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В этом списке палеомаммалогии записывается новые ископаемых млекопитающих таксоны , которые были описаны в течение 2017 года, а также отмечают другие значительные открытия и события палеомамалогии и события, которые произошли в течение этого года.


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  • Исследование морфологии и филогенетических отношений Eobrasilia coutoi публикуется Carneiro & Oliveira (2017). [ 1 ]
  • Новая информация об анатомии черепа Peratherium Cuvieri опубликована Selva & Ladevèze (2017). [ 2 ]
  • Zeusdelphys Sackectus из эоцена Бразилии . интерпретируется как член Hatcheriformes Carneiro & Oliveira (2017) [ 3 ]
  • Описание морфологии черепа эпидолопов и Ameghinoi исследование филогенетических отношений полидолопиморфии публикуется Beck (2017). [ 4 ]
  • A study on the causes of decline and extinction of sparassodonts is published by López-Aguirre et al. (2017).[5]
  • A study on the age of a specimen of Zygomaturus trilobus recovered from the Willandra Lakes locality (Australia), indicating that this species persisted for a considerable time after the first arrival of Indigenous Australians, is published by Westaway, Olley & Grün (2017).[6]
  • A study evaluating whether the decline of Australian megafaunal population in the Pleistocene, leading to megafaunal extinction in Australia, was caused by the climate changes is published by van der Kaars et al. (2017).[7]
  • A study on the environmental setting and diet of marsupials from two concentrated, fossil bone horizons at Cuddie Springs (Australia: one from the middle Pleistocene, and the second from the late Pleistocene, based on isotopic data and teeth microwear, is published by DeSantis et al. (2017).[8]
  • A study on the Pleistocene marsupial Diprotodon optatum, indicating it undertook seasonal, two-way migration in eastern Sahul, is published by Price et al. (2017).[9]
  • A study on the species richness and relative abundance of macropodiform marsupials from Riversleigh is published by Butler et al. (2017).[10]
  • A study exploring the potential of the collagen fingerprinting method also known as Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry in studying Australian vertebrate palaeobiodiversity, using it to identify Late Pleistocene kangaroo fossils from two caves in Tasmania, is published by Buckley et al. (2017).[11]
  • A study on the Oligo-Miocene local faunas from the Riversleigh World Heritage Area (Australia), aiming to identify potential mammalian palaeocommunities and palaeocommunity types, is published by Myers et al. (2017).[12]

New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Maga & Beck

Eocene (Lutetian)

Uzunçarşıdere Formation


A probable non-marsupial member of Marsupialiformes. The type species is A. maasae.

Barinya kutjamarpensis[14]

Sp. nov


Binfield et al.


Wipajiri Formation


Perameles wilkinsonorum[15]

Sp. nov


Travouillon et al.



A bandicoot, a species of Perameles.


Gen. et comb. et 2 sp. nov


Travouillon et al.



A bandicoot. The type species is "Peroryctes" tedfordi Turnbull, Ludelius & Archer (2003); genus also includes new species S. karae and S. hamiltonensis.

Wakaleo schouteni[16]

Sp. nov


Gillespie, Archer & Hand

Late Oligocene and early Miocene

Riversleigh World Heritage Area


A member of the family Thylacoleonidae.




  • A study on the timing of the diversification of placental mammals based on genomic data, indicating that the placentals underwent a continuous radiation across the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary without apparent interruption by the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, is published by Liu et al. (2017).[17][18][19]
  • A study on the completeness of the eutherian fossil record, intending to establish whether the lack of placental mammal fossils in the Cretaceous is more likely to be caused by poor fossil record or by genuine absence of placental mammals in the Cretaceous, is published by Davies et al. (2017).[20]
  • Revision of the fossil material of the species assigned to the basal eutherian genus Prokennalestes and a study on their morphological and size variability is published by Lopatin & Averianov (2017).[21]
  • A study on the impact of biotic (competition pressure) and abiotic factors (environmental change) on the evolutionary success, decline and extinction of large fossil herbivorous mammals from North America, Europe and Turkana Basin in Africa is published by Žliobaitė, Fortelius & Stenseth (2017).[22]
  • A study on the impacts of temperature and human activities in causing extirpations on local and regional scales, as well as on the causes of the extinction or major extirpations of four megafauna mammalian groups (i.e. mammoth, rhinoceros, horse and deer) in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene, is published by Wang & Zhang (2017).[23]
  • A study of the phylogenetic relationships of the Paleocene placental mammals is published by Halliday, Upchurch and Goswami (2017).[24]
  • A study on the impact of the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 on the evolution of the body size in four placental lineages, especially in the early equid lineage Arenahippus pernix, is published by D'Ambrosia et al. (2017).[25]
  • A study evaluating whether the extinction of the Pleistocene megafauna of North America was caused by rapid overhunting after the appearance of humans by comparing the dates of the last appearances of megafauna and first appearances of humans across North America is published by Emery-Wetherell, McHorse & Davis (2017).[26]
  • Menéndez et al. (2017) infer the climatic variables for the middle Miocene of the Somosaguas vertebrate fossil site (Spain) on the basis of the body size structure of the mammal fauna known from the site, which is intimately related to climate and vegetation.[27]
  • Carnivore marks are identified on mammal bones from the Pleistocene of Argentina, including three ground sloth bones and one toxodontid bone, by Chichkoyan et al. (2017).[28]
  • Description of the osteology of the skull of the pampathere Holmesina floridanus based on the fossils from the Blancan of Florida is published by Gaudin & Lyon (2017).[29]
  • A study on the diet of Pleistocene glyptodonts and ground sloths from the Pleistocene of Argentina as indicated by δ13C values in bone collagen and carbonate is published by Bocherens et al. (2017).[30][31][32]
  • A study on the phylogenetic placement of members of the genus Thalassocnus within Megatheria is published by Amson, de Muizon & Gaudin (2017).[33]
  • Description of new mylodontine sloth remains from the late Pleistocene of Ecuador and Peru and a revision of the taxonomy of the genus Glossotherium is published by De Iuliis et al. (2017), who consider Glossotherium tropicorum to be a valid species.[34]
  • A study on a specimen of Stegomastodon platensis (or Notiomastodon platensis) recovered from Pleistocene fluvial sediments in the Santiago Basin (Chile), recovering life history information relating to the final four years of life and the season of death, is published by El Adli et al. (2017).[35]
  • An incomplete juvenile skull of Gomphotherium wimani from the Miocene Hujialiang Formation and cheek teeth of a member of the same species from the Miocene Dongxiang Formation (China) are described by Yang, Li & Wang (2017).[36]
  • A study on the dietary differences between members of the genera Sinomastodon, Stegodon and Elephas from the Pleistocene of South China is published by Zhang et al. (2017).[37]
  • Pleistocene proboscidean remains associated with human teeth are described from the Mawokou Cave (Guizhou, China) by Wang et al. (2017), who assign this fossil material to the species Stegodon orientalis and Elephas maximus.[38]
  • A study on the population dynamics of the mammoths and mastodons in the North American Midwest during the late Pleistocene and the possible causes of their regional extinction is published by Widga et al. (2017).[39]
  • A study on the regional variability of the diet of the American mastodon (Mammut americanum) is published by Green, DeSantis & Smith (2017).[40]
  • Meyer et al. (2017) report the recovery of full mitochondrial genomes from four and partial nuclear genomes from two fossils of the straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon antiquus), the analysis of which indicated that the straight-tusked elephant was a close relative of the African forest elephant.[41]
  • A study on the detrimental mutations in members of the relict, Holocene population of the woolly mammoth from the Wrangel Island prior to the extinction of the population is published by Rogers & Slatkin (2017).[42]
  • A study on the phylogenetic relationships of the late Pleistocene woolly mammoth populations based on the data set of 143 mammoth mitochondrial genomes is published by Chang et al. (2017).[43]
  • A study determining the sex of 98 woolly mammoth specimens collected at various locations throughout Siberia is published by Pečnerová et al. (2017), who report a significant skew toward males among the studied specimens and search for possible explanations of the observed skew in sex ratio.[44]
  • Fellows Yates et al. (2017) identify and generate twenty woolly mammoth mitochondrial genomes based on Late Pleistocene material from central Europe.[45]
  • A study on the habitat preferences of the desmostylians Desmostylus and Paleoparadoxia as indicated by their fossil occurrences is published by Matsui et al. (2017).[46]
  • A study on the humeral morphology of the desmostylians, intending to establish whether different desmostylian genera can be distinguished on the basis of their humeri, is published by Matsui (2017).[47]
  • Description of cranial and postcranial remains of Pyrotherium from the Oligocene locality of Quebrada Fiera (Mendoza Province, Argentina) is published by Cerdeño & Vera (2017).[48]
  • A study on the diversity of bats of Haiti through time based on fossil evidence is published by Soto-Centeno, Simmons & Steadman (2017).[49]
  • A study on the body size variation in Neogene odd-toed ungulates and even-toed ungulates from Europe and North America and on whether it is correlated with origination and/or extinction rates across clades and regions is published by Huang et al. (2017).[50]
  • A redescription of the skull anatomy of the holotype specimen of Eoastrapostylops riolorense, with an emphasis on the auditory region, is published by Kramarz, Bond & Rougier (2017), who interpret this species as a member of a basal meridiungulate lineage that diverged before the differentiation among astrapotheres, pyrotheres and notoungulates.[51]
  • A description of the microstructure of the tooth enamel of Carodnia vieirai is published by Bergqvist & von Koenigswald (2017).[52]
  • A fossil of the litoptern species Neolicaphrium recens is described from the Pleistocene deposits of the Río Dulce (Santiago del Estero Province, Argentina) by Gaudioso et al. (2017), representing the northernmost and westernmost record of the species.[53]
  • A nearly complete mitochondrial genome of the litoptern Macrauchenia patachonica is recovered by Westbury et al. (2017).[54]
  • A study on variation in teeth growth and eruption in notoungulates in the context of geological, climatic and environmental changes taking place in South America from the late Paleocene onwards is published by Gomes Rodrigues, Herrel & Billet (2017).[55]
  • A systematic revision of members of the family Archaeopithecidae from the Eocene of Patagonia (Argentina) is published by Vera (2017), who recognizes Archaeopithecus rogeri as the only valid species.[56]
  • A study on the phylogenetic relationships of hegetotheriid notoungulates, as well as their possible ancestral area and vicariance, dispersal and extinction events, is published by Seoane, Roig Juñent & Cerdeño (2017).[57]
  • Revision of the content of the hegetotheriid species Prohegetotherium sculptum based on a reexamination of the type specimens and a study on the phylogenetic relationships of hegetotheriids is published by Kramarz & Bond (2017).[58]
  • Description of a skeleton of Thomashuxleya externa with a well-preserved skull and jaws associated with postcrania, recovered from the Eocene of Cañadón Vaca (Argentina), and a study on the phylogenetic relationships of the species is published by Carrillo & Asher (2017).[59]
  • A study comparing tooth morphology and development in mesotheriid notoungulates and extant gundis is published by Gomes Rodrigues et al. (2017).[60]
  • A study on the diet of the three most abundant ungulates from the La Brea Tar Pits (Bison antiquus, Camelops hesternus and Equus occidentalis) is published by Jones & DeSantis (2017).[61]
  • Description of the morphology of the skeleton of Hyrachyus modestus is published by Bai et al. (2017).[62]
  • A description of new fossil material of the helaletid tapiroids Paracolodon fissus and Desmatotherium mongoliense from the Eocene Irdin Manha Formation (Inner Mongolia, China) and a study on the phylogenetic relationships of these species is published by Bai et al. (2017).[63]
  • A study on the phylogenetic relationships of the rhinoceros genus Stephanorhinus based on ancient protein sequences is published by Welker et al. (2017).[64]
  • Skull of Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis is described from the Chondon River valley (Arctic Yakutia, Russia) by Kirillova et al. (2017), representing the first find of a member of the genus Stephanorhinus above the Arctic Circle.[65]
  • A study on the incidence of developmental abnormalities in the neck vertebrae (the presence of cervical ribs) in the late Pleistocene population of the woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis) is published by van der Geer & Galis (2017).[66]
  • Skeleton of a pregnant mare of Eurohippus messelensis with preserved soft tissues is described from the Eocene Messel pit (Germany) by Franzen & Habersetzer (2017).[67]
  • A study on the speciation rates and the evolution of body size and tooth morphology in Neogene and Quaternary radiation of horses is published by Cantalapiedra et al. (2017).[68]
  • A study on the fossil horse metapodials, testing how locomotor bone stresses changed with digit reduction and increasing body size across the horse lineage, is published by McHorse, Biewener & Pierce (2017).[69]
  • A study on the ontogenetic changes in the teeth of the late Miocene hipparionines based on fossils from Fugu (Shaanxi, China) is published by Li et al. (2017).[70]
  • A study on the diet and habitat of specimens of Dinohippus mexicanus and Neohipparion eurystyle known from the late Hemphillian localities in central Mexico as indicated by stable carbon and oxygen isotopes determined in molar enamel is published by Pérez-Crespo et al. (2017).[71]
  • A study on the number of species of horses that inhabited the Western Interior of North America prior to the end-Pleistocene extinction, based on cheek tooth morphology and ancient mtDNA, is published by Barrón-Ortiz et al. (2017).[72]
  • A study on the growth pattern of the first lower molar in extant and extinct species of Equus and its relationship with life history events is published by Nacarino-Meneses et al. (2017).[73]
  • A study on the morphology of the middle ear and bony labyrinth of the anoplotheriid even-toed ungulate Diplobune minor and their implications for the locomotion of members of this species is published by Orliac, Araújo & Lihoreau (2017).[74]
  • Fossils of a member of the camelid genus Hemiauchenia are described from the late Pliocene of Argentina by Gasparini et al. (2017), representing the oldest record of the tribe Lamini in South America reported so far.[75]
  • DNA sequence data is generated for samples of 12 flat-headed peccary specimens from the Sheriden Cave (Ohio, United States) by Perry et al. (2017).[76]
  • A study on the morphology of the bony labyrinth of extant and extinct deers and on the phylogenetic relationships of fossil deers is published by Mennecart et al. (2017).[77]
  • Deer fossil (almost complete humerus) is reported from the late Miocene sedimentary sequence of the Bira Formation at Hagal Stream (western margin of the Jordan Valley, Israel) by Rozenbaum et al. (2017), representing the first record of a terrestrial mammal reported from the sequence.[78]
  • An ossicone and postcranial remains of giraffes of uncertain specific assignment are described from the Miocene of the Potwar Plateau (Pakistan) by Danowitz, Barry & Solounias (2017).[79]
  • Mouflon bones are reported from the late Pleistocene of eastern Jordan by Yeomans, Martin & Richter (2017).[80]
  • A study on the diet of the Miocene bovid Hezhengia bohlini as indicated by enamel microwear is published by Semprebon, Solounias & Tao (2017).[81]
  • A study on the timing of bison arrival in North America as indicated by mitochondrial genomes extracted from fossil specimens is published by Froese et al. (2017).[82][83]
  • A study on the phylogenetic relationships of the Pleistocene species Bison schoetensacki as indicated by recovered ancient DNA is published by Palacio et al. (2017).[84]
  • Partial skeleton of a bison related to the steppe bison is described from the middle Holocene (~ 5,400 years ago) of Yukon (Canada) by Zazula et al. (2017), confirming local survival of northern steppe bison populations into the Holocene.[85]
  • Description of new dental remains of the anthracothere Hemimeryx blanfordi from Late Oligocene deposits of the Bugti Hills (Chitarwata Formation, Pakistan), representing the first undisputed Oligocene occurrence of the species, and a study on the molar enamel microstructure and the phylogenetic relationships of the species is published by Lihoreau et al. (2017).[86]
  • Description of the bony labyrinth of two Eocene (Lutetian) protocetid specimens from Kpogamé (Togo) and a study on the implications of the anatomy of the specimens for the hearing abilities of early whales is published by Mourlam & Orliac (2017).[87]
  • A detailed description of the holotype specimen of Cynthiacetus peruvianus and a study on the phylogenetic relationships of archaeocetes (especially basilosaurids) is published by Martínez-Cáceres, Lambert & de Muizon (2017).[88]
  • A study on the anatomy of the inner ear of Oligocene mammalodontid and aetiocetid cetaceans and their ability to detect low frequencies is published by Park et al. (2017).[89]
  • New Oligo-Miocene eomysticetid specimens are described from New Zealand by Boessenecker & Fordyce (2017), including a member of the genus Waharoa from the earliest Miocene (the most recent eomysticetid specimen reported so far).[90]
  • Five xenorophid specimens (four specimens belonging to the species Albertocetus meffordorum and one member of the genus Echovenator) are described from the Oligocene of North and South Carolina (United States) by Boessenecker, Ahmed & Geisler (2017).[91]
  • Two teeth of a large toothed whale from the group Physeteroidea (belonging or related to the genus Zygophyseter) are described from the Middle or Upper Miocene of Netherlands by Reumer, Mens & Post (2017).[92]
  • A study on the phylogenetic relationships of Araeodelphis natator (Miocene relative of the South Asian river dolphin) is published by Godfrey, Barnes & Lambert (2017).[93]
  • A study of the fossil record of the mysticetes, testing when and how gigantism evolved in mysticetes, is published by Slater, Goldbogen & Pyenson (2017).[94]
  • A study on the teeth sharpness and function in archaic mysticetes is published by Hocking et al. (2017).[95]
  • Exceptionally preserved baleen apparatus of Piscobalaena nana from the Miocene Pisco Formation (Peru) is described by Marx et al. (2017).[96]
  • Pygmy right whale fossils are described from the Pleistocene of Italy and Japan by Tsai et al. (2017).[97]
  • A study on the anatomy and phylogenetic relationships of the Miocene balaenid Morenocetus parvus is published by Buono et al. (2017).[98]
  • A partial skull of a right whale (a member or a relative of the genus Eubalaena) is described from the Pliocene Tjörnes Formation (Iceland) by Field et al. (2017).[99]
  • A Miocene breeding site for Parietobalaena yamaokai known from Itahashi Formation (Japan) is reported by Tsai (2017).[100]
  • The oldest known fossil of a fin whale (a tympanic bulla) is described from the Early Pleistocene of Northern California by Tsai & Boessenecker (2017).[101]
  • A study on the correlates between the morphology of the calcaneum and the locomotor mode in extant carnivorans, and their implications for determining the locomotor mode in extinct carnivorans and creodonts, is published by Panciroli et al. (2017).[102]
  • A study on the morphology of the primary teeth and teeth eruption sequence in hyainailouroid hyaenodonts is published by Borths & Stevens (2017).[103]
  • A study on the anatomy of the bony labyrinth of Hyaenodon exiguus and its implications for the paleobiology of the species is published by Pfaff et al. (2017).[104]
  • An incus of Hyaenodon (the first known auditory ossicle of this genus and of any hyaenodont mammal so far) is described and compared to a large set of includes of extant carnivorans by Bastl, Nagel & Solé (2017).[105]
  • A study on the frequency of traumatic injuries across skeletal elements in the saber-toothed cat Smilodon fatalis and the dire wolf (Canis dirus) from La Brea Tar Pits is published by Brown et al. (2017).[106]
  • A revision of canid fossils from the late Pliocene site of Kvabebi (Georgia), revealing the co-occurrence of members of the genera Nyctereutes, Eucyon and Vulpes, is published by Rook et al. (2017).[107]
  • A study on the morphological adaptations linked to grasping and digging ability, substrate preference and locomotory mode in the forelimb of Cyonasua is published by Tarquini et al. (2017).[108]
  • A reevaluation of the Miocene mustelid Hadrictis fricki is published by Valenciano et al. (2017), who consider Hadrictis to be a junior synonym of the genus Eomellivora and transfer H. fricki to the genus Eomellivora.[109]
  • An upper carnassial of the tayra (Eira barbara) is described from the Late Pleistocene of Entre Ríos (Argentina) by Schiaffini et al. (2017).[110]
  • Fossil otter Enhydritherium terraenovae is reported from the late Miocene deposits of Juchipila Basin (Mexico) by Tseng et al. (2017).[111]
  • A study on the mandibular feeding capability of the fossil otter Siamogale melilutra is published by Tseng et al. (2017).[112]
  • Teeth and humerus of the fossil otter Lutra simplicidens are described from the early Middle Pleistocene site of Voigtstedt (Germany) by Cherin (2017).[113]
  • A description of the skull and neck morphology and a study on the feeding behaviour of the bear dog Magericyon anceps is published by Siliceo et al. (2017).[114]
  • A revision of the fossil bear species "Ursus" abstrusus Bjork (1970) based on new remains from the Pliocene of Ellesmere Island (Nunavut, Canada) is published by Wang et al. (2017), who transfer this species to the genus Protarctos.[115]
  • A study on the absolute and relative brain size of the cave bear (Ursus spelaeus), comparing it with brain size of extant bear species, an on potential variables affecting their brain size evolution is published by Veitschegger (2017).[116]
  • A study estimating the extinction time of the cave bear and Ursus ingressus is published by Mackiewicz et al. (2017).[117]
  • A revision and a study on the phylogenetic relationships of the Miocene earless seals assigned to the genera Prophoca and Leptophoca is published by Dewaele, Lambert & Louwye (2017).[118]
  • A skull of Hyaenictis aff. almerai, representing the most complete European specimen of the genus, is described from the Miocene of Spain by Vinuesa et al. (2017).[119]
  • A study on the dietary ecology of the Pleistocene hyena Crocuta crocuta ultima from China, evaluating its similarity to the dietary ecology of the extant spotted hyena, is published by DeSantis et al. (2017).[120]
  • A study on the evolution of the fore- and hindlimbs of sabretooth carnivorans is published by Martín-Serra, Figueirido & Palmqvist (2017).[121]
  • A study on the growth of forelimb bones of Smilodon fatalis as indicated by the anatomy of specimens recovered from the La Brea Tar Pits is published by Long et al. (2017).[122]
  • Paijmans et al. (2017) present partial mitochondrial genomes of Smilodon populator and members of the genus Homotherium, and identify a late Pleistocene (~28,000 years old) mandible recovered from the Brown Bank region in the North Sea as a fossil of a member of the genus Homotherium.[123]
  • A study on the phylogenetic relationships of "Felis" pamiri Ozansoy (1959) from the late Miocene of Turkey is published by Geraads & Peigné (2017).[124]
  • A study on the braincase anatomy of the American lion (Panthera atrox) is published by Cuff, Stockey & Goswami (2017).[125]
  • Cuff, Goswami & Hutchinson (2017) estimate the size of the musculature of the limbs and vertebral column of the American lion.[126]
  • Fossils of a large felid from the late Pleistocene localities at southern Chile and Argentina are interpreted as fossils of the American lion by Chimento & Agnolin (2017).[127]
  • A study on the tooth morphology of extant and extinct murine and non-arvicoline cricetid rodents and its implications for inferring the paleoecology of the Neogene rodents from southern France and Iberian Peninsula is published by Gomez Cano et al. (2017).[128]
  • First known fossil remains of the Ilin Island cloudrunner (Crateromys paulus) are described by Reyes et al. (2017).[129]
  • Description of new specimens of the castorid rodent Propalaeocastor irtyshensis from the Oligocene Irtysh River Formation (China and a study on the phylogenetic relationships among early castorids is published by Li et al. (2017).[130]
  • Virtual cranial endocast of the Oligocene sciurid Cedromus wilsoni is reconstructed by Bertrand, Amador-Mughal & Silcox (2017).[131]
  • The oldest known plesiadapiform skeleton (partial skeleton of Torrejonia wilsoni) is described from the early Paleocene Nacimiento Formation (New Mexico, United States) by Chester et al. (2017).[132]
  • Report on the discovery of a talus bone of Donrussellia provincialis and a study on the anatomy of this bone and on the phylogenetic relationships of this species is published by Boyer, Toussaint & Godinot (2017).[133]
  • A study on the locomotion and lifestyle of Adapis parisiensis as indicated by inner ear morphology is published by Bernardi & Couette (2017).[134]
  • New material attributed to Agerinia smithorum, consisting of isolated teeth and a fragment of calcaneus, is described from the Eocene locality of Casa Retjo-1 (Spain) by Femenias-Gual et al. (2017).[135]
  • Jaws referred to the species Notharctus tenebrosus are described from the middle Eocene Sheep Pass Formation (Nevada, United States) by Perry, Gunnell & Emry (2017).[136]
  • The first known nearly complete female skull of the gelada subspecies Theropithecus oswaldi leakeyi is described from the Pleistocene site of Makuyuni (Tanzania) by Frost et al. (2017).[137]
  • A study on the anatomy of the teeth of Mesopithecus pentelicus and its implication for dietary preferences of members of the species is published by Thiery et al. (2017).[138]
  • New fossil material of Krishnapithecus krishnaii is described from the late Miocene of Himachal Pradesh (India) by Sankhyan, Kelley & Harrison (2017), who confirm the pliopithecoid affinities of the species.[139]
  • A study on the morphology of the teeth and jaws of Morotopithecus bishopi and Afropithecus turkanensis, indicating them to be likely distinct species with dissimilar feeding adaptations, is published by Deane (2017).[140]
  • A study on the phylogenetic relationships of Graecopithecus, indicating its possible affinity with hominins (humans and their non-ape ancestors), is published by Fuss et al. (2017);[141] a different analysis, aiming to refute the hypothesis that Graecopithecus is a member of the hominin clade, is subsequently published by Benoit & Thackeray (2017).[142][143]
  • A study on the age of the fossils of Graecopithecus freybergi, and on the environmental conditions under which it thrived, is published by Böhme et al. (2017).[144]
  • Putative tetrapod footprints with hominin-like characteristics are described from the late Miocene of Crete (Greece) by Gierliński et al. (2017);[145] the study is subsequently criticized by Meldrum & Sarmiento (2018) in regards to the interpretation of the putative footprints[146] and by Zachariasse & Lourens (2022) in regards to their age.[147]
  • A study on the evolution of body mass and stature of hominins is published by Will, Pablos & Stock (2017).[148]
  • Partial skeleton of Australopithecus afarensis, preserving all seven neck vertebrae and 12 rib-bearing vertebrae (like humans, rather than 13 like African apes) is described from Dikika (Ethiopia) by Ward et al. (2017).[149]
  • New fossils attributable to the species Australopithecus anamensis are described from Kanapoi (Kenya) by Ward, Plavcan & Manthi (2017).[150]
  • A study on the skeletal maturation of Australopithecus sediba is published by Cameron et al. (2017).[151]
  • A study on the morphology of the holotype skull of Australopithecus sediba and its implications for the phylogenetic relationships of the species is published by Kimbel & Rak (2017).[152]
  • A study on the aridity in eastern Africa over the past 4.4 million years as indicated by oxygen isotope ratios in fossil herbivore tooth enamel, and on its implications for inferring the role of climate in shaping early hominin environments, is published by Blumenthal et al. (2017).[153]
  • A study on the environmental changes in the lower Awash Valley and Turkana Basin from 3.5 to 1 million years ago (with a focus on the latest Pliocene) based on new analyses of mammal communities and new stable carbon isotope data for mammalian tooth enamel, including that of the earliest members of the genus Homo, is published by Robinson et al. (2017).[154]
  • A study on the modified mammalian bones from the Plio–Pleistocene of Ethiopia is published by Sahle, El Zaatari & White (2017), who interpret the marks on some of these bones as more likely to be produced by crocodiles than by hominids using stone tools.[155]
  • A study on the knapping skills of the hominins inhabiting North China during early Pleistocene as indicated by stone tools from the Donggutuo locality is published by Yang et al. (2017).[156]
  • A study on the phylogenetic relationships of Homo floresiensis is published by Argue et al. (2017).[157]
  • A study on the age of the fossils of Homo naledi is published by Dirks et al. (2017).[158]
  • New fossils of Homo naledi are described from the Lesedi Chamber of the Rising Star Cave system by Hawks et al. (2017).[159]
  • A study on the phylogenetic relationships of Homo naledi as indicated by skull morphology is published by Schroeder et al. (2017).[160]
  • Studies on the anatomy of the skeleton of Homo naledi are published by Laird et al. (2017),[161] Williams et al. (2017),[162] Feuerriegel et al. (2017)[163] and Marchi et al. (2017).[164]
  • A study on the location, number, and severity of fractures in the teeth of Homo naledi and their implications for the diet of the taxon is published by Towle, Irish & De Groote (2017).[165]
  • A study on the body size, proportions and absolute and relative brain size in Homo naledi is published by Garvin et al. (2017).[166]
  • A study on the tooth formation and eruption in Homo naledi is published by Cofran & Walker (2017).[167]
  • A phenetic analysis of the fossils of Homo naledi is published by Neves, Bernardo & Pantaleoni (2017), who consider both Homo naledi and Australopithecus sediba to be likely junior synonyms of Homo habilis.[168]
  • A study on the age of the Vallonnet site (France) and on its implications for the knowledge of the first dispersals of members of the genus Homo during the early Pleistocene (Calabrian) in this area of Europe is published by Michel et al. (2017).[169]
  • Two skulls of archaic members of the genus Homo of uncertain phylogenetic placement are described from the Pleistocene of China by Li et al. (2017).[170]
  • A study on the affinities of the Pleistocene hominin cranium from Dali in Shaanxi Province, China is published by Athreya & Wu (2017).[171]
  • A description of a hominin skull recovered from the Aroeira cave in Portugal, dated as approximately 400,000 years old, and a study on its implications for the diversity of the Middle Pleistocene European hominins is published by Daura et al. (2017).[172]
  • A 130,000-year-old rocks interpreted as hammerstones and stone anvils, associated with remains of a mastodon (Mammut americanum) showing signs of breakage, are described from the Cerutti Mastodon site in California by Holen et al. (2017), who interpret the finding as indicating that an unidentified species of Homo reached North America during the early late Pleistocene;[173][174] the study is subsequently criticized by Haynes (2017), Braje et al. (2017), Ferraro et al. (2018), Ferrell (2019) and Sutton, Parkinson & Rosen (2019).[175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182]
  • Traces of ancient mammalian DNA, including Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA, are identified in Pleistocene cave sediments, including those lacking skeletal remains, by Slon et al. (2017).[183]
  • A study on the evolutionary history of Neanderthals and Denisovans based on genetic data is published by Rogers, Bohlender & Huff (2017).[184][185][186]
  • Slon et al. (2017) report the retrieval of DNA from a molar of a Denisovan, considered by the authors to be one of the oldest hominin remains discovered at Denisova Cave.[187]
  • A study on the age of Neanderthal remains recovered from Vindija Cave (Croatia) is published by Devièse et al. (2017).[188]
  • Prüfer et al. (2017) sequence the genome of a Neanderthal woman known from remains found in Vindija Cave.[189]
  • Complete mtDNA is reported from a Neanderthal femur from the Hohlenstein-Stadel cave (Germany) by Posth et al. (2017), who evaluate the implications of this finding for the knowledge of the timing of genetic introgression event from African hominins into Neanderthal populations.[190]
  • A study on the growth patterns of Neanderthals based on a partial skeleton of a Neanderthal child from the El Sidrón site (Spain) is published by Rosas et al. (2017).[191][192][193]
  • A study on the genetic contribution of Neanderthals to phenotypic variation in modern humans is published by Dannemann & Kelso (2017).[194]
  • A reconstruction of the internal nasal cavity of a Neanderthal and a study comparing the breathing cycle in Neanderthals and modern humans is published by de Azevedo et al. (2017).[195][196][197]
  • A study on the hunting strategies of the Neanderthals based on data from the deer and horse remains from the Abric Romaní site (Catalonia, Spain) is published by Marín et al. (2017).[198]
  • The first genetic analysis of dental calculus from five Neanderthal individuals from El Sidrón cave in Spain, Spy Cave in Belgium and Breuil Grotta in Italy is published by Weyrich et al. (2017), who also evaluate the implications of their findings for inferring Neanderthal diet, behaviour, and disease;[199] the authors' interpretation of their results is subsequently criticized by Charlier, Gaultier & Héry-Arnaud (2019).[200]
  • Fossils of early humans (Homo sapiens) are described from the Middle Stone Age site of Jebel Irhoud (Morocco) by Hublin et al. (2017)[201] and their age is estimated by Richter et al. (2017).[202]
  • Teeth of modern humans recovered from the Lida Ajer cave in Sumatra (Indonesia) are dated as between 73,000 and 63,000 years old by Westaway et al. (2017).[203]
  • Artifacts recovered at Madjedbebe, a rock shelter in northern Australia, indicating that humans colonized Australia at least 65,000 years ago, are reported by Clarkson et al. (2017);[204] their conclusions about the age of these artifacts are subsequently questioned by Allen (2017)[205][206] and O'Connell et al. (2018).[207]
  • A study on the diet of the oldest anatomically modern humans from southeast Europe, based on isotopic data from human bones from the Pleistocene of Crimea, is published by Drucker et al. (2017).[208]

New taxa



Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Rincón et al.

Early Miocene

Castillo Formation


A mylodontoid sloth. The type species is Baraguatherium takumara.

Epipeltephilus caraguensis[210]

Sp. nov


Montoya-Sanhueza et al.

Late Miocene

Huaylas Formation


An armadillo.

Eutatus crispianii[211]

Sp. nov


Brambilla & Ibarra


Saladillo Formation


An armadillo.


Gen. et sp. nov


Herrera et al.


Lumbrera Formation


An armadillo. The type species is L. oblitum.


Gen. et sp. nov


McDonald, Chatters & Gaudin

Late Pleistocene


A ground sloth belonging to the family Megalonychidae. The type species is N. xibalbahkah.

Panochthus hipsilis[214]

Sp. nov


Zurita et al.



A glyptodont.


Gen. et sp. nov


Sedor et al.

Probably late middle Eocene

Guabirotuba Formation


A member of Cingulata. Genus includes new species P. carlinii.


Gen. et sp. nov



Late Oligocene (Deseadan)

Salla Formation


A member of Cingulata belonging to the family Peltephilidae. Genus includes new species R. pacifica.


Gen. et sp. nov


Stinnesbeck et al.

Late Pleistocene


A ground sloth belonging to the family Megalonychidae. The type species is X. oviceps.


Gen. et sp. nov


McDonald & Carranza-Castañeda

Late Miocene (Hemphillian)


A ground sloth belonging to the family Megalonychidae. The type species is Z. tecolotlanensis.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Gomphotherium tassyi[219]

Sp. nov


Wang et al.

Late middle Miocene

Hujialiang Formation



Gen. et comb. nov


Voss, Sorbi & Domning

Oligocene (late Chattian)

Belluno Glauconitic Sandstone Formation


A member of Dugongidae; a new genus for "Halitherium" bellunense De Zigno (1875).


Gen. et sp. et comb. nov


Voss & Hampe

Oligocene (Rupelian)

Alzey Formation
Bodenheim Formation
Böhlen Formation
Boom Clay Formation


A member of Dugongidae. The type species is K. gruelli; genus also includes "Halitherium" bronni Krauss (1858).


Gen. et sp. nov


Domning, Heal & Sorbi

Eocene (Lutetian)


A member of Protosirenidae. Genus includes new species L. sickenbergi.

Tetralophodon euryrostris[223]

Sp. nov


Wang et al.

Late Miocene

Linxia Basin



Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Czaplewski & Campbell

Late Miocene

Içá Formation


A member of the family Thyropteridae. The type species is A. divisus.

Myotis belgicus[225]

Sp. nov


Gunnell, Smith & Smith

Oligocene (Rupelian)

Borgloon Formation


A mouse-eared bat.

Pipistrellus rouresi[226]

Sp. nov


Crespo et al.

Late Miocene


A vesper bat, a species of Pipistrellus.

Rhinolophus antonioi[226]

Sp. nov


Crespo et al.

Late Miocene


A horseshoe bat.


Gen. et sp. nov


Hand & Sigé

Eocene (Ypresian)


A member of the family Archaeonycteridae. The type species is X. stenodon.

Odd-toed ungulates

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


Gen. et comb. nov


Heintzman et al.


Lissie Formation

( Yukon
 United States
( Nevada
 New Mexico

A member of the family Equidae belonging to the subfamily Equinae and the tribe Equini; a new genus for "Equus" francisci Hay (1915).


Gen. et comb. nov




Lunan Basin


A member of the family Palaeotheriidae belonging to the subfamily Pachynolophinae; a new genus for "Lophialetes" yunnanensis Huang & Qi (1982). Subsequently Bai (2022) considered it a possible junior synonym of the genus Lunania.[230]


Gen. et comb. nov





A palaeotheriid; a new genus for "Pachynolophus" maldani Lemoine (1878).

Paraceratherium huangheense[232]

Sp. nov


Li et al.

Early Oligocene

Hanjiajing Formation


Pliolophus quesnoyensis[233]

Sp. nov


Bronnert et al.

Early Eocene



Gen. et sp. nov


Handa et al.

Late Miocene


A rhinoceros belonging to the tribe Elasmotheriini. Genus includes new species S. ishidai.

Even-toed ungulates

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


Gen. et comb. nov




Nawata Formation


A member of the family Bovidae; a new genus for "Aepyceros" premelampus Harris (2003).

Archaeopotamus qeshta[236]

Sp. nov


Boisserie et al.

Late Miocene

Baynunah Formation

 United Arab Emirates

A member of the family Hippopotamidae.

Beatragus vrbae[237]

Sp. nov


Bibi, Rowan & Reed

Late Pliocene


A relative of the hirola

Bubalus grovesi[238]

Sp. nov



Late Pleistocene-Holocene


A species of Bubalus.

Choeromorus ibericus[239]

Sp. nov





A member of Suoidea belonging to the family Siderochoeridae.

Choeromorus petersbuchensis[239]

Sp. nov





A member of Suoidea belonging to the family Siderochoeridae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Boisserie et al.

Late Miocene


A member of the family Hippopotamidae. Genus includes new species C. roobii.

Decennatherium rex[241]

Sp. nov


Ríos, Sánchez & Morales

Miocene (late Vallesian)


A member of the family Giraffidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Crégut-Bonnoure & Tsoukala

Late Pliocene


A member of the family Bovidae belonging to the tribe Bovini. Genus includes new species G. antiquus.

Merycobunodon? walshi[243]

Sp. nov


Murphey & Kelly


Bridger Formation

 United States
( Wyoming)

A member of the family Oromerycidae.

Micromeryx? eiselei[244]

Sp. nov


Aiglstorfer et al.



A member of the family Moschidae, possibly a species of Micromeryx.


Gen. et sp. nov


Stinnesbeck et al.

Probably latest Pleistocene


A peccary. The type species is M. minima. Schubert et al. (2020) considered this species to be synonymous with the collared peccary (Pecari tajacu).[246][247][248]


Gen. et sp. nov


Métais, Mennecart & Roohi


Chitarwata Formation


A stem-pecoran. Genus includes new species P. gurki.

Parabos savelisi[250]

Sp. nov


Crégut-Bonnoure & Tsoukala



A member of the family Bovidae belonging to the tribe Boselaphini.

Praeelaphus australorientalis[251]

Sp. nov



Early Pliocene


An Old World deer.


Gen. et comb. nov


Parisi Dutra et al.


 United States

A peccary; a new genus for "Desmathyus" brachydontus Dalquest & Mooser (1980).


Gen. et sp. nov





A member of Suoidea belonging to the family Siderochoeridae. Genus includes new species S. minimus.


Gen. et sp. nov




Nawata Formation


A member of the family Bovidae. The type species is T. marymuunguae.

Urmiatherium kassandriensis[253]

Sp. nov


Lazaridis et al.

Late Miocene


An ovibovine-like bovid.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Africanacetus gracilis[254]

Sp. nov


Ichishima et al.

Uncertain (middle Miocene-early Pliocene)

São Paulo Ridge (offshore)


A beaked whale.

Beneziphius cetariensis[255]

Sp. nov


Miján, Louwye & Lambert

Middle Miocene to early Pliocene


A beaked whale.


Gen. et sp. nov


Lambert et al.

Miocene (Serravallian to early Tortonian)

Pisco Formation


A member of Inioidea. The type species is B. ankylorostris.


Gen. et sp. nov


Geisler et al.

Oligocene (Rupelian)

Ashley Formation

 United States
( South Carolina)

A basal member of Mysticeti. The type species is C. havensteini.


Gen. et sp. nov


Boersma, McCurry & Pyenson

Miocene (early Burdigalian)

Astoria Formation

 United States
( Oregon)

A relative of the South Asian river dolphin. The type species is D. fordycei.

Eubalaena ianitrix[259]

Sp. nov


Bisconti, Lambert & Bosselaers

Pliocene (Piacenzian)

Lillo Formation


A right whale.


Gen. et sp. nov


Boessenecker et al.


 United States
( South Carolina)

A member of the family Xenorophidae. The type species is I. xenops.


Gen. et sp. nov


Lambert et al.

Miocene (Burdigalian)

Chilcatay Formation


A dolphin of uncertain phylogenetic placement, assigned to the new family Inticetidae. The type species is I. vertizi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Collareta et al.

Miocene (latest Tortonian or Messinian)

Pisco Formation


A member of the family Kogiidae. The type species is K. pescei.


Gen. et sp. nov


Lambert et al.

Eocene (early Priabonian)

Yumaque Formation


A basal member of Mysticeti. The type species is M. selenensis.


Gen. et sp. nov



Late Oligocene

Pysht Formation

 United States
( Washington)

A stem-odontocete. The type species is O. avitus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Post, Louwye & Lambert

Late Miocene or earliest Pliocene

Breda Formation


A relative of the La Plata dolphin. The type species is S. vandokkumi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Marx, Lambert & de Muizon

Miocene (Serravallian to early Tortonian)

Pisco Formation


A member of the family Cetotheriidae. The type species is T. rosae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Tanaka et al.

Oligocene (probably Chattian)

Dos Bocas Formation


A member of Platanistoidea. The type species is U. chawpipacha.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Amphictis timucua[268]

Sp. nov



Early Hemingfordian

 United States
( Florida)

A member of the family Ailuridae.

Canis othmanii[269]

Sp. nov


Amri et al.

Early Middle Pleistocene


A member of the family Canidae.

Eotaria citrica[270]

Sp. nov



Miocene (late Burdigalian to early Langhian)

 United States
( California)

A stem eared seal.


Gen. et sp. nov



Early Hemingfordian

 United States
( Florida)

A member of the family Mustelidae belonging to the subfamily Oligobuninae. Genus includes new species F. kerneri.


Gen. et comb. nov


Salesa et al.

Late Miocene


A member of the family Felidae belonging to the subfamily Felinae; a new genus for "Styriofelis" vallesiensis Salesa et al. (2012). Announced in 2017; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2019.

Megantereon microta[272]

Sp. nov


Zhu et al.

Early Pleistocene


A machairodontine felid, a species of Megantereon.


Gen. et sp. nov


De Bonis et al.

Miocene (Vallesian)


A relative of the giant panda. The type species is M. panonnicum.


Gen. et comb. nov


Dewaele et al.


Berchem Formation
Diest Formation
Kattendijk Formation


An earless seal; a new genus for "Phoca" vitulinoides Van Beneden (1871).

Panthera spelaea intermedia[275]

Subsp. nov


Argant & Brugal

Late Middle Pleistocene


A subspecies of the Eurasian cave lion.


Gen. et sp. nov



Early Hemingfordian

 United States
( Florida)

A member of the family Mustelidae belonging to the subfamily Oligobuninae. Genus includes new species P. janisae.

Paramachaerodus transasiaticus[276]

Sp. nov


Li & Spassov

Late Miocene


A machairodontine felid.

Siamogale melilutra[277]

Sp. nov


Wang et al.

Late Miocene-Pliocene

Yushe Basin
Zhaotong Basin


An otter, a species of Siamogale.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov


Rahmat et al.

Late Miocene

Eastover Formation
St. Marys Formation

 United States
( Virginia)

An earless seal belonging to the subfamily Monachinae. The type species is T. magnus; genus also includes T. parvus.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Alilepus parvus[279]

Sp. nov


Wu & Flynn

Late Neogene

Yushe Basin


A member of the family Leporidae.

Hypolagus mazegouensis[279]

Sp. nov


Wu & Flynn

Late Pliocene

Yushe Basin


A member of the family Leporidae.

Ochotonoides teilhardi[279]

Sp. nov


Wu & Flynn

Late Pliocene

Yushe Basin


A pika.

Paludotona minor[280]

Sp. nov


Angelone, Čermák & Rook

Miocene (Turolian)


A member of Lagomorpha of uncertain phylogenetic placement.

Sericolagus yushecus[279]

Sp. nov


Wu & Flynn

Late Neogene

Yushe Basin


A member of the family Leporidae.

Sinolagomys badamae[281]

Sp. nov


Erbajeva et al.

Late Oligocene


A pika.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Acarechimys pascuali[282]

Sp. nov


Verzi, Olivares & Morgan

Early Miocene (Santacrucian)

Santa Cruz Formation


A stem-abrocomid, a species of Acarechimys.

Acritoparamys naomugengensis[283]

Sp. nov


Li, Mao & Wang


Erlian Basin


A member of the family Ischyromyidae.

Allactaga fru[284]

Sp. nov


Nesin & Kovalchuk

Miocene (early Turolian)


A jerboa, a species of Allactaga.

Allocricetus primitivus[285]

Sp. nov


Wu & Flynn


Yushe Basin


A hamster.


Gen. et comb. nov


Korth & Tabrum

Oligocene (Orellan to Whitneyan)

 United States
( Colorado
 South Dakota

A member of the family Aplodontidae belonging to the subfamily Prosciurinae. The type species is "Paramys" relictus Cope (1873); genus also includes A. albiclivus (Korth, 1994) and A. clausulus (Korth, 2009).


Gen. et comb. nov


Verzi, Olivares & Morgan

Early Miocene


A stem-abrocomid; a new genus for "Acarechimys" constans (Ameghino, 1887).

Apeomys asiaticus[287]

Sp. nov



Late Early Miocene

Xiacaowan Formation


A member of the family Eomyidae.

Apeomys oldrichi[288]

Sp. nov


Mörs & Flink

Early Miocene


A member of the family Eomyidae.

Apocricetus darderi[289]

Sp. nov


Torres-Roig et al.

Pliocene (Zanclean)


A member of the family Cricetidae.

Argyromys cicigei[290]

Sp. nov


López-Guerrero et al.

Late Oligocene


A member of the family Cricetidae.

Cardiomys leufuensis[291]

Sp. nov


Pérez, Deschamps & Vucetich

Late Miocene (Chasicoan)

Arroyo Chasicó Formation


A relative of the capybara.

Cavia cabrerai[292]

Sp. nov


Candela & Bonini

MiocenePliocene boundary

Andalhuala Formation


A species of Cavia (a relative of the guinea pig).

Caviodon andalhualensis[291]

Sp. nov


Pérez, Deschamps & Vucetich

Miocene (Messinian)

Andalhuala Formation


A relative of the capybara.

Collimys caucasicus[293]

Sp. nov


Tesakov in Tesakov et al.

Miocene (Turolian)

( Adygea)

A member of the family Cricetidae.

Cricetinus mesolophidos[285]

Sp. nov


Wu & Flynn


Yushe Basin


A hamster.

Cricetodon goklerensis[294]

Sp. nov


Joniak et al.

Early Miocene


Cricetops auster[295]

Sp. nov


Li et al.

Early Oligocene

Caijiachong Formation


A muroid rodent, a species of Cricetops.

Debruijnia kostakii[296]

Sp. nov


De Bruijn

Early Miocene


A member of Spalacinae.

Democricetodon fejfari[297]

Sp. nov



Middle Miocene

 India[298]  Pakistan

A member of the family Cricetidae.

Democricetodon haltmari[294]

Sp. nov


Joniak et al.

Early Miocene


Desmodillus magnus[299]

Sp. nov


Denys & Matthews

Early Pliocene

Varswater Formation

 South Africa

A relative of the Cape short-eared gerbil.

Eobranisamys javierpradoi[300]

Sp. nov


Boivin et al.

Late middle Eocene

Pozo Formation


A member of Caviomorpha belonging to the superfamily Cavioidea.

Eomys helveticus[301]

Sp. nov


Engesser & Kälin

Oligocene (Chattian)


A member of the family Eomyidae.

Eomys schluneggeri[301]

Sp. nov


Engesser & Kälin

Oligocene (Chattian)


A member of the family Eomyidae.

Eumyarion lukasi[294]

Sp. nov


Joniak et al.

Early Miocene



Gen. et sp. nov




Tosunlar Formation


A member of the family Muridae. The type species is E. orhuni.


Gen. et sp. nov


Kerber et al.

Late Miocene

Solimões Formation


A member of Dinomyidae. Genus includes new species F. pacarana.

Germanomys progressiva[304]

Sp. nov


Wu & Flynn


Mazegou Formation


A member of Arvicolinae.

Germanomys yusheica[304]

Sp. nov


Wu & Flynn


Gaozhuang Formation


A member of Arvicolinae.

Glirudinus matusi[294]

Sp. nov


Joniak et al.

Early Miocene


Heosminthus nomogenesis[305]

Sp. nov


Li, Gong & Wang

Late Eocene


A member of Dipodidae.

Hispanomys romeroi[306]

Sp. nov


Piñero & Agustí


A member of the family Cricetidae.

Hydrochoeropsis wayuu[307]

Sp. nov


Pérez et al.

Late Pliocene

Ware Formation
Cocinetas Basin


A member of Hydrochoerinae.

Hylopetes yuncuensis[308]

Sp. nov



Late Neogene

Yushe Basin


A squirrel, a species of Hylopetes.


Gen. et sp. nov


Marković et al.

Early Oligocene


A member of the family Diatomyidae. The type species is I. balkanica.

Karnimata fejfari[310]

Sp. nov


Kimura, Flynn & Jacobs

Late Miocene

Nagri Formation


A member of the family Muridae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Joniak et al.

Early Miocene


A new genus for "Spanocricetodon" sinuosus Theocharopoulos (2000).


Gen. et sp. nov


Korth & Tabrum

Oligocene (Whitneyan)

 United States
( Montana)

A member of the family Cylindrodontidae. The type species is L. expiratus.

Metanoiamys norejkoi[311]

Sp. nov


Korth & Tabrum

Possibly Chadronian

Beaverhead Basin

 United States
( Montana)

A member of the family Eomyidae.


Gen. et sp. nov

Turvey et al.

Late Holocene


A member of the family Muridae belonging to the subfamily Murinae and the tribe Rattini. The type species is M. juliae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Korth & Tabrum

Oligocene (Whitneyan)

 United States
( Montana)

A member of the family Castoridae. The type species is M. simplicidens.

Mubhammys atlanticus[313]

Sp. nov


Marivaux et al.

Oligocene (earliest Rupelian)

Upper Samlat Formation

Western Sahara

A member of Phiomorpha of uncertain phylogenetic placement.

Neocometes magna[314]

Sp. nov


Qiu & Jin

Probably Miocene


A member of the family Platacanthomyidae.

Neocometes sinensis[314]

Sp. nov


Qiu & Jin

Probably Miocene


A member of the family Platacanthomyidae.

Neophiomys minutus[313]

Sp. nov


Marivaux et al.

Oligocene (earliest Rupelian)

Upper Samlat Formation

Western Sahara

A member of Phiomorpha of uncertain phylogenetic placement.

Orelladjidaumo exiguus[286]

Sp. nov


Korth & Tabrum

Oligocene (Whitneyan)

 United States
( Montana)

A member of the family Eomyidae.

Palaeocavia? mawka[315]

Sp. nov


Madozzo-Jaén & Pérez

Late Miocene

Chiquimil Formation


A member of Caviinae, possibly a species of Palaeocavia.

Parapodemus badgleyae[310]

Sp. nov


Kimura, Flynn & Jacobs

Late Miocene

Nagri Formation


A member of the family Muridae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Marivaux et al.

Oligocene (earliest Rupelian)

Upper Samlat Formation

Western Sahara

A member of the family Phiomyidae. The type species is P. occidentalis.

Plesiosminthus margaritae[316]

Sp. nov


Freudenthal & Martín-Suárez

Late Oligocene


A member of the family Dipodidae.

Plesiosminthus moniqueae[316]

Sp. nov


Freudenthal & Martín-Suárez

Late Oligocene


A member of the family Dipodidae.

Pliosiphneus antiquus[317]

Sp. nov



Late Neogene

Gaozhuang Formation


A zokor.


Gen. et sp. nov


Boivin et al.

Late middle Eocene

Pozo Formation


A member of Caviomorpha of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is P. ucayaliensis.

Priusaulax wilsoni[318]

Sp. nov



Miocene (Hemingfordian)

Pawnee Creek Formation
Runningwater Formation

 United States
( Colorado

A member of the family Castoridae.

Progonomys morganae[310]

Sp. nov


Kimura, Flynn & Jacobs

Late Miocene

Nagri Formation


A member of the family Muridae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Samuels & Korth

Eocene (Chadronian)

John Day Formation

 United States
( Oregon)

A member of the family Ischyromyidae. The type species is P. perditus.


Gen. et sp. nov

Turvey et al.

Late Holocene


A member of the family Muridae belonging to the subfamily Murinae and the tribe Rattini. The type species is R. tikusbesar.

Sayimys sihongensis[287]

Sp. nov



Late Early Miocene

Xiacaowan Formation


A gundi.

Sciuravus inclinatus[320]

Sp. nov




Bridger Formation

 United States
( Wyoming)

A member of the family Sciuravidae.

Sciuravus metalinguas[320]

Sp. nov




Bridger Formation

 United States
( Wyoming)

A member of the family Sciuravidae.

Sciuravus nexus[320]

Sp. nov




Bridger Formation

 United States
( Wyoming)

A member of the family Sciuravidae.

Spalax denizliensis[321]

Sp. nov



Early Pleistocene

Tosunlar Formation


A species of Spalax.

Spurimus hoffmani[311]

Sp. nov


Korth & Tabrum

Possibly Chadronian

Beaverhead Basin

 United States
( Montana)

A member of the family Ischyromyidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Wu, Flynn & Qiu

Late Miocene

Gaozhuang Formation
Mahui Formation


A member of Murinae. The type species is T. jinensis.

Willeumys argosorus[286]

Sp. nov


Korth & Tabrum

Oligocene (Whitneyan)

 United States
( Montana)

A member of the family Cricetidae belonging to the subfamily Eumyinae.


Gen. et comb. nov



Late Miocene

Shihuiba Formation


A member of the family Eomyidae; a new genus for "Leptodontomys" pusillus Qiu (2006).

Yuomys altunensis[323]

Sp. nov



Middle Eocene

Xishuigou Formation


A relative of the gundis.

Yuomys magnus[324]

Sp. nov





A relative of the gundis.


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Agerinia marandati[325]

Sp. nov


Femenias-Gual et al.

Early Eocene

Corçà Formation


Kalepithecus kogolensis[326]

Sp. nov


Pickford et al.



A small ape.


Gen. et sp. nov


Seiffert et al.

Late Eocene

Birket Qarun Formation


A member of Adapiformes belonging to the subfamily Caenopithecinae. The type species is M. tahai.

Microchoerus hookeri[328]

Sp. nov


Minwer-Barakat et al.

Late Eocene


A member of Omomyidae.

Mioeuoticus kichotoi[329]

Sp. nov


Kunimatsu et al.

Early Middle Miocene

Aka Aiteputh Formation


A member of the family Lorisidae.

Nyanzapithecus alesi[330]

Sp. nov


Nengo et al.

Middle Miocene


An ape.


Gen. et sp. nov


Gilbert et al.



A member of Sivaladapidae. The type species is R. sahnii.

Other eutherians

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Kapur et al.

Early Eocene

Cambay Shale Formation


A member of the family Adapisoriculidae. Genus includes new species B. kalamensis.

Carpolestes twelvemilensis[334]

Sp. nov


Mattingly, Sanisidro & Beard

Paleocene (late Tiffanian)

 United States
( Wyoming)

A member of Plesiadapiformes.


Gen. et sp. nov



Paleocene (latest Puercan)

Tullock Member of the Fort Union Formation

 United States
( Montana)

Probably a member of Pantodonta. The type species is C. fontanus.

Deinogalerix samniticus[336]

Sp. nov


Savorelli et al.

Miocene (Tortonian)

Lithothamnion Limestone


A gymnure.


Gen. et sp. nov


Sweetman, Smith & Martill

Early Cretaceous (Berriasian)

Purbeck Group

 United Kingdom

An early eutherian of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is D. ensomi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Sweetman, Smith & Martill

Early Cretaceous (Berriasian)

Purbeck Group

 United Kingdom

An early eutherian of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is D. newmani.

Entomolestes westgatei[243]

Sp. nov


Murphey & Kelly


Bridger Formation

 United States
( Wyoming)

A member of the family Erinaceidae.


Gen. et comb. nov


Morales & Pickford

Early Miocene


A member of Hyaenodonta belonging to the group Hyainailourinae. The type species is "Hyaenodon" pilgrimi Savage (1965).


Gen. et comb. nov


Morales & Pickford

Oligocene (Rupelian)

Jebel Qatrani Formation


A member of Hyaenodonta belonging to the group Hyainailourinae. The type species is "Metapterodon" schlosseri Holroyd (1999).

Hapalodectes lopatini[339]

Sp. nov


Solé et al.

Middle Paleocene

Upper Doumu Formation


A hapalodectid mesonychian.

Masrasector nananubis[340]

Sp. nov


Borths & Seiffert

Eocene (latest Priabonian)

Jebel Qatrani Formation


A member of Hyaenodonta belonging to the group Hyainailouroidea and the subfamily Teratodontinae.

Notiolofos regueroi[341]

Sp. nov


Gelfo, López & Santillana

Eocene (Ypresian)

La Meseta Formation


A member of Litopterna belonging to the family Sparnotheriodontidae.

Nyctitherium gunnelli[243]

Sp. nov


Murphey & Kelly


Bridger Formation

 United States
( Wyoming)

A member of Soricomorpha belonging to the family Nyctitheriidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Borths & Stevens

Late Oligocene

Nsungwe Formation


A member of Hyaenodonta belonging to the group Hyainailouroidea. The type species is P. rukwaensis.

Pampahippus powelli[343]

Sp. nov


García-López, Deraco & del Papa


Quebrada de los Colorados Formation


A notoungulate.


Gen. et comb. nov


Hugueney & Maridet

Late Eocene to early Miocene

 Czech Republic
 United Kingdom

A member of Talpidae belonging to the tribe Urotrichini. The type species is "Myxomygale" minor Ziegler (1990); genus also includes "Myxomygale" vauclusensis Crochet (1995).

Plesiodimylus ilercavonicus[345]

Sp. nov


Crespo et al.

Early Miocene


A member of Dimylidae.

Plesiosorex fejfari[346]

Sp. nov


Oshima, Tomida & Orihara

Early Miocene

Nakamura Formation


A member of Eulipotyphla belonging to the family Plesiosoricidae.

Protypotherium colloncurensis[347]

Sp. nov


Nardoni, Reguero & González Ruiz

Miocene (Colloncuran)

Collón Cura Formation


An interatheriid notoungulate.


Gen. et sp. et comb. nov


Morales & Pickford

Oligocene and Early Miocene


A member of Hyaenodonta belonging to the group Hyainailourinae. The type species is S. occultus; genus also includes "Metapterodon" markgrafi Holroyd (1999).


Gen. et sp. nov


Mao et al.

Late Paleocene


A stem-rodent belonging to the family Eurymylidae. The type species is T. tongi.


Gen. et comb. nov


Sansalone et al.

Early Oligocene


A member of Talpidae; a new genus for "Geotrypus" minor Ziegler (2012).

Xotodon maimarensis[350]

Sp. nov


Bonini et al.

Late Miocene–early Pliocene

Maimará Formation


A toxodontid notoungulate.

Yanshuella yushensis[351]

Sp. nov


Flynn & Wu

Late Neogene

Yushe Basin


A mole belonging to the tribe Scalopini.

Other mammals




New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Arboroharamiya allinhopsoni[363]

Sp. nov


Han et al.

Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)

Tiaojishan Formation


A member of Euharamiyida belonging to the family Arboroharamiyidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Averianov et al.

Early Cretaceous

Ilek Formation


A multituberculate of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is B. clivosus.


Gen. et sp. nov



Late Triassic (Rhaetian)


A member of Kuehneotheriidae. The type species is F. necmergor.

Kuehneotherium stanislavi[365]

Sp. nov



Late Triassic (Rhaetian)


A member of Kuehneotheriidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Meng et al.

Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)

Tiaojishan Formation


A member of Haramiyida belonging to the group Eleutherodontida. The type species is M. furculiferum.


Gen. et sp. nov


Luo et al.

Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)

Tiaojishan Formation


A member of Haramiyida belonging to the family Eleutherodontidae. The type species is V. diplomylos.


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  172. ^ Джоан Даура; Монтсеррат Санз; Хуан Луис Арсуага; Дирк Л. Хоффманн; Рольф М. Квам; Мария Круз Ортега; Елена Сантос; Сандра Гомес; Ангел Рубио; Люсия Villaescusa; Педро Сауто; Жоао Маурисио; Филипа Родригес; Артур Феррейра; Пауло Годиньо; Эрик Тринкаус; Жуао Зиллион (2017). «Новый средний плейстоцен Гоминин Через из пещеры Ароира (Португалия)» . Труды Национальной академии наук Соединенных Штатов Америки . 114 (13): 3397–3402. Bibcode : 2017pnas..114.3397d . Doi : 10.1073/pnas.1619040114 . PMC   5380066 . PMID   28289213 .
  173. ^ Стивен Р. Холен; Томас А. Демере; Даниэль С. Фишер; Ричард Фулгар; Джеймс Б. Пейс; Джордж Т. Джефферсон; Джаред М. Битон; Ричард А. Керутти; Адам Н. Рунтри; Лоуренс Вессера; Кэтлин А. Холен (2017). «130 000-летний археологический сайт в Южной Калифорнии, США». Природа . 544 (7651): 479–483. Bibcode : 2017natur.544..479h . doi : 10.1038/nature22065 . PMID   28447646 . S2CID   205255425 .
  174. ^ Эрик Боэда; Кристоф Григго; Кристель Лахай (2017). «Участок Mastodon Cerutti: археологический или палеонтологический?». Палеоамерика. Журнал ранней миграции и рассеяния человека . 3 (3): 193–195. doi : 10.1080/205555563.2017.1338006 . S2CID   90699499 .
  175. ^ Гари Хейс (2017). "Ветрость Cerutti" Палео Америка. Выше 3 (3): 196–1 doi : 10.1080/ 205555563.1330103 S2CID   134814811 .
  176. ^ Тодд Дж. Браже; Том Д. Диллехай; Джон М. Эрландсон; Скотт М. Фицпатрик; Дональд К. Грейсон; Дональд К. Грейсон; Роберт Л. Келли; Ричард Г. Кляйн; Ричард Г. Кляйн; Торбен С. Рик (2017). «Были гоминины в Калифорнии ~ 130 000 лет назад?». Палеоамерика. Журнал ранней миграции и рассеяния человека . 3 (3): 200–202. doi : 10.1080/205555563.2017.1348091 . S2CID   133673949 .
  177. ^ Джозеф В. Ферраро; Кэти М. Бинетти; Логан А. Вист; Дональд Эскер; Лори Э. Бейкер; Стивен Л. Форман (2018). «Оспаривание ранней археологии в Калифорнии». Природа . 554 (7691): E1 - E2. Bibcode : 2018natur.554e ... 1f . doi : 10.1038/nature25165 . PMID   29420468 . S2CID   205263114 .
  178. ^ Стивен Р. Холен; Томас А. Демере; Даниэль С. Фишер; Ричард Фулгар; Джеймс Б. Пакесс; Джордж Т. Джефферсон; Джаред М. Бетон; Ричард А. Керути; Адам Н. Рунтри; Лоуренс Вессера; Кэтл А. Холен (2018). "Holen et al. Ответить" Природа 554 (7691): E3 Bibcode : 2018natur.554e ... 3H Doi : 10.1038/ nature25166  29420475PMID  4466451S2CID
  179. ^ Стивен Р. Холен; Томас А. Демере; Даниэль С. Фишер; Ричард Фулгар; Джеймс Б. Пейс; Джордж Т. Джефферсон; Джаред М. Битон; Адам Н. Рунтри; Кэтлин А. Холен (2018). «Сломанные кости и хаммироны на сайте Cerutti Mastodon: ответ Хейнсу». Палеоамерика. Журнал ранней миграции и рассеяния человека . 4 (1): 8–11. doi : 10.1080/20555563.2017.1396835 . S2CID   166014283 .
  180. ^ Стивен Р. Холен; Томас А. Демере; Даниэль С. Фишер; Ричард Фулгар; Джеймс Б. Пейс; Джордж Т. Джефферсон; Джаред М. Битон; Адам Н. Рунтри; Кэтлин А. Холен (2018). «Разрозненные перспективы на доказательствах сайта Cerutti Mastodon: ответ Braje et al. ». Палеоамерика. Журнал ранней миграции и рассеяния человека . 4 (1): 12–15. doi : 10.1080/205555563.2017.1396836 . S2CID   165357286 .
  181. ^ Патрик М. Феррелл (2019). «Сайт Cerutti Mastodon переосмыслился со ссылкой на планы и методы строительства автострады». Палеоамерика. Журнал ранней миграции и рассеяния человека . 5 (1): 1–7. doi : 10.1080/205555563.2019.1589663 . S2CID   167172979 .
  182. ^ Марк К. Саттон; Дженнифер Паркинсон; Мартин Д. Розен (2019). «Наблюдения относительно Cerutti Mastodon». Палеоамерика. Журнал ранней миграции и рассеяния человека . 5 (1): 8–15. doi : 10.1080/205555563.2019.1589409 . S2CID   155596679 .
  183. ^ Вивиан Слон; Шарлотта Хопфе; Клеменс Л. Вейс; Фабрицио Мафенини; Марко де ла Расилла; Карл Лалуэза-Факс; Антонио Росас; Мари Соресси; Моника В. Кнул; Ребекка Миллер; Джон Р. Стюарт; Anatoly P. Derevianko; Зенобия Джейкобс; Бот Ли Ал; Ричард Дж. Робертс; Майкл против Шункова; Генри де Ламли; Кристиан Перренад; Иван Гушич; Желько Кучан; Павао Рудан; Aynuer aximu-Petri; Елена Эссель; Сара Нагель; Биргит никель; Анна Шмидт; Кей Пруфер; Джанет Келсо; Эрнан А. Бурбано; Сванте Пябо; Мэтью Мейер (2017). «Неандертальская и денисованская ДНК из отложений, пожалуйста » Наука . 356 (6338): 605–6 Bibcode : 2017sci ... 356..605s Doi : 10.1126/ science.aam9 HDL : 1887/74733 .  28450384PMID S2CID   206658200
  184. ^ Алан Р. Роджерс; Райан Дж. Болендер; Чад Д. Хафф (2017). «Ранняя история неандертальцев и денисованов» . Труды Национальной академии наук Соединенных Штатов Америки . 114 (37): 9859–9863. Bibcode : 2017pnas..114.9859r . doi : 10.1073/pnas.1706426114 . PMC   5604018 . PMID   28784789 .
  185. ^ Fabrizio Mafessoni; Кей Пруфер (2017). «Лучшая поддержка небольшого эффективного размера населения неандертальцев и давней общей истории неандертальцев и денисованов» . Труды Национальной академии наук Соединенных Штатов Америки . 114 (48): E10256 - E10257. Bibcode : 2017pnas..11410256M . doi : 10.1073/pnas.1716918114 . PMC   5715791 . PMID   29138326 .
  186. ^ Алан Р. Роджерс; Райан Дж. Болендер; Чад Д. Хафф (2017). «Ответьте на Mafessoni и Prüfer: выводы с шаблонами сайта и без него» . Труды Национальной академии наук Соединенных Штатов Америки . 114 (48): E10258 - E10260. Bibcode : 2017pnas..11410258R . doi : 10.1073/pnas.1717085114 . PMC   5715792 . PMID   29138325 .
  187. ^ Вивиан Слон; Бенс Виола; Габриэль Рено; Mariees Gansauge; Стефано Бенацци; Сюзанна Сойер; Жан-Жак Хублин; Майкл В. Шункв; Anatoly P. Derevianko; Джанет Келсо; Кей Пруфер; Матиас Мейер; Сванте Пяаябо (2017). "Четвертый денисованский человек " Наука достижения 3 (7): E1700186. Bibcode : 2017sia .... 3e0186s Doi : 10.1126/siadv.1700186 .  5501502PMC PMID   28695206
  188. ^ Тибо Девиес; Ивор Караванич; Даниэль приходит Кейкка; Кара Кубиак; Петра Корлевич; Матея Хадждинджак; Синиша Радович; Noemi Procopio; Майкл Бакли; Сванте Пябо; Том Хайм (2017). «Прямое датирование неандертальского останка от места пещеры Виндия и последствия для перехода среднего и верхнего палеолита» . Труды Национальной академии наук Соединенных Штатов Америки . 114 (40): 10606–10611. Bibcode : 2017pnas..11410606D . doi : 10.1073/pnas.1709235114 . PMC   5635904 . PMID   28874524 .
  189. ^ Кей Пруфер; Филиппо Секрет; Стеффи Гроте; Мафесония мафессон; Что Корлевич; Мэтью Хадждинджак; Бенджамин Вернот; Шотландские Лауриты; Pinghsun Sieh; Стефан Пейрешн; Дэвид Рейр; Хопф; Сара Нагель; Mariicic's Tomtock; Qiaomei fu; Кристоф Тенерт; Ревекка Роджерс; Scogl Bridge; Оставив Шинталапати; Майкл Даннеманн; Брэдли Дж. Нельсон; Феликс М. Кей; Рудан Павао; Желько Кучан; Иван Гушич; Bloody V. Collovanova; Владимир Б. Дороникл; Ник Паттерсон; Дэвид Рейх; Эван Э. Эйхлер; Монтгомери Слаткин; Миккель Х. Ширеп; Аида Андрес; Джанет Келсо; Матиас Мейер; Сванти (2017). «Неандертальный геном с высоким покрытием из пещеры Vindija в Хорватии» . Наука 358 (6363): 655–658. Bibcode : 2017sci ... 358 . doi : 10,1126/science.aao 1887 . PMC   6185897 .  28982794PMID
  190. ^ COSIMO POSTH; Кристоф Вейн; Кейко Китагава; Лука Пагани; Лора Ван Холштейн; Фернандо Расимо; Курт Вербергер; Николас Дж. Конард; Клаус Йоахим добрый; Херве Бочеренс; Йоханнес Краузе (2017). «Глубокий дивергентный архаичный митохондриальный геном обеспечивает нижнюю границу времени для африканского потока генов в неандертальца» . Природная связь . 8 : Статья № 16046. Bibcode : 2017natco ... 816046p . doi : 10.1038/ncomms16046 . PMC   5500885 . PMID   28675384 .
  191. ^ Антонио Розы; Луис Риверс; Альмуден Эстларрич; Хелен Ливерсса; Антонио Гарсиа-Тавернер; Роза Хугет; Кардосо Хьюго; Здание Маркуса; Чарльз Лалуза-Факс; Кадр корня; Кристофер Дин (2017). Переконцентрированные отцовские лица, реконструированные, свободны от Sidrón . Наука 357 (6357): 1282–1287. Bibcode : 2017sci . Два : 10,1126/наука .  28935804PMID  206661070S2CID
  192. ^ Джереми М. Десилва (2018). «Прокомментируйте» модель роста неандертальцев, реконструированных из ювенильного скелета из Эль Сидрона (Испания) » . Наука . 359 (6380): EAAR3611. doi : 10.1126/science.aar3611 . PMID   29590012 . S2CID   4590083 .
  193. ^ Антонио Розы; Луис Риверс; Альмуден Эстларрич; Хелен Ливерсса; Антонио Гарсиа-Тавернер; Роза Хугет; Кардосо Хьюго; Здание Маркуса; Чарльз Лалуза-Факс; Кадр корня; Кристофер Дин (2018). to " Abiping Наука 359 (6380): Два : 10,1126/наука .  29590013PMID  54507895S2CID
  194. ^ Майкл Даннеманн; Джанет Келсо (2017). «Вклад неандертальцев в фенотипические различия у современных людей» . Американский журнал человеческой генетики . 101 (4): 578–589. doi : 10.1016/j.ajhg.2017.09.010 . PMC   5630192 . PMID   28985494 .
  195. ^ С. де Азеведо; MF González; C. ремни; В. Рамалло; М. Пятый-Санчес; Ф. Маркес; Т. Хунемеер; C. paschetta; А. Рудман; П. Наварро; BA мир; CC Silva de Cerqueira; О. Велан; Ф. Рамирес-Роззи; Н. Кальво; HG CASTRO; RR мира; Р. Гонсалес-Джозе (2017). «Моделирование воздушного потока носа предполагает конвергентную адаптацию в неандертальцах и современных людях» . Труды Национальной академии наук Соединенных Штатов Америки . 114 (47): 12442–12447. BIBCODE : 2017PNAS..11412442D . Doi : 10.1073/pnas.1703790114 . PMC   5703271 . PMID   29087302 .
  196. ^ Андрей А. Эвтив; Янн Хезе (2018). «Влияние стратегий отбора проб и протоколов реконструкции в моделировании воздушного потока носа при ископаемых гомининах» . Труды Национальной академии наук Соединенных Штатов Америки . 115 (21): E4737 - E4738. BIBCODE : 2018PNAS..115E4737E . doi : 10.1073/pnas.1804197115 . PMC   6003452 . PMID   29728461 .
  197. ^ С. де Азеведо; MF González; C. ремни; В. Рамалло; М. Пятый-Санчес; Ф. Маркес; Т. Хунемеер; C. paschetta; А. Рудман; П. Наварро; BA мир; CC Silva de Cerqueira; О. Велан; Ф. Рамирес-Роззи; Н. Кальво; HG CASTRO; RR мира; Р. Гонсалес-Джозе (2018). «Ответьте на Evteev и Heuzé: как преодолеть проблему моделирования дыхания, выходящего от костных структур» . Труды Национальной академии наук Соединенных Штатов Америки . 115 (21): E4739 - E4740. Bibcode : 2018pnas..115e4739d . Doi : 10.1073/pnas.1804796115 . PMC   6003456 . PMID   29728465 .
  198. ^ Хуан Марин; Пальмира Салади; Антонио Родригес-Хидальго; Eudald Carbonell (2017). «Неандертальские стратегии охоты, выведенные из профилей смертности в рамках последовательности Абика Романа» . Plos один . 12 (11): E0186970. Bibcode : 2017proso..1286970M . Doi : 10.1371/journal.pone.0186970 . PMC   5699840 . PMID   29166384 .
  199. ^ Лора С. Вейрих; Себастьян Дюшен; Жюльен Субриер; Луис Арриола; Бастиен Ламас; Джеймс Брин; Алан Г. Моррис; Курт В. Альт; Дэвид Карамелли; VEIT Dresely; Милли Фаррелл; Эндрю Г. Фаррер; Майкл Франкен; Невилл Галли; Вольфганг Хаак; Карен Харди; Катерина Харвати; Петра держалась; Эдвард С. Холмс; Джон Кайдонис; Карл Лалуэза-Факс; Марко де ла Расилла; Антонио Росас; Патрик Семал; Arkadiusz Soltysiak; Грант Таунсенд; Donatella usai; Иоахим Вахл; Даниэль Х. Хусон; Кит Добни; Алан Купер (2017). «Неандертальское поведение, диета и болезнь, выведенные из древней ДНК в стоматологическом исчислении» . Природа . 544 (7650): 357–361. Bibcode : 2017natur.544..357W . doi : 10.1038/nature21674 . PMID   28273061 . S2CID   4457717 .
  200. ^ Филипп Чарльер; Frédérick Gaultier; Женевьев Хри-Арно (2019). «Пересечение между неандертальцами и современными людьми: замечания и методологические опасности анализа микробиома зубного исчисления». Журнал человеческой эволюции . 126 : 124–126. Bibcode : 2019jhume.126..124c . doi : 10.1016/j.jhevol.2018.06.007 . PMID   30029803 . S2CID   51704850 .
  201. ^ Жан-Жак Хублин; Абделуахед Бен-Нсер; Шара Э. Бейли; Сара Э. Фрейдлина; Саймон Нойбауэр; Мэтью М. Скиннер; Инг Бергманн; Аделина Ле Кабек; Стивено Бенацци; Катерина Харвати; Филипп Гунц (2017). «Новые окаменелости от Джебель Ирхоуд, Марокко и панафриканское происхождение Homo Sapiens » (PDF ) Природа 546 (7657): 289–2 Bibcode : 2017natur.546..289h Doi : 10.1038/ naurure2  28593953PMID  256771372S2CID
  202. ^ Даниэль Рихтер; Рейнер Грюн; Рено Джоаннес-Бояу; Тереза ​​Э. Стела; Фети верю; Матье Руэ; Пол Фернандес; Жан-Поль Райнал; Денис Герадс; Абделуахед Бен-Нсер; Жан-Жак Хублин; Шеннон П. МакФеррон (2017). «Возраст окаменелостей гоминина от Джебель Ирхуд, Марокко и происхождение среднего каменного века» Природа 546 (7657): 293–2 Bibcode : 2017natur.546..293r Doi : 10.1038/ nature2  28593967PMID  205255853S2CID
  203. ^ Ке Вествей; Дж. Луи; Р. Должного страха; MJ Morwood; GJ Price; J.- X. Чжао; М. Ауберт; Р. Джоаннес-Бояу; ТМ Смит; ММ Скиннер; Т. Комптон; Р.М. Бейли; GD Van Den Bergh; J. de Vos; awg pike; C. Stringer; EW Saptomo; Ю. Ризал; Дж. Заим; WD Santoso; A. tryascarry; Л. Кинсли; B. Sustry (2017). «Раннее современное присутствие человека на Суматре 73 000–63 000 лет назад» (PDF ) Природа 548 (7667): 322–3 Bibcode : 2017natur.548..322W Doi : 10.1038/ nature2 PMID   28792933 S2CID   4398895 .
  204. ^ Крис Кларксон; Зенобия Джейкобс; Бен Марвик; Ричард Фулгар; Линли Уоллис ; Майк Смит; Ричард Дж. Робертс; Элспет Хейс; Келси Лоу; Ксавье Кара; С. Анна Флорин; Джессика Макнейл; Дилит Кокс; Ли Дж. Арнольд; Куан Хуа; Джиллиан Хантли; Бренд Хелен EA; Tiina Manne ; Эндрю Фэрбэрн; Джеймс Шулмейстер; Линдси Лайл; Макия Салинас; Мара Пейдж; Кейт Коннелл; Gayoung Park; Касих Норман; Тесса Мерфи; Колин Пардо (2017). «Человеческая оккупация Северной Австралии на 65 000 лет назад». Природа . 547 (7663): 306–310. Bibcode : 2017natur.547..306c . doi : 10.1038/nature2968 . HDL : 2440/107043 . PMID   28726833 . S2CID   205257212 .
  205. ^ Джим Аллен (2017). «Да, Вирджиния, есть Санта -Клаус; он просто не приносит подарки детям, которые не верят в него». Австралийская археология . 83 (3): 163–165. doi : 10.1080/03122417.2017.1408535 . S2CID   148730099 .
  206. ^ Крис Кларксон; Ричард Дж. Робертс; Зенобия Джейкобс; Бен Марвик; Ричард Фулгар; Ли Дж. Арнольд; Quan Hua (2018). «Ответьте на комментарии к Clarkson et al. (2017)« Человеческая оккупация Северной Австралии на 65 000 лет назад » . Австралийская археология . 84 (1): 84–89. doi : 10.1080/03122417.2018.1462884 . S2CID   150073484 .
  207. ^ Джеймс Ф. О'Коннелл; Джим Аллен; Мартин А.Дж. Уильямс; Алан Н. Уильямс; Крис С. С. Терни; Найджел А. Спунер; Йохан Камминга; Грэм Браун; Алан Купер (2018). "Когда Homo Sapiens впервые достиг Юго -Восточной Азии и Сахула?" Полем Труды Национальной академии наук Соединенных Штатов Америки . 115 (34): 8482–8490. Bibcode : 2018pnas..115.8482o . doi : 10.1073/pnas.1808385115 . PMC   6112744 . PMID   30082377 .
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  245. ^ Сара Р. Стиннесбек; Эберхард Фрей; Вольфганг Стиннекк; Джером Авилес Олгинк; Патрик Зелл; Алехандро Терразас Глаза; Марта Бенавенте Санвидате; Артуро Гонсалес Гонсалес; Евгенио Асевен Нуньес (2017). «Новая ископаемое пекари из плейстоцено-голоценовой границы на восточном полуострове Юкатан, Мексика» Журнал южноамериканских наук о Земле 77 : 341–3 Bibcode : 2017jsaes..77..341s Doi : 10.1016/ j.jsames.2016.11.0 S2CID   133386346 .
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  261. ^ Оливье Ламберт; Кристиан де Муизон; Элиза Малинверно; Клаудио ди Селма; Марио Урбина; Джованни Бинуччи (2017). «Новое одонтоцете (зубчатое китообразное) из раннего миоцена Перу расширяет морфологическое несоответствие вымерших дельфинов гетеродонта». Журнал систематической палеонтологии . 16 (12): 981–1016. doi : 10.1080/14772019.2017.1359689 . HDL : 11568/891482 . S2CID   90193360 .
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  263. ^ Оливье Ламберт; Мануэль Мартинес-Качеры; Джованни Бинуччи; Клаудио ди Селма; Родольфо Салас-Гисмонди; Этьен Стетурбаут; Марио Урбина; Кристиан де Муизон (2017). «Самая ранняя мистицета из позднего эоцена Перу проливает новый свет на происхождение усаживания китов» . Текущая биология . 27 (10): 1535–1541.e2. BIBCODE : 2017CBIO ... 27E1535L . doi : 10.1016/j.cub.2017.04.026 . HDL : 11581/396095 . PMID   28502655 . S2CID   23858246 .
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  277. ^ Сяоминг Ван; Камилла Грохе; Дениз Ф. Су; Стюарт С. Уайт; Xueping ji; Джей Келли; Нина Г. Яблонски; Дао Дэн; Ты ты; Синь Ян (2017). «Новая выдра гигантского размера, Siamogale Melilutra sp. Nov. (Lutrinae: Mustelidae: Carnivora), из последнего места миоценового Шуитунгба на северо-востоке Юньнани, юго-западного Китая и полной филогенией лютринов» . Журнал систематической палеонтологии . 16 (1): 39–65. doi : 10.1080/14772019.2016.1267666 . S2CID   58892181 .
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  280. ^ Chiara Angelone; Станислав Чермак; Лоренцо Рук (2017). «Новое понимание палудотоны , островного эндемического лагоморфа (млекопитающих) из Tusco-sardinian palaeobioprovince (Италия, Туролийский, поздний миоцен)». Итальянский журнал о палеонтологии и стратиграфии . 123 (3): 455–473. Doi : 10.13130/2039-4942/9082 .
  281. ^ Маргарита Эрбаева; Bayarmaa Baatarjav; Гудрун Дакснер-хок; Лоуренс Дж. Флинн (2017). «Войки синолагомиса (Лагоморфа) из долины озер (Монголия)» . Палеобиоразнообразие и палеоокружение . 97 (1): 11–24. Bibcode : 2017pdpe ... 97 ... 11e . doi : 10.1007/s12549-016-0262-z . PMC   5367695 . PMID   28450962 .
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  283. ^ Цянь Ли; Клык-юань Мао; Юань-Цин Ван (2017). «Первая запись эоценовых ископаемых грызунов из нижней части секции Эрден Обо, бассейна Эрлиана (Ней Монголь, Китай) и его биохронологические последствия». Палеобиоразнообразие и палеоокружение . 98 (2): 259–276. doi : 10.1007/s12549-017-0303-2 . S2CID   134310923 .
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  289. ^ Энрик Торрес-Рог; Джорди Агусти; Пере Шувер; Джозеп Антони Алчевер (2017). «Новый гигантский хомяк из базального плиоцена Майорки (Балеарские острова, Западный Средиземноморье): биостиграфическая связь с зоной континентальной млекопитающих». Историческая биология: международный журнал палеобиологии . 31 (5): 559–573. Doi : 10.1080/08912963.2017.1377194 . S2CID   135302585 .
  290. ^ Палома Лопес-Герреро; Olivierdet; Чжаокун Чжан; Gudrun Daxner-Höck (2017). «Новые виды аргиромиса (Радтия, млекопитающие) из олигоцена долины озер (Монголия): его важность для палеогеографической гомогеничности в Монголилии, Китае и Казахстане » Plos один 12 (3): E0172733. Bibcode : 2017ploso..12727333 Doi : 10.1371/ journal.pone.0  5362143PMC PMID   28328975
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  298. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Ансуя Бхандари; Сунил Баджпай; Лоуренс Дж. Флинн; Bn tiwari; Ниведита Мандал (2021). «Первые миоценовые грызуны из Кутча, Западная Индия». Историческая биология: международный журнал палеобиологии . 33 (12): 3471–3479. Bibcode : 2021hbio ... 33.3471b . doi : 10.1080/08912963.2020.1870970 . S2CID   234253921 .
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  300. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Мириам Бойвин; Лоран Мариво; Маэва Дж. Орлиак; Франсуа Пухос; Rodolf Rooms-Gismond; Джулия В. Стокупленная Лара; Антуан Пьер-Оливье (2017). Амазония » Электронная палеонтология 20 (1): номер статьи 20.19а. два 10.26879/742: HDL 11336/66430:
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  312. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Сэмюэль Т. Терви; Дженнифер Дж. Крис; Джеймс Хансфорд; Тимоти Э. Джеффри; Ник Крамптон; Иван Курньяван; Эрик Сетеябуди; Томас Гильерм; Umbu paranggarimu; Энтони Доссето; Геррит Д. Ван ден Берг (2017). «Четвертистые позвоночные фауны из Суммы, Индонезия: последствия для биогеографии и эволюции для валасии» . Труды Королевского общества B: Биологические науки . 284 (1861): 20171278. DOI : 10.1098/rspb.2017.1278 . PMC   5577490 . PMID   28855367 .
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