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Tamil numerals

A milestone which uses both Tamil and Indo-Arabic Numerals (Tanjore Palace Museum).
Modern Tamil numerals featured on a 100 Mauritian rupee note.

The Tamil language has number words and dedicated symbols for them in the Tamil script.

Basic numbering in Tamil




Old Tamil possesses a special numerical character for zero (see Old Tamil numerals below), which is read as andru (literally, no/nothing); yet Modern Tamil renounces the use of its native character and uses the Indian symbol '0' for Shunya meaning nothingness in Indic thought. Modern Tamil words for zero include சுழியம் (suḻiyam) or பூஜ்ஜியம் (pūjjiyam).

First ten numbers (முதல் எண்கள்)

Tamil script
Tamil numeralTamil word and transliteration
0சுழியம் (suḻiyam)
Old Tamil: பாழ் (pāḻ)[1]
1ஒன்று (oṉṟu)
2இரண்டு (iraṇḍu)
3மூன்று (mūṉṟu)
4நான்கு (nāṉku)
5ஐந்து (aindhu)
6ஆறு (āṟu)
7ஏழு (ēḻu)
8எட்டு (eṭṭu)
9ஒன்பது (oṉpathu)
10பத்து (paththu)

Transcribing other numbers


Reproductive and attributive prefixes


Tamil has a numeric prefix for each number from 1 to 9, which can be added to the words for the powers of ten (ten, hundred, thousand, etc.) to form multiples of them. For instance, the word for fifty, ஐம்பது (aimpatu) is a combination of (ai, the prefix for five) and பத்து (pattu, which is ten). The prefix for nine changes with respect to the succeeding base 10. தொ + the unvoiced consonant of the succeeding base 10 forms the prefix for nine. For instance, 90 is தொ + ண் (ண் being the unvoiced version of ணூ), hence, தொண்ணூறு).

Tamil scriptTamil prefixTransliteration

These are typically void in the Tamil language except for some Hindu references; for example, அட்ட இலட்சுமிகள் (the eight Lakshmis). Even in religious contexts, the Tamil language is usually more preferred for its more poetic nature and relatively low incidence of consonant clusters.

Specific characters


Unlike other Indian writing systems, Tamil has distinct digits for 10, 100, and 1000. It also has distinct characters for other number-based aspects of day-to-day life.

daymonthyeardebitcreditas aboverupeenumeral

Powers of ten (பதின்பெருக்கம்)


There are two numeral systems that can be used in the Tamil language: the Tamil system which is as follows[2] [clarification needed]

The following are the traditional numbers of the Ancient Tamil Country, Tamiḻakam.[clarification needed]

Original Tamil system

Translationtenhundredthousandten thousandhundred thousandmillionbillion (milliard)trillion (billion)quadrillion (billiard)quintillion (trillion)hundred quintillionsextillion (trilliard)

Current Tamil system

Wordsஇலட்சம்பத்து இலட்சம்கோடிபத்துக் கோடிஅற்புதம்நிகர்ப்புதம்கர்வம்சங்கம்அர்த்தம்பூரியம்முக்கொடிமாயுகம்
Transliterationilaṭcampattu ilaṭcamkōṭipattuk kōṭiaṟputamnikarpputamkarvamśaṅkamarttampūriyammukkoṭimāyukam
Translationlakhten lakhcroreten crorearabkharabnil / hundred kharabpadmashankh / hundred padmahundred shankhten thousand shankhten crore shankh

Partitive numerals (பகுத்தல்)


Fractions (பின்னம்)


Proposals to encode Tamil fractions and symbols to Unicode were submitted.[3][4] As of version 12.0, Tamil characters used for fractional values in traditional accounting practices were added to the Unicode Standard.

Transcribing fractions (பின்னம் எழுத்தல்)

Any fraction can be transcribed by affixing -இல் (-il) after the denominator followed by the numerator. For instance, 1/41 can be said as நாற்பத்து ஒன்றில் ஒன்று (nāṟpattu oṉṟil oṉṟu).

The suffixing of the -இல் (-il) requires the last consonant of the number to be changed to its (i) form. For example, மூன்று + இல் (mūṉṟu + -il) becomes மூன்றில் (mūṉṟil); note the (u) has been omitted.

Common fractions (பொது பின்னங்கள்) have names already allocated to them, hence, these names are often used rather than the above method.

Nameகால்அரைமுக்கால்நாலுமாஅரைக்கால்இருமாமாகாணி, வீசம்ஒருமாஅரைமாகாணிஅரைக்காணி
Transliterationkālaraimukkālnālumāaraikkālirumāmākāṇi, vīsamorumāaraimākāṇiaraikkāṇi

Other fractions include:

316 = 0.1875மும்மாகாணிmummākāṇi
320 = 0.15மும்மாmummā
364 = 0.046875முக்கால்வீசம்mukkālvīsam
380 = 0.0375முக்காணிmukkāṇi
132 = 0.03125அரைவீசம்araivīsam
164 = 0.015625கால் வீசம்kāl vīsam
3320 = 0.009375முக்கால்காணிmukkālkāṇi
1320 = 0.003125முந்திரிmuntiri
31280 = 0.00234375கீழ் முக்கால்kīḻ mukkāl
1640 = 0.0015625கீழரைkīḻarai
11280 = 7.8125×10−4கீழ் கால்kīḻ kāl
11600 = 0.000625கீழ் நாலுமாkīḻ nālumā
35120 ≈ 5.85938×10−4கீழ் மூன்று வீசம்kīḻ mūṉṟu vīsam
36400 = 4.6875×10−4கீழ் மும்மாkīḻ mummā
12500 = 0.0004கீழ் அரைக்கால்kīḻ araikkāl
13200 = 3.12500×10−4கீழ் இருமாkīḻ irumā
15120 ≈ 1.95313×10−4கீழ் வீசம்kīḻ vīsam
16400 = 1.56250×10−4கீழொருமாkīḻorumā
1102400 ≈ 9.76563×10−6கீழ்முந்திரிkīḻmuntiri
12150400 ≈ 4.65030×10−7இம்மிimmi
123654400 ≈ 4.22754×10−8மும்மிmummi
1165580800 ≈ 6.03935×10−9அணுaṇu[1]
11490227200 ≈ 6.71039×10−10குணம்kuṇam
17451136000 ≈ 1.34208×10−10பந்தம்pantam
144706816000 ≈ 2.23680×10−11பாகம்pāgam
1312947712000 ≈ 3.19542×10−12விந்தம்vintam
15320111104000 ≈ 1.87966×10−13நாகவிந்தம்nāgavintam
174481555456000 ≈ 1.34261×10−14சிந்தைsintai
11489631109120000 ≈ 6.71307×10−16கதிர்முனைkatirmuṉai
159585244364800000 ≈ 1.67827×10−17குரல்வளைப்படிkuralvaḷaippaḍi
13575114661888000000 ≈ 2.79711×10−19வெள்ளம்veḷḷam
1357511466188800000000 ≈ 2.79711×10−21நுண்மணல்nuṇmaṇal
12323824530227200000000 ≈ 4.30325×10−22தேர்த்துகள்tērttugaḷ

^ Aṇu was considered as the lowest fraction by ancient Tamils as size of smallest physical object (similar to an atom). Later, this term went to Sanskrit to refer directly to atoms.[citation needed]

Decimals (பதின்மம்)


Decimal point is called புள்ளி (puḷḷi) in Tamil. For example, 1.1 would be read as ஒன்று புள்ளி ஒன்று (oṉṟu puḷḷi oṉṟu). In Sri Lankan Tamil, Thasam தசம்.

Percentage (விழுக்காடு)


Percentage is known as விழுக்காடு (viḻukkāḍu) in Tamil or சதவீதம் (śatavītam). These words are simply added after a number to form percentages. For instance, four percent is நான்கு சதவீதம் (nāṉku satavītam) or நான்கு விழுக்காடு (nāṉku viḻukkāḍu). Percentage symbol (%) is also recognised and used.

Ordinal numbers (வரிசை எண்கள்)


Ordinal numbers are formed by adding the suffix -ஆம் (ām) after the number, except for 'First'.

101stநூற்று ஒறாம்nūṟṟu oṉṟām

Collective numerals (கூட்டெண்கள்)

Reproductives + வினைச்சொல்Numeric prefix + noun*
Single (pillar), double (pillar)...ஒருக்(கால்), இருக்(கால்)-oruk(kāl), iruk(kāl)*
Distributives + முறைNumeric prefix + muṟai
Once, twice...ஒருமுறை, இருமுறைorumuṟai, irumuṟai
  • As always, when blending two words into one, an unvoiced form of the consonant as the one that the second starts with, is placed in between to blend.

Traditional Tamil counting song


This song is a list of each number with a concept its primarily associated with.

ஒரு குலம்oru kulamOne race
ஈரினம்īriṉamTwo sexes – male (ஆண், āṇ), female (பெண், peṇ)
முத்தமிழ்muttamiḻThree sections of Tamil – literature (இயல், iyal), music (இசை, isai), and drama (நாடகம், nāṭakam)
நான்மறைnāṉmaṟaiFour scriptures
ஐம்புலன்aimpulaṉFive senses
அறுசுவைaṟucuvaiSix tastes – sweet (iṉippu), pungent (kārppu), bitter (kasappu), sour (puḷippu), salty (uvarppu), and astringent (tuvarppu).
ஏழிசைēḻicaiSeven musical notes (kural, tuttam, kaikkiḷai, uḻai, iḷi, viḷari, tāram)
எண் பக்கம்eṇ pakkamEight directions – east (kiḻakku), west (mēṟku), north (vaḍakku), south (teṟku), south-west (teṉ-mēṟku), south-east (teṉ-kiḻakku), north-west (vaḍa-mēṟku), and north-east (vaḍa-kiḻakku).
நவமணிகள்navamaṇikaḷNine gems – diamond (வைரம், vairam), emerald (மரகதம், marakatam), blue sapphire (நீலம், nīlam), garnet (கோமேதகம், kōmētakam), red coral (பவளம், pavaḷam), ruby (மாணிக்கம், māṇikkam), pearl (முத்து, muttu), topaz (புட்பராகம், puṭparākam), and cat's eye (வைடூரியம், vaiṭūriyam).
தொன்மெய்ப்பாடுtoṉmeyppāṭuAlso known as navarasam as per the dance expressions. These are joyful (uvakai), humour (nakai), cries (aḻukai), innocent (vekuḷi), proud (perumitam), fear (accam), disgust (iḷivaral), wonder (maruṭkai), and tranquility (amaiti).[5]

Influence on other dravidian languages


As the ancient classical language of the Dravidian languages, Tamil numerals influenced and shaped the numerals of the others in the family. The following table compares the main Dravidian languages.

2iraṇḍueraḍuraṇṭŭeraḍ, iraḍrenḍuirāṭindiṅirāṭ*iru(2)
4nālu, nāṉkunālkunālŭ‌nālnālugunāliṅkhčār (II)*nān
5aintu, añjuayduañcŭayin, ainayiduayd 3pancē (II)panč (II)*cayN
6āṟuāruāṟŭājiāruār 3soyyē (II)šaš (II)*caru
7ēḻuēḷuēḻŭēḍ, ēl, ēḷēḍuēḍ 3sattē (II)haft (II)lu
8eṭṭueṇṭueṭṭŭeḍma, yeḍma, eṇma, enmaenimidienumadī 3aṭṭhē (II)hašt (II)*eṭṭu
9oṉpatuombattuonpatŭormbatommiditomdī 3naiṃyē (II)nōh (II)*toḷ
10pattuhattupattŭpattpadipadī 3dassē (II)dah (II)*pat(tu)

Also, Tamil through the Pallava script which itself through the Kawi script, Khmer script and other South-east Asian scripts has shaped the numeral grapheme of most South-east Asian languages.



Before the Government of India unveiled as the new rupee symbol, people in Tamil Nadu used the Tamil letter as the symbol. This symbol continues to be used occasionally as rupee symbol by Indian Tamils. It is also used by Tamils in Sri Lanka.

The symbol is also known as the Piḷḷaiyār Suḻi (lit.'Curl of Piḷḷaiyār'), a symbol that most Tamil Hindus will start off any auspicious document with. It is written to invoke the god Piḷḷaiyār, known otherwise as Ganesha, who is the remover of obstacles.

See also



  1. ^ N. Subrahmanian (1996). Śaṅgam polity: the administration and social life of the Śaṅgam Tamils (3 ed.). Ennes Publications. pp. 235, 416. Retrieved 2 December 2015.
  2. ^ Selvakumar, V. (2016). History of Numbers and Fractions and Arithmetic Calculations in the Tamil Region: Some Observations. HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 27-35. https://doi.org/10.15613/HIJRH/2016/V3I1/111730
  3. ^ Sharma, Shriramana. (2012). Proposal to encode Tamil fractions and symbols. Retrieved 12 March 2019 from https://www.unicode.org/L2/L2012/12231-tamil-fractions-symbols-proposal.pdf
  4. ^ Government of Tamil Nadu. (2017). Finalized proposal to encode Tamil fractions and symbols. Retrieved 12 March 2019 from http://unicode.org/wg2/docs/n4822-tamil-frac.pdf
  5. ^ Literary theories in Tamil: with special reference to Tolka:ppiyam. Pondicherry Institute of Linguistics and Culture. 1997. p. 135.
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