Эрик Ачариус , известный как «Отец лихенологии», придумал много терминов лишайников, которые все еще используются сегодня на рубеже 18 -го века. До этого было предложено лишь пара специфичных для лишайников термины. Иоганн Дилениус представил в 1742 году Scyphus , чтобы описать чашки-формированные структуры, связанные с родом Cladonia , в то время как в 1794 году Мишель Адансон использовал Lirella для бороздных фруктов-бод рода Graphis . Ахариус ввел многочисленные термины для описания структур лишайников, включая апотецию , цефалодий , циффел , податий , правильный край , соредию и таллус . В 1825 году Фридрих Уоллрот опубликовал первую из своей многотомной работы натуральной работы на Флахтен («Естественная история лишайников»), в которой он предложил альтернативную терминологию, основанную в основном на корнях греческого языка . Его работа, представленная в качестве альтернативы Ачариусу (из которого он был критичным), была не очень хорошо принята, и единственными терминами, которые он предложил получить широко распространенное признание, были эпиологические и гипофлоодальные , гетеро- и гомооомный , и гонидий , последний из которых оставался в использовании до 1960 -х годов. [ 3 ] Примерно до 1850 года было 21 термин для особенностей лишайного таллона, которые остаются в использовании сегодня. [ 3 ]
Увеличивающаяся доступность оптического микроскопа в качестве помощи для выявления и характеристики лишайников привела к созданию новых терминов для описания структур, которые ранее были слишком малы, чтобы их можно было визуализировать. Вклады были внесены Юлиусом Флоу Флотоу (например, эпитециум ), Эдмондом Туласне (например, Pycnidium ) и Уильямом Ниландером (EG Pseudocyphella , Thecium ). Густав Вильгельм Кербер , ранний сторонник использования структуры спор в качестве характера в таксономии лишайника, ввел амфитецию , муриформ и «поляри-дибаст», а затем англизирован, а затем «поляри-билокулярный», а затем укоренился до полярилокулярного . [ 4 ] В последующие пяти десятилетий было сделано много других дополнений в репертуар терминов лишайников, после повышенного понимания анатомии и физиологии лишайника, ставшей возможной благодаря микроскопии. По каким-либо причинам не было никаких новых терминов (все еще используемых в настоящее время), введенных в течение периода с 1906 по 1945 год, когда Густаф Эйнар дю Ритц предложил заменить эпиологический и гипотециум на эпиологический и субгимении ; Все четыре термина остаются в использовании. [ 4 ] В некоторых случаях более старая терминология устарела как лучшее понимание природы грибковых отношений приводила к изменениям в их терминологии. Например, после того, как Гуннар ДеГелиус возражал против использования гонидии для партнера по водорослям, Джордж Скотт предложил использовать микобионт и фикобионт для компонентов лишайников, рекомендации, которые были общеприняты лихенологами. [ 5 ]
Этот глоссарий включает в себя термины, определяющие особенности лишайников, уникальных для их составной природы, такие как основные компоненты, два основных компонента лишайников ( Mycobiont и Photobiont ); специализированные структуры в физиологии лишайника; Дескрипторы типов лишайников; Двух- и трехмерные формы, используемые для описания споров и других структур лишайников; Условия позиции и формы; префиксы и суффиксы, обычно используемые для формирования терминов лишайников; терминология, используемая в методах химической идентификации лишайников; Названия 22 стандартных нерастворимых лишайных пигментов и связанных с ними эталонных видов; и «повседневные» слова, которые имеют специализированное значение в лихенологии. Список также включает в себя несколько исторических терминов, которые были вытеснены или теперь считаются устаревшими. Знакомство с этими терминами полезно для понимания более старой литературы в этой области.
Ссылаясь на процесс развития в лишайниках, где определенные структуры, такие как споры или репродуктивные органы, не достигают полного развития или зрелости, часто приводя к неизвестным или неэлементным структурам. [ 7 ]
Продукт лишайника , который иногда присутствует, иногда нет у вида. В литературе они обычно обозначаются с помощью ± символ, например, ± nusnic кислоты. [ 9 ]
Ссылаясь на фрутикозные лишайники , разветвление, которое является необычным или ненормальным, подобно тому, что иногда происходит после того, как исходные ветви повреждены в Кладонии . [ 8 ]
Суффикс, используемый для указания отношения или наличия формы и характера чего -либо. [ 20 ]
Множественное число аллея . Форма симбиоза с участием водорослей и грибов кортициоидов , в основном встречающихся на поверхностях коры и дерева. В этих отношениях водоросли образуют слой под грибковой базидиоматой - структуры, сродни слой фотобионта в лишайниках. Эта ассоциация, в отличие от лишайников, не делает грибкового партнера, зависимым от водорослей, поэтому все виды грибов способны выжить без партнера по водорослям. Алцобиоз представляет собой разнообразное взаимодействие, наблюдаемое на различных стадиях коэволюции , включающего несколько видов в грибковой группе агарикомицетов и три вида водорослей из класса Trebouxophyceae . [ 24 ]
Используется для описания поверхности, которая имеет рисунок, похожий на соты (т.е. с более или менее 6-боковыми пустынями), где поверхность, по-видимому, состоит из небольших ям или полостей, таких как альвеоли . [ 25 ] : любимый , фаделат . Сравните
Префикс, используемый для обозначения с обеих сторон или со всех сторон. [ 26 ]
Также анизотомический . [ 33 ] Имея ветви неравной длины; [ 34 ] Если разветвление является анизотомным, одна ветвь, как правило, становятся усаживанием, чем другая, образуя основной стержень, в то время как другая выглядит как боковая ветвь, как у вида Alectoria ochroleuca . [ 33 ] Контраст: дихотомический .
Расположен в самой высокой точке (вершина), наконечника или конец чего -либо. [ 36 ]
Иметь короткую проекцию (апикула) на одном конце; обычно используется для описания морфологии спор. [ 37 ]
Множественное число Апотеция . Тип аскокарпа , который открыт, блюдце в форме или в форме чашки, и в котором гимния подвергается зрелости. [ 38 ] Термин был впервые использован Эриком Ачариусом в 1803 году. [ 3 ]
Также аранеозе , Арэк . [ 40 ] Имея паутину похожую на форму, подобную нерегулярно ориентированной и свободно переплетенной гифу медуллевого , слоя некоторых лишайников. [ 41 ]
Форма или структура, которая изогнута или изогнута, как лук. [ 43 ]
Множественное число Ardelae . Тип апотециума , типичный для лишайников в семействе Arthoniaceae , который маленький и круглый. Удлиненные арделлы называются лиреллы . [ 44 ] Термин был впервые использован Уильямом Аллпортом Лейтоном в 1854 году, который описал Арделлу как напоминающую «разбросанное место». [ 4 ]
Множественное число ареолы . Небольшая площадь, обычно округлая до полигональной или нерегулярной формы, и часто с отчетливой текстурой. В лишайчах таллус ареолы часто отделяются от остальной части таллона трещинами или трещинами. [ 45 ]
Ссылаясь на форму или структуру, которая удлинена и сужается на обоих концах, с сужением или сужением в середине. [ 18 ] См. Связанное: веретенообразное .
Также определено: Endotunica , Ectotunica . Тип ASCUS , который имеет два функциональных слоя, внутренний слой, эндотуника и внешний слой, Ectotunica . Bitunicate ASCI характерны для исторических классовых лосьлоскотетов . [ 67 ]
Также определено: печеночный лишайник ; Мускулистый лишайник . Лишайник, который растет на мхе или печеночной части - т.е. на брайофите . [ 73 ] Печеночный лишайник встречается только на печеночных веществах, в то время как мусикологический лишайник встречается только на мхах. [ 74 ] [ 75 ]
Наличие пузыриков или пузырьковых опухолей на поверхности. [ 76 ]
Голубоватая или голубовато-зеленая окраска. [ 43 ]
Также газон , Cespitose . [ 79 ] Растет в плотных кластерах или пучках, часто используемых для описания грибов, которые возникают из общей основы или близко расти без слияния. [ 18 ]
Наличие одного или нескольких продольных канавок или каналов. [ 83 ]
Имея хорошо сформированную голову, обычно сферическую или полусферическую форму. [ 68 ] См .
множественного числа Капитула ; Также Sphaeridium/ Sphaeridia Более или менее сферический или чашеобразный аптециум на вершине сильного, обнаруженного в кальция и Chanheca родах [ 84 ] [ 68 ] См. Связанный: Мазаедий .
Также карбонизированный , углеродный . Почерневшая и хрупкая ткань в результате накопления пигментов. [ 85 ]
Лишайник таллус или структура, которая треснута, разделена, губчата или иным образом распадается или в состоянии распада. [ 43 ]
Также хрящ . Термин, используемый для описания текстуры определенных частей лишайника. Хрящевые структуры имеют текстуру, аналогичную хрящ животных - твердые, но несколько податливые, а не хрупкие или мягкие. [ 86 ]
Множественное число головокружение . Небольшая желчная структура, которая содержит цианобактерии, найденные в некоторых лишайниках. Эти структуры могут быть расположены на верхней или нижней поверхности лишайника или внутри самого таллома. [ 68 ] Эти структуры обнаруживаются в большинстве лишайников, которые содержат как водоросли, так и цианобактериальные фотобионты . [ 91 ] Термин был впервые использован Эриком Ачариусом в 1803 году. [ 3 ]
Наличие поверхностной текстуры, которая глубоко сморщена или запутана в способе, напоминающей структуру мозга. Термин используется для характеристики появления определенных лишайников сложным, сильно сложенным таллосом . [ 92 ]
Множественное число Чалароплексимата . Тип племенхимы, включающий в себя слабо переплетенные гифы с отверстиями; найдено в мозге некоторых лишайников. [ 92 ]
Форма или форма, которая напоминает лимон или цитрусовые. Термин используется для описания структур, особенно аскоспоров или других компонентов лишайника, которые имеют удлиненную, овальную форму с коническими концами. [ 100 ]
Также Кладонообразный лишайник , диморфический лишайник . Также определено: первичный таллос и вторичный таллос . Лишайник с двукратной формой роста , который включает в себя как форму , сквамулозы или фолиозной формы, так и фрутикозной формы; Thallus подетия отличается как на горизонтальные (первичные таллоус), так и вертикальные (вторичные талловые, или ) структуры. Кладониформные лишайники встречаются в семьях Cladoniaceae и Baeomycetaceae . [ 102 ]
Также клавиформ . Форма, напоминающая клуб, более широкий на одном конце и сужающаяся к другому; обычно используется для обозначения аскоспоров и ASCI . [ 103 ]
Множественное число конидии . Также Conidiospore . Грибковая бесполая спор, продуцируемая митозом в специализированных структурах, таких как пикнидия и кампилидия. [ 109 ] [ 110 ]
Форма роста, в которой лишайник так жестко прижимается к подложке, на которой он растет, что его невозможно удалить, не уничтожая ни его, либо часть подложки. Лишайники для коры имеют кору только на верхней поверхности. [ 120 ]
Также криптоэндолит . Тип организма, особенно определенные лишайники и грибы, которые живут внутри камней или в микроскопических пространствах в минеральных зернах камней. [ 94 ] См. Связанный: Эндолит .
Множественное число кифеллов . Четко определенная, округленная, яйцевидная или бесформенная пор на нижней поверхности таллона (обычно нижняя кора ), которая выстлана «псевдокортекс», изготовленной из слабо связанных, нежелатинизированных гиф (часто с глобулярными клетками, образующимися из меда. ) и ограничен бледным кольцом; Известно, что в родах Sticta и Oropogon . [ 129 ] Термин был впервые использован Эриком Ачариусом в 1799 году. [ 3 ]
Имея небольшие зубные проекции или зубцы вдоль края. [ 134 ]
Химическое свойство, относящееся к способности вещества превращаться в красновато-коричневый в присутствии Мельцера реагента или йода из-за наличия декстринов . Эта цветовая реакция также называется гемиамилоидом или псевдоамилоидом . [ 135 ]
Наличие четко определенных или четко обозначенных краев. [ 136 ] Контраст: экипирован .
Краткий отчет о таксоне, описывающем основные характеристики, которые отличают его от его родственников. [ 137 ]
Также дактилоид , дактилиформ , цифрообразная . Имея пальцы, похожие на выходы. [ 142 ]
Структура, которая разделена на две неравные половины, часто появляющаяся в виде половины округа; В лихенологии термин часто применяется к оправданию . [ 43 ]
Также: дискообразный . Форма, которая является плоской и круглой, напоминающей диск. В лихенологии этот термин часто относится к апотеции лишайников с плоской, похожей на диск. [ 143 ]
Множественное число дискотеций . Плодоцветный тело определенных типов лишайников с цилиндрическим, битуникатным ASCI . Он отличается от гистеротециума, который является еще одним типом плодового тела, не открываясь через щель, а путем расширения ASCI до погоды или раздвинуть на части обычно тонкого верхнего строматального слоя. [ 145 ] Термин был представлен Ричардом П. Корфом в 1962 году. [ 146 ]
Также: диск . Изогнутая или плоская верхняя поверхность гимениума в апотециуме , часто пигментированная и окруженная краем или ободом. [ 143 ]
Расположено вдали от точки происхождения или от центра тела. [ 147 ]
Множественное число дикосепта . Тип перегородки, обнаруженной в некоторых конидиях и аскоспорах , который расположен внутри, но отличается от внешней стены и окружает внутреннюю просвет . Структуры с дитосептой, как говорят, являются дикосептатом. [ 148 ]
A fungus that lives within the thallus of a lichen without producing any visible symptoms of disease; these fungi are transmitted horizontally.[165]
Lecidea laboriosa is an endolithic lichen; the thallus, hardly visible, grows under and around the rock crystals, while the apothecia are visible on the surface.
Also endolithic. A crustose lichen that grows in the interior of rocks (under and around the rock crystals), typically with little or no visible thallus on the outer rock surface.[166]Contrast: epilithic.See related: chasmoendolith, cryptoendolith, euendolith.
Also endophloeodic, endophloeic, endophloic. Refers to crustose lichens whose thalli are more or less immersed in tree bark.[167]Contrast: epiphloedal.
Refers to margins or edges of lichen structures (such as apothecia, lobes, or thalli) that are smooth and unbroken, without any notches, teeth, or irregularities.[168]
Also ep-. A prefix meaning "upon" or "above".[169][170]
Also epibryophytic. Referring to organisms, particularly lichens or fungi, that grow on the surface of mosses (bryophytes).[169]
A thin tissue layer of interwoven hyphae situated directly above the hymenium, which can contain pigments and sometimes plays a role in the coloration of the lichen.[171]Compare: epithecium.
Also petricolous, rupicolous, saxicolous. A crustose lichen that grows on the surface of rocks.[166]Contrast: endolithic.
Also perrumpent. Breaking through a surface.[178] A more precise definition has been suggested by Aptroot and Lücking, who propose that the term applies to ascomata and pseudostromata that are more than 1/2 to 3/4 above the level of the thallus.[179]
Plural eucortices or eucortexes. A cortex made of well-differentiated tissue.[181] Another sense of the term, used by Josef Poelt, refers to cortical tissue made entirely of fungal cells originating from a cambium-like tissue layer in or above the algal layer.[182] The term eucortex was first used by Gunnar Degelius in 1954.[5]
Also euendolithic. A type of organism, often a lichen or microbe, that actively bores into and resides within the mineral matrix of rocks or other hard substrates.[94]See related: endolithic.
Plural exsiccata, exsiccatae, exsiccati. A dried and labeled herbarium specimen, often part of a numbered set.[183]
Alsoexciple. Plural excipula. The cup-shaped or ring-shaped layer of tissue supporting the hymenium in an apothecium; this tissue sometimes develops into a distinct margin, as in the lecanorine apothecia.[184]See related: proper margin, thallin margin.
A region of the cortex where the hyphae are aligned perpendicularly to the main axis of the thallus.[190] The term was first used by Auguste-Marie Hue in 1906.[5]See related: palisade cell.
A form of bitunicate ascus in which the flexible layers of the inner wall (the endotunica) and the more rigid layers of the outer wall (the ectotunica) are physically separated; as a consequence, the inner walls extend past the outer walls before the spores are released.[198]
Also fissurate. A term used characterize a structure or surface displaying a pattern of narrow, elongated cracks or fissures.[199]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus structure. This morphotype is somewhat similar to the chroodiscoid, but it differentiates by the way the apothecia open through irregular thallus cracks, finally resembling chroodiscoid apothecia. It often has a unique elongated form at maturity and can be seen in species such as Acanthotrema brasilianum and various Chapsa species.[200]
Leaf-like; a type of lichen thallus comprising numerous small leafy lobes, often extending in a roughly circular pattern from a center of growth, on a lower cortex that is attached to the substrate by rhizines or at a base.[205][206]
forage lichen
Lichens that serve as important food sources for fauna. For example, species from the genera Alectoria, Bryoria, and Cladonia are winter forage lichens for caribou in northern North America.[207][208]
The outer gelatinous layer, also known as the g-layer, found on the exterior of an ascus, often exhibiting a gelatinous consistency and staining blue in iodine. Typically present in all asci, the fuzzy coat usually forms a thin layer along the ascus sides but may also appear as an apically thickened cap.[216][217]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus morphology. Glaucescentoid lichens have open apothecia with erect lobules, and a rough thallus containing crystals; this morphotype occurs in the species Leucodecton glaucescens.[30]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus morphology. Glaucophaenoid lichens have prominent apothecia with wide pores, pale walls (viewed in microscopic section), and a smooth and more or less shiny thallus; this morphotype occurs in the genus Myriotrema.[30]
A now-obsolete, historical term for the algal layer in a lichen.[225]
Plural gonidia. A now-obsolete, historical term for a lichen photobiont.[225] The term was first used by Friedrich Wallroth in 1825, and supplanted in the 1960s.[3]
Plural gonimia. A now-obsolete, historical term for a lichen cyanobiont.[225]
A term for the general appearance (the habit) of a lichen.[227]
Having a granular or crumbly texture or appearance.[43]
Referring to structures containing small oil droplets (guttules); often used to describe spores. More precisely, spores can be described as uni-, bi-, tri-, or multiguttulate.[228]
Also gyrate. Curved backward and forward; with folds and undulations.[230]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus morphology. Gyrotremoid lichens have open apothecia with recurved lobules, a disc that is pigmented with concentric rings, and a smooth, more or less shiny thallus; this morphotype occurs in the genus Gyrotrema.[30]
A flattened attachment point formed through direct contact of a lichen thallus to its substrate; associated with foliose and fruticose lichens that lack other attachment organs, such as Hypogymnia.[231]
Also defined: halo. Referring to a spore that is surrounded by a transparent outer layer or a gelatinous, translucent sheath. This sheath is readily observed when the spore is stained with India ink, as the ink does not penetrate the mucilage of the sheath, creating a light-transparent halo that is visible against a blackened background.[232][233]
Also heter-. A prefix meaning "other" or "different".[235]
A specialized type of cell found in some cyanobacteria; heterocysts are thought to be involved in the fixation of nitrogen by the lichen thallus, as well as in the multiplication of cyanobacteria.[236]
A lichen thallus that is organized into discrete layers or strata; the term applies to the majority of foliose, squamulose, and crustose lichens.[237]
Also hormocyte. Also defined: hormocystangium, plural hormocystangia. An asexual propagule, produced in a cup-shaped structure called the hormocystangium, comprising heavy, gelatinous fungal hyphae enclosing a few cyanobiont cells; these structures occur in some gelatinous lichens in the family Collemataceae.[242] Both terms, hormocyst and hormocystangium, were introduced by Gunnar Degelius in 1945.[5] According to one source, hormocyte and hormocytangium (spelled without the "s") are more accurate terms, because the cells (indicated by the ending -cyte) are not sexual propagules (which is implied by the ending -cyst).[243]
Embedded or sunken into the surface; in lichens, often used to describe perithecia.[253] A more precise definition has been suggested by Aptroot and Lücking, who propose that the term applies to ascomata and pseudostromata that are more than 3/4 beneath the level of the thallus.[179]
Also defined: inspersion.Also inspers, interspersed. Terms used to describe the presence of minute, scattered oil droplets or granules within a tissue, typically observed in section with a compound microscope.[256] An inspersion refers to the degree of obstruction caused by the sprinkling of small particles within different sections of a given structure.[257]
A structure that resembles an isidium, but is formed as an outgrowth of the medulla rather than the cortex; associated with soralia of species in the genus Usnea.[260]
Plural isidia. A propagule that is an outgrowth of the thallus; it has a cortex and contains photobiont cells.[259] The term was first used in the sense it is used now by Georg Meyer in 1825, and adopted by Elias Fries in 1831.[3]
Having roughly equal dimensions in all directions, resulting in a roughly spherical or cube-like shape; often used to describe cells that are not elongated or flattened but maintain a uniform size across their width, height, and depth.[261]
Plural jugae. A tiny carbonized structure made of hyphal tissue, visible as a black dot, line, or ridge, on or in a thallus; associated with the genus Verrucaria.[264]
Also LCB. A histologicalstain commonly used to prepare semi-permanent slides. With this reagent, fungal hyphae stain blue, and algal cells stain deep blue to blue-green.[101]
Also lacunar, lacunous. A texture that appears pitted or containing gaps or holes, giving it a somewhat rough or uneven appearance.[269]
Flask-shaped; with a swollen base tapering to a narrow top.[270]
Plural lamellae. In the genus Umbilicaria, lamellae are flattened plate- or strap-like structures that project downward from the thallus undersurface.[271]
Also lecanoroid. An apothecium in which the disk is surrounded by a pale thalline margin, which has both algal and fungal cells, as in the genus Lecanora. The term is also used more generally to refer to crustose lichens of the order Lecanorales that have rounded apothecia with thick, protruding margins.[274]
Also lecideoid. An apothecium in which the disk lacks a thalline margin, as in the genus Lecidea. The term is also used more generally to refer to apothecia with a blackened (carbonaeous) ring and a blackish disk.[275]
Also leiodisc. A disk of an apothecia that is smooth and without folds or protrusions.[276] The term was introduced by George Llano in 1950.[5]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus morphology. Leprocarpoid lichens have open apothecia with erect lobules and a mealy and more or less matte thallus; this morphotype occurs in the genus Chapsa.[30]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus morphology. Leptotremoid lichens have immersed apothecia with small pores, and a rough thallus containing crystals; this morphotype occurs in the genus Leptotrema.[30]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus morphology. Leucodectonoid lichens have closed apothecia with tiny pores, and a rough thallus containing crystals; this morphotype occurs in the genus Leucodecton.[30]
The name of a historical class that contained all of the lichen-forming fungi. This name was used when it was still erroneously believed that these fungi were quite separate from the non lichen-forming fungi; now obsolete.[279]
Plural lirellae.Also hysterothecia, lirelline apothecia. A linear ascocarp, which may be straight, curved, branched, or flexuous, with a longitudinal slit; characteristic of lichens in the genus Graphis.[282] The term was first proposed by Michel Adanson in 1794.[3]
A lichen with a thallus large enough that its main characteristics can be identified without the use of viewing magnification; generally refers to foliose, squamulose, and fruticose species.[289]
Cuff-shaped; the term is used to describe soralia that break open to form a central perforation revealing a duct to the medullary cavity. Maniciform soralia occur in the genera Hypogymnia and Menegazzia.[291]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens describing a type of apothecium structure resembling topeliopsidoid apothecia but characterized by a minimized thallus margin. The distinctive feature of melanotopelioid apothecia is the presence of "teeth" that are black and carbonized, at least on the external surface.[296]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus morphology. Melanotremoid lichens have prominent apothecia with wide pores and a black margin; pore filled with broad "stump" (columella); black walls (viewed in microscopic section); and a smooth, more or less shiny thallus. This morphotype occurs in the genera Melanotrema, Ocellularia, Clandestinotrema, and Trinathotrema.[30]
Also microcrystal test. A method used to identify some lichen products that involves re-crystallization on a microscope slide from a range of solvents and the formation of crystals with characteristic shapes; the crystals are examined microscopically for identification. Although this technique has largely been supplanted by the more reliable and sensitive technique of thin-layer chromatography, there are certain situations where it is still useful.[298]
A small lichen whose physical features cannot be distinguished without the aid of a 10X or greater viewing magnification;[299] it generally refers to crustose and foliicolous species.[300] The prefix "micro-" is also used to indicate small versions of particular growth forms, e.g. microfruticose or microfoliose.
Also defined: mycophycobiont. A symbiosis where an ascomycete fungus is housed inside multicellular algae; the algae and fungus involved in this association are called mycophycobionts.[309] Contrary to a lichen symbiosis, the fungal partner is the inhabitant, and the algal partner dominates.[310]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus morphology. Myriotremoid lichens have immersed apothecia with small pores, and a smooth and more or less shiny thallus; this morphotype occurs in the glaucopallensgroup of genus Myriotrema.[30]
Egg-shaped, with the narrower end at the base.[311]
Shaped like an inverted pear.[312]See related: pyriform.
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus morphology. Ocellularioid lichens have prominent apothecia with wide pores; pores with a "finger" (columella); black walls (viewed in microscopic section); and a smooth, more or less shiny thallus. This morphotype occurs in the genus Ocellularia.[30]
A suffix meaning "like" or "having the form of".[313]
A small pore or opening; in lichens, it is used to refer to the paraphysis-lined cavity in a parathecium that ends in a pore, or more generally to any pore from which spores are released from an ascus-bearing fruit body.[315]
Referring to asci that are unitunicate with a thickened apex and a narrow canal ending in a pore; associated with species in the order Ostropales.[316]
Plural palisade plectenchymata. Also palisadoplectenchyma, plural palisadoplectenchymata. A type of plectenchyma in a cortex where the hyphae are arranged perpendicularly to the plane of the thallus.[319]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus morphology. Pallidostegoboloid lichens have prominent apothecia with wide pores; pore filled with irregular structures; pale walls (viewed in microscopic section); and a smooth, more or less shiny thallus. This morphotype occurs in wrightiigroup of the genus Stegobolus.[30]
An organism that lives in close association with a host species, deriving benefits at the host's expense but not causing immediate harm; an intermediate state between symbiosis and parasitism.[267]
An informal growth form category used for lichens that are mostly foliose, often closely attached to the substrate, and have laminalapothecia and pycnidia; this group of features is characteristic of lichens previously classified in the genus Parmelia (in the broad sense).[93]
Also clypeate, scutiform. Referring to a rounded structure attached on the lower side at a single central point (often on a short stalk), with free edges.[330]
A basket-like structure in which peltidia are produced.[331]
Plural periphyses. A short, sterile hypha that develops from above the ascus and grows down a short distance, typically lining the internal walls of the ostiole in a perithecium.[335]
Also defined: exospore, epispore, mesospore, endospore. The colorless and usually gelatinous outermost layer of a spore.[336] This transparent layer determines the spore's shape.[337] The other four layers of a spore, going inward, are the exospore, epispore, mesospore, and endospore.[336]
Plural perithecia. A spherical or flask-shaped ascocarp that is sessile or partly immersed in the thallus, with a single opening (ostiole) and enclosed by a distinct wall; a characteristic of pyrenolichens.[338] Although it was in 1831 that Elias Fries first applied the term perithecium to lichen fruit bodies, the word was originally coined by Christiaan Hendrik Persoon in 1794.[339]
Plural phenocortices, phenocortexes. A structure, similar to a cortex, containing hyphal fragments and dead, collapsed algal cells sloughed off from the algal layer.[341]
Also defined: phycobiont, cyanobiont. The photosynthetic component of a lichen. This can be either a green alga (known as a phycobiont) or a cyanobacteria (known as a cyanobiont).[342] The term "phycobiont" was proposed by George Scott in 1957.[5]
Plural phyllidia. A small leaf-like or scale-like propagule that is corticate and has distinct upper and lower sides (i.e., it is dorsiventral); it originates from the margins or on the upper surface of thallus.[346] Phyllidia occur in some species of the Lecanorales and the Peltigerales.[347]
Characterised by longitudinal folds forming pleats, often used to describe closely adjacent, markedly convex thallus lobes or elongated areoles that display a "folded" appearance.[355]
Also multilocular. Having many cavities or locules; used to describe spore structure.[356]
A lichen test performed by shining a polarized light at a lichen structure in microscopic view; in the genus Hypogymnia, the presence (POL+) or absence (POL−) of POL-sensitive crystals in the hypothecium is a useful character to help distinguish species.[357]
Also placodiomorphic,[252]polar-diblastic, polaribilocular, polocellate. A spore divided into two components (locules) separated by a central septum with a perforation or isthmus.[358][359] The term was first used by Wilhelm Körber in 1855 (as "polari-dyblastae") to describe the spores of Rhizocarpon and Umbilicaria. It was anglicized to "polari-bilocular" by William Mudd in 1861, and finally shortened to polarilocular by the Henri Olivier in 1882.[4]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus morphology. Praestantoid lichens have large and prominent apothecia with small pores; pores with "finger" (columella); black walls (viewed in microscopic section); and a smooth, more or less shiny thallus. This morphotype occurs in the praestansgroup of the genus Ocellularia.[30]
Sticking out from the surface of the thallus.[363] A more precise definition has been suggested by Aptroot and Lücking, who propose that the term applies to ascomata and pseudostromata that are more than 1/2 above the level of the thallus, and have a base that is expanded outwards.[179]
proper margin
Also proper exciple, ectal excipulum, medullary excipulum, proprium. A ring of tissue around the disk of a lecanorineapothecium; this tissue, which originates from the medulla, is not lichenized, and is internal to the thalline margin (if present).[364] The term "proper margin" was first used by Erik Acharius in 1803; in 1825 Elias Fries changed the noun and called it "proper exciple".[3]
Plural prosenchymata. A type of plectenchyma in which the constituent fungal hyphae are arranged parallel to each other, such that individual hyphae can be clearly distinguished using microscopy.[365]
Plural prosoplectenchymata. A type of plectenchyma, common in the thalluscortex of lichens, in which the constituent fungal hyphae are aligned in a particular direction.[365]
A fungal layer upon which an algae-containing thallus may develop, lacking photobiont; usually white, brown, or black, and found between the areoles and at the growing margins of crustose lichens.[366] The term was first used by Georg Meyer in 1825.[3]
A form of unitunicateascus in which the wall breaks down before maturity (thus releasing its ascospores), and which lacks differentiated apical structures.[367]
Positioned close to a point of origin or near the center of a body.[368]
A powdery, frost-like or flour-like deposit on a surface. In lichens, pruina is often the result of the accumulation of crystalline hydrates of calcium oxalate, of lichen products, or sometimes of the dead or dying cells of the epinecral layer.[369]
Also pseud-. A prefix meaning "false";[370] used in terminology to denote something is false, or that one structure resembles something else, such as the pseudocyphella resembling the cyphella.[368]
Plural pseudocortices, pseudocortexes. A boundary layer of the thallus containing distinct hyphae that are not organized into a regular tissue structure;[371] sometimes used to refer to the false cortex present on the outer layer of pseudopodetia, such as those found in the lichen Pycnothelia papillaria.[372]
Plural pseudocyphellae. Small openings in the cortex of a lichen, where the medulla is exposed to air, and there are no specialized cells surrounding the cavity.[373] The term was first used by William Nylander in 1858.[4]
Also cataphysis. A paraphysis-like hypha that forms in the locule or perithecial cavity before the formation of the ascus; it grows downward from the top of the cavity to the base of the ascomata.[375]
A lichen with flask-shaped fruiting bodies (perithecia) that develop from the fungal partner. Originally thought to form a natural group, molecular studies have shown pyrenocarpous lichens to be highly polyphyletic, evolving independently in multiple fungal lineages. Most belong to Chaetothyriomycetidae (e.g., Verrucariales, Pyrenulales), with some in Dothideomycetes (e.g., Arthopyreniaceae, Trypetheliaceae) and others unusually placed in Lecanoromycetes (e.g., Porinaceae, Protothelenellaceae, Thelenellaceae). Pyrenocarpous lichens are notably absent from the classical pyrenomycete class Sordariomycetes. This diverse group demonstrates that ascoma morphology alone is insufficient for determining evolutionary relationships, with convergent evolution of perithecial fruiting bodies occurring multiple times across fungal lineages.[386]
Also recurvate, reflexed.[391] Curved or bent back; in lichens, these terms are used to describe the tips of branches or lobes that are curved up or down, or back onto themselves.[392]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus morphology. Redingerioid lichens have immersed apothecia with linear slit; slit filled with irregular structures; black walls (viewed in microscopic section); and a smooth, more or less shiny thallus. This morphotype occurs in the genera Redingeria and Stegobolus.[30]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus morphology. Reimnitzioid lichens have open apothecia with erect lobules, and a rough thallus containing crystals; this morphotype occurs in the genus Reimnitzia.[30]
A single hyphal strand on the thallus underside that serves as an attachment organ.[396]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus morphology. Rhodostromoid lichens have large and prominent apothecia with small pores; pore with “finger” (columella); black walls and pigment (viewed in microscopic section); and a smooth, more or less shiny thallus. This morphotype occurs in the rhodostromagroup of the genus Ocellularia.[30]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus morphology. Schizotremoid lichens lack apothecia and have schizidia, and a smooth, more or less shiny thallus; this morphotype occurs in the genus Stegobolus.[30]
Plural scleroplectenchymata. A type of plectenchyma comprising thick-walled hyphae that are stuck closely together; present as a component of the stereoma tissue supporting the thallus in the genera Cladonia and Alectoria.[408]
Having large, shallow depressions that are narrowly separated by rounded ridges.[191]Compare: faveolate, foveolate.
Lacking a stem.[414] A more precise definition has been suggested by Aptroot and Lücking, who propose that the term applies to ascomata and pseudostromata that are more than 3/4 above the level of the thallus, with a constricted base.[179]
sibling species
Closely related species that are morphologically indistinguishable but can be distinguished by non-morphological traits, such as chemistry or genetic differences. Initially defined as species recognized mainly through cryptic or non-morphological discontinuities, the concept has evolved to specifically refer to cryptic species that form a monophyletic group, meaning they share a common ancestor not shared with any other species. This concept is a subset of the broader terms species pair and "cryptic species".[415]
Curved upon itself twice, like the letter "S".[416]
Lacking branches or divisions; in lichenology, it is used to describe structures such as thalli or rhizines, or spores without septa.[417]
Plural soralia. A part of the thallus where the cortex has cracked or broken down and soredia are produced. Soralia can be further characterized as diffuse if they are spread out on the upper thallus surface as a continuous layer, or delimited if they are confined to a more restricted area. If soralia originate in tubercules they are tuberculate, while they are fissural if they are created in fissures.[420] The term was proposed by Johannes Reinke in 1895.[5]
Plural soredia. A powdery to granular reproductive propagule that is not covered with a well-defined cortex (in contrast to isidia, and contains both algal (photobiont) and fungal (mycobiont) components.[420] The term was first used by Erik Acharius in 1803.[3]
Two lichen species that are identical morphologically, anatomically, and chemically, but can be distinguished by their sexual versus asexual reproductive strategies; the fertile taxon is known as the primary species, while the vegetatively reproducing taxon is known as the secondary species.[362] The use of molecular methods to analyze putative species pairs has shown that the underlying phylogenetic situation is more complex than had been assumed, and not necessarily correlated with reproductive strategy.[422]See related: sibling species.
Also spermagone, spermagonium. In lichenology, an obsolete term for pycnidium.[423]
A small spine; in some fruticose lichens of the Lecanoromycetes, it refers to a small cylindrical outgrowth, with a narrow base, in which the central axis is not connected with the central axis of the main branch.[424]
Also spinulous. Covered with or having small spines (spinules) or spiny projections.[424]
A lichen species that is extremely similar (or identical) in external morphology, anatomy, chemistry, and spore size to another, but that is placed in a different genus solely based on differences in spore septation and/or spore colour. The term was introduced by Michael Wirth and Mason Hale in their 1978 monograph about the Graphidaceae, a family in which sporomorphs are common.[428]
A spot analysis used to help identify lichens; it is performed by placing a drop of a reagent on different parts of the lichen and noting any color change associated with application of the reagent. The four most common tests are C, K, KC, and PD.[430]
Brush-like, with many short, more or less perpendicular lateral branches. In lichenology, used to refer to rhizine structure.[432]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus morphology. Stegoboloid lichens have prominent apothecia with wide pores; pore filled with irregular structures; black walls (viewed in microscopic section); and a smooth, more or less shiny thallus. This morphotype occurs in the genus Stegobolus.[30]
Plural stromata. A dense mass of vegetativehyphae that supports spore-bearing structures.[434] In lichens, the stroma is often hard and carbonaceous.[396]
A prefix meaning "below", "under", "somewhat, or "almost".[435] Also used in front of names of taxonomic ranks to indicate intermediate categories, e.g. subspecies or subgenus.[436]
Also subicule.Plural subicula. A layer of loosely-compacted mycelia that covers the substrate and cushions fruiting bodies such as apothecia and perithecia.[437] The texture of the subiculum can be described as net-like, wool-like, or crust-like.[435]
Also substratum; plural substrata. The surface or base upon which a lichen grows or is attached. Although the terms substratum and substrate are often used equivalently in lichenology, the latter term has different meanings in microbiology and in enzymology.[438]
Slender and narrowing to a fine point; awl-shaped.[439]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus morphology. Tenuitremoid lichens have immersed apothecia with small pores and a black margin; pore with “finger” (columella); black walls (viewed in microscopic section); and a smooth, more or less shiny thallus. This morphotype occurs in the genus Clandestinotrema.[30]
tegulicolous lichen
A lichen that lives on tiles.[441] In general, these are calcicolous lichens or lichens that are indifferent as to their substrate.[442]
Describing a cylindrical or rod-like structure that is round in cross-section.[419]
Describing a shape that is nearly cylindrical or rod-like, similar to but not exactly terete; circular in cross-section, gradually tapering towards one end.[444]
Also thalline exciple, excipulum thallinum. A rim of tissue around the disk of a lecanorineapothecium; this tissue, external to the inner proper margin, is made of tissue with a structure similar to that of the thallus.[446] The term "thalline margin" was first used by Erik Acharius in 1803; in 1825 Elias Fries changed the noun and called it "thalline exciple".[3]
Plural thalloconidia. A dark brown, smooth to wrinkled propagule arising directly from a thallus, particularly the lower cortex and/or the rhizines. They are found in some species of Umbilicaria, and similar structures arise from the prothallus of some species in the genera Protoparmelia, Rhizoplaca, and Sporastatia. Thalloconidia have distinct cell layers in their walls, and comprise between 1 and about 2500 cells.[448][449]
Plural thalli. The body of a lichen,[451] made up of both fungal and algal or cyanobacterial cells.[452] The term was first used by Erik Acharius in 1803.[3]
A morphological group of lichens within the Graphidaceae, the largest family of crustose lichens.[454] Thelotremoid lichens are characterized by immersed-erumpent, rounded ascomata, non-branched to slightly branched paraphyses, mostly distoseptate ascospores, and mostly a prosoplectenchymatousexcipulum. Thelotremataceae, a traditional family of lichens, has been included in Graphidaceae, and its species are now informally accepted as thelotremoid lichens.[454]
Plural tholi.Also dome. The apical, often thickened part of the inner wall in a bitunicate ascus.[455]
Plural tomenta. Also defined: tomentose. A layer of short interwoven or coiled fungal hyphae with a texture similar to velvet. In lichens, the tomentum projects from the lower cortex and serves to help it attach to its substrate. Structures with this type of hyphae are called tomentose.[456] Tomentose surfaces are found in foliose genera such as Lobaria, Pseudocyphellaria, and Sticta.[457]
A morphotype of corticolousthelotremoid lichens used to describe characteristics of apothecial and thallus structure. It pertains to lichens where the apothecia are either prominent or sessile, often hidden between the substratum, and they open with multiple, typically regular "teeth" that stay relatively curved over the hardly visible disk. The margins tend to peel off, meaning the overlaying thallus cortex separates from the underlying marginal thallus tissue, but no distinct, clean split between thallus margin and excipulum is formed. This morphotype is seen in species like Chapsa meridensis and Topeliopsis.[458]
Plural trabeculae. In the genus Umbilicaria, they are rib- or strap-shaped structures radiating outward from the umbilicus that merge towards the mid-zone of the thallus undersurface.[271]
Resembling or belonging to the green algal genus Trentepohlia; trentepohlioid cells are filamentous (elongated and cylindrical), multicellular, and have a yellow to orange colour.[459]
Also defined: funiculus, umbilicus, umbilical cord. A lichen with a concave, circular, leafy thallus that is joined to its substrate only by its central part, called an umbilicus, umbilical cord or funiculus.[462][463]
A type of ascus with a single functional layer; the rigid internal and external wall layers do not separate during release of the ascospores. Most ascomycetes have unitunicate asci.[467]
Deeply cup-shaped or urn-shaped; in lichens, the term is used to describe some apothecia with a sunken hymenium and elevated parathecium that forms a narrow mouth.[469]
A lichen test performed by shining a long-wavelength ultraviolet light (350 nm) at a lichen structure to check if it fluoresces; a positive test (abbreviated as UV+) indicates the presence of certain lichen products. Xanthone compounds in the cortex tend to fluoresce yellow, orange, or red, while depsides and depsidones in the medulla fluoresce blue to white.[471]
A lichen not attached to a substrate, typically able to be blown around by wind.[472]
Also assimilative. Having to do with the growth phase of an organism before reproduction, including spore germination, growth, development and asexual multiplication.[473]
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