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Святые Косма и Дамиан

(Перенаправлено от Cosmo и Damian )

Косма и Дамиан
Святые Косма и Дамиан
Икона святых Косма (слева) и Дамиан (справа)
Bornc. 3rd century AD
Diedc. 303 or 287
Aegea, Roman province of Cilicia
(modern-day Yumurtalık, Adana, Turkey)
Venerated inRoman Catholic Church
Eastern Orthodox Churches
Oriental Orthodox Churches
Eastern Catholic Churches
Anglican churches
Lutheran churches
Major shrineConvent of the Poor Clares in Madrid, Basilica of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Rome, and Bitonto, Bari, Italy
Attributesdepicted as twins, beheaded, or with medical emblems
Patronagesurgeons, physicians, identical twins, twins, dentists, protectors of children, barbers, pharmacists, veterinarians, orphanages, day-care centers, confectioners, children in house, against hernia, against the plague.
Saints Cosmas and Damian Commemorative Plaque in Budapest

и Damiian ( арабский : قُزما ودميان , романизированный : ; латынь греческий : καὶ κκΔΔΔΔΔΔлет C. : cosmas ; C. 3 -й век ) 303 - damanus Cosmas AD Врачи и ранние христианские мученики et [ 3 ] [ 4 ] морском порту Aegeae , а затем в римской провинции Килиции Они практиковали свою профессию в . [ 5 ]

Косма и Дамиан были братьями-близнецами третьего века, которые приняли христианство и практиковали медицину и хирургию без платы. Это привело их к тому, что их назвали «Анаргирои» (от греческого ἀνάργυροι , «бессмерти» или « recemenaries »); Этим они привлекли многих в христианскую веру. [ 6 ] Они, по мнению, вылечили слепоту, лихорадку, паралич и, как сообщается, изгнали змея. Они были арестованы Лизиасом, губернатором Киликии (современный День Чукурова, Турция) во время преследования Диоклетиан из -за их веры и славы в качестве целителей. Император Диоклетиан , который предпочитал поклонение олимпийским богам, выпустил серию указов, которые осудили христиан с целью устранения христианства из Римской империи. [7]


Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian, by Gerard Seghers, 17th century, Private collection, U.S.

Nothing is known of their lives except that they suffered martyrdom in Syria during the persecution of the Emperor Diocletian. According to Christian traditions, the twin brothers were born in Arabia and became skilled doctors.[8]

Saladino d'Ascoli, a 15th century Italian physician, claims that the medieval electuary, a pasty mass consisting of a drug mixed with sugar and water or honey suitable for oral administration,[9] known as opopira,[10] a complex compound medicine used to treat diverse maladies including paralysis, was invented by Cosmas and Damian.[11]

During the persecution under Diocletian, Cosmas and Damian were arrested by order of the Prefect of Cilicia, one Lysias who is otherwise unknown, who ordered them under torture to recant. However, according to legend they stayed true to their faith, enduring being hung on a cross, stoned and shot by arrows and finally suffered execution by beheading. Anthimus, Leontius and Euprepius, their younger brothers, who were inseparable from them throughout life, shared in their martyrdom.[5]


Cosmas and Damian miraculously transplant the black leg of the Ethiopian onto the white body of the patient.
Reliquary (1400/1420) in St. Michael's Church, Munich containing the alleged skulls of Cosmas and Damian. The convent of the Poor Clares in Madrid also has two skulls alleged to be of Cosmas and Damian.
Pope Felix IV presents Saints Cosmas and Damian with the basilica he rededicated to them.

The veneration of Cosmas and Damian quickly spread beyond Constantinople; accounts of their martyrdom were rewritten by various authors such as Andrew of Crete, Peter of Argos, Theodore II Laskaris, and a certain Maximus around 1300. The legends are preserved also in Syriac, Coptic, Georgian, Armenian, and Latin.[12]

As early as the 4th century, churches dedicated to the twin saints were established at Jerusalem, in Egypt and in Mesopotamia. Devotion to the two saints spread rapidly in both East and West. Theodoret records the division of their reputed relics. Their relics, deemed miraculous, were buried in the city of Cyrrhus in Syria. Churches were built in their honor by Archbishop Proclus and by Emperor Justinian I (527–565), who sumptuously restored the city of Cyrrhus and dedicated it to the twins, but brought their purported relics to Constantinople.[8]

There, following his cure, ascribed to the intercession of Cosmas and Damian, Justinian, in gratitude also built and adorned their church at Constantinople,[8] and it became a celebrated place of pilgrimage. At Rome, Pope Felix IV (526–530) rededicated the Library of Peace (Bibliotheca Pacis) as a basilica of Santi Cosma e Damiano in the Forum of Vespasian in their honour. The church is much rebuilt but still famed for its sixth-century mosaics illustrating the saints.

What are said to be their skulls are venerated in the Convent of Las Descalzas Reales of the Clares in Madrid, where they have been since 1581, the gift of Maria, daughter of Emperor Charles V. They had previously been removed from Rome to Bremen in the tenth century, and thence to Bamberg. Other skulls said to be theirs were discovered in 1334 by Burchard Grelle, Archbishop of Bremen. He "personally 'miraculously' retrieved the relics of the holy physicians Cosmas and Damian, which were allegedly immured and forgotten in the choir of the Bremen Cathedral.[13]

In celebration of the retrieval Archbishop and Chapter arranged a feast at Pentecost 1335, when the relics were translated from the wall to a more dignified place.[14] Grelle claimed the relics were those Archbishop Adaldag brought from Rome in 965. The cathedral master-builder Johann Hemeling made a shrine for the relics, which was finished around 1420. The shrine, made from carved oak wood covered with gilt and rolled silver is considered an important mediaeval gold work.[15]

In 1649 Bremen's Chapter, Lutheran by this time, sold the shrine without the heads to Maximilian I of Bavaria. The two heads remained in Bremen and came into the possession of the small Roman Catholic community. They were shown from 1934 to 1968 in the Church of St. Johann and in 1994 they were buried in the crypt.[16] The shrine is now shown in the Jesuit church of St Michael in Munich. At least since 1413 another supposed pair of skulls of the saints has been stored in St Stephens's Cathedral in Vienna. Other relics are claimed by the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice.

The martyrdom of Saints Cosmas and Damian by Fra Angelico (Musée du Louvre, Paris).

The martyr twins are invoked in the Canon of the Mass[8] in the prayer known as the Communicantes (from the first Latin word of the prayer): "In communion with the whole Church, they venerate above all others the memory of the glorious ever-virgin Mary, Mother of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ, then of blessed Joseph, husband of the Virgin, your blessed Apostles and Martyrs, Peter and Paul, Andrew, James, ...John and Paul, Cosmas and Damian and all your Saints: grant through their merits and prayers that in all things we may be defended by the help of your protection." They are also invoked in the Litany of the Saints, and in the older form of the Roman rite, in the Collect for Thursday in the Third Week of Lent, as the station church for this day is Santi Cosma e Damiano.

Their feast day in the General Roman Calendar, which had been on 27 September, was moved in 1969 to 26 September because 27 September is the dies natalis ("day of birth" into Heaven) of Vincent de Paul, now more widely venerated in the Latin Church.[17][18] In Canada it has been moved to 25 September (as 26 September is the Feast of the Canadian Martyrs in Canada).[19]

Sts Cosmas and Damian are regarded as the patrons of physicians, surgeons, and pharmacists and are sometimes represented with medical emblems. They are also regarded as the patron saints of twins.

Cosmas and Damian are depicted as supporters of the arms of the guild of barber-surgeons carved into a capital, 15th century, from the Carmes monastery in Trie-sur-Baïse in southwestern France. The inscription reads, "Saints Cosmas and Damian pray for us".

In Brazil, the twin saints are regarded as protectors of children, and 27 September is commemorated, especially in Rio de Janeiro, by giving children bags of candy with the saints' effigy printed on them and throughout the entire state of Bahia where Catholics and adepts of Candomblé religion offer typical food such as caruru. The ritual consists of first offering the food to seven children that are no older than seven years old and then having them feast while sitting on the floor and eating with their hands. For adepts of Candomblé and Umbanda, the saints are syncretized with the Ibeji. The Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian, in Igarassu, Pernambuco is Brazil's oldest church, built in 1535.

In the UK Damian is the dexter side supporter in the coat of arms of the British Dental Association.

Cosmas and Damian are venerated every year in Utica, New York, at St. Anthony's Parish during the annual pilgrimage which takes place on the last weekend of September (close to the 27 September feast day). There are thousands of pilgrims who come to honor the saints. Over 80 busloads come from Canada and other destinations. The 2-day festival includes music (La Banda Rosa), much Italian food, masses and processions through the streets of East Utica. It is one of the largest festivals honoring saints in the northeast USA.

Eastern Christianity

Icon of Saints Cosmas and Damian (17th century, Historic Museum in Sanok, Poland).

In the Eastern Orthodox Church, Eastern Catholic Churches, and the Oriental Orthodox Churches, Cosmas and Damian are venerated as a type of saint known as Unmercenary Physicians (Greek: ἀνάργυροι, anargyroi, "without money"). This classification of saints is unique to the Eastern Church and refers to those who heal purely out of love for God and man, strictly observing the command of Jesus: "Freely have you received, freely give." («Δωρεὰν ἐλάβετε, δωρεὰν δότε...» Matthew 10:8) While each of the Unmercenaries has his own feast days, all are commemorated together on the first Sunday in November, in a feast known as the Synaxis of the Unmercenary Physicians.

Cosmas and Damian depicted in the Menologion of Basil II.

The Orthodox celebrate no less than three different sets of saints by the name of Cosmas and Damian, each with their own distinct feast day:

  • Saints Cosmas and Damian of Cilicia (Arabia) (17 October) Brothers, according to Christian legend they were beaten and beheaded together with three other Christians: Leontius, Anthimus, and Eutropius.
  • Saints Cosmas and Damian of Asia Minor — alternately, of Mesopotamia (1 November) Twin sons of Theodota of Philippi. Died peacefully and were buried together at Thereman in Mesopotamia.
  • Saints Cosmas and Damian of Rome (1 July) Brothers, according to Christian tradition they were martyred outside Rome by a jealous pagan physician during the reign of the Roman Emperor Carinus (283–284).

Orthodox icons of the saints depict them vested as laymen holding medicine boxes. Often each will also hold a spoon with which to dispense medicine. The handle of the spoon is normally shaped like a cross to indicate the importance of spiritual as well as physical healing, and that all cures come from God.

The Apse of the Church of SS. Cosmas and Damian, Rome, 7th century: Paul and Peter present the martyrs to Christ.
















  • Saint Côme-Saint Damien church, Luzarches, Val d'Oise
  • Saint Côme-Saint Damien church, Paris
  • Saint Côme-Saint Damien church, Chamboulive
  • Saint Côme-Saint Damien church, Serdinya






  • 10th century chapel of Agioi Anargyroi in the town of Servia
  • 11th century church in the city of Kastoria


  • Szent Kozma és Damján templom, Vát

Hong Kong

  • SS. Cosmas & Damian Catholic Church, Tsuen Wan


  • Basilica of Santi Cosma e Damiano, I Santi Medici, Bitonto, Bari, Italy
  • Sanctuary of San Cosimo alla Macchia in Oria, Apulia, Italy
  • Santi Cosma e Damiano
  • Chiesa Matrice-Basilica minore Pontificia dal venerdì 18 febbraio 2000-Santuario dal lunedì 12 settembre 1938-Parrocchia dal mercoledì 16 marzo e martedì 19 aprile 1814 dei Santi Medici e Martiri Cosma e Damiano; Alberobello, Puglia, Italy


  • Orthodox Cathedral of Saints Anargyroi, Nairobi


  • Sv. Kuzman i Damjan Ohrid
  • Sv. Kuzman i Damjan Jedoarce, Tetovo
  • Sv. Kuzman i Damjan Govrlevo, Skopje
  • Sv. Kuzman i Damjan Triangla, Skopje
  • Св. Церковь больничной церкви Кузмана и Дамиана (Св. Бероборн Козма и Дамджан)
  • Св. «Кузман я дамджан» - Strumica

(Святая Бесребренца Козма я Дамджан)


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Соединенные Штаты

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  • Часовня Сан -Косме и Дамияна, Тусон, Аризона
  • SS. Cosmas & Damian Church, Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania
  • Часовня Святого Косма и Дамиана; Ютика, Нью -Йорк
  • Часовня Святого Косма и Дамиана; Флашинг, Нью -Йорк
  • Saints Cosmas и Damian Society, Кембридж, Массачусетс
  • Общество Святого Косма и Дамиано церкви Святого Антония и Св. Агнес, Ютика, штат Нью -Йорк
  • Святой Дамиан, Ок -Форест, Иллинойс
  • SS. Cosmas & Damian Church, Twinsburg, Огайо
  • SS. Cosmas & Damian Church, Conshohocken, PA (закрыто 2014)
  • Стр. Греческая православная церковь Анаргирои, Мальборо, Массачусетс

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  1. ^ Великие синаксаристы : (на греческом) Святой космос и Дамиан Архивированный и чудо-работники архивировали 2011-11-03 на машине Wayback . 1 ноября. Отличный консультант.
  2. ^ Wonderworker и Umercemenary Cosmas из Азии Малой архивировал 2007-11-16 на машине Wayback . OCA - праздники и святые.
  3. ^ Византия и арабы в шестом веке Ирфан Шахид
  4. ^ Кирилл Элгуд (31 октября 2010 г.). История болезни Персии и восточного халифата: с самых ранних времен до года нашей эры 1932 года . Издательство Кембриджского университета. п. 207. ISBN  978-1-108-01588-2 .
  5. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Ричард Страке. «Святые Косма и Дамиан: искусство, иконография, легенды» . www.christianiconography.info . Архивировано из оригинала 2019-03-29 . Получено 2019-09-26 .
  6. ^ "Католическая энциклопедия:" Стс. Косма и Дамиан " . Архивировано из оригинала 2005-08-27 . Получено 2005-08-20 .
  7. ^ Вонг, Шен Шен (26 сентября 2016 года). «Святой Космас и Дамиан: покровители аптеки и медицины» . Фармацевтический журнал . Получено 2022-07-30 .
  8. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый "Фоли Офм, Леонард." Стс. Cosmas и Damian ", Saint of Day , (пересмотрен Пэт Макклоски OFM), францисканские СМИ" . Архивировано с оригинала 2015-03-15 . Получено 2015-03-14 .
  9. ^ "Electuary" . Архивировано из оригинала 2017-10-12 . Получено 2017-07-09 .
  10. ^ Opopira Magna, фармацевтическое препарат от Antidotarius Magnus NCBI PubMed, на немецком языке, Daems WF, Ledermann F. Archived 2018-01-26 на машине Wayback
  11. ^ Саладино д'Асколи, «Краткие ароматеры», в Мезе с экспозицией Мондини на канонах вселенной. И даже когда экспозиция Христофера честности при антидотарии ... Венеции, Boneta Locatellum bergomensem. 1 апреля 1495 г., Сол. 323V: «Оппопира сказал соком и огнем. Оппо для греческого латинского сока и греческого огня PIR: отсюда и противопопира, сок и этот электуарий, усугубляемый священными врачами Косма и Дамиано».
  12. ^ Качдан, Александр; Шевченко, Нэнси Паттерсон (1991). «Космас и Дамианос». В Качдане, Александр (ред.). Оксфордский словарь Византии . Оксфорд и Нью -Йорк: издательство Оксфордского университета. п. 1156. ISBN  0-19-504652-8 .
  13. ^ Ср. «Бремен Хроник Герхард Райнсберх и Херборд Шене», в: Бремен , Герман Мейнерт (ред.) От имени Исторической комиссии в Баварской академии наук, Бремен: Schünemann, 1968 (Хроники немецких городов с 14 до 16 -го век; 112; Обеспечение архиепископов Бремена , Джозефа Кинга и Отто Генрих Мэй (компиляторы), Ганновер: самостоятельно опубликовано Исторической комиссией, 1971 г. (Публикации Исторической комиссии по Ганноверу, Олденбургу, Брауншвейгу, Шаумбург и Бремен; .2), Vol. 2, LFG. 508; Джозеф Кениг, «О биографии Берчард Грелле, архиепископа Бремена и историю его понтификата (1327–1344)», в: Стадер Джарбуч ; Тол. 76 (1986), с. 42; Герберт Шварцвалдер , История свободного Гансейского города Бремен : 5 томов, доб. и имп. Ed., Bremen: издание Temmen [ de ] , 1995, Vol. 1: С самого начала до французского времени: (1810), с. 70; Альфред Лер, «Культ и правительство, архиепископство и соборная глава», в: Бременский собор. Строительство истории, раскопки, художественные сокровища. Справочник U. До 30.9.1979 в Бременском музее - Музей Фокке - Карл Хайнц Брандт (ред.), Бремен: Государственный музей Бремен, 1979, (Музей Фонке, Бремен. Буклет; № 49, Вильм.: 52), с. 102Seq. Полем и 128, а также каталог № 31, документы и печати архиепископа Бурчард Грелле; Бодо Хейн, «Святые доктора Косма и Дамиан и собор Бремера», в: Госферы Экклеси: исследования по истории церкви Бремена ; Тол. 9 (1975), с. 7–21; Йоханнес Фокке, «Святые Косма и Дамиан и их реликвария в соборе Бремена», в: Бремен Джарбуч , том 17 (1895), с. 128–161.
  14. ^ «Пасха 1334 Лично, Берчард выздоровел в хоре собора Бремена ... там были перенесены из стены в более достойное место». Конрад Элмшаузер, «Будущее территориальное состояние архиепископов Бремена (1236–1511): I. Архиепископы как суверена», в: История страны между Элбе и Уэзером : 3 частями, Ханс-Экхард Данненберг и Хайнц-Джак (Ред.) О похищении Ландшафтной ассоциации бывшего герцога Бремена и Вердена, Stade: Ландшафтная ассоциация бывших герцогств Bremen and Verden, 1995 и 2008 гг. . 177. Первоначальный акцент. Упущение не в оригинале. ISBN   978-3-9801919-8-2
  15. ^ Konrad Elmshäuser, «будущее территориальное состояние архиепископов Бремена (1236–1511): I. Архиепископы как суверена», в: История страны между Эльбе и Уэрером : 3 частями, Ханс-Экхард Данненберг и Хейнц-Джак Schulze (Eds.) На STARF Ландшафтной ассоциации бывшего герцога Бремена и Вердена, Stade: Ландшафтная ассоциация бывшего герцогства Бремен и Верден, 1995 и 2008 гг. . 178. ISBN   978-3-9801919-8-2
  16. ^ (Вильгельм Такке: Святой Иоганн в Бремене - Эрин 600 -моя история - от братьев -просиков до Прёпстена, Бремен 2006, с. 172ff.)
  17. ^ «Римский календарь» (Libreria editrice Vaticana, 1969), с. 140
  18. ^ Белтрами, Костанца. «Праздник святых Косма и Дамиан», Итальянское искусство
  19. ^ «Архивная копия» (PDF) . Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 2019-12-20 . Получено 2016-09-26 . {{cite web}}: CS1 Maint: архивная копия как заголовок ( ссылка )
  20. ^ «Сантанаргир» . Архивировано из оригинала 2017-11-16 . Получено 2018-01-08 .

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