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Ислам в Канаде

(Перенаправлено из мусульманского канадца )

Канадские мусульмане
Канадские мусульмане
Великая мечеть в Оттаве
Общая численность населения
1,775,715 [ 1 ]
4,9% от общего числа населения Канады ( перепись 2021 года )
Регионы со значительным населением
British Columbia125,915
Canadian EnglishCanadian French


Other languages of Canada

Ислам является второй по величине религии в Канаде, практикующей примерно 5% населения. Канадские мусульмане являются одной из самых этнически разнообразных религиозных групп по всей стране. Мусульмане прожили в Канаде с 1871 года, и первая мечеть была основана в 1938 году. [ 2 ] Большинство канадских мусульман суннитов , в то время как значительное меньшинство - шиитские .

Есть ряд исламских организаций и семинарий ( медресе ). Опросы общественного мнения показывают, что большинство мусульман чувствуют себя «очень гордыми» быть канадцами, а большинство являются религиозными и посещают мечеть хотя бы раз в неделю. [ 3 ] Более половины канадских мусульман живут в Онтарио , причем значительные группы населения также живут в Квебеке , Альберте и Британской Колумбии .

Процент мусульман в Канаде составляет 4,9% по сравнению с переписью 2021 года. [ 1 ] [ 4 ] В районе Большого Торонто 10% населения являются мусульманами, а в Большом Монреале 8,7% населения - мусульманин. [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ]

Uniform hat insignia for Canadian military Muslim chaplains.
Historical population
1854 3—    
1871 13+333.3%
1901 47+261.5%
1911 797+1595.7%
1921 478−40.0%
1931 645+34.9%
1971 33,430+5082.9%
1981 98,160+193.6%
1991 253,260+158.0%
2001 579,645+128.9%
2011 1,053,945+81.8%
2021 1,775,715+68.5%
Source: Statistics Canada
[8] [9]: 571  [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [1]

Four years after Canada's founding in 1867, the 1871 Canadian Census found 13 European Muslims among the population.[16][17] The first Muslim organization in Canada was registered by immigrants from greater Syria living in Regina, Saskatchewan in 1934. The first Canadian mosque was constructed in Edmonton in 1938 when there were approximately 700 European Muslims in the country.[18] The building is now part of the museum at Fort Edmonton Park. The years after World War II saw a small increase in the Muslim population. However, Muslims were still a distinct minority. It was only after the removal of European immigration preferences in the late 1960s and early 1970s that Muslims began to arrive in significant numbers.

Bosniaks and Albanian Muslims were the founders of Jami Mosque, the first mosque in Toronto in 1968, whose readjustment into masjid (originally an old Catholic school building) occurred on June 23, 1973. The mosque was readjusted for the Bosniaks, with the support of the local Christians. Later, with the action of University of Toronto professor Qadeer Baig, it was purchased by Asian Muslims, while Albanians and Bosniaks later founded the Albanian Muslim Society and Bosanska džamija (Bosnian Mosque) respectively. The oldest mosque in Toronto, with the oldest minaret in Ontario built in Osmanic style is in Etobicoke, part of the Bosnian Islamic Centre.[19]

The first Madrasa (Islamic seminary) in North America, Al-Rashid Islamic Institute was established in Cornwall, Ontario in 1983 to teach Hafiz and Ulama and focuses on the traditional Hanafi school of thought. The Seminary was established by Mazhar Alam, originally from Bihar, India, under the direction of his teacher the leading Indian Tablighi scholar Muhammad Zakariya Kandhlawi. Due to its proximity to the US border city of Massena the school has historically had a high percentage of American students. Their most prominent graduate, Muhammad Alshareef completed his Hifz in the early 1990s then went on to form the AlMaghrib Institute.

Toronto Dawah Centre, 2007

As with immigrants in general, Muslim immigrants have come to Canada for a variety of reasons. These include higher education, security, employment, and family reunification. Others have come for religious and political freedom, and safety and security, leaving behind civil wars, persecution, and other forms of civil and ethnic strife. In the 1980s, Canada became an important place of refuge for those fleeing the Lebanese Civil War. The 1990s saw Somali Muslims arrive in the wake of the Somali Civil War as well as Bosniaks fleeing the breakup of the former Yugoslavia. However Canada has yet to receive any significant numbers of Iraqis fleeing the Iraqi War. But in general almost every Muslim country in the world has sent immigrants to Canada – from Pakistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania to Yemen and Bangladesh.[20]

According to the Canadian Census of 1971 there were 33,000 Muslims in Canada.[11] In the 1970s large-scale non-European immigration to Canada began. This was reflected in the growth of the Muslim community in Canada. In 1981, the Census listed 98,000 Muslims.[12] The 1991 Census indicated 253,265 Muslims.[13]

By 2001, the Islamic community in Canada had grown to more than 579,000.[14] In the same year, the fertility rate for Muslims in Canada was higher than the rate for other Canadians (an average of 2.4 children per woman for Muslims in 2001, compared with 1.6 children per woman for other populations in Canada).[21][22]

Population estimates for the Census 2006 pointed to a figure of 800,000.[23] As of May 2013, Muslims account for 3.2% of the total population, with a total of over a million.[24] [25] In January 2017, six Muslims were killed in a shooting attack at a Quebec city mosque.

In the contemporary era, there are halal restaurants across Canada, including over 1000 in the Greater Toronto Area.[26]

One of the first Islamic internet radio stations, Canadian Islamic Broadcasting Network, was started in 2019.


Muslim Canadians total population (1871−2021)
Muslim Canadians percentage of the total population (1871−2021)


Muslim Canadian Population History
Year Population % of total population
13 0%
[9]: 571 [8]
47 0.001%
[9]: 571 
797 0.011%
[9]: 571 [8]
478 0.005%
645 0.006%
33,430 0.155%
98,160 0.408%
253,260 0.938%
579,645 1.956%
1,053,945 3.208%
1,775,715 4.888%

National and ethnic origins


According to the 2011 National Household Survey, there were 424,925 Muslims living in the Greater Toronto Area equalling 7.7% of the total metropolitan population, of which the Muslim community consists of persons of Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian, Iranian, African, Arab, Turkish, Bosniak, Albanian, Caucasian, Southeast Asian, and Latin descent.[27] Greater Montreal's Muslim community was 221,040[28] in 2011 or nearly 6% of the total metropolitan population which includes a highly diverse Muslim population from Western/Southern Europe, Caribbean, North Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent. Canada's national capital Ottawa hosts many Lebanese, Turkish, Bosniak, Albanian, South Asian and Somali Muslims, where the Muslim community numbered approximately 65,880 or 5.5% in 2011.[29] In addition to Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, nearly every major Canadian metropolitan area has a Muslim community, including Vancouver (73,215), where more than a third are of Iranian descent, Calgary (58,310), Edmonton (46,125), Windsor (15,575), Winnipeg (11,265), and Halifax (7,540). In recent years, there has been rapid population growth in Calgary and Edmonton because of the booming economy.[30]

Muslim Canadians
Panethnic groups (1981−2021)
[35]: 32 [36]: 40 
Population % Population % Population % Population % Population %
Middle Eastern[nb 1] 716,910 40.37% 407,780 38.69% 203,490 35.11% 96,385 42.35% 28,225 28.75%
South Asian 595,085 33.51% 383,365 36.37% 212,805 36.71% 96,395 42.35% 41,315 42.09%
European 190,460 10.73% 127,745 12.12% 82,020 14.15% 8,480 3.73% 13,820 14.08%
African 183,670 10.34% 90,535 8.59% 51,680 8.92% 19,795 8.7% 3,165 3.22%
Southeast Asian[nb 2] 11,935 0.67% 11,300 1.07% 5,250 0.91% 2,530 1.11% 1,195 1.22%
Latin American 2,610 0.15% 1,875 0.18% 890 0.15% 185 0.08% 3,220 3.28%
East Asian[nb 3] 2,320 0.13% 1,855 0.18% 2,405 0.41% 575 0.25% 370 0.38%
Indigenous 1,840 0.1% 1,065 0.1% 345 0.06% 50 0.02% N/A N/A
Other/Multiracial 70,885 3.99% 28,425 2.7% 20,755 3.58% 3,205 1.41% 6,850 6.98%
1,775,715 100% 1,053,945 100% 579,640 100% 227,600 89.87% 98,160 99.99%
Total Muslim
Canadian Population
1,775,715 100% 1,053,945 100% 579,645 100% 253,265 100% 98,165 100%

Branches or denominations


Major Canadian cities have local Muslim organizations that deal mainly with issues pertaining to their home city, but that support national associations. Most Muslim organizations on the national level are umbrella groups and coordination bodies. Student-led initiatives are generally well supported and successful, including annual events such as MuslimFest and the Reviving the Islamic Spirit conference, the largest Islamic event in Canada.

Sunni Muslims


The majority of Canadian Muslims follow Sunni Islam.[37]

Shia Muslims


Ahmadiyya Muslims


The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has about 50 Local Chapters scattered across Canada, mainly in southern Ontario. The community have 25 places of worship in Canada. [38][39][40]

Geographical distribution


Provinces & territories


Table 1: Muslim Population of Canada in 1991,[8] 2001 and 2011,[41] 2021.[1]

Muslim Canadians by province and territory (1991−2021)
Province/territory Population
Ontario 145,560 1.4% 352,530 3.1% 581,950 4.6% 942,990 6.72%
Quebec 44,930 0.6% 108,620 1.5% 243,430 3.1% 421,710 5.07%
Alberta 31,000 1.2% 49,045 1.7% 113,445 3.2% 202,535 4.85%
British Columbia 24,925 0.7% 56,220 1.4% 79,310 1.8% 125,915 2.56%
Manitoba 3,525 0.3% 5,095 0.5% 12,405 1.0% 26,430 2.02%
Saskatchewan 1,185 0.1% 2,230 0.2% 10,040 1.0% 25,455 2.31%
Nova Scotia 1,435 0.1% 3,550 0.4% 8,505 0.9% 14,715 1.54%
New Brunswick 250 0.0% 1,275 0.2% 2,640 0.3% 9,190 1.21%
Newfoundland and Labrador 305 0.0% 630 0.1% 1,200 0.2% 3,995 0.80%
Prince Edward Island 60 0.0% 195 0.1% 660 0.5% 1,720 1.14%
Northwest Territories 55 0.1% 180 0.5% 275 0.7% 730 1.80%
Nunavut 25 0.1% 50 0.2% 140 0.38%
Yukon 35 0.1% 60 0.1% 40 0.1% 185 0.47%
Canada 253,265 0.9% 579,640 2.0% 1,053,945 3.2% 1,775,715 4.88%

Metropolitan Areas


Table 2: Muslim Population in Top 20 Metropolitan Areas based on Canada Census 2001, 2011, and 2021.[1][41]

CMA Muslim 2001 % Muslim 2011 % Muslim 2021 %
Toronto 254,115 5.47% 424,935 7.70% 626,010 10.19%
Montreal 100,185 2.96% 221,040 5.89% 365,675 8.69%
Vancouver 52,590 2.67% 73,215 3.21% 110,645 4.24%
Ottawa 41,725 3.97% 65,880 5.42% 114,780 7.84%
Calgary 25,920 2.75% 58,310 4.86% 100,825 6.88%
Edmonton 19,575 2.11% 46,125 4.05% 86,120 6.16%
Quebec City 3,020 0.45% 6,760 0.91% 19,815 2.43%
Winnipeg 4,805 0.73% 11,265 1.58% 24,565 3.00%
Hamilton 12,880 1.97% 22,520 3.18% 46,435 6.00%
Kitchener 9,180 2.24% 18,940 4.03% 38,655 6.80%
London 11,725 2.74% 16,025 3.43% 35,875 6.70%
Halifax 3,070 0.86% 7,540 1.96% 13,265 2.88%
St. Catharines 3,135 0.84% 4,275 1.11% 10,440 2.45%
Windsor 10,745 3.52% 15,575 4.94% 30,145 7.26%
Oshawa 2,870 0.98% 5,685 1.62% 22,160 5.39%
Victoria 1,230 0.40% 2,485 0.74% 4,975 1.28%
Saskatoon 1,140 0.51% 5,680 2.21% 13,100 4.21%
Regina 770 0.41% 3,545 1.71% 10,460 4.27%
Sherbrooke 1,160 0.77% 2,610 1.33% 6,330 2.88%
Kelowna 405 0.28% 555 0.31% 1,760 0.81%

Federal Electoral Districts



  1. Mississauga—Erin Mills (26.93%)
  2. Milton (24.28%)
  3. Don Valley East (23.76%)
  4. Mississauga Centre (22.63%)
  5. Scarborough—Guildwood (20.19%)
  6. Mississauga—Malton (18.87%)
  7. Ottawa South (18.69%)
  8. Scarborough Southwest (18.47%)
  9. Scarborough Centre (18.18%)
  10. Don Valley West (17.84%)
  11. Windsor West (16.79%)
  12. Mississauga-Streetsville (16.50%)
  13. Etobicoke North (15.67%)


  1. Saint-Leonard-Saint-Michel (26.65%)
  2. Saint-Laurent (23.20%)
  3. Ahuntsic-Cartierville (19.04%)
  4. Bourassa (18.13%)
  5. Vimy (16.81%)
  6. Papineau (15.54%)


  1. Calgary Skyview (18.22%)
  2. Calgary Forest Lawn (15.43%)

Source: Canada 2021 Census Open Data Release

As the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees freedom of religious expression, Canadian Muslims face no official religious discrimination but have been victims of many hate crimes which have been increasingly going up. Learn more about Islamophobia in Canada.

Under Section 2(a) of the Charter, the wearing of a hijab is permitted in schools and places of work, although Quebec has ruled that medical faculties are not required to accommodate Muslim women who wish to be served by female employees.[42] Religious holidays and dietary restrictions are also respected, but outside major urban areas it may be difficult to find halal food. It is also often difficult to observe Islamic rules against usury. Some Muslims in some parts of Canada have asked to have family dispute courts to oversee small family cases but were faced with rigorous opposition from both within the Muslim community (both conservative and liberal), and by non-Muslim groups.[43][44]

In 2011, the Harper government attempted to ban the niqab during citizenship ceremonies.[45] In 2015, the Federal Court of Appeal ruled against the ban,[46] and the Supreme Court turned down the government's appeal.

Mosques and Islamic Centers


As of 2024, there are at least 458 mosques and Islamic centers across Canada. Most of the mosques are located either in large metropolitan cities, suburbs, or some small cities.

Al-Rashid Mosque in Edmonton, Alberta. First mosque built in Canada in 1938

Masjid-an-Noor (Newfoundland) Midnight Sun Mosque in Inuvik, Northwest Territories

Notable Canadian Muslim Figures


See List of Canadian Muslims

  • Nazem Kadri - Canadian Muslim professional ice hockey player, drafted into the NHL in 2009, first Canadian Muslim to win the Stanley Cup.
Kadri as a member of the Calgary Flames with Justin Schultz of the Seattle Kraken in 2023.
Alaa Murabit

Canadian Muslim Social Organizations


There are several organizations working to support the Canadian Muslim community by representing their causes and voices, and channeling the efforts of Muslims for the greater good of Canadians as well as people struggling in other parts of the world. Some are listed below:

  1. Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) is a charitable organization and a grassroots movement to establish an Islamic presence in Canada that is balanced, constructive, and integrated in the social fabric and culture of Canada.[47]
  2. National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) is an independent, non-partisan and non-profit organization that protects Canadian human rights and civil liberties, challenges discrimination and Islamophobia.[48]
  3. Islamic Relief Canada helps Canadian Muslims channel charitable contributions to not only Canadians but people in need across the globe. Their platform helps strengthen the relationship between donors and beneficiaries by providing a high level of transparency.[49]
  4. Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW) is an organization dedicated to the empowerment, equality and equity of all Muslim women in Canada. It has chapters all over Canada and has launched several projects through community engagement, public policy, stakeholder engagement and amplified awareness of the social injustices that Muslim women and girls endure in Canada.[50]
  5. Muslim Welfare Canada works to fight hunger through its food banks and meals on wheels programs for senior citizens. They also run homes/shelters for women and children as well as refugees.[51][52]
  6. Canadian Islamic Broadcasting Network - An online radio station that was setup in 2019 with the intention of broadcasting Islamic information across Canada via internet radio. The main focus of the station is to provide Islamic Talk programming.
  7. Muslim Federal Employee Network is national level network for Muslims in the Federal Public Service. It plays a key leadership role in supporting the Government of Canada to become a model of inclusion of Muslim public servants. The Muslim Federal Employees Network provides an open and safe forum for Muslim and non-Muslim employees to connect and discuss issues related to the promotion of a healthy and inclusive work environment for Muslim employees in the federal public service.

Identity and beliefs


Opinion of Muslims


In a 2016 Environics poll, 83% of Muslims were "very proud" to be Canadian, compared with 73% of non-Muslim Canadians who said the same thing. Canadian Muslims reported "Canada's freedom and democracy" as the greatest source of pride, and "multiculturalism and diversity" as the second greatest. 94% of Canadian Muslims reported a "strong" or "very strong" sense of belonging to Canada. 78% of Canadian Muslims attend mosque at least once a week. 73% of women wear some sort of head-covering in public (58% wear the hijab, 13% wear the chador and 2% wear the niqab). Both pride in being Canadian and having a strong sense of belonging had increased in Canadian Muslims as compared to a 2006 survey. Mosque attendance and wearing a head covering in public had also increased since the 2006 survey.[3]

Opinion on Muslims


According to the surveys conducted by the Angus Reid Institute (ARI), 24% of the Canadians had a favorable opinion of Islam in 2013 which increased to 34% in the 2016 survey and in Quebec, it increased from 16% in 2013 to 32% in 2016.

A majority (75%) of the Canadians strongly support allowing Muslim women to wear hijab in public. However, the wearing of full face and body covering niqab and burka is strongly opposed. Only three-in-ten Canadians are supportive of it.[53]


Voting results of Canadian Muslims in 2006 by Ipsos Reid Exit poll [54]
Conservative Party
Liberal Party
Green Party
Bloc Québécois
Other Party
Voting results of Canadian Muslims in 2011 by Ipsos Reid Exit poll [55]
Conservative Party
Liberal Party
Other party
Voting results of Canadian Muslims in 2015 by Environics Institute for Survey Research [55]
Conservative Party
Liberal Party
Green Party
Other party/Independent
Refused to say how they voted
Polling of Canadian Muslims in 2024 by Angus Reid Institute [56]
Conservative Party
Liberal Party
Green Party
Other party/Independent
A protest against Israel's bombing of the Gaza Strip in Toronto, Canada, November 18, 2023

The Liberal Party (45%) voters and New Democratic Party voters (42%) have more favourable opinion on Muslims, than compared to Conservative Party voters (24%).

In 2024, in the aftermath of the Israel-Hamas war that broke out in the Middle East on October 7, 2023, many pro-Palestinian protests took place across Canada and around the world due to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and allegations that Israel is committing war crimes and a genocide in Gaza as thousands of Palestinians were reported dead. Canadian Muslim support began to decline for both major political parties in Canada, the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party due to how both parties refused to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza as the Palestinian death toll was rising. Thus, leading to the New Democratic Party (NDP) and other third parties gaining support among Canadian Muslim voters.



See also


Groups and councils

  1. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в дюймовый и фон глин час Статистика Канады (26 октября 2022 г.). «Религия по видимому меньшинству и статусу генерации: Канада, провинции и территории, межполисические районы переписи и агломерации переписей с частями» . Правительство Канады . Получено 26 октября 2022 года .
  2. ^ «Длинная и забытая история мусульман в Канаде» . Зритель Гамильтона . 8 октября 2018 года.
  3. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный Гренье, Эрик (27 апреля 2016 г.). «Мусульманские канадцы все чаще гордятся и привязываются к Канаде, предлагается обзор» . CBC News . Получено 19 апреля 2017 года .
  4. ^ О'Нил, Аарон (Марк 9, 2023). «Религии в Канаде 2011» . Статистика .
  5. ^ Муджахид, Абдул Малик. «Профиль мусульман в Канаде» . Архивировано из оригинала 3 февраля 2012 года.
  6. ^ Статистика Канады (9 февраля 2022 г.). «Таблица профиля, профиль переписи, перепись населения 2021 года - Торонто [экономический регион], Онтарио» . Правительство Канады . Получено 26 октября 2022 года .
  7. ^ Статистика Канады (9 февраля 2022 г.). «Таблица профиля, профиль переписи, перепись населения 2021 года - Монреал [Метрополитен переписи], Квебек» . Правительство Канады . Получено 26 октября 2022 года .
  8. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в дюймовый и фон глин час я Дж k «Некоторая крутая история о мусульманах в Канаде» . Новая жизнь на новой земле: мусульманский опыт в Канаде. 2015. Архивировано с оригинала 16 апреля 2023 года.
  9. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в дюймовый Статистика Канады (3 апреля 2013 г.). «Шестая перепись Канады, 1921, том 1. Население: число, пол и распространение, расовое происхождение, религии» . Правительство Канады . Получено 9 ноября 2022 года .
  10. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный Статистика Канады (3 апреля 2013 г.). «Седьмая перепись Канады, 1931» . Правительство Канады . Получено 29 октября 2022 года .
  11. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в Статистика Канады (3 апреля 2013 г.). «Перепись Канады 1971 года: население, том I - Часть 3 = Восстание с Канадой 1971: Население, том I - Парти 3» . Правительство Канады . Получено 29 октября 2022 года .
  12. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в Статистика Канады (3 апреля 2013 г.). «Перепись Канады 1981 года, Том 1 - Национальная серия: население = пересмотр в Канаде 1981, том 1 - Национальная серия: Националь: Население» . Правительство Канады . Получено 29 октября 2022 года .
  13. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в дюймовый Статистика Канады (29 марта 2019 г.). «R9101 - Население по религии (29), показывающее возрастные группы (13) образование (20% данных) - Канада, провинции и территории, подразделения переписей и подразделения переписей» . Правительство Канады . Получено 29 октября 2022 года .
  14. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в дюймовый Статистика Канады (23 декабря 2013 г.). «Религия (13) и возрастные группы (8) для населения, для Канады, провинций, территорий, столичных районов переписи и агломераций переписей, перепись 2001 года - данные выборки 20%» . Правительство Канады . Получено 29 октября 2022 года .
  15. ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в Статистика Канады (23 января 2019 г.). "Национальное обследование домохозяйств 2011 года: таблицы данных Религия (108), статус иммигранта и период иммиграции (11), возрастные группы (10) и пол (3) для населения в частных домохозяйствах Канады, провинции, территории, столичные районы переписей и Агломерации переписи, 2011 Национальное обследование домохозяйств » . Правительство Канады . Получено 29 октября 2022 года .
  16. ^ 1871 Перепись Канады
  17. ^ Nagra, Baljit (2011). Неравное гражданство: быть мусульманином и канадцем в эпоху после 11/11 (PDF) (тезис). Университет Торонто.
  18. ^ Лоренц, Андреа В. (1998). «Канадская пионерская мечеть» . Саудовская Арамко Мир . Июль/август. Архивировано из оригинала 11 мая 2009 года.
  19. ^ «Шиа -мусульманские центры в Канаде» . Современный ислам .
  20. ^ Статистика Канады. «Перепись Канады 2001 года» . Правительство Канады. Архивировано из оригинала 27 февраля 2021 года.
  21. ^ «Регион: Америка» . Пью -исследовательский центр . 27 января 2011 г. Получено 29 мая 2019 года .
  22. ^ Статистика Канады (2006). «Отчет о демографической ситуации в Канаде 2003 и 2004 гг.» (PDF) . Правительство Канады . Получено 16 апреля 2023 года .
  23. ^ Адамс, Майкл (март 2007 г.). «Мусульмане и мультикультурализм в Канаде» (PDF) . Институт окружающей среды. Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 27 января 2012 года . Получено 26 марта 2011 года .
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  56. ^ Нейман, Кит (апрель 2016 г.). «Обзор канадских избирателей по религии в 2024 году» (PDF) . Институт окружающей среды . Получено 19 апреля 2017 года .
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  1. ^ Статистика включает в себя полные ответы «Западной Азии» и «Араб».
  2. ^ Статистика включает в себя полные ответы «филиппинца» и «Юго -Восточной Азии».
  3. ^ Статистика включает в себя полные ответы «китайского», «корейского» и «японского».
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