Согласно действующему законодательству, все политические партии (называемые «политическими объединениями») должны быть зарегистрированы в соответствии с Законом об обществах.
В малайзийской политике лягушка (малайский: katak politik) (Sabahan: Buhangkut politik) относится к действию, когда политик переходит скамейку запасных от одной партии к другой (смена поддержки) . [1] [2] Этот термин был впервые использован во время выборов в штате Сабах в 1994 году после того, как Объединенная партия Сабаха потеряла большинство, даже если партия выиграла выборы в штате. Несмотря на то, что оно используется по всей стране, оно более распространено в штате Сабах . [3] С 25 мая 2023 года девять штатов Малайзии утвердили «Закон о запрете смены партий» или «Закон о запрете партий» для законодательного собрания и парламента обоих штатов, включая Сабах и Саравак . [4]
Закон о избирательных правонарушениях (1954 г.) регулирует максимальные расходы, разрешенные кандидатам, претендующим на места в парламенте и на места в штатах, в период предвыборной кампании (за исключением дня выдвижения и после дня выборов). Допустимые расходы на предвыборную кампанию, установленные Законом о правонарушениях на выборах (1954 г.), составляют 100 000 ринггитов на кандидата на места штата и 200 000 ринггитов на кандидата на места в федеральном округе. Согласно этому руководству, учитывая 505 мест в штатах и 222 места в парламенте на всеобщих выборах 2013 года, максимальная сумма, которую Barisan Nasional было разрешено потратить, составляла всего около 95 миллионов ринггитов. Из-за отсутствия документации и правил малазийские политики могут даже не знать, сколько они потратили на свои кампании, или перерасходовать расходы, чем разрешено законом. Другой связанной с этим проблемой была секретность, окружающая политические фонды и их использование. Хотя многие политики, в том числе члены вновь назначенных кабинетов министров, добровольно раскрывали свои личные финансы, такое раскрытие не является обязательным, и многие источники доходов остаются неясными.
Залог составлял 10 000 ринггитов за место в парламенте или 5 000 ринггитов за место в государственном собрании. Залог используется для оплаты нарушений избирательного законодательства и возвращается после дня голосования, если только кандидат не проиграет и не наберет более 12,5 процентов или одной восьмой поданных голосов. Кроме того, каждый кандидат должен внести залог в размере 5000 ринггитов за уборку баннеров и плакатов после выборов.
законны Политические пожертвования в Малайзии . Никаких ограничений нет, и партии не обязаны раскрывать источник финансирования, что делает политические пожертвования расплывчатой темой, но все же полностью законной в стране. Все политические пожертвования разрешается перечислять на счета частных лиц и счета политической партии. Анонимные доноры и иностранцы могут попросить не раскрывать свою личность.
члены партии и отдельные сторонники (через членские взносы/взносы/подписки и/или небольшие местные/иностранные пожертвования),
организации, которые разделяют их политические взгляды (например, за счет членских взносов в профсоюз) или которые могут получить выгоду от их деятельности (например, за счет пожертвований местных/иностранных корпораций) или
налогоплательщики соответственно в общий фонд доходов (за счет грантов, которые называются государственной помощью, государственным или общественным финансированием).
А Коалиция боролась за места в Западной Малайзии, используя символ Партии народной справедливости, в то время как места в Восточной Малайзии оспаривались с использованием символов отдельных коалиционных партий. Исключает Объединенную партию коренных народов Малайзии, которая входила в коалицию на выборах 2018 года, но впоследствии вышла из нее и позже присоединилась к Perikatan Nasional в 2020 году. Б Новый альянс партий, сформированный в 2020 году. Показаны общие места и доля голосов БЕРСАТУ, ПАС и ГЕРАКАН на последних выборах. С Четыре партии, вошедшие в состав «Барисан Насионал Саравак», объявили о выходе из коалиции и сформировали новую коалицию 12 июня 2018 года. [5] Д Партия Габунган Ракьят Сабах (GRS) - официальная политическая коалиционная партия, основанная в сентябре 2020 года Датуком Шри Панглимой Хаджиджи Нуром и успешно зарегистрированная, подтвержденная 11 марта 2022 года Реестром обществ (RoS). [6] [7] И Партия вступила в избирательный договор с Пакатаном Харапаном .
A Originally registered as Parti Demokratik Sabah (Sabah Democratic Party) in 1994, the party was renamed as United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation in 1999 and renamed further to its current name in 2019. B Originally registered as Ikatan Masyarakat Islam Malaysia (Muslim Community Union of Malaysia) in 1991, the party was reorganised with new leadership in 1999 and renamed Parti Keadilan Nasional (National Justice Party). In 2003, the party merged with Parti Rakyat Malaysia (Malaysian People's Party) and was again renamed to its current name. In 2005, a small left-wing group left the party to reorganise Parti Rakyat Malaysia just prior to its de-registration. C Originally registered as Parti Pekerja-Pekerja Malaysia (Malaysian Worker's Party) in 1978, the party was reorganised with new leadership in 2015 and renamed to its current name.
A Originally registered in 1946, UMNO was deregistered in 1988 and the then Prime Minister registered a new party, UMNO Baru the same year. UMNO Baru is considered a successor party to the original UMNO. The suffix Baru or New was dropped from the name in July the same year B Originally registered as the Malayan Indian Congress, the name was changed to the current name after the formation of Malaysia in 1963 C Originally registered as the Malayan Chinese Association, the name was changed to the current name after the formation of Malaysia in 1963
A The party is a result of a merger between Parti Bumiputera Sarawak (Sarawak Bumiputera Party), itself a merger established in 1968 between Parti Negara Sarawak (Sarawak National Party or PANAS established in 1960) and Barisan Ra'ayat Jati Sarawak (Sarawak Native People's Front or BARJASA established in 1961), and Parti Pesaka Anak Sarawak (Sarawak Native's Heritage Party or PESAKA established in 1961) B Originally registered as the Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party, the name was changed to its current form to facilitate the expansion of the party beyond the state of Sarawak
This political coalition party was registered and legalised on March 11, 2022 under Societies Act 1966.[9] C Originally established as the Sabah chapter of the State Reform Party (STAR), the party was reorganised and registered separately with the ROS after STAR decided to focus solely on Sarawak regional politics.
Партии, не имеющие представительства в Парламенте и законодательных собраниях штатов
Это список активных коалиций и партий, не имеющих представительства в парламенте Малайзии ( Деван Ракьят и Деван Негара ) и законодательных собраниях штатов , отсортированный по году, в котором соответствующие партии были легализованы и зарегистрированы в Регистраторе обществ. (РОС). Партии, входящие в представленную коалицию, здесь не указаны, даже если сама партия не представлена. В этот список не включены партии, которые действуют, но еще не зарегистрированы в ROS или EC, такие как Партия зеленых Малайзии .
B PRM was originally registered as Partai Ra'ayat. It was renamed Parti Sosialis Rakyat Malaysia (Malaysian People's Socialist Party) in 1970 and then renamed again to its current name in 1989. In 2003 the party officially merged with Parti Keadilan Nasional to form Parti Keadilan Rakyat. Some members of the original PRM re-organised PRM as a functional political party in 2005 after some disagreement on the ideology and direction of the newly merged party, PKR. C KIMMA was accepted to become the associate member of UMNO with the obserser status on 27 August 2010.[11] D The Punjabi Party of Malaysia was established in 1986[12] but only registered with the Elections Commission in 2003.[13] E Originally registered as the Parti Demokratik Setiahati Kuasa Rakyat Bersatu Sabah, it was later renamed on 23 March 2011 when it extended its wings to Peninsular Malaysia. G Formed by former members of the original United Sabah National Organisation which was dissolved in 1991. H The party applied to change its name to Minority Rights Action Party and announced its support for the Pakatan Harapan coalition prior to the GE14. I The supposed plan to dissolve TERAS in 2016 was abandoned and never materialised.[14]
Стороны, зарегистрированные в Роснадзоре, но не в ЕС
Политические партии зарегистрированы в Регистраторе обществ (РОС), но не в Избирательной комиссии (ИК). Поэтому они не могут или не могут участвовать в выборах, используя свою собственную символику.
Эти организации никогда не были или больше не зарегистрированы в качестве политических органов и, следовательно, больше не могут участвовать в выборах. партии, зарегистрированные в Британской Малайе , но действовавшие исключительно на территории Сингапура Из этого списка также исключены . Из этого списка также исключены партии, которые были переименованы, но продолжают существовать сегодня как зарегистрированные политические партии. Некоторые из них могут все еще существовать как организации в той или иной форме, но ни одна из них не признана политическими партиями.
The party operated legally from 1945 to 1948 before it was banned. After it was banned, the party went underground as the Malayan National Liberation Army to conduct an armed rebellion. In 1989, the party signed a peace treaty with the Malaysian and Thai governments ending its armed rebellion. The current status of the party as an organisation remains unclear.
The first overtly political Malay national organisation. The party was dissolved after the surrender of Japan in 1945 but her members formed the nucleus of many post-war political parties.
The first overtly semi-political Malays national organisation in Pahang. The association was dissolved and absorbed into UMNO branches and it can be said that all the former leaders of the Pahang Malay Association continued their activities as UMNO leaders.
Originally organised as an underground Malay nationalist movement in Thai occupied Kedah (Saiburi in Thai), it was legalised as a political organisation in 1945 just prior to the return of Kedah to the British authorities in 1946.[15] It joined the Pan-Malayan Labour Party in 1952 and was eventually merged with the other component parties to form the Labour Party of Malaya in 1954.[16]
The first post-war pan-Malayan Malay nationalist party formed by former activists of the Young Malays Union advocating a form of left-wing nationalism called Marhaenism. The party was banned with the outbreak of the Malayan Emergency.
The first post-war non-ethnic political party primarily but not exclusively operating in Singapore, an integral part of British Malaya then. The party was voluntarily dissolved after their failure to block the formation of the Federation of Malaya in favour of the Malayan Union and the outbreak of the Malayan Emergency.[17]
A coalition of left-wing non-Malay political parties in opposition to the Federation of Malaya proposal. The coalition worked in cooperation with the left-wing Malay dominated coalition, PUTERA. The coalition ceased to exist after the dissolution of MDU, the primary component party, in 1948.[18]
Originally the youth wing of the Malay Nationalist Party, the party was organised in 1946 by the more radical left-wing elements and was subsequently banned in 1947.
Originally the women's wing of the Malay Nationalist Party, the party was organised in 1946 by the more radical left-wing elements and was banned with the outbreak of the Malayan Emergency.
A coalition of left-wing Malay political parties in opposition to the Federation of Malaya proposal. The coalition worked in cooperation with the left-wing non-Malay dominated coalition, AMCJA. The coalition ceased to exist after the banning of PKMM, the primary component party, in 1948.
A left-wing party for organising Malayan peasants. The party was banned with the outbreak of the Malayan Emergency and the party's leader, Musa Ahmad, eventually became the chairman of the Communist Party of Malaya.[19]
Established by radical Malay clerics to challenge the Sultan's control of Islam. It was part of the PUTERA coalition that worked with AMCJA in a multi-racial political front. It gradually adopted a more pan-Malay nationalist approach and eventually was absorbed by Hizbul Muslimin.[20]
Led by Aziz Ishak and A Samad Ismail, it was part of the PUTERA coalition that worked with the AMCJA in a multi-racial political front. The movement was banned with the outbreak of the Malayan Emergency.
Established by Mohamed Mustaza, a former Secretary General of the PKMM, to replace the role played by API which was banned in 1947.[21] PERAM was itself banned after the declaration of the Malayan Emergency.
Inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood and led by Ustaz Abu Bakar al-Baqir, it was an attempt to transform MATA into a full-fledged political party. It ceased to exist after several of its leaders were arrested during the Malayan Emergency.[20]
With government restrictions on forming a pan-Malayan labour party, this party was first organised within the territorial limits of Malacca in 1948[22] but only gained registration in 1951. In 1952, it joined the Pan-Malayan Labour Party and eventually merged with other state labour parties to form the Labour Party of Malaya in 1954.[16]
Established by founding president of the United Malays National Organisation, Onn Jaafar, to be a multi-ethnic party. The party did not do well electorally and was dissolved in 1953.
With government restrictions on forming a pan-Malayan labour party, this party was organised within the territorial limits of Penang to contest the George Town Municipal Elections. In 1952, it joined the Pan-Malayan Labour Party and eventually merged with other state labour parties to form the Labour Party of Malaya in 1954.[16]
With government restrictions on forming a pan-Malayan labour party, this party was organised within the territorial limits of Selangor. In 1952, it joined the Pan-Malayan Labour Party and eventually merged with other state labour parties to form the Labour Party of Malaya in 1954.[16]
With government restrictions on forming a pan-Malayan labour party, this party was organised within the territorial limits of Perak. In 1952[24] it joined the Pan-Malayan Labour Party and eventually merged with other state labour parties to form the Labour Party of Malaya in 1954.[16]
With government restrictions on forming a pan-Malayan labour party, this party was organised within the territorial limits of Negri Sembilan to contest the Seremban Town Council elections in 1953.[25] In 1952 it joined the Pan-Malayan Labour Party and eventually merged with other state labour parties to form the Labour Party of Malaya in 1954.[16]
With government restrictions on forming a pan-Malayan labour party, the Pan-Malayan Labour Party was formed as a confederation of labour parties from Penang, Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, Malacca and Singapore. With the loosening of regulations, it eventually centralised its organisation to form the Labour Party of Malaya in 1954.[16]
With government restrictions on forming a pan-Malayan labour party, this party was organised within the territorial limits of Penang and competed against the Labour Party of Penang in the George Town Municipal Council elections in 1953.[27] The party did not join the Pan-Malayan Labour Party and existed separately until its eventual merger with the LPM.
The successor party to the Independence of Malaya Party, it took a more Malay nationalistic stance compared to its predecessor but maintained a multi-ethnic composition. The party was dissolved after the death of its founding president, Onn Jaafar.
A multiracial political party in Malaysia which was one of the component members of the National Front or Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition from 1973 to 2018. After losing the 2018 election, the party has been split into two factions – one led by Maglin Dennis D'Cruz who supported myPPP remaining part of the BN coalition and the other led by party president M. Kayveas who insisted on myPPP leaving the BN coalition. The latter emerged victorious in the immediate power struggle and myPPP subsequently exited the Barisan Nasional coalition. The Registrar of Societies (RoS) has deregistered MyPPP, which is facing leadership problems, effective 14 Jan 2019.
A radical left-wing political organisation in Sarawak, it was merged into the Sarawak Advanced Youth Association in 1956 after being proscribed by the colonial authorities.
A militant left-wing political organisation in Sarawak, it eventually coalesced with other radical left-wing groups and formed the nucleus of the North Kalimantan Communist Party.
A Malacca based party, it was established to retain Malacca's status as a Crown Colony. With the formation of Malaysia in 1963, most members defected to the Alliance Party and the party eventually faded out.
A coalition initially comprising the Labour Party of Malaya and Partai Ra'ayat, it became the major Opposition party in the newly independent Malaya until the Confrontation resulted in its persecution and eventual demise.
A bumiputera dominated multi-ethnic political party, it was second political party to registered in Sarawak, it was established to contest municipal and district council elections. In 1968 the party merged with the Barisan Rakyat Jati Sarawak to form Parti Bumiputera.
Established by Mustapha Harun, it was established as a multi-ethnic party but was dominated by the Muslim Bajau community. The party was eventually dissolved in 1996 with her members either joining UMNO or Parti Bersatu Sabah after the dissolution.
A multi-ethnic party, it joined the Sarawak Alliance but was expelled in 1965. It joined the Barisan Nasional coalition in 1976 but was again expelled in 2004.[28][29][30] It then joined the Pakatan Rakyat coalition in 2010 but withdrew just before the
A Chinese-based party set up by former Parti Negara Sarawak, it was part of the Sarawak Alliance. In 1970, most of its members crossed over to the Sarawak United Peoples' Party. SCA fell into inactivity and was wounded up by its remnant members.
A small party representing the interests of the Indian community in Sabah, it was part of the Sabah Alliance and held one of the nominated seats in the Sabah State Assembly until 1974 when the State Government fell to Parti Bersatu Rakyat Jelata Sabah. It subsequently ceased being active.[32]
Formed by dissidents of the Sarawak United Peoples' Party who were discomforted by the increasing communist influence and led by Michael Buma, the party participated in the Malaysian Solidarity Convention. Internal conflict over the participation of the party in the MSC eventually caused the party's dissolution in 1967[33]
Renamed from the Sabah National Party after absorbing the smaller non-political Sabah Chinese Association, it was part of the Sabah Alliance until it left in 1976. In 1978, most of its leaders and members have left to form the Sabah Chinese Consolidated Party and the party was eventually deregistered in 1979.
Formally established with the consolidation of activist and guerilla forces operating previously as the Sarawak Advanced Youth Association, communist elements of the Sarawak United Peoples' Party, the Sarawak Peoples' Guerilla Force, and the North Kalimantan Peoples' Army. The NKCP fought a low intensity insurgency against the Malaysian government until a peace agreement was signed in 1990.
A multi-ethnic party by erstwhile members of Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia and the PAS who disagreed with the decision of their former parties to join Barisan Nasional. The party was led by former PAS MP, Hashim Gera, and contested the 1974 and 1978 general elections. Having failed to gain electoral support, the party dissolved shortly their 1978 outing.
A small Sarawak based political party that was originally rumoured to have been funded by the Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu to split the Opposition votes. It put up a strong challenge in the 1991 Sarawak state election together with Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak on a campaign promise to appoint a Dayak Chief Minister but was badly defeated.
Formed by former SNAP Miri branch secretary, Raymond Szetu Mei Thong to protest the party's entry in to Barisan Nasional in 1976. The party won a seat in the 1978 general election but lost it in the following term. The party then ceased to exist as an organised force thereafter.
Established by dissidents of the Democratic Action Party and led by Yeap Ghim Guan, the party was unable to gain electoral support and re-united with the parent party in 1986.
Set up by former Sabah Deputy Chief Minister G. S. Sundang, the party did not see much electoral success but have nurtured many politicians in its ranks that eventually gained prominency in Sabah. The party was de-registered in 2008 after failing to resolve a leadership crisis.
Formed by the former president of the PAS, Asri Muda, it joined Barisan Nasional and was part of the ruling coalition of the state of Kelantan until the state fell to PAS again in 1990. The party's last electoral foray was in 1995 after which it eventually fell into inactivity and later de-registered.
Formed by Leo Moggie Irok after a failed attempt to win the presidency of the Sarawak National Party, it was the main representative of the Dayak community in Barisan Nasional until its splintering and subsequent de-registration in 2004.
A small Sibu based political party, it contested both the 1986 and 1990 general elections but failed to win any representation. It disbanded shortly thereafter.
Founded by former Sabah state minister Rauf Othman who was expelled from BERJAYA and then joined but left USNO. It contested in the 1985 Sabah state election but failed to capture any seats.
The first Malay majority multi-racial party in the Peninsular since Parti Negara, it was embroiled in a leadership tussle within the first year, which triggered mass resignations. Entering the 1986 general Election in a weakened state, it did not capture any seat and faded away shortly after.
A Sabah-based party that contested only in the 1986 general election, it later changed its name to Parti Momogun Kebangsaan Sabah (Sabah National Momogun Party). Momogun has since become dormant.
A breakaway from the Malaysian Indian Congress led by a former Vice-President of the party, V. Govindaraj. After a ten-year effort to join Barisan Nasional ended in failure, the party was dissolved a Govindaraj returned to his original party.
Set up by former Parti Bersatu Sabah State Assembly Member Francis Leong, it applied to join Barisan Nasional but was turned down. A few months after registration, PCS proposed to merge with Sabah Chinese Consolidated Party, with the latter declining the offer, and the party was subsequently dissolved.
Established as the Chinese Concultative Council of the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party to face the 1986 general election, it was formally registered as a political party in 1988. It did not participate directly in any general election and was subsequently superseded by PAS Supporters' Assembly, an official wing of the larger party.
Formed by the losing faction in UMNO's contentious party elections in 1987, it was led by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. It was part of the Gagasan Rakyat and Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah coalitions that contested the 1990 general election. By the mid 1990s it had grown severely weakened and in 1996 the party was dissolved when Razaleigh returned to UMNO.
Founded by a splinter of Parti Bersatu Sabah headed by Mark Koding, it joined Barisan Nasional in 1991. In 1998, it amended its name to Angkatan Keadilan Rakyat Bersatu (United People's Justice Front). In 1996, a leadership tussle between its top two leaders Pandikar Amin Mulia and Jeffrey Kitingan led to the latter returning to PBS with a large group. Eventually, Pandikar and party remnants decided to dissolve the party and join UMNO.
Originally registered as Angkatan Keadilan Insan Malaysia or AKIM (Malaysian People's Justice Front), it was later renamed on 13 December 2010 by its new chairman, Zaid Ibrahim.
Established by former Sabah Chief Minister, Harris Salleh, the party contested the 1999 general election but failed to win any seats. In 2010, the party was dissolved and Harris went on to form the Sabah People's Front.
A coalition formed between the KeADILan, DAP, PAS, and PRM, it contested the 1999 and 2004 elections. Tensions between DAP and PAS caused the pact to fragment and by 2004, it had ceased to exist.
Founded by P. Uthayakumar after he left Parti Keadilan Nasional in 1999, the party failed to obtain registration. PRIM activists formed the core of the HINDRAF. HINDRAF was banned in 2007 and its leaders, including Uthayakumar was arrested under the Internal Security Act. Upon Uthayakumar's release, he formed the Human Rights Party.
Formed by supporters of Daniel Tajem who fought Dr James Masing in a bitter power struggle in Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak in 2003–2004. This resulted in the de-registration of PBDS with Masing's supporters forming Parti Rakyat Sarawak. MDC however failed to obtain registration and her key leaders contested subsequent elections as Independents or representatives of other parties like Parti Keadilan Rakyat. In 2013, one group managed to successfully register Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak Baru.
Formed by a veteran journalist Manuel Lopez to consolidate the objectives of the HINDRAF into a political movement, it failed to obtain registration and was hampered by the arrest of four major HINDRAF activists under the Internal Security Act. In 2009, the released detainees and party activists had formed the Human Rights Party instead.
A coalition between PKR, the DAP, the PAS and the SNAP that was formed after the 2008 general election. It failed to obtain registration but continued to operate as an electoral pact in the 2013 general election. In 2015, tensions between the DAP and PAS caused the coalition to fracture with PKR, DAP and the new PAS splinter party, AMANAH forming a new coalition called Pakatan Harapan while PAS went on to form its own coalition called Gagasan Sejahtera.
A multi-ethnic political party led by human rights and equal rights activist P. Uthayakumar HRP registration application however was never approved and it is being considered as disbanded in due course as even the original movement it was based, HINDRAF had been deregistered in 2019.
The PSB was actually a splinter party of Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP) set-up by the Second Finance Minister for Sarawak, Wong Soon Koh along with his supporters following a leadership tussle of the party then and it started as a pro-Barisan Nasional (BN) political pact
^ Сахат, Юсри (5 ноября 2006 г.). «Саберкас привел к созданию ОМНО Кедах» [Саберкас привел к созданию ОМНО Кедах]. Посланник Малайзии (на малайском языке). Куала-Лумпур . Проверено 25 мая 2015 г.
^ Jump up to: а б Мюллер, Доминик М (2014). Ислам, политика и молодежь в Малайзии: поп-исламистское переосмысление PAS . Рутледж. стр. 51–52. ISBN 9781317912989 .
^ «Сформирована новая молодежная партия». «Стрейтс Таймс» . Сингапур. 22 января 1948 года.
^ «Лейбористская партия Малакки». Утренняя Трибьюн . Сингапур. 8 сентября 1948 года.
^ Сандху, Канзас; Мани, А (1993). Индийские общины в Юго-Восточной Азии . Сингапур: Институт исследований Юго-Восточной Азии. стр. 581–582. ISBN 9789812304186 .
^ Кроеф, Юстус М. (2012). Коммунизм в Малайзии и Сингапуре: современный обзор . Берлин, Германия: Шпрингер. ISBN 9789401504997 .
^ «Китайцы формируют новую политическую партиюUMCO». «Стрейтс Таймс» . Сингапур. 10 ноября 1966 года.
^ Юсофф, Камарул Заман (24 декабря 2017 г.). «Абдул Хади возобновил борьбу PAS» [Абдул Хади возобновил борьбу PAS]. Harakah Daily (на малайском языке). Куала-Лумпур . Проверено 30 мая 2018 г.
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