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Prix Goncourt

Prix Goncourt
Awarded for"the best and most imaginative prose work of the year"
DateNovember, annual
Presented byAcadémie Goncourt
First awarded1903

The Prix Goncourt (French: Le prix Goncourt, IPA: [lə pʁi ɡɔ̃kuʁ], The Goncourt Prize) is a prize in French literature, given by the académie Goncourt to the author of "the best and most imaginative prose work of the year". The prize carries a symbolic reward of only 10 euros, but results in considerable recognition and book sales for the winning author. Four other prizes are also awarded: prix Goncourt du Premier Roman (first novel), prix Goncourt de la Nouvelle (short story), prix Goncourt de la Poésie (poetry) and prix Goncourt de la Biographie (biography). Of the "big six" French literary awards, the Prix Goncourt is the best known and most prestigious.[1] The other major literary prizes include the Grand Prix du roman de l'Académie française, the Prix Femina, the Prix Renaudot, the Prix Interallié and the Prix Médicis.[1]


Edmond de Goncourt

Edmond de Goncourt, a successful author, critic, and publisher, bequeathed his estate for the foundation and maintenance of the Académie Goncourt.[2] In honour of his brother and collaborator, Jules Alfred Huot de Goncourt (1830–1870), the académie has awarded the Prix Goncourt every December since 1903.[2] The jury that determines the winner meets at the Drouant restaurant in November to make its decision.[3] Notable winners of the prize include Marcel Proust (In Search of Lost Time), Simone de Beauvoir (The Mandarins), André Malraux (Man's Fate) and Marguerite Duras (The Lover).[2]

The award was initially established to provide talented new authors with a monetary award that would allow them to write a second book.[4] Today, the Goncourt has a token prize amount (around 10 euros), about the same amount given in 1903, and so the prestige of the prize has been explained not because of the cash-value of the prize, but "in terms of the tremendous book sales it effects: the Goncourt winner becomes an instant millionaire."[5] Hervé Le Tellier's The Anomaly, which won the Goncourt in 2020, exceeded a million copies in less than a year after its publication.[6]

In 1987, the Prix Goncourt des Lycéens was established, as a collaboration between the académie Goncourt, the French Ministry of Education, and Fnac, a book, music, and movie retailer.

The Prix Renaudot is announced at the same ceremony as the Prix Goncourt. It has become known as something of a second-place prize.[7]


Journalists at Le Drouant restaurant, 2016 Prix Goncourt.

Within months of the first prize in 1903, it spawned a "hostile counter-prize" in the form of the Prix Femina to counter the all-male Jury of the Goncourt with an all-female jury on the Femina.[8]

Some decisions for awarding the prize have been controversial, a famous case being the decision to award the prize in 1919 to Marcel Proust; this was met with indignation, since many in the public felt that the prize should have gone to Roland Dorgelès for Les Croix de bois, a novel about the First World War.[9][10] The prize was supposed to be awarded to promising young authors, whereas Proust was not considered "young" at 48 – however Proust was a beginning author which is the only eligibility requirement, age being unimportant.[9][10]

In 1921, Rene Maran won the Goncourt with Batouala, veritable roman negre, the first French novel to openly criticize European colonialism in Africa.[11] The novel caused "violent reactions" and was banned in all the French colonies.[11]

In 1932, the prize was controversial for passing up Louis-Ferdinand Céline's Voyage au bout de la nuit for Guy Mazeline's Les Loups.[12] The voting process became the basis of the 1992 book Goncourt 32 by Eugène Saccomano.[13]

Although the award may only be given to an author once, Romain Gary won it twice, in 1956 for Les racines du ciel and again under the pseudonym Émile Ajar in 1975 for La vie devant soi.[14] The Académie Goncourt awarded the prize to Ajar without knowing his real identity.[14] A period of literary intrigue followed. Gary's cousin's son Paul Pavlowitch posed as the author for a time. Gary later revealed the truth in his posthumous book Vie et mort d'Émile Ajar.[14]

In September 2021, the Goncourt attracted controversy after the jury decided, by a vote of 7 to 3, to include Les enfants de Cadillac by François Noudelmann on its 2021 list of finalists. Noudelmann is the partner of Camille Laurens, who is a member of the prize's jury. Laurens voted in favor of her partner's book.[15] In October 2021, the Académie Goncourt ultimately decided that it will no longer allow lovers and family members of the jury to be entered for consideration.[16]

Selection and voting process


The Prix Goncourt is divided into three selection stages. The first selection is typically composed of fifteen finalists. The second selection is typically composed of eight finalists, narrowed down from the previous fifteen. A third and final selection leaves four finalists.[17]

In the voting rounds, a maximum of fourteen rounds can be carried out. To begin the deliberation process, the names of the four finalists are placed in a champagne bucket. In turn, the names are taken out and each member of the jury votes aloud in favour of, or in opposition to, the writer. An absolute majority—more than half the votes cast—is required until the tenth round, then a simple majority is sufficient to designate a winner. If, after fourteen rounds, there is no winner, the president's vote counts as double to determine a majority vote. At 12:45 p.m., the Secretary General, Philippe Claudel, appears in front of the crowd of journalists and announces the winner. The winner typically waits in a cafe near the Drouant so that they can arrive in time. The winner is interviewed by the media and is offered a symbolic check for ten euros.[18]


Prix Goncourt winners[19]
YearAuthorFrench titleEnglish titleTransl. yearFilm titleFilm yearNotesPublisher (x time)
1903John Antoine NauForce ennemieEnemy Force2010La Plume
1904Léon FrapiéLa MaternelleLa Maternelle1933Albin Michel
1905Claude FarrèreLes CivilisésPaul Ollendorff
1906Jean and Jérôme TharaudDingley, l'illustre écrivainÉdouard Pelletan
1907Émile MosellyLe Rouet d'ivoire and Jean des Brebis ou le livre de la misère[n 1]Plon
1908Francis de MiomandreÉcrit sur de l'eau...Édition du Feu, later Émile-Paul Frères
1909Marius-Ary LeblondEn FranceFasquelle
1910Louis PergaudDe Goupil à MargotMercure de France
1911Alphonse de ChâteaubriantMonsieur des LourdinesThe Keynote1912Monsieur des Lourdines1943Grasset
1912André SavignonLes Filles de la pluieGrasset (2)
1913Marc ElderLe peuple de la merCalmann-Lévy
1914Adrien BertrandL'Appel du SolThe Call of the Soil1919[n 2]Calmann-Lévy (2)
1915René BenjaminGaspardPrivate Gaspard1916Fayard
1916Henri BarbusseLe FeuUnder Fire1917[n 3]Flammarion
1917Henry MalherbeLa Flamme au poingThe Flame That Is France1918Albin Michel (2)
1918Georges DuhamelCivilisationCivilization1919Mercure de France (2)
1919Marcel ProustA l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleursWithin a Budding Grove1920[n 4]Gallimard
1920Ernest PérochonNêneNêne1920Nène[21]1924Plon (2)
1921René MaranBatoualaBatouala1921Albin Michel (3)
1922Henri BéraudLe vitriol de la lune and Le martyre de l'obèseAlbin Michel (4)
1923Lucien FabreRabevel ou Le mal des ardentsGallimard (2)
1924Thierry SandreLe Chèvrefeuille, le Purgatoire, le Chapitre XIIIGallimard (3)
1925Maurice GenevoixRaboliotRaboliot
Grasset (3)
1926Henri DeberlyLe supplice de PhèdreGallimard (4)
1927Maurice BedelJérôme 60° latitude nordJerome: or, The Latitude of Love1928Gallimard (5)
1928Maurice Constantin-WeyerUn Homme se penche sur son passéA Man Scans His Past1929Un homme se penche sur son passé[24]
Les amants de rivière rouge[25]
1929Marcel ArlandL'OrdreL'Ordre[26]1985Gallimard (6)
1930H. FauconnierMalaisieThe Soul of Malaya or Malaisie1931Stock
1931Jean FayardMal d'amourDesire1931Fayard (2)
1932Guy MazelineLes LoupsThe Wolves1935Gallimard (7)
1933André MalrauxLa Condition humaineMan's Fate1934Gallimard (8)
1934Roger VercelCapitaine ConanCaptain Conan1935Capitaine Conan1996Albin Michel (5)
1935Joseph PeyreSang et LumièresGrasset (4)
1936Maxence Van Der MeerschL'Empreinte de DieuHath Not the Potter1937Albin Michel (6)
1937Charles PlisnierFaux passeports[n 5]Corrêa
1938Henri TroyatL'AraignePlon (3)
1939Philippe HériatLes enfants gâtésGallimard (9)
1940Francis AmbrièreLes grandes vacancesThe Long Holiday1948[n 6]Nouvelle France
1941Henri PourratVent de MarsGallimard (10)
1942Marc BernardPareil à des enfantsGallimard (11)
1943Marius GroutPassage de l'HommeWhen the Man Passed By1962Gallimard (12)
1944Elsa TrioletLe premier accroc coûte 200 FrancsA Fine of Two Hundred Francs1947Denoël
1945Jean-Louis BoryMon village à l'heure allemandeFlammarion (2)
1946Jean-Jacques GautierHistoire d'un Fait diversJulliard
1947Jean-Louis CurtisLes Forêts de la NuitThe Forests of the Night1950Julliard (2)
1948Maurice DruonLes grandes famillesThe Rise of Simon Lachaume1952The Possessors
Les grandes familles[27]
Julliard (3)
1949Robert MerleWeek-end à ZuydcooteWeek-end at Zuydcoote1950Weekend at Dunkirk1964Gallimard (13)
1950Paul ColinLes jeux sauvagesSavage Play1953Gallimard (14)
1951Julien GracqLe Rivage des SyrtesThe Opposing Shore1986[n 7]José Corti
1952Béatrix BeckLéon Morin, prêtreThe Priest (UK), The Passionate Heart (US)1953Léon Morin, Priest
Léon Morin, prêtre[28]
Gallimard (15)
1953Pierre GascarLes BêtesGallimard (16)
1954Simone de BeauvoirLes MandarinsThe Mandarins1957Gallimard (17)
1955Roger IkorLes eaux mêléesLes eaux mêlées[29]1969Albin Michel (7)
1956Romain GaryLes racines du cielThe Roots of Heaven1957The Roots of Heaven1958Gallimard (18)
1957Roger VaillandLa LoiThe Law1958The Law1959Gallimard (19)
1958Francis WalderSaint-Germain ou la négociationGallimard (20)
1959André Schwarz-BartLe dernier des JustesThe Last of the Just1960Seuil
1960Vintilă HoriaDieu est né en exilGod Was Born in Exile1961Fayard (3)
1961Jean CauLa pitié de DieuThe Mercy of God1963Gallimard (21)
1962Anna LangfusLes bagages de sableThe Lost Shore1964Gallimard (22)
1963Armand LanouxQuand la mer se retireQuand la mer se retire[30]1963Julliard (4)
1964Georges ConchonL'Etat sauvageThe Savage State1978Albin Michel (8)
1965Jacques BorelL'AdorationThe Bond1968Gallimard (23)
1966Edmonde Charles-RouxOublier PalermeTo Forget Palermo1968Dimenticare Palermo1990Grasset (5)
1967André Pieyre de MandiarguesLa MargeThe Margin1970The Margin1976Gallimard (24)
1968Bernard ClavelLes fruits de l'hiverThe Fruits of Winter1969Robert Laffont
1969Félicien MarceauCreezyCreezy1970Creezy1974Gallimard (25)
1970Michel TournierLe Roi des AulnesThe Erl-King (UK) or The Ogre (US)1972The Ogre1996Gallimard (26)
1971Jacques LaurentLes BêtisesGrasset (6)
1972Jean CarrièreL'Epervier de MaheuxPauvert
1973Jacques ChessexL'OgreA Father's Love (1975) or The Tyrant (2012)1975[n 8]Grasset (7)
1974Pascal LainéLa DentellièreA Web of Lace (1976) or The Lacemaker (2008)[31]1976The Lacemaker1977Gallimard (27)
1975Émile Ajar (Romain Gary)La vie devant soiMomo (1978) or The Life Before Us (1986)1978Madame Rosa
The Life Ahead
[n 9]Mercure de France (3)
1976Patrick GrainvilleLes FlamboyantsSeuil (2)
1977Didier DecoinJohn l'enferSeuil (3)
1978Patrick ModianoRue des boutiques obscuresMissing Person1980Gallimard (28)
1979Antonine MailletPélagie-la-CharrettePélagie: The Return to Acadie1982Grasset (8)
1980Yves NavarreLe Jardin d'acclimatationCronus' Children1986Flammarion (3)
1981Lucien BodardAnne-MarieGrasset (9)
1982Dominique FernandezDans la main de l'AngeGrasset (10)
1983Frédérick TristanLes égarésThe Lost Ones1991Balland
1984Marguerite DurasL'AmantThe Lover1986The Lover1992Minuit
1985Yann QueffélecLes Noces barbaresThe Wedding1987The Cruel Embrace1987Gallimard (29)
1986Michel HostValet de nuitGrasset (11)
1987Tahar Ben JellounLa nuit sacréeThe Sacred Night1989La Nuit sacrée[32]1993Seuil (4)
1988Érik OrsennaL'Exposition colonialeLove and Empire1991Seuil (5)
1989Jean VautrinUn grand pas vers le Bon DieuGrasset (12)
1990Jean RouaudLes Champs d'honneurFields of Glory1992Minuit (2)
1991Pierre CombescotLes Filles du CalvaireGrasset (13)
1992Patrick ChamoiseauTexacoTexaco1998Gallimard (30)
1993Amin MaaloufLe Rocher de TaniosThe Rock of Tanios1994Grasset (14)
1994Didier Van CauwelaertUn Aller simpleOne-Way2003One Way Ticket[33]2001Albin Michel (9)
1995Andreï MakineLe Testament françaisDreams of My Russian Summers1998Mercure de France (4)
1996Pascale RozeLe Chasseur ZéroAlbin Michel (10)
1997Patrick RambaudLa BatailleThe Battle2000Grasset (15)
1998Paule ConstantConfidence pour confidenceTrading Secrets2001Gallimard (31)
1999Jean EchenozJe m'en vaisI'm Gone (US) or I'm Off (UK)2001Minuit (3)
2000Jean-Jacques SchuhlIngrid CavenIngrid Caven2004Gallimard (32)
2001Jean-Christophe RufinRouge BrésilBrazil Red2004Gallimard (33)
2002Pascal QuignardLes Ombres errantesThe Roving Shadows2011Grasset (16)
2003Jacques-Pierre AmetteLa maîtresse de BrechtBrecht's Lover (US) or Brecht's Mistress (UK)2005Albin Michel (11)
2004Laurent GaudéLe Soleil des ScortaThe House of Scorta (US 2006) The Scortas' Sun (UK 2007)2006Actes Sud
2005François WeyergansTrois jours chez ma mèreGrasset (17)
2006Jonathan LittellLes BienveillantesThe Kindly Ones2009Gallimard (34)
2007Gilles LeroyAlabama SongMercure de France (5)
2008Atiq RahimiSyngué Sabour: La pierre de patienceStone of Patience (UK) or The Patience Stone (US)2010The Patience Stone2012P.O.L
2009Marie NDiayeTrois femmes puissantesThree Strong Women2012Gallimard (35)
2010Michel HouellebecqLa Carte et le territoireThe Map and the Territory2012Flammarion (4)
2011Alexis JenniL'Art français de la guerreThe French Art of War2017Gallimard (36)
2012Jérôme FerrariLe Sermon sur la chute de RomeThe Sermon on the Fall of Rome2014Actes Sud (2)
2013Pierre LemaitreAu revoir là-hautThe Great Swindle2015See You Up There2017Albin Michel (12)
2014Lydie SalvayrePas pleurerCry, Mother Spain2016Seuil (6)
2015Mathias ÉnardBoussoleCompass2017Actes Sud (3)
2016Leïla SlimaniChanson douceLullaby (UK)
The Perfect Nanny (USA)
2018Perfect Nanny2019Gallimard (37)
2017Éric VuillardL'Ordre du jourThe Order of the Day2018Actes Sud (4)
2018Nicolas MathieuLeurs enfants après euxAnd Their Children After Them2019And Their Children After Them2024Actes Sud (5)
2019Jean-Paul DuboisTous les hommes n'habitent pas le monde de la même façonNot Everybody Lives the Same Way2022L'Olivier
2020Hervé Le TellierL'AnomalieThe Anomaly2021Gallimard (38)
2021Mohamed Mbougar SarrLa plus secrète mémoire des hommesThe Most Secret Memory of Men2023[n 10]Philippe Rey / Jimsaan
2022Brigitte GiraudVivre ViteFlammarion (5)
2023Jean-Baptiste AndreaVeiller sur elleL'Iconoclaste (1)

Other awards


In addition to the Prix Goncourt for a novel, the Academy awards four other awards, for first novel, short story, biography and poetry.

As of March 2009, the académie changed the award name by dropping "bourses" ("scholarship") from the title.[35][36] The prefix "prix" can be included or not, such as "Prix Goncourt de la Poésie" (Goncourt prize for Poetry) or "Goncourt de la Poésie" (Goncourt of Poetry). For example: "Claude Vigée was awarded a Goncourt de la Poésie in 2008". Or, "Claude Vigée won the 2008 prix Goncourt de la Poésie".

The award titles are:

Pre-2009 award namePost-2009 award nameCategory
Bourse Goncourt de la BiographiePrix Goncourt de la BiographieBiography
Bourse Goncourt de la NouvellePrix Goncourt de la NouvelleShort story
Bourse Goncourt du Premier RomanPrix Goncourt du Premier RomanDebut novel
Bourse Goncourt de la PoésiePrix Goncourt de la PoésiePoetry
Bourse Goncourt JeunessediscontinuedJuvenile

The winners are listed below.[37]

Prix Goncourt de la Biographie


Goncourt Prize for biography. Awarded in partnership with the city of Nancy. The prize was renamed officially in 2017 the Prix Goncourt de la Biographie Edmonde Charles-Roux, after a former president of the Goncourt Academy.

Prix Goncourt de la Nouvelle


Goncourt Prize for short stories. Begun in 1974 in the form of scholarships. Awarded in partnership with the city of Strasbourg since 2001.

Prix Goncourt du Premier Roman


Goncourt Prize for debut novel. Awarded in partnership with the municipality of Paris.

Prix Goncourt de la Poésie


Goncourt Prize for poetry. Established through the bequest of Adrien Bertrand (Prix Goncourt in 1914). The award is for the poet's entire career work. The prize was officially renamed in 2012 the Prix Goncourt de la Poésie Robert Sabatier, after the poet.

Bourse Goncourt Jeunesse


Goncrout Prize for children's literature. Awarded in partnership with the municipality of Fontvieille. Discontinued after 2007.

Prix Goncourt des Lycéens


See also


For a more comprehensive overview a list of literary awards is available.

Notes and references



  1. ^ Pseudonym of Émile Chénin
  2. ^ Awarded in 1916. See footnote.[20]
  3. ^ See footnote.[20]
  4. ^ Volume 2 of In Search of Lost Time
  5. ^ First foreigner to win Prix Goncourt.
  6. ^ Published and awarded in 1946 due to WWII.
    Non-fiction memoir.
  7. ^ Refused prize.
  8. ^ The translated editions from 1975 & 2012 are the same by Martin Sokolinsky.
  9. ^ The rules of the Prix Goncourt state that an author can win only once. Gary had already won in 1956 for Les racines du ciel. However, since La vie devant soi was published under the pseudonym Émile Ajar, the Académie Goncourt awarded the prize without knowing the author's true identity. Gary's cousin's son Paul Pavlowitch posed as the author for a time.
  10. ^ First winner of the Goncourt from Sub-Saharan Africa[34]


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b Unwin, Timothy (1997). "Introduction". The Cambridge Companion to the French Novel: From 1800 to the Present. Cambridge University Press. p. xxii. ISBN 9780521499149. The 'big six' literary prizes in France have an extremely high profile and are, significantly, all awarded for novels. The best known and most prestigious is the Prix Goncourt. The other major literary prizes are the Grand Prix du Roman de l'Academie Francaise, the Prix Femina (awarded by a jury of women, though not necessarily to a female novelist), the Prix Renaudot, the Prix Interallie and the Prix Medicis.
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b c Burke, David (2008). Writers in Paris: Literary Lives in the City of Light. Counterpoint Press. p. 181. ISBN 9781593761578.
  3. ^ Glyn, Anthony (2000). The Companion Guide to Paris. Companion Guides. p. 98. ISBN 9781900639200.
  4. ^ Sally J. Scholz (2005). The Contradictions of Freedom: Philosophical Essays on Simone de Beauvoir's The Mandarins. SUNY Press. p. 18. ISBN 9780791465608.
  5. ^ James F English (2009). The Economy of Prestige: prizes, awards, and the circulation of cultural value. Harvard University Press. p. 61. ISBN 9780674036536.
  6. ^ Girgis, Dahlia (7 May 2021). "Un tirage total d'un million d'exemplaires pour "L'anomalie"". Livres Hebdo (in French). Retrieved 8 August 2021.
  7. ^ Hollier, Denis (1994). A New History of French Literature. Harvard University Press. p. 967. ISBN 9780674615663.
  8. ^ James F English (2009). The Economy of Prestige: prizes, awards, and the circulation of cultural value. Harvard University Press. p. 61. ISBN 9780674036536.
  9. ^ Jump up to: a b Rodic, Vesna (2008). Lyricism and Politics in Paul Valery's Poetry and Poetic Theory and in "La Nouvelle Revue Francaise", 1909–1939. ISBN 9781109096477.
  10. ^ Jump up to: a b Ashley, Katherine, ed. (2004). "L'Attribution du prix Goncourt à Proust en 1919". Prix Goncourt, 1902–2003: essals critiques (in French). Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN 9783039100187.
  11. ^ Jump up to: a b Unwin, Timothy (1997). "The colonial and postcolonial Francophone novel". The Cambridge Companion to the French Novel: From 1800 to the Present. Cambridge University Press. p. 195. ISBN 9780521499149.
  12. ^ Ashley, Katherine, ed. (2004). Prix Goncourt, 1902–2003: essals critiques (in French). Bern: Peter Lang. p. 16. ISBN 9783039100187.
  13. ^ Lapaque, Sébastien (16 September 1999). Céline-Mazeline sur le ring (in French). {{cite book}}: |work= ignored (help)
  14. ^ Jump up to: a b c Ashley, Katherine, ed. (2004). "Avant propos". Prix Goncourt, 1902–2003: essals critiques (in French). Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN 9783039100187.
  15. ^ Onishi, Norimitsu; Méheut, Constant (29 September 2021). "In Paris, It's Literary Scandal Season Again". The New York Times. Retrieved 30 September 2021.
  16. ^ "No lovers allowed in top French book prize after ethics scandal". France 24. Agence France-Presse. 5 October 2021. Retrieved 4 November 2021.
  17. ^ "Prix Goncourt – Présentation". Académie Goncourt (in French). Retrieved 7 November 2021.
  18. ^ Carreau, Nicolas (3 November 2021). "Goncourt : comment est remis le prix et qui est le favori cette année ?". Europe 1 (in French). Retrieved 7 November 2021.
  19. ^ "Tous les lauréats". Académie Goncourt (in French). Retrieved 7 November 2021.
  20. ^ Jump up to: a b No award was given in 1914 due to the war. In 1916 two awards were given, one for 1916 (Barbusse) and one for 1914 (Bertrand).
  21. ^ Nène at IMDb
  22. ^ Raboliot at IMDb
  23. ^ Raboliot at IMDb
  24. ^ Un homme se penche sur son passé at IMDb
  25. ^ Les amants de rivière rouge at IMDb
  26. ^ L'Ordre at IMDb
  27. ^ Les grandes familles at IMDb
  28. ^ Léon Morin, prêtre at IMDb
  29. ^ Les eaux mêlées at IMDb
  30. ^ Quand la mer se retire at IMDb
  31. ^ Translated by David Dugan. The Dirty Goat, issue 18, pg. 170 Archived 14 June 2009 at the Wayback Machine.
  32. ^ La Nuit sacrée at IMDb
  33. ^ One Way Ticket at IMDb
  34. ^ "Mohamed Mbougar Sarr wins Goncourt Prize, France's most prestigious literary award". France 24. 3 November 2021. Retrieved 3 November 2021.
  35. ^ Autres prix décernés par l'Académie Goncourt
  36. ^ Les Goncourt surfent, Le Figaro, 29 January 2009
  37. ^ Autres prix décernés par l'Académie Goncourt: Lauréats
  38. ^ "Le Goncourt de la biographie à Jean Lebrun pour "Notre Chanel"". lepoint.fr (in French). AFP. 3 June 2014. Retrieved 3 July 2015.
  39. ^ Eloy, Morgane (3 June 2015). "Jean-Christophe Attias, prix Goncourt de la biographie". Le Figaro (in French). Retrieved 3 July 2015.
  40. ^ Marie-Christine Imbault (4 March 2014). "Le Goncourt de la Nouvelle récompense Nicolas Cavaillès". livreshebdo.fr (in French). Retrieved 3 July 2015.
  41. ^ Auproux, Agathe (5 May 2015). "Le prix Goncourt de la nouvelle est attribué à Patrice Franceschi". livreshebdo.fr (in French). Retrieved 3 July 2015.
  42. ^ Dargent, Françoise (4 March 2013). "Frédéric Verger, Goncourt du premier roman". Le Figaro (in French). Retrieved 5 March 2014.
  43. ^ "Le Goncourt du premier roman 2015". Academie Goncourt. 5 May 2015. Retrieved 7 May 2015.
  44. ^ John Dugdale (21 May 2016). "How to turn down a prestigious literary prize – a winner's guide to etiquette". The Guardian. Retrieved 3 December 2016.
  45. ^ "Le Goncourt du premier roman à Maryam Madjidi". Le Monde.fr. Éditions Attila [fr]. 3 May 2017. Retrieved 3 May 2017.
  46. ^ Jump up to: a b c "Academie Goncourt".
  47. ^ Auproux, Agathe (5 May 2015). "Le prix Goncourt de la poésie Robert Sabatier est décerné à William Cliff". Livres Hebdo (in French). Retrieved 3 July 2015.
  48. ^ Gabinari, Pauline (4 May 2021). "Le Goncourt de la poésie Robert Sabatier 2021 couronne Jacques Roubaud". Livres Hebdo (in French). Retrieved 21 October 2021.
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Prix Goncourt - Wikipedia
Данный printscreen веб страницы (снимок веб страницы, скриншот веб страницы), визуально-программная копия документа расположенного по адресу URL1 и сохраненная в файл, имеет: квалифицированную, усовершенствованную (подтверждены: метки времени, валидность сертификата), открепленную ЭЦП (приложена к данному файлу), что может быть использовано для подтверждения содержания и факта существования документа в этот момент времени. Права на данный скриншот принадлежат администрации Ask3.ru, использование в качестве доказательства только с письменного разрешения правообладателя скриншота. Администрация Ask3.ru не несет ответственности за информацию размещенную на данном скриншоте. Права на прочие зарегистрированные элементы любого права, изображенные на снимках принадлежат их владельцам. Качество перевода предоставляется как есть. Любые претензии, иски не могут быть предъявлены. Если вы не согласны с любым пунктом перечисленным выше, вы не можете использовать данный сайт и информация размещенную на нем (сайте/странице), немедленно покиньте данный сайт. В случае нарушения любого пункта перечисленного выше, штраф 55! (Пятьдесят пять факториал, Денежную единицу (имеющую самостоятельную стоимость) можете выбрать самостоятельно, выплаичвается товарами в течение 7 дней с момента нарушения.)