Порядки величины (длина)
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Ниже приведены примеры порядков величин для различной длины .
[ редактировать ]Подробный список
[ редактировать ]Чтобы помочь сравнить различные порядки величин, в следующем списке описаны различные длины между метров и метры.
Субатомный масштаб
[ редактировать ]Фактор ( м ) | Несколько | Ценить | Элемент |
0 | 0 | 0 | Сингулярность |
10 −35 | 1 Планковская длина | 0,0000162 кв.м. | Планковская длина ; типичный масштаб гипотетической петлевой квантовой гравитации или размер гипотетической струны и бран ; согласно теории струн , длина меньше этой не имеет никакого физического смысла. [1] квантовая пена Считается, что существует в таком масштабе. |
10 −24 | 1 йоктометр ( мм ) | 142 дюйма | Эффективный сечения радиус с энергией 1 МэВ нейтрино [2] |
10 −21 | 1 зептометр ( умерший ) | Преоны , гипотетические частицы, предложенные как субкомпоненты кварков и лептонов; верхняя граница ширины космической струны в теории струн | |
7 дней | Эффективный радиус сечения нейтрино высоких энергий [3] | ||
310 д | волны де Бройля протонов Длина на Большом адронном коллайдере (4 ТэВ по состоянию на 2012 г.) [update]) | ||
10 −18 | 1 аттометр ( ам ) | Верхний предел размера кварков и электронов | |
Чувствительность детектора LIGO к гравитационным волнам [4] | |||
Верхняя граница типичного диапазона размеров для «фундаментальных строк ». [1] | |||
10 −17 | 10 утра | Диапазон слабой силы | |
10 −16 | 100 утра | 8:50 утра | Приблизительный радиус протона [5] |
От атомного до клеточного масштаба
[ редактировать ]Фактор ( м ) | Несколько | Ценить | Элемент |
10 −15 | 1 фемтометр ( фм , ферми) | 1 фм | Приблизительный предел глюонной силы цвета между кварками [6] [7] |
1,5 фм | Эффективный радиус сечения протона с энергией 11 МэВ [8] | ||
2,81794 фм | Классический радиус электрона [9] | ||
3 фм | Приблизительный предел мезоном опосредованной силы ядерной связи, [6] [7] | ||
от 750 до 822,25 фм | Самая длинная длина волны гамма -лучей | ||
10 −12 | 1 пикометр ( pm ) | от 1,75 до 15 фм | Диапазон диаметров атомного ядра [1] [10] |
13:00 | Расстояние между атомными ядрами белого карлика | ||
14:4 | Комптоновская длина электрона волны | ||
17:00 | Длина волны кратчайших рентгеновских лучей | ||
10 −11 | 22:00 | 28 вечера | Радиус гелия атома |
17:00 | Радиус Бора (радиус атома водорода ) | ||
10 −10 | 22:00 | 22:00 | 1 ангстрем (также радиус атома серы ковалентный [11] ) |
154 вечера | Длина типичной ковалентной связи ( C –C) | ||
14:00 | Средний размер молекулы воды (фактическая длина может отличаться) | ||
17:00 | Ширина белка α-спирали | ||
10 −9 | 1 нанометр ( нм ) | 1 нм | Диаметр углеродной нанотрубки [12] Диаметр наименьшего затвора транзистора (по состоянию на 2016 г.) [13] |
2 нм | Диаметр ДНК спирали [14] | ||
2,5 нм | Наименьшая микропроцессора транзистора толщина оксида затвора (по состоянию на январь 2007 г.) [update]) [ нужна ссылка ] | ||
3,4 нм | Длина ДНК поворота (10 п.н. ) [15] | ||
6–10 нм | Толщина клеточной мембраны | ||
10 −8 | 10 нм | 10 нм | диапазон толщины стенки бактерий грамотрицательных клеточной Верхний [16] |
10 нм | По состоянию на 2016 год [update] техпроцесс 10-нанометровый был самым маленьким производства полупроводниковых приборов. узлом [17] | ||
40 нм | экстремального ультрафиолета Длина волны | ||
50 нм | Высота головки полета диска жесткого [18] | ||
10 −7 | 100 нм | 121,6 нм | Длина волны линии Лайман-альфа [19] |
120 нм | Типичный диаметр вируса иммунодефицита человека (ВИЧ) [20] | ||
400–700 нм | Приблизительный диапазон длин волн видимого света [21] |
От сотового до человеческого масштаба
[ редактировать ]Фактор ( м ) | Несколько | Ценить | Элемент |
10 −6 | 1 микрометр ( мкм ) (также называемый 1 микрон) | 1–4 мкм | Типичная длина бактерии [22] |
4 мкм | Типичный диаметр паучьего шелка [23] | ||
7 мкм | Типичный размер эритроцита [24] | ||
10 −5 | 10 мкм | 10 мкм | Типичный размер тумана, тумана или капли облачной воды |
10 мкм | Ширина транзисторов в Intel 4004 , первом в мире коммерческом микропроцессоре | ||
12 мкм | Ширина акрилового волокна | ||
17-181 мкм | Диапазон ширины человеческих волос [25] | ||
10 −4 | 100 мкм | 340 мкм | Размер пикселя на 17-дюймовом мониторе с разрешением 1024х768. |
560 мкм | Толщина центральной области роговицы человека [26] | ||
750 мкм | Максимальный диаметр Thiomargarita namibiensis , самой крупной из когда-либо обнаруженных бактерий (по состоянию на 2010 г.) [update]) | ||
10 −3 | 1 миллиметр ( мм ) | ~5 мм | Длина средней блохи 1–10 мм (обычно <5 мм). [27] |
2,54 мм | Одна десятая дюйма; расстояние между контактами в электронных компонентах DIP (двойной линейный корпус) | ||
5,70 мм | Диаметр снаряда в НАТО 5,56×45 мм. боеприпасах | ||
10 −2 | 1 сантиметр ( см ) | 20 мм | взрослого человека Приблизительная ширина пальца |
54 мм × 86 мм | Размеры кредитной карты в соответствии со ISO/IEC 7810 ID-1. стандартом | ||
73–75 мм | Диаметр бейсбольного мяча в соответствии с Высшей лиги бейсбола. правилами [28] | ||
10 −1 | 1 дециметр ( дм ) | 120 мм | Диаметр компакт-диска |
660 мм | Длина самых длинных сосновых . шишек сахарной сосны [29] | ||
900 мм | Средняя длина рапиры , фехтовального меча . [30] |
От человека до астрономического масштаба
[ редактировать ]Фактор ( м ) | Несколько | Ценить | Элемент |
1 (10 0 ) | 1 метр ( м ) | 1 м (ровно) | С 2019 года определяется как длина пути, пройденного светом в вакууме за временной интервал 1/299 792 458 секунды , где секунда определяется частотой сверхтонкого перехода цезия . |
2,72 м | Рост Роберта Уодлоу , самого высокого известного человека. [31] | ||
8,38 м | Длина лондонского автобуса ( AEC Routemaster ) | ||
10 1 | 1 декаметр ( плотина ) | 33 м | Длина самого длинного известного синего кита [32] |
52 м | Высота Ниагарского водопада [33] | ||
93,47 м | Высота Статуи Свободы | ||
10 2 | 1 гектометр ( хм ) | 105 м | Длина типичного футбольного поля |
137 м (147 м) | Высота (современная и первоначальная) Великой пирамиды в Гизе | ||
300 м | Высота Эйфелевой башни , одного из знаменитых памятников Парижа. | ||
979 м | Высота Сальто Анхель , самого высокого в мире свободно падающего водопада ( Венесуэла ) | ||
10 3 | 1 километр ( км ) | 2,3 км | Длина плотины « Три ущелья» , самой большой плотины в мире. [34] [35] |
3,1 км | Самая узкая ширина Мессинского пролива , разделяющего Италию и Сицилию. | ||
8,848 км | Высота Эвереста , самой высокой горы на Земле | ||
10 4 | 10 км | 10,9 км | Глубина « Челленджера» в Марианской впадине , самой глубокой известной точке на поверхности Земли. |
27 км | Окружность Большого адронного коллайдера по состоянию на май 2010 г. [update] самый большой и самый высокоэнергетический ускоритель частиц | ||
42,195 км | Продолжительность марафона | ||
105 | 100 km | 100 km | The distance the IAU considers to be the limit to space, called the Karman line |
163 km | Length of the Suez Canal, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea | ||
491 km | Length of the Pyrenees, the mountain range separating Spain and France | ||
974.6 km | Greatest diameter of the dwarf planet Ceres.[36] | ||
106 | 1 megametre (Mm) | 2.38 Mm | Diameter of dwarf planet Pluto, formerly the smallest planet category[note 2] in the Solar System |
3.48 Mm | Diameter of the Moon | ||
5.2 Mm | Typical distance covered by the winner of the 24 Hours of Le Mans automobile endurance race | ||
6.259 Mm | Length of the Great Wall of China | ||
6.371 Mm | Average radius of Earth | ||
6.378 Mm | Equatorial radius of Earth | ||
6.6 Mm | Approximate length of the two longest rivers, the Nile and the Amazon | ||
7.821 Mm | Length of the Trans-Canada Highway | ||
9.288 Mm | Length of the Trans-Siberian Railway, longest in the world |
Astronomical scale
[edit]Factor (m) | Multiple | Value | Item |
107 | 10 Mm | 12.756 Mm | Equatorial diameter of Earth |
20.004 Mm | Length of a meridian on Earth (distance between Earth's poles along the surface)[37] | ||
40.075 Mm | Length of Earth's equator | ||
108 | 100 Mm | 142.984 Mm | Diameter of Jupiter |
299.792 Mm | Distance traveled by light in vacuum in one second (a light-second, exactly 299,792,458 m by definition of the speed of light) | ||
384.4 Mm | Moon's orbital distance from Earth | ||
109 | 1 gigametre (Gm) | 1.39 Gm | Diameter of the Sun |
5.15 Gm | Greatest mileage ever recorded by a car (3.2 million miles by a 1966 Volvo P-1800S)[38] | ||
1010 | 10 Gm | 18 Gm | Approximately one light-minute |
1011 | 100 Gm | 150 Gm | 1 astronomical unit (au); mean distance between Earth and Sun |
1012 | 1 terametre (Tm) | 1.3 Tm | Optical diameter of Betelgeuse |
1.4 Tm | Orbital distance of Saturn from Sun | ||
2 Tm | Estimated optical diameter of VY Canis Majoris, one of the largest-known stars | ||
5.9 Tm | Orbital distance of Pluto from the Sun | ||
~ 7.5 Tm | Outer boundary of the Kuiper belt | ||
1013 | 10 Tm | Diameter of the Solar System as a whole[1] | |
16.09 Tm | Total length of DNA molecules in all cells of an adult human body[39] | ||
21.49 Tm | Distance of the Voyager 1 spacecraft from Sun (as of Oct 2018[update]), the farthest man-made object so far[40] | ||
62.03 Tm | Estimated radius of the event horizon of the supermassive black hole in NGC 4889, the largest-known black hole to date | ||
1014 | 100 Tm | 180 Tm | Size of the debris disk around the star 51 Pegasi[41] |
1015 | 1 petametre (Pm) | ~7.5 Pm | Supposed outer boundary of the Oort cloud (~ 50,000 au) |
9.461 Pm | Distance traveled by light in vacuum in one year; at its current speed, Voyager 1 would need 17,500 years to travel this distance | ||
1016 | 10 Pm | 30.857 Pm | 1 parsec |
39.9 Pm | Distance to nearest star (Proxima Centauri) | ||
41.3 Pm | As of March 2013, distance to nearest discovered extrasolar planet (Alpha Centauri Bc) | ||
1017 | 100 Pm | 193 Pm | As of October 2010, distance to nearest discovered extrasolar planet with potential to support life as presently defined by science (Gliese 581 d) |
615 Pm | Approximate radius of humanity's radio bubble, caused by high-power TV broadcasts leaking through the atmosphere into outer space | ||
1018 | 1 exametre (Em) | 1.9 Em | Distance to nearby solar twin (HIP 56948), a star with properties virtually identical to the Sun[42] |
1019 | 10 Em | 9.46 Em | Average thickness of Milky Way Galaxy[43] (1,000 to 3,000 ly by 21 cm observations[44]) |
1020 | 100 Em | 113.5 Em | Thickness of Milky Way Galaxy's gaseous disk[45] |
1021 | 1 zettametre (Zm) | ||
1.54 Zm | Distance to SN 1987A, the most recent naked eye supernova | ||
1.62 Zm | Distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud (a dwarf galaxy orbiting the Milky Way) | ||
1.66 Zm | Distance to the Small Magellanic Cloud (another dwarf galaxy orbiting the Milky Way) | ||
1.9 Zm | Diameter of galactic disk of Milky Way Galaxy[46][47][48][49] | ||
6.15 Zm | Diameter of the low surface brightness disc halo of the giant spiral galaxy Malin 1 | ||
1022 | 10 Zm | 13.25 Zm | Radius of the diffuse stellar halo of IC 1101, one of the largest-known galaxies |
24 Zm | Distance to Andromeda Galaxy | ||
30.857 Zm | 1 megaparsec | ||
50 Zm | Diameter of Local Group of galaxies | ||
1023 | 100 Zm | 300–600 Zm | Distance to Virgo cluster of galaxies |
1024 | 1 yottametre (Ym) | 2.19 Ym | Diameter of the Local Supercluster and the largest voids and filaments |
2.8 Ym | End of Greatness | ||
~5 Ym | Diameter of the Horologium Supercluster[50] | ||
9.461 Ym | Diameter of the Pisces–Cetus Supercluster Complex, the supercluster complex which includes Earth | ||
1025 | 10 Ym | 13 Ym | Length of the Sloan Great Wall, a giant wall of galaxies (galactic filament)[51] |
30.857 Ym | 1 gigaparsec | ||
37.84 Ym | Length of the Huge-LQG, a group of 73 quasars | ||
1026 | 100 Ym | 95 Ym | Estimated light travel distance to certain quasars. Length of the Hercules–Corona Borealis Great Wall, a colossal wall of galaxies, the largest and the most massive structure in the observable universe as of 2014 |
127 Ym | Estimated light travel distance to GN-z11, the most distant object ever observed | ||
870 Ym | Approximate diameter (comoving distance) of the visible universe[1] | ||
1027 | 1 Rm | 1.2 Rm | Lower bound of the (possibly infinite) radius of the universe, if it is a 3-sphere, according to one estimate using the WMAP data at 95% confidence[52] It equivalently implies that there are at minimum 21 particle horizon-sized volumes in the universe. |
[note 3] | m | m | According to the laws of probability, the distance one must travel until one encounters a volume of space identical to our observable universe with conditions identical to our own.[53][54] |
m | m | Minimal size of universe after cosmological inflation, implied by one resolution of the No-Boundary Proposal[55] |
1 quectometre and less
[edit]The quectometre (SI symbol: qm) is a unit of length in the metric system equal to 10−30 metres. To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths shorter than 10−30 m (1 qm).
- 1.6 × 10−5 quectometres (1.6 × 10−35 metres) – the Planck length (Measures of distance shorter than this do not make physical sense, according to current theories of physics.)
- 1 qm – 1 quectometre, the smallest named subdivision of the metre in the SI base unit of length, one nonillionth of a metre.[56]
1 rontometre
[edit]The rontometre (SI symbol: rm) is a unit of length in the metric system equal to 10−27 metres.
- 1 rm – 1 rontometre, a subdivision of the metre in the SI base unit of length, one octillionth of a metre.[56]
10 rontometres
[edit]- 10 rm – the length of one side of a square whose area is one shed, a unit of target cross section used in nuclear physics
1 yoctometre
[edit]The yoctometre (SI symbol: ym) is a unit of length in the metric system equal to 10−24 metres.
- 2 ym – the effective cross-section radius of 1 MeV neutrinos as measured by Clyde Cowan and Frederick Reines[citation needed]
1 zeptometre
[edit]The zeptometre (SI symbol: zm) is a unit of length in the metric system equal to 10−21 metres. To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10−21 m and 10−20 m (1 zm and 10 zm).
- 2 zm – the upper bound for the width of a cosmic string in string theory.[citation needed]
- 2 zm – radius of effective cross section for a 20[broken anchor] GeV neutrino scattering off a nucleon[citation needed]
- 7 zm – radius of effective cross section for a 250[broken anchor] GeV neutrino scattering off a nucleon[citation needed]
10 zeptometres
[edit]To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10−20 m and 10−19 m (10 zm and 100 zm).
100 zeptometres
[edit]To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10−19 m and 10−18 m (100 zm and 1 am).
- 177 zm – de Broglie wavelength of protons at the Large Hadron Collider (7 TeV as of 2010)[citation needed]
1 attometre
[edit]The attometre (SI symbol: am) is a unit of length in the metric system equal to 10−18 metres. To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10−18 m and 10−17 m (1 am and 10 am).
- 1 am – sensitivity of the LIGO detector for gravitational waves[citation needed]
- 1 am – upper limit for the size of quarks and electrons[citation needed]
10 attometres
[edit]To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10−17 m and 10−16 m (10 am and 100 am).
- 10–100 am – range of the weak force[57]
- 86 am – Charge radius of a Bottom eta meson[58]
100 attometres
[edit]To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10−16 m and 10−15 m (100 am and 1 fm).
- 831 am – approximate proton radius[59]
1 femtometre (or 1 fermi)
[edit]The femtometre (SI symbol: fm) is a unit of length in the metric system equal to 10−15 metres. In particle physics, this unit is sometimes called a fermi, also with abbreviation "fm". To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10−15 metres and 10−14 metres (1 femtometre and 10 fm).
- 1 fm – diameter of a neutron, approximate range-limit of the color force carried between quarks by gluons[6][7]
- 1.5 fm – diameter of the scattering cross section of an 11 MeV proton with a target proton[citation needed]
- 1.75 fm – the effective charge diameter of a proton[60]
- 2.81794 fm – classical electron radius
- 3 fm – approximate range-limit of the nuclear binding force mediated by mesons[6][7]
- 7 fm – the radius of the effective scattering cross section for a gold nucleus scattering a 6[broken anchor] MeV alpha particle over 140 degrees[citation needed]
10 femtometres
[edit]To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10−14 m and 10−13 m (10 fm and 100 fm).
- 1.75 to 15 fm – Diameter range of the atomic nucleus[citation needed]
- 10 fm – the length of one side of a square whose area is one barn (10−28 m2), a unit of target cross section used in nuclear physics
- 30.8568 fm – 1 quectoparsec (10−30 parsecs)
100 femtometres
[edit]To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10−13 m and 10−12 m (100 fm and 1 pm).
- 570 fm – typical distance from the atomic nucleus of the two innermost electrons (electrons in the 1s shell) in the uranium atom, the heaviest naturally-occurring atom
1 picometre
[edit]The picometre (SI symbol: pm) is a unit of length in the metric system equal to 10−12 metres (1/1000000000000 m = 0.000000000001 m). To help compare different orders of magnitude this section lists lengths between 10−12 and 10−11 m (1 pm and 10 pm).
- 1 pm – distance between atomic nuclei in a white dwarf[citation needed]
- 1 pm – reference value of particle displacement in acoustics[61]
- 2.4 pm – The Compton wavelength of an electron
- 5 pm – shorter X-ray wavelengths (approx.)
10 picometres
[edit]To help compare different orders of magnitude this section lists lengths between 10−11 and 10−10 m (10 pm and 100 pm).
- 25 pm – approximate radius of a helium atom, the smallest neutral atom
- 30.8568 pm – 1 rontoparsec
- 50 pm – radius of a hydrogen atom
- 50 pm – bohr radius: approximate radius of a hydrogen atom
- ~50 pm – best resolution of a high-resolution transmission electron microscope
- 60 pm – radius of a carbon atom
- 93 pm – length of a diatomic carbon molecule
- 96 pm – H–O bond length in a water molecule
100 picometres
[edit]To help compare different orders of magnitude this section lists lengths between 10−10 and 10−9 m (100 pm and 1 nm; 1 Å and 10 Å).
- 100 pm – 1 ångström
- 100 pm – covalent radius of sulfur atom
- 120 pm – van der Waals radius of a neutral hydrogen atom
- 120 pm – radius of a gold atom
- 126 pm – covalent radius of ruthenium atom
- 135 pm – covalent radius of technetium atom
- 150 pm – Length of a typical covalent bond (C–C)
- 153 pm – covalent radius of silver atom
- 155 pm – covalent radius of zirconium atom
- 175 pm – covalent radius of thulium atom
- 200 pm – highest resolution of a typical electron microscope
- 225 pm – covalent radius of caesium atom
- 280 pm – Average size of the water molecule
- 298 pm – radius of a caesium atom, calculated to be the largest atomic radius
- 340 pm – thickness of single layer graphene
- 356.68 pm – width of diamond unit cell
- 403 pm – width of lithium fluoride unit cell
- 500 pm – Width of protein α helix
- 543 pm – silicon lattice spacing
- 560 pm – width of sodium chloride unit cell
- 700 pm – width of glucose molecule
- 700 pm – diameter of a buckyball[62]
- 780 pm – mean width of quartz unit cell
- 820 pm – mean width of ice unit cell
- 900 pm – mean width of coesite unit cell
1 nanometre
[edit]The nanometre (SI symbol: nm) is a unit of length in the metric system equal to 10−9 metres (1/1000000000 m = 0.000000001 m). To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10−9 and 10−8 m (1 nm and 10 nm).
- 1 nm – diameter of a carbon nanotube
- 1 nm – roughly the length of a sucrose molecule, calculated by Albert Einstein
- 2.3 nm – length of a phospholipid
- 2.3 nm – smallest gate oxide thickness in microprocessors
- 3 nm – width of a DNA helix
- 3 nm – flying height of the head of a hard disk
- 3 nm – the average half-pitch of a memory cell manufactured circa 2022
- 3.4 nm – length of a DNA turn (10 bp)
- 3.8 nm – size of an albumin molecule
- 5 nm – size of the gate length of a 16 nm processor
- 5 nm – the average half-pitch of a memory cell manufactured circa 2019–2020
- 6 nm – length of a phospholipid bilayer
- 6–10 nm – thickness of cell membrane
- 6.8 nm – width of a haemoglobin molecule
- 7 nm – diameter of actin filaments
- 7 nm – the average half-pitch of a memory cell manufactured circa 2018
- 10 nm – Thickness of cell wall in Gram-negative bacteria
10 nanometres
[edit]To help compare different orders of magnitude this section lists lengths between 10−8 and 10−7 m (10 nm and 100 nm).
- 10 nm – the average length of a nanowire
- 10 nm – lower size of tobacco smoke[63]
- 10 nm – the average half-pitch of a memory cell manufactured circa 2016 –2017
- 13 nm – the length of the wavelength that is used for EUV lithography
- 14 nm – Length of a porcine circovirus
- 14 nm – the average half-pitch of a memory cell manufactured circa 2013
- 15 nm – Length of an antibody
- 18 nm – diameter of tobacco mosaic virus[64] (Generally, viruses range in size from 20 nm to 450 nm.)[citation needed]
- 20 nm – Length of a nanobe, could be one of the smallest forms of life
- 20–80 nm – thickness of cell wall in Gram-positive bacteria[65]
- 20 nm – thickness of bacterial flagellum
- 22 nm – the average half-pitch of a memory cell manufactured circa 2011–2012
- 22 nm – Smallest feature size of production microprocessors in September 2009[66]
- 25 nm – diameter of a microtubule
- 30 nm – lower size of cooking oil smoke
- 30.8568 nm – 1 yoctoparsec
- 32 nm – the average half-pitch of a memory cell manufactured circa 2009–2010
- 40 nm – extreme ultraviolet wavelength
- 45 nm – the average half-pitch of a memory cell manufactured circa 2007–2008
- 50 nm – upper size for airborne virus particles
- 50 nm – flying height of the head of a hard disk[67]
- 65 nm – the average half-pitch of a memory cell manufactured circa 2005–2006
- 58 nm – height of a T7 bacteriophage
- 90 nm – Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (generally, viruses range in size from 20 nm to 450 nm)
- 90 nm – the average half-pitch of a memory cell manufactured circa 2002–2003
- 100 nm – Length of a mesoporous silica nanoparticle
100 nanometres
To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10−7 and 10−6 m (100 nm and 1 μm).
- 100 nm – greatest particle size that can fit through a surgical mask[69]
- 100 nm – 90% of particles in wood smoke are smaller than this.[citation needed]
- 120 nm – greatest particle size that can fit through a ULPA filter[70]
- 120 nm – diameter of a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)[71]
- 120 nm – approximate diameter of SARS-CoV-2[72]
- 125 nm – standard depth of pits on compact discs (width: 500 nm, length: 850 nm to 3.5 μm)
- 180 nm – typical length of the rabies virus
- 200 nm – typical size of a Mycoplasma bacterium, among the smallest bacteria
- 300 nm – greatest particle size that can fit through a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter (N100 removes up to 99.97% at 300 nm, N95 removes up to 95% at 300 nm)[73]
- 300–400 nm – near ultraviolet wavelength*400–420 nm – wavelength of violet light (see Color and Visible spectrum)
- 420–440 nm – wavelength of indigo light
- 440–500 nm – wavelength of blue light
- 500–520 nm – wavelength of cyan light
- 520–565 nm – wavelength of green light
- 565–590 nm – wavelength of yellow light
- 590–625 nm – wavelength of orange light
- 625–700 nm – wavelength of red light
- 700–1.4 μm – wavelength of near-infrared radiation
1 micrometre (or 1 micron)
The micrometre (SI symbol: μm) is a unit of length in the metric system equal to 10−6 metres (1/1000000 m = 0.000001 m). To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists some items with lengths between 10−6 and 10−5 m (between 1 and 10 micrometres, or μm).
- ~0.7–300 μm – wavelength of infrared radiation
- 1 μm – the side of a square of area 10−12 m2
- 1 μm – edge of cube of volume 10−18 m3 (1 fL)
- 1–10 μm – diameter of a typical bacterium[citation needed]
- 1 μm – length of a lysosome
- 1–2 μm – anthrax spore[74]
- 2 μm – length of an average E. coli bacteria
- 3–4 μm – size of a typical yeast cell[75]
- 5 μm – length of a typical human spermatozoon's head[76]
- 6 μm – thickness of the tape in a 120-minute (C120) compact cassette[77]
- 7 μm – diameter of the nucleus of a typical eukaryotic cell[citation needed]
- about 7 μm – diameter of human red blood cells[78]
- 3–8 μm – width of strand of spider web silk[79]
- 5–10 μm – width of a chloroplast[80]
- 8–11 μm – size of a ground-level fog or mist droplet[81][note 4]
- 7–12 μm – the diameter of human white blood cells
- 8–10 μm – the diameter of human macrophages
10 micrometres
To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10−5 m and 10−4 m (10 μm and 100 μm).
- 10 μm – width of cotton fibre[82]
- 10 μm – tolerance of a Lego brick[83]
- 10 μm – transistor width of the Intel 4004, the world's first commercial microprocessor
- 10 μm – mean longest dimension of a human red blood cell[citation needed]
- 5–20 μm – dust mite excreta[84]
- 10.6 μm – wavelength of light emitted by a carbon dioxide laser
- 15 μm – width of silk fibre[citation needed]
- 17 μm – minimum width of a strand of human hair[25]
- 17.6 μm – one twip, a unit of length in typography
- 10 to 55 μm – width of wool fibre[82]
- 25.4 μm – 1/1,000 inch, commonly referred to as 1 mil in the U.S. and 1 thou in the UK
- 30 μm – length of a human skin cell
- 30.8568 μm – 1 zeptoparsec
- 50 μm – typical length of Euglena gracilis, a flagellate protist[85]
- 50 μm – typical length of a human liver cell, an average-sized body cell[citation needed]
- 50 μm – length of a silt particle
- 60 μm – length of a sperm cell
- 70 to 180 μm – thickness of paper
100 micrometres
To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10−4 m and 10−3 m (100 μm and 1 mm). The term myriometre (abbr. mom, equivalent to 100 micrometres; frequently confused with the myriametre, 10 kilometres)[86] is deprecated; the decimal metric prefix myrio-[87] is obsolete[88][89][90] and was not included among the prefixes when the International System of Units was introduced in 1960.
- 100 μm – 1/10 of a millimetre
- 100 μm – 0.00394 inches
- 100 μm – smallest distance that can be seen with the naked eye
- 100 μm – average diameter of a strand of human hair[25]
- 100 μm – thickness of a coat of paint
- 100 μm – length of a dust particle
- 120 μm – the geometric mean of the Planck length and the diameter of the observable universe: √8.8 × 1026 m × 1.6 × 10−35 m
- 120 μm – diameter of a human ovum
- 170 μm – length of the largest sperm cell in nature, belonging to the Drosophila bifurca fruit fly[91][92]
- 181 μm – maximum width of a strand of human hair[25]
- 100–400 μm – length of Demodex mites living in human hair follicles
- 175–200 μm – typical thickness of a solar cell.
- 200 μm – typical length of Paramecium caudatum, a ciliate protist
- 200 μm – nominal width of the smallest commonly available mechanical pencil lead (0.2 mm)
- 250–300 μm – length of a dust mite[93]
- 340 μm – length of a pixel on a 17-inch monitor with a resolution of 1024×768
- 500 μm – typical length of Amoeba proteus, an amoeboid protist
- 500 μm – MEMS micro-engine[94]
- 500 μm – average length of a grain of sand
- 500 μm – average length of a grain of salt
- 500 μm – average length of a grain of sugar
- 560 μm – thickness of the central area of a human cornea[26]
- 750 μm – diameter of a Thiomargarita namibiensis, the largest bacteria known[95]
- 760 μm – thickness of an identification card
1 millimetre
The millimetre (SI symbol: mm) is a unit of length in the metric system equal to 10−3 metres (1/1000 m = 0.001 m). To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10−3 m and 10−2 m (1 mm and 1 cm).
- 1.0 mm – 1/1,000 of a metre
- 1.0 mm – 0.03937 inches or 5/127 (exactly)
- 1.0 mm – side of a square of area 1 mm²
- 1.0 mm – diameter of a pinhead
- 1.5 mm – average length of a flea[27]
- 2.54 mm – distance between pins on old dual in-line package (DIP) electronic components
- 5 mm – length of an average red ant
- 5 mm – diameter of an average grain of rice
- 5.56×45mm NATO – standard ammunition size
- 6 mm – approximate width of a pencil
- 7 mm – length of a Paedophryne amauensis, the smallest-known vertebrate[96]
- 7.1 mm – length of a sunflower seed
- 7.62×51mm NATO – common military ammunition size[97]
- 8 mm – width of old-format home movie film
- 8 mm – length of a Paedocypris progenetica, the smallest-known fish[98]
1 centimetre
The centimetre (SI symbol: cm) is a unit of length in the metric system equal to 10−2 metres (1/100 m = 0.01 m). To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10−2 m and 10−1 m (1 cm and 1 dm).
- 1 cm – 10 millimetres
- 1 cm – 0.39 inches
- 1 cm – edge of a square of area 1 cm2
- 1 cm – edge of a cube of volume 1 mL
- 1 cm – length of a coffee bean
- 1 cm – approximate width of average fingernail
- 1.2 cm – length of a bee
- 1.2 cm – diameter of a die
- 1.5 cm – length of a very large mosquito
- 1.6 cm – length of a Jaragua Sphaero, a very small reptile
- 1.7 cm – length of a Thorius arboreus, the smallest salamander[99]
- 2 cm – approximate width of an adult human finger
- 2.54 cm – 1 inch
- 3.08568 cm – 1 attoparsec
- 3.4 cm – length of a quail egg[100]
- 3.5 cm – width of film commonly used in motion pictures and still photography
- 3.78 cm – amount of distance the Moon moves away from Earth each year[101]
- 4.3 cm – minimum diameter of a golf ball[102]
- 5 cm – usual diameter of a chicken egg
- 5 cm – height of a hummingbird, the smallest-known bird
- 5.08 cm – 2 inches,
- 5.5 × 5.5 × 5.5 cm – dimensions of a 3x3x3 Rubik's cube
- 6.1 cm – average height of an apple
- 7.3–7.5 cm – diameter of a baseball[28]
- 8.6 cm × 5.4 cm – dimensions of a standard credit card (also called CR80)[103]
- 9 cm – length of a speckled padloper, the smallest-known turtle
1 decimetre
The decimetre (SI symbol: dm) is a unit of length in the metric system equal to 10−1 metres (1/10 m = 0.1 m). To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10 centimetres and 100 centimetres (10−1 metre and 1 metre).
[edit]10 centimetres (abbreviated to 10 cm) is equal to:
- 1 decimetre (dm), a term not in common use (1 L = 1 dm3.)
- 100 millimetres
- 3.9 inches
- a side of a square of area 0.01 m2
- the edge of a cube with a volume of 1×10−3 m3 (1 L)
[edit]- 10 cm = 1.0 dm – wavelength of the highest UHF radio frequency, 3 GHz
- 12 cm = 1.2 dm – wavelength of the 2.45 GHz ISM radio band
- 21 cm = 2.1 dm – wavelength of the 1.4 GHz hydrogen emission line, a hyperfine transition of the hydrogen atom
- 100 cm = 10 dm – wavelength of the lowest UHF radio frequency, 300 MHz
Human-defined scales and structures
[edit]- 10.16 cm = 1.016 dm – 1 hand used in measuring height of horses (4 inches)
- 12 cm = 1.2 dm – diameter of a compact disc (CD) (= 120 mm)
- 15 cm = 1.5 dm – length of a Bic pen with cap on
- 22 cm = 2.2 dm – diameter of a typical association football (soccer ball)
- 30 cm = 3 dm – typical school-use ruler length (= 300 mm)
- 30.48 cm = 3.048 dm – 1 foot (measure)
- 60 cm = 6 dm – standard depth (front to back) of a domestic kitchen worktop in Europe (= 600 mm)
- 90 cm = 9 dm – average length of a rapier, a fencing sword[30]
- 91.44 cm = 9.144 dm – one yard (measure)
[edit]- 10 cm = 1 dm – diameter of the human cervix upon entering the second stage of labour
- 11 cm = 1.1 dm – diameter of an average potato in the US
- 13 cm = 1.3 dm – body length of a Goliath birdeater
- 15 cm = 1.5 dm – approximate size of largest beetle species
- 19 cm = 1.9 dm – length of a banana
- 26.3 cm = 2.6 dm – length of average male human foot
- 29.98 cm = 2.998 dm – distance light in vacuum travels in one nanosecond
- 30 cm = 3.0 dm – maximum leg length of a Goliath birdeater
- 31 cm = 3.1 dm – wingspan of largest butterfly species Ornithoptera alexandrae
- 32 cm - length of the Goliath frog, the world's largest frog
- 46 cm = 4.6 dm – length of an average domestic cat
- 50 to 65 cm = 5–6.5 dm – a coati's tail
- 66 cm = 6.6 dm – length of the longest pine cones (produced by the sugar pine[104])
[edit]- 84 cm = 8.4 dm – approximate diameter of 2008 TS26, a meteoroid
1 metre
To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between one metre and ten metres.Light, in vacuum, travels 1 metre in 1⁄299,792,458, or 3.3356409519815E-9 of a second.
[edit]1 metre is:
- 10 decimetres
- 100 centimetres
- 1,000 millimetres
- 39.37 inches
- 3.28 feet
- 1.1 yards
- side of square with area 1 m2
- edge of cube with surface area 6 m2 and volume 1 m3
- radius of circle with area π m2
- radius of sphere with surface area 4π m2 and volume 4/3π m3
Human-defined scales and structures
[edit]- 1 m – approximate height of the top part of a doorknob on a door
- 1 m – diameter of a very large beach ball
- 1.29 m - length of the Cross Island Chapel, the smallest church in the world
- 1.4 m - length of an Peel P50, the world's smallest car
- 1.435 m – standard gauge of railway track used by about 60% of railways in the world = 4 ft 81⁄2 in
- 2.5 m – distance from the floor to the ceiling in an average residential house[105]
- 2.7 m – length of the Starr Bumble Bee II, the smallest plane
- 2.77–3.44 m – wavelength of the broadcast radio FM band 87–108 MHz
- 3.05 m – the length of an old Mini
- 8 m - length of the Tsar Bomba, the largest bomb ever detonated
- 8.38 m – the length of a London Bus (AEC Routemaster)
[edit]- 2.44 m – height of an association football goal[106]
- 2.45 m – highest high jump by a human (Javier Sotomayor)[107]
- 3.05 m – (10 feet) height of the basket in basketball
- 8.95 m – longest long jump by a human (Mike Powell)[108]
[edit]- 1 m - length of Rafflesia arnoldii, the largest flower in the world
- 1 m – height of Homo floresiensis (the "Hobbit")
- 1.15 m – a pizote (mammal)
- 1.5 m - height of an okapi
- 1.63 m – (5 feet 4 inches) (or 64 inches) – height of average U.S. female human as of 2002[update] (source: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC))
- 1.75 m – (5 feet 8 inches) – height of average U.S. male human as of 2002[update] (source: U.S. CDC as per female above)
- 2.4 m - wingspan of a mute swan
- 2.5 m – height of a sunflower
- 2.7 m - length of a leatherback sea turtle, the largest living turtle
- 2.72 m – (8 feet 11 inches) – tallest-known human (Robert Wadlow)[31]
- 3 m - length of a giant Gippsland earthworm
- 3.63 m – the record wingspan for living birds (a wandering albatross)
- 3.7 m - leg span of a Japanese spider crab
- 3.7 m - length of a southern elephant seal, the largest living pinniped
- 5 m – length of an elephant
- 5.2 m – height of a giraffe[109]
- 5.5 m – height of a Baluchitherium, the largest land mammal ever lived
- 6.5 m – wingspan of Argentavis, the largest flying bird known
- 6.7 m - length of a Microchaetus rappi
- 7.4 m – wingspan of Pelagornis, the bird with longest wingspan ever.[110]
- 7.5 m – approximate length of the human gastrointestinal tract
[edit]- 3–6 m – approximate diameter of 2003 SQ222, a meteoroid
- 4.1 m – diameter of 2008 TC3, a small asteroid that flew into the Earth's atmosphere on 7 October 2008[111]
1 decametre
The decametre (SI symbol: dam) is a unit of length in the metric system equal to 10 metres (101 m). To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10 and 100 metres.
[edit]10 metres (very rarely termed a decametre which is abbreviated as dam) is equal to:
- 10 metres
- 100 decimetres
- 1,000 centimetres
- 10,000 millimetres
- 10,000,000 micrometres (or rarely 10,000,000 microns)
- 32.8 feet
- 11 yards
- side of a square with area 100 m²
Human-defined scales and structures
[edit]- 10 metres – wavelength of the highest shortwave radio frequency, 30 MHz
- 10.2 metres - length of the Panzer VIII Maus, the world's largest tank
- 12 metres- height of the Newby-McMahon Building, the world's littlest skyscraper
- 23 metres – height of Luxor Obelisk, located in the Place de la Concorde, Paris, France
- 25 metres – wavelength of the broadcast radio shortwave band at 12 MHz
- 29 metres – height of the Savudrija Lighthouse
- 30 metres - height of Christ the Redeemer
- 31 metres – wavelength of the broadcast radio shortwave band at 9.7 MHz
- 32 metres - length of one arcsecond of latitude on the surface of the Earth
- 33.3 metres - height of the De Noord, the tallest windmill in the world
- 34 metres – height of the Split Point Lighthouse in Aireys Inlet, Victoria, Australia
- 40 metres - wingspan of the Mil Mi-26, the largest helicopter
- 40 metres – average depth beneath the seabed of the Channel tunnel
- 49 metres – wavelength of the broadcast radio shortwave band at 6.1 MHz
- 50 metres – length of a road train
- 50 metres - height of the Arc de Triomphe
- 55 metres – height of the Leaning Tower of Pisa
- 62 metres - wingspan of Concorde
- 62.5 metres – height of Pyramid of Djoser
- 64 metres – wingspan of a Boeing 747-400
- 69 metres – wingspan of an Antonov An-124 Ruslan
- 70 metres – length of the Bayeux Tapestry
- 70 metres – width of a typical association football field
- 73 metres - wingspan of a Airbus A380
- 73 metres – height of the Taj Mahal
- 77 metres – wingspan of a Boeing 747-8
- 88.4 metres – wingspan of an Antonov An-225 Mriya transport aircraft
- 93 metres – height of the Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World)
- 96 metres – height of Big Ben
- 100 metres – wavelength of the lowest shortwave radio frequency, 3 MHz
[edit]- 11 metres – approximate width of a doubles tennis court
- 15 metres – width of a standard FIBA basketball court
- 15.24 metres – width of an NBA basketball court (50 feet)
- 18.44 metres – distance between the front of the pitcher's rubber and the rear point of home plate on a baseball field (60 feet, 6 inches)[112]
- 20 metres – length of cricket pitch (22 yards)[113]
- 27.43 metres – distance between bases on a baseball field (90 feet)
- 28 metres – length of a standard FIBA basketball court
- 28.65 metres – length of an NBA basketball court (94 feet)
- 49 metres – width of an American football field (531⁄3 yards)
- 59.436 metres – width of a Canadian football field (65 yards)
- 70 metres – typical width of an association football field
- 91 metres – length of an American football field (100 yards, measured between the goal lines)
[edit]- 10 metres – average length of human digestive tract[citation needed]
- 12 metres – height of a saguaro cactus
- 12 metres – length of a whale shark, largest living fish
- 12 metres – wingspan of a Quetzalcoatlus, a pterosaur
- 12.8 metres - length of a Titanoboa, the largest snake to have ever lived
- 13 metres – length of a giant squid and colossal squid, the largest living invertebrates
- 15 metres – approximate distance the tropical circles of latitude are moving towards the equator and the polar circles are moving towards the poles each year due to a natural, gradual decrease in the Earth's axial tilt
- 18 metres – height of a Sauroposeidon, the tallest-known dinosaur
- 20 metres – length of a Leedsichthys, the largest-known fish to have lived
- 21 metres – height of High Force waterfall in England
- 30.5 metres - length of the lion's mane jellyfish, the largest jellyfish in the world
- 33 metres – length of a blue whale,[114] the largest animal on earth, living or extinct, in terms of mass
- 39 metres – length of a Supersaurus, the longest-known dinosaur and longest vertebrate[115]
- 52 metres – height of Niagara Falls[33]
- 55 metres – length of a bootlace worm, the longest-known animal[116]
- 66 metres - highest possible sea level rise due to a complete melting of all ice on Earth
- 83 metres – height of a Western hemlock
- 84 metres – height of General Sherman, the largest tree in the world
[edit]- 30 metres – diameter of 1998 KY26, a rapidly spinning meteoroid
- 30.8568 metres – 1 femtoparsec
- 32 metres – approximate diameter of 2008 HJ, a small meteoroid
1 hectometre
The hectometre (SI symbol: hm) is a unit of length in the metric system equal to 100 metres (102 m). To compare different orders of magnitude this section lists lengths between 100 metres and 1,000 metres (1 kilometre).
[edit]100 metres (sometimes termed a hectometre) is equal to:
- 328 feet
- one side of a 1 hectare square
- a fifth of a modern li, a Chinese unit of measurement
- the approximate distance travelled by light in 300 nanoseconds
Human-defined scales and structures
[edit]- 100 metres – wavelength of the highest medium wave radio frequency, 3 MHz
- 100 metres – spacing of location marker posts on British motorways
- 110 metres - height of the Saturn V
- 138.8 metres – height of the Great Pyramid of Giza (Pyramid of Cheops)
- 139 metres – height of the world's tallest roller coaster, Kingda Ka[118]
- 157 metres - height of the Cologne Cathedral
- 162 metres - height of the Ulm Minster, the tallest church building in the world
- 169 metres - height of the Washington Monument
- 182 metres - height of the Statue of Unity, the world's tallest statue
- 187 metres – shortest wavelength of the broadcast radio AM band, 1600 kHz
- 192 metres - height of the Gateway Arch
- 202 metres – length of the Széchenyi Chain Bridge connecting Buda and Pest
- 220 metres - height of the Hoover Dam
- 245 metres - length of the LZ 129 Hindenburg
- 270 metres - length of the Titanic
- 318 metres – height of The New York Times Building
- 318.9 metres – height of the Chrysler Building
- 328 metres – height of Auckland's Sky Tower, the tallest free-standing structure in the Southern Hemisphere (1996–2022)
- 330 metres – height of the Eiffel Tower (including antenna)[119]
- 336 metres – height of the world's tallest bridge as of October 2023, the Millau Viaduct
- 364.75 metres - length of the Icon of the Seas
- 390 metres – height of the Empire State Building
- 400–800 metres – approximate heights of the world's tallest skyscrapers from 1931 to 2010
- 458 metres – length of the Knock Nevis, the world's largest supertanker
- 553.33 metres – height of the CN Tower[120]
- 555 metres – longest wavelength of the broadcast radio AM band, 540 kHz
- 630 metres – height of the KVLY-TV mast, second-tallest structure in the world
- 646 metres – height of the Warsaw radio mast, the world's tallest structure until its collapse in 1991
- 828 metres – height of Burj Khalifa, world's tallest structure on 17 January 2009[121]
- 1,000 metres – wavelength of the lowest mediumwave radio frequency, 300 kHz
[edit]- 100 metres – the distance a very fast human can run in about 10 seconds
- 100.584 metres – length of a Canadian football field between the goal lines (110 yards)
- 91.5 metres – 137 metres – length of a soccer field[106]
- 105 metres – length of football pitch (UEFA stadium categories 3 and 4)
- 105 metres – length of a typical football field
- 109.73 metres – total length of an American football field (120 yards, including the end zones)
- 110–150 metres – the width of an Australian football field
- 135–185 metres – the length of an Australian football field
- 137.16 metres – total length of a Canadian football field, including the end zones (150 yards)
[edit]- 115.5 metres – height of the world's tallest tree in 2007, the Hyperion sequoia[122]
- 310 metres – maximum depth of Lake Geneva
- 340 metres – distance sound travels in air at sea level in one second; see Speed of sound
- 947 metres - height of the Tugela Falls, the highest waterfall in Africa
- 979 metres – height of the Angel Falls, the world's highest free-falling waterfall (Venezuela)
[edit]- 270 metres – length of 99942 Apophis
- 535 metres – length of 25143 Itokawa,[123] a small asteroid visited by a spacecraft
1 kilometre
[edit]The kilometre (SI symbol: km) is a unit of length in the metric system equal to 1000 metres (103 m). To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 1 kilometre and 10 kilometres (103 and 104 metres).
[edit]1 kilometre (unit symbol km) is equal to:
- 1,000 metres
- 0.621371 miles
- 1,093.61 yards
- 3,280.84 feet
- 39,370.1 inches
- 100,000 centimetres
- 1,000,000 millimetres
- Side of a square of area 1 km2
- Radius of a circle of area π km2
Human-defined scales and structures
[edit]- 1 km – wavelength of the highest long wave radio frequency, 300 kHz[124]
- 4 km - Width of Central Park
- 1.280 km – span of the Golden Gate Bridge (distance between towers)[125]
- 1.609 km – 1 statute mile
- 1.852 km – 1 nautical mile, equal to 1 arcminute of latitude at the surface of the Earth[126]
- 1.991 km – span of the Akashi Kaikyō Bridge[127]
- 2.309 km – axial length of the Three Gorges Dam, the largest dam in the world[34]
- 3.991 km – length of the Akashi Kaikyō Bridge, longest suspension bridge in the world as of December 2008[update][128]
- 5.072 km – elevation of Tanggula Mountain Pass, below highest peak in the Tanggula Mountains, highest railway pass in the world as of August 2005[update][129]
- 5.8 km – elevation of Cerro Aucanquilcha, highest road in the world, located in Chile[130]
- 98 airports have paved runways from 4 km to 5.5 km in length.
- 8 km – length of Palm Jebel Ali, an artificial island built off the coast of Dubai
- 9.8 km – length of The World, an artificial archipelago that is also built off the coast of Dubai, whose islands resemble a world map
[edit]- 1.5 km – distance sound travels in water in one second
[edit]This section needs additional citations for verification. (March 2011) |
- 1.637 km – deepest dive of Lake Baikal in Russia, the world's largest freshwater lake[131]
- 2.228 km – height of Mount Kosciuszko, highest point on mainland Australia[132]
- Most of Manhattan is from 3 to 4 km wide.
- 3.776 km - height of Mount Fuji, highest peak in Japan
- 4.478 km - height of Matterhorn
- 4.509 km - height of Mount Wilhelm, highest peak in Papua New Guinea
- 4.810 km – height of Mont Blanc, highest peak in the Alps
- 4.884 km – height of Carstensz Pyramid, highest peak in Oceania[133]
- 4.892 km – height of Mount Vinson, highest peak in Antarctica
- 5.610 km – height of Mount Damavand, highest peak in Iran
- 5.642 km – height of Mount Elbrus, highest peak in Europe
- 5.895 km – height of Mount Kilimanjaro, highest peak in Africa
- 6.081 km – height of Mount Logan, highest peak in Canada
- 6.190 km – height of Denali, highest peak in North America
- 6.959 km – height of Aconcagua, highest peak in South America
- 7.5 km – depth of Cayman Trench, deepest point in the Caribbean Sea
- 8.611 km - height of K2, second highest mountain on Earth
- 8.848 km – height of Mount Everest, highest peak on Earth, on the border between Nepal and China
[edit]- 1 km – diameter of 1620 Geographos
- 1 km – very approximate size of the smallest-known moons of Jupiter
- 1.4 km – diameter of Dactyl, the first confirmed asteroid moon
- 4.8 km – diameter of 5535 Annefrank, an inner belt asteroid
- 5 km – diameter of 3753 Cruithne
- 5 km – length of PSR B1257+12
- 8 km – diameter of Themisto, one of Jupiter's moons
- 8 km – diameter of the Vela Pulsar
- 8.6 km – diameter of Callirrhoe, also known as Jupiter XVII
- 9.737 km – length of PSR B1919+21
10 kilometres (1 myriametre)
To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 10 and 100 kilometres (104 to 105 metres). The myriametre[134] (sometimes also spelled myriometre; 10,000 metres) is a deprecated unit name; the decimal metric prefix myria-[87] (sometimes also written as myrio-[135][136][137]) is obsolete[88][89][90] and was not included among the prefixes when the International System of Units was introduced in 1960.
[edit]10 kilometres is equal to:
- 10,000 metres
- About 6.2 miles
- 1 mil (the Scandinavian mile), now standardized as 10 km:
- farsang, unit of measure commonly used in Iran and Turkey[139]
[edit]Human-defined scales and structures
[edit]- 18 km – cruising altitude of Concorde
- 27 km – circumference of the Large Hadron Collider, as of May 2010[update] the largest and highest energy particle accelerator
- 34.668 km – highest manned balloon flight (Malcolm D. Ross and Victor E. Prather on 4 May 1961)[141]
- 38.422 km – length of the Second Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in Louisiana, US
- 39 km – undersea portion of the Channel tunnel
- 53.9 km – length of the Seikan Tunnel, as of October 2009[update], the longest rail tunnel in the world[142]
- 77 km – rough total length of the Panama Canal[143]
[edit]- 10 km – height of Mauna Kea in Hawaii, measured from its base on the ocean floor
- 11 km – deepest-known point of the ocean, Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench
- 11 km – average height of the troposphere
- 14 km – width of the Strait of Gibraltar
- 21 km – length of Manhattan
- 22 km – narrowest width of the Cook Strait between New Zealand's main islands
- 23 km – depth of the largest earthquake ever recorded in the United Kingdom, in 1931 at the Dogger Bank of the North Sea
- 34 km – narrowest width of the English Channel at the Strait of Dover
- 50 km – approximate height of the stratosphere
- 90 km – width of the Bering Strait
[edit]- 10 km – diameter of the most massive neutron stars (3–5 solar masses)
- 13 km – mean diameter of Deimos, the smaller moon of Mars
- 20 km – diameter of the least massive neutron stars (1.44 solar masses)
- 20 km – diameter of Leda, one of Jupiter's moons
- 20 km – diameter of Pan, one of Saturn's moons
- 22 km – diameter of Phobos, the larger moon of Mars
- 27 km – height of Olympus Mons above the Mars reference level,[144][145] the highest-known mountain of the Solar System
- 30.8568 km – 1 picoparsec
- 43 km – diameter difference of Earth's equatorial bulge
- 66 km – diameter of Naiad, the innermost of Neptune's moons
100 kilometres
A length of 100 kilometres (about 62 miles), as a rough amount, is relatively common in measurements on Earth and for some astronomical objects.It is the altitude at which the FAI defines spaceflight to begin.
To help compare orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths between 100 and 1,000 kilometres (105 and 106 metres).
[edit]A distance of 100 kilometres is equal to about 62 miles (or 62.13711922 miles).
Human-defined scales and structures
[edit]- 100 km – the Karman line: the internationally recognized boundary of outer space
- 105 km – distance from Giridih to Bokaro
- 109 km – length of High Speed 1 between London and the Channel Tunnel[146]
- 130 km – range of a Scud-A missile
- 163 km – length of the Suez Canal
- 164 km – length of the Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge
- 213 km – length of Paris Métro
- 217 km – length of the Grand Union Canal
- 223 km – length of the Madrid Metro
- 300 km – range of a Scud-B missile
- 386 km – altitude of the International Space Station
- 408 km – length of the London Underground (active track)
- 460 km – distance from London to Paris
- 470 km – distance from Dublin to London as the crow flies
- 600 km – range of a Scud-C missile
- 600 km – height above ground of the Hubble Space Telescope
- 804.67 km – (500 miles) distance of the Indy 500 automobile race
[edit]- 42 km - width of Singapore
- 75 km - width of Rhode Island
- 111 km – distance covered by one degree of latitude on Earth's surface
- 120 km - width of Brunei
- 180 km – distance between Mumbai and Nashik
- 200 km - width of Qatar
- 203 km – length of Sognefjorden, the third-largest fjord in the world
- 220 km – distance between Pune and Nashik
- 240 km - width of Rwanda
- 240 km – widest width of the English Channel
- 400 km - width of West Virginia
- 430 km – length of the Pyrenees
- 450 km - length of the Grand Canyon
- 500 km – widest width of Sweden from east to west
- 501 km – width of Uganda
- 550 km – distance from San Francisco to Los Angeles as the crow flies
- 560 km – distance of Bordeaux–Paris, formerly[when?] the longest one-day professional cycling race[147]
- 590 km – length of land boundary between Finland and Sweden
- 724 km – length of the Om River
- 800 km – width of Germany
- 871 km – distance from Sydney to Melbourne (along the Hume Highway)
- 897 km – length of the River Douro
- 900 km – distance from Berlin to Stockholm
- 956 km – distance from Washington, D.C. to Chicago, Illinois as the crow flies
- 970 km – distance from Land's End to John o' Groats as the crow flies
[edit]- 100 km – the altitude at which the FAI defines spaceflight to begin
- 167 km – diameter of Amalthea, one of Jupiter's inner moons
- 200 km – width of Valles Marineris
- 220 km – diameter of Phoebe, the largest of Saturn's outer moons
- 300 km – the approximate distance travelled by light in one millisecond
- 340 km – diameter of Nereid, the third-largest moon of Neptune
- 350 km – lower bound of Low Earth orbit
- 420 km – diameter of Proteus, the second-largest moon of Neptune
- 468 km – diameter of the asteroid 4 Vesta
- 472 km – diameter of Miranda, one of Uranus's major moons
- 974.6 km – greatest diameter of 1 Ceres,[36] the largest Solar System asteroid[note 2]
1 megametre
The megametre (SI symbol: Mm) is a unit of length in the metric system equal to 1000000 metres (106 m). To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths starting at 106 m (1 Mm or 1,000 km).
[edit]1 megametre is equal to:
- 1 E+6 m (one million metres)
- approximately 621.37 miles
- 1 E+12 μm (one trillion micrometres)
- Side of square with area 1,000,000 km2
Human-defined scales and structures
[edit]- 2.100 Mm – Length of proposed Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipe
- 2.100 Mm – Distance from Casablanca to Rome
- 2.288 Mm – Length of the official Alaska Highway when it was built in the 1940s[148]
- 3.069 Mm – Length of Interstate 95 (from Houlton, Maine to Miami, Florida)
- 3.846 Mm – Length of U.S. Route 1 (from Fort Kent, Maine to Key West, Florida)
- 5.000 Mm – Width of the United States
- 5.007 Mm – Estimated length of Interstate 90 (Seattle, Washington to Boston, Massachusetts)
- 5.614 Mm – Length of the Australian Dingo Fence[149]
- 6.371 Mm – Global-average Earth radius
- 6.4 Mm – Length of the Great Wall of China
- 7.821 Mm – Length of the Trans-Canada Highway, the world's longest national highway (from Victoria, British Columbia to St. John's, Newfoundland)
- 8.836 Mm – Road distance between Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, and Key West, Florida, the endpoints of the U.S. road network
- 8.852 Mm – Aggregate length of the Great Wall of China, including trenches, hills and rivers[150]
- 9.259 Mm – Length of the Trans-Siberian railway[151]
[edit]- The Munda Biddi Trail in WA, Australia is over 1,000 km long – the world's longest off-road cycle trail
- 1.200 Mm – the length of the Paris–Brest–Paris bicycling event
- Several endurance auto races are, or were, run for 1,000 km:
[edit]- 1.010 Mm – Distance from San Diego to El Paso as the crow flies
- 1.100 Mm - Length of Italy
- 1.200 Mm - Length of California
- 1.200 Mm - Width of Texas
- 1.500 Mm - Length of the Gobi Desert
- 1.600 Mm - Length of the Namib, the oldest desert on Earth
- 2.000 Mm – Distance from Beijing to Hong Kong as the crow flies
- 2.300 Mm - Length of the Great Barrier Reef
- 2.800 Mm – Narrowest width of Atlantic Ocean (Brazil-West Africa)
- 2.850 Mm – Length of the Danube river
- 2.205 Mm – Length of Sweden's total land boundaries
- 2.515 Mm – Length of Norway's total land boundaries
- 3.690 Mm – Length of the Volga river, longest in Europe
- 4.000 Mm - Length of the Kalahari Desert
- 4.350 Mm – Length of the Yellow River
- 4.600 Mm - Width of the Mediterranean Sea
- 4.800 Mm - Length of the Sahara
- 4.800 Mm – Widest width of Atlantic Ocean (U.S.-Northern Africa)
- 5.100 Mm – Distance from Dublin to New York as the crow flies
- 6.270 Mm – Length of the Mississippi-Missouri River system
- 6.380 Mm – Length of the Yangtze River
- 6.400 Mm – Length of the Amazon River
- 6.758 Mm – Length of the Nile system, longest on Earth
- 8.200 Mm – Approximate Distance from Dublin to San Francisco
[edit]- 1.000 Mm – Estimated shortest axis of triaxial dwarf planet Haumea
- 1.186 Mm – Diameter of Charon, the largest moon of Pluto
- 1.280 Mm – Diameter of the trans-Neptunian object 50000 Quaoar
- 1.436 Mm – Diameter of Iapetus, one of Saturn's major moons
- 1.578 Mm – Diameter of Titania, the largest of Uranus's moons
- 1.960 Mm – Estimated longest axis of Haumea
- 2.326 Mm – Diameter of the dwarf planet Eris, the largest trans-Neptunian object found to date
- 2.376 Mm – Diameter of Pluto
- 2.707 Mm – Diameter of Triton, largest moon of Neptune
- 3.122 Mm – Diameter of Europa, the smallest Galilean satellite of Jupiter
- 3.476 Mm – Diameter of Earth's Moon
- 3.643 Mm – Diameter of Io, a moon of Jupiter
- 4.821 Mm – Diameter of Callisto, a moon of Jupiter
- 4.879 Mm – Diameter of Mercury
- 5.150 Mm – Diameter of Titan, the largest moon of Saturn
- 5.262 Mm – Diameter of Jupiter's moon Ganymede, the largest moon in the Solar System
- 6.371 Mm – Radius of Earth
- 6.792 Mm – Diameter of Mars
10 megametres
This section needs additional citations for verification. (April 2007) |
To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths starting at 107 metres (10 megametres or 10,000 kilometres).
[edit]10 megametres (10 Mm) is
- 6,215 miles
- side of a square of area 100,000,000 square kilometres (km2)
- radius of a circle of area 314,159,265 km2
Human-defined scales and structures
[edit]- 11.085 Mm – Length of the Kyiv-Vladivostok railway, a longer variant of the Trans-Siberian railway[152]
- 13.300 Mm – Length of roads rehabilitated and widened under the National Highway Development Project (launched in 1998) in India
- 39.000 Mm – Length of the SEA-ME-WE 3 optical submarine telecommunications cable, joining 39 points between Norden, Germany and Okinawa, Japan
- 67.000 Mm – Total length of National Highways in India
- 80.000 Mm – 20,000 (metric, French) leagues (see Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas)
[edit]- 10 Mm – Approximate altitude of the outer boundary of the exosphere
- 10.001 Mm – Length of the meridian arc from the North Pole to the Equator (the original definition of the metre was based on this length)
- 60.000 Mm – Total length of the mid-ocean ridges
[edit]- 12.000 Mm – Diameter of Sirius B, a white dwarf[153]
- 12.104 Mm – Diameter of Venus
- 12.742 Mm – Diameter of Earth
- 12.900 Mm – Minimum distance of the meteoroid 2004 FU162 from the centre of Earth on 31 March 2004, closest on record
- 14.000 Mm – Smallest diameter of Jupiter's Great Red Spot
- 19.000 Mm – Separation between Pluto and Charon
- 30.8568 Mm – 1 nanoparsec
- 34.770 Mm – Minimum distance of the asteroid 99942 Apophis on 13 April 2029 from the centre of Earth
- 35.786 Mm – Altitude of geostationary orbit
- 40.005 Mm – Polar circumference of the Earth
- 40.077 Mm – Equatorial circumference of the Earth
- 49.528 Mm – Diameter of Neptune
- 51.118 Mm – Diameter of Uranus
100 megametres

To help compare different orders of magnitude, this section lists lengths starting at 108 metres (100 megametres or 100,000 kilometres or 62,150 miles).
- 102 Mm – Diameter of HD 149026 b, an unusually dense Jovian planet
- 115 Mm – Width of Saturn's Rings
- 120 Mm – Diameter of EBLM J0555-57Ab, the smallest-known star
- 120 Mm – Diameter of Saturn
- 142 Mm – Diameter of Jupiter, the largest planet in the Solar System
- 170 Mm – Diameter of TRAPPIST-1, a star recently discovered to have seven planets around it
- 174 Mm – Diameter of OGLE-TR-122b
- 180 Mm – Average distance covered during life
- 196 Mm – Diameter of Proxima Centauri, a typical red dwarf
- 257 Mm – Diameter of TrES-4 b
- 272 Mm – Diameter of WASP-12b
- 299.792 Mm – One light-second; the distance light travels in vacuum in one second (see speed of light)
- 300 Mm – Diameter of WASP-79b
- 314 Mm – Diameter of CT Cha b
- 384.4 Mm (238,855 mi) – Average Earth-Moon distance[154]
- 428 Mm – Diameter of GQ Lupi b, one of the largest-known planets
- 671 Mm – Separation between Jupiter and Europa
- 696 Mm – Radius of sun
- 986 Mm – Diameter of HD 100546 b's surrounding disk
1 gigametre

; lower part: their darker mirror images (artist's interpretation).
The gigametre (SI symbol: Gm) is a unit of length in the metric system equal to 1000000000 metres (109 m). To help compare different distances this section lists lengths starting at 109 metres (1 gigametre (Gm) or 1 billion metres).
- 1.2 Gm – Separation between Saturn and Titan
- 1.39 Gm – Diameter of Sun[155]
- 1.5 Gm – Orbit from Earth of the James Webb Space Telescope
- 1.71 Gm – Diameter of Alpha Centauri A, one of the closest stars.[156]
- 2.19 Gm – Closest approach of Comet Lexell to Earth, happened on 1 July 1770; closest comet approach on record
- 2.38 Gm – diameter of Sirius A, brightest naked eye star.[157]
- 3 Gm – Total length of "wiring" in the human brain[158]
- 3.5 Gm – Diameter of Vega[159]
- 4.2 Gm – Diameter of Algol B
- 4.3 Gm – circumference of Sun
- 5.0 Gm – Closest approach of Comet Halley to Earth, happened on 10 April 837
- 5.0 Gm – (proposed) Size of the arms of the giant triangle shaped Michelson interferometer of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) planned to start observations sometime in the 2030s.
- 7.9 Gm – Diameter of Gamma Orionis, a blue dwarf or blue giant
- 9.0 Gm – Estimated diameter of the event horizon of Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way galaxy
10 gigametres
To help compare different distances this section lists lengths starting at 1010 metres (10 gigametres (Gm) or 10 million kilometres, or 0.07 astronomical units).
- 12.6 Gm – Diameter of Pollux, the closest red giant star to the Sun.[160] It is a red clump star fusing helium into carbon at its core.[161]
- 15 Gm – Closest distance of Comet Hyakutake from Earth
- 18 Gm – One light-minute (see yellow sphere in right-hand diagram)
- 24 Gm – Radius of a heliostationary orbit
- 30.8568 Gm – 1 microparsec
- 35 Gm – Approximate diameter of Arcturus, a close red giant star.[162] It is on the red giant branch, fusing hydrogen into helium in a shell surrounding an inert helium core.[161]
- 46 Gm – Perihelion distance of Mercury (yellow ellipse on the right)
- 55 Gm – 60,000-year perigee of Mars (last achieved on 27 August 2003)
- 58 Gm – Average passing distance between Earth and Mars at the moment they overtake each other in their orbits
- 61 Gm – Diameter of Aldebaran, a red giant branch star (large star on right)[163]
- 70 Gm – Aphelion distance of Mercury
- 76 Gm – Neso's apocentric distance; greatest distance of a natural satellite from its parent planet (Neptune)
100 gigametres
To help compare distances at different orders of magnitude this section lists lengths starting at 1011 metres (100 gigametre or 100 million kilometres or 0.7 astronomical units).
- 109 Gm (0.7 au) – Distance between Venus and the Sun
- 110 Gm – Diameter of Rigel[164]
- 149.6 Gm (93.0 million mi; 1.0 au) – Average distance between the Earth and the Sun – the original definition of the astronomical unit
- 180 Gm (1.2 au) – Maximum diameter of Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole in the center of Milky Way galaxy
- 228 Gm (1.5 au) – Distance between Mars and the Sun
- 248 Gm (1.7 au) – Diameter of Enif, a small red supergiant star in the constellation Pegasus[165]
- 280 Gm (1.9 au) – Approximate diameter of Deneb, a blue supergiant and the brightest star in the Cygnus constellation[166]
- 511 Gm (3.4 au) – Average diameter of Mira, a pulsating red giant and the progenitor of the Mira variables. It is an asymptotic giant branch star, fusing carbon into neon in a shell surrounding an inert core.[167]
- 570 Gm (3.8 au) – Length of the tail of Comet Hyakutake measured by Ulysses; the actual value could be much higher
- 590 Gm (3.9 au) – Approximate diameter of the Pistol Star, a blue hypergiant star[168]
- 591 Gm (4.0 au) – Minimum distance between the Earth and Jupiter
- 780 Gm (5.2 au) – Distance between Jupiter and the Sun
- 947 Gm (6.4 au) – Diameter of Antares A
- 965 Gm (6.4 au) – Maximum distance between the Earth and Jupiter
1 terametre

The terametre (SI symbol: Tm) is a unit of length in the metric system equal to 1000000000000 metres (1012 m). To help compare different distances, this section lists lengths starting at 1012 m (1 Tm or 1 billion km or 6.7 astronomical units).
- ≈1 Tm – 6.7 au – Diameter of the red supergiant Betelgeuse based on multiple angular diameter estimates[169]
- 1.032 Tm – 6.9 au – Diameter of the blue hypergiant Eta Carinae (at optical depth 2/3)[170]
- 1.079 Tm – 7.2 au – One light-hour
- 1.12 Tm – 7.5 au – mean diameter of Rho Cassiopeiae, a rare yellow hypergiant star.[171]
- 1.4 Tm – 9.5 au – Distance between Saturn and the Sun
- 1.5 Tm – 10 au – Estimated diameter of VV Cephei A, a red supergiant with a blue dwarf companion.[172]
- 1.75 Tm – 11.7 au – Estimated diameter of Mu Cephei, a red supergiant (possibly hypergiant) among the largest-known stars[173][174]
- 1.83 Tm – 12.2 au – Diameter of HR 5171 A, the largest-known yellow hypergiant star although later research suggests it is a red hypergiant with a diameter about 2.1 Tm (14 au)[175][176]
- 2 Tm – 13.2 au – Estimated diameter of VY Canis Majoris, a red hypergiant that is among the largest-known stars[173][177]
- 2.9 Tm – 19.4 au – Distance between Uranus and the Sun
- 4.4 Tm – 29.4 au – Perihelion distance of Pluto
- 4.5 Tm – 30.1 au – Distance between Neptune and the Sun
- 4.5 Tm – 30.1 au – Inner radius of the Kuiper belt
- 5.7 Tm – 38.1 au – Perihelion distance of Eris
- 6.0 Tm – 40.5 au – Distance from Earth at which the Pale Blue Dot photograph was taken.
- 7.3 Tm – 48.8 au – Aphelion distance of Pluto
- 7.5 Tm – 50.1 au – Outer radius of the Kuiper Belt
10 terametres
To help compare different distances this section lists lengths starting at 1013 m (10 Tm or 10 billion km or 67 astronomical units).
- 10 Tm – 67 AU – Diameter of a hypothetical quasi-star
- 11.1 Tm – 74.2 AU – Distance that Voyager 1 began detecting returning particles from termination shock
- 11.4 Tm – 76.2 AU – Perihelion distance of 90377 Sedna
- 12.1 Tm – 70 to 90 AU – Distance to termination shock (Voyager 1 crossed at 94 AU)
- 12.9 Tm – 86.3 AU – Distance to 90377 Sedna in March 2014
- 13.2 Tm – 88.6 AU – Distance to Pioneer 11 in March 2014
- 14.1 Tm – 94.3 AU – Estimated radius of the Solar System
- 14.4 Tm – 96.4 AU – Distance to Eris in March 2014 (now near its aphelion)
- 15.1 Tm – 101 AU – Distance to heliosheath
- 16.5 Tm – 111 AU – Distance to Pioneer 10 as of March 2014
- 16.6 Tm – 111.2 AU – Distance to Voyager 2 as of May 2016
- 18 Tm – 123.5 AU – Distance between the Sun to the farthest dwarf planet in the Solar System, the Farout 2018 VG18
- 20.0 Tm – 135 AU – Distance to Voyager 1 as of May 2016
- 20.6 Tm – 138 AU – Distance to Voyager 1 as of late February 2017
- 21.1 Tm – 141 AU – Distance to Voyager 1 as of November 2017
- 25.9 Tm – 173 AU – One light-day
- 30.8568 Tm – 206.3 AU – 1 milliparsec
- 55.7 Tm – 371 AU – Aphelion distance of the comet Hale-Bopp
100 terametres
![]() |
To help compare different distances this section lists lengths starting at 1014 m (100 Tm or 100 billion km or 670 astronomical units).
- 140 Tm – 937 AU – Aphelion distance of 90377 Sedna
- 172 Tm – 1150 AU – Schwarzschild diameter of H1821+643, one of the most massive black holes known
- 181 Tm – 1210 AU – One light-week
- 308.568 Tm – 2063 AU – 1 centiparsec
- 757 Tm – 5059 а.е. – радиус туманности Скат. [178]
- 777 Tm – 5180 AU – Один световой месяц.
1 петаметр
[ редактировать ]
The петаметр ( СИ : символ Pm ) — единица длины равная в метрической системе, 10 15 метры . Чтобы облегчить сравнение различных расстояний, в этом разделе указаны длины, начиная с 10. 15 м (1 Пм или 1 триллион км или 6685 астрономических единиц (а.е.) или 0,11 светового года ).
- 1,0 Пм = 0,105702341 светового года.
- 1,9 Пм ± 0,5 Пм = 12 000 а.е. = радиус 0,2 светового года туманности Кошачий Глаз . внутреннего ядра [179] [180]
- 3,08568 Пм = 20 626 а.е. = 1 деципарсек
- в полсветового года. 4,7 Пм = 30 000 а.е. = диаметр шарика Бока Барнарда 68 [181]
- 19.5 вечера – 50 000 а.е. – возможная внешняя граница облака Оорта (по другим оценкам, от 75 000 до 125 000 или даже 189 000 а.е. (1,18, 2 и 3 световых года соответственно))
- 9,5 вечера – 63 241,1 а.е. – один световой год , расстояние, пройденное светом за один год.
- 21:9 – 66 000 а.е. – до афелия расстояние C/1999 F1 (Каталина)
10 петаметров
[ редактировать ]

Чтобы облегчить сравнение различных расстояний, в этом разделе указаны длины, начиная с 10. 16 м (10 Пм или 66 800 а.е. , 1,06 светового года ).
- 15 вечера – 1,59 световых лет – Возможный внешний радиус облака Оорта
- Солнца. 20 вечера – 2,11 световых лет – максимальная степень влияния гравитационного поля [ нужна ссылка ]
- 30,9 вечера – 3,26 световых лет – 1 парсек
- 39,9 вечера – 4,22 световых года – Расстояние до Проксимы Центавра (ближайшей звезды к Солнцу )
- 81,3 вечера – 8,59 световых лет – Расстояние до Сириуса
- 94,6 вечера – 1 световая декада
100 петаметров
[ редактировать ]
Чтобы облегчить сравнение различных расстояний, в этом разделе перечислены длины от 10 до 10. 17 м (100 Пм или 11 световых лет ) и 10 18 м (106 световых лет).
- 110 вечера – 12 световых лет – Расстояние до Тау Кита
- 230 вечера – 24 световых года – диаметр туманности Ориона. [182] [183]
- 240 вечера – 25 световых лет – Расстояние до Веги.
- 260 вечера – 27 световых лет – расстояние до Чары , звезды, примерно такой же яркой, как Солнце. Его слабость дает представление о том, как выглядело бы Солнце , если смотреть с такого расстояния.
- 308,568 Tm – 32,6 световых лет – 1 декапарсек
- 350 вечера – 37 световых лет – Расстояние до Арктура
- 373,1 вечера – 39,44 световых лет – расстояние до TRAPPIST-1 , недавно обнаруженной звезды, вокруг которой имеется 7 планет.
- 16:00 – 42 световых года – Расстояние до Капеллы.
- 620 вечера – 65 световых лет – Расстояние до Альдебарана
- 750 вечера – 79,36 световых лет – Расстояние до Регула
- 900 вечера – 92,73 световых года – Расстояние до Алголя
- 9:46 вечера – 1 световой век
1 экзамен
[ редактировать ]
The экзамен ( символ SI : Em ) — единица длины равная в метрической системе, 10 18 метры . Чтобы облегчить сравнение различных расстояний, в этом разделе перечислены длины от 10 до 10. 18 м (1 Эм или 105,7 световых лет ) и 10 19 м (10 Эм или 1057 световых лет).
- 1,2 Em – 129 световых лет – Диаметр Мессье 13 (типичное шаровое скопление )
- 1,6 Em – 172 ± 12,5 световых лет – Диаметр Омеги Центавра (одного из крупнейших известных шаровых скоплений , возможно, содержащего более миллиона звезд ) [184] [185]
- 3,08568 Em – 326,1 световых лет – 1 гектопарсек
- 3,1 Em – 310 световых лет – Расстояние до Канопуса по данным Hipparcos [186]
- 3,9 Em – 410 световых лет – Расстояние до Бетельгейзе по данным Hipparcos [187]
- 6,2 Em – 650 световых лет – Расстояние до туманности Улитка , расположенной в созвездии Водолея. [188]
- 8,2 Em – 860 световых лет – Расстояние до Ригеля по данным Hipparcos [186]
- 9,4 Em — 1 световое тысячелетие — 1000 световых лет.
10 экзаменов
[ редактировать ]Чтобы облегчить сравнение различных порядков величин , в этом разделе перечислены расстояния, начиная с 10 Эм (10 19 м или 1100 световых лет ).
- 10,6 Em – 1120 световых лет – Расстояние до WASP-96b.
- 13 Em – 1300 световых лет – Расстояние до туманности Ориона. [189]
- 14 Em – 1500 световых лет – Примерная толщина плоскости галактики Млечный Путь . в Солнца месте расположения
- 14,2 Em – 1520 световых лет – Диаметр NGC 604.
- 30,8568 Em – 3261,6 световых лет – 1 килопарсек
- 31 Эм – 3200 световых лет – Расстояние до Денеба по данным Гиппаркоса.
- 46 Em – 4900 световых лет – Расстояние до OGLE-TR-56 , первой внесолнечной планеты, открытой транзитным методом.
- 47 Em – 5000 световых лет – Расстояние до туманности Бумеранг , самого холодного известного места ( 1 K )
- 53 Em – 5600 световых лет – Расстояние до шарового скопления М4 и внесолнечной планеты PSR B1620-26 b внутри него.
- 61 Em – 6500 световых лет – Расстояние до спирального рукава Персея (следующего спирального рукава в галактике Млечный Путь)
- 71 Em – 7500 световых лет – Расстояние до Эта Киля
- 94,6073 Em – 1 световой декамилленниум = 10 000 световых лет.
100 экзаменов
[ редактировать ]Чтобы облегчить сравнение различных порядков величин , в этом разделе перечислены расстояния , начиная со 100 Эм (10 20 м или 11 000 световых лет ).
- 150 Эм – 16 000 световых лет – Диаметр Малого Магелланова Облака , карликовой галактики, вращающейся вокруг Млечного Пути.
- 200 Em – 21 500 световых лет – Расстояние до OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb , самой далекой и наиболее Землю похожей на планеты из всех известных.
- 240 Em – 25 000 световых лет – Расстояние до карликовой галактики Большого Пса.
- 260 Эм – 28 000 световых лет – Расстояние до центра Галактики .
- 400 Эм – 48 000 световых лет – Диаметр Галактики Фейерверк
- 830 Em – 88 000 световых лет – Расстояние до карликовой эллиптической галактики Стрельца.
- 946 Em – 1 световой цент-тысячелетие = 100 000 световых лет.
1 зетта-метр
[ редактировать ]The зеттаметр ( СИ : символ Zm ) — единица длины равная в метрической системе, 10 21 метры . [56] Чтобы облегчить сравнение различных порядков величин , в этом разделе перечислены расстояния, начиная с 1 Зм (10 21 м или 110 000 световых лет ).
- 1,7 Зм – 179 000 световых лет – Расстояние до Большого Магелланова Облака , крупнейшей галактики-спутника Млечного Пути.
- <1,9 Zm – <200 000 световых лет – Пересмотренная оценка диаметра диска Галактики Млечный Путь . Ранее считалось, что размер составляет половину этого размера.
- 2,0 Зм – 210 000 световых лет – Расстояние до Малого Магелланова Облака
- 2,8 Зм – 300 000 световых лет – Расстояние до Межгалактического Странника , одного из самых далеких шаровых скоплений Млечного Пути.
- 8,5 Zm – 900 000 световых лет – Расстояние до карликовой галактики Льва I , самой дальней известной Млечного Пути . спутника галактики-
10 зеттаметров
[ редактировать ]Чтобы облегчить сравнение различных порядков величин , в этом разделе перечислены расстояния, начиная с 10 Зм (10 22 м или 1,1 миллиона световых лет ).
- 24 Zm – 2,5 миллиона световых лет – Расстояние до галактики Андромеды.
- 30,8568 Zm – 3,2616 миллиона световых лет – 1 мегапарсек
- 40 Zm – 4,2 миллиона световых лет – Расстояние до IC 10 , далекого члена Местной группы галактик .
- 49,2 Zm – 5,2 миллиона световых лет – Ширина Местной группы галактик .
- 95 Zm – 10 миллионов световых лет – Расстояние до галактики Скульптор в Скульптор . группе галактик
- 95 Zm – 10 миллионов световых лет – Расстояние до Maffei 1 , ближайшей гигантской эллиптической галактики в группе Maffei 1.
100 зеттаметров
[ редактировать ]Чтобы облегчить сравнение различных порядков величин , в этом разделе перечислены расстояния , начиная со 100 Зм (10 23 м или 11 миллионов световых лет ).
- 140 Зм – 15 миллионов световых лет – Расстояние до Центавра . галактики
- 250 Зм – 27 миллионов световых лет – Расстояние до галактики Вертушка
- 280 Зм – 30 миллионов световых лет – Расстояние до галактики Сомбреро
- 570 Zm – 60 миллионов световых лет – Примерное расстояние до скопления Девы , ближайшего скопления галактик.
- 620 Зм – 65 миллионов световых лет – Примерное расстояние до скопления Печи.
- 800 Зм – 85 миллионов световых лет – Примерное расстояние до скопления Эридана.
1 йоттаметр
[ редактировать ]The йоттаметр ( СИ : символ Ym ) — единица длины равная в метрической системе, 10 24 метры . [56]
Чтобы облегчить сравнение различных порядков величин , в этом разделе перечислены расстояния, начиная с 1 м (10 24 м или 105,702 миллиона световых лет ).
- 1,2 мм – 127 миллионов световых лет – Расстояние до ближайшего наблюдаемого гамма-всплеска GRB 980425
- 1,3 мм – 137 миллионов световых лет – Расстояние до Центавра скопления галактик . , ближайшего крупного сверхскопления
- 1,9 мм – 201 миллион световых лет – Диаметр Местного сверхскопления
- 2,17 Юм – 1 световой галактический год – 230 миллионов световых лет.
- 2,3 Юм – от 225 до 250 миллионов световых лет – Расстояние, которое свет проходит в вакууме за один галактический год.
- 2,8 мм – 296 миллионов световых лет – Расстояние до скопления Кома
- 3,15 мм - 330 миллионов световых лет - Диаметр Пустоты Боёта
- 3,2 мм – 338 миллионов световых лет – Расстояние до Квинтета Стефана
- 4,7 мкм – 496 миллионов световых лет – Длина Великой стены CfA2 , одной из крупнейших наблюдаемых сверхструктур во Вселенной.
- 6,1 мм – 645 миллионов световых лет – Расстояние до сверхскопления Шепли
- 9,5 мм – 996 миллионов световых лет – Диаметр Сверхпустоты Эридана
10 йоттаметров
[ редактировать ]
Чтобы облегчить сравнение различных порядков величин , в этом разделе перечислены расстояния, начиная с 10 м (10 25 м или 1,1 миллиарда световых лет ). В этом масштабе расширение Вселенной становится значительным. Расстояние до этих объектов определяется на основе их измеренного красного смещения , которое зависит от используемых космологических моделей.
- 13 мм – 1,37 миллиарда световых лет – Длина стены Южного полюса
- 13 мм – 1,38 миллиарда световых лет – Длина Великой Слоанской стены
- 18 Юм – красное смещение 0,16 – 1,9 миллиарда световых лет – Расстояние до квазара 3C 273 ( расстояние светового путешествия )
- 30,8568 Юм – 3,2616 миллиарда световых лет – 1 гигапарсек
- 31,2204106 м – 3,3 миллиарда световых лет – Длина Гигантской Дуги , крупной космической структуры, открытой в 2021 году.
- 33 Ym – 3,5 миллиарда световых лет – Максимальное расстояние обзора красного смещения галактики 2dF (расстояние прохождения света)
- 37,8 мм – 4 миллиарда световых лет – Длина Огромного LQG
- 75 Юм – красное смещение 0,95 – 8 миллиардов световых лет – Примерное расстояние до сверхновой SN 2002dd в глубоком поле Хаббла на севере (расстояние светового путешествия)
- 85 Юм – красное смещение 1,6 – 9 миллиардов световых лет – Примерное расстояние до гамма-всплеска GRB 990123 (расстояние прохождения света)
- 94,6 Юм – 10 миллиардов световых лет – Примерное расстояние до квазара OQ172.
- 94,6 м – 10 миллиардов световых лет – Длина Великой стены Геркулеса – Северной Короны , одной из крупнейших и самых массивных известных космических структур.
100 йоттаметров
[ редактировать ]Чтобы облегчить сравнение различных порядков величин , в этом разделе перечислены расстояния , начиная со 100 м (10 26 м или 11 миллиардов световых лет ). В этом масштабе расширение Вселенной становится значительным. Расстояние до этих объектов определяется на основе их измеренного красного смещения , которое зависит от используемых космологических моделей.
- 124 Юм – красное смещение 7,54 – 13,1 миллиарда световых лет – Расстояние светового путешествия (LTD) до квазара ULAS J1342+0928 , самого далекого известного квазара по состоянию на 2017 год.
- 130 Юм – красное смещение 1000 – 13,8 миллиардов световых лет – Расстояние (LTD) до источника космического микроволнового фонового излучения ; радиус наблюдаемой Вселенной, измеренный как LTD
- 260 Юм – 27,4 миллиарда световых лет – Диаметр наблюдаемой Вселенной (двойной LTD)
- 440 Юм – 46 миллиардов световых лет – Радиус Вселенной измеряется как сопутствующее расстояние.
- 590 Юм – 62 миллиарда световых лет – Космологический горизонт событий : наибольшее сопутствующее расстояние, с которого свет когда-либо достигнет нас (наблюдателя) в любой момент в будущем.
- 886,48 Юм – 93,7 миллиардов световых лет – Диаметр наблюдаемой Вселенной (в два раза больше горизонта частиц ); однако могут существовать ненаблюдаемые расстояния, которые еще больше.
1 роннаметр
[ редактировать ]The роннаметр ( SI : символ Rm ) — единица длины равная в метрической системе, 10 27 метры . [56]
Чтобы облегчить сравнение различных порядков величин , в этом разделе перечислены расстояния, начиная с 1 Rm (10 27 м или 110 миллиардов световых лет ). В этом масштабе расширение Вселенной становится значительным. Расстояние до этих объектов определяется на основе их измеренного красного смещения , которое зависит от используемых космологических моделей.
- >1 Rm - >105,7 миллиардов световых лет – Размер Вселенной за пределами космического светового горизонта , в зависимости от ее кривизны; если кривизна равна нулю (т.е. Вселенная пространственно плоская), значение может быть бесконечным (см. Форма Вселенной ), как упоминалось ранее.
- ≈10 10 10 120 Световые годы – возможный размер Вселенной после космологической инфляции.
См. также
[ редактировать ]Примечания
[ редактировать ]- ^ Диаметр . человеческого волоса колеблется от 17 до 181 мкм Лей, Брайан (1999). Элерт, Гленн (ред.). «Диаметр человеческого волоса» . Справочник по физике . Проверено 8 декабря 2018 г.
- ^ Jump up to: а б Точная категория (астероид, карликовая планета или планета), к которой принадлежат конкретные объекты Солнечной системы, подвергалась некоторому пересмотру после открытия внесолнечных планет и транснептуновых объектов.
- ^ 10 115 это 1, за которой следуют 115 нулей, или гугол, умноженный на квадриллион. 10 10 115 равен 1, за которым следует квадриллион гуголовых нулей. 10 10 10 122 это 1, за которым следует 10 10 122 ( гуголплекс 10 секстиллионов ) нули.
- ^ Но не облака или капли тумана на высоте; Размер капель увеличивается с высотой. Противоречивое исследование, указывающее на больший размер капель даже в приземном тумане, см. Элдридж, Ральф Г. (октябрь 1961 г.). «Несколько распределений тумана по размерам» . Журнал метеорологии . 18 (5): 671–6. Бибкод : 1961JAtS...18..671E . doi : 10.1175/1520-0469(1961)018<0671:AFFDSD>2.0.CO;2 .
[ редактировать ]- ^ Jump up to: а б с д и Берджесс, Клифф; Кеведо, Фернандо (ноябрь 2007 г.). «Великая космическая поездка на американских горках» . Научный американец . 297 (5): 55. Бибкод : 2007SciAm.297e..52B . doi : 10.1038/scientificamerican1107-52 (неактивен 13 марта 2024 г.). ПМИД 17990824 . Проверено 1 мая 2017 г.
{{cite journal}}
: CS1 maint: DOI неактивен по состоянию на март 2024 г. ( ссылка ) - ^ Нейв, Карл Р. «Эксперимент Коуэна и Райнса с нейтрино» . Гиперфизика . Проверено 4 декабря 2008 г. (6,3 × 10 −44 см 2 , что дает эффективный радиус около 1,42 × 10 −22 м)
- ^ Эбботт, BP; и др. (2016). «Наблюдение гравитационных волн в результате слияния двойных черных дыр». Письма о физических отзывах . 116 (6): 061102.arXiv : 1602.03837 . Бибкод : 2016PhRvL.116f1102A . doi : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.061102 . ПМИД 26918975 . S2CID 124959784 .
14 сентября 2015 года в 09:50:45 UTC два детектора Лазерной интерферометрической гравитационно-волновой обсерватории одновременно зарегистрировали транзиентный гравитационно-волновой сигнал. Сигнал поднимается по частоте от 35 до 250 Гц с пиковой гравитационно-волновой деформацией 1,0×10. −21 .
- ^ Пол, Р.; и др. (июль 2010 г.). «Размер протона» . Природа . 466 (7303): 213–6. Бибкод : 2010Natur.466..213P . дои : 10.1038/nature09250 . ПМИД 20613837 . S2CID 4424731 .
- ^ Jump up to: а б с д Штрасслер, Мэтт (30 мая 2013 г.). «Сила известных сил» . profmattstrassler.com .
- ^ Jump up to: а б с д Колена. «Четыре силы: сильное взаимодействие» . Сайт кафедры астрофизики. Университет Дьюка.
- ^ «Значение CODATA: классический радиус электрона» . Справочник NIST по константам, единицам измерения и неопределенности . НИСТ .
- ^ Х.Э. Смит. «Масштаб Вселенной» . УКСД . Проверено 10 февраля 2009 г.
~10 −13 см
- ^ Зима, Марк (2008). «Периодическая таблица элементов / серы / радиусов WebElements» . Проверено 6 декабря 2008 г.
- ^ Флао Э., Бакса Р., Пейни А., Лоран С. (июнь 2003 г.). «CCVD-синтез двустенных углеродных нанотрубок в граммовом масштабе» (PDF) . Химические коммуникации . 12 (12): 1442–3. дои : 10.1039/b301514a . ПМИД 12841282 . S2CID 30627446 .
- ^ «Самый маленький транзистор в мире имеет длину 1 нм, будь проклята физика» . 6 октября 2016 г.
- ^ Стюарт, Роберт. «Доктор» . Радиобиологическое программное обеспечение . Архивировано из оригинала 30 июня 2010 года . Проверено 20 мая 2015 г.
- ^ Ланжевен, Доминик (2008). «Глава 10: Комплексы ДНК-поверхностно-активное вещество/липид на границе раздела жидкостей». В Диасе, Рита С; Линдман, Бьорн (ред.). Взаимодействие ДНК с полимерами и поверхностно-активными веществами . Хобокен, Нью-Джерси: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., с. 265. дои : 10.1002/9780470286364.ch10 . ISBN 978-0-470-25818-7 .
ДНК имеет 20 элементарных зарядов на виток спирали соответствующей длины 3,4 нм.
- ^ Май-Прохнов, Анна (9 декабря 2016 г.). «Грамположительные и грамотрицательные бактерии различаются по чувствительности к холодной плазме» . Научные отчеты . 6 . Природа: 38610. Бибкод : 2016NatSR...638610M . дои : 10.1038/srep38610 . ПМК 5146927 . ПМИД 27934958 .
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- ^ «Основы жесткого диска – емкость, скорость вращения, интерфейсы и механика» . helpwithpcs.com . Проверено 13 июля 2016 г.
- ^ Кон, Дж. Калифорнийский университет, Беркли, Альфа-системы Лаймана и космология . Проверено 21 февраля 2009 г.
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- ^ Jump up to: а б с д Согласно The Physics Factbook , диаметр человеческого волоса колеблется от 17 до 181 мкм. Лей, Брайан (1999). «Толщина человеческого волоса» . Справочник по физике .
- ^ Jump up to: а б Лю З, Хуан А.Дж., Пфлюгфельдер СК (июль 1999 г.). «Оценка толщины и топографии роговицы в нормальных глазах с использованием системы топографии роговицы Orbscan» . Британский журнал офтальмологии . 83 (7): 774–8. дои : 10.1136/bjo.83.7.774 . ПМК 1723104 . ПМИД 10381661 .
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- ^ Jump up to: а б «Официальные правила» . МЛБ . Проверено 30 сентября 2011 г.
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- ^ Jump up to: а б «Роберт Уодлоу: Самый высокий человек на свете» . Книги рекордов Гиннесса .
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длина волны выше одного километра (и частота ниже 300 кГц)
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Нынешний рекорд в 1637 метров был установлен на Байкале в 1990-х годах.
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Глобулы Бока, такие как Барнард 68, имеют диаметр всего около половины светового года и весят около двух солнечных масс.
- ^ Сандстрем, Карин М; Пик, Дж. Э.; Бауэр, Джеффри К.; Болатто, Альберто Д.; Пламбек, Ричард Л. (1999). «Параллактическое расстояние 389 +24 ».
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- ^ расстояние × sin( диаметр_угол ), используя расстояние 5 кпк (15,8 ± 1,1 кл.) и угол 36,3 ', = 172 ± 12,5 св.
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- ^ Jump up to: а б ван Леувен, Ф. (2007). «Подтверждение нового сокращения Hipparcos». Астрономия и астрофизика . 474 (2): 653–664. arXiv : 0708.1752 . Бибкод : 2007A&A...474..653В . дои : 10.1051/0004-6361:20078357 . S2CID 18759600 . Запись в каталоге Визиря
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