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Конгресс Республики Перу

Координаты : 12 ° 02′53 ″ S 77 ° 01′30 ″ W / 12,04806 ° S 77,02500 ° W / -12,04806; -77.02500
(Перенаправлено из Палаты депутатов Перу )

12 ° 02′53 ″ S 77 ° 01′30 ″ W / 12,04806 ° S 77,02500 ° W / -12,04806; -77.02500

Конгресс Республики

Конгресс Республики
Период 2021–2026
Герб или логотип
Учредил 20 сентября 1822 года
( Первый составляющий Конгресс )
26 июля 1995 г.
( 1995 Перуанские всеобщие выборы )
Президент Конгресса
1 -й вице -президент Конгресса
2 -й вице -президент Конгресса
Waldemar Cerrón , Free Peru
с 26 июля 2023 года
3 -й вице -президент Конгресса
Места 130
Политические группы
Зарплата S/ 187,200 Ежегодно
Избирательные округа, использующие пропорциональное представление
с 5% [ 1 ] порог
Последние выборы
11 апреля 2021 года
Следующие выборы
Место встречи
Palacio Legislativo
Plaza Bolívar, Lima
Republic of Peru

Конгресс Республики Перу ( Испанский : Конгресо -де -репулика ) - это однопалатное тело, которое принимает законодательную власть в Перу . Из -за широкого интерпретации формулировки импичмента в конституции Перу президент Перу может быть удален Конгрессом без причины , что делает законодательный орган более могущественным, чем исполнительная власть. [ 2 ] [ 3 ] После постановления в феврале 2023 года Конституционный суд Перу , орган, которому поручено толковать конституцию Перу и чьи члены прямо выбираются Конгрессом, судебный надзор за законодательным органом также был удален судом, по сути, давая Конгресс абсолютный контроль над контролем Правительство Перу. [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] С момента выборов в Перуанских всеобщих выборах в 2021 году партии правого крыла провели большинство в законодательном органе. [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] Самая большая представленная левая партия в Конгрессе, Free Peru , впоследствии присоединилась к консервативным и фьюдзимористам в пределах Конгресса из -за их институциональной власти. [ 10 ]

Композиция Конгресса устанавливается главой I Раздела IV Конституции Перу . Конгресс состоит из представителей, которые находятся в округах Конгресса, выделенных по каждому региону , а также двух специальных округов, провинции Лима и граждан Перуанских, живущих за границей, на основе населения, измеряемого перуанской переписью в нескольких членах округов. Количество представителей голосования устанавливается Конституцией в 130. В соответствии с переписью 2017 года , крупнейшая делегирование - провинция Лима , с 36 представителями.

Конгресс обвиняется в ответственности за принятие законов и законодательных резолюций, а также для интерпретации, изменений или отмены существующих законов. Конгресс также ратифицирует международные договоры, утверждает национальный бюджет и разрешает кредиты от имени страны. Это также может переопределить президентские наблюдения за законопроектами, голосовав более чем половину законного числа конгрессменов. Он также может убрать правительственного чиновника, включая президента , согласие на въезд иностранных войск на национальную территорию и уполномочить президента покинуть страну. Конгресс встречается в законодательном дворце в Лиме .

Председательствующий является президентом Конгресса , который избирается его членами (и поэтому традиционно является лидером контролирующей партии). Президент и три вице-президента выбираются контролирующей руководящей коалицией.

дворец Законодательный . Перед ним знаменитая статуя Тадолини Саймона Боливара в Плаза Боливар .
Детали фасада.

Первый перуанский конгресс был установлен в 1822 году, поскольку Конституционный Конгресс во главе с Франсиско Ксавье де Луна Писарро . В 1829 году правительство установило бикамалальный конгресс, составленный сенатом и палатой депутатов . Эта система была прервана конституционными конституциями, которые обнародовали новые конституции, которые продолжались в течение нескольких лет. Депутаты воссоединились в законодательном дворце, и сенаторы отправились в бывшую перуанскую инквизицию Лимы до 1930 года, когда Аугусто Б. Легуа был свергнут Луисом Мигелем Санчес Серро . Он установил Конституционный конгресс (1931–1933), который обнародовал Конституцию 1933 года. По приказу президента, члены партии перуанской абристы , которые находились в Конгрессе, были арестованы за их революционные доктрины против правительства. Когда Санчес Серро был убит в 1933 году членом APRA, генерал Оскар Р. Бенавидс принял власть и закрыл Конгресс до 1939 года, когда Мануэль Прадо Угартач был избран президентом. Во время различных диктатур Конгресс был прерван переворотами. В 1968 году, Хуан Веласко Альварадо сверг президента Фернандо Белаунде переворотом , закрыв Конгресс.

Конституция 1979 года была обнародована 12 июля 1979 года Конституционным собранием, избранным после 10 лет военного правления, и заменила приостановленную конституцию 1933 года. Это стало эффективным в 1980 году с переизбранием свергнутого президента Фернандо Белаунде . Он ограничил президента одним пятилетним сроком и установил бикамалальный законодательный орган, состоящий из сената из 60 человек (верхняя палата) и палаты депутатов из 180 человек (нижняя палата). Члены обеих палат были избраны на пятилетний срок, работающие одновременно с таковыми президента . партийного списка Пропорциональное представление использовалось для обеих камер: на региональной основе для Сената и использование метода D'Hondt для нижней палаты. Члены обоих домов должны были быть перуанскими гражданами, с минимальным возрастом 25 лет для депутатов и 35 для сенаторов . В начале 1990 -х годов Бикаламский Конгресс имел низкий рейтинг общественного одобрения. Президент Альберто Фудзимори не имел большинства в обеих палатах, оппозиция возглавляла Конгресс, препятствуя власти, которую Фухимори обладал в качестве президента. Он принял решение о распаде Конгресса с помощью самосовершенства для своего правительства в 1992 году.

Following the self-coup, in which Congress was dissolved, the Democratic Constitutional Congress established a single chamber of 120 members. The Democratic Constitutional Congress promulgated the 1993 Constitution in which gave more power to the President. The new unicameral Congress started working in 1995, dominated by Fujimori's Congressmen that had the majority. The Congress permits a one-year term for a Congressman or Congresswoman to become President of Congress.

During the presidencies of Ollanta Humala, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and Martín Vizcarra, the right-wing Congress led by the daughter of the former Peruvian dictator Alberto Fujimori, Keiko Fujimori, obstructed much of the actions performed by the presidents.[11][12] According to Walter Albán, head of Transparency International Peru, the Congress of Peru has recently been infiltrated by criminal groups that obstruct reforms in order to maintain their status and parliamentary immunity.[13]

The 2016-2021 congressional term was dissolved by President Martín Vizcarra in September 2019,[14] triggering the 2019–2020 Peruvian constitutional crisis. Vizcarra issued a decree that set snap elections for 26 January 2020. The representatives served out the remainder of the original legislative term, which expired in July 2021.

On 26 July 2021, the new and current Congress was sworn in, with an alliance led by Popular Action member María del Carmen Alva successfully gaining control of Peru's Congress.[15]

On 7 December 2022, the president Pedro Castillo attempted self-coup d'état by unconstitutionally dissolving Congress and the state apparatus as a whole. He was subsequently impeached and removed by congress.[16][17][18]





Article 90 of the Peruvian Constitution sets three qualifications for congressmen: (1) they must be natural-born citizens; (2) they must be at least 25 years old; (3) they must be an eligible voter.[19] Candidates for president cannot simultaneously run for congress while vice-presidential candidates can. Furthermore, Article 91 states that high-ranking government officers and any member of the armed forces or national police can only become congressmen six months after leaving their post.[19]

Elections and term


Congressmen serve for a five-year term and cannot be reelected for a new term, immediately, in the same position. Elections for congress happen simultaneously as the election for president. Seats in congress are assigned to each region in proportion to the region's population. Congressional elections take place in April.

The D'Hondt method, a party-list proportional representation system, is used to allocate seats in congress. Political parties publish their party list for each region ahead of the election. Candidates do not need to be members of the political party they run for but may run for such party as a guest. Each candidate is assigned a number within the list. The citizenry thus votes for the party of their preference directly. Additionally, voters may write two specific candidates' number on the ballot as their personal preference. The newly elected congress takes office on the 26 July of the year of the election.

Disciplinary action


Congressmen may not be tried or arrested without prior authorization from Congress from the time of their election until a month after the end of their term.[19] Congressmen must follow the Congress's code of ethics which is part of its self-established Standing Rules of Congress.[20] La Comisión de Ética Parlamentaria, or Parliamentary Ethics Committee, is in charge of enforcing the code and punishing violators. Discipline consist of (a) private, written admonishments; (b) public admonishments through a Congressional resolution; (c) suspension from three to 120 days from their legislative functions.[20]

Any congressmen may lose their parliamentary immunity if authorized by Congress.[19] The process is started by the Criminal Sector of the Supreme Court who presents the case to the Presidency of Congress. The case is then referred to a special committee of 15 congressmen known as Comisión de Levantamiento de Inmunidad Parlamentaria, or Committee on Lifting Parliamentary Immunity, that decides if the petition should be heard by the body as a whole. The accused congressmen has the right to a lawyer and to defend himself before the committee and before the Plenary Assembly.[20] The final decision is then communicated back to the Supreme Court.



Every congressman receives a monthly salary of 15,600 Peruvian soles (approximately US$4,000). They further receive 7,617 Peruvian soles (approximately $2,100) for congressional function expenses and 2,530 Peruvian soles (approximately $700) for congressional representation week expenses to support them in their official and representational duties to their district. Each congressman further receives a 33,027 Peruvian soles (approximately $9,000) personnel allowance.[21] Congressman also receive a one-time extra monthly salary before the beginning of their term, known as an installation expenses allowance.[22]



Presiding over Congress


President and Bureau


The most important officer is the President of Congress who is fourth in line of presidential succession if both the President and both vice-presidents are incapable of assuming the role. The President of Congress can only serve as interim president as he is required to call new elections if all three executive officers are not incapable of serving.[19] This has happened once since the adoption of the current constitution when Valentín Paniagua became the interim president after the fall of the Alberto Fujimori regime in 2000.

The President of Congress is elected for a one-year term by the rest of Congress. Re-election is possible but uncommon. The President of Congress is almost always from the majority party. Its most important responsibility is to control and guide debate in Congress. He also signs, communicates and publishes bills and other decisions made by Congress. He may delegate any of these responsibilities to one of the vice-presidents of Congress.[23] The president serves along three vice-presidents who are collectively known as Mesa Directiva del Congreso, known as the Bureau in English.[24] The three vice-presidents are not always from the same party as the president. The Bureau approves all administrative functions as well as all of Congress's internal financial policy and hiring needs. Any member of the Bureau may be censored by any member of Congress.

Executive Council


El Consejo Directivo, or Executive Council, consists of the four members of the Bureau as well as representatives from each political party in Congress which are known as Executive-Spokespersons. Its composition is directly proportional to the number of seats each party holds in Congress. The council has administrative and legislative responsibilities. Similar to the United States House Committee on Rules, it sets the calendar for the Plenary Assembly and fixes floor time for debating calendar items.[25]


Ordinary Committee[26] Chair(s) Term
Agrarian Nilza Chacón FP 2022–present
Science, Technology, and Innovation Segundo Montalvo PL 2022–present
Foreign Commerce and Tourism Edgar Tello BMCN 2022–present
Constitution and Rule Martha Moyano FP 2022–present
Culture and Cultural Patrimony Héctor Acuña ID 2022–present
Consumer Protection and Regulatory Bodies of Public Services Elías Varas PB 2022–present
National Defense Diego Bazán AvP 2022–present
Decentralization, Regionalization, Local Governments, and Modernization of State Management Diana Gonzales AvP 2022–present
Economy, Banking, Finance, and Financial Intelligence Rosángella Barbarán FP 2022–present
Education, Youth, and Sport Gladys Echaíz RP 2022–present
Energy and Mines Jorge Luis Flores AP 2022–present
Supervision and Comptrollership Héctor Ventura FP 2022–present
Social Inclusion and People with Disabilities Roberto Kamiche PD 2022–present
Intelligence José Cueto RP 2022–present
Justice and Human Rights Américo Gonza PL 2022–present
Women and Family Lucinda Vásquez BMCN 2022–present
Budget and General Account of the Republic José Luna PP 2022–present
Production, Micro and Small Businesses, and Cooperatives Esdras Medina SP 2022–present
Andean, Amazons, and Afro-Peruvian Peoples, Environment, and Ecology María Taipe PL 2022–present
Foreign Relations María del Carmen Alva AP 2022–present
Health and Population Elva Julón APP 2022–present
Labor and Social Security Sigrid Bazán CD-JPP 2022–present
Transportation and Communications Luis Ángel Aragón AP 2022–present
Housing and Construction María Acuña APP 2022–present
Parliamentary Ethics Committee[27] Chair(s) Term
Parliamentary Ethics Committee Karol Paredes AP 2022–present
Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations[28] Chair(s) Term
Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations Lady Camones APP 2022–present

Board of Spokespersons


Each political party in Congress chooses a Spokesperson who acts as the party leader and is a member of the Board of Spokespersons alongside the members of the Bureau. The Board of Spokespersons main role deals with committee assignments as well as the flow of bills from the committees to the Plenary Assembly.[29]

Secretariat General


La Oficialía Mayor, or Secretariat General, is the body of personnel led by the Secretary-General. It is responsible for assisting all members of Congress with daily managerial tasks. The Secretary-General is chosen and serves under the direction of the Bureau and Executive Council.[30]





Standing Committees are in charge of the study and report of routine business of the calendar, especially in the legislative and oversight function. The President of Congress, in coordination with Parliamentary Groups or upon consultation with the Executive Council, proposes the number of Standing Committees. Each party is allocated seats on committees in proportion to its overall strength.

Most committee work is performed by 24 standing committees.[20] They examine matters within their jurisdiction of the corresponding government departments and ministries.[19] They may also impede bills from reaching the Plenary Assembly.[20]

There are two independent committees, the Permanent Assembly and the Parliamentary Ethics Committee.[20]

Investigative and Special Committees


Investigative committee are in charge of investigating a specific topic as directed by Article 97 of the Constitution. Appearances before investigative committees are compulsory, under the same requirements as judicial proceedings. Investigative committee have the power to access any information necessary, including non-intrusive private information such as tax filings and bank financial statements. Investigative committees final reports are non-binding to judicial bodies.[19] Special committees are set up for ceremonial purposes or for the realization of special study or joint work with other government organizations or amongst congressional committees. They disband after they fulfill their assigned tasks.[20]

The Permanent Assembly


The Permanent Assembly, or Comisión Permanente, fulfills the basic functions of Congress when it is under recess or break. It is not dissolved even if Congress is dissolved by the President. It also fulfills some Constitutional functions while Congress is in session similar to what an upper-chamber would. It has the responsibility of appointing high-ranking government officers and commencing the removal process of them as well as the heads of the two other branches of government. The Plenary Assembly may assign this committee special responsibilities excluding constitutional reform measures, approval of international treaties, organic acts, the budget, and the General Account of the Republic Act.[19] The Assembly consist of twenty-five percent of the total number of congressmen elected proportionally to the number of seats each party holds in Congress. They are installed within the first 15 days of the first session of Congress's term.[19]

Parliamentary Ethics Committee


Congressmen must follow the Congress's code of ethics which is part of its self-established Standing Rules of Congress. La Comisión de Ética Parlamentaria, or Parliamentary Ethics Committee, is in charge of enforcing the code and punishing violators. Discipline consists of (a) private, written admonishments; (b) public admonishments through a Congressional resolution; (c) suspension from 3 to 120 days from their legislative functions.[20]



Article 102 of the Peruvian Constitution delineated ten specific functions of Congress which deal with both its legislative power as well as its role as a check and a balance to the other branches of government:[19]

  1. To pass laws and legislative resolutions, as well as to interpret, amend, or repeal existing laws.
  2. To ensure respect for the Constitution and the laws; and to do whatever is necessary to hold violators responsible.
  3. To conclude treaties, in accordance with the Constitution.
  4. To pass the Budget and the General Account.
  5. To authorize loans, in accordance with the Constitution.
  6. To exercise the right to amnesty.
  7. To approve the territorial demarcation proposed by the Executive Branch.
  8. To consent to the entry of foreign troops into the territory, whenever it does not affect, in any manner, national sovereignty.
  9. To authorize the President of the Republic to leave the country.
  10. To perform any other duties as provided in the Constitution and those inherent in the legislative function.

Current composition and election results


After widespread protests the previous year, the 2021 election saw a surge in support for the new left-wing Free Peru, which also won the presidential election with Pedro Castillo on the same day. However, a coalition of right-wing parties holds the majority of Congress and have been strongly opposed to President Castillo.[2] One bloc of far-right parties comprises about one-third of seats in Congress, with the bloc including the Fujimorist Popular Force, Popular Renewal of Rafael López Aliaga and Go on Country.[7] Popular Force, which had dominated the legislature during the reign of Keiko Fujimori, regained 9 seats since their poor performance in the 2020 election, making them the second largest party. Popular Renewal party would also gain 13 seats while Go on Country won 7 seats.

The previously dominant center-right parties Popular Action and Alliance for Progress both lost some seats. The new or previously minor parties that had gained ground in the 2020 election, Purple Party, We Are Peru and Podemos Perú also all lost seats, while the Ethnocacerist Union for Peru, leftist Broad Front and Agrarian Agricultural People's Front all failed to win any seats. Contigo, the successor to former president Pedro Pablo Kuczynski's Peruvians for Change party, also failed to win a seat and continued its downwards trend of the previous election, receiving only around 0.05% of the vote.

Party Seats
Free Peru 32
Popular Force 24
Popular Action 15
Alliance for Progress 15
Go on Country – Social Integration Party 10
Popular Renewal 9
Democratic Peru 7
Together for Peru 5
We Are Peru 5
Podemos Peru 5
Purple Party 3
Source: ONPE Archived 12 April 2021 at the Wayback Machine, Ojo Público

Reestablishment of upper chamber


In March 2024, 91 out of 130 members of Congress voted to restore the Senate with the general election of 2026. The reconstituted Senate will have 60 members each serving a five-year term.[31] The Senate will have the power to appoint the presidents of the Central Reserve Bank and the Court of Auditors, among other offices.[32][33] The Senate will also have the power of final approval over proposed legislation and will meet with the lower chamber in a joint session to approve budgets. Unlike the lower chamber, which is elected entirely by proportional representation from a single, national constituency, the Senate will have 27 members elected from individual departmental constituencies and the remaining 33 elected proportionately nationwide.[33]

The move came nearly five years after a failed 2018 attempt to reestablish the Senate by popular referendum. Peruvian ex-president Martín Vizcarra proposed a series of political reforms as a response to the CNM audios scandal during his Independence Day message on 28 July 2018. One of his proposals was the establishment of a bicameral legislature similar to the one that existed in Peru before the 1993 Constitution. A referendum on the bicameralism proposal, as well as three other constitutional amendment proposals, was held on 9 December 2018. The bicameralism proposal was rejected by 90.52% of the voters as consequence of Vizcarra's withdrawal of support for the proposal, which had been modified by legislators before it was presented to the public.[34]

Public opinion


Congress is one of the most disapproved entities in Peru, recently seeing its lowest approval since the early 2000s.[35] Following the 2021 Peruvian general election, disapproval of Congress increased dramatically, from 61% in August 2021 to 91% in March 2023 according to IEP polls.[35]

See also



  1. ^ "Peru's small political parties scramble to survive".
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b Asensio, Raúl; Camacho, Gabriela; González, Natalia; Grompone, Romeo; Pajuelo Teves, Ramón; Peña Jimenez, Omayra; Moscoso, Macarena; Vásquez, Yerel; Sosa Villagarcia, Paolo (August 2021). El Profe: Cómo Pedro Castillo se convirtió en presidente del Perú y qué pasará a continuación (in Spanish) (1 ed.). Lima, Peru: Institute of Peruvian Studies. p. 92. ISBN 978-612-326-084-2. Retrieved 17 November 2021.
  3. ^ Taj, Mitra (7 December 2021). "'Too many mistakes': Peru's president threatened with impeachment after shaky start". Financial Times. Retrieved 13 December 2021.
  4. ^ Romero, César (28 February 2023). "Tribunal Constitucional falla a favor del Congreso, que tendrá un poder absoluto y sin control judicial". La República (in Spanish). Retrieved 2 March 2023.
  5. ^ Ромеро, Сезар (25 февраля 2023 г.). «Конституционный суд разрушает демократический режим страны » . Республика (на испанском) . Получено 2 марта 2023 года .
  6. ^ Кармас, Абель (5 марта 2023 г.). «Конгресс сгибает баланс сил в разгар социального припадения в Перу » . Общественный глаз (на испанском) . Получено 28 марта 2023 года .
  7. ^ Jump up to: а беременный  • «Кастильо Перу будет изо всех сил пытаться остаться в офисе» . Oxford Analytica . Изумрудные экспертные брифинги. Оксан -ДБ (Оксан -ДБ). 11 августа 2022 года. DOI : 10.1108/Oxan-DB272027 . Удаленные партии в Конгрессе-Renovacion Popular (Popular Renewal) и Avanza Pais (форвардная страна)
  8. ^ Тегель, Симеон (27 марта 2023 г.). «Первая женщина -президент Перу имеет кровь на руках» . Внешняя политика . Получено 6 июня 2023 года . Социальный консерватизм, который был одной из немногих областей общей позиции между президентскими администрациями Перу и жестким правом большинства Конгресса
  9. ^ «Ofensiva против стандартов случая дела о лавах Jato » Репортеры IDL (в Испании). июля 16 30 2023июля Fuerza Popular является важной частью контроля управления
  10. ^ "Siquiera Topo: Apenas Tapón " IDL-Rores (на испанском). 22 мая Получено 26 мая
  11. ^ Фланнери, Натаниэль Приход. «Анализ политического риска: как экономика Перу будет работать в 2017 году?» Полем Форбс . Получено 9 декабря 2022 года .
  12. ^ «Политические пределы президентского импичмента: уроки из Латинской Америки» . Немецкий институт глобальных и областях исследований . 2021 . Получено 9 декабря 2022 года .
  13. ^ Деннис, Клэр (23 августа 2017 г.). «Другой топ -политик Перу, втянутый в скандал с Одебрехтом» . Проницательное преступление . Получено 15 декабря 2022 года .
  14. ^ «Президент Перу растворяет Конгресс, чтобы протолкнуть антикоррупционные реформы» . Хранитель . 1 октября 2019 года . Получено 1 октября 2019 года .
  15. ^ Акино, Марко (26 июля 2021 года). «Перу оппозиция привести Конгресс в неудаче для социалистического кастильо» . Рейтер . Получено 31 июля 2021 года .
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  18. ^ «Президент Перу распадает Конгресс, который затем голосует в вице -президенте» . AP News . 7 декабря 2022 года . Получено 7 декабря 2022 года .
  19. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и фон глин час я Дж «Конституция Перу 1993 года с поправками до 2009 года» (PDF) . concuteeproject.org . Составляют . Получено 3 июня 2018 года .
  20. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и фон глин час «Регламент Конгресса Республики» (PDF) . Congress.gob.pe (на испанском). Конгресс Республики Перу . Получено 3 июня 2018 года .
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  24. ^ "Ухо " Congress.gob.pe the originalОктябрь Конгресс Республики Перу. Получено 3 2018 года июня
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  33. ^ Jump up to: а беременный «Вернуться к бикамарализму: нелиберальные цели конституционных реформ Перу» . ConciationNet . Получено 28 июня 2024 года .
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  35. ^ Jump up to: а беременный «91% перуанцев отвергают нынешнее управление Конгрессом Республики » . Infobae (на европейском испанском). 26 марта 2023 года . Получено 2 июня 2023 года .
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