Список филиппинских законов
(Перенаправлено из Закона о Республике )
Конкретные правовые кодексы Филиппин см. в юридических кодексах Филиппин .
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Эта статья содержит неполный список филиппинских законов .
Источники филиппинских законов
[ редактировать ]Правительственная власть | Формы права | Наделен |
Составляющая | Конституция и поправки |
избирательный |
Законодательный |
Конгресс Филиппин [ Л 3 ] |
Исполнительный |
Президент Филиппин [ Л 4 ] |
Судебный |
Верховный суд и суды низшей инстанции, которые могут быть созданы законом. [ Л 5 ] |
Административный |
Бюрократия |
- Примечания [ 1 ]
- *Таможня может рассматриваться как дополнительный источник права, однако обычаи, противоречащие закону, общественному порядку или публичному порядку, не допускаются.
[ редактировать ]Филиппинские законы имели различные номенклатурные обозначения в разные периоды истории Филиппин , как показано в следующей таблице:
Номенклатура обозначение |
Аббревиатура | Форма правления | Даты |
Действовать | Действовать
Филиппин Правительство под суверенитетом США | 1900–1935 |
Закон о Содружестве | ЧТО
Филиппинское Содружество | 1935–1946 |
Республиканский закон | ДА
Республика | 1946–72, 1987 – настоящее время |
Указ Президента | ПД
Республика в условиях военного положения / Четвертая республика | 1972–1986 |
Президентская прокламация | ПП
Национальный закон | БП
Модифицированная полупрезидентская республика | 1978–1985 |
Исполнительный указ | ЭО
Известные законы
[ редактировать ] этом разделе не цитируются источники В . Пожалуйста, помогите улучшить этот раздел , добавив цитаты на надежные источники . Неиспользованный материал может быть оспорен и удален . ( декабрь 2019 г. ) ( Узнайте, как и когда удалить это сообщение ) |
В следующей таблице перечислены филиппинские законы, которые были упомянуты в Википедии или примечательны иным образом. только законы, принятые Конгрессом и предшествующими ему органами Здесь перечислены ; президентские указы и другие распоряжения исполнительной власти, которые в противном случае могли бы иметь силу закона, исключены из данной таблицы.
Обозначение | Дата прошла | Результат |
Закон 3815 | 8 декабря 1930 г. | Пересмотренный Уголовный кодекс |
АС 1 | 21 декабря 1935 г. | Закон о национальной обороне 1935 года , в соответствии с которым были созданы Вооруженные силы Филиппин . |
ДЕНЬ 386 | 30 августа 1950 г. | Гражданский кодекс Филиппин |
ДЕНЬ 1425 ГОДА | 12 июня 1956 г. | Закон о Ризале , который требует включения курсов, посвященных Хосе Ризалу, в учебные программы всех учебных заведений на Филиппинах. |
ДЕНЬ 17:00 | 20 июня 1957 г. | Закон о борьбе с подрывной деятельностью 1957 года. |
ДЕНЬ 4136 | 20 июня 1964 г. | Кодекс наземного транспорта и дорожного движения — действующий закон о дорожном движении, регулирующий наземный транспорт Филиппин. |
ДЕНЬ 5186 | 16 сентября 1967 г. | Закон об инвестиционных стимулах |
ДЕНЬ 6135 | 31 августа 1970 г. | Закон о стимулировании экспорта 1970 г. |
БП 8 | 2 декабря 1978 г. | Закон, определяющий метрическую систему и ее единицы, обеспечивающий ее применение и другие цели |
ДЕНЬ 6955 | 13 июня 1990 г. | Закон о запрете невест по почте |
ДЕНЬ 7160 | 10 октября 1991 г. | Кодекс местного самоуправления 1991 г. |
ДЕНЬ 8293 | 6 июня 1997 г. | Кодекс интеллектуальной собственности Филиппин ( закон об авторском праве ). |
ДЕНЬ 8353 | 30 сентября 1997 г. | Закон о борьбе с изнасилованиями 1997 года. |
ДЕНЬ 8485 | 11 февраля 1998 г. | Закон о защите животных 1998 г. |
ДЕНЬ 9184 | 10 января 2003 г. | Закон о реформе государственных закупок предусматривает создание Совета по политике государственных закупок | Совета по политике государственных закупок (GPPB) и Филиппинской системы электронных государственных закупок (PhilGEPS). |
ДЕНЬ 9208 | 26 мая 2003 г. | Закон о борьбе с торговлей людьми 2003 года |
ДЕНЬ 9262 | 8 марта 2004 г. | Закон о борьбе с насилием в отношении женщин и их детей 2004 года. [ 2 ] |
ДЕНЬ 9372 | 6 марта 2007 г. | Закон о безопасности человека 2007 г. |
ДЕНЬ 10066 | 26 марта 2010 г. | Закон о национальном культурном наследии 2009 года, учреждающий Филиппинский реестр культурных ценностей. |
ДЕНЬ 10175 | 12 сентября 2012 г. | Закон о предотвращении киберпреступности 2012 года. |
ДЕНЬ 10349 | 11 декабря 2012 г. | Закон о модернизации AFP 2012 г. |
ДЕНЬ 10354 | 21 декабря 2012 г. | Закон об ответственном родительстве и репродуктивном здоровье 2012 года. |
ДЕНЬ 10533 | 15 мая 2013 г. | Закон о расширенном базовом образовании 2013 г. |
ДЕНЬ 10535 | 15 мая 2013 г. | Закон о филиппинском стандартном времени (PST) 2013 г. |
ДА 10591 | 29 мая 2013 г. | Закон о комплексном регулировании огнестрельного оружия и боеприпасов |
ДЕНЬ 10667 | 21 июля 2015 г. | Закон о конкуренции Филиппин |
ДЕНЬ 10844 | 23 мая 2016 г. | Закон о Департаменте информационных и коммуникационных технологий (DICT) 2015 г. |
ДА 10913 | 21 июля 2016 г. | Закон о борьбе с отвлечением внимания от вождения 2016 года |
ДА 10931 | 4 августа 2017 г. | Закон о всеобщем доступе к качественному высшему образованию 2017 г. |
ДЕНЬ 10963 | 19 декабря 2017 г. | Закон о налоговой реформе в целях ускорения и инклюзивности (TRAIN) 2017 года |
ДЕНЬ 11054 | 26 июля 2018 г. | Органический закон Бангсаморо |
ДЕНЬ 11055 | 6 августа 2018 г. | Закон о филиппинской системе идентификации [ 3 ] |
ДА 11106 | 30 октября 2018 г. | Закон о филиппинском языке жестов 2018 года |
ДА 11201 | 14 февраля 2019 г. | Закон о Департаменте населенных пунктов и городского развития (DHSUD) 2019 года |
ДЕНЬ 11469 | 25 марта 2020 г. | Баянихан исцелится как один акт 2020 года |
ДЕНЬ 11479 | 3 июля 2020 г. | Закон о борьбе с терроризмом 2020 года |
ДЕНЬ 11494 | 11 сентября 2020 г. | Баянихан выздоровеет одним актом 2020 года |
ДЕНЬ 11641 | 30 декабря 2021 г. | Закон о Департаменте трудящихся-мигрантов (DMW) 2021 г. |
ДЕНЬ 11934 ГОДА | 10 октября 2022 г. | Закон о регистрации SIM-карты |
ДЕНЬ 11996 ГОДА | 24 мая 2024 г. | Эдди Гарсиа Лоу [ 4 ] [ 5 ] |
Списки законов по годам
[ редактировать ]Это динамический список , и он, возможно, никогда не сможет соответствовать определенным стандартам полноты. Вы можете помочь, добавив недостающие элементы из надежных источников .
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2020-01-08 | 11466 | An Act Modifying the Salary Schedule for Civilian Government Personnel and Authorizing the Grant of Additional Benefits, And for Other Purposes. |
2020-01-22 | 11467 | A Law That Increases the Excise Tax On Alcohol Products, Electronic Cigarettes (E-Cigarettes), And Heated Tobacco Products (HTPS). |
2020-01-24 | 11468 | An Act Designating the Third Sunday of November Every Year as The National Day of Remembrance for Road Crash Victims, Survivors, And Their Families. |
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2018 (10967–11166)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2018-01-03 | 10967 | Creating a Barangay: Barangay Pudo |
2018-01-16 | 10968 | The Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) Act |
2018-02-02 | 10969 | Amending the "National Irrigation Administration Act" or RA 3601: Free Irrigation Service Act |
2018-02-07 | 10970 | Declaring Every August 25 as the National Tech-Voc Day |
2018-02-07 | 10971 | Creating a Barangay: Barangay Poblacion 3 |
2018-02-22 | 10972 | Telecommunications Franchise Renewal: Now Telecom Company, Inc (Formerly, Infocom Communications Network, Inc) |
2018-03-01 | 10973 | Amending the Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990 or RA 6975: Granting the PNP Chief and the CIDG Director and deputy director to Administer Oath and Issue Subpoena and Subpoena Duces Tecum |
2018-03-06 | 10974 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Sarraga Integrated and Management Corporation |
2018-03-06 | 10975 | Establishing a National High School: Emilio Jacinto National High School |
2018-03-06 | 10976 | Establishing a National High School: Paso De Blas National High School |
2018-03-06 | 10977 | Converting a National High School into a National Vocational High School: San Rafael Technological and Vocational High School |
2018-03-06 | 10978 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Don Bosco National High School |
2018-03-06 | 10979 | Establishing a National High School: Manlilisid National High School |
2018-03-06 | 10980 | Changing the Name of a National High School: Caibiran National High School |
2018-03-06 | 10981 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Musimut National High School |
2018-03-14 | 10982 | Establishing an Elementary School: Antonio M. Serapio Elementary School |
2018-03-14 | 10983 | Establishing a National High School: SSS National High School |
2018-03-14 | 10984 | Establishing a National High School: Ligao City National Technical-Vocational High School |
2018-03-14 | 10985 | Establishing a National Science High School: Pagadian City Science High School |
2018-03-14 | 10986 | Establishing a National High School: Banahao National High School |
2018-03-14 | 10987 | Establishing a National High School: Hampangan National High School |
2018-03-14 | 10988 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: San Antonio National High School (Parañaque) |
2018-03-14 | 10989 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tawit National High School |
2018-03-21 | 10990 | Establishing a National High School: Justice Eliezer R. De Los Santos High School |
2018-03-21 | 10991 | Establishing a National High School: Bagbaguin National High School |
2018-03-21 | 10992 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tublay National Trade High School |
2018-03-21 | 10993 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Malagnat National High School |
2018-03-21 | 10994 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Santor National High School |
2018-03-21 | 10995 | Establishing a National High School: Depase National High School |
2018-03-21 | 10996 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Daklan National High School |
2018-03-21 | 10997 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Sacpil National High School |
2018-03-21 | 10998 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Guina-ang National High School |
2018-03-21 | 10999 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Iloilo Baptist Church, Inc. |
2018-03-21 | 11000 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Subic Broadcasting Corporation |
2018-03-21 | 11001 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Word Broadcasting Corporation (Formerly, Filipinas Broadcasting Association, Inc) |
2018-03-27 | 11002 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Pangasinan Gulf Waves Network Corporation |
2018-03-27 | 11003 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Beta Broadcasting System, Inc. |
2018-03-27 | 11004 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Gateway Television Broadcasting, Inc (Also Known as Hope Channel Philippines. Formerly, Gateway U.H.F. Television Broadcasting, Inc) |
2018-03-27 | 11005 | Amending RA 10597's Provision on CHED Requirements Compliance for the Establishment the Northern Iloilo State University |
2018-03-27 | 11006 | Amending RA 10596's Provision on CHED Requirements Compliance for the Conversion of the Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology into the Mindoro State University (MINSU) |
2018-03-27 | 11007 | Establishing a National Science and Mathematics High School: Malabon City National Science and Mathematics High School |
2018-03-27 | 11008 | Amending RA 10598's Provision on CHED Requirements Compliance for the Establishment of the Compostela Valley State College |
2018-03-27 | 11009 | Amending RA 10594's Provision on CHED Requirements Compliance for the Conversion of Talisay City College into the Talisay City State College |
2018-03-27 | 11010 | Amending RA 10600's Provision on CHED Requirements Compliance for the Establishment of the Surigao Del Norte State University |
2018-03-27 | 11011 | Amending RA 10583's Provision on CHED Requirements Compliance for the Conversion of the Mountain Province State Polytechnic College into the Mountain Province State University |
2018-04-04 | 11012 | Amending RA 10604's Provision on CHED Requirements Compliance for the Conversion of Four Colleges into the Iloilo State University of Fisheries Science and Technology |
2018-04-04 | 11013 | Amending RA 10585's Provision on CHED Requirements Compliance for the Conversion of the Cotabato City Polytechnic College into the Cotabato State University |
2018-04-05 | 11014 | Declaring Every January 23 a Special Working Holiday to Commemorate the Declaration of the First Philippine Republic |
2018-04-20 | 11015 | Renaming an Educational Institution: The President Ramon Magsaysay State University (PRMSU) |
2018-05-25 | 11016 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Biga National High School |
2018-05-25 | 11017 | Establishing a National High School: Lingunan National High School |
2018-05-25 | 11018 | Converting an Elementary School into an Integrated School: Licop Integrated School |
2018-05-25 | 11019 | Integrating an Extension Campus as a Regular Campus: Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa Sr. Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology – Cawayan Campus |
2018-05-25 | 11020 | Establishing a National Science High School: Balanga City National Science High School |
2018-05-25 | 11021 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Patawag National High School |
2018-05-25 | 11022 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Pianon National High School |
2018-05-25 | 11023 | Establishing a National High School: Catigan National High School |
2018-05-25 | 11024 | Establishing a National High School: Mt. Apo National High School |
2018-05-25 | 11025 | Establishing a National High School: Talisay National High School |
2018-05-25 | 11026 | Establishing a National High School: Corporacion National High School |
2018-05-25 | 11027 | Establishing a National High School: Magdug National High School |
2018-05-25 | 11028 | Establishing a National High School: Digon National High School |
2018-05-25 | 11029 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Luisa Joyce Mallari National High School |
2018-05-25 | 11030 | Creating a Barangay: Upper Pugaan |
2018-05-25 | 11031 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Benjamin Velasco Bautista Sr. National High School |
2018-05-28 | 11032 | Amending the Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007 or RA 9485: The Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018 |
2018-05-28 | 11033 | Converting a State College into a State University: Davao Oriental State University |
2018-06-15 | 11034 | Renaming a Road: Rodolfo G. Fariñas Jr. By-Pass Road |
2018-06-15 | 11035 | Balik Scientist Act |
2018-06-20 | 11036 | Mental Health Act |
2018-06-20 | 11037 | Masustansyang Pagkain para sa Batang Pilipino Act |
2018-06-22 | 11038 | Amending the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) Act of 1992 or RA 7586: the Expanded National Integrated Protected System Act of 2018 |
2018-06-29 | 11039 | Electric Cooperatives Emergency and Resiliency Fund Act |
2018-06-29 | 11040 | Declaring Every April 27 a Special Working Holiday throughout the Country and a Special Nonworking Holiday in Lapu-Lapu City to Commemorate the Victory of Lapu-Lapu over Ferdinand Magellan |
2018-06-29 | 11041 | Renaming a Road: Benigno S. Aquino Jr. National Highway |
2018-06-29 | 11042 | Renaming a Road: Gov. Bado Dangwa National Road |
2018-06-29 | 11043 | Renaming a Road: Salvador H. Escudero III Diversion Road |
2018-06-29 | 11044 | Renaming a Road: General Licerio I. Geronimo Highway |
2018-06-29 | 11045 | Renaming a Road: Corazon C. Aquino Avenue |
2018-06-29 | 11046 | Renaming a Road: Isaac O. Tolentino Avenue |
2018-06-29 | 11047 | Renaming a Road: Juanito R. Remulla Sr. Road |
2018-06-29 | 11048 | Renaming a Road: Bacoor-Dasmariñas National Road |
2018-06-29 | 11049 | Renaming a Road: Bacoor Boulevard |
2018-06-29 | 11050 | Renaming a Road: Metro Iligan Regional Agro-Industrial Center (MIRAIC) Highway |
2018-06-29 | 11051 | Renaming a Road: Arsenio Arcelo Quibranza Highway |
2018-06-29 | 11052 | Philippine Food Technology Act |
2018-06-29 | 11053 | Amending RA 8049 or the Anti Hazing Act: Anti-Hazing Act of 2018 |
2018-07-27 | 11054 | Organic Act for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao: Repealing RA 6734 and RA 9054 or the Organic Acts for the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao |
2018-08-06 | 11055 | Philippine Identification System Act |
2018-08-09 | 11056 | PUP-Sablayan Campus Act |
2018-08-17 | 11057 | Personal Property Security Act |
2018-08-17 | 11058 | Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) Act |
2018-08-17 | 11059 | Retirement Act of the Office of the Ombudsman |
2018-08-17 | 11060 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Emeliano S. Fontanares Sr. National High School |
2018-08-17 | 11061 | Renaming a Road: Cong. Andres Acop Cosalan Road |
2018-08-17 | 11062 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2018-08-17 | 11063 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2018-08-23 | 11064 | Renaming a Road: Anos Fonacier Circumferential Road |
2018-08-23 | 11065 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2018-08-23 | 11066 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2018-08-23 | 11067 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2018-08-23 | 11068 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2018-09-14 | 11069 | Reapportioning Legislative Districts of Cavite |
2018-08-23 | 11070 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Pedro Mariscal National High School |
2018-08-23 | 11071 | Converting an Elementary School into an Integrated School: Mamagum Integrated School |
2018-08-23 | 11072 | Establishing a National High School: Felina Sevilla Oaminal National High School |
2018-08-23 | 11073 | Converting an Elementary School into an Integrated School: Mabuhay Integrated School |
2018-08-23 | 11074 | Establishing a National High School: Disciplina Village-Bignay National High School |
2018-08-23 | 11075 | Establishing a National High School: Tiblac National High School |
2018-08-23 | 11076 | Establishing a National High School: President Corazon "Cory" C. Aquino National High School |
2018-09-24 | 11077 | Reapportioning Legislative Districts of Aklan |
2018-09-24 | 11078 | Creating a Legislative District: Lone District of Calamba City |
2018-09-27 | 11079 | Integrating a college into a State University: Southern Leyte State University – Maasin City Campus |
2018-09-27 | 11080 | Reapportioning Legislative Districts of Isabela |
2018-09-28 | 11081 | Converting a Regional Hospital into a Medical Center: Region II Trauma and Medical Center |
2018-09-28 | 11082 | Converting a Hospital into a Medical Center: Southern Isabela Medical Center |
2018-09-28 | 11083 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital: La Union Medical Center with an Upgrade of Services, Facilities and Professional Health Care, and Increased Medical Personnel |
2018-09-28 | 11084 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital: Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center with an Upgrade of Services, Facilities and Professional Health Care, and Increased Medical Personnel |
2018-09-28 | 11085 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital: Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research and Medical Center Extension Hospital with an Upgrade of Services, Facilities and Professional Health Care, and Increased Medical Personnel |
2018-10-05 | 11086 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City: Santo Tomas |
2018-10-10 | 11087 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital: Zamboanga City Medical Center with an Upgrade of Services, Facilities and Professional Health Care, and Increased Medical Personnel (Amending RA 7272) |
2018-10-11 | 11088 | Converting a State College into a State University: Sorsogon State University |
2018-10-18 | 11089 | Telecommunications Franchise: Streamtech Systems Technologies, Inc |
2018-10-18 | 11090 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Alameda National High School |
2018-10-18 | 11091 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: San Pablo National High School |
2018-10-18 | 11092 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Malanday National High School |
2018-10-18 | 11093 | Establishing a National High School: Tambo National High School |
2018-10-18 | 11094 | Establishing a National High School: Veinte Reales National High School |
2018-10-18 | 11095 | Establishing an Elementary School: Silverio Elementary School |
2018-10-18 | 11096 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Santa Ana National High School |
2018-10-18 | 11097 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Upper Katungal National High School |
2018-10-18 | 11098 | Converting a College Campus into an Independent College: Ragay Polytechnic Skills Institute Act |
2018-10-18 | 11099 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Notre Dame Broadcasting Corporation |
2018-10-26 | 11100 | Declaring Every May 15 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Celebration of the "Adlaw Nan Probinsya Nan Surigao Del Norte": Repealing RA 7553 |
2018-10-26 | 11101 | Declaring Every June 18 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Commemoration of the Founding of the Ifugao Province |
2018-10-26 | 11102 | Establishing a Provincial Hospital: Soccsksargen General Hospital |
2018-10-30 | 11103 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital: Amai Pakpak Medical Center with an Upgrade of Services, Facilities and Professional Health Care, and Increased Medical Personnel |
2018-10-30 | 11104 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital: Luis Hora Memorial Regional Hospital with an Upgrade of Services, Facilities and Professional Health Care, and Increased Medical Personnel |
2018-10-30 | 11105 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2018-10-30 | 11106 | The Filipino Sign Language Act |
2018-10-30 | 11107 | Changing the Name of a Medical Institution: Bataan General Hospital and Medical Center with Increased Bed Capacity and Medical Personnel, and Upgrade of Services, Facilities and Professional Health Care |
2018-10-30 | 11108 | Changing the Name of a Medical Institution: Bicol Region General Hospital and Geriatric Medical Center (BRGHGMC) with Increased Bed Capacity and Medical Personnel, and Upgrade of Services, Facilities and Professional Health Care |
2018-10-30 | 11109 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Manila Broadcasting Company |
2018-10-30 | 11110 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Bright Star Broadcasting Network Corporation |
2018-10-30 | 11111 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Vanguard Radio Network Company, Inc. |
2018-10-30 | 11112 | Creating a Barangay: Poblacion 2 |
2018-10-30 | 11113 | Declaring Every March 24 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Ligao City in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-10-30 | 11114 | Declaring Every December 8 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Agoo Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-10-30 | 11115 | Declaring Every June 16 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Villanueva Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-10-30 | 11116 | Declaring Every September 17 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Los Baños Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation and the annual Bañamos Festival |
2018-10-30 | 11117 | Declaring Every July 4 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Lanao Del Norte Province in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-10-30 | 11118 | Declaring Every May 22 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Guimaras Province in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-10-30 | 11119 | Declaring Every April 3 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Albay Province in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-10-30 | 11120 | Declaring Every September 2 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Ifugao Province in Commemoration of the Surrender of the Japanese Imperial Army in the Philippines in World War II |
2018-10-30 | 11121 | Declaring Every November 2 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Misamis Occidental Province in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-10-30 | 11122 | Declaring Every September 21 as Special Working Holiday in Cebu Province in Commemoration of the "Cebu Press Freedom Day" |
2018-10-30 | 11123 | Declaring Every November 15 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Occidental Mindoro Province in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-10-30 | 11124 | Declaring Every September 7 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Cavite City in Commemoration of its Cityhood |
2018-10-30 | 11125 | Declaring Every June 17 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Agusan Del Sur Province in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-10-30 | 11126 | Declaring Every November 22 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Sultan Kudarat Province in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-10-30 | 11127 | The National Payment Systems Act |
2018-11-08 | 11128 | Declaring Every July 4 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Cadiz City in Commemoration of its Cityhood |
2018-11-08 | 11129 | Declaring Every June 27 as Special Nonworking Holiday in El Salvador City in Commemoration of its Cityhood |
2018-11-08 | 11130 | Declaring Every December 1 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Padre Garcia in Commemoration of its Foundation and the annual Kabakahan Festival |
2018-11-08 | 11131 | The Philippine Criminology Profession Act of 2018: Repealing the Creation of the Board of Examiners for Criminologists with RA 6506 |
2018-11-09 | 11132 | Declaring Every March 21 as Special Nonworking Holiday in San Fabian Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-11-09 | 11133 | Declaring Every July 22 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Claveria Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-11-09 | 11134 | Declaring Every June 11 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Sagay City in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-11-09 | 11135 | Declaring Every October 28 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Davao Occidental Province in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-11-09 | 11136 | Declaring Every September 2 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Albay Province in Commemoration of the Birth Anniversary of General Simeon A. Ola |
2018-11-09 | 11137 | Declaring Every August 2 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Butuan City in Commemoration of its Cityhood |
2018-11-09 | 11138 | Declaring Every January 11 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Bataan Province in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-11-09 | 11139 | Declaring Every October 26 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Catanduanes Province in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-11-09 | 11140 | Declaring Every December 2 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Pasay City in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-11-09 | 11141 | Declaring Every July 1 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Alubijid Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-11-09 | 11142 | Declaring Every September 1 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Jasaan Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-11-09 | 11143 | Declaring Every June 15 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Opol Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-11-09 | 11144 | Declaring Every June 19 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Laguna Province in Commemoration of the Birth Anniversary of Jose P. Rizal |
2018-11-09 | 11145 | Declaring Every April 21 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Orani Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2018-11-09 | 11146 | Declaring Every June 18 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Bacolod City in Commemoration of its Cityhood |
2018-11-09 | 11147 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital: Governor Alfredo Mendoza Abueg Sr. Memorial Hospital with an Upgrade of Services, Facilities and Professional Health Care, and Increased Medical Personnel |
2018-11-29 | 11148 | Kalusugan at Nutrisyon ng Mag-Nanay Act |
2018-11-09 | 11149 | Granting Citizenship to a Person |
2018-12-13 | 11150 | Converting a School into a State College: South Cotabato State College |
2018-12-14 | 11151 | Telecommunications Franchise Renewal: Innove Communications, Inc. (Formerly, Isla Communications Company, Inc (ISLACOM) ) |
2018-12-14 | 11152 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2018-12-14 | 11153 | Establishing a Regular Office (LTO) |
2018-12-14 | 11154 | Establishing an Extension Office (LTO) |
2018-12-14 | 11155 | Establishing a Regular Office (LTO) |
2018-12-14 | 11156 | Establishing a Regular Office (LTO) |
2018-12-14 | 11157 | Establishing an Extension Office (LTO) |
2018-12-14 | 11158 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2018-12-14 | 11159 | Granting Citizenship to a Person |
2018-12-14 | 11160 | Granting Citizenship to a Person |
2018-12-14 | 11161 | Granting Citizenship to a Person |
2018-12-20 | 11162 | Establishing an Extension Office (LTO) |
2018-12-20 | 11163 | Declaring Every Last Monday of January as Special Working Holiday in Observance of National Bible Day Act |
2018-12-20 | 11164 | Increasing the Monthly Old-Age Pension for Senior Veterans |
2018-12-20 | 11165 | Telecommuting Act |
2018-12-20 | 11166 | Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act: Repealing the Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998, or RA 8504 |
2017 (10925–10966)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2017-01-25 | 10905 | Creating the Development of Manila Bay Freeport Zone |
2017-04-21 | 10925 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: GMA Network, Inc (Formerly, Republic Broadcasting System, Inc.) |
2017-04-21 | 10926 | Telecommunications Franchise Renewal: Smart Communications, Inc (Formerly, Smart Information Technologies, Inc) |
2017-07-14 | 10927 | Amending the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001or RA 9160: Designating Casinos as "Covered Persons" |
2017-08-02 | 10928 | Amending the Philippine Passport Act of 1996or RA 8239: Extending the Validity of Philippine Passports |
2017-08-02 | 10929 | Free Internet Access in Public Places Act |
2017-08-02 | 10930 | Amending the Land Transportation and Traffic Codeor RA 4136: Rationalizing and Strengthening the Policy Regarding Driver's License by Extending License Validity Period and Penalizing Acts in Violations of its Issuance and Application |
2017-08-03 | 10931 | Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act |
2017-08-03 | 10932 | Amending the "Anti-Hospital Deposit Act", or BP 702: Increasing the Penalties on Hospitals and Medical Clinics |
2017-08-23 | 10933 | Subdividing a Barangay: New Barangays NBBS Proper, NBBS Kaunlaran, and NBBS Dagat-Dagatan from the Now Defunct Barangay North Bay Boulevard South (NBBS) |
2017-08-23 | 10934 | Subdividing a Barangay: New Barangays Tangos North and Tangos South from the Now Defunct Barangay Tangos |
2017-08-23 | 10935 | Subdividing a Barangay: New Barangays Tanza 1 and Tanza 2 from the Now Defunct Barangay Tanza |
2017-08-23 | 10936 | Creating a Barangay: Barangay Comawas |
2017-08-23 | 10937 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2017-08-23 | 10938 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2017-08-23 | 10939 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2017-08-23 | 10940 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2017-08-23 | 10941 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2017-08-23 | 10942 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2017-08-23 | 10943 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2017-08-23 | 10944 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2017-08-23 | 10945 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2017-08-23 | 10946 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2017-08-23 | 10947 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2017-08-23 | 10948 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2017-08-23 | 10949 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2017-08-23 | 10950 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2017-08-29 | 10951 | Amending the Revised Penal Code or Act 3815: Adjusting the Amount or the Value of Property and Damage on Which a Penalty is Based, and the Fines Imposed |
2017-10-02 | 10952 | Amending the Synchronized Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections Act or RA 9164: Postponing the October 2017 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (spent) |
2017-10-30 | 10953 | Subdividing a Barangay: New Barangays Alfonso Angliongto Sr. and Vicente Hizon Sr. from, now smaller, Barangay Pampanga |
2017-10-30 | 10954 | Subdividing a Barangay: New Barangays Magugpo Poblacion, Magugpo East, Magugpo West, Magugpo North, and Magugpo South from the Now Defunct Barangay Magugpo |
2017-10-30 | 10955 | Subdividing a Barangay: New Barangays Kalaw, Cabaritan, and Quibel from the Now Defunct Barangay Dumalneg |
2017-10-30 | 10956 | Creating a Barangay: Barangay Care |
2017-10-30 | 10957 | Creating a Barangay: Barangay Liwon |
2017-10-30 | 10958 | Subdividing a Barangay: New Barangays Canumay West and Canumay East from the Now Defunct Barangay Canumay |
2017-11-08 | 10959 | Creating a Barangay: Barangay Cristo Rey |
2017-11-08 | 10960 | Creating a Barangay: Barangay San Isidro |
2017-11-08 | 10961 | Creating a Barangay: Barangay Rizal |
2017-12-19 | 10962 | Gift Check Act of 2017 |
2017-12-19 | 10963 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424: Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) |
2017-12-19 | 10964 | Appropriations Act of 2018 |
2017-12-28 | 10965 | Establishing a National Science High School: Rodolfo CG. Fariñas Jr. National Science High School |
2017-12-28 | 10966 | Declaring Every December 8 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Commemoration of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary |
2016 (10740–10924)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2016-01-03 | 10740 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Corazon C. Aquino National High School |
2016-01-12 | 10741 | Making Gregorio Manio V as the new National Hero |
2016-01-15 | 10742 | Sangguniang Kabataan Reform Act of 2015 |
2016-01-29 | 10743 | Declaring Every October 5 as National Teachers' Day |
2016-02-06 | 10744 | Credit Surety Fund Cooperative Act of 2015 |
2016-02-26 | 10745 | Amending the Biofuels Act of 2006 or RA 9367: Allowing Use of Neat Diesel as Alternative Fuel in Natural Gas Power Generating Plants |
2016-03-03 | 10746 | Changing the Name of a National High School: Dr. Manuel T. Cases Sr. National High School |
2016-03-03 | 10747 | Rare Diseases Act of the Philippines |
2016-03-07 | 10748 | Changing the Name of an Elementary School: Dr. Manuel T. Cases Sr. Elementary School |
2016-03-07 | 10749 | Changing the Name of an Elementary School: San Manuel Sur Elementary School |
2016-03-07 | 10750 | Changing the Name of a National High School: Sixto A. Abao National High School |
2016-03-07 | 10751 | Changing the Name of an Elementary School: Alberto G. Bautista Elementary School |
2016-03-07 | 10752 | The Right-of-Way Act |
2016-03-07 | 10753 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Interactive Broadcast Media, Inc |
2016-03-23 | 10754 | Amending the Magna Carta For Persons with Disability: Expanding the Benefits and Privileges of Persons with Disability |
2016-03-29 | 10755 | Amending the Administrative Code of 1987 or EO 292: Authorizing Punong Barangay to Administer the Oath of Office of Any Government Official |
2016-04-08 | 10756 | Election Service Reform Act |
2016-04-08 | 10757 | Amending the Labor Code of the Philippines or PD 442: Reducing the Retirement Age of Surface Mine Workers |
2016-04-15 | 10758 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2016-04-15 | 10759 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2016-04-15 | 10760 | Creating a Regular District Office of the LTO |
2016-04-15 | 10761 | Creating a Regular District Office of the LTO |
2016-04-15 | 10762 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2016-04-15 | 10763 | Creating a Regular District Office of the LTO |
2016-04-15 | 10764 | Creating a Regular District Office of the LTO |
2016-04-15 | 10765 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2016-04-19 | 10766 | Amending The Human Rights Victims Reparation and Recognition Act of 2013 or RA 10368: Extending the Life of the Human Rights Victims Claims Board |
2016-04-26 | 10767 | Comprehensive Tuberculosis Elimination Plan Act |
2016-04-26 | 10768 | Declaring Every August 11 a Special Working Holiday in Iligan City in Commemoration of its Charter Day |
2016-04-26 | 10769 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2016-04-26 | 10770 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital: Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center |
2016-04-29 | 10771 | Philippine Green Jobs Act of 2016 |
2016-05-03 | 10772 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Christian Era Broadcasting Service International Incorporated (RA 7618) |
2016-05-03 | 10773 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Eagle Broadcasting Corporation (RA 7299) |
2016-05-03 | 10774 | Declaring Every March 9 a Special Working Holiday to Commemorate the Foundation of the Abra Province and the Culmination of the Abrenian Kawayan Festival |
2016-05-03 | 10775 | Declaring Every June 21 a Special Working Holiday in Tagaytay City in Commemoration of its Founding |
2016-05-03 | 10776 | Declaring Every 8 May as Special Working Holiday in Hermosa, Bataan |
2016-05-03 | 10777 | Declaring Every September 1 as Special Working Holiday in North Cotabato in Commemoration of Its Foundation |
2016-05-03 | 10778 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: La Huerta National High School |
2016-05-03 | 10779 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tabio National High School |
2016-05-03 | 10780 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Paraiso National High School |
2016-05-03 | 10781 | Creating a Regular District Office of the LTO |
2016-05-03 | 10782 | Creating a Regular District Office of the LTO |
2016-05-03 | 10783 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2016-05-03 | 10784 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2016-05-03 | 10785 | Establishing a Securities and Exchange Commission Office |
2016-05-03 | 10786 | Declaring Every 4th Week of September as the National Thyroid Cancer Awareness Week |
2016-05-03 | 10787 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2016-05-03 | 10788 | Declaring Every April 16 as Special Working Holiday in Marikina City in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2016-05-03 | 10789 | Racehorse Jockeys Retirement Act |
2016-05-03 | 10790 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Aliw Broadcasting Corporation (RA 7399) |
2016-05-03 | 10791 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Camp 30 National High School |
2016-05-10 | 10792 | Telecommunications Franchise Renewal: Contel Communications, Inc as Grantee and Assignee of Conception Industries, Inc, the Original Grantee (RA 7401) |
2016-05-10 | 10793 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Radio Veritas-Global Broadcasting System, Inc (RA 7579) |
2016-05-10 | 10794 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Mabuhay Broadcasting System, Inc (RA 7395) |
2016-05-10 | 10795 | Electric Power Distribution Franchise Renewal: Tarlac Electric, Inc (RA 7606) |
2016-05-10 | 10796 | Declaring a National Shrine: Balete Pass |
2016-05-10 | 10797 | Renaming an Educational Institution: Camp Jesse M. Robredo Regional Training Center 7 of the National Police Training Institute (Philippine Public Safety College) |
2016-05-10 | 10798 | Creating a Regular District Office of the LTO |
2016-05-10 | 10799 | Creating a Regular District Office of the LTO |
2016-05-10 | 10800 | Converting a State College into a State University: Tarlac Agricultural University |
2016-05-10 | 10801 | Overseas Workers Welfare Administration Act |
2016-05-11 | 10802 | Declaring Every July 4 as Special Working Holiday in the Lanao Del Sur Province in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2016-05-11 | 10803 | Declaring Every June 30 as Special Working Holiday in Imus City in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2016-05-11 | 10804 | Declaring Every September 29 as Special Working Holiday in Bacoor City in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2016-05-11 | 10805 | Declaring Every December 29 as Special Working Holiday in the Municipality of Leon in Honor of Captain Jose Calugas,Sr. |
2016-05-11 | 10806 | Declaring Every October 31 as Special Working Holiday in the Municipality of Porac in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2016-05-11 | 10807 | Declaring Every February 13 as Special Working Holiday in Parañaque City in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2016-05-11 | 10808 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Payatan National High School |
2016-05-11 | 10809 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Lamo National High School (Repealing RA 9779) |
2016-05-11 | 10810 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Malihud National High School |
2016-05-11 | 10811 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Monte Alegre National High School |
2016-05-11 | 10812 | Establishing a National High School: San Roque National High School |
2016-05-11 | 10813 | Establishing a Freshwater Hatchery |
2016-05-13 | 10814 | Declaring Every June 23 as Special Working Holiday in Bacoor City in Commemoration of its Cityhood |
2016-05-16 | 10815 | Establishing a TESDA Center: Rizal, Occidental Mindoro TESDA Training and Accreditation Center Act |
2016-05-16 | 10816 | Farm Tourism Development Act of 2016 |
2016-05-16 | 10817 | Philippine Halal Export Development and Promotion Act of 2016 |
2016-05-18 | 10818 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Radio Mindanao Network, Inc |
2016-05-18 | 10819 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Far East Broadcasting Companies (Philippines), Inc (RA 8115) |
2016-05-18 | 10820 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Progressive Broadcasting Corporation (RA 7163, RA 8162) |
2016-05-18 | 10821 | Children's Emergency Relief and Protection Act |
2016-05-18 | 10822 | Telecommunications Franchise: Pipol Broadband and Telecommunications Corporation |
2016-05-18 | 10823 | Changing the Name of an Agricultural School: Nueva Vizcaya Polytechnic Institute |
2016-05-18 | 10824 | Changing the Name of a Fisheries School: Masbate Institute of Fisheries and Technology |
2016-05-19 | 10825 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2016-05-19 | 10826 | Establishing a Marine Nursery |
2016-05-19 | 10827 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2016-05-19 | 10828 | Creating a Regular District Office of the LTO |
2016-05-11 | 10829 | Establishing a National Science High School: Pasay City National Science High School |
2016-05-11 | 10830 | Converting an Elementary School into an Integrated School: Bakhaw Integrated School |
2016-05-11 | 10831 | Establishing a National High School: Balukbahan National High School |
2016-05-11 | 10832 | Establishing a National High School: Dionisio Lopez Sr. National High School |
2016-05-11 | 10833 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Bentuco National High School |
2016-05-11 | 10834 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tinorongan National High School |
2016-05-11 | 10835 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tulungatung National High School |
2016-05-11 | 10836 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Pasonanca National High School |
2016-05-11 | 10837 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Don Galo National High School |
2016-05-11 | 10838 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Malatgao National High School |
2016-05-11 | 10839 | Converting a National High School into a National Vocational High School: Sadanga National Technical-Vocational and Skills Training High School |
2016-05-11 | 10840 | Converting a National High School into a National Vocational High School: Saliok National Technical-Vocational and Skills Training High School |
2016-05-11 | 10841 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Matti National High School |
2016-05-11 | 10842 | Converting an Elementary School into an Integrated School: Hulo Integrated School |
2016-05-11 | 10843 | Converting an Elementary School into an Integrated School: Lakeview Integrated School |
2016-05-23 | 10844 | Department of Information and Communications Technology Act of 2015 |
2016-05-23 | 10845 | Anti-Agricultural Smuggling Act of 2016 |
2016-05-23 | 10846 | Amending RA 3591 Creating the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation: Enhancing the Resolution and Liquidation Framework for Banks |
2016-05-23 | 10847 | Amending RA 4373 on the Practice and Operation of Social Work in the Philippines: Lowering Board Examination Applicants' Age Requirement, Providing for Continuing Social Work Education, and Upgrading Other Provisions |
2016-05-23 | 10848 | Amending the Agricultural Tariffication Act (RA 8178): Extending the Implementation Period of the Agricultural Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (ACEF) |
2016-05-23 | 10849 | Renaming an Educational Institution: Romblon National Institute of Technology |
2016-05-23 | 10850 | Creating a Regular District Office of the LTO |
2016-05-23 | 10851 | Converting a National High School into a National Vocational High School: Judge Jose De Venecia Sr. Technical-Vocational Secondary School |
2016-05-23 | 10852 | Establishing a National High School: Santo Niño National High School |
2016-05-23 | 10853 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Carugmanan National High School |
2016-05-23 | 10854 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Malinao National High School |
2016-05-23 | 10855 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Irosin North National High School |
2016-05-23 | 10856 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2016-05-23 | 10857 | Establishing Mangrove Crab Seed Banks, Nurseries, and Grow-Out Production Farms |
2016-05-23 | 10858 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2016-05-23 | 10859 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2016-05-23 | 10860 | Establishing a Marine Hatchery |
2016-05-23 | 10861 | Establishing a Provincial Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Training, Development and Production Center |
2016-05-25 | 10862 | Nutrition and Dietetics Act of 2016 |
2016-06-10 | 10863 | Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (GMTA) |
2016-06-10 | 10864 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424: Defining Raw Sugar or Raw Cane Sugar |
2016-06-23 | 10865 | Converting a Regional Hospital into a Medical Center: Mayor Hilarion A. Ramiro Sr. Medical Center |
2016-06-23 | 10866 | Batanes Responsible Tourism Act |
2016-06-23 | 10867 | National Bureau of Investigation Reorganization and Modernization Act |
2016-06-23 | 10868 | Centenarians Act of 2016 |
2016-06-29 | 10869 | JobStart Philippines Act |
2016-07-17 | 10870 | Philippine Credit Card Industry Regulation Act |
2016-07-17 | 10871 | Basic Life Support Training in Schools Act |
2016-07-17 | 10872 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Cordon National High School |
2016-07-17 | 10873 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Talifugo National High School |
2016-07-17 | 10874 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tanglagan National High School |
2016-07-17 | 10875 | Establishing a National Science and Technology High School: Antipolo City National Science and Technology High School |
2016-07-17 | 10876 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tinglayan National High School |
2016-07-17 | 10877 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Inil U. Taha National High School |
2016-07-17 | 10878 | Amending the Agricultural Land Reform Code or RA 3844: Institutionalizing Direct Credit Support of the Land Bank of the Philippines to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries, Small Farmers, and Fisherfolk |
2016-07-17 | 10879 | MIMAROPA Act |
2016-07-17 | 10880 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2016-07-17 | 10881 | Amending Investment Restrictions in Specific Laws Governing Adjustment Companies, Lending Companies, Financing Companies, and Investment Houses |
2016-07-17 | 10882 | Amending the AFP Military Personnel Retirement and Separation Decree of 1979 or PD 1638: AFP Derivative Retirement Pension for Children/Survivors Act of 2016 |
2016-07-17 | 10883 | New Anti-Carnapping Act of 2016 |
2016-07-17 | 10884 | Amending the Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992 of RA 7279: Balanced Housing Development Program Amendments Act |
2016-07-17 | 10885 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Makining Network, Inc |
2016-07-17 | 10886 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Kalayaan Broadcasting System, Inc |
2016-07-17 | 10887 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Byers Communications, Inc |
2016-07-17 | 10888 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Zoe Broadcasting, Inc |
2016-07-17 | 10889 | Telecommunications Franchise Renewal: Corona International, Inc |
2016-07-17 | 10890 | Electric Power Distribution Franchise: Mactan Electric Company, Inc (MECO) |
2016-07-21 | 10891 | Electric Power Distribution Franchise: First Bay Power Corp. (FBPC) |
2016-07-21 | 10892 | Electric Power Distribution Franchise Renewal: Ibaan Electric Corporation |
2016-07-21 | 10893 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: Masbate Community Broadcasting Co., Inc. |
2016-07-21 | 10894 | Telecommunications Franchise Renewal: Philippine Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (PT&T) |
2016-07-21 | 10895 | Telecommunications Franchise: Avocado Broadband Telecoms, Inc. |
2016-07-21 | 10896 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal: People's Broadcasting Service, Inc |
2016-07-21 | 10897 | Telecommunications Franchise: AMA Telecommunications, Inc |
2016-07-21 | 10898 | Telecommunications Franchise: Infinivan, Inc. |
2016-07-21 | 10899 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Veritas Media Arts, Inc. |
2016-07-21 | 10900 | Telecommunications Franchise Renewal: Bell Telecommunication Philippines, Inc |
2016-07-21 | 10901 | Air Transport Franchise for Domestic and international Service: Pilipinas Asian Pearl Airways, Inc |
2016-07-21 | 10902 | Telecommunications Franchise: Metro Connections and Telecom Corp. |
2016-07-21 | 10903 | Telecommunications Franchise: Megamanila Telecom Corp. |
2016-07-21 | 10904 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Pilipinas Radio Waves Corp |
2016-07-21 | 10905 | Closed Captions Requirement in Television on Television Stations and Television Programs Producers |
2016-07-21 | 10906 | Anti-Mail Order Spouse Act: Repealing the Anti-Mail Order Bride Act or RA 6955 |
2016-07-21 | 10907 | Camiguin Tourism Development Act |
2016-07-21 | 10908 | Integrated History Act of 2016 |
2016-07-21 | 10909 | No Shortchanging Act of 2016 |
2016-07-21 | 10910 | Amending the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act: Increasing the Prescriptive Period for Violations of the Act from 15 Years to 20 Years |
2016-07-21 | 10911 | Anti-Age Discrimination in Employment Act |
2016-07-21 | 10912 | Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016 |
2016-07-21 | 10913 | Anti-Distracted Driving Act |
2016-07-21 | 10914 | Granting Citizenship to a Person |
2016-07-21 | 10915 | Philippine Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Act of 2016 |
2016-07-21 | 10916 | Road Speed Limiter Act of 2016 |
2016-07-21 | 10917 | Amending RA 9547 amendments to the Special Program for Employment of Students Actor RA 7323 |
2016-07-21 | 10918 | Philippine Pharmacy Act: Repealing the Pharmacy Act or RA 5921 |
2016-07-21 | 10919 | University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTSP) Act |
2016-07-21 | 10920 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Cupis National High School |
2016-07-21 | 10921 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Ili National High School |
2016-07-22 | 10922 | Economic and Financial Literacy Act |
2016-10-15 | 10923 | Amending the Synchronized Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections Act or RA 9164: Postponing the October 2016 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (spent) |
2016-12-22 | 10924 | Appropriations Act of 2017 |
2015 (10653–10739)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2015-02-12 | 10653 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424: Adjusting the 13th Month Pay and Other Benefits Ceiling |
2015-02-27 | 10654 | Amending the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998 or RA 8550: Adopting the Precautionary Principle and Ecosystem-Based Approach |
2015-03-13 | 10655 | Amending the Revised Penal Code or Act No. 3815: Repealing the Crime of Premature Marriage |
2015-03-25 | 10656 | Amending the Synchronized Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections Act or RA 9164: Postponing the Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (spent) |
2015-03-27 | 10657 | Chemistry Profession Act: Repealing the Chemistry Act of the Philippines or RA 754 |
2015-03-27 | 10658 | Creating a Legislative District: Lone District of the City of Biñan |
2015-03-27 | 10659 | Sugarcane Industry Development Act of 2015 |
2015-04-16 | 10660 | Amending PD 1606: Further Strengthening the Organization of the Sandiganbayan |
2015-05-29 | 10661 | National Children's Month Act: November |
2015-07-03 | 10662 | Renaming a Road: Senator Benigno S. Aquino Jr. Avenue |
2015-07-03 | 10663 | Renaming a Road: President Corazon C. Aquino Avenue |
2015-07-06 | 10664 | Armed Forces of the Filipino People Week: Last Full Week of August |
2015-07-09 | 10665 | Open High School System Act |
2015-07-21 | 10666 | Children's Safety on Motorcycles Act of 2015 |
2015-07-21 | 10667 | Philippine Competition Act |
2015-07-21 | 10668 | An Act Allowing Foreign Vessels to Transport and Co-Load Foreign Cargoes for Domestic Transshipment and For Other Purposes |
2015-08-18 | 10669 | Jesse Robredo Day: August 18 |
2015-08-20 | 10670 | Renaming a Road: Gov. Benjamin "Kokoy" T. Romualdez Diversion Road |
2015-08-19 | 10671 | Renaming a Hospital: Salvador R. Encinas District Hospital |
2015-08-19 | 10672 | Granting Citizenship to a Person: Farrell Eldrian Wu |
2015-08-19 | 10673 | Reapportioning Legislative Districts of a Province |
2015-08-19 | 10674 | Establishing a Sports Center: Davao Del Norte Regional Sports Academy |
2015-08-19 | 10675 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2015-08-26 | 10676 | Student-Athletes Protection Act |
2015-08-26 | 10677 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital: Northern Mindanao Medical Center |
2015-08-26 | 10678 | Amending RA 7179: Converting the Davao Regional Hospital into Davo Regional Medical Center |
2015-08-27 | 10679 | Youth Entrepreneurship Act |
2015-08-27 | 10680 | Establishing a Sports Center: Misamis Occidental Sports Academy |
2015-08-27 | 10681 | Establishing a Sports Center: Talisay Sports Academy and Training Center |
2015-08-27 | 10682 | Establishing a Sports Center: Alfonso Sports Academy and Training Center |
2015-09-18 | 10683 | Establishing a Sports Center: Siargao Island Sports Academy and Training Center |
2015-09-18 | 10684 | Creating an Additional Legislative District |
2015-09-28 | 10685 | Granting Citizenship to a Person: Peter Leslie Wallace |
2015-10-11 | 10686 | Creating a Registry of Deeds |
2015-10-15 | 10687 | Unified Student Financial Assistance System for Tertiary Education (UniFAST) Act |
2015-10-20 | 10688 | Metallurgical Engineering Act of 2015: Repealing the Metallurgical Engineering Act of the Philippines or PD 1536 |
2015-10-23 | 10689 | National Indigenous Peoples Day: August 9 |
2015-10-23 | 10690 | The Forestry Profession Act: Repealing the Forestry Profession Act or RA 6239 |
2015-10-26 | 10691 | Amending the Public Employment Service Office Act of 1999 or RA 8759 |
2015-11-03 | 10692 | The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) Modernization Act |
2015-11-03 | 10693 | Microfinance NGOs Act |
2015-11-11 | 10694 | Creating additional Branches of the Municipal Trial Court |
2015-11-11 | 10695 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2015-11-11 | 10696 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court and the Municipal Trial Court |
2015-11-13 | 10697 | Strategic Trade Management Act (STMA) |
2015-11-13 | 10698 | Naval Architecture Act |
2015-11-13 | 10699 | National Athletes and Coaches Benefits and Incentives Act: Repealing RA 9064 |
2015-11-20 | 10700 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2015-11-20 | 10701 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2015-11-20 | 10702 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2015-11-20 | 10703 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2015-11-20 | 10704 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2015-11-20 | 10705 | Converting a Municipal Circuit Trial Court into a Municipal Trial Court |
2015-11-26 | 10706 | Seafarers Protection Act |
2015-11-26 | 10707 | Amending the Probation Act of 1976 or PD 968 |
2015-12-09 | 10708 | The Tax Incentives Management and Transparency Act (TIMTA) |
2015-12-09 | 10709 | Annual Thirty Day Leave Privileges for First Level Courts' Judges |
2015-12-09 | 10710 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2015-12-09 | 10711 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court and the Metropolitan Trial Court |
2015-12-09 | 10712 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2015-12-09 | 10713 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2015-12-09 | 10714 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2015-12-09 | 10715 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2015-12-10 | 10716 | Changing the Name of a National High School: Corazon C. Aquino National High School |
2015-12-10 | 10717 | Appropriations Act of 2016 |
2015-12-29 | 10718 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Balbalan National High School |
2015-12-29 | 10719 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Abuyo National High School |
2015-12-29 | 10720 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Consuelo National High School |
2015-12-29 | 10721 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Palandok National High School |
2015-12-29 | 10722 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Colongulo National High School |
2015-12-29 | 10723 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tumog National Agricultural and Trade High School |
2015-12-29 | 10724 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Santa Fe National High School |
2015-12-29 | 10725 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Kabugao National High School |
2015-12-29 | 10726 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: General Licerio Topacio National High School |
2015-12-29 | 10727 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Saint Peter National High School |
2015-12-29 | 10728 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tabuan National High School |
2015-12-29 | 10729 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Daniel C. Mantos National High School |
2015-12-29 | 10730 | Establishing a National High School: Maria Clara Lobregat National High School |
2015-12-29 | 10731 | Establishing a National High School: Libagon National High School |
2015-12-29 | 10732 | Establishing a National Science High School: Navotas National Science High School |
2015-12-29 | 10733 | Converting an Elementary School into an Integrated School: Andres Bonifacio Integrated School |
2015-12-29 | 10734 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tinuyop National High School |
2015-12-29 | 10735 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Talinga National High School |
2015-12-29 | 10736 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Little Baguio National High School |
2015-12-29 | 10737 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Santa Filomena School of Arts and Trades |
2015-12-29 | 10738 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Buloron National High School |
2015-12-29 | 10739 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2014 (10635–10652)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2014-03-16 | 10635 | Establishing the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) as solely responsible for the 1978 STCW Convention |
2014-06-16 | 10636 | Granting Citizenship to a Person: Andray Blatche |
2014-06-16 | 10637 | Electric Power Distribution Franchise: Cotabato Light and Power Company |
2014-06-16 | 10638 | Amending the Philippine National Railways Act or RA 4156: Extending the Life of the PNR |
2014-06-20 | 10639 | Free Mobile Disaster Alerts Act |
2014-07-15 | 10640 | Amending the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act or RA 9165: Strengthening the Anti-Drug Campaign |
2014-07-15 | 10641 | Amending RA 7721: Allowing Full Entry of Foreign Banks |
2014-07-15 | 10642 | Philippine Lemon Act |
2014-07-15 | 10643 | Graphic Health Warnings Act |
2014-07-15 | 10644 | Go Negosyo Act |
2014-11-05 | 10645 | Amending RA 7432: Mandatory PHILHEALTH Coverage for All Senior Citizens |
2014-11-08 | 10646 | Creating a Government-Owned or -Controlled Corporation: Charter of the Quezon City Development Authority |
2014-11-21 | 10647 | Ladderized Education Act of 2014 |
2014-11-27 | 10648 | Iskolar ng Bayan Act of 2014 |
2014-11-27 | 10649 | Amending RA 6948: Increasing the Burial Assistance for Military Veterans |
2014-12-09 | 10650 | Open Distance Learning Act |
2014-12-29 | 10651 | General Appropriations Act |
2014-12-23 | 10652 | Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2014 |
2013 (10355–10634)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2013-01-09 | 10355 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital |
2013-01-09 | 10356 | Granting Citizenship to a Person: Jessie Josephine Coe Lichauco |
2013-01-09 | 10357 | Declaring Every September 5 a Special Working Holiday in Naga City in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2013-01-09 | 10358 | Declaring Every July 7 a Special Working Holiday in Carcar City in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2013-01-09 | 10359 | Declaring Every March 26 a Special Working Holiday in Cebu Province in Commemoration of its Liberation from Japanese Occupation |
2013-01-09 | 10360 | Creating a Province |
2013-01-18 | 10361 | Domestic Workers Act |
2013-01-23 | 10362 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-01-28 | 10363 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-02-06 | 10364 | Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2012 |
2013-02-15 | 10365 | Amending the Anti-Money Laundering Act or R.A. 9160 |
2013-02-15 | 10366 | COMELEC on Precincts for PWD and Senior Citizens |
2013-02-15 | 10367 | Mandatory Biometrics in Voter Registration |
2013-02-25 | 10368 | Reparation and Recognition of Victims of Human Rights Violations During the Marcos Regime |
2013-02-28 | 10369 | Reconstituting a District Engineering Office into Two District Offices |
2013-02-28 | 10370 | Establishing a Municipal Circuit Trial Court |
2013-02-28 | 10371 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-02-28 | 10372 | Amending the Intellectual Property Code or RA 8293 |
2013-03-01 | 10373 | Electric Power Distribution Franchise: Olongapo Electricity Distribution Company, Inc. |
2013-03-05 | 10374 | Amending the Agricultural Land Reform Code or RA 3844: Extending the Life of the Land Bank of the Philippines |
2013-03-05 | 10375 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-05 | 10376 | Zamboanga Del Norte Electric Cooperative, Inc – Condoning Interest Payable to National Power Corporation |
2013-03-05 | 10377 | Transferring Location of a District Engineering Office |
2013-03-07 | 10378 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424: Recognizing the Principle of Reciprocity on Income Tax Exemptions to International Carriers |
2013-03-08 | 10379 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2013-03-14 | 10380 | Local Absentee Voting for Media |
2013-03-14 | 10381 | Creating additional Branches of the Metropolitan Trial Court |
2013-03-14 | 10382 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-14 | 10383 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-14 | 10384 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-14 | 10385 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-14 | 10386 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-14 | 10387 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-14 | 10388 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2013-03-14 | 10389 | Recognizance Act of 2012 |
2013-03-14 | 10390 | Amending RA 7306: Revitalizing the People's Television Network, Inc Act |
2013-03-14 | 10391 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2013-03-14 | 10392 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-03-14 | 10393 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-03-14 | 10394 | Converting Branches of the Regional Trial Court of Pasig City into the Regional Trial Court of Taguig City |
2013-03-14 | 10395 | Amending the Labor Code or PD 442: Strengthening Tripartism |
2013-03-14 | 10396 | Amending the Labor Code or PD 442: Strengthening Conciliation-Mediation |
2013-03-16 | 10397 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road |
2013-03-19 | 10398 | Declaring Every November 25 as the "National Consciousness Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Children" |
2013-03-19 | 10399 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-19 | 10400 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-19 | 10401 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-19 | 10402 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road |
2013-03-19 | 10403 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-19 | 10404 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-19 | 10405 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-19 | 10406 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road |
2013-03-19 | 10407 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road |
2013-03-19 | 10408 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-19 | 10409 | A Tourism Development Area |
2013-03-26 | 10410 | Early Years Act of 2013 |
2013-03-26 | 10411 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-26 | 10412 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road |
2013-03-26 | 10413 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-26 | 10414 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-26 | 10415 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-26 | 10416 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-26 | 10417 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-26 | 10418 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-26 | 10419 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-03-26 | 10420 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2013-04-08 | 10421 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10422 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10423 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10424 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10425 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10426 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10427 | Establishing a Primary School |
2013-04-08 | 10428 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10429 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10430 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10431 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10432 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10433 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10434 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10435 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10436 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10437 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10438 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10439 | Changing the Name of a National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10440 | Converting a High School into a National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10441 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10442 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10443 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10444 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10445 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10446 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10447 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10448 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10449 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10450 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-08 | 10451 | Establishing the Bikol Botanical Garden |
2013-04-08 | 10452 | Reforesting 3,000 Hectares of Public Land |
2013-04-08 | 10453 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-04-08 | 10454 | Creating additional Branches to the Regional Trial Court and the Municipal Trial Court |
2013-04-08 | 10455 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-11 | 10456 | Establishing a Separate City Schools Division Office |
2013-04-11 | 10457 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-04-16 | 10458 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10459 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10460 | Establishing a Primary School |
2013-04-16 | 10461 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10462 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10463 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10464 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10465 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10466 | Converting a High School Annex into a National Science High School |
2013-04-16 | 10467 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10468 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10469 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10470 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10471 | Changing the Name of a National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10472 | Changing the Name of a National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10473 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10474 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10475 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10476 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10477 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10478 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10479 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10480 | Creating additional Branches of the Metropolitan Trial Court |
2013-04-16 | 10481 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10482 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10483 | Establishing a Primary School |
2013-04-16 | 10484 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10485 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10486 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10487 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10488 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10489 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10490 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10491 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10492 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10493 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10494 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10495 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10496 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10497 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10498 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10499 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10500 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10501 | Establishing a National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10502 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10503 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10504 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10505 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10506 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10507 | Changing the Name of a National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10508 | Changing the Name of an Elementary School |
2013-04-16 | 10509 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10510 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10511 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10512 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10513 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2013-04-16 | 10514 | Establishing a City Schools Division Office |
2013-04-17 | 10515 | Anti-Cable Television and Cable Internet Tapping Act of 2013 |
2013-04-17 | 10516 | Expanding Utilization of an Industrial Estate |
2013-04-23 | 10517 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-04-23 | 10518 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-04-23 | 10519 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-04-23 | 10520 | Creating additional Branches of the Metropolitan Trial Court and the Regional Trial Court |
2013-04-23 | 10521 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-04-23 | 10522 | Creating additional Branches of the Metropolitan Trial Court |
2013-04-23 | 10523 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-04-23 | 10524 | Amending the Magna Carta for PWD or RA 7277 |
2013-04-23 | 10525 | Declaring the First Week of February of Each Year as "World Interfaith Harmony Week" |
2013-04-23 | 10526 | Declaring the Month of January of Each Year as "Liver Cancer and Viral Hepatitis Awareness and Prevention Month" |
2013-05-07 | 10527 | Converting an Elementary School into an Integrated School |
2013-05-07 | 10528 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office of the LTO |
2013-05-07 | 10529 | Renaming a Regional Office of the PNP |
2013-05-07 | 10530 | The Red Cross and Other Emblems Act of 2013 |
2013-05-07 | 10531 | Amending the National Electrification Administration Decree or PD 269 |
2013-05-07 | 10532 | Philippine National Health Research System Act of 2013 |
2013-05-15 | 10533 | Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 |
2013-05-15 | 10534 | Renaming a Provincial Office of the PNP |
2013-05-15 | 10535 | Philippine Standard Time Act of 2013 |
2013-05-15 | 10536 | Amending the Meat Inspection Code or RA 9296 |
2013-05-15 | 10537 | Creating additional Branches of the Metropolitan Trial Court |
2013-05-15 | 10538 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-15 | 10539 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-15 | 10540 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-15 | 10541 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-15 | 10542 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-15 | 10543 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-15 | 10544 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-15 | 10545 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-15 | 10546 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-15 | 10547 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-15 | 10548 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-05-15 | 10549 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road |
2013-05-15 | 10550 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road |
2013-05-15 | 10551 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road |
2013-05-15 | 10552 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-05-15 | 10553 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2013-05-15 | 10554 | Establishing a City Schools Division Office |
2013-05-15 | 10555 | Declaring Places in the Municipality as Cultural Heritage Tourism Zone |
2013-05-15 | 10556 | Declaring Every November 27 a Regular Working Holiday as the "Araw ng Pagbasa" |
2013-05-15 | 10557 | Renaming the Product Development and Design Center of the Philippines into the Design Center of the Philippines |
2013-05-15 | 10558 | Increasing Plantilla Positions for the West Visayas State University and West Visayas State University Medical Center |
2013-05-17 | 10559 | Renaming a Provincial Office of the PNP |
2013-05-17 | 10560 | Declaring a Tourism Development Area |
2013-05-17 | 10561 | Declaring a Tourism Development Area |
2013-05-22 | 10562 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-22 | 10563 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-22 | 10564 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-22 | 10565 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-22 | 10566 | Creating additional Branches of the Metropolitan Trial Court |
2013-05-22 | 10567 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-22 | 10568 | Creating an additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court and the Municipal Trial Court |
2013-05-22 | 10569 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-22 | 10570 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court and the Municipal Trial Court |
2013-05-22 | 10571 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-24 | 10572 | Amending the Family Code of the Philippines or EO 209: Establishing a Liability of the Absolute Community or Conjugal Partnership |
2013-05-24 | 10573 | Declaring a National Historical Landmark |
2013-05-24 | 10574 | Amending the Rural Bank Act of 1992 or RA 7353: Allowing Infusion of Foreign Equity |
2013-05-24 | 10575 | Bureau of Corrections Act of 2013 |
2013-05-24 | 10576 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-24 | 10577 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-24 | 10578 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court and the Municipal Trial Court |
2013-05-24 | 10579 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-24 | 10580 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-24 | 10581 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-24 | 10582 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-05-24 | 10583 | Converting a State College into a State University |
2013-05-24 | 10584 | Converting a State College into a State University |
2013-05-24 | 10585 | Converting a State College into a State University |
2013-05-27 | 10586 | Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Act of 2013 |
2013-05-27 | 10587 | Environmental Planning Act of 2013: Repealing PD 1308 |
2013-05-27 | 10588 | Palarong Pambansa Act of 2013 |
2013-05-24 | 10589 | Declaring Every December of Every Year as "Anti-Corruption Month" |
2013-05-27 | 10590 | Overseas Voting Act of 2013: Amending RA 9189 |
2013-05-29 | 10591 | Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act |
2013-05-29 | 10592 | Amending the Revised Penal Code or Act 3815 |
2013-05-29 | 10593 | Amending the Coconut Preservation Act of 1995 or RA 8048 |
2013-06-04 | 10594 | Establishing a State College: Talisay City State College |
2013-06-04 | 10595 | Converting a State College into a State University: Iloilo Science and Technology University |
2013-06-04 | 10596 | Converting a State College into a State University: Mindoro State University (MINSU) |
2013-06-04 | 10597 | Integrating State Colleges into a State University: Northern Iloilo State University |
2013-06-04 | 10598 | Establishing a State College: Compostela Valley State College |
2013-06-04 | 10599 | Integrating State Colleges into a State University: Palompon Polytechnic State University |
2013-06-04 | 10600 | Integrating State Colleges into a State University: Surigao Del Norte State University |
2013-06-05 | 10601 | Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization Act |
2013-06-11 | 10602 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-06-11 | 10603 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-06-11 | 10604 | Converting a State College into a State University |
2013-06-11 | 10605 | Converting a State College into a State University |
2013-06-19 | 10606 | Amending the National Health Insurance Act of 1995 or RA 7875: National Health Insurance Act of 2013 |
2013-08-15 | 10607 | Amending the Insurance Code or PD 612 |
2013-08-22 | 10608 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2013-08-23 | 10609 | Protection of Students' Right to Enroll in Review Centers Act of 2013 |
2013-08-23 | 10610 | Construction of a Fish Port |
2013-08-23 | 10611 | Food Safety Act of 2013 |
2013-08-23 | 10612 | Fast-Tracked S&T Scholarship Act of 2013 |
2013-08-28 | 10613 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital |
2013-08-28 | 10614 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital |
2013-08-28 | 10615 | Construction of a Fish Port |
2013-08-28 | 10616 | Construction of a Fish Port |
2013-08-28 | 10617 | Construction of a Fish Port and Cold Storage Facility |
2013-09-03 | 10618 | Rural Farm Schools Act |
2013-09-03 | 10619 | Establishing a Municipal Hospital |
2013-09-03 | 10620 | Toy and Game Safety Labeling Act of 2013 |
2013-09-06 | 10621 | Construction of a Fish Port and Cold Storage Facility |
2013-09-06 | 10622 | Changing the Name of an Agricultural School |
2013-09-06 | 10623 | Amending the Price Act or RA 7581 |
2013-09-06 | 10624 | Construction of a Fish Port |
2013-09-12 | 10625 | Philippine Statistical Act of 2013: Repealing EO 121 |
2013-09-12 | 10626 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a Regular Office |
2013-09-12 | 10627 | Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 |
2013-09-26 | 10628 | Construction of Fish Ports |
2013-09-26 | 10629 | Amending the National Integrated Protected Areas System Act of 1992 or RA 7586 |
2013-10-03 | 10630 | Amending the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act 2006 or RA 9344 |
2013-10-03 | 10631 | Amending the Animal Welfare Act of 1998 or RA 8485 |
2013-10-03 | 10632 | Amending RA 9340: Postponement of Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (spent) |
2013-12-16 | 10633 | Appropriations Act of 2014 |
2013-12-26 | 10634 | Supplemental Appropriations Act for 2013 |
2012 (10157–10354)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2012-01- | ||
2012-01-20 | 10157 | Kindergarten Education Act |
2012-03-27 | 10158 | Amending the Revised Penal Code or Act 3815: Decriminalizing Vagrancy |
2012-04-10 | 10159 | Amending the Revised Penal Code or Act 3815 |
2012-04-10 | 10160 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2012-04-10 | 10161 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2012-04-17 | 10162 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2012-05-16 | 10163 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2012-05-15 | 10164 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2012-06-11 | 10165 | Foster Care Act of 2012 |
2012-06-11 | 10166 | Geology Profession Act of 2012: Repealing RA 4209 |
2012-06-06 | 10167 | Amending the Anti-Money Laundering Act |
2012-06-20 | 10168 | Terrorism Financing Prevention and Suppression Act of 2012 |
2012-06-21 | 10169 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2012-07-02 | 10170 | Reapportioning Legislative Districts of Quezon City |
2012-07-19 | 10171 | Reapportioning Legislative Districts of a Province |
2012-08-15 | 10172 | Amending RA 9048: Correcting Typographical Errors in the Civil Register |
2012-08-15 | 10173 | Data Privacy Act of 2012 |
2012-08-16 | 10174 | Amending the Climate Change Act of 2009: Establishing the People's Survival Fund |
2012-09-12 | 10175 | Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 |
2012-09-12 | 10176 | Arbor Day Act of 2012 |
2012-09-14 | 10177 | Reapportioning Legislative Districts of a Province |
2012-09-21 | 10178 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Reliance Broadcasting Unlimited, Inc |
2012-09-21 | 10179 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise |
2012-09-21 | 10180 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise |
2012-09-21 | 10181 | Television Broadcasting Franchise: TV Maria Foundation Philippines, Inc |
2012-09-21 | 10182 | Telecommunications Franchise: Telecommunications Technology Solutions, Inc |
2012-09-21 | 10183 | Telecommunications Franchise: Wi-Trive Telecoms, Inc |
2012-09-28 | 10184 | Reapportioning Legislative Districts of a Province |
2012-10-18 | 10185 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10186 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10187 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10188 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10189 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10190 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10191 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10192 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10193 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10194 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10195 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10196 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10197 | Converting a High School into a National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10198 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10199 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10200 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10201 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10202 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10203 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10204 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10205 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10206 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10207 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10208 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10209 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10210 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10211 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10212 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10213 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10214 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10215 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10216 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10217 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10218 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10219 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10220 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10221 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10222 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10223 | Establishing an Elementary School |
2012-10-18 | 10224 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10225 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10226 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-18 | 10227 | Renaming an Educational Institution |
2012-10-18 | 10228 | Converting a State College into a State University |
2012-10-19 | 10229 | Converting a State College into a State University |
2012-10-19 | 10230 | Integrating State Colleges into a State University |
2012-10-19 | 10231 | Converting a State College Campus into a Separate State College |
2012-10-29 | 10232 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-10-29 | 10233 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-29 | 10234 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-10-29 | 10235 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-10-29 | 10236 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-29 | 10237 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-29 | 10238 | Converting a National High School into a National Science High School |
2012-10-29 | 10239 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-29 | 10240 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-10-29 | 10241 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-10-29 | 10242 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-08 | 10243 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2012-11-08 | 10244 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2012-11-08 | 10245 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2012-11-08 | 10246 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2012-11-08 | 10247 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2012-11-08 | 10248 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2012-11-08 | 10249 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2012-11-08 | 10250 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2012-11-08 | 10251 | Creating additional Branches of the Metropolitan Trial Court |
2012-11-08 | 10252 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2012-11-08 | 10253 | Creating additional Branches of the Municipal Trial Court |
2012-11-08 | 10254 | Creating additional Branches of the Municipal Trial Court |
2012-11-15 | 10255 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10256 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10257 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10258 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10259 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10260 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10261 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10262 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10263 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10264 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10265 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10266 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10267 | Converting a National High School into a Regional Science High School |
2012-11-15 | 10268 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10269 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10270 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10271 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10272 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10273 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10274 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10275 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10276 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10277 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10278 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10279 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10280 | Changing the Name of a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10281 | Changing the Name of an Elementary School |
2012-11-15 | 10282 | Establishing a High School Annex |
2012-11-15 | 10283 | Changing the Name of a National High School |
2012-11-14 | 10284 | Establishing a National Science High School |
2012-11-14 | 10285 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-14 | 10286 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-14 | 10287 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-14 | 10288 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-14 | 10289 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-14 | 10290 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-14 | 10291 | Establishing an Integrated School |
2012-11-14 | 10292 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-14 | 10293 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-14 | 10294 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-14 | 10295 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-14 | 10296 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-14 | 10297 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10298 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2012-11-15 | 10299 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court and the Metropolitan Trial Court |
2012-11-15 | 10300 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2012-11-15 | 10301 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2012-11-15 | 10302 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2012-11-15 | 10303 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2012-11-15 | 10304 | Converting an Elementary School into an Integrated School |
2012-11-15 | 10305 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10306 | Establishing an Integrated School |
2012-11-15 | 10307 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10308 | Converting a High School into a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10309 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10310 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10311 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10312 | Converting a National High School into a National Vocational High School |
2012-11-15 | 10313 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10314 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10315 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10316 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10317 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10318 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10319 | Establishing a High School Annex |
2012-11-15 | 10320 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10321 | Establishing a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10322 | Establishing a High School Annex |
2012-11-15 | 10323 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10324 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10325 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10326 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10327 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10328 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Mantalisay National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10329 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10330 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Pinamasagan National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10331 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Gubaan National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10332 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10333 | Changing the Name of a National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10334 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School |
2012-11-15 | 10335 | Establishing an Elementary School |
2012-11-15 | 10336 | Establishing an Integrated School |
2012-11-21 | 10337 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2012-11-21 | 10338 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2012-11-21 | 10339 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2012-11-21 | 10340 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2012-11-21 | 10341 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court and the Metropolitan Trial Court |
2012-12-04 | 10342 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise: Quest Broadcasting, Inc |
2012-12-04 | 10343 | Telecommunications Franchise: Philippine Global Communications, Inc |
2012-12-04 | 10344 | Risk Reduction and Preparedness Equipment Protection Act |
2012-12-04 | 10345 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital |
2012-12-04 | 10346 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2012-12-04 | 10347 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2012-12-06 | 10348 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2012-12-11 | 10349 | Amending the AFP Modernization Act or RA 7898 |
2012-12-17 | 10350 | Philippine Interior Design Act of 2012: Repealing RA 8534 |
2012-12-19 | 10351 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424: Restructuring the Excise Tax on Alcohol and Tobacco Products |
2012-12-19 | 10352 | Appropriations Act of 2013 |
2012-12-21 | 10353 | Anti-Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance Act of 2012 |
2012-12-21 | 10354 | Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 |
2011 (10148–10156)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2011-03-12 | 10148 | Granting Citizenship to a Person |
2011-06-06 | 10149 | GOCC Governance Act of 2011 |
2011-06-21 | 10150 | Amending the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001: Lifeline Rate Implementation |
2011-06-21 | 10151 | Amending the Labor Code or PD 442: Allowing Employment of Night Workers |
2011-06-21 | 10152 | Mandatory Infants and Children Health Immunization Act of 2011: Repealing PD 996 |
2011-06-30 | 10153 | Synchronization of ARMM Elections with the National and Local Elections |
2011-07-14 | 10154 | Early Release of Retirement Benefits for Retiring Government Employees |
2011-12- | 10155 | Appropriations Act of 2012 |
2011-12-20 | 10156 | Conferment of Civil Service Eligibility to Qualifying Members of the Sangguniangs Bayan, Panlungsod, and Panlalawigan |
2010 (9903–10146)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2010-01-07 | 9903 | Social Security Condonation Act of 2009 |
2010-01-07 | 9904 | Magna Carta for Homeowners and Homeowners' Associations |
2010-01-07 | 9905 | Creating a Barangay: Banawa-Englis (Rejected by Plebiscite) |
2010-01-07 | 9906 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2010-01-07 | 9907 | Establishing a National Science High School: Baguio City National Science High School |
2010-01-07 | 9908 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Mongilit Ligmayo National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9909 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Mabuhay National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9910 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Eastern Kalinga National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9911 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Nambucayan National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9912 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Langgawisan National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9913 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: La Libertad National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9914 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Nieves Villarica National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9915 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Balili National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9916 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tacadang National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9917 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Macutay-Palao National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9918 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Guisad Valley National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9919 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Marc Ysrael B. Bernos Memorial National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9920 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Ticulon National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9921 | Converting a National High School into a National Science High School: RPMD National Science High School |
2010-01-07 | 9922 | Separating Secondary Programs of a School into an Independent National High School: Buenavista National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9923 | Converting a Barangay High School into a National High School: Danao National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9924 | Establishing a National High School: Argao National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9925 | Establishing a National High School: Panlaitan National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9926 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: San Jose National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9927 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tambaliza National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9928 | Establishing a National High School: Pantaleon Cudiera Memorial National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9929 | Establishing a National High School: Kitubo National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9930 | Establishing a National High School: Macasandig National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9931 | Establishing a National High School: Camanga National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9932 | Establishing a National High School: General Emilio Aguinaldo National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9933 | Establishing a National High School: Macapari National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9934 | Establishing a National High School: Dologon National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9935 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Keytodac National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9936 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Lupon National Comprehensive High School |
2010-01-07 | 9937 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Sangay National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9938 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Magnaga National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9939 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Ramonito P. Maravilla Sr. National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9940 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Adriano Cabardo National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9941 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Barangay Estado National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9942 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Puerto National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9943 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Bugo National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9944 | Establishing a National High School: Concepcion National High School |
2010-01-07 | 9945 | Establishing a National High School: Calandagan National High School |
2010-01-13 | 9946 | Amending RA 910: Granting Additional Benefits to Members of the Judiciary |
2010-01-15 | 9947 | Establishing a National High School: Malagandis National High School |
2010-01-15 | 9948 | Establishing a National High School: Guintoloan National High School |
2010-01-15 | 9949 | Establishing a National High School: Efegenio Lizares National High School |
2010-01-15 | 9950 | Establishing a National High School: Tablon National High School |
2010-01-15 | 9951 | Establishing a National High School: Ilog National High School |
2010-01-15 | 9952 | Establishing a National High School: Vicente L. Pimentel Sr. National High School |
2010-01-15 | 9953 | Establishing a National High School: Quezon National High School |
2010-01-15 | 9954 | Establishing a National High School: Tario Lim National Memorial High School |
2010-01-15 | 9955 | Establishing a National High School: Macasing National High School |
2010-01-15 | 9956 | Establishing a National High School: Lintugop National High School |
2010-01-15 | 9957 | Establishing a National High School: Matalang National High School |
2010-01-15 | 9958 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Panikian National High School |
2010-01-15 | 9959 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Sisay National High School |
2010-01-15 | 9960 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tagugpo National High School |
2010-01-15 | 9961 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Melale National High School |
2010-01-15 | 9962 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Pindasan National High School |
2010-01-15 | 9963 | Establishing a National High School: Governor Evelio B. Javier Memorial National High School |
2010-01-15 | 9964 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Sibalom National High School |
2010-01-15 | 9965 | Renaming a Road: Francisco S. Dizon Road |
2010-01-18 | 9966 | Converting a State College into a State University: Sultan Kudarat State University (SKSU) |
2010-02-06 | 9967 | Electric Power Distribution Franchise: San Fernando Electric Light and Power Company, Inc |
2010-02-06 | 9968 | Electric Power Distribution Franchise: Cabanatuan Electric Corporation (Formerly, Samahang Magsasaka, Incorporada) |
2010-02-06 | 9969 | Electric Power Distribution Franchise: Dagupan Electric Corporation |
2010-02-08 | 9970 | Appropriations Act of 2010 |
2010-02-10 | 9971 | Establishing a National High School: Mayo National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9972 | Establishing a National High School: Lavigan National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9973 | Establishing a National High School: Badas National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9974 | Establishing a National High School: Cantilan National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9975 | Establishing a National High School: Don Carlos National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9976 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Ulip National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9977 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Awao National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9978 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Don Salvador Lopez National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9979 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Bulawan National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9980 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Kawayan National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9981 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Balubal National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9982 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: San Isidro National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9983 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Buenavista National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9984 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: San Jose National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9985 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Mone National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9986 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Fishing Village Comprehensive National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9987 | Converting a High School into a National High School: La Fortuna National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9988 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Santa Maria National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9989 | Separating Secondary Programs of a School into an Independent National High School: Cawayan National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9990 | Converting a Barangay High School into a National High School: Naawan National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9991 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Baluan National High School |
2010-02-10 | 9992 | Converting a Road into National Road: Antequera-San Isidro-Libertad (Tubigon) Road |
2010-02-12 | 9993 | Philippine Coast Guard Act of 2009: Repealing RA 5173 |
2010-02-15 | 9994 | Amending RA 7432: Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010 |
2010-02-15 | 9995 | Anti-Photo and Video Voyeurism Act of 2009 |
2010-02-17 | 9996 | Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA) Act of 2010 |
2010-02-18 | 9997 | National Commission on Muslim Filipinos Act of 2009 |
2010-02-22 | 9998 | Converting a State College into a State University: Surigao del Sur State University |
2010-02-23 | 9999 | Free Legal Assistance Act of 2010 |
2010-02-23 | 10000 | Agri-Agra Reform Credit Act of 2009 |
2010-02-23 | 10001 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424: Reducing Taxes on Life Insurance Policies |
2010-02-23 | 10002 | Establishing a National High School: Nasipit National High School |
2010-02-23 | 10003 | Establishing a National High School: Cabadbaran City National High School |
2010-02-23 | 10004 | Establishing a National High School: Western Biliran High School for the Arts and Culture |
2010-02-23 | 10005 | Establishing a National High School: Information and Communications Technology (ICT) High School of Eastern Biliran |
2010-02-23 | 10006 | Establishing a National High School: Saluyong National High School |
2010-02-23 | 10007 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Bato National High School |
2010-02-23 | 10008 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Mangilay National High School |
2010-02-23 | 10009 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Nonito Paz Arroyo Memorial National High School |
2010-02-23 | 10010 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Bato National High School |
2010-02-23 | 10011 | Converting a Road into National Road: Bacon-Sawanga-Prieto Diaz Road |
2010-02-23 | 10012 | Converting a Road into National Road: Eastern Bobongan-Sominot-Midsalip-Dumingag National Road |
2010-02-23 | 10013 | Converting a Road into National Road: Ubao-Taang National Road |
2010-02-23 | 10014 | Converting a Road into National Road: Capas-San Jose-Mayantoc-Malacampa Road |
2010-02-23 | 10015 | Converting a Road into National Road: Mabinay-Ayungon National Road |
2010-02-23 | 10016 | Converting a Road into National Road: Sindangan-Bayog-Lakewood Road |
2010-02-23 | 10017 | Converting a Road into National Road: Bonifacio-Don Victoriano Road |
2010-02-23 | 10018 | Converting a Road into National Road: Maripipi Island Circumferential Road |
2010-02-23 | 10019 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2010-02-23 | 10020 | Establishing a National High School: Maac National High School |
2010-03-08 | 10021 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424 – Exchange of Information on Tax Matters Act of 2009 |
2010-03-08 | 10022 | Amending the Migrant workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995 or RA 8042: Improving Standard of Protection and Welfare to Migrant Workers, Overseas Filipino Workers, and their Families (Read about the International labour law) |
2010-03-09 | 10023 | Issuance of Free Patents to Residential Lands |
2010-03-09 | 10024 | Philippine Respiratory Therapy Act of 2009 |
2010-03-11 | 10025 | Converting an Elementary School into an Integrated School: Ilaya Barangka Integrated School |
2010-03-11 | 10026 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424: Granting Tax Exemption to Local Water Districts |
2010-03-13 | 10027 | Radio, Television, and Satellite Broadcasting Franchise: Aurora Technological Institute, Inc |
2010-03-16 | 10028 | Amending the Rooming-in and Breastfeeding Act of 1992 or RA 7600: Expanded Breastfeeding promotion Act of 2009 |
2010-03-16 | 10029 | Philippine Psychology Act of 2009 |
2010-03-16 | 10030 | Converting a Road into National Road: Bakong-Tubig Indangan-Tonggusong-Tampakan Road |
2010-03-18 | 10031 | Establishing a National High School: Cantubod National High School |
2010-03-18 | 10032 | Establishing a National High School: Diwat National High School |
2010-03-18 | 10033 | Establishing a National High School: Don Ynocencio A. Del Rosario National High School |
2010-03-18 | 10034 | Converting a National High School into a National Science High School: Ubay National Science High School |
2010-03-18 | 10035 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Hinawanan National High School |
2010-03-18 | 10036 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Bayawahan National High School |
2010-03-18 | 10037 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Francisco Dagohoy Memorial High School |
2010-03-18 | 10038 | Establishing a National High School: Don Filomeno M. Torres Memorial National High School |
2010-03-18 | 10039 | Establishing a National High School: Ubaldo Iway Memorial National High School |
2010-03-18 | 10040 | Converting a Road into National Road: Balilihan-Hanopol-Batuan National Road |
2010-03-18 | 10041 | Converting a Road into National Road: Leganes-Santa Barbara National Road |
2010-03-18 | 10042 | Converting a Road into National Road: Dapa-Union-General Luna Road |
2010-03-18 | 10043 | Establishing a Health Institute Integrated with a Hospital |
2010-03-19 | 10044 | Establishing a National High School: Kinuman Norte National High School |
2010-03-19 | 10045 | Establishing a National High School: Gala National High School |
2010-03-19 | 10046 | Establishing a National High School: Taming National High School |
2010-03-19 | 10047 | Establishing a National High School: Tabid National High School |
2010-03-19 | 10048 | Establishing a National High School: Upper Usugan National Comprehensive High School |
2010-03-19 | 10049 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: San Miguel National High School |
2010-03-19 | 10050 | Renaming a Bridge: President Diosdado P. Macapagal Bridge |
2010-03-19 | 10051 | Naming a New Bridge: Pres. Diosdado P. Macapagal Bridge |
2010-03-19 | 10052 | Renaming a Road: Mayor Ramon T. Pastor Sr. Street |
2010-03-19 | 10053 | Renaming a Road: Labanan sa Binakayan Road |
2010-03-23 | 10054 | Motorcycle Helmet Act of 2009 |
2010-03-23 | 10055 | Philippine Technology Transfer Act of 2009 |
2010-03-24 | 10056 | Establishing a National High School: Calabayan National High School |
2010-03-24 | 10057 | Establishing a National High School: Sikatuna National Agricultural High School |
2010-03-24 | 10058 | Establishing a National High School: Lubang National High School |
2010-03-24 | 10059 | Establishing a National High School: Tenani Integrated National High School |
2010-03-24 | 10060 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Anoling National High School |
2010-03-24 | 10061 | Establishing a High School Annex: Hampipila National High School Annex |
2010-03-24 | 10062 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Cogtong National High School |
2010-03-24 | 10063 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Oy National High School |
2010-03-24 | 10064 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Sun Valley National High School |
2010-03-24 | 10065 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Moonwalk National High School |
2010-03-26 | 10066 | National Cultural Heritage Act of 2009 |
2010-04-06 | 10067 | Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park Act of 2009 |
2010-04-06 | 10068 | Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 |
2010-04-06 | 10069 | Declaring Every 7 May as Health workers' Day |
2010-04-06 | 10070 | Amending the Magna Carta For Disabled Persons or RA 7277: Institutionalizing a Mechanism to Implement the Magna Carta Nationwide |
2010-04-08 | 10071 | Prosecution Service Act of 2010 |
2010-04-20 | 10072 | Philippine Red Cross Act of 2009 |
2010-04-20 | 10073 | Girl Scouts of the Philippines Charter of 2009 |
2010-04-20 | 10074 | Converting an Extension Office into a Regular Office (LTO) |
2010-04-20 | 10075 | Converting a Road into National Road: Asuncion-San Isidro-Laak-Veruela Road |
2010-04-20 | 10076 | Converting a Road into National Road: Baloi-Matungao-Linamon Road |
2010-04-20 | 10077 | Converting a Road into National Road: Mabinay-Bayawan Road |
2010-04-20 | 10078 | Converting a Road into National Road: Bato Bato-Lapid Lapid Road |
2010-04-20 | 10079 | Converting a Road into National Road: Gil Fernando Avenue |
2010-04-20 | 10080 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Langcataon National High School |
2010-04-20 | 10081 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tikalaan National High School |
2010-04-20 | 10082 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Dalirig National High School |
2010-04-22 | 10083 | Amending the Aurora Special Economic Zone Act of 2007 or RA 9490 |
2010-05-05 | 10084 | Granting Survivorship Benefits to Surviving Spouse of a Deceased Retired Member of the COA, CSC, COMELEC, and the Ombudsman |
2010-05-05 | 10085 | Converting a State College Campus into a Separate State College: North Luzon Philippines State College |
2010-05-12 | 10086 | Strengthening Peoples' Nationalism through Philippine History Act |
2010-05-13 | 10087 | Changing the Name of a Bureau: National Library of the Philippines |
2010-05-13 | 10088 | Anti-Camcording Act of 2010 |
2010-05-13 | 10089 | Philippine Rubber Research Institute Act of 2010 |
2010-05-14 | 10090 | Establishing a Municipal Hospital: Aguinaldo Municipal Hospital |
2010-05-14 | 10091 | Converting a Road into National Road: Cumadcad-San Isidro-Poblacion Road |
2010-05-14 | 10092 | Converting a Road into National Road: Alfonso Lista-Aurora Road |
2010-05-14 | 10093 | Converting a Road into National Road: Paniqui-Ramos Road |
2010-05-14 | 10094 | Converting a Road into National Road: Alilem-Sugpon-Sudipen Road |
2010-05-14 | 10095 | Converting a Road into National Road: Sanga-Sanga-Patal Road |
2010-05-14 | 10096 | Converting a Road into National Road: Socorro-Nueva Estrella-Pamosaingan Road |
2010-05-14 | 10097 | Converting a Road into National Road: Kiling, Tanauan-Tabontabon-Julita Road |
2010-05-14 | 10098 | Converting a Road into National Road: Imelda-Bayog-Kumalarang-Lapuyan-Margosatubig Road |
2010-05-14 | 10099 | Converting a Road into National Road: Santa Barbara-New Lucena Road |
2010-05-14 | 10100 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2010-05-14 | 10101 | Converting a Road into National Road: Umus Mataha-Tanduan-Boki-Pawan-Lupa Pula Road |
2010-05-14 | 10102 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2010-05-14 | 10103 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2010-05-14 | 10104 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2010-05-14 | 10105 | Converting a Road into National Road: Corrales Extension Street |
2010-05-14 | 10106 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Santa Lucia National High School |
2010-05-14 | 10107 | Establishing a National High School: Agripino Manalo National High School |
2010-05-14 | 10108 | Establishing a National High School: Damit National High School |
2010-05-14 | 10109 | Establishing a National High School: Baluno National High School |
2010-05-14 | 10110 | Establishing a National High School: Lanag Norte National High School |
2010-05-14 | 10111 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: San Roque National High School |
2010-05-14 | 10112 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Maximo L. Gatlabayan Memorial National High School |
2010-05-14 | 10113 | Establishing a National High School: Betinan National High School |
2010-05-14 | 10114 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Otto Lingue National High School |
2010-05-14 | 10115 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Aurora National High School |
2010-05-14 | 10116 | Establishing a National High School: Dao-an National High School |
2010-05-14 | 10117 | Establishing a National High School: Bulawan National High School |
2010-05-14 | 10118 | Establishing a National High School: Laureano Salusod National High School |
2010-05-14 | 10119 | Establishing a National High School: Malim National High School |
2010-05-14 | 10120 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Lilingayon National High School |
2010-05-27 | 10121 | Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 |
2010-05-27 | 10122 | Amending RA 7165: Strengthening the Literacy Coordinating Council |
2010-06-03 | 10123 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2010-06-03 | 10124 | Changing the Name of a Library: Sentro ng Karunungan Library |
2010-06-03 | 10125 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Lourdes National High School |
2010-06-03 | 10126 | Establishing a National High School: Vedasto R. Santiago High School |
2010-06-03 | 10127 | Establishing a National High School: Julian B. Sumbillo High School |
2010-06-03 | 10128 | Establishing a National High School: Allig National Agricultural and Trade High School |
2010-06-03 | 10129 | Establishing a National High School: San Francisco National Agricultural and Trade High School |
2010-06-03 | 10130 | Establishing a National High School: Swan National Agricultural and Trade High School |
2010-06-03 | 10131 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: San Juan National High School |
2010-06-03 | 10132 | Establishing a National High School: San Fernando City National Vocational High School |
2010-06-03 | 10133 | Establishing a National High School: Luna National Vocational High School |
2010-06-03 | 10134 | Establishing a National High School: Locuban National High School |
2010-06-03 | 10135 | Establishing a National High School: Tina National High School |
2010-06-03 | 10136 | Converting a Road into National Road: Piñan-Mutia Road |
2010-06-03 | 10137 | Converting a Road into National Road: Rawis-Talisay Road |
2010-06-03 | 10138 | Converting a Road into National Road: Shoe Avenue |
2010-06-03 | 10139 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2010-06-03 | 10140 | Converting a Road into National Road: Bacolod-Madalum Highway |
2010-06-03 | 10141 | Converting a Road into National Road: Tanjay-Pamplona-Santa Catalina Road |
2010-08-16 | 10142 | Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act of 2010: Repealing the Insovency Act or Act 1956 |
2010-07-31 | 10143 | Philippine Tax Academy Act |
2010-05-31 | 10144 | Granting Citizenship to a Person |
2010-08-20 | 10145 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Matam National High School |
2010-08-20 | 10146 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Diongan National High School |
2009 (9519–9999)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2009-01-07 | 9519 | Converting a State College into a State University: Mindanao University of Science and Technology (MUST) |
2009-02-17 | 9520 | Amending the Cooperative Code of the Philippines or RA 6938: the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008 |
2009-03-05 | 9521 | National Book Development Trust Fund Act |
2009-03-10 | 9522 | Amending the Archipelagic Baselines of the Territorial Sea of the Philippines, or RA 3046 and RA 5446 (Read about the Convention) |
2009-03-12 | 9523 | Amending the Domestic Adoption Act of 1998 (RA 8552), the Inter-Country Adoption Act of 1995 (RA 8043) and the Child and Youth Welfare Code (PD 603): Requiring the Certification of the DSWD in a Child's Availability for Adoption |
2009-03-12 | 9524 | Appropriations Act of 2009 |
2009-03-23 | 9525 | Supplemental Appropriations for an Automated Election System |
2009-03-24 | 9526 | Converting an Elementary School into an Integrated School: Eulogio Rodriguez Integrated School |
2009-03-24 | 9527 | Converting an Elementary School into an Integrated School: Highway Hills Integrated School |
2009-03-24 | 9528 | Converting an Elementary School Annex into an Independent Elementary School: Pleasant Hills Elementary School |
2009-03-24 | 9529 | Establishing a National High School: Tinagacan National High School |
2009-03-24 | 9530 | Establishing a National High School: Magdaup National High School |
2009-03-24 | 9531 | Establishing a National High School: Southern Davao National High School |
2009-03-24 | 9532 | Establishing a National High School: Camaman-an National High School |
2009-03-24 | 9533 | Establishing a National High School: Tuy National High School |
2009-03-24 | 9534 | Establishing a National High School: Vega National High School |
2009-03-24 | 9535 | Establishing a National High School: Dangay National High School |
2009-03-24 | 9536 | Amending RA 8569: Establishing a National High School: Gov. Jacinto C. Borja National High School |
2009-03-24 | 9537 | Establishing a National Science High School: Agusan Del Sur National Science High School |
2009-03-24 | 9538 | Establishing an Integrated School: Rizal Integrated National School |
2009-03-24 | 9539 | Establishing a National High School: Mount Carmel National High School |
2009-03-24 | 9540 | Establishing a National High School: Padada National High School |
2009-03-24 | 9541 | Establishing a National High School: Del Pilar National High School |
2009-03-24 | 9542 | Establishing a National High School: Dinapa National High School |
2009-03-24 | 9543 | Establishing a National High School: San Roque National High School |
2009-03-24 | 9544 | Establishing a National High School: Ganao National High School |
2009-03-24 | 9545 | Establishing a National High School: Tuba Central National High School |
2009-03-24 | 9546 | Establishing a National High School: Guinoman National High School |
2009-04-01 | 9547 | Amending the Special Program for Employment of Students or RA 7323: Strengthening and Expanding Coverage of the Program [Amended by: RA 10917] |
2009-04-17 | 9548 | Establishing an Arts and Culture High School: Bikol High School for the Arts and Culture |
2009-04-17 | 9549 | Establishing a National High School: Poblacion Comprehensive National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9550 | Establishing a National High School: Minoyan National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9551 | Establishing a National High School: Bogayo National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9552 | Establishing a National High School: Lagawe National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9553 | Establishing an Integrated School: Buhatan Integrated National School |
2009-04-17 | 9554 | Establishing an Integrated National High School: Binalian Integrated National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9555 | Establishing a National High School: Napo-Tuyak National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9556 | Establishing a National High School: Sagucan National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9557 | Establishing a National High School: Felimon M. Salcedo Sr. Memorial National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9558 | Establishing a National High School: San Antonio National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9559 | Establishing a National High School: Bululawan National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9560 | Establishing a National High School: Handumon National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9561 | Establishing a National High School: Panlayaan National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9562 | Establishing a National High School: Bayasong National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9563 | Establishing a National High School: Togoron National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9564 | Establishing a National High School: Libayoy National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9565 | Establishing a National High School: Picanan National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9566 | Establishing a National High School: San Jose National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9567 | Establishing a National High School: Mabunao National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9568 | Establishing a National High School: Katipunan National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9569 | Establishing a National High School: Bernardino B. Bosque National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9570 | Establishing a National High School: Dimanpudso National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9571 | Establishing a National High School: Catmon National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9572 | Establishing a National High School: Congressman Hilarion J. Ramiro Jr. Memorial National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9573 | Establishing a National High School: Bulihan National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9574 | Establishing a National High School: Mabini National High School |
2009-04-17 | 9575 | Establishing a National High School: Picong National High School |
2009-04-29 | 9576 | Amending the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC) Charter or RA 3591: Increasing the Maximum Deposit insurance Coverage and Strengthening the Regulatory and Administrative and Financial Capability of PDIC |
2009-04-30 | 9577 | Establishing a National High School: Lianga National Comprehensive High School |
2009-04-30 | 9578 | Establishing a National High School: Jupi National High School |
2009-04-30 | 9579 | Establishing a National High School: Gate National High School |
2009-04-30 | 9580 | Establishing a National High School: Naneng National High School |
2009-04-30 | 9581 | Establishing a National High School: Recodo National High School |
2009-04-30 | 9582 | Establishing a National High School: Datu Jose A. Libayao Memorial National High School |
2009-04-30 | 9583 | Establishing a National High School: Mesaoy National High School |
2009-04-30 | 9584 | Establishing a National High School: Sagayen National High School |
2009-04-30 | 9585 | Establishing a National High School: Semong National High School |
2009-04-30 | 9586 | Establishing a National High School: Marayag National High School |
2009-04-30 | 9587 | Establishing a National High School: Mailhi National High School |
2009-04-30 | 9588 | Establishing a National High School: Sinubong National High School |
2009-04-30 | 9589 | Establishing a National High School: Cadandanan National High School |
2009-04-30 | 9590 | Establishing a National High School: Lajong National High School |
2009-05-01 | 9591 | Amending the Charter of the City of Malolos or RA 8754: Creating a Legislative District: Lone District of the City of Malolos |
2009-05-08 | 9592 | Amending the Bureau of Fire Protection and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology Professionalization Act of 2004 or RA 9263: Extending for 5 Years the Reglementary Period for Complying with the Educational Qualification and Eligibility for Appointment |
2009-05-12 | 9593 | The Tourism Act of 2009 |
2009-05-13 | 9594 | Establishing a National High School: Capisan National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9595 | Establishing a National High School: Salapungan National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9596 | Establishing a National High School: Santo Tomas National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9597 | Establishing a National High School: Saravia National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9598 | Establishing a National High School: Timalang National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9599 | Establishing a National High School: Dacudac National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9600 | Establishing a National High School: Buringal National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9601 | Establishing a National High School: Data National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9602 | Establishing a National High School: Tamboan National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9603 | Establishing a National High School: Saclit National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9604 | Establishing a National High School: Abatan National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9605 | Establishing a National High School: Talon-Talon National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9606 | Establishing a National High School: Bunguiao National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9607 | Establishing a National High School: FVR National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9608 | Establishing a National High School: Don Mariano Marcos National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9609 | Establishing a National High School: Paradise Embac National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9610 | Establishing a National High School: Eusebia Paz Arroyo Memorial National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9611 | Establishing a National High School: Graceville National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9612 | Establishing a National High School: Eastern Laua-an National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9613 | Establishing a National High School: Calipayan National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9614 | Establishing a National High School: Moncada National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9615 | Establishing a National High School: Tingco National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9616 | Establishing a National High School: Palanas National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9617 | Establishing a National High School: San Leonardo National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9618 | Establishing a National High School: Southern Tinglayan National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9619 | Establishing a National High School: Lilo-an National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9620 | Converting a Science High School into a National Science High School: Negros Occidental National Science High School |
2009-05-13 | 9621 | Establishing a National Agro-Industrial High School: Camarines Sur National Agro-Industrial High School |
2009-05-13 | 9622 | Establishing a National High School: Bangbang National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9623 | Establishing a National High School: Agoncillo National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9624 | Establishing a National High School: Kauswagan National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9625 | Establishing a National High School: Mecolong National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9626 | Establishing a National High School: Balintawak National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9627 | Establishing a National High School: Malaking Ilog National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9628 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Pilar National Comprehensive High School |
2009-05-13 | 9629 | Establishing a National High School: Lubuagan National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9630 | Establishing a Science High School: Davao Oriental Regional Science High School |
2009-05-13 | 9631 | Establishing a National High School: Tandubuay National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9632 | Establishing a National High School: Maruing National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9633 | Establishing a National High School: Guling National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9634 | Establishing a National High School: Teniapan National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9635 | Establishing a National High School: Panubigan National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9636 | Establishing a National High School: Indahag National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9637 | Establishing a National High School: Pagayawan National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9638 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Roxas National High School |
2009-05-13 | 9639 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Santa Fe National High School |
2009-05-21 | 9640 | Amending the Local Government Code of 1991 or RA 7160: On Amusement Tax |
2009-05-29 | 9641 | Changing the Name of a National High School: Don Felix T. Lacson Memorial National High School |
2009-06-11 | 9642 | Declaring Every March 16 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Romblon Province in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2009-06-11 | 9643 | Declaring Every March 21 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Victorias City in Commemoration of its Conversion into a Component City |
2009-06-11 | 9644 | Declaring Every August 28 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Cagayan De Oro City for the Feast of St. Augustine |
2009-06-12 | 9645 | Amending the Administrative Code of 1987 or EO 292: the Commemoration of the Foundation of Iglesia ni Cristo Every July 27 as a National Holiday |
2009-06-29 | 9646 | Real Estate Service Act of the Philippines |
2009-06-30 | 9647 | Philippine Normal University Modernization Act of 2009 |
2009-06-30 | 9648 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424: Exempting from Documentary Stamp Tax any Sale, Barter, or Exchange of Shares of Stock Listed and Traded through the Stock Exchange |
2009-07-07 | 9649 | Amending the Charter of the City of General Santos or RA 5412 |
2009-07-07 | 9650 | Establishing a National High School: Bambang National High School |
2009-07-07 | 9651 | Establishing a National Science High School: Siargao National Science High School |
2009-07-12 | 9652 | Radio and Television Franchise: Information Broadcast Unlimited, Inc. |
2009-07-14 | 9653 | Rent Control Act of 2009 (Residential) |
2009-07-17 | 9654 | Declaring Every July 18 a Special Nonworking Holiday in the South Cotabato Province in Commemoration of its Foundation and Culmination of the T'nalak Festival |
2009-07-17 | 9655 | Changing the Name of a National High School: Malanday National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9656 | Establishing a National High School: Angat National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9657 | Establishing a National High School: Santo Niño National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9658 | Establishing a National High School: Lian National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9659 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Vicente P. Trinidad National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9660 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Bignay National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9661 | Establishing a National High School: Minuyan National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9662 | Establishing a National Science High School: City of San Jose Del Monte National Science High School |
2009-07-17 | 9663 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Cupang National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9664 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Ganduz National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9665 | Establishing a National High School: Baesa National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9666 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Santo Niño 3rd National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9667 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Burgos National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9668 | Establishing a National Agro-Industrial High School: Governor Felicisimo T. San Luis National Agro-Industrial High School |
2009-07-17 | 9669 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Arkong Bato National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9670 | Establishing a National High School: Apolonio Samson National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9671 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Botolan National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9672 | Establishing a National Science and Technology High School: Caloocan National Science and Technology High School |
2009-07-17 | 9673 | Establishing a National High School: San Roque National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9674 | Establishing a National High School: Barangka National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9675 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Panan National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9676 | Converting a Science High School Annex into an Independent Science High School: Caloocan City Science High School |
2009-07-17 | 9677 | Converting a High School into a National High School: New Taugtog National High School |
2009-07-17 | 9678 | Establishing a National High School: Kalumpang National High School |
2009-07-21 | 9679 | Home Development Mutual Fund Act of 2009: Repealing the Housing loan Condonation Act of 1998 or RA 8501 |
2009-07-29 | 9680 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2009-07-29 | 9681 | Converting a High School into a National High School: San Ildefonso National High School |
2009-08-01 | 9682 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Panay Telephone Corporation (PANTELCO III) |
2009-08-04 | 9683 | Declaring Every September 18 as Special Nonworking Holiday in Bislig City in Commemoration of its Cityhood |
2009-08-04 | 9684 | Renaming a Bridge: Gil Fernando Bridge |
2009-08-04 | 9685 | Renaming a Road: Jaime Cardinal Sin Avenue |
2009-08-04 | 9686 | Renaming a Road: Gov. Felix O. Alfelor Sr. National Highway |
2009-08-04 | 9687 | Renaming a Road: Maximino Noble Sr. Highway |
2009-08-04 | 9688 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2009-08-04 | 9689 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2009-08-04 | 9690 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2009-08-04 | 9691 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2009-08-04 | 9692 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2009-08-04 | 9693 | Reconstituting a District Engineering Office |
2009-08-04 | 9694 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2009-08-04 | 9695 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2009-08-04 | 9696 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2009-08-04 | 9697 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a District Engineering Office |
2009-08-04 | 9698 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a District Engineering Office |
2009-08-06 | 9699 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2009-08-07 | 9700 | Amending the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Act of 1988 or RA 6657: Strengthening CARP, Extending the Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural lands, and Instituting Reforms |
2009-08-07 | 9701 | Declaring Every October 2 as an Official Nonworking Holiday in the Majayjay Municipality of Laguna in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2009-08-07 | 9702 | Renaming a Road: Gov. Juan G. Frivaldo Highway |
2009-08-07 | 9703 | Renaming a Road: Pres. Diosdado P. Macapagal National Highway |
2009-08-07 | 9704 | Renaming a Road: M.T. Villanueva Avenue |
2009-08-07 | 9705 | Renaming a Road: Mayor Manuel T. Sia Diversion Road |
2009-08-07 | 9706 | Declaring Every September 29 as a Special Nonworking Holiday in the Balilihan Municipality of Bohol in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2009-08-08 | 9707 | Telecommunications Franchise: Converge Information and Communications Technology Solutions, Inc. |
2009-08-12 | 9708 | Amending RA 6975 and RA 8551: Extending for 5 Years the Reglementary Period for Complying with the Educational Qualification for Appointment into the PNP and Adjusting its Promotion System |
2009-08-12 | 9709 | Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Intervention Act of 2009 |
2009-08-14 | 9710 | The Magna Carta of Women |
2009-08-18 | 9711 | Amending the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act or RA 3720: the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Act of 2009 |
2009-08-26 | 9712 | Establishing a National High School: Maronquillo National High School |
2009-08-26 | 9713 | Establishing a National High School: Balaong National High School |
2009-09-03 | 9714 | Telecommunications Franchise Renewal: Express Telecommunications Co., Inc. (Formerly, Felix Alberto and Company, Incorporated) |
2009-10-09 | 9715 | Converting a Road into National Road: Bagac-Mariveles Road |
2009-10-12 | 9716 | Reapportioning Legislative Districts of a Province |
2009-10-12 | 9717 | Converting a State College into a State University: Central Bicol State University of Agriculture |
2009-10-14 | 9718 | Integrating State Colleges into a State University: Naval State University |
2009-10-14 | 9719 | Integrating State Colleges into a State University: Northwest Samar State University |
2009-10-14 | 9720 | Converting a State College into a State University: Ifugao State University |
2009-10-14 | 9721 | Converting a State College into a State University: Romblon State University |
2009-10-14 | 9722 | Converting a State College into a State University: Bohol Island State University (BISU) |
2009-10-15 | 9723 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2009-10-20 | 9724 | Creating a Legislative District: Lone District of the City of Iligan |
2009-10-22 | 9725 | Reapportioning Legislative Districts of a Province |
2009-10-22 | 9726 | Creating a Legislative District: Lone District of the City of Lapu-Lapu |
2009-10-22 | 9727 | Reapportioning Legislative Districts of a Province |
2009-10-23 | 9728 | Freeport Area of Bataan (FAB) Act of 2009 |
2009-10-23 | 9729 | Climate Change Act of 2009 (Read about the Convention) |
2009-10-29 | 9730 | Establishing a National High School: Barugo National High School |
2009-10-29 | 9731 | Establishing a National High School: Banawel National High School |
2009-10-29 | 9732 | Establishing a National High School: Dalican National High School |
2009-10-29 | 9733 | Establishing a National High School: Banguitan National High School |
2009-10-29 | 9734 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Mariano Matugas Memorial National High School |
2009-10-29 | 9735 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Caridad National High School |
2009-10-29 | 9736 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Palitod National High School |
2009-10-29 | 9737 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Leseb National High School |
2009-10-29 | 9738 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Am-Am National High School |
2009-10-29 | 9739 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Lias National High School |
2009-10-30 | 9740 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2009-11-03 | 9741 | Logging Ban Imposition |
2009-11-03 | 9742 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road |
2009-11-06 | 9743 | Amending RA 9119 or the Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise of Benguet Broadcasting Corporation |
2009-11-10 | 9744 | Converting a State College into a State University: Cebu Technological University (CTU) |
2009-11-10 | 9745 | Anti-Torture Act of 2009 (Read about the Convention) |
2009-11-10 | 9746 | Converting a State College into a State University: University of Antique |
2009-11-10 | 9747 | Renaming an Educational Institution: Occidental Mindoro State College |
2009-11-10 | 9748 | Declaring Every June 23 as a Special Nonworking Holiday in the Palawan Province |
2009-11-10 | 9749 | Declaring Every July 31 as a Special Nonworking Holiday in the Marinduque Province in Commemoration of the Battle of Paye |
2009-11-10 | 9750 | Declaring Every September 10 as a Special Nonworking Holiday in San Jose Del Monte City in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2009-11-10 | 9751 | Converting a Road into National Road: Malinta-Lagta Road |
2009-11-10 | 9752 | Converting a Road into National Road: Demoloc-Little Baguio-Alabel Road |
2009-11-10 | 9753 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Congressman Pablo Malasarte National High School |
2009-11-10 | 9754 | Renaming an Educational Institution: Godofredo M. Tan Memorial School of Arts and Trades |
2009-11-10 | 9755 | Establishing a National High School: Fortuna National High School |
2009-11-10 | 9756 | Establishing a National High School: San Sebastian National High School |
2009-11-10 | 9757 | Establishing a National High School: Teofilo R. Macaso Memorial National High School |
2009-11-10 | 9758 | Establishing a National High School: Poctoy National High School |
2009-11-10 | 9759 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Del Carmen National High School |
2009-11-10 | 9760 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Libertad National High School |
2009-11-10 | 9761 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Nueva Estrella National High School |
2009-11-10 | 9762 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Consolacion National High School |
2009-11-10 | 9763 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Puangi National High School |
2009-11-10 | 9764 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Tagkawayan National High School |
2009-11-10 | 9765 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Belwang National High School |
2009-11-10 | 9766 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Manuel Adriano Memorial National High School |
2009-11-10 | 9767 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Cebuano National High School |
2009-11-10 | 9768 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Agapito Amado Memorial National High School |
2009-11-10 | 9769 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Aloneros National High School |
2009-11-10 | 9770 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: President Diosdado Macapagal Memorial National High School |
2009-11-10 | 9771 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Bantolinao National High School |
2009-11-13 | 9772 | Logging Ban Imposition |
2009-11-14 | 9773 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Philippine Collectivemedia Corporation |
2009-11-17 | 9774 | Reapportioning Legislative Districts of a Province |
2009-11-17 | 9775 | Anti-Child pornography Act of 2009 (Read about the Convention and its Optional Protocol) |
2009-11-17 | 9776 | Declaring Every August 10 as a Special Nonworking Holiday in San Jose City in Commemoration of its Cityhood |
2009-11-17 | 9777 | Declaring Every October 12 as a Special Nonworking Holiday in Getafe Municipality to Commemorate its Foundation |
2009-11-17 | 9778 | Declaring Every January 12 as a Special Nonworking Holiday in Talisay City in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2009-11-18 | 9779 | Changing the Name of a National High School: Dupax Del Norte National High School |
2009-11-18 | 9780 | Establishing a National High School: Dibacong National High School |
2009-11-18 | 9781 | Establishing a National High School: Gibacungan National High School |
2009-11-18 | 9782 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Daniel Z. Romualdez State Comprehensive School of Fisheries |
2009-11-18 | 9783 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Runruno National High School |
2009-11-18 | 9784 | Establishing a National High School: Sisim National High School |
2009-11-18 | 9785 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Anticala National High School |
2009-11-18 | 9786 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Florida National High School |
2009-11-18 | 9787 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: San Rafael National High School |
2009-11-18 | 9788 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Bansa National High School |
2009-11-18 | 9789 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Saliok National High School |
2009-11-18 | 9790 | Culion Sanitarium Conversion and Upgrading Act of 2009 |
2009-11-19 | 9791 | Converting a Regional hospital into a Medical Center: Batangas Medical Center (Amending RA 7532) |
2009-11-19 | 9792 | Changing the Name of a Medical Institution: Southern Philippines Medical Center with Increased Bed Capacity and Medical Personnel, and Upgrade of Services, Facilities and Professional Health Care |
2009-11-19 | 9793 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital: Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center with an Upgrade of Services, Facilities and Professional Health Care, and Increased Medical Personnel |
2009-11-19 | 9794 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road |
2009-11-19 | 9795 | Converting a Road into National Road: Iloilo-Leganes-Dumangas Coastal Road |
2009-11-19 | 9796 | Converting a Road into National Road: A Portion of the Kawit-Noveleta Diversion Road |
2009-11-19 | 9797 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road: Rizal-San Jose City Road |
2009-11-20 | 9798 | Renaming an Educational Institution: Pangasinan Technological Institute (PTI) |
2009-11-20 | 9799 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road: Tungkong Mangga-Muzon National Road |
2009-11-20 | 9800 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road: Bongabong-Sagana-Roxas-San Aquilino Road |
2009-11-20 | 9801 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road: Mauban-Tignoan Road |
2009-11-20 | 9802 | Converting a Road into National Road: Silay-Lantawan Road |
2009-11-25 | 9803 | Food donation Act of 2009 (Read about the Convention) |
2009-11-26 | 9804 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Fermin Tayabas National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9805 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Fatima National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9806 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Baclayon National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9807 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Ned National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9808 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: New Dumangas National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9809 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Mansasa National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9810 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Calape National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9811 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tipunan National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9812 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Pamosaingan National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9813 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Lambontong National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9814 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Bayanihan National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9815 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Borlongan National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9816 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tapapan National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9817 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tucucan National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9818 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Bucay Pait National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9819 | Establishing an Annex to a National High School: Makinhas National High School Annex |
2009-11-26 | 9820 | Establishing an Annex to a National High School: San Isidro National High School Annex |
2009-11-26 | 9821 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Bonfal National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9822 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Paima National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9823 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Casecnan National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9824 | Converting an Integrated School into a National High School: Makiwalo National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9825 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Veriato National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9826 | Establishing a National High School: Bacongco National High School |
2009-11-26 | 9827 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Martinez Cuyangan National High School |
2009-12-03 | 9828 | Creating the Military service Board |
2009-12-03 | 9829 | Pre-Need Code of the Philippines |
2009-12-03 | 9830 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Jesus J. Soriano National High School |
2009-12-03 | 9831 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Governor Vicente Duterte National High School |
2009-12-09 | 9832 | Converting a State College into a State University: Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University (DHVTSU) |
2009-12-10 | 9833 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Sandingan National High School |
2009-12-10 | 9834 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Cawayanan National High School |
2009-12-10 | 9835 | Establishing a National High School: Malacampa National High School |
2009-12-10 | 9836 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Bantugan National High School |
2009-12-10 | 9837 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Panagan National High School |
2009-12-10 | 9838 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Tinawagan National High School |
2009-12-10 | 9839 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Mantacida National High School |
2009-12-10 | 9840 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Loon South National High School |
2009-12-10 | 9841 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Ampucao National High School |
2009-12-10 | 9842 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Loo National High School |
2009-12-10 | 9843 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Pinsao National High School |
2009-12-10 | 9844 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Caba National High School |
2009-12-10 | 9845 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tulaed National High School |
2009-12-10 | 9846 | Converting a High School into a National High School: San Isidro National High School |
2009-12-11 | 9847 | Establishing a Protected area: Mountains Banahaw and San Cristobal Protected Landscape (MBSCPL) Act of 2009 |
2009-12-11 | 9848 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court and the Metropolitan Trial Court |
2009-12-11 | 9849 | Amending the Administrative Code of 1987 or EO 292: the Observation of Eidul Adha on Every 10th Day of Zhul Hijja as a National Holiday |
2009-12-11 | 9850 | Declaring Arnis as the National Martial Art and Sport |
2009-12-11 | 9851 | Philippine Act on Crimes Against International humanitarian law, Genocide, and Other Crimes against humanity (Read about the Geneva Conventions, the Hague Convention, the Genocide Convention, and the Convention against Torture) |
2009-12-15 | 9852 | Integrating State Colleges into a State University: Jose Rizal Memorial State University (JRMSU) |
2009-12-15 | 9853 | Amending the Customs Brokers Act of 2004 or RA 9280: Inclusion of Primary Parties in Customs declaration |
2009-12-16 | 9854 | Integrating State Colleges into a State University: Caraga State University |
2009-12-16 | 9855 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Magsaysay National High School |
2009-12-17 | 9856 | The Real estate investment trust (REIT) Act of 2009 |
2009-12-20 | 9857 | Telecommunications Franchise: Schutzengel Telecom, Inc. |
2009-12-20 | 9858 | Amending the Family Code of the Philippines or EO 209: Legitimation of Children Born to Parents Below Marrying age |
2009-12-20 | 9859 | Amending RA 6769: Adjusting/Correcting Territorial Boundaries of the San Jose Municipality |
2009-12-20 | 9860 | Integrating an Extension Campus as a Regular Branch of Bicol University |
2009-12-20 | 9861 | Establishing a National High School: Agay-Ayan National High School |
2009-12-20 | 9862 | Establishing a National High School: Pasian National High School |
2009-12-20 | 9863 | Establishing a National High School: Danggo National High School |
2009-12-20 | 9864 | Establishing a National High School: La Trinidad National High School |
2009-12-20 | 9865 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Magsaysay National High School |
2009-12-20 | 9866 | Converting a National High School into a National Vocational High School: Ayangan National Agricultural and Vocational High School |
2009-12-20 | 9867 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Southern Hingyon National High School |
2009-12-20 | 9868 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Datu Lipus Makapandong National High School |
2009-12-20 | 9869 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Roxas National High School |
2009-12-20 | 9870 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Taloy Sur National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9871 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Adaoay National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9872 | Establishing a Science High School: Biliran Science High School |
2009-12-31 | 9873 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Camandag National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9874 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Nato National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9875 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Bitaogan National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9876 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Catlubong National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9877 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Laureta National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9878 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Kidawa National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9879 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tuboran National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9880 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Kao National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9881 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Mil-an National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9882 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Balungisan National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9883 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Kalanguya National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9884 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Caragasan National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9885 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: New Albay National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9886 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Nuevo Iloco National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9887 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Bolhoon National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9888 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Mainit National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9889 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Mayaon National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9890 | Establishing a National High School: Canayonan National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9891 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: New Leyte National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9892 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tigao National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9893 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Joaquin Smith National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9894 | Establishing a National High School: Catalotoan National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9895 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Sibulan National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9896 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Mangayon National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9897 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Aguinaldo National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9898 | Converting a High School into a National High School: San Vicente National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9899 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tubalan Comprehensive National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9900 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Bangao National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9901 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tawangan-Lusod National High School |
2009-12-31 | 9902 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Bulalacao National High School |
2008 (9496–9518)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2008-02-28 | 9496 | Amending the Agricultural Tariffication Act or RA 8178: Extending the Utilization Period of the Agricultural Competitiveness Enhancement Fund |
2008-03-04 | 9497 | Civil Aviation Authority Act of 2008 |
2008-03-11 | 9498 | Appropriations Act of 2008 |
2008-04-09 | 9499 | Filipino World War II Veterans Pensions and Benefits Act of 2008 |
2008-04-29 | 9500 | The University of the Philippines Charter of 2008 |
2008-05-23 | 9501 | Amending the Magna Carta for Small Enterprises or RA 6977: Magna Carta for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) |
2008-06-06 | 9502 | Amending RA 8293, RA 6675, and RA 5921: Universally Accessible Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act of 2008 |
2008-06-12 | 9503 | Amending RA 1125: Enlarging the Organizational Structure of the Court of Tax Appeals |
2008-06-17 | 9504 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424 |
2008-08-22 | 9505 | Personal Equity and Retirement Account (PERA) Act of 2008 |
2008-09-28 | 9506 | Bacolor Rehabilitation Council Act |
2008-10-13 | 9507 | Socialized and Low-Cost Housing loan Restructuring and Condonation Act of 2008 |
2008-10-20 | 9508 | Reapportioning Legislative Districts of a Province |
2008-10-21 | 9509 | Barangay Livelihood and Skills Training Act of 2008 |
2008-10-31 | 9510 | Credit Information System Act |
2008-12-01 | 9511 | Electricity Transmission Franchise: National Grid Corporation |
2008-12-12 | 9512 | Environmental awareness and Education Act of 2008 |
2008-12-16 | 9513 | Renewable Energy Act of 2008 |
2008-12-19 | 9514 | Fire code of the Philippines of 2008: Repealing PD 1185 |
2008-12-19 | 9515 | Defining the Liability of Ship Agents in the Tramp Service |
2008-12-22 | 9516 | Amending PD 1866: On Unlawful Manufacture, Sales, Acquisition, Disposition, Importation, or Possession of Explosives or Incendiary devices and of Parts, Ingredients, Machinery, Tool, or Instrument Used or Intended for these Unlawful Activities |
2008-12-27 | 9517 | Air Transport Franchise for Domestic and International Service: Southeast Asian Airlines (SEAir), Inc. |
2008-12-27 | 9518 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Metro Kidapawan Telephone Corporation (MKTC) |
2007 (9366–9495)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2007-01-09 | 9366 | Granting Citizenship to a Person |
2007-01-12 | 9367 | Biofuels Act of 2006 |
2007-01-14 | 9368 | Horse Racing Franchise: Mindanao Jockey and Country Club, Inc. |
2007-01-23 | 9369 | Amending RA 8436, RA 7166, RA 6646, and BP 881: On the Use of Automated Election System in National and Local Electoral Exercises |
2007-02-03 | 9370 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Muslim Mindanao Radio and Television Network Corporation |
2007-02-22 | 9371 | Reapportioning Legislative districts of Cagayan de Oro City |
2007-03-06 | 9372 | Human Security Act of 2007 |
2007-03-06 | 9373 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court |
2007-03-06 | 9374 | Creating additional Branches of the Metropolitan Trial Court |
2007-03-06 | 9375 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court and the Municipal Trial Court |
2007-03-06 | 9376 | Creating additional Branches of the Metropolitan Trial Court |
2007-03-06 | 9377 | Creating additional Branches of the Regional Trial Court and the Municipal Trial Court |
2007-03-07 | 9378 | Declaring Every February 4 a Special Working Holiday in Muntinlupa City in Commemoration of the "Araw ng Kalayaan ng Muntinlupa" |
2007-03-08 | 9379 | The Handline fishing Act |
2007-03-06 | 9380 | Declaring Every 6 May a Special Working Holiday in Pilar Municipality to Commemorate the Death of its Former Mayor, Manuel Sia |
2007-03-09 | 9381 | Electric Power Distribution Franchise Renewal: Angeles Electric Corporation |
2007-03-10 | 9382 | Cable/Community Antenna Television Franchise: Cable Link Holdings Corp. |
2007-03-10 | 9383 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise: Universidad de Zamboanga |
2007-03-10 | 9384 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Puerto Princesa Broadcasting Corporation |
2007-03-10 | 9385 | Electric Power Distribution Franchise Renewal: La Union Electric Company, Inc |
2007-03-10 | 9386 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: iTransmission, Inc |
2007-03-10 | 9387 | Converting a Municipality into a Highly Urbanized City |
2007-03-11 | 9388 | Converting a Municipality into a Highly Urbanized City |
2007-03-15 | 9389 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2007-03-15 | 9390 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2007-03-15 | 9391 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2007-03-15 | 9392 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2007-03-15 | 9393 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2007-03-16 | 9394 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2007-03-17 | 9395 | Converting a State College into a State University: Southern Luzon State University (SLSU) |
2007-03-18 | 9396 | Amending RA 6948: Redefining the Term "Veteran" |
2007-03-18 | 9397 | Amending the Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992 or RA 7279: On Disposition of Lands for Socialized Housing |
2007-03-18 | 9398 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2007-03-20 | 9399 | Declaring a One-Time Amnesty on Certain Tax and Duty Liabilities incurred by Certain Business Enterprises operating within Special Economic Zones and Freeport |
2007-03-20 | 9400 | Amending the Bases Conversion and Development Act of 1992 or RA 7227 |
2007-03-22 | 9401 | Appropriations Act of 2007 |
2007-03-22 | 9402 | Converting a State College into a State University: Laguna State Polytechnic University |
2007-03-22 | 9403 | Integrating State Colleges into a State University: Bataan Peninsula State University (BPSU) |
2007-03-23 | 9404 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2007-03-23 | 9405 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2007-03-23 | 9406 | Amending the Administrative Code of 1987 or EO 292: Reorganizing and Strengthening the Public Attorney's Office (PAO) |
2007-03-24 | 9407 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2007-03-24 | 9408 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2007-03-24 | 9409 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2007-03-24 | 9410 | Amending RA 9031: Changing a Special Working Holiday into a Special Nonworking Holiday in Camarines Sur |
2007-03-24 | 9411 | Declaring Every January 22 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Vigan City in Commemoration of its Cityhood |
2007-03-24 | 9412 | Declaring Every August 20 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Dulag Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2007-03-24 | 9413 | Declaring Every April 3 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Luisiana Municipality in Celebration of the "Araw ng Lubusang Kalayaan Bilang Bayan ng Luisiana" and the Pandan Festival |
2007-03-24 | 9414 | Declaring Every June 19 a Special Nonworking Holiday in the Northern Samar Province in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2007-03-25 | 9415 | Amending RA 2239: Allowing the Ramon Magsaysay Foundation to Sell or Lease its Land or Space within Their Building |
2007-03-25 | 9416 | Declaring Unlawful Any Form of Cheating in the Civil Service Commission Examinations, and the Use and Possession of CSC Examination-Related Materials |
2007-03-30 | 9417 | Expanding and Streamlining the Office of the Solicitor General's Bureaucracy, Upgrading Employee Skills, and Augmenting Benefits |
2007-04-10 | 9418 | Volunteer Act of 2007 |
2007-04-10 | 9419 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital: Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center |
2007-04-10 | 9420 | Conversion of a Portion of Bed Capacity For Tertiary General Hospital Use: Dr. Jose N. Rodriguez Memorial Hospital and Sanitarium |
2007-04-10 | 9421 | Changing the name of a Medical Institution: Valenzuela Medical Center with Increased Bed Capacity into a Tertiary Level Hospital |
2007-04-10 | 9422 | Amending the Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995 or RA 8042: Strengthening the Regulatory Functions of the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) |
2007-04-10 | 9423 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2007-04-10 | 9424 | Creating additional Branches of the Metropolitan Trial Court |
2007-04-10 | 9425 | Declaring Every December 13 a Special Working Holiday in General Trias Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2007-04-10 | 9426 | Declaring Every March 8 a Special Working Holiday in the Compostela Valley Province in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2007-04-10 | 9427 | Declaring Every February 5 a Special Working Holiday in Biñan Municipality to Commemorate its Liberation from Japanese Occupation |
2007-04-10 | 9428 | Declaring Every February 14 a Special Working Holiday in Valenzuela City to Commemorate its Conversion into a Highly Urbanized City |
2007-04-10 | 9429 | Declaring Every September 18 a Special Working Holiday in Tacurong City in Commemoration of its Cityhood |
2007-04-10 | 9430 | Declaring Every July 23 a Special Working Holiday in Tanauan City in Commemoration of the Birth of Apolinario Mabini |
2007-04-10 | 9431 | Creating a Barangay: Barangay Fortune |
2007-04-10 | 9432 | Creating a Barangay: Barangay Tumana |
2007-04-11 | 9433 | Magna Carta for Public Social Workers |
2007-04-12 | 9434 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2007-04-12 | 9435 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2007-04-15 | 9436 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2007-04-27 | 9437 | Amending RA 9158: Renaming the Leyte State University as the Visayas State University |
2007-04-27 | 9438 | Changing the Name of a National High School: Juan S. Tismo National High School |
2007-04-27 | 9439 | Prohibition of the Detention of Patients in Hospitals and Medical Clinics Due to Nonpayment of Hospital Bills or Medical Expenses |
2007-04-28 | 9440 | Establishing a Marine Fisheries Laboratory |
2007-04-28 | 9441 | Establishing a Marine Research and Breeding Center |
2007-04-30 | 9442 | Amending the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons or RA 7277: Provision for other Privileges and Incentives, Prohibitions on Ridicule and Vilification, and Change of the Act's Title to "Magna Carta for Persons with Disability" |
2007-05-09 | 9443 | Confirming and Declaring the Validity of Existing Transfer Certificates of Title and Reconstituted Certificates of Title Covering the Banilad Friar Lands Estate |
2007-05-09 | 9444 | Declaring a Tourism Zone: Atulayan Island |
2007-05-09 | 9445 | Declaring a Tourism Zone: Islands of Lahuy, Cotivas, Guinahuan, Luksuhin, Malibagan, and Masag |
2007-05-09 | 9446 | Declaring a Tourism Zone: Bohol |
2007-05-15 | 9447 | Changing the name of an Elementary School: Mariana L. Pineda Memorial Elementary School |
2007-05-15 | 9448 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2007-05-15 | 9449 | Creating an additional Branch of the Municipal Trial Court |
2007-05-15 | 9450 | Creating additional Branches of the Municipal Trial Court |
2007-05-15 | 9451 | Establishing a National Science High School: Las Piñas City National Science High School |
2007-05-15 | 9452 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Caa National High School |
2007-05-15 | 9453 | Changing the name of a National High School: Pinto National High School |
2007-05-15 | 9454 | Changing the name of a National High School: Dr. Rodolfo V. Pamor Jr. Memorial National High School |
2007-05-15 | 9455 | Changing the name of an Elementary School: Egmidio V. Manzo Memorial Elementary Elementary School |
2007-05-15 | 9456 | Converting a State College into a State University: Bukidnon State University |
2007-05-15 | 9457 | Creating a Barangay: Barangay San Carlos |
2007-05-15 | 9458 | Declaring a Tourism Zone(s) |
2007-05-15 | 9459 | Establishing a Marine Farm for Oysters, Mussels, Crabs, Prawns, and Shrimps |
2007-05-15 | 9460 | Establishing a Marine Research and Breeding Center |
2007-05-15 | 9461 | Naming a Road: Marcelino R. Veloso National Highway |
2007-05-15 | 9462 | Naming a Road: Apolinario Mabini Superhighway (AMS) |
2007-05-15 | 9463 | Naming a Road: Josefa Llanes Escoda National Highway |
2007-05-15 | 9464 | Renaming a Road: Romeo G. Guanzon Avenue |
2007-05-15 | 9465 | Renaming a Road: Governor Joaquin L. Ortega Avenue |
2007-05-15 | 9466 | Renaming a Road: Mayor Lorenzo L. Dacanay Avenue |
2007-05-15 | 9467 | Renaming a Road: Congressman Hilarion J. Ramiro By-Pass Road |
2007-05-15 | 9468 | Renaming a Road: Jose W. Diokno Boulevard |
2007-05-21 | 9469 | Changing the name of a Fisheries School: Bangui Institute of Technology |
2007-05-21 | 9470 | National Archives of the Philippines Act of 2007 |
2007-05-21 | 9471 | Establishing an Aquatic Research and Technology Center |
2007-05-22 | 9472 | Amending RA 9045: Excluding the Polytechnic University of the Philippines Campus in Santo Tomas from Batangas State University |
2007-05-22 | 9473 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Golden Acres National High School |
2007-05-22 | 9474 | Lending Company Regulation Act of 2007 |
2007-05-22 | 9475 | Changing the name of an Agricultural School: Lasam Institute of Technology |
2007-05-22 | 9476 | Renaming a Road: Crisanto M. De Los Reyes Avenue |
2007-05-22 | 9477 | Renaming a Road: Jose Abad Santos Avenue (JASA) |
2007-05-24 | 9478 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Free Air Broadcasting Network Corp. |
2007-05-24 | 9479 | Local Exchange Network Franchise Renewal: Ormoc City Telephone Company, Inc. (with Amendments) |
2007-05-24 | 9480 | Granting Amnesty on All Unpaid National Internal Revenue Taxes for 2005 and Prior Years |
2007-05-25 | 9481 | Amending the Labor Code of the Philippines or PD 442: Strengthening the Workers' Constitutional Right to Self-Organization |
2007-05-25 | 9482 | Anti-Rabies Act of 2007 |
2007-06-02 | 9483 | Oil Pollution Compensation Act of 2007 (Read about the liability and the Fund) |
2007-06-02 | 9484 | The Philippine Dental Act of 2007: Repealing the Philippine Dental Act of 1965 or RA 4419, and the Philippine Dental hygienist Act or RA 768 (Read about the history of the practice in the Philippines) |
2007-06-02 | 9485 | Anti-Red tape Act of 2007 |
2007-06-07 | 9486 | Establishing a Protected area: Central Cebu Protected Landscape (CCPL) Act of 2007 |
2007-06-20 | 9487 | Amending the Charter of the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation or PD 1869 |
2007-06-24 | 9488 | Renaming a Road: Diosdado Macapagal Highway |
2007-06-29 | 9489 | Granting Citizenship to a Person |
2007-06-29 | 9490 | Establishing a Special Economic Zone |
2007-07-15 | 9491 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2007-07-24 | 9492 | Amending EO 292: On the Observance of Regular and Nationwide Special Days |
2007-07-25 | 9493 | Recognizing the International Character of the Southville International School |
2007-08-22 | 9494 | Establishing a Protected Area: The Mimbilisan Protected Landscape Act |
2007-09-07 | 9495 | Creating a Province: Quezon Del Sur (Read on the plebiscite) |
2006 (9342–9365)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2006-01-19 | 9342 | Amending RA 8996 or the Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise of End Time Mission Broadcasting Service, Inc |
2006-04-24 | 9343 | Amending the Special Purpose Vehicle Act of 2002 or RA 9182: On the Period of Application for Establishment and Registration, and on Tax Exemptions and Fee Privileges |
2006-04-28 | 9344 | Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006 (Read about the Convention on the Rights of the Child) |
2006-06-05 | 9345 | Converting a Road and a Bridge into National Road: Panglao Island Circumferential Road |
2006-06-24 | 9346 | Prohibition of the Imposition of Death Penalty: Repealing RA 8177, and Amending RA 7659 and the Revised Penal Code or Act 3815 |
2006-07-27 | 9347 | Amending the Labor Code of the Philippines or PD 442: Rationalizing the Composition and Functions of the National Labor Relations Commission |
2006-08-04 | 9348 | Converting a Road into National Road |
2006-08-04 | 9349 | Converting a Road into National Road: Concepcion-Capas Road |
2006-08-04 | 9350 | Converting a Road into National Road: Ramos-Pura Road |
2006-08-04 | 9351 | Converting a Road into National Road: Victoria-La Paz Road |
2006-08-04 | 9352 | Converting a Road into National Road: Anao-Ramos Road |
2006-09-26 | 9353 | Amending RA 9027: Inclusion of Accreted Land into the Territory of Sipalay City |
2006-09-28 | 9354 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise: Radio Maria Foundation, Inc. |
2006-10-02 | 9355 | Creating a Province: Dinagat Islands |
2006-10-02 | 9356 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2006-10-10 | 9357 | Reapportioning Legislative districts of Sultan Kudarat |
2006-10-17 | 9358 | Supplemental Appropriations Act for 2006 |
2006-10-17 | 9359 | Establishing a Standby Fund for the Guimaras Oil Spill Clean Up, the Relief for Mayon Volcano#2006 eruptions Eruption Victims, and the Emergency OFW Repatriation Fund |
2006-10-26 | 9360 | Reapportioning Legislative districts of Zamboanga Sibugay |
2006-11-21 | 9361 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424: On Excess Output or Input Tax |
2006-11-30 | 9362 | Granting Citizenship to a Person |
2006-11-30 | 9363 | Granting Citizenship to a Person |
2006-12-15 | 9364 | Amending the Charter of the City of Marikina or RA 8223: Subdividing its Lone Legislative District into Two Districts |
2006-12-21 | 9365 | Creating New Enlisted Ranks in the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP): First Chief Master Sergeant and First Master Chief Petty Officer |
2005 (9335–9341)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2005-01-25 | 9335 | Attrition Act of 2005: On the Bureau of Internal Revenue and Bureau of Customs |
2005-03-15 | 9336 | Appropriations Act of 2005 |
2005-05-24 | 9337 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424 |
2005-07-28 | 9338 | Granting Citizenship to a Person |
2005-09-01 | 9339 | Electric Power Distribution Franchise Renewal: Visayan Electric Company, Inc. (VECO) |
2005-09-22 | 9340 | Amending the Synchronized Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections Act or RA 9164: Moving the October 2005 Elections to October 2007 |
2005-12-21 | 9341 | Rent Control Act of 2005 (Residential) |
2004 (9233–9334)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2004-01-16 | 9233 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Asian Multimedia & Production Company, Inc. |
2004-01-16 | 9234 | Renaming a Road: Rolando R. Andaya Highway |
2004-01-18 | 9235 | Telecommunications Franchise: Digitel Crossing, Inc. |
2004-02-03 | 9236 | National Metrology Act of 2003 |
2004-02-03 | 9237 | Establishing a Protected Area: Mount Apo Protected Area Act of 2003 |
2004-02-05 | 9238 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424: Excluding Certain Services from VAT Coverage, and Reimposing the GRT on Banks and Non-bank Financial Intermediaries |
2004-02-10 | 9239 | Optical Media Act of 2003 |
2004-02-10 | 9240 | Converting a Hospital into a Medical Center: Las Piñas General Hospital and Satellite Trauma Center |
2004-02-10 | 9241 | Amending the National Health Insurance Act of 1995 or RA 7875 |
2004-02-10 | 9242 | Prescribing the Use of Philippine Tropical Fabrics for Uniforms of Public Officials and Employees |
2004-02-17 | 9243 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424: On Documentary Stamp Taxes |
2004-02-19 | 9244 | Amending the Local Government Code of 1991 or RA 7160: On the Electoral Recall Process |
2004-02-19 | 9245 | Philippine Ear Research Institute Act of 2003 |
2004-02-19 | 9246 | The Philippine Librarianship Act of 2003: Repealing the Philippine Librarianship Act or RA 6966 |
2004-02-19 | 9247 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2004-02-19 | 9248 | Amending the Charter of the City of Cadiz or RA 4894: On the city's Territorial Boundaries |
2004-02-19 | 9249 | Renaming an Educational Institution: Bulacan Agricultural State College (BASC) |
2004-02-19 | 9250 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Radio Philippines Network, Inc. |
2004-02-19 | 9251 | Renaming a Road: Miguel Suarez Highway |
2004-02-24 | 9252 | Creating additional Branches of the Municipal Trial Court |
2004-02-24 | 9253 | Establishing a National Science High School: Jose Monfort National Science High School |
2004-02-24 | 9254 | Establishing a National Science High School: Purificacion Dolor Monfort National Science High School |
2004-02-24 | 9255 | Amending the Family Code of the Philippines or EO 209: Allowing Illegitimate Children the Use of the Surname of their Father |
2004-02-25 | 9256 | Declaring Every August 21 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Commemoration of the Death of Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr. |
2004-02-26 | 9257 | Amending RA 7432: Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003 |
2004-03-02 | 9258 | Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004 |
2004-03-02 | 9259 | Creating an Incorporated Medical Center: La Union Medical Center |
2004-03-05 | 9260 | Converting a State College into a State University: Western Philippines University |
2004-03-07 | 9261 | Integrating State Colleges into a State University: Southern Leyte State University |
2004-03-08 | 9262 | Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004 |
2004-03-10 | 9263 | Bureau of Fire Protection and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology Professionalization Act of 2004 |
2004-03-10 | 9264 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2004-03-15 | 9265 | Creating a Municipality: San Isidro |
2004-03-17 | 9266 | The Architecture Act of 2004: Repealing RA 545 |
2004-03-19 | 9267 | The Securitization Act of 2004 |
2004-03-19 | 9268 | The Philippine Veterinary Medicine Act of 2004: Repealing RA 382 |
2004-03-19 | 9269 | Reapportioning Legislative Districts of Zamboanga City |
2004-03-19 | 9270 | Naming a Road: Maria Clara L. Lobregat Highway |
2004-03-19 | 9271 | Quarantine Act of 2004: Repealing RA 123 |
2004-03-20 | 9272 | Integrating State Colleges into a State University: Nueva Vizcaya State University |
2004-03-21 | 9273 | Converting a State College into a State University: Capiz State University (CAPSU) |
2004-03-21 | 9274 | Creating additional Branches of the Municipal Trial Court |
2004-03-22 | 9275 | Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 |
2004-03-26 | 9276 | Creating additional Branches of the Municipal Trial Court |
2004-03-28 | 9277 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Leyte State University |
2004-03-28 | 9278 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise: Ivatan Foundation for Development Communications Incorporated |
2004-03-30 | 9279 | Grant of Special Allowances as Additional Compensation to the National Prosecution Service and the State Counsels in the Department of Justice |
2004-03-30 | 9280 | Customs Brokers Act of 2004 |
2004-03-30 | 9281 | Amending the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997 or RA 8435: Strengthening the Modernization by Extending the Effectivity of Tax Incentives and the Mandated Funding Support |
2004-03-30 | 9282 | Amending RA 1125: Expanding the Jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals, Elevating its Rank to Collegiate Court Level, and Enlarging its Membership |
2004-04-01 | 9283 | Amending RA 8101: Expanding the Area of Operation of the Radiotelephone Franchise |
2004-03-31 | 9284 | Electric Power Distribution Franchise Renewal: Cagayan Electric Power and Light Co., Inc. |
2004-04-02 | 9285 | Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of 2004 |
2004-04-02 | 9286 | Amending the Provincial Water Utilities Act of 1973 or PD 198: On the Directors's Compensation, and the General Managers of the Utilities |
2004-04-02 | 9287 | Amending PD 1602: Increasing the Penalties on Illegal Numbers Games |
2004-04-07 | 9288 | Newborn Screening Act of 2004 |
2004-04-14 | 9289 | Converting a college into a Polytechnic College: Marikina Polytechnic College (MPC) |
2004-04-15 | 9290 | Footwear, Leather Goods, and Tannery Industries Development Act |
2004-04-16 | 9291 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a District Engineering Office |
2004-04-17 | 9292 | Electronics Engineering Act of 2004: Repealing the Electronics and Communications Engineering Act of the Philippines or RA 5734 |
2004-04-21 | 9293 | Amending the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994 or RA 7836: On the Requirements on the Examination Applicants, and Registration and Exceptions in the Practice of Profession |
2004-04-28 | 9294 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424: Restoring Tax Exemptions of Offshore Banking Units and Foreign Currency Deposit Units |
2004-05-03 | 9295 | Domestic Shipping Development Act of 2004 |
2004-05-12 | 9296 | The Meat Inspection Code of the Philippines |
2004-05-13 | 9297 | Chemical Engineering Act of 2004: Repealing the Chemical Engineering Act or RA 318 |
2004-05-13 | 9298 | Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004: Repealing the Revised Accountancy Act or PD 692 |
2004-06-25 | 9299 | Integrating Colleges into a State University: Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) |
2004-06-29 | 9300 | Converting an Elementary School into an Integrated School: Isaac Lopez Integrated School |
2004-07-27 | 9301 | Amending the Philippine Overseas Shipping Development Act or RA 7471 |
2004-07-27 | 9302 | Amending the Charter of the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation or RA 3591 |
2004-07-30 | 9303 | Establishing a Protected Area: Mount Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary Act of 2004 |
2004-07-30 | 9304 | Establishing a Protected Area: Mount Malindang Range Natural Park Act of 2004 |
2004-08-02 | 9305 | Creating additional Branches of the Municipal Trial Court |
2004-08-02 | 9306 | Creating additional Branches of the Municipal Trial Court |
2004-08-02 | 9307 | Creating an additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court |
2004-08-02 | 9308 | Creating additional Branches of the Municipal Trial Court |
2004-08-04 | 9309 | Creating additional Branches of the Municipal Trial Court |
2004-08-04 | 9310 | Creating additional Branches of the Municipal Trial Court |
2004-08-07 | 9311 | Converting a State College into a State University: Eastern Visayas State University |
2004-08-07 | 9312 | Integrating State Colleges into a State University: Eastern Samar State University |
2004-08-07 | 9313 | Integrating State Colleges into a State University: Samar State University |
2004-08-07 | 9314 | Converting a college into a State College: Batanes State College |
2004-08-08 | 9315 | Telecommunications Franchise: Fiber Telecommunications Incorporated |
2004-08-08 | 9316 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: SLL International Cable Specialist Corporation, Inc. |
2004-08-08 | 9317 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Datelcom Corporation |
2004-08-08 | 9318 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Radio Corporation of the Philippines |
2004-08-08 | 9319 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Claveria Agri-Based Multipurpose Cooperative (CABMPC) |
2004-08-08 | 9320 | Amending RA 8597: Expanding the Area of Operation of the Local Exchange Network Franchise |
2004-08-08 | 9321 | Telecommunications Franchise: eTELCO, Inc. |
2004-08-08 | 9322 | Reclassifying Certain Area of Timberland into Alienable Agricultural Land |
2004-08-08 | 9323 | Reclassifying Certain Area of Timberland into Alienable Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Land |
2004-08-08 | 9324 | Converting Certain Roads into National Roads |
2004-08-08 | 9325 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road: Malalao National Road |
2004-08-08 | 9326 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road: Bulo National Road |
2004-08-08 | 9327 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road: Rizal National Road |
2004-08-08 | 9328 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road: Lubuagan-Batong Buhay National Road |
2004-08-08 | 9329 | Renaming a Road: Bishop Felix Y. Manalo Avenue |
2004-08-08 | 9330 | Establishing an Airport: San Antonio Airport |
2004-08-08 | 9331 | Renaming a Provincial Office of the PNP: Camp Colonel Joaquin P. Dunuan |
2004-08-08 | 9332 | Renaming a Provincial Office of the PNP: Camp Governor Alfredo Kangleon Bantug |
2004-09-21 | 9333 | Fixing the Date of Regular Elections of Elective Officials of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao |
2004-12-21 | 9334 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424: On Excise Tax on Distilled Spirits, Wines, Fermented Liquors, Tobacco Products, Cigars, and Cigarettes |
2003 (9183–9232)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2003-01-09 | 9183 | Air Transport Franchise for Domestic and international Service: Asian Spirit, Inc. |
2003-01-10 | 9184 | Government Procurement Reform Act |
2003-01-16 | 9185 | Water Supply and Sewerage Franchise: Calapan Waterworks System and Development Corporation |
2003-01-16 | 9186 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Supreme Broadcasting System, Inc. |
2003-02-05 | 9187 | Declaring Every June 30 as the Philippine-Spanish Friendship Day |
2003-02-10 | 9188 | Amending RA 8186: Increasing the Percentage Distribution of Generals/Flag Officers in the AFP Table of Organization |
2003-02-13 | 9189 | The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003 |
2003-02-21 | 9190 | Recognizing the International Character of Cebu International School |
2003-02-21 | 9191 | Declaring Every March 1 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Muntinlupa City in Commemoration of its Cityhood |
2003-02-28 | 9192 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: ACWS-United Broadcasting Network, Inc. |
2003-03-06 | 9193 | Declaring Every March 7 a Special Working Holiday in Tagum City in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2003-03-07 | 9194 | Amending the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001 or RA 9160 |
2003-03-13 | 9195 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road: Catanauan-Buenavista National Road |
2003-03-13 | 9196 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road: Abuyon-Buenavista National Road |
2003-03-13 | 9197 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road: Talaba-Summit-Panaon National Road |
2003-03-24 | 9198 | Declaring Every March 25 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Candon City in Commemoration of the "Cry of Candon" |
2003-03-27 | 9199 | Converting a Provincial Road to National Road: San Francisco-Don Juan Verceles-Maniogan-Tala-San Andres-San Narciso National Road |
2003-03-28 | 9200 | Amending the Philippine Geodetic Engineering Act of 1998 or RA 8560 |
2003-04-01 | 9201 | Declaring December 4 to 10 as National Human Rights Consciousness Week |
2003-04-04 | 9202 | Declaring Every August 10 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Maasin City in Commemoration of its Cityhood |
2003-04-20 | 9203 | Declaring Every August 15 a Special Nonworking Holiday in the Catarman Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2003-04-20 | 9204 | Amending RA 9094: Changing a Special Working Holiday into a Special Nonworking Holiday in Camiguin |
2003-04-20 | 9205 | Declaring Every July 31 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Sagay Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2003-04-23 | 9206 | Appropriations Act of 2003 |
2003-05-17 | 9207 | Amending Proclamation No. 1826, Series of 1979: National Government Center (NGC) Housing and Land Utilization Act of 2003 |
2003-05-26 | 9208 | Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003 |
2003-06-09 | 9209 | Electric Power Distribution Franchise: Manila Electric Company (MERALCO) |
2003-06-11 | 9210 | Declaring Every June 18 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Naga City in Commemoration of its Cityhood: Repealing RA 9089 |
2003-06-23 | 9211 | Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 |
2003-07-23 | 9212 | Amending the Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal of the Consolidated Broadcasting System, Inc. or RA 7582 |
2003-07-23 | 9213 | Amending the Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise of the People's Broadcasting Service, Inc. or RA 7477 |
2003-07-23 | 9214 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Newsounds Broadcasting Network, Inc. |
2003-07-26 | 9215 | Amending the Air Transport Franchise for Domestic and international Service of Air Philippines Corporation or RA 8339 |
2003-07-27 | 9216 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Panay Telephone (PANTELCO II) Corporation II |
2003-08-04 | 9217 | Declaring Every April 15 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Capiz Province in Commemoration of the Death of Manuel A. Roxas |
2003-08-08 | 9218 | Reconstituting a District Engineering Office |
2003-08-08 | 9219 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2003-08-08 | 9220 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a District Engineering Office |
2003-08-08 | 9221 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2003-08-08 | 9222 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a District Engineering Office |
2003-08-08 | 9223 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2003-08-29 | 9224 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424: On the Excise Tax on Automobiles |
2003-08-29 | 9225 | Amending Commonwealth Act 63: Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003 |
2003-09-11 | 9226 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a District Engineering Office |
2003-10-23 | 9227 | Grant of Special Allowances as Additional Compensation to All Justices, Judges, and Other Positions in the Judiciary |
2003-11-28 | 9228 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2003-12-17 | 9229 | Reapportioning Legislative Districts of Parañaque City |
2003-12-18 | 9230 | Amending the Charter of San Jose Del Monte City or RA 8797: Reconstituting its Sangguniang Panlungsod, and Establishing its Own Legislative District |
2003-12-19 | 9231 | Amending the Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act or RA 7610 |
2003-12-22 | 9232 | Reapportioning Legislative Districts of Antipolo City |
2002 (9163–9182)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2002-01-23 | 9163 | Amending RA 7077 and PD 1706: National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001 |
2002-03-19 | 9164 | Amending the Local Government Code of 1991 or RA 7160: Providing for Synchronized Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections |
2002-06-07 | 9165 | Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002: Repealing the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972 or RA 6425 |
2002-06-07 | 9166 | Increasing the Base Pay and Other Benefits of the Officers and Enlisted Personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) |
2002-06-07 | 9167 | Creating a Government Agency: Film Development Council of the Philippines |
2002-06-07 | 9168 | Philippine Plant Variety Protection Act of 2002 |
2002-08-01 | 9169 | Radiotelephone Franchise: Seagull Marine Communications Network Corp. |
2002-09-04 | 9170 | Amending the Air Transport Franchise for Domestic and international Service of Aboitiz One, Inc. (Formerly, Aboitiz Air Transport Corporation) or RA 7583 |
2002-09-26 | 9171 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise: Muslim Development Multipurpose Cooperative |
2002-10-03 | 9172 | Telecommunications Franchise Renewal with Amendments: Eastern Telecommunications Philippines, Inc. (Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Company Limited) |
2002-10-21 | 9173 | Philippine Nursing Act of 2002: Repealing the Philippine Nursing Act of 1991 or RA 7164 |
2002-11-07 | 9174 | Amending the Balikbayan Program or RA 6768: Providing Additional Benefits and Privileges to Balikbayans |
2002-11-07 | 9175 | Chain Saw Act of 2002 |
2002-11-13 | 9176 | Amending Commonwealth Act No. 141: Extending, Until December 31, 2020, the Filing of Applications for Administrative Legalization and Judicial Confirmation of Imperfect and Incomplete Titles to Alienable and Disposable Lands of the Public Domain |
2002-11-13 | 9177 | Amending the Administrative Code of 1987 or EO 292: the Observance of Eidul Fitr Every Shawwal 1 a National Holiday, and the Observance of Eidul Adha Every Zhul Hijja 10 a Regional Holiday in the ARMM |
2002-11-13 | 9178 | Barangay Micro Business Enterprises (BMBEs) Act of 2002 |
2002-11-13 | 9179 | Renaming an Educational Institution: Basilio B. Chan Memorial Agricultural and Industrial School |
2002-12-11 | 9180 | Telecommunications Franchise: Digitel Mobile Phils., Inc. |
2002-12-15 | 9181 | Air Transport Franchise for Domestic and international Service: Provincial Airways Corporation |
2002-12-23 | 9182 | The Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) Act of 2002 |
2001 (8990–9162)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2001-01-05 | 8990 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2001-01-05 | 8991 | Establishing a Protected Area: Batanes Protected Area Act of 2000 |
2001-01-05 | 8992 | Telecommunications Franchise: Primeworld Digital Systems, Inc. |
2001-01-05 | 8993 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Palawan Council for Sustainable Development |
2001-01-05 | 8994 | Radiotelephone Franchise: Apo Associated Radio Electronics and Communications Company, Inc. |
2001-01-05 | 8995 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Polytechnic Foundation of Cotabato and Asia, Inc. |
2001-01-05 | 8996 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: End Time Mission Broadcasting Service, Inc. |
2001-01-11 | 8997 | Natural Gas Distribution Franchise: First Gas Holdings Corporation |
2001-01-17 | 8998 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2001-01-17 | 8999 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2001-01-19 | 9000 | Declaring Every March 19 and June 21 as Special Working Holidays in Narra Municipality in Celebration of its Town Fiesta and its Foundation, respectively |
2001-01-19 | 9001 | Declaring Every June 19 a Special Working Holiday in the Palawan Province in Celebration of the Feast of Forest |
2001-01-21 | 9002 | Telecommunications Franchise: Click Communications, Inc. |
2001-01-26 | 9003 | Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 |
2001-01-27 | 9004 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2001-02-02 | 9005 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2001-02-12 | 9006 | Fair Election Act |
2001-02-21 | 9007 | Appropriation to Fund the Holding of the National and Local Elections in 2001 |
2001-02-21 | 9008 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2001-02-24 | 9009 | Amending the Local Government Code of 1991 or RA 7160: Increasing the Annual Income Requirement for the Conversion of a Municipality into a Component City |
2001-02-27 | 9010 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424: Deferring the Imposition of VAT on Certain Services |
2001-02-27 | 9011 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2001-02-38 | 9012 | Amending RA 8953, RA 8753, and RA 8746: Resetting the Date of the Regular Elections for Elective Officials of the ARMM |
2001-02-28 | 9013 | Philippine Quality Award Act |
2001-02-28 | 9014 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2001-02-28 | 9015 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2001-02-28 | 9016 | Amending the Charter of Muntinlupa City or RA 7926: Providing for the Composition of its City Council |
2001-02-28 | 9017 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2001-03-05 | 9018 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2001-03-05 | 9019 | Converting a Municipality into a Highly Urbanized City |
2001-03-05 | 9020 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2001-03-05 | 9021 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2001-03-05 | 9022 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2001-03-05 | 9023 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2001-03-05 | 9024 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2001-03-05 | 9025 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2001-03-05 | 9026 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2001-03-05 | 9027 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2001-03-05 | 9028 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2001-03-05 | 9029 | Integrating Colleges into a State University: Partido State University (PSU) |
2001-03-05 | 9030 | Renaming a Bridge: Narciso Ramos Bridge |
2001-03-05 | 9031 | Declaring Every May 27 as a Special Working Holiday in Camarines Sur Province and Cities of Naga and Iriga in Commemoration of (their) Foundation (INFO NEEDED) |
2001-03-12 | 9032 | Amending RA 7193: Expanding the Jurisdiction of Culion Municipality |
2001-03-12 | 9033 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a District Engineering Office |
2001-03-12 | 9034 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2001-03-12 | 9035 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2001-03-12 | 9036 | Amending RA 8496: Strengthening the Governance and Defining the Scope of the Philippine Science High School (PSHS) System |
2001-03-13 | 9037 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2001-03-13 | 9038 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a District Engineering Office |
2001-03-21 | 9039 | Air Transport Franchise for Domestic and international Service: Air Mabuhay Corporation |
2001-03-22 | 9040 | The AFP Tax Exemption for Pay and Allowances Act of 2001 |
2001-03-22 | 9041 | Renaming a Road: Justice Jesus Y. Perez Memorial Highway |
2001-03-22 | 9042 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2001-03-22 | 9043 | Reconstituting a District Engineering Office into Two District Offices |
2001-03-22 | 9044 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Central Mindanao University |
2001-03-22 | 9045 | Integrating Colleges into a State University: Batangas State University (BSU) |
2001-03-22 | 9046 | Local Exchange Network Franchise Transfer: West Samar Telecommunications, Inc. |
2001-03-22 | 9047 | Amending the Charter of Antipolo City or RA 8508: Increasing its Representative to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Rizal from One to Two Members |
2001-03-22 | 9048 | Granting Authority to the Civil Registrar and the Consul General to Correct Clerical/Typographical Errors in and Change of a Person's First Name or Nickname |
2001-03-22 | 9049 | Granting Monthly Gratuity and Privileges to Awardees of the Medal of Valor |
2001-03-30 | 9050 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2001-03-30 | 9051 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
2001-03-30 | 9052 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a District Engineering Office |
2001-03-30 | 9053 | Philippine Landscape Architecture Act of 2000 |
2001-03-31 | 9054 | Amending RA 6734: Strengthening and Expanding the Organic Act for the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao |
2001-04-04 | 9055 | Converting a State College into a State University: Aklan State University |
2001-04-04 | 9056 | Establishing a National High School: Lingayao National High School |
2001-04-04 | 9057 | Establishing a National High School: Durian National High School |
2001-04-04 | 9058 | Establishing a National High School: Marcos Calo National High School |
2001-04-04 | 9059 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Maningalao National High School |
2001-04-04 | 9060 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Mat-I National High School |
2001-04-04 | 9061 | Establishing a National High School: Sumile National High School |
2001-04-05 | 9062 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Media One Broadcasting Corporation |
2001-04-05 | 9063 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Ranao Radio Broadcasting and TV System Corporation |
2001-04-05 | 9064 | National Athletes, Coaches, and Trainers Benefits and Incentives Act of 2001 (Also known as the Sports Benefits and Incentives Act of 2001) |
2001-04-05 | 9065 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a District Engineering Office |
2001-04-05 | 9066 | Reconstituting a District Engineering Office(s) |
2001-04-08 | 9067 | Declaring Every April 15 as Special Working Holiday in Capiz Province in Observation of the President Manuel A. Roxas Day |
2001-04-08 | 9068 | Declaring Every November 5 as Regular Working Holiday in Ormoc City in Commemoration of the November 5, 1991 Tragedy |
2001-04-08 | 9069 | Declaring Every May 14 as Special Working Holiday in Obando Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2001-04-08 | 9070 | Declaring Every December 18 as Special Working Holiday in Observation of Graciano Lopez-Jaena Day |
2001-04-08 | 9071 | Declaring Every June 13 as Special Working Holiday in Occidental Mindoro Province in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2001-04-08 | 9072 | National Caves and Cave Resources Management and Protection Act` |
2001-04-08 | 9073 | Establishing a National High School: Bartolome and Manuela Pañares Memorial National High School |
2001-04-08 | 9074 | Establishing a National High School: Moalboal National High School |
2001-04-08 | 9075 | Establishing a National High School: Toribio Minor National High School |
2001-04-08 | 9076 | Establishing a National High School: Judge Edmundo S. Pinga National High School |
2001-04-08 | 9077 | Establishing a National High School: Tictapul National High School |
2001-04-08 | 9078 | Establishing a National High School: Sibulao National High School |
2001-04-08 | 9079 | Establishing a National High School: Divisoria National High School |
2001-04-08 | 9080 | Establishing a National High School: Tolosa National High School |
2001-04-08 | 9081 | Establishing a National High School: Limaong National High School |
2001-04-08 | 9082 | Establishing a Science High School: Ifugao Provincial Science High School |
2001-04-08 | 9083 | Establishing a National Science and Technology High School: Santa Rosa Science and Technology High School |
2001-04-08 | 9084 | Establishing a National High School: Umiray National High School |
2001-04-08 | 9085 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Onica National High School |
2001-04-08 | 9086 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Bedbed National High School |
2001-04-08 | 9087 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Cabiten National High School |
2001-04-08 | 9088 | Declaring Every March 17 as Special Working Holiday in Balamban Municipality in Commemoration of the Death Anniversary of Ramon B. Magsaysay Sr. |
2001-04-08 | 9089 | Declaring Every December 15 as Special Working Holiday in Naga City in Commemoration of its Cityhood |
2001-04-08 | 9090 | Declaring Every February 1 as Special Working Holiday in Camarines Norte Province in Commemoration of the Birth of Jose Maria C. Panganiban |
2001-04-08 | 9091 | Declaring Every May 28 as Special Working Holiday in Imus Municipality in Commemoration of the Labanan sa Alapan |
2001-04-08 | 9092 | Declaring Every September 3 as Special Working Holiday in Imus Municipality in Commemoration of the Labanan sa Imus |
2001-04-08 | 9093 | Declaring Every March 16 as Special Working Holiday in Tagbilaran City in Commemoration of the Blood Compact with the Spaniards by Datu Sikatuna |
2001-04-08 | 9094 | Declaring Every January 7 as Special Working Holiday in Camiguin Province in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2001-04-08 | 9095 | Establishing a National High School: Proper Dimaya National High School |
2001-04-08 | 9096 | Converting a High School into a National High School: San Juan National High School |
2001-04-08 | 9097 | Establishing a National High School: Sogod National High School |
2001-04-08 | 9098 | Establishing a National High School: Tucod National High School |
2001-04-08 | 9099 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Margen National High School |
2001-04-08 | 9100 | Renaming a Road: Don Juan Sumulong Avenue |
2001-04-09 | 9101 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Tupi Telephone Cooperative, Inc. |
2001-04-09 | 9102 | Amending RA 8597: Expanding the Area of Operation of the Local Exchange Network Franchise of Southern Telecommunications Company, Inc. |
2001-04-09 | 9103 | Air Transport Franchise for Domestic and international Service: Laoag International Airlines, Inc. |
2001-04-09 | 9104 | Amending RA 8597: Expanding the Area of Operation of the Local Exchange Network Franchise of Samartel, Inc. |
2001-04-14 | 9105 | Art Forgery Act of 2001 |
2001-04-14 | 9106 | Establishing a Protected Area: Sagay Marine Reserve Act |
2001-04-14 | 9107 | Philippine Science Heritage Center Act |
2001-04-14 | 9108 | Establishing a National High School: SouthCom National High School |
2001-04-14 | 9109 | Establishing a National High School: San Juan National High School |
2001-04-14 | 9110 | Establishing a National High School: Baluno National High School |
2001-04-14 | 9111 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Kamasi National High School |
2001-04-14 | 9112 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Marbel National High School |
2001-04-14 | 9113 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Sangley Point National High School |
2001-04-14 | 9114 | Converting a Barangay High School into a National High School: Binucayan National High School |
2001-04-15 | 9115 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Community Media Network Incorporated |
2001-04-15 | 9116 | Telecommunications Franchise: Solid Broadband Corporation |
2001-04-15 | 9117 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Battlex, Inc (Bataan Telephone Exchange) |
2001-04-19 | 9118 | Declaring Every March 1 a Special Working Holiday in Muntinlupa City in Commemoration of its Cityhood |
2001-04-20 | 9119 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Benguet Broadcasting Corporation |
2001-04-20 | 9120 | Reclassifying Certain Area of Timberland into Alienable and Disposable Land: Ramesamey/Cowrie Island |
2001-04-20 | 9121 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Weblink Multivision, Inc. |
2001-04-20 | 9122 | Amending RA 8483: On the Tax Provision for the Local Exchange Network Franchise of Camiguin Telephone Cooperative |
2001-04-20 | 9123 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise: DawnBreakers Foundation, Inc. |
2001-04-20 | 9124 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise: Zenith Telecommunications Company, Inc. |
2001-04-22 | 9125 | Establishing a Protected Area: Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park (NSMNP) Act of 2001 |
2001-04-24 | 9126 | Establishing a National High School: Pangao-An National High School |
2001-04-24 | 9127 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: UBC Media, Inc (Also known as, Love Radio Network) |
2001-04-24 | 9128 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Calvary Gospel Tabernacle, Inc. |
2001-04-24 | 9129 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Sea and Sky Broadcasting, Inc. |
2001-04-24 | 9130 | Telecommunications Franchise: Connectivity Unlimited Resource Enterprises, Inc. |
2001-04-24 | 9131 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Iddes Broadcast Group, Inc. |
2001-04-24 | 9132 | Amending RA 8690: Expanding the Area of Operation of the Local Exchange Network Franchise of Santos Telephone Corporation, Inc. |
2001-04-24 | 9133 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Pampanga Telephone Company, Inc. |
2001-04-26 | 9134 | Reclassifying Certain Area of Reservation into Alienable Agricultural Land |
2001-04-27 | 9135 | Amending PD 1464 or the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines |
2001-06-08 | 9136 | Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 |
2001-06-08 | 9137 | Supplemental Appropriations Act for 2001 |
2001-06-08 | 9138 | Integrating Colleges into a State College: Guimaras State College |
2001-06-08 | 9139 | The Administrative Naturalization Act of 2000 |
2001-06-22 | 9140 | Fixing the Date of the Plebiscite for Approval of the Amendments under RA 9054 |
2001-07-03 | 9141 | Converting a college into a State College: Negros State College of Agriculture (NSCA) |
2001-07-20 | 9142 | Converting a college into a State College: Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College |
2001-07-30 | 9143 | Converting an Elementary School into a National High School: Bonifacio Javier National High School |
2001-07-30 | 9144 | Converting an Elementary School into an Integrated School: Andres Bonifacio Integrated School |
2001-07-30 | 9145 | Reclassifying Certain Area of Timberland into Alienable Agricultural Land |
2001-07-30 | 9146 | Converting a college into a State College: Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and Technology: Repealing RA 4878 |
2001-07-30 | 9147 | Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act |
2001-07-31 | 9148 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise: Hypersonic Broadcasting Center, Inc. |
2001-07-31 | 9149 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise: H. E. Baldo Incorporated |
2001-08-06 | 9150 | Amending RA 8293 or the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines: Protecting Layout-Designs (Topographis) of Integrated Circuits |
2001-08-10 | 9151 | Renaming the Apiculture Training and Development Center into the National Apiculture Research, Training and Development Institute |
2001-08-10 | 9152 | Converting an Elementary School Annex into an Independent Elementary School: Kapitan Jose Cardones Memorial Elementary School |
2001-08-10 | 9153 | Converting an Elementary School Annex into an Independent Elementary School: Kapitan Eddie T. Reyes Memorial Elementary School |
2001-08-11 | 9154 | Establishing a Protected Area: Mount Kanla-on Natural Park (MKNP) Act of 2001 |
2001-08-11 | 9155 | Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001 |
2001-08-11 | 9156 | Renaming an Educational Institution: Bondoc Peninsula Technological Institute |
2001-08-11 | 9157 | Integrating State Colleges into a State University: University of Rizal System |
2001-08-11 | 9158 | Converting a State College into a State University: Leyte State University |
2001-08-11 | 9159 | Converting a college into a State College: J. H. Cerilles State College |
2001-09-29 | 9160 | Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001 |
2001-12-22 | 9161 | Rental Reform Act of 2002 |
2001-12-22 | 9162 | Appropriations Act of 2002 |
2000 (8759–8989)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
2000-02-14 | 8759 | Public Employment Service Office Act of 1999 |
2000-02-16 | 8760 | Appropriations Act of 2000 |
2000-02-15 | 8761 | Amending RA 8424 or the Tax Reform Act of 1997: On the Transitory Provisions for the Imposition of VAT on Certain Services |
2000-03-07 | 8762 | Retail Trade Liberalization Act of 2000: Repealing RA 1180 |
2000-03-07 | 8763 | Home Guaranty Corporation Act of 2000: Consolidating Laws Regarding the Home Insurance and Guaranty Corporation |
2000-03-28 | 8764 | Establishing a National High School: Bagabag National High School |
2000-03-28 | 8765 | Establishing a National High School: Kalipay National High School |
2000-03-28 | 8766 | Establishing a National High School: Loctuga National High School |
2000-03-28 | 8767 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Don Servillano Platon Memorial National High School |
2000-03-28 | 8768 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Pambuhan National High School |
2000-03-28 | 8769 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent High School: Mandaluyong East High School |
2000-03-28 | 8770 | Converting a National High School into a National Comprehensive High School: Barcelona National Comprehensive High School |
2000-03-28 | 8771 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Maparat National High School |
2000-03-28 | 8772 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Calamba National High School |
2000-03-28 | 8773 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Kinama National High School |
2000-03-28 | 8774 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Cuyago National High School |
2000-04-07 | 8775 | Establishing a National High School: Mayor Guillermo Barsatan Memorial School of Arts and Trades |
2000-04-07 | 8776 | Establishing a National High School: Mayor Ricardo De San Jose Sr. Comprehensive National High School |
2000-04-07 | 8777 | Establishing a National High School: Monreal National High School |
2000-04-07 | 8778 | Establishing a National High School: Cerdena National High School |
2000-04-27 | 8779 | Establishing a National High School: San Luis National High School |
2000-04-27 | 8780 | Establishing a National High School: Calinog National Comprehensive High School |
2000-04-27 | 8781 | Establishing a National High School: Batad National High School |
2000-04-27 | 8782 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Pulungmasle National High School |
2000-04-27 | 8783 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Burgos National High School |
2000-04-27 | 8784 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Dominador Abang Memorial National High School |
2000-04-27 | 8785 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Cudal National High School |
2000-05-03 | 8786 | Establishing a National High School: Marcela T. Mabanta Memorial National High School |
2000-05-03 | 8787 | Establishing a National High School: David M. Puzon Memorial National High School |
2000-05-03 | 8788 | Establishing a National High School: Santol Vocational High School |
2000-05-03 | 8789 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Robeto Sato National High School |
2000-05-03 | 8790 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Ivana National High School |
2000-05-23 | 8791 | The General Banking Act of 2000 |
2000-06-14 | 8792 | Electronic Commerce Act |
2000-06-27 | 8793 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a District Engineering Office |
2000-06-27 | 8794 | Motor Vehicle User's Charge Imposition |
2000-06-27 | 8795 | Renaming a Bridge: Marcelo B. Fernan Bridge |
2000-07-11 | 8796 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2000-07-15 | 8797 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2000-07-15 | 8798 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2000-07-19 | 8799 | The Securities Regulation Code |
2000-07-19 | 8800 | Safeguard Measures Act: Providing Measures to Protect Local Industries from Increased Importation |
2000-07-19 | 8801 | Declaring Every May 19 a Special Working Holiday in Butuan City in Celebration of its Annual Fiesta |
2000-07-19 | 8802 | Declaring Every August 2 a Special Working Holiday in Butuan City in Commemoration of its Cityhood |
2000-08-16 | 8803 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2000-08-16 | 8804 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2000-08-16 | 8805 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2000-08-16 | 8806 | Merging Municipalities into a City: Sorsogon City |
2000-08-16 | 8807 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2000-08-16 | 8808 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Cadaratan National High School |
2000-08-16 | 8809 | Amending RA 8461: Fixing Incorrect Location of the Philippine Science High School Lanao del Norte Campus |
2000-08-16 | 8810 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a District Engineering Office |
2000-08-16 | 8811 | Transferring Municipal/City Location of the Capital of a Province |
2000-08-21 | 8812 | Declaring Every July 1 a Special Working Holiday in Dipolog City in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2000-08-21 | 8813 | Declaring Every March 22 a Special Working Holiday in Malaybalay City in Commemoration of its Cityhood |
2000-08-21 | 8814 | Declaring Every February 9 a Special Working Holiday in Mandaluyong in Commemoration of its Liberation from Japanese Occupation |
2000-08-21 | 8815 | Amending RA 7552: Explicit Inclusion of a City/Municipality in the Observation of a Holiday |
2000-08-22 | 8816 | Establishing a National High School: Panaon National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8817 | Establishing a National High School: San Isidro National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8818 | Establishing a National High School: Mimbunga National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8819 | Establishing a National High School: Malinao National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8820 | Establishing a National High School: Linao National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8821 | Establishing a National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8822 | Establishing a National High School: Dolores National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8823 | Establishing a National High School: Lim-ao National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8824 | Converting a High School into an Agro-Industrial High School: Nambaran Agro-Industrial National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8825 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Calaccad National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8826 | Establishing a National High School: Balawag National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8827 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Magtoma Pangol National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8828 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Allaguia National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8829 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Calawag National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8830 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Candawaga National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8831 | Establishing a National High School: Quezon-Panitian National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8832 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Cabayugan National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8833 | Establishing a National High School: Calategas National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8834 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Macarascas National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8835 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Maasin National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8836 | Establishing a National High School: Camantang National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8837 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Maslog National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8838 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Hinolaso National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8839 | Establishing a National High School: Kapangan Central National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8840 | Changing the Name of a National High School: Twin Peaks National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8841 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Fianza Memorial National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8842 | Establishing a National High School: Sitero Francisco Memorial National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8843 | Converting a High School into a National Science and Technology High School: Raja Soliman Science and Technology High School |
2000-08-22 | 8844 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Dr. Arcadio Santos National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8845 | Establishing a National High School: Bagumbayan National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8846 | Establishing a National High School: Tipas National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8847 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Union National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8848 | Converting a High School into a National High School: San Pedro National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8849 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Jose De Villa National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8850 | Converting a High School into a National High School: La Salvacion National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8851 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Goa National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8852 | Establishing a National Agro-Industrial High School: Sibaguan Agro-Industrial High School |
2000-08-22 | 8853 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Medrozo-Mendoza National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8854 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Batanes General Comprehensive High School |
2000-08-22 | 8855 | Converting a National High School into a National Science High School: Batanes National Science High School |
2000-08-22 | 8856 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Catalino M. Prado National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8857 | Establishing a National High School: Jose Feliciano Menez Memorial National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8858 | Establishing a National High School: Tubod (San Fernando) National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8859 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Perelos National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8860 | Establishing a National High School: Santa Ana National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8861 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: San Basilio National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8862 | Establishing a National High School: Kakiduguen National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8863 | Establishing a National High School: Bascaran National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8864 | Establishing a National High School: Camayaan National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8865 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Bilar National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8866 | Establishing a National High School: Mayor Bartolome Serut National Agricultural and Trade High School |
2000-08-22 | 8867 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Cal-Owan Agricultural and Vocational National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8868 | Establishing a National High School: Sagada National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8869 | Establishing a National High School: Besao National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8870 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Betwagan National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8871 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Guinaang National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8872 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Namatec National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8873 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Albago National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8874 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Talubin National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8875 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Banao National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8876 | Establishing a National High School: Alberto Sorongon Sr. Memorial National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8877 | Establishing a National High School: Ilongbukid National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8878 | Establishing a National High School: Panuran National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8879 | Establishing a National High School: Miag-ao National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8880 | Establishing a National High School: Jose Facultad Memorial National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8881 | Establishing a National High School: Valverde National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8882 | Establishing a National High School: Igtalongon National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8883 | Establishing a National High School: Pitogo National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8884 | Establishing a National High School: Tabugon National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8885 | Establishing a National High School: Leon National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8886 | Establishing a National High School: Dumangas National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8887 | Establishing a National High School: Nazuni Summit Comprehensive National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8888 | Establishing a National High School: Barotac Nuevo Comprehensive High School |
2000-08-22 | 8889 | Establishing a National High School: Salihid National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8890 | Establishing a National High School: Gabaldon Vocational Agriculture High School |
2000-08-22 | 8891 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Teodoro A. Dionisio National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8892 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Maruhat National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8893 | Establishing a National High School: Mataguisi Comprehensive National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8894 | Establishing a National High School: Gov. Benjamin Leguiab Sr. Memorial National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8895 | Establishing a National High School: Marag Valley Agricultural and Trade High School |
2000-08-22 | 8896 | Converting a High School Department into an Independent National High School: Apayao Science High School |
2000-08-22 | 8897 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Lucena National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8898 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Prosperidad National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8899 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Santa Cruz National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8900 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Libertad National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8901 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Guadalupe National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8902 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Bunawan National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8903 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Santa Irene National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8904 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: J. Marquez National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8905 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Datu Ayunan National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8906 | Establishing a National High School: Cotabato City National High School (NOTE: Re-establishing) |
2000-08-22 | 8907 | Establishing a National High School: Tantangan National Trade High School |
2000-08-22 | 8908 | Establishing a National High School: Lower Bala National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8909 | Establishing a National High School: Managa National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8910 | Establishing a National High School: Diosdado Yap Sr. National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8911 | Establishing a National High School: Linamon National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8912 | Establishing a National High School: Sultan Gumander National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8913 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Angoyao National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8914 | Converting a High School into a National High School: San Martin Agro-Industrial National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8915 | Establishing a National High School: Kuya National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8916 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Bacuag National Agro-Industrial School |
2000-08-22 | 8917 | Establishing a National High School: Plaridel National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8918 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Sitangkai National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8919 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Lison Valley National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8920 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Bayabas National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8921 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Tambongon National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8922 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Paloc National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8923 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Anitapan National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8924 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Mainit National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8925 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Araibo National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8926 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Kapatagan National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8927 | Establishing a National High School: Caoayan National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8928 | Establishing a National High School: Tagudin National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8929 | Establishing a National High School: Santa Maria National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8930 | Establishing a National High School: Salcedo National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8931 | Establishing a National High School: Cervantes National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8932 | Establishing a National High School: Catubig Valley National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8933 | Establishing a National High School: Nereo R. Joaquin National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8934 | Establishing a National High School: Calubcob I National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8935 | Establishing a National High School: Palanas National Agriculture High School |
2000-08-22 | 8936 | Establishing a National High School: Matagangtang National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8937 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Panique National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8938 | Establishing a National High School: Amungan National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8939 | Establishing a National High School: Ubao National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8940 | Establishing a National High School: Piat National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8941 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Manguisoc National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8942 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: San Pablo National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8943 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Nagtipunan National High School |
2000-08-22 | 8944 | Converting a Science High School into a National Science High School: Naga City Science High School |
2000-08-24 | 8945 | Declaring Every March 20 a Special Working Holiday in San Fernando City in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2000-08-31 | 8946 | Establishing a National High School: Centrala National High School |
2000-08-31 | 8947 | Establishing a National High School: Mostro National High School |
2000-08-31 | 8948 | Establishing a National High School: Sinawilan National High School |
2000-08-31 | 8949 | Amending RA 8734: Correcting a Misidentification of the Former Main Campus of a New Independent High School |
2000-08-31 | 8950 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Cawagayan National High School |
2000-08-31 | 8951 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a District Engineering Office |
2000-08-31 | 8952 | Amending RA 7698: Explicit Inclusion of a City/Municipality in the Observation of a Holiday |
2000-09-01 | 8953 | Fixing the Date of Regular Elections of Elective Officials of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao |
2000-09-02 | 8954 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation |
2000-09-02 | 8955 | Telecommunications Franchise: Polaris Telecommunications, Inc. |
2000-09-02 | 8956 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Odiongan Telephone Corporation |
2000-09-04 | 8957 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a District Engineering Office |
2000-09-04 | 8958 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a District Engineering Office |
2000-09-07 | 8959 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Palawan Telephone Company, Inc. |
2000-09-07 | 8960 | Electric Power Distribution Franchise Renewal: Davao Light and Power Company, Inc. |
2000-09-07 | 8961 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: L.M. United Telephone Company, Inc. |
2000-09-07 | 8962 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Iriga Telephone Company, Inc. |
2000-09-09 | 8963 | Reclassifying Certain Area of Reservation into Alienable and Disposable Land |
2000-09-16 | 8964 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Santa Cruz National High School |
2000-09-16 | 8965 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a District Engineering Office |
2000-09-20 | 8966 | Converting a High School Department into an Independent National High School: Magallanes National High School (Relocation) |
2000-09-25 | 8967 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Western Kalinga National High School |
2000-10-04 | 8968 | Renaming a Road: Governor Felix A. Fuentebella National Highway |
2000-10-27 | 8969 | Declaring Every Third Friday of August a Special Working Holiday in Davao City |
2000-10-31 | 8970 | Prohibition of the Manufacture, Importation, Distribution and Sale of Laundry and Industrial Detergents Containing Hard Surfactants |
2000-10-31 | 8971 | Renaming a Road(s): Jose D. Aspiras Highway and Ben Palispis Highway |
2000-11-07 | 8972 | Solo Parents' Welfare Act of 2000 |
2000-11-07 | 8973 | Creating a Province: Zamboanga Sibugay |
2000-11-07 | 8974 | Expediting Implementation and Completion of Government Infrastructure Projects: Facilitation of the Acquisition of the Right-of-Way, Site, or Location |
2000-11-07 | 8975 | Expediting Implementation and Completion of Government Infrastructure Projects: Prohibition of Lower Courts from Issuing TROs, or Injunctions |
2000-11-07 | 8976 | Philippine Food Fortification Act of 2000 |
2000-11-07 | 8977 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2000-11-09 | 8978 | Establishing a Protected Area: Mount Kitanglad Range Protcted Area Act of 2000 |
2000-11-22 | 8979 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2000-12-05 | 8980 | Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Act |
2000-12-05 | 8981 | Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Modernization Act of 2000 |
2000-12-05 | 8982 | Amending RA 8982: Expanding the Area of Operation of the Local Exchange Network Franchise: Ipil Telephone Company, Inc. |
2000-12-05 | 8983 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2000-12-05 | 8984 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2000-12-05 | 8985 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
2000-12-09 | 8986 | Declaring Every March 21 a Special Working Holiday in Calapan City in Commemoration of its Foundation |
2000-12-12 | 8987 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a District Engineering Office |
2000-12-27 | 8988 | Recognition of a Spanish Royal Decree Creating Vigan a City |
2000-12-31 | 8989 | Amending RA 7820: Streamlining the Organization of the Partido Development Administration |
1999 (8746–8758)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
1999-03-04 | 8746 | Fixing the Date of Regular Elections of Elective Officials of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao |
1999-06-01 | 8747 | Philippine Year 2000 Disclosure and Readiness Act |
1999-06-01 | 8748 | Amending the Special Economic Zone Act of 1995 or RA 7916 |
1999-06-23 | 8749 | Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 |
1999-08-05 | 8750 | Seat Belts Use Act of 1999 |
1999-08-07 | 8751 | Strengthening the Mechanism of Countervailing Duties' Imposition: Providing Measures to Protect Local Industries from Increased Importation |
1999-08-12 | 8752 | Anti-Dumping Act of 1999: Providing Measures to Protect Local Industries from Increased Importation |
1999-09-08 | 8753 | Fixing the Date of Regular Elections of Elective Officials of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao |
1999-11-04 | 8754 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
1999-11-04 | 8755 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
1999-11-23 | 8756 | Amending the Omnibus Investments Code of 1987 or EO 226: Providing for the Terms, Conditions, and Licensing Reqirements of Headquarters and Warehouses of Multinational Companies |
1999-11-25 | 8757 | Establishing the Philippine Sports Hall of Fame |
1999-12-28 | 8758 | Amending RA 7181: Extending the Term of the Committee on Privatization and the Asset Privatization Trust |
1998 (8446–8745)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
1998-01-05 | 8446 | Horse Racing Franchise: Fil-Asia Racing Club |
1998-01-08 | 8447 | Establishing a National High School: Los Arcos National High School |
1998-01-09 | 8448 | Converting a State College Campus into a Separate State College: Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology |
1998-01-11 | 8449 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Marbel Telephone System, Inc. |
1998-01-10 | 8450 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Southern Telecommunications Company, Inc. |
1998-01-10 | 8451 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Baganian Broadcasting Corporation |
1998-01-11 | 8452 | Declaring Every July 12 as a Special Nonworking Holiday in Laguindingan Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation |
1998-01-11 | 8453 | Establishing a National High School: Naval National High School |
1998-01-19 | 8454 | Upgrading a Hospital to Tertiary Level: Batanes General Hospital |
1998-01-19 | 8455 | Establishing a High School: San Joaquin/Kalawaan High School |
1998-01-19 | 8456 | Establishing a National High School: Bagacay National High School |
1998-01-19 | 8457 | Establishing a National High School: Barangay Elizalde National High School |
1998-01-19 | 8458 | Establishing a National High School: Tayasan National High School |
1998-01-19 | 8459 | Establishing a National High School: Balasan National High School |
1998-01-19 | 8460 | Establishing a National High School: Concepcion National High School |
1998-01-19 | 8461 | Establishing a National Science High School: Philippine Science High School Lanao Del Norte Campus |
1998-01-19 | 8462 | Establishing a National High School: La Paz National High School |
1998-01-19 | 8463 | Establishing a National High School: San Luis National High School |
1998-01-19 | 8464 | Establishing a National High School: Kapalangan National High School |
1998-01-19 | 8465 | Establishing a National High School: Vicente B. Ylagan National High School |
1998-01-19 | 8466 | Establishing a National High School: Mabalacat National High School |
1998-01-19 | 8467 | Establishing a National High School: Baco National High School |
1998-01-22 | 8468 | Converting a State College into a State University: Cavite State University |
1998-01-30 | 8469 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
1998-01-30 | 8470 | Creating a Province: Compostela Valley |
1998-01-30 | 8471 | Merging Municipalities into a City: Samal City |
1998-01-30 | 8472 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
1998-01-30 | 8473 | Creating a Municipality: Braulio E. Dujali |
1998-02-02 | 8474 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
1998-02-02 | 8475 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
1998-02-06 | 8476 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Katigbak Enterprises (San Pablo City) Incorporated |
1998-02-06 | 8477 | Satellite Earth Station Franchise: H.T. Telesis, Inc. |
1998-02-07 | 8478 | Converting a Sub-District Engineering Office into a District Engineering Office |
1998-02-10 | 8479 | Downstream Oil Industry Deregulation Act of 1998 |
1998-02-10 | 8480 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
1998-02-10 | 8481 | Converting a High School into an Arts and Trade School: Camiguin School of Arts and Trade |
1998-02-10 | 8482 | Upgrading a Hospital to Tertiary Level: Camiguin General Hospital |
1998-02-10 | 8483 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Camiguin Telephone Cooperative |
1998-02-11 | 8484 | Access Devices Regulation Act of 1998 |
1998-02-11 | 8485 | Animal Welfare Act of 1998 |
1998-02-11 | 8486 | Cotton Industry Development Act of 1998 |
1998-02-11 | 8487 | Converting a Municipality into a Highly Urbanized City |
1998-02-11 | 8488 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
1998-02-11 | 8489 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
1998-02-11 | 8490 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
1998-02-12 | 8491 | Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines |
1998-02-12 | 8492 | National Museum Act of 1998 |
1998-02-12 | 8493 | Speedy Trial Act of 1998 |
1998-02-12 | 8494 | Amending PD 1080: Reorganizing the Philippine Export and Foreign Loan Guarantee Corporation into the Trade and Investment Development Corporation of the Philippines |
1998-02-12 | 8495 | Philippine Mechanical Engineering Act of 1998: Repealing Commonwealth Act 294 |
1998-02-12 | 8496 | Philippine Science High School (PSHS) System Act of 1997 |
1998-02-12 | 8497 | Establishing a Science High School: City of Mandaluyong Science High School |
1998-02-12 | 8498 | Integrating Colleges into a State University: Ramon Magsaysay Technological University |
1998-02-12 | 8499 | Establishing a School of Arts and Trades: Gonzalo Puyat School of Arts and Trades |
1998-02-12 | 8500 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
1998-02-13 | 8501 | Housing Loan Condonation Act of 1998 |
1998-02-13 | 8502 | Jewelry Industry Development Act of 1998 |
1998-02-13 | 8503 | Health Research and Development Act of 1998 |
1998-02-13 | 8504 | Philippines AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998 |
1998-02-13 | 8505 | Rape Victim Assistance and Protection Act of 1998 |
1998-02-13 | 8506 | Banning the Registration and Operation of Vehicles with Right-Hand Steering Wheel |
1998-02-13 | 8507 | Converting a Municipality into a Highly Urbanized City |
1998-02-13 | 8508 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
1998-02-13 | 8509 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
1998-02-13 | 8510 | Telecommunications Franchise: Textron Corporation |
1998-02-13 | 8511 | Horse Racing Franchise: Starland Racing Corporation |
1998-02-13 | 8512 | Establishing a National High School: Motiong National High School |
1998-02-13 | 8513 | Establishing a National High School: Commonwealth National High School |
1998-02-13 | 8514 | Establishing a National High School: Bubuan National High School |
1998-02-13 | 8515 | Establishing a National High School: Jimenez National Comprehensive High School |
1998-02-13 | 8516 | Establishing a National High School: Banayoyo National High School |
1998-02-13 | 8517 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Kalabugao National High School |
1998-02-13 | 8518 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Irawan National High School |
1998-02-13 | 8519 | Converting a High School into an Agro-Industrial High School: Bersamin Agro-Industrial High School |
1998-02-13 | 8520 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: PNS-Panitian National High School |
1998-02-13 | 8521 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Teodoro Dela Vega National High School |
1998-02-14 | 8522 | Appropriations Act of 1998 |
1998-02-14 | 8523 | Amending EO 81 or the Revised Charter of the Development Bank of the Philippines |
1998-02-14 | 8524 | Amending RA 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991: Prolonging the Term of office of Barangay Officials and Members of the Sangguniang Kabataan From Three Years to Five Years |
1998-02-14 | 8525 | Adopt-a-School Act of 1998 |
1998-02-14 | 8526 | Converting a Municipality into a Highly Urbanized City |
1998-02-14 | 8527 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital: Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research and Medical Center Extension Hospital |
1998-02-14 | 8528 | Amending RA 7720 or the Charter of the City of Santiago |
1998-02-14 | 8529 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Mindanao Broadcasting and News Network, Inc.(MBNN) |
1998-02-14 | 8530 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
1998-02-20 | 8531 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Ipil Telephone Company, Inc |
1998-02-23 | 8532 | Amending the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Act of 1998 or RA 6657: Strengthening Further the Program by Providing an Augmentation Fund |
1998-02-23 | 8533 | Amending the Family Code of the Philippines or EO 209: Nullifying the Prescriptive Periof for Action or Defenses Grounded on Psychological Incapacity |
1998-02-23 | 8534 | Philippine Interior Design Act of 1998 |
1998-02-23 | 8535 | Creating a City: Novaliches City |
1998-02-23 | 8536 | Creating a Hospital: Far North Luzon General Hospital and Training Center |
1998-02-23 | 8537 | Establishing a National High School: Bonliw National High School |
1998-02-23 | 8538 | Establishing a National High School |
1998-02-23 | 8539 | Establishing a National High School: San Isidro National High School |
1998-02-23 | 8540 | Establishing a National High School: San Jose National High School |
1998-02-23 | 8541 | Establishing a National High School: Lemery National High School |
1998-02-23 | 8542 | Establishing a National High School: Ajuy National High School |
1998-02-23 | 8543 | Upgrading a Hospital to Tertiary Level: Basilan Provincial Hospital |
1998-02-24 | 8544 | Philippine Merchant Marine Officers Act of 1998 |
1998-02-24 | 8545 | Amending RA 6728 or the Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education Act: Providing for Salary Subsidies for Private Teachers and other Provisions |
1998-02-24 | 8546 | Declaring a National Shrine: Biak-na-Bato Site |
1998-02-24 | 8547 | Converting a college into a State College: Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College |
1998-02-24 | 8548 | Converting a School into a State College: Bulacan National Agricultural State College (BNASC) |
1998-02-24 | 8549 | Upgrading a Hospital to Tertiary Level: Ospital ng Palawan (Formerly, Puerto Princesa Provincial Hospital) |
1998-02-25 | 8550 | The Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998 |
1998-02-25 | 8551 | Amending RA 6975: Philippine National Police Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998 |
1998-02-25 | 8552 | Domestic Adoption Act of 1998 |
1998-02-25 | 8553 | Amending RA 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991: On the Composition of the Sangguniangs Panlalawigan, Panlungsod, and Bayan |
1998-02-25 | 8554 | Converting a School into a college: Carigara College of Fisheries |
1998-02-26 | 8555 | Amending RA 8182 or the Official Development Assistance Act of 1996 |
1998-02-26 | 8556 | Amending RA 5980 or the Financing Company Act: Financing Company Act of 1998 |
1998-02-26 | 8557 | Establishing the Philippine Judicial Academy (PHILJA) |
1998-02-26 | 8558 | Amending PD 442 or the Labor Code of the Philippines: Reducing the Retirement Age of Underground Mine Workers from Sixty to Fifty |
1998-02-26 | 8559 | Philippine Agricultural Engineering Act of 1998: Repealing RA 3927 |
1998-02-26 | 8560 | Philippine Geodetic Engineering Act of 1998: Repealing RA 4374 or the Geodetic Engineering Act |
1998-02-26 | 8561 | Upgrading a Hospital to Tertiary Level: Bataan Provincial Hospital |
1998-02-26 | 8562 | Integrating Colleges into a State College: Bataan Polytechnic State College |
1998-02-26 | 8563 | Converting a college into a State College: Apayao State College |
1998-02-27 | 8564 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Lukban Telephone System, Inc. |
1998-02-27 | 8565 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Northern Telephone Company, Inc. |
1998-02-27 | 8566 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Labo Telephone System, Inc. |
1998-02-27 | 8567 | Establishing a National High School: Binakayan National High School |
1998-02-27 | 8568 | Establishing a National High School: Sara National High School |
1998-02-27 | 8569 | Establishing a National High School: Jacinto C. Borja National High School |
1998-02-27 | 8570 | Establishing a National High School |
1998-02-27 | 8571 | Establishing a National High School: Tambongan National High School |
1998-02-27 | 8572 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Pigcawaran National High School |
1998-02-27 | 8573 | Establishing a National High School: Mabatang National High School |
1998-02-27 | 8574 | Establishing a National High School: Mat-i National High School |
1998-02-27 | 8575 | Establishing a National High School: Tulang National High School |
1998-02-28 | 8576 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Romblon Telephone Corporation |
1998-02-28 | 8577 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Southern Iloilo Telephone Company, Inc. |
1998-02-28 | 8578 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Ever Broadcasting Network, Inc. |
1998-02-28 | 8579 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Continental Telecommunications System, Inc. |
1998-02-28 | 8580 | Establishing a National High School: Tataya National High School |
1998-02-28 | 8581 | Establishing a National High School: Vicente V. Andaya Sr. National High School |
1998-02-28 | 8582 | Converting a School into a college: Occidental Mindoro Polytechnic College |
1998-02-28 | 8583 | Air Transport Franchise for Domestic and International Service: Grand International Airways, Inc (Grand Air) |
1998-03-02 | 8584 | Converting a High School into an Agricultural High School: Pilar National Agricultural High School |
1998-03-02 | 8585 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Pitalo National High School |
1998-03-02 | 8586 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tulay National High School |
1998-03-02 | 8587 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Valencia National Vocational High School |
1998-03-02 | 8588 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Lipata Central I National High School |
1998-03-05 | 8589 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Samartel, Inc. |
1998-03-12 | 8590 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Calbayog Telephone System |
1998-03-12 | 8591 | Amending RA 8169: Granting a Television Broadcasting Franchise to GV Broadcasting System, Inc. and Expanding its Franchise Nationwide |
1998-03-12 | 8592 | Establishing a National High School: New Busuanga National High School |
1998-03-12 | 8593 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
1998-03-14 | 8594 | Converting a School into a college: Governor Mariano Fuentebella Memorial College of Fisheries |
1998-03-14 | 8595 | Establishing a National High School: Anabo National High School |
1998-03-18 | 8596 | Converting a college into a Polytechnic College: New Lucena Polytechnic College |
1998-03-20 | 8597 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Trento Telephone System, Incorporated |
1998-03-20 | 8598 | Establishing a National High School: Balungao National High School |
1998-03-20 | 8599 | Converting a Regional Hospital into a Medical Center: Cagayan Valley Medical Center |
1998-03-21 | 8600 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Bulata National High School |
1998-03-21 | 8601 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Manalad National High School |
1998-03-21 | 8602 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Cauayan National High School |
1998-03-26 | 8603 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Exodus Broadcasting Co., Inc. |
1998-03-26 | 8604 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Probe Productions, Inc. |
1998-03-26 | 8605 | Cable/Community Antenna Television and Direct to User Satellite Systems Franchise: Atlocom Wireless System, Inc. |
1998-03-26 | 8606 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Radio City Telephone Company, Inc. (RACITELCO) |
1998-03-27 | 8607 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Altimax Broadcasting Co., Inc. |
1998-03-27 | 8608 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Rainbow Global Media Arts Network, Inc. (RGMA Network, Inc.) |
1998-03-27 | 8609 | Cable/Community Antenna Television and Direct to User Satellite Systems Franchise: Kabasalan Satellite Cable Television System, Inc. |
1998-03-27 | 8610 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Western Batangas Telephone System, Inc. |
1998-03-27 | 8611 | Cable/Community Antenna Television and Direct to User Satellite Systems Franchise: Digital Entertainment Corporation |
1998-03-27 | 8612 | Converting a college into a State University: Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology |
1998-03-27 | 8613 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Apurawan National High School |
1998-03-27 | 8614 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Salogon National High School |
1998-04-02 | 8615 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Independent Telephone Company, Inc. |
1998-04-02 | 8616 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Culandanum National High School |
1998-04-02 | 8617 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tagusao National High School |
1998-04-02 | 8618 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Panacan National High School |
1998-04-02 | 8619 | Amending RA 8304: Additional Provisions on the Transition of San Rafael National High School into Philippine Science High School-Camarines Sur Campus |
1998-04-04 | 8620 | Cable/Community Antenna Television and Direct to User Satellite Systems Franchise: Direct Broadcast Satellite Phil., Inc. |
1998-04-05 | 8621 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: All Asia Broadcast Systems, Inc. |
1998-04-08 | 8622 | Telecommunications Franchise: Hi-Frequency Telecommunications Inc. |
1998-04-08 | 8623 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Nation Broadcasting Corporation |
1998-04-09 | 8624 | Establishing a Trade School: San Agustin National Trade School |
1998-04-12 | 8625 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Canasujan National High School |
1998-04-15 | 8626 | Designating the Bayanihan Philippine Dance Company as the Philippine National Folk Dance Company |
1998-04-19 | 8627 | Telecommunications Franchise: Mindanao Islamic Telephone Company, Inc. |
1998-04-23 | 8628 | Converting a college into a State College: Surigao Del Sur Polytechnic State College (SSPSC) |
1998-04-30 | 8629 | Granting Citizenship to a Person |
1998-05-07 | 8630 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Philippine Multi-Media System, Inc. |
1998-05-07 | 8631 | Establishing a National High School: Dumalinao National High School |
1998-05-07 | 8632 | Establishing a National High School: Maestro Cornelio Minor National High School |
1998-05-07 | 8633 | Establishing a National High School: San Pablo National High School |
1998-05-07 | 8634 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital: Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center |
1998-05-14 | 8635 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: RMC Telecommunications Consultants, Inc. |
1998-05-17 | 8636 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: General Telephone System, Inc. |
1998-05-17 | 8637 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Sultan Kudarat Telephone System, Inc. |
1998-05-17 | 8638 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Rep. Maximino Noel (Guadalupe) National High School |
1998-05-17 | 8639 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Lawa-an (Talisay) National High School |
1998-05-17 | 8640 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Uling National High School |
1998-05-17 | 8641 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tungkop National High School |
1998-05-27 | 8642 | Establishing a High School |
1998-05-30 | 8643 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise: Globe Email Philippines, Inc. |
1998-05-30 | 8644 | Establishing a National High School: Kalayaan National High School |
1998-05-30 | 8645 | Establishing a High School: Logac High School |
1998-05-30 | 8646 | Establishing a National High School: Natonin National High School |
1998-05-30 | 8647 | Establishing a National High School: Maras National High School |
1998-05-30 | 8648 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: New Pualas National High School |
1998-05-30 | 8649 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Lantapan National High School |
1998-06-05 | 8650 | Integrating Schools into a State College: Surigao State College of Technology |
1998-06-10 | 8651 | Converting a college into a State College: Adiong Memorial Polytechnic State College |
1998-06-14 | 8652 | Radio Paging Franchise: Skytel Philippines, Inc. |
1998-06-14 | 8653 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Plaridel Service Cooperative |
1998-06-14 | 8654 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Mindoro Telecommunications Corporation |
1998-06-14 | 8655 | Converting a School into a State College: Samar State College of Agriculture and Forestry |
1998-06-14 | 8656 | Establishing a National High School: Hondagua National High School |
1998-06-22 | 8657 | Telecommunications Franchise: Transpacific Broadcast Group International, Inc. |
1998-06-22 | 8658 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital: Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center |
1998-06-22 | 8659 | Integrating Colleges into a State College: Central Visayas State College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Technology |
1998-06-25 | 8660 | Establishing a High School: Papaya High School |
1998-06-25 | 8661 | Establishing a High School: Jaybanga High School |
1998-06-25 | 8662 | Establishing a National High School: Las Salinas National High School |
1998-06-25 | 8663 | Establishing a National High School: Kauswagan National High School |
1998-06-25 | 8664 | Establishing a National High School: Lampanusan National High School |
1998-06-25 | 8665 | Establishing a National High School: Nanan National High School |
1998-06-25 | 8666 | Converting a High School into an Agro-Industrial High School: Don Benito Agro-Industrial High School |
1998-06-25 | 8667 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Salvacion National High School |
1998-06-25 | 8668 | Converting a High School into an Agro-Industrial High School: Mansilingan Agro-Industrial High School |
1998-06-25 | 8669 | Converting a High School Department of a college into an Independent National High School: Sibaltan National High School |
1998-06-25 | 8670 | Establishing a National High School: Francisco G. Perez Memorial National High School |
1998-06-25 | 8671 | Converting a High School into an Agro-Industrial High School: Cabilaoan Agro-Industrial High School |
1998-06-25 | 8672 | Converting a High School into an Agro-Industrial High School: Amamperez Agro-Industrial High School |
1998-06-25 | 8673 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Pinili National High School |
1998-06-25 | 8674 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Bongao Nationwide Telephone System, Incorporated |
1998-06-25 | 8675 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Mati Telephone Corporation |
1998-06-25 | 8676 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Western Misamis Oriental Telephone Cooperative, Inc. (WEMORTELCO) |
1998-06-25 | 8677 | Telecommunications Franchise: Radio Communications of the Philippines, Inc. |
1998-06-25 | 8678 | Telecommunications Franchise: Sear Telecommunications, Inc. |
1998-06-25 | 8679 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Cordova News Network, Inc. |
1998-06-25 | 8680 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Multipoint Broadcasting Network, Incorporated |
1998-06-25 | 8681 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise: Sultan Kudarat Islamic Academy Foundation, Inc. |
1998-06-25 | 8682 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: VTV Corporation |
1998-06-25 | 8683 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Quirino Broadcasting Corporation |
1998-06-25 | 8684 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: VOM Broadcasting Corporation |
1998-06-25 | 8685 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: PEC Broadcasting Corporation |
1998-06-25 | 8686 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise: Mountain View College of Sevent Day Adventists |
1998-06-25 | 8687 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Westwind Broadcasting Corporation |
1998-06-27 | 8688 | Converting a State College into a State University: Cebu Normal University |
1998-07-02 | 8689 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Digital Broadcasting Corporation |
1998-07-02 | 8690 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Santos Telephone Corporation, Inc. |
1998-07-04 | 8691 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Masawa Broadcasting Corporation |
1998-07-04 | 8692 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise: Zambales Broadcasting and Development Corporation |
1998-07-09 | 8693 | Establishment of a Hospital: Don Emilio del Valle Memorial Hospital |
1998-07-09 | 8694 | Renaming an Educational Institution: Southern Samar College of Agriculture, Science, and Technology |
1998-07-09 | 8695 | Converting a National High School into a National High School: Rosalio Eduarte National High School |
1998-07-09 | 8696 | Establishing a National High School: Barangay Cansilayan National High School |
1998-07-09 | 8697 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent High School: San Guillermo National High School |
1998-07-09 | 8698 | Converting a High School into a National Science and Technology High School: Misamis Occidental Science High School |
1998-07-09 | 8699 | Amending the Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise of the First United Broadcasting Corporation (FUBC): Radio, television, and Satellite Broadcasting Franchise |
1998-07-09 | 8700 | Amending RA 7296: Granting Air Transport Franchise to Davao Agritech, Inc. |
1998-07-09 | 8701 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Image Broadcasting Corp. |
1998-07-09 | 8702 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise: Tamaraw Broadcasting Corporation |
1998-07-09 | 8703 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise: Avila Broadcasting Network, Incorporated |
1998-07-09 | 8704 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Panay Telephone Corporation |
1998-07-09 | 8705 | Cable/Community Antenna Television System Franchise: Maasin Cable Television |
1998-07-10 | 8706 | Converting a High School into a college: Canuto M.S. Enerio College of Arts and Trade |
1998-07-16 | 8707 | Establishing a National High School: Kibawe National High School |
1998-07-16 | 8708 | Establishing a National High School: Dimiao National High School |
1998-07-16 | 8709 | Establishing a National High School: Mabini National High School |
1998-07-16 | 8710 | Establishing a National High School: Sigay National High School |
1998-07-16 | 8711 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent High School: Salvacion National High School |
1998-07-16 | 8712 | Establishing a National High School: Dangcagan National High School |
1998-07-16 | 8713 | Establishing a School of Arts and Trades: Buyabod School of Arts and Trades |
1998-07-16 | 8714 | Renaming a Road: Congressman Felimon C. Aguilar Avenue |
1998-07-16 | 8715 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Tandag Electric and Telephone Company, Inc. |
1998-07-16 | 8716 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: North Camarines Telephone Co., Inc. |
1998-07-16 | 8717 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: E.M. Orosco & Sons, Inc. |
1998-07-16 | 8718 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Baycomms Broadcasting Corporation |
1998-07-16 | 8719 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: TRGV-JAFGO Corporation |
1998-07-16 | 8720 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Eastern Misamis Oriental Telephone Cooperative (EMORTELCO) |
1998-07-16 | 8721 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Multi-Line Construction International, Inc. |
1998-07-23 | 8722 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Malinta National High School |
1998-07-23 | 8723 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Lawang Bato National High School |
1998-07-26 | 8724 | Establishing a National Science High School: Rizal National Science High School |
1998-07-26 | 8725 | Establishing a National High School: Manggitahan National High School |
1998-08-03 | 8726 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Blockbuster Broadcasting System, Inc. |
1998-08-06 | 8727 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Elfren B. Servando Jr. (EBS) Broadcasting Network |
1998-08-06 | 8728 | Converting a School into a college: Judge Guillermo Eleazar Polytechnic College |
1998-08-21 | 8729 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Princess Urduja Communications, Inc. |
1998-08-29 | 8730 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent High School: Tabunoc National High School |
1998-08-29 | 8731 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent High School: Mohon (Divino Amore) National High School |
1998-08-29 | 8732 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent High School: Ocana National High School |
1998-08-29 | 8733 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent High School: Carcar Central I National High School |
1998-09-03 | 8734 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent High School: Pasil National High School |
1998-09-03 | 8735 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Kumintang Broadcasting System |
1998-09-03 | 8736 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise: Franciscan Broadcasting Corporation |
1998-09-17 | 8737 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: V.G. Sinco Educational Corporation (Foundation University) |
1998-09-17 | 8738 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent High School: Mangyan National High School |
1998-09-17 | 8739 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent High School: Julian Enad National High School |
1998-09-18 | 8740 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Cagayan de Oro College, Inc. |
1998-09-25 | 8741 | Establishing a School of Arts and Trades: Torrijos Poblacion School of Arts and Trades |
1998-10-02 | 8742 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Premiere Mass Media, Inc. |
1998-11-07 | 8743 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Neutron Broadcast Network, Inc. |
1998-12-10 | 8744 | Amending RA 7901: Repealing the Transfer to Region XI of Sultan Kudarat |
1998-12-30 | 8745 | Appropriations Act of 1999 |
1997 (8248–8445)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
1997-01-29 | 8248 | Amending RA 7687 or the Science and Technology Scholarship Act of 1994: Establishing the Science and Technology Human Resource Development Council and Increasing Appropriations for the Program through PAGCOR |
1997-02-05 | 8249 | Amending RA 1486 and 1606: Further Defining the Jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan |
1997-02-12 | 8250 | Appropriations Act of 1997 |
1997-02-12 | 8251 | Converting a Municipality into a Highly Urbanized City |
1997-02-11 | 8252 | Declaring Every July 6 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Mambajao Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation |
1997-02-11 | 8253 | Declaring Every July 1 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Mahinog Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation |
1997-02-11 | 8254 | Declaring Every July 8 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Guinsiliban Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation |
1997-02-11 | 8255 | Converting a Hospital into a Regional Hospital: CARAGA Regional Hospital |
1997-02-13 | 8256 | Declaring the Foundation Days and Feast Days of Davao Oriental and its Municipalities into Special Nonworking Holidays |
1997-02-13 | 8257 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Mahatao National High School |
1997-02-13 | 8258 | Establishing a National High School: Lual National High School |
1997-02-16 | 8259 | Establishing a National High School: San Teodoro National High School |
1997-02-16 | 8260 | Establishing a National High School: Kongkong Valley National High School |
1997-02-16 | 8261 | Establishing a High School: Raniag High School |
1997-02-16 | 8262 | Establishing a Vocational High School: Sudipen Vocational High School |
1997-02-16 | 8263 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Kimanait National High School |
1997-02-16 | 8264 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Luzviminda National High School |
1997-02-16 | 8265 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Quezon Aramaywan National High School |
1997-02-20 | 8266 | Granting Citizenship to a Person |
1997-02-20 | 8267 | Declaring Every July 1 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Tagbilaran City in Commemoration of its Cityhood |
1997-03-01 | 8268 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Nava National High School |
1997-03-01 | 8269 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Antadao National High School |
1997-03-01 | 8270 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Dacudao National High School |
1997-03-01 | 8271 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Concepcion National High School |
1997-03-03 | 8272 | Changing the Name of an Elementary School: Tiburcia Carpio Malvar Elementary School |
1997-03-03 | 8273 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Las Piñas North National High School |
1997-03-03 | 8274 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Maningalao High School |
1997-04-04 | 8275 | Establishing a National High School: Governor Alfredo Abueg Sr. National Technology and Vocational Memorial High School |
1997-04-05 | 8276 | Cable/Community Antenna Television and Direct to User Satellite Systems Franchise: Pacific Cable and DTU Systems, Inc. |
1997-04-10 | 8277 | Establishing a National High School [NEED INFO] |
1997-04-10 | 8278 | Establishing a National High School: Maribuyong National High School |
1997-04-10 | 8279 | Telecommunications Franchise: Message Systems, Inc. |
1997-04-10 | 8280 | Telecommunications Franchise: New Century Telecoms, Inc. |
1997-04-14 | 8281 | Telecommunications Franchise: Pacific Wireless, Inc. |
1997-05-01 | 8282 | Amending RA 1161 or the Social Security Act: Social Security Act of 1997 |
1997-05-03 | 8283 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Flora National High School |
1997-05-03 | 8284 | Converting a National High School into a National Comprehensive High School: Lopez National Comprehensive High School |
1997-05-03 | 8285 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Pagadian City National Comprehensive High School |
1997-05-03 | 8286 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Quinlogan National High School |
1997-05-03 | 8287 | Converting a National High School into a National Science High School: Puerto Princesa City National Science High School |
1997-05-03 | 8288 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Siocon National High School |
1997-05-06 | 8289 | Amending RA 6977 or the Magna Carta for Small Enterprises: Strengthening the Promotion Development and Assistance to SMEs |
1997-05-23 | 8290 | Converting a High School into a National High School: San Quintin National High School |
1997-05-30 | 8291 | Amending PD 1146 or the Revised Government Service Insurance Act of 1977: The Government Service Insurance System Act of 1997 |
1997-06-06 | 8292 | Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997 |
1997-06-06 | 8293 | Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines |
1997-06-06 | 8294 | Amending PD 1866: Provisions on the Unlawful Manufacture, Sale, Acquisition, Disposition, Possession, Repacking and Tampering/Alteration of Firearms, Ammunitions, Explosives, or Instruments Used in or Intended for their Manufacture |
1997-06-06 | 8295 | Provisions on the Proclamation of a Lone Candidate for Any Elective Office in a Special Election |
1997-06-06 | 8296 | Declaring every Second Sunday of December as the National Children's Broadcasting Day |
1997-06-06 | 8297 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
1997-06-06 | 8298 | Amending 7978 or the Horse Racing Franchise of the Metro Manila Turf Club, Inc: Expanding its Area of Operation and Modifying Franchise Taxes Imposed |
1997-06-06 | 8299 | Changing the Name of a National High School: Polillo National High School |
1997-06-06 | 8300 | Converting a High School into an Agricultural High School: Calapagan Agricultural Vocational High School |
1997-06-06 | 8301 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Capual National High School |
1997-06-06 | 8302 | Converting a High School into an Agricultural High School: Rebokon Agricultural and Vocational High School |
1997-06-06 | 8303 | Converting a High School into an Agricultural High School: Tacul Agricultural High School |
1997-06-06 | 8304 | Converting a High School into a Science High School: San Rafael National Science High School |
1997-06-06 | 8305 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Sulivan National High School |
1997-06-06 | 8306 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Rawis National High School |
1997-06-06 | 8307 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Guinlajon National High School |
1997-06-13 | 8308 | Establishing a National High School: Cuyapo National High School |
1997-06-14 | 8309 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Montol National High School |
1997-06-14 | 8310 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Florentino Galang Sr. National High School |
1997-06-14 | 8311 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Eva J. Montilla National High School |
1997-06-20 | 8312 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Pioduran National High School |
1997-06-20 | 8313 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital: Quiriono Memorial Medical Center with an Upgrade of Services, Facilities and Professional Health Care, and Increased Medical Personnel |
1997-06-20 | 8314 | Converting a Hospital as a Regional Hospital: Luis Hora Memorial Hospital |
1997-06-30 | 8315 | Declaring Every December 8 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Angeles City in Commemoration of its Foundation |
1997-06-30 | 8316 | Converting a Regional Hospital into a Medical Center: Cotabato Regional and Medical Center |
1997-06-30 | 8317 | Establishing a Vocational School: Lubao Vocational School |
1997-06-30 | 8318 | Establishing a National High School: Caganayan National High School |
1997-06-30 | 8319 | Establishing a National High School: San Agustin National High School |
1997-06-30 | 8320 | Establishing a National High School: Cabalic National High School |
1997-06-30 | 8321 | Establishing a National High School: Polopina National High School |
1997-06-30 | 8322 | Establishing a National High School: Macangao Agricultural Vocational High School |
1997-06-30 | 8323 | Establishing a National High School: Sanchez Mira National High School |
1997-06-30 | 8324 | Establishing a National High School: Buenavista National High School |
1997-06-30 | 8325 | Establishing a National High School: Talakag National High School |
1997-06-30 | 8326 | Establishing a National High School: Sigaboy Agricultural Vocational High School |
1997-06-30 | 8327 | Establishing a National High School: Mapandan National High School |
1997-06-30 | 8328 | Establishing a National High School: Bacan National High School |
1997-06-30 | 8329 | Establishing a National High School: Tagugpo National High School |
1997-06-30 | 8330 | Establishing a National High School: Alitagtag National High School |
1997-06-30 | 8331 | Establishing a National High School: Bambang National High School |
1997-06-30 | 8332 | Amending RA 7908 or the Radio Paging Franchise of Multi-Media Telephony Incorporated: Converting Franchise Granted into a Telecommunications Franchise |
1997-07-05 | 8333 | Establishing a Vocational High School: Alicia Vocational School |
1997-07-10 | 8334 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Eastern Visayas Telephone Company, Inc. |
1997-07-11 | 8335 | Amending RA 3279 or the Revised Charter of the City of Calbayog: On the Constitution and Organization of its Sangguniang Panlungsod |
1997-07-14 | 8336 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Real Time Communications, Inc. |
1997-07-14 | 8337 | Telecommunications Franchise: Meridian Telekoms, Inc. |
1997-08-08 | 8338 | Upgrading a Hospital to Tertiary Level: Southern Isabela General Hospital |
1997-08-08 | 8339 | Air Transport Franchise for Domestic and international Service: Air Philippines Corporation |
1997-08-08 | 8340 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Victorias Telephone System, Inc.` |
1997-08-08 | 8341 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: San Carlos Telephone Company, Inc. |
1997-08-08 | 8342 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Bicol Telephone and Telegraph, Inc. |
1997-08-12 | 8343 | Upgrading a Hospital to Tertiary Level: Adela Serra Ty Memorial Medical Center |
1997-08-25 | 8344 | Amending Batas Pambansa 702: Penalizing Refusal of Hospital and Medical Clinics to Administer Treatment and Support in Emergency or Serious Cases |
1997-08-25 | 8345 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital: East Avenue Medical Center with an Upgrade of Services, Facilities and Professional Health Care, and Increased Medical Personnel |
1997-08-29 | 8346 | Radio Paging Franchise: Kloche Communications, Inc. |
1997-09-05 | 8347 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Oracle Network, Inc. |
1997-09-05 | 8348 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: RC Yulo Telephone System, Inc. |
1997-09-05 | 8349 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Naga Telephone Company, Inc. |
1997-09-05 | 8350 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Telecommunications Management and Services, Inc. |
1997-09-05 | 8351 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Calapan Telephone System, Inc |
1997-09-13 | 8352 | Local Exchange Network Franchise: Butuan City Telephone Co., Inc. |
1997-09-30 | 8353 | Amending the Revised Penal Code or Act 3815: The Anti-Rape Act of 1997 |
1997-10-09 | 8354 | Establishing a National High School: Lipit National High School |
1997-10-09 | 8355 | Establishing a National High School: Magsingal National High School |
1997-10-09 | 8356 | Establishing a National High School: New Caridad National Vocational and Technological High School |
1997-10-09 | 8357 | Establishing a National High School: Arayat National High School |
1997-10-09 | 8358 | Establishing a National High School: Lanao-Kuran National Vocational and Technological High School |
1997-10-09 | 8359 | Establishing a National High School: Cabugao National High School |
1997-10-09 | 8360 | Establishing a National High School: Talingting National High School |
1997-10-09 | 8361 | Establishing a National High School: Dumalogdog National High School |
1997-10-09 | 8362 | Establishing a National High School: Bayawan National High School |
1997-10-09 | 8363 | Changing the Name of a National High School: Cabugao National High School |
1997-10-09 | 8364 | Amending RA 7622: Transferring Administrative Supervision of a Science High School from DECS to DOST |
1997-10-11 | 8365 | Converting a State College into a State University: Rizal Technological University |
1997-10-21 | 8366 | Amending PD 129 or the Investment Houses Act: Liberalizing the Philippine Investment House Industry |
1997-10-21 | 8367 | Revised Non-Stock Savings and Loan Association Act of 1997 |
1997-10-27 | 8368 | Anti-Squatting Law Repeal Act of 1997: Repealing PD 772 Penalizing Squatting and Similar Acts |
1997-10-28 | 8369 | Amending BP 129 or the Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980: Family Courts Act of 1997 |
1997-10-28 | 8370 | Children's Television Act of 1997 |
1997-10-29 | 8371 | The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of 1997 |
1997-11-02 | 8372 | Upgrading a Hospital to Tertiary Level: Don Jose S. Monfort Medical Center Extension Hospital |
1997-11-06 | 8373 | Establishing a National High School: San Enrique National Comprehensive High School |
1997-11-13 | 8374 | Establishing a National High School: Claveria National High School |
1997-11-13 | 8375 | Establishing a National High School: Punta Buri National High School |
1997-11-13 | 8376 | Establishing a Science High School: Cordillera Regional Science High School |
1997-11-13 | 8377 | Establishing a National High School: Tubod National High School |
1997-11-13 | 8378 | Establishing a National High School: Pacita Complex National High School |
1997-11-13 | 8379 | Converting a High School into an Arts and Trade School: Ormoc City School of Arts and Trade |
1997-11-13 | 8380 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Irisan National High School |
1997-11-13 | 8381 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Dungawan National High School |
1997-11-13 | 8382 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Kadaclan National High School |
1997-11-13 | 8383 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Tugatog National High School |
1997-11-22 | 8384 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Pio Da Lim Memorial School of Arts and Trade |
1997-11-22 | 8385 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Julio Ledesma National High School |
1997-11-22 | 8386 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Buda National High School |
1997-11-22 | 8387 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Panabungen School of Arts, Trade and Home Industries |
1997-11-22 | 8388 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Crossing Bayabas National High School |
1997-11-22 | 8389 | Establishing a National High School: Kalayaan National High School |
1997-11-22 | 8390 | Establishing a National High School: Crispina Marcos-Valdez National High School |
1997-11-22 | 8391 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Canumay National High School |
1997-11-22 | 8392 | Establishing a Vocational High School: Don Julio Leviste Memorial Vocational High School |
1997-11-22 | 8393 | Establishing a High School: Pili High School |
1997-11-22 | 8394 | Establishing a National High School: Malasila National Vocational and Technological High School |
1997-11-22 | 8395 | Establishing a National High School: Tay-ac National High School |
1997-11-22 | 8396 | Establishing a National High School: Jimalalud National High School |
1997-11-22 | 8397 | Establishing a National Agro-Industrial High School: Santa Maria Agro-Industrial High School |
1997-11-22 | 8398 | Establishing a National High School: Napalico National Vocational and Technological High School |
1997-11-22 | 8399 | Establishing a National High School: Burgos National High School |
1997-11-22 | 8400 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Guiuan National High School |
1997-11-22 | 8401 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Rizal National School of Arts and Trades |
1997-11-22 | 8402 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Marsman National High School |
1997-11-22 | 8403 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Hilaan National High School |
1997-11-22 | 8404 | Converting an Elementary School into an Science Elementary School: Cabagan Science Elementary School |
1997-11-22 | 8405 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Santa Fe National High School |
1997-11-22 | 8406 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Pulonggubat National High School |
1997-11-23 | 8407 | Horse Racing Franchise Renewal: Manila Jockey Club, Inc. |
1997-11-23 | 8408 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Wave Network, Inc. |
1997-11-27 | 8409 | Declaring Every August 30 as a Special Nonworking Holiday in Sinacaban Municipality |
1997-11-27 | 8410 | Declaring Every October 20 as a Special Nonworking Holiday in Ormoc City |
1997-11-27 | 8411 | Converting a Hospital into a Medical Center: Ilocos Training and Regional Medical Center |
1997-11-27 | 8412 | Converting a Hospital into a Regional Hospital: Margosatubig Regional Hospital |
1997-11-27 | 8413 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Sampaguita National High School |
1997-11-27 | 8414 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Conner Central National High School |
1997-11-27 | 8415 | Establishing a National High School: Taguibo Agricultural Vocational High School |
1997-11-27 | 8416 | Converting a High School Department of a college into an Independent National High School: Villaba National Comprehensive High School |
1997-11-27 | 8417 | Establishing a Fishery School: Lagonoy Fishery School |
1997-11-27 | 8418 | Establishing a National High School: Eastern Cabu National High School |
1997-11-27 | 8419 | Establishing a National High School: Orani National High School |
1997-11-27 | 8420 | Establishing a National High School: Natividad National High School |
1997-11-27 | 8421 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Abaroan National High School |
1997-11-27 | 8422 | Converting a High School into a National High School: Marcelina National High School |
1997-12-09 | 8423 | Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act (TAMA) of 1997 |
1997-12-11 | 8424 | Tax Reform Act of 1997 or the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 |
1997-12-11 | 8425 | Social Reform and Poverty Alleviation Act |
1997-12-15 | 8426 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School: Dr. Quintin Balcita Sr. National High School |
1997-12-15 | 8427 | Establishing a National High School: Kitcharao National High School |
1997-12-15 | 8428 | Establishing a National High School: Capacujan National High School |
1997-12-15 | 8429 | Establishing a National High School: Sagnap National High School |
1997-12-15 | 8430 | Establishing a National High School: Munai National High School |
1997-12-15 | 8431 | Establishing a National High School: Cawayan National High School |
1997-12-15 | 8432 | Establishing a National High School: Pototan National Comprehensive High School |
1997-12-15 | 8433 | Establishing a National High School: Janiuay National Comprehensive High School |
1997-12-15 | 8434 | Declaring Every March 10 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Siocon Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation |
1997-12-22 | 8435 | Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997 |
1997-12-22 | 8436 | Automated Election Act |
1997-12-22 | 8437 | Amending BP 877: Extending the Rent Control Period for Certain Residential Units |
1997-12-22 | 8438 | Establishing the Cordillera Autonomous Region [Rejected via Plebiscite] |
1997-12-22 | 8439 | Magna Carta for Scientists, Engineers, Researchers, and other S&T Personnel in the Government |
1997-12-22 | 8440 | Establishing the Military Service Board for the Confirmation of Claims of World War II Military Service |
1997-12-22 | 8441 | Amending RA 6686: Increasing the Annual Christmas Bonus to Government Officials and Employees: |
1997-12-26 | 8442 | Establishing a National High School: Eastern Bacoor National High School |
1997-12-26 | 8443 | Establishing a National High School: San Roque National High School |
1997-12-29 | 8444 | Establishing a High School: Lonoy Barangay High School |
1997-12-29 | 8445 | Establishing a National High School: Sampaloc National High School |
1996 (8177–8247)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
1996-03-20 | 8177 | Amending the Revised Penal Code or Act 3815 : Designation Death by Lethal Injection as the Method of Carrying Out Capital Punishment |
1996-03-28 | 8178 | Agricultural Tariffication Act |
1996-03-28 | 8179 | Amending RA 7042 or the Foreign Investments Act of 1991 : Further Liberalizing Foreign Investments |
1996-03-28 | 8180 | Downstream Oil Industry Deregulation Act of 1996 |
1996-03-28 | 8181 | Amending PD 1464 or the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines : Changing the Basis of Dutiable Value of Imported Articles Subject to an Ad Valorem Rate of Duty from Home Consumption Value to Transaction Value |
1996-06-11 | 8182 | The Official Development Assistance Act of 1996 |
1996-06-11 | 8183 | Allowing the Use of Other Currency Other Than the Legal Tender in the Settlement of Obligations or Transactions : Repealing RA 529 |
1996-06-11 | 8184 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code : Restructuring the Excise Tax on Petroleum Products |
1996-06-11 | 8185 | Amending RA 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991 : On the Budgetary Requirements for Occurrence of Calamities |
1996-06-11 | 8186 | Prescribing the Grade Distribution and Tenure of Officers in the Active Force of the Armed Forces of the Philippines |
1996-06-11 | 8187 | Paternity Leave Act of 1996 |
1996-06-11 | 8188 | Amending RA 6727 or the Wage Rationalization Act : Increasing the Penalty and Imposing Double Indemnity for the Violation of Prescribed Increases or Adjustments in the Wage Rates |
1996-06-11 | 8189 | The Voter's Registration Act of 1996 |
1996-06-11 | 8190 | Prioritizing Local Residents for Appointment or Assignment as Teachers of Local Elementary and Secondary Schools |
1996-06-11 | 8191 | National Diabetes Act of 1996 |
1996-06-11 | 8192 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City |
1996-06-11 | 8193 | Integrating Schools into a State College : Jose Rizal Memorial State College |
1996-06-11 | 8194 | Establishing a District Engineering Office |
1996-06-15 | 8195 | Cable/Community Antenna Television System Franchise : Destiny Cable, Inc. |
1996-07-07 | 8196 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Ermita Electronics, Incorporated |
1996-07-11 | 8197 | Cable/Community Antenna Television System Franchise : News and Entertainment Network Corporation |
1996-07-11 | 8198 | Telecommunications Franchise : Unicorn Communications Corporation |
1996-07-11 | 8199 | Taxi Communication Franchise : Taxinet, Inc |
1996-07-30 | 8200 | Upgrading a Hospital to Tertiary Level : Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial Hospital |
1996-06-22 | 8201 | Reconstituting District Engineering Offices into Four District Offices |
1996-08-30 | 8202 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Romeo Cabrestante Servando |
1996-09-04 | 8203 | Special Law on Counterfeit Drugs |
8204 | [NEED INFO] | |
1996-09-05 | 8205 | Changing the Name of a Fisheries School : Jolo School of Fisheries |
1996-09-05 | 8206 | Changing the Name of a National High School : Alberto Olarte Sr. National High School |
1996-09-05 | 8207 | Changing the Name of a National High School : Jose de Arce Memorial High School |
1996-09-05 | 8208 | Changing the Name of an Elementary School : Antonio V. Apostol Sr. Memorial Elementary School |
1996-09-05 | 8209 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Soundstream Broadcasting Corporation |
1996-09-05 | 8210 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Interactive Broadcast Media, Inc. |
1996-09-05 | 8211 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Horizon Broadcasting Company, Inc. |
1996-09-05 | 8212 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Asia Pacific Business and Industrial Systems, Inc. |
1996-09-05 | 8213 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : GHT Network, Inc. |
1996-09-07 | 8214 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Amado L. Ola |
1996-09-07 | 8215 | Cable/Community Antenna Television Franchise : Joy Cable System |
1996-09-12 | 8216 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Oro Broadcasting Network, Inc. |
1996-09-12 | 8217 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: Celebes Sea Broadcasting Corporation |
1996-09-12 | 8218 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Capricom Production and Management |
1996-09-12 | 8219 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise: RadioWorld Broadcasting Corporation |
1996-10-09 | 8220 | Creating a New Enlisted Rank in the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) : Chief Master Sergeant/Master Chief Petty Officer and Senior Master Sergeant/Senior Chief Petty Officer |
1996-10-09 | 8221 | Declaring a National Shrine : Capas National Shrine |
1996-10-24 | 8222 | Radio and Television Franchise: Dioces of Laoag |
1996-11-06 | 8223 | Converting a Municipality into a Highly Urbanized City |
1996-11-06 | 8224 | Renaming a Road : President Garcia Avenue (Circumferential Route No. 5 or C-5) |
1996-11-10 | 8225 | Changing the name of a High School : Edna Guillermo Memorial High School |
1996-11-10 | 8226 | Establishing a National High School :Barangay La Filipina National High School |
1996-11-10 | 8227 | Changing the Name of an Elementary School : Aniceto Barbarona Elementary School |
1996-11-10 | 8228 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Binugao National High School |
1996-11-10 | 8229 | Changing the Name of an Elementary School : Juanito Doromal Sr. Elementary School |
1996-11-10 | 8230 | Changing the Name of an Elementary School : Pedro Bunot Central School |
1996-11-10 | 8231 | Establishing a National High School : Langiden National High School |
1996-11-10 | 8232 | Changing the name of a High School : Dr. Felipe De Jesus High School |
1996-11-10 | 8233 | Establishing a National High School : Maasin National Comprehensive High School |
1996-11-10 | 8234 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Macario Molina National High School |
1996-11-10 | 8235 | Establishing a National High School: Macabaclay High School |
1996-11-10 | 8236 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Sandoval National High School |
1996-11-15 | 8237 | Establishing a National High School: Barangay Alegria National High School |
1996-11-15 | 8238 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Mapawa National High School |
1996-11-22 | 8239 | Philippine Passport Act of 1996 |
1996-11-22 | 8240 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 or RA 8424 : On Excise Tax on Distilled Spirits, Wines, Fermented Liquor, and Cigars and Cigarettes |
1996-12-20 | 8241 | Amending RA 7716 or the Expanded Value-Added Tax Law and RA 8424 or the National Internal Revenue Code : On Value-added Tax, VAT-Exempt Transactions, VAT Registration, and other Provisions, including Percentage Tax on Carriers and Keepers of Garages and Franchise Tax |
1996-12-20 | 8242 | Renaming a Barangay : Dean Leopoldo Yabes |
1996-12-20 | 8243 | Renaming a Barangay : San Mariano |
1996-12-30 | 8244 | Appropriation to Fund the Fourth-Year Implementation of the Salary Increases for National Government Personnel |
1996-12-30 | 8245 | Appropriation to Fund the Increased Share in the 1997 of the Local Government Units in the National Internal Revenue Taxes |
1996-12-30 | 8246 | Amending Batas Pambansa 129 or the Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980 : Creating Additional Divisions and Justices in the Court of Appeals System |
1996-12-30 | 8247 | Amending RA 7919 or the Alien Social Integration Act of 1995 : Exempting Aliens who have Acquired Permanent Residency under E.O. 324 |
1995 (7854–8176)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
1995-01-02 | 7854 | Converting a Municipality into a Highly Urbanized City (Makati, NCR) |
1994-12-31 | 7855 | Establishing a Municipal Hospital (Balabac, Palawan) |
1994-12-31 | 7856 | Establishing a Municipal Hospital : San Vicente Municipal Hospital (San Vicente, Palawan) |
1995-01-21 | 7857 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital : Roxas District Hospital (Roxas, Oriental Mindoro) |
1995-01-21 | 7858 | Renaming an Educational Institution : Rizal State College (Tanay, Rizal) |
1995-01-21 | 7859 | Telecommunications Franchise Renewal : Worldwide Communications, Inc. (Nationwide) |
1995-01-21 | 7860 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Cagayan Satellite Program Network, Inc (Luzon) |
1995-01-21 | 7861 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Datu Piang National High School (Datu Piang, Maguindanao) |
1995-01-21 | 7862 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Evaristo Moralizon National Vocational High School (Manay, Davao Oriental) |
1995-01-21 | 7863 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Agustin F. Escaño National High School (Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte) |
1995-01-21 | 7864 | Establishing a National High School : Adlay National High School (Carrascal, Surigao Del Sur) |
1995-01-21 | 7865 | Establishing a National High School : Tomas Avila Andaya Sr. National High School (Ragay, Camarines Sur) |
1995-01-21 | 7866 | Establishing a National High School : Olandang National High School (Midsayap, North Cotabato) |
1995-01-21 | 7867 | Establishing a National High School : San Andres National High School (Kadingilan, Bukidnon) |
1995-01-21 | 7868 | Establishing a National High School : Western Abra National High School (Danglas, Abra) |
1995-01-21 | 7869 | Establishing a High School : San Agapito High School (Batangas City, Batangas) |
1995-01-21 | 7870 | Establishing a National High School : Brooke's Point National High School (Brooke's Point, Palawan) |
1995-01-21 | 7871 | Establishing a National High School : Aguining National High School (President Garcia, Bohol) |
1995-01-21 | 7872 | Establishing a National High School : Dingalan National High School (Dingalan, Aurora) |
1995-01-21 | 7873 | Establishing a National High School : Panamao National High School (Panamao, Sulu District II (NEED INFO)) |
1995-01-21 | 7874 | Converting a High School into an Extension High School : San Enrique Polytechnic College Dominador Abang Memorial Extension High School (San Enrique, Iloilo) |
1995-02-14 | 7875 | National Health Insurance Act of 1995 : Repealing PD 1519 or the Revised Philippine Medical Care Act (Nationwide) |
1995-02-14 | 7876 | Senior Citizens Center Act of the Philippines (Nationwide) |
1995-02-14 | 7877 | Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 (Nationwide) |
1995-02-14 | 7878 | Creating a Provinces : Kalinga and Apayao |
1995-02-14 | 7879 | Converting a college into a State College : Davao Del Norte State College (NEED INFO) (Panabo, Davao) |
1995-02-20 | 7880 | Fair and Equitable Access to Education Act (Nationwide) |
1995-02-20 | 7881 | Amending the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1998 or RA 6657 (Nationwide) |
1995-02-20 | 7882 | Providing Assistance to Women in Micro- and Cottage Business Enterprises (Nationwide) |
1995-02-20 | 7883 | Barangay Health Workers' Benefits and Incentives Act of 1995 (Nationwide) |
1995-02-20 | 7884 | National Dairy Development Act of 1995 (Nationwide) |
1995-02-20 | 7885 | Amending RA 7170 or the Organ Donation Act of 1991 : Advancing Organ Transplantation in the Philippines (Nationwide) |
1995-02-20 | 7887 | Amending RA 7166 : Provisions on the Election of the Members of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, Sangguniang Panlungsod and Sangguniang Bayan (Nationwide) |
1995-02-20 | 7888 | Amending the Omnibus Investments Code of 1987 or EO 226 : On the Power and Duties of the Board of Investments (Nationwide) |
1995-02-20 | 7889 | University of the Philippines in Mindanao Act (Davao City, Davao Del Sur) |
1995-02-20 | 7890 | Amending the Revised Penal Code or Act 3815 : On Grave Coercions (Nationwide) |
1995-02-20 | 7891 | Subdividing a Province : Isabela Del Norte and Isabela Del Sur (Rejected by the Plebiscite) (Isabela) |
1995-02-20 | 7892 | Establishing a Hospital : Pangasinan Provincial Hospital (Lingayen, Pangasinan) |
1995-02-20 | 7893 | Converting a Hospital into a Medical Center : Region I Medical Center (Dagupan City, Pangasinan) |
1995-02-20 | 7894 | Converting an college into a State College : Siargao National College of Science and Technology (Del Carmen, Surigao Del Norte) |
1995-02-20 | 7895 | Converting a High School into a State College : Josefina H. Cerilles Polytechnic College (San Miguel, Zamboanga Del Sur) |
1995-02-20 | 7896 | Creating a Municipality : Sibunag (Jordan, Nueva Valencia, and Sibunag in Guimaras) |
1995-02-20 | 7897 | Creating a Municipality : San Lorenzo (Buenavista, Jordan, and San Lorenzo in Guimaras) |
1995-02-23 | 7898 | AFP Modernization Act (Nationwide) |
1995-02-23 | 7899 | Amending RA 4726 or the Condominium Act : On the Enabling or Master Deed and the Condominium Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-02-23 | 7900 | High-Value Crops Development Act of 1995 (Nationwide) |
1995-02-23 | 7901 | Creating an Administrative Region : Caraga Administrative Region (Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Surigao del Norte, and Surigao del Sur) |
1995-02-23 | 7902 | Amending BP 129 or the Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980 : Expanding the Jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals (Nationwide) |
1995-02-23 | 7903 | Zamboanga City Special Economic Zone Act of 1995 (Zamboanga City, Zamboanga Del Norte) |
1995-02-23 | 7904 | Amending BP 881 or the Omnibus Election Code : On the Provision of Official Sample Ballots, Voters Information Sheet and List of Candidates (Nationwide) |
1995-02-23 | 7905 | Amending the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1998 or RA 6657 : Strengthening the Implementation of CARL (Nationwide) |
1995-02-23 | 7906 | Thrift Banks Act of 1995 (Nationwide) |
1995-02-23 | 7907 | Amending RA 3844 or the Code of Agrarian Reform in the Philippines : On the Land Bank of the Philippines (Nationwide) |
1995-02-23 | 7908 | Radio Paging Franchise : Multi-Media Telephony Incorporated (Nationwide) |
1995-02-23 | 7909 | Air Transport Franchise for Domestic Service : Pacific Airways Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-02-23 | 7910 | Converting a State College into a State University : Leyte Normal University (Tacloban City, Leyte) |
1995-02-23 | 7911 | Amending RA 7336 : On the Administration and Offerings of the Ramon Magsaysay Polytechnic College (Iba, Zambales) |
1995-02-23 | 7912 | Converting a High School into a State College : Cauayan Polytechnic College (Cauayan, Isabela) |
1995-02-23 | 7913 | Integrating Colleges into a State College : Bataan State College (Dinalupihan and Samal in Bataan) |
1995-02-23 | 7914 | Renaming an Educational Institution : Bataan National Polytechnic School (Orani, Bataan) |
1995-02-23 | 7915 | Converting an college into a State College : Balicuatro College of Arts and Trades (Allen, Northern Samar) |
1995-02-24 | 7916 | The Special Economic Zone Act of 1995 (Nationwide) |
1995-02-24 | 7917 | Amending RA 7227 or the Bases Conversion and Development Act of 1992 : On the Funding Scheme Provisions (Nationwide) |
1995-02-24 | 7918 | Amending the Omnibus Investments Code of 1987 or EO 226 : On the Incentives to Registered Enterprises (Nationwide) |
1995-02-24 | 7919 | The Alien Social Integration Act of 1995 (Nationwide) |
1995-02-24 | 7920 | New Electrical Engineering Law : Repealing RA 184 or the Electrical Engineering Law (Nationwide) |
1995-02-24 | 7921 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Sumoroy Broadcasting Corporation (Region 8) |
1995-02-24 | 7922 | Cagayan Special Economic Zone Act of 1995 (Santa Ana and Aparri in Cagayan) |
1995-02-24 | 7923 | Integrating Colleges into a State College : Camiguin Polytechnic State College (Catarman and Mambajao in Camiguin) |
1995-03-01 | 7924 | Reconstituting a Government Agency : Metro Manila Development Authority : Repealing EO 392 (NCR) |
1995-03-01 | 7925 | Public Telecommunications Policy Act of the Philippines (Nationwide) |
1995-03-01 | 7926 | Converting a Municipality into a Highly Urbanized City (Muntinlupa, NCR) |
1995-03-01 | 7927 | Converting a college into a State College : Batanes Polytechnic College (Basco, Batanes) |
1995-03-01 | 7928 | Converting a Component College into an Independent State College : Puerto Princesa School of Arts and Trades (Puerto Princesa, Palawan) |
1995-03-01 | 7929 | Converting a Component College into an Independent State College : Romblon College of Science and Fisheries Technology (San Agustin, Romblon) |
1995-03-01 | 7930 | Converting a college into a State College : Southern Leyte State College of Science and Technology (Sogod, Southern Leyte) |
1995-03-01 | 7931 | Converting a School into a college : Southern Leyte Institute of Agriculture and Technology (Hinunangan, Southern Leyte) |
1995-03-01 | 7932 | Converting a college into a State College : Agusan del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology (Bunawan, Agusan Del Sur) |
1995-03-01 | 7933 | Converting a college into a State College : Rizal Polytechnic College (Morong, Rizal) |
1995-03-01 | 7934 | Converting a High School into a State College : Victorino Salcedo Polytechnic College (Sara, Iloilo) |
1995-03-01 | 7935 | Converting a High School into a State College : Adiong Memorial Polytechnic College (Ditsaan-Ramain, Lanao Del Sur) |
1995-03-01 | 7936 | Converting a High School into a State College : San Francisco Institute of Science and Technology (Malilipot, Albay) |
1995-03-01 | 7937 | Converting a Hospital into a Regional Hospital : Mayor Hilarion A. Ramiro Sr. Regional Training and Teaching Hospital (Ozamis City, Misamis Occidental) |
1995-03-01 | 7938 | Converting a Regional Hospital into a Medical Center : Northern Mindanao Medical Center (Cagayan De Oro City, Misamis Oriental) |
1995-03-01 | 7939 | Telecommunications Franchise : Island Country Telecommunications, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-03-01 | 7940 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise Amendment :Infocom Communications Network, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-03-03 | 7941 | Party-LIst System Act (Nationwide) |
1995-03-03 | 7942 | Philippine Mining Act of 1995 (Nationwide) |
1995-03-03 | 7943 | Converting a Hospital into a Medical Center : Amai Pakpak Medical Center (Marawi City, Lanao Del Sur) |
1995-03-03 | 7944 | Converting a college into a State College : Guimaras Polytechnic College (Buenavista, Guimaras) |
1995-03-03 | 7945 | Renaming an Educational Institution : Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa Sr. Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology (Mandaon, Masbate) |
1995-03-03 | 7946 | Converting a High School into a National High School : San Roque National High School (Talisay, Cebu) |
1995-03-03 | 7947 | Converting a college into a State College : Siquijor State College (Larena, Siquijor) |
1995-03-03 | 7948 | Converting a college into a State College : Camarines Sur Institute of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (Pasacao, Camarines Sur) |
1995-03-09 | 7949 | Telecommunications Franchise Renewal : Philippine Communications Satellite Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-03-25 | 7950 | Declaring Every December 18 a Special Working Holiday in Laguna Province in Commemoration of the "Araw ng Laguna" and the Death of Governor Felicisimo T. San Luis (Laguna) |
1995-03-25 | 7951 | Establishing a National High School : San Antonio National High School (Barotac Viejo, Iloilo) |
1995-03-24 | 7952 | Establishing a National High School : Estancia National High School (Estancia, Iloilo) |
1995-03-30 | 7953 | Horse Racing Franchise Renewal : Philippine Racing Club Inc (NCR, Rizal, Laguna, and Cavite) |
1995-03-29 | 7954 | Establishing a National Park : Bangan Hill National Park (Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya) |
1995-03-29 | 7955 | Establishing a Hospital : Marilog District Hospital (Davao City, Davao Del Sur) |
1995-03-29 | 7956 | Establishing a Hospital : Diadi Emergency Hospital (Diadi, Nueva Vizcaya) |
1995-03-29 | 7957 | Converting a college into a State College : Calabanga Polytechnic College (Calabanga, Camarines Sur) |
1995-03-29 | 7958 | Establishing a State College : Tinambac Polytechnic Institute (Tinambac, Camarines Sur) |
1995-03-29 | 7959 | Converting a college into a State College : Burauen Polytechnic College (Burauen, Leyte) |
1995-03-294 | 7960 | Integrating Colleges into a State College : Ilocos Sur Polytechnic College (Ilocos Sur) |
1995-03-29 | 7961 | Telecommunications Franchise : Cruz Telephone Company, Inc (CRUZTELCO) (Nationwide) |
1995-03-30 | 7962 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Philippine Broadcasting Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-03-30 | 7963 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Cebu Broadcasting Company (Nationwide) |
1995-03-30 | 7964 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Insular Broadcasting System, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-03-30 | 7965 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Satellite Broadcasting Incorporated (Regions I and II and the Cordillera Region) |
1995-03-30 | 7966 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : ABS-CBN Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-03-30 | 7967 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Pacific Broadcasting System, Inc |
1995-03-30 | 7968 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise Amendment : Expanding Franchise Area of ZOE Broadcasting Network, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-03-30 | 7969 | Cable/Community Antenna Television System Franchise : Central CATV, Inc. (Nationwide) |
1995-03-30 | 7970 | Local Exchange Network Franchise : Maranao Telephone Company : Repealing RA 652 (Lanao Del Norte) |
1995-03-30 | 7971 | Establishing a Hospital : Aguinaldo Municipal Hospital (Aguinaldo, Ifugao) |
1995-03-30 | 7972 | Converting a High School into a college : San Jose Polytechnic Institute (San Jose, Camarines Sur) |
1995-04-02 | 7973 | Converting a High School into a college : Sigma College of Science and Technology (Sigma, Capiz) |
1995-03-30 | 7974 | Converting a High School into a college : Janiuay Polytechnic College (Janiuay, Iloilo) |
1995-03-30 | 7975 | Amending PD 1606 : On the Functional and Structural Organization of the Sandiganbayan (Nationwide) |
1995-04-14 | 7976 | Establishing a District Engineering Office (Alabat, Atimonan, Calauag, Guinayangan, Gumaca, Lopez, Perez, Plaridel, Quezon, and Tagkawayan in Quezon) |
1995-04-14 | 7977 | Converting a School into a college : Marcelino R. Veloso National Polytechnic College (Tabango, Leyte) |
1995-04-17 | 7978 | Horse Racing Franchise : Metro Manila Turf Club, Inc. (Caloocan, NCR) |
1995-04-22 | 7979 | Renaming a Hospital : Don Santiago A. Hahial Sr. Memorial Hospital (Dinas, Zamboanga Del Sur) |
1995-04-22 | 7980 | Changing the name of an Elementary School : Dean Leopoldo Yabes Memorial Elementary School (Sinait, Ilocos Sur) |
1995-04-22 | 7981 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Barangay Capitan Ramon National High School (Silay City, Negros Occidental) |
1995-04-22 | 7982 | Establishing a National High School : Central Taytay National High School (Taytay, Palawan) |
1995-04-22 | 7983 | Establishing a High School : San Gabriel Vocational High School (San Gabriel, La Union) |
1995-04-22 | 7984 | Establishing a High School (NEED INFO) (San Isidro, Davao Oriental) |
1995-04-22 | 7985 | Establishing a High School : San Isidro High School (Duero, Bohol) |
1995-04-22 | 7986 | Establishing a National High School : Belen National High School (San Ildefonso, Ilocos Sur) |
1995-04-22 | 7987 | Establishing a National High School : Batasan Hills National High School (Quezon City, NCR) |
1995-04-22 | 7988 | Establishing a National High School : Valladolid National High School (Valladolid, Negros Occidental) |
1995-04-22 | 7989 | Establishing a National High School : Madaymen National High School (Kibungan, Benguet) |
1995-04-22 | 7990 | Establishing a National High School : Dikapinisan National High School (San Luis, Aurora) |
1995-04-22 | 7991 | Establishing a National High School : Western Bicutan National High School (Taguig, NCR) |
1995-04-22 | 7992 | Establishing a National High School : Sibuyao National High School (Torrijos, Marinduque) |
1995-04-22 | 7993 | Establishing a National High School : Trading National High School (Davao City, Davao Del Sur) |
1995-04-22 | 7994 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Balagunan National High School (Santo Tomas, Davao) |
1995-04-22 | 7995 | Converting a High School into a college : Barotac Nuevo Polytechnic Institute (Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo) |
1995-04-22 | 7996 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Dr. Gerardo Sabal Memorial National High School (Claveria, Misamis Oriental) |
1995-04-22 | 7997 | Changing the Name of a National High School : Burauen Comprehensive National High School (NEED INFO) (Burauen, Leyte) |
1995-04-22 | 7998 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Tubod National High School (Minglanilla, Cebu) |
1995-04-22 | 7999 | Amending Presidential Proclamation 843 : Reapportioning the Tala Estate for Housing (Caloocan, NCR) |
1995-04-22 | 8000 | Declaring a Tourism Spot : Ardent Spring (Mambajao, Camiguin) |
1995-04-23 | 8001 | Declaring a Tourism Spot : Dalama Shoreline (Molundo, Lanao Del Sur) |
1995-04-22 | 8002 | Declaring a Tourism Spot : MacArthur Landing Site (Palo, Leyte) |
1995-04-22 | 8003 | Declaring a Tourism Spot: Asinan Area, Las Piñas Church and Bamboo Organ, Las Piñas Bridge, Father Diego Cera Bridge an old Hospital (Las Piñas, NCR) |
1995-04-27 | 8004 | Telecommunications Franchise : Millennia Telecommunications Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-05-07 | 8005 | Converting a High School into a college : Ajuy Polytechnic College (Ajuy, Iloilo) |
1995-05-18 | 8006 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Perez National High School (Perez, Quezon) |
1995-05-25 | 8007 | Converting a college into a State College : Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology (Victoria, Oriental Mindoro) |
1995-05-25 | 8008 | Converting a National High School into a National Science High School : Danawan Science High School (Magsaysay, Palawan) |
1995-05-25 | 8009 | Renaming an Educational Institution : Leyte National College of Agriculture, Science and Technology (Villaba, Leyte) |
1995-05-25 | 8010 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Vicente Madrigal National High School (Binangonan, Rizal) |
1995-05-25 | 8011 | Renaming an Educational Institution : Leyte College of Arts and Trades (Tanauan, Leyte) |
1995-05-25 | 8012 | Renaming an Educational Institution : State Polytechnic College of Palawan (Aborlan, Palawan) |
1995-05-25 | 8013 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Tudela National Comprehensive High School (Tudela, Misamis Occidental) |
1995-05-25 | 8014 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Balao National High School (Barili, Cebu) |
1995-05-25 | 8015 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Telesforo S. Singson High School (Davao City, Davao Del Sur) |
1995-05-25 | 8016 | Renaming an Educational Institution : Cecilio Putong National High School (Tagbilaran City, Bohol) |
1995-05-25 | 8017 | Renaming an Educational Institution : Inocencio V. Ferrer Memorial School of Fisheries (Talisay, Negros Occidental) |
1995-05-25 | 8018 | Renaming an Educational Institution : Philippine Children's Medical Center (Quezon City, NCR) |
1995-05-25 | 8019 | Converting a Hospital into a Medical Center : Amang Rodriguez Medical Center (Marikina, NCR) |
1995-05-25 | 8020 | Renaming a Hospital : National Kidney and Transplant Institute (Quezon City, NCR) |
1995-05-25 | 8021 | Declaring a Tourism Event : Moriones Festival (Marinduque) |
1995-05-25 | 8022 | Declaring a Tourism Zone : Boac, Buenavista, and Torrijos (Boac, Buenavista, and Torrijos in Marinduque) |
1995-05-25 | 8023 | Declaring a Tourism Spot : Man-made Lake in Balo-i (Balo-i, Lanao Del Norte) |
1995-05-25 | 8024 | Declaring a Tourism Spot : Busay Falls (Babatngon, Leyte) |
1995-05-25 | 8025 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Golden Broadcast Professional, Inc (Mindanao) |
1995-05-25 | 8026 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Beta Broadcasting System Corporation (Luzon) |
1995-05-25 | 8027 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Kaissar Broadcasting Network, Inc (KBNI) (Nationwide) |
1995-06-05 | 8028 | Renaming a Road : Filomeno Montejo Highway (Tacloban, Santa Fe, Pastrana, Dagami, and Tanauan in Leyte) |
1995-06-05 | 8029 | Renaming a Bridge : Ambassador Jacinto Castel Borja Bridge (Tagbilaran City, Dauis, and Panglao in Bohol) |
1995-06-05 | 8030 | Adjusting/Correcting Territorial Boundaries : Palayan City and Bongabon (Nueva Ecija) |
1995-06-05 | 8031 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : St. Jude Thaddeus Institute of Technology, Inc (Surigao Del Norte (NEED INFO)) |
1995-06-05 | 8032 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Philippine Radio Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-06-05 | 8033 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Mendoza National Agricultural High School (Roxas, Palawan) |
1995-06-05 | 8034 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Tacloban National Agricultural School (Tacloban City, Leyte) |
1995-06-05 | 8035 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Cayangwan National High School (Makato, Aklan) |
1995-06-05 | 8036 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Cayangwan National High School (Godod, Zamboanga Del Norte) |
1995-06-05 | 8037 | Establishing a National High School : Matangad National High School (Gitagum, Misamis Oriental) |
1995-06-05 | 8038 | Establishing a National High School : La Libertad National High School (La Libertad, Negros Oriental) |
1995-06-05 | 8039 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Signal Village National High School (Taguig, NCR) |
1995-06-05 | 8040 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Taytay National High School (Taytay, Rizal) |
1995-06-07 | 8041 | National Water Crisis Act of 1995 (Nationwide) |
1995-06-07 | 8042 | Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995 (Nationwide) |
1995-06-07 | 8043 | Inter-Country Adoption Act of 1995 (Nationwide) |
1995-06-07 | 8044 | Youth in Nation-Building Act (Nationwide) |
1995-06-07 | 8045 | Amending RA 7166 : On the Number of Copies of Election Returns and their Distribution (Nationwide) |
1995-06-07 | 8046 | Authorizing the COMELEC to Demonstrate and Pilot-Test the Computerized Election System (Nationwide) |
1995-06-07 | 8047 | Book Publishing Industry Development Act : Repealing E.O. 492 (s. 1991) (Nationwide) |
1995-06-07 | 8048 | Coconut Preservation Act of 1995 (Nationwide) |
1995-06-07 | 8049 | "The Anti-Hazing Act of 1995" (Nationwide) |
1995-06-07 | 8050 | Revised Optometry Law of 1995 : Repealing the Optometry Law or RA 1998 (Nationwide) |
1995-06-15 | 8051 | Converting a Hospital into a Regional Hospital : Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital (Legazpi City, Albay) |
1995-06-15 | 8052 | Converting a Hospital into a District Hospital : Cateel District Hospital (Cateel, Davao Oriental) |
1995-06-15 | 8053 | Converting a Hospital into a Medical Center : Bicol Medical Center (Naga City, Camarines Sur) |
1995-06-15 | 8054 | Establishing a Hospital : Panamao District Hospital (Panamao, Sulu) |
1995-06-15 | 8055 | Establishing a National High School : San Luis National High School (San Luis, Aurora) |
1995-06-15 | 8056 | Establishing a National High School : Barangay Datu Balong National High School (Kapalong, Davao) |
1995-06-15 | 8057 | Renaming an Educational Institution : Philippine Science High School-Eastern Visayas Campus (Palo, Leyte) |
1995-06-15 | 8058 | Declaring a National Historical Landmark : Ancestral Houses in Silay City (Silay City, Negros Occidental) |
1995-06-15 | 8059 | Declaring a Tourism Zone : Barangay Patag (Silay City, Negros Occidental) |
1995-07-06 | 8060 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Palawan Broadcasting Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-06-15 | 8061 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Advanced Media Broadcasting System, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-06-15 | 8062 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Ditan Communications, Inc. (Visayas and Mindanao) |
1995-06-15 | 8063 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Beacon Communications Systems, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-06-19 | 8064 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Pacific Multi-Media Company, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-06-19 | 8065 | Telecommunications Franchise : Isla Cellular Communications, Inc. (Nationwide) |
1995-06-19 | 8066 | Radio Paging Franchise : Isla Paging Company, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-06-19 | 8067 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Radio Gubat Network, Inc (Albay, Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Catanduanes, Masbate, and Sorsogon) |
1995-06-19 | 8068 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Agusan Communications Foundation, Inc (Agusan Del Sur) |
1995-06-19 | 8069 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Amendment : Vanguard Radio Network Company Inc (Regions 6, 7, 10, and 11) |
1995-06-19 | 8070 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Tirad Pass Radio TV Broadcasting Network, Inc. (Nationwide) |
1995-06-19 | 8071 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Vismin Radio and Television Broadcasting Network, Inc (Visayas and Mindanao) |
1995-06-19 | 8072 | Establishing a National High School : Pundaguitan National High School (Governor Generoso, Davao Oriental) |
1995-06-19 | 8073 | Establishing a National High School : Bulusan National Vocational-Technical High School (Bulusan, Sorsogon) |
1995-06-19 | 8074 | Establishing a National High School : Carmelo de los Cientos Sr. National Trade School (Padada, Davao Del Sur) |
1995-06-19 | 8075 | Converting a High School into a college : Southern Isabela College of Arts and Trades (Santiago, Isabela) |
1995-06-19 | 8076 | Converting a School into a college : Polytechnic College of Calapan (Calapan, Oriental Mindoro) |
1995-06-24 | 8077 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : M. I. T. Radio Television Network, Inc (M. I. T. – RTVN) (Mindanao) |
1995-07-06 | 8078 | Establishing a National Science High School : Alabel National Science High School (Alabel, Sarangani) |
1995-07-06 | 8079 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : First United Broadcasting Corporation (FUBC) (Nationwide) |
1995-07-06 | 8080 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Asian-Pacific Broadcasting Company, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-07-06 | 8081 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Ultrasonic Broadcasting System, Inc. (Nationwide) |
1995-07-06 | 8082 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Sulu-Tawi-Tawi Broadcasting Foundation, Inc. (Sulu and Tawi-Tawi) |
1995-07-06 | 8083 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Radio Audience Developers Integrated Organization, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-07-06 | 8084 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Raven Broadcasting Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-07-06 | 8085 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Mount Apo Science Foundation School, Inc. (Mindanao) |
1995-07-06 | 8086 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Brightlight Broadcasting Service Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-07-06 | 8087 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Gold Label Broadcasting System, Inc (Visayas and Mindanao) |
1995-07-06 | 8088 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Trans Radio Broadcasting Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-07-06 | 8089 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : SolidNorth Broadcasting System (Nationwide) |
1995-07-06 | 8090 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Association for Islamic Development Service Cooperative (Zamboanga Del Sur) |
1995-07-06 | 8091 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Crusaders Broadcasting System, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-07-06 | 8092 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Bicol Broadcasting Systems, Inc (BBSI) (Region V) |
1995-07-06 | 8093 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Calbayog Community Broadcasting Corporation (Samar Island) |
1995-07-06 | 8094 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Ipil Broadcasting News Network, Inc (Zamboanga Del Sur) |
1995-07-06 | 8095 | Telecommunications Franchise : Islatel Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-07-06 | 8096 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Allied Broadcasting Center, Incorporated (Nationwide) |
1995-07-06 | 8097 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Partido Broadcasting Corporation (Bicol Region) |
1995-07-06 | 8098 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Broadcast Enterprises and Affiliated Media (BEAM) Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-07-07 | 8099 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Sagay Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) (Nationwide) |
1995-07-07 | 8100 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : First Love Broadcasting Network, Inc (Visayas and Mindanao) |
1995-07-07 | 8101 | Radiotelephone Franchise : Edison C. Espinosa (Region VI) |
1995-07-07 | 8102 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Ultimate Entertainment, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-07-09 | 8103 | Air Transport Franchise for Domestic and international Service : All Asia Airlines Co, Inc. (Nationwide) |
1995-07-09 | 8104 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal : Rajah Broadcasting Network, Incorporated (Nationwide) |
1995-07-09 | 8105 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Amendment : Kalayaan Broadcasting System, Inc (Mindanao) |
1995-07-09 | 8106 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Caceres Broadcasting Corporation (Luzon) |
1995-07-09 | 8107 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Byers Communications, Inc (NCR and Region VII) |
1995-07-09 | 8108 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Mareco Broadcasting Network, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-07-09 | 8109 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Notre Dame Broadcasting Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-07-09 | 8110 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : National Council of Churches in the Philippines, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-07-09 | 8111 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Cadiz Radio and Television Network, Inc (Cadiz City, Negros Occidental) |
1995-07-09 | 8112 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Leyte Livelihood Organization Incorporated (Nationwide) |
1995-07-09 | 8113 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Fairwaves Broadcasting Network (Nationwide) |
1995-07-09 | 8114 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : FBS Radio Network, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-07-09 | 8115 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Far East Broadcasting Company (Philippines), Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-07-09 | 8116 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Vimcontu Broadcasting Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-07-09 | 8117 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Sealand Telecommunication Company, Inc (NEED INFO) |
1995-07-09 | 8118 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Bagong Barrio National High School (Caloocan, NCR) |
1995-07-16 | 8119 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Good News Sorsogon Foundation, Inc (Bicol Region) |
1995-07-16 | 8120 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Andres Bonifacio College Broadcasting System, Inc (Mindanao) |
1995-07-16 | 8121 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : M.S. Network Management, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-07-16 | 8122 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Swara Sug Media Corporation of the Philippines (Nationwide) |
1995-07-16 | 8123 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Royal Broadcasting Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-07-16 | 8124 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Audiovisual Communicators, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-07-16 | 8125 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Makati Broadcasting Company, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-07-16 | 8126 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : R.T. Broadcast Specialist Philippines (Mindanao) |
1995-07-16 | 8127 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Servotron Industries, Inc (NCR) |
1995-07-16 | 8128 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Oriental Mindoro Management Resources Corporation (OMARCO) (Nationwide) |
1995-07-16 | 8129 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : GVM Radio/TV Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-07-16 | 8130 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Christian Music Power, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-07-16 | 8131 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Alyala Broadcasting Corporation (Sorsogon) |
1995-07-16 | 8132 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Jose M. Luison and Sons, Inc. (Nationwide) |
1995-07-16 | 8133 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Century Communications Marketing Center, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-07-16 | 8134 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Primax Broadcasting Network, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-07-16 | 8135 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Amcara Broadcasting Network, Incorporated (Nationwide) |
1995-07-16 | 8136 | Establishing a Hospital : San Jose Municipal Hospital (San Jose, Surigao Del Norte) |
1995-07-16 | 8137 | Establishing a Hospital : Ramon Municipal Hospital (Ramon, Isabela) |
1995-07-16 | 8138 | Establishing a Vocational School : Concepcion Vocational School (Concepcion, Tarlac) |
1995-07-16 | 8139 | Establishing a National Science High School : Tandag National Science High School (Tandag, Surigao Del Sur) |
1995-07-16 | 8140 | Establishing a National High School : Gogon National High School (Donsol, Sorsogon) |
1995-07-16 | 8141 | Renaming an Educational Institution : Eastern Samar National Polytechnic School (Borongan, Eastern Samar) |
1995-07-16 | 8142 | Converting a High School into a college : Simeon Suan Vocational and Technical College (Bansud, Oriental Mindoro) |
1995-07-16 | 8143 | Converting a School into a college : Bongabong College of Fisheries (Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro) |
1995-07-29 | 8144 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Azimuth Broadcasting Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-07-29 | 8145 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Radyo Filipino Corporation |
1995-08-26 | 8146 | Granting Citizenship to a Person |
1995-09-07 | 8147 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Southern Broadcasting Network (Nationwide) |
8148 | (NEED INFO) | |
1995-09-04 | 8149 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Tagbilaran Broadcasting System (Visayas) |
1995-09-08 | 8150 | Public Works and Highways Infrastructure Program Act of 1995 (Nationwide) |
1995-09-04 | 8151 | Declaring Every November 27 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Tarlac Province in Commemoration of the Birth of Benigno "Ninoy" S. Aquino Jr. (Tarlac) |
1995-09-04 | 8152 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Times Broadcasting Network Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-09-23 | 8153 | Radiotelephone and Radiotelegraph Franchise : Rex Electronics Communications System, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-09-23 | 8154 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Prime Broadcasting Network, Incorporated (Nationwide) |
1995-09-23 | 8155 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : United Visayan Broadcasting Corporation, Inc (Central Visayas Region) |
1995-09-23 | 8156 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Our Lady's Foundation, Inc (Bicol Region) |
1995-09-23 | 8157 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Northern Mindanoa Broadcasting System, Inc. (Mindanao) |
1995-09-23 | 8158 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Renewal, Transfer, and Amendment : PBN Broadcasting Network, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-09-23 | 8159 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : DXRA-RMC (Rizal Memorial Colleges) Broadcasting Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-09-23 | 8160 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : University of the Philippines System (Nationwide) |
1995-09-23 | 8161 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Negros Broadcasting and Publishing Corporation (Visayas and Mindanao) |
1995-09-23 | 8162 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise Amendment : Expanding Franchise Area of Progressive Broadcasting Corporation (Nationwide) |
1995-09-23 | 8163 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Sorsogon Broadcasting Corporation (Bicol Region) |
1995-09-23 | 8164 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Mountain Province Broadcasting Corporation (Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga, Apayao, and Mountain Province) |
1995-09-23 | 8165 | Radiotelephone and Radiotelegraph Franchise : AZ Communications Network, Inc (Nationwide) |
1995-09-23 | 8166 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Peñafrancia Broadcasting Corporation (Bicol Region) |
1995-09-23 | 8167 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Bayanihan Broadcasting Corporation (Quezon and the eastern Luzon) |
1995-09-23 | 8168 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Filipinas Broadcasting Network, Inc (FBNI) (Nationwide) |
1995-09-23 | 8169 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : GV Broadcasting System, Inc. (Luzon) |
1995-09-25 | 8170 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : University of Mindanao (Nationwide) |
1995-07-03 | 8171 | Providing Repatriation to Filipino Women Married to Aliens and for Natural-Born Filipinos after Losing Their Philippine Citizenship (Nationwide) |
1995-12-20 | 8172 | An Act for Salt Iodization Nationwide (ASIN) (Nationwide) |
8173 | NEED INFO | |
1995-12-29 | 8174 | Appropriations Act of 1996 (Nationwide) |
1995-12-29 | 8175 | Revised Charter of the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation Act of 1995 (Nationwide) |
1995-12-29 | 8176 | Amending RA 7647: Changing the Date of Elections for Elective Officials of the Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) |
1994 (7667–7853)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
1994-01-17 | 7667 | Declaring a Tourism Spot : Bustos Dam and Tourist Resort (Bustos, Bulacan) |
1994-01-17 | 7668 | Declaring a Tourism Spot : Mount Samat (Bataan) |
1994-01-10 | 7669 | Declaring Every March 27 a Special Nonworking Holiday in San Juan Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation (San Juan, NCR) |
1994-01-10 | 7670 | Declaring Every June 15 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Cagayan De Oro City in Commemoration of its Cityhood (Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental) |
1994-01-10 | 7671 | Declaring Every June 19 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Surigao del Sur Province in Commemoration of its Foundation (Surigao Del Sur) |
1994-01-10 | 7672 | Declaring Every June 18 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Benguet Province in Commemoration of its Foundation (Benguet) |
1994-01-10 | 7673 | Declaring Every September 17 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Siquijor Province in Commemoration of its Foundation (Siquijor) |
1994-01-17 | 7674 | Telecommunications Franchise Amendment : Telecommunications Technologies Philippines, Incorporated (Nationwide) |
1994-02-09 | 7675 | Converting a Municipality into a Highly Urbanized City (Mandaluyong, NCR) |
1994-01-10 | 7676 | Declaring Every June 30 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Tacloban City in Celebration of its Feast of Señor Santo Niño (Tacloban City, Leyte) |
1994-01-10 | 7677 | Declaring Every October 16 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Oroquieta City in Celebration of its Annual Fiesta (Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental) |
1994-02-17 | 7678 | Telecommunications Franchise : Digital Telecommunications Philippines, Incorporated (Nationwide) |
1994-02-24 | 7679 | Creating a Municipality : Sofronio Española (Brooke's Point and Sofronio Española in Palawan) |
1994-02-23 | 7680 | Declaring Every August 6 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Palo Municipality in Celebration of its Annual Fiesta (Palo, Leyte) |
1994-02-23 | 7681 | Declaring Every May 8 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Tolosa Municipality in Celebration of its Annual Fiesta (Tolosa, Leyte) |
1994-02-23 | 7682 | Declaring Every March 9 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Abra Province in Commemoration of its Foundation (Abra) |
1994-02-23 | 7683 | Declaring Every July 22 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Bohol Province in Commemoration of its Foundation (Bohol) |
1994-02-23 | 7684 | Declaring Every March 4 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Puerto Princesa City in Commemoration of its Foundation (Puerto Princesa City, Palawan) |
1994-02-23 | 7685 | Declaring Every March 16 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Davao City in Commemoration of its Cityhood (Davao City, Davao Del Sur) |
1994-02-25 | 7686 | Dual Training System Act of 1994 (Nationwide) |
1994-03-02 | 7687 | Science and Technology Scholarship Act of 1994 (Nationwide) |
1994-03-03 | 7688 | Amending RA 1161 or the Social Security Act of 1954 : Women's Representation in the Social Security Commission (Nationwide) |
1994-03-07 | 7689 | Declaring Every August 15 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Tanauan Municipality in Celebrationof its Annual Fiesta (Tanauan, Leyte) |
1994-03-07 | 7690 | Declaring a Tourism Spot : Arayat National Park (Arayat, Pampanga) |
1994-03-25 | 7691 | Amending BP 129 or the Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980 : Expanding the Jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts, and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts as well as Provision on the Jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Courts (Nationwide) |
1994-03-25 | 7692 | Telecommunications Franchise : Bell Telecommunications Philippines, Inc (Nationwide) |
1994-04-09 | 7693 | Changing the name of a High School : Felizardo C. Lipana Memorial High School (Guiguinto, Bulacan) |
1994-04-09 | 7694 | Changing the name of a High School : Toledo S. Pantilo Sr. Elementary School (Sison, Surigao Del Norte) |
1994-04-09 | 7695 | Changing the name of an Elementary School : Francisco S. Bactung Memorial Primary School (Banate, Iloilo) |
1994-04-09 | 7696 | Amending RA 6948 : Redefining the Eligibility to and Other Provisions on Veteran's Benefits (Nationwide) |
1994-04-17 | 7697 | Changing the name of an Elementary School : Pablo Piatos Sr. Elementary School (Davao City, Davao Del Sur) |
1994-04-29 | 7698 | Declaring Every August 6 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Cebu Province in Commemoration of its Foundation (Cebu) |
1994-05-01 | 7699 | The Portability Law" on the Contributions to Either the Government Service Insurance System or the Social Security System (Nationwide) |
1994-05-01 | 7700 | Amending PD 442 or the Labor Code of the Philippines : On the Cuncurrent Jurisdiction of the Divisions of the National Labor Relations Commission (Nationwide) |
1994-05-05 | 7701 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Justimbaste-Remandaban National High School (Tabontabon, Leyte) |
1994-05-05 | 7702 | Changing the name of a High School : Cristina B. Gonzales Memorial High School (Bucay, Abra) |
1994-05-05 | 7703 | Changing the name of a High School : Benigno S. Aquino National High School (Concepcion, Tarlac) |
1994-05-05 | 7704 | Changing the name of an Elementary School : Pedro S. Rada Elementary School (Basud, Camarines Norte) |
1994-05-05 | 7705 | Changing the name of a High School : Bernardo Carpio Barangay High School (Davao City, Davao Del Sur) |
1994-05-05 | 7706 | Changing the name of a High School : Imus National High School (Imus, Cavite) |
1994-05-05 | 7707 | Renaming an Educational Institution : Carlos C. Hilado Memorial State College (Talisay, Negros Occidental) |
1994-05-05 | 7708 | Changing the name of an Elementary School : Batayan Elementary School (Kalawit, Zamboanga Del Norte) |
1994-05-05 | 7709 | Changing the name of a High School : Malabon National High School (Malabon, NCR) |
1994-05-05 | 7710 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Cawit National Comprehensive High School (Boac, Marinduque) |
1994-05-05 | 7711 | Changing the name of a High School : Kiling National High School (Tanauan, Leyte) |
1994-05-05 | 7712 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Jose P. Rizal National High School (Jose P. Rizal, Palawan) |
1994-05-05 | 7713 | Changing the name of a High School : Dasmariñas National High School (Dasmariñas, Cavite) |
1994-05-05 | 7714 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Aborlan National High School (Aborlan, Palawan) |
1994-05-05 | 7715 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Looc Norte National High School (Asturias, Cebu) |
1994-05-05 | 7716 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1977 : Restructuring the Value Added Tax (VAT) System (Nationwide) |
1994-05-05 | 7717 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1977 : Tax Imposition on Shares of Stocks Listed and Traded through the Local Stock Exchange and through initial public offering (Nationwide) |
1994-05-05 | 7718 | Amending RA 6957 or "The Build-Operate-Transfer Law" (Nationwide) |
1994-05-05 | 7719 | National Blood Services Act of 1994 : Superseding RA 1517 or the Blood Bank Act (Nationwide) |
1994-05-05 | 7720 | Converting a Municipality into a Component City (Santiago City, Isabela) |
1994-05-18 | 7721 | Liberalizing the Entry and Scope of Operations of Foreign Banks (Nationwide) |
1994-05-18 | 7722 | Higher Education Act of 1994 (Nationwide) |
1994-05-19 | 7723 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Delta Broadcasting System, Inc (Nationwide) |
1994-05-19 | 7724 | Declaring Every October 19 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Bacolod City in Celebration of the Maskara Festival and in the Commemoration of its Cityhood (Nationwide) |
1994-05-19 | 7725 | Converting a National High School into a National Comprehensive High School: Atimonan National Comprehensive High School (Atimonan, Quezon) |
1994-05-19 | 7726 | Changing the name of a High School : Sapangbato National High School (Angeles City, Pampanga) |
1994-05-19 | 7727 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Tunga National High School (Tunga, Leyte) |
1994-05-19 | 7728 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Bangaan National High School (Sagada, Mountain Province) |
1994-06-02 | 7729 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1977 : Reducing Excise Tax Rates on Minrals and Quary Resources (Nationwide) |
1994-06-02 | 7730 | Amending PD 442 or the Labor Code of the Philippines : Strengthening the Visitorial and Enforcement Powers of the Secretary of Labor and Employment (Nationwide) |
1994-06-02 | 7731 | Abolishing the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) : Repealing PD 146 (Nationwide) |
1994-06-03 | 7732 | Establishing a National High School : Maigo National High School (Maigo, Lanao Del Norte) |
1994-06-03 | 7733 | Establishing a National High School : Quirino National High School (Quirino, Ilocos Sur) |
1994-06-03 | 7734 | Establishing a National High School : Ruben E. Ecleo Sr. National High School (Cagdianao, Surigao Del Norte) |
1994-06-03 | 7735 | Establishing a National High School : Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School (Mawab, Davao) |
1994-06-03 | 7736 | Establishing a High School Annex : San Enrique Manuel Palu-ay Sr. Memorial Extension High School (San Enrique, Iloilo) |
1994-06-03 | 7737 | Establishing a National High School : Dupax del Sur National High School (Dupax del Sur, Nueva Vizcaya) |
1994-06-03 | 7738 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Tumauini National High School (Tumauini, Isabela) |
1994-06-04 | 7739 | Establishing a High School : Mintal Comprehensive High School (Davao City, Davao Del Sur) |
1994-06-10 | 7740 | Declaring Every July 1 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Southern Leyte Province in Commemoration of its Foundation (Southern Leyte) |
1994-06-11 | 7741 | Establishing a National High School : Puntalinao High School (Banaybanay, Davao Oriental) |
1994-06-17 | 7742 | Amending PD 1752 or the Home Development Mutual Fund Law of 1980 : On Fund's Membership Coverage, Term and Contribution and Fund's Investment on Housing (Nationwide) |
1994-06-17 | 7743 | Establishing Public Libraries and Reading Centers in All Congressional Districts, Cities, Municipalities and Barangays (Nationwide) |
1994-06-19 | 7744 | Establishing a National High School : Datu Calaca Memorial National Comprehensive High School (Marantao, Lanao Del Sur) |
1994-06-19 | 7745 | Establishing a High School : Addalam Region High School (Jones, Isabela) |
1994-06-19 | 7746 | Establishing a National High School : Pantabangan National High School (Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija) |
1994-06-19 | 7747 | Establishing an Agro-Industrial High School : Kabugao Agro-Industrial High School (Kabugao, Kalinga-Apayao) |
1994-06-19 | 7748 | Establishing a National High School : Mexico National High School (Mexico, Pampanga) |
1994-06-19 | 7749 | Establishing a National High School : Pantar National High School (Pantar, Lanao Del Norte) |
1994-06-19 | 7750 | Establishing a High School : Gonzalo Aler High School (Capalonga, Camarines Norte) |
1994-06-19 | 7751 | Establishing a National High School : Lungib National High School (Pilar, Sorsogon) |
1994-06-19 | 7752 | Establishing a High School : Teofilo Gensoli Sr. Memorial High School (Bacolod City, Negros Occidental) |
1994-06-19 | 7753 | Establishing a National High School : Tagbitan-ag National High School (Samal, Davao) |
1994-06-19 | 7754 | Establishing a National High School (NEED INFO) (Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon) |
1994-06-19 | 7755 | Establishing a High School : Fatima High School (General Santos City, South Cotabato) |
1994-06-19 | 7756 | Establishing a High School : Sicayab High School (Dipolog City, Zamboanga Del Norte) |
1994-06-19 | 7757 | Establishing a National High School : Turod National High School (Cabugao, Ilocos Sur) |
1994-06-19 | 7758 | Establishing a National High School : Gohang National High School (Banaue, Ifugao) |
1994-06-19 | 7759 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Las Piñas East National High School (Las Piiñas, NCR) |
1994-06-19 | 7760 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Nanagun National High School (Lumbayanague, Lanao Del Sur) |
1994-06-19 | 7761 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Quipot National High School (Janiuay, Iloilo) |
1994-06-19 | 7762 | Establishing a National High School : Alfredo Parilla National High School (Palompon, Leyte) |
1994-06-19 | 7763 | Establishing a National High School : Malasiqui National High School (Malasiqui, Pangasinan) |
1994-06-19 | 7764 | Establishing a National High School (NEED INFO) (Salvador Benedicto, Negros Occidental) |
1994-06-19 | 7765 | Establishing a National High School : Oanari National High School (Luna, La Union) |
1994-06-19 | 7766 | Establishing a High School : Pagalanggang High School (Dinalupihan, Bataan) |
1994-06-19 | 7767 | Establishing a High School : Santa Lucia High School (Pasig, NCR) |
1994-06-19 | 7768 | Establishing a National High School : Magsikap National Vocational High School (Rizal, Occidental Mindoro) |
1994-06-19 | 7769 | Establishing a National High School : Ambassador Pablo R. Suarez Jr. National High School (Carmen, Bohol) |
1994-06-19 | 7770 | Establishing a National High School : Silae National High School (Malaybalay, Bukidnon) |
1994-06-19 | 7771 | Declaring Every October 31 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Dumangas Municipality in Commemoration of the Birth of Colonel Quintin D. Salas (Dumangas, Iloilo) |
1994-06-23 | 7772 | Establishing a National High School : President Elpidio Quirino National High School (Agoo, La Union) |
1994-06-30 | 7773 | Establishing a National High School : Kalawit National High School (Kalawit, Zamboanga Del Norte) |
1994-06-30 | 7774 | Establishing a National High School : Bulan National High School (Bulan, Sorsogon) |
1994-06-30 | 7775 | Establishing a National High School : Callao Norte National High School (Lasam, Cagayan) |
1994-06-30 | 7776 | Establishing a National High School : T'Boli National High School (T'Boli, South Cotabato) |
1994-06-30 | 7777 | Establishing a National High School : Paulino Dari National High School (Pitogo, Zamboanga Del Sur) |
1994-06-30 | 7778 | Establishing a National High School : Dumaran Mainland National High School (Dumaran, Palawan) |
1994-06-30 | 7779 | Establishing a National High School : Astorga National High School (Alangalang, Leyte) |
1994-06-30 | 7780 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Calamba National Comprehensive High School (Calamba, Misamis Occidental) |
1994-06-30 | 7781 | Establishing a National High School : Barangay Guinbala-on National High School (Silay City, Negros Occidental) |
1994-06-30 | 7782 | Establishing a National High School : Formon National High School (Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro) |
1994-07-26 | 7783 | Telecommunications Franchise : Major Telecoms, Inc (Nationwide) |
1994-08-04 | 7784 | Creating the Teacher Education Council for the Establishment of Teacher Education Centers of Excellence (Nationwide) |
1994-08-08 | 7785 | Establishing a Hospital : Kalookan City First District Hospital (Caloocan, NCR) |
1994-08-08 | 7786 | Naming a Road : Governor Jose T. Fuentebella National Highway (Pili, Ocampo, Tigaon, Goa, San Jose, and Lagonoy in Camarines Sur) |
1994-08-08 | 7787 | Converting a High School into a college : Lemery Polytechnic College (Lemery, Iloilo) |
1994-08-08 | 7788 | Declaring Every June 13 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Lasam Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation (Lasam, Cagayan) |
1994-08-08 | 7789 | Declaring Every December 18 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Ballesteros Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation (Ballesteros, Cagayan) |
1994-08-08 | 7790 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Leonard Young Sr. High School (Glan, Sarangani) |
1994-08-08 | 7791 | Declaring Every September 29 a Special Nonworking Holiday in San Miguel Municipality in Celebration of its Annual Fiesta (San Miguel, Leyte) |
1994-08-08 | 7792 | Declaring Every August 31 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Zambales Province in Commemoration of the Birth of Ramon Magsaysay (Zambales) |
1994-08-08 | 7793 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Ipilan National High School (Brooke's Point, Palawan) |
1994-08-08 | 7794 | Changing the name of a High School : Ligao National High School (Ligao, Albay) |
1994-08-08 | 7795 | Establishing an Annex to a National High School : Santiago Annex (NEED INFO) (General Trias, Cavite) |
1994-08-25 | 7796 | Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994 or the TESDA Act of 1994 (Nationwide) |
1994-08-25 | 7797 | Lengthening the School Calendar (Nationwide) |
1994-08-25 | 7798 | Amending BP 232 or the Education Act of 1982 : On the Establishment of Schools (Nationwide) |
1994-08-26 | 7799 | Establishing a Hospital : Talisay District Hospital (Talisay, Cebu) |
1994-09-01 | 7800 | Establishing a National High School : Optaciano Hilay High School (Davao City, Davao Del Sur) |
1994-09-01 | 7801 | Converting a college into a Polytechnic College : Concepcion Polytechnic College (Concepcion, Iloilo) |
1994-09-01 | 7802 | Changing the name of a High School : Celestino de Guzman Memorial National High School (Barugo, Leyte) |
1994-09-01 | 7803 | Establishing a High School : Taclobo High School (Dumaguete, Negros Oriental) |
1994-09-01 | 7804 | Establishing a National High School : Bantayan National High School (Bantayan, Cebu) |
1994-09-01 | 7805 | Declaring Every January 28 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Cavite City in Celebrationn of the Birth of Julian R. Felipe (Cavite City, Cavite) |
1994-09-01 | 7806 | Declaring Every March 23 a Special Holiday in Aklan Province in Commemoration of the Death of the Nineteen Martyrs of Aklan (Aklan) |
1994-08-30 | 7807 | Establishing a High School : Santa Teresita High School (Santa Teresita, Batangas) |
1994-09-02 | 7808 | Amending RA 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991 : Resetting the Date of Elections for Sangguniang Kabataan (Nationwide) |
1994-09-16 | 7809 | Declaring Every September 14 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Sanchez Mira Municipality in Commemoration of its Foundation (Sanchez Mira, Cagayan) |
1994-09-26 | 7810 | Establishing a Hospital : Mangogon, Lagonoy Municipal Hospital (Lagonoy, Camarines Sur) |
1994-10-26 | 7811 | Establishing a National High School : San Antonio National High School (Milaor, Camarines Sur) |
1994-10-26 | 7812 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Rosario National High School (Aloguinsan, Cebu) |
1994-10-26 | 7813 | Establishing a National High School : Pansol National High School (Padre Garcia, Batangas) |
1994-10-26 | 7814 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Caruray National High School (San Vicente, Palawan) |
1994-10-29 | 7815 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Sabangan National High School (Sabangan, Mountain Province) |
1994-10-29 | 7816 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Manila Broadcasting Company (Nationwide) |
1994-11-10 | 7817 | Naming a Road : Carlos Hilado Highway (Bacolod City, Negros Occidental) |
1994-11-12 | 7818 | Converting a State College into a State University : Palawan State University (Puerto Princesa, Palawan) |
1994-11-18 | 7819 | Converting a High School into a National High School : Don Mariano Salvacion Memorial National High School (Capoocan, Leyte) |
1994-11-18 | 7820 | Partido Development Administration Act of 1994 (Sagnay, Tigaon, Goa, San Jose, Lagonoy, Tinambac, Siruma, Presentacion, Garchitorena, and Caramoan in Camarines Sur) |
1994-11-18 | 7821 | Radio Broadcasting Franchise : Acacia Broadcasting Corporation (Central Luzon and Northern Luzon) |
1994-11-18 | 7822 | Declaring a Tourism Zone : Limasawa Island (Limasawa, Southern Leyte) |
1994-11-18 | 7823 | Establishing a National High School : Mogpog National Comprehensive High School (Mogpog, Marinduque) |
1994-11-18 | 7824 | Establishing a National High School : Kalanawe II National High School (President Quirino, Sultan Kudarat) |
1994-11-18 | 7825 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Suyo National High School (Sagada, Mountain Province) |
1994-11-18 | 7826 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Butique National High School (Paracelis, Mountain Province) |
1994-11-18 | 7827 | Converting a High School Annex into an Independent National High School : Tinajeros National High School (Malabon, NCR) |
1994-12-02 | 7828 | Establishing a Vocational School : Caramoan Vocational-Technical School (Caramoan, Camarines Sur) |
1994-12-08 | 7829 | Converting a Municipality into a Highly Urbanized City (Pasig, NCR) |
1994-12-08 | 7830 | Separating an Extension Hospital into an Independent Hospital : Saint Anthony Mother and Child Hospital (Cebu City, Cebu) |
1994-12-08 | 7831 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : ABC Development Corporation dba Associated Broadcasting Company (Nationwide) |
1994-12-08 | 7832 | Anti-electricity and Electric Transmission Lines/Materials Pilferage Act of 1994 (Nationwide) |
1994-12-08 | 7833 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1977 : On the 13th Month Pay and Other Benefits as Exclusion from Gross Income Computation (Nationwide) |
1994-12-11 | 7834 | Establishing a School of Arts and Trades : Baguio City School of Arts and Trades (Baguio, Benguet) |
1994-12-16 | 7835 | Comprehensive and Integrated Shelter Financing Act of 1994 (Nationwide) |
1994-12-16 | 7836 | Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994 (Nationwide) |
1994-12-16 | 7837 | Granting Permanent Resident Status, Other Rights and Privileges to Filipino Veterans of World War II Who Acquired American Citizenship under U.S. Immigration Act of 1990 (Nationwide) |
1994-12-16 | 7838 | Converting a School into a college : Western Aklan Polytechnic College (Ibajay, Aklan) |
1994-12-16 | 7839 | Converting a National High School into a School of Arts and Trades : Cagayan de Oro (Bugo) School of Arts and Trades (Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental) |
1994-12-16 | 7840 | Increasing Bed Capacity of a Hospital : Donsol District Hospital (Donsol, Sorsogon) |
1994-12-16 | 7841 | Establishing a National High School : Parañaque National High School (Parañaque, NCR) |
1994-12-16 | 7842 | Establishing a Hospital : Tagig-Pateros District Hospital (Taguig, NCR) |
1994-12-21 | 7843 | Amending the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines : Anti-Dumping Act of 1994 (Nationwide) |
1994-12-21 | 7844 | Export Development Act of 1994 (Nationwide) |
1994-12-30 | 7845 | Appropriations Act of 1995 (Nationwide) |
1994-12-30 | 7846 | Amending PD 996 : Compulsory Immunization Against Hepatitis-B (Nationwide) |
1994-12-30 | 7847 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Franchise : Philippine Radio Educational and Information Center (Nationwide) |
1994-12-30 | 7848 | Establishing a National High School : Guimba National High School (Guimba, Nueva Ecija) |
1994-12-30 | 7849 | Converting a School into a college : Buguias-Loo Polytechnic College (Buguias, Benguet) |
1994-12-24 | 7850 | Establishing a Hospital : Conner District Hospital (Conner, Kalinga-Apayao) |
1994-12-24 | 7851 | Declaring Every September 24 a Special Nonworking Holiday in Calamba Municipality in Commemoration of the Birth of Jose Yulo Sr. (Calamba, Laguna) |
1994-12-24 | 7852 | Declaring a Tourism Spot : Chocolate Hills (Carmen, Bohol) |
1994-12-24 | 7853 | Converting a School into a college : Apayao Institute of Science and Technology (Conner and Luna in Kalinga-Apayao) |
1993 (7645-7666)
[ редактировать ]Date approved | RA number | Title/category |
1993-01-06 | 7645 | Appropriations Act of 1993 (Nationwide) |
1993-02-24 | 7646 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1977 : Provisions Regarding Large Taxpayers (Nationwide) |
1993-03-05 | 7647 | Providing for the Date of the Regular Elections of Elective Officials of the Government of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao) |
1993-04-05 | 7648 | Electric Power Crisis Act of 1993 (Nationwide) |
1993-04-06 | 7649 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1977 : Requiring Governmental Entities to Deduct and Withhold VAT Due from its Purchases of Goods and Services (Nationwide) |
1993-04-06 | 7650 | Amending the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines : On the Physical Examination of Imported Articles (Nationwide) |
1993-06-04 | 7651 | Amending the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines : Revitalizing and Strengthening the Bureau of Customs (Nationwide) |
1993-06-04 | 7652 | Investors' Lease Act (Nationwide) |
1993-06-14 | 7653 | The New Central Bank Act : Repealing RA 265 and PD 1792 (Nationwide) |
1993-06-14 | 7654 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1977 : Revising the Excise Tax Base on Cigars and Cigarettes and Allocating Portions of the Revenue for Specific Purposes (Nationwide) |
1993-08-19 | 7655 | Amending PD 442 or the Labor Code of the Philippines : Increasing the Minimum Wage of Househelpers (Nationwide) |
1993-11-09 | 7656 | Requiring Government-Owned or -Controlled Corporations to Declare Dividends under Certain Conditions to the National Government (Nationwide) |
1993-11-09 | 7657 | Amending RA 7637 or the Mount Pinatubo Assistance, Resettlement, and Development Fund : Provisions on the Appropriation Clause, on the commission, and on the Implementation (Nationwide) |
1993-11-09 | 7658 | Amending RA 7610 or the Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act : Provisions on the Employment of Children (Nationwide) |
1993-12-13 | 7659 | Amending the Revised Penal Code : Imposing the Death Penalty on Certain Heinous Crimes (Nationwide) |
1993-12-23 | 7660 | Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1977 : Rationalizing the Structure and Administration of the Documentary Stamp Tax (Nationwide) |
1993-12-23 | 7661 | Amending RA 7181 : Further Extending the Life of the Committee on Privatization and the Asset Privatization Trust and Other Provisions (Nationwide) |
1993-12-23 | 7662 | Legal Education Reform Act of 1993 (Nationwide) |
1993-12-30 | 7663 | Appropriations Act of 1994 (Nationwide) |
1993-12-30 | 7664 | Establishing a State College : Aurora State College of Technology (Baler, Casiguran, and Maria Aurora in Aurora) |
1993-12-30 | 7665 | Converting a college into a State University : Bulacan State University (Bulacan) |
1993-12-30 | 7666 | Integrating Colleges into a State College : Sorsogon State College (Sorsogon, Magallanes, Castilla, and Bulan in Sorsogon) |
1992 (7160-7644)
[ редактировать ]1991 (6976-7159)
[ редактировать ]1990 (6831-6975)
[ редактировать ]1989 (6689-6830)
[ редактировать ]1988 (6646-6688)
[ редактировать ]1987 (6636-6645)
[ редактировать ]1972 (6424-6635)
[ редактировать ]1971 (6135-6423)
[ редактировать ]1970 (6124-6134)
[ редактировать ]1969 (5456-6123)
[ редактировать ]1968 (5191-5455)
[ редактировать ]1967 (4865-5190)
[ редактировать ]См. также
[ редактировать ]- Конгресс Филиппин (раздел, посвященный законотворчеству)
- Филиппины
[ редактировать ]- ^ Фернандес, Перфекто В. (сентябрь 1992 г.). «Правовая система Филиппин и ее дополнения: пути развития» (PDF) . Филиппинский юридический журнал . 67 (Первая четверть). Юридический колледж Филиппинского университета, Филиппинский университет в Дилимане: 21–52. ISSN 0031-7721 . Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 15 декабря 2017 года . Проверено 13 июля 2018 г.
- ^ Республиканский закон № 9262 (8 марта 2004 г.), Закон о борьбе с насилием в отношении женщин и их детей 2004 г. , Официальный вестник , получено 24 июля 2024 г.
- ^ Республиканский закон № 11055 (6 августа 2018 г.), Закон о филиппинской системе идентификации (PDF) , Сенат Филиппин , получено 24 июля 2024 г.
- ^ Республиканский закон № 11996 (24 июля 2023 г.), Закон Эдди Гарсиа , Официальный вестник , получено 24 июля 2024 г.
- ^ Де Леон, Дуайт (28 мая 2024 г.). «На Филиппинах теперь действует «Закон Эдди Гарсиа», спустя 5 лет после несчастного случая на рабочем месте» . Рэплер . Проверено 28 мая 2024 г.
Внешние ссылки
[ редактировать ]Тексты многих филиппинских законов можно найти на следующих сайтах:
- Законы и постановления в Официальном вестнике Республики Филиппины. Архивировано 14 января 2022 г. в Wayback Machine.
- Республиканские законы – Палата представителей Филиппин
- Электронная библиотека Верховного суда Филиппин
- Виртуальная юридическая библиотека ChanRobles
- Законы, статуты и кодексы в виртуальной юридической библиотеке ChanRobles (новый сайт)
- Юридическая онлайн-библиотека Corpus Juris
- Проект Lawphil от Юридического фонда Арельяно
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