gangamopteris, and the therapsid or mammal-like reptile Lystrosaurus, all widely distributed over South America, Africa, Antarctica, India, and Australia. The evidence for such an erstwhile joining of these continents was patent to field geologists working in the southern hemisphere. The South African Alex du Toit put together a mass of such information in his 1937 publication Our Wandering Continents, and went further than Wegener in recognising the strong links between the Gondwana fragments.
Wegener's work was initially not widely accepted, in part due to a lack of detailed evidence but mostly because of the lack of a reasonable physically supported mechanism. Earth might have a solid crust and mantle and a liquid core, but there seemed to be no way that portions of the crust could move around. Many distinguished scientists of the time, such as Harold Jeffreys and Charles Schuchert, were outspoken critics of continental drift.
Despite much opposition, the view of continental drift gained support and a lively debate started between "drifters" or "mobilists" (proponents of the theory) and "fixists" (opponents). During the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s, the former reached important milestones proposing that convection currents might have driven the plate movements, and that spreading may have occurred below the sea within the oceanic crust. Concepts close to the elements of plate tectonics were proposed by geophysicists and geologists (both fixists and mobilists) like Vening-Meinesz, Holmes, and Umbgrove. In 1941, Otto Ampferer described, in his publication "Thoughts on the motion picture of the Atlantic region",[49] processes that anticipated seafloor spreading and subduction.[50][51] One of the first pieces of geophysical evidence that was used to support the movement of lithospheric plates came from paleomagnetism. This is based on the fact that rocks of different ages show a variable magnetic field direction, evidenced by studies since the mid–nineteenth century. The magnetic north and south poles reverse through time, and, especially important in paleotectonic studies, the relative position of the magnetic north pole varies through time. Initially, during the first half of the twentieth century, the latter phenomenon was explained by introducing what was called "polar wander" (see apparent polar wander) (i.e., it was assumed that the north pole location had been shifting through time). An alternative explanation, though, was that the continents had moved (shifted and rotated) relative to the north pole, and each continent, in fact, shows its own "polar wander path". During the late 1950s, it was successfully shown on two occasions that these data could show the validity of continental drift: by Keith Runcorn in a paper in 1956,[52] and by Warren Carey in a symposium held in March 1956.[53]
The second piece of evidence in support of continental drift came during the late 1950s and early 60s from data on the bathymetry of the deep ocean floors and the nature of the oceanic crust such as magnetic properties and, more generally, with the development of marine geology[54] which gave evidence for the association of seafloor spreading along the mid-oceanic ridges and magnetic field reversals, published between 1959 and 1963 by Heezen, Dietz, Hess, Mason, Vine & Matthews, and Morley.[55]
Simultaneous advances in early seismic imaging techniques in and around Wadati–Benioff zones along the trenches bounding many continental margins, together with many other geophysical (e.g., gravimetric) and geological observations, showed how the oceanic crust could disappear into the mantle, providing the mechanism to balance the extension of the ocean basins with shortening along its margins.
All this evidence, both from the ocean floor and from the continental margins, made it clear around 1965 that continental drift was feasible. The theory of plate tectonics was defined in a series of papers between 1965 and 1967. The theory revolutionized the Earth sciences, explaining a diverse range of geological phenomena and their implications in other studies such as paleogeography and paleobiology.
Continental drift
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, geologists assumed that Earth's major features were fixed, and that most geologic features such as basin development and mountain ranges could be explained by vertical crustal movement, described in what is called the geosynclinal theory. Generally, this was placed in the context of a contracting planet Earth due to heat loss in the course of a relatively short geological time.

It was observed as early as 1596 that the opposite coasts of the Atlantic Ocean—or, more precisely, the edges of the continental shelves—have similar shapes and seem to have once fitted together.[56]
Since that time many theories were proposed to explain this apparent complementarity, but the assumption of a solid Earth made these various proposals difficult to accept.[57]
The discovery of radioactivity and its associated heating properties in 1895 prompted a re-examination of the apparent age of Earth.[58] This had previously been estimated by its cooling rate under the assumption that Earth's surface radiated like a black body.[59] Those calculations had implied that, even if it started at red heat, Earth would have dropped to its present temperature in a few tens of millions of years. Armed with the knowledge of a new heat source, scientists realized that Earth would be much older, and that its core was still sufficiently hot to be liquid.
By 1915, after having published a first article in 1912,[60] Alfred Wegener was making serious arguments for the idea of continental drift in the first edition of The Origin of Continents and Oceans.[46] In that book (re-issued in four successive editions up to the final one in 1936), he noted how the east coast of South America and the west coast of Africa looked as if they were once attached. Wegener was not the first to note this (Abraham Ortelius, Antonio Snider-Pellegrini, Eduard Suess, Roberto Mantovani and Frank Bursley Taylor preceded him just to mention a few), but he was the first to marshal significant fossil and paleo-topographical and climatological evidence to support this simple observation (and was supported in this by researchers such as Alex du Toit). Furthermore, when the rock strata of the margins of separate continents are very similar it suggests that these rocks were formed in the same way, implying that they were joined initially. For instance, parts of Scotland and Ireland contain rocks very similar to those found in Newfoundland and New Brunswick. Furthermore, the Caledonian Mountains of Europe and parts of the Appalachian Mountains of North America are very similar in structure and lithology.
However, his ideas were not taken seriously by many geologists, who pointed out that there was no apparent mechanism for continental drift. Specifically, they did not see how continental rock could plow through the much denser rock that makes up oceanic crust. Wegener could not explain the force that drove continental drift, and his vindication did not come until after his death in 1930.[61]
Floating continents, paleomagnetism, and seismicity zones

As it was observed early that although granite existed on continents, seafloor seemed to be composed of denser basalt, the prevailing concept during the first half of the twentieth century was that there were two types of crust, named "sial" (continental type crust) and "sima" (oceanic type crust). Furthermore, it was supposed that a static shell of strata was present under the continents. It therefore looked apparent that a layer of basalt (sial) underlies the continental rocks.
However, based on abnormalities in plumb line deflection by the Andes in Peru, Pierre Bouguer had deduced that less-dense mountains must have a downward projection into the denser layer underneath. The concept that mountains had "roots" was confirmed by George B. Airy a hundred years later, during study of Himalayan gravitation, and seismic studies detected corresponding density variations. Therefore, by the mid-1950s, the question remained unresolved as to whether mountain roots were clenched in surrounding basalt or were floating on it like an iceberg.
During the 20th century, improvements in and greater use of seismic instruments such as seismographs enabled scientists to learn that earthquakes tend to be concentrated in specific areas, most notably along the oceanic trenches and spreading ridges. By the late 1920s, seismologists were beginning to identify several prominent earthquake zones parallel to the trenches that typically were inclined 40–60° from the horizontal and extended several hundred kilometers into Earth. These zones later became known as Wadati–Benioff zones, or simply Benioff zones, in honor of the seismologists who first recognized them, Kiyoo Wadati of Japan and Hugo Benioff of the United States. The study of global seismicity greatly advanced in the 1960s with the establishment of the Worldwide Standardized Seismograph Network (WWSSN)[62] to monitor the compliance of the 1963 treaty banning above-ground testing of nuclear weapons. The much improved data from the WWSSN instruments allowed seismologists to map precisely the zones of earthquake concentration worldwide.
Meanwhile, debates developed around the phenomenon of polar wander. Since the early debates of continental drift, scientists had discussed and used evidence that polar drift had occurred because continents seemed to have moved through different climatic zones during the past. Furthermore, paleomagnetic data had shown that the magnetic pole had also shifted during time. Reasoning in an opposite way, the continents might have shifted and rotated, while the pole remained relatively fixed. The first time the evidence of magnetic polar wander was used to support the movements of continents was in a paper by Keith Runcorn in 1956,[52] and successive papers by him and his students Ted Irving (who was actually the first to be convinced of the fact that paleomagnetism supported continental drift) and Ken Creer.
This was immediately followed by a symposium on continental drift in Tasmania in March 1956 organised by S. Warren Carey who had been one of the supporters and promotors of Continental Drift since the thirties [63] During this symposium, some of the participants used the evidence in the theory of an expansion of the global crust, a theory which had been proposed by other workers decades earlier. In this hypothesis, the shifting of the continents is explained by a large increase in the size of Earth since its formation. However, although the theory still has supporters in science, this is generally regarded as unsatisfactory because there is no convincing mechanism to produce a significant expansion of Earth. Other work during the following years would soon show that the evidence was equally in support of continental drift on a globe with a stable radius.
During the 1930s up to the late 1950s, works by Vening-Meinesz, Holmes, Umbgrove, and numerous others outlined concepts that were close or nearly identical to modern plate tectonics theory. In particular, the English geologist Arthur Holmes proposed in 1920 that plate junctions might lie beneath the sea, and in 1928 that convection currents within the mantle might be the driving force.[64] Often, these contributions are forgotten because:
- At the time, continental drift was not accepted.
- Some of these ideas were discussed in the context of abandoned fixist ideas of a deforming globe without continental drift or an expanding Earth.
- They were published during an episode of extreme political and economic instability that hampered scientific communication.
- Many were published by European scientists and at first not mentioned or given little credit in the papers on sea floor spreading published by the American researchers in the 1960s.
Mid-oceanic ridge spreading and convection
In 1947, a team of scientists led by Maurice Ewing utilizing the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's research vessel Atlantis and an array of instruments, confirmed the existence of a rise in the central Atlantic Ocean, and found that the floor of the seabed beneath the layer of sediments consisted of basalt, not the granite which is the main constituent of continents. They also found that the oceanic crust was much thinner than continental crust. All these new findings raised important and intriguing questions.[65]
The new data that had been collected on the ocean basins also showed particular characteristics regarding the bathymetry. One of the major outcomes of these datasets was that all along the globe, a system of mid-oceanic ridges was detected. An important conclusion was that along this system, new ocean floor was being created, which led to the concept of the "Great Global Rift". This was described in the crucial paper of Bruce Heezen (1960) based on his work with Marie Tharp,[66] which would trigger a real revolution in thinking. A profound consequence of seafloor spreading is that new crust was, and still is, being continually created along the oceanic ridges. For this reason, Heezen initially advocated the so-called "expanding Earth" hypothesis of S. Warren Carey (see above). Therefore, the question remained as to how new crust could continuously be added along the oceanic ridges without increasing the size of Earth. In reality, this question had been solved already by numerous scientists during the 1940s and the 1950s, like Arthur Holmes, Vening-Meinesz, Coates and many others: The crust in excess disappeared along what were called the oceanic trenches, where so-called "subduction" occurred. Therefore, when various scientists during the early 1960s started to reason on the data at their disposal regarding the ocean floor, the pieces of the theory quickly fell into place.
The question particularly intrigued Harry Hammond Hess, a Princeton University geologist and a Naval Reserve Rear Admiral, and Robert S. Dietz, a scientist with the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey who coined the term seafloor spreading. Dietz and Hess (the former published the same idea one year earlier in Nature,[67] but priority belongs to Hess who had already distributed an unpublished manuscript of his 1962 article by 1960)[68] were among the small number who really understood the broad implications of sea floor spreading and how it would eventually agree with the, at that time, unconventional and unaccepted ideas of continental drift and the elegant and mobilistic models proposed by previous workers like Holmes.
In the same year, Robert R. Coats of the U.S. Geological Survey described the main features of island arc subduction in the Aleutian Islands.[69] His paper, though little noted (and sometimes even ridiculed) at the time, has since been called "seminal" and "prescient". In reality, it shows that the work by the European scientists on island arcs and mountain belts performed and published during the 1930s up until the 1950s was applied and appreciated also in the United States.
Если кора Земли расширялась вдоль океанических хребтов, Хесс и Дитц рассуждали, как Холмс и другие перед ними, она должна сокращаться в другом месте. Хесс последовал за Хизеном, предполагая, что новая океаническая кора непрерывно распространяется от хребтов в конвейерном ленте. И, используя мобилистические концепции, разработанные ранее, он правильно пришел к выводу, что много миллионов лет спустя океаническая кора в конечном итоге спускается вдоль континентальных краев, где образуются океанические траншеи - очень глубокие, узкие каньоны - например, вдоль края бассейна Тихого океана Полем Важным шагом, сделанным Хессом, было то, что конвекционные токи будут движущей силой в этом процессе, пришли к тем же выводам, что и у Холмса десятилетия до этого с единственной разницей в том, что истончение океанской коры было выполнено с использованием механизма Хизена по распространению вдоль гребней. Поэтому Гесс пришел к выводу, что Атлантический океан расширялся, когда Тихий океан сокращался. Поскольку старая океаническая кора «потребляется» в окопах (как Холмс и другие, он думал, что это было сделано путем утолщения континентальной литосферы, а не, как понятно, путем подъема в более широком масштабе самой океанической коры в мантию) Новая магма поднимается и разрывается вдоль распространенных хребтов, чтобы сформировать новую корочку. По сути, океанские бассейны постоянно «переработаны», с формированием новой коры и разрушением старой океанической литосферы, происходящей одновременно. Таким образом, новые мобилистические концепции аккуратно объяснили, почему Земля не становится больше при распространении морского пола, почему на дне океана так мало накопления отложений, и почему океанические скалы намного моложе континентальных скал.
Магнитная полоса

Начиная с 1950 -х годов, такие ученые, как Виктор Ваквиер , использующие магнитные инструменты ( магнитометры ), адаптированные из воздушных устройств, разработанных во время Второй мировой войны для обнаружения подводных лодок , начали распознавать нечетные магнитные вариации по всему дну океана. Этот вывод, хотя и неожиданный, не был совершенно удивительным, потому что было известно, что базальт -богатый железом, вулканическая скала, составляющая пол океана-содержит сильно магнитный минерал ( магнетит ) и может локально исказить чтения компаса. Это искажение было признано исландскими моряками еще в конце 18 -го века. Что еще более важно, поскольку наличие магнетита дает базальтовые измеримые магнитные свойства, эти недавно обнаруженные магнитные вариации дали еще одно средство для изучения глубокого дна океана. Когда недавно образованная скала охлаждается, такие магнитные материалы записали магнитное поле Земли в то время.
Поскольку все больше и больше морского дна было нанесено на карту в 1950 -х годах, магнитные вариации оказались не случайными или изолированными событиями, а вместо этого выявили узнаваемые закономерности. Когда эти магнитные узоры были нанесены на карту в широкой области, на дне океана показали рисунок, похожий на зебру : одна полоса с нормальной полярностью и прилегающая полоса с обратной полярностью. Общий рисунок, определяемый этими чередующимися полосами обычно и обратно поляризованной породы, стал известен как магнитная полоса и была опубликована Роном Г. Мейсоном и коллегами в 1961 году, которые не нашли, однако, объяснение этих данных в Условия растяжения морского пола, таких как лоза, Мэтьюз и Морли, несколько лет спустя. [ 70 ]
Открытие магнитной полосы требовало объяснения. В начале 1960-х годов, такие как Хизен, Хесс и Дитц, начали теоретизировать, что в середине океанических хребтов отмечают структурно слабые зоны, где полы океана разорвались в двух продольных вдоль гребня хребта (см. Предыдущий абзац). Новая магма из глубины земли легко поднимается через эти слабые зоны и в конечном итоге разразится вдоль гребня хребтов, чтобы создать новую океаническую кору. Этот процесс, сначала деноминировал «гипотезу конвейерной ленты», а затем называется распространяющимся морским днем, работая в течение многих миллионов лет, продолжает образовывать новый пол океана по всей системе среднего океана длиной 50 000 км.
Спустя всего четыре года после того, как были опубликованы карты с «рисунком зебры» магнитных полос, связь между распределением морского пола и этими моделями была распознана независимо от Лоуренса Морли , а также Фредом Вайн и Драммондом Мэтьюсом , в 1963 году, в 1963 году, [ 71 ] ( Гипотеза виноградной лозы - матфея - Морли ). Эта гипотеза связала эти закономерности с геомагнитными изменениями и была подтверждена несколькими линиями доказательств: [ 72 ]
- Полосы симметричны вокруг гребней середины океана; В или рядом с гребнем хребта скалы очень молоды, и они постепенно становятся старше от гребня хребта;
- Самые молодые скалы на гребне хребта всегда обладают современной (нормальной) полярностью;
- Полосы скалы, параллельные гребню гребня, чередующиеся в магнитной полярности (нормальная нормальная и т. Д.), Что позволяет предположить, что они были образованы во время различных эпох, документирующих (уже известные из независимых исследований) нормальные и обратные эпизоды магнитного поля Земли.
Объясняя как магнитную полоску, похожие на зебру, так и конструкцию средне-океанической системы хребта, гипотеза распределения морского дна (SFS) быстро получила конверты и представляла собой еще один серьезный прогресс в разработке теории теории пластин-теорики. Кроме того, океаническая кора стала оценкой в качестве естественной «записи магнитной камеры» истории реверсий геомагнитного поля (GMFR) магнитного поля Земли. Обширные исследования были посвящены калибровке схем с нормальной обработкой в океанической коре с одной стороны и известными временными масштабами, полученными в результате датирования базальтовых слоев в осадочных последовательностях ( магнитостратиграфия ) с другой, чтобы получить оценки прошлого и тарелки Реконструкции.
Определение и уточнение теории
После всех этих соображений тектоника пластин (или, как изначально она называлась «новая глобальная тектоника») быстро принята, и последовали многочисленные документы, которые определили концепции:
- В 1965 году Тузо Уилсон , который был промоутером гипотезы и континентального дрейфа с самого начала [ 73 ] Добавлена концепция разломов преобразования в модель, завершая классы типов неисправностей, необходимые для того, чтобы сделать мобильность пластин на земном шаре. [ 74 ]
- В 1965 году в Лондонском обществе был проведен симпозиум по континентальному дрейфу, который должен рассматриваться как официальное начало принятия тектоники плиты научным сообществом, а тезисы выпускаются как Blackett, Bullard & Runcorn (1965) . На этом симпозиуме Эдвард Буллард и коллеги с компьютером показали, как континенты по обеим сторонам Атлантики лучше всего подходят для закрытия океана, который стал известен как знаменитый «подгонка Булларда».
- В 1966 году Уилсон опубликовал статью, в которой говорилось о предыдущих тектонических реконструкциях таблички, представляя концепцию того, что стало известно как « цикл Уилсона ». [ 75 ]
- В 1967 году на Американского геофизического союза собрании В. Джейсон Морган предложил, чтобы поверхность Земли состоит из 12 жестких пластин, которые движутся относительно друг друга. [ 76 ]
- Два месяца спустя Ксавье Ле Пишон опубликовал полную модель, основанную на шести основных тарелках с их относительными движениями, что ознаменовало окончательное признание научным сообществом Tectonics. [ 77 ]
- В том же году McKenzie и Parker независимо представили модель, аналогичную Morgan, используя переводы и вращения на сфере для определения движений пластины. [ 78 ]
- С этого момента дискуссии были сосредоточены на относительной роли сил, управляющих тектоникой пластин, чтобы превратиться из кинематической концепции в динамическую теорию. [ 79 ] Первоначально эти концепции были сосредоточены на мантийной конвекции, по стопам А. Холмса, а также ввели важность гравитационного притяжения подделенных плит через произведения Эльсассера, Соломона, Сон, Уйеды и Туркотта. Другие авторы вызывали внешние движущие силы из -за приливного сопротивления Луны и других небесных тел, и, особенно с 2000 года, с появлением вычислительных моделей, воспроизводящих поведение мантии Земли в первом порядке, [ 80 ] [ 81 ] В соответствии с более старыми объединяющими концепциями Ван Беммелена авторы переоценили важную роль динамики мантии. [ 82 ]
Последствия для биогеографии
Континентальная теория дрейфа помогает биогеографам объяснить разъяснение биогеографического распределения современной жизни, обнаруженной на разных континентах, но имея сходные предки . [ 83 ] В частности, это объясняет и Гондванана распределение катитов антарктической флоры .
Реконструкция пластины
Реконструкция используется для установления прошлых (и будущих) конфигураций пластин, помогая определить форму и составление древних суперкондентов и обеспечение основы для палеогеографии.
Определение границ пластины
Активные границы пластин определяются их сейсмичностью. [ 84 ] Прошлые границы пластин в существующих пластинах идентифицируются из различных доказательств, таких как наличие офиолитов , которые указывают на исчезанные океаны. [ 85 ]
Прошлые движения пластины
Считается, что тектоническое движение началось около 3-3,8 миллиардов лет назад. [ 86 ] [ 87 ] [ 88 ] [ почему? ]
Различные типы количественной и полуколичественной информации доступны для ограничения прошлых движений пластин. Геометрическая подгонка между континентами, например, между Западной Африкой и Южной Америкой по -прежнему является важной частью реконструкции пластин. Магнитные схемы полосы обеспечивают надежное руководство по относительным движениям пластин, возвращающихся в юриский период. [ 89 ] Треки горячих точек дают абсолютные реконструкции, но они доступны только к меловым . [ 90 ] Старые реконструкции полагаются в основном на данные о палеомагнитном полюсе , хотя они только ограничивают широту и вращение, но не долготу. Сочетание полюсов разных возрастов в определенной пластине для получения кажущихся полярных странных путей обеспечивает метод для сравнения движений разных пластин во времени. [ 91 ] Дополнительные доказательства поступают от распределения определенных осадочных пород , [ 92 ] Фаунские провинции, показанные конкретными ископаемыми группами, и положением орогенных ремней . [ 90 ]
Формирование и распад континентов
Движение пластин привело к формированию и распаду континентов с течением времени, включая случайное образование суперконтинента , которое содержит большинство или все континенты. Суперконтинент Колумбия или Нуна сформировались в течение от 2000 до 1800 миллионов лет назад и расстались примерно на 1500 до 1 300 миллионов лет назад . [ 93 ] [ 94 ] Считается, что суперконтинент Родиния сформировалась около 1 миллиарда лет назад и воплотила большинство или все континенты Земли, и разбилась на восемь континентов около 600 миллионов лет назад . Восемь континентов позже вновь собрались в другой суперконтинент под названием Пангея ; Пангея ворвалась в Лорасию (которая стала Северной Америкой и Евразией) и Гондвана (которая стала оставшимися континентами).
, Предполагается, что Гималаи самая высокая горная хребта в мире, были сформированы из -за столкновения двух основных тарелок. Перед поднятием район, где они стоят, была покрыта океаном Тетис .
Современные тарелки

В зависимости от того, как они определены, обычно есть семь или восемь «основных» тарелок: африканские , антарктические , евразийские , североамериканские , южноамериканские , тихоокеанские и индо-австралийские . Последнее иногда подразделяется на индийские и австралийские тарелки.
Существуют десятки небольших тарелок, восемь крупнейших из которых - арабские , Карибские бассейн , Хуан де Фука , Кокос , Наска , Филиппинское море , Шотландия и Сомалийские .
В течение 2020 -х годов появились новые предложения, которые разделяют кору Земли на многие меньшие пластины, называемые террейнами, что отражает тот факт, что реконструкции пластин показывают, что более крупные пластины были внутренне деформированы, а океанические и континентальные пластины с течением времени были фрагментированы. Это привело к определению примерно 1200 террас в океанических пластинах, континентальных блоках и мобильных зонах (горных ремнях), которые их разделяют. [ 95 ] [ 96 ]
Движение тектонических пластин определяется наборами данных с дистанционным зондированием, калибруемыми с измерениями наземной станции.
Другие небесные тела
Появление тектоники пластин на наземных планетах связано с планетарной массой, с более массивными планетами, чем на земле, которая, как ожидается, будет иметь тектоника пластин. Земля может быть пограничным случаем, из -за ее тектонической активности обильной воды (кремнезем и вода образуют глубокую эвтектику ). [ 97 ]
Венера не показывает никаких доказательств активной тарелки. Существует спорное свидетельство активной тектоники в далеком прошлом планеты; Тем не менее, с тех пор происходящие события (такие как правдоподобная и общепринятая гипотеза о том, что венерическая литосфера значительно утолщалась в течение нескольких сотен миллионов лет) затрудняло ограничение хода своей геологической записи. Тем не менее, многочисленные хорошо сохранившиеся кратеры ударов были использованы в качестве метода датирования , чтобы приблизительно датируется поверхностью Венеров (поскольку до сих пор нет известных образцов венусной породы, которые датируются более надежными методами). Полученные даты преобладают в диапазоне от 500 до 750 миллионов лет назад в возрасте до 1200 миллионов лет назад , хотя было рассчитано . Это исследование привело к довольно хорошо принятой гипотезе о том, что Венера прошла по существу полную вулканическую вспомогающую среду, по крайней мере, один раз в его отдаленном прошлом, причем последнее событие происходит приблизительно в диапазоне оценочных возрастов поверхности. Хотя механизм такого впечатляющего теплового события остается обсуждаемой проблемой в Венерских Геоссауках, некоторые ученые являются сторонниками процессов, связанных с движением пластин в некоторой степени.
Одним из объяснений отсутствия тектоники тарелки в Венеры является то, что по температуре Венеры слишком высоки для присутствия значительной воды. [ 98 ] [ 99 ] Кора Земли пропитана водой, а вода играет важную роль в развитии зон сдвига . Тектоника пластины требует слабых поверхностей в коре, вдоль которой могут двигаться ломтики коры, и вполне возможно, что такое ослабление никогда не имело место на Венере из -за отсутствия воды. Однако некоторые исследователи [ ВОЗ? ] Оставайтесь убежден, что тектоника пластины является или когда -то была активна на этой планете.
Марс значительно меньше, чем Земля и Венера, и есть доказательства льда на ее поверхности и в его коре.
В 1990 -х годах было предложено, что марсианская дихотомия коры была создана тектоническими процессами пластин. [ 100 ] С тех пор ученые определили, что он был создан либо Upwelling в марсианской мантии , которая утолщала кору южного нагорья и сформировала tharsis [ 101 ] или гигантским воздействием, которое раскопало северную низменность . [ 102 ]
Valles Marineris может быть тектонической границей. [ 103 ]
Наблюдения, сделанные из магнитного поля Марса, с помощью космического корабля Mars Global Surveyor в 1999 году, показали закономерности магнитного полоска, обнаруженные на этой планете. Некоторые ученые интерпретировали их как требующие тектонических процессов таблички, таких как распространение морского дна. [ 104 ] Тем не менее, их данные провалили «магнитный тест на изменение», который используется, чтобы увидеть, были ли они сформированы путем переворачивания полярности глобального магнитного поля. [ 105 ]
Ледяные спутники
Некоторые из спутников Юпитера . имеют особенности, которые могут быть связаны с деформацией тектонического стиля пластин, хотя материалы и специфические механизмы могут отличаться от тектонической активности пластины на Земле 8 сентября 2014 года НАСА сообщило о поиске доказательств тектоники пластин на Европе , спутнике Юпитера - первом признаке субдукционной деятельности в другом мире, кроме Земли. [ 106 ]
Титан , крупнейшая луна Сатурна Сообщалось, что Huygens , демонстрирует тектоническую активность на изображениях, сделанных зондом , который приземлился на Титана 14 января 2005 года. [ 107 ]
На планетах размером с Земли тектоника пластин более вероятна, если есть океаны с водой. Однако в 2007 году две независимые команды исследователей пришли к выводам о вероятности тектоники пластин [ 108 ] [ 109 ] с одной командой, говорящей, что тектоника тарелки будет эпизодической или застойной [ 110 ] И другая команда говорит, что тектоника тарелки очень вероятно на супер-земле, даже если планета сухая. [ 97 ]
Рассмотрение тектоники пластин является частью поиска внеземного интеллекта и внеземной жизни . [ 111 ]
Смотрите также
- Атмосферная циркуляция - процесс, который распределяет тепловую энергию вокруг поверхности Земли
- Сохранение углового импульса - консервативная физическая величина; Ротационный аналог линейных
- Геологическая история Земли - последовательность основных геологических событий в прошлом Земли
- Геодинамика - изучение динамики земли
- Геосинклайн - устаревшая геологическая концепция для объяснения орогенов
- Gplates -программное обеспечение для приложений с открытым исходным кодом для интерактивных тектонических реконструкций
- Схема тектоники пластин - иерархический список статей, связанных с тектоникой пластин.
- Список подводных топографических особенностей - океанические рельефы и топографические элементы.
- Цикл суперконтинента - Повторное соединение и разделение континентов Земли
- Тектоника - процесс эволюции земной коры
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... 6 января 1912 года Wegener ... вместо этого предложил грандиозное видение дрейфующих континентов и расширения морей, чтобы объяснить эволюцию географии Земли.
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Внешние ссылки

- Эта динамичная Земля: история тектоники пластины . USGS .
- Понимание плиты тектоники архивировано 2006-02-07 на машине Wayback . USGS .
- Объяснение тектонических сил архивировало 2017-09-12 на The Wayback Machine . Пример расчетов, чтобы показать, что ротация Земли может быть движущей силой.
- Bird, P. (2003); Обновленная цифровая модель границ пластин .
- Карта тектонических пластин архивировала 2017-01-12 на машине Wayback .
- Оценки скорости пластины Morvel и информация . C. Demets, D. Argus & R. Gordon.
- Модель пластины Bird 2003 в Google Maps
- Тектоника тарелки в наше время в BBC