Миниатюры на австралийском английском
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Уменьшительные формы слов обычно используются в повседневном австралийском английском . В то время как многие диалекты английского языка используют минимумы и гипокоризмы , австралийский английский использует их более широко, чем любой другой. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] Материалы могут рассматриваться как сленг , но многие широко используются во всем обществе. [ 1 ] Некоторые формы также распространились за пределы Австралии в другие англоязычные страны. [ 3 ] На австралийском английском языке используются более 5000 идентифицированных миниатюр. [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 2 ]
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In other English dialects, diminutives usually imply smallness or have a childish connotation such as in 'birdie', 'doggy', or 'kitty'. While diminutives can be used in this way in Australian English, they are also used widely in a non-childish manner, with over 4,300 being recorded.[1][6] Например, Bikie ( мотоцикл или член Motorbike Club), не подразумевает велосипед в небольшом или детском смысле, как это может быть на других английских диалектах.
In Australian English, diminutives are usually formed by taking the first part of a word, and adding an ending such as a, o, ie, or y. Sometimes, no ending is added.[1] While the form of a diminutive is arbitrary, their use follows strict rules.[citation needed] Diminutives are not used creatively. For example, an ambulance paramedic is called an ambo, never ambie, or amba. Some diminutives are almost always used in preference to the original form, while others are rarely used or restricted to certain groups or locations. The use of diminutives also evolves over time, with new words coming into use and others falling out of favour. Some diminutives have become so common that the original form has fallen out of common usage. For example, Salvos has begun to replace the name Salvation Army to such an extent that some Australians do not recognise the Salvation Army name.[7][8] Deli has become so universal that delicatessen is rarely used. Some words, such as ute, from utility vehicle, a car with a tray back, have become universal.
There is common usage of the diminutive forms of people's names; Hargrave → Hargie; Sharon → Shazza; Clark→ Clarky; Wilkinson → Wilko; John → Jonno; David → Davo; Hogan → Hoges; James → Jimmy → Jim → Jimbo; Benjamin → Ben → Benno; Barry → Bazza. This is usually a display of affection and acceptance rather than belittlement.[citation needed]
Organizations and businesses will often embrace the diminutives given to them by Australians, using them in their own advertising and even registering it as a trademark. McDonald's Australia, for example, has registered and uses the name Macca's, rather than the term McDonald's still seen on its restaurants in Australia.[9][10][11][12]
Some diminutives are rarely used, but widely recognised. For example, chalkie means teacher, but most Australians simply call a teacher a teacher.[citation needed]
Diminutives are often used for place names, and are only recognised by people in the local area, for example, cot for Cottesloe Beach in Perth, Parra for Parramatta in Sydney and Broady for Broadmeadows in Melbourne. Even entire cities and States, such as Shepp for the major regional Victorian city of Shepparton or Gong for the New South Wales coastal city/region of Wollongong or Tassie for the state of Tasmania.
Pub and hotel names in particular are often shortened. For example, pubs called the Esplanade Hotel, such as the Esplanade Hotel in St. Kilda, will often be called The Espy.[13]
Purpose and history
[edit]The purpose of diminutives in Australian English is not well understood despite being a prominent part of Australian culture. Some research suggests that the use of diminutives serves to make interactions more informal, friendly and relaxed.[6] Linguist Anna Wierzbicka argues that Australians' use of diminutives reflects Australian cultural values of mateship, friendliness, informality, and solidarity, while downplaying formality and avoiding bragging associated with tall poppy syndrome.[1]
Records of the use of diminutives in Australian English date back to the 1800s. Older Australians tend to prefer diminutives with endings such a '-o' in smoko (a work rest break); however, younger Australians have begun to use endings such as -s as seen in totes (totally).[6]
List of diminutives
[edit]This list contains noteworthy and commonly understood diminutives from Australian English.
Those marked ‡ are also common in other English dialects.[verification needed][citation needed]
[edit]- Abo or (more commonly) Abbo, an indigenous Australian. From Aboriginal. Considered offensive.[14][15]
- Acca Dacca, rock band AC/DC
- Aggro, aggressive, aggravated or angry
- Albo, Anthony Albanese, 31st prime minister of Australia
- Alco or (less commonly) ‡Alkie, an alcoholic
- Ambo, an ambulance paramedic
- Apo or ape-o, from apeshit, meaning very angry or excited
- Arvo or (less commonly) Arvie, afternoon[4]
- ‡Avo, avocado
- ‡Aussie, Australian
[edit]- Barbie, a barbecue, the cooking apparatus itself or the event of cooking food on a barbecue
- Barnesy, Australian singer Jimmy Barnes
- Barra, a barramundi,[16] or the Ford Barra engine built by Ford Australia
- ‡Beauty, beaut, or bewdy, beautiful. Used in a much wider sense than the beauty, e.g. fantastic or excellent.
- ‡Bickie, biccy or bikkie, a biscuit
- Bidgie, the Murrumbidgee River[17]
- Bikie, a member of a motorcycle club, with a connotation of involvement in criminal activity. This is equivalent to biker in other forms of English. A motorcycle club is called a bikie club. Outlaw motorcycle clubs may also be called bikie gangs.[18]
- Blowie, a blowfly. A large buzzing fly common in Australia.
- Blowy, fellatio, short for blow job.[19]
- Bluey, a blue heeler
- ‡Blotto, drunk
- ‡Bolshie, from Bolshevik, meaning of a person or attitude, deliberately combative or uncooperative.
- ‡Bookie, a bookmaker[20]
- Boardies, boardshorts, worn by surfers
- Bottle-oh, (historical) a mobile bottle collector (for return and re-use)[16]
- Bottle-o, a bottle shop or alcohol store
- Bowlo, a lawn bowls clubhouse
- ‡Brekkie or Brekky, breakfast[4]
- Brissy (alternate spellings Brizzy, Brissie or Brizzie), Brisbane, the capital of Queensland.
- ‡Brickie, a bricklayer[21]
- Broadie or Broady, Broadmeadows in Victoria, Broadbeach in Queensland
- Brushie, a brushtail possum
- ‡Bub, baby, as in "mum and bub"[16]
- ‡Budgie, a budgerigar, a parakeet. Male swimming briefs are called budgie smugglers.[18]
- Bundy, the city of Bundaberg, Queensland, or the Bundaberg Rum beverage
- Bunners, the Bunnings chain of hardware stores, or the city of Bunbury, Western Australia
- Bushie, a bushranger, one who is competent to live away from civilization (from bushman)[16]
- Busso, the town of Busselton, Western Australia
[edit]- Cabo, Caboolture, Queensland
- Cab Sav, Cabernet Sauvignon wine[3]
- ‡Cardie, a cardigan
- Carby or carbie, a carburetor
- Cauli (pron. "collie"), cauliflower
- Ceno or Cenno, the Centrelink office. Also used to refer to a fortnightly payment (pension or otherwise) from the Centrelink office.
- Chalkie, a teacher.[16] From chalk used on blackboards. Once also applied to employees of the Australian Stock Exchange who wrote stock prices on chalk boards prior to computerisation.
- ‡Champers, champagne
- Chardy, chardonnay wine
- Chewy, chewing gum
- ‡Chippie, a carpenter. From wood chips
- Chockers, full to overflowing, derived from "chock-a-block"
- Chockie, chocolate
- Chocko (from chocolate soldier), a member of the Australian Army Reserve[16]
- Chrissie or Chrissy, Christmas
- ‡Ciggie, a cigarette
- Cockie, a cockatoo. Commonly a sulphur-crested cockatoo. By extension, a farmer, e.g. "cow cockie" for dairy farmer. Also slang for cockroach
- Coldie, a cold can or stubby of beer, as in "crack a coldie"[16]
- Connie, a bus or train conductor,[17] a condom
- Coota, Cootamundra, also barracouta[16]
- ‡Compo, compensation for being injured at work. Generally not used for other forms of compensation.
- Corro, corrugated iron
- ‡Cossies or Cozzies, a bathing costume
- Cow Bombie, Cowaramup Bombora
- Cranie, a crane driver
- Croc, a crocodile
- Crownie, variously refers to Crown Lager or a Crown Prosecutor, the latter popularised by the televisions series Crownies.
- ‡Cuppa, a cup of tea or coffee[4]
[edit]- Dandy, Dandenong
- Datto, a Datsun automobile
- ‡Deli, a delicatessen
- Defo, definitely
- Dero or derro, a derelict, a poor (often homeless) person, or location or building; also used as an adjective[3]
- Devo, devastated, very upset over some event
- Deso, a designated driver
- Dexxy, dextroamphetamine
- Dizzie, a car distributor, or an electrical distribution board
- Doco, a documentary[22]
- Dodge, dodgy or suspicious
- Doughie, the doughnut driving manoeuvre
- ‡Druggie, illicit drug user
- Dunny, an outhouse, derived from dunnekin
- Durry, Duzz or Duzza, a cigarette, from the Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco brand
[edit]- ‡Eckies, ecstasy. From the street name for MDMA.
- Ekka, exhibition. Used to describe the Brisbane Royal Show
- Erko, the Sydney suburb of Erskineville
- Espy, establishments named "Esplanade", such as the Esplanade Hotel, Melbourne or the Esplanade Hotel (Fremantle)
- Esky, a portable insulated container. From the Eskimo brand, which was later shortened to esky.[23]
- Exy, expensive
[edit]- Falsies, a heavily-padded brassiere, or dentures (false teeth)
- Farnsy, Australian singer John Farnham
- Festy, festering, denoting something disgusting
- Firie, a firefighter[3]
- Fisho, a fisherman or woman
- Flannie or flanno, a flannelette shirt
- Flatties, flat-soled (women's) shoes
- Flatty, a flat tyre, a slotted or "flat-head" screwdriver, or a Flathead (fish)
- ‡Footy, football,[4] which may refer to the sport of football, the ball itself, or a specific game. Generally, footy refers to Australian Rules Football in Southern and Western States or Rugby league in Queensland and New South Wales. Association football is either called football or soccer, but never footy. Rugby Union is called rugby, never footy. The Nine Network runs two longstanding variety television shows called The Footy Show; one for Aussie Rules, and the other for Rugby League.
- Franga, the suburb of Frankston, Victoria, or slang for a condom
- Freo, the city of Fremantle in Western Australia
- Freshie, a freshwater crocodile,[16] or the Freshwater Beach in Sydney
- Forkie, a forklift operator
- Fourby, a four-wheel drive vehicle, derived from 4x4 ("four by four")
[edit]- G Town, nickname for Geelong, Victoria
- The G, the MCG, or Melbourne Cricket Ground
- The Gabba, The Brisbane Cricket Ground, located in the suburb of Woolloongabba.
- Garbo, a garbage collector[24]
- Gero, Geraldton, a town in Western Australia
- Geo, a Geologist
- Gladdy, the gladioli family of plants.[16] The term was popularised by Barry Humphries in character as Dame Edna Everage
- Glenny, Glen Waverley, a suburb of Victoria
- The Gong, Wollongong, New South Wales
- Greenie, an environmentalist, from the green movement;[25] usually pejoratively
- Greensie, Greensborough, a suburb of Melbourne
- Gossie, Gosford
- Gunners, the band Guns N' Roses
[edit]- Handy, a handjob
- Heckers, hectic
- ‡Homo, homosexual (offensive)
- Hospo, hospitality
- Housos, (pron. –z–) residents of public housing
- Hundo, a one hundred dollar note
- Hypo, hyperactive
[edit]- Indo, Indonesia
- Indro, Indooroopilly, a suburb in Brisbane
- Iso, isolation, gained popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic.[26] Isopropyl alcohol
[edit]- Landy, a Toyota Land Cruiser or Land Rover automobile
- Lebo, or Leb, for Middle Eastern immigrant, specifically from Lebanon, sometimes pejorative.
- Lecky, electrical, as in "lecky tape" (Electrical tape)[28]
- ‡Leftie, a person with left wing views; a left-handed person
- Lesbo or lezzo, a lesbian (offensive)
- Liftie, a ski lift operator
- ‡Limey, a person from the UK, prominently English (Not offensive but unfriendly)
- ‡Lippy, a lipstick
- ‡Lappy, a laptop computer
- Locko, covid lockdown or isolation
- Lonny, Point Lonsdale, Victoria
- Lotto, the lottery[29]
[edit]- Maccas, McDonald's fast food restaurants[4] This is also reflected in McDonald's corporate branding.[30]
- Maggie, Australian magpie[16]
- Melbs, Melbourne
- Metho or meths, methylated spirits;[16] also Methodist[16]
- Middy or middie, a mid-sized beer (half-pint).[17]
- Mo, a moustache[31] Contributed to the portmanteau "Movember".
- ‡Mong, an insult for someone implying that they are a mongoloid
- ‡Mozzie, mosquito
- Murbah, Murwillumbah[32][33]
- Mushie, mushroom
- Muso, a musician
- Muzzies or muzzos, a term for Muslims, sometimes pejorative.
[edit]- Nasho, a conscript in the army. Derived from national service. Used especially around the Vietnam war. In the Army it was used in a derogatory sense.[23] The term has fallen out of use as conscription in Australia ended in the 1970s. Common use is now Nationality
- Newie or Newy, Newcastle
- Nibblies, small portions of food nibbled on at parties[34]
[edit]- Parra, Parramatta
- Parma, Parmi or Parmy, chicken parmigiana, a pub food staple
- Paro or ‡Para, Paranoid. Also, extremely drunk (from paralytic).
- Pav, pavlova[18]
- Penno, Pennant Hills
- Physio, physiotherapy or physiotherapist
- Pinky, a young, hairless brushtail possum that still resides in its marsupial mother's pouch, newborn rats and mice
- Pokey, pokies, (mostly as plural), a poker machine[18]
- Pollie, a politician
- Pommie (adjective or noun), English or English person (may be derogatory) also Pom (noun)
- ‡Postie, a postman or postwoman
- Povvo or Pov, a poor or cheap person. From poverty
- Preggo or ‡preggers, pregnant
- ‡Prezzies, gifts, presents; use widespread outside Australia
- Probs, probably, also used for problem in the phrase "no probs"
- ‡Prozzies, prostitutes
- Pushie, pushbike, a bicycle
[edit]- Queanie or Queany, the city of Queanbeyan
[edit]- Ranga, from orangutan, slang for people with red hair
- "R"ie, also rissole, RSL clubhouse
- Reffo, a pejorative term for a refugee
- Rego, a vehicle registration
- Reno, a house renovation
- Reso, a reservation
- Ressie or Ressy, the suburb of Reservoir, Victoria
- Rellie or relo, a relative
- Reo, reinforcing steel, rebar[16]
- Rocko, the city of Rockingham, Western Australia
- Rocky, the city of Rockhampton
- ‡Rollie (pron. ROHL-ee), a roll-your-own cigarette
- Roo, a kangaroo[35]
- Roofie, a roofer; also the date rape drug‡
- ‡Rottie, a Rottweiler dog
- Rotto, Rottnest Island
[edit]- Saltie, a saltwater crocodile[36]
- Salvos, Salvation Army. The term is used officially by the Salvation Army in Australia.[37]
- Sanga or Sanger, a sandwich. Originally sango, but evolved to its current form by the 1960s.[18][38]
- Sanny, hand sanitiser
- Sav, saveloy, especially battered sav, a showtime treat
- Savvy B, Sauvignon Blanc wine
- Scratchie, a lottery ticket[39]
- ScoMo, Scott Morrison, 30th prime minister of Australia
- Scrooge or screwge, a screwdriver
- Selfie, a self-shot photograph. This term originated in Australia and has been adopted worldwide via the internet. It became The Oxford Dictionary's 2013 word of the year.[40][41]
- ‡Semi, a semi-trailer truck, also a semi-final
- ‡Seppo, a pejorative term for an American. Seppo is a diminutive of septic tank which is in turn rhyming slang for yank, which is a diminutive of yankee.
- Servo, a petrol station, service station[4]
- Sheppo, the Victorian regional city of Shepparton.
- Shoey, the act of drinking from shoes, typically alcoholic beverages
- ‡Shottie, a shotgun; also the act of riding in the front passenger seat of a vehicle, sometimes announced as "I call shotgun/shottie", to indicate that a person has claimed this seat. Can also refer to the carb hole in a bong.
- ‡Sickie, a sick day, often with a connotation of there being insufficient medical reason for missing work[18]
- Sicko, a psychology disturbed person, or someone who may be fanatically into horror movies
- Smoko, a smoking break while at work. Since smoking has been banned in many workplaces, a smoko has come to mean any rest break at work.[42][43]
- Snag, Sausage[16]
- ‡Sparkie or Sparky, an electrician. From sparking, electric arcing
- Spenny, expensive
- Stezza, a stereo playback system such as with home audio or vehicle audio
- Straya, short for Australia
- Stubby or Stubbie, a small, wide bottle of beer[16]
- Subbie, a subcontractor
- Subi or Subie, a Subaru car,[4] or the suburb of Subiaco, Western Australia
- ‡Sunnies, sunglasses[4]
- Surfie, a surfer[44]
- Susso, from sustenance payments, a form of welfare during the Great Depression in the form of food coupons. The word has fallen out of use.
- ‡Suss, suspicious.
- Swaggie, a swagman[16]
[edit]- Tanty, a tantrum
- Tassie, Tazzy or Taz, Tasmania or Tasmanian
- Techo, technician, technical (adjective)
- ‡Tellie or telly, a television
- ‡Tinnie, historically referred to a beverage can (usually a beer can) but today generally refers to an aluminium flat-bottomed boat. From tin can
- Tonguey, to French kiss
- Toonie, Toongabbie, a historic suburb in Western Sydney
- Towie, tow truck or a tow truck driver
- Townie, a townsperson; in contrast to bushie, a bushman
- ‡Trackies, track pants or a tracksuit. Track pants are also known as "trackie dacks", with "dacks" being a colloquial term for trousers.[18]
- Tradie, a tradesperson
- Traino, a train station
- Trannie or tranny, a car's transmission, or an electrical transformer, or an offensive word for a transgender person; also outdated slang for a transistor radio
- Treadlie or treadly, a bicycle
- Troppo, from "tropics" as in "gone troppo", unhinged mentally (orig. army slang)[16]
- Truckie, a truck driver[45]
- ‡Turps, alcohol, from turpentine, a toxic solvent historically used to adulterate gin. Usually used to say a person is "on the turps" (drinking heavily).[18]
- ‡Typo, a typographic error
[edit]- U-ey ,U'ie (you-eee), as in "Chuck a u-ey" — to perform a U-turn (when driving a vehicle)[46]
- Umpie or Ump, an umpire at a sporting game
- ‡Undies, underwear. This word is used widely outside Australian English.[47]
- ‡Uni, university
- Ute, an abbreviation of "utility"; a passenger vehicle with a cargo tray in the rear. Festivals that involve gatherings of utes are popular in rural areas and are called ute musters.
[edit]- ‡ Вегетарианские или овощи , овощи, как правило, не вегетарианский
- Овости , вегетарианка , никогда не овощ
- Винни , Общество Святого Винсента де Пол . Термин официально используется обществом в Австралии. Обычно управляет «операционными магазинами» ( магазины возможностей )
[ редактировать ]- Вест , житель западного пригорода (несколько столичных городов) [ 16 ]
- Wharfie , работник доков [ 16 ]
- Колеса , несколько маневров машины и велосипедов - на колесной стойке или колесах ; Значение найдено из контекста
- Винни или Винни , Уинфилда бренд сигарет , особенно. "Винни Блю", сорт низкого тарифа
- ‡ Вино , алкоголик , который существует на дешевом, вероятно, укрепленном , вино
- Шаткий , истерика
- Wombie или Womby , Wombat , также сленг для фекалий
- ‡ Woolies , Woolworths Supermarkets [ 4 ]
- Woollies , особенно Winter Woollies , шерстяные одежды
- Запястье или запястье , ручная суть
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[ редактировать ]Ссылки
[ редактировать ]- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в дюймовый и Луу, Чи. «Маленький синдром мака: почему австралийцы так одержимы прочее?» Полем JStor . Получено 16 февраля 2022 года .
- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный Сассекс, Роланд. 2004. Абстенд, Аусбау, Творчество и Ладичность на австралийском английском. Австралийский журнал лингвистики 24 (1). 3-19.
- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в дюймовый Нанн, Гэри (27 мая 2015 г.). «Австралийский сленг не умирает, он пробивается в мире» . Сиднейский утренний геральд .
- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в дюймовый и фон глин час я Дж «Почему мы сокращаем Барби, Фут и Арво» . Австралийский диаграмма.com.au . 2 августа 2010.
- ^ «Слово в ухе: минимумы» . abc.net.au.
- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в Gamble, Beau. «Австралийский сленг: Почему мы сокращаем слова» . Австралийский географический.
- ^ "Стенограмма" . latrobe.edu.au .
- ^ «Австралийские миниатюры» . ABC Сидней . Архивировано с оригинала 2014-10-20 . Получено 2014-10-15 .
- ^ Фрэнк, Алекс (28 декабря 2016 года). «То, что люди называют McDonald's в 10 странах мира» . Бизнес -инсайдер .
- ^ О'Коннелл, январь (29 сентября 2010 г.). «Австралийская временная шкала истории пищи - McDonald's становится Macca's» . Австралийская графическая шкала .
- ^ Пейн, Ханна (19 октября 2021 г.). «Drive-Thru Tell-All: работник Киви Макки раскрывает то, что они могут слышать» . NZ Herald .
- ^ Чжан, Чжэ; Патрик, Ванесса М. (1 апреля 2018 г.). «Назовите меня Ролли! Роль прозвища бренда в формировании отношений с потребительским брендом» . Журнал Ассоциации исследований потребителей . 3 (2): 149. doi : 10.1086/697074 . ISSN 2378-1815 . S2CID 149015566 .
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- ^ «Знаменитый ресторан Сиднея был вынужден изменить свое меню с предметом завтрака, названным в честь уничижительного термина, используемого для обозначения детей аборигенов» . Получено 2020-01-04 .
- ^ « Abo» - это не просто аббревиатура «аборигенов» » . 2011-07-11 . Получено 2020-01-04 .
- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в дюймовый и фон глин час я Дж k л м не а п Q. ведущий с Т в v Австралийский национальный словарь . Издательство Оксфордского университета. 1988.
- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в «Австралийская карта слов - Riverina» . Словарь Маккуори .
- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в дюймовый и фон глин час «Австралийский национальный словарь» . Ану школа литературы, языков и лингвистики .
- ^ Никки Блэк. «Как дать хороший минет» . Новая идея .
- ^ «Кник | Определение книги Оксфордского словаря на lexico.com также означает букмекер» . Словарей лексико | Английский . Архивировано из оригинала 25 февраля 2021 года.
- ^ «Определение и значение кирки | Коллинз английский словарь» . www.collinsdictionary.com .
- ^ «DOCO | Определение DOCO Oxford Dictionary на Lexico.com также означает DOCO» . Словарей лексико | Английский . Архивировано из оригинала 1 марта 2021 года.
- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный Школа, глава. «Австралийский национальный словарь» . Ану школа литературы, языков и лингвистики . Получено 2020-05-07 .
- ^ «Garbo | Определение Garbo от Oxford Dictionary на Lexico.com также означает Garbo» . Словарей лексико | Английский . Архивировано из оригинала 26 февраля 2021 года.
- ^ «Определение Greenie | Dictionary.com» . www.dictionary.com .
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