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List of ancient Greek cities

This is an incomplete list of ancient Greek cities, including colonies outside Greece. Note that there were a great number of Greek cities in the ancient world. In this list, a city is defined as a single population center. These were often referred to as poleis in the ancient world, these were autonomous city-states, although the list is not limited to poleis but includes also settlements that were not sovereign city-states. Also excluded from the list are larger units, such as kingdoms or empires.

A city is defined as ancient Greek if at any time its population or the dominant stratum within it spoke Greek. Many were soon assimilated to some other language. By analogy some cities are included that never spoke Greek and were not Hellenic, but contributed to Hellenic culture later found in the region.


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
AbderaThrace (near Xanthi), GreeceAvdira
Abila13 km north-northeast of Irbid, JordanHarta or HarthaAbila Dekapoleos, Abila (Greek: Ἄβιλα), Seleucia (Greek: Σελεύκεια), Seleuceia, Seleukeia, Seleukheia, Ancient Raphana
AbydosNorth of Çanakkale, East Bank of HellespontNağara, pronounced NaraAbydus
Acharnaenear Acharnes and Ano Liosia, about 10 km north of AthensAcharnesMenidi
Actiummouth of the Ambracian GulfPunta, abandoned
AdramyttiumEdremit (Town), BalıkesirEdremit (Town)Adramyttion, Adramytteion, Atramyttion
AegaeCentral Macedonia, near modern Vergina, GreeceabandonedAigai
Aeginaisland in the Saronic Gulf, 27 km (17 mi) from AthensAegina
AegiumAchaea, GreeceAigio (Αίγιο)Egio, Egion
AeneaChalcidice, northern GreeceabandonedAinea
AenusTurkish ThraceEnezPoltyobria, Poltymbria
AgrinionAetolia-Acarnania, 3 km south-west of modern AgrinioabandonedAgrinium
Akragas (Akragasta)Sicily (Italio)AgrigentoAgrigentum, Kerkent, Girgenti
AkraiSicilyPalazzolo AcreideAcrae
AkrillaiHyblaean Mountains, south-eastern SicilyChiaramonte GulfiAcrillae, Gulfi
Akroinonwestern TurkeyAfyonkarahisarHapanuwa, Nicopolis, Kara Hissar, Afyon, Karahisar-i Sahip, Afium-Kara-hissar, Afyon Karahisar
Akrotiri (Ακρωτήρι)Thera/Santorini, GreeceAkrotiri
AlaliaCorsicaAlériaAleria, Alaliē (Ἀλαλίη)
Alexándreia (Ἀλεξάνδρεια)northern EgyptAlexandriaal-Iskandariyya, Rakotə, Eskendereyya (اسكندريه)
Alexandrettasouthern Turkeyİskenderunal-'İskandarūn (الإسكندرون)
Alexandria Arachosiasouthern AfghanistanQandahar
Alexandria Arianawestern AfghanistanHerat
Alexandria AsianaIran
Alexandria BucephalousPakistanJhelum, or more likely Phalia
Alexandria in the Caucasusnear modern Bagram, AfghanistanKapisa
Alexandria EschateFergana ValleyKhujandAlexandria the Furthest, Khüjand, Khodzhent, Khudchand, Chodjend, Ispisar, Leninabad, Leninobod
Alexandria on the Indusat the confluence of the Indus and Chenab rivers, Pakistan, 13 km from modern UchabandonedUch, Uch Sharif, Alexandria at the Head of the Punjab
Alexandria on the Oxusnear Kunduz, northern AfghanistanabandonedAi-Khanoum, Ay Khanum, possibly Eucratidia
Alexandria TroasTroad region of TurkeyAlexandria of the Troad, Sigia, Antigonia Troas,
Alindanear Karpuzlu, Turkeyabandonedpossibly Alexandria by the Latmos
AmarynthosEuboea, GreeceAmarynthosVathia (Médiéval name)
AmaseiaYeşilırmak River, northern TurkeyAmasyaAmáseia (Αμάσεια)
Amidabanks of the River Tigris, south-eastern TurkeyDiyarbakırDiyâr-ı Bekr, Amed, Āmîḏ (ܐܡܝܕ)
AmisosBlack Sea coast, TurkeySamsunAmisus, Eis Amison, Samsunta, Samsus, Samson, Samsounta
AmnisosCrete, GreecePhocis, Greece
AmphicaeaBoeotia, GreeceAmfikleiaAmphicleia
AmphigeneiaPeloponnese, southern Greeceabandoned
AmphipolisCentral Macedonia, GreeceAmfipoli
AmphissaPhocis, GreeceAmfissaSalona
Ankon (Ἀγκών)Adriatic coast of central ItalyAncona
AntigoneaChaonia, southern Albaniaabandoned
AntipatreaIllyria, southern AlbaniaBeratBeligrad
Antioch on the Maeandersouth western Turkey, near KuyucakabandonedAntiochia on the Maeander, Antiochia ad Mæandrum, Pythopolis
Antioch, Mygdoniasouth eastern TurkeyNusaybinSoba, Nisibis
Antioch on the Oronteseastern side of the Orontes River, near modern Antakya, TurkeyAntiochia ad Orontem, Great Antioch, Syrian Antioch
Antioch, Pisidia1 km northeast of Yalvaç, Isparta Province, TurkeyAntiochia in Pisidia, Pisidian Antioch (Greek: Ἀντιόχεια τῆς Πισιδίας), Antiochia Caesareia, Antiochia Caesaria, Antiochia in Phrygia
Antiochia ad Taurumnear Gaziantep, TurkeyabandonedAntiochia in the Taurus
AndrosCyclades, approximately 10 km (6.2 mi) south east of Euboea
Apameaon the Orontes River, about 55 km northwest of Hama, SyriaabandonedApameia (Απάμεια), Afamia (أفاميا or آفاميا)
Apameanear the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates, in IraqabandonedApameia (Απάμεια)
ApameaSittacene, Iraq, surrounded by the TigrisabandonedApameia (Απάμεια)
Apameanear Nahavand, IranabandonedApameia (Απάμεια)
Apamea Myrleaon the Sea of Marmara, south of Mudanya, TurkeyabandonedApamea Myrleon, Apameia Myrleanos, Brylleion, Myrlea (Μύρλεια), Murleia, Myrleia, Colonia Iulia Concordia, Apamena.
Apamealake formed by the Birecik Dam, Şanlıurfa Province, TurkeyabandonedApameia (Απάμεια)
ApameaPhrygia, TurkeyDinarApameia (Απάμεια), Kibotos (κιβωτός), hê Kibôtos, Cibotus
Apamea RagianaMedia, IranabandonedApamea Rhagiana, Apamea Raphiana, Apameia Rhagiane, Arsace, Khuvar, Choara
AphidnaeAttica, Greece, about 28 km north of AthensAfidnes (Αφιδνές, Αφίδναι)Afidnai
ApolloniaIllyria, southernAlbaniaabandoned
ApolloniaMygdonia, northern Greeceabandoned
ApolloniaPirgos Apollonias, northern Greece, opposite Thasosabandoned
ApolloniaChalcidice, northern Greeceabandoned
ApolloniaAetolia, north western Greeceabandoned
ApolloniaActe peninsular, northern Greeceabandoned
Apollonianorth coast of Crete, near Knossosabandoned
Apolloniasouth coast of Creteabandoned
ApolloniaSicilypossibly Pollina
ApolloniaCyrenaica, Libyaabandoned
ApolloniaMysia, western Turkeyabandoned
Apollonia ad RhyndacumMysia, western Turkeyabandoned
Apollonia PonticaBlack Sea coast of BulgariaSozopolAntheia, Apollonia, Apollonia Magna
ApsarosAutonomous Republic of Adjara, GeorgiaGonioApsyrtos (Ἄψυρτος)
ArgosPeloponnese, Greece
Arsuf15 km north of Tel al-Rabeea, PalestineabandonedArsur, Apollonia
Artaneson the Danube, north west BulgariaLomAlmus, Lom Palanka
ArtemitaBabylonia, in the district of Apolloniatis (modern Iraq)abandonedἈρτεμίτα
Argyroupolinorthern TurkeyGümüşhane
AsineArgolis, Greecedestroyed
AsineMessenia, Greece
AsineLaconia, southern GreeceSkoutari
AsineCyprusAsinou (Ασίνου)
Asklepiosnorthern TurkeyIskilipIskila, Aesculapius, Andrapa, Andrapolis, Blocium, Bloacium, Neoclaudiopolis, Neopolis, İmad, Iskelib, İskelib, Direklibel
AspendosAntalya, southern Turkeyabandoned
AssusÇanakkale, TurkeyBehramkaleAssos
Astacuswestern TurkeyİzmitNicomedea, Olbia
AthensAttica, southern GreeceAthenai, Athena (Αθήνα)
Athmonia11 km (7 mi) north of Athens, Greeceabandoned
AulonIllyria, southern AlbaniaVloreAulona, Vlona, Valona
Aytoseastern BulgariaAitosAetos, Ajtos, Astos, Idos, Akvilia


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
Barissouth western TurkeyIsparta
BorysthenesUkrainian Black Sea coastBerezan IslandBerezan'
BergeSerres, GreeceBergeBergi
BouraAchaea, Greece
Bouthroton (Βουθρωτόν)southern AlbaniaabandonedButrint, Bouthrotios (Βουθρώτιος), Buthrotum
BrauronAttica, GreeceabandonedVravrona, Vravronas
ByblosLebanonByblosByblos, Gubla, Gebal, Jbeil
ByzantiumBosphorus Strait, western TurkeyIstanbulConstantinople, Byzantion
Bithyniumwestern TurkeyBoluVithinion (Βιθύνιον), Bithynium, Claudiopolis


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
CallipolisCanakkale, HellespontGeliboluKallipolis, Gallipoli
CalydonAetolia, Greece
CaphyaeArkadia, GreeceChotoussa el:Χωτούσσα ΑρκαδίαςKaphyai
Carystusnear modern Karystos, Euboea, Greece
CassandreiaCentral Macedonia, GreeceKassandreia
CebreneTroad region of TurkeyKebrene, Kevrin, Alexandria (Greek: Αλεξάνδρεια), Antiochia in Troad (Greek: Αντιόχεια της Τρωάδας)
CelenderisAncient CiliciaAydıncıkKalenderis, Kelenderis
Chalcedonopposite Byzantium, south of Scutari (modern Üsküdar)KadıköyChalkedon, Calchedon (Καλχήδων)
ChalcisEuboea, GreeceChalkida, Halkida, Halkis, Chalkis
ChamaiziCrete, Greece[Chamaizi is later Turkish name; ancient name unknown][Hill is known locally as Souvloto Mouri, ancient Minoan site but possibly not a city]
Chersonesosnear Sevastopol, CrimeaKorsun, Khersones, Chersonese, Chersonesos, Cherson
ChimairaChaonia, southern AlbaniaHimara, HimareCheimara, Cheimaera, Chimaera
Chiosin the island with the same name, Greece
ChytriCyprusKythreaChytroi (Χύτροι)
Clazomenaenear İzmir, in TurkeyKilizmanClazomenae (Κλαζομεναί)
CleonaeArgolis, GreeceArchaies KleonesKontostavlos
Cnidussituated on Datça peninsula, southwestern TurkeyTekirKnidos (Κνίδος)
ColossePhrygia, Asia Minor (modern Turkey)abandonedΚολλοσσαί, Colossae, Chonae, Kona
CorcyraCorfu island, GreeceCorfuΚέρκυρα, Κόρκυρα, Corcyra, Corfu, Corfù, Kérkyra
Corcyra MelaenaKorčula island, Dalmatia (part of modern Croatia)KorčulaΚόρκυρα Μέλαινα, Kórkyra Mélaina, Corcyra Nigra
CorcyraKirkuk Gοvernorate, Mesopotamia (modern Iraq)KirkukKórkura, Kirkoúk
CrotonCalabria, southern ItalyCrotoneCrotona, Cotrone
CymeAeolis, TurkeyNamurtKymi, Phriconis
Cyrenenear Shahhat, Cyrenaica, Libyaabandoned
CytheraIonian Islands, Greece


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
Decelea (Δεκέλεια)Attica, GreeceDekeleia, Dekelia, Deceleia, Decelia, Tatoi
DelosCyclades, GreeceDhilos (Δήλος)
DelphiMount Parnassus, Greece
DemetriasMagnesia, northern GreeceabandonedDimitrias
DicaeaChalcidice, northern Greeceabandoned
DicaearchiaCampania, ItalyPozzuoliPezzulo, Puteoli, Pozzuoli
Didymawestern TurkeyDidim
DionMount Olympus, Pieria, northern GreeceDio (Δίο)Dium
DioscuriasBlack Sea coast of Abkhazia, GeorgiaSukhumi
DodonaEpirus, GreeceabandonedDòdònè (Δωδώνη)
Dorylaionnear Eskişehir, TurkeyabandonedDorylaeum
DymeAchaea, Greeceabandoned


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
EdessaPella, northern GreeceVoden, Vodine, Vodina, Vudena, Vodena
EdessaMesopotamia, southern TurkeyŞanlıurfaOrrha, Orrhoa, Orhāy, Ourhoï, Urha, Ourha, Er Roha, Ar-Ruha, Orfa, Urfa, Ourfa, Sanli Urfa
ElateiaPhocis, Greece
EleusisAttica, Greece
Eleutherna25 km southeast of Rethymno, CreteApollonia (Ἀπολλωνία)
EmporionCatalonia, SpainEmpúriesPalaiapolis, Neapolis
EphesusIonia, western TurkeyEfes
EphyraThesprotia, GreeceKichyros - Κίχυρος
Epidamnoscoastal AlbaniaDurresEpidamnos (Επίδαμνος), Dyrhacchion (Δυρράχιον), Dyrrachium, Drach, Drač (Драч), Dıraç. Durazzo
EpidaurosArgolis, GreeceEpidavros
EresosLesbos, GreeceSkala Eresou
EretriaEuboea, GreeceEretriaNea Psara (1823-1960)
ErythraeIonia, western TurkeyIldiriErythrai (Ἐρυθραί), Litri
EubeaSicilyLicodia Eubea


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
GangraÇankırı, TurkeyÇankırıGermanicopolis (Γερμανικόπολις), Germanopolis (Γερμανόπολις), Changra, Kandari, Kanghari
GazaGaza Strip, PalestineGaza
Gelasouthern Sicily, ItalyGelaTerranova di Sicilia
Golgi [el]CyprusAthienouGolgoi (Γόλγοι)
GonnosLarissa regional unit, GreeceGonnoiGonni (Γόννοι), Gonnus
GorgippiaBlack Sea coast of Krasnodar Krai, RussiaAnapa (Ана́па)Sinda
GourniaCrete, Greece
GortynCretedestroyedGortyna (Γόρτυνα, Γόρτυς, or Γόρτυν)
GythiumLaconia, GreeceGytheioGýtheion (Γύθειον), Gythio, Githio, Yithion


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
Hagios OnouphriosCrete, Greece
Hagia TriadaCrete, GreeceAyias Triadha
HalicarnassusCaria, TurkeyBodrumHalikarnassós, Alikarnassós (Ἁλικαρνασσός), Halikarnas, Petronium (Πετρώνιον)
HalieisPorto Heli, Argolisabandoned
HelikeAchaea, Greecesubmerged
HeliopolisLebanonBaalbekHeliopolis, Baalbek, Ἡλιούπολις
Helorussouth-east coast of SicilyabandonedHeloros, Helorum, Elorus, Ἔλωρος, Ἕλωρος, Eloro
HēmeroskopeionProvince of Alicante, SpainDéniaἩμεροσκοπεῖον, Dianium
Heraclea Perinthuswestern TurkeyMarmara EreğliHeraclea Thraciae, Heraclea (Ἡράκλεια), Heraclea
HeracleaLucania, ItalyabandonedAnglona
HeracleaDalmatian Coast, HvarHvarHeraclea, Heracleia, Heraclia
Heraclea by Latmusnear Lake Bafa, Muğla Province, TurkeyKapıkırıLatmus, Λάτμος
Heraclea Cybistranear Ereğli, Turkeyabandoned
Heraclea LyncestisPelagonia, near modern Bitola,North MacedoniaabandonedHerakleia Lynkestis
Heraclea Minoanear Montallegro, south coast of SicilyabandonedHêrakleia Minôia, Rhachlôtês, Heracliensis
Heraclea PonticaBithynia, TurkeyKaradeniz Ereğli
Heraclea SinticaRupite, Bulgariaabandoned
Heraclea TrachisCentral Greece, GreeceHeracleaTrachis, Heraclea Trachinia
HermionePeloponnese, GreeceErmioni (Ερμιόνη)
HermonassaTaman peninsula, Krasnodar Krai, RussiaTmutarakan (Тмутаракань)
HierapetraSouthern Crete, Greece
HierapolisPamukkale, western TurkeyabandonedHierapolis (Ἱεράπολις)
Himeranorthern coast of Sicilyabandoned, site subsequently re-settledThermae, Therma, Thermae Himerenses
HistriaBlack Sea coast of RomaniaabandonedIstros (Ιστριη)
Hubla MinorSicily, Italyabandoned
Hubla Gereatissouthern slope of Mount Etna, Sicilyabandoned
Hubla HeraeaHyblaean Mountains, south-eastern SicilyRagusaHibla, Heresium, Rogos, Rakkusa
HyeleCampania, ItalyVeliaElea


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
IasusCaria, south-west TurkeyabandonedIassus (Iασoς, Iασσoς), Askem, Asýn Kalessi
IdaliumCyprusDaliIdalion (Ιδάλιον)
ImbrosGreek island in northern Aegean SeaGökçeadaİmroz, Imvros (Ίμβρος)
IolcusThessaly, eastern GreeceIolkos (Ιωλκός)
IssaVis, CroatiaVisVis, Lissa, Issa (Ἴσσα)
ItanosNorth-eastern CreteErimopolis
Ithacaisland in the Ionian SeaIthaka, Ithaki, (Ιθάκη)


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
JuktasCrete, Greece


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
KaieteCampania, ItalyGaetaCaiete, Caieta, Kaieta
KallipolisCaria, south-western Turkey
KallipolisHellespont, north-western TurkeyGeliboluGallipoli
KallipolisApulia, southern ItalyGallipoliCallipolis
KamaresCrete, Greece
KameirosRhodes, Greece
KanniaCrete, Greece
Kamarinasouth-eastern coast of SicilyabandonedCamarina, Kamerina
KasmenaiHyblaean Mountains, south-eastern Sicilyabandoned (Buscemi)Casmenae, Casmene, Kasmenai, Kasmene, Κασμέναι (Kasménai), Κασμένη (Kasménē)
Kataneeast coast of SicilyCataniaKatánē (Κατάνη), Catăna, Catĭna, Balad-al-Fil, Medinat-al-Fil, Wadi Musa, Qataniyah
KerkinitidaCrimea, UkraineYevpatoriaEupatoria (Євпаторія, Евпатория), Kezlev, Kerkinitis, Gözleve
KepoiTaman Peninsula, Krasnodar Krai, Russiaabandoned, submergedCepoi (Κήποι, Кепы)
KimmerikonKerch Peninsula, CrimeaabandonedCimmericum Crimea
KiosSea of Marmara, Bithynia, north-western TurkeyabandonedCius-Kios (Kίος, Kείος), Keios, Prusa, Prusias, Prusias ad Mare
KlazomenaiIonia, Western TurkeyUrlaClazomenae
KnossosCreteabandonedKnossus, Cnossus (Κνωσός)
KommosCrete, GreeceKommos is the modern name; ancient name unknownKomos, Komo
KorinthosKorinthia, GreeceArchea Korinthos
Kosisland of the Dodecanese, off BodrumCos (Κως), İstanköy, Coo, Stanchio
KourionCyprusCurium, Curias (Κούριον)
KúmēCampania, Italyabandoned
KydoniaCrete, GreeceChaniaCydonia
KynosBoeotia, GreeceLivanatesCynus, Kunos


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
Lamiacentral GreeceZetounion (Ζητούνιον), Zitouni (Ζητούνι), Zirtounion, Zitonion, Girton, El Cito
LampsacusTroad, TurkeyLapsekiLampsakos (Λάμψακος), Pityusa, Pityussa, Pituousa (Πιτυουσα), Pituoussa (Πιτυουσσα)
Laodicea in SyriaSyrian coastLatakiaLaodicea ad Mare, Latakiyah, Al-Ladhiqiyah, Laodikeia, Laodiceia, Lazkiye, Laodicea ad Mare
Laodicea on the LycusLydia, TurkeydestroyedDiospolis, Rhoas, Claudiolaodicea, Laodicea ad Lycum, Laodiceia, Laodikeia
Laodicea in Mediawestern IranNahavandLaodicea in Persis, Antiochia Nahavand, Nahāvand (نهاوند), Nahavend, Nahawand, Nehavand, Nihavand, Nehavend, Mah-Nahavand, Laodicea (Λαοδικεια), Ladhiqiyya, Laodiceia, Laodikeia, Laodicea in Media, Antiochia in Persis, Antiochia of Chosroes (Αντιόχεια του Χοσρόη), Antiochia in Media (Αντιόχεια της Μηδίας), Nemavand, Niphaunda
Laodicea CombustaLycaonia, TurkeyabandonedLaodicea Catacecaumene, Laodiceia, Laodikeia, Laodikeia Katakekaumenê, Claudiolaodicea
Laodicea ad LibanumCoele-SyriaabandonedLaodiceia, Laodikeia, Cabrosa, Scabrosa, Cabiosa Laodiceia
LaodiceaArcadia, GreeceLaodiceia, Laodikeia
Laodicea PonticaPontus, north-eastern TurkeyLaodiceia and Laodikeia
LaodiceaMesopotamia, IraqlostLaodikeia, Laodiceia
Laodicea in PhoeniciaLebanonBeirutLaodicea in Canaan, Berytus
LarissaThessaly, GreeceYenişehr-i Fenar, Lárisa
LarissaTroad, Turkeyabandoned
LatoCrete, Greece
LaüsLucania, southern ItalyabandonedLaus, Laos (Λᾶος)
LebenaCrete, Greece
Lefkadaisland in the Ionian Sea
LekhaionCorinthia, Greece
LeibethraCentral Macedonia, near modern Skotina, Greece
Leontinoisoutheastern SicilyLentiniLintini, Leontinoi, Leontini and Leontium
LepreumElis, GreeceabandonedLepreon, Lepreus
LessaEpidauria, Greeceabandoned
LilaeaBoeotia, GreeceLilaea
LissusCrete, Greeceabandoned
LychnidosSouthwestern Region, North MacedoniaOhrid
Epizephyrian LocrisCalabria, southern ItalydestroyedLocri


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
MadytosEceabat (Town)abandonedMaitos, Madyta,
Magnesia on the MaeanderIonia, western Turkey, on the Maeander riverabandonedMagnesia ad Maeandrum
Magnesia ad SipylumLydia, western TurkeyManisaMagnesia on the Sipylum
MaliaCrete, Greece
MantineiaArcadia, GreeceabandonedMantinea, Antigonia (Αντιγόνεια)
MarathonAttica, GreeceMarathónas (Μαραθώνας), Marathōn (Μαραθών)
MarmaraBalıkesir, Western TurkeyMarmara
MaroneiaMaroneia, Eastern ThraceMaroneiaMaronya
MasisEpidauria, GreeceKranidi
Massaliasouthern FranceMarseilleMassilia
MegalopolisArcadia, GreeceSinanou (Σινάνο)
MegaraAttica, Greece
Megara Hublaeanear Augusta, eastern Sicilydestroyed
MesembriaBlack Sea coast of BulgariaNesebarMenebria, Mesimvria (Μεσήμβρια), Mesimvria
Messenesouthern Greece
MetapontumLucania, southern ItalyabandonedMetapontium (Μεταπόντιον)
MethanaEpidauria, GreeceVathy
MethoneCentral Macedonia, Greeceabandoned
MethoneMessenia, southern GreeceMothoni (Μοθώνη), Modon
MethumnaLesbos, in the Aegean SeaMithymna (Μήθυμνα), Molyvos, Molivos
MiletosAydin, Turkey, BalatabandonedMilētos, Millawanda, Milawata, Miletus, Milet
MisenumCampania, ItalyMiseno
MochlosCrete, Greece
MonastirakiCrete, Greeceabandoned
Morgantinacentral SicilyabandonedMurgantia, Morgantium, Μοργάντιον, Μοργαντίνη, Murgentia, Morgentia
MulaiSicily, ItalyMilazzo
Mukenainorth-eastern Argolis, near MykinesabandonedMykēnē, Mykēnai
MylasaCaria, south-western TurkeyMilas
MyndusCaria, western TurkeyGümüşlükMyndos (Μύνδος)
MyoniaPhocis, GreeceAgia EfthymiaMyania, Mynia
MyraLycia, TurkeyDemreKale
MyrmekionCrimea, UkraineabandonedMyrmēkion (Μυρμηκιων, Мирмекий)
MutileneLesbos, in the Aegean Sea
MyosIonia, Anatoliaabandoned


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
NauplíosNafplio, ArgolisNafpionNafpio, Nauplia, Navplion, Naupliē, Nauplia, Náfplion, Anáplion, Anáplia, Napoli di Romania, Mora Yenişehir, Anabolı, Yeni şehir, Náfplion
NaucratisNile Delta, EgyptNaukratis (Ναύκρατις)
NaupactusAetolia-Acarnania, GreeceNafpaktos (Ναύπακτος, Έπαχτος), Naupactos, İnebahtı, Lepanto
NaxosSicilyGiardini NaxosGiaddini
Neapolinorthern GreeceKavalaChristoupolis, Morunets
NeapolisPallene, Chalcidice, GreecePolychronoPolyhrono, Polichrono, Polihrono (Πολύχρονο), Polyhronon, Polihronon
NeapolisSardinia, ItalyabandonedNabui
NeapolisApulia, ItalyPolignano a Mare
NeapolisCampania, ItalyNaplesNapoli, Napule
NemeaArchaia Nemea, Argolisabandoned
NicaeaBithynia, north-western TurkeyIznikAncore, Helicore, Antigoneia (Αντιγόνεια), Nikaia, Nicæa
Nicaeasouthern FranceNiceNiça, Nissa, Nizza, Nizza Marittima
NicopolisEpirus, GreeceabandonedActia Nicopolis, Palaia Preveza
Nirou HaniCrete, GreeceMinoan city
NymphaionCrimea, UkraineNymphaeum
NymphaionIllyria, AlbaniaNymphaeum
Nysawestern Turkeyabandoned


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
Oenoe (Οινόη)northern TurkeyÜnyeOene
OenoeArgolis, GreeceOene
OenoeAttica, GreeceOene
OenusLaconia, Greece
Odessoscoastal UkraineOdesaKhadjibey, Khadjibei, Khacdjibei, Hacıbey, Hocabey, Gadzhibei, Chadžibėjus, Hacıbey
Odessoscoastal BulgariaVarna
OlbiaSardiniaCivita, Terranova Pausania
OlbiaUkrainian Black Sea coastabandonedPontic Olbia, Olvia
Olousnear Elounda, CretedrownedOlus (Ὄλους, Ὄλουλις)
OlympiaElis, GreeceabandonedOlympí'a (Ολυμπία), Olýmpia (Ολύμπια), Olimpia, Olimbia
OlynthusChalcidice, northern Greecedestroyed
OpusBoeotia, GreeceAtalantiOpous
OrchomenusArcadia, GreeceOrchomenos near LevidiKalpaki (Médiéval name)
OrchomenusBoeotia, Greece
OricosIllyria/Epirus, near Vlorë, Albaniaabandoned
OrestiasTurkish Thraceabandoned
Oreusnorthern Euboea
OropusAttica, GreeceOropos (Ωρωπός)
OnchesmosEpirus, southern AlbaniaSarandëAnchiasmos, Άγιοι Σαράντα, Agioi Saranda, Turkish: Aya Sarandi


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
PactyeThracian Chersonesos, Turkeyabandoned
PagasaeMagnesia, central GreecePlatanos, central Greece
PalaikastroCrete, GreeceMinoan city
PandosiaEpirus, Greeceabandoned
PandosiaBruttium, Italycastelliberocastrofranco
PandosiaLucania, Italyabandoned
PanticapaeumTaurica, eastern Crimea, UkraineKerchΠαντικάπαιον
PariumMysia, HellespontKemer (Town)Parion, Adrasteia, Adrastea
ParosGreek island in Aegean SeaParosPlateia, Pactia, Demetrias, Strongyli, Hyria, Hyleessa, Minoa, Cabarnis
ParthenopePort of Neapolis, CampaniaNaples
PatraeAchaea, GreecePatraiPátra (Πάτρα) Patrae
PavlopetriLaconia, Greecesubmerged
PegaiMegaris, Greeceabandoned
PeiraieúsAttica, GreecePiraeusPeiraiás, Peiraieús (Πειραιεύς)
PellaCentral Macedonia, Greeceabandoned
PercoteAsian Hellespont, Northeast of TroyabandonedPercope
Perga15 km east of Antalya, Turkeyabandoned
PergamumMysia, TurkeyBergamaPergamon (Πέργαμος)
PetsofasCrete, GreeceMinoan city
PhaistosCrete, Greece
PhálēronAttica, GreecePalaio FaliroPhaleron, Phalerum
PhanagoriaCimmerian Bosporus, UkraineabandonedMatrega
Pharnacianorthern TurkeyGiresun
PharosCroatian islandHvarHvor, For, Pharina, Lesina
PhaselisLycia, Turkeyabandoned
PhasisSamegrelo-Zemo Svaneti, GeorgiaPoti
PhilippiEastern Macedonia and Thrace, near Kavala, GreeceFilippoi
Pithekussaisland in Tyrrhenian Sea, ItalyIschia
Philippopolissouthern BulgariaPlovdivPulpudeva(reconstructed Thracian,uncertain), Eumolpias, Philippoupoli, Philippoupolis (Φιλιππούπολη, Φιλιππούπολις), Trimontium, Paldin (Пълдин). Plavdiv (Плъвдив), Filibe
PlatanosCrete, GreeceMinoan city
PhliusArgolid, Greeceabandoned
PheraeThessaly, Greeceabandoned
Phocaeawestern TurkeyFoçaPhokaia (Φώκαια)
PhoeniceChaonia, southern AlbaniaFiniq
PinaraLycia, TurkeyabandonedPilleñni (τὰ Πίναρα)
PisaElis, Greece
PitaneÇandarlı, Turkeyabandoned
PitiuntAbkhazia, Black Sea coastPitsundaBichvinta, Pezonda
PixousCampania, ItalyPolicastro BussentinoPixunte
PlataeaBoeotia, GreecedestroyedPlataeae
PoseidoniaCampania, ItalyPaestumPaestum
PotidaeaChalcidice, GreeceNea PoteidaiaPotidaia (Ποτίδαια), Potidea
PriapusCanakkale, western TurkeyKarabiga
PrieneIonia, western Turkeyabandoned
Prousanorth-western TurkeyBursaPrussa (Προύσα), Brusa
PseiraCrete, GreeceMinoan city
PsychroCrete, GreeceMinoan city
PteleumThessaly, Greecedestroyed
PydnaCentral Macedonia, GreecePydnaPúdna (Πύδνα)
Pyloswestern Peloponnese, GreecePílos (Πύλος), Navarino, Avarino (Αβαρίνος), Zonklon, Anavarin, Neokastron, Avarmus, Abarinus, Albarinos, Albaxinus, Avarinos, Coryphasium, Iverin, Nelea, Port de Jonc, Porto Giunco, Zunchio.
PyrgosBlack Sea coast of BulgariaBurgas
PyrgosNorthern Crete, GreeceMinoan city


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
Rhamnusnorthern Attica, GreeceabandonedRhamnous
Rhegion (Ρήγιoν)"toe of Italy", Calabria, southern ItalyReggio CalabriaErythrà (Ερυθρά), Rhegium Julium
RhithymnaNorthern Crete, GreeceRethymon
RhodeCatalonia, SpainRoses, Girona
RhodesRhodes, GreeceRódos (Ρόδος),
Rhypes, (Ῥύπες)Achaia, Greecedestroyed
RiziniaCreteabandonedPrinias, Rize, Rhizenia


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
Same (Σάμη)island in the Ionian Sea, Greece
Samosin the island with the same name, Greece
ScyllaeumCalabria, ItalyScilla
Scolacium (Σκυλλήτιον)near Catanzaro, Calabria, ItalySquillace
Selinussouth-west coast of Sicily, Italyabandoned-Marinella di SelinunteSelinunte
Seleucia Pieria (Σελεύκεια Πιερία)south-eastern TurkeyÇevlik[1]Seleukia Pieria, Seleukia
SemasusPaphlagonia, northern TurkeyAmasraCromna, Amastris
SestosEceabat, Turkey, North of AbydosSestus
Scidrus (Σκίδρος)Lucania, Italylocation uncertain
Sicyon (Σικυών)northern Peloponnese, Greeceabandoned
SidePamphylia, TurkeyabandonedEski Adalia, Old Antalya
SidonLebanonSidonΣιδών, Sidon, Saïda
SiteiaCrete, Greece
Sinope (Σινώπη)Paphlagonia, northern TurkeySinop
SirisCentral Macedonia, GreeceSerresSerrai (Katharevousa), Serras (local dialect, archaic form), Sirra (Roman era and Theopompus), Serez or Siroz (in Turkish), Ser (in Serbian and Bulgarian), Syar (in Bulgarian)
SklavokamposCrete, Greece
Smyrnanear İzmir, western TurkeyabandonedOld Smyrna
SozopolisPisidia, TurkeyabandonedApollonia
Spartasouthern part of the Peloponnese, GreeceSpartiLakedaimon (Λακεδαίμων), Lakedaimonia (Λακεδαιμωνία), Σπάρτα, Σπάρτη, Spartē.
StagirusChalcidice, GreeceabandonedStageira (Στάγειρα), Stagira (Στάγιρα), Stagiros (Στάγιρος), Stageiros (Στάγειρος)
StratosWestern GreeceStratos
StymphalosCorinthia, GreeceStymfalia
Sybarisnear Sibari, Gulf of Taranto, Italydestroyed
Syrakousaieast-coast of Sicily, ItalySyracuseSiracusai, Aretusa.


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
Taras (Τάρᾱς)southern ItalyTarantoTarentum, Tarantas (Τάραντας)
TanagraBoeotia, GreecePoimandria
Tanaisnorth-eastern Sea of Azov, RussiaTánaïs (Τάναϊς)
Tauromenion (Ταυρομένιον)east coast of SicilyTaorminaTaurmina, Tauromenium
TegeaArcadia, GreeceAlea
TemnosAeolis, Turkeyabandoned
TenedosTurkish island in northern Aegean SeaBozcaadaBozca ada, Tenedhos (Τένεδος)
TeneaCorinthia, PeloponneseMunicipal unit of Tenea
Teos (Τέως)Ionia, western TurkeyabandonedTeo
Termessos (Τερμησσός)Ionia, western TurkeyabandonedTermissós
ThapsosSicily, Italyabandoned
Thassos (Θάσος)Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, GreeceThassosLimenas, Λιμένας
ThebesBoeotia, GreeceThēbai (Θῆβαι), Thiva (Θήβα)
Theodosia (Θεοδοσία)Crimea, UkraineFeodosiya (Феодосія, Феодосия)Kefe, Feodosia
ThermaMygdonia, Central Macedonia, GreeceThessalonikiTherme (Θέρμα, Θέρμη)
ThespiaeBoeotia, GreeceabandonedThespiai (Θεσπιαι)
ThroniumIllyria/Epirus, near Vlorë, AlbaniaabandonedThronium
Thoricussouthern Attica, GreeceabandonedThorico
Thurii (Θούριοι)Magna Graecia, southern ItalyabandonedThurium (Θούριον), Copia, Copiae, Turios, Thurio Magna Graecia
ThyriaSouth of İzmir, TurkeyTire
TirunsArgolis, Peloponneseabandoned
TithoraeaBoeotia, GreeceKato Tithorea
TomisBlack Sea coast of RomaniaConstanţaKonstantia, Köstence
ToróneChalcidice, GreeceToroni
TragurionDalmatian coast, CroatiaTrogirTraù, Tragurium, Trau
TrapezeCrete, Greece
Trapezus, ArcadiaBlack Sea coast of north-eastern TurkeyTrabzonTrapezounta (Τραπεζούντα)
Tripolis (Τρίπολις)LebanonTripoli
Tripolis (Τρίπολις)LibyaTripoli
Tripolis (Τρίπολις)Pontus, north-eastern TurkeyTireboluIschopolis
Tripolis (Τρίπολις)Thessaly, GreeceTripolis Larisaia
Tripolis (Τρίπολις)PhrygiaabandonedNeapolis, Apollonia, Antoninopolis
Troizen (Τροιζήν)northeastern Peloponnese, GreeceabandonedTroizina, Trizina
TrolitonSicily, Italyabandoned
TroyDardanelles, north-eastern TurkeyTruvaTroia (Τροία), Ilion (Ἴλιον), Īlium, Wilusa, Truwisa, Hisarlık
TylissosCrete, Greece
TyrasUkrainian Black Sea coastBilhorod-Dnistrovskyi[2]Cetatea Albă
TyrosLebanonTyreΤύρος, Tyre, Sur
Tyritake (Τυριτάκη)Crimea, Cimmerian Bosporusabandoned


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
VasilikiMinoan city in Crete, Greece
VathypetrosMinoan city in Crete, Greece


Ancient nameLocationModern nameAlso known as
ZakrosCrete, GreeceMinoan cityZakro
ZankleStrait of Messina, Sicily, ItalyMessinaMessene, Messana

See also



  1. ^ Seleucia in Pieria, Ancient Warfare Magazine
  2. ^ Kaba, John (1919). Politico-economic Review of Basarabia. United States: American Relief Administration. p. 15.
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