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Персонажи Tekken серии

(Перенаправлен с Джека-2 )

Bandai Namco Entertainment Media от Франшиза Tekken известна своими разнообразными персонажами, родом из различных национальностей, все собрались вместе, чтобы соревноваться в турнире короля Железного кулака. В дополнение к человеческим персонажам, Теккен также представляет нечеловеческих персонажей для комического облегчения, таких как медведь Кума , его любовный интерес, панда , боксерсенгару Роджер и Динозавр Алекс . У некоторых персонажей, таких как Джин Казама , Казуя Мисима , Ли Чаолан и Джун Казама , имеют свои альтернативные версии. У каждого персонажа есть свои цели для участия в турнире.

Появление персонажа

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Основная серия

[ редактировать ]

Игроки могут выбирать из разнообразного состава, который родом из различных этнических и боевых стилей. У нескольких персонажей есть сверхъестественное происхождение, такое как дьявол и OGRE, в то время как животные персонажи, такие как Кума Медведь и Роджер, Кенгуру, обеспечивают комическое облегчение . [ 1 ] В режиме истории игры каждый персонаж, как правило, имеет свои личные причины для участия в турнире и конкуренции за приз.

только четыре персонажа играли во всех восьми основных частях Tekken На сегодняшний день : Heihachi Mishima , Yoshimitsu , Nina Williams и Paul Phoenix . Кинг и Кума также играли во всех играх, но как два разных персонажа, с королем I и Кумой, я находился в первых двух играх, а King II и Kuma II находился в оставшихся играх.

Три персонажа: Казуя Мисима , Маршалл Лоу и Ли Чаолан приблизились бы, будучи играбельными в семи платежах. Джек также играл в семи основных платежах с 7 различными моделями и именами (Джек, Джек-2, Гун Джек (Джек-3), Джек-5, Джек-6, Джек-7 и Джек-8), с Tekken 4 Быть единственной игрой, в которой не был робот Джека (хотя был создан Джек-4, эта версия была создана массой, а не только один, как и другие роботы Джека, хотя Джек-4 появился в камео в Tekken 5 и появился как NPC в режиме сюжета Tekken 7 ).

Сравнение таблицы

Да = играбельно и доступен по умолчанию.

Да = воспроизводится через обновление или разблокируемое.

Костюм / Костюм = играбельно, будь то по умолчанию, разблокируемому или через обновление, но в виде палитра или преобразования в борьбе с другим персонажем вместо автономного персонажа.

DLC = Playable как платный загружаемый контент.

Гость = сторонний персонаж.

Npc = появляется, но не играется.

Камея = появляется камео в кинематографии, вступлениях, трейлере, фоне сцены или на картинке.

 ?   = Быть подтвержденным.

Нет = не появляется.

(Примечания приведены ниже таблицы для более подробной информации).

Информация о персонаже 1 2 3 4 5 / д -р 6/br 7/fr/rnd2 8 Общий
Имя Национальность
Акума Япония Японский Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Гость 5 Нет 1
Алекс Неизвестно/нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет 1
Алиса Босконовач Россия Русский и Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 3 Да Да 3
Древний Огр Никто Нет Нет Да Камея Нет Нет Нет Камея 3
Ангел Никто Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет 1
Ангел Джин Япония Японский в Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Npc 11 1
Анна Уильямс Республика Ирландия Ирландский Да Да Да Нет Да Да DLC 5 Нет 6
Броня король я Неизвестный Да Да Камея Камея Нет Камея Нет Нет 5
Броня короля II Неизвестный Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 2 Да DLC 5 Нет 3
Спрашивает Казаму Япония Японский Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Да Да Да 4
Азазель Неизвестный а Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Npc Камея 5 Npc 3
Azucena Milagros Ortiz Castillo Перу Перуанский Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 1
Baek Doo San Южная Корея Южнокорейский Нет Да Нет Нет Да Да Нет Нет 3
Боб Ричардс Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Да 5 Нет 2
Брюс Ирвин Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Да Нет Нет Да Да Нет Нет 3
Брайан Фьюри Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Нет Да Да Да Да Да Да 6
Кристи Монтейро Бразилия Бразилец Нет Нет Нет Да Да Да Камея Нет 4
Клаудио Серафино Италия Итальянский Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Да 2
Бедро Неизвестно/нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Камея 5 Нет 2
Крейг Мардук Австралия Австралийский Нет Нет Нет Да Да Да DLC 5 Нет 4
Ворона Неизвестный беременный Нет Нет Npc Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет 1
Дьявол Джин Япония Японский в Нет Нет Камея Камея Да Да Да Да 6
Дьявол Казуми Япония Японский в Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Npc Нет 1
Дьявол Казуя Япония Японский в дюймовый Костюм Да Камея Камея Нет Нет Костюм Костюм 6
Доктор Босконовач Россия Русский Нет Камея Да Камея Камея Камея Нет Нет 5
Эдди Гордо Бразилия Бразилец Нет Нет Да Да Да Да Да 5 DLC 6
Элиза Неизвестный Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет DLC 5 Нет 1
Фахкумрам Таиланд Тайский Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет DLC 5 Нет 1
Фэн Вэй Китай китайский Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Да Да Да 4
Лесной закон Соединенные Штаты Американец Камея Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет 2
Ганри Япония Японский Да Да Нет Нет Да Да DLC 5 Нет 5
Гуси Говард Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет DLC/Гость 5 Нет 1
Гигас Неизвестный Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет 1
Гонинг Неизвестно/нет Нет Нет Гость Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет 1
Gun Jack (Джек-3) Неизвестный Нет Нет Да Нет Npc 7 Нет Нет Нет 2
Хейхачи Мишима Япония Японский дюймовый Да Да Да Да Да Да Да DLC 8
Hwanang Южная Корея Южнокорейский Нет Нет Да Да Да Да Да Да 6
Джек Россия Русский и Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет 1
Джек-2 Россия Русский и Нет Да Костюм Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет 2
Джек-5 Неизвестно/нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет 1
Джек-6 Неизвестно/нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Npc 8 Нет 2
Джек-7 Неизвестно/нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Костюм 2
Джек-8 Неизвестно/нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 1
Чувство Казамы Япония Японский Нет Нет Да Да Да Да Да Да 6
Джинпачи Мишима Япония Японский Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 1 Камея Камея Нет 3
Джози Ризал Филиппины Филиппины Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет 1
Джулия Чанг Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Нет Да Да Да Да DLC 5 Нет 5
Джун Казама Япония Японский Нет Да Камея Камея Нет Нет Нет Да 4
Катарина Алвес Бразилия Бразилец Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет 1
Казуми Мишима Япония Японский Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет 1
Казуя Мишима Япония Японский дюймовый Да Да Камея Да Да Да Да Да 8
Малыш Казуя Япония Японский Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 5 6 Нет 1
Король I/II Мексика Мексиканец Да 9 Да 9 Да 10 Да 10 Да 10 Да 10 Да 10 Да 10 8
Смущать Неизвестно/нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Камея Нет 1
Министерство I/II Япония Японский и Да 9 Да 9 Да 10 Да 10 Да 10 Да 10 Да 5 10 Да 10 8
Кунимицу я Япония Японский Да Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Камея 5 Нет 3
Кунимицу II Япония Японский Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет DLC 5 Нет 1
Ларс Александерссон Швеция Шведский Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 3 Да Да 3
Ли овца Япония Японский фон Да Да Нет Да Да Да Да 5 Да 7
Лей Вулонг Гонконг Хонг Короли Нет Да Да Да Да Да DLC 5 Нет 6
Лео Клизен Германия немецкий Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Да Да 3
Лерой Смит Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет DLC 5 Да 2
Лидия Собиша Польша Лак Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет DLC 5 DLC 2
Лили де Рошефорт Монако Monegasque Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 2 Да Да Да 4
Лин Сяою Китай китайский Нет Нет Да Да Да Да Да Да 6
Счастливая Хлоя Неизвестный Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет 1
Маршалл Лоу Соединенные Штаты Американец час Да Да Камея Да Да Да Да Да 8
Мастер Рейвен Неизвестный Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 5 Нет 1
Мишель Чанг Соединенные Штаты Американец Да Да Камея Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет 3
Мигель Кабальеро Рохо Испания испанец Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Да 5 Нет 2
Михару Хирано Япония Японский Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет 1
Мокудзин Япония Японский и Нет Нет Да Нет Да Да Камея Нет 4
Nancy-Mi847j Япония Японский и Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Npc 4 Камея 5 Нет 2
Неган Смит Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет DLC/Гость 5 8 Нет 1
Нина Уильямс Республика Ирландия Ирландский Да Да Да Да Да Да Да 5 Да 8
Ноктис Неизвестный Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет DLC/Гость 5 Нет 1
Панда Китай китайский и Нет Нет Да Да Да Да Да 5 Да 6
Пол Феникс Соединенные Штаты Американец Да Да Да Да Да Да Да Да 8
Прототип Джек Россия Русский и Да Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет 2
Ворон Неизвестный Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Да Камея Да 4
Королева Неизвестный Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 1
Роджер Неизвестно/нет Нет Да Нет Нет Камея Камея Нет Нет 3
Роджер -младший Неизвестно/нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Да Нет Нет 2
Себастьян Монако Monegasque Нет Нет Нет Нет Камея 2 Камея Нет Нет 2
Сергей Драгунов Россия Русский Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 2 Да Да Да 4
Шахин Саудовская Аравия Саудовская Аравия Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Да 2
Умный Боб Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Камея Нет Нет 1
Стив Фокс Великобритания Британский Нет Нет Нет Да Да Да Да Да 5
Тигр Джексон Неизвестный Нет Нет Да Нет Камея 2 Нет Нет Нет 2
Истинный Огр Никто Нет Нет Да Нет Npc 7 Нет Нет Нет 2
Виктор Шевалье Франция Французский Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 1
Фиолетовый Япония Японский фон Нет Нет Нет Да Камея Нет Да 5 Нет 3
Ван Джинрей Китай китайский Да Да Нет Нет Да Да Камея Нет 5
Йошимицу Япония Японский Да Да Да Да Да Да Да Да 8
Трафик Неизвестный глин Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да DLC 5 Да 3
Всего (играбельные персонажи) 18 25 24 23 36 41 54 37


^ Не включая аркадную историю режима Tekken 5 и режим галереи Tekken 7.
^1 NPC в Tekken 5 и Tekken 5: DR (только PSP, Arcade и Online)/разблокируемый в Tekken 5: DR (только PS3 и Offline)
^2 только в Tekken 5: Dr.
^3 только в Tekken 6: Br (аркада и консоль) .
^4 Играбельно на уровне кампании.
^5 только в Tekken 7: FR (аркада и консоль)/раунд 2 .
^6 Играбельно в режиме сюжета за короткий промежуток времени в консольной версии.
^7 только в Tekken 5 и в дьяволе в режиме.
^8 Не играбельно и доступно во втором раунде.
^9 как король I/Kuma I.
^10 как король II/Кума II.
^11 только играбельно в режиме сюжета в темных пробуждении.

^, наверное, нет.
^B Есть несколько человек, поэтому неизвестно.
^C Происхождение гена дьявола неизвестно, но человек из Японии.
^D Человек отрицал национальность.
^E происходит из этой страны, но не является гражданином.
Он родился в Китае, но его национальность в настоящее время японская.
^g призван быть Египтом, но не подтверждено.
^H Американский боец ​​китайского происхождения.

Основные побочные продукты

[ редактировать ]

Брайан Фьюри , Джин Казама , Лин Сяою , Пол Феникс , Кинг II и Нина Уильямс -единственные персонажи, которые появились как играбельные во всех пяти крупных побочных играх. Игры, выделенные в зеленом, больше не поддерживаются.

Сравнение таблицы

Да = играбельно и доступен по умолчанию.

Да = воспроизводится через обновление или разблокируемое.

DLC = бесплатный загружаемый символ.

Гость = сторонний персонаж.

NPC = не играемый персонаж.

Камео = камео внешний вид - персонажи, появляющиеся в кинематографии, вступлениях, трейлере, фоне сцены или на картинке.

Нет = не включен.

(Примечания приведены ниже таблицы для более подробной информации).

Информация о персонаже TCC Ттт Ttt2 Трэнд ТМ Общий
Имя Национальность
Акума Япония Японский Нет Нет Нет Нет Гость 1
Алекс Неизвестно/нет Нет Да Да Нет Да 3
Алиса Босконовач Россия Русский дюймовый Нет Нет Да Да Нет 2
Древний Огр Никто Да Да DLC Нет Камея 4
Ангел Никто Нет Да DLC Нет Нет 2
Анна Уильямс Республика Ирландия Ирландский Да Да Да Нет Да 4
Броня короля I/II Неизвестный Нет Да 5 Да 6 Да 6 Нет 3
Спрашивает Казаму Япония Японский Нет Нет Да Да Да 3
Baek Doo San Южная Корея Южнокорейский Нет Да Да Нет Нет 2
Боб Ричардс Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Нет Да Да Да 3
Брюс Ирвин Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Да Да Нет Да 3
Брайан Фьюри Соединенные Штаты Американец Да Да Да Да Да 5
Кристи Монтейро Бразилия Бразилец Нет Нет Да Да Да 3
Бедро Неизвестно/нет Нет Нет Да 1 Нет Нет 1
Крейг Мардук Австралия Австралийский Нет Нет Да Нет Да 2
Ворона Неизвестный а Да Камея Npc Нет Нет 3
Дьявол Джин Япония Японский беременный Нет Нет Да Да Нет 2
Дьявол Казуя Япония Японский беременный в Нет Да Да Да Нет 3
Доктор Босконовач Россия Русский Да Камея DLC Нет Нет 3
Эдди Гордо Бразилия Бразилец Да Да Да Нет Нет 3
Элиза Неизвестный Нет Нет Нет Да Да 2
Фэн Вэй Китай китайский Нет Нет Да Да Да 3
Лесной закон Соединенные Штаты Американец Да Да Да Нет Нет 3
Ганри Япония Японский Нет Да Да Нет Нет 2
Gun Jack (Джек-3) Неизвестный Да Да Нет Нет Нет 2
Хэллоуин Драгунов Россия Русский Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 1
Хейхачи Мишима Япония Японский в Да Да Да Npc Нет 4
Hwanang Южная Корея Южнокорейский Да 2 Да Да Да Нет 4
Исаак Неизвестный Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 1
Джек-2 Россия Русский дюймовый Нет Да Нет Нет Нет 1
Джек-6 Неизвестно/нет Нет Нет Да Да Нет 2
Джейси Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Нет Да Да Нет 2
Чувство Казамы Япония Японский Да Да Да Да Да 5
Джинпачи Мишима Япония Японский Нет Нет Да Npc Нет 2
Джулия Чанг Соединенные Штаты Американец Да Да Камея Нет Нет 3
Джун Казама Япония Японский Нет Да Да Да Нет 3
Катарина Алвес Бразилия Бразилец Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 1
Казуя Мишима Япония Японский в Нет Да Да Да Да 4
Король II Мексика Мексиканец Да Да Да Да Да 5
Смущать Неизвестный Нет Нет Нет Npc Нет 1
И ii Япония Японский дюймовый Да Да Да Да Нет 4
Кунимицу я Япония Японский Нет Да DLC Да Нет 3
Ларс Александерссон Швеция Шведский Нет Нет Да Да Нет 2
Ли овца Япония Японский и Нет Да Да Да Да 4
Лей Вулонг Гонконг Хонг Короли Да Да Да Нет Нет 3
Лео Клизен Германия немецкий Нет Нет Да Да Да 3
Лили де Рошефорт Монако Monegasque Нет Нет Да Да Да 3
Лин Сяою Китай китайский Да Да Да Да Да 5
Маршалл Лоу Соединенные Штаты Американец глин Нет Нет Да Да Да 3
Мишель Чанг Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Да DLC Нет Нет 2
Мигель Кабальеро Рохо Испания испанец Нет Нет Да Да Да 3
Михару Хирано Япония Японский Нет Нет DLC Нет Нет 1
Мокудзин Япония Японский дюймовый Да Да Да Npc Npc 5
Нина Уильямс Республика Ирландия Ирландский Да Да Да Да Да 5
Панда Китай китайский дюймовый Да Да Да Нет Да 4
Пол Феникс Соединенные Штаты Американец Да Да Да Да Да 5
Прототип Джек Россия Русский дюймовый Нет Да Да Нет Нет 2
Ворон Неизвестный Нет Нет Да Нет Нет 1
Ревант Неизвестный Нет Нет Нет Нет Npc 1
Родео Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 1
Роджер Никто Нет Да Камея Нет Нет 2
Роджер -младший Никто Нет Нет Да Нет Нет 1
Рубин Неизвестный Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 1
Себастьян Монако Monegasque Нет Нет DLC Нет Нет 1
Сергей Драгунов Россия Русский Нет Нет Да Да Да 3
Шахин Саудовская Аравия Саудовская Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 1
Умный Боб Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Нет DLC Нет Нет 1
Стив Фокс Великобритания Британский Нет Нет Да Да Да 3
Лето Аска Япония Японский Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 1
Лето Боб Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 1
Лето Лили Монако Monegasque Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 1
Лето Нина Республика Ирландия Ирландский Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 1
Супер бедра dx Неизвестно/нет Нет Нет Да 3 Нет Нет 1
Тецудзин Неизвестный Нет Да Нет Npc Npc 3
Тигр Джексон Неизвестный Нет Да Да Нет Нет 2
Тигр Мияги Неизвестный Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 1
Истинный Огр Никто Npc Да Да Npc Нет 4
Неизвестный Япония Японский Нет Да 4 DLC 4 Нет Нет 2
Фиолетовый Япония Японский и Нет Нет DLC Нет Нет 1
Ван Джинрей Китай китайский Нет Да Да Нет Нет 2
Йошимицу Япония Японский Да Да Да Нет Нет 3
Юэ Неизвестный Нет Нет Нет Нет Да 1
Трафик Неизвестный фон Нет Нет Да Нет Нет 1
Всего (играбельные персонажи) 21 39 61 30 37


^1 Не играющему в онлайн -режиме.
^2 Разблокируемые, если не выбрано в режиме приключений.
^3 только воспроизводится в режиме Fight Lab для пролога.
^4 не играют в аркадном режиме.
^5 как броня короля I.
^6 как броня короля II.

есть несколько человек, поэтому неизвестно.
^B Происхождение гена дьявола неизвестно, но человек из Японии.
^C человек отрицал национальность.
^D происходит из этой страны, но не является гражданином.
Он родился в Китае, но его национальность в настоящее время японская.
^f намекали на то, чтобы быть Египтом, но не подтверждено.
^G Американский боец ​​китайского происхождения.

Другие игры

[ редактировать ]

Джин Казама появился как играбельный в восьми из десяти перечисленных игр, в то время как Лин Сяою и Нина Уильямс появились как играбельные в семи из десяти перечисленных игр. Игра, выделенная в зеленом, больше не поддерживается, а игра, выделенная в синем, в настоящее время находится на паузе в производстве.

Сравнение таблицы

Да = играбельно и доступен по умолчанию.

Да = воспроизводится через обновление или разблокируемое.

DLC = платный загружаемый символ (бесплатно в версии PlayStation Vita).

NPC = не играемый персонаж.

Камео = камео внешний вид - персонажи физически появлялись в кинематографии, вступлениях, трейлере, фоне сцены или на картинке.

 ?   = Неподтвержден.

Нет = не включен.

(Примечания приведены ниже таблицы для более подробной информации).

Информация о персонаже Адвла DBD Резерв Туберкулез 3d: On Sfxt Тк С G: Te TXSF Общий
Имя Национальность
Алиса Босконовач Россия Русский в Нет Нет Нет Нет Да DLC Нет Нет Npc ? 3
Древний Огр Никто Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет ? 1
Анна Уильямс Республика Ирландия Ирландский Нет Да 1 Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Npc ? 3
Броня короля II Неизвестный Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ? 1
Спрашивает Казаму Япония Японский Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Да Да Нет Да ? 4
Baek Doo San Южная Корея Южнокорейский Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ? 1
Боб Ричардс Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Да Нет Нет Npc ? 3
Брюс Ирвин Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ? 1
Брайан Фьюри Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Нет Нет Нет Да DLC Нет Нет Нет ? 2
Кристи Монтейро Бразилия Бразилец Нет Нет Нет Нет Да DLC Нет Нет Нет ? 2
Клаудио Серафино Италия Итальянский Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да ? 1
Крейг Мардук Австралия Австралийский Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Да Нет Нет Npc ? 3
Дьявол Джин Япония Японский а Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Да Нет Npc Да 4
Доктор Босконовач Россия Русский Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Npc Нет ? 1
Эдди Гордо Бразилия Бразилец Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Npc ? 2
Фэн Вэй Китай китайский Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Npc Нет ? 2
Лесной закон Соединенные Штаты Американец Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ? 1
Ганри Япония Японский Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Npc ? 2
Gun Jack (Джек-3) Неизвестно/нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ? 1
Хейхачи Мишима Япония Японский беременный Да Нет Нет Нет Да Да Да Да Да ? 6
Hwanang Южная Корея Южнокорейский Да Нет Нет Нет Да Да Да Нет Нет ? 4
Джек-6 Неизвестно/нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Npc ? 2
Джек-х Россия Русский в Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет DLC Нет Нет Нет ? 1
Джейси Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Npc ? 1
Чувство Казамы Япония Японский Да Нет Да Да Да Да Да Да Нет Да 8
Джулия Чанг Соединенные Штаты Американец Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Да Нет Нет Нет ? 2
Казуя Мишима Япония Японский беременный Нет Нет Да Нет Да Да Да Да Да ? 6
Король II Мексика Мексиканец Да Нет Да Нет Да Да Нет Да Npc ? 6
И ii Япония Японский в Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Да Нет Нет Npc ? 3
Ларс Александерссон Швеция Шведский Нет Нет Нет Нет Да DLC Нет Нет Нет ? 2
Ли овца Япония Японский дюймовый Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ? 1
Лей Вулонг Гонконг Хонг Короли Нет Нет Нет Нет Да DLC Нет Нет Нет ? 2
Лео Клизен Германия немецкий Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ? 1
Лили де Рошефорт Монако Monegasque Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Да Да Нет Да ? 4
Лин Сяою Китай китайский Да Нет Да Да Да Да Да Да Npc ? 8
Счастливая Хлоя Неизвестный Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да ? 1
Маршалл Лоу Соединенные Штаты Американец фон Нет Нет Да Нет Да Да Да Да Npc ? 6
Мигель Кабальеро Рохо Испания испанец Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ? 1
Мокудзин Япония Японский в Нет Нет Нет Камея Да Нет Нет Нет Npc ? 3
Нина Уильямс Республика Ирландия Ирландский Да Да Да Нет Да Да Да Да Npc ? 8
Панда Китай китайский в Нет Нет Нет Да Да Нет Да Нет Npc ? 4
Пол Феникс Соединенные Штаты Американец Да Нет Да Нет Да Да Да Да Npc ? 7
Ворон Неизвестный Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Да Нет Да Npc ? 4
Роджер -младший Никто Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ? 1
Сергей Драгунов Россия Русский Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ? 1
Стив Фокс Великобритания Британский Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Да Нет Да Нет ? 3
Ван Джинрей Китай китайский Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ? 1
Йошимицу Япония Японский Да Нет Да Нет Да Да Да Нет Npc ? 6
Трафик Неизвестный и Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ? 1
Общий 10 2 8 3 41 25 13 15 25 2


^ Только включая символы Tekken в SFXT и TXSF .
^1 только воспроизводится в «Анна режиме».

^ Происхождение гена дьявола неизвестно, но человек из Японии.
^B Человек отрицал национальность.
^C происходит из этой страны, но не является гражданином.
Он родился в Китае, но его национальность в настоящее время японская.
^e упоминал о том, чтобы быть Египтом, но не подтверждено.
^F Американский боец ​​китайского происхождения.


[ редактировать ]
Характер TMP Tek (2009) Бер КР С Общий
Алиса Босконовач Нет Нет Юки Мацуока / Кристина Ви Нет Нет 1
Анна Уильямс Каори Ямагата / Клэр Гамильтон Мариан Запико Акено Ватанабе / Тара Платт Нет Нет 3
Baek Doo San Kyousei Tsukui / Lowell B. Bartholomee Нет Нет Нет Нет 1
Брюс Ирвин Сейджи Сасаки / Питер Харрелл Нет Нет Нет Нет 1
Брайан Фьюри Нет Гэри Дэниелс Нет Гэри Дэниелс Нет 2
Кристи Монтейро Нет Келли Овертон Нет Нет Нет 1
Дьявол Джин Нет Нет Isshin Chiba / Darren Daniels Нет Isshin chiba / kaiji tang 2
Доктор Босконовач Tami ōki / Webster Нет Нет Нет Джеймисон Прайс 2
Эдди Гордо Нет Lateef Crowder Нет Нет Нет 1
Ганри Такаши Нагасако / Лоуэлл Б. Барфоломее Нет Hidenari Ugaki / Paul St. Peter Нет Hidenari Ugaki / Эрл Бэйлон 3
Хейхачи Мишима Daisuke Gōri / John Paul Shephard Кэри-Хироюки Тагава Unshō ishizuka / Jamieson Price Кэри-Хироюки Тагава Тайтен Кусуноки / С. Хироши Ватанабе 5
Hwanang Нет Нет Нет Нет Тошиюки Морикава / Тодд Хаберкорн 1
Джек-2 Акио ōtsuka / Марк О'Брайен Нет Нет Нет Нет 1
Чувство Казамы Минами Такаяма / Джейкоб Франчек Джон Фу Isshin Chiba / Darren Daniels Нет Isshin chiba / kaiji tang 4
Джулия Чанг Нет Нет Нет Нет Сейко Йошида / Джинни Тирадо 1
Джун Казама Юми Тома / Эди Паттерсон Помидор Тамли Нет Нет Я сладкий, что начинаю / Вивиан Лу 3
Казуя Мишима Казухи Ямаджи / Адам Дадли Ян Энтони Дейл Масанори Шинохара / Кайл Хеберт Кейн Косуги Масанори Шинохара / Элиот 5
Король II Нет Нет Нет Нет Mwif Bwrai и Dizar Para 1
Ли овца Shin-ichiro Miki / David Stokey Нет Riōtarō okiayu / kaiji tang Нет Нет 2
Лей Вулонг Акио Накамура / Серый Детух Нет Нет Нет Нет 1
Лерой Смит Нет Нет Нет Нет Yasuhiro Kikuchi / Krizz Kaliko 1
Лин Сяою Нет Нет Пожалуйста / Автомобиль Carriet Нет Создание сакото / лицо 2
Маршалл Лоу Нет Кунг -ле Нет Нет Нет 1
Мишель Чанг Наруми Хидака / Джессика Робертсон Нет Нет Нет Нет 1
Мигель Кабальеро Рохо Нет Роджер Уэрта Нет Нет Нет 1
Мокудзин Нет Нет Кейко от огня / Мэри Элизабет МакГлинн Нет Нет 1
Нина Уильямс Минами Такаяма / Элли Макбрайд Кэндис Хиллебранд Атсуко Танака / Мэри Элизабет МакГлинн Нет Юми Тома / Эрика Харлахер 4
Огр Нет Нет Нет Нет Билл Баттс 1
Панда Нет Нет Такой такой Нет Нет 1
Пол Феникс Нет Нет Нет Нет Хучуцука / Джеймисон Прайс 1
Ворон Нет Даррин ДеВитт Хенсон Нет Нет Нет 1
Сергей Драгунов Нет Антон Касабов Нет Нет Нет 1
Стив Фокс Нет Люк Госс Нет Нет Нет 1
Йошимицу Нет Гэри Стернс Нет Нет Нет 1
Общий 14 15 12 3 15

Введено в Tekken

[ редактировать ]

Анна Уильямс

[ редактировать ]
  • Стиль боя: искусство убийства, основанное на Koppo, Hapkido
  • Озвучено:

Клэр Гамильтон ( Tekken: кинофильм ) [ 2 ]
Ленн Хардт ( TK5 - TK6 [Полный голос], TTT2 - TK7 [Battle Grunts]) [ 3 ]
Тара Платт ( TK6 кампания сценария , TK: Мститель крови , TTT2 - присутствует) [ 4 ]
Юми Тома ( TK1 - TTT ) [ 4 ]
Каори Ямагата ( Tekken: Motion Picture ; Drama CD) [ 4 ]
Tamako's Feet (Live-Action Film 2009)
Акено Ватанабе ( TK: Мститель крови ) [ 4 ]

Анна в Tekken 7

Анна Уильямс ( Японский : Анна Уильямс , Хепберн : Анна У ~ Ирамузу ) - яркая младшая сестра Нины Уильямс . [ 5 ] Их отец, Ричард, бывший убийца, обучил их двум различным боевым искусствам. Однако, когда Ричард умирает при загадочных обстоятельствах, сестры обвиняют друг друга, отмечая начало ожесточенной, долгосрочной вражды. Поскольку обе сестры идут по -своему, Анна заполняет военизированную организацию и становится офицером в силе Теккен.

Анна играет незначительную роль в истории первой игры , появляясь только в качестве персонажа по подбору для Нины. Позже игры, однако, начнут прояснять ее историю. Tekken 2 увидел, как Нина снова заключила контракт на убийство спонсора турнира, на этот раз - Казуя Мишима . Будь то по поручению Казуи или на собственный выбор Анны, Анна становится телохранителем для Казуи, наряду с Ганриу и Брюсом Ирвином . Вскоре после этого Нина захвачена силами Мисимы Зайбацу и становится предметом Босконовача исследований доктора крионгенских . Точно так же Анна захвачена Казуя и присоединяется к своей сестре в криогенном сна.

В Tekken 3 , после их подчинения криогенному сну в Tekken 2 , Нина пробуждает пятнадцать лет спустя под притяжательным влиянием недавно обнаруженного Огре , который заставляет ее нацелиться на Джин Казаму для убийства. Анна пробуждается со своей сестрой, хотя не зависит от влияния Огра. В акте сострадания Анна намеревается остановить Нину, которая потеряла свои воспоминания, от возвращения к своим путям убийцы и помочь восстановить свои воспоминания. Тем не менее, ее усилия напрасны, поскольку Нина вдруг вспоминает ее на всю жизнь вражду с Анной, в результате чего Нина ушла и разорвала все связи со своей младшей сестрой.

Анна отсутствует как играбельный персонаж в Tekken 4, но делает ее возвращение в Tekken 5 , когда воссоединение сестер вызывает подавленную враждебность Нины по отношению к Анне. Анна решает, что приводит к длительной перестрелке, продолжительностью несколько дней. В конце концов, сестры достигают тупика и соглашаются раз и навсегда урегулировать свои жалобы, увидев их битву, появляющуюся в начальной последовательности игры. В следующем турнире обе сестры согласны с тем, что только одна появится живым. Однако, несмотря на победу Нины над Анной, она решает пощадить свою жизнь, чувствуя себя неудовлетворенной результатом.

In Tekken 6's "Scenario Campaign" story mode, Anna leads G Corporation's defenses against the Mishima Zaibatsu and Lars Alexandersson's rebel army; during a confrontation with the rebels, Anna's actions indirectly result in the death of Lars' friend, Tougou. She also accompanies Kazuya to Azazel's Temple in the desert. Following Kazuya's stalemate with Lars, Anna flees with him.

Anna additionally appears in Nina's 2005 spin-off action game Death by Degrees as a commander of the Tekken Force.

Anna later becomes playable in Tekken 7 as part of the Season 2 DLC. After the tumultuous events of Tekken 6, Anna's spirit grew weary of constant conflict. After finally retiring, she meets and falls in love with an elite soldier in the G Corporation. However, tragedy strikes on the day of their planned wedding, when the sound of gunfire suddenly fills the venue amidst preparations. Anna rushes toward the commotion only to discover her beloved killed and her sister, Nina, escaping in Anna's wedding dress. Fueled by vengeance, Anna resolves to reengage in combat once more.

Anna's fighting style is based on Koppo and Hapkido, a martial art known for its use of spinning back kicks, jumping kicks and close-range throws. Although their father taught Anna and Nina the same martial arts skills, each sister has developed a distinct fighting style seen in the games.[6]

Armor King I/II


Armor King (アーマー・キング, Āmā Kingu) is a professional wrestler and was a rival of King when the latter was still an inexperienced wrestler. He suffered eye damage in a fight with King, but when he later found King distraught and drunk in an alleyway, Armor King convinced him to get back into fighting and enter the second King of Iron Fist tournament. After King is killed by Ogre, Armor King trains a new fighter who sports a jaguar mask similar to that of King's. Armor King is not selectable in Tekken 4, as he is beaten to death in a bar fight instigated by Australian brawler Craig Marduk, who then steals his mask and mockingly wears it in the tournament, provoking Armor King's protege King into entering the competition to seek revenge.[7] Marduk is then attacked in Tekken 5 by what is believed to be Armor King, but his assailant is revealed in Tekken 6 as the original Armor King's younger brother. After recovering from a brutal beating where he and Marduk knocked out each other and brought to hospital by King, the younger Armor King accepts Marduk's challenge for a retirement match arranged by King in Tekken 7.


  • Fighting style: Sumo
  • Voiced by:

Lowell B. Bartholomee (Tekken: The Motion Picture)
Earl Baylon (Tekken: Bloodline)[8]
Banjō Ginga (Tekken)
Takashi Nagasako (TK2-Tekken Tag Tournament; Tekken: The Motion Picture)
Hidenari Ugaki (TK5-present)

Ganryu (Japanese: 巌竜, Hepburn: Ganryū) is a Japanese sumo wrestler who is barred from the sport for infractions such as firebreathing and taunting his opponents. This rejection, coupled with his mounting gambling debts, steers him into a life of crime. Heihachi Mishima hires him as a henchman for the first King of Iron Fist tournament, in which Ganryu loses to Yoshimitsu, who then drains Ganryu's remaining finances and leaves him broke. Kazuya Mishima pays him handsomely for his services in his Mishima Zaibatsu corporation. Ganryu participates in the second tournament as Kazuya's bodyguard, but he also wishes to build his own sumo ring to impress his secret crush, Michelle Chang, but instead, she defeats him in battle and Ganryu returns to Japan. Two decades after the events of Tekken 2, Ganryu opens a sumo stable and trains other wrestlers. However, after seeing Michelle's daughter Julia on television fighting in the fourth tournament, he enters the fifth in hopes of wooing Julia if he is able to recover her lost "Forest Rejuvenation Data" that he eventually finds inside the Mishima Zaibatsu's laboratory, but Julia receives the information and flees before Ganryu can propose marriage. Now faced with a failing restaurant he had opened afterward in Hawaii, Ganryu enters the tournament again in Tekken 6 in attempt to advertise the restaurant and bring in revenue. Unfortunately, Ganryu accidentally donated all his restaurant earnings to Julia's reforestation campaign. In order to fix his financial problems, Ganryu decided to enter the seventh tournament.

Ganryu's occupations have varied in alternate Tekken media; in the animated film Tekken: The Motion Picture, he is Lee Chaolan's bodyguard, and in Tekken: Blood Vengeance, he is a PE teacher at the Mishima Polytechnic School.

GameSpy named Ganryu as one of their "25 Extremely Rough Brawlers" in video gaming: "Ganryu is more of a tragic character as his unrequited love for fellow fighter Julia fuels his brutality."[9] In 2011, Computer and Video Games deemed Ganryu one of the series' "worst ever characters": "If losing some weight and not wearing a massive nappy all the time isn't the first thing you do to attract someone whose mother you've already failed to hit on, then you're doing something terribly, horribly wrong."[10]

Heihachi Mishima


Jack (series)/Prototype Jack

  • Fighting style: Sheer force
  • Voiced by:
Mark O'Brien (Tekken: The Motion Picture) (Jack-2)
Jordan Byrne (Street Fighter X Tekken) (Jack-X)
Banjō Ginga (Tekken - Tekken 5)
Akio Ōtsuka (Tekken: The Motion Picture) (Jack-2)
Kenichirou Matsuda (Street Fighter X Tekken) (Jack-X)

The various Jack models were originally created by the Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation for different purposes:

  • Jack (introduced in Tekken) is the original model, created by Heihachi's Mishima Zaibatsu in order to counter a coup from Kazuya Mishima in the King of Iron Fist Tournament. In-game, the player is one of these machines.
  • Jack-2 (introduced in Tekken 2) is a direct upgrade of the Jack model, also created by the Mishima Zaibatsu. Once a Jack-2 witnesses a young girl named Jane lose her mother during a battle, he takes it upon himself to look after her, until he is destroyed by Dr. Abel. Jack-2 also appears in Tekken 3 as a palette swap of Gun Jack.
  • Prototype Jack (or P. Jack) (introduced in Tekken) is a prototype created to combat both Jack and Jack-2. After the first King of Iron Fist Tournament, the remains of Prototype Jack are almost destroyed by Jack's combat abilities. His body is later remodeled by Dr. Bosconovitch and goes on to combat Jack-2. P. Jack is seemingly destroyed by Jack-2 in the second tournament. This is the only Jack to appear in more than three games, appearing in the original Tekken, Tekken 2, Tekken Tag Tournament, and the console version of Tekken Tag Tournament 2.
  • Gun Jack (also known as "Jack-3") (introduced in Tekken 3) is a more advanced prototype, created by Jane in an attempt to revive her friend, Jack-2. She is successful in implanting her Jack-2's memories, including an energy shield inside him. However, as Gun Jack's energy shield ran out of power, it is destroyed by gunfire by the Tekken Force when he and Jane attempt to break into the Mishima Zaibatsu labs. G Corporation rescues her in time and retrieves Gun Jack's body as well. This is the only Jack that is associate to Jane and not mass produced.
  • Jack-4 (introduced in Tekken 5) is an upgrade of Gun Jack, created by G Corporation and the only one in the Jack series that is non-playable. Like P. Jack, this model has a separate personality. Unlike other models in the Jack series, this one is mass-produced to serve as the foot soldiers of the G Corporation. While these never participate in any tournament, they are sent by G Corporation's Nebraska branch to kill Kazuya Mishima after they no longer need him, and the subsequent battle in Hon-Maru almost results in the death of Heihachi Mishima. However Heihachi survived and blasted far away from Hon-Maru, until he recovered from a comatose for days when the fifth tournament was announced. These specific models have a self-destruct device embedded in them, indicated when one of them peels away its face to reveal a countdown. They also appear as enemies in the Scenario Campaign mode in Tekken 6 and a Tekken 5 flashback chapter of Tekken 7.
  • Jack-5 (introduced in Tekken 5) is an upgrade of Jack-4, created by Jane during her first time at G Corporation to participate in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Currently upgraded into Jack-6 after Kazuya's take over.
  • Jack-6 (introduced in Tekken 6) is an upgrade of Jack-5, upgraded from Jack-5 with same model of previous version, with a minor body part upgrade by G Corporation with the mission of destroying the Mishima Zaibatsu in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 6. As of Tekken 7, starting from Jack-6, a previous Jack model which was playable in a previous tournament has been mass produced in a later tournament, where the later Jack model serves as a main playable model in a corresponding number within the tournament series is deployed for combat experimental purposes.
  • Jack-X (introduced in Street Fighter X Tekken) and his official tag partner, Bryan Fury were released on July 31, 2012, as downloadable content.[11] Unlike Jack-5 – 6, this Jack can talk, although it was revealed to be in prototype stage between both of these main Jack series.
  • Jack-7 (introduced in Tekken 7) is an upgrade version of Jack-6. It finally has a proper model modification since it was ended with Jack-5, albeit recolored from Jack-6. Jack-7 also appears in Tekken 7 as a palette swap of Jack-8.
  • Jack-8 (introduced in Tekken 8) is an upgrade version of Jack-7. Besides receiving further upgrades based on the previous Jacks above, he is now equipped with both visor and summonable giant flying drill/laser cannon-hybrid weapon, and he can now utilizes projectile-based rocket punches, similar to Alisa Bosconovitch’s. It was created as an anti-suppression weapon against G Corporation's enemies.

The Jack series robots also appear in Tekken Tag Tournament (Jack-2, Gun Jack, and Prototype Jack) and Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (Jack-6 and Prototype Jack). The player's Jack character (barring original Jack, Prototype Jack, Jack-X and Jack-4) in most series is belonged to Jane.

Kazuya Mishima/Devil Kazuya/Kid Kazuya


King I/II


Kuma I/II

  • Fighting style: Kuma Shinken (later adopts Heihachi's Shorin-ryu-styled Mishima Fighting Karate as of TK8)
  • Voiced by: Katsuhiro Harada (Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory) (Kuma II)[12]
Kuma I

The first Kuma was once an abandoned bear cub in the forests of the Mishima estate. Heihachi Mishima found Kuma and took him in as his pet. Despite Kuma's unflinching loyalty to his master, Kuma often left Heihachi's side to sleep, even during the summer. This lazy approach means that Kuma's fighting style has never really matured and is very disjointed. This was demonstrated in the first King of Iron Fist Tournament, where Kuma was easily defeated by Paul Phoenix. Kuma was very impressed with Paul's fighting prowess, as he'd thought that the only strong human was Heihachi. Heihachi was also defeated in the last tournament (by Kazuya Mishima), and so he and Kuma retreated to a mountain dojo to re-train. Kuma traveled to the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2 with his master, vowing to destroy Paul Phoenix this time, and to eat anyone who got in his way. Kuma was immediately defeated by Paul Phoenix again.

Kuma II

Just after the second tournament Kuma died of old age, Heihachi trains a replacement, also named Kuma, Just like his father, the second Kuma is Heihachi Mishima's pet and bodyguard. Kuma is in love with the panda bear Panda, but she neither feels the same nor has any interest in him. It is noted that although she does not love him, she does occasionally give him a thought - that Kuma II is smarter than his father, and a good bodyguard for Heihachi. One day, when Kuma was absorbed in watching TV, he suddenly went wild at the sight of a martial artist with a scarlet go-gi - it was Paul Phoenix. Kuma has trained since that day to defeat Paul in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3. He doesn't think anything of Ogre, who is the God of Fighting; only of defeating Paul. However, during the third tournament Kuma was once again easily defeated by Paul. Kuma would finally accomplish his goal of defeating Paul in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. However, Kuma's happiness was brought to an abrupt end with the death of his master Heihachi. Kuma lived in sorrow over Heihachi's presumed death, but on seeing the uncertainty surrounding the Mishima Zaibatsu, Kuma realized that saving it would be the ultimate display of loyalty to his presumed deceased master. However, the chaos at Mishima Zaibatsu had already subsided when Kuma arrived, and he was thrown out of the building by security. Kuma had no choice but to return to the mountains.

When the Mishima Zaibatsu announced the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, Kuma decided he would enter the tournament and take back the Mishima Zaibatsu. During the fifth tournament Kuma fought his old enemy Paul Phoenix but just barely lost to him. Sometime after the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 and the death of his master Heihachi Mishima, Kuma was convinced that he was the only one who could save the Mishima Zaibatsu. He set out to the Mishima Zaibatsu headquarters with resolve.

Waiting for him there was the new leader of the Zaibatsu, Jin Kazama. Easily defeated by Jin, Kuma was dumped out of a helicopter into the Hokkaido wilderness. Despite that, Kuma survived, traversed the vast forests, and entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament 6, determined to defeat Jin and take his place as the rightful successor of the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Following Heihachi's surprising return as a Mishima Zaibatsu leader since Jin's disappearance, Kuma was found by his master's Tekken Force army, and learned that his master promotes him to lead his own Tekken Force unit. Due to being busy with important tasks as a leader of his Tekken Force unit, Kuma forfeit his spot in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 7 where he supposedly would have fought his old enemy Paul again. Instead, Paul's opponent is Kuma's crush, Panda (unbeknownst to Kuma himself). Kuma's last known location during the tournament was the Philippines, where he and his unit provides supplies for the Filipino survivors of a typhoon disaster. After earning the local country's trust, Kuma became the final opponent for the Zaibatsu's employment exam. Many young participants either quit or lost to Kuma during the exam: only one participant, a typhoon survivor named Josie Rizal, succeeded - despite Kuma's misgivings about her crybaby attitude.

Unfortunately, following the true death of Heihachi at the hands of Kazuya during the seventh tournament, Kuma begins to adopt Heihachi's fighting style and dons his signature gi, with a headband of matching red color as Heihachi's karate belt. Before G Corporation fully takes over Mishima Zaibatsu and its assets, Kuma rescues one of the researchers from Mishima Heavy Industries in time, who eventually provides him aimable salmon-like rocket explosives during The King of Iron Fist Tournament 8. After Kuma learns the truth behind Heihachi's death, he ultimately sides with Jin against Kazuya. During the war, Kuma sneakily attempts to take Paul and Marshall out, but instead accidentally takes a hit by a rocket meant to hit both men and thereby saves them, to Kuma's dismay.

Kunimitsu I/II

  • Fighting style: Manji Ninjutsu
  • Voiced by:
Kunimitsu I:
Katsuhiro Harada (TK)
Shiho Kikuchi (TK2 and TTT)
Megumi Toyoguchi (TTT2 and TKR)
Kunimitsu II:
Saori Hayami
Kunimitsu I

Kunimitsu made her debut in the original Tekken as a thief and rival of Yoshimitsu. A former member of Yoshimitsu's clan, known as the Manji Clan, she was banished from the clan for her theft. In order to make ends meet, Kunimitsu enters the King of the Iron Fist Tournament to attempt to steal valuable treasure from Michelle Chang. Michelle manages to defeat her in battle.

Two years later, upon learning that Yoshimitsu's sword also holds value, she enters the King of the Iron Fist Tournament 2 to try and steal it. When she confronts Yoshimitsu in battle, she is once again defeated.

After the previous two failures, Kunimitsu decides to retire from thievery and does not participate in any more King of the Iron Fist Tournaments. Meanwhile, she gives birth to her daughter, who would also take the title of Kunimitsu.

Kunimitsu I would also appear in the non-canon games Tekken Tag Tournament and Tekken Tag Tournament 2.

Kunimitsu II

Kunimitsu II first appeared in Tekken 7 as a DLC character. This Kunimitsu enters the King of the Iron Fist Tournament 7 with the same goal her mother once had: To steal Yoshimitsu's sword, in an attempt to cheer up her ill mother. She also had an undercover mission at Mishima Polytechnical School, prior to rushing back to her mother to finish what the latter started.

Lee Chaolan/Violet

  • Fighting style: Martial Arts (main fighting style), Mishima Style Fighting Karate (TK1, TK2 and TTT)
  • Voiced by:
Kaiji Tang (Tekken: Blood Vengeance, Tekken Tag Tournament 2)[13][14]
David Stokey (Tekken: The Motion Picture)[2]
Jōji Nakata (Tekken - Tekken Tag Tournament (laughs))
Nozomu Sasaki (Tekken 2 - Tekken Tag Tournament)
Ryōtarō Okiayu (TK5—present; Tekken: Blood Vengeance)
Shin-ichiro Miki (Tekken: The Motion Picture)

Lee Chaolan (Chinese: 李 超狼; pinyin: Lǐ Chāoláng; Japanese: リー・チャオラン; Hepburn: Rī Chaoran) is the adoptive son of Heihachi Mishima, whose own son Kazuya's defeat is Lee's motivation for entering the numerous King of Iron Fist tournaments held throughout the Tekken series.[15] Lee was adopted by Heihachi to provide a rival for Kazuya, who he felt was too weak to lead his Mishima Zaibatsu company.[16] Lee studies in the United States alongside Paul Phoenix and Marshall Law. After Kazuya wins control of the company, Lee works as Kazuya's secretary, in addition to overseeing Kazuya's team of bodyguards and Dr. Bosconovitch's experiments, all while secretly hoping to take over the Zaibatsu. However, Lee is soon expelled from the Zaibatsu for unknown reasons while Heihachi disowns him,[16] causing him to leave the world of fighting and pursuing a career in robotics.[16]

Lee returns in Tekken 4 as a playboy with a fast-growing robotics business of his own. Upon learning that the Zaibatsu's rival G Corporation was attacked by the Tekken Force, Lee joins the fourth tournament with a vastly different appearance, competing under the name of Violet in order to conceal his identity, while hoping to test his new "Combot" experiment in the process.[15] However, he is defeated in the later stages by Kazuya, whom Lee believed to be dead, but he then learns someone else has controlled the Zaibatsu in Heihachi's absence. Believing it to be Kazuya, Lee enters the fifth tournament in Tekken 5 to take him out personally and regain control of the Zaibatsu, but upon learning that the culprit is Kazuya's paternal grandfather Jinpachi, he drops out of the tournament and returns to his business.[15]

After Kazuya legitimately takes control of the company, Lee enters the next tournament in attempt again to come in contact with Kazuya. In the game's "Scenario Campaign" story mode, Lee joins forces with Julia Chang, Lars Alexandersson, and Dr. Bosconovitch's android daughter Alisa, with a shared objective of stopping Kazuya and Jin, but Lee and Lars are not aware at first that Alisa was created to serve Jin, thus acting as a mole for Lars. When Alisa is destroyed at the climax, Lee promises Lars that she will be reconstructed with his company's resources, which he finally succeeds at the same time of Heihachi's return in the seventh tournament, shortly before the latter's true demise at the hands of Kazuya in their final battle. During the seventh tournament, Lee also recruits a journalist who lost his family in the war that occurred during the sixth tournament to join his cause, as well as a redeemed Jin to investigate how the Mishima affair first started.[15]

In the eighth tournament, ahead of Kazuya's public revelation to the world as a devil, Lee manages to recruit Alisa's "father", Doctor Bosconovitch, and by extension, Manji Clan, to co-develop an aircraft carrier Vlodnir, and armored suits for their allies, including Lee himself against Kazuya, while also aiding the doctor in removing the remaining inhibitor inside Alisa's body, so as to set her free. In response of Jin's last encounter against Kazuya that caused the former to lose his will to control his devil a week before the latter announced the eight tournament, Lee summons the Kliesen Family for their expertise on researching the Devil Gene and its originator Azazel, recognizing that Niklas's child Leo also previously participated in the Tekken tournament as Lee was.

Lee is also selectable in the non-canon games Tekken Tag Tournament, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Tekken 3D: Prime Edition, and Tekken Revolution.

As mentioned before, Violet was first introduced in Tekken 4 as an alter-ego of Lee Chaolan. Serving as his public persona as the CEO of Violet Systems, Lee used this alter-ego to allow himself to enter the fourth King of Iron Fist Tournament without being found out by the Mishima Zaibatsu. While primarily a main palette swap of Lee in most mainline games since his debut game, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is the only game where Violet has his own character slot, even being the main character in the Fight Lab mode of the game.

Marshall Law

David Vincent (TK6–present)
Katsuhiro Harada (TK1TK5:DR [grunts])
Keisuke Fujii (Street Fighter X Tekken)
Yoshimitsu Shimoyama (2009 live-action film)

Marshall Law (Japanese: マーシャル・ロー, Hepburn: Māsharu Rō) is a martial artist who owns a restaurant in San Francisco's Chinatown,[17] and like his close friend Paul Phoenix, financial difficulty becomes his primary motive for entering the King of Iron Fist fighting tournaments held throughout the Tekken series. His appearance and fighting style are based on Hong Kong martial artist and actor Bruce Lee.[18] Sometimes known as "The Fighting Chef", Law is the father of Forest Law. He enters the first King of Iron Fist Tournament in the original game in hopes of opening his own dojo with the winnings, Law would eventually draw against Wang Jinrei. Despite not winning the tournament, Marshall would eventually open his own dojo. However, in Tekken 2, his students are soon attacked and his dojo destroyed by Baek Doo San, provoking Law into entering the second tournament to seek revenge. Law would eventually face his villainous assailant and successfully defeated him, Law would drop out of the tournament after achieving his goal. In Tekken 3, his storyline details that he rebuilt his dojo while running a successful restaurant chain called "Marshall China" in the United States. Meanwhile, Paul convinces Marshall's son Forest Law to enter the third tournament, which causes friction between Law and Paul.[19]

Similar to Paul's storyline in Tekken 4,[20] Law's restaurant business goes under and he is consequently bankrupt. He attempts to use the fourth tournament as a crutch to ease his money troubles, but is unable to do so and he is afterwards relegated to taking a dishwashing job in Japan, where the tournaments are held.[21] While participating in the fifth tournament in Tekken 5 in hopes of being able to cover medical bills stemming from Forest being hurt in a motorcycle accident,[22] Law is deported to the United States upon discovery that he was employed illegally in Japan.[23] Paul approaches Law with the proposition of forming a team for the upcoming sixth tournament, believing that the odds of victory (and winning the prize money) would be better as a group than individually, and Law accepts. They later add boxer Steve Fox to their ranks, while they did well in the tournament, Paul and Law ended up being paired against each other and they both fought to a draw, as a result they were unable to claim the top prize nor restore their respective previous aims, though Steve already got what he need in Tekken 7, yet still haunted by the truth about his past, until Marshall and Paul restore his fighting spirit and reason to live.[23]

Marshall's opponent during the seventh tournament was Feng Wei, whom Marshall initially planned to look after the recently restored dojo he neglected, but changes his mind and retreat when finding out how dangerous Feng is, prior to the latter's defeat by Leroy Smith. During Kazuya's tyranny in the eighth tournament, Marshall’s dojo has been repossessed as a collateral before he finds out about the recent events. He temporarily join G Corporation in desperation to get his money to pay off his debt, and was deceived into believing Paul, who won the North American qualifier of the eight tournament unable to keep his promise, unaware that the tournament was cancelled during the quarter finals and is actually a set up for Kazuya's scheme. He and Paul are accidentally saved by Kuma from a G Corporation tank's rocket meant to hit him and Paul during the war. After Jin Kazama's victory against Kazuya, and signaling the world's freedom from the latter's tyranny, Marshall reconciles with Paul and returns to the good side where they and their allies, including Azucena, open food kitchens in Manhattan and help restore the city.

Marshall also appears in the noncanonical Tekken games Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Tekken Revolution, Street Fighter X Tekken, and the 2005 Namco beat 'em up Urban Reign.[24] Marshall appears as a Spirit in the Nintendo crossover video game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.[25]

Michelle Chang


Nina Williams/Summer Nina


Paul Phoenix

  • Fighting style: Integrated Martial Arts based on Judo
  • Voiced by:
Eric Kelso (TK4—TK6, TK3D:PE (grunts))
Jamieson Price (since TK6 (dialogue), later also grunts as of TTT2)
Mike McFarland (Street Fighter X Tekken)
Hōchū Ōtsuka (drama CD, Tekken: Bloodline)[26]
Kanehira Yamamoto (Street Fighter X Tekken)

Paul Phoenix (ポール・フェニックス, Pōru Fenikkusu) is an American biker and martial artist who regularly enters the King of Iron Fist fighting tournaments while hoping to use the prize money to pay off his debts, yet he falls short of victory each time due to various circumstances. He is also a friend of Marshall Law and his son, Forest, alongside a silver-haired man Lee Chaolan. Paul remained undefeated in the first tournament until he fought Kazuya Mishima to a draw. He battles his way to the finals of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2 in Tekken 2, earning the right to have a rematch with Kazuya, but ended up getting replaced by another competitor, Heihachi Mishima, after getting stuck in traffic and therefore unable to make the match on time.[19]

Paul goes undefeated throughout the entire King of Iron Fist Tournament 3 in Tekken 3, leaving victorious after defeating the "God of Fighting", Ogre. Unbeknownst to him, Ogre morphs into his monstrous form, True Ogre, after absorbing immense fighting force and is then defeated a second time by Paul's replacement Jin.[20] As a result, by Tekken 4, Paul's dojo has gone out of business due to lack of students and he ends up being homeless. He again enters the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 in an attempt to get his life back together and go head-to-head with Kazuya, a rival he hadn't fought in over 20 years.[20]

During the first two tournaments, Paul had fought and defeated Kuma, a large brown bear trained in combat by Heihachi.[27] After the animal dies of old age, Heihachi trains a replacement, also named Kuma, who was easily defeated by Paul in the third tournament but Kuma manages to defeat him in the early stages of the fourth tournament.[27]

Paul adopts a new training regimen and gets his revenge against Kuma in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 in Tekken 5, but the match leaves Paul too exhausted to continue in the competition and he is forced to drop out. Again departing the tournament penniless and already burdened by his increasing debt, he wastes no time in entering the King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 in Tekken 6 in hopes of finally easing his financial troubles.[28] This time, he believes assembling a team would increase his chances of victory, and so he joins forces with Marshall and a boxer Steve Fox. While they did well in the tournament, Paul and Marshall ended up being paired against each other and they both fought to a draw, as a result they were unable to claim the top prize.

He entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament 7 in Tekken 7 with not only the intention, but the necessity of winning as the hefty prize would keep him in the black. Things didn't exactly pan out for him when the previous tournament got suspended. Paul returns in Tekken 8 as a playable character with new design and a significantly different hairstyle (although he was criticized for his new hairstyle).[29] Paul and Steve join Jin's side against Kazuya's tyranny, while Marshall briefly joins Kazuya's side. After Kuma saves them, they help repair damages and celebrate Jin's victory.

Paul is also selectable in non-canon spin-off Tekken games such as Tekken Tag Tournament, Tekken Card Challenge, Tekken Advance, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, and Tekken Revolution, in addition to the crossover fighting game Street Fighter X Tekken. He is an unlockable character in the 2005 beat-'em-up multiplayer game Urban Reign.[30] He also appears in SNK's mobile phone game The King of Fighters All Star.[31] Paul appears as a Spirit in the Nintendo crossover video game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.[32]

Wang Jinrei

  • Fighting style: Xing Yi Quan
  • Voiced by: Tamio Ōki (TK1~TTT); Hu Qian (TK5~TTT2 [dialogues]); Chan Ho (TK5~TTT2 [in-game grunts])

Wang Jinrei (Japanese: 王 椋雷(ワン・ジンレイ), Hepburn: Wan Jinrei, pinyin: Wáng Jīngléi) is an elderly Chinese old man who was a close friend of Heihachi Mishima's father Jinpachi, and lived as a recluse in the Mishima gardens. Wang tutors his distant relative Ling Xiaoyu (who debuts in Tekken 3) in the martial arts at a young age. He draws rival Marshall Law in the first King of Iron Fist Tournament, then enters the second tournament in Tekken 2 in order to fulfill the deceased Jinpachi's wishes of eliminating Heihachi and Jinpachi's grandson Kazuya, who have both followed the path of evil. Wang opts to face all challengers giving way to those adept enough to defeat Kazuya, however Wang was defeated by Jun Kazama during the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2. In Tekken 5, set two decades after Jinpachi's death, Wang receives a letter from Jinpachi, who is actually alive but has been possessed by a demon, having been brought to life after starving to death years previously and requests Wang's participation in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, Wang was defeated in the semi-finals of the tournament by Jin Kazama whose purpose was to wipe out the Devil Gene which had been plaguing within both himself and Kazuya. Wang holds no grudge towards Jin for Jinpachi's death, but does also shows distaste towards the Devil Gene.



Introduced in Tekken 2




Angel (Japanese: エンゼル, Hepburn: Enjeru) is a female supernatural entity and opposite of Devil. According to Tekken series producer Katsuhiro Harada, she is the representation of what is left of the goodness in Kazuya Mishima after he had been controlled by Devil, although she herself is not a part of Kazuya's soul.[34] Her Tekken Tag Tournament 2 profile states that she wields the power to purify things, and carries a compassionate and a cruel side. Angel was a palette swap of Devil in Tekken 2 and Tekken Tag Tournament, but receives a distinct design for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 while her fighting style borrowed from Kazuya and Devil Jin.[35] Because of this, she has a laser attack but it's clearly not a laser from her tiara, it's actually more like a light beam.

Angel's existence is likely the results from the first encounters and strange attractions between Kazuya and Jun Kazama, until Kazuya lost half of his power at time when he unknowingly caused Jun to be pregnant, shortly before Kazuya's defeat by Heihachi in second tournament, then the birth of Jin Kazama.

Baek Doo San

  • Fighting style: Tae Kwon Do
  • Voiced by:
    Lowell B. Bartholomee (Tekken: The Motion Picture)
    Kaneto Shiozawa (TK2~TTT)
    Kyousei Tsukui (Tekken: The Motion Picture)
    Yun Beyong hwa (TK5 [dialogues] ~TTT2)
    Il-Kwon Cho (TK5 [grunts])

Baek Doo San (Japanese: 白頭山(ペク・トー・サン), Hepburn: Peku Tō San, Hangul: 백두산 Baek Dusan) is a South Korean Tae Kwon Do practitioner who debuted in Tekken 2 as the sub-boss of Marshall Law. He accidentally kills his father during a sparring session, causing him to destroy several dojos—including Law's—in a fit of rage. He then challenges, and loses to, Law in the second tournament. In Tekken 3, Baek is presumed dead after encountering Ogre, and his student Hwoarang enters the third tournament to avenge his master's supposed death, but Tekken 5 reveals that Ogre had beaten Baek into a yearlong coma. After his recovery, Baek begins teaching traditional Tae Kwon Do at military bases. Hwoarang is drafted into the South Korean military but flees to compete in the fourth tournament, for which he is arrested, but is also informed that Baek is alive. After Hwoarang completes his service, he and Baek enter the fifth tournament to test Hwoarang's skills, but Baek later withdraws after Hwoarang is injured in battle and lays unconscious in the hospital for three days. Once he recovers, Baek and Hwoarang return to Korea, and devote themselves solely to improving their fighting skills. Baek's last playable appearance is in Tekken 6, in which he and Hwoarang enter the tournament together once again.

Bruce Irvin

Peter Harrell, Jr. (Tekken: The Motion Picture)
Seiji Sasaki (Tekken: The Motion Picture)

Bruce Irvin (Japanese: ブルース・アーヴィン, Hepburn: Burūsu Āvin) is a muscular and Mohawked American Muay Thai practitioner. He lost his parents and older brother in his youth, and grew up in a violent environment. He longed to make a difference, and became a police officer. He was sent to Japan to investigate the multinational conglomerate Mishima Zaibatsu and its leader, Kazuya Mishima, who knew of Bruce's mission and therefore arranged for his flight to crash. Bruce survives the crash but becomes an amnesiac, and Kazuya hires him as his bodyguard. In Tekken 2, Bruce fought his old police partner Lei Wulong, who had entered the tournament to arrest Kazuya. Bruce was defeated and attempted to escape on another plane, but it somehow exploded later. In truth, Bruce survives and fakes his death off-screen. He is then absent from the series until returning in Tekken 5 as an unlockable character. After becoming reacquainted with Kazuya Mishima in the tournament, Bruce assists Kazuya in taking over G Corporation, a biotech firm, when its Nebraska branch which fully recovers Kazuya from his previous injuries suddenly betrays him. G Corporation then wages war with the Mishima Financial Group, now led by Jin Kazama, and Bruce becomes the captain at G Corporation's private corps and is enlisted by Kazuya to lead the army on battlefields. G Corporation attempts to gain an advantage by placing an enormous bounty on Jin, which results in the staging of the sixth tournament, in which Bruce is selectable from the start and participates in an attempt to capture Jin.

Bruce makes a brief appearance in Tekken: The Motion Picture, serving as Lee Chaolan's bodyguard and fighting Jack-2 on a boat en route to the tournament.

Brenda Brathwaite of The Escapist, in 2008, included Bruce among many black fighting game characters, such as Mortal Kombat's Jax and Street Fighter's Balrog, as "either non-existent or consistent in their overall attributes."[36] Bruce's Tekken 5 render was additionally the lone character illustration that was used for the article.[36]

Jun Kazama/Unknown

  • Fighting style: Kazama Style Traditional Martial Arts
  • Portrayed: Tamlyn Tomita (live-action film)
  • Voiced by:
Edi Patterson (Tekken: The Motion Picture)
Lucy Farris (Tekken: The Motion Picture) (young)
Vivian Lu (Tekken: Bloodline)
Shiho Kikuchi (Tekken 2, Tekken Tag Tournament)
Yumi Tōma (Tekken: The Motion Picture, Tekken Tag Tournament [the latter entry as Unknown])
Eri Sendai (Tekken: The Motion Picture) (young)
Yūko Sasaki (Japanese dub of the Tekken film)
Mamiko Noto (since Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - onwards)

Jun Kazama (風間 準, Kazama Jun) is an officer of the wildlife protection organization WWWC. She is called "The Chosen One" by her relatives and one of the two last known members of her clan's main branch. She is highly psychic, being able to sense that Kazuya Mishima's power stemmed from Devil. At the WWWC's orders, she sets out to arrest Kazuya, who smuggles environmentally-protected animals, Jun decides to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2. When the second tournament was coming to an end, Jun comes to the realization that Kazuya's supernatural strength stems from Devil, though she is attracted to him by a mystic force beyond her control.[37] Besides her duty to arrest Kazuya, she wants to free him of his evil power and drops out of the tournament as a result. At some point during this time, Jun became pregnant with Kazuya's child; whilst Jun was able to cause conflict within Kazuya, swaying Devil's hold over him, ultimately she was unable to prevent him from going to meet his father, Heihachi Mishima, in the tournament finals. After Kazuya is thrown into a volcano by Heihachi in the conclusion of the tournament, it was initially believes that parts of Devil leave him and unsuccessfully attempt to possess Jun's unborn son. However, as evident how Kazuya was born from his mother, Kazumi, as shown in Tekken 7, it is revealed that Kazuya looses half of his Devil's power after unknowingly impregnated Jun with an unborn son who is imprinted with the demonic gene he will be born with, and its highly impure state cause Jun to seal her son's devil to ensure his human half is born safely.[37] She flees to the forests of Yakushima, where she raises her child, Jin, away from evil and danger. 15 years later, before the events of Tekken 3, Jun senses the approaching of Ogre and warns Jin to seek out his grandfather Heihachi should anything happen to her.[37] One night, Ogre attacks and knocks out Jin. When Jin wakes up, the Kazama's house has burned to the ground and Jun is missing.[37] Jin is devastated and swears revenge on Ogre, and publicly becoming the last survivor of Kazama main branch.

Although Jun did not appear in subsequent canonical games in the series, she is still mentioned throughout. She appears as a soul or vision in Jin Kazama's Tekken 4 ending, which persuades Jin to spare Heihachi's life in honor of herself. She is also mentioned numerous times by Jin and Kazuya during the prologue of the Scenario Campaign mode of Tekken 6, which retells the main events of previous games. Outside of the main series, Jun appears as a playable character in the non-canonical Tekken Tag Tournament as well as its sequel, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, where she is fought as a boss and transforms into Unknown in the final stage after defeating her. She is also playable in the free-to-play spin-off Tekken Revolution.

Jun made her return to the canonical story of Tekken in Tekken 8 as she was revealed to be a playable character during the gameplay trailer footage at The Game Awards 2022.[38] Despite previously being presumed dead, due to her encounter with Ogre prior to the events of Tekken 3,[39] series director Katsuhiro Harada confirmed that Jun never actually died, but was simply missing.[40] It is reveals that Jun and Ancient Ogre she and Jin encountered was transported inside Yakushima's sacred sanctuary, where she defeated the alien. However, while trying to get out of the sanctuary, Jun falls unconscious, as her soul trapped inside the astral world after hearing Kazama main branch's lullaby and saw a vision of Jin and Kazuya's final conflict in the future during the eight tournament. Six months after the death of Heihachi at the hands of Kazuya in Tekken 7, then followed by Jin's self-purification of his devil self at the near end of Tekken 8, Jun wakes up from a coma. She uses an astral projection to communicate with Jin and complete his transformation into an angel of hope to ward Kazuya off from his Devil Gene and Azazel's existences. After Jin defeated Kazuya and restored world peace, Jun picks up Kazuya's unconscious body to an unknown point along with her.


Unknown (アンノウン, Announ) made her debut in 1999 in the non-canonical Tekken Tag Tournament, where she serves as the final boss. Unknown also appears as a rival unit in the tactical role-playing game Project X Zone 2.

Unknown appears to be a tortured soul who has been enslaved by the "Forest Demon" (which takes the form of a wolf-like appearance and appears behind her in fights, controlling and mimicking her actions). She has many demonic traits, such as glowing yellow eyes and no sclera, and a devil symbol tattooed on her upper right arm which resembles that of Jin Kazama's. Her default "costume" appears to have her otherwise nude body mostly covered in purple with short, dark brown hair, shiny body paint, or oil as if she had been submerged in it to her chest. Her second, alternate costume shows her dressed in the burnt, ripped remains of a dark brown dress, with bandages wrapped around her arms, shins, and instep.

Unknown did not have a story as Tag Tournament was non-canonical, though her ending shows her finally defeating the Forest Demon and therefore freeing herself. Her appearance as the final boss in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 looks like Jun's alternate form (black hair with a similar fashion to Jun, though her eyes have demon-like pupils and this time has normal white sclera). An artbook included in the Tekken 6 Arcade Stick Bundle revealed that she was meant to be Jun's sister enslaved by the "Forest Demon" before the scenario was ultimately dropped.

Similar to Mokujin, Unknown does not have an original moveset. Instead, she mimics other characters' fighting styles (with some exceptions), though her fighting style defaults to that of Jun Kazama. In Tag Tournament 2, she instead uses Jun's moveset with added boss-like moves such as summoning spikes and giant hands. In both her incarnations of the first Tag Tournament and its sequel, Unknown has originally appeared as an unplayable final boss in the arcade versions. She was later made a playable character in the console version of both games, with the former giving her the ability to freely switch her fighting styles using analog stick and the latter toning down her boss moves.

Lei Wulong


Making his debut in Tekken 2 (1995), Lei Wulong (雷 武龍(レイ・ウーロン), Rei Ūron, pinyin: Léi Wǔlóng Jyutping: Leoi Mou Lung) is a respected police officer who has put countless criminals behind bars,[41] which earns him the nickname of "Super Police".[19] While investigating the nefarious Mishima Zaibatsu corporation's illegal hunting and trading practices, he ends up fighting former fellow officer Bruce Irvin, who has switched his allegiance to Kazuya Mishima, son of Mishima Zaibatsu CEO Heihachi Mishima. After Lei defeats Bruce, Bruce escapes in a plane that later crashes, he somehow survives.

After the second King of the Iron Fist Tournament during the events of Tekken 3 (1998), Lei's reputation as a crime fighter wanes and his work declines after his girlfriend dumps him for his assistant. When he discovers that a syndicate will send Nina Williams to kill professional boxer Steve Fox, he sets out to stop her and restore his reputation by joining the fourth tournament in Tekken 4 (2001). Lei is successful in thwarting the assassination and captures Nina, but Steve intervenes and frees Nina by assaulting Lei. Lei nonetheless breaks up the syndicate that had dispatched Nina to the tournament.[42]

Lei's storyline in Tekken 5 has him shipped off to Japan in pursuit of Feng Wei, who is responsible for the destruction of multiple dojos in Japan and China, including Asuka Kazama's family dojo.[43] At the same time, he joins forces with Steve in an attempt to destroy the Mishima Zaibatsu while finding evidence behind their dubious activities, including Steve's further past. However, Feng's trail goes cold and Lei has no choice but to return to Hong Kong.[43] In Tekken 6 (2007), Lei enters the sixth tournament in attempt to arrest Jin Kazama, as well as not forgetting his father Kazuya. In the sixth game's "Scenario Campaign" story mode, Lei is assisted by Lars Alexandersson and Alisa Bosconovitch in defeating the invading G Corporation's forces at the "ICPO Branch Office", and informs them that Kazuya has claimed the corporation by force.

Lei returned in Tekken 7 as one of the Season 2 DLC characters, although drastically redesigned. Depending on which stance he is in, Lei will utilize different Rage Drives. In his story biography, while once again investigating Kazuya's illegal activities undercover, but this time on G Corporation, Lei also planned to meet the corporation's hired mascot Lucky Chloe secretly, whom Lei is a big fan of.

Lei appears as a playable character in the non-canon Tekken titles Tekken Card Challenge, Tekken Tag Tournament, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Tekken 3D: Prime Edition. He appears as a playable downloadable character in Street Fighter X Tekken.

Lei appears in the 1998 animated film Tekken: The Motion Picture, in which he is partnered with Jun Kazama to investigate the Mishima Zaibatsu's illegal activities during the tournament. Rather than actually competing in the tournament, Lei infiltrates the island's underground base with Jack-2's help.[44] He was voiced by Akio Nakamura, and by Gray G. Haddock in the English dub.

Roger, Roger Jr. and Alex

  • Fighting style: Commando Wrestling

Roger family line and Alex are comic-relief characters who make their first appearances in Tekken 2. They are genetically modified animals created by Dr. Bosconovitch, under Kazuya's orders. Roger (ロジャー, Rojā) was crafted from kangaroo DNA, and Alex (アレックス, Arekkusu) from Dromaeosaurid fossil samples. However, Kazuya considered them worthless and wanted to kill them, but they escaped and met Armor King, who schooled them in wrestling. Alex and Roger compete in the second Iron Fist Tournament, where Jun Kazama, a WWWC wildlife-protection program officer, is dispatched to arrest Kazuya. She finds Roger and Alex and relocates them to a safe location in Australia. Alex disappears from the series canon thereafter while Roger's story is expanded in Tekken 5, in which he is not playable but appears in the game's cinematic sequences, where he, now renamed as Roger Sr. (ロジャーシニア, Rojā Shinia) is shown to be married with a son named Roger Jr., who is a kangaroo with human attributes like his father. After Roger Sr. is abducted by Mishima Zaibatsu, Roger Jr. enters the fifth tournament to find him but discovers that he was not abducted but instead secretly living a luxurious lifestyle. In Tekken 6, Roger Sr., again not playable, and his wife are since divorced but she suffers financial hardship without his presence and currently. She and Roger Jr. both participate in the sixth tournament in hopes of establishing financial security. Roger and Alex both appear in the noncanonical Tekken Tag Tournament and Tekken Tag Tournament 2, in which Roger Jr. is playable in Roger Sr.'s stead. As Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is semi-canon and set between Tekken 6 and Tekken 7, Alex and Roger Jr.’s endings eventually ties to Roger Sr.’s reconciliation with his family.

Introduced in Tekken 3


Ancient Ogre/True Ogre

  • Fighting style: Personal style, sampled from many fighters
  • Voiced by: Bill Butts (Tekken: Bloodline)

Ogre (オーガ, Ōga) is believed to be a biological weapon abandoned on earth by an ancient alien race, while he is additionally worshipped by ancient Aztecs as the "God of Fighting". In Tekken 3 (1997), Heihachi Mishima sends his personal army, the Tekken Force, to search a temple in central Mexico, but they are promptly obliterated by Ogre. Having witnessed his power firsthand, Heihachi seeks an opportunity to use him in hopes of creating the ultimate life form while staving off his own aging process, and therefore stages the third edition of the King of Iron Fist Tournament held throughout the Tekken series in order to draw Ogre out.[45] In the meantime, Ogre kills King in combat,[46] beats Baek Doo San into a yearlong coma, and supposedly kills Jin's mother Jun Kazama. Paul Phoenix defeats Ogre in the tournament finals, but he then quits the competition under the impression that he has won, when he had one last opponent remaining in Ogre's true form, True Ogre.[20] Heihachi then collects blood samples and skin tissue from the creature in order to splice his genomes with his own, but the project is unsuccessful,[47] as he is missing a key ingredient called the "Devil Gene", which the series protagonist Jin Kazama and his father Kazuya possess.[48] In Tekken 5 (2004), Ogre is playable in the "Arcade History" mode and is the final boss of the "Devil Within" minigame, where clones of him and Heihachi are defeated by Jin Kazama.[45]

Ogre also appears in the non-canon games Tekken Card Challenge and Tekken Mobile, and is playable in the spinoff titles Tekken Tag Tournament and in Tekken Tag Tournament 2,[49] whereas the latter Tag game has his True Ogre form as part of the starting roster and simply dubbed as Ogre since its arcade version, while his initial form, Ancient Ogre is exclusively free downloadable post-launch character.[50]

Bryan Fury

Keith Silverstein (Street Fighter X Tekken)[51]
Kazuyoshi Hayashi (Japanese dub of the live-action Tekken films)
Tomokazu Seki (Street Fighter X Tekken)[51]

Bryan Fury (Japanese: ブライアン・フューリー, Hepburn: Buraian Fyūrī) was once an officer in the International Police Organization, Bryan was killed during a shootout in Hong Kong one day. His corpse was transported to the laboratory of a mad scientist named Dr. Abel in his attempt to complete his project of forming a cyborg army. Abel thought that a perfect cyborg must have the mechanics built by his rival Bosconovitch, so he reanimated Fury's body and sent him to collect data on similar plans by his rival, Dr. Bosconovitch. Bryan enters the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3, targeting Yoshimitsu, who has strong ties with Bosconovitch, but during the tournament, Bryan was defeated by Yoshimitsu.[52]

In Tekken 4, Dr. Abel abandons Bryan when Heihachi Mishima and the Mishima Zaibatsu corporation recruits him as its top scientific advisor. This sends Bryan into a murderous rage, and he enters the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, feeling victory will force Abel to change his body, thus becoming the most incredible being in existence once again. This does not happen, and after his loss, Bryan instead uses his last ounce of strength to knock Abel out before losing consciousness and left him to die in the burning laboratory. Yoshimitsu brings him to Dr. Bosconovitch, who promises to transfer Bryan's mind into a new body, although it will take a whole year.

In Tekken 5, however, Bryan awakens a month later. Bosconovitch tells Bryan that his body was too complex to work with, but as a last resort, he had installed a perpetual power generator in him as an emergency measure. Upon learning this, Bryan attacks Bosconovitch and the Manji clan members assigned to guard the doctor, and leaves the laboratory. Bryan enters the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 to test his performance with the generator installed, unaware that Yoshimitsu is pursuing him for revenge. Yoshimitsu's repeated meddling hinders Bryan's hopes of unlocking the generator's true powers in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Soon afterwards, Yoshimitsu defeats Bryan and his frustration reaches its pinnacle, and he begins to destroy everything in sight after leaving the tournament. Driven by rage, he ventures to various battlefields around the world, indiscriminately leveling everything in his way into rubble. However, he soon grows tired of the same thing repeating itself countless times. Around this time, he catches wind of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 6. Hungry for more capable prey, Bryan headed for the tournament to prove his mettle. Bryan also appears in Tekken 7, being one of the 18 characters available in the first location tests of the game. As of Tekken 8, Bryan develops a new taste for anarchy, and even join G Corporation's side for his own end.

Bryan also appears in Tekken Card Challenge, Tekken Tag Tournament, Tekken 3D: Prime Edition, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, and Tekken Revolution. Bryan appears in Capcom-made crossover fighting game Street Fighter X Tekken as a DLC character with Jack-X as his official tag partner. His Swap Costume is modeled after Urien. According to the download blurb, with his powers and abilities being recognized by Urien, the second in command of a mysterious organization, Bryan is brought into their ranks. Additionally, M. Bison's Swap Costume is modeled after Bryan's appearance.


  • Fighting style: Military Training

Crow (カラス, Karasu) is a codename assigned for the lowest ranking members of the Tekken Force (the others, in ascending order, are Falcon, Hawk, and Owl). They appear as enemies in the Tekken Force mini-game. Crow made his first playable appearance in Tekken Card Challenge as an unlockable character, as well as in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 as non-playable opponents in the Fight Lab mode.

Dr. Bosconovitch

  • Fighting style: Everything that he knows
  • Voiced by:

Ken Webster (Tekken: The Motion Picture)[2]
Jamieson Price (Tekken: Bloodline)[53]
Tamio Ōki (Tekken: The Motion Picture)
Alexander Golovchanskiy (Tekken Tag Tournament 2)

Dr. Bosconovitch (ボスコノビッチ博士, Bosukonobitchi hakase) originally worked for the Mishima Zaibatsu. During the first Tekken, the Manji ninja clan (led by Yoshimitsu) raided the Mishima Zaibatsu's vault. During the raid, Yoshimitsu lost his arm and was found by Bosconovitch who helped him escape and fitted him with a mechanical arm. Dr. Bosconovitch was kidnapped by Kazuya Mishima in the run-up to The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2 and was forced to work for him. Some of the many projects involved the creation of the bio-weapons Roger and Alex, as well as the completion of the Prototype Jack unit. He began the "Cold Sleep" project as a means of preserving his daughter's body (who seemingly died) by using Nina Williams and Anna Williams as test subjects. After completing his tasks, and before being executed, Doctor Bosconovitch is rescued by the friend he helped save previously, Yoshimitsu. Nineteen years later, he contracted a rare disease that affects the spine as a result of working on his Cold Sleep project. In order to cure himself and to revive his daughter, he needed the blood of the fighting god, Ogre. He turned to an old friend, Yoshimitsu, for help. Yoshimitsu entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3 and was successful in obtaining a sample of Ogre's blood after Jin Kazama had killed it. Dr. Bosconovitch appears in Bryan Fury's Tekken 4 ending. In it, he explains to Bryan that he will now mechanize him and allow him to be completely reborn in a new incarnation. Bryan lays supine on the table and Bosconovitch holds a gun-shaped device containing sleeping gas. Bidding him sweet dreams, he injects the gas into Bryan. Throughout, he speaks in a calm and gentle tone. However, the doctor found Bryan's body too complex, and he instead installed a perpetual generator. Bryan proceeded to attack the doctor, as well as Manji Clan members who were with him. While the members were slain, Bosconovitch survived, though he was severely injured until he made his full recovery by the time of Tekken 7. In Tekken 6, he creates an android in his daughter's image, Alisa Bosconovitch. At the same time Tekken 8 begins, where he and the Manji Clan joins a rebellion via his cooperation with Violet Systems against Kazuya's tyranny, the doctor reunites with his "daughter" and fully removes the inhibitor installed in her body to let her go with her own free will.

Dr. Bosconovitch appears in Tekken Tag Tournament's mini game Tekken Bowl mode, where he can be seen in the crowd of people cheering. It is even possible to "take him out" using a bowling ball. He also appears in Tekken Hybrid where he returns again as an onlooker in the crowd of Tekken Bowl (there is also a trophy named after him called "Doctor B!" with the description being "K.O. an onlooker in Tekken Bowl" with an icon of Bryan as the picture). He returns in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 as part of a free update. Although he does not appear in person in Death by Degrees, Nina Williams' spin-off game, he is mentioned several times in journals and documents, and he has a laboratory on the Solitaria Penitentiary island, although it's abandoned. Dr. Bosconovitch was mentioned by several Tekken characters in Capcom-made crossover fighting game Street Fighter X Tekken.

Eddy Gordo


Forest Law


Forest Law (Japanese: フォレスト・ロウ, Hepburn: Foresuto Rou) is the good-natured son of Marshall Law who made his first playable appearance in the Tekken series, replacing his father in Tekken 3.[54] He hopes to follow his father's footsteps as a fighter, but Marshall forbids him to enter contests of any kind, even the King of Iron Fist Tournament.[55] However, Forest's friend and sparring partner Paul Phoenix convinces him to enter the third King of Iron Fist Tournament behind his father's back, causing a rift between Paul and Marshall. Forest is mentioned in Tekken 5 as having been hospitalized after a motorcycle accident, which becomes Marshall's motive for entering the tournament. He is playable in Tekken Tag Tournament as a replacement of his father Marshall Law and in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 as a console-exclusive character.[56]


  • Fighting style: Taekwondo
  • Portrayed by: Daren Nop (Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Live-Action Short Film)
  • Voiced by:
Chris Rickabaugh (Street Fighter X Tekken)
Todd Haberkorn (Tekken: Bloodline)
Toshiyuki Morikawa (Tekken 3 - Tekken Advance, Tekken 4 (grunts (all versions), dialogues (Japanese version), Tekken: Bloodline)[26]
Tomoaki Maeno (Street Fighter X Tekken)[51]
Lee Jong-gug (Tekken 4 (international version, dialogues))
Um Sang-hyun (Tekken 5 - onwards)

Hwoarang (Japanese: ファラン, Hepburn: Faran, Hangul: 화랑 Hwarang) was born in South Korea, a proud student of Baek Doo San and extremely proficient in the martial art of Taekwondo, Hwoarang used his skills to gamble in street fights with his other gang members. During these street fights, Hwoarang would lure his opponents in by sending his gang members to pose as weaker fighters. Once his gang members had been defeated, Hwoarang would enter and defeat his opponents to win the money at stake. One day, Hwoarang lured in an opponent by the name of Jin Kazama and they fought to a draw. This was the first time Hwoarang did not outright win a match and he immediately rushed to his master to tell him the news. Upon arriving at Baek Doo San's dojo, Hwoarang finds that his master had been apparently slain by Ogre, The God of Fighting. Hwoarang enters The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3 to defeat Jin Kazama and to seek revenge for his master, Hwoarang got to fight Jin in the later stages of the tournament but he was narrowly defeated after an hours-long fight very similar to the fight between Jin's father Kazuya Mishima and his rival Paul Phoenix in the first King of Iron Fist Tournament.

Returning to South Korea, Hwoarang was drafted into the South Korean military and was assigned to a special operations division. Although his successes in various missions were highly regarded along with his prowess at Taekwondo and combat techniques, his penchant for disobeying rules and orders gave his senior officers more than a few headaches. Hwoarang was uninterested in military life and felt a strange emptiness within him. He longingly recalled the days of hustling money in street fights and the rush he experienced from hand-to-hand combat. He often thought of one fight in particular - the fight against Jin Kazama; These longings could not be quelled by the military. One day, Hwoarang found out about the announcement of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. Hwoarang's blood stirred. He would defeat Jin, Heihachi Mishima, and anyone else who dared to challenge him to claim the Mishima Zaibatsu. Filled with excitement he hadn't felt in years, Hwoarang slipped away from the military base and headed for the Tournament.

The South Korean Army took Hwoarang into custody during the later stages of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, keeping him from his long-awaited fight with Jin Kazama. Upon his arrival at the embassy, Hwoarang is granted an official pardon by the ambassador and is given urgent military papers. Hwoarang immediately flies to South Korea to complete his training, which he completes in time to enter The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, once again hoping to get a rematch with Jin Kazama. He also had a brief reunion with his master, Baek, who he thought was killed, standing as a visitor. Hwoarang hears the details from Baek. In The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, Hwoarang faced Jin and defeated him in the later stages of the tournament. While Jin was lying on the ground, suddenly, he roars paranormally and produces a gale that blows Hwoarang away. From Jin's back, two black wings spread, and Jin stands up in his devil form. Hwoarang is at his wits end. He is not able to fight back, and soon he is knocked unconscious.

When Hwoarang wakes up, he finds himself in the hospital, and Baek is sitting besides him. He ignores his nurse and tries to move from his bed. He falls down in order to beseech Baek to make him stronger. After leaving the hospital, Hwoarang starts training with unprecedented devoutness in order to defeat the "paranormal" Jin. Thus, with the announcement of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6, he prepares for the tournament.

Hwoarang appears in Tekken 7, being one of the eighteen characters initially available in the game. In both of his and Devil Jin's endings reveals that Hwoarang temporarily lost use of his right eye after saving Jin from a grenade thrown by UN soldiers pursuing Jin. His ending takes place before Lars would rescue Jin, wherein Hwoarang finally defeats his rival's devil form, but is still left unsatisfied about killing a monster like Jin.

Hwoarang later returns in Tekken 8, where his right eye heals, and dyes his hair color back to orange six months later, as well as having reconciled his rivalry with Jin into friendly terms once again. After meeting Asuka Kazama, Jin's cousin, along with tournament finalist Lili de Rochefort, he learns that Kazuya's tournament was a set-up to lure Zafina into his trap and eventually absorb Azazel to become a true devil. He ultimately joins Jin and his allies against G Corporation.

Jin Kazama/Devil Jin/Angel Jin


Julia Chang/Jaycee


Ling Xiaoyu

  • Fighting style: Baguazhang and Piguaquan
  • Portrayed by: Claudia Alan (TTT2 "Girl Power" trailer)
    Xuan Thanh Nguyen (TTT2 live-action short film)
Carrie Keranen (TK:BV)
Carrie Savage (SFXTK)
Faye Mata (TK:Bl)
Yumi Tōma (TK3TK6, TK3D:PE, SFXTK)
Maaya Sakamoto (TK:BVTTT2, PXZ–present)

Ling Xiaoyu (Chinese: 凌曉雨; pinyin: Líng Xiǎoyǔ; Japanese: リン・シャオユウ, romanizedRin Shaoyū) is a Chinese teenager who is a friend of the series' main protagonist, Jin Kazama, as well as a potential love interest,[57] while trying to interfere with the affairs of the increasingly corrupt Mishima family. Following her debut in Tekken 3 (1997), she has appeared in every subsequent game in the series.

Design and gameplay


Ling Xiaoyu's age (sixteen) in her series debut was the result of the Tekken 3 development team wanting a younger girl in the game, as most of the game's female characters were "more than 25 years old".[58] She was created alongside protagonist Jin Kazama by Namco artist Yoshinari Mizushima after he graduated from college, with the character's design being a great surprise to the Tekken staff.[59] Her black hair is kept in pigtails throughout her series appearances, while her costumes have varied from a modified cheongsam in Tekken 6 to a kogal-style schoolgirl uniform in the 2011 animated film Tekken: Blood Vengeance.[60]

Tekken: Blood Vengeance screenwriter Dai Satō said in 2011 that he had chosen her as one of the two lead characters because he felt she "symbolize[d] the older Tekken games".[61] Katsuhiro Harada was surprised by the decision to use Xiaoyu, believing she was not that popular within the main demography. Satō had been a fan of the Tekken games and played the arcade version of the third installment as part of research. As he discussed the handling of these leads with Harada, Satō claims he wanted to use these characters since they come across as weak, something which he believes films require in order to undergo a character arc, common in coming-of-age story stories. The relationship between Xiaoyu and Alisa was compared to the ones of a buddy film. Xiaoyu was written to be relatable to the audience and balance the more supernatural elements in the process. Xiaoyu's relationship with Alisa was made so that the latter develops a "soul" as the film progresses as she is a robot.[62][63]

Xiaoyu was first voiced by Yumi Tōma in Japanese. Starting with Blood Vengeance, the role was taken by Maaya Sakamoto. The staff from Tekken was glad with this new cast.[64] Director Yoichi Mohri enjoyed Sakamoto's performance, believing her work turned Xiaoyu into a beautiful woman.[65]

Her fighting style is officially listed as "various Chinese martial arts",[43] in particular Baguazhang and Piguaquan.[66] In his 2003 book Kung Fu Cult Masters, author Leon Hunt wrote that her style "draws extensively on wushu, with graceful balletic sweeps and wide, extravagant stances—like Lei [Wulong], she is a 'shapes'-based fighter and harder to learn than the Japanese or Korean boxers."[67] according to Simon Hill of Prima Games, her "main strength lies in her speed ... she's the fastest character in Tekken 3."[68]



A sixteen-year-old Chinese martial artist,[58] Ling Xiaoyu was tutored by her elderly relative, Wang Jinrei, at a young age.[69] He believed she could achieve true greatness but was frustrated by her flippant attitude. She dreams of opening an amusement park, which Heihachi Mishima agrees to assist her with should she win the company-sponsored King of Iron Fist tournament. Xiaoyu enrolls at the Mishima Polytechnic School, where she befriends Miharu Hirano and Heihachi's grandson Jin.[70] Heihachi additionally teaches her trained giant panda to fight and thus serve as Xiaoyu's bodyguard.[71]

Xiaoyu remains a ward of the Mishima Zaibatsu during the events of Tekken 4, and enters the fourth tournament in hopes of reconnecting with Jin and uncovering the Mishima Zaibatsu's nefarious deeds.[72] She is saved from Heihachi's evil plans by Yoshimitsu, who informs her of the Mishima family's tragic history. Xiaoyu therefore takes it upon herself to try and save the Mishima family,[41] and as the fifth tournament commence. Before she can try to stop Jin, the Mishima Zaibatsu pushes towards militarization and declares a worldwide war. When the sixth tournament is announced, Xiaoyu enters in attempt to save Jin's soul from evil.[43]

After Jin's disappearance in Tekken 7, Xiaoyu infiltrates the Mishima Zaibatsu building to find Jin. Xiaoyu meets Claudio Serafino. Claudio instead led her to the roof and challenged her to a fight. Xiaoyu accepts the challenge unaware of Claudio's true plan.[73] In Tekken 8, Xiaoyu learns Claudio's true plan and rejects it, traveling the world to search Jin and join his forces to defeat Kazuya. They find fortuneteller Zafina unconscious and Kazuya sets up an ambush in Italy. Xiaoyu and Panda are entrusted to escort Jin to Yakushima to restore his devil power. Yggdrasil commander Lars Alexandersson rescues Xiaoyu and distracts Kazuya for Jin to purify his devil self. After defeating Kazuya and leaving him unconscious, Xiaoyu and Jin start a normal relationship. They celebrate their victories against G Corporation in Manhattan, New York.

Outside of the main series, Ling Xiaoyu has appeared in numerous noncanonical Tekken spinoff games, including Tekken Tag Tournament and Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Tekken Revolution, and Street Fighter X Tekken.

Critical response


Upon her debut in Tekken 3, Next Generation commented that she and fellow Tekken 3 character Julia Chang "conform to different and equally depressing 'cute schoolgirl' stereotypes",[74] while PlayStation Universe felt she was unique in the franchise due to her innocence rarely seen in other characters.[75] Kevin Wong of Complex said that "Ling Xiaoyu is what happens when you put an 8-year-old girl's mind into a 19-year-old girl's body. With her plaid-skirted school uniform, barely legal hairstyle, and butt slapping shenanigans, Ling is somehow both kawaii and creepy."[66]

Robert Workman of GameDaily named Ling Xiaoyu as one of his favorite female Asian video game characters, calling her "a joy to behold".[76] GameDaily considered her a physically strong female character.[77] MSN said of the character made the cheongsam fashionable again, and reminded the world that girls in tight clothing can still pull off some amazing fighting moves.[78] Anthony Taormina of Game Rant called Xiaoyu "not just a representative of the strong female fighters in Tekken, but in video games in general".[79]

In criticizing the plot of Tekken: Blood Vengeance, Charles Webb of MTV.com said, "Ling and Shin are simply pieces in a larger, mostly incomprehensible game being played by father and son Kazuya Mishima and Jin Kazama."[80]


  • Fighting style: Mimicry
  • Voiced by:

Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (Tekken: Blood Vengeance) (Mokujin)
Keiko Nemoto (Tekken: Blood Vengeance) (Mokujin)


Mokujin (Japanese: 木人(もくじん), "wood-person") is a training dummy made from a 2,000-year-old tree. He comes alive in the presence of great evil and it was said that he would become the world's last resort when humanity is unable to deal with them. While he appears to be mute (his "voice" is the sounds of wood-clicks), he is able to communicate with the humans using telepathy. Due to his experience as a dummy, he is able to imitate any fighting style. In Tekken 3, Mokujin is awakened when Ogre, the God of Fighting, was released. After Jin Kazama defeated True Ogre in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3, Mokujin grew lifeless once more, but he had a smile on his face.[81] In Tekken 5, with the awakening of another powerful evil entity (Jinpachi Mishima), Mokujin has come to life once more. After the defeat of Jinpachi Mishima, Mokujin again became lifeless. In Tekken 6, Mokujin again comes to life when a being of great evil and the source of Devil Gene, Azazel awakened. Other than the main series, Mokujin appears in the non-canonical game Tekken Tag Tournament and its sequel Tekken Tag Tournament 2. He also appears as one of the unplayable penultimate bosses in free-to-play game Tekken Revolution.


Tetsujin (鉄人(てつじん), lit. "iron person") first appearing in Tekken Tag Tournament. Whereas Mokujin is constructed of wood, Tetsujin is constructed of iron. Both characters use the fighting styles of the other characters, and they both switch fighting styles between each round. While Mokujin's "fighting style" is referred as "Mokujin-ken", Tetsujin's is called "Tetsujin-ken", and similarly is the only sentence written in the movelist screen. He rarely appears in subsequent games, although Mokujin can be customized to look like Tetsujin in later installments. Tetsujin also appears as one of the unplayable penultimate bosses in free-to-play game Tekken Revolution and Tekken (Mobile).


Kinjin (金人(キンじん), Kinjin, lit. "gold(en) person") is a secret unplayable boss character in free-to-play game Tekken Revolution. His design is likely based on an easter egg in the console version of Tekken Tag Tournament, where meeting certain requirements would cause Tetsujin's normally silver color to turn gold. In Tekken Revolution, he is basically Tetsujin made of gold wearing a crown, glasses, mustache, bow tie, and a cape. He is one of the Stage 7 penultimate bosses in Arcade mode, along with Mokujin, Tetsujin, Heihachi Mishima, and Jinpachi Mishima.


  • Fighting style: Kuma Shinken (Later Adopts Baguazhang in Tekken 8 as a secondary style)
  • Voiced by: Taketora (Tekken: Blood Vengeance)[13]

Panda is, as her name implies, always depicted as a giant panda with pink or orange glowing bands and a green holster wrapped around her shoulder. The holster has grass inside of it. Since her introduction, she has always been a palette swap of Kuma, and thus has the same move set as him. In Tekken Tag Tournament 2, she is separated from Kuma and is given her own slot, even though she still has the same move set as Kuma's. They have the same moves, stance, and animations (shown before and after a fight), but their endings are always, in some way, different. Their animations (shown before and after a fight) are however differentiated in Tekken Tag Tournament 2, then followed by Tekken 7 where their movesets are identical except for their Rage Arts. Starting in Tekken 8, the bears begin to differ in fighting style somewhat as their styles begin to be more influenced by their respective owners.

Panda is the pet of Ling Xiaoyu in the games since Tekken 3. Kuma is in love with Panda, but she is not interested in him romantically. Panda is cared for at Ling Xiaoyu's high school. To participate in the tournament, Ling moved to the Mishima Industrial College in Japan. Heihachi taught Panda advanced bear fighting so that she could act as a bodyguard for Xiaoyu throughout the series. It is also revealed in Tekken 8 that Panda is a skilled fashion designer and being responsible for making Xiaoyu's new outfit for this game.

Tiger Jackson


Tiger Jackson (Japanese: タイガー・ジャクソン, Hepburn: Taigā Jakuson) is a palette swap of Eddy Gordo, first appearing in Tekken 3 and returned in the non-canonical Tekken Tag Tournament and in the console version of its sequel, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, now with his own character slot. With a prominent Afro and Blaxploitation design elements, Tiger Jackson was initially one of the unused names and concepts of Eddy Gordo from during the development of Tekken 3.[82] (Gordo was also named "Rally Jackson" during development.[83]) The character's identity is unknown, although many originally interpreted him as an alter ego of Eddy. In Tekken Tag Tournament in Eddy Gordo's ending, they both can be seen as two different people. Also the Wii U version of Tekken Tag Tournament 2, which comes with a biography for each character, implies that they are different individuals as the two are "...not at all related."

Tiger also appears in the background of the Pool Party stage of Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection.[84] He is also a character in the game Pac-Man Fever.

Introduced in Tekken 4


Christie Monteiro


Combot/Super Combot DX

  • Fighting style: Mimicry (T4), Still learning (TTT2)

Combot (Japanese: コンボット, Hepburn: Konbotto) makes his lone series appearance in Tekken 4 as a general-purpose robot created by Lee Chaolan for the fourth tournament, crafted to be the ultimate fighting machine. It is programmed to learn every fighter's style as it progresses through the tournament. It was also used to increase the chance of Lee gaining the Mishima Zaibatsu if Heihachi were to be defeated by Combot. Production of the prototype was rushed, resulting in glitches such as using only one fighting style at a time while switching through them randomly. The robot utilizes some physical attributes of other characters, such as brandishing Yoshimitsu's sword or having a long tail similar to King's.

Combot is a playable training dummy in Tekken Tag Tournament 2's "Fight Lab" tutorial.[85] Lee (as his alter ego, Violet) completes work on Combot as part of his Super Combot DX Plan.[86] However, Lee is caught up in the success of his handiwork that he neglects to pay attention to the robot and it explodes. He constructs a second model and then kidnaps Heihachi, Jin, and Kazuya as test subjects until Jin destroys it.

Craig Marduk


Craig Marduk (クレイグ・マードック, Kureigu Mādokku) was an Australian undefeated Vale Tudo fighter for four years, but when he was involved in a minor scandal, his sponsors were glad to release him. He had been living around the world in such countries like New Zealand, Japan, Thailand, and Brazil before eventually expatriating to the United States. He was imprisoned in Arizona for accidentally killing someone during a bar fight. Marduk was suddenly released thanks to an anonymous benefactor. Upon his release he received a mysterious package containing a newspaper clipping regarding The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 and an airline ticket. The man that Marduk killed in the bar brawl was Armor King, and Armor King's protégé, King, was the one who paid for Marduk's release, wanting him to enter the tournament in order to find him and exact revenge for killing his mentor. The two met at the tournament, where King sufficiently defeated him, leaving Marduk hospitalized. Later, King paid a visit to Marduk in the hospital to finish him off, but instead spared him after noticing a photograph showing Marduk and his family beside Marduk's bed. Enraged over his loss, Marduk began training harder than he ever had before, and managed to turn his body into the ultimate weapon. Wearing Armor King's black jaguar mask, Marduk entered a Vale Tudo tournament and challenged King after emerging undefeated.

Upon the announcement of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, Marduk entered, knowing King would be there, he hoped to even the score. The two fought in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, but victory and defeat eluded both fighters, and, in defeat, they found friendship. While returning to the waiting room, Marduk was attacked. Catching only a glimpse of the attacker's back as he fled, Marduk could have sworn he looked exactly like the man he was convicted of killing, Armor King. Determined to learn the assailant's true identity, Marduk set out with King to participate in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 6. Marduk is later seen digging up Armor King's grave when Armor King shows up behind him, Marduk asks him who he is and suddenly King shows, they question him and he replies that he is "Armor King, nothing more nothing less." Marduk finds this situation crazy as he killed him with his own hands. The other Armor King reveals that he is original Armor King's brother and Marduk killed him, he then says he will never forgive him. They fight with both ending up in hospital and King enters The King of Iron Fist Tournament 7 in order to pay for their hospital bills. As Marduk recovers first during that tournament, he was about to finish an unconscious younger Armor King, until King stops him by reminding his redemption by King, likely because King had deja vu back in the end of Tekken 4, and thus was suggested by him to write a challenge letter themed retirement match to Armor King once he is recovered, "if Marduk wins, the young Armor King must surrender his mask out of shame, unless Armor King won to finally put Marduk to retire from fighting", as the black masked wrestler accepts.

Marduk also appears in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Tekken 3D: Prime Edition. He also appears in Capcom-made crossover fighting game Street Fighter X Tekken, with King as his official tag partner. His Swap Costume is modeled after Hugo, the character from Final Fight. It gives Marduk Hugo's hair, as well as Hugo's lower part of clothes with chains. According to the download blurb, while teaming up with Hugo, Marduk decided a slight wardrobe change was in order.

Miharu Hirano


Miharu Hirano (Japanese: 平野 美晴, Hepburn: Hirano Miharu) is Ling Xiaoyu's best friend and a student of Mishima Polytechnical High School. She first appeared as a palette swap of Xiaoyu in Tekken 4, sharing her storyline, special moves, and win animations. She wears a school uniform identical to Xiaoyu's, but has short, dark red hair. Miharu was included in the console version of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 as a free update released by Namco on October 9, 2012: in that game, Miharu has a light blue nail polish on her hands and her feet.[88] Despite her TTT2 outfit, which is similar to bikini-like clothing, she can also be customized to resemble the Tekken 4 outfit.

Steve Fox

  • Fighting style: Boxing
  • Voiced by:
Ezra J. Stanley (TK4, Western version)
Gideon Emery (TK6–present)
Masaki Terasoma (2009 live-action film); Yoshimasa Hosoya (Street Fighter X Tekken)

Steve Fox (Japanese: スティーブ・フォックス, Hepburn: Sutību Fokkusu) is a British boxer whose mother is Nina Williams and aunt is Anna Williams was impregnated via in vitro fertilization by Heihachi Mishima as one of the test subjects for Doctor Abel's cryogenic sleep studies on children like Steve in an attempt to create powerful Tekken Force soldiers. Steve was adopted in his infancy by Emma Kilesen until he grew up and was secretly sent to an orphanage to hide his true identity. This led to the Super Soldier project being cancelled, and at that time Emma resigned from G Corporation. Steve is one of the survivors and has a scar on his left arm from Abel's experiment. Many years later, Steve became a middleweight boxing champion while searching for the truth about his past. Steve enters the fourth King of Iron Fist tournament, which he loses, but learns that Nina is his actual mother.

In the fifth tournament, Steve destroys Mishima Zaibatsu's research institute, but his boxing career declines due to Jin Kazama's world war. Marshall Law and Paul Phoenix invite him to train in martial arts. Steve's left arm is hurt during training, but he remembers his experiment and good memories with Emma. He finds Nina in a chapel during her private undercover mission, as she resigned from Mishima Zaibatsu after Heihachi's return and Jin's disappearance. Nina explains to Steve about her capture by Zaibatsu and warns him not to be her son. The Tekken Forces arrive, but Steve holds off them, allowing Nina to escape. In Tekken 8, Steve and Paul join Jin Kazama's side against Kazuya Mishima's G Corporation, consisting of Nina and Marshall. Nina departs after her missions are complete, while Marshall returns to the good side after Jin's victory against Kazuya.

Steve is playable in Tekken 3D: Prime Edition, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Tekken Revolution, and Street Fighter X Tekken. His main costumes feature the red, white and blue of the Union Jack.

British actor and musician Luke Goss played Steve in the 2009 Tekken film.[89] His storyline from the games is changed to his being a retired fighter[89] with no relation to Nina and instead becoming the friend and mentor of Jin Kazama after Jin defeats Marshall in the tournament. Steve is later killed by Jackhammers while breaking Jin and other imprisoned participants out of their holding cells.

In 2012, Gelo Gonzales of FHM listed Steve and Street Fighter character Balrog as one of his "10 Awesome Fantasy Fights" for Street Fighter X Tekken: "Balrog's the aggressive, in-your-face, no-nonsense Mike Tyson type. Steve, on the other hand, is a pretty boy British boxer who likes to weave around and counter at the ideal moment."[90] Samuel Riley of GamesRadar ranked Steve fourth in his selection of the "7 baddest boxers in video games" in 2014: "Decked out in Union Jack shorts and a tasty pair of golden gloves, Steve favours punishing body strikes to the precision jab, a high stakes style that metes out as just much pain as it invites."[91]

Introduced in Tekken 5/Dark Resurrection


Asuka Kazama/Summer Asuka


Asuka Kazama (風間 飛鳥, Kazama Asuka) is a younger cousin of Jin Kazama, hailing from a branch family of the Kazama clan based at Osaka, where she was taught by her father, a dojo-master, ever since she was a small girl. By nature, Asuka believes very strongly in justice and devotes much of her free time to being a "pacifist" vigilante who is breaking up fights.[92]

At the time in which the game takes place, Asuka is 17 years old and is a high school student. Asuka returned home from school one day to find that her dojo was in shambles. The students there had been beaten severely and her father was so badly hurt that he had to be taken to the hospital. In the next several days, a detective from Hong Kong, Lei Wulong, came to her and explained that the culprit would likely be entering The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. In order to get her personal revenge and redeem her dojo, Asuka enters the tournament as well. In the tournament, Asuka managed to beat a Monegasque teenager, Lili, causing a bitter rivalry between the two (although most of the conflicts mainly start from Lili's side).

However, she was unable to find Feng Wei, and, as the tournament ended, she returned to her calm and normal life. Her life did not stay peaceful for long though, as Asuka discovered that the man responsible for the terrible war going on all over the world, Jin Kazama, is a relative. She enters The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 in order to capture Jin. However, due to Lili keeps getting in her way, an annoyed Asuka needs to take her down first in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 7.

It also reveals that Asuka's family dojo is at a brick of financial decline until she unexpectedly gets an aid from Lili, who now owns her dojo, even after she won against the noisy Rochefort heir in the seventh tournament, much to her dismay. Although her farcical shenanigans with Lili ultimately end, by the time when the news after the seventh tournament comes to light and endangers her hometown, such as the true death of Jin's grandfather and the old Mishima Zaibatsu leader, Heihachi Mishima at the hands of her said relative's father and G Corporation leader, Kazuya Mishima, whose true nature as a devil-like Jin becomes known to the public during Tekken 8.

While she, Lili, and even Jin's rival Hwoarang ultimately join Jin's side against Kazuya, Asuka finally forgives her cousin after learning the reason behind his downfall back in the sixth tournament was because of his mother's presumed death at the hands of Ogre, leaving Jin as the only known survivor of a now endangered extinct Kazama family.

Asuka has a summer version names Summer Asuka who's introduced in Tekken Mobile. Summer Asuka has the same fighting style and the same Rage Art like Asuka.

Asuka also appears in the non-canonical games Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Tekken 3D: Prime Edition and Tekken Revolution.

Emilie De Rochefort/Summer Lili

  • Fighting style: Self-Taught based on Street fighting and Gymnastics
  • Voiced by:
Joy Jacobson (Tekken 5: DR7 (battle grunts); Street Fighter X Tekken)[51]
Rina Satō (Queen's Gate: Spiral Chaos)
Asami Seto (Street Fighter X Tekken)
Ami Koshimizu (Digimon World Re:Digitize)
Laura Blanc (Tekken Tag Tournament 2 – onwards)

Emilie De Rochefort (エミリ・ド・ロシュフォール, Emiri do Roshufōru), more commonly known as Lili (リリ, Riri), hails from Monaco and is the wealthy, silver-tongued daughter of a pacifist whose primarily known for oil magnate, but also does rose herbal tea productions.[93] At the age of twelve, she was held for ransom by a group of thugs, though she managed to defeat her captors and escaped.[21] This encounter ignited within Lili a new thrill for combat, much to her father's chagrin, as he desires her to embrace a refined and proper lifestyle. Undeterred, she uses her family's private jet to travel abroad and compete in numerous street fighting competitions.[21] Four years later, she is invited by an unnamed individual to compete in the fifth King of Iron Fist tournament. Lili discovers, however, that the tournament is hosted by none other than the Mishima Zaibatsu, a corporation which has troubled her father in the past.

Determined to win for her father,[93] Lili participates in the tournament, only to be defeated by Asuka Kazama, cousin of Mishima Zaibatsu CEO Jin Kazama. Lili's father learns of her dangerous escapades and confines her to the family home as punishment. However, when Mishima Zaibatsu seizes their oil fields, safe for the tea productions,[21] Lili disregards her father's pacifist stance and enters the sixth tournament to reclaim their property.[21] She plots to infiltrate the Mishima Zaibatsu and track down Jin, but is stopped by Lars Alexandersson and Alisa Bosconovitch. Gracious in defeat, she gifts them a sport utility vehicle, previously received as a birthday present, and requests them to defeat Jin for her.

In Tekken 7, Lili enters the seventh tournament, this time to confront Asuka. Nevertheless, she is bested once more by her rival. Tekken 8 later reveals that Lili bought ownership of Asuka's father's dojo in Osaka after learning it was facing bankruptcy, and has moved in with Asuka. At some point, Lili adopts a Siamese cat named Salt. After six months, Lili somehow stumbles into the Kazama family tree by looking into Asuka's family and learns how Jin's tragic life started, leading Lili and the rest of the heroic fighters who oppose Kazuya to join Jin's side. During the tournament, she found herself a new rivalry with a famous MMA coffee farmer Azucena over their superiority views between their drinking productions.

Lili is also selectable in the non-canon games Tekken Tag Tournament 2; the crossover title Street Fighter X Tekken with Asuka as her official tag partner; and the 2013 free-to-play game Tekken Revolution exclusive to the PlayStation 3.[94]

Lili has a summer version names Summer Lili who's introduced in Tekken Mobile. Summer Lili has the same fighting style and the same Rage Art like Lili.

Outside of the Tekken series, Lili is selectable in the roleplaying games Queen's Gate: Spiral Chaos[95] and Digimon World Re:Digitize, the latter as a guest character who uses her trained Numemon, Monzaemon and Lillithmon to fight other players.[96] She is additionally the central character of Queen's Gate Lili, part of the Japan-exclusive Queen's Gate gamebook series.[97]

Feng Wei

  • Fighting style: "God Fist" Style Chinese Kenpo
  • Voiced by: Hiroshi Tsuchida (grunts [TK5 - TK7]); Chuan Yin Li

Feng Wei (Japanese: 馮 威(フェン・ウェイ), Hepburn: Fen Wei, pinyin: Féng Wēi) was raised as a disciple of the God Fist style (神拳 Shinken, based on tai chi). Though he was the top student, Feng killed his master, Wu Zihao after he was scolded for fighting outside the dojo. Feng seeks the secrets of the God Fist scrolls that were stolen by the Mishima family, leading to his competing in the fifth King of Iron Fist Tournament and his destruction of Asuka Kazama's dojo in the process of his search.[98] and he is ultimately successful in retrieving the scrolls.

It was later revealed that the scrolls did not contain any secret technique but rather an old teaching: "He who destroys all other fighting styles and makes them his own shall become a warrior superior to all men, the Dragon God." Feng then traveled all around the world and defeated many martial artists until he heard rumors of another King of Iron Fist Tournament, which persuades him to join said tournament. He was defeated by Wang Jinrei in the later stages of the tournament, despite first thinking that Feng is arrogant due him not responding when spoken to, Wang starts to respect him after he accepts defeat, and urges him to continue his training. Feng has featured regularly in the series since his Tekken 5 debut. His opponent in the during Tekken 7 originally Marshall Law, until Leroy interrupts and defeats him for lacking a human heart, which Wu Zihao inherited. Deeming it as humility, Feng vows revenge towards an American Wing Chun grandmaster, and ultimately side with G Corporation, just as Leroy becoming one of the rebels.

Jinpachi Mishima

  • Fighting style: Mishima Style Fighting Karate (infused with an unidentified demonic power)
  • Voiced by: Chikao Otsuka and Takeshi Aono

Jinpachi Mishima (Japanese: 三島 仁八, Hepburn: Mishima Jinpachi) was the original founder of the Mishima Zaibatsu and the father of Heihachi, father-in-law of Kazumi Mishima, paternal grandfather of Kazuya, Lars Alexandersson and Reina, adoptive paternal grandfather of Lee Chaolan and paternal great-grandfather of Jin Kazama. Unlike most Mishima (who were ruthless and power hungry), Jinpachi was a man of honor and wisdom as he showed compassion to his grandson Kazuya when the latter was a child (this is possibly another reason Heihachi resented Jinpachi so much) and was friends with Wang Jinrei. However, Jinpachi's life took a turn for the worse when the greedy Heihachi staged a coup d'état and stole the company from him. Jinpachi attempted to retake the company when Heihachi entered the military industry (possibly sometime after the death of his daughter-in-law Kazumi Mishima during the same year), but failed and was imprisoned underneath a Mishima compound, Hon-Maru. He died due to starvation after some years. Before his debut, Jinpachi never makes an appearance, although his existence is hinted multiple times, as his friend, Wang's participation in the second tournament is motivated by Jinpachi's wish, and his gravestone is also shown in Wang's ending in Tekken 2.

In Tekken 5, having been resurrected and taken over by a demon as well as granted incredible supernatural powers, Jinpachi breaks out of Hon-Maru when the temple is destroyed during a battle between Heihachi, Kazuya and an army of Jack-4s sent to kill Heihachi in which the Jacks explode, pulverizing the Hon-Maru and freeing Jinpachi from his underground prison. With the news of Heihachi's apparent demise, Jinpachi takes over the company from behind the scenes and organizes the fifth King of Iron Fist Tournament under the orders of the demon, that told him to destroy the world and seek out the souls of the strong, even though he wanted to refuse this command, he obeyed due to lack of energy.[99]

In the tournament finals, Jinpachi is confronted by his great-grandson, Jin who defeats him and puts him to rest at last. Though not playable, Jinpachi briefly appears in the Scenario Campaign prologue of Tekken 6, which retells the events from previous games in a comic book-style format, and he is also mentioned in the prologues and epilogues of several characters in recent mainline games, such as Jin and Wang.

He returns in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 as a playable character and as one of the Stage 7 sub-bosses, alongside Heihachi. He reprises his role as one of the unplayable Stage 7 sub-bosses in Tekken Revolution. In Street Fighter X Tekken, Dhalsim's Swap Costume is based on Jinpachi's appearance.


D. C. Douglas (TK5:DRTTT2 [cutscenes and dialogues], TK8 [dialogues and grunts], Street Fighter X Tekken)
Kenji Sugimura (2009 live-action film)
Kenichirou Matsuda (Street Fighter X Tekken)

Raven (Japanese: レイヴン, Hepburn: Reivun) is an international intelligence agent for United Nations who sports a distinctive X-shaped scar across his face. He enters the fifth tournament to seek out those responsible for the event, and witnesses an attack on Hon-Maru by G Corporation's Jack-4 foot soldiers while on a mission to look into the company and Mishima Zaibatsu, as the conglomerates are warring with each other. During the tournament, he crosses paths with Kazuya Mishima, who he recognizes after seeing him flying away from the Hon-Maru. He loses to Kazuya and is interrogated by him. Afterwards Kazuya discovers that he was betrayed by G Corporation, and that something was awakened from under Hon-Maru. Kazuya realizes what Heihachi has done, and speculates that, in fact, it is his grandfather Jinpachi Mishima, who is somehow controlling the Zaibatsu now. Sometime after the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, Raven encounters Heihachi Mishima, who was presumed to be dead, they began to fight. Before a winner could be decided, Raven received orders to return to headquarters, and he had to withdraw from the battle.

After that encounter, Raven was then sent to investigate the Mishima Zaibatsu once again via the sixth tournament. Raven is a featured character in Tekken 6's "Scenario Campaign" story mode, first appearing as an enemy boss defeated by Lars Alexandersson and Alisa Bosconovitch. He later helps Alisa and Lars escape from a rampaging NANCY robot, then Lars’ last journeys after Alisa was revealed to be Jin's monitor to spy on Lars. It is also revealed he is in a contact with Lars’ friend Tougou, entrusted him his tag give it to Lars as a remembrance, Tougou died in battle. After Jin reveal his main reason on starting a world war, and apparently sacrifice himself to destroy Azazel, Raven and his men found Jin's comatose body, and begin to carry him to the UN via chopper.

Unfortunately during Tekken 7 event, shortly after Raven ordered his team to carry Jin's body while he return to the base to be retrained under Master Raven's orders, his men lost the boy, due to the latter's Devil Gene went haywire and took over his body, until Hwoarang defeated Jin's devil, while Lars is able to secure Jin. Once the training is complete when Heihachi's true death comes into light, he returns in Tekken 8 at the same event where Kazuya reign supreme and reveal himself as a Devil to public. While properly confirming Heihachi's permanent death to his superior, Admiral Victor Chevalier, Raven is the one who suggests to reconcile their alliance with Lars' army, Yggdrasil, and ultimately allows United Nations to clear Jin's name.

He appears with Yoshimitsu as a playable unit in Street Fighter X Tekken.

Raven was portrayed by Darrin Henson in the 2009 live-action film Tekken.[100] He defeats Eddy Gordo in the tournament and offers advice to Jin Kazama before the latter's fight with Bryan Fury.

Sergei Dragunov/Halloween Dragunov


Sergei Dragunov (Japanese: セルゲイ・ドラグノフ, Hepburn: Serugei Doragunofu, Russian: Сергей Драгунов) is a Russian Spetsnaz soldier who practices Sambo and is nicknamed "White Angel of Death" (or "White Reaper" for short) due to his fighting prowess. In personal normal life, Dragunov has a hobby on building toy model kits. While investigating a mysterious body found in Siberia, Dragunov receives special orders from an unknown party supposedly regarding Devil Jin and enters the fifth tournament to carry them out, but Tekken 6 reveals that his mission is unsuccessful because he was defeated by Raven in the early stages of the tournament. As a result of the ongoing world war caused by Jin, now the new owner of the Mishima Zaibatsu, Dragunov competes in the sixth King of Iron Fist Tournament to capture Jin and bring down the organization. Because of the long grudges between his country's military regiment and United Nations, Dragunov has a long history with UN's Raven Unit, and he is the one who inflicted Raven a facial scar. Save for battle grunts, the character has no dialogue in any of his in-game appearances. Although Dragunov can speak, but only seen in most gameplay of Tekken 6 Scenario Campaign.[103] He will return in Tekken 8, where he was allowed to leave a normal life a first time when the seventh tournament was cancelled, prior to his return in the eight tournament where Kazuya reveal himself as a devil to the world and even recruit Dragunov to join his rank, despite Dragunov's dismay.

Dragunov has a Halloween version named Halloween Dragunov who's introduced in Tekken Mobile. Halloween Dragunov has the same fighting style and the same Rage Art like Dragunov.

Dragunov is portrayed by martial artist and actor Anton Kasabov In the 2009 live-action Tekken film, in which he has no dialogue. He participates in the Iron Fist tournament and is killed in battle by Bryan Fury.

Introduced in Tekken 6/Bloodline Rebellion


Alisa Bosconovitch

  • Fighting style: High Mobility Combat with Unique Thruster
  • Voiced by:

Cristina Vee (Tekken: Blood Vengeance)
Michele Knotz (SFXT)
Yuki Matsuoka

Alisa Bosconovitch (Japanese: アリサ・ボスコノビッチ, Hepburn: Arisa Bosukanobitchi) was created to protect Jin Kazama and serves him through her travels. Alisa is placed in a starring role in the console-only Scenario Campaign mode in Tekken 6. After being activated following a botched raid on a Mishima Zaibatsu lab,[104] she joins Lars Alexandersson in his pursuit of his lost memories (which occur as a result of the events at the lab).[105] She is controlled by the CPU in this mode (unless the player chooses to play as Alisa herself, at which point CPU control is given to Lars). Alisa helps Lars (or whoever the player has chosen to use in Scenario Campaign) battle the waves of enemies and has an AI system that grows as she participates in battle. She keeps a journal which she constantly updates with entries regarding the events of her journey with Lars, as well as her own personal opinion about them. It is later revealed that she is actually an android in the employ of Jin, to which she has been serving as a way for Jin to observe what has been happening in the world at large. She is commanded by Jin to disable safe mode (including her personality and behavior inhibition programming) and attack Lars.[106] After a stalemate battle with Lars, she leaves for the desert to join Jin. When Lars arrives, she attacks him again where this time she is ultimately defeated and shuts down. Lars rescues her body and takes her to a robotics corporation (run by Lee Chaolan) where she can be revived and has the inhibitor programed removed.[107] Although the scenario campaign was removed from PlayStation Portable's port, the developers added background information for the character.[108]

In Tekken 7, though Lee managed to fully repair her and remove the inhibitor program, Alisa suffers a memory loss and attacks him in self-defense upon rebooting. Upon losing, Alisa remembers who Lee is, though questions why she is at Violet Systems. Lee then uses his technology to restore Alisa's memory, which then gives her the desire to find Lars. Before Lee can take her to Lars though, Violet Systems is attacked by the Tekken Force. Lee and Alisa fight them off and flee to another of Lee's facilities, where Lars had been waiting. Alisa happily jumps on Lars in excitement, though the Tekken Force attack again, searching for Jin's body. Alisa assists Lars and Lee in fighting off the Tekken force but Alisa is stopped by Nina Williams who stalls Alisa long enough for a Tekken Force helicopter to capture Jin. However, it turns out that Alisa takes part of Lee's plan to distract Nina and Tekken Force and trap them inside the now evacuated Yggdrasil base, thought Nina survive the explosion and decide to let Jin go with Yggdrasil, where will be fully recovered. Following Heihachi’s ultimate death at the hands of Kazuya, who now publicly reveals himself as a devil like Jin, Alisa analyzes the worst outcome, as G Corporation begin their world war mongering regime in Tekken 8. During said eighth game, six months later, now a captain of Yggdrasil, she finally reunites with her "father" and creator, Dr. Bosconovitch, who is with his acquaintance, the Manji Clan leader Yoshimitsu to join the rebellion via Violet Systems, and already made a decision to let his "daughter" go with free will. A week after Jin unable to access his devil's power at will from his recent fight against Kazuya in New York, Alisa is enlisted to keep an eye on Jin's condition and originally going to be assigned to replace his participation at the tournament qualification, before honoring Jin's wish to participate. After gaining alliances from UN, Sirius and other tournament fighters who opposes Kazuya, Alisa serves as a navigator, while participating a war against G Corporation at Yakushima.[109]

Other than the main games of the series, Alisa also appears in the portable game Tekken 3D: Prime Edition as well as the non-canon Tekken Tag Tournament 2, in which her ending (as well as other character's) reinforces her friendship with Ling Xiaoyu first shown in the animated CGI film Tekken: Blood Vengeance. Outside of the Tekken series, she is a playable character in Street Fighter X Tekken as downloadable content, alongside her official tag partner, Lars. She appears as an assist unit in Project X Zone, alongside fellow Tekken characters Jin, Xiaoyu, and a younger Heihachi Mishima. She appears as an unlockable character in the free-to-play game, Tekken Revolution.[110]

Alisa appears as one of the main characters in the 2011 CGI film Tekken: Blood Vengeance. She is a student in the Kyoto International School and befriends Ling Xiaoyu but hides the fact that she is a robot. She acts upon the orders of Jin to find Shin Kamiya along with Xiaoyu under the forced orders of Anna Williams. After Xiaoyu saves her from an ambush attack from Anna, she joins Xiaoyu in finding the truth about the M-cell experiments done on Shin. Throughout the film, she starts to develop a sense of humanity in which she would often hesitate even under her normal protocol commands and her fondness with her friendship with Xiaoyu. During the final battle between Heihachi Mishima and Devil Jin, a severely damaged Alisa sacrifices herself by distracting Heihachi with a blast allowing Jin to defeat him. In the end Jin reverses her standby mode and end credits show her fully restored and discussing how she and Xiaoyu should enter the Tekken tournament. Alisa appears in the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 live-action short film portrayed by Amandine Desprez.[111]

Alisa appears in Tekken Comic, a manga based on Tekken 6. A live-action Alisa, portrayed by Michelle Ballee, also appears in the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Girl Power Trailer, shown at Comic-Con in 2012.[112] In 2012, Kotobukiya released an Alisa Bosconovitch action figure as part of their Tekken Tag Tournament 2 toyline.[113]

1UP.com commented that Alisa is sexy, cute and has a bubbly personality and stated that she's "the coolest new Tekken character to emerge in years," praising her chainsaws and head bomb.[114] In 2012, she was listed as one of the most "ridiculous" Tekken characters by Game Informer, who said "Why is a stupid robot fairy in a fighting game? I don't think even Namco Bandai knows the answer to that".[115]


  • Fighting style: Unknown
  • Voiced by: Richard Epcar (story mode, TK6)

Azazel (Japanese: アザゼル, Hepburn: Azazeru) is the main antagonist of Tekken 6, and later an overreaching antagonist of the series. It is the originator of the Devil Gene, destined to be unleashed from its tomb following the clash of the two "evil stars" (Jin Kazama and Kazuya Mishima), as well as a long-standing enemy of both the Kazama and Mishima clans. The Hachijo clan, ancestors of Jin and Kazuya through Heihachi's wife, Kazumi, traces their lineage back to an ancient pact made with Azazel, thus implicating it in the ongoing conflicts of the Mishima family and the involvement of guest character Akuma. Azazel is the physical embodiment of the devil curse bestowed upon individuals by its influence. However, many of its servants' descendants seek to harness their devil powers for personal gain.

Azazel is a large bipedal bird-like creature with blue-gray skin, a spiked tail, and huge crystalline spikes protruding from its forearms, adorned with ceremonial attire inspired by Egyptian mythology and culture. Its offensive attacks range from summoning crystal stalagmites from the ground to unleashing scarab beetles upon his opponents. Azazel appears in the final stage of Tekken 6's story mode, brought forth by Jin to defeat and ultimately end his own life in the process. Initially believed to have been defeated by Lars Alexandersson and Raven, Jin reveals that only someone carrying the Devil Gene can permanently vanquish Azazel. Jin then unleashes his devil form, rendering him immune to Azazel's assaults, and delivers the fatal blow by driving his fist through Azazel's chest.

Despite losing its physical form, Azazel's soul remains and is sealed by Zafina into her orb, albeit at the cost of her left arm being cursed with its power. The longer its soul remains suppressed, however, the more powerful it becomes, posing the threat of its revival, unless Kazuya's impending clash with Jin is halted. In the events of Tekken 7, Zafina seeks Claudio Serafino to prevent Azazel's return. Meanwhile, Kazuya's growing tyranny strengthens Azazel’s regeneration; Jin’s devil remains unpurified, leading to the events of Tekken 8, wherein Zafina and her allies must aid Jin. Though Jin manages to free himself from Azazel's influence, he loses access to his Devil Gene, which has represented half of his soul since birth. Kazuya then announces the eighth King of Iron Fist Tournament to lure Zafina out, after storing enough dark energy dark energy manifested from the turmoil within the coliseum during the tournament finals to temporarily revive Azazel's physical form, later achieving his goal of absorbing Azazel's essence. After Jin successfully purifies his and Kazuya's devils and undergoes a transformation into Angel Jin, he eradicates Azazel for good. The Devil Gene, however, lives on through Heihachi's illegitimate daughter, Reina.

Azazel has garnered critical reception for his difficulty as a final boss. Lucas Sullivan of GamesRadar included him in his 2014 selection of twelve "unfair" fighting-game bosses, remarking, "Hated that mutated old guy [Tekken 5 boss Jinpachi], huh? Here, have a fire-breathing crystal dragon that's as tall as the screen."[116] Rick Marshall of MTV noted in 2009, "As far as boss battles go, Azazel is the most difficult the franchise has ever offered—even on 'Easy' mode."[117] Stephen Nadee of WhatCulture ranked Azazel as the number-one "worst" fighting-game boss in 2013, stating, "Understanding the game mechanics mean almost nothing when it comes to fighting Azazel particularly when he has his advantage in defense, his moves are fairly difficult to sidestep, and can counter-attack through his own blocking."[118] Eric Neigher of GameSpy criticized Azazel in his 2009 review of Tekken 6's PlayStation Portable release: "Azazel, Tekken 6's official nemesis, is perhaps the most badly designed, frustrating to play against, and overall worst boss ever."[119]

Lars Alexandersson


Leo Kliesen


Miguel Caballero Rojo

  • Fighting style: Untrained Brawling
  • Voiced by:
Héctor Garay (TTT2–present [dialogues in TTT2 - TK7])
Daichi Endō (2009 live-action film)

At the age of fifteen, Spanish brawler[120] Miguel Caballero Rojo (Japanese: ミゲル・カバジェロ・ロホ, Hepburn: Migeru Kabajero Roho) was kicked out of the house by his parents for constantly fighting. He ran away and sought sanctuary inside a bar, where his sister, with whom he was extremely close, would visit him in secret. However, she is later killed on her wedding day after a group of Mishima Zaibatsu fighter jets launch an airstrike on the church where the ceremony was being held.[121] Miguel's investigation leads to the sixth tournament in order to seek answers from the corporation's CEO, Jin Kazama. Unfortunately, Jin suddenly disappeared, Miguel's life purpose to kill him also disappears. From that point forward, Miguel began to wander like a living specter from battle-torn town to another. Until one day, he is confronted by now ex-Zaibatsu leader Jin, with Miguel's purpose to kill him rise again. However, Jin held back and let Miguel finish, but Miguel refuse and spared, telling Jin that he will kill him once Jin has found hope without dying earlier yet. His early appearances resemble that of a bullfighter, but his design was simplified in Tekken 7 to an open red shirt and green combat trousers.[121] He has no formal training in the martial arts, a power type whose fighting style is brawling-based street fighting. In Tekken 7, Miguel's 'Rage art' is somewhat unique in that the camera switches to a first person perspective from the opponents point of view, giving Miguel's violent beat down a particularly brutal feel.

Miguel has a minor role in the 2009 Tekken live-action film, and was played by Roger Huerta. He is defeated in the tournament by Jin.


  • Voiced by: None

NANCY-MI847J is a massive robotic security unit under the command of Jin Kazama. It is very difficult to destroy and possesses an arsenal of missiles and lasers. NANCY only appears in Tekken 6's arcade mode and "Time Attack" Mode as a bonus round battle before the player fights Jin. In the story mode, the robot is controllable in one level when the player attempts infiltration of G Corporation's headquarters. NANCY is the very first character that utilizes Wall Bound, which soon applied in Tekken 7, starting from guest character Geese Howard in Season 1, then all characters as of Season 2.

Steve West of CinemaBlend said about the character's fighting style: "NANCY doesn't react like a typical Tekken opponent. Rather than block your puny attempts to damage it, the robot will simply attack you whenever it feels like it."[122] Dale North of Destructoid commented in 2008: "Where do [Namco] get these [character] names? Bob and Nancy? That sounds like a Middle-American suburban couple."[123]

Robert Richards/Slim Bob/Summer Bob


Making his debut in Tekken 6, Robert Richards (Japanese: ロバート・リチャーズ, Hepburn: Robāto Richāzu),[124] better known as Bob, is an American martial artist who has participated in numerous fighting competitions. Despite his skill, he struggled against larger opponents, and to equal their power, he intentionally gained weight to the point of morbid obesity while retaining his previous agility. Bob then entered the sixth tournament to prove his doubters wrong. A thin and younger version of the character, called "Slim Bob," was made available as downloadable content in Tekken Tag Team Tournament 2. Bob was later added to the roster in the 2016 update of Tekken 7.[125] In Tekken Mobile, a summer-themed variant called "Summer Bob," was introduced, featuring the same fighting style and rage art as the original Bob.

Reception to the character is varied due to his design. Robert Workman of GameDaily ranked Bob the tenth "ugliest game character" in 2008, noting, "If the bright red shirt covering the gigantic frame isn't insulting enough, he also has a bleach blonde mop on his head."[126] In 2010, GamesRadar discussed a hypothetical matchup between Bob and Street Fighter's Rufus for Street Fighter X Tekken, commenting, "How two totally different companies [Namco and Capcom] decided they both needed speedy fat asses in their games at exactly the same time is something of a mystery, though ... we feel there's room for both of them."[127] Complex included Bob among the "25 Most Badass Fat Guys in Games" in 2011.[128] Jeff Marchiafava of Game Informer criticized Bob in 2012, describing him as one of the most "ridiculous" Tekken characters: "Bob is from America. Bob is also morbidly obese. That's pretty much all the thought Namco put into Bob."[129]



Zafina (Japanese: ザフィーナ, Hepburn: Zafīna) (زافينا) is a Middle Eastern woman who is likely of Egyptian descent.[131] Born into an ancient bloodline of evil-dispellers, she possesses spiritual powers and was raised to be a warrior of her clan. Zafina guards a sealed royal tomb that is said to keep her clan prosperous and has successfully thwarted all infiltration attempts. She prophesies the clash of two "evil stars" — Jin Kazama and Kazuya Mishima — that would spell the end of the world. Thus, Zafina sets out for the Far East, where Jin and Kazuya are to meet. In Tekken 6's "Scenario Campaign" story mode, Zafina allies herself with Lars Alexandersson and Raven against the Tekken Force, and gives them the location of Azazel's Temple. Zafina also uses her spiritual gifts as an astrologist in addition to her primary duties.

In Tekken 7, Zafina dons a new design and has gained possession of Azazel's Orb (as seen in Devil Jin's Tekken 6 ending), granting her demonic powers. She seeks Claudio Serafino to help suppress the seal on Azazel's essence to prevent its return. Upon arriving at Duomo di Sirio, however, Zafina collapses in front of Claudio and Ling Xiaoyu, who tend to her and reinforce the seal on Azazel. In Tekken 8, Zafina and her allies must aid Jin not only in defeating Kazuya but also in purifying his dormant devil and rebirthing as a "star of hope". Kazuya later initiates the eighth tournament in Italy to lure Zafina out and absorb Azazel's essence. Kazuya achieves his goal, and before Zafina loses consciousness and is safely escorted, she advises Jin to return to Yakushima to purify his and Kazuya's devils and eradicate Azazel for good. Following the defeats of both Kazuya and Azazel, Zafina recovers and returns to the Middle East, where she is visited by Claudio.

Introduced in Tekken Tag Tournament 2



  • Fighting style: Self-Taught (based on Lili's fighting style)
  • Voiced by:
Serge Bourrier (TTT2)
Hirohiko Kakegawa (Digimon World Re:Digitize)[132]

Sebastian (セバスチャン, Sebasuchan) is Lili's butler who made his debut as a playable character in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 as part of a free update on October 9, 2012.[88] He previously appeared as an unplayable character in Lili's Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection and Tekken 6 endings. Sebastian also appears alongside Lili in the game Digimon World Re:Digitize with his trained Angemon.[133]

Sebastian utilizes Lili's moveset, sharing many of her moves including the ones from Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection that were removed in the current releases.[134]

Introduced in Tekken Revolution



  • Fighting style: Unknown

Eliza (エリザ, Eriza) is a vampire who made her debut in the free-to-play spin-off Tekken Revolution. She was one of the ten character choices in a poll to determine the new character addition for the game; she was eventually voted number one most wanted character, ahead of Sexy Tekken Force Member and Shin Kamiya at San Diego Comic-Con in 2013, ensuring her inclusion to the game.[135] According to her backstory, Eliza is a powerful and immortal vampire who had existed since more than 1000 years ago. One day after escaping from one of the members of ancient time's Sirius organization, whom Claudio Serafino descendant to, with the intention of taking a nap inside her coffin, she accidentally fell into a deep sleep for hundreds of years. In present-day Monaco, the Rochefort family built a mansion above her coffin, thus imprisoning her, which was also meant for her shelter from being chased by each descendant of the ancient time's Sirius members. She eventually woke up and managed to escape recently and plan an exact revenge on the present day Sirius organization. Eliza still has difficulty in controlling her sleep and will fall asleep even in the middle of fights; however, she can potentially recover her health while doing so.

Tekken 7 is her main series playable debut, where she utilizes a similar playstyle to Akuma from Street Fighter, such as having 2D-area fighting game mechanics like jumping attacks and special cancels, and Street Fighter-styled Super meter, referred to as a "Blood" gauge. Her sleeping mechanic has also been reworked, allowing her to build her "Blood" gauge rather than recovering health.

Eliza's fighting style incorporates several supernatural moves (such as teleportation). She can also shoot a grounded energy wave that goes straight, although unlike Jinpachi's fireball, it is blockable.

Introduced in Tekken 7/Fated Retribution


Claudio Serafino

  • Fighting style: Sirius-Style Exorcism Sorcery
  • Voiced by:
Diego Baldoin[136]
Kohsuke Toriumi (Pachi-Slot T4)[137]

Claudio Serafino (Japanese: クラウディオ・セラフィーノ, Hepburn: Kuraudio Serafīno) is a white-clad man hailing from Italy. He is a leader of a secret Anti-Devil organization in combating the Devil Gene's threat, known as Archers of Sirius. Empowered with his family’s Sirius magic, the Starburst, he has tattoos around his left eye and black tapes covering his right arm, which can project and shoot blue flame-based spells during battles and serves as a limiter to unleash his power’s full potential like additional yellow flame, at cost of half of his lifeforce. He is one of the playable characters in the first location tests of Tekken 7.[138] During an interview with Harada, it was said that Claudio was created to counter the Devil Gene's reign, thus would play an important role in the game.[139]

The reason behind his organization's secret from the public and a sudden disclosure is not yet known at this point. Some time later, Claudio's organization was approached by the Mishima Zaibatsu, led by Heihachi Mishima, to join their conglomerate. However, the archers refused and the Mishima Zaibatsu continues to attempt to persuade them. Having noticed some suspicious acts by Heihachi and his Zaibatsu, Claudio was prompted to investigate the reasons behind the Mishima Zaibatsu's persuasion, even though his uneasy service with Heihachi is temporary, which ultimately cause him to lose his followers. During his alliance with the Mishima Zaibatsu, he met Ling Xiaoyu. After learning about her connection to Jin Kazama, Claudio initially planned to use her as bait to capture Jin, but ultimately change his mind at her behest, now with a sole aim on the greatest threat, Kazuya, and would have no choice to kill Jin if the latter completely succumb to his Devil half. He later gains assistance from a fortune teller, Zafina, who is currently cursed by an orb of a fully weakened Azazel, in order to prevent the monster's full return through stopping a continued war between Jin and particularly Kazuya after the latter killed Heihachi in their last fight.

Claudio returns as a playable character in Tekken 8, where he and his team consists Zafina, Xiaoyu and her pet, Panda joins Jin’s hero side against G Corporation’s tyranny, after learning Jin's true intention from Zafina. While Claudio and his allies are too late to learn that Kazuya set up the tournament to ambush Zafina and absorb Azazel from her to become a true Devil, Claudio leads a distraction team of fighters to temporarily weaken Kazuya at cost of his own live, to ensure Jin return to Yakushima, and purify his devil and reborn as an angel of hope.[140]


  • Fighting style: Muay Thai
  • Voiced by: Aphichat Samutsiri (Thai: อภิชาติ สมุทคีรี)[141]

Fahkumram (ファーカムラム, Fākamuramu, Thai: ฟ้าคำราม) is a very tall, tattooed, strong and muscular man from Thailand. He is a legendary Muay Thai champion and the national hero of Thailand. The scars he received were a result from being stricken by lightning at age 12, with Fahkumram somehow surviving and obtaining superhuman abilities, as well as growing over two meters tall. He eventually becomes a champion at the age of 18 and grows into an honorable family man who cares for his family, including his daughter who looks up to him. Unfortunately, at the age of 24, his life was to take a dramatic turn for the worse. Corrupt officials attempt to lure and use Fahkumram as a slave for their illegal activities, even taking his family hostage after Fahkumram is falsely arrested for defending himself against and killing his would-be assassins (who also rigged his last official match). These events cause him to become more cynical and deluded by his country's corruptions. When the war between the Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation occurs four years later, the corrupt government dispatches Fahkumram primarily to eliminate the Zaibatsu by enlisting him for the seventh King of Iron Fist Tournament; Fahkumram hopes to use this as an opportunity to save his family, he should win liberty once and for all.

  • Стиль боя: разрушительный импульс

Gigas ( ギガース , Gigās ) -это гигантский, красного гуманоида, который, кажется, имеет кибернетику, прикрепленную к его иначе обнаженным телом. Он был одним из персонажей, чье существование было просочилось, прежде чем его официально обнаружили как второй новый персонаж, добавленный после запуска Tekken 7 . Было выявлено Гигас, созданная исследовательской группой в разработке биотехнологического оружия. Гигас был отправлен в турнир, чтобы проверить его боевые возможности. Это намекается как на его собственные, так и в окончаниях Катарины, что он может быть приемным отцом Катарины Алвес, который похищен G Corp и мутировал в Гигас.

Джози Ризал

[ редактировать ]

Джози Ризал ( ジョシー・リサール , Джоши Ришару ) - молодая женщина из Филиппин. Она носит желтый топ, синюю мини-юбку и аксессуар для волос, похожий на ушной кролика. Она была большой плач с юных лет, в отличие от ее родителей, которые были поклонниками боевых искусств. Они настаивали на том, что она также тренируется в боевых искусствах, которые она изначально отказывается, но в конечном итоге она неохотно соглашается с ожиданиями своих родителей. Тем не менее, она не может преодолеть свою крикубийную природу, пока она проходит тренировку по кикбоксингу.

После того, как Джози стала более привычной к ее обучению, она стала профессиональным кикбоксером и моделью, которая поможет в обретении финансов своей семьи, пока большой тайфун не поразил их дом. Когда Мисима Зайбацу посылает силу Tekken, чтобы дать помощь жертвам тайфуна в ее разоренной стране, Джози стремится стать членом Сиккенской силы. В конце концов она решает присоединиться к силе Tekken, сдав экзамен на занятость во время турнира King of Iron Fist 7 . К сожалению, ее противник на выпускном экзамене на самом деле является офицером Tekken Force Mare по имени Кума . Тем не менее, несмотря на то, что другие участники вышли из экзаменов из -за Кумы, у Джози нет возможности сражаться с ним, чтобы завершить ее квалификацию в Tekken Force.

Джози была спроектирована дизайнером персонажей Мари Шимазаки, известной своей работой в серии Bayonetta . [ 142 ] Персонаж был создан в ответ на растущую популярность сериала на Филиппинах . [ 143 ]

Катарина Алвес

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Катарина Алвес ( カタリーナ・アウヴェス , Катарина Аувесу ) - бразильская женщина, которая практикует искусство Сэката . Она описывается как «нахальный, ртутный говорящий», а также персонаж для начинающих, с простыми струнами для выполнения комбо. Наряду с Клаудио, она является одним из персонажей, доступных в первых тестах местоположения Tekken 7 . [ 138 ]

В настоящее время она ищет своего пропавшего усыновляющего отца, который, как оказалось, является промытым монстром G Corporation, известного как Гигас, как видно на финале ее и Гигаса.

Катарина, кажется, очень уверена в своих способностях как боец; Наряду с ее дерзким отношением, ее боевая поза полностью опустилась (вопреки традиционной пробатовской позиции), и ее поза полностью расслаблена.

Казуми Мишима/Дьявол Казуми

[ редактировать ]
  • Стиль борьбы: каратэ в стиле Hachijo, смешанный с каратэ в стиле мишимы
  • Озвучен: Yumi Hara

Казуми Мишима ( 三島 一美 , Мишима Казуми ) , урожденная Хачиджо ( 八条 ) , женат на Хейхачи матери Казуя и Джин Казама. Она служит последним боссом в аркадном режиме Tekken 7 [ 144 ] но в конечном итоге был заменен акумой, когда были выполнены определенные условия. До Tekken 7 она была только дважды упоминать: один раз на сцене Хейхачи в Tekken 2 , на котором имена ее и Хейхачи написаны на пола храма в стиле Aiagasa (романтическое выражение, чтобы показать любовь между парами), как Как и в неканонном яйце- Tekken: кинофильм , в котором упоминается, что она умерла вскоре после рождения Казуи. Ее видят на фото в медальоне, детской малышки Казуя. Дебютный трейлер Tekken 7 показывает казуми, появляющийся лично лично, также также показано имя Aiagasa-Stylized. До того, как стать седьмым персонажем выпуска, добавленного в Tekken 7 , ее человеческая форма была играбельной, но ее дьявольная форма остается непринужденной. Вы также можете сыграть ее дьяволу в качестве чита; Противник Казуми будет в ее человеческой форме, даже если вы победите ее один раз. Из -за этого, даже когда игроки устанавливают раунд с вариантами игры, 5 -й этап будет 2 вместо 1.

Стиль борьбы Казуми-каратэ в стиле Хачиджо, который очень похож на каратэ в стиле мисимы, что практикуется остальной частью ее семьи, с дополнительными тигровыми и левитирующими способностями Джинпачи Мисимы. Как финальный босс, Казуми сражается в двух этапах; Побив ее однажды, она превращается в более сильную форму белого дьявола, похожей на Феникс и остается такой на сцене. В своей дьявольной форме, помимо того, что имея оригинальные силы дьявола третьего глаза дьявола и крылья, ее способность к тигровому летнюю способность усиливается, и сам цвет тигра меняется на белый. Ознасив ее как дьявол Казуми, вместо того, чтобы превратиться в более сильную форму белого дьявола, она случайно отбивается.

В этой истории Казуми впервые встречает Хейхачи, когда она посещает додзё Джинпачи, чтобы тренироваться с ним. И Хейхачи, и Казуми приближаются и в конечном итоге вступают в брак, а Казуми рожает Казуя. Пять лет спустя Казуми внезапно заболевает; Ее болезнь проходит быстро, но Казуми начинает вести себя по -разному, демонстрируя признаки разделенной личности, вероятно, из -за пробуждения ее гена дьявола. За это время Казуми спасает жизнь Акумы. После того, как он выздоровеет, Казуми просит Акуму найти и убить Хейхачи и Казуя. Акума соглашается, утверждая, что это урегулирует долг, который он должен Казуми. Много дней спустя Казуми внезапно пытается убить Хейхачи, показывая, что причина, по которой она вышла за него, заключается в том, что ее клан предвидел его попытку мирового господства в будущем и послала ее убить его. Тем не менее, Хейхачи оказывается сильнее и, понимая, что женщина, которую он любил, ушла, с сожалением убивает ее в акте самообороны.

выясняется В Tekken 8 , что Хахиджо - это потомка клана слуг Азазеля, которому было поручено сделать ложное пророчество о падении Клана Мисимы через Хейхачи, а затем и Казум был исполнен и обеспеченным террором Азазеля, посылая Казуму на выполнение ее махинации. Тем не менее, шесть месяцев смерти Хейхачи от рук Казуи в Теккене 7 , внук Казуми Джин Казама, чей план раскрылся в Теккене 6, чтобы уничтожить Азазель и ген дьявола завершил свое очищение своего дьявола и возрождается как ангел из уничтожения Казуи. Дьявол Джин и Азазель из существования и победили Казуя, предотвращая махинации Казуми, которые впервые произошли за почти два десятилетия. Однако победителем Джина восстановить мир во всем мире является лишь началом, когда Рейна, незаконная дочь Хейхачи, как оказалась пользователем дьявола, который позволил себе быть убитым истинным дьяволом Казуя под перекрестным огнем, чтобы должным образом разбудить своего бездействующего дьявола.

Лерой Смит

[ редактировать ]
Бо Биллингссли (основные игры) [ 145 ]
Кризл ( усреднен: родословная ) [ 8 ]
Yasuhiro Kikuchi ( Tekken: Bloodline ) [ 26 ]

Лерой Смит ( リロイ・スミス , Рируа Сумису ) -афроамериканский мастер боевых искусств с острова Манхэттен в Нью-Йорке. В детстве эскалация насилия в бандах ведет к большой яблочной войне, огромной битве между конкурирующими бандами, которая приводит к многим жертвам гражданского населения, включая семью Леруа. Лерой также ранен в конфликте, падает в реку и вымывается в море, прежде чем его обнаружил торговый корабль. Некуда вернуться, Леруа путешествует по миру как торговца, прежде чем поселиться в Гонконге, чтобы выучить боевое искусство Wing Chun , а также встретил Лин Сяою, когда она была маленькой. Спустя почти полвека Леруа возвращается в Нью-Йорк, чтобы отомстить гангстерам и Мисима Зайбацу, которую, как он узнает, были ответственны за события, ведущие к войне в Большой яблоке. У него также есть собака для пит-пит-пит-пит по имени «Сахар», [ 146 ] Это может помочь Леруа в его битвах.

Трейлер Tekken 8 Game Award 2022 показывает, что в какой -то момент Леруа стал исторической фигурой Манхэттена, а его статуя наблюдается на стадии игры в центре города, помимо того, что он стал главой его брендинговой компании, такой как его собственная кофейня и спонсирование компании Coffee Faming Family Ortiz. Сам Лерой в конце концов показал в Evo Japan 2023, чтобы вернуть в эту игру. Хотя Хейхачи внезапно исчез, но без ведома, что сын своего врага, Казуя навсегда убил его, мирный день Леруа далек от конца, когда Казуя публично проявляет себя как дьявол миру. Лерой также присоединился к седьмому турниру, где он победил мошеннического истребителя Кунг -фу, Фенга Вэй, который убил своего собственного хозяина, который оказался старым другом бывшего, У Зихао. Узнав, что Фенг становится одним из приспешников Казуи, Леруа должен уладить его, присоединяясь к героям Джина, его противник во время финала последней четверти восьми турнира. Лерой также благодарен героизм Джина против нападения Казуи на Манхэттена, который Лерой ранее освободил, и стал его главной причиной присоединиться к его стороне вместе с другими героическими бойцами против армии Казуи в ответ.

Лерой появляется в первом сезоне не-канонов, пересказывающих анимационные сериалы Tekken: Bloodline , где он участвовал Tekken 3 Tournament. В отличие от игр, он изначально враждебен по отношению к Джину, потому что он наследник Хейхачи. Во время боя Джин непреднамеренно ранил колено Леруа во время их матча, что также привело его к получению трости, которую он использовал в качестве временного оружия в главной истории игры. После матча Лерой также предупреждает Джин о истинной цели Хейхачи, как о том, как она влияет на Казуя, подобное предупреждение, которое Джин слышал от ветерана турнира, Пола о том, кем был казуя.

Лидия Собиша

[ редактировать ]
  • Стиль боя: польский стиль традиционный каратэ
  • Озвучен: Александра Новика ( Tekken 7 ) [ 147 ]

Лидия Собиша Ридия ( возрасте . Собизесука ) - полировка , которая стала министром в молодом

Она старая подруга Эдди Гордо , которого она не видела в течение десяти лет с тех пор, как инцидент вызвал трагическую жизнь Эдди в Tekken 3 . Дед Лидия когда -то был премьер -министром своей страны до нее. Причина, по которой она стала преемником ее дедушки в молодом возрасте, заключается в том, что ее отец был убит в результате крушения вертолета, в которой кто -то попытался убийство ее деда, это главная причина, по которой она вошла в политический мир. Из -за того, что она проводила слишком долго с боевыми искусствами до вступления в политический мир, она иногда вступает в то, что говорит, как будто в додзё, пока по телефону со своим помощником во время своей политической карьеры. Получив письмо от Хейхачи, но, зная, что он будет планировать враждебное поглощение своей страны, она вступает в турнир «Король Железного кулака», чтобы защитить своего народа. Однако, когда отмена седьмого турнира и истинная смерть Хейхачи от рук Казуи, его существование как угнетателя, который владеет властью дьявола, угрожает страной Лидии и другие народы еще больше, заставляя ее снова войти в король Железного кулака, в то время как также заполняет клан Мэнджи, чтобы спасти Эдди и помочь своим коллегам -союзникам выступить против Казуи в Tekken 8 .

Счастливая Хлоя

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Lucky Chloe, Козаки Юсуке , Emblem Es была спроектирована дизайнером персонажей, который также работал Fire серией над . [ 149 ] Откровение персонажа вызвало жалобы с таких форумов, как Neogaf , и некоторые зашли так далеко, что попросили режиссера Кацухиро Харада удалить персонажа из игры. Другие, тем временем, вызвали персонажа за то, что он был рыбой за концепцией воды , или сравнивались с персонажами из других серий файтингов, Харада написал в Твиттере , что он рассмотрит, чтобы сделать Хлою эксклюзивным для азиатских и европейских версий и сделано хорошо мышленным Скинхед для североамериканского рынка; [ 150 ] Хотя твит был позже разъяснен как шутка, так как несколько игровых магазинов, очевидно, восприняли комментарий всерьез. [ 151 ]

Lucky Chloe- сенсация J-Pop , преданная отаку и лицо бренда G Corporation. Когда Эдди Гордо ворвался в G Corp и достал охрану за стражей, Хлоя бесстрашно бросила ему вызов: сражаться с ней, и если он проиграет, ему придется работать в качестве ее резервной танцовщицы. Не заботясь о том, принял ли он условия или нет, она подготовилась к битве и участвует в турнире «Король Железного кулака». Ветеран турнира, детектив Interpol Lei Wulong, оказывается ее поклонником.

Стиль боя Лаки Хлои - это танец фристайла. Согласно немецкому изданию GamePro , «Хлоя убивает жизненную энергию своих противников своими ловкими средними и падением по биту - сравнительно агрессивным персонажем, стиль боя, стиль боя встречается с ее костюмом кошки». [ 152 ]

Мастер Рейвен

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Мастер Рейвен ( ススタタガギ ヴァンゴ был , Масута Рейвун ) - женщина -начальник первоначального ворона , дебютировал . В битве она несет меч, похожий на Йошимицу.

( Японский : , Романизированный : Шахин , арабский : Шахин ​Он также обладает скимитаром вокруг своей талии. Шахин был разработан иллюстратором Ниннином, одним из нескольких дизайнеров персонажей и иллюстраторов, используемых для создания дизайнов персонажей для Tekken 7 , с помощью сообщества от сообщества в социальных сетях, особенно из Саудовской Аравии.

Тринадцать лет назад Шахин учил его отец путем военного боя, прежде чем потерять его и всю его семью от рук убийц. В то же время потери своей семьи, Шахин спас Салима и был представлен младшему брату последнему Зариму и их семье. В настоящем Шахин становится телохранителем для частной военной ветви нефтяной компании, принадлежащей братьям Салиму и Зариму, с задачей защиты ключевых фигур в мире, включая его лучших друзей. Говорят, что под его охраной никто не подвергся нападению. Однако однажды Салим, который был главной фигурой в нефтяной промышленности своей семьи, был загадочно найден мертвым. Хотя об этом сообщалось как о несчастной смерти, у Шахина всегда были свои сомнения. Некоторое время спустя G Corporation приобретает PMC, нанимающий его, и все, с кем Шахин ранее был знаком, оказался в отставке после приобретения. Подумав, что все это было слишком большим совпадением, Шахин решил расследовать и выяснить правду о том, что действительно происходило, столкнувшись с генеральным директором корпорации G и подозреваемой в убийце Салима, Казуя. Шахин предлагает заключить мир, вместо того, чтобы отомстить, в честь своего покойного друга, Казуя отказывается от перемирия и удивляет его дьявол в форме дьявола. Теперь понимая, насколько отвратительна Казуя, Шахин собирается задержать Казую, когда они снова сталкиваются друг с другом, и отомстить за смерть своего друга, которая начинается в Теккен 8 шесть месяцев спустя, где Казуя публично показывает себя как дьявол в мире, а Шахин получает меч покойного Салима от Зарифа, младшего брата Салима. Помощь Джину и их союзникам, которые выступают против тирании Казуи, Шахин находит мир, наблюдая за миром, празднуя их свободу от диктатуры G Corporation на яхте в Париже.

Представлен в Tekken Mobile

[ редактировать ]
  • Стиль боя: неизвестно

Isaak ( イサク , Исаку ) -это бесплатный персонаж, представленный в Tekken Mobile . Его национальность и стиль боя неуточнены. У него короткие светлые волосы, носит куртку со слегка измельченными джинсами.

  • Стиль боя: неизвестно

Revenant ( レヴナント , Revinanto ) является антагонистом Tekken Mobile. Он паранормальный, замаскированный в тяжелом оборудовании, и из неизвестной страны. Он враг Казуи и имитирует свой стиль боя.

  • Стиль боя: неизвестно

Бо Монтана ( ボー ロデオ モンタナ , Bō Rodeo Montana ) , лучше знать как родео , является всеамериканским истребителем. Он был звездным спортсменом в колледже, капитаном футбольной команды и военным солдатом с безупречным боевым рекордом. Находясь в армии, его команда попала в засаду, оставив их с их «жизненной силой». Вскоре он станет борцом, чтобы отомстить за Ревеннта, и, в свою очередь, восстановить жизнь своих товарищей.

  • Стиль боя: неизвестно

Руби ( ルビー , Руби ) - женщина -байкер, у которой есть боевой стиль, похожий на Пола Феникса , а также его боевая позиция.

Тигр Мияги

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Tiger Miyagi ( タイガー宮城 , Taigā miyagi ) - боец ​​каратэ из неизвестной страны. Его первый наряд заставляет его с длинными черными волосами, в то время как его второй наряд дает ему очень короткие волосы.

  • Стиль боя: неизвестно

Юэ ( ユエ ) - ​​это женщина, похожая на азиатского боец, которая практикует общие боевые искусства. Она очень напоминает Пай Чан , играбельного персонажа в серии файтингов Virtua Fighter .

Введен в Tekken 8

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Azucena Milagros Ortiz Castillo

[ редактировать ]
  • Стиль боя: смешанные боевые искусства, основанные на боксе Rumi Maki/Strike
  • Озвучен: Мариса Контрерас [ 154 ]

Azucena Milagros Ortiz Castillo ( アズセナ・ミラグロス・オルティス・カスティーリョ , Azusena miragurosu orutisu Kasutīryo ) -известная, бесстрашная и счастливая гомосексуала смешанного мастера боевых искусств и бариста, единственная дочь семьи, которая владеет кофейной компанией по имени «Ортис Ферма », базирующаяся в сельском хозяйстве, где она получает сверхъестественную власть. Ее семейная компания, по -видимому, изначально изначально партнеры с компанией Leroy Smith Branding, пока они не переключатся с G Corporation, только для Pure Business Matter. Ее любовь к кофе также сталкивается с любовью Лили к чаю, но заслуживает своего уважения к любителю кофе, Лео Клизена, несмотря на то, что последнее смятчил первым, за то, что он был в стороне Казуя. Хотя она, а также Маршалл Лоу, которую Казуя Мишима тоже обманула, чтобы присоединиться к его тирании, наконец -то вернулась на сторону добра, после победы Джин Казамы. Она - первый новый персонаж в восьмой игре, который будет раскрыт в Evo 2023.


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Рейна ( 麗奈 ) - это загадочная молодая школьница, одетая в фиолетовый из неопределенной страны, с таинственными связями не только с кланом Мишимы, но и предполагается, что он является пользователем гена дьявола, из -за того, что имела злоумышленную ауру и красные глаза, которые показаны в ее ярости искусства, в частности, с Хейхачи Мисимой. Она посещает ту же школу, что и Xiaoyu, Jin, Miharu и второй кунимицу, и подтверждается, что она моложе Джин. Из -за ее таинственного присутствия ни один из выживших членов не знает о своем существовании до тех пор, пока в Tekken 8 , где она присоединяется к стороне героев Джина для неизвестных целей против Казуи. Во время истории и ее средних титров выясняется, что Рейна действительно не только незаконная дочь Хейхачи, но и пользователь дьявола, как Джин и Казуя. Хотя она любила и уважала его достаточно, чтобы идти по его стопам, она не знает о отвращении своего отца к пользователям генов дьявола и другим подобным демонам. С тех пор, как в какой -то момент у нее есть ген дьявола в качестве Джина и Казуя, первая миссия Рейны во время восьмого турнира «Король Железного кулака» - заслужить Джин и его союзники и использовать их, чтобы приблизиться к Казуи и позволить себе быть убитым он, чтобы полностью пробудить ее бездействующие силы дьявола без уведомления. Как только она достигла своей первой цели, Рейна начинает свою следующую схему мстительной смерти Хейхачи и продолжения своего наследия после того, как Джин победил Казуя и очистил как их дьявольные гены, так и существование Азазеля, где бессознательное тело Полем

Она была раскрыта в Showcase Evo Tekken 8 2023 12 ноября 2023 года.

Виктор Шевалье

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Виктор Шевалье ( ヴィクター・シュバリエ , Викута Шубари ) -легендарный ветеран пожилого ветерана войны, ведущий в рейтинг адмирала и супер-шпион Организации Объединенных Наций из Королевского французского рыцаря, а также банкету-основателя подразделения Ворона. Он является близким четвертью байтлером, который обладает ножом и карамбитом, и технологией, которая позволяет ему использовать телепортацию и улучшать свой пистолет, гранаты и обтекательную катану, Такемиказучи.

Спускаясь от линии выдающихся рыцарей, Виктор мечтал о спасении тех, кто когда -либо стал мальчиком. Следуя по стопам своего отца, высокопоставленного военно-морского офицера, Виктор заполняется во флоте Франции. Считаясь, что катание на котлетах своего успешного отца от ревнивых сверстников, Виктор снова и снова отправлялся в опасные операционные зоны. Тем не менее, благодаря тому времени, которое он усердно тренировал с другом наемника своего отца с Востока, особенно Японии, Виктор может использовать свои знания о боя, чтобы вернуться из каждой миссии живой и победной. Известный своим нажиманием в пенни и длинный список разбитых сердец, которые он оставил на своем пути, Виктор оставляет след слухов и историй, куда бы он ни шел. Прежде чем он узнает об этом, Виктор заработает себе кодовое имя «Призрак Рейвен», и на его страх и страх смотрит и на страх, и страх других в армии. Виктор покидает военно -морской флот, чтобы присоединиться к ООН, надеясь найти способ помочь еще большему количеству людей, а также исследовать новые пути вне ограничений работы в штате.

При подготовке к появлению потрясений Виктор испускает все средства переговоров, которые он имел доступным, и преуспевает в основании вооруженных сил, которые имеют право действовать по своему усмотрению. Он направляет подразделение ворона - элитную команду, которую он тренировал, - проводить особые операции по всему миру, в то время как тем временем он воспринимает мантию как лидер сил ООН. Время проходит, и пламя жестокого военного вторжения G Corp начало охватывать мир. Предвидя такое будущее, Виктор берет на себя командование своими новыми силами и готовится к бою. «Мы бы лучше всего придерживались бразды правления в глобальном балансе сил». Вооруженный костюмом от модного отдела от установленного дизайнерского дома и последним оптическим оружием, Виктор, живая легенда, займет свое место на поле битвы. Первоначально ООН пытается захватить Джина за его преступление в Теккен 6 и кратко сразившись с Иггдрасилом по опеке Джина, которую повстанцам удалось обеспечить и опекировать его в Tekken 7 .

До тех пор, пока в Tekken 8 , ООН, наконец, узнает истинное намерение Джина, которое привело к тому, что Иггдрасил снова помог ему, после того как Казуя вышел в качестве дьявола в мир. Используя связи с его и Вороном, Виктору удается восстановить отношения ООН с Иггдрасилом, чтобы сосредоточиться на своих основных врагах, которые сговорили мир, кроме Казуи, таких как создатель гена дьявола Азазель и его верные остатки. Во время войны в Якусиме против G Corporation Victor возглавляет взвод состоит в том, что истребители, король II, Стив Фокс, и соучастник Шахина против взвода G-корпора во главе с Сергеем Драгунова, архения независимых сил Виктора, которого Казуя завербовал.

Он был объявлен 2 ноября, во время Paris Game Week 2023.

Виктор смоделирован после его голосового актера Винсента Касселя.

Гостевые персонажи

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Гуси Говард

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Неган Смит

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  1. ^ Элстон, Братт (24 июля 2010 г.). «Лучшие 7 ... непрактичные персонажи» . Gamesradar. Архивировано из оригинала 14 октября 2012 года . Получено 7 сентября 2011 года .
  2. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в «Tekken: The Motion Picture (фильм 1998 года)» . Позади TheVoiceActors.com . Архивировано из оригинала 21 апреля 2023 года . Получено 21 апреля 2023 года . Зеленая галочка указывает на то, что роль была подтверждена с использованием скриншота (или коллажа экрана) списка голосовых актеров заголовка и их соответствующих символов, найденных в его открытии и/или закрытии титров и/или других надежных источников информации. {{cite web}}: Cs1 maint: postscript ( ссылка )
  3. ^ Хардт, Ленн [@lennehardt] (5 февраля 2023 г.). «Я озвучивал Анну Уильямс в Tekken 5, хотя» ( твит ) . Получено 8 декабря 2023 года - через Twitter .
  4. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в дюймовый «Анна Уильямс голоса (Tekken)» . За голосовыми актерами . Архивировано из оригинала 16 апреля 2024 года . Получено 16 апреля 2024 года .
  5. ^ «Поцелуй меня, я ирландский персонаж видеоигры» . Kotaku.com. 17 марта 2010 года. Архивировано с оригинала 20 декабря 2013 года . Получено 17 января 2014 года .
  6. ^ Команда UGO (27 октября 2011 г.). «Анна Уильямс- самые горячие девушки в играх» . Ugo.com. Архивировано из оригинала 29 декабря 2011 года . Получено 23 декабря 2011 года .
  7. ^ «Воины Теккена 6 , часть 2» . Gamesradar . 12 марта 2009 года. Архивировано с оригинала 26 октября 2016 года . Получено 25 октября 2016 года .
  8. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный «Tekken: Bloodline (2022 телешоу)» . За голосовыми актерами . Архивировано из оригинала 20 сентября 2022 года . Получено 23 августа 2022 года . Зеленая галочка указывает на то, что роль была подтверждена с использованием скриншота (или коллажа экрана) списка голосовых актеров заголовка и их соответствующих символов, найденных в его открытии и/или закрытии титров и/или других надежных источников информации. {{cite web}}: Cs1 maint: postscript ( ссылка )
  9. ^ «25 чрезвычайно грубых дражера» . Gamespy. 11 августа 2009 г. Архивировано с оригинала 29 января 2013 года . Получено 20 февраля 2015 года .
  10. ^ Персонал PSM3 (27 августа 2011 г.). «Лучшие персонажи Теккена» . Компьютер и видеоигры . Архивировано с оригинала 8 апреля 2013 года . Получено 20 февраля 2015 года . {{cite web}}: CS1 Maint: числовые имена: список авторов ( ссылка )
  11. ^ «Новости и обзоры видеоигр» . Архивировано из оригинала 8 февраля 2015 года . Получено 3 мая 2023 года .
  12. ^ Harada, Katsuhiro Decementer ] ( [ . , 2012 @harada_tekken ) 27
  13. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный "Tekken: Мститель Blood (фильм 2011 года)" . Позади TheVoiceActors.com . Архивировано из оригинала 6 июля 2023 года . Получено 21 апреля 2023 года . Зеленая галочка указывает на то, что роль была подтверждена с использованием скриншота (или коллажа экрана) списка голосовых актеров заголовка и их соответствующих символов, найденных в его открытии и/или закрытии титров и/или других надежных источников информации. {{cite web}}: Cs1 maint: postscript ( ссылка )
  14. ^ «Голосовой актер Кайджи Танг присоединился к Otakon 2015 Guest Spit» . Аниме -новостная сеть . 12 июня 2015 года. Архивировано с оригинала 21 декабря 2016 года . Получено 24 ноября 2016 года .
  15. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в дюймовый Джаспер, Гэвин (19 июня 2016 г.). «Теккен: странная история семьи Мишима» . Логовой гик . Dennis Publishing . Архивировано с оригинала 23 января 2017 года . Получено 23 ноября 2016 года .
  16. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в Рамирес, Фредерик (22 августа 2016 г.). «Новые персонажи Tekken 7 и биты сюжета раскрыты на Gamescom 2016» . Technoaisle.com . Архивировано с оригинала 14 ноября 2016 года . Получено 11 ноября 2016 года .
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  18. ^ Вонг, Кевин (3 сентября 2013 г.). «6. Marshall Law - 20 лучших персонажей видеоигр Tekken всех времен» . Complex.com . Архивировано с оригинала 20 декабря 2013 года . Получено 8 сентября 2013 года .
  19. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в Кюретон, Бен (1998). "Tekken 3 Manual" . Cheatcc.com . Архивировано из оригинала 4 июня 2017 года . Получено 31 мая 2017 года .
  20. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в дюймовый Хэмлин, Майк (2002). " Tekken 4 Paul для PlayStation 2" . Gamefaqs . CBS Interactive . Архивировано с оригинала 30 июля 2017 года . Получено 9 декабря 2016 года .
  21. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в дюймовый и Сисон, Джастин (20 марта 2007 г.). "Сюжет о битвах диалоги - Guide для Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection на PlayStation 3 (стенограмма)" . Creatcodes.com . Gamerid Network. Архивировано из оригинала 30 октября 2021 года . Получено 7 декабря 2016 года .
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  24. ^ Кастро, Хуан (19 августа 2005 г.). «Персонажи Tekken в Urban Reign» . Магнитный ​Зифф Дэвис. Архивировано с оригинала 21 декабря 2016 года . Получено 13 декабря 2016 года .
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  26. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в «Tekken: Bloodline (2022 телешоу)» . За голосовыми актерами . Архивировано из оригинала 22 сентября 2022 года . Получено 26 августа 2022 года . Зеленая галочка указывает на то, что роль была подтверждена с использованием скриншота (или коллажа экрана) списка голосовых актеров заголовка и их соответствующих символов, найденных в его открытии и/или закрытии титров и/или других надежных источников информации. {{cite web}}: Cs1 maint: postscript ( ссылка )
  27. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный "Кума (Теккен)" . Магнитный ​Зифф Дэвис. Архивировано с оригинала 21 декабря 2016 года . Получено 10 декабря 2016 года .
  28. ^ Паттерсон, Шейн (13 февраля 2009 г.). «Воины Теккена 6 : Страница 2» . Gamesradar . Будущая публикация. Архивировано из оригинала 30 июля 2018 года . Получено 10 декабря 2016 года .
  29. ^ «Я не могу преодолеть волосы Пола в Tekken 8» . Eurogamer.net . 10 марта 2023 года. Архивировано с оригинала 15 апреля 2023 года . Получено 5 мая 2023 года .
  30. ^ Кастро, Хуан (19 августа 2005 г.). «Персонажи Tekken в Urban Reign» . Магнитный ​Зифф Дэвис. Архивировано с оригинала 21 декабря 2016 года . Получено 13 декабря 2016 года .
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  41. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный Гултер, Том (4 сентября 2012 г.). «Турнир Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - выберите все 55 бойцов» . Gamesradar . Будущая публикация . Архивировано с оригинала 19 июня 2018 года . Получено 4 июня 2017 года .
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  141. ^ имеет голос в тайском языке который «Tekken 7 запускает" Fah Ram " , боксер тайский ! ,
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  143. ^ Тран, Эдмонд (23 января 2017 г.). «Как аркадные корни Tekken 7 формируют форму консоли» . Gamepot . Архивировано из оригинала 30 августа 2020 года . Получено 27 мая 2022 года .
  144. ^ @Flying_wonkey (12 февраля 2015 г.). «Казуми является последним начальником в Tekken 7, ее интро -поза персонажа заставляет ее вступить в битву на тигра, затем выходит» ( твит ) . Получено 13 февраля 2015 года - через Twitter .
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