In 1599 Nicolai published both the hymn tune, Zahn No. 8405a, and the words to the hymn.[9] Portions of the melody are similar to the older hymn tune "In dulci jubilo" ("In sweet rejoicing") and to "Silberweise" ("Silver Air") by Hans Sachs.[10][11] In the first publication in Frewden Spiegel deß ewigen Lebens ("Mirror of Joy of the Life Everlasting"), the text was introduced:
Ein anders von der Stimm zu Mitternacht
vnd von den klugen Jungfrauwen
die jhrem himmlischen Bräutigam begegnen
Matth. 25. / D. Philippus Nicolai.
Another [call] of the voice at midnight
and of the wise maidens
who meet their celestial Bridegroom Matthew 25 / D. Philippus Nicolai.
The author wrote in his preface, dated 10 August 1598:
Day by day I wrote out my meditations, found myself, thank God, wonderfully well, comforted in heart, joyful in spirit, and truly content; gave to my manuscript the name and title of a Mirror of Joy... to leave behind me (if God should call me from this world) as a token of my peaceful, joyful, Christian departure, or (if God should spare me in health) to comfort other sufferers whom He should also visit with the pestilence.[11]
Nicolai's former student, Wilhelm Ernst, Count of Waldeck [de], had died of the plague at the age of fourteen, and Nicolai used the initials of "Graf zu Waldeck" in reverse order as an acrostic to begin the three stanzas: "Wachet auf", "Zion hört die Wächter singen", "Gloria sei dir gesungen".[6]
Norwegian-American composer F. Melius Christiansen composed a famous a capella choral arrangement of the hymn in 1925, titled "Wake, Awake" in English.
Hymnologist John Julian, in his 1907 Dictionary of Hymnology, listed sixteen English translations of this hymn, ten of which were then in common use.[14] The following year, Duncan Campbell reported that "the favourite rendering" was either that of Catherine Winkworth or the one compiled by William Cooke.[15][16] Both of these translations are titled "Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying"; Cooke's translation is based on Winkworth's and other translations, with additions by Cooke himself.[8]
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