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Лейк-Форест, Калифорния

Координаты : 33 ° 38'30 "N 117 ° 41'27" W  /  33,64167 ° N 117,69083 ° W  / 33,64167; -117,69083

Лейк-Форест, Калифорния
Вид с воздуха: часть озера Форест слева.
Вид с воздуха: часть озера Форест слева.
Флаг Лейк-Форест, Калифорния
Официальная печать Лейк-Форест, Калифорния
Расположение Лейк-Форест в округе Ориндж, Калифорния
Расположение Лейк-Форест в округе Ориндж, Калифорния
Лейк-Форест, Калифорния находится в Соединенных Штатах.
Лейк-Форест, Калифорния
Лейк-Форест, Калифорния
Расположение в США
Координаты: 33 ° 38'30 "N 117 ° 41'27" W  /  33,64167 ° N 117,69083 ° W  / 33,64167; -117,69083
Страна Соединенные Штаты
Состояние Калифорния
Графство Апельсин
Инкорпорейтед 20 декабря 1991 г. [1]
• Тип Совет-менеджер [2]
Мэр Дуг Чирбо [2]
Временный мэр Марк Теттемер
Городской совет Benjamin Yu
Роберт Пекено
Скотт Фойгтс
Городской менеджер Дебра Д. Роуз
• Помощник городского менеджера Кейт Невес
• Общий 16,79 квадратных миль (43,49 км ) 2 )
• Земля 16,71 квадратных миль (43,29 км ) 2 )
• Вода 0,08 квадратных миль (0,20 км 2 )  0.48%
Высота 489 футов (148 м)
 ( 2020 ) [5]
• Общий 85,858
• Классифицировать 94-е место в Калифорнии
• Плотность 5100/кв. миль (2000/км) 2 )
Часовой пояс UTC-8 ( тихоокеанское стандартное время )
• Лето ( летнее время ) UTC-7 (PDT)
Почтовые индексы
92609, 92610, 92630, 92679
Код города 949
Код ФИПС 06-39496
GNIS Идентификаторы функций 1656503 , 2411602
Веб-сайт www .lakeforestca .gov

Лейк-Форест — город в округе Ориндж, Калифорния , США. По переписи 2020 года население составляло 85 858 человек.

Лейк-Форест стал городом 20 декабря 1991 года. До этого поселение было известно как Эль Торо . [6] После голосования в 2000 году Лейк-Форест расширил пределы своего города, включив в него запланированные генеральным планом застройки Футхилл-Ранч и Портола-Хиллз . В результате расширения на северо-восточной границе города появились новые дома и коммерческие центры.

В Лейк-Форест есть два озера, от которых город получил свое название. Озера созданы руками человека, а вдоль их берегов расположены кондоминиумы и частные дома, от больших до маленьких. Озерами управляют местные ассоциации (озеро 1, известное как пляж и теннисный клуб Лейк-Форест, и озеро 2, клуб Солнца и паруса). На каждом объекте есть теннисные корты, тренажерные залы, баскетбольные площадки, площадки для барбекю, волейбольные площадки, несколько бассейнов. , сауны, гидромассажные ванны и клубы для общественных мероприятий.

«Лес», в честь которого также назван город, находится на территории между дорогами Ридж-Рут, Джеронимо, Лейк-Форест и Серрано и состоит в основном из эвкалиптов . Он также создан руками человека и был создан в первом десятилетии 1900-х годов, когда местный землевладелец Дуайт Уайтинг засадил 400 акров (1,6 км²) земли. 2 ) эвкалиптовых рощ в окрестностях Серрано-Крик в рамках лесозаготовок, направленных на развитие этого района. [6] В конце 1960-х годов компания Occidental Petroleum построила жилой поселок внутри и вокруг эвкалиптовых рощ, которые уже давно расширились и стали намного более плотными.

Истоки озера Форест лежат на ранчо Каньяда-де-лос-Алисос , подаренном в 1842 году Хосе Антонио Серрано. К 1863 году поселение, выросшее на ранчо Серрано, стало известно как Эль Торо.

С 1863 года община была известна как Эль Торо. В 1874 году Хосе Серрано и его семья заняли одиннадцать тысяч акров ранчо Каньяда де лос Алисос , подаренного им правительством Мексики и в конечном итоге перешедшего в руки Дуайта Уайтинга. Уайтинг сыграл важную роль в проведении железнодорожной линии Санта-Фе через регион. [6] Ранчо Нигель было предоставлено Хуану Б. Альварадо, Хуану Авиле и его сестре Концепции, вдове некоего Педро Санчеса. От них оно перешло к другим владельцам и было разделено на участки, в том числе и на Йорбу. В 1874 году большая часть его принадлежала Сайрусу Б. Роусону. Джонатану Э. Бэкону также принадлежало 1600 акров земли. Помимо Серрано, обосновавшегося в каньоне Алисо, существовала группа пионеров, живших в предгорьях и в нескольких милях выше Эль-Торо, многие из которых были одними из первых поселенцев в этом районе.

Эль-Торо-роуд на автостраде I-5 была эпицентром долины Сэддлбэк с конца 19 века до конца 2-го тысячелетия. Однако постепенно район пришел в упадок, и большинство магазинов закрылись или переехали в другие города. После многих лет планирования город работал с владельцами некоторых стареющих торговых центров и разработал коммерческий район «Беседка на Лейк-Форест». Новый центр теперь конкурирует с крупными торговыми центрами в городах, окружающих Лейк-Форест.

В 1991 году жители решили объединиться и на референдуме выбрали название «Лейк-Форест». Споры продолжались в течение нескольких месяцев, поскольку жители новых районов утверждали, что «Лейк-Форест» звучит лучше, чем «Эль-Торо», в то время как давние жители жаловались, что изменение названия направлено на то, чтобы стереть историю города в пользу искусственного названия, которое относилось к искусственные озера. [7] Средняя школа Эль Торо сохранила свое название и продолжает делать это по сей день. В последующие годы, когда город стал называться Лейк-Форест, упоминания «Эль-Торо» в прессе обычно относились к авиабазе морской пехоты Эль-Торо , выведенной из эксплуатации в 1999 году и позже перепрофилированной.


[ редактировать ]

По данным Бюро переписи населения США , город имеет общую площадь 17,9 квадратных миль (46 км²). 2 ). 17,8 квадратных миль (46 км²) 2 ) своей земли и 0,1 квадратных миль (0,26 км²). 2 ) из них (0,48%) — вода.

Лейк-Форест граничит с Ирвином на западе и северо-западе, Лагуна-Хиллз и Лагуна-Вудс на юго-западе, Мишн-Вьехо на юго-востоке, каньоном Трабуко и каньоном Сильверадо на востоке и региональным парком Известнякового каньона на севере.

Лейк-Форест расположен в самом сердце долины Сэддлбэк, на северо-восточной окраине, в предгорьях гор Санта-Ана . Он также находится в северной части округа Саут-Ориндж.

It has two man-made lakes identified by the clubhouses on the lakes — the Beach and Tennis Club (Hidden Lakes, formerly Lake I) and the Sun and Sail Club (Lake II).







Interstate 5 travels along the western border of Lake Forest, forming the border with Laguna Hills. I-5 has two interchanges in the city: Lake Forest Drive and El Toro Road (Highway S18).

California State Route 241 passes through the Foothill Ranch community of Lake Forest, in close proximity to several residential and commercial areas. SR 241 has three interchanges in Lake Forest: Alton Parkway, Lake Forest Drive (a partial interchange with a southbound exit and northbound entrance only), and Portola Parkway.

County Route S18, also known as El Toro Road, is a major road in Lake Forest, traveling the entire length and width of the city limits, about 10.5 miles. El Toro road has 8 major intersections in the city and passes through numerous communities, such as Portola Hills. At Live Oak Canyon Road, El Toro becomes Santiago Canyon Road, forming the far northeast boundary of Lake Forest, before heading through the mountains and becoming Chapman Avenue in northern Orange County.


Historical population
U.S. Decennial Census[8]



The 2020 United States Census reported a population of 85,858. The racial makeup was 63.3% White (47.18% Non-Hispanic white), 2.2% African American, 18.1% Asian, and 23.2% Hispanic or Latino of any race.[9]

Lake Forest city, California – Racial and ethnic composition
Note: the US Census treats Hispanic/Latino as an ethnic category. This table excludes Latinos from the racial categories and assigns them to a separate category. Hispanics/Latinos may be of any race.
Race / Ethnicity (NH = Non-Hispanic)Pop 2000[10]Pop 2010[11]Pop 2020[12]% 2000% 2010% 2020
White alone (NH)39,16144,17740,50666.71%57.18%47.18%
Black or African American alone (NH)9981,1581,3121.70%1.50%1.53%
Native American or Alaska Native alone (NH)1431951530.24%0.25%0.18%
Asian alone (NH)5,6479,98516,6509.62%12.92%19.39%
Pacific Islander alone (NH)1131721440.19%0.22%0.17%
Some Other Race alone (NH)1021664500.17%0.21%0.52%
Mixed Race or Multi-Racial (NH)1,6302,3874,6982.78%3.09%5.47%
Hispanic or Latino (any race)10,91319,02421,94518.59%24.62%25.56%



The 2010 United States Census[13] reported that Lake Forest had a population of 77,264. The population density was 4,315.9 inhabitants per square mile (1,666.4/km2). The racial makeup of Lake Forest was 54,341 (70.3%) White (57.2% Non-Hispanic White),[14] 1,295 (1.7%) African American, 384 (0.5%) Native American, 10,115 (13.1%) Asian, 191 (0.2%) Pacific Islander, 7,267 (9.4%) from other races, and 3,671 (4.8%) from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 19,024 persons (24.6%).

The Census reported that 76,749 people (99.3% of the population) lived in households, 299 (0.4%) lived in non-institutionalized group quarters, and 216 (0.3%) were institutionalized.

There were 26,224 households, out of which 10,407 (39.7%) had children under the age of 18 living in them, 15,603 (59.5%) were married couples, 2,710 (10.3%) had a female householder with no husband present, 1,299 (5.0%) had a male householder with no wife present. There were 1,217 (4.6%) unmarried partnerships, and 201 (0.8%)same-sex couples. 4,883 households (18.6%) were made up of individuals, and 1,432 (5.5%) had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.93. There were 19,612 families (74.8% of all households); the average family size was 3.30.

The population was spread out, with 19,115 people (24.7%) under the age of 18, 6,775 people (8.8%) aged 18 to 24, 22,099 people (28.6%) aged 25 to 44, 22,184 people (28.7%) aged 45 to 64, and 7,091 people (9.2%) who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 37.2 years. For every 100 females, there were 98.7 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 96.5 males.

There were 27,088 housing units at an average density of 1,513.1 units per square mile (584.2 units/km2), of which 18,579 (70.8%) were owner-occupied, and 7,645 (29.2%) were occupied by renters. The homeowner vacancy rate was 1.3%; the rental vacancy rate was 4.3%. 54,082 people (70.0% of the population) lived in owner-occupied housing units and 22,667 people (29.3%) lived in rental housing units.



As of the census[15] of 2000, there were 58,707 people, 20,008 households, and 14,745 families residing in the city. The population density was 4,698.8 inhabitants per square mile (1,814.2/km2). There were 20,486 housing units at an average density of 1,639.7 units per square mile (633.1 units/km2). The racial makeup of the city was 76.02% White, 1.83% African American, 0.50% Native American, 9.70% Asian, 0.20% Pacific Islander, 7.51% from other races, and 4.24% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 18.59% of the population.

There were 20,008 households, out of which 39.2% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 59.1% were married couples living together, 10.3% had a female householder with no husband present, and 26.3% were non-families. 19.4% of all households were made up of individuals, and 5.1% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.89 and the average family size was 3.31.

In the city, the population was spread out, with 27.0% under the age of 18, 8.0% from 18 to 24, 33.3% from 25 to 44, 23.2% from 45 to 64, and 8.6% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 35 years. For every 100 females, there were 96.7 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 93.6 males.

According to a 2007 estimate, the median income for a household in the city was $86,285, and the median income for a family was $96,133.[16] Males had a median income of $52,019 versus $37,100 for females. The per capita income for the city was $28,583. About 3.2% of families and 5.3% of the population were below the poverty line, including 5.0% of those under age 18 and 4.4% of those age 65 or over.



The city is home to the headquarters of eyewear manufacturer Oakley, Inc.; metals company Kaiser Aluminum, in-flight entertainment provider Panasonic Avionics; Karem Aircraft[17] an aircraft company developing UAV's with major aircraft companies; telecommunications software developer Greenlight Wireless Corp.; barbecue retailer Barbeques Galore; restaurant chains Johnny Rockets and Del Taco; medical equipment maker Apria Healthcare; and skateboarding companies Sole Technology, Inc., Etnies, Autism Behavior Services Inc., and Tilly's; among others. It is also the home of the corporate headquarters for Eagle Community Credit Union, a credit union focused on serving postal and federal employees who live or work in Orange County.

Top employers


According to the city's 2020 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report,[18] the top employers in the city are:

#Employer# of employees
1Panasonic Avionics Corporation2,290
4Schneider Electric (Invensys)500
5Spectrum Brands[19]494
6Cox Communications491
7Bal Seal Engineering423
8The Home Depot348
10Alcon Research315

Arts and culture


Lake Forest is served by two branches of the Orange County Public Library system known as OC Public Libraries: the El Toro branch and the Foothill Ranch branch.[20]

The city is the location of Rick Warren's megachurch, Saddleback Church, the sixth-largest evangelical church in the United States.[21]

The city of Lake Forest puts on an annual summer concert[22] at Pittsford Park. Other public events include the Fourth of July 5K run[23] and fireworks display over the lake at the Sun & Sail Club.[24]On Wednesdays at 4 pm, there is a farmers market at the Sports Park and Recreation Center, where locals can go and buy products from the local farmers and vendors.

In 2020, the classical music organization Chamber Music | OC moved its operations from Chapman University in Orange, California to the Lake Forest Business Center where they are headquartered.[25]

Parks and recreation


Lake Forest Sports Park and Recreation Center opened on November 1, 2014, across the street from Saddleback Church.[26] The 86.2-acre Sports Park, built with fees collected from developers for a "study" that led to the rezoning of surrounding areas, is one of the largest sports parks in Orange County.[27][28] The Recreation Center houses classrooms/activities rooms and a gymnasium, hosting many education and recreation programs that have previously been hosted at the rented City Hall facility.[26]

Lake Forest is also home to two county parks. Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park in the eastern part of the city was the site of an infamous mountain lion mauling in 2004 that captured the attention of the West Coast news media.[29]

Heritage Hill Historical Park and Museum is home to some of the oldest buildings in Orange County, including the Jose Serrano Adobe, an original adobe home and settlement built in 1863; El Toro's first school, the old El Toro School House; El Toro's first church, St. Georges Episcopal Church; and the Harvey Bennett Ranch House, built in 1908, from which the Bennett Ranch development in Lake Forest derives its name. The Bennetts raised oranges for Sunkist, and owned the State-deeded water rights to Aliso Creek, which was very rare in California, and instrumental to their success. It is also the location of "Ritchie's Park," per signs along Aliso Creek, which was a naturally set childhood playground along the stream, where all of the Bennett children and grandchildren played. Frequently, the children found Indian artifacts along the banks, and met relatives of the Indians whose ancestors had actually lived there, including "Al" and "Cy" who were older Indians working for the Bennetts. The park is named for Richard Bennett Harvey, the grandchild whom Harvey and Frances Bennett raised, their seventh and last "child" who grew up on the ranch in youth, and lived there later in early marriage, working on the ranch until it was sold. The Bennett's son, Richard Beach Bennett, was educated in Animal Husbandry at California Polytechnic State University, Pomona, and grew replacement trees for farmers, before starting his own ranch in Balcom Canyon in Ventura County.

Lake Forest also has etnies Skatepark, which is the largest public skatepark with over 40,000 square feet (3,700 m2).[30]


Former Lake Forest City Hall

Marine Corps Air Station El Toro was located one mile (1.6 km) from the city of Lake Forest in the city of Irvine. At one time, El Toro was considered a military town, but the city blossomed independently in the 1980s and 1990s before the base closed in 1999.[clarification needed]

Doug Cirbo serves as Lake Forest's Mayor and Mark Tettemer serves as Mayor Pro Tempore. In addition to Cirbo and Tettemer, the three other City Council members are Robert Pequeno, Scott Voigts, and Benjamin Yu.

State and federal representation

Lake Forest city vote
by party in presidential elections
YearDemocraticRepublicanThird Parties
2020[31]52.38% 23,81045.40% 20,6382.21% 1,006
2016[32]46.00% 16,22146.76% 16,4887.24% 2,553
2012[33]40.72% 13,30756.57% 18,4842.71% 885
2008[34]44.23% 14,93753.40% 18,0342.37% 802
2004[35]34.71% 11,20064.11% 20,6911.18% 381
2000[36]36.13% 10,96860.56% 18,3863.31% 1,005
1996[37]34.19% 7,51154.94% 12,06910.87% 2,389
1992[38]27.58% 6,90845.76% 11,46426.66% 6,680

In the California State Legislature, Lake Forest is in the 37th Senate District, represented by Democrat Dave Min, and in the 72nd Assembly District, represented by Republican Diane Dixon.[39]

In the United States House of Representatives, Lake Forest is in California's 40th congressional district, represented by Republican Young Kim,.[40]

According to the Secretary of State of California, as of February 10, 2019, Lake Forest has 46,014 registered voters. Of those, 17,329 (37.66%) are registered Republicans, 13,402 (29.13%) are registered Democrats, and 13,080 (28.43%) have no political party preference/are independents.[41]

Historically, Lake Forest has, like most of southern Orange County, been a Republican fortress in presidential elections. Changing demographics and the intensely polarizing urban/rural divide, however, has made Lake Forest more fertile footing for Democrats, who in recent elections have been trimming the GOP margins in the city. In 2020, Joe Biden became the first Democratic presidential nominee to win Lake Forest since its incorporation.



Lake Forest has one high school, El Toro High School, which opened in 1973, and one high school on the border of Lake Forest and Mission Viejo, Trabuco Hills High School. The city also has eight elementary schools and a middle school.[42] The mascot is a bull and its teams are known as the Chargers; its school colors are blue and gold. Lake Forest is served entirely by the Saddleback Valley Unified School District, or SVUSD.

Notable people





  1. ^ "California Cities by Incorporation Date". California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions. Archived from the original (Word) on November 3, 2014. Retrieved August 25, 2014.
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b "Elected Officials". City of Lake Forest. Retrieved January 1, 2023.
  3. ^ "2019 U.S. Gazetteer Files". United States Census Bureau. Retrieved July 1, 2020.
  4. ^ "Lake Forest". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior. Retrieved January 27, 2015.
  5. ^ "Lake Forest (city) QuickFacts". United States Census Bureau. Retrieved July 14, 2021.
  6. ^ Jump up to: a b c WHITCOMB, JANET (September 6, 2013). "El Toro's founding father meets his death". Retrieved July 16, 2016.
  7. ^ "El Toro: Will It Change to Lake Forest?". Los Angeles Times. March 7, 1991. Retrieved June 25, 2019.
  8. ^ "Census of Population and Housing". Census.gov. Retrieved June 4, 2015.
  9. ^ "U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Lake Forest city, California". www.census.gov. Retrieved August 17, 2022.
  10. ^ "P004 Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino by Race – 2000: DEC Summary File 1 – Lake Forest city, California". United States Census Bureau.
  11. ^ "P2 Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino by Race – 2010: DEC Redistricting Data (PL 94-171) – Lake Forest city, California". United States Census Bureau.
  12. ^ "P2 Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino by Race – 2020: DEC Redistricting Data (PL 94-171) – Lake Forest city, California". United States Census Bureau.
  13. ^ "2010 Census Interactive Population Search: CA - Lake Forest city". U.S. Census Bureau. Archived from the original on July 15, 2014. Retrieved July 12, 2014.
  14. ^ "Population estimates, July 1, 2015, (V2015)". Archived from the original on February 17, 2016. Retrieved July 16, 2016.
  15. ^ "U.S. Census website". United States Census Bureau. Retrieved January 31, 2008.
  16. ^ "2007 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimate". US Census Bureau. Archived from the original on February 12, 2020. Retrieved May 3, 2009.
  17. ^ "Welcome to Karem Aircraft, Inc". Retrieved July 16, 2016.
  18. ^ City of Lake Forest CAFR Archived January 11, 2022, at the Wayback Machine
  19. ^ Journal, State. "Spectrum Brands wraps up Stanley Black and Decker acquisition". Retrieved July 16, 2016.
  20. ^ "Library Locator". OC Public Libraries. Retrieved November 4, 2014.
  21. ^ Top 100 Largest Churches in America at Sermon Central; published 2017; retrieved 2019
  22. ^ "City of Lake Forest Recreation Calendar". Archived from the original on June 29, 2011. Retrieved May 26, 2011.
  23. ^ "Lake Forest Firecracker 5K Run".
  24. ^ "Lake Forest II Sun & Sail. Club". Archived from the original on March 24, 2012. Retrieved May 26, 2011.
  25. ^ "Chamber Music OC looks toward future with a new venue". Los Angeles Times. December 4, 2020.
  26. ^ Jump up to: a b Sarah de Crescenzo (October 24, 2014). "Grand opening slated for Lake Forest Sports Park". The Orange County Register. Retrieved November 4, 2014.
  27. ^ "Sports Park and Recreation Center". City of Lake Forest, California. Archived from the original on November 4, 2014. Retrieved November 4, 2014.
  28. ^ "Lake Forest Sports Park". RJM Design Group. Archived from the original on November 4, 2014. Retrieved November 4, 2014.
  29. ^ "Mountain Lion Killed After Attack". CBS News. Retrieved July 16, 2016.
  30. ^ "Etnies Skatepark Of Lake Forest Aerial". Archived from the original on March 10, 2010. Retrieved August 21, 2010.
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  37. ^ California. Secretary of State (March 30, 1968). "Statement of vote". Sacramento, Calif. : The Secretary – via Internet Archive.
  38. ^ California. Secretary of State (March 30, 1968). "Statement of vote". Sacramento, Calif. : The Secretary – via Internet Archive.
  39. ^ "California Districts". UC Regents. Retrieved January 5, 2023.
  40. ^ "California's 40th Congressional District - Representatives & District Map". Civic Impulse, LLC.
  41. ^ "CA Secretary of State – Report of Registration – February 10, 2019" (PDF). ca.gov. Retrieved June 26, 2019.
  42. ^ "Schools - Lake Forest Schools". www.lakeforestschools.org. Retrieved May 26, 2017.
  43. ^ "Eye on O.C.: Positivity, loud and clear". Orange County Register. June 25, 2013. Retrieved April 19, 2022.
  44. ^ КРЕЩЕНЦО, САРА де (30 января 2014 г.). « Вокалист «Dead Come to Life» возвращается туда, где все началось» . Проверено 16 июля 2016 г.
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