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Чагатайский язык

(Перенаправлено с чагатайского языка )
Чагатай ( چمتی ), написанный насталик . шрифтом
Область Центральная Азия
Вымерший Около 1921 г.
Ранние формы
Персидско-арабское письмо ( Насталик )
Официальный статус
Официальный язык в
Коды языков
ИСО 639-2 chg
ИСО 639-3 chg
глоттолог chag1247

Чагатай [а] ( चगताई , Чагатай ), известный также как Тюрки , [б] [5] восточнотюркский , [6] или чагатайский тюркский , [4] — вымерший тюркский язык , на котором когда-то широко говорили по всей Центральной Азии . Он оставался общим литературным языком в регионе до начала 20 века. Он использовался на обширной географической территории, включая западный или русский Туркестан (т.е. части современного Узбекистана , Туркменистана , Казахстана , Кыргызстана ), Восточный Туркестан (где развился диалект, известный как Кашгар тылы), Крым , Поволжье ( такие как Татарстан и Башкортостан ) и т.д. [7] [8] Литературный чагатай является предшественником современной карлукской ветви тюркских языков, к которой относятся узбекский и уйгурский . [9] Туркменский язык , который относится не к карлукской ветви, а к огузской ветви тюркских языков, тем не менее, на протяжении веков находился под сильным влиянием Чагатая. [10]

Али-Шир Наваи был величайшим представителем чагатайской литературы. [11]

Ворота Личжэн на горном курорте Чэндэ . Второй столбец слева представляет собой чагатайский язык, написанный персидско-арабским шрифтом насталик , который читается как Равшан Оттурадики Дарваза .

Чагатайская литература до сих пор изучается в современном Узбекистане , где этот язык рассматривается как предшественник и прямой предок современного узбекского языка , а литература рассматривается как часть национального наследия Узбекистана. [ нужна ссылка ]


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Слово Чагатай относится к Чагатайскому ханству (1225–1680-е годы), империи-потомку Монгольской империи, оставленной Чагатай второму сыну Чингисхана, -хану . [12] Многие тюркские народы , говорящие на этом языке, заявляли о своем политическом происхождении из Чагатайского ханства.

В рамках подготовки к созданию в 1924 году Советской Республики Узбекистан Чагатай был официально переименован в «Старый Узбек». [13] [14] [9] [15] [5] который, как утверждал Эдвард А. Олворт, «сильно исказил литературную историю региона» и использовался, чтобы придать таким авторам, как Али-Шир Наваи, идентичность узбекскую . [16] [17] В русских колониальных источниках его также называли «Тюрки» или «Сарт». [5] В Китае его иногда называют «древним уйгуром ». [18]

Чагатайский тюркский текст конца XV ​​века, написанный насталикским письмом.

В двадцатом веке изучение Чагатая страдало от националистической предвзятости. На территории бывшего Чагатая отдельные республики заявляли, что Чагатай является родоначальником их собственного тюркского языка. Таким образом, древнеузбекский, древнеуйгурский, древнетатарский , древнетуркменский и чагатайский слой в азербайджанском языке XVI века изучались отдельно друг от друга. Существует тенденция игнорировать некоторые характеристики самого Чагатая, например, его сложный синтаксис, скопированный с персидского языка .Чагатай возник в конце 15 века. [9] : 143  Он принадлежит к карлукской ветви тюркской языковой семьи. Он происходит от среднетюркского языка , который служил лингва-франка в Центральной Азии, с сильным примесем арабских и персидских слов и оборотов речи.

Мехмет Фуат Кёпрюлю делит Чагатай на следующие периоды: [19]

  1. Ранний Чагатай (13–14 вв.)
  2. Доклассический Чагатай (первая половина XV века)
  3. Классический Чагатай (вторая половина XV века)
  4. Продолжение классического Чагатая (16 век).
  5. Упадок (17–19 вв.)

Первый период представляет собой переходную фазу, характеризующуюся сохранением архаичных форм; второй этап начался с публикации Али-Шира Наваи первого дивана и является кульминацией чагатайской литературы, за ним последовал третий этап, который характеризуется двумя раздвоенными событиями. Одним из них является сохранение классического чагатайского языка наваи, а другим — возрастающее влияние диалектов местных разговорных языков. [ нужна ссылка ]

Influence on later Turkic languages

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Uzbek and Uyghur, two modern languages descended from Chagatai, are the closest to it. Uzbeks regard Chagatai as the origin of their language and Chagatai literature as part of their heritage. In 1921 in Uzbekistan, then a part of the Soviet Union, Chagatai was initially intended to be the national and governmental language of the Uzbek SSR. However, when it became evident that the language was too archaic for that purpose, it was replaced by a new literary language based on a series of Uzbek dialects.

Ethnologue records the use of the word "Chagatai" in Afghanistan to describe the "Tekke" dialect of Turkmen.[20] Up to and including the eighteenth century, Chagatai was the main literary language in Turkmenistan and most of Central Asia.[21] While it had some influence on Turkmen, the two languages belong to different branches of the Turkic language family.



15th and 16th centuries


The most famous of Chagatai poets, Ali-Shir Nava'i, among other works wrote Muhakamat al-Lughatayn, a detailed comparison of the Chagatai and Persian languages. Here, Nava’i argued for the superiority of the former for literary purposes. His fame is attested by the fact that Chagatai is sometimes called "Nava'i's language". Among prose works, Timur's biography is written in Chagatai, as is the famous Baburnama (or Tuska Babure) of Babur, the Timurid founder of the Mughal Empire. A Divan attributed to Kamran Mirza is written in Persian and Chagatai, and one of Bairam Khan's Divans was written in Chagatai.

The following is a prime example of the 16th-century literary Chagatai Turkic, employed by Babur in one of his ruba'is.[22]

Uzbek ruler Muhammad Shaybani Khan wrote a prose essay called Risale-yi maarif-i Shaybāni in Chagatai in 1507, shortly after his capture of Greater Khorasan, and dedicated it to his son, Muhammad Timur. [2] [23] The manuscript of his philosophical and religious work, "Bahr ul-Khuda", written in 1508, is located in London [24]

Ötemish Hajji wrote a history of the Golden Horde entitled the Tarikh-i Dost Sultan in Khwarazm.

17th and 18th centuries


In terms of literary production, the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries are often seen as a period of decay. It is a period in which Chagatai lost ground to Persian. Important writings in Chagatai from the period between the 17th and 18th centuries include those of Abu al-Ghazi Bahadur: Shajara-i Tarākima (Genealogy of the Turkmens) and Shajara-i Turk (Genealogy of the Turks). Abu al-Ghāzī is motivated by functional considerations and describes his choice of language and style in the sentence ‘I did not use one word of Chaghatay (!), Persian or Arabic’. As is clear from his actual language use, he aims at making himself understood to a broader readership by avoiding too ornate a style, notably saj’, rhymed prose. In the second half of the 18th century, Turkmen poet Magtymguly Pyragy also introduced the use of classical Chagatai into Turkmen literature as a literary language, incorporating many Turkmen linguistic features.[21]

Bukharan ruler Subhan Quli Khan (1680–1702) was the author of a work on medicine, "Subkhankuli's revival of medicine" ("Ihya at-tibb Subhani") which was written in the Central Asian Turkic language (Chaghatay) and is devoted to the description of diseases, their recognition and treatment. One of the manuscript lists is kept in the library in Budapest.[25]

19th and 20th centuries


Prominent 19th-century Khivan writers include Shermuhammad Munis and his nephew Muhammad Riza Agahi.[26] Muhammad Rahim Khan II of Khiva also wrote ghazals. Musa Sayrami's Tārīkh-i amniyya, completed in 1903, and its revised version Tārīkh-i ḥamīdi, completed in 1908, represent the best sources on the Dungan Revolt (1862–1877) in Xinjiang.[27][28]

Dictionaries and grammars


The following are books written on the Chagatai language by natives and westerners:[29]

  • Vocabularium Linguae Giagataicae Sive Igureae (Lexico Ćiagataico)[30]
  • Muḥammad Mahdī Khān, Sanglakh.
  • Abel Pavet de Courteille, Dictionnaire turk-oriental (1870).
  • Ármin Vámbéry 1832–1913, Ćagataische Sprachstudien, enthaltend grammatikalischen Umriss, Chrestomathie, und Wörterbuch der ćagataischen Sprache; (1867).
  • Sheykh Süleymān Efendi, Čagataj-Osmanisches Wörterbuch: Verkürzte und mit deutscher Übersetzung versehene Ausgabe (1902).
  • Sheykh Süleymān Efendi, Lughat-ï chaghatay ve turkī-yi 'othmānī (Dictionary of Chagatai and Ottoman Turkish).
  • Mirza Muhammad Mehdi Khan Astarabadi, Mabaniul Lughat: Yani Sarf o Nahv e Lughat e Chughatai.[31]
  • Abel Pavet de Courteille, Mirâdj-nâmeh : récit de l'ascension de Mahomet au ciel, composé a.h. 840 (1436/1437), texte turk-oriental, publié pour la première fois d'après le manuscript ouïgour de la Bibliothèque nationale et traduit en français, avec une préf. analytique et historique, des notes, et des extraits du Makhzeni Mir Haïder.[32]





Sounds /f, ʃ, χ, v, z, ɡ, ʁ, d͡ʒ, ʔ, l/ do not occur in initial position of words of Turkish origin.[33]


Closei iːyɯu uː
Mide eːøo oː
Openæɑ ɑː

Vowel length is distributed among five vowels /iː, eː, ɑː, oː, uː/.[33]



Chagatai has been a literary language and is written with a variation of the Perso-Arabic alphabet. This variation is known as Kona Yëziq, (transl. old script). It saw usage for Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uyghur, and Uzbek.

IsolatedFinalMedialInitialUzbek Letter nameUzbek LatinKazakhKyrgyzUyghurBashkirKazan Tatar
alifО о

А а

А а

Ә ә

А аئاА аА а
beB bБ бБ бБ бБ б
peP pП пП пП пП п
teT tТ тТ тТ тТ т
seS sС сС сسҪ ҫС с
jimJ jЖ жЖ жЙ йҖ җ
chimCh chШ шЧ чС сЧ ч
hoy-i huttiH hX xX xھХ хХ х
xeX xҚ қ (Х х)К к (Х х)Х хХ х
dolD dД дД дД дД д
zolZ zЗ зЗ зذҘ ҙЗ з
reR rР рР рР рР р
zeZ zЗ зЗ зЗ зЗ з
je (zhe)J jЖ жЖ жЖ жЖ ж
sinS sС сС сС сС с
shinSh shС сШ шШ шШ ш
sodS sС сС сسС сС с
ﺿdodZ zЗ зЗ зزҘ ҙЗ з
to (itqi)T tТ тТ тتТ тТ т
zo (izgʻi)Z zЗ зЗ зزҘ ҙЗ з
ayn'Ғ ғئҒ ғГ г
ğaynGʻ gʻҒ ғГ гҒ ғГ г
feF fП пП п/Б бФ фФ ф
qofQ qҚ қК кҠ ҡК к
ککkofK kК кК кكК кК к
gofG gГ гГ гГ гГ г
نگ/ݣـنگ/ـݣـنگـ/ـݣـنگـ/ݣـnungofNg ngҢ ңҢ ңڭҢ ңҢ н
lamL lЛ лЛ лЛ лЛ л
mimM mМ мМ мМ мМ м
nunN nН нН нН нН н
vavV v

U u,Oʻ oʻ

У у

Ұ ұ, Ү үО о, Ө ө

У у, Ү ү

О о, Ө ө



О о,

Ө ө,У у, Ү ү

О о,

Ө ө,У у, Ү ү

hoy-i havvazH h

A a

Һ һ

Э э, е

Э э, е



Һ һ

Ә ә

Һ һ

Ә ә

yeY y

Е e, I i

Й й, И и

Ы ы, І і

Й й

Ы ы, И и


ئى، ئې

Й й, И и, Ы ы, Э эЙ й, И и, Ы ы, Э э



The letters ف، ع، ظ، ط، ض، ص، ژ، ذ، خ، ح، ث، ء are only used in loanwords and do not represent any additional phonemes.

For Kazakh and Kyrgyz, letters in parentheses () indicate a modern borrowed pronunciation from Tatar and Russian that is not consistent with historic Kazakh and Kyrgyz treatments of these letters



Many orthographies, particularly that of Turkic languages, are based on Kona Yëziq. Examples include the alphabets of South Azerbaijani, Qashqai, Chaharmahali, Khorasani, Uyghur, Äynu, and Khalaj.
Virtually all other Turkic languages have a history of being written with an alphabet descended from Kona Yëziq, however, due to various writing reforms conducted by Turkey and the Soviet Union, many of these languages now are written in either the Latin script or the Cyrillic script.

The Qing dynasty commissioned dictionaries on the major languages of China which included Chagatai Turki, such as the Pentaglot Dictionary.



Word order


The basic word order of Chagatai is SOV. Chagatai is a head-final language where the adjectives come before nouns. Other words such as those denoting location, time, etc. usually appear in the order of emphasis put on them.

Vowel and consonant harmony


Like other Turkic languages, Chagatai has vowel harmony (though Uzbek, despite being a direct descendant of Chaghatai, notably doesn't). There are mainly eight vowels, and vowel harmony system works upon vowel backness.

Back vowelsauoi, e
Front vowelsäüö

The vowels [i] and [e] are central or front-central/back-central and therefore are considered both. Usually these will follow two rules in inflection: [i] and [e] almost always follow the front vowel inflections; and, if the stem contains [q] or [ǧ], which are formed in the back of the mouth, back vowels are more likely in the inflection.

These affect the suffixes that are applied to words.

Consonant harmony is relatively less common and only appears in a few suffixes such as the genitive.



Plural is formed by adding the suffix -لار (-lar/lär). There are two pronunciations which exist due vowel harmony rules. If the vowel of the last syllable is a front syllable ([a], [o], [u]) -lar is used. If the vowel is a back vowel ([ä], [ö], [ü]) or [i] and [e], -lär is used. In rare circumstances -lar is sometimes written as -لر, though generally the suffix -لار is used for both the pronunciations /-lär/ and /-lar/. Or in the case of Kazakh and Kyrgyz /-ler/ and /-lar/.



Chagatai has six different cases. The nominative and sometimes the accusative does not have any special making.

















A/The firewood...





A/The cow...

Nominative is unmarked and usually comes first in a sentence.









...a/the firewood’s...





...a/the cow’s...

The possessed object must be inflected with third person possessive pronouns ‘ى/سى’ (si/i).









...the firewood.





...the cow.

Accusative case only takes effect in the case that the direct object is “definite”. So ‘a road’ is <yol> but ‘the road’ is <yolni>.









...to the firewood...





...to the cow...

To be noted is that the ending varies from word to word due to consonant harmony, which changes may be included in writing or not, so <inäk> + <ǧa> = <inäkka> but may be written as <inäkǧa>. Vowel harmony is taken into effect if the vowel of the last syllable is a front vowel the suffix attains pronunciation of -ä instead of -a.











...from the firewood...





...from the cow...

The case marking for ablative is occasionally rendered as -دهن or -دان (dan/dän), and can become -تين (tin) before a voiceless consonants.









...in/on the firewood...





...in/on the cow...

Like the dative the locative works through vowel harmony; of the vowel of the final syllable is a front syllable the suffix turns to -dä.



Personal Pronouns


There are seven Chagatai personal pronouns, as there are formal and informal forms of the second person singular form. Unlike other languages these pronouns do not differ between genders. Each of these pronouns have suffixes added to end of verbs as conjugation.

NumberSingularConjugational suffixPluralConjugational suffix
First personمن män-من -mänبيز biz-ميز -miz
Second personسيز siz [informal]-سيز -sizسيزلار sizlär-سيزلار -sizlär
سن sän [formal]سن -sän
Third personاو/اول ul/u-اولار ular-لار -lar



Below are some punctuation marks associated with Chagatai.[34]



NameEnglish nameFunction
Four-dot markThe four-dot mark indicates a verse break. It is used at the beginning and end of a verse, especially to separate verse from prose. It may occur at the beginning or end of lines, or in the middle of a page.
Eight teardrop-spoked propeller asteriskThe eight teardrop-spoked propeller asterisk indicates a decoration for title. This mark occurs end of the title. This mark also occurs end of a poem. This mark occurs end of a prayer in Jarring texts. However this mark did not occur consistently.
.Period (full stop)The period is a punctuation mark placed at the end of a sentence. However, this mark did not occur consistently in Chaghatay manuscripts until the later period (e.g. manuscripts on Russian paper).
" "Quotation markDialogue was wrapped in quotation marks, rarely used for certain words with emphasis
___UnderscoreDash: mostly with red ink, occurs on the top of names, prayers, and highlighted questions, answers, and important outline numbers.
WhitespaceCan indicate a stanza break in verse, and a new paragraph in brows.
-DashRare punctuation: used for number ranges (e.g. 2–5)
--Double dashRare punctuation: sets off following information like a colon, it is used to list a table of contents
( )ParenthesesMarks a tangential or contextual remark, word or phrase.
:colonColons appear extremely rarely preceding a direct quote. Colons can also mark beginning of dialogue
...Ellipsis:Ellipsis: a series of dots (typically 3) that indicate missing text.


  1. ^ Also spelled Chagatay, Chaghatai, Jaghatai or Chaghatay
  2. ^ Türk tili, türk alfāzï, türkī tili, türkī lafẓï, türkčä til or simply türkī, türkčä[4]


  1. ^ Grenoble, Lenore (2003). Language Policy of the Soviet Union. Kluwer Academic Publishers. p. 143. ISBN 1-4020-1298-5.
  2. ^ "Chaghatay Language and Literature". Encyclopedia Iranica. Ebn Mohannā (Jamāl-al-Dīn, fl. early 8th/14th century, probably in Khorasan), for instance, characterized it as the purest of all Turkish languages (Doerfer, 1976, p. 243), and the khans of the Golden Horde (Radloff, 1870; Kurat; Bodrogligeti, 1962) and of the Crimea (Kurat), as well as the Kazan Tatars (Akhmetgaleeva; Yusupov), wrote in Chaghatay much of the time.
  3. ^ Sertkaya, Ayşe Gül (2002). "Şeyhzade Abdurrezak Bahşı". In Hazai, György (ed.). Archivum Ottomanicum. Vol. 20. pp. 114–115. As a result, we can claim that Şeyhzade Abdürrezak Bahşı was a scribe lived in the palaces of Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror and his son Bayezid-i Veli in the 15th century, wrote letters (bitig) and firmans (yarlığ) sent to Eastern Turks by Mehmed II and Bayezid II in both Uighur and Arabic scripts and in East Turkestan (Chagatai) language.
  4. ^ Jump up to: a b Eckmann, János (1966). Sebeok, Thomas A. (ed.). Chagatay Manual. Uralic and Altaic Series. Vol. 60. Indiana University Publications. p. 4.
  5. ^ Jump up to: a b c Paul Bergne (29 June 2007). Birth of Tajikistan: National Identity and the Origins of the Republic. I.B.Tauris. pp. 24, 137. ISBN 978-0-85771-091-8.
  6. ^ Eckmann, János (1966). Sebeok, Thomas A. (ed.). Chagatay Manual. Uralic and Altaic Series. Vol. 60. Indiana University Publications. p. 6.
  7. ^ "Chagatai literature". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 2021-09-19.
  8. ^ Bakker, Peter; Matras, Yaron (26 June 2013). Contact Languages. Walter de Gruyter. p. 292. ISBN 9781614513711.
  9. ^ Jump up to: a b c Grenoble, L. A. (11 April 2006). Language Policy in the Soviet Union. Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN 978-0-306-48083-6.
  10. ^ Vaidyanath, R. (1967). The Formation of the Soviet Central Asian Republics: A Study in Soviet Nationalities Policy, 1917–1936. People's Publishing House. p. 24.
  11. ^ McHenry, Robert, ed. (1993). "Navā'ī, (Mir) 'Alī Shīr". Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 8 (15th ed.). Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. p. 563.
  12. ^ Babak, Vladimir; Vaisman, Demian; Wasserman, Aryeh (23 November 2004). Political Organization in Central Asia and Azerbaijan: Sources and Documents. Routledge. pp. 343–. ISBN 978-1-135-77681-7.
  13. ^ Schiffman, Harold (2011). Language Policy and Language Conflict in Afghanistan and Its Neighbors: The Changing Politics of Language Choice. Brill Academic. pp. 178–179. ISBN 978-9004201453.
  14. ^ Newton, Scott (20 November 2014). Law and the Making of the Soviet World: The Red Demiurge. Routledge. pp. 232–. ISBN 978-1-317-92978-9.
  15. ^ Dalby, Andrew (1998). Dictionary of Languages: The Definitive Reference to More Than 400 Languages. Columbia University Press. pp. 665–. ISBN 978-0-231-11568-1. Chagatai Old Uzbek official.
  16. ^ Allworth, Edward A. (1990). The Modern Uzbeks: From the Fourteenth Century to the Present: A Cultural History. Hoover Institution Press. pp. 229–230. ISBN 978-0817987329.
  17. ^ Aramco World Magazine. Arabian American Oil Company. 1985. p. 27.
  18. ^ Liu, Pengyuan; Su, Qi (12 December 2013). Chinese Lexical Semantics: 14th Workshop, CLSW 2013, Zhengzhou, China, May 10–12, 2013. Revised Selected Papers. Springer. pp. 448–. ISBN 978-3-642-45185-0.
  19. ^ Eckmann, János (1966). Sebeok, Thomas A. (ed.). Chagatay Manual. Uralic and Altaic Series. Vol. 60. Indiana University Publications. p. 7.
  20. ^ "Turkmen language". Ethnologue.
  21. ^ Jump up to: a b Clark, Larry, Michael Thurman, and David Tyson. "Turkmenistan." Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan: Country Studies. p. 318. Comp. Glenn E. Curtis. Washington, D.C.: Division, 1997
  22. ^ Balabanlilar, Lisa (2015). Imperial Identity in the Mughal Empire. Memory and Dynastic Politics in Early Modern South and Central Asia. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 42–43. ISBN 978-0-857-72081-8.
  23. ^ Bodrogligeti, A.J.E. (1993–1994). "Muḥammad Shaybānī Khan's Apology to the Muslim Clergy". Archivum Ottomanicum. 13: 98.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  24. ^ Bodrogligeti, A.J.E. (1982). "Muhammad Shaybanî's Bahru'l-huda : An Early Sixteenth Century Didactic Qasida in Chagatay". Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. 54: 1 and n.4.
  25. ^ A Turkic Medical Treatise from Islamic Central Asia: A Critical Edition of a Seventeenth-Century Chagatay Work by Subḥān Qulï Khan. Edited, Translated and Annotated by László KÁROLY. Brill’s Inner Asian Library. Volume 32. Editors: Michael DROMPP; Devin DEWEESE; Mark C. ELLIOTT. Leiden. 2015
  26. ^ [1]; Qahhar, Tahir, and William Dirks. “Uzbek Literature.” World Literature Today, vol. 70, no. 3, 1996, pp. 611–618. JSTOR 40042097.
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  33. ^ Jump up to: a b Bodrogligeti, András J. E. (2001). A Grammar of Chagatay. Munich: München: Lincom.
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