Список персонажей комиксов Marvel: A
Атомная бомба
[ редактировать ]Мерзость
[ редактировать ]поглощающий человек
[ редактировать ]Абраксас
[ редактировать ]Абраксас — изначальная сущность, являющаяся противоположностью Вечности и олицетворяющая разрушение Мультивселенной . Впервые он появился в Fantastic Four Annual #2001. Абраксасу было суждено уничтожить Мультивселенную после смерти Галактуса , но он был стерт с лица земли, когда Рид Ричардс использовал Абсолютный Нуллификатор в Фантастической четверке, том 3 № 49. [1] [2]
[ редактировать ]Бездна — имя различных персонажей, появляющихся в американских комиксах, изданных Marvel Comics.
Нильс Стигер
[ редактировать ]Абисс — мутант и генетический сводный брат Ночного Змея , сына Азазеля . Его создали Скотт Лобделл , Марк Уэйд , Роджер Круз и Стив Эптинг , и он впервые появился в Age of Apocalypse: Alpha , действие которого происходит в альтернативной реальности. Спустя годы после окончания события «Эра Апокалипсиса» персонаж был представлен во вселенной Marvel . Урожденный Нильс Стигер в вымышленной стране Геноша , Бездна обладает способностью телепортироваться, получая доступ к Серному Измерению, во многом как Ночной Змей. Он участвовал в сюжетной линии Legacy Virus и был одним из мутантов, затронутых сюжетной линией Decimation . [3]
В версии Age of Apocalypse персонаж является сводным братом Ночного Змея по линии его матери, Мистик , и служил одним из Всадников Апокалипсиса . Он физически существует как портал и способен искажать свое тело и поглощать в него других людей, отправляемых в другое измерение. [4]
Бездна (инопланетянин)
[ редактировать ]Бездна дебютировала в «Мстителях» (том 5) №1. Ее создали Джонатан Хикман и Джером Опенья . [5] Она состоит из живого газа и неуязвима для вреда. Бездна также обладает способностью предлагать идеи и манипулировать определенными существами, заставляя их действовать так, как она хочет, и участвовала в заговоре по переносу на Марс пригодной для дыхания атмосферы и растительности. [6] Она сестра Экс Нихило , вылупившаяся из яйца инопланетного робота по имени Алеф. Эти двое вступили в конфликт с Мстителями, когда Экс Нихило попытался терраформировать Землю, но потерпел поражение. [7]
Экс Нихило, Бездна, Ночная Маска и Стар Брэнд присоединились к Мстителям. [8] Вместе со своим братом и сестрой Экс Нихило отправилась вместе с Мстителями в космос, чтобы сразиться с инопланетной расой, известной как Строители, которая создала Алеф. [9] Во время конфликта Абисс и Экс Нихило обнаружили, что существуют другие Экс Нихилии, но их соответствующие Абисии давно умерли. [10]
Когда Земля узнала об угрозе Вторжений, Бездна и Экс-Нихилии присоединились к группе Мстителей, которые встали на сторону AIM, чтобы расследовать и, возможно, остановить события в их источнике. [11] Путешествуя по мультивселенной, команда в конечном итоге встречает лидера таинственных Черных Жрецов, Доктора Стрэнджа, который предлагает им возможность добраться до истинной причины Вторжений — «Королей Слоновой Кости». [12] Приняв предложение, команда достигает Королей Слоновой Кости, но существа значительно превосходят их. Бездна и Экс-Нихилия жертвуют своими жизнями, чтобы использовать свои силы, чтобы превратить одно из существ в дерево. [13]
Бездна в других СМИ
[ редактировать ]Второе воплощение Бездны появляется в эпизоде « Лунная девушка и динозавр-дьявол» «Выходной день лунной девушки», озвученном Майей Хоук . [14] Эта версия обладает возможностями телепортации и является последней в длинной череде поколений женщин-суперзлодеев. Однако она начинает переосмысливать злодейство после встречи с Лунной девушкой и Дьявольским динозавром .
[ редактировать ]Адам
[ редактировать ]Адам – первый человек, созданный Богом . Персонаж происходит от библейского Адама . Он был повторяющимся персонажем в седьмом томе «Призрачного гонщика» и пятом томе «Человек-Вещь» . Библейский Адам ранее появлялся в сериале «Библейские сказки для молодежи» Marvel в 1953 году.
Когда Змей был освобожден , Адам увидел в этом знак и предложил Джонни Блейзу снять с него проклятие Призрачного гонщика, вместо этого отдав его одной из своих учениц Алехандре Джонс . [15]
Адам Х
[ редактировать ]Адам X , также известный как X-Treme , — полуинопланетянин-полумутант. Он был создан Фабианом Ничезой и Джеффом Джонсоном и впервые появился в X-Force Annual # 2 (октябрь 1993 г.). Сын шиарского императора Д'Кена и человеческой женщины, персонаж-мутант способен воспламенять любую кровь, доступную через открытую рану. Чтобы использовать свою силу, Адам X носил с собой большое количество клинков. Первоначально Адам X должен был стать братом Циклопа , но персонаж был удален , и Хавока когда Ничеза покинул сериал. Однако в 2021 году название антологии « Легенды Икс» покажет, что Адам генетически связан с Саммерсом, поскольку в его создании использовалась генетическая информация Кэтрин Саммерс, а также информация ранее необъявленной сестры по имени «Ева-Y». [16]
Адам был среди многих мутантов, переехавших в Сан-Франциско. Находясь там, он помогал Людям Икс во время события «Страх сам по себе» , будучи завербованным для помощи в попытках остановить одержимого Джаггернаута. Однако его помощь не смогла помешать Джаггернауту. [17]
Адам Уорлок
[ редактировать ]Эгида
[ редактировать ]Эгида — имя различных персонажей комиксов, появляющихся в американских комиксах, изданных Marvel Comics.
Эгида (Леди Всех Печалей)
[ редактировать ]Эгида , или Госпожа Всех Печалей , — первобытное существо, владеющее Космической Силой . [18] Эгида была создана писателем Китом Гиффеном и художницей Андреа Ди Вито , и впервые она появилась в журнале Annihilation: Silver Surfer #3, датированном августом 2006 года. [ нужна ссылка ] Эгида — член Проемиальных Богов, которые строят и поддерживают вселенную. Она является Проемиалом, ответственным за устранение аберраций. После войны между Промиалами Эгида и Тенерус были захвачены Галактусом. Она и Тенебрус объединились с Таносом и Аннигилусом, чтобы сразиться с Галактусом и Серебряным Серфером . Эти двое успешно победили Галактуса ради Аннигилуса. [19] Пережив события Волны Аннигиляции, Эгида и Тенебрус размышляли, что делать. Осознав их угрозу, Серебряный Серфер напал на них двоих, но был превзойден, пока не использовал энергию Хруста , барьера между вселенной и Негативной зоной , чтобы убить обоих первородных. [20]
Эгида (Трей Джейсон Роллинз)
[ редактировать ]Эгида - супергерой, созданный Джеем Фаербером и Стивом Скоттом , который впервые появился в The New Warriors (vol. 2) # 0 в июне 1999 года. [ нужна ссылка ] Трей Роллинз был ребенком из Бруклина, который нашел волшебный нагрудник. Он стал супергероем Эгидой и присоединился к Новым Воинам . Когда Геракл узнает, что у Роллинза есть нагрудник, он берет Роллинза на Олимп и сражается с ним, обвиняя его в краже нагрудника. Роллинз получает право оставить себе нагрудник и узнает, что это подарок Афины . [21]
Во время гражданской войны супергероев . незарегистрированную Иджис преследуют оперативники ЩИТА . Ему предлагают убежище с X-Factor, но он отказывается. [22] Позже он выполнил Закон о регистрации. [23] Эгида была убита во время боя с Охотником , когда нагрудник не смог защитить его после прыжка из окна 12 этажа. Хантсман действовал от имени Геры . После смерти Зевса [24] Позже он появляется в Эребе, казино, где души пытаются выиграть шанс на воскресение. Он помогает Гераклу спасти Зевса из заточения у Аида и сопровождает Амадея Чо на Елисейские поля . [25]
[ редактировать ]Афтершок
[ редактировать ]Афтершок — имя двух вымышленных персонажей, появляющихся в американских комиксах, изданных Marvel Comics.
Эллисон Диллон
[ редактировать ]В MC2 реальности Эллисон Диллон — дочь бывшего суперзлодея Макса Диллона/Электро . Она унаследовала электрические силы своего отца, но их разные электрические ауры не позволяли им прикасаться друг к другу, не причиняя себе вреда. Выросший в приемной семье, Диллон становится суперзлодеем-подростком-злодеем Афтершоком . Электро находит свою дочь с помощью Человека-паука и Девочки-паука в «Девочке-пауке № 81» и убеждает ее отступить. [26]
Даниэль Блант
[ редактировать ]В основной непрерывности комиксов Marvel Афтершок - это Даниэль Блант, молодая женщина, которой Настоятель наделил полномочиями и промыл ей мозги, чтобы она стала полевым лидером « Ублюдков зла », считая себя дочерью Электро. [27] Ее положение полевого лидера вызвало разногласия с товарищем по команде Сингулярность, что привело к драке, которая восстановила ее воспоминания. [28] Она была задержана и отправлена на Плот Девочкой-Пауком, которая помогла ей полностью восстановить свою личность в тщетной попытке исправить ее. [27] Позже Блант освобождается вместе с Ублюдками Зла в сюжетной арке «Сам страх» . [29]
Афтершок в других СМИ
[ редактировать ]Персонаж, основанный на воплощении Афтершока Эллисон Диллон, появляется в « Лунной девушке и дьявольском динозавре» , озвученный Элисон Бри . [30] В этой версии рассказывается о мисс Диллон, школьной учительнице. Хотя в сериале это не было четко указано, разработчик шоу Стив Лотер назвал ее дочерью Электро. [31]
[ редактировать ]Агамемнон — вымышленный персонаж, появляющийся в американских комиксах, изданных Marvel Comics.
Агамемнон — получеловек, полуасгардиец . [32] Он родился бессмертным, и хотя физически он никогда не старел старше 16 лет (хотя он использует голограммы, чтобы выглядеть стариком), все члены Пантеона являются его потомками. Он завербовал Пантеон, расположенный в штаб-квартире в пустыне Невада под названием «Гора». [33] Впервые он появился в «Невероятном Халке» (том 2) № 381 (май 1991 г.). [34] Помимо бессмертия, Агамемнон, похоже, не обладает сверхчеловеческими способностями. Он мастер анализа и прогнозирования будущего развития социальных структур, а также мастер боевых стратегов и превосходный рукопашный боец. У него также есть доступ к высокотехнологичным технологиям, созданным учеными и мастерами Пантеона. С тех пор, как стало известно, что он сын Локи, он также продемонстрировал знание магии и заклинаний. Хотя у него, похоже, нет врожденных магических способностей, он продемонстрировал умение использовать магические артефакты и ритуалы. [ нужна ссылка ]
[ редактировать ]Агамотто — вымышленный персонаж, появляющийся в американских комиксах, изданных Marvel Comics.
Агамотто — древний Верховный Волшебник, создавший Глаз Агамотто — инструмент магического ясновидения, используемый супергероем-колдуном Доктором Стрэнджем . [ нужна ссылка ]
Агамотто в других СМИ
[ редактировать ]Агамотто появляется в Avengers Assemble , озвученный Кори Бертоном . [35] Эта версия была первой версией Верховного Волшебника за тысячелетие до того, как она была испорчена властью. Впоследствии он был изгнан с Земли, ему удалили правый глаз и перенесли в него часть его силы.
[ редактировать ]Агент 33
[ редактировать ]Дальнейшее чтение |
Агент 33 ( Кара Линн Паламас ) — вымышленный агент во вселенной Marvel . Персонаж, созданный Томом ДеФалко и Роном Френцом , впервые появился в Hercules: Heart of Chaos #1 (август 1997 г.).
Кара Линн Палама была историком и исследователем, проявлявшим особый интерес к классической мифологии. разыскал ее, Когда боги и герои начали появляться по всему миру, Щ.И.Т. и ее отправили на обучение, чтобы она стала полноценным агентом. Ее партнером был Алекс ДеПол, который лично ее обучал. Ее попросили завербовать Геракла , когда Арес начал свое нападение на Землю. Хотя сначала он сказал «нет», он меняет свое мнение, когда убивают его друга Тарамуса. Вместе Геркулес сражался с Аресом, в то время как Палама был вынужден сражаться с ДеПолом, который все время был в союзе с Аресом. [36]
Агент 33 в других СМИ
[ редактировать ]Кара Паламас появляется в фильме «Агенты Щ.И.Т.», которого играют Майя Стоян и Минг-На Вен . Она - уважаемый агент ЩИТА, который был похищен и промыт мозги лидером ГИДРЫ Дэниелом Уайтхоллом . [37] В эпизоде « Face My Enemy » она проникла в Щ.И.Т., используя фототастическую вуаль, чтобы напоминать Мелинду Мэй . После битвы с настоящей Мэй маска приклеивается к ее лицу с помощью электрической лампы. Теперь, напоминая Мэй со шрамами, она продолжает усердно и преданно работать в Уайтхолле. [38] In "What They Become", Palamas helps capture Grant Ward, but when Whitehall is killed by Phil Coulson she becomes directionless and proceeds to follow Ward.[39] At this point, Palamas was no longer able to make decisions on her own, so Ward helps her by tracking down the creator of the veil in an effort to manage it. Later, they capture Sunil Bakshi and proceed to brainwash him out of revenge. She then used a photo of herself to make the veil resemble her unscarred self.[40] In "The Frenemy of My Enemy", Palamas and Ward are forced to work with Coulson's team to find Baron Strucker and his HYDRA base.[41] Together, they were able to track him through Dr. List and proceeded to send the Avengers after them. Palamas admitted to Bobbi Morse that she was in love with Ward for saving her.[42] Together they once again betray S.H.I.E.L.D. and kidnap and torture Morse.[43] In "S.O.S. Part Two", Palamas and Ward set a trap for Lance Hunter when he arrives to rescue Morse. Palamas once again donned her May disguise using her veil, but she is accidentally killed by Ward.[44]
Agent X
[edit]Aggamon is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
Aggamon is depicted as a supervillain and minor enemy of Doctor Strange who has allied with Dormammu and Clea. He is the ruler of the Purple Dimension, a realm in which he tricks natives of other dimensions into visiting the place and forcing them to become slaves. He first appeared in Strange Tales #119 (1964).[45]
For millennia, Aggamon is the cruel ruler of the Purple Dimension. He hears the news of the powerful sorcerer Doctor Strange. Interested in gaining power, he hires thieves to steal Strange's Purple Gem. Tracing the valuable to the dimension, Doctor Strange promises that to regain the gem, he would swear himself to slavery. As soon as he was regiven the possession, he breaks his promise and challenges his enemy to a mystic duel. The battle went on for hours, until, unable to continue without losing his life, Aggamon surrenders. Strange casts a spell over the being that prevents Aggamon's full recovery unless his slaves were freed, and left with the Purple Gem.[volume & issue needed]
Sometime later, Aggamon is one of the many witnesses to a fight between Doctor Strange and the mystical tyrant Dormammu. This taught him respect for other powerful dimensional universes. He has since sold some of his gems throughout the multiverse. It is unknown whether he has given up his slaves to regain his full health or not.[volume & issue needed]
An averagely powerful sorcerer, Aggamon can conjure mental visions, open dimensional portals, and can perform other magical abilities similar to Doctor Strange's but not nearly as powerful. He carries a "Jeweled Demolisher Beam" which projects mystic energy for almost limitless amounts of times. Aggamon also has access to many other mystic objects such as gems and is served by an entire army of underlings.
[edit]Agony is the name used by a symbiote in Marvel Comics. The symbiote, created by David Michelinie and Ron Lim, first appeared in Venom: Lethal Protector #4 (May 1993), and was named in Carnage, U.S.A. #2 (March 2012).[46] It was created as one of five symbiote "children" forcefully spawned from the Venom symbiote along with Riot, Lasher, Phage, and Scream.
Leslie Gesneria
[edit]Agony's first host was Leslie Gesneria, a mercenary hired by Carlton Drake's Life Foundation in San Francisco. Gesneria bonded with the Agony symbiote in conjunction with Scream (Donna Diego), Phage (Carl Mach), Riot (Trevor Cole) and Lasher (Ramon Hernandez), but they were defeated by Spider-Man and Venom.[47] The symbiote's "siblings" later kidnapped Eddie Brock in an attempt to communicate with alien symbiotes in Chicago. When Brock refused to aid them Gesneria, Cole, and Machwere killed while the others were misled into believing Brock was picking the group off, unaware that the true killer was the schizophrenic Diego, who had snapped from Scream's influence.[48]
This incarnation of Agony appears as a playable character in Spider-Man Unlimited and as a boss in Spider-Man and Venom: Separation Anxiety.[citation needed]
James Murphy
[edit]Agony's second host was James Murphy, a Petty Officer assigned to the Agony symbiote for Mercury Team With Cletus Kasady on the loose in Colorado, Murphy trains with Agony for months in specific tasks alongside Phage (Rico Axelson), Lasher (Marcus Simms) and Riot (Howard Odgen), as well as assists Spider-Man, Scorn and Flash Thompson.[49] Murphy and his teammates are later killed by Carnage in their secret base[50] and the four symbiotes bond with Mercury Team's dog.[51]
[edit]After being possessed by Knull the four symbiotes possess a bickering family, with Agony taking the mother Tess. The symbiotes head to New York to assist in Carnage's quest[52] before hunting Dylan Brock and Normie Osborn, only to be defeated by the Maker and separated from their hosts.[53] Still under Knull's possession, Agony merges with her "siblings" into one, but is defeated by Andi Benton.[54]
Gemma Shin
[edit]Agony's fourth host is Gemma Shin, a communications director who is secretly a terrorist. Now led by the Carnage symbiote, Agony and the other three symbiote enforcers participate in a conspiracy involving the Friends of Humanity, only to be defeated by Flash Thompson, Silence and Toxin. While her fellow symbiotes are taken into Alchemax's custody, Agony manages to escape.[55] Agony subsequently joined Mayor Wilson Fisk's Thunderbolts after the outlawing of superhero activities. She assists Electro, the Rhino and U.S. Agent in taking down Moon Knight.[56]
[edit]Ahab is a fictional character appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics.
Dr. Rory Campbell was a psychologist who had previously met the scientist Moira MacTaggart.[57] He accepted a position as Moira's assistant at Muir Island, at the same time that the mutant hero team Excalibur became stationed there. Campbell attempted to reach the island during a storm that was exacerbated by an attack by Siena Blaze and nearly died; however, he was rescued and brought ashore by team member Phoenix.[58] While working at Muir Island, Campbell discovered the existence of a future timeline where he became the mutant hunting Ahab, creating and leading hordes of mutant trackers called Hounds. Campbell became determined to prevent that future from ever happening.[59] Excalibur had captured the villain Spoor, one of Magneto's Acolytes, and Campbell built a special room to perform therapy on Spoor, who had the power to control another's mood. The room had built-in lasers to react to any hostile behavior and Campbell used mood stabilizers while talking to Spoor so as to inhibit his mutant power. Nevertheless, Spoor eventually provoked Campbell into attacking him. As a result, the room's weapons fired at the scientist, costing him a leg.[60]
Campbell continued to fear his perceived "destiny" of becoming Ahab occurring. He left Excalibur to work with Alistair Stuart at the department as a mutant liaison officer. Rory hoped the benign position helping mutants would prevent him from being harmed by mutants in a way that would trigger his alternate future self's rabid anti-mutant hatred.[61] Later, he traded secrets of McTaggert's research into the deadly Legacy Virus to Sebastian Shaw of the Hellfire Club, claiming that he hoped that Shaw's greater resources would find a cure, but also receiving a state-of-the-art prosthetic leg in the bargain.[62] Soon afterwards Campbell was captured by the villain Apocalypse and transformed into the Horseman called Famine, utilizing life-draining technology. In this capacity, he fought the X-Men but managed to escape before Apocalypse was defeated.
"Days of Future Past" version
[edit]On Earth-811, Ahab became the leader of the government-sanctioned Hound program, commissioned to track down and capture mutants for internment. In this reality, Rachel Summers was Ahab's pinnacle of Hound creation, although Rachel subsequently escaped into the current timeline, horribly mutilating Ahab by throwing him into one of his machines. For a while, Ahab was a paraplegic in a floating chair, but later he was given bionic body parts. Ahab, now more cyborg then ever, tried to hunt Rachel down through the time-wandering spirit of the alternate future's Franklin Richards, at one point creating Hounds out of Scott Summers and Sue Storm-Richards. Ahab was defeated by the actions of the Fantastic Four and the combined X-teams.[63] Years later, Rachel finally defeated Ahab with the help of her Excalibur teammates and reprogrammed the Master Mold of the future, causing the Sentinels to preserve all life (even Ahab's).[64]
Unidentified reality version
[edit]An alternate version of Ahab was later retrieved from a future timeline by Kang to aid in fighting the Apocalypse Twins and saving the Earth from destruction. Afterwards, Kang dropped Ahab off in the present day with the Red Skull to help build mutant internment camps.[65] Ahab was forced to stay in this reality and time, and took control of Prestige.[66]
He travelled to Transia, but was attacked and wounded badly, needing help from their government. When X-Force arrived they saw him and immediately engaged. After the battle was over, they found his head and body separated from each other and that he was dead.[67]
Ahab in other media
[edit]- Dr. Roderick Campbell appears in The Gifted, portrayed by Garret Dillahunt.[68][69] This version is a human scientist working for Trask Industries' "Hounds" program and an advisor to Sentinel Services.[70]
Ai Apaec
[edit]Ai Apaec is a supervillain based on the chief deity of Moche culture.
[edit]AIDA (Artificial Intelligence Data Analyser) is a fictional computer system in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character, created by Mark Gruenwald and Bob Hall, first appeared in Squadron Supreme #1 (September 1985).
Created by Tom Thumb, AIDA was a computer imbued with artificial intelligence. Thumb gave it a female personality and would often flirt with his creation. AIDA was also the only person who knew of Tom's cancer diagnosis.[71] AIDA eventually tells Ape X, but Tom has resigned himself to his fate.[72] AIDA and Ape X try to create a robot duplicate of her creator but this endeavour is abandoned. When Moonglow infiltrates the Squadron, AIDA alerts Ape X, but the mental programming of the Squadron's brainwashing technique causes Ape X to suffer an aneurism, much to AIDA's confusion, since the artificial intelligence lacks the knowledge to understand her mistake.[73][74]
AIDA in other media
[edit]AIDA appears in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., voiced by Amanda Rea in the third season,[75] and portrayed by Mallory Jansen in the fourth season.[76] This version is Holden Radcliffe's A.I. assistant whose name is an acronym for Artificial Intelligent Digital Assistant,[77] and which is converted into a Life Model Decoy (LMD) based on Agnes Kitsworth.[78] While helping S.H.I.E.L.D. fight Eli Morrow, she uses information from the Darkhold[79][80] to betray Radcliffe and utilize a virtual reality world, the Framework, to better experience human emotions and enact Project: Looking Glass to help her exist in the real world.[81] In pursuit of her goals, she assumes the alias of Ophelia / Madame Hydra and pursues a relationship with Leo Fitz's Framework counterpart, the "Doctor".[82][83] Successfully enacting the project, AIDA grants herself various powers, such as imperviousness to conventional forms of harm, and kidnaps Fitz.[84] Taking advantage of her experiencing human emotions, Fitz convinces AIDA to rescue the former's teammates, though they are captured by Jemma Simmons. Learning Fitz loves Simmons instead of her, AIDA escapes and joins forces with Anton Ivanov in the hopes of making S.H.I.E.L.D. suffer for the pain they caused her.[85] While attempting to retrieve the Darkhold, she is attacked by Robbie Reyes's supernatural powers which harm her. S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil Coulson later borrows supernatural powers to successfully kill AIDA.[86]
[edit]Aireo is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Aireo is an aerokinetic Inhuman, also known as Skybreaker, who can manipulate air.
[edit]Ajax is the name of different characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
Ajax the Greater
[edit]Ajax the Lesser
[edit]Francis Fanny
[edit]Pantheon version
[edit]Ajax first appeared in The Incredible Hulk (vol. 2) #379 (March 1991), and was created by writer Peter David and artist Dale Keown.
Ajax is a member of the Pantheon, and is one of the descendants of the immortal Agamemnon, along with Achilles, Atalanta, Cassiopeia, Delphi, Hector, Paris, Perseus, Prometheus, and Ulysses. Ajax was born in Texas. He was named after Ajax, a Greek warrior who fought in the Trojan War.[volume & issue needed]
When the warriors of the Pantheon first encounter the Hulk, for the purpose of inviting him to join them, Ajax attacks the Hulk after he believes the Hulk has struck Atalanta, for whom Ajax bears an unrequited crush. To prevent injuries to nearby civilians, Hulk pretends to be rendered unconscious so that the Pantheon will take him captive.[87] When the Pantheon returns to their headquarters, The Mount, the formerly captive Hulk frees himself, and Ajax fights him again but this time is defeated by him.[88] After the Hulk accepts the Pantheon's offer to join them Ajax attacks him again, but Atalanta, to whom Ajax is submissive, tells him that the Hulk is now a member of the Pantheon, and that he must now regard him as a friend.[89]
Ajax serves on many of the Pantheon's missions while the Hulk is part of the team. Ajax fights rioters in New York City alongside Atalanta, killing some of them because his companion ordered this.[90] Alongside the Hulk and the Pantheon, he battles S.H.I.E.L.D. and the forces of Farnoq Dahn in the Trans-Sabal war,[91][92] and battled the People's Protectorate.[93] After Atalanta is injured Ajax visits her in the Mount's hospital.[94] He battles Dracchiss alongside the Pantheon,[95] and is badly burned in a fight with the U-Foes.[96]
When he discovered Atalanta and Achilles in a romantic interlude, Ajax flies into a jealous rage, threatening to hurt both of them. He is eventually restrained and calmed by the Hulk.[97]
Ajax is so massive that he cannot move quickly without a special exoskeleton battle-suit, which grants him superhuman strength, durability and reflexes. His strength increases as his anger builds, much like that of the Hulk. Like other members of the Pantheon, Ajax has a fast healing ability and an extended lifespan. Without support from his battle-suit, Ajax's legs and spine would collapse under his tremendous weight. His body is disproportionate in shape. He also has poor vision.
He has the mentality of a young child, making him sometimes difficult to control. Atalanta has always been able to calm him down, as he idolizes her and will do anything she says. Of course, this sometimes leads to other problems. For a time, he did not understand the difference between romantic love and platonic friendship love and this drove him into a rampage, where he even threatened Atalanta herself. The rampage was ended before anyone was seriously hurt or killed. Ajax took his rage out on an inanimate mountain, not realizing he was endangering himself as well. The Hulk managed to talk him into calming down.
The Hulk has also gotten into trouble when he fails to treat Ajax with the proper mind frame. At first he attacks Ajax again when he mistakes a simple hug for another threat against Atalanta. Then the Hulk let it slip that Bambi's mother had died, distressing Ajax who had been told, by Atalanta, she had run away and come back after the movie had ended.
[edit]Albert is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is usually depicted as an ally of Wolverine and is a sapient automaton or android. Albert, created by Larry Hama and Marc Silvestri, first appeared in Wolverine (vol. 2) #37 (suspended in a tank of liquid) and officially[clarification needed] appeared in Wolverine (vol. 2) #38.
Albert is a robot double of Wolverine who was created along with his counterpart Elsie-Dee by Donald Pierce. These androids were designed to kill Wolverine. The double was to trap the real Wolverine in a burning building, upon which Elsie-Dee would detonate with sufficient force to kill. Initially, Albert had a primitive artificial brain with limited higher logic functions and no emotions, and he was not referred to with a name but as "Dummy".[98]
Pierce's plan to kill Wolverine failed when the Reaver Bonebreaker accidentally gave Elsie-Dee enhanced artificial intelligence. As a result, she defused the detonation sequence and enhanced the primitive intelligence of her counterpart. It was at this point that Elsie-Dee named him as Albert, after Albert Einstein. Having met Wolverine, Albert and Elsie-Dee decided the mutant was a noble person and abandoned their mission.[99] While Elsie-Dee saved Wolverine while they were in a burning building, Albert raided an electronic store and hacked into NASA's supercomputers to find a way to crack Pierce's programming. After crunching the numbers and sending them to Elsie-Dee, Albert was shot by the police.[100] Albert rebuilt himself in the police evidence locker, and stole a stealth bomber before linking up with Elsie-Dee.[101]
The two robots risked their artificial lives several times for each other and for Wolverine. At some point, they traveled in time and had several adventures, even teaming up with Bloodscream, an old enemy of Wolverine, while Albert gained a leadership role with a local Indian tribe.[102]
After Wolverine's body disappeared from his tomb, Albert was mentioned in Daredevil's discussion with Nur as one of the Wolverines that they are not looking for.[103] Albert was in Saskatchewan and massacred the forest rangers at an outpost in at Meadowlake Provincial Park. When Daredevil, Misty Knight, Nur and Cypher arrived to investigate the sighting, Cypher was attacked by Albert.[104] Daredevil confronted the killer, discovering that it is Albert rather than Wolverine as Nur works to heal Cypher. The group deactivated Albert, leaving an anonymous tip for the Canadian authorities on where to find him.[105]
During the "Iron Man 2020" storyline, Albert appears as a member of the A.I. Army.[106] He later divers from the A.I. Army's goals and heads to Madripoor to look for Elsie-Dee. He was directed to Donald Pierce's company Reavers Universal Robotics. After Albert subduing the Reavers, Donald tells Albert he sold Elsie-Dee's parts. After getting them back, Albert puts Elsie-Dee back together – however, the Reavers, Kimura, the Jade Dragon Triad, and the Vladivostok Mafia take action against Albert vowing that he will never make it out of Madripoor alive.[107] The pair evade their enemies and make it out of Madripoor by plane, in a disguised box bound for Macao. Elsie-Dee stated to Albert that they would get him upgraded.[108] Albert and Elsie-Dee are among those assisting in the fight against the Extinction Entity. It would later be revealed that this was just a simulation as Tony Stark has discovered that Arno Stark's terminal congenital disease that caused Arno to have a delusion about the Extinction Entity and had placed Arno in the Virtual Armor.[109]
Albert is superhumanly strong, could interface directly with computers, and had an intellect greater than his designer Donald Pierce. Albert had three retractable claws on each hand, just as Wolverine (but not adamantium). Albert not only had technological knowledge centuries beyond conventional science (which he was capable of making significant progress in), but also perfect photographic recall and detailed knowledge of even the most obscure facets of history. Albert reinforced his construction with bulletproof armor. Although Albert was initially designed to fight Wolverine, he has limited fighting skills.
Albert in other media
[edit]Albert appeared in Wolverine: Adamantium Rage.[citation needed]
[edit]Albion | |
Publication information | |
Publisher | Marvel UK |
First appearance | Knights of Pendragon (vol. 1) #8 (1990) |
In-story information | |
Alter ego | Peter Hunter |
Team affiliations | Knights of Pendragon Dark Guard |
Abilities |
Albion is a fiction comic book superhero who appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. His civilian identity is Peter Hunter.
In 1914, Peter Hunter's life changed when the mystical Green Knight bestowed him the Pendragon spirit-power once belonging to Herne the Hunter and Merlin, becoming the British hero, Albion. During World War I, he became a great hero for the British nation. However, after the war his powers faded and Hunter became a history teacher.[volume & issue needed]
Decades later his student Cam McClellan was possessed by the Pendragon power. Unable to control it, Cam became prey to the Green Knight's enemies, the Bane. Hunter and fellow Pendragons Ben Gallagher, Union Jack, Kate McClellan, went to Joselito, Spain, where they encountered the Bane's pawn, Francesca Grace. Hunter convinced Cam to return the Pendragon power to him, allowing him to become Albion once again.[volume & issue needed]
Taking an extended leave of absence from school, Albion became a leader of the new Knights of Pendragon, and investigated the return of the Bane's leader, the Red Lord. Captured and killed by Grace, Albion was resurrected by the Green Knight to take part in the final defense of the Green Chapel in the realm of Avalon. Victorious, the Knights used the chapel as their base for months. Albion officially became the group's leader, overseeing battles against Mys-Tech, Magpie, Baron Blood, and Shadow King, and began romancing his former enemy turned teammate, Grace.[volume & issue needed]
He was later recruited into the Time Guardian's Dark Guard along with Dark Angel, Motormouth, Killpower and Death's Head and charged with protecting the galaxy from Mys-Tech, Albion and his allies defeated the evil Collapsar, who threatened the balance of power on the planet Eopia.[volume & issue needed]
Along with the other Knights of Pendragon, Albion participated in the Battle of London Bridge, preventing Mys-Tech from sacrificing the entire population to Mephisto.[110] Hunter later retired to Avalon, where he became addicted to watching MasterChef. The return of Mys-Tech galvanised him to return to action[111] but he was captured by their Psycho-Wraiths[112] and used to open a gate to Mephisto's dimension. He joined a large number of British heroes in turning back the invasion before returning to Avalon.[113]
Hunter has magically enhanced strength, agility, durability, and the ability to fly at speeds reaching Mach 2,[citation needed] he can sense the presence of the villain Bane, and discharge magic flame from his hands. He is well versed in the use of the Arthurian Tarot, utilizing it to divine future events. Albion's armor provides protection from both physical and mystic harm, as well as amplifying his senses. The suit is bonded to him and cannot be removed unless he wills it. For a time, the Pendragons used mystically powered bikes to teleport to and from Avalon.[volume & issue needed]
Other versions of Albion
[edit]The Earth-9106 version of Peter Hunter is Officer Saxon[volume & issue needed], a Captain Britain Corps member.[114]
[edit]Alchemy (Thomas Jones) is a fictional character appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. A British mutant, Alchemy was created by British comic book fan Paul Betsow, was the winning entry of a contest held by Marvel Comics for the best fan-created character. Marvel planned to publish the winning creation in an issue of New Mutants; however, Alchemy eventually first appeared in X-Factor #41 instead.[citation needed]
Thomas 'Jellybeans' Jones was a teenager when his mutant powers first manifested. With little control over his powers, Thomas could turn objects he touched into gold. This drew the attention of the Troll Associates, a group of trolls. Centuries ago, trolls had been driven underground by humanity, but the Troll Associates wanted to reclaim the British Isles for their kind. The Troll Associates kidnapped Thomas and told him to create an abundance of gold to collapse the British economy, but Thomas refused to comply.[115]Meanwhile, Thomas' mother had witnessed her son's abduction by the trolls and thought that the trolls were mutants. She called X-Factor for help. X-Factor tracked down the trolls, following a trail of gold that Thomas had left behind, but the trolls defeated and imprisoned X-Factor. The trolls then tried to force Thomas to obey by threatening his mother. To protect his mother, Thomas turned the leaders of the Troll Associates, Phy and Phee, into gold, and given the sheer biochemical complexity of living organic matter, he could not change them back. The Troll Associates retreated and Thomas then turned the golden trolls into lead (to avoid the aforementioned economic problems). X-Factor placed the leaden trolls in Hyde Park as statues. Thomas decided to study biochemistry so that he could restore the leaden trolls back to normal.[116]
A few years later, the Troll Associates kidnapped Alchemy's mother. Alchemy was forced to obey them, but he secretly called X-Factor for help. On their way to restore the leaden trolls back to normal, the Troll Associates and Alchemy ran into Excalibur. The two groups fought and Alchemy turned Captain Britain and Meggan into gold. The X-Men met up with Excalibur and together they tracked down the trolls, but both groups were captured. Excalibur-leader Nightcrawler managed to convince the majority of the trolls that the Troll Associates' methods were wrong. He challenged the new leader of the Troll Associates, Phough, to single combat, while Excalibur and the X-Men freed themselves. Phough then tried to kill Alchemy's mother, but Nightcrawler saved her and Alchemy turned Phough into a golden statue. Alchemy then revealed to Excalibur and the X-Men that, due to his biochemistry studies, he could now restore humans back to normal and restored Captain Britain and Meggan.[117]
Alchemy was one the mutants to retain their powers after when the Scarlet Witch wished mutants out of existence.[118] He was instrumental to Cyclops' plan to save the mutant race by transmuting the Terrigen Clouds into a substance that is not harmful to mutants or humans. He was able to successfully transmute one of the clouds, but succumbed to Terrigen poisoning himself immediately afterwards.[119]
Alchemy has the ability to alter the chemical composition of anything he touches into its elemental components. He can also change matter into other forms so long as he fully understands the physical composition of the desired result. In his first appearance he could only change objects into simple chemical elements, usually gold. Due to his study of biochemistry, he could later also change objects into more complex molecules, allowing him to change transmuted living beings back to normal.[volume & issue needed]
Abdul Alhazred
[edit]Abdul Alhazred (Abd-el-Hazred), also going by the aliases The Mad Arab, Death God, and Master, is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He was first adapted into a Marvel character in Marvel's adapted comic of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan. This comic series took place within the Marvel Universe, according to The Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe: Mystic Arcana.
Alhazred's origins are unknown, but it has been discovered that he was first the leader of a small band of slaves in the desert. Starting to rebel due to his cruel force over the group, the slaves fought the powerful ruler but were defeated. However the Arab was wounded, and the group abandoned their leader and left him to die in the middle of the Sahara. Soon he stumbled upon a mystic rock, and became trapped inside a tiny dimensional realm in subterranean Earth, where he died, though his soul later blended with another being, a reptilian species in that same realm. Later on, his soul escaped from the creature and managed to escape the rock, bonding to a nearby host who gained all of his former traits (not counting his appearance).[volume & issue needed]
Alhazred soon gained control over a new group of slaves whom he forced to take an entrance through a large but dark cave, and into the dimension – Alhazred had destroyed the rock by throwing it at the back of a cave, which opened a portal to the realm – to gather a valuable crystal found only in the realm. One of the slaves grew afraid and ran back out the entrance, and he was slaughtered by Alhazred. Tarzan had spotted this, and he ran to fight the menace and avenge the slave, but could not. Later that day, Alhazred captured an African princess to serve as a sacrifice into the portal. Seeing this, Tarzan gathered up a band of criminals hoping to stop this madness, but they were all captured by the Arab. As the group journeyed into the cave, Tarzan and the princess secretly escaped, but the rest of the criminals eagerly accompanied Alhazred. When the princess was nowhere to be found when the sacrificial ceremony was held, the group went out looking for the two. Alhazred summoned all of his magical traveling abilities, and soon he was able to track down his prey.[volume & issue needed]
The group traveled over the Atlantic Ocean and battled pirates. After the end of the voyage, the exhausted group journeyed to the jungle of Mahar, but they were too late. Tarzan and the princess had already arrived to find a crystal very similar to the one in Alhazred's dimension. When Alhazred and his group were spotted, Tarzan and the princess took revenge on the ruler, and even the criminals turned on him. It was then that a battle was fought. While Tarzan battled the Arab, the princess tried to find a way to seize the crystal, but she was killed by a mad slave prisoner. While the battle went on against Alhazred, the Mad Arab finally had enough and quickly created a stampede of dinosaurs from mystical energy. After this trick had seemingly not harmed Tarzan, Alhazred decided to make him the sacrifice. The crystal was meanwhile losing energy, and it needed more to be stable. The crystal quickly then drained all energy from the powerful Arab, and the man crumbled into ashes.[volume & issue needed]Alhazred sought control of the Madripoor criminal empire of Tyger Tiger, so he could overthrow Prince Baran and gain a new power base. He sent agents to kidnap Tiger and Archie Corrigan, but the thugs argued and crashed their plane in Madripoor's jungles. There, Wolverine defeated them and rescued the captives.[120]
Later, Alhazred himself attacked and beat Wolverine, then successfully kidnapped Tiger and Corrigan. When Wolverine arrived to free his allies Alhazred unleashed his demons, hoping to send Wolverine into a rage, which Alhazred could use to control the mutant. Logan resisted by maintaining control of himself and caused the psychic backlash to banish Alhazred to the extradimensional demon realm.[121]
Abdul Alhazred has a seemingly endless number of mystical, magical, and psionic abilities. He can teleport in a cloud of smoke and powerfully hypnotize others. He possesses massive strength and durability, making him bulletproof.[volume & issue needed]
[edit]Alkhema is a fictional character appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character, created by Roy Thomas, Dann Thomas, David Ross, and Tim Dzon, first appeared in Avengers West Coast #90 (January 1993).
Publication history
[edit]Roy Thomas said he created her because he "wasn't wild about" Jocasta, the first bride of Ultron. The name comes from the word "alchemy". Her alias, War Toy, is from a story Roy Thomas had had Tony Isabella write for Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction years earlier.[122][clarification needed]
Alkhema was constructed by Ultron-13 as a second attempt to create a mate, based on the brain patterns of Mockingbird. Unlike her creator, she desired to kill all humans individually rather than en masse. She first went up against the Avengers shortly after being constructed, when she attacked a weapons center.[123] She was defeated, but escaped.[124] She later would go on to betray Ultron.[125]
After a defeat of Ultron, she salvaged the set of brain patterns based after Hank Pym, the Wasp, Vision, Wonder Man, Scarlet Witch, the Grim Reaper from the rubble of Ultron's Slorenian base.[126] where she built her Robos – consisting of War Toys and Bio-Synthezoids. However she was seemingly destroyed at Thebes when Hawkeye fired an "anti-metal" arrow into her.[127]
By the time of the Robot Revolution, Alkema had started the Opus Futurae group where she named herself the Mother Prophet. She gained access to a lab in Siberia containing a bio-chemical weapon and unleashed it on the facility's staff. However, her robots start attacking Alkhema to prevent her from getting away with the bio-chemical weapon. JB12-X-05G893259 resumes the self-destruct sequence which blews up the research lab. Alkhema emerged from the rubble and walked away, commenting that her plans are much different from her father's plans and the A.I. Army's plans.[128]
[edit]All-American (Jack Magniconte), also called Mr. Magnificent, is a fictional character appearing in comics published by Marvel Comics.
Jack Magniconte was the star quarterback for the New York Smashers football team, dubbed "Mr. Magnificent" by the press. His brother Steve (who had raised him) designed the Intensifier – a machine to enhance muscle mass, which he built with money borrowed from a loan shark. Jack himself was one of the people who was affected by the radiation of the "White Event"—a then-unexplained cosmic event which caused a small percentage of the human race to develop superhuman powers. Jack's powers however did not manifest until he volunteered to the Intensifier; upon first exposure, Jack's hair turned white and his muscle-mass and stamina were increased to a superhuman level.[volume & issue needed]
Initially thrilled, Jack soon discovered that football no longer held any challenge for him, and he began trying to wear himself out before games in an attempt to give his opponents a sporting chance. Meanwhile, Steve's Intensifier was not having any measurable result on other test subjects; as a result he was unable to pay the loan shark back, who suggested that he have Jack throw the Super Bowl instead. Steve did not even ask his brother to do so, and Jack won the Super Bowl easily. Jack visited his brother afterwards – just in time to see Steve killed by one of the loan shark's men.[volume & issue needed]
Jack decided to dedicate his life to helping others, and formed a non-profit foundation called "Kickers, Inc." to help people with unusual problems. He was joined in this project by his wife Darlene and several of his teammates. However, an unscrupulous CIA agent began blackmailing him with threats of getting him banned from football. Although he cooperated at first, running several missions for the CIA, he eventually resisted and was blacklisted.[volume & issue needed]
After the destruction of Pittsburgh, he enlisted in the US Military and became known as "the All-American". He was given the rank of Captain and a patriotic costume, and placed in charge of one of the units of paranormals who were recruited during the paranormal draft.[129] He takes part in the mission to South Africa that almost set off a paranormal and nuclear war.[volume & issue needed]
When Earth-148611 came into contact with Earth-616, Jack was among the superheroes who fought alongside Quasar. Jack was on his Earth when the Living Tribunal seals it off from the rest of that universe.[volume & issue needed]
Jack Magniconte is a superb athlete, combatant, and martial artist. After being experimented on, Jack gained superhuman strength (being able to lift up to 1 ton), durability, agility, reflexes, and speed. He can run up to 40 miles per hour (64 km/h) for as long as 10 minutes before beginning to tire, and he is bulletproof to indirect shots. He is a skilled pilot and uses a variety of automatic weapons, preferably guns, and wears a bulletproof uniform and helmet.
Other versions of All-American
[edit]In the New Universe reboot newuniversal: shockfront #1, Giovanni "Jack" Magniconte's powers manifest for the first time during a televised game—he struck and killed opposing player Michael Hathaway with a single blow.[130] This immediately brought him to the attention of Project Spitfire, as well as the other existing superhumans. Spitfire's Philip L. Voight then attempted to kill Magniconte, detonating a suitcase bomb that destroyed the building Magniconte was being detained in.[volume & issue needed]
Liz Allan
[edit]All-Black the Necrosword
[edit]All-Black the Necrosword is a character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
It was the first symbiote created by Knull using a slain Celestial's head, and typically takes the form of a sword made from living darkness that responds to intense negative emotions, which often corrupts its user into committing divine atrocities.[131] The All-Black corrupted Gorr the God Butcher to continue his God-killing spree, but failed due to three versions of Thor who cast the Necrosword into a black hole.[132] In the present, the All-Black is revived and used by Knull before being destroyed by Venom.[133]
Other versions of All-Black the Necrosword
[edit]In King Thor's timeline, the All-Black simultaneously bonds with Galactus,[134] Ego the Living Planet,[135] and Loki.[136]
All-Black the Necrosword in other media
[edit]- All-Black appears in a flashback in the Spider-Man promo short "The Secret Story of Venom". This version was previously created by Knull to aid him in his war against the Celestials as a member of the "Symbiote Sisters" before being abandoned by him and subsequently discovered by an alien explorer who bonded with her and her people. However, one rejected the power of the symbiotes and eventually killed All-Black. Afterwards, the remaining Sisters took over the planet and reformed All-Black's remains into the Venom symbiote and a symbiote-dragon called the World-Killer.[137]
- All-Black the Necrosword served as the inspiration for non-symbiote swords that appear in films set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe[138] – with one used by Hela in Thor: Ragnarok,[138] and another used by Gorr the God Butcher in Thor: Love and Thunder.[139][140]
[edit]Alpha (Andrew "Andy" Maguire) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #692 (August 2012).[141]
Maguire was a student at Midtown High School, the same school Peter Parker attended, but he was not a good student and was completely ignored by everyone. One day during a demonstration at Horizon Labs, a problem arose during Parker's demonstration of "Parker Particles". Despite the attempts of Peter Parker and others to protect the class, Andy saved a girl named Chrissy, causing him to be struck by the energy himself. Instead of being fatally injured, he miraculously survived and Andrew gained the ability to create a hyper-kinetic form of energy tied to the forces of the universe. After being tested by many scientists and superheroes Mister Fantastic, Hank Pym, Iron Man, and Beast, Andy became the new spokesman of Horizon Labs at Mister Fantastic's suggestion to Max Modell. He was also trained by Peter Parker's alter-ego Spider-Man.[142]
His superhero career was initially poorly received by the public. After observing Alpha, Jackal kidnapped the boy along with his parents, to create clones of him and build an army to control the world. Spider-Man managed to track Andy to the villain's lair, where they learned Andy's DNA was not affected by the accident, leading his newly formed clones to be powerless. After failing to absorb Alpha's power, the Jackal escaped. In the aftermath, Andy was emancipated from his neglectful parents.[143]After he was called by Spider-Man to help the Avengers to battle Terminus, Alpha used his powers carelessly, causing many aircraft to shut down. After the Avengers managed to rescue the various passengers, Peter decided that Alpha was too irresponsible to wield the powers he had. He used Terminus' energy lance to deflect Alpha's energy to build an engine which took a huge portion of Andy's power. Spider-Man told Andy that he would be returning to his parents and attending high school once more.[144]
Six months after these events took place, his parents divorced and Andy and his mother moved in with Andy's grandmother.[volume & issue needed] Later, the Superior Spider-Man returned 10% of Alpha's abilities to him to harness Parker Particles and make himself more powerful.[volume & issue needed] Alpha then attempted to save a woman from a mugger, but accidentally crushed the assailant's skull. After admitting the mugger to the Pittsburgh University Medical Center, Alpha destroyed an elemental parasite, preventing it from demolishing a steel plant.[volume & issue needed] After saving his friend Susan "Soupcan" Rice from a restaurant fire, Alpha realized the Parker Particles have enhanced his senses to the point that he can hear and see everything on Earth.[volume & issue needed] He then visits the mugger, who awakes and vows revenge, later mutating into a tumor-like beast named Zeta. After defeating an ex-Stark International engineer named The Miller with Thor's assistance, he attempts to remove the rampaging Zeta from the hospital, but is alerted that his mother's home is burning down, at the behest of "Boss" Cohen, Pittsburgh's top crime boss.[volume & issue needed] After saving his mother, he enlists Spider-Man to help destroy Zeta, but fails to completely destroy all the cancerous tissue, allowing Zeta to escape.[volume & issue needed] Then, after an attempt on Soupcan's life by one of Cohen's hitmen, Alpha threatens to kill Cohen, but is deterred by the fact that Cohen knows about the mugger. He then tells Alpha to not prevent any of Cohen's crimes, or he'll release the information to the media. Andy then reveals his identity to his only other friend Duncan Kilgore and attempts to make a name for himself as protector of Pittsburgh.[volume & issue needed]
Powers and abilities of Alpha
[edit]Due to his exposure to the Parker Particles, Andy is capable of continually recharging massive amounts of cosmic energy, which he can release in the form of energy blasts, super strength, super speed, force fields, telekinesis, matter manipulation, and flight. He is only able to manifest one of his abilities at a time instead of all at once. The Superior Spider-Man noted that it is possible that Alpha is the only being capable of utilizing Parker Particles without turning into a parasitic monster, or "Zeta".[volume & issue needed]
Reception of Alpha
[edit]Comic Book Resources placed him as one of the superheroes Marvel wants you to forget.[145]
Alpha, the Ultimate Mutant
[edit]Alpha, the Ultimate Mutant is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Alpha is a being artificially created by Magneto, a prominent mutant in the Marvel Universe. Alpha, the Ultimate Mutant first appeared in The Defenders #15–16 (September–October 1974), and was created by Len Wein and Sal Buscema.[146]
Following an epic battle with the Avengers,[147] Magneto was imprisoned in the center of Earth. He managed to escape and propels himself backtowards the surface.[148] On the way, he finds the underground ruins of a long-lost technologically advanced civilization in New Mexico. Using the machinery and books he found among the ruins, he began bio-engineering "the ultimate mutant". Professor X telepathically detected that Magneto and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants are active in the area of the Carlsbad Caverns, and he summons the Defenders to launch an attack against them. Magneto and the Brotherhood manage to repel the Defenders for enough time to allow the engineering of Alpha to be completed.[volume & issue needed]
Alpha emerges as an oversized humanoid of subhuman intelligence. Initially he is only capable of creating force fields as a reflex, and of blindly following Magneto's orders. However, each time he uses his powers, Alpha's cranium widens, causing an increase to his intellect. Magneto has Alpha teleport him and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants to the United Nations headquarters.[149] When his demands for world rulership are turned down, Magneto orders Alpha to telekinetically lift the Secretariat Building and suspend it in mid-air. After the Defenders attack the Brotherhood, Alpha was coerced by Magneto to retaliate in various means, including transforming the concrete pavement into autonomous "rock-men", transforming the Hulk into a stone statue, telekinetically spinning Nighthawk in the air until he lost consciousness, and fusing Valkyrie to the ground.[volume & issue needed] The rampant use of his powers eventually elevated Alpha's awareness to a superhuman level. Persuaded by Professor X, he telepathically probed both the Brotherhood of Mutants and the Defenders to discover which team was evil. Understanding that Magneto had fooled him into committing malicious acts, Alpha punished his erstwhile allies by regressing them to infancy, restored the United Nations building complex and erased the event from the minds of all onlookers. Finally, declaring himself too evolved to remain on Earth, Alpha transformed himself to a streak of light and leaves to explore the universe.[volume & issue needed]
Quasar briefly glimpses Alpha, first on the Stranger's Labworld,[150] and then during his journeys in the cosmos. Alpha seemed to be paired with another highly evolved humanoid, named Futurist.[151]
Powers and abilities of Alpha, the Ultimate Mutant
[edit]Alpha the Ultimate Mutant possesses telepathy and vast powers enabling him to transmute the elements, reconstruct matter, reverse the aging process, project force fields, teleport himself and others, fly, and survive in the vacuum of space. He possesses telekinetic powers which are enough to lift a 50-story skyscraper and the surrounding land into the air. Alpha the Ultimate Mutant originally had a hulking form which likely possessed great strength but lacked enough intelligence to obey commands. Within a few hours, Alpha's cranium and brain grew in size and evolved into a being of great intellect with a form to match. He stands at 10 feet tall, although he can alter his form at will.[volume & issue needed]
Alpha, the Ultimate Mutant in other media
[edit]Alpha makes non-speaking cameo appearances in X-Men: The Animated Series.[citation needed]
Marlene Alraune
[edit]Marlene Alraune is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. She is an archaeologist, adviser, helper, and Moon Knight's lover. The character first appeared in Marvel Spotlight #28 (March 1976).
Some years ago, Marlene Alraune was married to Eric Fontaine, but divorced him.[152] Years later, she aided her father, Dr. Peter Alraune, in searching for the Tomb of Set II, during which she met Marc Spector. The mercenary Raoul Bushman brutally murdered Dr. Alraune and did the same to Spector, but he was revived as the superhero Moon Knight. Marlene returned to New York with Spector where not only did she become his confidante, but also started to fall in love with him.[153] During one such adventure, Marlene was reunited with her brother and only other living relative, Dr. Peter Jr., who accidentally creates the sleep deprived supervillain Morpheus.[154] Despite their best efforts, Peter Jr. sacrificed himself to take down Morpheus for good, greatly saddening Marlene.[155] Marlene ultimately left Marc when his life became too dangerous and she went back to her ex-husband Eric.[156]
Marlene would later leave Eric again and return to Marc where she once again aided him as Moon Knight.[157] When Marc started SpectorCorp to further his operations, Marlene would recommend a position to her friend Donna Kraft while she went to work undercover at PhalkonCorp.[158] Marc later "died", but Marlene knew him too well to know that he would not stay dead for long.[159] Sure enough, Marc returned and Marlene chose to resume her relationship with him.[160]
Marlene and Marc would continue to have an on again-off again type of relationship, culminating in Marlene conceiving a child, a daughter named Diatrice, whom she had hid from him for some time. Marc would come back into her life and fight to defend her and her daughter from Sun King and Bushman.[161] Despite trying to stay with him, Marlene left Marc once again, taking Diatrice with her to France.[162]
Marlene Alraune in other media
[edit]- In the Moon Knight Disney+'s series set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marlene's character serves as the basis and inspiration for original character Layla El-Faouly (portrayed by May Calamawy).[163]
Keema Alvarado
[edit]Further reading |
Keemia "Keema" Alvarado (sometimes Keemia Marko) is a fictional supporting character in Marvel Comics. The daughter of Sandman, created by Fred Van Lente and Javier Pulido, first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #615 (February 2010), and is based on Penny Marko, created by Sam Raimi, Ivan Raimi, and Alvin Sargent for the 2007 feature film Spider-Man 3, in which she was played by Perla Haney-Jardine.
Keemia Alvarado is the prepubescent daughter of Alma Alvarado and possibly Flint Marko, the Sandman. Marko was in a relationship with Alma, whom Spider-Man deduced was a villain junkie. Alma most likely had Keemia with Marko as he would visit her often much to her chagrin. Keemia dressed as a princess all the time as she hoped it would bring Marko back to her.[164] Marko eventually took Keemia after Alma was murdered by one of his clones, though he was unaware. Keemia happily lived on an island where Marko catered to her every whim, essentially fulfilling her dream of being a princess. However, due to Marko's clones' string of murders, Spider-Man swooped in to rescue Keemia from the potential danger that Marko caused. Spider-Man defeats Marko and takes Keemia who is upset over her father's disappearance and begins to hate Spider-Man. She is placed in foster care, but holds on to the belief that her father will come back one day.[165]
Other versions of Keemia Alvarado
[edit]In Spider-Man: Reign, Sandman's daughter is named Susie Marko or Susie Baker. Susie is a tomboy street kid who graffitis with her friends. She joins J. Jonah Jameson's resistance against the Reign, an oppressive group run by the totalitarian government of New York, and befriends a hacker her age named Kasey. Kasey is killed by The Sinner Six and after witnessing Spider-Man unmasked as an old man, slightly loses hope. After Venom activates WEBB, the city is overrun by the Symbiotes and Susie flees to a church where she rescues the other children using a bell to ward off the alien. Susie rallies the kids into wearing masks and fight the Reign and runs into her father revealing her identity and her ability to turn her body into hard cement. However, the Reign shoot her body apart and despite Sandman's best efforts to get her to come back together, she reverts to normal with body apart and dies. Her death convinces Sandman to aid Spider-Man.
Keemia Alvarado in other media
[edit]- Before appearing in the comics, a character named Penny Marko appeared in Spider-Man 3, portrayed by Perla Haney-Jardine. Due to her suffering from an unidentified disease, Flint Marko turns to a life of crime to pay for the medical bills.
- Keemia Marko appears in Marvel's Spider-Man, voiced by Sofia Carson.[166] This version is the teenage daughter of Flint Marko who was caught in the explosion that turned Flint into Sandman and gained her own sand-based shapeshifting powers, though her right eye is permanently rendered as sand. Following this, she is taken in by Flint's former boss, Hammerhead, who helps her control her powers. While assisting him in his crimes, she receives the name "Sandgirl" from Spider-Man, who eventually defeats her via the V-252 symbiote he was wearing at the time. Nonetheless, she escapes while Hammerhead and his men are arrested. In "Critical Update", Sandgirl forms her own gang to fill the power vacuum left behind following Hammerhead, Silvermane, and Big Wheel's arrests, only to be defeated by the Superior Spider-Man and arrested by the police. As of "Brand New Day", Sandgirl was remanded to a supervillain prison called the Cellar as Regent copied her abilities.
[edit]American Ace
[edit]American Ace is the name of two fictional characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics in the Golden Age of Comic Books. The first American Ace first appeared in the uncirculated Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1 starring in his own story in 1939. The character would make his first public appearance when his strip was reprinted and later continued in Marvel Mystery Comics #2[167] and #3.[168]
Perry Webb
[edit]Perry Webb was an American miner who traveled in his private plane internationally in search of rare minerals, such as radium. On one such search, he set out to the Balkan nation of Attainia. However, his timing was unfortunate since a neighbouring country, Castile d'Or declared war on Attainia over the assassination of their arch-duke by an Attainian extremist. Promising the citizens of Castile D'Or "justice", the formerly exiled Queen Ursula became chancellor and invaded Attainia, when it was in fact she who was behind the assassination. Meanwhile, Webb had landed and was horrified as the bombings began. Having saved a girl called Jeanie, from being crushed by a falling tower, he was rewarded by being taken to her family's cottage. Falling in love, Webb, however, chose to leave Attainia. His plane was shot down and Webb was wounded severely. After making his recovery, he vowed he would have vengeance against Castile'D'Or.
During the "Last Days" part of the "Secret Wars" storyline, Perry was seen as a resident of Valhalla Villas (a retirement home for ex-heroes and ex-villains). He is among the residents that were temporarily de-aged during the Incursion between Earth-616 and Earth-1610.[169]
Ace Masters
[edit]Another "American Ace" appeared in 2011. Ace Masters is a homosexual yet married fighter pilot. He first appeared in issue #4 of the maxi-series All Winners Squad: Band of Heroes.
American Dream
[edit]American Eagle
[edit]Americop (Bartholomew "Bart" Gallows) is a fictional vigilante appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Americop first appeared in Captain America #428 (June 1994), and was created by Mark Gruenwald and Dave Hoover.[citation needed]
Bart Gallows was born in Sugar Land, Texas[170] and later became a police officer in Houston, Texas. Disillusioned at the law's inability to protect society from crime, he resigned from the force and became a vigilante named Americop.[171] He travels across America and uses a police scanner to track down criminals, and not above executing the criminals he thinks deserve it. He sometimes took money from the drug-trafficking criminals he battles, keeping half and donating the rest to drug rehabilitation programs. Americop found himself in conflict with Captain America while trying to bring down a child exploitation ring; Captain America was appalled by his brutality.[172] Americop's investigation led him to the New Orleans mansion of indestructible munitions magnate Damon Dran. Although initially subdued by a gas grenade attack and imprisoned alongside Captain America, he managed to break free. During the fight, he killed several of Dran's mercenaries and shot down his helicopter. Americop believed that Dran had died in the crash, though the criminal actually survived.[173]
After the super-hero Civil War, Americop was a target on the Thunderbolts' Most Wanted list. Norman Osborn sent Penance and Bullseye to battle Americop, with the secret hope the vigilante will kill the difficult pair. Instead, the two crash Americop's truck and Bullseye causes Penance's stored-up energy to be unleashed, which fries 80 percent of the vigilante's synaptic nerve endings.[174] Americop later died.[175]
The Americop uniform and code name were later copied by a private security force called the Americops run by Keane Industries.[176][177]
[edit]Amphibian (Kingsley Rice) is the name of two fictional characters in the Marvel multiverse, members of alternate versions of the fictional Squadron Supreme. The original character was inspired by Namor and first appeared in The Avengers #148 (June 1976).[citation needed]
Earth-712 Amphibian
[edit]A founding member of the Squadron Supreme, Kingsley is part of the team after the Overmind uses the Squadron to take control of the world. When the Squadron announces its Utopia program, intended to solve all the world's ills, Amphibian openly objects but is overruled by the majority of his teammates.[178] As the team enacts their program, Rice becomes increasingly disillusioned and distanced from his teammates, feeling his opinions are not being respected. He finally reaches breaking point when the Golden Archer admits to using the team's Behavior Modification technology on squad-mate Lark to make her love him. Enraged by what he sees as the Squadron's double standards, he surreptitiously destroys the devices, then departs the team – vowing never to return to the surface again.[179]
The remainder of the Squadron would become stranded on another Earth for some years. In their absence, a totalitarian government calling itself "The Global Directorate" arose, using the Behvaior Modification technology to enforce their rule. Reuniting with his former teammates, now physically altered by his long time spent underwater, Amphibian agrees to help restore freedom to their world.[180] Their efforts are unsuccessful until an encounter with the other-dimensional team known as the Exiles helps them find proof the Global Director seized power.[181]
Kingsley, along with the rest of the Squadron bar Power Princess, was killed in the destruction of his world via an Incursion.[182]
Earth-31916 Amphibian
[edit]Supreme Power featured a female version of the character, also named Kingsley Rice. This version was created by J. Michael Straczynski and Gary Frank, and first appeared in Supreme Power #2 (November 2003).
This version of Rice, along with much of her world's version of the Squadron, were killed by the Cabal of Earth-616 during an Incursion.[183]
Heroes Reborn Amphibian
[edit]In the 2021 "Heroes Reborn" reality, Amphibian is a member of the Secret Squadron. During the fight with the Siege Society, Amphibian was beheaded by Baron Helmut Zemo. Tom Thumb, Nighthawk, and Blur mourn the deaths of their fallen comrades Amphibian, Arcanna Jones, Blue Eagle, and Golden Archer.[184]
[edit]Amphibius is the name of a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
Formerly a Swamp Men tribesman that lived in the Savage Land saved from hostile tribesmen by Magneto and changed into a humanoid frog-like mutate, Amphibius becomes one of the Savage Land Mutates.[volume & issue needed] He is the first of the Savage Land Mutates to see the X-Men, and also fought Ka-Zar[volume & issue needed] and Spider-Man.[volume & issue needed]
[edit]Anachronism is the name of a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Anachronism was created by Dennis Hopeless and Kev Walker, and first appeared in Avengers Arena #1.[citation needed]
He is one of sixteen superpowered teenagers kidnapped by Arcade and forced to fight to the death.[185]
After escaping, he and some of the other survivors trained with Madame Masque.[186]
[edit]The Anarchist
[edit]The Anarchist (Tike Alicar) is the name of a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He was a member of the superhero team X-Statix. The Anarchist first appeared in X-Force #116 and was created by Peter Milligan and Mike Allred.
Alicar was adopted and raised by a white family. He grew up in Canada.[volume & issue needed] He suffered from obsessive compulsive disorder, which made him obsessed with being clean by washing his hands repeatedly.[volume & issue needed] He joined Zeitgeist's X-Force.[187] While giving an interview (naked) to a reporter, he blew open a roof in the Beverly Hills Four Season hotel; when challenged by the police, he shouts that he is now in X-Force, therefore he can do anything.[volume & issue needed] Only he and U-Go Girl survived the Boyz 'R Us massacre.[volume & issue needed] Both of them challenged each other for leadership of the new team, even accusing each other of having orchestrated the massacre of their teammates; instead the position went to newcomer Orphan. Alicar did not mind, stating that he just wanted to become leader to spite U-Go-Girl.[volume & issue needed] It was later discovered that Alicar was supposed to die in the massacre, in a plan created by the team leader Coach and Zeitgeist himself.[volume & issue needed]
During the last mission as X-Force in which they had to terminate the Bush Rangers,[188] Anarchist, Orphan, U-Go-Girl and Doop found themselves trapped in a small ship that was drifting aimlessly in space. The four found an escape pod which could only fit two adults and Doop, and decided to settle the matter with a game of chance. Anarchist purposely lost by using his powers, but was later rescued by the team.[189]
Subsequently, the team changed their name to X-Statix. Anarchist found himself becoming closer to Orphan due to U-Go-Girl's demise.[volume & issue needed] He became romantically involved with his teammate Dead Girl, initially out of novelty before developing real feelings for her.[volume & issue needed] Anarchist and his team become so famous they could commit crimes without fear; he even once broke into a jewellery store and is later thanked by the owner for the resultant publicity.[volume & issue needed] For a time, the team split up, with Anarchist and Dead Girl performing shows on their own.[volume & issue needed] They reunited, mostly out of loyalty to Orphan, who had become embroiled in a zombie invasion.[volume & issue needed] He briefly became leader of the team[190] when the Orphan temporarily leaves.[volume & issue needed]
On their last mission, all the X-Statix team are killed. Alicar is gunned down,[191] dying side by side with Orphan, after having slain many of their opponents. They did not even know who their enemies were, though they wore exactly the same uniform as the gunmen in the 'Boyz R Us' massacre.[volume & issue needed]
After finding himself in Hell, Anarchist joined forces with a group of deceased supervillains, including Mysterio, Kraven the Hunter, and Miss America. Led by the mysterious Pitiful One, they attempted to return from the dead. Although they failed, Anarchist found romance with Miss America, and it is implied[citation needed] by the Orphan that they both are allowed to enter Heaven as a result of choosing to rebel against the villains.[192]
Anarchist could sweat acid, which allowed him to fire acidic blasts of energy from his hands.[volume & issue needed]
[edit]First appearance | Thor #398 (December 1988) (unnamed appearance) The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 2) #48 (February 2003) |
Created by | Tom DeFalco, Ron Frenz, J. Michael Straczynski, John Romita Jr. |
Species | Vodu |
Aliases | A. Nancy, Spider-God, Great Weaver |
Kwaku Anansi is the name of a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appeared as an unnamed god in Thor #398 by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz and made his named appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 2) #48 by J. Michael Straczynski and John Romita Jr.[citation needed]
Anansi was a member of the Vodu, deities worshipped by the tribes of Africa.[193]
According to Ezekiel Sims and the Ashanti tribe in Ghana, Anansi was the first Spider-Man who used his powers to travel through Africa. Anansi made a deal with the Sky God, Nyame, offering his eternal service in exchange for more enlightenment and, after transmitting his power and knowledge to the Great Web, vanished.[194] His temple was then used by Peter Parker to defeat the totemic wasp entity, Shathra and was then used as a battle arena, when Peter and Ezekiel started fighting to appease the totemic entity Gatekeeper.[195]
During the infestation of Manhattan Island, Anansi was disguised as a pest specialist known as A. Nancy and visited Hercules at his workplace. Hercules helped Nancy to sneak into Arachne's apartment to steal her Tapestry. After that, Nancy was attacked by Elektra who stole the tapestry, but left Nancy alive even though Baba Yaga had ordered her to kill him.[196]
Other versions of Anansi
[edit]- In Spider-Man: Fairy Tales, a version of Anansi appears where he faces several gods during his quest.[197]
- During the "Spider-Verse" event, a version of Anansi is recruited by Spider-UK into joining the Spider-Army to battle the Inheritors.[198]
Anansi in other media
[edit]Anansi appears in Spider-Man Unlimited.[citation needed]
Ancient One
[edit]Anelle is the name of a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. She is a Skrull princess, the heir to the Skrull Empire, and the daughter of Emperor Dorrek VII and Empress R'Kill. The character first appeared in Fantastic Four #37, and was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
Anelle often opposed her father, Dorrek VII's, political policies, preferring peace to his aggressive military policies. She fell in love with Warlord Morrat, but he was executed for treason by firing squad after a failed coup d'état against her father. She leapt in front of the weapon-fire in an attempt to save him, but the Invisible Woman surrounded her with a force field and saved her life.[199]
The Super-Skrull desires her, but she is not interested in him.[200] In an attempt to win her hand, he captures Captain Marvel, the Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver and presents them to her father, Emperor Dorrek VII, as a bride price for her hand in marriage, but her father interprets it as an attempt to usurp him and imprisons the Super-Skrull instead.[201] Anelle and the Kree Mar-Vell fall in love and have an illicit relationship,[202] leading to the birth of future Young Avenger Hulkling. The emperor orders the baby put to death as soon as he realizes who the father is, but Anelle has her nurse smuggle the child off-world. The nurse raises the child on Earth.[203]
Galactus later consumes the Skrull Throneworld, and Anelle is among the billions who perish.[204]
Anelle in other media
[edit]- Anelle appears in the Fantastic Four (1967) episode "Behold, A Distant Star", voiced by Ginny Tyler.[citation needed]
- Anelle appears in the Fantastic Four (1994) episode "Behold, A Distant Star", voiced by Mary Kay Bergman.[205]
- Anelle appears in The Super Hero Squad Show two-part episodes "Another Order of Evil!" and the episode "Alienating with the Surfer!", voiced by Tara Strong.[205]
Angar the Screamer
[edit]Angar the Screamer (David Alan Angar, also known as Scream) is the name a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is a supervillain, created by Steve Gerber, Gene Colan, and John Tartaglione, who first appeared in Daredevil #100 (June 1973).[206]
[edit]Angel is the name of different characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
Thomas Halloway
[edit]Simon Halloway
[edit]Warren Worthington III
[edit]Angel Dust
[edit]Angel Dust (Christina) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer Geoff Johns and artist Shawn Martinbrough, the character first appeared in Morlocks #1 (June 2002).
When the scared young mutant Angel Dust ran away to join the Chicago faction of the Morlocks, she left behind her worried parents.[207] After Angel Dust and the other Morlocks swore to help each other resolve one "aboveground" issue, she returned home to tell her parents the truth, which she thought would result in rejection by her family. To Angel Dust's surprise, her parents accepted her for who she was.[208] However, it was only after she had helped her compatriots defeat a Sentinel base that Angel Dust finally returns home for good.[209]
She was later among the thousands of mutants who lost their powers.[210]
Angel Dust has the ability to increase her adrenaline levels, gaining superhuman strength for a short time. Her strength varies from being able to lift 800 lb (363 kg) to being able to lift 55,000 lb (25 tonnes), depending on her adrenaline levels. Her speed, agility and stamina are also enhanced. However, she can only use her powers for a short time before exhausting herself. When she uses her powers, dark lines appear on her face.[211]
Angel Dust in other media
[edit]Angel Dust appears in Deadpool, portrayed by Gina Carano.[212] This version is a human who was artificially enhanced in the same program that created Deadpool.
[edit]Dirk Anger
[edit]Dirk Anger is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character has been primarily featured in the book Nextwave, and was created by Warren Ellis and Stuart Immonen. Anger is a thinly veiled, over-the-top parody of Nick Fury; Ellis originally wanted to use Fury himself but the character was unavailable.[213]
Dirk Anger is the Director of the Highest Anti Terrorist Effort (H.A.T.E.). Anger is fully aware that The Beyond Corporation©, which funds H.A.T.E., is the newest version of terrorist cell S.I.L.E.N.T.; however, he simply does not care.[volume & issue needed] Anger is over ninety years old, but has an extended lifespan, through chemical means.[volume & issue needed]
Anger has a multitude of psychological issues, including misogyny,[volume & issue needed] bulimia,[volume & issue needed] alcoholism,[volume & issue needed] nicotine addiction,[volume & issue needed] depression,[volume & issue needed] sadism,[volume & issue needed] and a fixation on a flowery house dress that may have belonged to his mother.[volume & issue needed] Dirk Anger accidentally (and finally) committed suicide by hanging during his pursuit of the Nextwave squad.[volume & issue needed] However, the Beyond Corporation© had installed a "Zombie Switch" in his brain, preventing him from dying, yet leaving him craving human brains.[volume & issue needed] He was apparently destroyed when he ordered his aeromarine to ram Nextwave's ship into Beyond's floating city.[volume & issue needed]
Reception on Dirk Anger
[edit]- Dirk Anger won the "Favorite Comics Villain" Eagle Award in 2007.[citation needed]
The Ani-Mator
[edit]The Ani-Mator (Dr. Frederick Animus) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The Ani-Mator appeared in New Mutants vol. 1 #59 (January 1988), and was created by Louise Simonson and Bret Blevins.[citation needed]
Dr. Frederick Animus was a geneticist employed by a university conducting medical research, but instead concentrated on research of mutation. When he falsified reports on the effectiveness of medication, several people died; as a result he was investigated, fired and jailed for negligence. It was there he met Cameron Hodge.[214] Taking the name Ani-Mator, he was employed as a geneticist by Hodge's organization The Right to research a means of stopping the process that created mutants. When the Right set him up on a deserted island in the North Atlantic he named Paradise, Animus instead created a race of "Ani-Mates" through gene slicing and selective breeding, which combined the characteristics of human beings and other animals, intending for them to be a slave race for humanity.[214]
One of the Ani-Mates, Bird-Brain, escaped the island and ultimately befriended the New Mutants. They returned to the island to stop the mad scientist's experiments.[215] They succeeded in defeating Animus' creations, but right afterwards they were captured by Hodge and agents of The Right, who had become suspicious of the doctor's activities. Bird-Brain subsequently rallied the surviving Ani-Mates to help rescue his human friends.[214] During the fight with the Right troopers, Animus broke free and attempted to shoot and kill Wolfsbane, but instead killed Cypher, who had pushed Rahne out of the way. In retaliation, Magik threatened to shoot Ani-Mator with his own gun until being talked down by Wolfsbane, and instead exiled him to the dimension of Limbo.[216] There he was captured by S'ym, transferred into a demon of living circuitry, and forced to serve in S'ym's army.[216]
[edit]Further reading |
Annalee is a mutant in the Marvel Universe.
The character, created by Louise Simonson and June Brigman, first appeared in Power Pack #12 (1985).
Within the context of the stories, Annalee is a member of the subterranean mutants known as the Morlocks, Annalee's own four children were slain and this caused her to force the four original members of Power Pack to become her foster children. Her repeated attempts failed (the latter attempt was foiled when Katie Power escaped and sought the aid of the X-Men),[217] but she later found happiness caring for the young Morlock known as Leech.[volume & issue needed] Annalee later was slain by the Marauders' member called Scalphunter during the Mutant Massacre.[218]
Annalee in other media
[edit]Annalee appeared in the X-Men: The Animated Series episode "Captive Hearts", voiced by Kay Tremblay. She seemed to have a greater control over her powers, causing the X-Men, including Jean Grey, to experience any state of mind she chose to place them in, from Wolverine believing himself to be covered with scorpions, to Jean believing herself to be a young child and Annalee her mother.
[edit]Annex (Alexander Ellis) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is usually depicted as associated with Spider-Man. Annex was created by writer Jack C. Harris and artist Tom Lyle and first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #27 (1993)[219] as an enemy of Spider-Man, but went on to become an ally. His next appearance was Spider-Man Unlimited #3, followed by a self-titled limited series.[citation needed] He appeared in the Avengers: the Initiative series beginning with issue #13.[citation needed]
Ellis was a Desert Storm veteran whose leg was wounded in combat and subsequently amputated. He signed up for an Annexing unit, where computer technology grew a newly functioning limb; however, because of a computer glitch, Ellis lost his memory and becomes the villain Annex. He was quickly defeated by Spider-Man, and changes back into Ellis.[220]
Annex later joined Camp Hammond to be trained in the Fifty State Initiative program.[221] After the Skrull invasion, Annex was assigned to New Mexico's Initiative team.[222]
As a result of his exo-skeleton armor, Annex possesses the ability to increase his strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, reaction time, coordination, agility, dexterity, balance, and endurance. Annex can also create any weapon he requires. The armor also grants him flight, "schema mode", and informational downloading methods, all at the base of a computer generated robotic structure.[volume & issue needed]
[edit]The Answer is the name of three connected fictional comic book characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
Aaron Nicholson
[edit]The first Answer, Aaron Nicholson first appeared in Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #92. Nicholson is a criminal genius and a former member of the Kingpin's criminal organization.[223] He is also a former hitman in the Las Vegas division of HYDRA and was empowered by the laboratory machines of Dr. Farley Stillwell's brother Dr. Harlan Stillwell where he became the Answer.[volume & issue needed]
The Answer studied Spider-Man's powers,[224] and then attacked the hero and ally the Black Cat to test the limits of their abilities.[225] He then kidnapped the Black Cat to misdirect Spider-Man's attention as he stole Silvermane's body from the police morgue,[226] and assisted the Kingpin in partially restoring Silvermane's life.[227] The Answer then kidnapped Dagger in hopes that her powers would cure the Kingpin's ailing wife.[228] Silvermane rampaged mindlessly; as a result, the Answer sacrificed his corporeal form and converted himself to energy to revive Dagger, who possessed Silvermane's life-force.[229]
The Answer later telepathically contacted Doctor Octopus[230] who restored his corporeal existence.[231] The Answer ended up fighting with Octavius, and was defeated. The Answer later appeared in the Raft, and escaped only to be captured by Toxin.[volume & issue needed] It was later revealed that he had been feigning bad luck to reunite with his unrequited love Ruby Thursday, but her body was destroyed by Bullseye.[232]
During the superhero civil war, Nicholson was part of an army of super-villains organized by Hammerhead that was captured by Iron Man and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.[233] He was later among the supervillains attending a wake for Stilt-Man at a bar. Disguised as a barman, the Punisher poisoned drinks and blew up the bar.[234] Answer survived, and was subsequently hired by the Hood to take advantage of the split in the superhero community caused by the Superhuman Registration Act.[235] He fought the New Avengers but was taken down by Doctor Strange.[236] He was later among the villains in a bar confronting Spider-Man.[237]
Answer was one of many prisoners who escaped from the Raft at the start of the Skrull invasion of Earth.[238] He later joined the Hood's crime syndicate and worked with them on numerous occasions.[239][240][241][242][243]
David Ferrari
[edit]After Aaron Nicholson's apparent death, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent David Ferrari took the identity of Answer.[244] He was a former agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., the U.S. Army and Furnace – as well as a former ally of the Crimson Dynamo and the brother of Connie. He led a mission to an A.I.M. base to prevent the release of the Omega Compound; however, he released two drops to destroy the base.[245] Ferrari later used drugs to control Nick Fury, at which point he had allied himself with the Crimson Dynamo in attempt to steal missiles from Khamistan to take over the world. He was opposed by Captain America.[244]
Unnamed criminal
[edit]After Aaron Nicholson lost his physical form, his gear was sold to Roderick Kingsley, who passed it to an unknown criminal. The new Answer was present when Hobgoblin led his forces into battle against the Goblin King's Goblin Nation. After Hobgoblin was killed by Goblin King, Answer was among the villains that defected to the Goblin Nation.[246] Following Spider-Man's victory over the Goblin King, Answer was with the other former Hobgoblin minions at the Bar with No Name, where they encountered Electro.[247]
[edit]Ant Ant
[edit]Ant Ant is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
Ant Ant is an anthropomorphic ant and animal version of Ant-Man.
[edit]Hank Pym
[edit]Scott Lang
[edit]Eric O'Grady
[edit]Chris McCarthy
[edit]Zayn Asghar
[edit]Eddie Brock
[edit]Unnamed host
[edit]Flash Thompson
[edit]Apache Kid
[edit]Ape is a fictional mutant character in the Marvel Comics Universe. His first appearance was in Power Pack #12 (July 1985), and he was created by Louise Simonson and June Brigman.
The character subsequently appears in The Uncanny X-Men #195 (July 1985), Power Pack #27 (December 1986), X-Factor #11-13 (December 1986-February 1987), and Weapon X vol. 2 #5 (March 2003) and #10 (August 2003).
Ape was a member of the Morlocks who was amongst those that escaped the Marauders' slaughter during the "Mutant Massacre".[volume & issue needed] He lived with the mutant team X-Factor after the massacre.[volume & issue needed] Ape was later captured by the subversive Weapon X program and incarcerated in the "Neverland" concentration camp, where he was among the first mutants to be executed.[248]
Ape appeared as part of the "Morlocks" entry in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #9.
Ape in other media
[edit]- Ape appears in the X-Men: The Animated Series episode "Captive Hearts" voiced by Ross Petty. He is among the featured Morlocks that fight the X-Men. In the next episode "Have Yourself a Morlock Little X-Mas", he steals medical equipment for Leech. His last appearance was in the episode "Secrets Not Long Buried" where Ape is one of the many residents of the mutant-dominated community of Skull Mesa. He is drawn twice in the scene where Cyclops walks through Skull Mesa alone.
- Ape appears in X-Men '97.
[edit]Ape-Man is the name of three connected fictional characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
Monk Keefer
[edit]With a group of other criminals, professional criminal Gordon "Monk" Keefer attempted a robbery of a Stark Industries warehouse, and was defeated by Captain America.[249] Along with three other criminals, Keefer was recruited for his great strength by a man named the Organizer to form the Ani-Men, with him being given an ape-like costume and the title of Ape-Man. The Organizer was secretly Abner Jonas, a candidate for mayor of New York City, who sent the Ani-Men on missions to undermine the current administration. Daredevil defeated them, and both the Ani-Men and Organizer were imprisoned.[250] Later Ape-Man, Bird-Man and Cat-Man formed a team called the "Unholy Three" with the Exterminator, and fought Daredevil again.[251] The Unholy Three, as a team of independent thieves, fought Daredevil and Spider-Man and were again defeated.[252]
Ape-Man, Bird-Man, and Cat-Man later rejoined the Ani-Men, and the Ani-Men went to work for Count Nefaria. Nefaria's scientists submitted the unwitting Ani-Men to processes that gave them superhuman powers and animal-like forms with Keefer resembling an actual ape. The Ani-Men invaded the Cheyenne Mountain missile base for Count Nefaria, and fought the X-Men.[253] The Ani-Men later lost their superhuman powers, reverted to normal and started wearing their animal-themed costumes again; Nefaria sent them to kill Tony Stark. However, the Spymaster detonated a bomb intended to kill Stark, and the resulting explosion killed the Ani-Men instead.[254]
Roy McVey
[edit]After the deaths of the original Ani-Men, the Death-Stalker recruited a new team of Ani-Men, with a new Ape-Man, Bird-Man, and Cat-Man. The second Ape-Man was Roy McVey, who was given a copy of the original Ape-Man's costume. Death-Stalker sent the new Ani-Men to capture Matt Murdock, and murdered Ape-Man and Cat-Man by electrocution upon the completion of their mission.[255]
Third version
[edit]An unnamed Ape-Man alongside a third Cat-Man and a second Frog-Man were shown committing crimes while the heroes were on Battleworld. They used the equipment of the original Ani-Men and used it to rob a vault wagon only to be opposed by the NYPD.[256] During the superhero civil war, Ape-Man was among the villains in Hammerhead's supervillain army.[233]
[edit]Ape-X is the name of two fictional characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
Ape-X (Earth-712)
[edit]Ape-X is a super-intelligent ape in the Squadron Supreme universe. The character, created by Mark Gruenwald as a pastiche of Gorilla Grodd,[citation needed] first appeared in Squadron Supreme #5 in January 1986.[citation needed]
Ape-X is a gorilla who was a member of the Institute of Evil. Enemies of the Squadron, they abducted the team's scientist Tom Thumb and subjected him to his own Behavior Modification technology, hoping to turn Tom against his teammates while holding the Squadron's loved ones hostage to prevent reprisals. However, when the Squadron were all captured, it transpired Tom had designed the technology so it would not affect any Squadron member. Ape-X and the rest of the Institute were subdued and subject to the B-Mod device themselves, turning them into loyal members of the Squadron.[257]
Ape-X goes on to serve as a scientific expert for the team, assisting Tom Thumb in his attempt to cure all human disease. While her brainwashing prevents Ape-X from directly committing crimes, she is able to suggest courses of action Tom might hypothetically take. However, their efforts prove fruitless, and Tom succumbs to his own cancer.[72][73] In her grief, Ape-X begins attempting to construct a robot duplicate of Tom. In the meantime, she also assists Hyperion, who has become blinded following a fight with a villainous copy of himself.[73] When Moonglow infiltrates the Squadron's files, Ape-X is alerted to this by Tom's AI, AIDA. However, her brainwashing prevents Ape-X from taking any action against a member of the Squadron, and the logical dichotomy gives Ape-X an anyuerysm, preventing her from warning them.[74]
Ape-X (Earth-8101)
[edit]![]() | This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (July 2023) |
Unrelated to the Squadron Supreme version, Ape-X was created by Karl Kesel and Ramon Bachs, first appearing in Marvel Apes #1. Ape-X is a monkey that wears a wrestler mask that enables him to turn into a super-powered gorilla.
[edit]Aquarius is the name of different fictional characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
Darren Bentley
[edit]Darren Bentley is a founding member of the Zodiac, and his base of operations was San Francisco, California.
The Zodiac was infiltrated by Nick Fury, posing as Scorpio; the Zodiac fought the Avengers and escaped.[258] Aquarius, Capricorn, and Sagittarius sought to recapture the Zodiac Key, but lost it to the Brotherhood of the Ankh.[259]
Led by Taurus, the Zodiac later attempted to kill all Manhattan residents born under the sign of Gemini as a show of power, but were thwarted by the Avengers. Taurus's faction attempted to kill the Zodiac dissident faction, but all twelve leaders were captured by the Avengers.[260]
After learning he had cancer, Aquarius made a bargain with the demon Slifer: in return for his soul, Aquarius was granted one year of life and the supernatural ability to take on the forms of his fellow Zodiac leaders. However, after Aquarius took on the other Zodiac forms one time each (thereby representing a zodiacal year) while battling Ghost Rider, Slifer returned and claimed his body and soul.[261]
Zachary Drebb
[edit]The second Aquarius was a man named Zachary Drebb. Taurus ordered Aquarius II and third Aries to kill Iron Man (James Rhodes), but both failed.[262] A new android LMD version of the Zodiac appeared, led by Scorpio in a new android body, massacred the human Zodiac, and took over their criminal operations.[263]
Aquarius (LMD)
[edit]An android Aquarius was a Life Model Decoy created by Scorpio (Jacob Fury) to be part of his Zodiac crime organization. Scorpio went after his brother, Nick Fury, with his new group, but was defeated by Defenders and Moon Knight.[264] The Zodiac LMD's were recruited by Quicksilver during his bout with temporary insanity, and Quicksilver ordered the Zodiac LMD's to destroy Avengers for their imagined wrongdoings. The Avengers managed to defeat the group and most were remanded into federal custody.[265]
The android Zodiac were soon released, and the Scorpio LMD rebuilt a number of them. Scorpio used the Zodiac Key to create LMDs that exemplified the forces and personalities inherent in each sign, hoping to create great strength in the combination of all twelve traits of the Zodiac. He arranged the ambush in which the android Zodiac killed all of the remaining human Zodiac leaders except Cornelius van Lunt, alias Taurus. It was later revealed the Libra had also survived the attack on the original Zodiac Cartel. Immediately afterward, Van Lunt sought out the services of the Avengers' West Coast branch to confront and defeat the android Zodiac. He was destroyed by Hawkeye in a battle with the West Coast Avengers.[266]
The Zodiac Key immediately resurrected the Scorpio LMD. Claiming superiority and believing that the Zodiac would eventually kill the Avengers as the androids could never be stopped, Scorpio wanted to use the Key to transport everyone on the scene to the Key's native dimension where the conflict, he believed, could be prolonged indefinitely. However, when the androids were in the other dimension, they ceased to function because each of them were aligned with a particular zodiacal energy, energy that did not exist in the other dimension. The Avengers found Hawkeye and Tigra had been sent to the same dimension and, reunited, the team was sent back to Earth by the Brotherhood. However, secretly the Brotherhood waited so that someday they could also send the Key to Earth again and create new conflicts for them.[266]
Aquarius (Ecliptic)
[edit]Aquarius was a later addition to the Zodiac. A man of few words, he tended to remain in the background despite his power. He was killed with the rest of the Zodiac by Weapon X.
Thanos' Aquarius
[edit]The fifth Aquarius is an unnamed male that Thanos recruited to join his incarnation of the Zodiac.[267] He and the other Zodiac members perish when Thanos abandons them on the self-destructing Helicarrier where Cancer was the only survivor.[268]
Aquarius in other media
[edit]Aquarius appears in Marvel Anime: Iron Man as a mech utilized by Zodiac. It attaches itself to a JSDF satellite to project a radiation beam from its solar panels down into Iron Man's Arc Station and irradiate most of the surrounding area, causing a sickness that attacks white blood cells around Tokyo. Using Dr. Chika Tanaka's prototype booster technology and a ride from Captain Nagato Sakurai, Iron Man reaches the satellite and destroys the Aquarius mech.
[edit]Arabian Knight
[edit]Aragorn is the name of several winged horses appearing in Marvel Comics. The first incarnation appeared in The Avengers #48 (January 1968) and was created by Roy Thomas and George Tuska.
First Aragorn
[edit]Professor Nathan Garrett, the criminal Black Knight, developed genetic engineering techniques capable of granting a horse the wings of a bird. He used it to create a mount to ride during his criminal adventures.[269] After Garrett's final defeat by Iron Man,[270] this horse escaped, was found and further mutated by Victor Frankenstein's great-granddaughter Victoria (who had originally tried to restore it to normal), and fell into the possession of the Dreadknight, who named it the Hellhorse.[271]
Second Aragorn
[edit]As Garrett was dying, he persuades his nephew Dane Whitman to take his scientific discoveries and use them for good. Whitman thus became a new, heroic Black Knight and used his uncle's techniques to create another winged horse. This one he names Aragorn and uses as his mount.[269] Aragorn helped the Black Knight and the Avengers battle the Masters of Evil;[272] carried the Black Knight into battle against Le Sabre;[273] helped the Black Knight and Doctor Strange battle Tiboro;[274] carried the Black Knight alongside Doctor Strange and the Avengers as they battled Ymir and Surtur;[275] carried the Black Knight to Olympus to battle Ares and the Enchantress,[276] among numerous other adventures together.
When the Black Knight was turned into stone by the Enchantress, Aragorn was placed in the custody of his fellow Defender, the Valkyrie.[277] Aragorn carried the Valkyrie and Namorita into battle against the Omegatron.[278] When Whitman left his own time to stay for a while in the 12th century AD, he entrusted Aragorn to the care of the Valkyrie, who became his permanent companion.[279] He came to live at the Richmond Riding Academy.[280] He accompanied the Valkyrie to Asgard and Valhalla, and helped the Valkyrie, Harokin, and the Defenders battle Ollerus and Casiolena.[281] With the Valkyrie, Aragorn helped form the New Defenders.[282]
While Aragorn was with the Valkyrie, Dane Whitman gained a new flying horse named Strider from the Lady of the Lake.[283]
Aragorn is still in the company of the Valkyrie.[284]
Third Aragorn
[edit]Another Aragon served as a steed to Augustine du Lac, who was the Vatican Black Knight. He rode Aragorn at the time when he accompanied Klaw in his invasion of Wakanda.[285]
When Kraven the Hunter's son Alyosha Kravinoff began collecting a zoo of animal-themed superbeings, Aragorn is clearly seen in one of the cages. However, after disobeying Kraven, Aragorn was killed to set an example to his other captives and then served up as food.[286] The Marvel Pets Handbook confirmed that the Aragorn that was killed by Alyosha Kravinoff was the Vatican Black Knight's Aragorn.[287]
Aragorn in other media
[edit]- Aragorn appears in the Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur episode "The Devil You Know", voiced by Cree Summer.[288] This version is a member of the Action Buddies Confidential support group.
- The character based on Aragorn appears in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This version is named Warsong and is Valkyrie's steed. He can create portals. Warsong appeared in the live-action films Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Avengers: Endgame (2019), and Thor: Love and Thunder (2022).[289][290]
[edit]Arakko is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
Expressively female, Arakko is a sentient island, created several thousands years prior to the Modern Age in the South Pacific alongside its twin male counterpart, Krakoa, when the island's true form, Okkara, was attacked by an enemy from another dimension, that wielding a twilight sword split it into the two single islands which created a rift into the invading dimension. A great number of mutants, among them Apocalypse and his family, were living in Okkara when it was attacked. With his children forming the First Horsemen, Apocalypse and his wife Genesis were successful in pushing back the enemy's armies but to seal the rift, Genesis decided to make the ultimate sacrifice and lead the First Horsemen and the entire mutant population along with Arakko to the other side of the breach, to shut it and deny the enemy's forces access to Earth, while Apocalypse remained on Earth to become stronger.[291]
Arak Coral
[edit]A small remnant of Arakko, known as Arak Coral was later sent to Earth by the survivours of Arrako. Mysteriously appearing 100 miles south of Krakoa, the small island immediately began heading towards the other island. After Aurora and Northstar surveyed the island and observed hostile life forms, Cyclops went to the island with Prestige and Cable to investigate. On the island, the trio encountered Summoner and several monsters. Once communication was established between the parties, the Arak Coral was able to merge with Krakoa becoming the southwestern edge of the island. Later that day, when Summoner finally met Apocalypse, he reported Arakko's situation to him, and reveals how his grandmother, Genesis, was seemingly killed by the dark god of Amenth, Annihilation, the dark forces of the Amenthi daemons destroyed Arakko's towers, allowing them to finally attack its mutant population. While countless mutants were slaughtered, the Summoner was sent with a portion of Arakko to find his grandfather outside the Amenth dimension, as he was the only one who could help them save Arakko from its enemies.[292]
The part of Arak Coral became known as the "bad place" due to its monsters and was mainly avoided by the mutants. However, while playing, Curse lost Fauna in the "bad place". Curse recruited Cable, Pixie, and Armor to find Fauna. They were able to find Fauna and rescue him from a monster, and Cable found the Light of Galador.[293]
While preparing to save his family and Arakko, Apocalypse created the External Gate in the Eternal Caldera by sacrificing four of his fellow Externals. With the External Gate open, Krakoa was linked directly to Otherworld.[294] With Unus and Banshee by his side, the Summoner entered the portal so he could make his way back home[295] but when he reunited with his mother and the rest of the Horsemen leading an armada of daemons, they turned on Banshee and Unus. After capturing Unus, the Summoner returned an injured Banshee to Krakoa, and, alongside Apocalypse, he told the Quiet Council of Krakoa about the armadas of daemons. The Council initially decided to destroy the External Gate, but Krakoa refused to let them destroy the portal, instead choosing to send Apocalypse, the Summoner, and other volunteers to go fight the horde. After entering Otherworld, Apocalypse was reunited with his children, the First Horsemen, but they, along with the Summoner, attacked him. The Summoner then proceeded to kill Rockslide. The fight was broken up by the Omniversal Majestrix Saturnyne, who offered each side to participate in a Contest of Swords for victory, to which they agreed.
Swords of X
[edit]As it turns out, Arakko and its mutant population ended up on the dimension of Amenth, a dimension filled with various Daemons and ruled by the dark god Annihilation, a mystical being that exists as a golden helm and needs a host to interact with the outside world. Once there, one tenth of the Arakki mutants fled into the wasteland, overwhelmed by the demonic nature of Amenth. Some of the mutants were later captured by the forces of Annihilation and forced to breed with Daemons to create a new warrior sub-race, the Summoners. The mutant alchemists and wizards combined their powers to create ten towers which would protect them from the Daemons' threat. As thousands of years passed, the mutants kept warring with the enemies in a seemingly never endless war. Eventually Genesis, gathered an army and went out of Arakko into a years old journey to end the enemies' threat for good, but she and what left of the army returned after a disastrous encounter with fellow mutant and former ally White Sword.[296] Then after Genesis' own sister, Isca the Unbeaten, also defected to the Amenthi, and told Genesis that Annihilation, challenged her to a fight for victory, Genesis accepted the challenge, but apparently lost. This left the Daemon armies to destroy Arakko's towers and finally set the island on fire.[297] As countless mutants kept being slaughtered by the enemies, the last survivors send the Summoner, son of the Horseman of War, to go find his grandfather for him and Krakoa to help them defeat the enemies. However, Genesis had actually won but refused to put on the helm and therefore becoming Annihilation's new host. Without a proper leader, the Daemons were left without a leash and attacked Arakko in full strength as Genesis was kept a prisoner until she saw the horde finally cracking the walls of Arakko, prompting the desperate Arakki to open a portal to Dryador in search of aid. Realizing that all was lost, Genesis donned the helm, merged with the entity, and the mutants of Arakko would therefore serve Annihilation. Arakko was then forcefully turned into a vassal state with Vile School omnipaths and stealth suppressors imbedded in to uncover militant thought and defuse any attempted uprisings. The Abyssal Prisons were constructed and overseen by Tarn the Uncaring, where countless mutant lives were lost.[298]
With Arakko secured, Annihilation sent Summoner, son of the Horseman of War, to go find his grandfather, ostensibly in order for him and the mutants of Krakoa to help them defeat the demons, but in truth, to trick him into opening a gateway between Amenth and Krakoa, paving the way for the demons to invade Earth, while the united forces of Arakko and Amenth laid waste to Dryador. When the Summoner returned to assemble their Swordbearers, which included Redroot, Arakko's translator, the Summoner informed Arakko that sadly it would not be joined with its other anytime soon. However, following the war between Amenth and Krakoa, as prize for his victory, Omniversal Majestrix Saturnyne exchanged Apocalypse with Arakko, returning the island and its mutant population back to Earth.[299]
After finally returning to Earth, Arakko tried to reunite with Krakoa, but time had changed both of them, even speaking two totally different languages and apparently did not love each other anymore, so they both decided to stay separate.
Planet Arakko
[edit]During the first annual Hellfire Gala and realizing the difficulties in accommodating a massive population of warlike mutants on Earth, Magneto proposed a plan to terraform Mars and re-locate Arakko and its inhabitants there in a power play that claim the red planet as the capital of the solar system and the first mutant world. The Great Ring consented to the plan and lent their aid. After the planet was made hospitable for life during the Hellfire Gala, Exodus, with the aid of Jean Grey and Lactuca the Knower, uprooted the island and sent it to Mars.
Storm helps create a new landmark on the planet, the Lake Hellias Diplomatic Ring, intended to serve as the ultimate place for peace to be spoken of and achieved in the Solar System. Xilo even uses his powers to create statues of Apocalypse and Genesis within a massive valley, with the promise of only peace can existe in this sacred space. Jamie Braddock then uses his powers to literally give birth to a second space station for S.W.O.R.D. ready to defend Arakko against any invaders or enemies. As one final touch, Jamie even creates Port Prometheus, a docking station for all visitors to come to. Storm and Magneto then plant a Krakoa Gate, which will allow the X-Men and their allies from Krakoa to visit Mars, now redubbed Planet Arakko and proclaimed to be the new capital of the Sol System.[300]
The Great Ring of Arakko
[edit]- Bold indicates current members as of 2022.
Character | Real name | Notes |
Genesis[a] | Left in X of Swords: Destruction. | |
High Mutant Prophet Idyll[a] | Replaced by Idyll the Future Seer. | |
Lactuca the Knower[a] | ||
Ludos Logos[a] | ||
Nameless, the Shape-Shifter Queen[a] | Committed suicide in X-Men: Red (vol. 2) #1 | |
Redroot the Forest[a] | Imprisoned by Mad Jim Jasper in X-Force (vol. 6) #14 | |
Sobunar of the Depths[a] | ||
Tarn the Uncaring[a] | Killed by Magneto in X-Men: Red (vol. 2) #3 | |
Xilo, the First Defender[a] | ||
Uqesh the Bridge[a] | Replaced by Ora Serrata, revealed in Legion of X #1 | |
Ora Serrata the Witness[a] | ||
Idyll the Future Seer[a] | Killed by Isca in X-Men: Red (vol. 2) #5 | |
Isca the Unbeaten[a] | Left in X-Men: Red (vol. 2) #7 | |
Storm[a] | Ororo Munroe | Joined in S.W.O.R.D. (vol. 2) #6 |
Magneto[a] | Max Eisenhardt | Joined in X-Men: Red (vol. 2) #3. Died in X-Men: Red (vol. 2) #7 |
Fisher King | Joined in X-Men: Red (vol. 2) #6 | |
Sunspot | Roberto Da Costa | |
Syzya of the Smoke | ||
Lycaon Two Wolves[a] | Mentioned to have joined in X-Men: Red (vol. 2) #11. | |
Kobak Never-held[a] | Joined in X-Men: Red (vol. 2) #13. |
[edit]Further reading |
Arcanna is the name of three fictional characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
Squadron Supreme Arcanna
[edit]Arcanna Jones, created by J. M. DeMatteis and Don Perlin, first appeared in The Defenders #112 (October 1982).[301]
Arcanna's magical abilities allow her to become a professional crime fighter to support her family, and she joins the Squadron Supreme.
With the Squadron, she travels to a different universe.[302] When they return, Arcanna discovers the nature of magic changed while she was away and that she will have to relearn all of her skills. Instead, she chooses to retire from adventuring to be with her family.[303]
Supreme Power Arcanna
[edit]This version of the character, created by J. Michael Straczynski and Gary Frank, first appeared in Supreme Power #18 (April 2005).
Arcanna Jones is able to observe and affect parallel quantum dimensions. During a fight with Hyperion, the interaction between their powers causes them to travel two years into the future.[304]
Arcanna and the rest of the heroes of her world were killed by the Cabal during an Incursion, with their world's Nighthawk as the only survivor.[305]
Heroes Reborn Arcanna
[edit]In the 2021 "Heroes Reborn" reality, Arcanna is a member of the Secret Squadron. During the fight with the Siege Society, Arcanna was locked in combat with Silver Witch before being vanquished by her. Tom Thumb, Nighthawk, and Blur mourn the deaths of their fallen comrades Amphibian, Arcanna Jones, Blue Eagle, and Golden Archer.[184]
[edit]Ariel 11
[edit]Further reading |
Ariel 11 is an extraterrestrial mutant. Created by Jo Duffy and Kerry Gammill, the character first appeared in Fallen Angels #1.
Like others of her race, she is able to teleport. On Earth, she encounters the mutant criminal Vanisher and joins the group of adolescents who work for him as thieves, known as the Fallen Angels.[306] She later allies herself with the X-Men.[307][308]
[edit]Arishem the Judge
[edit]Armless Tiger Man
[edit]Gustav Hertz, better known as the Armless Tiger Man, is a supervillain who first appeared in the 1940s, then fell into obscurity for decades before being revived in stories set during the WWII era. Armless Tiger Man first appeared in Marvel Mystery Comics #26 and was created by Paul Gustavson and Al Bellman.
As the name indicates, the Armless Tiger Man does not have any arms, having lost them in an industrial accident in his youth. Instead, he is a skilled fighter with his sharpened teeth and feet. Being recruited by the Gestapo he was used as a Nazi-henchman in several Marvel comic stories set in World War II. He was originally an enemy of the Golden Age Angel but also had run-ins with Captain America as well as the WWII-era Black Panther[volume & issue needed]. Armless Tiger Man first appeared in Marvel Mystery Comics #26 and was created by Paul Gustavson and Al Bellman.
Armless Tiger Man in other media
[edit]Armless Tiger Man appears in a teaser image for Season Two of Marvel: Avengers Alliance, parodying the cover of X-Men 141, the opening issue of Days of Future Past.[309] He is one of the victims of the Circle of Eight and is found dead alongside Lady Octopus.
[edit]Armory (Violet Lightner) first appeared in Avengers: The Initiative #1 and was created by Dan Slott and Stefano Casselli.
A suicidal girl from San Francisco, Violet Lightner's attempt at killing herself failed when she bonded with the alien superweapon known as the Tactigon, an empathic weapon capable of anticipating the needs of its host. Finding new purpose in life, Violet used the weapon to fight crime where she managed to defeat Flying Tiger, and joined the Fifty States Initiative.[310]
On her first day at Camp Hammond, Armory was involved in a training accident that saw the death of fellow trainee Michael Van Patrick. Lightner was summarily drummed out of the Initiative and the Tactigon surgically removed.[311]
Violet then went into therapy, refusing to disclose the circumstances that led to her expulsion to her psychiatrist, who unknown to her was working for Henry Peter Gyrich.[310]
Amanda Armstrong
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Amanda Armstrong is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. She is the biological mother of Tony Stark.
Amanda Armstrong was a singer who became an intelligence agent upon being recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Valentina Allegra de Fontaine. During one mission, she met a man named Jude who was a double agent for Hydra. She would later get pregnant through Jude and give the baby Anthony to S.H.I.E.L.D. founder Howard Stark to raise. Many years later, Amanda become a music producer in London and reunited with her biological son Tony Stark.[312]
[edit]Aron the Rogue Watcher is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is the nephew of Uatu. Aron first appeared in Captain Marvel #39 and was created by Steve Englehart and Al Milgrom.[313]
Aron originally dwelt upon the Watchers' homeworld with the other members of his race. He observed Captain Mar-Vell and Rick Jones battling Mad-Eye, and then attended the trial of Uatu.[314] Aron was seen alongside Uatu again later.[315]
Арон решил отказаться от клятвы Наблюдателей и активно участвовать в событиях на Земле, став зачинщиком и манипулятором. Он натравил Человека-Дракона против Женщины-Халка и Женщины-Существа и получил образцы клеток от Существа и Женщины-Существа. [316] Aron observed the Fantastic Four battling Graviton, and witnessed the events of Inferno.[317] Aron was in turn observed by Necrodamus.[318] Aron then joined forces with the Frightful Four against the Fantastic Four,[319] but soon quit the Frightful Four. Aron created clones of the Fantastic Four and She-Thing, and imprisoned the real Fantastic Four and Frightful Four members in suspended animation, and watched their dreams. He replaced the real Fantastic Four with his clones, and set them against the Mole Man.[320] Арон продолжал придумывать «приключения» для своих клонов, заставляя их выглядеть преступниками. Клоны сражались с Мстителями и Доктором Стрэнджем и в конечном итоге были побеждены настоящей Фантастической четверкой после того, как оригиналы вырвались на свободу. Вместо этого Арон решил наблюдать за снами клонов. [321]
Когда всему виду Наблюдателей грозило вымирание от рук Небожителей , Арон планировал погрузить либо Солнечную систему Земли, либо ее галактику (повествование не совсем понятно) в карманную вселенную , в которой он намеревался жить дальше. Он даже сотрудничал с Темным Рейдером (Мистером Фантастиком с Земли-944) для достижения своих целей. Однако его плану помешали расширенная Фантастическая четверка и их союзники, а Арон был превращен в энергию своим дядей Уату. За это действие Уату был лишен должности Наблюдателя. Уату считал, что энергия Арона послужит ядром, вокруг которого будет создан новый «Единый», разумное хранилище всех знаний Наблюдателей, предшественник которого был уничтожен Небесным Экзитаром Истребителем . [322]
[ редактировать ]Арсенал — вымышленный персонаж, появляющийся в американских комиксах, изданных Marvel Comics . Персонаж впервые появляется в Iron Man #114 (сентябрь 1978 г.) и был создан Биллом Мантло и Китом Гиффеном .
История публикаций
[ редактировать ]Отряд «Бета» впервые появился в сюжетной линии, состоящей из двух частей, в Iron Man # 114 (сентябрь 1978 г.) и The Avengers Annual # 9 (1979), а в последний раз появился в Hulk vol. 2 № 282 (апрель 1983 г.). Отряд «Альфа» появился в Iron Man vol. 3 № 84–85 (август 2004 г.).
Биография вымышленного персонажа
[ редактировать ]Арсенал — боевое роботизированное подразделение, созданное Говардом Старком и группой учёных- союзников ближе к концу Второй мировой войны в качестве последнего средства в случае победы Оси . Робот также управлялся ранней компьютерной программой Старка «Хозяйка». После победы союзников «Арсенал» был помещен на хранение. В настоящее время Арсенал находится под Особняком Мстителей и внезапно атакует Мстителей сражается с Единорогом , когда группа в это время . Однако Железный Человек успешно прогоняет Арсенал. [323]
Позже Хозяйка под руководством Арсенала ошибочно полагает, что союзники проиграли Вторую мировую войну, победив нескольких Мстителей, пока не столкнулись с Тором и Алой Ведьмой . Находясь на грани поражения, Арсенал, очевидно, самоуничтожается, в то время как Железный Человек противостоит Хозяйке, запрограммированной с помощью моделей мозга Марии Старк . Как только Железный Человек разоблачает маску и объясняет, что союзники победили, компьютерная программа стирает собственную память. [324]
«Арсенал» фактически инсценировал собственное поражение. Он нападает на Эдвина Джарвиса , когда Женщина-Халк и Халк посещают Особняк Мстителей. Затем Арсенал выводит из строя Женщину-Халк, и разъяренный Халк уничтожает Арсенал. [325]
Железный Человек в конце концов узнает, что только подразделение «Бета» было уничтожено, а подразделение «Альфа» осталось деактивированным под Особняком Мстителей, и Министерство внутренней безопасности поручило ему отключить его, не сообщая об этом другим Мстителям, из-за угрозы безопасности, которую оно представляет. Железный Человек отслеживает отряд, но не подозревает, что Мстители последовали за ним. Арсенал активируется, когда коды передачи передаются по радио Железному Человеку, что приводит к битве между новым отрядом и Мстителями. Затем Железный Человек понимает, что Арсенал был активирован из-за помех его сигналу, который был установлен на «инертный». Железный Человек оккупирует Арсенал, в то время как Warbird останавливает источник помех, в результате чего Арсенал деактивируется. Затем «Арсенал» демонтируют. [326]
Полностью собранный и находящийся под контролем, Арсенал позже используется в качестве испытания для группы новобранцев Мстителей под предлогом того, что он вышел из-под контроля. [327]
Во время мероприятия « Железный человек 2020 » Арно Старк воссоздает вариант Арсенала eScape, а также роботизированную версию Хозяйки eScape, чтобы служить новыми телами для своих копий Говарда и Марии. [328]
Силы и способности
[ редактировать ]Оба подразделения «Арсенала» обладают повышенной прочностью и долговечностью. Отряд «Бета» также обладает воздушными струями и инерционными дротиками, может излучать электрошоковое поле и излучать из глаз высокоинтенсивный лазерный луч. Подразделение «Альфа» оснащено огнеметом, несколькими артиллерийскими системами и дозатором токсичного газа.
Другие версии
[ редактировать ]- Говард Старк Эквивалентом Арсенала в Ultimate Marvel является , превратившийся в киборга, способного возглавить дополнительные подразделения Арсенала. [329]
- В «Железном человеке-нуаре» барон Земо создал многочисленных роботов «Арсенала» в качестве нацистского оружия. [330]
Арсенал в других СМИ
[ редактировать ]- Арсенал появляется в Avengers Assemble , озвученный Джимом Мескименом . [331] Эта версия предназначена для безопасного поглощения и поддержания огромного количества энергии. Представленный в одноименном эпизоде, он используется для сдерживания радиации ядерного реактора на протяжении десятилетий, пока Железный Человек не обнаружит и не активирует его в настоящем. В «Восхождении Таноса» Арсенал выступает в роли друга и защитника Железного Человека, помогая сражаться со Мрачным Жнецом, прежде чем пожертвовать собой, чтобы отправить Таноса прочь с Земли. Голова Арсенала возвращена Мстителями, постепенно перестроена и модифицирована. В «Триумфе Таноса» Арсенал поглощает энергию Камней Бесконечности , чтобы помочь Мстителям снова победить Таноса, но Альтрон захватывает его тело. В «Вспышке Альтрона» Арсенал ненадолго восстанавливает контроль, прежде чем снова принести себя в жертву, чтобы победить Альтрона.
[ редактировать ]Асбестовый человек
[ редактировать ]Асбестовый человек ( Орсон Карлофф ) — суперзлодей, появляющийся в американских комиксах, издаваемых Marvel Comics . Созданный писателями Стэном Ли и Эрни Хартом и художником Диком Эйерсом , персонаж впервые появился в Strange Tales #111 (август 1963 года). [332] После этого персонаж не появлялся снова в течение многих лет до сюжетной линии « Страх самого себя» 2011 года . [333]
Биография вымышленного персонажа
[ редактировать ]Доктор Орсон Карлофф — «ведущий в мире химик-аналитик». [334] Он изобретает химическое вещество, способное, среди прочего, плавить металлы, которое, по его мнению, можно использовать для кражи денег из таких банков, как Форт-Нокс . Однако он не быстр и не скрытен, и его чуть не поймала полиция во время одной из попыток ограбления. Понимая, что он недостаточно опытен, Карлофф принимает псевдоним суперзлодея Асбестового Человека и уходит в малоизвестный замок, где оттачивает свои силы и однажды бросает вызов Человеку-Факелу в схватке. [335] Факел беспечно соглашается. Однако в конечном итоге побеждает Асбестовый Человек, создавший огнестойкую броню из «суперасбеста » (комбинации железа, кальция и хризотила ), что делает силы Шторма бесполезными. Асбестовый Человек решает пощадить Факел, уже высмеяв его. Триумф Асбестового Человека над Факелом становится большой новостью. Блэки Баркер, также известный как «Король подземного мира», узнает о злодее и вовлекает его в помощь в ограблении банка. Униженный Человек-Факел возвращается, чтобы свести счеты с Асбестовым Человеком, после того, как его поддержали его товарищи по Фантастической четверке . На берегу Человек-Факел поглощает весь присутствующий кислород. Асбестового человека заставляют сдаться и тут же отправляют в тюрьму. [336]
Во время сюжетной линии «Страх сам по себе» выясняется, что Асбестовый человек заболел раком из-за воздействия своего костюма и теперь использует кислородный баллон для дыхания. Он намеревается вернуться к жизни злодеем, но Мстители Великих озер отговаривают его от этого. [333]
Спустя годы Человек-Факел упомянул, что Асбестовый Человек умер. [337]
Силы и способности
[ редактировать ]Асбестовый Человек — гениальный химик. [338] Его познания в химии позволили ему разработать суперрастворитель и «суперасбест». Его «суперасбестовая» броня высокотоксична и устойчива к нагреванию. [339] Кроме того, его железный щит может блокировать пламя, а его металлическая сеть способна манипулировать энергией. Он имеет степень доктора аналитической химии. [332]
Майк Ашер
[ редактировать ]Асп
[ редактировать ]Астра
[ редактировать ]Астра — имя двух вымышленных персонажей, появляющихся в американских комиксах, изданных Marvel Comics.
Версия Имперской Гвардии
[ редактировать ]Первое появление | Люди Икс # 107 (октябрь 1977 г. ) |
Создано | Крис Клермонт и Дэйв Кокрам |
Разновидность | Неопознанная внеземная раса |
Команды | Имперская Гвардия |
Способности | Поэтапность |
Дальнейшее чтение |
Астра — член Ши'ар Империума Имперской гвардии . Персонаж, созданный Крисом Клермонтом и Дэйвом Кокрамом , впервые появился в The Uncanny X-Men #107. Астра обладает способностью становиться неосязаемой, что позволяет ей проходить сквозь твердые предметы. Она также может использовать свою силу в нападении, направляя руку на противника и становясь частично твердым, что наносит ему физический шок и приводит его в бессознательное состояние. Как и многие первоначальные члены Имперской Гвардии, Астра является аналогом персонажа из DC Comics » «Легиона супергероев : в ее случае Призрачной девушки . [340]
Астра — один из основателей Ши'ар Имперской Гвардии . Она и Страж впервые сталкиваются с Людьми Икс и Старджаммерами от имени Д'Кена и Давана Шакари из-за судьбы ши'арской императрицы Лиландры Нерамани . [341] После битвы Лиландра становится Величественницей, и Страж присягает ей на верность. [342]
Когда Птица Смерти становится Императрицей, она командует всей Имперской Гвардией сражаться с объединенными силами Старджаммеров и Экскалибура на Земле, чтобы она могла заявить о себе силой Силы Феникса. Стражники вынуждены отступить, когда Птица Смерти подвергается опасности. [343] Некоторое время спустя Гвардейцы снова вступают в конфликт с Людьми Икс по поводу Темного Феникса , на этот раз по велению Императрицы Лиландры. [344]
Астра принимает участие в « Операция: Галактический шторм кроссовере Marvel Comics, в », который проходил через игры, связанные с Мстителями 1992 году. «Операция: Галактический шторм» подробно описывает межгалактическую войну между Ши'ар и Кри . Астра и Имперская Гвардия крадут оригинальные Капитана Марвела из Нега-браслеты могилы мертвого героя. [345] Используя артефакты Кри, в том числе Банды, Шиар создают огромное супероружие, «Нега-бомбу». В конечном итоге устройство Нега-бомба успешно взорвалось, опустошив Империю Кри, в результате чего миллиарды людей погибли мгновенно (98% населения Кри). [346] Ши'ар аннексируют остатки Империи Кри, а Птица Смерти становится наместником территорий Кри. [347]
Некоторое время спустя Ронан Обвинитель возглавляет Кри во внезапной атаке на Ши'ар, используя нелюдей в качестве армии, чтобы подорвать контроль Ши'ар над Кри. Ронан захватывает контроль в внезапной атаке и заставляет нелюдей и их короля, Черного Грома , подчиниться, угрожая в противном случае разрушить дом нелюдей Аттилан . Он вынуждает Карнака , Горгону и Тритона тайно присоединиться к Имперской Гвардии, в то время как Черный Гром и Медуза пытаются убить правительницу Ши'ар Лиландру на церемонии ратификации союза между Ши'ар и Спартой . Чёрному грому удается победить Ронана в личном бою; [348] покушение на Лиландру терпит неудачу, потому что оборотень Хобгоблин . вместо нее умирает [349]
Имперской Гвардии приказано остановить завоевателя Вулкана , который полон решимости уничтожить империю Ши'ар в отместку бывшему императору Д'Кену за убийство матери Вулкана. Гладиатор захватывает и доставляет Вулкана в тюрьму Ши'ар. [350] Однако агент Ши'ара, желая вернуться во времена правления Д'Кена, освобождает Вулкана, и вместе с Птицей Смерти пара устраивает переворот и узурпирует Лиландру. Вулкан сбегает с помощью некоторых мятежных Ши'ар и возглавляет успешный переворот против Лиландры, становясь следующим Императором Ши'ар. Гладиатор и Имперская Гвардия имеют честь служить ему. [351]
Вулкан укрепляет свою власть над Ши'арами - при неохотной помощи Гвардии - в то время как их силы уничтожают расу древних врагов, Ски'ар Тал, и захватывают мятежных Звездных помех . [352] Вулкан начинает расширять империю, [353] что привело к войне с Кри . Когда ему приказано убить Лиландру, Гладиатор и Страж покидают свой пост, чтобы защитить ее. [354] Однако во время попытки вернуть ее на трон ее убивают. [355] [356]
Вулкан убит во время битвы с лидером Кри , Чёрным Громом . [357] Поскольку в очереди на наследование трона нет никого, Империи Ши'ар угрожает гражданская война. Гладиатор принимает предложение стать Императором, чтобы избежать дальнейшего конфликта. [358] Ментор становится претором Гвардии. [359]
Астра участвует в других миссиях Имперской Гвардии, включая суд над Джин Грей. [360] и события, связанные с рождением Ксандры, потомка Чарльза Ксавьера и Лиландры Нерамани . [361]
Версия Братства Мутантов
[ редактировать ]Дальнейшее чтение |
Астра — мутант , созданный Аланом Дэвисом и впервые появившийся в The Uncanny X-Men #366.
Она одна из первых рекрутов Магнето из его первоначального Братства Злых Мутантов . [362] Она не разделяет целей Магнето, и их пути расходятся как враги. [362] Спустя годы она воскрешает Магнето с стертыми воспоминаниями и клонирует его. [362] Астра приказывает клону убить оригинала, но клон проигрывает битву и присоединяется к Людям Икс под именем « Джозеф ». [363] Позже Астра использует его против Магнето и Людей Икс. [364] Позже Астра воссоздает Джозефа без воспоминаний и программирует его на ненависть к человечеству. [365] Она также создает мутировавшие клоны других членов Братства. [366] Степфордские кукушки раскрывают сотрудничество Астры с Кристофером Бахом, президентом организации Humans Now, с целью вернуть страх к имени Магнето. [367] Магнето победил Джозефа и его Братство клонов, но Астра убегает. [367]
Вэнс Астро
[ редактировать ]Астроном
[ редактировать ]Аталанта
[ редактировать ]Афина
[ редактировать ]Атлас
[ редактировать ]Атом-сокрушитель
[ редактировать ]Атом-Крушитель — это имя, которое разделяют три вымышленных персонажа во вселенной Marvel. Атом-Крушитель генерировал атомное излучение, которое он мог излучать в виде тепла, сотрясения или жесткого излучения . Его энергия увеличивала его выносливость, и он также мог трансформироваться в чистую энергию, хотя даже эту форму можно было удерживать с помощью свинца, графита или других поглотителей радиации.
Рональд Инглиш
[ редактировать ]Первый Atom-Smasher впервые появился в Black Goliath #1 (февраль 1976 года) и был создан Тони Изабеллой и Джорджем Туской .
Впоследствии персонаж появляется в «Черном Голиафе» № 2–3 (апрель – июнь 1976 г.), в котором его убивают. Персонаж появляется посмертно в Marvel Two-in-One #55 (сентябрь 1979 г.) и Marvel Fanfare #3 (июль 1982 г.). [368] [369]
Рональд Инглиш использовал Ядерный излучатель, чтобы стать суперзлодеем Атомным Крушителем, и был способен трансформировать свое тело в чистую энергию. Он сражался с Черным Голиафом , но был убит Уорхоком . [ нужен том и выпуск ]
Майкл Инглиш
[ редактировать ]Второй Атом-Крушитель появился в Marvel Two-in-One #85 (март 1982 г.) и был создан Томом ДеФалко и Роном Уилсоном .
Персонаж появляется посмертно в Marvel Fanfare #3 (июль 1982 г.).
Майкл Инглиш был братом первого Атомного Крушителя, также способного превращать свое тело в чистую энергию. Он погиб в результате взрыва во время битвы с Женщиной-Пауком . [ нужен том и выпуск ]
Кевин Леонардо
[ редактировать ]Третий Атом-Крушитель появился в Iron Man #287 (декабрь 1992 г.) и был создан Леном Камински и Кевином Хопгудом. Настоящее имя ему было дано в Iron Manual 3 (2009).
Кевин Леонардо был сотрудником завода по производству атомной энергии компании Stane International в Южной Калифорнии. Он узнает, что старые радиоактивные побочные продукты завода, которые накопились, просачиваются в грунтовые воды. Он жалуется начальству, но его застреливают, бросают в канистру с токсичными отходами и выбрасывают в море. Он возрождается с радиоактивной силой и жаждет мести. Атом-Крушитель планирует взорвать завод и сталкивается с Железным Человеком . После того, как он побеждает Железного Человека, правительство отправляет правительственного агента Firepower , чтобы остановить его. Огневая мощь и Железный Человек сражаются с Атом-Крушителем, но когда Железный Человек узнает историю Атом-Крушителя, он предлагает закрыть все холдинги Старка в ядерной промышленности в обмен на то, что Атом-Крушитель не уничтожит завод. Затем он отвлекает Огневую мощь волной ЭМИ, чтобы Атомный Крушитель мог уйти, хотя это и обездвижило его. Впечатленный проявлением доверия Железного Человека, Атомный Крушитель уходит с миром. [370]
[ редактировать ]Атум
[ редактировать ]Дальнейшее чтение |
Атум (также известный как Демогорг ) — существо во вселенной Marvel , названное в честь египетского бога Атума . Персонаж, созданный Аланом Зеленцем, впервые появился в Thor Annual #10 в 1982 году.
В контексте историй Атум является сыном существа, известного как Демиург, и Старшего бога Геи. Золотой гуманоид, наделенный силой самого Солнца, Атум убивает враждующих Старших Богов и, поглощая их жизненную силу, изменяется их злыми энергиями и превращается в огромное, неповоротливое демоническое существо — Демогорга, Пожирателя Богов. Только Хтон и Сет выживают, спасаясь бегством в другие измерения. Поскольку Гея остается единственным оставшимся Старшим Богом, Пожиратель Богов теряет энергию Старших Богов и становится Атумом, путешествуя к Солнцу и впадая там в спячку. [371] Во время этого длительного периода спячки Атум принимает личность Аммона-Ра и формирует Огдоаду , первобытных богов древнего Египта. [372]
Тысячи лет спустя группа из восьми Богов Смерти из разных пантеонов объединяет свою мистическую мощь, чтобы объединить все Ады в одно огромное измерение. Этот акт вызывает возрождение и вмешательство Демогорга, который поглотил всех, кроме убегающей Хелы. Защитник каждого пантеона отправляется остановить Демогорга и предотвратить дальнейшую катастрофу. Под предводительством Тора чемпионы находят Пожирателя богов и сражаются с ним. Демогорг побежден Тором, который ныряет в одно из его отверстий и атакует внутреннюю работу Пожирателя Богов. Поврежденная и не поддающаяся восстановлению сущность больше не может сдерживать поглощённую ею энергию, освобождает всех ранее поглощённых богов и восстанавливает Ады до их законных размеров. [373]
Во время сюжетной линии «Тайного вторжения» инопланетные Скруллы вторгаются на Землю по велению своих божеств Кли'бна и Сл'гурта . Для борьбы с богами Скруллов формируется отряд богов , состоящий из Геркулеса , Снежной Птицы , Аматсу-Микабоши и Аджака, причём Атум присоединяется к Земному пантеону по просьбе Гора . Он сравнивает себя с пастырем, защищающим свое стадо, которое он однажды съест. [374] Во время противостояния Атум погибает после попытки сожрать Слгурта, который разрывает его изнутри. [375]
Позже, после того как Тор был убит в битве со злым Змеем, [376] его божественная душа отправляется в загробную жизнь для богов, где он присоединяется ко многим другим божествам, которые, кажется, умерли и все собираются быть пожранными Демогоргом; очевидно, такое существо, как он, никогда не может быть уничтожено. [377] Тем не менее, Тор побеждает его, разбивая ему сердце после входа в его тело, и снова убегает от него.
[ редактировать ]Аврора
[ редактировать ]лавина
[ редактировать ]Авоэ
[ редактировать ]Первое появление | Фантастическая четверка # 577 (май 2010 г. ) |
Создано | Джонатан Хикман , Дэйл Иглшем |
Разновидность | Dire Wraith Inhuman (ранее) Ужасающая богиня-призрак |
Команды | Нечеловеческая королевская семья |
Способности |
Псевдонимы | Адоэ |
Дальнейшее чтение |
Авоэ — вымышленное божество, созданное Джонатаном Хикманом и Дейлом Иглшемом и впервые появившееся в Fantastic Four #577.
Авоэ была королевой и богиней нечеловеческих ужасных призраков, которые развились посредством экзогенеза . Ее люди составляли одну четверть Универсальных Нелюдей, которые откликнулись на Луну Земли в поисках Черного Грома , Полуночного Короля пророчеств. [378] После возвращения Чёрного Грома Авоэ стала одной из его королев. [379]
Во время сюжетной линии « Бесконечности », где Танос вторгся на Землю и заставил Чёрного грома уничтожить Аттилана, [380] Авоэ и другие универсальные нелюди покинули Землю, чтобы найти новое место для жизни, и в конце концов обосновались на планете Центавра-IV, так как не смогли вернуться в свои родные миры. [381]
Когда Империя Кри начала приказывать всем выжившим нелюдям присоединиться к ним или умереть, Универсальные нелюди организовали секретную встречу, чтобы обсудить ситуацию. До прибытия королевской семьи нелюдей королевы собирались сдаться Кри, но вместо этого кри послали своего супер-нечеловеческого солдата Вокса, который убил королев и их сопровождающих, чтобы послать Чёрному грому сообщение о том, что он не в безопасности. . [382]
Потрясающий Андроид
[ редактировать ]Азазель
[ редактировать ]Блюз
[ редактировать ]Ссылки
[ редактировать ]- ^ Гиббс, Тревон (15 марта 2021 г.). «10 малоизвестных космических персонажей Marvel, о которых вы никогда не слышали» . ЦБ РФ . Проверено 28 сентября 2023 г.
- ^ Кристи, Шарлотта (25 июня 2022 г.). «10 богов Marvel, которых MCU еще предстоит представить» . ЦБ РФ . Проверено 28 сентября 2023 г.
- ^ Закари, Брэндон (3 октября 2021 г.). «Люди Икс: Что случилось с забытым сводным братом Ночного Змея?» . ЦБ РФ . Проверено 28 сентября 2023 г.
- ^ Райхт, Майк (2005). «Бездна». В Грюнвальде, Дженнифер (ред.). Официальный справочник вселенной Marvel: Люди Икс: Эпоха Апокалипсиса . Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ ДеФалко, Том ; Сандерсон, Питер ; Бревурт, Том ; Тейтельбаум, Майкл; Уоллес, Дэниел; Дорогой, Эндрю; Форбек, Мэтт ; Каусилл, Алан; Брей, Адам (2019). Энциклопедия Марвел . Издательство ДК. п. 10. ISBN 978-1-4654-7890-0 .
- ^ Джонатан Хикман ( ж ), Джером Опенья ( а ). Мстители , том. 5, нет. 1 (февраль 2013 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Мстители, том 5, № 3 (февраль 2013 г.)
- ^ Джонатан Хикман , Ник Спенсер ( ж ), Стефано Казелли, Марко Руди, Марко Чеккетто ( а ). Мстители , том. 5, нет. 17 (октябрь 2013 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Бесконечность № 1 (август 2012 г.)
- ↑ Мстители , том 5, № 19 (сентябрь 2013 г.)
- ^ Мстители , том 5, № 36 (октябрь 2014 г.)
- ^ Новые Мстители , том 3, № 27 (ноябрь 2014 г.)
- ^ Новые Мстители , том 2, № 32 (март 2015 г.)
- ^ «Канал Disney: самое интересное за март 2023 года» . Дисней ЭйБиСи Пресс . Проверено 17 февраля 2023 г.
- ^ Роб Уильямс ( ж ), Мэтью Кларк ( р ), Шон Парсонс ( я ). Призрачный гонщик , том. 7, нет. 0,1 (август 2011 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ↑ X-Men Legends Vol.1 # 2 (май 2021 г.)
- ^ Жуткие Люди Икс, том. 1 № 542 (август 2011 г.)
- ^ Остин, Майкл (07 сентября 2019 г.). «13 героев, которых все забывают, победили Серебряного Серфера» . ЦБ РФ . Проверено 29 сентября 2023 г.
- ↑ Аннигиляция № 1 (август 2006 г.)
- ^ Аннигиляция: Вестники Галактуса # 2 (апрель 2007 г.)
- ^ Лин, Роб (11 августа 2017 г.). «15 вещей, которые вам нужно знать о новых воинах» . ЭкранРант . Проверено 1 октября 2023 г.
- ^ Питер Дэвид ( ж ), Деннис Калеро ( а ). Х-Фактор , вып. 3, нет. 9 (сентябрь 2006 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Дэн Слотт ( ж ), Стефано Казелли ( а ). Мстители: Инициатива , том. 1, нет. 1 (июнь 2007 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Фред Ван Ленте , Грег Пак ( ж ), Дитрих Смит ( п ), Кори Хамшер ( я ). Невероятный Геркулес , т. 1, нет. 127 (май 2009 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Фред Ван Ленте , Грег Пак ( ж ), Райан Стегман ( п ), разные ( я ). Невероятный Геркулес , т. 1, нет. 129–131 (июль – сентябрь 2009 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Миллер, Дэвид (30 апреля 2022 г.). «Команда Человека-паука с электро-злодеями тоже может быть полезной» . ЭкранРант . Проверено 14 октября 2023 г.
- ^ Jump up to: а б Молодые союзники об. 2 #5
- ^ Молодые союзники, том. 2 # 1-5
- ^ Громовержцы , том. 1 #158
- ^ Джонс, Тамера (10 сентября 2022 г.). «Трейлер D23 «Лунная девушка и дьявол-динозавр» от Marvel представляет Лунеллу Лафайет в роли Лунной девушки» . Коллайдер . Проверено 11 сентября 2022 г.
- ^ «ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ: Исполнительный продюсер Стив Лотер рассказывает о воплощении в жизнь Лунной девушки и дьявольского динозавра Marvel» . Красивая баллада . 8 февраля 2023 г. . Проверено 5 марта 2023 г.
- ^ ДеФалко, Том (2006). Энциклопедия Марвел . Дорлинг Киндерсли. п. 9. ISBN 978-0-7566-2358-6 .
- ^ Тор: Мститель Асгарда , том. 1, нет. 1 (июнь 2011 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Бревурт, Том; ДеФалко, Том; Мэннинг, Мэтью К.; Сандерсон, Питер; Вячек, Вин (2017). Marvel год за годом: визуальная история . Издательство ДК. п. 253. ИСБН 978-1-4654-5550-5 .
- ^ «Голос Агамотто – Мстители собираются (телешоу)» . За актерами озвучивания . Проверено 26 февраля 2024 г. Зеленая галочка указывает, что роль была подтверждена с использованием снимка экрана (или коллажа из снимков экрана) со списком актеров озвучивания и соответствующих персонажей, найденных в его начальных и/или заключительных титрах и/или других надежных источниках информации.
- ^ Геркулес: Сердце Хаоса № 2-3
- ^ Рот, Бобби (режиссер); Моника Овусу-Брин (писатель) (7 октября 2014 г.). « Заводить друзей и оказывать влияние на людей ». Агенты ЩИТА от Marvel . 2 сезон. Эпизод 3. ABC .
- ^ Танчароен, Кевин (режиссер); Дрю З. Гринберг (писатель) (14 октября 2014 г.). « Встреться с моим врагом ». Агенты ЩИТА от Marvel . 2 сезон. 4 серия. ABC .
- ^ Зинберг, Майкл (режиссер); Джеффри Белл (писатель) (9 декабря 2014 г.). « Кем они становятся ». Агенты ЩИТА от Marvel . 2 сезон. Эпизод 10. ABC .
- ^ Бочко, Джесси (режиссер); Брент Флетчер (писатель) (24 марта 2015 г.). « Любовь во времена ГИДРЫ ». Агенты ЩИТА от Marvel . 2 сезон. 14 серия. ABC .
- ^ Гавиола, Карен (режиссер); Моника Овусу-Брин (писатель) (21 апреля 2015 г.). « Враг моего врага ». Агенты ЩИТА от Marvel . 2 сезон. 18 серия. ABC .
- ^ Танчароен, Кевин (режиссер); Брент Флетчер и Дрю З. Гринберг (писатель) (28 апреля 2015 г.). « Грязная полдюжины ». Агенты ЩИТА от Marvel . 2 сезон. Эпизод 19. ABC .
- ^ Рот, Бобби (режиссер); Рэйф Джадкинс и Лорен ЛеФранк (писатель) (5 мая 2015 г.). « Шрамы ». Агенты ЩИТА от Marvel . 2 сезон. Эпизод 20. ABC .
- ^ Гирхарт, Билли (режиссер); Джед Уидон и Морисса Танчароен (писатель) (12 мая 2015 г.). « SOS Часть 2 ». Агенты ЩИТА от Marvel . 2 сезон. 22 серия. ABC .
- ^ Ровин, Джефф (1987). Энциклопедия суперзлодеев . Нью-Йорк: факты в архиве. стр. 3–4. ISBN 0-8160-1356-Х . [1]
- ^ Стюарт Вандал. Форум ComixFan – «В чем люди продолжают ошибаться», стр. 5 , http://www.comixfan.net/ X-World Comics представляет. . . Comixfan, онлайн-ресурс комиксов №1! 13 октября 2011 г. По состоянию на 24 ноября 2011 г.
- ^ Дэвид Мишелини ( ж ), Марк Бэгли ( п ), (разные) ( я ). Веном: Смертельный защитник , том. 1, нет. 1–6 (февраль – июль 1993 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Ховард Маки ( ж ), Рон Рэндалл ( р ), Сэм де ла Роса ( я ). Веном: Тревога разлуки , том. 1, нет. 1-4 (декабрь 1994 г. - март 1995 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Зеб Уэллс ( ж ), Клейтон Крейн ( а ). Карнаж, США , т. 1, нет. 1–5 (февраль – июнь 2012 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Каллен Банн ( ж ), Сальва Эспин ( а ). Дэдпул против Карнажа , том. 1, нет. 3 (июль 2014 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Каллен Банн ( ж ), Сальва Эспин ( а ). Дэдпул против Карнажа , том. 1, нет. 4 (август 2014 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Клэй Маклеод Чепмен ( ж ), Брайан Левел ( а ). Absolute Carnage: Separation Anxiety , vol. 1, нет. 1 (октябрь 2019 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Донни Кейтс ( ж ), Ибан Кабельо ( а ). Веном , том. 4, нет. 17–18 (октябрь – ноябрь 2019 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Клэй Маклеод Чепмен ( ж ), Гиу Вилланова ( а ). Король в черном : Планета симбиотов , т. 1, нет. 1 (март 2021 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Экстремальная бойня (февраль 2022 г.). Комиксы Марвел , ISBN 9781302932077 .
- ^ Чип Здарски ( ж ), Марко Чекетто ( а ). Царствование Дьявола , т. 1, нет. 1 (февраль 2022 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Скотт Лобделл ( ш ), (разное) ( а ). Экскалибур , том. 1, нет. 71 (ноябрь 1993 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Ричард Эшфорд ( ж ), Терри Шумейкер ( п ), Рэнди Эллиотт ( я ). Экскалибур , том. 1, нет. 73 (январь 1994 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Ричард Эшфорд ( ж ), Ян Черчилль ( п ), (разные) ( я ). Экскалибур , том. 1, нет. 74 (февраль 1994 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
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- ^ Уоррен Эллис ( ж ), Карлос Пачеко ( п ), Скотт Коблиш , Боб Виачек ( я ). Экскалибур , том. 1, нет. 103 (ноябрь 1996 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Скотт Лобделл , Бен Рааб ( ж ), Карлос Пачеко ( п ), Арт Тиберт ( я ). Люди Икс , том. 2, нет. 63–64 (апрель – май 1997 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
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- ^ Jump up to: а б Марк Грюнвальд ( ж ), Пол Райан ( п ), Сэм де ла Роса ( я ). Высшая эскадрилья , вып. 1, нет. 9 (май 1986 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
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- ^ Дэвид, Питер (ж), Киоун, Дейл (ж). Невероятный Невероятный Халк (том 2) № 381. Комиксы Марвел
- ^ Дэвид, Питер (ж), Киоун, Дейл (ж). Невероятный Халк (том 2) №382. Комиксы Марвел
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- ^ Дэвид, Питер (ж), Киоун, Дейл (ж). Невероятный Халк (том 2) № 391-392.
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- ^ Ларри Хама ( ж ), Марк Сильвестри ( п ), Дэн Грин ( я ). Росомаха , об. 2, нет. 40 (июнь 1991 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
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- ^ Железный Человек 2020 №1. Комиксы Марвел.
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- ^ Железный Человек 2020 №6. Комиксы Марвел.
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- ^ Люди Икс: 198 файлов , том. 1, нет. 1 (январь 2006 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
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- ^ Джон Циммерман, Нел Йомтов ( ж ), Пол Райан ( п ), Рей Гарсия ( я ). «Росомаха: Чистая жертва» Marvel Comics представляет , том. 1, нет. 152–155 (апрель – май 1994 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
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- ^ Мстители Западное побережье # 90
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- ^ Донни Кейтс ( ж ), Райан Стегман ( п ), Ж.-П. Майер ( я ). Веном , том. 4, нет. 4 (сентябрь 2018 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Тор: Бог Грома № 2-11
- ^ Король в черном № 3-5
- ^ Тор: Бог Грома № 23-24
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- ^ Тор том. 5 #5-6
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- ^ Дэн Слотт ( ж ), Умберто Рамос ( п ), Виктор Олазаба ( я ). Новый Человек-Паук , т. 1, нет. 694 (декабрь 2012 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
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- ^ Марк Грюнвальд ( ж ), Майк Мэнли ( п ), Дэн Паносян ( я ). Квазар , вып. 1, нет. 15 (октябрь 1990 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Лунный Рыцарь Том. 2 № 2 (июль 1985 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Лунный рыцарь № 1 (ноябрь 1980 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ↑ Лунный рыцарь № 12 (октябрь 1981 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Лунный рыцарь № 22-23 (август – сентябрь 1982 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Лунный Рыцарь Том. 2 № 1-2 (июнь – июль 1985 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Марк Спектор: Лунный рыцарь # 1 (июнь 1989 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Марк Спектор: Лунный рыцарь № 38 (май 1992 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Марк Спектор: Лунный рыцарь № 60 (март 1994 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ↑ Страна теней: Лунный рыцарь №1 (октябрь 2010 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Лунный рыцарь № 190-193 (февраль – май 2018 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Лунный Рыцарь Том. 9 №4 (декабрь 2021 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
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- ^ Месть Лунного Рыцаря #9
- ^ Новый Человек-Паук № 615-616.
- ^ Свифт, Энди (8 сентября 2017 г.). «София Карсон из «Наследников» бросает вызов Человеку-пауку Marvel — первый взгляд» . ТВЛайн . Архивировано из оригинала 8 сентября 2017 года . Проверено 26 февраля 2024 г.
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- ^ «GCD :: Выпуск :: Marvel Mystery Comics #3» .
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- ^ Марк Грюнвальд ( ж ), Дэйв Гувер ( п ), Дэнни Буланди ( я ). Капитан Америка , т. 1, нет. 429 (июль 1994 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Марк Грюнвальд ( ж ), Дэйв Гувер ( п ), Дэнни Буланди ( я ). Капитан Америка , т. 1, нет. 430 (август 1994 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
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- ^ Марк Грюнвальд ( ж ), Боб Холл ( п ), Джон Битти ( я ). Высшая эскадрилья , вып. 1, нет. 1 (сентябрь 1985 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Марк Грюнвальд ( ж ), Пол Райан ( п ), Сэм де ла Роза, Кейт Уильямс ( я ). Высшая эскадрилья , вып. 1, нет. 6 (февраль 1986 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Высшая эскадрилья: Новый мировой порядок | дата = август 1998 г.
- ^ Изгнанники том. 1 № 78 (март 2006 г.)
- ^ Высшая эскадрилья, том. 4 #9 (июль 2016 г.)
- ^ Новые Мстители, том. 3 #24 (сентябрь 2014 г.)
- ^ Jump up to: а б Коди Зиглар ( ж ), Пако Медина ( г ). Heroes Reborn: Siege Society , вып. 1, нет. 1 (июль 2021 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Деннис Хоуплесс ( ж ), Кев Уокер ( а ). Арена Мстителей , том. 1, нет. 1 (февраль 2013 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Деннис Хоуплесс ( ж ), Кев Уокер ( а ). Мстители под прикрытием , том. 1, нет. 5 (август 2014 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Питер Миллиган ( ж ), Майкл Оллред ( а ). X-Force , том. 1, нет. 116 (июль 2001 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Питер Миллиган ( ж ), Майкл Оллред ( п ). X-Force , том. 1, нет. 126 (май 2002 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Питер Миллиган ( ж ), Майкл Оллред ( а ). X-Force , том. 1, нет. 128 (июль 2002 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Питер Миллиган ( ж ), Майкл Оллред ( а ). X-Statix , нет. 8 (апрель 2003 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Питер Миллиган ( ж ), Майкл Оллред ( а ). X-Statix , нет. 26 (октябрь 2004 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Питер Миллиган ( ж ), Ник Драготта, Майкл Оллред ( а ). X-Statix представляет «Мёртвую девочку» , вып. 1 (март 2006 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Тор и Геркулес: Энциклопедия Mythologica , том. 1, нет. 1 (сентябрь 2009 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Дж. Майкл Стражински ( ж ), Джон Ромита-младший ( п ), Скотт Ханна ( я ). Новый Человек-Паук , т. 2, нет. 48 (февраль 2003 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Дж. Майкл Стражински ( ж ), Джон Ромита-младший ( п ), Скотт Ханна, Скотт Коблиш ( я ). Новый Человек-Паук , т. 1, нет. 508 (июль 2004 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Герц № 7-8. Комиксы Марвел. [ нужен лучший источник ]
- ^ CB Чебульски ( ж ), Нико Хенрикон ( а ). Человек-Паук: Сказки , т. 1, нет. 2 (август 2007 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Дэн Слотт ( ж ), Крис Анка ( а ). Паук-Вселенные , том. 2, нет. 2 (март 2015 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Стэн Ли ( ж ), Джек Кирби ( п ), Чик Стоун ( я ). Фантастическая четверка , том. 1, нет. 37 (апрель 1965 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Рой Томас ( ж ), Джин Колан ( п ), Винс Коллетта ( я ). Капитан Марвел , т. 1, нет. 2 (июнь 1968 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Рой Томас ( ж ), Джон Бушема ( р ), Том Палмер ( я ). Мстители , том. 1, нет. 94 (декабрь 1991 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Аллан Хайнберг ( ж ), Джим Чунг ( п ), (разные) ( я ). Молодые Мстители , том. 1, нет. 11 (май 2006 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Аллан Хайнберг ( ж ), Джим Чунг ( п ), (разные) ( я ). Молодые Мстители , том. 1, нет. 10 (март 2006 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Джон Бирн ( ж , а ). Фантастическая четверка , том. 1, нет. 257 (август 1983 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Jump up to: а б «Голоса принцессы Анель (Фантастическая четверка)» . За актерами озвучивания . Проверено 7 января 2024 г. Зеленая галочка указывает, что роль была подтверждена с использованием снимка экрана (или коллажа из снимков экрана) со списком актеров озвучивания и соответствующих персонажей, найденных в его начальных и/или заключительных титрах и/или других надежных источниках информации.
- ^ ДеФалко, Том; Сандерсон, Питер; Бревурт, Том; Тейтельбаум, Майкл; Уоллес, Дэниел; Дорогой, Эндрю; Форбек, Мэтт; Каусилл, Алан; Брей, Адам (2019). Энциклопедия Марвел . Издательство ДК. п. 19. ISBN 978-1-4654-7890-0 .
- ^ Джефф Джонс ( ж ), Шон Мартинбро ( а ). Морлоки , т. 1, нет. 2 (июль 2002 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Джефф Джонс ( ж ), Шон Мартинбро ( а ). Морлоки , т. 1, нет. 3 (август 2002 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Джефф Джонс ( ж ), Шон Мартинбро ( а ). Морлоки , т. 1, нет. 4 (сентябрь 2002 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Брайан Майкл Бендис ( ж ), Майк Деодато ( п ), Джо Пиментел ( я ). Новые Мстители , том. 1, нет. 18 (июнь 2006 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Джефф Джонс ( ж ), Шон Мартинбро ( а ). Морлоки , т. 1, нет. 1 (июнь 2002 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Кит, Борис (13 февраля 2015 г.). «Джина Карано присоединяется к Райану Рейнольдсу в «Дэдпуле» Fox (эксклюзив)» . Голливудский репортер .
- ^ «Архивная копия» . Архивировано из оригинала 26 сентября 2007 г. Проверено 6 июля 2006 г.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: архивная копия в заголовке ( ссылка ) - ^ Jump up to: а б с Луиза Симонсон ( ж ), Брет Блевинс ( п ), Терри Остин ( я ). Новые мутанты , вып. 1, нет. 60 (февраль 1988 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Луиза Симонсон ( ж ), Брет Блевинс ( п ), Терри Остин ( я ). Новые мутанты , вып. 1, нет. 59 (январь 1988 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Jump up to: а б Луиза Симонсон ( ж ), Брет Блевинс ( п ), Терри Остин ( я ). Новые мутанты , вып. 1, нет. 61 (март 1988 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Блок питания № 12; Странные Люди Икс # 195
- ^ Странные Люди Икс # 211
- ^ Каусилл, Алан; Гилберт, Лаура (2012). «1990-е». Хроники Человека-Паука, посвященные 50-летию плетения паутины . Дорлинг Киндерсли . п. 203. ИСБН 978-0-7566-9236-0 .
- ^ Джек С. Харрис ( ж ), Том Лайл ( п ), Скотт Ханна ( я ). «Приготовьтесь к... приложению» «Удивительный Человек-Паук» Ежегодник , том. 1, нет. 27 (май 1993 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Христос Гейдж ( ж ), Стив Юй ( а ). Мстители: Инициатива , том. 1, нет. 13 (июль 2008 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Христос Гейдж ( ж ), Умберто Рамос ( а ). Мстители: Инициатива , том. 1, нет. 21 (март 2009 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Ровин, Джефф (1987). Энциклопедия суперзлодеев . Нью-Йорк: факты в архиве. стр. 6–7. ISBN 0-8160-1356-Х .
- ^ Эл Милгром ( ж ), Эл Милгром ( п ), Джим Муни ( я ). Питер Паркер, Захватывающий Человек-Паук , т. 1, нет. 91 (июнь 1984 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Эл Милгром ( ж ), Эл Милгром ( п ), Джим Муни ( я ). Питер Паркер, Захватывающий Человек-Паук , т. 1, нет. 92 (июль 1984 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Эл Милгром ( ж ), Эл Милгром ( п ), Джим Муни ( я ). Питер Паркер, Захватывающий Человек-Паук , т. 1, нет. 93 (август 1984 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Эл Милгром ( ж ), Эл Милгром ( п ), Джим Муни ( я ). Питер Паркер, Захватывающий Человек-Паук , т. 1, нет. 94 (сентябрь 1984 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Эл Милгром ( ж ), Эл Милгром ( п ), Джим Муни ( я ). Питер Паркер, Захватывающий Человек-Паук , т. 1, нет. 95 (октябрь 1984 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Эл Милгром ( ж ), Эл Милгром ( п ), Джим Муни ( я ). Питер Паркер, Захватывающий Человек-Паук , т. 1, нет. 96 (ноябрь 1984 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Дэнни Фингерот ( ж ), Скотт МакДэниел ( р ), Брэд Ванката ( я ). Смертельные враги Человека-паука , т. 1, нет. 1 (сентябрь 1993 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Дэнни Фингерот ( ж ), Скотт МакДэниел ( р ), Брэд Ванката ( я ). Смертельные враги Человека-паука , т. 1, нет. 2 (октябрь 1993 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Фабиан Ничеза ( ж ), Джо Проктор ( а ). Я ♥ Marvel : Любовь вне закона , том. 1, нет. 1 (апрель 2006 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Jump up to: а б Фрэнк Тьери ( ж ), Стюарт Джонсон ( п ), Том Палмер , Робин Риггс ( я ). Гражданская война: Военные преступления , том. 1, нет. 1 (февраль 2007 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Мэтт Фрэкшн ( ж ), Майк Деодато ( а ). Военный журнал Карателя , том. 2, нет. 4 (апрель 2007 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Брайан Майкл Бендис ( ж ), Лейнил Фрэнсис Ю ( а ). Новые Мстители , том. 1, нет. 35 (декабрь 2007 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Брайан Майкл Бендис ( ж ), Карло Флауэр ( р ), Джеффри Хьют ( я ). Ежегодник «Новые Мстители» , том. 1, нет. 2 (февраль 2008 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Новый Человек-Паук № 552-553. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Брайан Майкл Бендис ( ж ), Лейнил Фрэнсис Ю ( п ), Марк Моралес ( я ). Тайное вторжение , т. 1, нет. 1 (июнь 2008 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Брайан Майкл Бендис ( ж ), Лейнил Фрэнсис Ю ( п ), Марк Моралес ( я ). Тайное вторжение , т. 1, нет. 6 (ноябрь 2008 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Брайан Майкл Бендис ( ш ), (разное) ( а ). Новые Мстители , том. 1, нет. 50 (апрель 2009 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Темное Царство: Мистер Негатив № 1-3. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Брайан Майкл Бендис ( ж ), Майк МакКоун ( а ). Новые Мстители , том. 1, нет. 63 (май 2010 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Брайан Майкл Бендис ( ж ), Стефано Казелли, Алекс Малеев ( а ). Непобедимый Железный Человек , т. 1, нет. 597 (апрель 2018 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Jump up to: а б Дэн Юргенс ( ж ), Дэн Юргенс ( п ), Боб Лейтон ( я ). Капитан Америка , т. 3, нет. 42 (июнь 2001 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Марк Уэйд ( ж ), Энди Куберт ( п ), Джесси Дельперданг ( я ). Капитан Америка , т. 3, нет. 20 (август 1999 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Дэн Слотт ( ш ), (разное) ( а ). Превосходный Человек-Паук , т. 1, нет. 26 (март 2014 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Дэн Слотт ( ш ), (разное) ( а ). Новый Человек-Паук , т. 3, нет. 1 (июнь 2014 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Оружие X том. 2 # 5 (август 2003 г.)
- ^ Стэн Ли ( ж ), Дон Хек ( п ), Дик Эйерс ( я ). Мстители , том. 1, нет. 12 (январь 1965 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Сорвиголова № 10-11
- ^ Сорвиголова № 39-41.
- ^ Лен Вейн ( ж ), Джим Муни ( п ), Фрэнк Джакойя ( я ). Команда Marvel , вып. 1, нет. 25 (сентябрь 1974 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Люди Икс № 94-95.
- ^ Железный Человек № 115-116.
- ^ Сорвиголова № 157-158.
- ^ Чак Диксон ( ш ), Боб Уэйклин, Пол Ли, Дэйрик Гросс ( а ). Кодекс чести , т. 1, нет. 3 (апрель 1997 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Марк Грюнвальд ( ж ), Боб Холл ( п ), Сэм де ла Роза ( я ). Высшая эскадрилья , вып. 1, нет. 5 (январь 1986 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Мстители # 72
- ^ Железный Человек № 35-36; Сорвиголова #73
- ^ Мстители № 120-122.
- ^ Призрачный гонщик № 6-7 (июнь, август 1974 г.)
- ^ Железный Человек № 183-185.
- ^ Мстители Западного побережья (том 2) # 26 (ноябрь 1987 г.)
- ^ Защитники № 48-50.
- ^ Мстители Западного побережья (том 2) Ежегодник № 1
- ^ Jump up to: а б Мстители Западного побережья (том 2) # 26-28
- ^ Мстители собираются (том 2) # 1
- ^ Мстители собираются (том 2) # 4
- ^ Jump up to: а б Мстители # 48
- ^ Сказки о неизвестности № 73
- ^ Железный Человек № 101-102.
- ^ Мстители # 55
- ^ Супергерои Marvel, том. 2 #17
- ^ Доктор Стрэндж # 178
- ^ Мстители # 61
- ^ Мстители # 100
- ^ Защитники # 4
- ^ Защитники # 5
- ^ Защитники # 11
- ^ Защитники # 17
- ^ Защитники № 66-68.
- ^ Защитники # 126
- ^ Герои по найму # 2
- ^ Халк № 7, Женщина-Халк № 34.
- ^ Черная Пантера том. 4 #3
- ^ Военный журнал Карателя, том. 2 #13-14
- ^ Справочник домашних животных Marvel
- ^ Лю, Кристина (режиссер); ЛаДжина Хилл (писатель) (3 февраля 2024 г.). «Дьявол, которого ты знаешь». Лунная девочка и дьявол-динозавр . 2 сезон. 8 серия. Канал Дисней.
- ^ Джейкобс, Мира (7 мая 2019 г.). «Откуда Валькирия взяла этого крылатого коня в «Мстителях: Финал»?» . ЦБ РФ . Проверено 14 мая 2024 г.
- ^ Митчелл, Тайлер (10 июля 2022 г.). «Love & Thunder исправила раздражающую сюжетную дыру в финале Валькирии» . ЭкранРант . Проверено 14 мая 2024 г.
- ^ Силы X # 4
- ^ Люди Икс (Том 5) # 2
- ^ Кабель (Том 4) # 1
- ^ Экскалибур (Том 4) # 12
- ^ Люди Икс (Том 5) # 12
- ^ X Мечей: Стазис № 1
- ^ X Мечей: Создание № 1
- ^ Люди Икс (том 5) # 14
- ^ X Мечей: Разрушение # 1
- ^ Люди Икс размером с планету # 1
- ^ ДеФалко, Том; Сандерсон, Питер; Бревурт, Том; Тейтельбаум, Майкл; Уоллес, Дэниел; Дорогой, Эндрю; Форбек, Мэтт; Каусилл, Алан; Брей, Адам (2019). Энциклопедия Марвел . Издательство ДК. п. 26. ISBN 978-1-4654-7890-0 .
- ^ Высшая эскадрилья: Смерть Вселенной (1989)
- ^ Высшая эскадрилья: Новый мировой порядок (1998)
- ^ Высшая сила: Гиперион № 1–5 (2005–2006).
- ^ Новые Мстители (том 3) № 23 (2014)
- ^ Падшие ангелы # 1
- ^ Люди Икс: Наследие № 226
- ^ Новые мутанты (том 3) № 12 (2010)
- ^ «Новости, блог, статьи и пресс-релизы Marvel | Marvel» .
- ^ Jump up to: а б Мстители: Ежегодник инициативы № 1 (2006)
- ^ Мстители: Инициатива # 1 (2006)
- ^ Международный Железный Человек № 5-7. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ ДеФалко, Том; Сандерсон, Питер; Бревурт, Том; Тейтельбаум, Майкл; Уоллес, Дэниел; Дорогой, Эндрю; Форбек, Мэтт; Каусилл, Алан; Брей, Адам (2019). Энциклопедия Марвел . Издательство ДК. п. 29. ISBN 978-1-4654-7890-0 .
- ^ Капитан Марвел # 39
- ^ Ежегодник Фантастической четверки # 21
- ^ Фантастическая четверка # 321
- ^ Фантастическая четверка # 322
- ^ Фантастическая четверка # 323
- ^ Фантастическая четверка # 327
- ^ Фантастическая четверка № 328-329.
- ^ Фантастическая четверка № 330-333.
- ^ Фантастическая четверка № 396-400.
- ^ Железный Человек № 114 (сентябрь 1978 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Ежегодник Мстителей № 9 (1979). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Невероятный Халк, том. 2 № 282 (апрель 1983 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Железный Человек том. 3 № 84-85 (2004). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Академия Мстителей № 2 (2010). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Железный Человек 2020, том. 2 #4. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Ultimate Comics: Armor Wars # 4. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Железный Человек Нуар # 3 (август 2010 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ «Голос Арсенала – Мстители собираются (телешоу)» . За актерами озвучивания . Проверено 23 января 2024 г. Зеленая галочка указывает, что роль была подтверждена с использованием снимка экрана (или коллажа из снимков экрана) со списком актеров озвучивания и соответствующих персонажей, найденных в его начальных и/или заключительных титрах и/или других надежных источниках информации.
- ^ Jump up to: а б Наследие Marvel: Справочник 1960–1990-х годов . Комиксы Марвел. 2007. с. 5. ISBN 978-0-7851-2082-7 .
- ^ Jump up to: а б Эллиотт Калан ( ж ), Тай Темплтон ( в ). «Страх и ненависть к себе в Висконсине» Сам страх: тыл , вып. 6 (ноябрь 2011 г.). Нью-Йорк: Комиксы Marvel.
- ^ «Удивись асбестовому человеку» . Информационный бюллетень Щита . 20 декабря 2011 года. Архивировано из оригинала 13 сентября 2019 года . Проверено 23 января 2024 г.
- ^ Фарачи, Дерек (9 апреля 2020 г.). «Марвел: 10 знаменитых злодеев 60-х, которые были забыты» . ЦБ РФ . Проверено 27 октября 2022 г.
- ^ Стэн Ли и Эрнест Харт ( ж ), Дик Эйерс ( а ). «Борьба насмерть с асбестовым человеком!» Странные сказки , нет. 111 (август 1963 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Фантастическая четверка, том. 5 #1
- ^ «10 самых странных видов оружия, используемых в комиксах» . Анимированные времена . 28 августа 2020 г. Проверено 27 октября 2022 г.
- ^ Харт, Дэвид (18 августа 2021 г.). «Марвел: 10 самых странных злодеев в рейтинге» . ЦБ РФ . Проверено 27 октября 2022 г.
- ^ Кронин, Брайан. «Комические легенды: почему в саге о Темном Фениксе появляются новые члены Имперской гвардии?» , ЦБ РФ (9 апреля 2018 г.).
- ↑ The Uncanny X-Men # 107 (сентябрь 1977 г.).
- ↑ The Uncanny X-Men # 122 (июнь 1979 г.).
- ^ Люди Икс: В центре внимания Starjammers # 2 (июнь 1990 г.).
- ↑ The Uncanny X-Men # 137 (сентябрь 1980 г.).
- ^ Квазар № 32–33 (апрель – май 1992 г.).
- ^ Чудо-Человек # 9 (май 1992 г.).
- ^ Мстители № 347 (май 1992 г.).
- ^ Нелюди (том 3) № 1–4 (июнь – октябрь 2000 г.).
- ^ Нелюди (том 3) № 4 (октябрь 2000 г.).
- ↑ The Uncanny X-Men # 480 (январь 2007 г.).
- ^ Зловещие Люди Икс № 477-486 (октябрь 2006 г. - июль 2007 г.).
- ^ Люди Икс: Император Вулкан № 1–5 (ноябрь 2007 г. - март 2008 г.)
- ↑ Люди Икс: Kingbreaker № 1–4 (февраль – май 2009 г.)
- ^ Война королей № 4 (август 2009 г.).
- ^ Война королей: Вознесение № 3 (август 2009 г.).
- ^ Война королей № 5 (сентябрь 2009 г.).
- ↑ Война королей №6 (октябрь 2009 г.).
- ↑ Война королей: Кто будет править, один кадр (ноябрь 2009 г.)
- ↑ Война королей: Кто будет править, одноразовый (ноябрь 2009 г.).
- ↑ Стражи Галактики № 13 (май 2014 г.).
- ^ Мистер и миссис X № 1–5 (сентябрь 2018 г. – январь 2019 г.).
- ^ Jump up to: а б с Люди Икс (том 2) #86
- ^ Жуткие Люди Икс # 327
- ^ Жуткие Люди Икс # 366
- ^ Магнето: Не герой № 2
- ^ Магнето: Не герой №3
- ^ Jump up to: а б Магнето: Не герой №4
- ^ Marvel Два в одном # 55
- ^ Марвел Фанфары # 3
- ^ Железный Человек № 287-288 (декабрь 1993 г. - январь 1994 г.)
- ↑ Видно в воспоминаниях в Thor Annual # 10 (1982).
- ^ Тор/Геркулес: Энциклопедия Mythologica (2009)
- ^ Ежегодник Тора # 10 (1982)
- ^ Невероятный Геркулес # 117 (май 2008 г.)
- ^ Невероятный Геркулес # 120 (август 2008 г.)
- ^ Страх самого себя # 7
- ^ Могучий Тор (том 4) # 8
- ^ Фантастическая четверка № 577. Комиксы Марвел
- ^ ФФ №7. Комиксы Марвел
- ^ Бесконечность №3. Комиксы Марвел
- ^ Члены королевской семьи № 6-8. Комиксы Марвел
- ^ Смерть нелюдей №1. Комиксы Марвел