Магистр Пия XII

Магистр Папы Пия XII состоит из около 1600 в основном неполитических выступлений , сообщений, радио и телевизионных речей, проповеди , апостольских букв и энцикликах папы Пия XII . [ 1 ] Его магистр был в значительной степени пренебрег или даже не упускает из виду его биографы , которые сосредоточены на политике его понтификата.
Даты списка могут варьироваться в зависимости от точности. В списке используются официальные даты Discorsi и Acta Apostolicae Sedis , опубликованные Священным Престолом . Однако не все речи включены там. Некоторые из них были опубликованы в газете Ватикана, L'Osservatore Romano , и эти даты отражают дату публикации, поскольку статьи часто не указывали на другое время. Следовательно, в некоторых случаях может быть разница в день или два. Источники перечислены ниже.
Из 1600 папских адресов этот список включает в себя последние пятьдесят в течение последних пяти месяцев его понтификата. Они также иллюстрируют папную рабочую нагрузку, вплоть до последних дней его жизни. «Он был последним папой, который написал большинство своих выступлений в одиночку», - сказал кардинал Джозеф Ратцингер . [ 2 ] Пий, у которого не было сотрудников спичрайтеров или постоянных помощников, работал в основном один, помогал только случайной помощи и корректоре от профессоров Папского Григорианского университета . Комбинированная длина и объем этих 50 выступлений, написанных всего за 150 дней, предполагают жестокую рабочую нагрузку для Пия, которая могла способствовать его смерти. Его врач, профессор Гаспарини, прокомментировал: «Святой отец не умер из -за какой -либо конкретной болезни. Он был полностью измотан . Он был перегружен за пределы предела. Его сердце было здоровым, его легкие были хорошими. Он мог прожить еще 20 лет, Если бы он пощадил себя ". [ 3 ]
No. | Description and Topic | Destination | Date | Language |
1. | The power of social justice and Christianity | Christian Unions of Italy | May 1, 1958 | Italian |
2. | Greetings and blessing | German Catholic Association Rupert Mayer | May 2, 1958 | German |
3. | The temptations of materialism in advertising | Italian workers from Naples | May 4, 1958 | Italian |
4. | Man in service of creation | International commission for irrigation and soil improvement | May 8, 1958 | English |
5. | Medicine based on natural law | British surgeons | May 12, 1958 | |
6. | Christian optimism and the defense of human rights | NATO Defence College | May 16, 1958 | English |
7. | Questions of military service and war | Female employees of the Italian army | May 21, 1958 | Italian |
8. | Your apostolate: Ladies Guild of Santa Susanna | Audience of American Women Association | May 22, 1958 | English |
9. | Religion, Science and true friendships | German Catholic Student Associations, erlangen | June 2, 1958 | German |
10. | Ethics of the medical profession | Spanish physicians | June 8, 1958 | Spanish |
11. | Modern family problems | International meeting in Paris, France | June 10, 1958 | French |
12. | Ethics of journalism | American Journalists | June 12, 1958 | English |
13. | Authentic Christian living increases priestly vocations | 25. Anniversary of Colegio Pio in Brazil | June 20, 1958 | Portuguese |
14. | Ethical conflicts of Real Estate Agents | Conference of Italian real estate agents | June 22, 1958 | Italian |
15. | The art of otolarynologists in light of Christian philosophy | Congress of Otolarynologists | June 29, 1958 | French |
16. | The Church in China | Encyclical, Ad Apostolorum principis | June 29, 1958 | Latin, several languages |
17. | The role of women in public life | Catholic Action, Italy | July 2, 1958 | Italian |
18. | Rome before and after Christianity | Students from the USA | July 3, 1958 | English |
19. | Greetings and blessings | Faithful and clergy of Madagascar | July 5, 1958 | French |
20. | Two ideals of Christian woman | Female youth, Catholic Action, Italy | July 13, 1958 | Italian |
21. | The Church in its struggle for freedom | Encyclical, Meminisse iuvat | July 14, 1958 | Latin, several languages |
22. | The Contemplative Life, Part One | Radio audience for members of contemplative convents throughout the world | July 19, 1958 | French |
23. | The message of Lourdes to blue collar workers | International pilgrimage of Catholic blue collar workers to Lourdes | July 21, 1958 | French |
24. | The Contemplative Life, Part Two | Radio audience for members of contemplative convents throughout the World | July 26, 1958 | French |
25. | Problems and Ideals in the health sector | International Catholic Health Conference, Brussels, Belgium | July 27, 1958 | French |
26. | The meaning of biblical studies | International biblical congress, Brussels, Belgium | July 28, 1958 | French |
27. | The Contemplative Life, Part Three | Radio audience for members of contemplative convents throughout the World | August 2, 1958 | French |
28. | Classical antiquity as an educational force for Christianity | International Congress for Classical Archeology | August 7, 1958 | French |
29. | Christian academicians forming a Christian world? | World Congress of Pax Romana in Vienna, Austria | August 11, 1958 | French |
30. | The family as center of sanctification | Families from Spain | August 12, 1958 | Spanish |
31. | Purposes of the World Exhibition in Brussels | Message to World Exhibition in Brussels | August 15, 1958 | French |
32. | The unity of life and religious life | Exhortation to German Catholics meeting in Berlin | August 17, 1958 | German |
33. | The Third Order of St. Dominic Today | International congress of The Third Order of St. Dominic | August 20, 1958 | French |
34. | The relevance of blood group genetics for society | International Society for blood transfusions | September 5, 1958 | French |
35. | The importance of legal employees | Third International Congress of Legal Employees | September 8, 1958 | French |
36. | Psychopharmaca and related treatments in light of Christian Morality | Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psycho-Pharmacologicum, Rome | September 9, 1958 | French |
37. | Christian love a basis for organized aid | Pilgrimage of Spanish insurance agents | September 11, 1958 | Spanish |
38. | Hereditary problems and Christian conscience | International conference of haematology | September 12, 1958 | French |
39. | Purpose of Catholic schools | General meeting of Catholic educators | September 14, 1958 | French |
40. | The message of the Virgin Mary today | International Marian Congress, Lourdes | September 17, 1958 | French |
41. | Philosophy and Christian faith | International Congress of Philosophy, Venice and Padova | September 18, 1958 | Italian |
42. | The wonderful world of bees, usefulness and value for human life | International Congress of Bee Keepers | September 22, 1958 | French |
43. | The formation of Priests in our time | Rectors of Latin American seminaries | September 23, 1958 | Spanish |
44. | The ideals of Christian life | Eucharistic congress in Ecuador | September 28, 1958 | Spanish |
45. | Accident avoidance as a moral problem | International Association of Natural Gas Industries | September 28, 1958 | French |
46. | Call for a renewal of Christian life | Opening of the restored Cathedral in Reims, France | September 29, 1958 | Latin |
47. | Ethical considerations for book stores in train terminals | Owners of train station book stores | October 2, 1958 | Italian |
48. | Thinking about our guardian angels in October | American Pilgrims with Francis Cardinal Spellman | October 3, 1958 | English |
49. | Obligations of notaries in our time | International Congress | October 5, 1958 | French |
50. | Problems and perspectives concerning plastic surgery | Congress, Italian Society for Plastic Surgery | October 4, 1958 | Italian |
Preparing yourself for the priesthood [4] | Students of the theological seminary in Apulia, Italy | Italian | ||
The personality and magisterium of Pope Benedict XIV [5] | 200. anniversary of the death of Pope Benedict XIV | Italian |
[edit]- Acta Apostolicae Sedis. (AAS), Vatican City 1939-1958. Official documents of the Pontificate of Pope Pius XII
- Pio XII, Discorsi e Radio Messaggi di Sua Santita Pio XII, Vatican City 1939-1958,Official speeches of Pius XII, 20 vol.
- Pio XII, Discorsi Ai Medici collected byFiorenzo Angelini, Roma, 1959, 725 pages,
- Soziale Summe Pius XII ed. A.F.Utz, J.F.Gröner, 4010 pages. in German, the non-theological teachings 1939-1958, 3 vol.
- Pascalina Lehnert, Ich durfte ihm dienen. Erinnerungen an Papst Pius XII. Naumann, Würzburg, 1983.