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Смертная казнь в Сингапуре

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Тюрьма Чанги , где находится камера смертников в Сингапуре

Смертная казнь в Сингапуре является законным наказанием. Казни в Сингапуре осуществляются через длинное подвешивание . [ 1 ] и обычно происходят на рассвете. Согласно законодательству Сингапура, тридцать три преступления, включая убийство , незаконный оборот наркотиков , терроризм , использование огнестрельного оружия и похищение людей , влекут за собой смертную казнь.

В 2012 году Сингапур внес поправки в свои законы, освободив некоторые правонарушения от обязательного смертного приговора. [ 2 ] По данным опроса The Straits Times , проведенного в 2005 году , 95% сингапурцев придерживались мнения, что их страна должна сохранить смертную казнь. [ 3 ] Поддержка неуклонно падала на протяжении многих лет из-за растущих либеральных взглядов общества. Несмотря на спад, подавляющее большинство населения по-прежнему поддерживает применение смертной казни: более 80% сингапурцев считают, что их страна должна сохранить смертную казнь в 2021 году. [ 4 ]

Последняя казнь, которая была проведена в Сингапуре, состоялась 7 августа 2024 года, когда 59-летний Стивен Пол Радж , гражданин Сингапура, был повешен за торговлю наркотиками; его апелляция была отклонена 11 мая 2022 года. [ 5 ] [ 6 ]


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Section 316 of the Criminal Procedure Code states that the death penalty in Singapore is to be conducted by hanging.[1]

Hangings always take place at dawn and are conducted by the long drop method. The Singapore government has affirmed its choice of execution by hanging in favour of other methods.[7]

It is a normal practice for everyone present in the courtroom to stand and remain silent before the death sentence is passed.[8] The judge will then proceed to announce the death sentence on the accused, who has been found guilty and convicted of the capital offence. The condemned will be given notice at least four days before execution. In the case of foreigners sentenced to death, their families and diplomatic missions or embassies will be given one to two weeks' notice.[9]



Underaged and pregnant offenders


Persons under the age of 18 at the time of their offence and pregnant women cannot be sentenced to death.

Previously, offenders under 18 at the time of their offences would be indefinitely detained at the president's pleasure (TPP), with the normal period of detention having been between 10 and 20 years. These inmates would be released after receiving clemency from the President of Singapore, once they were assessed to be suitable for release.

In 2010, the law was amended to allow judges to mete out life imprisonment to offenders convicted of capital offences, but aged below 18 at the time of their crimes. They would be required to serve a minimum of 20 years before they can be reviewed for possible release. As for women who were pregnant at the time of their sentencing, they would automatically be sentenced to life imprisonment upon their conviction of any capital offences, though there have been no such cases as of yet.[10]

The first underaged offender to be sentenced to life imprisonment after the abolition of TPP was Myanmar national Zin Mar Nwe, a domestic worker who killed the mother-in-law of her employer in June 2018, and Zin was 17 years old at the time of the offence. She received a life sentence in July 2023 after the High Court found her guilty of murder, with the trial judge Andre Maniam accepting that Zin was a minor and below 18 years old when killing the 70-year-old victim and he thus opted to not impose a death sentence in her case.[11]

Offenders of unsound mind


Persons proven to be of unsound mind when they commit capital crimes, once found guilty, are not to be given the death penalty. These offenders can be sentenced to another form of indefinite detention under TPP, being detained at medical facilities, prisons or at some other safe places in custody, and subject to psychiatric review of their mental conditions until suitable for release.[10]

Pre-1970 jury trials


Before they were abolished in 1970, jury trials were conducted to hear capital cases in Singapore since the British colonial era. Based on the verdict of a jury, if a person was found guilty, the judge would convict and impose a penalty to the defendant in accordance to the charge he or she was found guilty of. One notable case in which a person was sentenced to death in a jury trial was the trial of Sunny Ang Soo Suan, who allegedly murdered his girlfriend Jenny Cheok Cheng Kid during a scuba diving trip in 1963. Despite the circumstantial evidence and the absence of the victim's body, the seven-men jury unanimously found Ang guilty of murder and sentenced him to death. Ang was eventually hanged on 6 February 1967 after he lost all his appeals to both the Court of Appeal and the Privy Council, and the failure of his clemency plea to President Yusof Ishak.[12]

The first person to be tried before two judges in the High Court and sentenced to death for a capital case was armed robber Teo Cheng Leong, who was found guilty and sentenced in February 1970 for unlawfully discharging a firearm twice when he fired two missed shots at a police officer.[13] Another notable case was the kidnapping and murder of Ong Beang Leck, the son of a rich tycoon. Five men were involved in the abduction and they had murdered Ong after luring him into a rented car on 24 May 1968. Three of the kidnappers were found guilty of murder and sentenced to death in June 1970.[14] In the first case of a woman being sentenced to death in Singapore, dance hostess Mimi Wong Weng Siu was convicted of murdering Ayako Watanabe out of jealousy in 1970 and received the death sentence in the same trial as her ex-husband Sim Woh Kum, who assisted her in killing the Japanese victim, who was the wife of Wong's Japanese boyfriend. The couple were executed on 27 July 1973.[15][16]



Since the amendment of the Criminal Procedure Code in 1992, all capital cases have been heard by a single judge in the High Court instead of two judges. After conviction and sentencing, the offender has the option of making an appeal to the Court of Appeal. If the appeal fails, the final recourse rests with the President of Singapore, who has the power to grant clemency on the advice of the Cabinet. In exceptional cases since 2012, the Court of Appeal would be asked to review its previous decisions in concluded criminal appeals where it was necessary to correct a miscarriage of justice, most of which involved drug cases attracting the death penalty. The exact number of successful appeals is unknown. In November 1995, one Poh Kay Keong had his conviction overturned after the court found that his statement to a Central Narcotics Bureau officer had been made under duress.[17] Another was the case of Nadasan Chandra Secharan, who was initially convicted of murder and sentenced to death by the High Court in June 1996, but later acquitted of murder by the Court of Appeal in January 1997 after they found the evidence against him was insufficient to show that he had murdered his lover Ramapiram Kannickaisparry.[18][19] Another case was that of Ismil bin Kadar, who was initially sentenced to death for a 2005 robbery-murder case in Boon Lay, but eventually acquitted of the crime as the Court of Appeal found that based on the evidence, Ismil was not involved in the case and that it was solely his younger brother Muhammad bin Kadar who was responsible for the robbery and murder; Muhammad was subsequently executed in April 2015.[20][21]

Successful clemency applications are thought to be even rarer. Since 1965, the presidential clemency has been granted six times to death row inmates, whose sentences were all commuted to life imprisonment (not counting the clemency pleas of the underaged offenders serving TPP).[22] The last presidential clemency to be granted was in April 1998, when President Ong Teng Cheong pardoned a 19-year-old death row inmate and convicted murderer Mathavakannan Kalimuthu, commuting his death sentence to life imprisonment.[23][24][25]

Previously, other than the Court of Appeal, offenders were allowed to file criminal or civil appeals to the Privy Council in London, where the judges could hear their appeals once they exhausted all avenues of appeal in Singapore. This avenue of appeal was fully abolished for all criminal and civil matters in April 1994. One case in which an appeal to the Privy Council was successful was the case of murderer Mohamed Yasin bin Hussin. Nineteen-year-old Yasin robbed, raped and murdered a 58-year-old woman at Pulau Ubin in April 1972. He was sentenced to death for murder in 1974 and lost his appeal before the Privy Council accepted his appeal and sentenced him to two years' imprisonment for causing death while committing a rash/negligent act.[26]

Changes to the law


In July 2012, the government made a review of the mandatory death penalty applied to certain drug trafficking or murder offences. In the midst of this review, a moratorium was imposed on all the 35 pending executions in Singapore at that time (7 for murder and 28 for drug trafficking). During that period of the review of the mandatory death penalty, one convicted murderer, Pathip Selvan s/o Sugumaran, who made headlines for the violent murder of his girlfriend in 2008, won his appeal in October 2012 and was re-sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment for culpable homicide.[27][28] Wang Zhijian, a Chinese national who committed the 2008 Yishun triple murders, was sentenced to death for a conviction of murder under Section 300(a) of the Penal Code in November 2012,[29][30] and another unnamed death row convict died of natural causes while in prison.[31]

In November 2012, capital punishment laws in Singapore were revised such that the mandatory death penalty for those convicted of drug trafficking or murder was lifted under certain specific conditions. Judges were empowered with the discretion to sentence such offenders to life imprisonment with the possibility of parole after 20 years. These changes were approved by Parliament and set to take effect in January of the following year.[32]

In January 2013, the law was again amended to make the death penalty no longer mandatory for certain capital offences. Judges in Singapore were given a discretion to impose a sentence of life imprisonment with mandatory caning for offenders who commit murder but had no intention to kill, which come under Sections 300(b), 300(c) and 300(d) of the Penal Code. The death penalty remains mandatory only for murders committed with the intent to kill, which come under section 300(a) of the Penal Code. Provided that drug traffickers only act as couriers, suffer from impaired mental responsibility (e.g. depression), or substantively assist the authorities in tackling drug trafficking activities, among other conditions, judges also had the discretion to impose life sentences instead of death. Drug traffickers who were not condemned to death but to life-long incarceration with caning would receive at least 15 strokes of the cane, unless suffering from mental incapacity. Despite this discretion, a sentence of life imprisonment is the mandatory minimum penalty for capital murder or drug trafficking offences.

The first person to be sentenced to life imprisonment, instead of receiving the death penalty, under the amended death penalty laws was drug trafficker Abdul Haleem bin Abdul Karim on 10 April 2013, having been a courier in traffic drugs and had assisted the authorities in disrupting the drug trafficking activities. In addition to his life sentence, Abdul Haleem, who pleaded guilty to two charges of drug trafficking, was also given the maximum sentence of 24 strokes of the cane.[33][34] Abdul Haleem's accomplice, Muhammad Ridzuan bin Md Ali, on the other hand, was sentenced to death for drug trafficking and later hanged on 19 May 2017.[35]

After the changes to the law, the first executions to take place were those of drug traffickers Tang Hai Liang and Foong Chee Peng on 18 July 2014, after their sentences were finalized and their refusal to further appeal against their sentences.[31]

Re-sentencing of death row inmates


The amendments of the law also offered a chance for all current death row inmates to have their cases to be reviewed for re-sentencing.[36][37] Some death row inmates declined to be re-sentenced, including Tang Hai Liang and Foong Chee Peng.[31] The below cases are known cases where death row inmates applied for re-sentencing.

  • 17 April 2015: Muhammad bin Kadar was hanged after spending five years and nine months on death row for the robbery and murder of an elderly housewife in 2005. He was sentenced to death by the High Court in 2008 and had his appeal dismissed by the Court of Appeal in 2011. He applied for re-sentencing when changes to the law took effect in 2013, but the Court of Appeal denied his application in 2014.[32][38][21]
  • 16 July 2013: Fabian Adiu Edwin, a Malaysian who partnered with his childhood friend Ellary Puling to commit a series of six robberies in 2008, resulting in the death of one of the victims. While Ellary was sentenced to 19 years' imprisonment and 24 strokes of caning for robbery with hurt, Fabian was meanwhile convicted of murder and sentenced to death in 2011. The Court of Appeal dismissed his appeal against his sentence in 2012. After amendments to the law took effect in 2013, he applied for re-sentencing and was re-sentenced to life imprisonment and 24 strokes of the cane.[32][39]
  • 28 August 2013: Bijukumar Remadevi Nair Gopinathan, an Indian national who robbed and murdered a Filipino prostitute in 2010, was initially sentenced to death in 2012. He appealed to the Court of Appeal in 2012 but was still found guilty of murder. After changes to the law took effect in 2013, he applied for re-sentencing and was re-sentenced in 2013 to life imprisonment and 18 strokes of the cane.[40]
  • 12 November 2013: Kamrul Hasan Abdul Quddus, a Bangladeshi who murdered his Indonesian girlfriend in 2007. He was initially found guilty of murder and sentenced to death in 2010, and had his appeal to the Court of Appeal dismissed in 2012. After changes to the law took effect in 2013, he applied for re-sentencing and was re-sentenced to life imprisonment and 10 strokes of the cane. He tried filing an appeal for a lighter sentence but was turned down by the Court of Appeal in 2014.[41][42]
  • 13 November 2013: Wang Wenfeng, a Chinese national who robbed and murdered a taxi driver in 2009, was initially convicted of murder and sentenced to death in 2011. He had also lost his appeal to the Court of Appeal in 2012. When changes to the law took effect in 2013, he applied for re-sentencing and was re-sentenced to life imprisonment and 24 strokes of the cane. The prosecution filed an appeal but withdrew it in 2015 in light of the outcome of the prosecution's appeal against Kho Jabing's life sentence.[43][44]
  • 20 May 2016: Kho Jabing, a Malaysian hanged for the 2008 robbery and murder of a construction worker. After changes to the law took effect in 2013, he applied for re-sentencing and was initially re-sentenced to life imprisonment and 24 strokes of the cane on 14 August 2013. However, after the prosecution appealed, he was sentenced to death again in a landmark ruling by a majority decision of 3–2 in the Court of Appeal and eventually hanged in the afternoon of the same day his final appeal was dismissed.[45][46][47]
Drug trafficking
  • 17 November 2013: Yong Vui Kong, a Malaysian found guilty of drug trafficking in 2007 and sentenced to death in 2008. He lost multiple appeals against his sentence to the Court of Appeal and President of Singapore. However, when changes to the law took effect in 2013, he applied for re-sentencing and was re-sentenced to life imprisonment and 15 strokes of the cane. Yong was the first drug convict on death row to be spared the gallows since the 2013 law reforms.[48][32]
  • 6 January 2014: Subashkaran Pragasam, a Singaporean found guilty of trafficking heroin in 2008 and sentenced to death in 2012. When changes to the law took effect in 2013, he applied for re-sentencing and was re-sentenced in 2014 to life imprisonment and 15 strokes of the cane.[32][49]
  • 3 March 2014: Dinesh Pillai Reja Retnam, a Malaysian found guilty of trafficking heroin in 2009 and sentenced to death in 2011. When changes to the law took effect in 2013, he applied for re-sentencing and was re-sentenced in 2014 to life imprisonment on the grounds of diminished responsibility due to him suffering from depression when he committed the crime.[32][50]
  • 27 May 2014: Yip Mun Hei, a Singaporean convicted of trafficking heroin in 2008 and sentenced to death in 2009. When changes to the law took effect in 2013, he applied for re-sentencing and was re-sentenced in 2014 to life imprisonment and 15 strokes of the cane. He had an accomplice Leong Soy Yip (also sentenced to death) whose fate remains unknown.[32][51]
  • 28 October 2014: Wilkinson A/L Primus, a Malaysian convicted of trafficking heroin in 2008 and sentenced to death in 2009. When changes to the law took effect in 2013, he applied for re-sentencing and was re-sentenced to life imprisonment in 2014 on the grounds that he was intellectually challenged and suffering from depression at the time of the crime.[52][53]
  • 20 April 2015: Cheong Chun Yin, a Malaysian convicted of trafficking heroin in 2008 and sentenced to death in 2010. He lost his appeal to the Court of Appeal in 2010. After changes to the law took effect in 2013, he applied for re-sentencing and was re-sentenced in 2015 to life imprisonment and 15 strokes of the cane. His boss and accomplice, Pang Siew Fum, was also re-sentenced to life imprisonment on the same day, due to Pang suffering from depression at the time of the crime.[54]
  • 1 July 2015: Kester Ng Wei Ren, a 47-year-old Singaporean caught trafficking in 23.38g of heroin on 12 August 2008. He tried to argue that he only meant to import only 9.92g of heroin while the rest of his drug supply was only meant for his own consumption. Ng was given the mandatory death penalty in 2010 and he also lost his appeal in the same year. After changes to the law took effect in 2013, Ng applied for re-sentencing and but he lost his chance to be re-sentenced on 1 July 2015, since he was not certified as a courier. He was presumably executed sometime after the loss of his re-sentencing application.[55][56]
  • 22 April 2016: Phua Han Chuan Jeffery, a Singaporean and chronic ketamine abuser who was arrested on 20 January 2010 for trafficking more than 100g of heroin into Singapore at Woodlands Checkpoint. He was found guilty and sentenced to death in September 2011. Phua, who lost his three previous appeals against the sentence between July 2012 to September 2015, was granted a re-trial three years after the government implemented new changes to the death penalty laws (in 2013). He was diagnosed to be suffering from persistent depressive disorder, and the condition, coupled with his chronic ketamine addiction, was argued by Phua's lawyers as sufficient to impair his mental responsibility at the time of the crime. The High Court accepted the defence's arguments and thus re-sentenced Phua, then 30 years old, to life-long incarceration on 22 April 2016, with his sentence backdated to the date of his remand.[57]
  • 27 April 2022: Nagaenthran K Dharmalingam, a Malaysian convicted of trafficking heroin in 2009 and sentenced to death in 2010. When changes to the law took effect in 2013, he applied for re-sentencing but had his application rejected. His appeals to the Court of Appeal were dismissed in 2019. In May 2019 he planned to appeal to the President of Singapore for clemency, but he lost his plea and his execution date was scheduled on 10 November 2021.[58][59][60] However, Nagaenthran contracted COVID-19 while in jail and he also made an appeal, hence his execution was postponed and the appeal itself was also postponed twice. The appeal was heard on 1 March 2022, and it was finally dismissed on 29 March 2022. Nearly a month after the loss of his appeal, 34-year-old Nagaenthran was hanged at dawn on 27 April 2022.[61][62][63]

Sentencing guidelines for murder (2015–present)


On 14 January 2015, a landmark ruling was made by the Court of Appeal in the prosecution's appeal against the re-sentencing case of one former death row inmate, Kho Jabing, who was re-sentenced to life imprisonment and 24 strokes of the cane for the murder of Chinese national Cao Ruyin during a robbery under Section 300(c) of the Penal Code of Singapore. The landmark judgement in which the court, by a majority decision of 3–2, overturned Kho's life sentence and sentenced him to death a second time, had set the main guiding principles for all judges in Singapore to decide if the death penalty is appropriate for those murder cases committed with no intention to kill while exercising their discretion to impose either a life term or death for offenders responsible for such.[64]

The main guiding principles set were as such:

  1. Whether an offender displayed viciousness during the time of the commission of the offence of murder;
  2. Whether an offender demonstrated a blatant disregard for human life at the time of the killing; and
  3. Whether the offender's actions sparked an outrage of the feelings of the community.

In Kho's case, the majority three of the five judges were satisfied that Kho, who had used a tree branch to bash Cao's head repeatedly (resulting in a completely shattered skull that caused Cao to die in a coma six days after the attack), had demonstrated both a blatant disregard for human life and viciousness while committing the crime, and Kho's actions were such that they had outraged the feelings of the community. Due to this, Kho was once again given the death penalty and he was eventually hanged on 20 May 2016.[46][47] at 3:30 pm after his appeal for a stay of execution was dismissed that same morning, a rare occurrence of an execution not carried out at dawn on Friday.[65]

Consequently, the guiding principles from Kho's case also impacted several subsequent murder cases and influenced the sentencing or appeal outcomes of these murder cases, which include the 2010 Kallang slashing,[66][67] the 2016 Gardens by the Bay murder,[68] the 2016 Circuit Road murder,[69][70] the 2016 Azlin Arujunah case[71] and the 2013 murder of Dexmon Chua Yizhi,[72][73][74] etc.

Capital crimes


In addition to the Penal Code, there are four Acts of Parliament that prescribe death as punishment for offences. According to the Think Centre, a Singaporean civil rights group, 70% of hangings are for drug-related offences.[75] All eight hangings in 2017 were for drug-related offences that year, and 11 of 13 hangings in 2018 were also for drug-related offences.[76]

Penal Code


Under the Penal Code,[77] the commission of the following offences may result in the death penalty:

  • Waging or attempting to wage war or abetting the waging of war against the Government (§121)
  • Piracy that endangers life (§130B) (mandatory)
  • Genocide resulting in death (§130E) (mandatory)
  • Abetting of mutiny (§132)
  • Perjury that results in the execution of an innocent person (§194)
  • Murder (§302) (mandatory for S300(a) of the Penal Code; discretionary for S300(b), S300(c) and S300(d) of the Penal Code)
  • Abetting the suicide of a person under the age of 18 or an "insane" person (§305)
  • Attempted murder by a prisoner serving a life sentence (§307 (2)) (mandatory)
  • Kidnapping in order to commit murder (§364)
  • Robbery committed by five or more people that results in the death of a person (§396)

Since the Penal Code (Amendment) Act 2007,[78] Singapore no longer allows for the death penalty for rape and mutiny.

Arms Offences Act


The Arms Offences Act regulates criminal offences dealing with firearms and weapons.[79] Any person who uses or attempts to use arms (Section 4) can face execution, as well as any person who uses or attempts to use arms to commit scheduled offences (Section 4A). These scheduled offences are being a member of an unlawful assembly; rioting; certain offences against the person; abduction or kidnapping; extortion; burglary; robbery; preventing or resisting arrest; vandalism; mischief. Any person who is an accomplice (Section 5) to a person convicted of arms use during a scheduled offence can likewise be hanged.

Trafficking in arms (Section 6) is a capital offence in Singapore. Under the Arms Offences Act, trafficking is defined as being in unlawful possession of more than two firearms.

One notable case involving a conviction under this act was the murder of Lim Hock Soon, where Ang Soon Tong triad leader Tan Chor Jin used a Beretta pistol to fatally shoot Lim, a nightclub owner, to death after robbing him and his family of their valuables. Tan was initially charged under the Penal Code for murder but the charge was later amended into one of illegal discharge of firearms under the Arms Offences Act. Tan was eventually convicted and executed by hanging under this Act on 9 January 2009.[80]

Misuse of Drugs Act

The Singapore embarkation card contains a warning to visitors about the death penalty for drug trafficking. Warning signs can also be found at the Johor-Singapore Causeway and other border entries.

Since 1975, after the proposal by then Minister for Home Affairs Chua Sian Chin, the death penalty was mandated as the sole punishment for drug trafficking, should the amount of whichever drugs exceed the capital threshold.[81] As a result of this legal reform, 28-year-old Penang-born Malaysian Teh Sin Tong became the first convicted drug trafficker to be hanged at Changi Prison on 28 April 1978, after the High Court found him guilty on 13 October 1976 (a year after the new laws took effect) for trafficking 254.7g of diamorphine across the Woodlands Checkpoint just six months prior to his sentencing.[82]

Under Schedule 2 of the Misuse of Drugs Act,[83][84] any person importing or exporting more than the following quantities of drugs receives a mandatory death sentence:

  • 1,200 grams of opium and containing more than 30 grams of morphine (§5 and §7, (2)(b));
  • 30 grams of morphine (§5 and §7, (3)(b));
  • 15 grams of diamorphine (heroin) (diamo (§5 and §7, (4)(b));
  • 30 grams of cocaine (§5 and §7, (5)(b));
  • 500 grams of cannabis (§5 and §7, (6)(b));
  • 1,000 grams of cannabis mixture (§5 and §7, (7)(b));
  • 200 grams of cannabis resin (§5 and §7, (8)(b));
  • 250 grams of methamphetamine (§5 and §7, (9)(b)).

Death sentences are also mandatory for any person caught manufacturing:

  • Morphine, or any salt of morphine, ester of morphine or salt of ester of morphine (§6, (2));
  • Diamorphine (heroin) or any salt of diamorphine (§6, (3));
  • Cocaine or any salt of cocaine (§6, (4));
  • Methamphetamine (§6, (5)).

Under the Act:

any person who is proved to have had in his possession or custody or under his control —

  1. anything containing a controlled drug;
  2. the keys of anything containing a controlled drug;
  3. the keys of any place or premises or any part thereof in which a controlled drug is found; or
  4. a document of title relating to a controlled drug or any other document intended for the delivery of a controlled drug,

shall, until the contrary is proved, be presumed to have had that drug in his possession.

Furthermore, any person who has a controlled drug in his possession shall be presumed to have known the nature of that drug.[citation needed]

The majority of executions in Singapore are for drug offences. Since 2010, 23 prisoners have been executed for drug offences, while only five have been executed for other offences, such as murder. Death penalty supporters, such as blogger Benjamin Chang, claim that Singapore has one of the lowest prevalence of drug abuse worldwide. Chang claims, for instance, that over two decades, the number of drug abusers arrested each year has declined by two-thirds, from over 6,000 in the early 1990s to about 2,000 in 2011.[85] The validity of these figures is disputed by other Singaporeans, such as drugs counsellor Tony Tan.[86] The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime notes that Singapore remains a transit destination for drug traffickers in Asia, drug seizures continue to increase, and heroin drug use within Singapore is continuing to rise.[87]

Ironically, Singapore's reputation for having some of the toughest anti drug laws in the world has in the past made it an attractive transit point for drug traffickers, as foreign airport officials knew the vast majority people would not risk the death penalty for carrying drugs via the city state. In 1989, Central Narcotics Bureau director Poh Geok Ek stated that drug syndicates pick Singapore as a transit point as they believe foreign law enforcement agencies would be less stringent in checking their couriers on arrival if their flight departed from Singapore, rather than from other neighbouring drug producing countries that are high on their priority list.[88]

In 1993, a Central Narcotics Bureau officer stated that the drug traffickers they targeted could be graded into two broad categories: Singaporeans and Malaysians supplying the local market, and foreigners only transiting through Singapore while on the way to North America and Europe. The same source estimated that 70 percent of the traffickers arrested in Singapore belong to the first category, and smuggle in relatively small amounts of low quality Number 3 heroin (with less than 5 percent purity)[89] from Malaysia, often via the Johor–Singapore Causeway. The other 30 percent in the second category are usually Thais, Hongkongers, Nigerians or Europeans, who smuggle large quantities of high quality Number 4 heroin (with more than 80 percent purity)[90] from Thailand via Singapore and onwards to North America or Europe, and have no intention of distributing the narcotics in Singapore itself. They do this in the belief that customs officers will be less strict when they arrive at their destination as they had transited via Singapore, he added.[91]

Internal Security Act


The preamble of the Internal Security Act states that it is an Act to "provide for the internal security of Singapore, preventive detention, the prevention of subversion, the suppression of organised violence against persons and property in specified areas of Singapore, and for matters incidental thereto".[92] The President has the power to designate certain security areas. Any person caught in the possession or with someone in possession of firearms, ammunition or explosives in a security area can be punished by death.

Kidnapping Act


The terms of the Kidnapping Act designate abduction, wrongful restraint or wrongful confinement for ransom as capital offences. The punishment is this case is death by hanging or imprisonment for life and, if the offender is not sentenced to death, he is also liable to caning.[93]

Death row conditions


A 1978 newspaper article described the death row section of the original Changi Prison as consisting of 24 cells arranged in a horse shoe shaped block around an open air grassy exercise yard. The exercise area itself was enclosed in steel bars and had a wire mesh roof to prevent escape by helicopter.[94] Amnesty International reports that death row inmates are housed in cells of roughly three square metres (32 square feet).[17] Walls make up three sides, while the fourth is made up of vertical bars. They are equipped with a toilet, a sleeping mat, and a bucket for washing. Exercise is permitted twice a day for half an hour at a time.[9] Four days before the execution, the condemned is allowed to watch television or listen to the radio.[17]

Special meals of their choice are also cooked, if within the prison budget. One documented last meal of an inmate was the last meal order of Tangaraju Suppiah, who asked for chicken rice, ice cream soda, nasi biryani and Milo-flavoured sweets before his hanging, while another was John Martin Scripps, who ordered a pizza and a cup of hot chocolate before his execution.[95][96]

Visiting rights are increased from one 20-minute visit per week to a maximum of four hours each day,[9] though no physical contact is allowed with any visitors.[17] In addition, two days before an execution, an inmate is allowed to have a photo shoot and be given their own clothes to pose during a photoshoot; the photo will be given to their families as remembrance.[97]

Public debate


Public response


Public debate in the Singaporean news media on the death penalty is almost non-existent, although the topic is occasionally discussed in the midst of highly publicised criminal cases.[citation needed] Efforts to garner public opinion on the issue are rare, although it has been suggested that the population is influenced by a legalist philosophy which holds that harsh punishment deters crime and helps maintain social peace and harmony.[98] In October 2007, Senior Minister of State for Law and Home Affairs Ho Peng Kee said in Parliament that "Certain of us may hold the view that the death penalty should be abolished. But in a survey done two years ago, reported in the Straits Times, 95% of Singaporeans feel that the death penalty should stay. This is something which has helped us to be safe and secure all these years and it is only reserved for a very few select offences."[3]

Joshua Benjamin Jeyaretnam, an opposition Member of Parliament, was reportedly only given a few minutes to speak in Parliament on the issue before his comments were rebutted by Ho Peng Kee.[17][99]

There were a few instances where in certain high-profile cases, the public would argue for the death penalty to be imposed on those who allegedly committed murder. In the case of Annie Ee Yu Lian who was abused and murdered by her two friends, some Singaporeans were angered at the cruelty displayed by the offenders and felt that the sentences (which were between 14 and 16 years) for grievous hurt were too light, which prompted them to petition for harsher punishments; some even demanded for the death penalty to be imposed on the couple.[100][101][102] In another case regarding the death of four-year-old Mohamad Daniel Mohamad Nasser due to child abuse perpetuated by his mother and her boyfriend, some Singaporeans felt that their sentences of ten to eleven years were too light and petitioned to the courts to sentence the couple to death.[103][104]

Younger generations of Singaporeans tend to have a more liberal approach towards drug use. The government, in response, has introduced education programmes on the dangers of drugs.[105] There were cases of ex-drug convicts who also advocated against the use of drugs; some even agree that the death penalty was effective. A former trafficker once stated that in the past, he would always make sure the measurement of his delivered drugs were below the minimum amount to avoid capital punishment.[106] A female prisoner and drug convict also spoke up about the death penalty while being interviewed in prison, where she was serving 26 years' jail since 2014. She agreed to the relevance and effect of the death penalty in stopping people from selling and taking drugs, as she knew how drug trafficking caused damage to families and inflict sufferings especially to the children of drug addicts.[107] Simon Khung, a social media influencer who eventually stopped taking drugs after the 2020 murder of his daughter Megan Khung (who was allegedly killed by her mother),[108] told a newspaper in 2024 that he supported the death penalty for drug trafficking, as he felt that the drug situation in Singapore would grow worse in the absence of capital punishment and more people would become drug abusers and ruin their lives like he and the former abusers had in their pasts; Khung's stance was supported by other ex-abusers, and one of them, Bruce Mathieu (who overcame his drug addiction seven years prior), said that the death penalty had deterred him from resorting to drug smuggling.[109]

In the aftermath of several executions, there were discussions among the Singaporean public about the need for compassion for some death row inmates, owing to arguments that many death row inmates had come from low-income families or had drug addictions before ending up on death row. However, the public sentiments remained leaning towards capital punishment for drugs, owing to arguments concerning rampant rates of drug trafficking in the Golden Triangle in Southeast Asia, the effectiveness of the death penalty in maintaining Singapore's low crime rate, and the impact drugs have had on the addicts and their families.[110]

When 31-year-old Singaporean Shen Hanjie was sentenced to death for trafficking 34.94g of pure heroin in October 2022,[111] a huge majority of the netizens showed support for the death sentence in Shen's case, with some expressing sympathy for his family, especially his parents. Most of the supporters also stated that the death sentence should be deployed for drug crimes due to its strong deterrent effect.[112] Shen's death sentence was subsequently upheld after he lost his appeal on 1 March 2024.[113]

Protests and opposition


Before the hanging of Shanmugam Murugesu, a three-hour vigil was held on 6 May 2005. The organisers of the event at the Furama Hotel said it was the first such public gathering organised solely by members of the public against the death penalty in Singapore. Murugesu had been arrested after being caught in possession of six packets containing just over 1 kg of cannabis after returning from Malaysia. He admitted knowledge of one of the packets, which contained 300 grams, but not the other five.[114][115] The event was reportedly unreported by mainstream media outlets, and was later shut down by the police.[114][116]

After the hanging of Australian citizen Van Tuong Nguyen on 2 December 2005, Susan Chia, province leader of the Good Shepherd Sisters in Singapore, declared that "the death penalty is cruel, inhumane and it violates the right to life." Chia and several other nuns comforted Nguyen's mother two weeks before his execution for heroin trafficking.[117]

Singapore's death penalty laws have drawn comments in the media. For example, science fiction author William Gibson, while a journalist, wrote a travel piece on Singapore that he sarcastically titled "Disneyland with the Death Penalty".[118]

In 2010, British author Alan Shadrake published his book, Once a Jolly Hangman: Singapore Justice in the Dock, which was critical of the Singapore judicial system.[119] The main criticism of the book asserted that wealthy, often well-connected foreigners, could expect leniency from law enforcement, while the poor and disenfranchised were in effect "summarily executed".[120] Shadrake's book [121] highlighted the contrasting fortunes of German citizen Julia Suzanne Bohl, who ran a major drug ring catering to well off professionals and was herself caught with a capital amount (over 500 grams) of cannabis when police raided her apartment,[122] to Singaporean drug addict Yen May Woen who was caught in possession of 30 grams of low quality heroin. While Bohl had her charges reduced after German diplomatic pressure was allegedly applied amidst much media coverage of her plight and returned to Germany after 3 years imprisonment,[123] the case of Woen received very little coverage in the local newspapers and she was executed [124] after the trial judge handed down the mandatory death sentence.[125]

Shadrake was arrested whilst promoting the book in Singapore and later sentenced to six weeks in prison for contempt of court. He is also charged with criminal defamation. The case attracted worldwide attention, putting the Singapore legal system in the spotlight.[126][127] Shadrake apologised to the court if he had offended the sensitivities of the judiciary and did not mean to undermine the judges or the judiciary, but stood by his book, apart from a mistake contained within.[128] The judge, Quentin Loh, dismissed his apology as "nothing more than a tactical ploy in court to obtain a reduced sentence".[129] Shadrake's conviction for scandalising the court was upheld by the Court of Appeal.[130]

On 5 October 2018, Singapore carried out three executions of drug traffickers - Zainudin bin Mohamed, Abdul Wahid Bin Ismail, and Mohsen Bin Na’im, it led to the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) and 28 civil society organizations in Asia showing condemnation over the triple hangings, and these groups the death sentence was a grave violation of the right to life, which was "the most fundamental and essential human right for other rights to be realized". They also argued that the executions of Zainudin, Abdul Wahid and Mohsen did not serve any purpose for the island-state and its citizens in terms of fulfilling the ends of justice.[131]

In March 2022, when Singapore dismissed the final appeal of Malaysian death row prisoner Nagaenthran K. Dharmalingam and later authorized the execution of Singaporean drug convict Abdul Kahar Othman, which was its first execution during the COVID-19 pandemic, there were 400 Singaporeans, including rights activists Jolovan Wham, Kirsten Han and Kokila Annamalai, who took part in a protest against the government's use of the death penalty at Hong Lim Park.[132][133] With regards to Abdul Kahar's execution, the European Union (EU) condemned it and stated that capital punishment is a cruel and inhumane punishment, which not only failed to deter crime but also defied both humanity's dignity and integrity.[134] Two days prior to Nagaenthran's execution (which took place on 27 April 2022), a candlelight vigil was held on his behalf.[135][136][137]

In October 2023, former Mongolia president Elbegdorj Tsakhia wrote to CNN, expressing his opposition to the death penalty and he cited Singapore as an example. Stating that Mongolia had abolished capital punishment and the crime rate in Mongolia never increased in the aftermath, Elbegdorj stated that he was concerned with the past 16 executions of low to mid-level drug traffickers in Singapore since March 2022, especially the July 2023 hanging of Saridewi Djamani (Singapore's first female to be put to death since 2004), and while he avers his respect for Singapore in terms of its prosperity and stability, Elbegdorj hoped that Singapore could re-evaluate the effectiveness of using the death penalty to curb drug crimes in favour of eventual abolition, due to the death penalty not able to fully uproot the cause of drug trafficking. He also stated that with the newly elected president Tharman Shanmugaratnam taking office, he hoped that the president could affirm the presidential powers of granting clemency to those on death row to soften the government's retentionist stance on capital punishment.[138]

Law Society review


In December 2005, the Law Society revealed that it has set up a committee, named Review Committee on Capital Punishment, to examine capital punishment in the country. The President of the Society, Senior Counsel Philip Jeyaretnam, said that the main focus of the review was on issues regarding administering the death penalty such as whether it should be mandatory. A report of the review would be submitted to the Ministry of Law.[139] On 6 November 2006, they were invited to give its views on proposed amendments to the Penal Code to the Ministry of Home Affairs. In their report, issued on 30 March 2007, they argued against the mandatory death penalty:

The death penalty should be discretionary for the offences where the death sentence is mandatory – murder, drug trafficking, firearms offences and sedition – a position similar to that for the offence of kidnapping. There are strong arguments for changing the mandatory nature of capital punishment in Singapore. Judges should be given the discretion to impose the death penalty only where deemed appropriate.[140]

Singapore government's response


The Singapore government states that the death penalty is only used in the most serious of crimes, sending, they say, a strong message to potential offenders. They point out that in 1994 and 1999 the United Nations General Assembly failed to adopt United Nations resolutions calling for a moratorium on the death penalty worldwide, as a majority of countries opposed such a move.

Singapore's Permanent Representative to the United Nations wrote a letter to the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions in 2001 which stated:

"... the death penalty is primarily a criminal justice issue, and therefore is a question for the sovereign jurisdiction of each country [...] the right to life is not the only right, and [...] it is the duty of societies and governments to decide how to balance competing rights against each other."[17]

In January 2004, the Ministry of Home Affairs issued a response to Amnesty International's report, "Singapore: The death penalty - A hidden toll of executions". It defended Singapore's policy to retain the death penalty, predicating its arguments on, among others, the following grounds:[9]

  • There is no international consensus on whether the death penalty should be abolished.
  • Each country has the sovereign right to decide on its own judicial system, taking into account its own circumstances.
  • The death penalty has been effective in keeping Singapore one of the safest places in the world to work and live in.
  • The application of the death penalty is only reserved for "very serious crimes".

The Ministry of Home Affairs also refuted Amnesty International's claims of the majority of the executed being foreigners, and that it was "mostly the poor, least educated, and vulnerable people who are executed". The Ministry stated: "Singaporeans, and not foreigners, were the majority of those executed... Of those executed from 1993 to 2003, 95% were above 21 years of age, and 80% had received formal education. About 80% of those who had been sentenced to capital punishment had employment before their convictions."[9]

Following the hanging of Van Tuong Nguyen in 2005, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong reiterated the government's position, stating that "The evil inflicted on thousands of people with drug trafficking demands that we must tackle the source by punishing the traffickers rather than trying to pick up the pieces afterwards... It's a law which is approved of by Singapore's inhabitants and which allows us to reduce the drug problem."[141]

In October 2020, Law Minister K. Shanmugam emphasised that the death penalty is a powerful deterrent to capital crimes in Singapore. He cited the statistics of the rate of firearms-related offences and kidnapping cases had dropped dramatically after the introduction of the death penalty as evidence of its deterrence. Shanmugam also cited that after the government mandates the death penalty since 1991, the average net amount of opium trafficked dropped by 66% and many drug traffickers are illegally transporting less and less amounts of drugs to avoid the punishment. The government conducted surveys on Singaporeans and non-Singaporeans, and the majority of both groups responded that the death penalty is more effective than life imprisonment in discouraging people from committing capital offences.[142]

During a June 2022 BBC interview, Shanmugam, who was asked by the host and journalist Stephen Sackur regarding the death penalty for drugs, stated that the death penalty in Singapore was the right punishment adopted by the government to protect Singaporeans and save lives. He also cited a 2021 report by the World Health Organisation that showed there were 500,000 deaths linked to drug abuse in just one year. Shanmugam added that in the 1990s, Singapore was arresting about 6,000 people a year for drugs, but this has now dropped to about 3,000 people a year. He stated that it goes to show how the draconian laws deployed by Singapore on narcotics offences has safeguarded the lives of many locals and maintains a safe society in Singapore.[143] The death penalty response by Shanmugam during the BBC interview was well-received and supported by many members of the public on social media, who also voiced their support for capital punishment for drugs in Singapore.[144]

In light of the execution of Abdul Rahim Shapiee (and his accomplice), Pritam Singh, opposition leader of Parliament and chairman of Workers' Party, wrote to Singapore newspaper Today to express his support for the death penalty for drug crimes in Singapore and the execution of drug traffickers. Singh nonetheless argued that there should be changes made to rectify the shortcomings in determining the extent of one's cooperation with the authorities during investigations before sentencing, citing cases of traffickers receiving death sentences before courts decided they were couriers and could sentence them for life, as well as cases like Abdul Rahim's, who was sentenced to death despite being a courier and having provided substantive assistance. Singh also expressed concern about the need to curb the frequent abuse of court processes by drug traffickers and their lawyers.

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) revealed that from 2013 to early 2022, certificates of substantive assistance were issued to 82 out of 104 drug traffickers regardless of nationality, while there were 14 out of the remaining 22 sentenced to death and the other eight traffickers sentenced to life imprisonment due to mental illnesses. Another data revealed that 78% of the traffickers were not subjected to capital punishment despite having brought drugs exceeding the capital threshold, as a result of plea bargains to reduce their capital charges or certifications for substantive assistance.[145]

International impact of Singapore's death penalty laws


Impact on negotiations of extraditing suspects to Singapore


In 2002, Singapore tried to negotiate with Australia for the extradition of a British murder suspect and fugitive Michael McCrea, who was wanted for the double murder of a couple whose corpses were discovered abandoned in a car at Orchard Towers. However, McCrea, who was arrested in Australia, was not extradited as Australia, which abolished the death penalty for all offences by then, was not legally allowed to extradite suspects back to countries where they would face the death sentence. It was only after Singapore gave the Australian government the assurance that McCrea would not be hanged even if he was convicted of murder, which allowed McCrea to be sent back to Singapore for trial. McCrea was eventually convicted of culpable homicide and destroying evidence of a murder case, and sentenced to a total of 24 years in jail.[146] This left an impact and precedent on Singapore's avenues to successfully negotiating for extradition of suspects from countries where the death penalty or caning was not practised, including the extradition of suspected bank robber David James Roach, whom the Singapore government promised would not face caning for robbery.[147] Roach was eventually sent back to Singapore, where he later served five years in prison, and he was pardoned from caning by President Halimah Yacob.[148][149]

Impact on official debate and discussion in the United States


In 2012, a number of American elected officials and office-seekers suggested that Singapore's success in combating drug abuse should be examined as a model for the United States. Michael Bloomberg, a former Mayor of New York City, said that the United States could learn a thing or two from nations like Singapore when it came to drug trafficking, noting that "executing a handful of people saves thousands and thousands of lives."[150] The last execution in New York took place in 1963. Several courts have ruled that the death penalty violates the New York Constitution (see People v. LaValle). In 2007, the state of New York abolished the death penalty. The death penalty has been abolished in 23 states, as well as in Washington D.C., with the most recent being Virginia in 2021. However, certain states, such as Texas and Georgia, still regularly execute prisoners for aggravated murder.

Former presidential candidate Newt Gingrich repeated his longstanding advocacy for Singaporean methods in the United States' War on Drugs during campaign interviews and speeches.[151]



The following table of executions was compiled by Amnesty International from several sources, including statistics supplied by the Ministry of Home Affairs in January 2001 and government figures reported to Agence France-Presse in September 2003.[17] Numbers in curly brackets are the number of foreign citizens executed, according to information disclosed by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Year Murder Drug-related Firearms Total
1991 1 5 0 6[152]
1992 13 7 1 21[152]
1993 5 2 0 7[152]
1994 21 54 1 76[152]
1995 20 52 1 73[152]
1996 10 {7} 40 {10} 0 50[152]
1997 {3} 11 {2} 1 15[152]
1998 4 {1} 24 {5} 0 28[152]
1999 8 {2} 35 {7} 0 43[152]
2000 4 {2} 17 {5} 0 21[152]
2001 4 22 1 27[152]
2002 5 23 0 28[152]
2003 5 14 0 19[152]
2004 4 3 1 8{2}[153][152]
2005 2 6 0 8{1}[153][152]
2006 4 2 2 8{2}[153][152]
2007 1 2 0 3{2}[153][152]
2008 4 2 0 6{3}[154]
2009 1 3 1 5{2}[154]
2010 0 0 0 0[154]
2011 2 2 0 4[155][152]
2012 0 0 0 0[156]
2013 0 0 0 0[156]
2014 0 2 0 2[156]
2015 1 3 0 4[157]
2016 2 2 0 4[158]
2017 0 8 0 8[76]
2018 2 11 0 13[159]
2019 2 2 0 4[160]
2020 0 0 0 0
2021 0 0 0 0
2022 0 11 0 11[161]
2023 0 5 0 5[162]
2024 1 0 0 1[163]

Detailed statistics were not released by the Singapore government between 2000 and 2006. Singapore's Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong told the BBC in September 2003 that he believed there were "in the region of about 70 to 80" hangings in 2003. Two days later he retracted his statement, saying the number was in fact ten.[164] In total, at the end of 2003, 19 people were hanged.[152]

While no information is issued on the race and ethnicity of death row inmates, it was noted in 2021, during an appeal from a number of Malay death row inmates who alleged racism on the part of the government, that there were a large number of Malays among those on death row, with only handfuls of other minority races. Between 2010 and 2021, Malays made up 66 of the 120 prosecuted for capital drug offences, with 76% of cases concluding with the death sentence. 50 out of 77 people sentenced to death between 2010 and 2021 were Malays, with a remaining 15 Indians, 10 Chinese and two from other races.[165] Since 2010, of all the 77 sentenced to death, there were 14 Malaysians being condemned to death row, with eleven of them ethnic Indians, two Malays and one Chinese.[166]

Former chief executioner, Darshan Singh, who died from Covid 19 complications on 31 October 2021,[167] stated that he had executed more than 850 people during his service, which began in 1959. When conducting the executions, he would use the phrase: "I am going to send you to a better place than this. God bless you." At one point, Singh executed 18 people on one day; these 18 people were among the 58 rioters who killed four prison officers while they were serving their jail terms in a Pulau Senang island prison in 1963. Singh also said that he has hanged seven people within 90 minutes; these seven men were the culprits of the 1971 Gold Bars triple murders, in which a businessman and illegal gold trader was killed together with his driver and colleague over a total of 120 gold bars.[168]

Executions peaked between 1994 and 1998; Singapore had the second highest per-capita execution rate in the world during this period, estimated by the United Nations to be 13.83 executions annually per one million people,[169] just behind Turkmenistan with 14.92. Since then, executions have become far less common, with some years having no executions at all. For example, no one was executed in 2012 and 2013, and two persons were executed in 2014. Nevertheless, in the late 2010s, the number of executions has started to increase again: in 2018, 13 people were executed, the most since at least 2003.[170] and four people (including two unreported executions) were hanged in 2019. No one has been executed from the start of 2020 to August 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore. The first person to be sentenced to death during the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore was Punithan Genasan, a 37-year-old Malaysian who was also the first to be sentenced to death on 15 May 2020 via a remote court hearing on Zoom.[171] Punithan, who was convicted of drug trafficking, was later acquitted on 31 October 2022 upon appeal.[172] The first fully virtual court hearing of a capital case was made via Zoom on 23 April 2020, when the Court of Appeal acquitted 27-year-old Singaporean drug suspect Mohammad Azli Mohammad Salleh and dismissed both his drug charge and his death sentence.[173][174]

There were originally two executions scheduled for drug traffickers Syed Suhail bin Syed Zin and Mohd Fadzir bin Mustaffa on 18 September 2020 and 24 September 2020 respectively, but they were subsequently postponed due to stays of execution granted pending last-minute appeals against the death sentences.[175][176] As a result, there was no one executed in 2020. Similarly between January and October 2021, no new execution dates were set for the inmates on Singapore's death row, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and resurgence of community cases.

The execution of Nagaenthran K. Dharmalingam was supposed to be carried out on 10 November 2021,[60] but it was postponed due to Nagaenthran contracting COVID-19. The suspension of Nagaenthran's execution in 2021 also led to no executions being carried out in 2021 itself.[62] There were originally two executions of Roslan Bakar and Pausi Jefridin to be carried out on 16 February 2022 and a third execution of Rosman Abdullah on 23 February 2022 before they were postponed due to the men's appeals.[177][178][179] Due to the increasing notices of executions being revealed publicly, there were lingering concerns from civil groups and international figures that Singapore might resume executions to accommodate the growing death row inmate population at Changi Prison.[180]

The first death row prisoner to be hanged in Singapore during the COVID-19 pandemic was 68-year-old Singaporean drug offender Abdul Kahar Othman on 30 March 2022, who had not appealed against his sentence and later executed as scheduled, therefore resuming executions in Singapore.[180] By the time Abdul Kahar was executed, there were 62 prisoners on death row, awaiting execution (reduced to 61 with Nagaenthran's execution).[181] Nagaenthran K. Dharmalingam was the second to be hanged on 27 April 2022 after Abdul Kahar.[63] Datchinamurthy Kataiah was originally the third in line to be executed on 29 April 2022 after Nagaenthran before his execution was postponed due to an appeal.[182] On 7 July 2022, Kalwant Singh Jogindar Singh and Norasharee Gous became the third and fourth convicts to be hanged in Singapore in 2022.[183][184] In the same month, Nazeri Lajim was executed 15 days after Kalwant and Norasharee.[185] Three more hangings - one on 26 July and two (Malaysian Rahmat Karimon and his accomplice Zainal Hamad) on 2 August - were conducted after Nazeri's execution.[186][187][188] On 5 August 2022, 45-year-old Singaporean Abdul Rahim Shapiee and his 49-year-old accomplice Ong Seow Ping were the ninth and tenth to be executed.[189][190] A 55-year-old Singaporean, whose name is unknown, was the eleventh to be executed for a drug charge on 7 October 2022.[191] In total, eleven executions took place in the year 2022.[192]

In 2023, the first execution was carried out on 26 April 2023, when a 46-year-old Singaporean Tangaraju Suppiah, who was convicted in 2018 of marijuana trafficking, was hanged at dawn.[193][194] On 16 May 2023, three weeks after Tangaraju was put to death, 37-year-old Muhammad Faizal Mohd Shariff, a Singaporean who was found guilty in 2019 of trafficking 1.5 kg of marijuana was reported to have lost his final appeal to commute his sentence.[195][196][197] A day after losing his appeal, Muhammad Faizal was hanged at dawn on 17 May 2023, with the authorities confirming his execution despite not naming Muhammad Faizal out of consideration for his family's need for privacy.[198][199] Two executions of a 56-year-old man and 45-year-old woman (both convicted of drug offences) were scheduled to take place on 26 July and 28 July 2023 respectively;[200] the female offender Saridewi Djamani was believed to be the first woman to be executed in 20 years, as the last known execution of a woman took place on 19 March 2004, when 37-year-old Yen May Woen was put to death for diamorphine trafficking.[201] The 56-year-old male drug offender Mohd Aziz Hussain, as well as Saridewi, were both hanged as scheduled, becoming the third and fourth persons respectively to be executed in Singapore in the year of 2023.[202][203][204] On 3 August 2023, Singapore carried out the hanging of Mohamed Shalleh Abdul Latiff, a 39-year-old Singaporean and former delivery driver found guilty of trafficking 54.04g of diamorphine in 2016.[205]

Ahmed Salim, who was found guilty of the murder of his former fiancée, was the first criminal hanged in Singapore in 2024. Prior to Ahmed's execution on 28 February 2024, the last judicial hanging for murder was carried out in 2019.[206]

Foreign nationals


The people on death row include foreign nationals, many of whom were convicted of drug-related offences. These inmates come from a diverse range of countries, including the United States[citation needed], Australia, Bangladesh, China, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, Portugal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam. Figures released by the Singapore government show that between 1993 and 2003, 36% of those executed were foreigners, including some residents in Singapore (half of Singapore residents are foreigners).[207]

Cases of people sentenced to death


Murder cases

  • 1965: Tan Kheng Ann (alias Robert Black) and 17 others who led the Pulau Senang prison riot. They were found guilty of the murders of a prison officer and his three assistants, and hanged on 29 October 1965.[208][209]
  • 1967: Sunny Ang, a Grand Prix driver and part-time student who killed his girlfriend Jenny Cheok for her insurance during a scuba diving trip near Sisters' Islands in 1963. He was the first person in Singapore to be convicted of murder solely based on circumstantial evidence and without a body. He received a mandatory death sentence and was executed on 6 February 1967.
  • 1968: Usman bin Haji Muhammad Ali and Harun Thohir, two Indonesian marines who carried out the 1965 MacDonald House bombing which killed three people (when Singapore was still a part of Malaysia). They were convicted of murder and hanged on 17 October 1968.
  • 1970: Lim Heng Soon and Low Ngah Ngah, the two Singaporeans found guilty of stabbing and killing police detective D. Munusamy in February 1968. Both men were sentenced to hang on 30 November 1968, and after losing their appeals to the Singaporean Court of Appeal and Privy Council in London between November 1969 and March 1970, the duo were eventually hanged.
  • 1972: Liew Kim Siong and Kee Ah Tee, the two Singaporean youths hanged in 1972 for the 1969 Upper Bukit Timah factory murders, where two Hongkongers were stabbed to death during the duo's robbery bid
  • 1973: Lee Chor Pet, Lim Kim Kwee and Ho Kee Fatt, the three kidnappers who were found guilty of kidnapping and murdering 19-year-old Ong Beang Leck, a millionaire's son. They were hanged on 27 January 1973.
  • 1973: Osman bin Ali, an Indonesian-born Singaporean and gardener who was found guilty of murdering a cook and an amah at a bungalow in Leedon Park. He was sentenced to death in September 1971, and hanged on 27 July 1973 after losing his appeal.
  • 1973: Mimi Wong Weng Siu and her husband Sim Woh Kum, the first couple to be sentenced to death in Singapore. Both Wong and Sim were convicted of the 1970 murder of Ayako Watanabe, the wife of Wong's Japanese lover, and hanged on 27 July 1973. Wong was also the first woman to be executed for murder in Singapore since its independence.
  • 1973: Chow Kim Hoong, a Malaysian-born stateless person found guilty of the 1969 killing of his brother's fiancée and sentenced to death in July 1970. Chow managed to appeal for a re-trial but the death sentence was reinstated in November 1971. Chow was hanged on 3 August 1973.
  • 1975: Andrew Chou Hock Guan, David Chou Hock Heng, Peter Lim Swee Guan, Alex Yau Hean Thye, Stephen Francis, Richard James, and Konesekaram Nagalingam, who were hanged on 28 February 1975 for the Gold Bars triple murders.[210][211][212]
  • 1975: Ismail bin U. K. Abdul Rahman, a Singaporean labourer found guilty of murdering a one-armed man and sentenced to death. Ismail was hanged on 28 February 1975.
  • 1975: Chelliah Silvanathan, a Hai Lok San gang member who was hanged on 11 April 1975 for the murder of a fellow gang member.
  • 1975: Lim Kim Huat and Neoh Bean Chye, the two Malaysian gunmen found guilty of shooting and killing wine shop proprietor Chew Liew Tea and hanged on 27 June 1975.
  • 1975: Liew Ah Chiew, a 19-year-old National Serviceman convicted of murdering his platoon commander Hor Koon Seng and hanged on 29 November 1975.
  • 1976: Pehn Kwan Jin, a Singaporean seaman who was found guilty of murdering Tan Eng Kim and hanged on 16 April 1976.
  • 1976: K. Vijayan Krishnan, a Malaysian labourer who was hanged on 30 April 1976 for the 1973 murder of Ahora Murthi Krishnasamy at Kampong Kapor.
  • 1977: Nadarajah Govindasamy, a transport company owner charged with the violent murder of his daughter's fiance Mohamed Azad Mohamed Hussein. Nadarajah was found guilty and given the death penalty in August 1975, and he was later put to death on 28 January 1977.
  • 1979: Visuvanathan Thillai Kannu, a Malaysian labourer who was found guilty of murdering a road sweeper in 1976. Visuvanathan was hanged on 25 May 1979.
  • 1979: Tay Eng Whatt, a unemployed Singaporean who was hanged on 29 June 1979 for the 1974 murder of Wong Thng Kiat.
  • 1980: Quek Kee Siong, a labourer who was found guilty of the rape and murder of ten-year-old Cheng Geok Ha and sentenced to death in March 1979. He lost his appeal in November 1980, and later hanged.
  • 1982: Kalidass Sinnathamby Narayanasamy, a lance corporal of the Singapore Armed Forces who molested and killed his seven-year-old niece. He was sentenced to hang for murder on 27 March 1980 and lost his appeal in May 1982, and sometime afterwards, he was executed.
  • 1982: Haw Tua Tau, a hawker who was found guilty of murdering Phoon Ah Leong and Hu Yuen Keng back in 1976. After losing his appeals, Haw was hanged sometime in 1982.
  • 1983: Vadivelu Kathikesan, a Singaporean charged with the murders of two men between June and October 1979. Vadivelu was sentenced to hang in March 1982 for the October 1979 murder of cigarette stall owner Mohamed Dawood Abdul Jaffar, and he was hanged on an unknown date after the loss of his appeal in January 1983. His other charge of killing Abdul Rahiman Adnan in June 1979 was withdrawn after his conviction for the Mohamed Dawood murder.
  • 1984: Ong Hwee Kuan, Ong Chin Hock and Yeo Ching Boon were hanged on 24 February 1984 for the robbery, kidnapping and murder of a policeman, Lee Kim Lai, on 25 April 1978. The trio were also responsible for the murder of a taxi driver Chew Theng Hin on the same night Lee was killed.[213][214]
  • 1986: Sim Min Teck, one of the three perpetrators of the 1980 Jurong fishing port murders, which he committed when he was 18. He was sentenced to death for murder in March 1985 and lost his appeal in July 1986, before he was hanged.
  • 1986: Ramu Annadavascan, a lorry driver who used a gardening rake to assault a 45-year-old boilerman before burning him alive, was hanged on 19 September 1986.
  • 1986: Wong Foot Ling, who was hanged on 19 September 1986 for murdering his lover Khor Gek Hong
  • 1988: Lau Ah Kiang, a jobless Singaporean who killed his adoptive niece Ong Ai Siok. He was sentenced to death in February 1986 and lost his appeal in January 1988 before he was hanged.
  • 1988: Adrian Lim, Tan Mui Choo, and Hoe Kah Hong, the three perpetrators of the 1981 Toa Payoh ritual murders, were hanged on 25 November 1988.
  • 1988: Sek Kim Wah, a Singaporean military conscript and serial killer who committed the 1983 Andrew Road triple murders and another double murder near Seletar Road, was hanged on 9 December 1988. As of 2024, Sek Kim Wah remains as Singapore's first and only serial killer to date, with 5 victims.[215][216]
  • 1990: Teo Boon Ann, a temple medium, was hanged on 20 April 1990 for the 1983 murder of Chong Kin Meng during a failed robbery attempt.
  • 1990: Michael Tan Teow and Lim Beng Hai, the two unemployed Singaporeans and drug abusers who killed a housewife and two children to steal their money to buy drugs. Before his execution however, Tan committed suicide in May 1990, therefore Lim was alone executed on 5 October 1990.
  • 1991: Chia Chee Yeen, a National Serviceman and army lance corporal charged with shooting his army superior to death at an army camp in July 1987. Chia was sentenced to death for murder in May 1990, and he lost his appeal in September 1991. He had been since executed.
  • 1991: Tan Cheow Bock, who was sentenced to death in 1990 for the 1980 murder of Chia Chun Fong. Tan, who was arrested in 1987, was eventually hanged after the loss of his appeal in September 1991.
  • 1992: Hensley Anthony Neville, an Eurasian Singaporean found guilty of the 1984 rape and murder of 19-year-old Lim Hwee Huang. He fled to Malaysia after killing Lim, but was caught in March 1987 and hanged on 28 August 1992 after a six-day trial hearing. He was also the suspect of an unsolved double killing at Malaysia.
  • 1992: Vasavan Sathiadew and his two Thai accomplices - Phan Khenapin and Wan Pathong - were hanged on 23 October 1992 for the 1984 murder of Frankie Tan.[217]
  • 1992: Tan Joo Cheng, who was found guilty of the 1987 murder of Lee Juay Heng, and sentenced to hang in 1990. Tan was executed since the loss of his appeal in 1992.
  • 1993: Mohamed Bachu Miah and Mohamed Mahmuduzzaman Khan, the two Bangladeshi workers who were found guilty of murdering a compatriot Mohamed Shafiqul Islam in 1988. Both Mohamed Bachu and Mahmuduzzaman were hanged on 23 July 1993.
  • 1993: 18-year-old Maksa Tohaiee, a Singaporean cleaner, was charged with murdering 38-year-old Italian housewife Clementina Curci on 10 October 1990 and executed three years later on 26 November 1993.
  • 1993: Yap Biew Hian, a Malaysian shipyard worker found guilty of killing his female tenant Wong Mee Hiong. Yap was sentenced to death on 10 March 1993 and lost his appeal in October 1993, and since then, he was hanged.
  • 1993: Tan Bee Hock, a Singaporean who was found guilty of the murder of Ng Keng Hua and sentenced to hang on 22 March 1993.
  • 1993: Ng Soo Hin, a Singaporean carpenter who, at age 19, murdered both his 19-year-old girlfriend Foo Chin Chin and Foo’s 18-year-old best friend Ng Lee Kheng. Ng was sentenced to death on 26 May 1993 and lost his appeal on 3 December 1993, and since then, he was hanged.
  • 1993: Loh Yoon Seong, a Malaysian fitter who was found guilty of murdering an Indonesian fish merchant Nurdin Nguan Song in 1985, and after the end of his accomplice's manslaughter trial in June 1993, Loh was hanged in an unknown date.
  • 1993: Ithinin Kamari, who was found guilty and sentenced to hang in 1992 for the 1989 Tanglin Halt double murders. Ithinin's appeal was dismissed in 1993, and he was hanged thereafter.
  • 1994: Mazlan Maidun, a Singaporean who was hanged on 21 January 1994 for the 1988 murder of Yeu Lam Ching in Bukit Timah.
  • 1994: Yeo Watt Song, a Singaporean who was convicted of the murder of Ho Hon Sing, who was Yeo's childhood friend. He was hanged in March 1994.
  • 1994: Krishnan Varadan, a Malaysian found guilty of murdering Packiria Pillai Krishnasamy during a robbery bid in 1984. After spending seven years on death row as the longest-serving death row prisoner in Singapore, Krishnan was hanged on 15 April 1994.
  • 1994: Goh Hong Choon, a Singaporean odd-job worker who killed ten-year-old schoolgirl Kuah Bee Hong during a robbery. He was found guilty and hanged on 29 July 1994.[218]
  • 1994: Liow Han Heng and Ibrahim bin Masod, who were sentenced to death in 1992 for kidnapping and killing a goldsmith. Only Ibrahim was executed on 29 July 1994 while Liow died from a heart attack in August 1993 before he could be executed.[218]
  • 1994: Lee Teck Sang, Singaporean national, hanged on 29 July 1994 for the stabbing murder of Singapore Polytechnic lecturer Tan Chin Liong during a robbery in October 1992.[218][219]
  • 1994: Mohamed Jaafar Abidin and Yacob Rusmatullah, who were both found guilty of murdering a 78-year-old housewife and hanged on 26 August 1994.[220]
  • 1994: Murgan Ramasamy, an unemployed Singaporean charged with killing a 48-year-old taxi driver during a robbery. He was hanged on 16 September 1994.
  • 1994: Mohamed Sulaiman Samsudin, the perpetrator of the 1989 Yishun coffeeshop murder case who was sentenced to death in February 1994 for his crime. Sulaiman's date of execution remains unspecified.
  • 1995: Lim Lye Hock, a Singaporean carpenter who raped and murdered his childhood friend Tan Hui Ngin. He was sentenced to death on 1 December 1993, and lost his appeal two years later in 1995, and was hanged afterwards.
  • 1995: Flor Contemplacion, a Filipina domestic worker hanged on 17 March 1995 for murdering another Filipino domestic worker and a four-year-old boy.
  • 1995: Chin Seow Noi, Chin's younger brother Chin Yaw Kim and Yaw Kim's friend Ng Kim Heng, the three Malaysians who were hanged on 31 March 1995 for the murder of Lim Lee Tin in January 1989.
  • 1995: Kumar Nadison, Jabar Kadermastan and Chandran Gangatharan, the three Malaysians who were found guilty of murdering a ice factory worker Samynathan Pawathai during a revenge attack in 1985. The trio were hanged ten years later on 28 April 1995.
  • 1995: Oh Laye Koh, a Singaporean and former school bus driver who was hanged on 19 May 1995 for the 1989 murder of Liang Shan Shan, a 17-year-old Malaysian schoolgirl. He was also the suspected killer of 18-year-old lounge waitress Norhayah binti Mohamed Ali back in 1982.
  • 1995: Jahabar Bagurudeen, an Indian businessman who murdered his friend for allegedly being refused by the victim to share a prostitute. He was hanged on 2 June 1995.
  • 1995: Mohamad Ashiek Salleh and Junalis Lumat, the two taxi robbers who killed taxi driver Teo Kim Hock during a robbery and hanged on 16 June 1995. Junalis was also responsible for killing another taxi driver Seing Koo Wan.
  • 1995: Phua Soy Boon, a Singaporean who was 37 years old and jobless, was found guilty of killing a moneylender Sim Ah Lek and hanged on 16 June 1995.
  • 1995: Sagar Suppiah Retnam, a Singaporean national, hanged on 7 July 1995 for the murder of Sivapragasam Subramaniam during a gang fight between the Ang Soon Tong triad and the Gi Leng Hor secret society at Marsiling in 1990.[221]
  • 1995: Anbuarsu Joseph, a Singaporean national and Gi Leng Kiat secret society member, hanged on 7 July 1995 for the murder of Thampusamy Murugian Gunasekaran in Little India after mistaking him for a rival gang member in 1993.[221]
  • 1995: Jamaludin Ibrahim, a Singaporean repairman who killed his two neighbours after robbing them. He was hanged on 28 July 1995.
  • 1995: Maniam Rathinswamy and S. S. Asokan, the two Singaporeans and security guards who used an axe and knife to murder 32-year-old Tan Heng Hong in 1992 before burning his corpse inside the car. Maniam and Asokan were found guilty of murder and hanged on 8 September 1995.
  • 1995: Indra Wijaya bin Ibrahim, a 22-year-old Singaporean drug addict who robbed and murdered a 80-year-old woman inside a lift at Bedok North in 1994. He was convicted and hanged seven months later on 29 September 1995.
  • 1996: Panya Marmontree, Prawit Yaowabutr, Manit Wangjaisuk, Panya Amphawa, and Prasong Bunsom, all citizens of Thailand, hanged on 15 March 1996 for the murders of three men during an island-wide spree of construction site robberies between November 1992 and September 1993.[222]
  • 1996: John Martin Scripps, a British spree killer hanged on 19 April 1996 for murdering three tourists.
  • 1996: Zainal Abidin Abdul Malik, a 29-year-old Singaporean who used an axe to murder 47-year-old police officer Boo Tiang Huat. He was convicted for murder and hanged on 30 August 1996.[223]
  • 1996: Teo Kim Hong, a Singaporean national, hanged on 30 August 1996 for stabbing fellow prostitute and Malaysian Ching Bee Ing to death at the Teck Lim Road brothel they both worked for in 1995.[224]
  • 1996: Thongbai Naklangdon, a Thai welder who was found guilty of murdering his friend Suk Malasri in June 1995 and sentenced to death. Thongbai was hanged on 30 August 1996.
  • 1997: Pracha Thanomnin, a Thai illegal worker, was hanged on 10 January 1997 for the 1995 murder of Lee Kok Yin, a 47-year-old taxi driver.[225]
  • 1997: Khampun Sriyotha and Samlee Prathumtree, the two Thai workers found guilty of murdering their fellow countryman Somwang Yapapha during a sledgehammer attack, and hanged on 4 July 1997.
  • 1998: Asogan Ramesh Ramachandren and Selvar Kumar Silvaras were hanged on 29 May 1998 for the 1996 murder of a gangster.
  • 1998: Jimmy Chua Hwa Soon, a former army sergeant who killed his sister-in-law and slashed his nephew. He was sentenced to death for murder in April 1997 and lost his appeal in February 1998.
  • 1998: Sim Eng Teck, a jobless Singaporean who killed an Indonesian businessman. Sim received the death sentence in May 1998 and lost his appeal in August 1998, before he was hanged.
  • 1998: Lim Chin Chong, a Malaysian male prostitute who, at age 18, murdered his 65-year-old Singaporean employer and brothel owner Philip Low Cheng Quee in June 1997. Lim was found guilty of murder and executed on 23 October 1998.
  • 1999: Gerardine Andrew, a prostitute who was hanged on 26 February 1999 together with two men - Nazar Mohamed Kassim and Mansoor Abdullah - for stabbing her landlady, 53-year-old Sivapackiam Veerappan Rengasamy in March 1997. Prior to her execution, Gerardine's sentence was initially eight years' imprisonment for manslaughter before the Court of Appeal found her guilty of murder in September 1998 and modified her jail term to death.
  • 1999: Jonaris Badlishah, a Malaysian and nephew of the Sultan of Kedah who was sentenced to death for the 1998 murder of Sally Poh Bee Eng and theft of her Rolex watch. He lost his appeal in February 1999, and afterwards, he was hanged.
  • 1999: Too Yin Sheong, one of the three perpetrators responsible for the 1993 murder of Lee Kok Cheong, a university professor. Too was hanged on 30 April 1999. Another accomplice Lee Chez Kee was caught and hanged sometime in 2008, while a third named Ng Chek Siong was jailed eight years and received ten strokes of the cane for a reduced robbery charge.
  • 1999: Both Shaiful Edham bin Adam and Norishyam s/o Mohamed Ali were hanged on 2 July 1999 for the 1998 murder of a Bulgarian student named Iordanka Apostolova.
  • 1999: S. Nagarajan Kuppusamy, a Singaporean lorry driver found guilty of murdering a prison warden and put to death on 23 July 1999.
  • 2000: Lau Lee Peng, a fishmonger who was hanged on 1 September 2000 for the robbery and murder of his 50-year-old friend and fruit stall helper Lily Tan Eng Yan.
  • 2000: Chan Chim Yee, a Singaporean cleaner found guilty of murdering his former girlfriend in August 1998. He was hanged on 15 September 2000.
  • 2000 or 2001: Chan Choon Wai, a Malaysian who was found guilty of murdering his girlfriend Koh Mew Chin. He was sentenced to hang in January 2000 and lost his appeal in May 2000. He was hanged either in late 2000 or early 2001.
  • 2001: Julaiha Begum, her lover Loganatha Venkatesan and Venkatesan's friend Chandran Rajagopal, were hanged on 16 February 2001 for the murder of Julaiha's husband T. Maniam.
  • 2001: Seah Kok Meng, a Singaporean found guilty of the 1999 murder of S. Salim Ahmad, and sentenced to death in November 2000. Seah was hanged on 30 November 2001.
  • 2002: Khwan-On Natthaphon, a Thai carpenter found guilty of the murder of Ong Huay Dee, a 65-year-old taxi driver whom Khwan-On killed in June 2000. Khwan-On was hanged on 27 September 2002.
  • 2002: Three men - Rosli bin Ahmat, Wan Kamil bin Mohamed Shafian, and Ibrahim bin Mohamed - were executed on 25 October 2002 for the August 2000 murders of Koh Ngiap Yong and Jahabar Sathick at Chestnut Avenue and Jalan Kukoh respectively.
  • 2002: Anthony Ler Wee Teang was hanged on 13 December 2002 for hiring a teenager to murder his wife.[226]
  • 2003: Kanesan Ratnam, a prisoner who killed his cellmate Shankar Suppiahmaniam by strangulation at Queenstown Remand Prison. Kanesan, who was in remand for a charge of rape, was sentenced to death and later hanged on 10 January 2003.
  • 2003: Dornchinnamat Yingyos, Thongthot Yordsa-Art and Seethong Phichet, three of the six Thai workers responsible for the murder of Saenphan Thawan back in June 2001. All three men were found guilty of murder and later put to death on 21 February 2003.
  • 2003: Arun Prakash Vaithilingam, an Indian ship electrician who was found guilty of murdering his roommate Lourdusamy Lenin Selvanayagan, and hanged on 3 October 2003
  • 2004: Jin Yugang, a Chinese national and cleaner who was found guilty of murdering his roommate Wang Hong in 2002. Jin was hanged on 19 March 2004.
  • 2004: Soosainathan Dass Saminathan, a jobless Singaporean found guilty of murdering a six-month-old Indonesian baby girl after he raped her. He was hanged on 21 May 2004.
  • 2004: Tan Chee Wee, a Malaysian hanged on 11 June 2004 for the rape and murder of a Thai housewife in Chai Chee.
  • 2005: Zailani bin Ahmad, a Singaporean technician found guilty of the 2003 murder of Chi Tue Tiong and sentenced to death in March 2004. He also lost his appeal in November 2004, and he had since been hanged.
  • 2005: Harith Gary Lee, alias Lee Cheng Thiam, a Singaporean hanged on 21 April 2005 for murdering his girlfriend Diana Teo Siew Peng by pushing her off the tenth storey of her residential block
  • 2006: Tony Koh Zhan Quan and Lim Poh Lye, two of the three robbers who were apprehended for the murder of Bock Tuan Thong, a scrap car dealer. Koh and Lim were initially jailed and caned for robbery with hurt but their sentences were commuted to death for murder after the prosecution appealed. Both Koh and Lim were hanged on 28 April 2006.
  • 2006: Took Leng How, a Malaysian hanged on 3 November 2006 for the 2004 murder of an eight-year-old girl.
  • 2007: Leong Siew Chor, a factory supervisor who killed his lover Liu Hong Mei. He was hanged on 30 November 2007.[227]
  • 2008: Lee Chez Kee, one of the three perpetrators responsible for the 1993 murder of Lee Kok Cheong, a university professor. Lee was caught in 2006 and sentenced to hang in 2008. One of his accomplices Too Yin Sheong was caught and hanged in April 1999, while a third named Ng Chek Siong was jailed eight years and received ten strokes of the cane for a reduced robbery charge.
  • 2008: Mohammed Ali bin Johari was hanged on 19 December 2008 for the 2006 rape and murder of his stepdaughter.[228]
  • 2008: Abdul Malik bin Usman, Kamal bin Kupli and Hamir Hasim, the three Malaysians found guilty of murdering a Myanmar worker Thein Naing during a robbery. They were sentenced to death in February 2007 and lost their appeals in February 2008, and were executed later that same year.
  • 2011: Tharema Vejayan Govindasamy, the perpetrator of the 2007 Stirling Road murder case, which involved him killing his former wife. Tharema was sentenced to hang in May 2009, and lost his appeal in September 2010, and he was eventually hanged sometime in 2011.
  • 2011: Nakamuthu Balakrishnan, a Singaporean sentenced to death for murdering a lorry driver during a S$1.3 million mobile phone heist. His date of death was 8 July 2011.
  • 2014: Wang Zhijian, a Chinese national sentenced to death in 2012 for the 2008 Yishun triple murders. The Court of Appeal dismissed his appeal in 2014.
  • 2015: Iskandar bin Rahmat, a former police officer sentenced to death in December 2015 for the 2013 Kovan double murders. As of May 2021, Iskandar is still awaiting execution.[229][230]
  • 2015: Muhammad Kadar, an odd-job labourer charged with knifing a 69-year-old housewife 110 times and therefore killed her during a robbery in 2005. He was hanged ten years later on 17 April 2015.
  • 2016: Kho Jabing, a Malaysian hanged on 20 May 2016 for the 2008 robbery and murder of a construction worker.
  • 2018: Rasheed Muhammad and Ramzan Rizwan, the two Pakistani tissue sellers who killed their 59-year-old roommate Muhammad Noor by smothering. Both were found guilty and sentenced to death in February 2017 and lost their appeals on 28 September 2017. They were hanged sometime in 2018.
  • 2018: Chia Kee Chen, a Singaporean businessman who murdered his wife's 37-year-old lover Dexmon Chua Yizhi. His life sentence was commuted to a death sentence by the Court of Appeal of Singapore after the prosecution appealed on 27 June 2018.
  • 2019: Micheal Anak Garing, a Malaysian hanged on 22 March 2019 for the murder of a construction worker during a series of armed robberies in 2010.[231]
  • 2020: Teo Ghim Heng, a former property agent who was sentenced to death for killing his wife and their daughter in 2017, which became known as the Woodlands double murders.[232][233][234]
  • 2024: Ahmed Salim, a Bangladeshi painter found guilty of murdering his Indonesian girlfriend Nurhidayati Wartono Surata back in 2018. Ahmed was hanged on 28 February 2024.

Drug trafficking cases


Преступления с применением огнестрельного оружия

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  • 1971: Тео Ченг Леонг , сингапурский грабитель, повешен в неизвестную дату в мае 1971 года за то, что дважды выстрелил в полицейского с намерением причинить вред.
  • 1976: Ша Бакар Давуд , гражданин Сингапура, повешен 3 сентября 1976 года за применение огнестрельного оружия с намерением нанести телесные повреждения после того, как застрелил трех человек в борделе, а затем открыл огонь по полиции на проспекте Тиам Сью . [ 368 ] [ 369 ]
  • 1977: Талиб бин Хаджи Хамза , гражданин Сингапура, повешен 28 января 1977 года за применение огнестрельного оружия с намерением причинить телесные повреждения после того, как он был соучастником двух ограблений ювелирного магазина в 1974 году, во время которых было использовано огнестрельное оружие. [ 370 ]
  • 1979: Ли Кенг Гуан , Вонг Лок Фатт и Хо Джу Хуат , граждане Сингапура, повешены 11 мая 1979 года за совместное использование огнестрельного оружия с намерением причинить телесные повреждения после ограбления бизнесмена Лоу Мэн Хоу и последующего выстрела двумя пулями. из револьвера у племянника Лоу на Эмбер-роуд в октябре 1974 года. [ 371 ]
  • 1980: Чанг Бок Энг и Тай Шер Кианг , оба были приговорены к смертной казни в августе 1977 года за использование револьвера во время вооруженного ограбления покрасочной мастерской. И Чанг, и Тэй были повешены 9 мая 1980 года. [ 372 ] [ 373 ]
  • 1984: Лим Кок Ю , гражданин Малайзии, повешен 8 июня 1984 года за совместное использование огнестрельного оружия с намерением нанести телесные повреждения после того, как он и его сообщник Ён Кви Конг взяли заложников во время перестрелки с полицией во время Тионг Бахру. угон автобуса . [ 374 ] [ 375 ]
  • 1994: Онг Йео Тиан , сингапурский парикмахер, повешенный 25 ноября 1994 года за убийство полицейского и застреление двух других полицейских в 1989 году.
  • 1995: Нг Тенг Шуанг , гражданин Малайзии, повешен 14 июля 1995 года за применение огнестрельного оружия с намерением причинить телесные повреждения после того, как застрелил трех человек во время попытки ограбления магазина Tin Sing Goldsmiths на Саут-Бридж-роуд в 1992 году. [ 376 ]
  • 1997: Лим Чви Сун повешен 25 июля 1997 года за семь выстрелов из огнестрельного оружия во время ограбления бутика Kee Hing Hung Rolex в комплексе People's Park в 1995 году. [ 377 ]
  • 2001: Тай Чин Ва , сингапурский таксист, был арестован по нераскрытому делу о расстреле двух мужчин в 1995 году. Он был приговорен к смертной казни 21 февраля 2001 г. и повешен 26 октября 2001 г. [ 354 ]
  • 2005: Хор Кок Сун , один из десяти наиболее скрывающихся от правосудия сингапурских преступников, был обвинен в 2004 году в стрельбе из пистолета по 43-летнему сержанту полиции Лим Киах Чину (который сбежал невредимым) в 1984 году. В феврале 2005 года он был приговорен к смертной казни. в конце концов повесился. Также утверждается, что Хор убил 25-летнего водителя грузовика Онга Кинга Хока. [ 378 ]
  • 2005: Лим Тиан Лай, сингапурский боевик, пойманный в 2004 году за убийство незаконного ростовщика Тан Тионг Хуата в 1997 году. Лим был признан виновным в применении огнестрельного оружия и убийстве Тана путем стрельбы и приговорен к смертной казни в мае 2005 года. Он проиграл подал апелляцию в сентябре 2005 года и с тех пор был повешен.
  • 2009: Тан Чор Джин , он же Тони Киа, которого сингапурские СМИ прозвали «Одноглазым Драконом», был казнен 9 января 2009 года за незаконный выстрел из огнестрельного оружия и убийство 41-летнего владельца ночного клуба Лим Хок Сун.

Военные преступления

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Палач надевает петлю на шею японского военного преступника, пока его удерживает британский военный офицер непосредственно перед казнью, повешенной на виселице в тюрьме Чанги в 1946 году. Осужденный стоит в кругу на люке. , а по обе стороны от него находятся еще два круга, указывающие на то, что на виселице было предусмотрено несколько одновременных казней.
  • 1946: Шимпей Фукуе, убивший четырёх военнопленных во время инцидента в казармах Селаранг , был казнён 27 апреля 1946 года.
  • 1947: Оиси Масаюки , командир 2-го полевого Кэмпэйтай , и Кавамура Сабуро [ джа ] , командир гарнизона обороны Сёнана. Оба мужчины были приговорены к смертной казни в 1947 году за организацию резни в Сук Чинг и казнены в 1951 году. [ 379 ]
  • Подполковник Сумида Харузо, прапорщик Монаи Тадамори, сержант-майор Макидзоно Масуо, сержант-майор Терада Такао, сержант Нодзава Тоитиро, сержант-майор Цудзио Сигэо, сержант-майор Морита Сёдзо и армейский переводчик То Сви Кун - их осуждение за военные преступления во время инцидента «Двойная десятая» в 1946 году. пробный. [ 380 ]

Военные преступления

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Список приговоренных к смертной казни, помилованных президентом

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  • 1978: Мохамад Кунджо с/о Рамалан, сингапурец, осужденный за убийство водителя грузовика в 1975 году и приговоренный к смертной казни в 1976 году. Проиграв апелляции на приговор в течение следующих двух лет, он подал прошение о помиловании, которое было предоставлено президентом Бенджамином. Ширсом в 1978 году. Его смертный приговор был заменен пожизненным заключением . [ 381 ] [ 382 ]
  • 1980: Бобби Чунг Хуа Ватт, сингапурец, осужденный за убийство брата своего зятя в 1975 году. Он был признан виновным в убийстве и приговорен к смертной казни. После проигрыша апелляции на смертный приговор его первоначально планировалось казнить 18 января 1980 года. Однако 15 января 1980 года президент Бенджамин Ширс помиловал его, и его смертный приговор был заменен пожизненным заключением . Он был освобожден из тюрьмы в 1993 году за примерное поведение, отбыв как минимум две трети пожизненного заключения. [ 383 ] [ 384 ] [ 382 ]
  • 1983: Сити Амина бинте Джаффар, сингапурка, осужденная за торговлю наркотиками в 1977 году и приговоренная к смертной казни в 1978 году вместе со своим любовником Анваром Али Ханом. Двое из них обратились к президенту Девану Наиру с просьбой о помиловании в 1983 году. Просьба Анвара была отклонена, и он был казнен, но ходатайство Сити было принято, и ее смертный приговор заменили пожизненным заключением . [ 385 ] [ 386 ] [ 382 ]
  • 1993: Сим А Чео , сингапурка, осужденная за торговлю наркотиками в 1985 году и приговоренная к смертной казни в 1988 году вместе с двумя своими сообщниками. Президент Ви Ким Ви принял ее просьбу о помиловании в 1992 году, и ее смертный приговор был заменен пожизненным заключением ; однако двое ее сообщников были казнены в 1992 году. Во время отбывания пожизненного заключения в 1993 году у нее диагностировали рак шейки матки , и ей оставалось жить не более года. Она обратилась к президенту Онг Тенг Чеонгу с просьбой о помиловании, чтобы ее можно было освободить и провести последние минуты своей жизни со своей семьей. Президент принял петицию, и 16 февраля 1995 года она была освобождена и в конце концов умерла 30 марта того же года. [ 387 ] [ 382 ]
  • 1992: Ко Сви Бенг помиловал его. , сингапурец, убивший человека, напавшего на его приемного отца в 1988 году. Он был признан виновным в убийстве и приговорен к смертной казни в 1990 году. Он проиграл апелляцию на смертный приговор в 1991 году, но в конечном итоге президент Ви Ким Ви 13 мая 1992 года (за два дня до назначенной казни) ему заменили приговор пожизненным заключением . Он был освобожден из тюрьмы в сентябре 2005 года за примерное поведение после отбытия как минимум двух третей пожизненного заключения. [ 388 ] [ 382 ]
  • 1998: Матхаваканнан Калимуту , сингапурец, осужденный за убийство и приговоренный к смертной казни в 1996 году вместе с двумя своими друзьями. Проиграв апелляции в 1997 году, все трое обратились к президенту Онг Тенг Чеонгу с просьбой о помиловании в 1998 году. Президент принял только просьбу Матхаваканнана, поэтому его приговор был заменен пожизненным заключением ; ходатайства двух других были отклонены и впоследствии казнены. В конце концов Матхаваканнан был освобожден в 2012 году, проведя в тюрьме около 16 лет. По состоянию на 2024 год Матхаваканнан Калимуту остается последним заключенным, приговоренным к смертной казни, которого избежали виселицы благодаря президентскому помилованию. [ 389 ] [ 390 ] [ 391 ]
[ редактировать ]

В 2016 году сингапурский режиссер Бу Цзюньфэн снял и выпустил фильм « Ученик » с Фирдаусом Рахманом и Ван Ханафи Су в главных ролях. В фильме, повествующем вымышленную историю недавно назначенного тюремного надзирателя и палача Аймана Юсофа, затрагивается тема смертной казни в Сингапуре и точка зрения палача на эту практику, а также опыт и остракизм семей, когда их близкие были осуждены и казнены. Режиссер также рассказал, что он собрал информацию посредством интервью бывших палачей, имамов и священников, которые консультировали заключенных, приговоренных к смертной казни, а также семей казненных заключенных во время создания фильма. Фильм, показанный на нескольких международных кинофестивалях, был встречен положительной публикой и получил как номинации, так и награды режиссера и продюсерской группы. [ 392 ] [ 393 ] [ 394 ] [ 395 ]

В Сингапуре шли местные криминальные шоу, такие как «Хладнокровное убийство» , «Криминальный дозор » и «Правдивые файлы» , которые воспроизводили реальные преступления в Сингапуре. Среди этих случаев были дела об убийствах и торговле наркотиками, за которые в городе-государстве предусмотрена смертная казнь. Часто в реконструкциях этих дел, караемых смертной казнью, также показываются окончательные приговоры осужденным, в которых указываются даты вынесения им приговора и/или казни. Примечательно, что казненные преступники, такие как английский серийный убийца Джон Мартин Скриппс , [ 396 ] детоубийца Адриан Лим , [ 397 ] печально известный женоубийца Энтони Лер [ 398 ] [ 399 ] и убийца полицейских Зайнал Абидин Абдул Малик фигурируют в этих реконструкциях с 1980-х годов по настоящее время. [ 400 ]

См. также

[ редактировать ]
  1. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Глава 68, 1985 г., Ред. Ред.
  2. ^ Чен, Шэрон (14 ноября 2012 г.). «Сингапур вносит поправки в закон о смертной казни, освобождая от некоторых преступлений» . Блумберг . Проверено 26 августа 2019 г.
  3. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Хо, Пэн Ки, Парламентские отчеты Сингапура , 11-й парламент, сессия 1, том 83, 23 октября 2007 г.
  4. ^ «Большинство жителей Сингапура по-прежнему поддерживают смертную казнь в последнем опросе MHA: Шанмугам» . ЦНА . 3 марта 2022 г. Проверено 29 апреля 2022 г.
  5. ^ «Высший суд отклонил иск торговца наркотиками, героин предназначался для собственного употребления, и оставил в силе смертный приговор» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . 11 мая 2022 г.
  6. ^ «В Сингапуре казнят человека за торговлю героином, это второе повешение за последние дни» . Южно-Китайская Морнинг Пост . 7 августа 2024 г.
  7. ^ «Сингапур стоит на месте» . Новости АВС . 21 ноября 2005 г.
  8. ^ «Я был свидетелем вынесения смертного приговора» . Интернет-гражданин. 21 апреля 2015 г.
  9. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д и «Ответ правительства Сингапура на доклад Amnesty International «Сингапур – Смертная казнь: скрытые казни» » . Министерство внутренних дел. 30 января 2004 г. Архивировано из оригинала 25 января 2010 г. Проверено 30 сентября 2013 г. Вопреки утверждениям AI, большинство казненных в Сингапуре составили сингапурцы, а не иностранцы. С 1993 по 2003 год 64% казнённых были сингапурцами. За последние пять лет 73% казненных были сингапурцами. Учитывая, что каждый четвертый житель Сингапура является иностранцем, утверждение о том, что значительная часть казненных заключенных были иностранцами, не только ложно, но и вредно; Хотя члены семьи не находятся с заключенным в момент казни, их информируют за четыре дня до казни (для иностранцев семьи и посольство будут проинформированы раньше, обычно за семь-четырнадцать дней) и разрешены ежедневные свидания продолжительностью до четырех часов. за каждое посещение в течение этих четырех дней. Казнь осуществляется в присутствии тюремного врача. По запросу разрешается присутствовать священнику или религиозному служителю, чтобы помолиться за казнь человека; Условия содержания в нашей тюрьме спартанские, но вполне адекватные. Приезжие судьи, являющиеся видными членами общества, регулярно без предупреждения посещают тюремные учреждения, чтобы убедиться, что с заключенными, в том числе приговоренными к смертной казни, не обращаются плохо. Это неправда, что заключенным не разрешают заниматься спортом. Все заключенные, включая осужденных, имеют право на ежедневные упражнения. Фактически, для этого предназначены две прогулочные площадки. Обычно им разрешается заниматься спортом два раза в день, по полчаса каждый раз, по одному или по два за раз.
  10. ^ Перейти обратно: а б «Последние двое задержанных отбывают наказание по усмотрению президента» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . 7 января 2018 года . Проверено 20 июля 2021 г.
  11. ^ «Горничная-подросток сбежала с виселицы и получила пожизненное заключение за то, что зарезала тещу работодателя» . СЕГОДНЯ . 4 июля 2023 г.
  12. ^ «Истинные файлы S1» . мне ПОСМОТРЕТЬ . Проверено 27 мая 2020 г.
  13. ^ «Истинные файлы S5» . мне ПОСМОТРЕТЬ . Проверено 22 мая 2020 г.
  14. ^ «Истинные файлы S3» . мне ПОСМОТРЕТЬ . Проверено 22 апреля 2020 г.
  15. ^ «Виновен по обвинению: ведущая танцев Мими Вонг убила жену своего японского любовника» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . Сингапур. 14 мая 2016 г. Архивировано из оригинала 17 мая 2016 г. . Проверено 26 апреля 2021 г.
  16. ^ «True Files S1 Ep3 — Суд над Мими Вонг» . мне ПОСМОТРЕТЬ . Проверено 26 апреля 2021 г.
  17. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д и ж г «Сингапур: Смертная казнь – скрытое число казней» (PDF) . Международная амнистия . 14 января 2004 года . Проверено 29 декабря 2007 г. Amnesty International признает необходимость борьбы с незаконным оборотом наркотиков и вред, который может нанести незаконный оборот наркотиков. Однако нет убедительных доказательств того, что смертная казнь сдерживает потенциальных торговцев людьми более эффективно, чем другие наказания; Amnesty International серьезно обеспокоена тем, что такие презумпции подрывают право на справедливое судебное разбирательство, увеличивая риск того, что невиновный человек может быть казнен, особенно потому, что закон предусматривает обязательную смертную казнь; Amnesty International выступает против смертной казни во всем мире во всех случаях без исключения; Родственники сообщили Amnesty International, что приговоренные к смертной казни заключенные содержатся в строгой изоляции в отдельных камерах площадью примерно три квадратных метра. Считается, что камеры имеют стены с трех сторон и решетки на оставшейся стороне. Камеры немногочисленные, в них есть только туалет и мат для сна, но нет постельных принадлежностей. Заключенным разрешается пользоваться ведром для мытья; Им разрешено одно 20-минутное посещение в неделю в специальной зоне, где они отделены от посетителей толстым стеклом и вынуждены общаться по телефону. Примерно за четыре дня до казни в качестве особой льготы заключенным разрешается смотреть телевизор или слушать радио, а также им предоставляется еда по их выбору в рамках тюремного бюджета. Им также разрешены дополнительные свидания с родственниками, но никакой физический контакт не допускается ни в какое время до казни; В июле 2001 года тогдашний парламентарий и известный правозащитник Дж. Б. Джеяретнам призвал к парламентским дебатам по делу потребителя наркотиков, которому грозила казнь, призвав Кабинет министров рассмотреть различные аспекты дела во время рассмотрения его прошения о помиловании. Дж. Б. Джеяретнаму было дано всего несколько минут для выступления, прежде чем его аргументы были опровергнуты государственным министром юстиции и внутренних дел.
  18. ^ True Files S3 - EP7: Фрагмент зуба . 5 февраля 2016 г. 5 канал . Проверено 22 апреля 2020 г. - через meWATCH.
  19. ^ Лучшее, что я мог S1-EP5 Отсутствующий зуб . 3 ноября 2014 г. 5 канал . Проверено 20 мая 2020 г. - через meWATCH.
  20. ^ «Человек, приговоренный к 6 годам лишения свободы, оправдан по обвинению в убийстве» . Yahoo!Новости . 6 июля 2011 года . Проверено 18 мая 2020 г.
  21. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Лин, Мелисса (17 апреля 2015 г.). «Осужденный убийца казнен после того, как последнее слово не удалось» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . Проверено 18 мая 2020 г.
  22. ^ Захара, Рита (29 декабря 2006 г.). «19 убийств за первые 11 месяцев 2006 года, что на одно больше, чем за аналогичный период 2005 года» . Канал НовостиАзия.
  23. ^ «От смертного приговора к пожизненному заключению и к свободе» . АзияОдин . 23 января 2012 года . Проверено 13 февраля 2021 г.
  24. ^ «Человек, отбывающий пожизненное заключение, должен быть освобожден» . Сегодня . 21 января 2012 года . Проверено 13 февраля 2021 г. - через форумы VR-Zone.
  25. ^ «Матаваканнан с/о Калимуту против Генерального прокурора [2012] SGHC 39» (PDF) . 27 февраля 2012 года . Проверено 13 февраля 2021 г. - через Singapore Law Watch.
  26. ^ True Files S3 - EP6: Смерть на Пулау-Убине . 5 февраля 2016 г. 5 канал . Проверено 22 апреля 2020 г. - через meWATCH.
  27. ^ «Осуждение человека за убийство сведено к невиновному убийству» . АзияОдин . 15 августа 2012 года . Проверено 20 июня 2020 г.
  28. ^ Лучшее, что я мог S2 . Любовь против ненависти. 3 ноября 2014 года . Проверено 20 мая 2020 г. - через meWATCH.
  29. ^ «Тройного убийцу Ишуня нужно повесить» . Звезда . 1 декабря 2012 года . Проверено 20 июня 2020 г.
  30. ^ «Виновен по обвинению: мужчина убил любовницу, ее дочь и соседа по квартире после ссоры из-за денег на краба» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . 18 мая 2016 года . Проверено 20 июня 2020 г.
  31. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с Син Хуэй, Кок (19 июля 2014 г.). «Двое повешены после того, как упустили шанс спастись от виселицы» . Сегодня Сингапур . Проверено 20 июня 2020 г.
  32. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д и ж г Абу Бейкер, Джалела (16 января 2015 г.). «Убийце не удалось избежать виселицы: еще 6 случаев, связанных с пересмотренными законами о смертной казни» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . Архивировано из оригинала 21 марта 2018 года . Проверено 24 ноября 2019 г.
  33. ^ Лам, Селина (11 апреля 2013 г.). «Наркокурьер избавлен от смертной казни» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . Проверено 20 июня 2020 г.
  34. ^ «Государственный прокурор против Абдула Халима бин Абдула Карима и других» (PDF) . Решения Верховного суда . Проверено 26 сентября 2020 г.
  35. ^ Виджаян, КЦ (20 мая 2017 г.). «Торговец наркотиками повешен после исчерпания всех возможностей обжалования» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . Проверено 20 июня 2020 г.
  36. ^ Тан, Луиза (30 ноября 2018 г.). «Большое чтение: Смертная казнь – еще немного разговоров о вопросе жизни и смерти» . Сегодня Сингапур . Проверено 6 июля 2020 г.
  37. ^ Саад, Имельда; Рамеш, С. (9 июля 2012 г.). «Сингапур завершает пересмотр обязательной смертной казни» . Канал NewsAsia . Проверено 6 июля 2020 г.
  38. ^ Виджаян, КЦ (17 апреля 2015 г.). «Убийце грозит виселица после того, как последнее слово не удалось » «Стрейтс Таймс» . Проверено 18 мая 2020 г.
  39. ^ Нео Чай Чин (16 июля 2013 г.). «Убийце дали пожизненный срок по новым законам» . Сегодня Сингапур . Проверено 1 июля 2020 г.
  40. ^ Пох, Ян (28 августа 2013 г.). «Осужденный убийца избегает виселицы; это третий подобный случай в Сингапуре после изменений в законе» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . Проверено 20 июня 2020 г.
  41. ^ Лам, Селина (12 ноября 2013 г.). «Бангладешцу удалось избежать смертной казни за убийство подруги» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . Проверено 20 июня 2020 г.
  42. ^ Ли, Аманда (29 августа 2014 г.). «Иностранный рабочий проиграл апелляцию на пожизненное заключение за убийство» . Сегодня Сингапур . Проверено 20 июня 2020 г.
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  44. ^ Лам, Селина (20 апреля 2015 г.). «Убийце удалось избежать смерти после того, как прокуратура отказалась от апелляции» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . Проверено 18 мая 2020 г.
  45. ^ «Убийца вернулся в камеру смертников после знаменательного решения» . АзияОдин . 15 января 2015 года . Проверено 25 октября 2020 г.
  46. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Абу Бейкер, Джалела (16 января 2015 г.). «Убийце не удалось избежать виселицы: еще 6 случаев, связанных с пересмотренными законами о смертной казни» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . Проверено 18 мая 2020 г.
  47. ^ Перейти обратно: а б «Хо Джабинга повесили после того, как предложение об отсрочке казни было отклонено, адвокаты получили от суда отметку» . Сегодня Сингапур . 20 мая 2016 года . Проверено 12 июля 2020 г.
  48. ^ Лам, Селина (14 ноября 2013 г.). «Малайзийец впервые осужден за торговлю наркотиками и избавлен от виселицы согласно новому закону» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . Проверено 3 августа 2020 г.
  49. ^ Ли, Аманда (6 января 2014 г.). «Второму наркоторговцу, приговоренному к смертной казни, удалось избежать виселицы» . Сегодня Сингапур . Проверено 3 августа 2020 г.
  50. ^ Пох, Ян (3 марта 2014 г.). «Торговец наркотиками, приговоренный к смертной казни, вместо этого получает пожизненное заключение, в первом случае за депрессию» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . Проверено 3 августа 2020 г.
  51. ^ Лам, Селина (27 мая 2014 г.). «Торговец наркотиками, приговоренный к смертной казни, пощадил виселицу» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . Проверено 3 августа 2020 г.
  52. ^ Лам, Селина (28 октября 2014 г.). «Малазийский наркоторговец избежал смертной казни согласно поправкам в законах» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . Проверено 3 августа 2020 г.
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  66. ^ «Нанесение ударов по Каллангу: Верховный суд оставил в силе смертную казнь и пожизненное заключение для дуэта» . Сегодня Сингапур . Проверено 1 июля 2020 г.
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  71. ^ «Мать получила пожизненный срок за издевательство над 5-летним сыном до смерти после того, как апелляционный суд отклонил смертную казнь» . СЕГОДНЯ . 18 октября 2022 г. Проверено 18 октября 2022 г.
  72. ^ Лам, Селина (27 июня 2018 г.). «Бизнесмен, убивший бывшего любовника жены, приговорен к смертной казни по апелляции обвинения» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . Проверено 11 июля 2020 г.
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  77. ^ Глава 224, 1985 г., Ред.
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  79. ^ Глава 14, 1998 г. Ред.
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  81. ^ « Мы были как бродячие»: жизнь, отмеченная наркотиками, тюремным заключением и смертной казнью» . Коллектив преобразующего правосудия . 31 мая 2022 г. Проверено 10 декабря 2022 г.
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  83. ^ Глава 185, 2001 г. Ред.
  84. ^ Второе приложение - Преступления, наказуемые осуждением
  85. ^ «Результаты опроса: поддержали бы вы полную отмену смертного приговора?» . Пять звезд и луна. 17 ноября 2012 года . Проверено 26 августа 2013 г.
  86. ^ Гойдер, Джеймс (23 мая 2011 г.). «Наркомания и реабилитация в драконовском Сингапуре» . Независимый . Архивировано из оригинала 16 октября 2014 года . Проверено 4 сентября 2014 г.
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  88. ^ «Наркокурьеры пытаются нажиться на жестких законах» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . 6 марта 1989 года.
  89. ^ Сулейман, М.; Куналан, В.; Яп ATW; Лим В.Д.Л.; Нг JJY; Лох SWX; Чан, КБ (2018). «Рисунок 7 от героина в Малайзии и Сингапуре». Тестирование и анализ наркотиков . 10 (1): 109–119. дои : 10.1002/dta.2238 . ПМИД   28670869 . S2CID   11456451 .
  90. ^ «От мака к героину: Шаг 5: Очистка героина» . ПБС . 22 августа 2002 г.
  91. ^ «Рискуют своей шеей ради легких денег» . Новая бумага . 6 ноября 1993 г.
  92. ^ Глава 143, 1985 г., Ред.
  93. ^ Глава 151, 1999 г., Ред.
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  96. ^ «Семь дней ужаса и надежды»: что происходит в последние дни пребывания человека в камере смертников в Сингапуре» . Кокосы . 25 апреля 2023 г.
  97. ^ «В камере смертников в Сингапуре, где заключенных вешают в одиночестве, не поев в последний раз» . Ежедневная звезда . 28 апреля 2022 г. Проверено 1 мая 2022 г.
  98. ^ Куппусами, Барадан (3 декабря 2007 г.). «Смертная казнь в Сингапуре: позиция в ООН вызвала возмущение многих» . Пресс-служба Интера . Архивировано из оригинала 11 декабря 2007 года.
  99. ^ Тан Конг Сун (19 июля 2001 г.). «Дело о смертной казни рассматривается в парламенте» . Мыслительный центр. На парламентской сессии 11 июля 2001 года ветеран-политик поднял вопрос о помиловании приговоренного к смертной казни малайского мужчины, осужденного за торговлю наркотиками; За отведенное время JBJ удалось поднять только три пункта просьбы о помиловании, прежде чем его прервал спикер палаты представителей; Ответом на тирады JBJ стал государственный министр юстиции и внутренних дел, доцент Хо Пэн Ки.
  100. ^ «1 день, 10 000 подписей: умственно отсталая женщина, замученная до смерти супружеской парой, вызывает возмущение» . Материнский корабль . Сингапур. 29 ноября 2017 года . Проверено 20 апреля 2022 г.
  101. ^ «Трагическая смерть официантки с ограниченными умственными способностями Энни И Юй Лянь» . Независимый . Сингапур. 1 декабря 2017 года . Проверено 20 апреля 2022 г.
  102. ^ «Почему паре, которая замучила до смерти умственно отсталую женщину, не предъявили обвинение в убийстве» . Материнский корабль . Сингапур. 1 декабря 2017 года . Проверено 20 апреля 2022 г.
  103. ^ «Нарушители приговора, ставшие причиной смерти мальчика, должны быть повешены, пользователи сети обращаются в суд» . «Индепендент» (Сингапур) . 26 июня 2016 г. Проверено 16 октября 2021 г.
  104. ^ «Смерть подвергшегося насилию двухлетнего мальчика: мать приговорена к 11 годам тюрьмы, парень — к 10 годам и 12 ударам тростью» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . 5 июля 2016 года . Проверено 16 октября 2021 г.
  105. ^ «Слабое мышление молодежи, либеральное отношение к наркотикам представляют собой серьезный вызов позиции абсолютной нетерпимости властей С'поре» . Сегодня . 26 июня 2022 г. Проверено 28 июня 2022 г.
  106. ^ "Бывший торговец людьми вспоминает, как рассчитывал на него количество наркотиков, чтобы избежать смертной казни" . «Стрейтс Таймс» . 20 июня 2022 г. Проверено 20 июня 2022 г.
  107. ^ «Осужденный торговец надеется, что продавцы наркотиков задумаются о влиянии на семьи» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . 20 июня 2022 г. Проверено 20 июня 2022 г.
  108. ^ «Пассажир, арестованный по делу о наезде на сотрудника ГАИ, рассказал, что 4-летняя девочка передумала и перестала принимать наркотики после того, как ее убили » , — Sin Chew Daily , 31 октября 2021 г.
  109. ^ « Сингапур не просто так строг»: бывшие наркоманы рассказывают, что произойдет, если смертную казнь отменят» . АзияОдин . 26 января 2024 г.
  110. ^ «Смертная казнь в Сингапуре: есть ли место состраданию?» . Yahoo Новости . 8 августа 2022 г. Проверено 10 августа 2022 г.
  111. ^ «Смертная казнь торговцу героином, который утверждал, что хранил наркотики для человека, которого однажды встретил» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . 27 октября 2022 г. Проверено 29 октября 2022 г.
  112. ^ «Смертная казнь сингапурскому торговцу героином, который утверждал, что просто хранил марихуану для человека, которого однажды встретил» . Независимый . 29 октября 2022 г. Проверено 29 октября 2022 г.
  113. ^ «Сингапурец проиграл апелляцию на смертный приговор за торговлю героином, который, по его мнению, был каннабисом» . ЦНА . 1 марта 2024 г.
  114. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Эглионби, Джон (8 мая 2005 г.). «Сингапур наконец-то нашел голос в протесте в камере смертников» . Наблюдатель . Лондон . Проверено 30 декабря 2007 г. 38-летний Муругесу, бывший чемпион по водным мотоциклам, военный ветеран и государственный служащий, был арестован в августе 2003 года после того, как в его сумках были обнаружены шесть пакетов, содержащих в общей сложности чуть более килограмма марихуаны, когда он вернулся домой после поездки в Малайзию. Он признался, что знал об одном из пакетов весом 300 г, но ничего не знал о других; Правительство явно не хочет, чтобы кампания набирала обороты. Местные СМИ, частично принадлежащие государству, проигнорировали акцию, а полиция прекратила сеанс открытого микрофона как раз в тот момент, когда первый человек начал действовать.
  115. ^ «Законодательство IR; камера смертников в Сингапуре» . Законодательный отчет . Мельбурн: Национальное радио ABC. 8 ноября 2005 г. Проверено 30 декабря 2007 г. [...] его поймали за один килограмм каннабиса, за что его и обвинили, хотя он признал только одну пачку.
  116. ^ Мартин Аббугао (AFP) (16 мая 2005 г.). «Борьба против смертной казни в Сингапуре продолжается» . Стандарт . Гонконг. Архивировано из оригинала 21 января 2009 года . Проверено 30 декабря 2007 г. Примером того, насколько власти до сих пор следят за инакомыслящими, является «сеанс открытого микрофона» на бдении, на котором аудитория была приглашена выступить, была внезапно прекращена сразу после того, как начал говорить первый оратор. Организаторы заявили, что вмешались полицейские в штатском и попросили их отказаться от этой части программы. Камера смертников длится около пары недель, и разрешена только одна апелляция.
  117. ^ Мясник, Стив (4 декабря 2005 г.). «Отменить смертную казнь: сингапурская монахиня» . Возраст . Мельбурн.
  118. ^ Гибсон, Уильям (сентябрь 1993 г.). «Диснейленд со смертной казнью» . Проводной .
  119. ^ Англия, Водин (20 июля 2010 г.). «Британский автор смертной казни освобожден под залог в Сингапуре» . Новости Би-би-си . Проверено 20 июля 2010 г.
  120. ^ Шадрейк против. Генеральный прокурор SGHC 339 [2010] SGHC {{{num}}}
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  123. ^ «Осужденный за наркотики освобожден из сингапурской тюрьмы» . ДВ . 15 июля 2005 г. Архивировано из оригинала 28 октября 2022 г.
  124. ^ «В Сингапуре вешают женщину за торговлю наркотиками» . УПИ . 19 марта 2004 г.
  125. ^ «Прокурор против Йен Мэй Воен [2003] SGHC 60» . 21 марта 2003 г.
  126. ^ «Британский автор книги о смертной казни, хранящейся в Сингапуре» . Новости Би-би-си . 19 июля 2010 года . Проверено 19 июля 2010 г.
  127. ^ Британский писатель заключен в тюрьму за неуважение к суду Сингапура , The Guardian, 16 ноября 2010 г.
  128. ^ «Британский писатель Алан Шэдрейк заключен в тюрьму в Сингапуре» . Телеграф . Лондон. 16 ноября 2010 года . Проверено 16 ноября 2010 г.
  129. ^ Страж, как указано выше.
  130. ^ Шадрейк против Генерального прокурора [2011] SGCA 26 , [2011] 3 SLR 778, Апелляционный суд (Сингапур)
  131. ^ «Азиатские страны призывают отменить смертную казнь, уважать право на жизнь» . Новости . Бангкок, Таиланд. 10 октября 2018 г. Проверено 2 ноября 2022 г.
  132. ^ «Протест против смертной казни в Уголке ораторов, который вновь открывается через 2 года после закрытия Covid-19» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . 3 апреля 2022 г. Проверено 4 апреля 2022 г.
  133. ^ «Сингапурцы протестуют против «жестокой» смертной казни в городе в ходе редкой демонстрации» . Южно-Китайская Морнинг Пост . 3 апреля 2022 г. Проверено 6 апреля 2022 г.
  134. ^ «Спорийцы собираются в парке Хонг Лим в знак протеста против смертной казни, по словам организаторов, пришло 475 человек» . Должен поделиться новостями . 3 апреля 2022 г. Проверено 6 апреля 2022 г.
  135. ^ «С'пореанцы делятся своими причинами, по которым они пришли на бдение при свечах 25 апреля в честь м'сианцев, приговоренных к смертной казни» . Материнский корабль . 26 апреля 2022 г. Проверено 29 апреля 2022 г.
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  143. ^ «Смертная казнь С'поре за торговлю наркотиками спасает жизни, - рассказал Шанмугам Би-би-си» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . 29 июня 2022 г. Проверено 30 июня 2022 г.
  144. ^ «Защита К. Шанмугамом политики Сингапура на канале BBC HARDtalk заслужила похвалу пользователей сети» . Независимый . 2 июля 2022 г. Проверено 2 июля 2022 г.
  145. ^ «Комментарий: Смертная казнь за незаконный оборот наркотиков должна остаться в силе, но некоторые аспекты закона о наркотиках могут быть улучшены» . Сегодня . 18 августа 2022 г. Проверено 18 августа 2022 г.
  146. ^ «Виновен по обвинению: Майкл МакКри убил женщину и мужчину, которого называл своим братом» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . 16 мая 2016 года . Проверено 10 октября 2021 г.
  147. ^ «Сингапур согласен не бить тростью подозреваемого в ограблении StanChart в обмен на его экстрадицию сюда» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . 20 февраля 2018 года . Проверено 10 октября 2021 г.
  148. ^ Hermesauto (7 июля 2021 г.). «Канадец, ограбивший банк StanChart в Сингапуре, приговорен к 5 годам тюрьмы и не может быть подвергнут наказанию палкой» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . Проверено 21 апреля 2022 г.
  149. ^ «Канадец, ограбивший StanChart, не будет наказан палкой; С'поре заверил Великобританию в обеспечении его экстрадиции» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . 25 июля 2021 г. Проверено 21 апреля 2022 г.
  150. ^ Колвин, Джилл (26 марта 2012 г.). «США могли бы поучиться на суровых законах Сингапура о наркотиках, - говорит Блумберг» . ДНКинфо Нью-Йорк . Архивировано из оригинала 29 марта 2012 года.
  151. ^ Джилани, Заид (29 ноября 2011 г.). «Гингрич хвалит «очень драконовские» законы Сингапура, которые предусматривают казни за хранение наркотиков» . ДумайПрогресс . Архивировано из оригинала 2 июня 2012 года . Проверено 11 апреля 2012 г.
  152. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д и ж г час я дж к л м н тот п д р с «Меньше преступников отправляют на виселицу». «Стрейтс Таймс» . 1 марта 2012 г.
  153. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д «Министерство внутренних дел (МВД)» . www.mha.gov.sg. ​Архивировано из оригинала 5 июня 2013 года.
  154. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с «Годовой отчет тюрем за 2011 год, часть 4» (PDF) . Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 15 апреля 2012 года.
  155. ^ «Суд Сингапура отклонил апелляцию приговоренного к смертной казни малазийца» . Агентство Франс-Пресс . 4 апреля 2012 г. – через Yahoo News. По официальным данным, в 2011 году было казнено четыре человека, из них два за преступления, связанные с наркотиками.
  156. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с «Огромный скачок назад: Сингапур возобновляет казни» . Международная амнистия . 18 июля 2014 г.
  157. ^ «Малайзийских и нигерийских мужчин повесили в Сингапуре за торговлю наркотиками» . НСТ Онлайн . 18 ноября 2016 г. Проверено 21 октября 2017 г.
  158. ^ «Расширение возможностей трудоустройства заключенных для предотвращения повторных правонарушений» (PDF) (пресс-релиз). Тюремная служба Сингапура. Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 17 мая 2017 года . Проверено 1 января 2018 г.
  159. ^ «Смертная казнь в Сингапуре» . Смертная казнь в мире .
  161. ^ «11 судебных казней в 2022 году; ни одной за предыдущие два года» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . 9 февраля 2023 г.
  162. ^ «В Сингапуре казнят человека за торговлю героином, это уже пятое повешение в этом году» . Южно-Китайская Морнинг Пост . 3 августа 2023 г.
  163. ^ «КАЗНЬ ОСУЖДЕННОГО УБИЙЦЫ» . Полиция Сингапура . 28 февраля 2024 г.
  164. ^ «В Сингапуре казнено больше людей» . Возраст . Мельбурн. Агентство Франс-Пресс . 25 сентября 2003 года . Проверено 30 декабря 2007 г.
  165. ^ «Заключенные-малайцы в Сингапуре, приговоренные к смертной казни, подали исторический иск, обвиняя правительство в расовой предвзятости» . Малайзия сейчас . 31 августа 2021 г. Проверено 2 ноября 2021 г.
  166. ^ «Пять повешенных за последнее десятилетие, еще девять в очереди: взгляд на малазийцев, которым грозит виселица в Сингапуре за преступления, связанные с наркотиками» . Малайская почта . 29 апреля 2022 г. Проверено 29 апреля 2022 г.
  167. ^ ВИДЖАЯН, КК «Бывший тюремный палач Даршан Сингх умер после заражения Covid-19, Последние новости Сингапура — The New Paper» . www.tnp.sg. ​Проверено 21 апреля 2024 г.
  168. ^ Шадрейк, Алан (28 октября 2005 г.). «Раскрыт палач Нгуена» . Австралиец . Сарри-Хиллз, Новый Южный Уэльс, Австралия: News Limited. Архивировано из оригинала 11 мая 2008 года . Проверено 30 декабря 2007 г. Г-н Сингх поступил на службу в британские колониальные тюрьмы в середине 1950-х годов после прибытия из Малайзии. Когда давний британский палач г-н Сеймур вышел на пенсию, 27-летний Сингх вызвался на эту работу добровольцем. Его привлекла премиальная выплата за казни. Сингху приписывают то, что он был единственным палачом в мире, который в одиночку повесил 18 человек за один день – по троих за раз. Они были признаны виновными в убийстве четырех тюремных служащих во время беспорядков на исправительном острове Пулау Сенанг в 1963 году. Несколько лет спустя он также повесил семерых осужденных за 90 минут. Они были осуждены за так называемое «убийство в золотых слитках», когда во время ограбления были убиты торговец и двое служащих. Одной из самых скандальных казней в его карьере стало повешение в 1991 году молодой филиппинской горничной. Флор Контемпласьон , который был признан виновным в убийстве коллеги Делии Мага и ее четырехлетнего сына на основании, по мнению многих, шатких доказательств. Он осуществляет казни в простой повседневной одежде, часто в футболке, шортах, спортивной обуви и носках до колен. Чтобы отметить его 500-е повешение четыре года назад, четверо его бывших коллег пришли к нему домой, чтобы отпраздновать это событие парой бутылок Dom Perignon. Г-н Сингх хвастается, что он ни разу не провалил казнь. «Г-н Сеймур научил его, какой длины должно быть падение в зависимости от веса и роста и где именно следует располагать узел на задней части шеи», - сказал его коллега. «Смерть всегда наступала мгновенно и безболезненно. В эту долю секунды, ровно в 6 утра, все кончается».
  169. ^ «для 68 UNODC.org (стр. 18)» (PDF) .
  170. ^ «Смертная казнь в Сингапуре» . www.deathpenaltyworldwide.org . Проверено 27 декабря 2018 г.
  171. ^ «Вдохновитель, вербовавший и давший указания наркокурьерам, приговорен к смертной казни» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . 15 мая 2020 г. Проверено 31 октября 2022 г.
  172. ^ «Человек, приговоренный к смертной казни через Zoom за торговлю наркотиками, оправдан после апелляции с новыми доказательствами» . ЦНА . 31 октября 2022 г. Проверено 31 октября 2022 г.
  173. ^ «Человек, приговоренный к смертной казни за помощь в торговле наркотиками, оправдан на первом полностью виртуальном слушании в Апелляционном суде » ЦНА . 23 апреля 2020 г. Проверено 1 ноября 2022 г.
  174. ^ «Высший суд оправдал человека, причастного к торговле наркотиками, и избавил его от смертной казни» . СЕГОДНЯ . 23 апреля 2020 г. Проверено 1 ноября 2022 г.
  175. ^ «Отсрочка для осужденного за торговлю наркотиками, приговоренного к смерти 18 сентября» . Независимый . 17 сентября 2020 г. Проверено 19 сентября 2020 г.
  176. ^ «Президент предоставит наркоторговцу Моаду Фадзиру отсрочку от казни, - заявил его адвокат М. Рави» . Независимый . Проверено 19 сентября 2020 г.
  177. ^ «Сингапур намерен казнить двух мужчин 16 февраля 2022 года» . Независимый . 13 февраля 2022 г. Проверено 15 февраля 2022 г.
  178. ^ «Запланировано еще одно повешение, поскольку адвокаты пытаются спасти дуэта в Сингапуре» . Малайзия сейчас . 17 февраля 2022 г. Проверено 1 марта 2022 г.
  179. ^ «Суд Сингапура отклонил апелляции троих мужчин, приговоренных к смертной казни» . Yahoo Новости . 16 марта 2022 г. Проверено 30 марта 2022 г.
  180. ^ Перейти обратно: а б «Сингапур вешает торговца наркотиками в знак возобновления казней» . Вашингтон Пост . 30 марта 2022 г. Проверено 30 марта 2022 г.
  181. ^ «Спорийцы собираются в парке Хонг Лим в знак протеста против смертной казни, по словам организаторов, пришло 475 человек» . Должен поделиться новостями . 3 апреля 2022 г. Проверено 6 апреля 2022 г.
  182. ^ «Еще один малайзиец, которого повесят в Сингапуре, получил отсрочку » АП Новости . 28 апреля 2022 г. Проверено 28 апреля 2022 г.
  183. ^ «Кальвант повешен в Сингапуре после того, как проиграл окончательную апелляцию» . Малайзия сейчас . 7 июля 2022 г. Проверено 7 июля 2022 г.
  184. ^ «Поскольку Сингапур намерен казнить еще одного человека, вновь разгораются дебаты по поводу этнических предубеждений и несправедливых законов о наркотиках» . Малайзия сейчас . 15 июля 2022 г. Проверено 15 июля 2022 г.
  185. ^ «Сингапурский назери повешен в тюрьме Чанги» . Малайзия сейчас . 22 июля 2022 г. Проверено 22 июля 2022 г.
  186. ^ «В Сингапуре казнен еще один этнический малайец, замешанный в иске о расовой предвзятости» . Малайзия сейчас . 26 июля 2022 г. Проверено 26 июля 2022 г.
  187. ^ «Еще двое заключенных повешены в сингапурской тюрьме» . Малайзия сейчас . 2 августа 2022 г. Проверено 3 августа 2022 г.
  188. ^ «Малайзийский заключенный прижимает Коран к груди во время финальной фотосессии перед казнью» . Малайзия сейчас . 3 августа 2022 г. Проверено 4 августа 2022 г.
  189. ^ «ООН осуждает последние казни в Сингапуре, поскольку давление на них растет» . Малайзия сейчас . 3 августа 2022 г. Проверено 3 августа 2022 г.
  190. ^ «В Сингапуре проводится еще одно двойное утреннее вывешивание после полуночного марафонского призыва» . Малайзия сейчас . 5 августа 2022 г. Проверено 5 августа 2022 г.
  191. ^ «Фотографии Сингапура перед казнью призваны смягчить политику, которая, по мнению активистов, не работает» . CNN Филиппины . 23 октября 2022 года. Архивировано из оригинала 22 октября 2022 года . Проверено 23 октября 2022 г.
  192. ^ «11 судебных казней в 2022 году; ни одной за предыдущие два года» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . 9 февраля 2023 г.
  193. ^ «Сингапур возобновит казни после шестимесячного перерыва» . АП Новости . 20 апреля 2023 г.
  194. ^ «Тангараджу Суппиа: в Сингапуре казнят человека за поставку каннабиса» . Би-би-си . 26 апреля 2023 г.
  195. ^ «Мухаммад Файзал бин Мохд Шариф против государственного обвинителя» . Решения Верховного суда . 16 мая 2023 г.
  196. ^ «На этой неделе в Сингапуре казнят еще одного человека за торговлю каннабисом» . Кокосы . 16 мая 2023 г.
  197. ^ «Апелляционный суд отклонил заявление торговца каннабисом, приговоренного к смертной казни» . ЦНА . 16 мая 2023 г.
  198. ^ «В Сингапуре казнен второй заключенный за три недели» . Бэрронс . 17 мая 2023 г.
  199. ^ «В Сингапуре казнят еще одного заключенного за торговлю каннабисом – второе повешение за три недели» . Южно-Китайская Морнинг Пост . 17 мая 2023 г.
  200. ^ «В Сингапуре впервые за почти 20 лет казнят женщину» . Хранитель . 25 июля 2023 г.
  201. ^ «Двое жителей С'поре будут казнены за преступления, связанные с наркотиками, включая первую женщину за 20 лет» . Должен поделиться новостями . 24 июля 2023 г.
  202. ^ «В Сингапуре повешен 14-й преступник, осужденный за наркотики, с прошлого года» . Бэрронс . 26 июля 2023 г.
  203. ^ «В Сингапуре казнят женщину впервые за почти два десятилетия» . Хранитель . 28 июля 2023 г.
  204. ^ «В Сингапуре казнена первая женщина за почти два десятилетия за торговлю наркотиками» . CNN . 28 июля 2023 г.
  205. ^ «В Сингапуре третье повешение за неделю казнят за наркотики» . Хранитель . 3 августа 2023 г.
  206. ^ «Человек, убивший бывшую невесту, стал первым человеком, казненным за убийство в Сингапуре с 2019 года» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . 28 февраля 2024 г.
  207. ^ «Ответ правительства Сингапура на доклад Amnesty International «Сингапур – Смертная казнь: скрытые казни» » . Министерство внутренних дел. 30 января 2004 г. Архивировано из оригинала 25 января 2010 г. Проверено 30 сентября 2013 г. Вопреки утверждениям AI, большинство казненных в Сингапуре составили сингапурцы, а не иностранцы. С 1993 по 2003 год 64% казнённых были сингапурцами. За последние пять лет 73% казненных были сингапурцами. Учитывая, что каждый четвертый житель Сингапура является иностранцем, утверждение о том, что значительная часть казненных заключенных были иностранцами, не только ложно, но и вредно; Хотя члены семьи не находятся с заключенным в момент казни, их информируют за четыре дня до казни (для иностранцев семьи и посольство будут проинформированы раньше, обычно за семь-четырнадцать дней) и разрешены ежедневные свидания продолжительностью до четырех часов. за каждое посещение в течение этих четырех дней. Казнь осуществляется в присутствии тюремного врача. По запросу разрешается присутствовать священнику или религиозному служителю, чтобы помолиться за казнь человека; Условия содержания в нашей тюрьме спартанские, но вполне адекватные. Приезжие судьи, являющиеся видными членами общества, регулярно без предупреждения посещают тюремные учреждения, чтобы убедиться, что с заключенными, в том числе приговоренными к смертной казни, не обращаются плохо. Это неправда, что заключенным не разрешают заниматься спортом. Все заключенные, включая осужденных, имеют право на ежедневные упражнения. Фактически, для этого предназначены две прогулочные площадки. Обычно им разрешается заниматься спортом два раза в день, по полчаса каждый раз, по одному или по два за раз.
  208. ^ Корнелиус-Такахама, Вернон (2001). «Пулау Сенанг» . Совет Национальной библиотеки, Сингапур. Архивировано из оригинала 13 марта 2013 года . Проверено 20 ноября 2012 г.
  209. ^ «Истинные файлы S3» . мне ПОСМОТРЕТЬ . Проверено 1 мая 2020 г.
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  211. ^ Ток, Шерилин. «Убийства в золотых слитках» . Инфопедия . Совет Национальной библиотеки, Сингапур. Архивировано из оригинала 13 марта 2013 года . Проверено 20 ноября 2012 г.
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  219. ^ «Армейского дезертира повесят за убийство полипреподавателя» . «Стрейтс Таймс» . 8 октября 1992 г.
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