Росомаха (персонаж)
Джеймс «Логан» Хоулетт Росомаха | |
![]() | |
Информация о публикации | |
Издатель | Комиксы Марвел |
Первое появление | Камео появление: Невероятный Халк # 180 (октябрь 1974 г.) Полный внешний вид: Невероятный Халк # 181 (ноябрь 1974 г.) |
Создано | |
Информация в истории | |
Другое эго | Джеймс «Логан» Хоулетт |
Разновидность | Человек-мутант |
Место происхождения | Колд-Лейк, Альберта , Канада |
Принадлежность к команде | |
Известные псевдонимы | Логан Джеремайя Логан Пластырь Оружие Икс Смерть Мутация #9601 Эмилио Гарра Оружие Чи Эксперимент Х Агент 10 Питер Ричардс Майкет Черный Дракон Капитан Канада Капитан Террор Джон Логан Джим Логан Хеллверин |
Способности |
Росомаха (имя при рождении: Джеймс Хоулетт ; [ 1 ] псевдоним : Логан и Оружие Икс ) — супергерой, появляющийся в американских комиксах, издаваемых издательством Marvel Comics , часто в сотрудничестве с Людьми Икс . Он мутант с острым животным чутьем, улучшенными физическими способностями, мощной регенеративной способностью, известной как лечебный фактор, скелетом, усиленным нерушимым вымышленным металлом адамантием , значительно замедленным старением и увеличенной продолжительностью жизни, а также тремя выдвижными когтями в каждой руке. Помимо Людей Икс, Росомаха изображался как член Силы Икс , Полета Альфа , Фантастической Четверки и Мстителей . Распространенное изображение Росомахи многогранно; он изображается одновременно грубым одиночкой , склонным к анималистической « ярости берсерка », несмотря на все его усилия, и в то же время невероятно знающим и умным полиглотом, стратегом и мастером боевых искусств, отчасти из-за его продолжительной жизни и обширного жизненного опыта. Он появлялся в комиксах, фильмах, анимации и видеоиграх.
Персонаж впервые появился на последней панели «Невероятного Халка № 180», а затем сыграл более важную роль в № 181 ( обложка датирована ноябрем 1974 года), в бронзовом веке комиксов . Его создал писатель Лен Вейн. [ 2 ] Marvel и арт-директор Джон Ромита-старший Ромита разработал костюм персонажа, но впервые персонаж был нарисован для публикации Хербом Тримпом . С 2017 года главный редактор Marvel Рой Томас также заявил о признании соавтора. [ 3 ]
Затем Росомаха присоединился к обновленной версии команды супергероев Людей Икс; писатель Крис Клермонт , художник Дэйв Кокрум и художник-писатель Джон Бирн сыграют значительную роль в развитии персонажа. Художник Фрэнк Миллер сотрудничал с Клермонтом и помог переработать персонажа, выпустив одноименную ограниченную серию из четырех частей, датированную сентябрем-декабрем 1982 года, в которой дебютировала крылатая фраза Росомахи : «Я лучший в том, что я делаю, но то, что я стараться изо всех сил — это не очень хорошо». Последующая «Оружие Икс» сюжетная линия Барри Виндзор-Смита 1991 года установила, что Росомаха получил адамантий, привитый к его скелету в результате мучительного процесса, проводимого секретным правительственным проектом, направленным на создание суперсолдата, и что этот опыт привел к посттравматической амнезии .
Росомаха — типичный представитель многих жестких антигероев , появившихся в американской массовой культуре после войны во Вьетнаме ; [ 4 ] : 265 его готовность применить смертоносную силу и его задумчивый одинокий характер стали стандартными характеристиками антигероев комиксов к концу 1980-х годов. [ 4 ] : 277 В результате персонаж стал любимцем фанатов набирающей популярность франшизы «Люди Икс» . [ 4 ] : 263, 265 и с 1988 года фигурирует в его собственной сольной о Росомахе серии комиксов .
Росомаха появлялась в большинстве медиаадаптаций «Людей Икс», включая мультсериалы , видеоигры и фильмы . Вживую Хью Джекман изобразил этого персонажа в десяти частях сериала Люди Икс» « , снятого компанией 20th Century Fox в период с 2000 по 2017 год, а также повторил эту роль в фильме кинематографической вселенной Marvel (MCU) «Дэдпул и Росомаха» (2024). Генри Кавилл изобразил альтернативную версию Росомахи, получившую название «Кавиллрин» в «Дэдпуле и Росомахе» . Трой Сиван изобразил молодую версию Логана в фильме 2009 года « Люди Икс: Начало: Росомаха» .
История публикаций
[ редактировать ]Создание и развитие
[ редактировать ]Marvel Comics Главный редактор Рой Томас попросил писателя Лена Вейна придумать персонажа по имени Росомаха, канадца небольшого роста и свирепого нрава росомахи . Джон Ромита-старший разработал первый костюм Росомахи и считает, что именно он представил выдвижные когти, сказав: «Когда я создаю дизайн, я хочу, чтобы он был практичным и функциональным. он чешет нос или завязывает шнурки?» [ 5 ] Росомаха впервые появился в финальном «тизере» The Incredible Hulk # 180 ( обложка датирована октябрем 1974 года), написанном Вейном и нарисованном карандашом Хербом Тримпе . Затем персонаж появился в ряде рекламных объявлений в различных публикациях Marvel Comics, прежде чем впервые появился в The Incredible Hulk # 181 (ноябрь 1974 г.), снова командой Вайна-Тримпе. В 2009 году Тримпе сказал, что он «отчетливо помнит» набросок Ромиты и что «Как я это вижу, [Ромита и Вейн] сшили монстра вместе, и я шокировал его жизнью! ... Это был всего лишь один из тех второстепенных или третичных на самом деле, персонажи, которых мы использовали в этой конкретной книге, без особого представления о том, что это куда-то пойдет. Мы создавали персонажей в «Невероятном» Халке все время , которые были в [определенных] проблемах и. это был их конец». [ 6 ] Хотя Тримпе часто называют соавтором, он отрицал, что принимал какое-либо участие в создании Росомахи. [ 7 ]

Представление персонажа было неоднозначным и мало что раскрывало, кроме того, что он был сверхчеловеческим агентом канадского правительства. В этих появлениях он не убирает когти, хотя Вейн заявил, что они всегда считались выдвижными. [ 9 ] Он ненадолго появляется в финале этой истории в The Incredible Hulk #182.
Следующее появление Росомахи произошло в «Гигантских Людях Икс №1» 1975 года, написанном Вейном и нарисованном карандашом Дэйвом Кокрамом , в котором Росомаха набирается в новый отряд. Гил Кейн проиллюстрировал обложку, но неправильно нарисовал маску Росомахи с более крупными головными уборами. Дэйву Кокраму понравилось случайное изменение Кейна (он подумал, что оригинал слишком похож на маску Бэтмена ), и он включил его в свою собственную иллюстрацию для реальной истории. [ 10 ] Кокрам также был первым художником, нарисовавшим Росомаху без маски, а характерная прическа стала визитной карточкой персонажа. [ 11 ]
Крис Клермонт взял имя Логан от канадской горы Логан , заявив, что «идея заключалась в том, чтобы самая высокая гора была именем самого низкого персонажа». [ 12 ]
Затем последовало возрождение Людей Икс , начиная с «Людей Икс № 94» (август 1975 г.), нарисованных Кокрумом и написанных Крисом Клермонтом. В «Людях Икс» и «Странные Люди Икс» Росомаху изначально затмевают другие персонажи, хотя он действительно создает напряжение в команде, поскольку его привлекает девушка Циклопа , Джин Грей . По ходу сериала Клермонт и Кокрам (которые предпочитали Ночного Змея) [ 13 ] ) подумывал об исключении Росомахи из сериала; [ 13 ] Преемник Кокрама, художник Джон Бирн , защищал этого персонажа, позже объяснив, что, будучи сам канадцем, он не хотел, чтобы канадский персонаж был исключен. [ 11 ] [ 14 ] Бирн смоделировал свое исполнение Росомахи по образцу актера Пола Д'Амато , сыгравшего доктора Хука в спортивном фильме 1977 года «Пощечина» . [ 15 ] Бирн также создал Alpha Flight, группу канадских супергероев, которые пытаются вернуть Росомаху из-за расходов, которые их правительство понесло на его обучение. Более поздние истории постепенно раскрывают мрачное прошлое и нестабильный характер Росомахи, которые он изо всех сил пытается держать под контролем. Бирн также разработал новый коричнево-коричневый костюм для Росомахи, но сохранил характерный капюшон Кокрама. [ 16 ] Кокрам представил новый костюм Росомахи (взятый у его противника Клыка ) в последнем выпуске своего выпуска, но в одном выпуске его выпуска он был исключен из выпуска Бирна, потому что и ему, и Кокруму было очень трудно рисовать. [ 17 ]
Первое предполагаемое происхождение Росомахи
[ редактировать ]Несмотря на предположения, что соавтор Лен Вейн изначально задумывал Логана как мутировавшего детеныша росомахи, эволюционировавшего в гуманоидную форму уже признанным генетиком Marvel, Высшим Эволюционером . [ 18 ] Вейн это отрицает:
Хотя я с готовностью признаю, что моя первоначальная идея заключалась в том, чтобы когти Вулви выходили из тыльной стороны его перчаток... Я абсолютно никогда не собирался делать Логана мутировавшим росомахой. Я пишу истории о людях, а не о эволюционировавших животных (приношу извинения за любые написанные мной истории, в которых фигурирует Высший Эволюционист). История с мутировавшей росомахой возникла спустя много времени после того, как я больше не занимался книгой. Я не уверен, была ли эта идея впервые предложена Крисом Клермонтом, покойным Дэйвом Кокрамом, по которому так скучали, или Джоном Бирном, когда он пришел в качестве художника, но это определенно началось не со мной. [ 9 ]
» Вейн сказал «Люди Икс: Начало: Росомаха В специальных материалах Blu-ray , что он прочитал «Десять вещей, которые вы не знали о Росомахе», в которых говорится, что изначально персонаж должен был быть мутировавшим детенышем росомахи, и что это возродило разочарование Вейна. . Он снова заявил, что «всегда знал, что Росомаха — мутант».
В статье об эволюции Росомахи, включенной в переиздание The Incredible Hulk № 180–181 1986 года под названием «Невероятный Халк и Росомаха» , Кокрум сказал, что, по его мнению, Высший Эволюционер сыграет жизненно важную роль в превращении Росомахи в человека. [ 11 ] Писатель Вейн хотел, чтобы Росомаха была в возрасте молодого человека, со сверхчеловеческой силой и ловкостью, подобной Человеку-пауку . Ситуация изменилась, когда Вейн увидел рисунок Кокрама, изображающий Росомаху без маски в образе волосатого 40-летнего парня. [ 11 ] Первоначально Вейн предполагал, что когти будут выдвижными и станут частью перчаток Росомахи, а перчатки и когти будут сделаны из адамантия . [ 9 ] Крис Клермонт в конце концов показал, что они были неотъемлемой частью анатомии Росомахи в « Людях Икс № 98» (апрель 1976 г.). Писатель Джеф Леб использовал аналогичное происхождение Росомахи в непрерывности Marvel, где дикие мутанты были развитой формой жизни. [ 19 ]
Второе предполагаемое происхождение Росомахи
[ редактировать ]Джон Бирн сказал как в интервью, так и на своем веб-сайте, что он нарисовал возможное лицо Росомахи, но затем узнал, что Дэйв Кокрам уже нарисовал его без маски в «Людях Икс № 98» (апрель 1976 г.), задолго до того, как Бирн появился в сериале. . [ 20 ] [ 21 ] Позже Бирн использовал рисунок для лица Саблезубого , врага супергероя боевых искусств Железного Кулака , чьи рассказы писал Крис Клермонт. Затем Бирн задумал, что Саблезубый является отцом Росомахи. [ 22 ] [ 23 ] Вместе Бирн и Клермонт пришли к выводу, что Росомахе около 60 лет, который участвовал во Второй мировой войне после побега от Саблезубого, которому было около 120 лет. [ 22 ]
Коммерческий успех
[ редактировать ]После ухода Бирна Росомаха остался выдающимся персонажем в фильме «Люди Икс» , который позже изменил свое название на «Странные Люди Икс» . Кокрум вернулся для более продолжительного ежемесячного пробега, после чего Пол Смит , Джон Ромита-младший , Марк Сильвестри и Джим Ли часто выступали в этом сериале. [ 24 ] Он оставался важным главным героем в этом сериале до тех пор, пока Крис Клермонт не оставил название, чтобы написать новых Людей Икс (том 2) , а Росомаха не перешел в этот новый сериал.
Растущая популярность персонажа привела к созданию сольного сериала из четырех выпусков « Росомаха» (сентябрь – декабрь 1982 г.) Клермонта и Фрэнка Миллера. Эллиот Серрано, автор комиксов и комментатор, утверждает, что этот сериал сыграл особенно важную роль в установлении популярности персонажа: «До того, как Клермонт и Миллер создали сериал о Росомахе, Логан не был ключевой фигурой, но создание этого сериала произошло тогда, когда Росомаха стал Марвела Бэтмен ». [ 25 ]
В этот период на внешний вид и характеристики Росомахи особенно повлияли роли в кино Клинта Иствуда , особенно в ревизионистских западных антигеройских фильмах с участием Человека без имени . Это вдохновение продолжало иметь значение на протяжении всего развития персонажа и его адаптации. [ 26 ]
За мини-сериалом последовали шесть выпусков « Китти Прайд и Росомаха» Клермонта и Эла Милгрома (ноябрь 1984 г. - апрель 1985 г.). В ноябре 1988 года Marvel выпустила постоянную сольную книгу, написанную Клермонтом с иллюстрациями Джона Бушемы . Всего было выпущено 189 выпусков. Позже Ларри Хама взял на себя управление сериалом и провел обширную серию. В начале 1990-х сериал обычно иллюстрировал Марк Сильвестри . В этот период Росомаха также регулярно появлялся на обложках серии антологий Marvel Comics Presents . Среди этих историй было «Оружие X» писателя-художника Барри Виндзора-Смита , сериализованное в Marvel Comics Presents № 72–84 (1991), которое было важным изображением прошлого Росомахи и случая, когда адамантиум был привит к его скелету. Последующие рассказы в этой публикации часто иллюстрировались Сэмом Китом и имели более психоделическую эстетику и стиль повествования.
Среди других авторов, написавших для двух «Росомахи», продолжающихся серий — Питер Дэвид , Арчи Гудвин , Эрик Ларсен , Фрэнк Тьери, Грег Рука , Марк Миллар и Грегг Гурвиц . Над сериалом также работали многие художники, в том числе Джон Бирн, Джин Колан, Марк Сильвестри, Марк Тексейра , Адам Куберт , Лейнил Фрэнсис Ю , Роб Лифельд , Шон Чен , Дэрик Робертсон , Джон Ромита-младший , Джо Мадурейра и Умберто Рамос .
В 1990-х годах Росомаха фигурировал в качестве выдающегося персонажа в «Людях Икс ». 2, первоначально написанный Крисом Клермонтом и проиллюстрированный Джимом Ли . Первый выпуск этой серии комиксов стал самым продаваемым комиксом в истории. [ 27 ] После ухода Клермонта и Ли Скотт Лобделл обычно писал название, а Энди Куберт иллюстрировал его.
В 1990-х годах выяснилось, что у персонажа есть костяные когти после того, как его адамантий вырвал Магнето в «Людях Икс (Том 2) № 25», что было вдохновлено мимолетной шуткой Питера Дэвида. [ 28 ]
Продажи комиксов о Людях Икс несколько снизились на рубеже 21 века, и Грант Моррисон был нанят, чтобы возродить интерес к персонажам, включая Росомаху, с помощью более экспериментальных « Новых Людей Икс» . Фрэнк Квитли и Крис Бачало нарисовали многие из этих проблем, а также вернувшегося Марка Сильвестри. Впоследствии он появился в сериале «Удивительные Люди Икс» , первоначально написанном Джоссом Уидоном и проиллюстрированном Джоном Кассадеем .
На рубеже веков, в дополнение к серии «Росомаха» и появлениям в различных сериях «Люди Икс» , еще одна публикация, подробно рассказывающая о прошлом персонажа: «Происхождение» , ограниченная серия из шести выпусков, написанная соавторами Джо Кесадой , Полом Дженкинсом и Билл Джемас и художник Энди Куберт (ноябрь 2001 г. - июль 2002 г.). Вторая сольная серия, Wolverine: Origins , написанная Дэниелом Уэем с иллюстрациями Стива Диллона , возникла на основе второй сольной серии Росомахи и шла одновременно с ней .
После ухода Ларри Хамы из «Росомаха» сольного проекта Марк Миллар стал особенно влиятельным автором этого персонажа. В 2008 году он и художник Стив МакНивен исследовали возможное будущее Росомахи в сюжетной арке из восьми выпусков под названием « Старик Логан », которая дебютировала в Wolverine #66. [ 29 ] Росомаха появлялся как постоянный персонаж как в сериале «Мстители» 2010–2013 годов 2010–2013 годов, так и в сериале «Новые Мстители» .
Биография вымышленного персонажа
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Ранняя жизнь и предыстория
[ редактировать ]Росомаха родился как Джеймс Хоулетт в северной Альберте , Канада (приблизительно недалеко от Колд-Лейк ), в конце 19-го века, предположительно в семье богатых владельцев фермы Джона и Элизабет Хоулетт. [ 30 ] хотя на самом деле он внебрачный сын садовника Хоулеттов, Томаса Логана . [ 31 ] После того, как Томаса выгнали из собственности Хоулеттов за попытку изнасилования, совершенного его другим сыном по имени просто Пёс , он возвращается в поместье Хоулеттов и убивает Джона Хоулетта. В отместку молодой Джеймс убивает Томаса костяными когтями, которые появляются из тыльной стороны его рук, когда проявляется его мутация. [ 32 ] Он сбегает со своей спутницей детства Роуз и взрослеет в шахтерской колонии на Юконе , принимая имя «Логан» . [ 33 ] Когда Логан случайно убивает Роуз когтями, он бежит из колонии и живет в пустыне среди волков. [ 34 ] пока его не поймают и не поместят в цирк. [ 35 ] Сол Крид, брат Виктора Крида , освобождает Логана, но после того, как он предает Логана и Клару Крид Натаниэлю Эссексу , Логан топит Крида в зелье Эссекса. [ 36 ] Логан возвращается в цивилизацию, живя среди народа черноногих . После смерти его возлюбленной Черноногих, Серебряной Лисы , от рук Виктора Крида, ныне известного как Саблезубый , [ 37 ] его призвали в канадскую армию во время Первой мировой войны .
Во время Второй мировой войны Логан объединяется с Капитаном Америкой. [ 38 ] и продолжает карьеру наемника . Он служит в 1-м канадском парашютном батальоне. [ 39 ] во время «Дня Д» , а затем в ЦРУ, прежде чем был завербован Командой X , подразделением секретных операций . Спустя некоторое время после Второй мировой войны и перед тем, как присоединиться к Команде X, Логан проводит время в Мадрипуре, прежде чем поселиться в Японии , где женится на Ицу . Пока Логана нет дома, Ромул посылает Зимнего Солдата убить беременную Ицу и забирает ее ребенка из утробы; мальчик позже стал Дакеном . Логан уже много лет считает, что его сын мертв.
Как члену Команды X , Логану вживляют имплантаты ложной памяти. В конце концов, вырвавшись из-под этого психического контроля, он поступает на работу в Министерство обороны Канады. Впоследствии Логан похищается программой «Оружие Икс», где он остается в плену и подвергается экспериментам, пока не сбегает. [ 40 ] Именно во время его заключения с помощью Оружия Икс к его костям насильно приварили адамантий . Джеймс и Хизер Хадсон помогают ему восстановить человечность после побега, а Логан начинает работать агентом разведки в департаменте H канадского правительства .
1970-е годы
[ редактировать ]Он становится Росомахой, одним из первых супергероев Канады. В своей первой миссии его отправляют остановить разрушения, вызванные дракой между Халком и Вендиго . [ 41 ]
После того, как канадскому правительству не удалось поймать Халка, Росомаха вынужден объединиться с Живым Алмазом, чтобы проникнуть в Брэнд Корпорейшн, где их ненадолго ловят Месмеро и загадочный мутант в маске Дикая природа, который на самом деле является Зверем , страдающим амнезией , бывшим Людьми Икс. член, до прибытия бывшего агента Секретной Империи Линда Дональдсон восстанавливает воспоминания Чудовища. Росомаха убивает Живого Алмаза за убийство Зверя и Линды. Прежде чем забрать Месмеро, поскольку старая маска Росомахи была сильно повреждена, Росомаха берет маску дикой природы Зверя, которая затем становится его культовой маской, которую он использует на протяжении многих лет. [ 42 ]
Позже профессор Чарльз Ксавьер вербует Росомаху в новую версию своей команды супергероев-мутантов, Людей Икс , вместе с Банши , Штормом , Ночным Змеем и Колоссом . Он соревнуется с Циклопом за расположение Джин Грей . [ 43 ] Позже выяснилось, что Росомаху послали убить Ксавьера, который стер воспоминания Логана и заставил его присоединиться к Людям Икс. [ 44 ]
В «Людях Икс №100» представлен специальный фастбол — боевой маневр, в котором сверхсильный Колосс бросает Росомаху на расстояние, как если бы он был метательным оружием. Эта тактика будет повторяться во многих будущих битвах. [ 45 ]
1980-е годы
[ редактировать ]В «Саге о Темном Фениксе» Джин Грей, очевидно, жертвует собой после превращения в Силу Феникса , тем самым временно прекращая любовный треугольник между ней, Росомахой и Циклопом. Хотя его товарищи по команде часто ему не доверяют, Росомаха неоценима в спасении остальных и победе над врагами, особенно в их конфликте с Клубом Адского Пламени .
В этом десятилетии его новыми товарищами по команде Людей Икс стали Лонгшот , Даззлер и Роуг . [ 46 ] Он обручился с Марико Яшидой и сражается с Рукой . [ 47 ] Однако помолвка разрывается из-за вмешательства члена Клуба Адского Пламени. Он становится близким защитником и наставником Китти Прайд . Он сражается с Саблезубым во время сюжетной линии Mutant Massacre . [ 48 ] хотя позже он обнаруживает, что у него было много предыдущих взаимодействий с Саблезубым, которые скрывала его травматическая амнезия. Отдельно от Людей Икс, у него есть приключения в Мадрипуре , замаскированные под свое альтер-эго «Патч».
1990-е годы
[ редактировать ]Он наставник Юбилея . Когда Люди Икс разделились на две разные подгруппы, он участвует в «Синей команде» вместе с Циклопом, Роугом, Зверем , Гамбитом и Псайлок . К этому моменту Джин Грей была воскрешена, что привело к возобновлению его соперничества с Циклопом. [ нужен том и выпуск ]
He also discovers some aspects of the trauma and brainwashing he received from the Weapon X program, although his memories remain unreliable. He meets Maverick, another former participant in the Weapon X project, and discovers that he had previously worked together with Sabretooth in a covert team subsequent to the project.[volume & issue needed]
In X-Men #25 (1993), at the culmination of the "Fatal Attractions" storyline, the supervillain Magneto forcibly removes the adamantium from Wolverine's skeleton. This massive trauma causes his healing factor to burn out and also leads to the discovery that his claws are actually bone. Wolverine leaves the X-Men for a time, embarking on a series of adventures during which his healing factor returns. Feral by nature, Wolverine's mutation process will eventually cause him to degenerate physically into a more primitive, bestial state.[49] Elektra helps him to recover his humanity.[volume & issue needed]
After his return to the X-Men, Cable's son Genesis kidnaps Wolverine and attempts to re-bond adamantium to his skeleton.[50] This is unsuccessful and causes Wolverine's mutation to accelerate out of control. He is temporarily changed into a semi-sentient beast-like form. Eventually, the villain Apocalypse captures Wolverine, brainwashes him into becoming the Horseman Death, and successfully re-bonds adamantium to his skeleton. Wolverine overcomes Apocalypse's programming and returns to the X-Men.[volume & issue needed]
[edit]Jean Grey becomes again possessed by the Phoenix Force, and Wolverine has no other choice but to kill her with his claws.
Wolverine learns about the existence of X-23. He initially believes her to be a clone, raised to be a perfect assassin.[51] X-23 later goes by the name Laura. She is eventually enrolled at the Xavier Institute, with her true origin being kept secret as Logan's way of protecting her.[52] Despite being introduced as Wolverine's "sister", she quickly accepts Wolverine as a father figure.[53] She eventually learns that he is actually her biological father.[54]
In the Enemy of the State story line, Wolverine is brainwashed by the Hand.[55] He battles Elektra, S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Fantastic Four.[56][57] He also attacks the X-Mansion and kills Northstar.[58] Wolverine is captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. and submitted to VR reprogramming.[59] He turns against the Hand.[60]
In the House of M story line, Scarlet Witch drastically transforms reality. As a consequence, Wolverine is able to recall memories of his previous life, overcoming his previous traumatic amnesia.[61]
In Wolverine: Origins, the character's second solo series, Wolverine discovers that he has a son named Daken, who has been brainwashed and made a living weapon. Wolverine then makes it his mission to rescue Daken.[62]
During the events of the "Messiah Complex" storyline, Cyclops orders Wolverine to reform X-Force.[63] Wolverine and the team (initially consisting of X-23, Warpath, and Wolfsbane) starred in a new monthly title.[64] In the "Messiah War", Cyclops ends the X-Force program,[volume & issue needed] but Wolverine continues a new Uncanny X-Force team in secrecy with Angel/Archangel, Psylocke, Deadpool and Fantomex.[65]
Wolverine splits with Cyclops and opens a new school in Westchester, New York, the "Jean Grey School for Higher Learning".[66] Around half of all the mutants on Utopia accompany Wolverine to Westchester to be a part of the new school. He appoints himself as the headmaster, Kitty Pryde as the co-headmistress, Hank McCoy as the vice-principal, and various other characters are appointed as the school's staff.[67]
[edit]In Avengers vs. X-Men the Phoenix Force returns to Earth and this produces conflict between the X-Men and the Avengers, and Wolverine takes the side of the Avengers.[68] Cyclops becomes possessed by the Phoenix Force and kills Professor X. In Uncanny Avengers Wolverine gives a eulogy at the funeral of Professor X, in which he admits that he wanted to kill Cyclops.[69] He becomes a member of the Avengers Unity Squad, a team created by Captain America in which X-Men and Avengers work together.[70]
In the "Death of Wolverine" story line, a virus turns off Wolverine's healing factor. Wolverine determines that Doctor Abraham Cornelius, the founder of the Weapon X program, has placed a bounty on his head. Wolverine gets covered in adamantium after confronting him, and dies from suffocation.[71] Wanting to possess Logan, Ogun finds his dead body.[72]
The aftermath of Wolverine's death is explored in the series Wolverines.[73] The "Wolverines" (a team formed from the fallout of his death by Daken, Lady Deathstrike, Mystique, Sabretooth, and X-23) try to find Logan's adamantium-covered body, which is taken by Mister Sinister.[74]

X-23 begins wearing a variation of Wolverine's costume and adopts his codename.[75]
In Marvel Legacy #1, the time-displaced Jean Grey discovers the adamantium shell in Wolverine's grave has been cracked open and is empty.[76] The X-Men set up Wolverine's 'public' grave in the cabin and were able to get his body out of the adamantium shell by having Kitty phase his corpse out of it, subsequently burying him in a secret location in Canada while leaving the shell as a site for others to attend in memorial of him. The shell is cracked when the Reavers attempt to steal Wolverine's corpse and shortly after that attack, Kitty visits the 'real' grave and realizes that it is empty. Kitty contacts Daredevil and Tony Stark for help finding who took Wolverine, but all are left concerned at the questions of who would even know the location of the true grave- which was known only by a few key X-Men- and whether Wolverine was stolen or 'woke up' on his own as the X-Men also began their investigation, leaving the time-displaced Jean Grey alone in the cabin.[77] At the same time, some of Wolverine's worst enemies hear what happened and join the hunt.[78]
The Return of Wolverine miniseries focusing on Wolverine's resurrection opens with Wolverine having been brought back to life in an amnesic state by an unidentified force. He eventually realizes that he was brought back to life by Persephone.[79]
Wolverine joins the X-Men to attack the Orchis's Mother Mold solar orbiting space station. As Wolverine and Nightcrawler volunteer for a suicide mission to teleport into the vacuum of space. The two longtime friends then say their goodbyes to each other, with Nightcrawler assuring Wolverine that he will be welcomed into heaven. As Nightcrawler is disintegrated, Wolverine's body immediately ignites into flames and he and the Mother Mold are vaporized as they fall into the Sun.[80] Wolverine, along with the rest of the X-Men who perished in the attack on the Mother Mold space station, are then resurrected in the Arbor Magus' hatchery on the Pacific island of Krakoa using a new 48 hour cloning process. In this era, the X-Men have learned how to resurrect any mutant who has died.[81][82] Forge, using Krakoan-Transmode cybernetics inside the island's armory, provided the Adamantium and the skeletal bonding process.[83]
[edit]Wolverine has been resurrected and equipped with an Adamantium skeleton no less than 10 times, having died in battle against Orchis's Nimrod at least 9 times,[84] and has grudgingly allowed for one of his clones to be created without Cerebro's memory upload and to be genetically modified with phosphorescent blood to be fed upon by Dracula and his vampires.[85]
During the "Hellfire Gala" storyline, Wolverine decides to spend time with his biological daughter Laura Kinney/X-23, and her clone Gabby/Scout, his biological son Daken, and also Kate Pryde and Jubilee. On the evening of the party, Wolverine and several members of X-Force are assigned positions as security. He and Domino then suddenly find themselves in a fight against Deadpool, who attempts to gatecrash the party.[66] Meanwhile, Beast's telefloronic programming on the Terra Verdan ambassador is hacked and starts attacking the party.[86]
In the X Lives of Wolverine and X Deaths of Wolverine story event, Wolverine travels in time to save the life of an important figure to the mutant race. In the midst of his travels, Wolverine will relive certain moments from his own long-forgotten past as well. Upon revisiting the past, is revealed that Wolverine was present during the birth of Charles Xavier and indirectly Cassandra Nova, having saved his family from an invading Omega Red, when the Russian mutant possessed some of Xavier family's butlers and nurse.[87]
During the Judgment Day storyline, Wolverine was with the Quiet Council when Jack of Knives leads the attack on Krakoa. After killing some opponents, Wolverine finds Egg badly wounded and takes an attack from Jack of Knives as he tells Jean Grey to have the Five protected. After the opponents retreat, Wolverine learns from Nightcrawler on what Uranos the Undying did on Arrako.[88]
Personality and themes
[edit]The essence of (Logan's) character (is) a "failed samurai". To Samurai, duty is all, selfless service the path to their ultimate ambition, death with grace. - Chris Claremont[89]
Chris Claremont says that he drew some of his characterization of Wolverine from Conan the Barbarian, declaring that "Wolverine in his essence is a lot closer to Conan than any other Marvel hero we have."[90] He also compared Wolverine to Hulk, because of his tendency to lapse into a "berserker rage" while in close combat. In this state, he lashes out with the intensity and aggression of an enraged animal and is even more resistant to psionic attack.[91] Though he loathes it, he acknowledges that it has saved his life many times, it being most notably useful when he faced the telepathic "Mister X", as X's ability to read his mind and predict his next move in a fight was useless as not even Wolverine knows what he will do next in his berserk state.[91] Despite his apparent ease at taking lives, he mournfully regrets and does not enjoy killing or giving in to his berserker rages. Logan adheres to a firm code of personal honor and morality, and he generally only responds in a violent or deadly manner to enemies attacking him with deadly force. He often tries to restrict killing to a "last resort," though he will often respond to deadly force with deadly force.[92]
Wolverine is frequently depicted as a gruff loner, often taking leave from the X-Men to deal with personal issues or problems. He is often irreverent and rebellious towards authority figures, though he is a reliable ally and capable leader, and has occasionally displayed a wry, sarcastic sense of humor.
Psychologist Suzana E. Flores writes that Wolverine demonstrates clinical psychological symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, antisocial personality disorder, dissociative disorder, and even sociopathy, but does so in a way that can be understood and empathized.[93] She interprets his origin story as a depiction of complex childhood trauma, and its effects of dissociative amnesia and hypervigilance.[94]
Larry Yarbrough, a clinical psychologist and Navy veteran, says that some of Wolverine's personality traits are typical of combat veterans: "The violent/kind demeanor of vets who witnessed war is paradoxical. Logan has an extremely reactive temper, but he's also a kind person. The violent mood swings are a symptom of trauma, not a reflection of his character."
Yarbrough also observes Wolverine's habitual smoking and drinking, as coping mechanisms for this experience of trauma.[95] In addition, Wolverine practices zazen sitting meditation to maintain self-control and restore mental health.[96]
Powers and abilities
[edit]Wolverine is a mutant with a number of both natural and artificial improvements to his physiology.
Healing and defensive powers
Wolverine's primary mutant power is an accelerated healing process, typically referred to as his mutant healing factor, that regenerates damaged or destroyed tissues of his body far beyond that of normal humans. In addition to accelerated healing of physical traumas, Wolverine's healing factor makes him extraordinarily resistant to diseases, drugs and toxins. However, he can still suffer the immediate effects of such substances in massive quantities; he has been seen to become intoxicated after ingesting significant amounts of alcohol,[97] and has been incapacitated on several occasions with large amounts of powerful drugs and poisons;[98] S.H.I.E.L.D. once managed to keep Wolverine anesthetized by constantly pumping eighty milliliters of anesthetic a minute into his system.[59]
His healing factor allowed him to survive the experimental surgical binding of the virtually indestructible metal adamantium to his bones and claws, to which he was subjected under the Weapon X program (in later comics called the Weapon Plus program). While the adamantium in his body prevents or reduces many injuries, such as broken bones and decapitation, his healing factor must also work constantly to prevent metal poisoning from killing him. When his healing powers were rendered inactive, Beast synthesized a drug to counteract the adamantium poisoning.[99]
Wolverine's healing factor also dramatically affects his aging process, allowing him to live far beyond the normal lifespan of normal humans. Despite being born in the late 19th century,[100] he has the appearance, conditioning, health and vitality of a man in his physical prime. While seemingly ageless, it is unknown exactly how greatly his healing factor extends his life expectancy.
Although Wolverine's body heals, the healing factor does not suppress the pain he endures while injured.[101] Wolverine also admits to feeling phantom pains for weeks or months after healing from his injuries.[102] He does not enjoy being hurt and sometimes has to work himself up for situations where extreme pain is certain.[103][104] Wolverine, on occasion, has deliberately injured himself or allowed himself to be injured for varying reasons, including freeing himself from capture,[105] intimidation,[106] strategy,[107] or simply indulging his feral nature.[108][109][110] Though he now has all of his memories, his healing abilities can provide increased recovery from psychological trauma by suppressing memories in which he experiences profound distress.[111]
Depictions of the speed and extent of injury to which Wolverine can heal vary due to a broad degree of artistic license employed by various comic book writers. Originally, this was portrayed as accelerated healing of minor wounds,[112] though Chris Claremont, head writer of the X-Men comics from the mid-1970s to the early 1990s increased Wolverine's healing factor substantially, though not nearly as much as later writers would. During the 1980s, Wolverine's mutant healing factor is depicted as being able to heal massive levels of trauma, though his recovery time could extend to days, weeks or months before fully healing; often depending upon the severity of the injuries, their extent and the frequency with which they are inflicted.[113][114][115] Wolverine has also stated that his body actually heals faster when the injury is grave or life-threatening.[116] During the 1990s through the modern era, other writers have increased Wolverine's healing factor to the point that it could fully regenerate nearly any damaged or destroyed bodily tissues within seconds.[117][118][119] Among the more extreme depictions of Wolverine's healing factor include fully healing after being caught near the center of an atomic explosion[120] and the total regeneration of his soft body tissue, within a matter of minutes, after having it incinerated from his skeleton.[121] An explanation is given in a recent mini-series starring Wolverine for the increase of his healing powers. In the series, Wolverine is referred to as an "adaptive self-healer" after undergoing numerous traumatic injuries to test the efficiency of his healing factor. Wolverine has endured so much trauma, and so frequently, that his healing factor has adapted, becoming faster and more efficient to cope with increasing levels of trauma.[122] The Xavier Protocols, a series of profiles created by Xavier that lists the strengths and weaknesses of the X-Men, say that Wolverine's healing factor is increased to "incredible levels" and theorizes that the only way to stop him is to decapitate him and remove his head from the vicinity of his body.[123]
It is possible to suppress the efficiency of Wolverine's healing powers; for example, if an object composed of adamantium is inserted and remains lodged within his body, his healing powers are slowed dramatically.[124] The Muramasa blade, a katana of mystic origins that can inflict wounds that nullify superhuman healing factors, can also suppress Wolverine's powers.[125] It has also been noted that Wolverine needs protein for his healing factor to generate tissue, meaning that if he was seriously injured and malnourished, his body might not be able to repair itself.[126] His healing factor has also been turned off using nanites.[127] On one occasion, Wolverine finds himself temporarily deprived of his healing factor, with the scientist and X-Man Beast revealing that an "intelligent virus" originating from the Microverse had shut off Wolverine’s healing factor (though not before it purged his body of the virus), leaving him as susceptible to injury, disease, and aging as any ordinary human.[99]
It has been suggested that Wolverine can be killed by drowning.[128] He has said that he is not particularly fond of being in the water, due partially to the weight of his adamantium laced skeleton, and that he can die if held underwater long enough - his healing factor would only prolong the agony.[129] The two-part story arc "Drowning Logan" finds Wolverine trapped underwater for an extensive period of time.[130] The second part of the story arc hints that this experience weakens his healing factor and future health.[131]
Due to a combination of Wolverine's healing factor and high-level psionic shields implanted by Professor Xavier, Wolverine's mind is highly resistant to telepathic assault and probing.[132] Wolverine's mind also possesses what he refers to as "mental scar tissue" created by the traumatic events of his life. It acts as a type of natural defense, even against a psychic as powerful as Emma Frost.[133]
While it is not clear whether this is an actual canon event or simply a hallucination, Wolverine vol. 3, #57 reveals that, when Wolverine is injured so seriously that his body actually dies before his healing factor can repair the damage, he returns to life by fighting with Azrael, the Angel of Death, while trapped in Purgatory because Wolverine defeated Azrael in real-world combat during World War I.[134] However, after Wolverine's resurrection and brainwashing by the Hand, he made a new deal with Azrael that repaired the damage to his soul, negated their previous arrangement, and weakened his healing factor slightly - and the next time Wolverine sustains death-inducing injuries, he will remain dead.[135]
Other abilities
[edit]Wolverine's mutation also consists of animal-like adaptations of his body, including superhuman senses, such as an increased sense of smell and hearing; pronounced, sharp, fang-like canines; and three retractable claws housed within each forearm. While originally depicted as bionic implants created by the Weapon X program,[136] the claws are later revealed to be a natural part of his body.[137] The claws are not made of keratin, as claws tend to be in the animal kingdom, but extremely dense bone. Wolverine's hands do not have openings for the claws to move through: they cut through his flesh every time he extrudes them, with occasional references implying that he feels a brief moment of slight pain in his hands when he unsheathes them.[138] During a talk to Jubilee, Wolverine reveals that there are channels inside his forearms through which the claws move when he extrudes them and that he unsheathes the claws a few times a day to keep the channels open, similar to pierced ears.[139]

Wolverine's senses of sight, smell, and hearing are all superhumanly acute. He can see with perfect clarity at greater distances than an ordinary human, even in near-total darkness. His hearing is enhanced in a similar manner, allowing him to hear sounds ordinary humans cannot and also hear to greater distances. A perfect example is him being able to hear the heartbeats of hostile living things before conflict begins.[140]
Wolverine is able to use his sense of smell to easily remember and track targets by scent, even if the scent has been eroded somewhat over time by natural factors. This sense also allows him to identify shapeshifting mutants despite other forms they may take.[141] Through concentration, he is also able to use his senses of smell and hearing as a type of natural lie detector, such as detecting a faint change in a person's heartbeat and scent due to perspiration when a lie is told.[142][143] Wolverine's sense of smell and hearing also allows him to detect danger from considerable distances by being able to smell any weapons being carried by other living things and machines at least within a block radius and to hear particular disturbances or indications of an impending attack prior to their occurrence. For instance, in many cases he has been depicted as smelling the gun oil, gun powder, smokeless powder, or specific metal scent emanating from a concealed or distant gun or other weapon prior to an attack, as well as hearing the increased heart rate and smelling the increased perspiration of an individual preparing to attack. On one occasion, he is made aware of several yakuza members waiting for him outside of a bar by picking up the scent of their gun oil, the smell of their tattoo ink, and the smell of the daikon they ate before arriving.[144] On another occasion, his acute sense of smell even allows him to detect the presence of X-23 sneaking around the outside grounds of Xavier Institute, by way of the wind shifting - despite him being indoors.[145]
On more than one occasion, Wolverine's entire skeleton, including his claws, has been molecularly infused with adamantium. Due to their coating, his claws can cut almost any known solid material, including most metals, wood, and some varieties of stone. The only known exceptions are adamantium itself and Captain America's shield, which is made out of a proto-adamantium-vibranium alloy. Wolverine's ability to slice completely through a substance depends upon both the amount of force he can exert and the thickness of the substance. His claws can also be used to block attacks or projectiles, as well as dig into surfaces allowing Wolverine to climb structures.[146] The adamantium also adds weight to his blows, increasing the effectiveness of his offensive capabilities.[113] However, his adamantium skeleton makes him highly susceptible to magnetic-based attacks.[147] The full extent of this is revealed during a battle with Magneto, where the latter destabilizes the adamantium on a molecular level, and proceeds to rip it from his body.[148][149] According to Reed Richards, Wolverine would be unable to move without his enhanced strength due to the additional weight of the adamantium bonded to his skeleton.[150]
Wolverine's healing factor also affects a number of his physical attributes by increasing them to superhuman levels. His stamina is sufficiently heightened to the point that he can exert himself for numerous hours, even after exposure to powerful tranquilizers.[151] Wolverine's agility and reflexes are also enhanced to levels that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete.[152][153] Due to his healing factor's constant regenerative qualities, he can push his muscles beyond the limits of the human body without injury.[154] This, coupled with the constant demand placed on his muscles by over one hundred pounds of adamantium,[155] grants him some degree of superhuman strength.[citation needed] Since the presence of the adamantium negates the natural structural limits of his bones, he can lift or move weight that would otherwise damage a human skeleton.[153] He has been depicted breaking steel chains,[156][157][158][159] lifting several men above his head with one arm and throwing them through a wall,[154] lifting Ursa Major (in grizzly bear form) over his head before tossing him across a room,[160] and hauling a concert grand piano, and the platform it rests on, via a harness, while climbing a sheer cliff.[161] Colossus and other allies use Wolverine's endurance and strength when throwing him at high speed in the Fastball Special.
During and after the Return of Wolverine, he showcased a mysterious new ability where the adamantium in his claws can heat up to incredibly high, yet undisclosed, level of temperatures.[162] The mechanics of this power have yet to be revealed; whether it is a Secondary Mutation, latent Weapon X faculty making itself known or a new power gained upon his resurrection is unclear.[163] What is extent is that it is related to the berserker side of his persona, his Hot Claws as popularly noted being tied to Wolverine's rage.[164] This new power comes with the drawback of weakening his healing factor, however, as after using them to ward off the X-Men who came looking for him, he lost consciousness for a few weeks time afterward.[165]
[edit]During Wolverine's time in Japan and other countries, he became proficient in many forms of martial arts, with experience in many different fighting styles. He is proficient with most weaponry, including firearms, though he is partial to bladed weapons. He has demonstrated sufficient skills to defeat expert martial artist Shang-Chi[166] and Captain America[167] in single combat. He also has a wide knowledge of the body and pressure points.[168] Like many of the X-Men, he is trained to pilot the group's SR-71 Blackbird supersonic plane.[169] He is highly skilled in the field of espionage and covert operations.[citation needed]
In contrast to his brutish nature, Wolverine is extremely knowledgeable. Due in part to his longer lifespan, he has traveled around the world and amassed extensive knowledge of foreign languages and cultures, being fluent or near fluent in Japanese, Russian, Spanish, French, Blackfoot, and German, among other languages. He is particularly fluent in Japanese due in part to his significant time spent in Japan and his relationship with Mariko Yashida.
Supporting cast
[edit]Wolverine was originally introduced as an antagonist of the Hulk.[170] Subsequently, he became a member of the X-Men and has had extensive interactions with all of them and their associates. In particular, he has a complex ambivalent relationship with Cyclops, for whom he was initially a rival for the affections of Jean Grey.[171]
He has been a mentor and father figure to several younger women, especially Jubilee, Kitty Pryde and X-23.
[edit]Wolverine's prominent enemies include Sabretooth, the Hellfire Club, Viper (Madame Hydra), and Lady Deathstrike.[172]
Romantic interests
[edit]His first love was Rose O'Hara, a close friend who did not reciprocate his affection. She died accidentally at his hands when she intervened in Wolverine's adolescent fight with an adversary, Dog.[173] Subsequently, he had a long relationship with Silver Fox.[173] He had an intimate relationship with Mariko Yashida and had a failed engagement to her.[174] Mariko was eventually poisoned by The Hand and Wolverine had no choice but to kill her in order to spare her a long agony.[175] He also had a mutual,[176] but unfulfilled attraction to Jean Grey, leading to arguments with her boyfriend (and later husband), Scott Summers. He also married Viper as part of a debt,[177] then later divorced her.[178] It has also been implied that he and Squirrel Girl had a relationship at some point in the past.[179] Wolverine has had an on-again, off-again romantic relationship with longtime teammate and friend, Storm.[180][181] He also had romantic relationships with Yukio, Domino, Mystique,[182] and Elektra.[183]
[edit]He has had two children: His daughter, X-23, and his son, Daken.
Cultural impact and legacy
[edit]Status as anti-hero
[edit]Wolverine was groundbreaking among comic book superheroes in demonstrating the traits of an antihero. As Suzana Flores describes it, an antihero is "often psychologically damaged, simultaneously depicted as superior due to his superhuman abilities and inferior due to his impetuousness, irrationality, or lack of thoughtful evaluation." Subsequent to Wolverine's appearance, many more such antiheroes have become popular in comic books, such as Punisher, Marv, Spawn, and Deadpool.[184]
Mental health analysis
[edit]Psychologist Suzana E. Flores has identified that Wolverine's extraordinary popularity partly stems from his illustration of various mental health challenges, particularly recovery from major trauma or psychological trauma. She argues that his first formative trauma was his poor relationship with his mother, who was unable to properly attach to him because she lost her first son.[185] In adulthood, he also suffered the trauma of torture by the Weapon X program.[186] While the character is usually physically invincible, he demonstrates emotional and psychological vulnerability. He exemplifies values and aspirations of resilience for his audience.[187] His fan base is primarily men, and generally he exemplifies a masculine perspective on recovery from trauma. However, Flores says that she also found the character therapeutic in her own recovery from rape.[188] Nnedi Okorafor, a Nigerian American science-fiction author, also writes that Wolverine was a therapeutic role model for her during her experience of paralysis following surgical treatment of scoliosis.[189]
Queer appeal and fandom
While Wolverine has been primarily depicted as straight in mainstream Marvel continuity,[190] the character has as of 2020 been hinted to be in a polyamorous relationship with Jean Grey and Cyclops.[192] Prior to this, Wolverine's relationship with Cyclops had often been acknowledged as homoerotic in both the comics,[193] and in media adaptations.[194] According to David Caballero of Comic Book Resources (CBR), the live-action film series "did a considerable yet unintentional job encouraging the ship", which is one of the most popular X-Men-related ships on the fanfiction website Archive of Our Own.[195] It has been argued that one of the reasons for the pairing's popularity is that "enemies-to-lovers stories remain a popular source of romantic entertainment".[195]
Outside of his relationship with Cyclops, Screen Rant's Alex Schlesinger has argued that taking into account their history in comics, there is "some precedent set for Wolverine and Nightcrawler to be in an intimate relationship together".[190] The X-Treme X-Men (2012–2013) series featured an alternate version of Wolverine who was in a relationship with Hercules,[196] and the two characters shared an on-panel kiss in issue #10.[197][198]
In 2012, ComicsAlliance assembled a panel consisting of various LGBT cartoonists, writers, editors, and journalists, to vote on which comics and characters had the biggest impact on them. As a group, the X-Men came in 13th place, with science fiction author and Doom Patrol writer Rachel Pollack stating that "the X-Men's themes are indelibly queer".[199] Wolverine was one of the individual X-Men singled out by many panel members as being of great importance to them, with some of the reasons provided being that he is "inspirational",[199] while for others being their "first crush" as young queer comic readers.[199]
Writing for Bleeding Cool, comics writer and columnist Rich Johnston described Wolverine as a "gay icon amongst many",[200] arguing that this was the case before Hugh Jackman first played the character in the live-action film series.[200] Hannah Collins of CBR also described Wolverine as a gay icon and argued that his appeal to queer fans is "largely invisible to heterosexual fans".[201] Collins also described Wolverine's muscular physique as similar to that of "the idealized men found [in] 'Bara' manga".[201] Bara is genre of Japanese manga focusing on male same-sex love, created primarily by gay men for a gay male audience,[202] and typically features masculine men with varying degrees of muscle, body fat, and body hair.[203][204] Echoing Collins' statement over the character's body, Ray Kampf described Wolverine in The Bear Handbook as an example of a bear in animation,[205] with a contributor in the book who is gay admitting his attraction to the character growing up.[206]
Wolverine #6 (2003), written by Greg Rucka, features a cover drawn by Esad Ribić.[191] The cover depicts Wolverine sitting on a chair, drinking beer, and staring at Nightcrawler.[191] Screen Rant notes how Nightcrawler is depicted in the nude, and that Wolverine is suggestively staring at his penis,[190] with CBR also noting that the beer he is holding resembling an erection.[191] According to Rucka, Ribić intentionally made the cover suggestive.[190] Collins described the cover as helping "bring [Wolverine's queer appeal] to mainstream attention".[201] According to Rucka, Ribić intentionally made the cover "salacious", finding comedy in the fact that "nobody at Marvel noticed".[190]
- In 2008, Wizard magazine ranked Wolverine 1st in their "200 Greatest Comic Book Characters of All Time" list.[207]
- In 2008, Empire ranked Wolverine 4th in their "50 Greatest Comic Book Characters" list.[208]
- In 2011, IGN ranked Wolverine 4th in their " Top 100 Comic Book Heroes" list.[209]
- In 2012, IGN ranked Wolverine 5th in their "Top 50 Avengers" list.[210]
- In 2014, Entertainment Weekly ranked Wolverine 1st in their "Let's rank every X-Man ever" list.[211]
- In 2014, BuzzFeed ranked Wolverine 2nd in their "95 X-Men Members Ranked From Worst To Best" list.[212]
- In 2018, CBR.com ranked Wolverine 2nd in their "X-Force: 20 Powerful Members" list,[213] Wolverine's Weapon X / Weapon Omega persona 20th in their "Age Of Apocalypse: The 30 Strongest Characters In Marvel's Coolest Alternate World" list,[214] and Wolverine 28th in their "30 Strongest Marvel Superheroes" list.[215]
- In 2018, GameSpot ranked Wolverine 14th in their "50 Most Important Superheroes" list.[216]
- In 2018, ComicBook.com ranked Wolverine 13th in their "50 Most Important Superheroes Ever" list.[217]
- In 2020, CBR.com ranked Wolverine 1st in their "25 Best Anti-Heroes In Marvel Comics list.[218]
- In 2021, Screen Rant included Wolverine in their "10 Strongest X-Men" list.[219]
- In 2022, CBR.com ranked Wolverine 6th in their "10 Scariest Avengers" list[220] and 8th in their "10 Greatest X-Men, Ranked By Experience" list.[221]
- In 2022, Screen Rant included Wolverine in their "10 X-Men Characters, Ranked By Likability" list.[222]
Other versions
[edit]Age of Apocalypse
[edit]In the Age of Apocalypse story arc, the Wolverine/Logan character is again a member of the X-Men, this time using the code-name Weapon X rather than Wolverine.[223] In this reality the events which saw the character's Adamantium ripped out have never occurred, and it is Magneto that helps him to control his feral rages. Most significantly, Weapon X is missing a hand, cut off by Cyclops (who in turn is missing an eye thanks to Weapon X). The claws on this hand still exist, however, which appear by piercing through the metal stump covering the break. Consistent with the main characterization, this version is also shown to be a loner, his back story presenting him as an unwilling recruit to the X-Men. He and Jean Grey are lovers in this reality.[224] Also during the arc, there is a separate character named Wolverine, a mutant altered by Dark Beast, who worked as a tracker for Apocalypse.[225]
Weapon Omega
[edit]Later he offered himself to the Celestials to prevent the planet's judgment and was further augmented by the Celestial technology, yet while he had ascended in form and power, his mind had become so twisted to the point of assembling a deadly group of genetically modified warriors known as the Black Legion and sent them to kill Charles Lehnsherr, the infant son of Magneto and Rogue. He also captured his teammate Storm and renamed her as Orordius after using the Celestial technology on her, enslaving and transforming her into a blind seer made of living stone. He also intended to do the same to Jean Grey, by turning her into the Horseman of Death, but his efforts were prevented by the Uncanny X-Force from the Main Reality, who had traveled to the Age of Apocalypse seeking a celestial life seed.[226]
Age of X
[edit]In the Age of X reality, Wolverine's powers have been virtually lost after he was forced to ingest a mutant 'cure' to dispose of it; although his healing factor can stop the cure totally affecting him, it is now so focused on fighting the cure and the adamantium poisoning of his metal skeleton that he cannot fight anymore, as any additional strain placed on his system could kill him.[227]
Amalgam Comics
[edit]In the Amalgam Comics community, Wolverine was combined with Batman to create Dark Claw.[228][229]
The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows
[edit]In the The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows timeline, Wolverine is married to Jean Grey and they are the co-directors of education at Xavier's school for Gifted Youngsters. They also have a daughter named Kate, who is nicknamed "Shine."[230] In this timeline, the superhero Civil War was averted when Charles Xavier proposed self-policing among the super-powered community. The fallout of this decision tore apart Jean and Cyclops, leading to her marriage to Logan.
Civil War
[edit]In the alternate version of Civil War seen in the Secret Wars event, Wolverine is on Captain America's side, as is also a gray version of the Hulk.[231]
[edit]In the Onslaught Reborn mini-series, the Wolverine of Counter-Earth is revealed to have been masquerading as that Earth's version of Hawkeye.[volume & issue needed]
Days of Future Past
[edit]In the alternate reality Days of Future Past the X-Men fail to prevent the assassination of Senator Robert Kelly, which results in Sentinels ruling the United States of America by 2013 AD. Mutants fall one by one at the hands of the Sentinels, until only Wolverine, Storm, Colossus and Kate Pryde are left. They are confronted by a group of Sentinels and Wolverine lunges at one, ready to slice off the Sentinel's head, but his flesh is burned off by the Sentinel's hand laser. Wolverine seemingly dies and his charred Adamantium skeleton falls onto the ground. Later on in the Earth X: Heralds storyline, Wolverine is revived by X-51's machine.[232]
Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth
[edit]In the seventh issue of this series, Deadpool visits a universe where the wild west still exists. There Wolverine is a bounty hunter looking to make some money by capturing the Deadpool Kid.[233]
[edit]During the "Devil's Reign" storyline, Doctor Octopus formed his Superior Four with a variation of Wolverine who has tentacles with immensely sharp blades on his back.[234] His real name was Otto Howlett and he was experimented on by a variation of Torbert Octavius.[235]
Earth X
[edit]According to the information in the Earth X miniseries Paradise X: Heralds, the second child of the Howletts died in childbirth and the Howletts found and adopted an infant member of the Moon Clan, a bestial race which has co-existed with humanity for hundreds of thousands of years. This Clan, which is also dubbed wolf clan, were mortal enemies of the Bear Clan, to which Sabretooth belongs. Supposedly, it is this Moon Tribe child who was named James Howlett and would grow up to become Wolverine explaining the enmity between Wolverine and Sabretooth in this alternative reality.[volume & issue needed]
It is also revealed that this seemingly divergent sub-species is in fact what the "true" human species would have become if not for the Celestials' intervention and genetic tampering.[volume & issue needed]
In the Earth X series, Wolverine has married Jean Grey; however, they are now overweight and fit the image of a bickering couple. When the Skull attacks New York, Wolverine refuses to aid Captain America and the other heroes in fighting him. Jean, disgusted, leaves Logan, but not before claiming that she is in fact Madelyne Pryor. The two later reconcile, but have not gotten back together.[volume & issue needed]
Exiles and Weapon X
[edit]Another version of Wolverine, originating from Earth-172, was revealed by Sabretooth to have joined an alternative, more sinister version of Weapon X in the Exiles series. At some point in Weapon X's travels, this version of Wolverine was killed. Like other fallen members of the Exiles and Weapon X, his body was stored in a stasis wall inside the Timebreakers' crystal palace before he was sent home to his own timeline to be cremated by his loved ones.[volume & issue needed]
Issue #85 and #86 followed the adventures of several Wolverines from different timelines gathered in an attempt to stop a mutant known as Brother Mutant, a being with the combined powers of Wolverine, Magneto, Quicksilver, Scarlet Warlock (a male version of the Scarlet Witch) and Mesmero. Different teams of Wolverines were gathered and each fell to the hypnotic powers of Brother Mutant. The last team of Wolverines was composed of Patch, an alternative version of the zombie Wolverine featured in the miniseries Marvel Zombies, Albert & Elsie-Dee, Weapon X, a young James Howlett and the Days of Future Past Logan. When most of this team fell before Brother Mutant's followers, Logan and James Howlett were able to contact the Timebreakers and convinced them to gather the original Exiles to help defeat Brother Mutant.[volume & issue needed]
Numerous other alternative reality versions of Wolverine appear in those issues as well, some of them being hybrids between Wolverine and main Marvel continuity characters (Thing/Wolverine, Hulk/Wolverine, Deadpool/Wolverine, etc.).[volume & issue needed]
Issue #91-94 shows Wolverine as an agent of HYDRA which he leads together with the Invisible Woman, with whom Logan has a relationship. They also appear in the following New Exiles series, where he is ultimately killed by an alternative version of Shadowcat.[volume & issue needed]
Future Imperfect
[edit]In the future of Future Imperfect, where Earth was decimated by nuclear war and the Hulk had become the insane dictator known as the Maestro, the now-elderly Rick Jones kept Wolverine's skeleton as one of the many mementoes of the age of heroes, his words implying that Wolverine was killed in the nuclear fallout of the two world wars between the present and his time. Rick was later killed when his attempt to defend himself from the Maestro with Captain America's shield caused him to be thrown out of his wheelchair and impaled on the skeleton's claws, the Maestro grimly commenting on the amusing irony of Rick being killed by one relic while defending himself with another.[236]
General James Howlett
[edit]From the "Exalted" storyline of Astonishing X-Men and X-Treme X-Men vol. 2, General Howlett was a general in the army of the British Empire, and viceroy of his world's Canada. Howlett was part of an expedition to the lost city of Shangri-La. There, his skeleton was bonded with the adamantine. However, he was taken from his world by some means when the Saviour came calling. He was held for a time, but escaped with the help of Scott Summers. Now he is a member of a dimension-hopping X-Men team and assisted with hunting down ten evil Xaviers from various alternative timelines to save the multiverse. He is in a relationship with his world's Hercules; however, their relationship is considered illicit because the gods of Olympus are not permitted to consort with mortals.[volume & issue needed]
Guardians of the Galaxy
[edit]In the alternative future of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Wolverine's adamantium skeleton is reanimated and controlled by the brain of Doctor Doom. Additionally, one of the villains appearing in the series, in which Wolverine is still remembered with awe as "the Brood Slayer", is his great-great-granddaughter Rancor, who is obsessed with her ancestor and owns one of his broken off claws. Rancor comes to rule a human colony, which had been founded by Wolverine and other mutants, hundreds of years ago. She came from a long lineage, all claiming rulership by relation to Wolverine. Most were murderous tyrants.[volume & issue needed]
It is, however, hinted at that Wolverine is still alive. Alluded to by several "shots" of an unrevealed, shadowy individual, which included captions and character comments heightening the suggestion. The character is never revealed, leaving the question of who they were unanswered.[volume & issue needed]
While it is a strongly held belief that he will live hundreds of years, this suggests Logan has the potential to live for thousands of years, but how it may fit into Marvel canon is unknown.[volume & issue needed]
Here Comes Tomorrow
[edit]In the "Here Comes Tomorrow" story arc, set 150 years in an alternative future, Wolverine is still alive and part of group fighting against a version of Beast possessed by Sublime. This version of Wolverine is killed when Beast artificially gives himself the powers of the Phoenix Force and turns off Wolverine's healing factor, before beating him to death. This future is averted by Jean Grey.[237]
The Hooded Man
[edit]This version of Wolverine comes from hundreds of years into the future. He is part of a group called "The Last Defenders", who, led by a future version of Sue Storm, have come back in time to save the last of humanity.[238] This future Logan later briefly encounters his younger self at the future Sue's funeral, telling him, "Don't even ask."[239]
During the Fantastic Force mini-series, Logan briefly leads the team when they find themselves under attack from various enemies summoned by Gaea the living spirit of the Fantastic Force's now barren earth. Due to the abandonment of all life she has been driven insane and attempts to force them back in to their timeline. After several confrontations and fights, Logan elects to stay behind in the future and to aid Gaea in restoring herself by sharing his healing factor. The two are last seen tending to a garden with Gaea pregnant.[240]
[edit]A Wolverine from an unidentified reality is called Hound and is shown to be the loyal pet of the unidentified Dark Phoenix and member of her Berserkers. This version is shown to also have spikes coming out of him. They appeared as members of the Multiversal Masters of Evil. When the group was on Earth-616, Hound accompanied Dark Phoenix and King Killmonger in attacking Echo, Iron Man, and Thor at Asgard even when Dark Phoenix summoned a Berserker that is a Thor from an unidentified reality.[241] They retreated after the Berserker Thor was killed by Thor. The Multiversal Masters of Evil then left Earth-616 to get back to work.[242]
Hound was with the Multiversal Masters of Evil when they attacked an unidentified Earth. Afterwards, Ghost Rider attacked them where he used his Hell Charger to knock down Hound and Kid Thanos.[243]
Hound accompanied the Multiversal Masters of Evil when they returned to Earth-616.[244] After she knocked down some of the Avengers and Prehistoric Avengers, Hound was sent to take out any who are still squirming. He fights the Prehistoric Ghost Rider and is killed by him.[245]
House of M
[edit]Although another reality, the Wolverine of House of M is the 616 Wolverine, retaining his memories from the old reality, including his untampered past. After the House falls, he retains these memories. The House of M Wolverine was a head operative of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Red Guard, and had an affair with Mystique.[246]
Marvel Mangaverse
[edit]In the Marvel Mangaverse reality Wolverine, not Charles Xavier, formed the X-Men (Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Mirage and Jean Grey forming the core of the group, with Rogue living with them).[volume & issue needed]
Wolverine has one set of long metal claws—most likely adamantium and shaped like katanas on his left hand, and another set, on his right hand, composed of red energy (like Cyclops's optic beams) and shaped like lightsabers. Wolverine has incredible strength. He has white hair (it is later changed to black in the new mangaverse) and a strange tattoo on his face, possibly meant to be the Greek symbol Omega.[citation needed] His uniform is highly reminiscent of that worn by Dragon Ball character Vegeta, possibly as homage.[citation needed]
In this reality, he and Cyclops are brothers. Wolverine cost Cyclops one of his eyes, while it is hinted that Cyclops cost Wolverine one of his hands. (This seems to be why one of Wolverine's sets of claws is energy while the other is metal. Throughout this story with the exception of a pair of panels, Wolverine was depicted with two flesh and blood hands, but his right hand had claws of energy, not adamantium. The flesh and blood appearance of both hands continued in the final issue of the first arc of Mangaverse). He is also hinted to have had a relationship with Jean Grey, who had begun to favor Cyclops.[volume & issue needed]
In the New Mangaverse, Wolverine is one of the few mutants to survive the Hand/S.H.I.E.L.D. bio-engineered virus targeting mutants thanks to his healing factor. Jean Grey's rejection of him has clearly left him with some issues since he said he had a thing for redheads and flirts with Spider-woman (Mary Jane Watson) in New Mangaverse #2. It is clear that his advances are unwanted and that Mary Jane is scared of him. When Logan grabs her, Spider-Man becomes angry and tries to fight him but proves to be no match for Wolverine and it is ultimately the Black Cat that stops him. He flirts with the Black Cat throughout the New Mangaverse miniseries, saying "I've always been a sucker for a girl with a nice set of ... CLAWS." It is also hinted that at some point in the past he was Lady Deathstrike's lover.[volume & issue needed]
In the New Mangaverse, Wolverine teams up with the Black Cat, Captain America (Carol Danvers), Iron Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman (Mary Jane Watson), and The Torch (Jonatha Storm, Sioux Storm's half sister, this reality's Human Torch) to fight the Hand (some of the organization's more prominent members being Lady Deathstrike, Elektra, Silver Samurai, Sunfire, and a (brainwashed) Sharon Carter).[volume & issue needed]
Marvel Noir
[edit]In X-Men Noir, set in the Marvel Noir reality, "Captain" Logan is a heavily scarred bootlegger operating in Chinatown with his first mate Eugene. Logan is and adept at defending himself with a Japanese neko de or metallic claw. He guides the X-Men to Madrippor at the end of the series once solving and cleared of Jean Grey's murder, as he was a former flame.[247]
Wolverine Noir, which shows Logan's origin story, reveals that his full name is James "Jim" Howlett. He is presented as a Catholic private investigator along with Dog Logan, whom he claims is his brother. As a victim of parental abuse, Jim is an expert knife fighter and suffers from blackouts due to rage. They are hired by Mariko Yashida to advance the Yashida activates in the city and encounter a man named Creed. Both Mariko and Dog were killed by Logan's former friend Rose who was impaled by him for revenge using two katana knives.[248]
Marvel Zombies
[edit]In the alternative Marvel Zombies universe, Wolverine is one of many heroes who become infected by the zombie virus. He is actually infected when both zombies Captain America, and Hawkeye bite him. The virus overwhelms his healing factor, so he can no longer heal from any injury. He, along with other zombies, attempted to slay the Silver Surfer. Wolverine attacks the Surfer but his body is decayed so much that his right arm is torn apart, as his adamantium bones are stronger than his rotting flesh. Eventually Wolverine and the other zombies are successful in killing and eating the Surfer. As a result, he and the others gain the Silver Surfer's cosmic power and wound and devour Galactus, becoming the creatures collectively known as The Galacti.[volume & issue needed]
The Marvel Zombies attack a Skrull planet, only to encounter the Fantastic Four of the 616 reality - currently consisting of Black Panther, Storm, the Thing and the Human Torch, leaving the Zombies eager to capture the FF and transport back to their reality.[249]
In Marvel Zombies 2, Wolverine's lost right arm has been replaced with a cybernetic arm with claws. He is loyal to Henry Pym (Giant-Man) and willingly attacks the defecting Spider-Man. When the others realize that the hunger is fading, he initially refuses to let go of a survivor in his grasp until Henry Pym tells him to stop, saying he seemingly loses his hunger.[volume & issue needed] He is one of the last surviving zombies from the zombie Hulk's attack that killed many zombies, and even the last zombies to especially kill the Hulk with his cosmic powers.[volume & issue needed]
After that, he was teleported to a new world known as Earth 91126 along with the other surviving zombies. During the teleportation, he lost his cosmic powers, and became a regular zombie once more.[volume & issue needed]
Zombie Wolverine also appears in Marvel Zombies Return. In this Zombie Wolverine kills the human Elektra, Iron Fist (comics) and Shang-Chi, White Tiger, Black Tiger, and many of the Hand, thus recently he was one of the few remaining zombies left.[volume & issue needed]
He also appears in Japan, and infects another version of himself, though he resists the hunger and angrily kills him, zombie Spider-Man watches the whole thing happen. This reality's Wolverine joined Spider-Man's New Avengers consisting of Spider-Man, Iron Man (James Rhodes), Hulk and himself. He, along with the rest of the zombies are destroyed by the nanite-carried Sandman.[volume & issue needed]
[edit]In the alternative future known as MC2, Wolverine and Elektra are married and have a daughter named Rina Logan, who inherits her father's healing factor and senses and possesses "psychic claws" which resemble Psylocke's telepathic "psychic knife". She becomes a superheroine called Wild Thing. Wolverine also has a son, Sabreclaw (Hudson Logan), with another woman.[volume & issue needed]
During the events of Last Hero Standing, Wolverine is among the heroes kidnapped by Loki as part of his plan to bring about the end of the Age of Heroes.[volume & issue needed]
Mutant X
[edit]in Mutant X a version of Wolverine is a member of "the Pack" a group consisting of Sabertooth, Wildchild and Logan. All three, savage and driven insane by the Weapon X experiments, roam the Canadian wilderness very much like a wolf pack.[volume & issue needed]
Old Man Logan
[edit]Old Man Logan is a character depicted in an eight-issue story arc in the Wolverine ongoing series by writer Mark Millar and artist Steve McNiven. He debuted in Wolverine #66 in June 2008. Set over fifty years in the future on Earth-807128, the entire United States has been overtaken and divided amongst supervillains. Logan lives with his wife Maureen and young children Scotty and Jade on a barren plot of land in Sacramento, California, now part of the territory known as "Hulkland." Logan needs money to pay rent to the landlords of this territory: the hillbilly grandchildren of the Hulk, who are products of years of incestuous procreation originating with Banner and his first cousin She-Hulk. To pay the rent, Logan accepts a job from a now-blind Hawkeye: help him navigate east across the country, to the capitol of New Babylon, and deliver a secret and illegal package.[volume & issue needed]
Throughout the story it is said that Logan as "Wolverine" died the day the villains attacked and has refused to pop his claws since, even in a fight. Via flashbacks it is revealed that on the night the world's heroes came under attack by masses of villains, a group consisting of Mr. Sinister, Sabretooth, Doctor Octopus, Omega Red, Bullseye and many others attacked the X-Mansion. Unable to locate his teammates, Wolverine was forced to slaughter the attackers to ensure the safety of the mutant children. As the last attacker was killed, Logan realized that the entire assault was an illusion created by Mysterio, and his perceived enemies were actually his fellow X-Men.[250] This destroyed him emotionally and mentally, and he wandered from the Mansion never to be heard from again, his last action laying his head across train tracks to be run over. Logan notes that while this would never have killed him, it in effect killed "Wolverine" for good.[volume & issue needed]
The story was concluded in Giant Size Old Man Logan (September 2009) with Logan riding off into the sunset, heavily implying that this alternative version of Wolverine is the same character as "The Hooded Man" version, described above.[volume & issue needed]
After the events of the "Death of Wolverine" story arc, an Old Man Logan from Earth-20923 was brought to serve as a member of the Earth-616 X-Men.
Old Man Phoenix
[edit]On Earth-14412 set during the reign of King Thor, an alternate version of Old Man Logan became possessed by the Phoenix Force and took on the alias of Old Man Phoenix. While he was bitter towards King Thor for disrupting the natural order of things, they are both confronted by Doctor Doom who is further empowered by the Starbrand, the "iron fist" move, as he plans to conquer Earth. Old Man Phoenix sacrifices himself so that King Thor can defeat Doctor Doom.[251]
When the Council of Red attack Avengers Tower in the God Quarry, Old Man Phoenix is shown to be alive as he and the granddaughters of King Thor arrive and save Ant-Man, Moon Knight, and Vision from the Council of Red members who were burrowing towards the First Firmament. He then states to the remaining Council of Red members underground that he and his friends would like a word with them.[252]
In a flashback, Earth-14412's Mystique took on the powers of the Phoenix Force and used its powers to blast apart Old Man Phoenix. It took the granddaughters of King Thor awhile to gather his pieces like his head from their Earth's Mangog. Back in the present, Old Man Phoenix and the granddaughters of King Thor attack the Council of Red as Ant-Man informs everyone to prepare for the attacks on the Council of Red done by Old Man Phoenix and the granddaughters of King Thor. Their attacks cause the surviving Council of Red members to retreat. Afterwards, Old Man Phoenix explains to the granddaughters of King Thor about the God Quarry and its purpose. When Doom Supreme arrives at the God Quarry with Doom the Living Planet and other Doctor Doom variants loyal to him, Old Man Phoenix and Star Panther go on the attack as Doom Supreme forms a forcefield so that he can chant a spell.[253] Old Man Phoenix continues his fight with Doom Supreme with help from Echo and her Phoenix abilities. After Star Panther flies through Doom the Living Planet, Old Man Phoenix and Echo use their Phoenix abilities to make Doom the Living Planet bleed molten blood.[254] As Old Man Phoenix fights the remaining Doctor Doom variants, he runs into Dark Phoenix again. Before Dark Phoenix can attack Old Man Phoenix, she is struck down the Prehistoric Phoenix Firehair. When Mephisto takes in a sample of an ancient Multiverse's powers, Old Man Logan recognizes its power.[255] As Old Man Phoenix uses his powers to hold back the remnants of the ancient Multiverse, he advises everyone to think of something fast to deal with it as he can't hold it back for long. As Star Brand talks with Fireheart, Old Man Phoenix and Echo witnesses Fireheart taking Star Brand with her to an unknown location. Once back on Earth-14412, Old Man Phoenix watches the Granddaughters of Thor with their Mjolnir as he is planting some flowers.[256]
Predator vs. Wolverine
[edit]In the 2023 Predator vs. Wolverine miniseries, set in its own continuity, one Yautja hunter, seeking the greatest prey in existence, elects to hunt the man who would become the Wolverine, from his early days in the blood-ridden Canadian wilderness to modern-day Madripor. On finally defeating the Yautja and taking its weaponry for himself, Wolverine finds among the Yakutia's possessions a spear made from the tail of a xenomorph.[257]
Prelude to Deadpool Corps
[edit]In the second issue, a universe is shown where Wolverine is an orphaned child at Professor X's orphanage for troubled kids. At a dance for the orphanage, along with Emma Frost's, Wolverine, aided by child versions of Angel and Colossus, gets into a fight with Kidpool (a child version of Deadpool for whom Wolverine expresses hatred).[258]
In the third issue, Deadpool visits an earth where he is a dog and Wolverine is a dog created by Mascara X to hunt and kill Dog Deadpool, the first dog they experimented on. This universe's Wolverine has claws. After the battle he is shot into a pool of acid, his fate is unknown.[259]
[edit]In Ruins, spending his time in a bar, this version of Wolverine threatened his fellow patrons to get more to drink, but more often than not was given free drinks by the bartender for showing off his "bone disease", bones that stuck out of the back of his hand. The bartender referred to him as "Canuck."[260]
[edit]In the Spider-Gwen reality, Manji Logan (a parody/composite version of Manji from Blade of the Immortal) was a Japanese samurai that was cursed by a witch to continue walking the Earth for as many lives as he has killed. Like his 616 counterpart, his memory is erased after joining the Weapon X program and gaining adamantium claws. He then decides to work for S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Black Ops department, where his fellow operatives have nicknamed him "Mr. Murderhands." Spider-Gwen nicknames him Wolverine after body swapping with the Earth 616 X-23 (who had the Wolverine identity at the time). He works closely with Shadowcat, as Kitty feels guilty for using her powers to aid the Weapon X Program.[261]
Spider-Man Unlimited
[edit]Spider-Man Unlimited (a comic based on the Spider-Man Unlimited animated series) introduces a bestial version of Wolverine in #6. In this continuity, Wolverine is Naoko Yamada-Jones's ex-husband and Shayne's father. Peter first finds a photo of them together, which shows that Wolverine was a decorated soldier. He later runs into Wolverine as Spider-Man and the 2 of them fight, but then stop to talk as they notice a robber kidnapping Naoko. They both follow the robber and manage to easily find him, due to Wolverine's sense of smell. The 2 of them team up to fight the robber, who transforms into a lizard and is revealed to be Chameleon of Counter-Earth. After they defeat him, Wolverine then says that this neighborhood is not his home anymore and gives Spider-Man his medal, which resembles the medal that Naoko's husband wears in the photo, confirming that Wolverine is Shayne's father and Naoko's ex-husband, despite the Spider-Man Unlimited animated series confirming that the Green Goblin of Counter-Earth is Naoko's ex-husband and Shayne's father, leaving the identity of Naoko's ex-husband and Shayne's father unknown.[volume & issue needed]
Ultimate Marvel
[edit]Ultimate Wolverine is the Wolverine in the Ultimate Marvel universe. Initially, this Wolverine was a member of Magneto's Brotherhood but later changes his mind and joins the Ultimate X-Men.
What If?
[edit]In the second What If? series (1989–1998):
- Issue #7, Wolverine was an agent of SHIELD? - Wolverine does not join the X-Men but instead ends up working for Nick Fury. There he becomes Nick's third-in-command after Dugan and helps them against Hydra, A.I.M., and other SHIELD enemies.[volume & issue needed]. When Nick is killed by a Strucker clone, Wolverine takes over as head of SHIELD as Dugan retires.
- Issue #16, Wolverine had battled Conan the Barbarian? - During the events of the Dark Phoenix fight on the moon, Wolverine is accidentally transported to Hyboria. There he defeats and falls in love with Red Sonja, while also fighting Conan (cutting his sword hand off) and helping both Hyborians against the sorcerer Zukala. In the end, Conan ends up back in the Marvel universe where he prevents Colossus from knocking Phoenix out (thus ending that particular universe), and Wolverine stays in Hyboria with his new girlfriend Sonja. The classic Conan end crawl changes to "Know Ye O prince that in the years following the passage of Conan the cimmerian, There emerged Logan, the wolverine, wild haired, bestial-eyed, magically clawed ..."[volume & issue needed]
- Issue #24, Wolverine becomes lord of the Vampires? - An alternative story to Uncanny X-Men #159: Instead of defeating Dracula, the X-Men are all turned into vampires. The problem is, Dracula's mind-control abilities do not work on Wolverine, so he promptly kills and feasts on Dracula himself. After drinking Dracula's blood, Wolverine becomes the new Lord of Vampires, leading his vampire X-Men on a killing and feeding spree throughout New York. When the Punisher, aided by Doctor Strange's spirit, inadvertently kills Kitty Pryde, Wolverine kills him, but also recovers his human side and, with the aid of Strange, puts an end to all vampires in New York, including himself, by reciting the Montesi Formula.[volume & issue needed]
- Issue #37, Wolverine had been Lord of the Vampires during Inferno? - A sequel of sorts to issue 24, the story diverges once more, with Logan killing the Punisher before he can stop the vampires. Wolverine and his brood must then deal with the events of Inferno.[volume & issue needed]
- Issue #43, Wolverine had married Mariko? - Instead of falling apart, the wedding of Logan and Mariko goes off without a hitch and the new couple make it their mission to free Mariko's family from the dreaded yakuza, which has been taken over by the Kingpin. They are assisted in this by her half-brother, the Silver Samurai, and her cousin Sunfire. Unfortunately, the Silver Samurai turns traitor on them and assassinates Mariko, leaving a desolate Wolverine to return to the X-Men.[volume & issue needed]
- Issue #50, Wolverine is killed by the Hulk? - In a post-X-Men battle between Logan and the Hulk, Hulk manages to get so angry that he breaks Wolverine's adamantium spine, killing him instantly. Later, since Wolverine is not there at a key moment in the Adversary vs. Roma war, the war turns out differently. And as the Hulk goes on a rampage after, there is no one to stop him. Finally Roma magically turns Hulk back into Banner, but by that time most of the heroes are already dead.[volume & issue needed]
- Issue #62, Wolverine fights Weapon X? - In this timeline, a drunken and dejected Wolverine was never kidnapped and enhanced in the Weapon X program. Instead, a Canadian Marine was selected but the program left him an insane, uncontrollable killing machine who escapes and kills numerous police and federal agents as well as civilians - pretty much anyone in his path. One of the mounties killed is a friend of Logan's, however, so he offers his services to stop Weapon X. Using an arsenal of weaponry and instinct, Logan disarms and finally kills the rampaging Weapon X before escaping into the woods and later blowing the whole cover on Department H and the Weapon program.[volume & issue needed]
- Issue #93, What if Wolverine became savage? - After the failed attempt by Genesis to put the adamantium back into Wolverine, our hero goes completely berserk and slaughters Genesis and all of his lackeys. It also reduced him to an animalistic savagery and intelligence, however, that he slowly had to nurse himself back out of. This issue shows what might have happened if he never regained his humanity, however - remaining a feral and savage creature who posed a danger to any around him.[volume & issue needed]
- Issue #111, What if Wolverine was a Horseman of War? - After the successful attempt by Genesis to put the adamantium back into Wolverine, our hero becomes Apocalypse's Horseman of War with the mission to cull weakness from the earth. Unfortunately, Wolverine is the best at what he does, so he promptly kills Apocalypse and every other super-villain in the Marvel universe before working his way down to any criminal he can find. When the world's superheroes and law enforcement agencies try to stop the murderous War, he turns his attention to them as well - eventually eradicating all of the heroes too. Hundreds of years later, the planetary infrastructure that was set up to protect people from the Horseman of War has made the planet an idyllic paradise. Wolverine, now free again from Apocalypse's programming, lives as a monk named Brother Xavier and teaches the young the dangers of violence and War.[262]
In a recent What If? issue, Logan was present when Daken was born and was able to save him from the people who would have raised him in the original course of events, taking him to live in seclusion in the mountains in the hope that he could raise Daken away from the kind of life he has lived himself. However, despite his attempts to ensure privacy by turning Professor X away when he came to recruit Logan to join the X-Men, Logan's attempts to suppress Daken's darker instincts failed when Sabretooth found them, revealing the truth about his father's past to Daken. Leaving his father, Daken became a brutal killer, roaming various cities and killing his opponents, proclaiming that Logan made him what he is by denying him his heritage. Concluding that he will never bring anything good into the world, Logan stabs Daken in the heart with the Muramasa Blade, subsequently impaling himself to end his own dark stain on the world.[volume & issue needed]
Wolverine MAX
[edit]In Wolverine MAX, Wolverine is a lone survivor of a fatal plane crash. The law seems to think he is responsible for it. A mysterious woman who was a survivor of the plane crash, was eaten by a shark only to be seen by Logan later on television. In the flashbacks, he was a man on his way to the West to find peace within himself. He is also approached by Victor who claims he is the same as Logan and they do not have to be alone anymore.[263] Logan finds a lead leading him to a restaurant in the Roppongi district of Tokyo. He finds out he goes by another alias named Collinsworth. The mysterious woman's name turns out to be Yami. It also seems that he has numerous apartments and buildings in Tokyo as well. In his apartment, he observes some things and opens a safe with claws. It turns out he has a ton of fake identities. As he takes the subway, there is a flashback when a woman approaches him and makes conversation. Turns out Logan is a monk and is Canadian. She asks him to walk her home. Her name is Mariko Yashida. After she leaves, Victor approaches him jokes about how Logan is coming out of his shell and is acting like the Logan he heard about back in Canada. Victor then explains to him that outside of the monastery the country is in chaos. He also explains that guys like him and Logan are in demand because there are no others like them. Victor is working for the Machi-Yako which are helping the Shogunate Clan in their war against the Yashida Clan who, according to him, are rapists and killers. Victors employers are paying him in gold not rice, He attempts to persuade Logan by stating that he will need gold to win over a woman like Mariko. Back in the present, Logan is watching television when the news anchor states that Yami boarded the plane with John Grant, Logan's alias. Logan starts trying to find out why Yami was on the plane. He walks into a bar trying to get some information, only to end up in a bar fight. After some heavy persuasion, he finds out where Yami's family lives. In another flashback, Logan takes up Victor's offer. The two participate in the ongoing feud of the Shogunate and Yashida clans. Victor states that Shingen is hiding in a monastery. Logan is hesitant to fight his brothers. Victor responds: "Who is your true brother"? In the present, Logan arrives at Yami's family house. The father and sister are mourning. Logan explains that he was on the plane with her. Yami's father asks did she die in pain. Logan lies and says it was quick. The father warns Logan to leave the city before it is too late. At this point it is revealed that Logan's flashbacks go back to 150 years ago. As Logan is walking, a citizen warns Logan to run, because he is coming. Logan asks who, and the citizen lifts up his head only to show a grotesque face with his eye hanging out of the socket. The victim answers Logan with "Creed".[264]
It is also officially in the same continuity as Punisher MAX, Foolkiller MAX, the MAX Fury titles and Phantom Eagle MAX as evidenced in one issue where Wolverine got his adamantium claws from a Las Vegas gangster. Other major differences with this Wolverine from his main Marvel Universe counterpart are that his adamantium claws were from Mickey Gold a Las Vegas gangster instead of his skeleton coated in the material or bone claws and that he became a samurai and monk in the 1860s in feudal-era Japan when meeting Mariko Yashida.
Wolverine: Prodigal Son
[edit]Another alternative reality, in which Logan is a rebellious youth taken in by a dojo in a secluded forest when he was found near dead with amnesia. While his regenerative capabilities and claws are still present, his adamantium laced skeleton is absent. with the help of his friend tammarah he is trying to find her father and along with his past[volume & issue needed]
Wolverine: Snikt
[edit]In this comic by Tsutomu Nihei, Wolverine is sent into an alternative future, year 2058 (Earth-3071), arriving there by the hand of the humans of that age in need of a weapon to fight against a race of engineered viruses that grow up to be sentient beings, and who can only be destroyed with adamantium.
Wolverine: The End
Wolverine: The End is a 2003 comic book featuring Wolverine. It was written by Paul Jenkins.
As part of Marvel's The End series the comic details Wolverine's last adventure. The story depicts Wolverine as an old man living in the Canadian wilderness facing his own mortality.[265] Events depicted within Wolverine: The End were subsequently contradicted by other storylines, such as those in Wolverine vol. 3 #55, and the 2005 "Decimation" storyline.
Wolverine vs the Marvel Universe
[edit]In this reality, the Punisher had unknowingly released an unstoppable plague which turns anyone infected into homicidal cannibals after stopping a potential weapons deal involving the Russian Mob. A few weeks later, Wolverine and Colossus are horrified after witnessing Spider-Man kill and eat the Rhino. Later during a mission against Hydra with Psylocke, Wolverine holds off the enemy forces while Psylocke attempts to get away, but she is taken by an unknown assailant who leaves her severed arm behind. Wolverine decides to stay to investigate Psylocke's disappearance and the cause of the growing pandemic, witnessing the horrid acts of violence and cannibalism over the city. He is eventually contacted by the X-Men to help investigate Angel's disappearance after the later was supposed to bring lab equipment for Hank McCoy, who along with Reed Richards, Hank Pym, and T'Challa, are trying to develop a cure for the plague. After killing an infected Doctor Octopus, Wolverine finds the Black Bird and an infected Angel, who he is forced to kill. Deducing that the plague may have reached Utopia, Wolverine takes the Black Bird back to Utopia and discovers that all the X-Men have been infected. Unable to save them, Wolverine kills all the X-Men on Utopia.
X-Men Forever
[edit]In an alternative reality continuing writer Chris Claremont's run from "Uncanny X-Men" Wolverine and Jean Grey have begun a secret psychic affair, though Jean remains with Scott for the time being, the professional aspects of the relationship has enough physical subtleties to be recognised by Kitty Pryde. After Nick Fury decrees that The X-Men must work closer with the government, an incensed Logan goes AWOL, but keeps in touch with Jean. Logan is later killed by Storm, who appears to have become evil and turned against the X-Men. His death sends Jean into a temporary coma. When she awakens, an enraged Jean is no longer able nor willing to hide her true feelings for Wolverine. Following the revelation of Storm's involvement in Wolverine's death, Storm is attacked by Shadowcat (who, due to an earlier phasing mishap, has acquired one of Wolverine's adamantium claws in her arm). Storm escapes and is revealed to be working for a shadowy, previously unknown group called "The Consortium". While the X-Men search New York for Storm, another younger version of Storm with short hair appears, and finds Gambit; she implies that she had been kidnapped, with Wolverine having freed her before his death. Around the same time, the older version of Storm is seemingly killed by a team of commandos from the Consortium. In this universe Sabretooth implies, after Wolverine's death, that Logan was his son, and that he wanted revenge on Storm for having killed him.[volume & issue needed]
X-Men: The End
[edit]In the alternative future of X-Men: The End, Wolverine is caring for a disabled Storm and has given up his life as an X-Man. However, after being attacked by a Warskrull, Wolverine and Storm return to the X-Men only to find a crater where the mansion stood. Wolverine along with Rachel Summers, X-23 and a few others were sent to find out what happened to Cable and his team. Wolverine and Jean Grey/Phoenix meet up again. Jean helps Logan break free of the Lady Mastermind and later helps him heal.[volume & issue needed]
Young X-Men: End of Days
[edit]In a dystopic future depicted in the final two issues of "Young X-Men," an aged Logan is one of only four remaining mutants on "Xaviera", a former mutant safe-haven independent state and utopia. Anole, Emma Frost (now calling herself "Diamondheart"), Graymalkin, and an incapacitated and greatly aged Ink. Dust suddenly appears, now greatly changed in her appearance and persona with altered powers. Wolverine first catches her scent in the building after a mission causing her to reveal herself. He offers no resistance against her, stating that he cannot promise the same from the others. Asking her why she is "doing this," Dust responds that it is because mutants allowed her to die. Wolverine tells her to "get bent," and she immediately kills him, leaving nothing but his adamantium skeleton.[266]
In other media
Wolverine is one of the few X-Men characters appearing in every media adaptation of the X-Men franchise, including the 20th Century Fox X-Men films, television, computer and video games. Australian actor Hugh Jackman played Wolverine in the X-Men films and until December 2021 shared the Guinness World Record of the "longest career as a live-action Marvel superhero" with Patrick Stewart.[267][268] Jackman would have regained that record in the 2024 film, Deadpool & Wolverine, but for the fact that Wesley Snipes reprised his even earlier role as the half-vampire Blade in the same film.[269][270]
Collected editions
[edit]Marvel Essentials
[edit]Marvel Essential editions reprint material in black and white.
Title | Vol. | Material collected | Publication date | ISBN |
Essential Wolverine | 1 | Wolverine (vol. 2) #1–23 | February 2009 | 978-0785135661 |
2 | Wolverine (vol. 2) #24–47 | March 2002 | 978-0785105503 | |
3 | Wolverine (vol. 2) #48–69 | March 2002 | 978-0785105954 | |
4 | Wolverine (vol. 2) #70–90 | May 2006 | 978-0785120599 | |
5 | Wolverine (vol. 2) #91–110, Annual '96; Uncanny X-Men #332 | December 2008 | 978-0785130772 | |
6 | Wolverine (vol. 2) #111–128, −1, Annual '97 | November 2012 | 978-0785163527 | |
7 | Wolverine (vol. 2) #129–148; Hulk (vol. 1) #8 | May 2013 | 978-0785184089 |
Epic Collection
[edit]Title | Vol. | Vol. title | Material collected | Publication date | ISBN |
Wolverine Epic Collection | 1 | Madripoor Nights | Wolverine (vol. 2) #1–16; material from Marvel Comics Presents #1–10; Marvel Age Annual #4 | December 2014 | 978-0785189039 |
2 | Back to Basics | Wolverine (vol. 2) #17–30; Wolverine/Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection; Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure | March 2019 | 978-1302916091 | |
3 | Blood and Claws | Wolverine (vol. 2) #31–44 (1988), Wolverine: Bloodlust (1990) 1, Wolverine: Bloody Choices (1991) 1 | July 2021 | 978-1302930899 | |
6 | Inner Fury | Wolverine (vol. 2) #69–75; Wolverine: Inner Fury; Wolverine: Killing; Wolverine: Global Jeopardy; Sabretooth (vol. 1) #1–4; X-Men (vol. 2) #25 | March 2020 | 978-1302923907 | |
7 | To the Bone | Wolverine (vol. 2) #76-86; Wolverine: Evilution; Wolverine & Nick Fury: Scorpio Rising; Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Punisher: The Dark Design; Cable #16 | June 2023 | ||
8 | The Dying Game | Wolverine (vol. 2) #87–100; Wolverine Annual '95; Wolverine: Knight of Terra | December 2015 | 978-0785192619 | |
9 | Tooth and Claw | Wolverine (1988) #101-109, 102.5;Wolverine Annual '96; Uncanny X-Men (1981) #332; Venom: Tooth and Claw (1996) #1-3; Logan: Path of the Warlord (1996) #1; Logan: Shadow Society (1996) #1 | June 14, 2022 | ||
12 | Shadow of Apocalypse | Wolverine (vol. 2) #133–149; Hulk (vol. 1) #8; Wolverine/Cable: Guts'n'Glory | February 2017 | 978-1302903855 | |
13 | Blood Debt | Wolverine (vol. 2) #150–158; Wolverine Annual '99; Wolverine: The Origin #1–6 | March 2018 | 978-1302910228 |
Wolverine Omnibus
[edit]Title | Vol. | Material collected | Publication date | ISBN |
Wolverine Omnibus | 1 | Wolverine vol.1 #1–4; Wolverine vol. 2, #1–10; Marvel Comics Presents #1–10, 72–84; The Incredible Hulk #180–182, 340; Marvel Treasury Edition #26; Best of Marvel Comics (HC); Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #1–6; Spider-Man vs. Wolverine #1; Marvel Age Annual #4; Punisher War Journal #6–7; Uncanny X-Men #172–173 | April 2009 April 2020 |
978-0785134770 978-1302922672 |
2 | Wolverine (1988) 11–30, Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown (1988) 1–4, Wolverine/Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection (1989) 1, Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure (1990) 1, Wolverine: Bloodlust (1990) 1, material from Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 38-71 | August 2021 | 978-1302929954 | |
3 | Wolverine (1988) 31–59, Wolverine: Bloody Choices, Wolverine: Rahne of Terra, Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher: Hearts of Darkness, X-Men (1991) #4-7, material from Marvel Fanfare (1982) #54-55, and Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #85-108 | January 2023 | 978-1302946517 | |
4 | Wolverine (1988) 60-75, Wolverine: Inner Fury, Wolverine: Killing, Wolverine: Global Jeopardy, Wolverine and The Punisher: Damaging Evidence #1-3, Sabertooth #1-4, Spider-Man/Punisher/Sabertooth: Designer Genes, X-Men (1991) #25, material from Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #109-142 and Marvel Holiday Special #2 | September 2023 | ||
5 | Wolverine (1988) #76-101; Wolverine Annual '95; Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #150-151, 152-155 (A stories); Cable (1993) #16; Wolverine: Evilution (1994) #1; Wolverine & Nick Fury: Scorpio Rising (1994) #1 Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher: The Dark Design (1994) #1; Wolverine: Knight of Terra (1995) #1; Wolverine/Gambit: Victims (1995) #1-4; Uncanny X-Men (1981) #332; Logan: Path of the Warlord (1996) #1 | April 2024 | ||
Weapon X: The Return Omnibus | Wolverine vol.2 (1988) #162-166, #173-174, #176; Deadpool (1997) #57-60; Weapon X (2002) #1/2, 1-28; Weapon X: The Draft - Sauron, Wild Child, Kane, Marrow, Agent Zero; Weapon X: Days of Future Now #1-5; material from Wolverine (1988) #175, Deadpool (2012) #27 | May 2018 | 978-1302911829 | |
Wolverine by Mark Millar Omnibus | Wolverine vol.3 #20-32, #66-72, Wolverine Giant-Size Old Man Logan | July 2013 | 078516796X | |
Wolverine: Sabretooth | Wolverine vol.3 #50-55, #310-313 | June 2013 | 978-0785183853 | |
Wolverine by Jason Aaron Omnibus | Wolverine vol.3 #56 and #62-65; Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #1-4; Wolverine: Weapon X #1-16; Dark Reign: The List — Wolverine; material from Wolverine #73-74, Dark X-Men: The Beginning #3 and Wolverine (1988) vol.2 #175 | July 2011 | 0-7851-5639-9 | |
Wolverine Goes to Hell Omnibus | Wolverine (2010) vol.4 #1-20, #5.1, #300-304; Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine #1-6; X-Men: Schism #1-5; material from Wolverine: Road To Hell | May 2018 | 978-1302911591 | |
Wolverine and the X-Men by Jason Aaron Omnibus | Wolverine and the X-Men vol.1 #1-35 and #38-41, Annual #1 | June 2014 | 0-7851-9024-4 |
Oversized hardcovers
[edit]Title | Vol. | Material collected | Publication date | ISBN |
The Best of Wolverine | 1 | Wolverine (vol. 1) #1–4; Marvel Comics Presents #72–84; The Incredible Hulk #181; Uncanny X-Men #205; Captain America Annual #8 | October 2004 | 978-0785113706 |
House of M: Wolverine, Iron Man & Hulk | Wolverine vol.3 #33-35, Iron Man: House of M #1-3, Incredible Hulk #83-87, Captain America #10, Pulse #10, and Cable & Deadpool #17 | February 2010 | 978-0785138822 | |
Acts of Vengeance Crossovers Omnibus | Wolverine vol.2 (1988) #19-20; Fantastic Four #334-336; Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #11-13; Incredible Hulk #363; Punisher (1987) #28-29; Punisher War Journal (1988) #12-13; Marc Spector: Moon Knight #8-10; Daredevil #275-276; Power Pack (1984) #53; Alpha Flight (1983) #79-80; New Mutants (1983) #84-86; Uncanny X-Men #256-258; X-Factor (1986) #49-50; Damage Control (1989, volume 2) #1-4; Web of Spider-Man (1985) #64-65 | July 2011 | 0-7851-4488-9 | |
X-Men: Fatal Attractions | Wolverine #75; Uncanny X-Men #298–305 and 315, Annual #17; X-Factor #87–92; X-Men Unlimited #1–2; X-Force #25; X-Men #25; Excalibur #71 | April 2012 | 978-0785162452 | |
Wolverine: The Adamantium Collection | Origin #1-6; material from Marvel Comics presents (1988) #72-84; Uncanny X-Men (1963) #162, 205, 268; Wolverine (vol. 1) #1-4; Wolverine (vol. 2) #75, 119-122; Wolverine (1988) (vol. 2) #75, 119–122, Wolverine (2003) #32; Wolverine & The X-Men 1-3 | June 2013 | 978-0785167891 | |
X-Men: Battle of the Atom | Wolverine and the X-Men vol.1 #36-37; X-Men: Battle of the Atom (vol. 1) #1-2; All-New X-Men #16-17; X-Men (vol. 4) #5-6; Uncanny X-Men (vol. 3) #12-13 | January 2014 | 978-0785189060 | |
Wolverine: Japan's Most Wanted | Wolverine: Japan's Most Wanted #1-13 | June 2014 | ||
X-Men: Phalanx Covenant | Wolverine #85; Uncanny X-Men #306, #311–314 and #316–317; Excalibur #78–82; X-Men #36–37; X-Factor #106; X-Force #38; Cable #16 | February 2014 | 978-0785185499 | |
X-Men / Avengers: Onslaught Omnibus | Wolverine #104-105; Cable #32-36; Uncanny X-Men #333-337; X-Force #55, #57-58; X-Man #15-19; X-Men #53-57, Annual '96; X-Men Unlimited #11; Onslaught: X-Men, Marvel Universe, Epilogue; Avengers #401-402; Fantastic Four #415; Incredible Hulk #444-445; X-Factor #125-126; Amazing Spider-Man #415; Green Goblin #12; Spider-Man #72; Iron Man #332; Punisher #11; Thor #502; X-Men: Road to Onslaught #1; material from Excalibur #100, Fantastic Four #416 | July 2015 | 078519262X | |
Marvel Universe by John Byrne Omnibus | 1 | Wolverine (1988) #17–23; Champions #11–15; Marvel Preview #11; Avengers (1963) #164–166, 181–191; Power Man #48-50; Marvel Premiere #47-48; Captain America (1968) #247-255; Silver Surfer (1982) #1; Incredible Hulk (1968) #314-319; Marvel Fanfare (1982) #29 | April 2016 | 978-0785195603 |
Deadpool: Beginnings Omnibus | Wolverine vol.2 #88, #154-155; New Mutants #98; X-Force #2, #11, #15, #47, #56; Nomad #4; Deadpool: The Circle Chase #1-4; Secret Defenders #15-17; Deadpool #1-4; Heroes For Hire #10-11; Deadpool Team-Up #1; material from Avengers #366; Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #23; Wolverine Annual '95, '99; Deadpool cameo pages | January 2017 | 978-1302904296 | |
Wolverine: Origin – The Complete Collection | Origin #1–6; Origin II #1–5 | January 2017 | 978-1302904715 | |
Deadpool by Daniel Way Omnibus | 1 | Wolverine: Origins #21-25; Deadpool (2008) #1-26; Thunderbolts (1997) #130-131; Hit-Monkey (2010A) #1, (2010B) #1-3; Deadpool Saga | February 2018 | 978-1302910068 |
Hunt for Wolverine | Hunt For Wolverine #1, Hunt For Wolverine: Weapon Lost #1-4, Hunt For Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda #1-4, Hunt For Wolverine: Claws Of A Killer #1-4, Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor #1-4, Where's Wolverine pages | November 2018 | 978-1302913014 | |
Marvel Universe by Rob Liefeld Omnibus | Wolverine vol.2 (1988) #154-157; X-Factor (1986) 40, Uncanny X-Men (1981) 245, What If? (1989) 7, Captain America (1996) 1–6, Avengers (1996) 1–7, Onslaught Reborn 1–5; Material From Amazing Spider-Man Annual 23; Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 51–53, 85–86, 99, Heroes Reborn 1/2 | October 2019 | 978-1302920029 | |
X-Men vs Apocalypse: The Twelve Omnibus | Wolverine vol.2 (1988) #145-149; Uncanny X-Men (1981) #371-380, Annual'99; X-Men (1991) #91-93, #94 (A STORY), #95-99, Annual'99; X-Men Unlimited (1993) #24(A STORY), #25-26; Gambit (1999) #8-9; Astonishing X-Men (1999) #1-3; Cable (1993) #71-78; X-Man (1995) #59-60; X-51 (1999) #8; X-Force (1991) #101; X-Men 1999 Yearbook | February 2020 | 978-1302922870 |
Thick Trade Paperbacks (Complete / Ultimate Collections)
[edit]Title | Vol. | Vol. title | Material collected | Publication date | ISBN |
Wolverine: Prehistory | Marvel Comics Presents #93–98; Wolverine (vol. 3) #32; Logan: Path of the Warlord, Shadow Society; Wolverine: Agent of Atlas #1–3; First X-Men #1–5; Wolverine: Hunger; Wolverine (vol. 2) #-1; Before The Fantastic Four: Ben Grimm & Logan #1–3; Wolverine/Cable; Wolverine: The Amazing Immortal Man & Other Bloody Tales; Wolverine #1000 | February 2017 | 978-1-3029-0386-2 | ||
The Return of Weapon X | Wolverine vol. 2, #159–176 (1988), and ANNUAL 2000-2001 | October 8, 2013 | 978-0785185239 | ||
Wolverine Vs. the Marvel Universe | Marvel Comics Presents #117–122; Captain America Annual #8; Daredevil (vol. 1) #249; Spider-Man Vs. Wolverine; Incredible Hulk (vol. 1) #340; Wolverine (vol. 2) #134; Wolverine Vs. Thor #1–3; Marvel Universe Vs. Wolverine #1–4 | March 2017 | 978-1-3029-0465-4 | ||
Wolverine by Greg Rucka Ultimate Collection | Wolverine (vol. 3) #1–19 | January 2012 | 978-0785158455 | ||
Wolverine: Enemy of the State Ultimate Collection | Wolverine (vol. 3) #20–32 | June 2008 October 2006 |
SC: 978-0785133018 HC: 978-0785122067 | ||
Wolverine by Daniel Way: The Complete Collection | 1 | Wolverine (1988) #187-189, Wolverine (2003) #33-40, Wolverine: Origins #1-5 and #1 Director's Cut, Sabretooth (2004) #1-4, and Material From I (Heart) Marvel: My Mutant Heart #1 | January 2017 | 978-1302904722 | |
2 | Wolverine (vol. 3) #50–55; Wolverine: Origins #6–15, Annual #1; What If: Wolverine #1 | September 2017 | 978-1302907389 | ||
3 | Wolverine: Origins #16–32; X-Men: Original Sin #1; X-Men: Legacy #217–218; "One Percenter" stories from Wolverine (vol. 3) #73–74 | February 2018 | 978-1302907686 | ||
4 | Wolverine: Origins #33–50; Dark Wolverine #85–86 | June 2018 | 978-1302909529 | ||
Wolverine by Jason Aaron: The Complete Collection | 1 | Wolverine (vol. 3) #56, 62–65; material from #73–74; Wolverine: Manifest Destiny 1–4; Wolverine: Weapon X 1–5; material from Wolverine (vol. 2) #175 | December 2013 | 978-0785185413 | |
2 | Wolverine: Weapon X #6–16; Dark Reign: The List – Wolverine #1; Dark X-Men: The Beginning #3; All-New Wolverine Saga | April 2014 | 978-0785185765 | ||
3 | Wolverine (vol. 4) #1–9, 5.1; Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine #1–6; material from Wolverine: Road to Hell #1 | August 2014 | 978-0785189084 | ||
4 | Wolverine (vol. 4) #10–20, 300–304 | December 2014 | 978-0785189091 | ||
Death of Wolverine | Prelude: Three Months To Die | Wolverine (vol. 6) #1–12, Annual #1 | April 2020 | 9781302922832 | |
The Complete Collection | Death of Wolverine #1–4; Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #1–5; Death of Wolverine: Logan Legacy #1–7; Death of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America #1; Death of Wolverine: Life After Logan #1 | May 2018 | 978-1302912420 | ||
Companion | Wolverine & the X-Men (vol. 2) #10–11; Nightcrawler (vol. 4) #7; Wolverines #1–20 | March 2019 | 978-1302916107 | ||
Hunt for Wolverine | Hunt For Wolverine #1, Hunt For Wolverine: Weapon Lost #1-4, Hunt For Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda #1-4, Hunt For Wolverine: Claws Of A Killer #1-4, Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor #1-4, Where's Wolverine pages | November 2018 | HC: 978-1302913014 | ||
X Lives of Wolverine and X Deaths of Wolverine | X Lives of Wolverine (2022) #1-5, X Deaths of Wolverine (2022) #1-5 | December 2022 | HC: 978-1302931223 SC: 978-1302931230 |
Main series
[edit]Title | Vol. | Vol. title | Material collected | Publication date | ISBN |
Wolverine | Wolverine #1–4; Uncanny X-Men #172–173 | January 2007 | HC: 978-0785123293 | ||
March 2009 | SC: 978-0785137245 | ||||
June 18, 2013 | |||||
Wolverine Classic | 1 | Wolverine vol. 2, #1–5 | April 2005 | 978-0785117971 | |
2 | Wolverine vol. 2, #6–10 | September 2005 | 978-0785118770 | ||
3 | Wolverine vol. 2, #11–16 | May 2006 | 978-0785120537 | ||
4 | Wolverine vol. 2, #17–23 | September 2006 | 978-0785120544 | ||
5 | Wolverine vol. 2, #24–30 | September 2007 | 978-0785127390 | ||
Wolverine by Larry Hama & Marc Silvestri | 1 | Wolverine vol. 2, #31–37; Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure; Wolverine: Bloodlust | July 9, 2013 | 978-0785184515 | |
2 | Wolverine vol. 2, #38–46; Wolverine: Rhane of Terra | February 4, 2014 | 978-0785188711 | ||
Wolverine | Weapon X Unbound | Wolverine vol. 2, #47–57 | January 24, 2017 | 978-1302903886 | |
Wolverine Legends | 6 | Marc Silvestri | Wolverine vol. 2, #31–34, 41–42, 48–50 | May 2004 | 978-0785109525 |
Wolverine | Not Dead Yet | Wolverine vol. 2, #119–122 | December 1998 May 2009 |
SC: 978-0785107040 HC: 978-0785137665 | |
Wolverine | Blood Wedding | Wolverine vol. 2, #123–132, and Wolverine: Black Rio | December 1998 May 2009 |
978-0785185246 978-0785185246 | |
X-Men vs. Apocalypse | 1 | The Twelve | Wolverine vol. 2, #146–147; Cable #73–76; Uncanny X-Men #376–377; X-Men #96–97 | March 2008 | 978-0785122630 |
2 | Ages of Apocalypse | Wolverine vol. 2, #148; Cable #77; Uncanny X-Men #378, Annual '99; X-51 #8; X-Men #98; X-Men Unlimited #26; X-Men: The Search for Cyclops #1–4 | September 2008 | 978-0785122647 | |
Wolverine | Blood Debt | Wolverine vol. 2, #150–153 | July 2001 | 978-0785107859 | |
The Best There Is | Wolverine vol. 2, #159–161, 167–169 | September 2002 | 978-0785110071 | ||
The Return of Weapon X | Wolverine vol. 2, #159–176 and Annual 2000-2001 | October 8, 2013 | 978-0785185239 | ||
Wolverine/Deadpool | Weapon X | Wolverine vol. 2, #162–166; Deadpool #57–60 | August 2002 | 978-0785109181 | |
Wolverine Legends | 3 | Law of the Jungle | Wolverine vol. 2, #181–186 | March 2003 | 978-0785111351 |
Wolverine by Greg Rucka | 1 | The Brotherhood | Wolverine (vol. 3) #1–6 | February 2004 | 978-0785111368 |
2 | Coyote Crossing | Wolverine (vol. 3) #7–11 | May 2004 | 978-0785111375 | |
3 | Return of the Native | Wolverine (vol. 3) #12–19 | October 2004 | 978-0785113973 | |
Wolverine: Enemy of the State | 1 | Wolverine (vol. 3) #20–25 | October 2006 May 2005 |
SC: 978-0785114925 HC: 978-0785118152 | |
2 | Wolverine (vol. 3) #26–32 | June 2006 December 2005 |
SC: 978-0785116271 HC: 978-0785119265 | ||
Wolverine: Enemy of the State Ultimate Collection | Wolverine (vol. 3)#20–32 | June 2008 October 2006 |
SC: 978-0785133018 HC: 978-0785122067 | ||
House of M | World of M, Featuring Wolverine | Wolverine (vol. 3) #33–35; Black Panther vol. 4, #7; Captain America vol. 5, #10; The Pulse #10 | March 2006 | 978-0785119227 | |
Decimation | Origins and Endings | Wolverine (vol. 3) #36–40 | December 2006 May 2006 |
SC: 978-0785119791 HC: 978-0785119777 | |
Blood and Sorrow | Wolverine (vol. 3) #41, 49; Giant-Size Wolverine #1; X-Men Unlimited #12 | July 2007 | 978-0785126072 | ||
Civil War: Wolverine | Wolverine (vol. 3) #42–48 | May 2007 | 978-0785119807 | ||
Evolution | Wolverine (vol. 3) #50–55 | March 2008 November 2007 |
SC: 978-0785122562 HC: 978-0785122555 | ||
The Death of Wolverine | Wolverine (vol. 3) #56–61 | July 2008 April 2008 |
SC: 978-0785126126 HC: 978-0785126119 | ||
Get Mystique | Wolverine (vol. 3) #62–65 | August 2008 | 978-0785129639 | ||
Old Man Logan | Wolverine (vol. 3) #66–72; Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant-Size | September 2010 October 2009 |
SC: 978-0785131724 HC: 978-0785131595 | ||
Dark Wolverine | 1 | The Prince | Wolverine (vol. 3) #73–74 (back stories); Dark Wolverine #75–77 | March 2010 November 2009 |
SC: 978-0785138662 HC: 978-0785139003 |
2 | My Hero | Dark Wolverine vol. 3, #78–81 | March 2010 | SC: 978-0785138679 HC: 978-0785139775 | |
Siege: X-Men | Dark Wolverine #82-84, New Mutants (vol. 3) #11, Siege: Storming Asgard - Heroes & Villains #1 | August 2010 | 978-0785148159 | ||
Wolverine: The Reckoning | Dark Wolverine #85-87, Wolverine: Origins #46-50 | October 2010 | 978-0785139782 | ||
Punisher: Franken-Castle | Dark Wolverine #88-89, Punisher (vol. 8) #11-16, Franken-Castle #17-21, Dark Reign: The List - Punisher #1 | December 2010 | 978-0785147541 | ||
Daken: Dark Wolverine - Punishment | Dark Wolverine #75-89, Dark Reign: The List - Punisher #1, Wolverine: Origins #47-48, Franken-Castle #19-20, Dark Wolverine Saga #1 | July 2017 | 978-1302906863 | ||
Daken: Dark Wolverine | 1 | Empire | Dark Wolverine #90, Daken: Dark Wolverine #1-4 | February 2011 | 978-0785147053 |
Wolverine Goes to Hell | Wolverine (vol. 4) #1–5 | January 2011 February 2011 |
SC: 978-0785147855 HC: 978-0785147848 | ||
Wolverine Vs. The X-Men | Wolverine (vol. 4) #6–9 & 5.1 | June 2011 | SC: 978-0785147879 HC: 978-0785147862 | ||
Wolverine's Revenge | Wolverine (vol. 4) #10–16 | November 2011 | SC: 978-0785152798 HC: 978-0785152798 | ||
Wolverine | Goodbye, Chinatown | Wolverine (vol. 4) #17–20 | April 2012 | HC: 978-0785161417 | |
Back in Japan | Wolverine #300–304 | July 2012 | HC: 978-0785161431 | ||
Rot | Wolverine #305–309 | September 2012 | HC: 978-0785161455 | ||
Sabretooth Reborn | Wolverine #310–313 | February 2013 | HC: 978-0785163251 | ||
Covenant | Wolverine #314–317 | April 2013 | TPB: 978-0785164678 | ||
Wolverine Volume 1: Hunting Season | Wolverine (vol. 5) #1–6 | September 2013 | 978-0785183969 | ||
Wolverine Volume 2: Killable | Wolverine (vol. 5) #6–13 | March 25, 2014 | SC: 978-0785183976 | ||
Wolverine Volume 2: Three Months to Die Book 2 | Wolverine (vol. 6) #1-7 | August 2014 | |||
Wolverine Volume 2: Three Months to Die Book 2 | Wolverine (vol. 6) #8-12, Annual #1 | December 9, 2014 | SC: 978-0785154204 | ||
Death of Wolverine | Prelude: Three Months To Die | Wolverine (vol. 6) #1–12, Annual #1 | April 2020 | 9781302922832 | |
The Complete Collection | Death of Wolverine #1–4; Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #1–5; Death of Wolverine: Logan Legacy #1–7; Death of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America #1; Death of Wolverine: Life After Logan #1 | май 2018 г. | 978-1302912420 | ||
Компаньон | Росомаха и Люди Икс (том 2) № 10–11; Ночной Змей (том 4) №7; Росомахи № 1–20 | март 2019 г. | 978-1302916107 | ||
Охота на Росомаху | Охота на росомаху № 1, Охота на росомаху: утеряно оружие № 1–4, Охота на росомаху: Адамантиевая программа № 1–4, Охота на росомаху: когти убийцы № 1–4, Охота на росомаху: тайна в Мадрипуре № 1 -4, Где страницы Росомахи | ноябрь 2018 г. | ХК: 978-1302913014 | ||
Возвращение Росомахи | Возвращение Росомахи № 1-5 | апрель 2019 г. | 978-1302911980 | ||
Росомаха: Дозор бесконечности | Росомаха: Дозор Бесконечности # 1-5 | 10 сентября 2019 г. | 978-1302915810 | ||
Росомаха Бенджамина Перси Том 1 | Росомаха (том 7) # 1-5 | декабрь 2020 г. | 978-1302921828 | ||
Росомаха Бенджамина Перси Том 2 | Росомаха (том 7) # 8-12 | сентябрь 2021 г. | 978-1302921835 | ||
Росомаха Бенджамина Перси Том 3 | Росомаха (том 7) # 14-19 | февраль 2022 г. | 978-1302927257 | ||
Росомаха Бенджамина Перси Том 4 | Росомаха (том 7) # 20-25 | декабрь 2022 г. | 978-1302927264 | ||
Росомаха Бенджамина Перси Том 5 | Росомаха (том 7) # 26-30 | июнь 2023 г. | 978-1302932978 | ||
Росомаха Бенджамина Перси Том 6 | Росомаха (том 7) № 31-35 | октябрь 2023 г. | 978-1302947644 | ||
Росомаха Бенджамина Перси Том 7 | Росомаха (том 7) # 36-40 | март 2024 г. | 978-1302951535 | ||
Росомаха Бенджамина Перси Том 8 | Росомаха (том 7) # 41-45 | июнь 2024 г. | 978-1302954727 | ||
Росомаха Бенджамина Перси Том 9 | Росомаха (том 7) # 46-50 | август 2024 г. | 978-1302954734 |
Росомаха: Происхождение
[ редактировать ]Заголовок | Том. | Том. заголовок | Собран материал | Дата публикации | ISBN |
Росомаха: Происхождение | 1 | Рожденный в крови | Росомаха: Происхождение №1–5 | апрель 2007 г. ноябрь 2006 г. |
СК: 978-0-7851-2287-6 ХК: 978-0785122852 |
2 | Спаситель | Росомаха: Происхождение № 6–10 | октябрь 2007 г. март 2007 г. |
СК: 978-0-7851-2288-3 ХК: 978-0785122869 | |
3 | Быстрый и ужасный | Росомаха: Происхождение № 11–15 | ноябрь 2007 г. август 2007 г. |
СК: 978-0-7851-2613-3 ХК: 978-0785126379 | |
4 | Наша война | Росомаха: Происхождение № 16–20, Ежегодник № 1. | июнь 2008 г. февраль 2008 г. |
СК: 978-0-7851-2614-0 ХК: 978-0785126386 | |
5 | Тотализатор, где делаются ставки на смерть знаменитостей | Росомаха: Происхождение № 21–27 | декабрь 2008 г. сентябрь 2008 г. |
СК: 978-0-7851-2615-7 ХК: 978-0785126393 | |
Люди Икс | Первородный грех | Росомаха: Происхождение № 28–30; Люди Икс: Первородный грех №1; Люди Икс: Наследие № 217–218 | август 2009 г. февраль 2009 г. |
СК: 978-0-7851-2956-1 ХК: 978-0785130383 | |
Росомаха: Происхождение | 6 | Темное Царство | Росомаха: Происхождение № 31–36. | декабрь 2009 г. сентябрь 2009 г. |
СК: 978-0-7851-3538-8 ХК: 978-0785136286 |
7 | Ромул | Росомаха: Происхождение № 37–40 | апрель 2010 г. декабрь 2009 г. |
СК: 978-0785135395 ХК: 978-0-7851-3629-3 | |
8 | Семь трудный путь | Росомаха: Происхождение № 41–45. | сентябрь 2010 г. апрель 2010 г. |
СК: 978-0-7851-4649-0 ХК: 978-0785146483 | |
9 | Расплата | Росомаха: Происхождение № 46–50; Темный Росомаха № 85–87 | октябрь 2010 г. | ХК: 978-0785139782 |
Росомаха: Первый класс
[ редактировать ]Заголовок | Том. заголовок | Собран материал | Дата публикации | ISBN |
Росомаха: Первый класс | Новичок | Росомаха: Первый класс № 1–4; Невероятный Халк № 181 | октябрь 2008 г. | 978-0-7851-3316-2 |
В Россию с любовью | Росомаха: Первый класс № 5–8; Жуткие Люди Икс № 139–140 | февраль 2009 г. | 978-0-7851-3317-9 | |
Росомаха ночью | Росомаха: Первый класс № 9–12. | апрель 2009 г. | 978-0-7851-3534-0 | |
Ниндзя, боги и дивы | Росомаха: Первый класс № 13–16; Люди Икс и Power Pack №1 | август 2009 г. | 978-0-7851-3535-7 | |
Действия класса | Росомаха: Первый класс № 17–21. | февраль 2010 г. | 978-0-7851-3678-1 | |
Оружие X: Первый класс | Росомаха: Сказки об Оружии Икс | Оружие X: Первый класс № 1–3, Росомаха: Первый класс № 1–2 и Росомаха и силовой агрегат № 2. | ноябрь 2009 г. |
Росомаха: Оружие Икс
[ редактировать ]Заголовок | Собран материал | Дата публикации | ISBN |
Росомаха: Оружие Икс, Том. 1: Адамантиевые люди | Росомаха: Оружие X № 1–5; Росомаха об. 3, № 73–74 | апрель 2010 г. ноябрь 2009 г. |
СК: 978-0785141112 ХК: 978-0785140177 |
Росомаха: Оружие Икс, Том. 2: Безумие в мозгу | Росомаха: Оружие X № 6–10. | июль 2010 г. март 2010 г. |
СК: 978-0785141129 ХК: 978-0785140184 |
Росомаха: Оружие Икс, Том. 3: Завтра умрет сегодня | Росомаха: Оружие X № 11–16; Dark Reign: Список – Росомаха | октябрь 2010 г. март 2011 г. |
СК: 978-0785146513 ХК: 978-0785146506 |
Росомаха и Люди Икс
[ редактировать ]Заголовок | Собран материал | Дата публикации | ISBN |
Росомаха и Люди Икс , Том. 1 | Росомаха и Люди Икс (том 1) №1–4 | 2 мая 2012 г. | 978-0785156796 |
Росомаха и Люди Икс: Альфа и Омега | Росомаха и Люди Икс: Альфа и Омега (том 1) № 1–5 | июль 2012 г. | 978-0785164005 |
Росомаха и Люди Икс, Том. 2 | Росомаха и Люди Икс (том 1) № 5–8 | 5 сентября 2012 г. | 978-0785156819 |
Росомаха и Люди Икс, Том. 3 | Росомаха и Люди Икс (том 1) № 9–13 | 10 октября 2012 г. | 978-0785159995 |
Росомаха и Люди Икс, Том. 4 | Росомаха и Люди Икс (том 1) № 14–18 | 8 января 2013 г. | 978-0785165422 |
Росомаха и Люди Икс, Том. 5 | Росомаха и Люди Икс (том 1) № 19–24 | 16 июля 2013 г. | 978-0785165774 |
Росомаха и Люди Икс, Том. 6 | Росомаха и Люди Икс (том 1) № 25–29 | 24 сентября 2013 г. | 978-0785165996 |
Росомаха и Люди Икс, Том. 7 | Росомаха и Люди Икс (том 1) № 30–35 | Октябрь 2013 г. | 978-0785166009 |
Люди Икс: Битва за Атом | Люди Икс: Битва за Атом (том 1) №1–2; Совершенно новые Люди Икс (том 1) 16–17; Люди Икс (том 4) № 5–6; Жуткие Люди Икс (том 3) № 12–13; Росомаха и Люди Икс (том 1) № 36–37 | 21 января 2014 г. | Твердый переплет: 978-0785189060
Мягкая обложка: 978-1846535727 |
Росомаха и Люди Икс, Том. 8 | Росомаха и Люди Икс (том 1) № 38–42; Росомаха и Ежегодник Людей Икс (том 1) # 1 | 24 сентября 2013 г. | 978-0785166016 |
Росомаха и Люди Икс Джейсона Аарона Омнибуса | Росомаха и Люди Икс (том 1) № 1–35 и 38–42; Росомаха и Ежегодник Людей Икс (том 1) # 1 | 17 июня 2014 г. | 978-0785190240 |
Росомаха и Люди Икс, Том 1: Завтрашний день никогда не учится | Росомаха и Люди Икс (том 2) №1–6 | 18 ноября 2014 г. | Мягкая обложка: 978-0785189923 |
Росомаха и Люди Икс, Том 2: Смерть Росомахи | Росомаха и Люди Икс (том 2) № 7–12 | 17 февраля 2015 г. | Мягкая обложка: 978-0785189930 |
Росомаха: лучшее, что есть
[ редактировать ]Заголовок | Собран материал | Дата публикации | ISBN |
Росомаха: Лучшее, что есть: Заражение | Росомаха: Лучшее, что есть # 1–6 | июль 2011 г. | |
Росомаха: Лучшее, что есть: Нарушенный карантин | Росомаха: Лучшее, что есть # 7-12 | июль 2012 г. | |
Росомаха: Лучшее, что есть: Полная серия | Росомаха: Лучшее, что есть # 1-12 | май 2013 г. |
Дикая Росомаха
[ редактировать ]Заголовок | Собран материал | Дата публикации | ISBN |
Дикий Росомаха Том. 1: Остров Килл; Росомаха Фрэнка Чо: Дикая Земля | Дикий Росомаха № 1-5 | август 2013 г. | |
Дикий Росомаха Том. 2: Руки на трупе | Дикий Росомаха № 6-11 | февраль 2014 г. | |
Дикий Росомаха Том. 3: Гнев | Дикий Росомаха № 12-17 | июль 2014 г. | |
Дикий Росомаха Том. 4: Лучшее, что есть | Дикий Росомаха № 18-23 | август 2015 г. |
Подарки Marvel Comics с участием Росомахи
[ редактировать ]Заголовок | Собран материал | Дата публикации | ISBN |
Комиксы Marvel представляют : Росомаха, Том. 1 | Комиксы Marvel представляют № 1–10 | июль 2005 г. | 978-0-7851-1826-8 |
Marvel Comics представляет: Росомаха, Том. 2 | Комиксы Marvel представляют № 39–50 | январь 2006 г. | 978-0-7851-1883-1 |
Marvel Comics представляет: Росомаха, Том. 3 | Комиксы Marvel представляют № 51–61 | июнь 2006 г. | 978-0-7851-2065-0 |
Marvel Comics представляет: Росомаха, Том. 4 | Комиксы Marvel представляют № 62–71 | декабрь 2006 г. | 978-0-7851-2066-7 |
Росомаха и Призрачный гонщик в «Актах мести» | Комиксы Marvel представляют № 64–70 | 1993 | 0-7851-0022-9 |
Росомаха: Оружие Икс | Комиксы Marvel представляют № 72–84 | март 2009 г. март 2007 г. |
СК: 978-0-7851-3726-9 ХК: 978-0785123279 |
Росомаха: Жаждущий крови | Комиксы Marvel представляют № 85–92 | декабрь 1993 г. | 978-0-7851-0003-4 |
Росомаха: Предыстория | Marvel Comics представляет № 93–98; Росомаха (2003) № 32; Логан: Путь полководца, Общество теней; Росомаха: Агент Атласа №1-3; Первые Люди Икс №1–5; Росомаха: Голод; Росомаха (1988) - №1; До «Фантастической четверки: Бен Гримм и Логан №1–3»; Росомаха/Кабель; Росомаха: Удивительный бессмертный человек и другие кровавые истории, Росомаха (2010) # 1000 | февраль 2017 г. | 978-1-3029-0386-2 |
Росомаха: Тифозный поцелуй | Комиксы Marvel представляют № 109–116 | май 1994 г. | 978-0-7851-0056-0 |
Росомаха против. Вселенная Марвел | Marvel Comics представляет № 117–122; Ежегодник Капитана Америки № 8; Сорвиголова (1964) № 249; Человек-Паук против. Росомаха, Невероятный Халк (1968) № 340, Росомаха (1988) № 134, Росомаха против. Тор № 1-3, Вселенная Marvel Vs. Росомаха № 1-4 | Март 2017 г. | 978-1-3029-0465-4 |
[ редактировать ]Заголовок | Собран материал | Дата публикации | ISBN |
Легенды о Росомахе, Том. 1: Халк/Росомаха | Халк/Росомаха №1-4 | март 2003 г. | |
Легенды о Росомахе, Том. 2: Крах | Хэвок и Росомаха: Крах №1–4 | март 2003 г. | 978-0785110484 |
Легенды о Росомахе, Том. 3: Закон джунглей | Росомаха (Том 2) # 181-186 | март 2003 г. | |
Легенды о Росомахе, Том. 4: Ксисле | Росомаха: Ксисле № 1–5 | июль 2003 г. | 978-0785112211 |
Легенды о Росомахе, Том. 5: Рыдания | Росомаха: Рыдает! № 1–5 | Январь 2004 г. | |
Росомаха: Пожиратель душ | Росомаха: Душелов № 1–5 | август 2005 г. | 978-0785115052 |
Росомаха: Происхождение | Происхождение № 1–6 | март 2006 г. октябрь 2006 г. |
СК: 978-0785137276 ХК: 978-0785123286 |
Росомаха: Происхождение II | Происхождение II № 1–5 | август 2014 г. апрель 2015 г. |
СК: 978-0785190325 ХК: 978-0785184812 |
Росомаха: Конец | Росомаха: Конец № 1–6 | май 2007 г. | 978-0-7851-1349-2 |
Росомаха: Опасные игры | Росомаха: Песнь Смерти ; Росомаха: Опасные игры ; Росомаха: Огненный прорыв ; Росомаха: Убивать стало проще ; | декабрь 2008 г. | 978-0785134718 |
Люди Икс: Явная судьба | Росомаха: Явная судьба № 1–4; Манифест Судьбы Людей Икс: Ночной Змей №1 и Люди Икс: Манифест Судьбы №1-5 | сентябрь 2009 г. | 9780785139515 |
Люди Икс: Росомаха/Гамбит | Росомаха/Гамбит: Жертвы №1–4 | июнь 2002 г. ноябрь 2009 г. |
СК: 978-0785108962 ХК: 978-0785138020 |
Китти Прайд и Росомаха | Китти Прайд и Росомаха №1–6 | июнь 2008 г. | 0-7851-3089-6 |
Росомаха и Юбилей | Росомаха и Юбилей №1-4 | 29 июня 2011 г. | ХК: ISBN 0785157751 СК: ISBN 978-0785157755 |
Росомаха: Удивительный бессмертный человек и другие кровавые истории | Росомаха №900, №1000 ; Ежегодник Росомахи (2007) № 2 ; Неистовый Росомаха №1 ; «Росомаха: Удивительный бессмертный человек и другие кровавые истории», «Под променадом», «Вендиго!», «Карнидрал», «Дикарь», «Мистер Икс», «Пыль сверху», «Долг смерти»; Материал из Росомахи: Switchback | июнь 2018 г. | |
Росомаха: Летит к пауку | Росомаха: Чоп-шоп ; Росомаха: Обратный ход ; Специальный выпуск к празднику Росомахи: летит к пауку ; Росомаха: Рука мертвеца | август 2009 г. | 978-0785135692 |
Росомаха Нуар | Росомаха Нуар № 1–4 | май 2010 г. ноябрь 2009 г. |
СК: 978-0785135470 ХК: 978-0785139454 |
Электра и Росомаха: Искупитель | Электра и Росомаха: Искупитель №1-3 | май 2002 г. | |
Халк/Росомаха: 6 часов | Халк/Росомаха: 6 часов №1–4; Невероятный Халк № 181 | май 2003 г. | 978-0785111573 |
Росомаха и Капитан Америка | Росомаха и Капитан Америка №1-4, Росомаха №124 | 2004 | |
Легенды Человека-паука, том 4: Человек-паук и Росомаха | Человек-паук и Росомаха №1-4 | март 2004 г. | |
Удивительный Человек-Паук и Росомаха | Удивительный Человек-Паук и Росомаха №1–6 | ноябрь 2012 г.
август 2011 г. |
ХК: |
Росомаха/Черная кошка: Когти | Росомаха/Черная кошка: Когти №1–3. | февраль 2010 г. февраль 2007 г. |
СК: 978-0785142850 ХК: 978-0785118503 |
Росомаха/Черная кошка: Когти 2 | Росомаха/Черная кошка: Когти 2 № 1–3; Киллрейвен (2001) # 1 | май 2012 г.
ноябрь 2011 г. |
ХК: |
Росомаха/Геркулес: мифы, монстры и мутанты | Росомаха/Геркулес: Мифы, Монстры и Мутанты №1–4, материалы из Marvel Treasury Edition №26 | август 2011 г. | |
Росомаха и Ник Фьюри | Росомаха/Ник Фьюри: Связь со Скорпионом, Росомаха: Кровавый выбор и Росомаха и Ник Фьюри: Восхождение Скорпиона | Март 2012 г. | |
Росомаха и Power Pack | Росомаха и Power Pack №1-4 | 2009 | |
Marvel Platinum: Настоящий Росомаха | Происхождение №2; Комиксы Marvel представляют № 79; Невероятный Халк № 181;
Странные Люди Икс № 109; Росомаха №1–4; Человек-паук против Росомахи №1; Люди Икс № 25; Росомаха №75, №145 |
апрель 2009 г. | 978-1-84653-409-6 |
Росомаха: Логан | Логан №1–3 | апрель 2009 г. сентябрь 2008 г. |
СК: 978-0785134145 ХК: 978-0785134251 |
Росомаха: Первый сезон | Росомаха: первый сезон OGN | июнь 2013 г. | |
Росомаха против Карателя | Военный журнал Карателя № 6–7, Росомаха/Каратель: разрушительные доказательства № 1–3 , Боевая зона Карателя № 19, Росомаха/Каратель: Откровение № 1–4, Каратель № 16–17, Росомаха № 186, Росомаха/Каратель № 1 -5, Удивительные истории: Росомаха/Каратель №1-6 | апрель 2017 г. | |
Росомаха: Долгая ночь | Росомаха: Длинная ночь, адаптация № 1-5 | июль 2019 г. | |
Росомаха: Дочь Росомахи | Материал из Marvel Comics Presents (2019) № 1-9 | март 2020 г. | |
Росомаха: Черный, Белый и Кровь | Росомаха: Черный, белый и кровь № 1-4 | август 2021 г. | |
Росомаха: Патч | Росомаха: патч № 1–5. | ноябрь 2022 г. | 9781302932060 |
[ редактировать ]- ^ Джемас, Билл , Кесада, Джо , Дженкинс, Пол ( ж ). Росомаха: Происхождение (2001–2002). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Крепс, Дэниел (11 сентября 2017 г.). «Лен Вейн, автор комиксов и соавтор Росомахи, умер в 69 лет» . Роллинг Стоун . Архивировано из оригинала 3 января 2018 года . Проверено 2 января 2018 г.
- ^ Локк, Кейтлин (27 октября 2017 г.). «Восьмиклассник из Уолтема публикует иллюстрацию в национальном журнале комиксов» . Бостон Глобус . Архивировано из оригинала 24 ноября 2017 года . Проверено 2 января 2018 г.
- ^ Jump up to: а б с Райт, Брэдфорд В. (18 сентября 2003 г.). Нация комиксов . Издательство Университета Джонса Хопкинса . ISBN 978-0-8018-7450-5 .
- ^ Ловес, Фрэнк (23 апреля 2009 г.). «Художник Беллерозы создал Росомаху из Людей Икс» . Новостной день . Архивировано из оригинала 7 октября 2012 года.
- ^ Ловес, Фрэнк (24 апреля 2009 г.). «Происхождение Росомахи: Художники Marvel вспоминают создание иконы» . Международный киножурнал . Архивировано из оригинала 5 мая 2009 года . Проверено 21 июня 2013 г.
- ^ Аушенкер, Майкл (апрель 2007 г.). «Сын Сатаны: Истинный герой-дьявол с трезубцем». Назад выпуск! (21). Издательство TwoMorrows : 6–13.
- ↑ The Incredible Hulk # 181. Архивировано 22 июля 2013 года в Wayback Machine в базе данных Grand Comics .
- ^ Jump up to: а б с Вейн, Лен (24 февраля 2009 г.). «ВайнВордс» . Чего-чего? . Архивировано из оригинала 18 октября 2010 года . Проверено 23 апреля 2009 г.
Я полагал, что, поскольку Адамантий неразрушим, телескопические когти толщиной не более молекулы могут поместиться в эти оболочки на тыльной стороне адамантиевых перчаток...
- ^ Каннингем, Брайан (1996). «Одетый, чтобы убить». Волшебная дань Росомахе .
- ^ Jump up to: а б с д Сандерсон, Питер ( ж ). «Росомаха: Эволюция персонажа» Невероятный Халк и Росомаха , вып. 1 (октябрь 1986 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Минан, Девин (11 мая 2024 г.). «Вот почему Росомаху зовут Логан» . Слэшфильм . Проверено 14 мая 2024 г.
- ^ Jump up to: а б Компаньон Людей Икс
- ^ ДеФалко, Том (1 мая 2006 г.). Создатели комиксов о Людях Икс . Книги Титан . п. 110. ИСБН 978-1-84576-173-8 .
- ↑ Кронин, Брайан (20 ноября 2014 г.). «Туманные руины времени – вдохновение Джона Бирна для создания Росомахи». Архивировано 1 августа 2016 года в Wayback Machine . Ресурсы по комиксам .
- ^ Клермонт, Крис ; Бирн, Джон ( ж ), Бирн, Джон ( п ), Остин, Терри ( я ). «...Что-то злое приближается!» «Странные Люди Икс» , нет. 139 (ноябрь 1980 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Никерсон, Эл (август 2008 г.). «Клермонт и Бирн: Команда, которая сделала Людей Икс сверхъестественными». Назад выпуск! (29). Роли, Северная Каролина: TwoMorrows Publishing : 10.
- ^ Кронин, Брайан (20 октября 2005 г.). «Комикс «Городские легенды раскрыт № 21»» . Ресурсы по комиксам . Архивировано из оригинала 19 августа 2007 года . Проверено 19 августа 2007 г.
- ^ Леб, Джеф ( ш ). «Эволюция» Росомаха , нет. 50–55 (март – сентябрь 2007 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ «Вопросы о проектах комиксов» . Бирн Робототехника . 14 сентября 2007 г. Архивировано из оригинала 26 января 2013 г.
- ^ «Росомаха/Саблезубый — противостояние легенд Marvel» . ОАФЕ . 18 января 2007 г. Архивировано из оригинала 15 апреля 2009 г.
- ^ Jump up to: а б Уэллс, Джон; Каринджер, Марк. «Кто твой папа?» . Файлы Логана . Архивировано из оригинала 1 июля 2006 года.
- ^ «Вопросы об прерванных сюжетных линиях» . Бирн Робототехника . 29 августа 2006 г. Архивировано из оригинала 13 июня 2022 г. Проверено 14 июля 2009 г.
- ^ Люди Икс Криса Клермонта, Марка Сильвестри, Джима Ли Омнибуса
- ^ Флорес 2018 , с. 11.
- ^ Брайан Ван Хукер, Inverse . «Устная история Росомахи, невероятного супергероя, спасшего Людей Икс». 3 марта 2022 года. [Устная история Росомахи, маловероятного супергероя, спасшего Людей Икс]
- ^ Омнибус Людей Икс Криса Клермонта, Джима Ли и Уилса Портасио
- ^ Кронин, Брайан (29 марта 2007 г.). «Комикс «Городские легенды раскрыт № 96»» . Ресурсы по комиксам . Архивировано из оригинала 2 января 2010 года . Проверено 3 апреля 2007 г.
- ^ Брэди, Мэтт (25 января 2008 г.). «Миллар о старике Логане » . Ньюсарама . Архивировано из оригинала 22 января 2009 года.
- ^ Джемас, Билл , Дженкинс, Пол , Кесада, Джо ( ж ), Куберт, Энди ( п ), Исанов, Ричард ( я ). Росомаха: Происхождение , нет. 1 (ноябрь 2001 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Аарон, Джейсон ( ж ), Гуэдес, Ренато ( п ), Магальяс, Хосе Уилсон ( я ). Росомаха , нет. 5 (март 2011 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Джемас, Билл , Дженкинс, Пол , Кесада, Джо ( ж ), Куберт, Энди ( п ), Исанов, Ричард ( я ). Росомаха: Происхождение , нет. 2 (декабрь 2001 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Джемас, Билл , Дженкинс, Пол , Кесада, Джо ( ж ), Куберт, Энди ( п ), Исанов, Ричард ( я ). Росомаха: Происхождение , нет. 3–5 (январь – май 2002 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Джемас, Билл , Дженкинс, Пол , Кесада, Джо ( ж ), Куберт, Энди ( п ), Исанов, Ричард ( я ). Росомаха: Происхождение , нет. 6 (июль 2002 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Гиллен, Кирон ( ш ), Куберт, Адам ( а ). Происхождение II , нет. 2 (март 2014 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Гиллен, Кирон ( ш ), Куберт, Адам ( а ). Происхождение II (февраль – июнь 2014 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Клермонт, Крис ( ж ), Бушема, Джон ( п ), Сенкевич, Билл ( я ). Росомаха , нет. 10 (август 1989 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Уэй, Дэниел ( ж ), Диллон, Стив ( а ). Росомаха: Происхождение , нет. 16–20 (октябрь 2007 г. – февраль 2008 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Хама, Ларри ( ж ), Сильвестри, Марк ( п ), Грин, Дэн ( я ). Росомаха , нет. 34 (декабрь 1990 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Виндзор-Смит, Барри ( ж ), Виндзор-Смит, Барри ( а ). «Оружие Икс» Marvel Comics представляет , вып. 72–84 (1991). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Вейн, Лен ( ж ), Тримп, Херб ( п ), Абель, Джек ( я ). Невероятный Халк , нет. 180–181 (октябрь – ноябрь 1974 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Рой Томас ( ж ), Джо Караманья ( п ). Легенды Людей Икс , нет. 1–2 (сентябрь 2022 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Вейн, Лен ( ж ), Кокрам, Дэйв ( а ). «Второе Бытие» Гигантские Люди Икс , вып. 1 (1975). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Бендис, Брайан Майкл ( ж ), Койпель, Оливье ( п ), Таунсенд, Тим ( я ). Дом М , нет. 1 (август 2005 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ↑ Брайан Кронин, «Росомаха и Колосс: величайшие специальные выпуски по фастболу», CBR , 23 ноября 2016 г. [1]
- ^ Странный омнибус Людей Икс , том. 5
- ^ Крис Клермонт и Фрэнк Миллер, Росомаха , 1988.
- ^ Люди Икс: Омнибус Резни Мутантов
- ^ Лобделл, Скотт , Леб, Джеф ( ж ), Мадурейра, Джо ( п ), Таунсенд, Тим ( я ). «Странные Люди Икс» , нет. 330 (март 1996 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Хама, Ларри ( ш ). Росомаха , нет. 99–100 (март – апрель 1996 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ X-23: Цель X # 6
- ^ Люди Икс (том 2) # 165. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Странные Люди Икс № 455. Комиксы Марвел.
- ↑ Охота на росомаху: Адамантиевая программа № 4 (август 2018 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Миллар, Марк ( ж ), Ромита, Джон младший ( п ), Янсон, Клаус ( я ). Росомаха , нет. 20 (декабрь 2004 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Миллар, Марк ( ж ), Ромита, Джон младший ( п ), Янсон, Клаус ( я ). Росомаха , нет. 23 (февраль 2005 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Миллар, Марк ( ж ), Ромита, Джон младший ( п ), Янсон, Клаус ( я ). Росомаха , нет. 22 (январь 2005 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Миллар, Марк ( ж ), Ромита, Джон младший ( п ), Янсон, Клаус ( я ). Росомаха , нет. 25 (апрель 2005 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Jump up to: а б Миллар, Марк ( ж ), Ромита, Джон младший ( п ), Янсон, Клаус ( я ). Росомаха , нет. 26 (май 2005 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Миллар, Марк ( ж ), Ромита, Джон младший ( п ), Янсон, Клаус ( я ). Росомаха , нет. 31 (октябрь 2005 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Уэй, Дэниел ( ж ), Салтарес, Хавьер ( п ), Тексейра, Марк ( я ). Росомаха , нет. 40 (май 2006 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Уэй, Дэниел ( ж ), Диллон, Стив ( а ). Росомаха: Происхождение , нет. 5 (октябрь 2006 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Жуткие Люди Икс # 493 (2008)
- ^ X-Force v3 # 1
- ^ Жуткая Сила Икс # 1 (2010)
- ^ Jump up to: а б Аарон, Джейсон ( ж ), Бачало, Крис ( п ). Росомаха и Люди Икс , нет. 1 (декабрь 2011 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Аарон, Джейсон ( ж ), Бачало, Крис ( п ). Росомаха и Люди Икс , нет. 2 (январь 2012 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Мстители против Людей Икс , вып. 2 (июнь 2012 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Ремендер, Рик ( ж ), Кассадей, Джон ( а ). «Новый Союз» «Странные Мстители» , нет. 1 (декабрь 2012 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Ремендер, Рик ( ж ), Кассадей, Джон ( а ). «Странные Мстители» , нет. 1–4 (декабрь 2012 г. – апрель 2013 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Соул, Чарльз ( ж ), МакНивен, Стив ( п ), Лейстен, Джей ( я ). Смерть Росомахи , нет. 1–4 (ноябрь 2014 г. – январь 2015 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Смерть Росомахи: Программа «Оружие Икс» №3. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Борода, Джим (28 апреля 2014 г.). «C2E2 2014: Смерть Росомахи». Архивировано 7 сентября 2014 года в Wayback Machine . Marvel.com.
- ^ Росомахи (том 5) №6. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Совершенно новый Росомаха №1. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Наследие Marvel # 1
- ^ Охота на Росомаху # 1
- ^ Охота на Росомаху №1. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Возвращение Росомахи № 1-5. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Дом X # 4. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Дом X # 5. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Полномочия X # 5. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Сила Икс №4. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Инферно (том 2) №4. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха (том 7) # 12. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха (том 7) № 13–14. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ X-Жизни Росомахи (2022). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ AXE: Судный день №1. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Клермонт, Крис (1987). Росомаха ТПБ .
- ^ "Отчет о мутанте" том. 3, Marvel Age , 67 лет, октябрь 1988 г., собрано в Wolverine: Madripoor Nights , 2022 г.
- ^ Jump up to: а б Росомаха об. 2, № 168 (ноябрь 2001 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха (том 2) # 1 (ноябрь 1988 г.), Marvel Comics. Цитата: «Я — Человек Икс. [...] Для них убийство — это последнее средство. Для меня это вторая натура. Я принимаю мир таким, какой он есть, и отдаю больше, чем получаю. Иди ко мне» с мечом. Я встречу тебя с мечом. Ты хочешь сначала проявить немного [...] Некоторые из этих людей погибли в бою... некоторые молились... некоторые смирились со своей судьбой... некоторые были прокляты. это... некоторые умоляли сохранить им жизнь... большинство были в ужасе. Детали не имеют значения. Важно то, что они умерли. И эти весы должны быть сбалансированы».
- ^ Флорес 2018 , с. 9.
- ^ Флорес 2018 , с. 23.
- ^ Флорес 2018 , с. 63.
- ^ Новые Люди Икс № 117. Октябрь 2001 года.
- ^ Росомаха № 3 (ноябрь 1982 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Marvel Comics представляет № 87 (1991). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Jump up to: а б Корнелл, Пол ( ж ), Пьерфедеричи, Мирко ( п ), Кесель, Карл ( я ). Росомаха , нет. 7 (сентябрь 2013 г.). Комиксы Марвел .
- ^ Происхождение . Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха том. 3, № 65 (октябрь 2007 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ↑ X-Men Unlimited # 12 (декабрь 2005 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха (том 2) № 105 (сентябрь 1996 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха (том 3) № 64 (июнь 2008 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха (том 2) № 98 (февраль 1996 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха (том 2) № 184 (февраль 2003 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
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- ^ Росомаха (том 2) № 90 (февраль 1995 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Ежегодник Росомахи '95 (июнь 1995 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха (том 2) № 186 (апрель 2003 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха (том 2) № 175. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Люди Икс # 107 (октябрь 1977 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Jump up to: а б Росомаха № 2 (октябрь 1982 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Uncanny X-Men # 251–273 (ноябрь 1989 г. - январь 1991 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Marvel Comics представляет № 86–90 (1991). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Классические Люди Икс # 10 (июнь 1987 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха том. 2, № 92 (август 1995 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха том. 2, № 115 (август 1997 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Люди Икс том. 2, № 150 (февраль 2004 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Логан № 2 (июнь 2008 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха том. 3, № 43 (август 2006 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха: Лучшее, что есть, № 4 (май 2011 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Экскалибур № 100. Комиксы Марвел.
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- ^ Росомаха: Происхождение # 39 (октябрь 2009 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха № 67 (февраль 1992 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Энциклопедия Marvel: обновленная и расширенная .
- ^ Росомаха том. 2, № 19 (декабрь 1989 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха: Оружие X # 5 (ноябрь 2009 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха (том 5) № 5 (июнь 2013 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха № 6 и 8 (2013). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха том. 3, № 46 (ноябрь 2006 г.)
- ^ Люди Икс: Первородный грех (декабрь 2008 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
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- ^ Росомаха №2. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха (том 2) № 75. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха том. 2, №77. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха , #75. Комиксы Марвел
- ^ Росомаха том. 2, № 31 Комиксы Marvel.
- ^ Росомаха том. 2, № 51 (февраль 1992 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Клермонт, Крис (ж), Дэвис, Алан Фармер, Марк (я). «Препятствия», The Uncanny X-Men # 451 (декабрь 2004 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха: Происхождение # 9 (февраль 2007 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха том. 2, №31. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ X-23: Цель X #6. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха (том 2) № 91, № 101
- ^ Люди Икс том. 2, № 25 (октябрь 1993 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ↑ Люди Икс # 25 (октябрь 1993 г.)
- ^ Жуткие Люди Икс (том 1) # 304 (1993)
- ↑ Смерть Росомахи , том 1, № 1 (ноябрь 2014 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Люди Икс (том 2) №5. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха: Происхождение #5. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Jump up to: а б Официальный справочник вселенной Marvel: Росомаха 2004 г.
- ^ Jump up to: а б Росомаха об. 2, # 1 (ноябрь 1988 г. Marvel Comics.
- ^ Росомаха том. 2, №57. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Люди Икс # 111 (июнь 1978 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
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- ^ Росомаха: Первый класс № 8 (декабрь 2008 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха: Оружие X # 16 (август 2010 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
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- ^ Праздничный специальный выпуск Merry X-Men , том 1, № 1 (декабрь 2018 г.)
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- ^ Люди Икс (том 2) № 62 (март 1997 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Росомаха: Происхождение № 4–5. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Люди Икс (том 2) # 108 (январь 2001 г.), Росомаха том. 3, № 20 (декабрь 2004 г.)
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- ^ Флорес 2018 , с. 77-78.
- ^ Флорес 2018 , с. 75-76.
- ^ Флорес 2018 , с. 79-91.
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- ^ Росомаха . № 1–4 (сентябрь-декабрь 1982 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
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- ^ Росомаха № 7 (май 2014 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
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- ^ Флорес 2018 , с. 146-147.
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- ^ Флорес 2018 , с. 42-27.
- ^ Флорес 2018 , с. 14-16.
- ^ Флорес, Сюзана; Выступления TEDx (30 марта 2018 г.). «Неукротимый: чему Росомаха учит нас о ярости | TEDxGrandCanyonUniversity» . Ютуб .
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- ^ 9 июня, Даррен Фрэнич. Обновлено; По восточному времени, 2022 г., 12:31. «Давайте оценим каждого Человека Икс за всю историю» . EW.com . Архивировано из оригинала 23 октября 2022 года . Проверено 15 ноября 2022 г.
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- ^ Вайс, Алекс (11 апреля 2018 г.). «X-Force: 20 влиятельных участников в рейтинге от самого слабого до самого сильного» . ЦБ РФ . Архивировано из оригинала 12 октября 2022 года . Проверено 25 января 2023 г.
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- ^ Харт, Дэвид (19 июня 2022 г.). «10 самых страшных мстителей» . ЦБ РФ . Архивировано из оригинала 9 августа 2022 года . Проверено 24 октября 2022 г.
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- ^ Хроники Людей Икс # 1 (1995)
- ^ Оружие X № 1-4.
- ^ Хроники Людей Икс # 2
- ^ Жуткая Сила Икс # 13
- ^ Эпоха X: Альфа # 1
- ^ Легенды Темного Когтя # 1 (1996)
- ^ Приключения Темного Когтя # 1 (1997)
- ^ Удивительный Человек-Паук: Обновите свои клятвы (том 2) # 6
- ^ Гражданская война Том 2 # 5
- ^ Рай X: Вестники № 1-3
- ^ Дэдпул: Наемник с ртом (Том 1) № 7 (март 2010 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Царствование Дьявола # 2. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Devil's Reign: Superior Four #1. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Халк: Несовершенное будущее # 2
- ^ Новые Люди Икс № 151-154 (март – май 2004 г.)
- ^ Фантастическая четверка # 559
- ^ Фантастическая четверка № 562.
- ^ Фантастическая сила № 1-4
- ^ Мстители Том. 8 № 50-51. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Мстители Том. 5 #54. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Мстители: Навсегда Том. 2 №11. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Мстители собирают Альфу №1. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Мстители Том. 8 №63. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Дом М # 2
- ↑ Люди Икс Нуар № 2–4 (январь – март 2009 г.)
- ^ Росомаха Нуар № 1–4 (апрель – июль 2009 г.)
- ^ Черная Пантера № 28-30 (июль - сентябрь 2007 г.)
- ^ «Рейтинг всех росомах во вселенной Marvel» . Марвел . Архивировано из оригинала 17 октября 2022 года . Проверено 15 ноября 2022 г.
- ^ Тор Том . 5 № 1-6. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Мстители: Навсегда Том. 2 №12. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Мстители: Навсегда Том. 2 №13. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Мстители: Навсегда Том. 2 № 14. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Мстители: Навсегда Том. 2 №15. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Мстители собирают Омегу №1. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Хищник против Росомахи № 1–4. Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Прелюдия к Корпусу Дэдпула (Том 1) № 2 (май 2010 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Прелюдия к Корпусу Дэдпула (Том 1) № 3 (май 2010 г.). Комиксы Марвел.
- ^ Руины №1 . Комиксы Марвел. 1995.
- ^ Паук-Гвен Том 2. № 20-22 (2017)
- ^ Что, если? (т. 2) № 111
- ^ Росомаха: Макс #1
- ^ Росомаха: МАКС #2
- ^ Росомаха: Конец Дженкинс, Пол . Комиксы Марвел , 2003.
- ^ Молодые Люди Икс # 11
- ^ «Хью Джекман удивил рекордным титулом в ознаменование 17-летней карьеры Росомахи» . Книги рекордов Гиннесса . 19 февраля 2019 года. Архивировано из оригинала 27 января 2022 года . Проверено 20 февраля 2019 г.
- ^ «Самая длинная карьера персонажа живых боевиков Marvel» . Книги рекордов Гиннесса . Архивировано из оригинала 15 февраля 2022 года . Проверено 5 марта 2022 г.
- ^ «Самая длинная карьера персонажа живых боевиков Marvel» . Книги рекордов Гиннесса . Архивировано из оригинала 15 февраля 2022 года . Проверено 5 марта 2022 г.
- ^ Шефер, Сэнди (2 августа 2024 г.). «Уэсли Снайпс побил большой рекорд Marvel с возвращением Блэйда Дэдпула и Росомахи» . СлэшФильм .
[ редактировать ]- Флорес, Сюзана Э. (2018). Неукротимый: Психология Росомахи Марвела . МакФарланд и компания . ISBN 978-1-4766-7442-1 .
- Тагаме, Генгоро (2003). Гей-эротическое искусство в Японии, том. 1: Художники времен зарождения гей-журналов . Издательство «Пот». ISBN 978-4939015588 .
- Кампф, Рэй (2000). Справочник по медведям: подробное руководство для хаски, волосатых и гомосексуалистов, а также для тех, кто их любит . Хаворт Пресс . ISBN 978-1560239970 .
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