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Сваминараян Сампрадайя

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Сваминараян Сампрадайя
Сваминараян , основатель Swaminarayan Sampradaya
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5,000,000 [ 1 ]
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Сваминараян Сампрадаайя , известный как индуизм Сваминараяна и Сваминараян , является индуистской вайшнавой сампрадайей, в Рамануджи Вишиштадваита укоренной , [ Примечание 1 ] [ Примечание 2 ] характеризуется поклонением его харизматическому [ 3 ] Основатель Сахаджананд Свами, более известный как Сваминараян 1781–1830), как аватар Кришны ( [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] или как высшее проявление Пурушоттама, Верховного Бога. [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] Согласно знаниям традиции, и религиозная группа, и Сахаджананд Свами стали известны как Сваминараян после Сваминараянской мантры, которая представляет собой соединение двух санскритских слов, Свами («Мастер, Господь» [ Веб 1 ] [ Web 2 ] ) и Нараян (Верховный Бог, Вишну). [ 10 ] [ Примечание 3 ]

В течение своей жизни Сваминараян институционализировал свою харизму и убеждения по -разному. [ 3 ] Он построил шесть Мандиров, чтобы облегчить религиозное поклонение Бога последователям, [ 11 ] [ 12 ] [ 13 ] и поощрял создание библейской традиции . [ 14 ] [ 15 ] [ 3 ] В 1826 году в юридическом документе под названием « Лех » Сваминараян создал два епархии: Лаксми Нараян Дев Гади (Вадталь Гади) и Нараян Дев Гади (Ахмедабад Гади) , с наследственным руководством Ачарья и их жен, жены, жен, жен [web 3] who were authorized to install statues of deities in temples and to initiate ascetics.[3]

In Swaminarayan's soteriology the ultimate goal of life is to become Brahmarūpa,[16] attaining the form (rūpa) of Aksharbrahman, in which the jiva is liberated from maya and saṃsāra (the cycle of births and deaths), and enjoys eternal bliss, offering sādhya bhakti, continuous and pure devotion to God.[16][17]

While rooted in Ramanuja's Vishishtadvaita,[note 1] for which he stated his affinity,[note 4] and incorporating devotional elements of Vallabha's Pushtimarg,[18][19][note 5] Sahajanand Swaminarayan gave his own specific interpretations of the classical Hindu texts.[note 1] As in Vishishtadvaita, God and jiva are forever distinct, but a distinction is also made between Parabrahman (Purushottama, Narayana) and Aksharbrahman as two distinct eternal realities.[20][web 4] This distinction is emphasized by BAPS-swamis as a defining characteristic,[20][21][22] and referred to as Akshar-Purushottam Darshan to distinguish the Swaminarayan Darshana, Swaminarayan's views or teachings, from other Vedanta-traditions.[web 5][20][22]

In the 20th century, due to "different interpretations of authentic successorship,"[23] various denominations split-off from the dioceses.[24] All groups regard Swaminarayan as God, but differ in their theology and the religious leadership they accept.[10][21][25][26][10][27] The BAPS, split-off in 1907 from Vadtal Gadi, venerates "a lineage of akṣaragurus, or living gurus, [which] has been retroactively traced back to Gunatitanand Swami."[24]

Socially, Swaminarayan accepted caste-based discrimination within the religious community, but inspired followers to engage in humanitarian service activities, leading various denominations of the Swaminarayan Sampradaya to currently provide humanitarian service globally.

Early history


The Swaminarayan Sampradaya developed out of Ramanand Swami's Uddhav Sampraday,[28][29][web 6] a Gujarat-based Sri Vaishnavism teacher rooted in Ramanuja's Vishishtadvaita.[30] It takes its name from Ramanand's successor, Sahajanand Swami,[9][8] who was a charismatic leader[31] and gained fame as Swaminarayan.[9][8] The various branches of the Swaminarayan-tradition relate their origin to Sahajanand Swami,[24] but an exact "modern historical account" of his life cannot be reconstructed, given the hagiographic nature of the stories preserved among his followers.[24][32]

Sahajanand Swami

Sahajanand Swami was born on 3 April 1781 in the village of Chhapaiya in present-day Uttar Pradesh, India, and given the name Ghansyam.[9][33][34] After his parents' death, he renounced his home at the age of 11 and traveled for 7 years as a child yogi around India, taking the name Neelkanth, before settling in the hermitage of Ramanand Swami, a Vaishnava religious leader in present-day Gujarat.[9][35][36] Ramanand Swami initiated him as a Vaishnavite ascetic on 28 October 1800, giving him the name Sahajanand Swami.[24][28] According to the Swaminarayan-tradition, Ramanand appointed Sahajanand to be his successor and the leader of the sampradaya in 1801, shortly before his death.[37][36][38]

Ramanand Swami died on 17 December 1801,[39] and Sahajanand Swami became the new leader of the remains of the Uddhav Sampraday, despite "considerable opposition."[37][web 6] Several members left the group, or were expelled by Sahajanand Swami, and one group established a new group, together with one of the four temples of Ramanand.[28] While the Krishna-iconography in the original temples, as well as the Vachanamritam and the Shikshapatri, reflect a belief in Krishna as Purushottam,[24] as early as 1804, Sahajanand Swami himself was described as the manifestation of God,[28] and over his life, he would be worshipped as God by thousands of followers.[40][41] Nevertheless, according to Kim in the original sampradaya Sahajanand Swami is not "necessarily" regarded as Purushottam.[6][note 6]

In time, both the leader and the group became known by the name "Swaminarayan."[8] According to the "Swaminarayan origin narrative",[24] shortly after his succession, Sahajanand Swami directed devotees to chant a new mantra, "Swaminarayan" (Svāmīnārāyaṇa),[28][10] a compound of two Sanskrit words: Swami (Svāmī) and Narayan (Nārāyaṇa),[10] that is, Vishnu c.q. Purushottam.[10] According to the Swaminarayan-tradition, Narayana was also a second name given to Naharajand when he was initiated as an ascetic.[24][28][note 3]

Growth and opposition

Swaminarayan, acharyas, and ascetics

The sampradaya grew quickly over the 30 years under Swaminarayan's leadership, with British sources estimating at least 100,000 followers by the 1820s.[46][9][36] He was a charismatic personality,[3] and in the early period of the Swaminarayan movement, followers were often induced into a visionary trance state interpreted as samadhi, either by direct contact with Swaminarayan or by chanting the Swaminarayan mantra, in which they had visions of their "chosen deity" (istadevata).[47][48][49] Swaminarayan was criticized for receiving large gifts from his followers after renouncing the world and assuming leadership of the fellowship.[50] Swaminarayan responded that he accepts gifts because "it was appropriate for the person to give" and to satisfy the devotion of his followers but he does not seek it out of personal desire.[51]

In the first fifteen years of his leadership, until the arrival of the British colonizers in Gujarat, Swaminarayan's ministry "faced great opposition,"[52] and a number of attempts at his life, "by both religious and secular powers," are reported.[52] Swaminarayan accepted people from all castes, undermining caste-based discrimination, which lead to criticism and opposition from high-caste Hindus.[53] While Sahajanand's ethical reforms have been regarded as a protest against immoral Pushtimarg practices,[54] Sahajanand was in fact influenced by and positive towards Vallabha and other Vaisnava-traditions,[55] and he incorporated elements of Vallabha's Pushtimarg,[18][55] popular in Gujarat,[citation needed] to gain recognition.[18][note 5] His reforms may have been primarily targeted against Tantrics, and against practices "associated with village and tribal deities."[55]

According to David Hardiman, the lower classes were attracted to Swaminarayan's community because they aspired to the same success and mercantile ideology. It grew, states Hardiman, in an era of British colonial rule where land taxes were raised to unprecedented heights, lands were "snatched from village communities", and poverty spread.[56] According to Hardiman, Sahajanand's pacifist approach to community re-organization and reaching out to the lowest classes of his day found support with the British rulers, but it also furthered their exploitation by the British, the local moneylenders and richer farmers.[56]

Swaminarayan ordained 3,000 swamis over the span of his leadership,[10][9] with 500 of them into the highest state of asceticism as paramhansas, thereby allowing them to suspend all distinguishing practices, like applying sacred marks.[52][57][note 7] Swaminarayan encouraged his swamis to serve others. During the devastating famine of 1813–14 in Kathiawar, for example, the swamis collected alms in unaffected regions of Gujarat to distribute among the afflicted.[58][59] As teachers and preachers, they were instrumental in spreading Swaminarayan's teachings throughout Guajarat, which aided to the rapid growth of the sampradaya,[59][24] and they created the "sacred literature" of the sampradaya, authoring scriptural commentaries and composing bhakti poetry.[59][60][61][62]


Toward the end of his life, Swaminarayan institutionalized his charisma in various ways: the building of temples to facilitate worship; the writing of sacred texts; and the creation of a religious organization for the initiation of ascetics.[3] He instituted the mandir tradition of the sampradaya to provide followers a space for devotional worship (upasana, upāsanā) to God.[11][12] He constructed six mandirs in the following locations, housing images of Krishna[63] which are regarded as representations of Swaminarayan by his followers:[63]

Swaminarayan installed murtis of various manifestations of Krishna in the temples. For example, idol of Vishnu was installed with his consort Lakshmi and idol of Krishna was installed with his consort Radha to highlight the representation of God and his ideal devotee in the central shrines of each of these temple.[65] He also installed his own image in the form of Harikrishna in a sideshrine at the mandir at Vadtal.[63][66][67][68] The BAPS initiated the tradition of installing murtis of God (Swaminarayan) and his ideal devotee to facilitate his followers' pursuit of moksha.[69]

Vadtal Gadi and Ahmedabad Gadi

Acharya Ajendraprasad & Acharya Koshalendraprasad

In the early years of the sampradaya, Swaminarayan personally directed control of the spiritual and administrative duties.[70] Swaminarayan later delegated responsibilities amongst swamis, householders, and the members of his family.[70] Before his death, Swaminarayan established two dioceses, the Laxmi Narayan Dev Gadi (Vadtal Gadi) and Nar Narayan Dev Gadi (Ahmedabad Gadi) as recorded in the Lekh,[71][24][72][10] based on the Vadtal and Ahmedabad mandirs, respectively.


On 21 November 1825, he appointed two of his nephews as acharyas to administer the two gadis, or dioceses, adopting them as his own sons and establishing a hereditary line of succession.[10] These acharyas came from his immediate family after sending representatives to search them out in Uttar Pradesh.[73] They were authorized to "administer his temple properties"[10] which are distributed among them.[71][72] Ayodhyaprasadji, son of his elder brother Rampratap, became acharya of the Nar Narayan Dev Gadi (Ahmedabad diocese), and Raghuvirji, son of his younger brother Ichcharam, became acharya of the Laxmi Narayan Dev Gadi (Vadtal diocese).[74][71][note 8] Siddhant paksh believes Ajendraprasad is the current acharya of the Vadtal Gadi.[citation needed] Due to Swaminarayan's initiation into the Uddhav sampradaya, the Vadtal and Ahmedabad-branches trace the authority of their acharyas to Ramanuja's guru parampara.[80]

Death of Swaminarayan

Swaminarayan died on 1 June 1830, but the sampradaya continued to grow, with British officials counting 287,687 followers by 1872.[81][82] By 2001, the number of members had grown to an estimated 5 million followers.[1]


Currently the following branches exist:

- International Swaminarayan Satsang Mandal (ISSM)(daughter-branch, USA)
- Laxminarayan Dev Yuvak Mandal (LNDYM)(youth-wing)
- Shree Swaminarayan Agyna Upasana Satsang Mandal (SSAUSM)(daughter-branch, USA)
  • Gunatit Samaj (Yogi Divine Society (YDS), split-off from BAPS in 1966. Several wings:YDS, The Anoopam Mission, and The Gunatit Jyot
  • Swaminarayan Gurukul (educational institution established in 1947, by Dharmajivandasji Swami in order to spread sadvidya in students around the world)[83]
- International Swaminarayan Satsang Organisation (ISSO)(daughter-branch, USA)
- ISSO Seva (2001, charity organisation)
- Narnarayan Dev Yuvak Mandal (NNDYM)(youth organisation)
  • Swaminarayan Gadi (Maninagar)(split-off from Ahmedabad Gadi in the 1940s)

Different interpretations of succession

Swaminarayan temple Ahmedabad 1866

In the 20th century, due to "different interpretations of authentic successorship,"[23] various branches split-off from the diocese,[84] the largest being the BAPS.[24] All groups regard Swaminarayan as the manifestation of God but differ in their theology and the religious leadership they accept.[10][25]

The Vadtal Gadi and Ahmedabad Gadi are the original institutions, with a hereditary leadership in the form of acharyas. The succession was established in the Lekh, a legal document authored by Swaminarayan.[71] It is followed by the Nar-Narayan (Ahmedabad) and Laxmi-Narayan (Vadtal) branches, but "downplay[ed] or ignored" by other branches that "emphasis the authority of the sadhus over the acharya."[85][note 9]

Williams notes that "this important function of the acharya as religious specialist is emphasized in all the Swaminarayan scriptures including the Desh Vibhag Lekh. In the Shikshapatri Verse 62: 'My followers should worship only those images of the lord that are given by the acharya or installed by him. In Vachanamrut Vadtal I-18.4 and in other scriptures, Swaminarayan signifies the importance of Dharmakul (family of Dharmadev, Swaminarayan's father), and states that those who know him to be their deity and desire moksha shall follow only the Swaminarayan Sampraday under the leadership of the acharyas which he has established and their successors.

According to the Vadtal branch, "Gopalanand Swami was the chief ascetic disciple of Sajahanand," and "the acharyas have the sole authority to initiate sadhus and to install images in the temples."[86] According to the BAPS, the largest Swaminarayan offshoot, Gunatitanand Swami was appointed successor of Sajahanand, and "the chief ascetics had been given the authority to perform the primary rituals of the group, including the initiation of sadhus," and "this authority had not been revoked when the acharyas were appointed."[87] They furthermore argue that those who life a strictly virtuous life are the ones worthy of inheritance. According to Williams, "[t]he emphasis is on the spiritual lineage rather than the hereditary lineage, and the claim is that the one who observes the rules should be the acharya."[88]

According to the BAPS, Swaminarayan established two modes of succession: a hereditary administrative mode through the Lekh; and a spiritual mode established in the Vachanamrut, in which Swaminarayan conveyed his theological doctrines.[89] According to the BAPS, Swaminarayan described a spiritual mode of succession whose purpose is purely soteriological,[89] reflecting his principle that a form of God who lives "before one's eyes" is necessary for aspirants to attain moksha (liberation).[90] They venerate "a lineage of akṣaragurus, or living gurus, [which] has been retroactively traced back to Gunatitanand Swami."[24] According to the BAPS, Swaminarayan identified Gunatitanand Swami as the first successor in this lineage.[10] For the sadhus of the Vadtal diocese, the idea that Swaminarayan had appointed Gunatitanand as his spiritual successor was a heretical teaching, and they "refused to worship what they considered to be a human being."[91]

Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha

Mahant Swami Maharaj, current guru and president of BAPS

The Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS) was formed in 1907, by Shastriji Maharaj (Shastri Yagnapurushdas).[92][93] He broke away from the Vadtal diocese and created BAPS according to his own interpretation of Akshar (Aksharbrahma) and Purushottam.[92][94][95] As articulated in the BAPS-theology of Akṣara-Puruṣottama Upāsanā,[web 11] BAPS adherents, following Shastriji Maharaj, believe that Swaminarayan introduced Gunatitanand Swami as his ideal devotee, from which a spiritual lineage of gurus began,[96][24][10] reflecting Shastriji Maharaj's idea that a form of God who lives "before one's eyes" who is to be worshipped is necessary for aspirants to attain moksha (liberation).[90][note 10]

Gunatit Samaj

The Yogi Divine Society (YDS) was established in 1966, by Dadubhai Patel and his brother, Babubhai after they were excommunicated from BAPS by Yogiji Maharaj. The brothers were expelled after it was discovered that Dadubhai illicitly collected and misappropriated funds and, falsely claiming that he was acting on the organization's behalf, led a number of young women to renounce their families and join his ashram under his leadership.[97] After Dadubhai's death in 1986, an ascetic named Hariprasad Swami became the leader of the Yogi Divine Society. Yogi Divine Society became known as the Gunatit Samaj and consists of several wings: namely, YDS, The Anoopam Mission, and The Gunatit Jyot.[98]

Swaminarayan Gadi (Maninagar)

The Swaminarayan Gadi (Maninagar) was founded in the 1940s by Muktajivandas Swami after he left the Ahmedabad diocese with the belief that Gopalanand Swami, a paramhansa from Swaminarayan's time, was the spiritual successor to Swaminarayan.[99] The current spiritual leader is Jitendrapriyadasji Swami. In addition, the Swaminarayan Gadi reveres Nirgundasji Swami, Ishwarcharandasji Swami, and Purushottampriya Swami.[100][web 12][web 13][note 11]

Followers of the Swaminarayan Gadi accept the Rahasyarth Pradeepika Tika, a five-volume work written by Abji Bapa, as an authentic exegesis of the Vachanamrut.[101]

Beliefs and practices

Swaminarayan's views are found in the Vachanamrut (Vacanāmṛta), the principal theological text of the Swaminarayan Sampradaya.[102] As followers believe Swaminarayan to be the manifestation of Parabrahman, or Puruṣottama, his views are considered a direct revelation of God.[103] In the Vachanamrut, Swaminarayan describes that the ultimate goal of life is moksha (mokṣa), a spiritual state of ultimate liberation from the cycle of births and deaths and characterized by eternal bliss and devotion to God.[104][105]


Swaminayaran's siddhanta ("view," "doctrine") emerged within the Vedanta tradition, particularly the Vaishnava tradition as articulated by Ramanuja, Madhva, Vallabha, and Chaitanya.[106][107] Swaminarayan's interpretation of the classical Hindu texts has similarities with Ramanuja's Vishistadvaita,[108][107][109][24][note 1] for which he stated his affinity.[note 4] He also incorporated elements of Vallabha's Pushtimarg, which belongs to Shuddhadvaita, to gain recognition.[18][note 5] Yet, there are also metaphysical and philosophical divergences between Swaminarayan's and Ramanuja's teachings, most notably the distinction between Purushottam and Aksharbrahman,[110][19][note 1] referred to by BAPS-swamis as the Akshar-Purushottam Darshan (philosophy) and used to set apart Swaminarayan's teachings from other Vedanta traditions.[111] While the Vadtal Mandir states that "Swaminarayan propagated a philosophy called Vishistadvaita,"[web 6] a number of BAPS-swamis argue that Swaminarayan's teachings are a distinct system within the Vedanta-tradition.[112][22]

Soteriology - Brahmarūp

In Swaminarayan's soteriology, the ultimate goal of life is to become Brahmarūp,[16] attaining the form (rūpa) of Aksharbrahman,[web 15] in which the jiva is liberated from maya and saṃsāra (the cycle of births and deaths), and in which the jiva offers sādhya bhakti, continuous and pure devotion to God.[16][17] Whereas identification with Purushottam is impossible, Brahmarūpa as identification with Akshrabrahman is feasible and encouraged,[113] though the jiva or ishwar remains distinct from Aksharbrahman.[114][115]

To become Brahmarūp, an individual must overcome the ignorance of maya, which Swaminarayan describes as self-identification with the physical body, personal talents, and material possessions.[116][note 12] Swaminarayan explains in the Vachanamrut that ekantik dharma is a means to earn God's grace and attain liberation.[117][118][119][note 13] Ekantik dharma (ekāntik dharma) consists of dharma (dharma; religious and moral duties), gnan (jñāna; realization of the atman and Paramatman) vairagya (vairāgya; dispassion for worldly objects), and bhakti (recognition of Swaminarayan as Purushottam and devotion to him, coupled with the understanding of God's greatness).[24][120][118][119][note 13]

Various branches of the Swaminarayan Sampradaya differ in their belief of how to attain moksha. The Narnarayan and Laxminarayan Gadis believe moksha is attained by worshipping the sacred images of Swaminarayan installed by acharyas.[121] In the BAPS reading of the Vachanamrut and other scriptures,[120] the jiva becomes brahmarūp, or like Aksharbrahman, under the guidance of the manifest form of God.[122][123][124][note 14] The Swaminarayan Gadi (Maninagar) believes that moksha can be attained through the lineage of gurus beginning with Gopalanand Swami.[99]

Ekantik dharma

Boy offering personal worship

Ekantik dharma (ekāntik dharma) is an important element of the Swaminarayan Sampradaya, and its establishment is one of the reasons why Swaminarayan is believed to have incarnated.[125] Ekantik dharma consists of dharma, gnan, vairagya, and bhakti.[126][118][119][note 15]


Dharma consists of religious and moral duties according to one's responsibilities and situation.[127] All Swaminarayan Hindus who are householders maintain five basic vows: abstaining from theft, gambling, adultery, meat, and intoxicants like alcohol.[128][129] As part of their dharma, swamis additionally endeavor to perfect the five virtues of non-lust (nishkam/niṣkāma), non-greed (nirlobh/nirlobha), non-attachment (nissneh/nissneha), non-taste (niswad/nissvada), and non-ego (nirman/nirmāna).[130][131] Another aspect of the practice of dharma is the Swaminarayan diet, a type of vegetarianism, similar to that practiced generally by Vaishnava sampradayas, that entails abstaining from animal flesh, eggs, onions, and garlic.[128]

Gnan (jnana)

Gnan is knowledge of Parabrahman and realizing oneself as the atman. Basic practices of gnan include the daily study of scriptures like the Vachanamrut and Shikshapatri and weekly participation in congregational worship services (sabha/sabhā) at the mandir (temple), in which scriptural discourses geared towards personal and spiritual growth occur.[132] According to the BAPS, in the Vachanamrut Swaminarayan explains that adhering to the Aksharbrahman Guru's commands is commensurate with perfectly embodying gnan—that is, realizing oneself as the atman.[133][note 16]


Vairagya is dispassion for worldly objects. Swaminarayan Hindus cultivate vairagya through practices like fasting on Ekadashi days, two of which occur every month, and observing extra fasts, during the holy months of Chaturmas (a period of four months between July and October)[134] Vairagya is realized by adhering to the codes of conduct, inclusive of these practices, serving other devotees physically, listening to discourses, and engaging in devotion.[135][note 17]


Tilak Chandlo, illustrated

Bhakti involves devotion towards God, while understanding God's greatness and identifying one's inner core — atman — with Aksharbrahman.[136][note 18] Adherents believe that they can achieve moksha, or freedom from the cycle of birth and death, by becoming aksharrup (or brahmarup), that is, by attaining qualities similar to Akshar (or Aksharbrahman) and worshipping Purushottam (or Parabrahman; the supreme living entity; God).[137] Important bhakti rituals for Swaminarayan Hindus include puja (pūjā; personal worship of God), arti (ārtī; the ritual waving of lighted wicks around murtis, or images), thal (thāl; the offering of food to murtis of God), and cheshta (ceṣtā; the singing of devotional songs that celebrate the divine acts and form of Swaminarayan).[138]

During puja, adherents ritually worship Swaminarayan, and for the BAPS and some other denominations, also the lineage of Aksharbrahman Gurus through whom Swaminarayan is believed to be manifest.[139][140][141] At the beginning of the puja ritual, men imprint a symbol known as the tilak chandlo on their forehead, and women imprint a chandlo.[142] The tilak which is a U-shaped saffron-colored symbol made of sandalwood represents God's feet. The chandlo is a red symbol made of kumkum to symbolize Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune and prosperity. Collectively the two symbolize Lakshmi living in the heart of Swaminarayan.[142][web 16]

The worship of Swamianarayan is an important element of the swaminarayan religion. For the Ahmedabad and Vadtal diocese, Swaminarayan is present in his images and in his sacred scriptures.[143] For the BAPS, Narayan, who is Purushottam, can only be reached through contact with Purushottam, in the form of the guru, the abode of god.[143] For the BAPS, by associating with and understanding that Aksharbrahman guru, alternatively referred to as the Satpurush, Ekantik Bhakta or Ekantik Sant, spiritual seekers can transcend the influences of maya and attain spiritual perfection.[144]

Other bhakti rituals included in Swaminarayan religious practice are abhishek (abhiśeka), the bathing of a murti of God,[145] mahapuja (māhāpūjā), a collective worship of God usually performed on auspicious days or festivals,[146] and mansi (mānsi) puja, worship of God offered mentally.[147]

In general, Swaminarayan was positive about "other Vaishnava and Krishnite traditions,"[55] and Swaminarayan "adopted three aspects of Vallabhacharya practice," namely "the pattern of temple worship, fasts, and observances of festivals." [55] Shruti Patel argues that such a consistency with existing practices, notably the Pushtimarg, would have aided in "sanctioning [the] novelty" of the Swaminarayan Sampradaya.[148][note 5]

Manifestation of God

Swaminarayan's view on god was theanthropic, the idea that "the most extalted of the manifestations of god are in a divine form in human shape,"[149] teaching that "god's divine form has a human-shaped form."[150] Most followers believe that Swaminarayan was the 'manifest' form of this supreme God.[151] By 'manifest', it is understood that the very same transcendent entity who possesses a divine form in his abode assumes a human form that is still "totally divine," but "accessible" to his human devotees.[152]

Three stances regarding the ontological position of Sahajanand Swami, c.q. Swaminarayan, can be found in the tradition and its history: as guru, as an avatar of Krishna, or as a manifestation of God c.q. Purushottam, the highest Godhead, himself.[153][5][6]

According to Williams, "Some followers hold the position that Sahajanand taught that Krishna was the highest maifestation of Parabrahman or Purushottam and that he was the only appropriate object of devotion and meditation."[154] According to Kim, in the original sampradaya "Sahajanand Swami is not necessarily seen to occupy the space of ultimate reality," purna purushottam,[6] and the Krishna-iconography in the original temples, as well as the Vachanamritam and the Shikshapatri, reflect a belief in Krishna as Purushottam.[24]

According to Williams another, more accepted idea, is that "Sahajanand was a manifestation of Krishna,"[155] an understanding reflected in the Ahmedabad and Vadtal mandirs, where statues of NarNarayan and Lakshmi Narayan are enshrined, but where Swaminarayan's uniqueness is also emphasized.[156]

Most followers, including the BAPS,[5][6] take a third stance, that "Swaminarayan is the single, complete manifestation of Purushottam, the supreme god, superior to [...] all other manifestations of god, including Rama and Krishna."[157] He was thus "not a manifestation of Krishna, as some believed,"[157] but "the full manifestation of Purushottam, the supreme person himself."[157] These other manifestations of God, of which Rama and Krishna are two examples, are known as avatars, and according to Paramtattvadas Purushottam (or God) is believed to be "metaphysically different"[152] from them and their cause, the avatarin,[152] whom Swaminarayan revealed as himself.[152]

Akshar-Purushottam Darsana

The BAPS puts a strong emphasis on the distinction between Akshar and Purushottam, which it sees as a defining difference between Ramanuja's Vishistadvaita and other systems of Vedanta, and Swaminarayan's teachings.[20][21][22] While his preference for Ramanuja's theology is stated in the sacred text, the Shikshapatri (Śikṣāpatrī),[note 4] in his discourses collected in the Vachanamrut Swaminarayan gave a somewhat different explanation of the classical Hindu texts. In Ramanuja's understanding, there are three entities: Parabrahman, maya (māyā), and jiva (jīva).[158][159][160][161] Throughout the Vachanamrut, Swaminarayan identifies five eternal and distinct entities: Parabrahman, Aksharbrahman (Akṣarabrahman, also Akshara, Akṣara, or Brahman), maya, ishwar (īśvara), and jiva.[162][163][164][165][note 19] This distinction between Akshar and Purushottam is referred to by the BAPS as Akshar-Purushottam Darshan or Aksarabrahma-Parabrahma-Darsanam,[20] (darśana, philosophy)[note 20] and used as an alternate name for Swaminarayan Darshana,[20][22][web 5] Swaminarayan's views or teachings. This emphasis on the distinction between Akshar and Purushottam is also reflected in its name[69] and the prominent position of Akshar as the living guru.[24][168]

BAPS-theologian Paramtattvadas (2017) and others further elaborate on these five eternal realities:

God is Parabrahman, the all-doer (kartā, "omniagent"), possessing an eternal and divine form (sākār,) but transcending all entities (sarvoparī, ), and forever manifests on Earth to liberate spiritual seekers (pragat).[169][note 21]

Aksharbrahman, from akshar (अक्षर, "imperishable," "unalterable"), and Brahman, is the second highest entity and has four forms: 1) Parabrahman's divine abode; 2) the ideal devotee of Parabrahman, eternally residing in that divine abode; 3) the sentient substratum pervading and supporting the cosmos (chidakash, cidākāśa); and 4) the Aksharbrahman Guru, who serves as the manifest form of God on earth. In the BAPS, the gurus is the ideal devotee and Aksharbrahman Guru through whom God guides aspirants to moksha.[170][171][172] This further interpretation of Akshar is one of the features that distinguishes Swaminarayan's theology from others.[173][174][175][110][note 22]

Maya refers to the universal material source used by Parabrahman to create the world.[177][note 23] Maya has three gunas (guṇas, qualities) which are found to varying degrees in everything formed of it: serenity (sattva), passion (rajas), and darkness (tamas).[178][note 24] Maya also refers to the ignorance which enshrouds both ishwars and jivas, which results in their bondage to the cycle of births and deaths (transmigration) and subsequently suffering.[179][180][181][note 25]

Ishwars are sentient beings responsible for the creation, sustenance, and dissolution of the cosmos, at the behest of Parabrahman.[178][179][note 26] While they are metaphysically higher than jivas, they too are bound by maya and must transcend it to attain moksha.[182][183][181][note 27]

Jivas, also known as atmans, are distinct, eternal entities, composed of consciousness that can reside in bodies, animating them. The jiva is inherently pure and flawless, though under the influence of maya, jivas falsely believe themselves to be the bodies they inhabit and remain bound to the cycle of transmigration.[184][185][181][note 28]

Mandir tradition

Murtis of Radha (right), Krishna (center) and HariKrishna Maharaj (left) at Swaminarayan Temple, Vadtal

The Swaminarayan Sampradaya is well known for its mandirs, or Hindu places of worship.[186] From Swaminarayan's time through the present, mandirs functioned as centers of worship and gathering as well as hubs for cultural and theological education.[187][188] They can vary in consecration rituals and architecture, which can be adapted to the means of the local congregation.[189]

Murti puja

The Swaminarayan Sampradaya is a bhakti tradition that believes God possesses an eternal, divine, human-like, transcendent form.[190] Thus, Swaminarayan mandirs facilitate devotion to God by housing murtis which are believed to resemble God's divine form.[191] The murtis are consecrated through the prana pratishta (prāṅa pratiṣṭha) ceremony, after which God is believed to reside in the murtis. Consequently, the worship practiced in Swaminarayan mandirs is believed to directly reach God.[191]

After the consecration of a mandir, various rituals are regularly performed in it. Arti is a ritual which involves singing a devotional song of praise, while waving a flame before the murtis. Arti is performed five times per day in shikharbaddha mandirs and twice per day in hari mandirs. Thal, a ritual offering of food to God accompanied by devotional songs, is also regularly offered three times per day to the murtis in Swaminarayan mandirs. The sanctified food is distributed to devotees after the ritual.[192]

In all major Swaminarayan temples, usually Radha Krishna, Lakshmi Narayan, Nar Narayan and Swaminarayan idols are worshipped.[193][page needed]

Devotees also engage with the murtis in a Swaminarayan mandir through other worship rituals, including darshan, dandvat, and pradakshina. Darshan is the devotional act of viewing the murtis, which are adorned with elegant clothing and ornaments.[194] Dandvats (daṇdavat), or prostrations, before the murtis symbolize surrendering to God.[195] Pradakshina (pradakṣiṇā), or circumambulations around the murtis, express the desire to keep God at the center of the devotees' lives.[196]

Community building and worship

Swaminarayan mandirs also serve as hubs for congregational worship and theological and cultural education.[197][198] Singing devotional songs, delivering katha (sermons), and performing rituals such as arti all occur daily in Swaminarayan mandirs. In addition, devotees from the surrounding community gather at least once per week, often on a weekend, to perform these activities congregationally.[199]

Cultural and theological instruction is also delivered on this day of weekly congregation. Cultural instruction may include Gujarati language instruction; training in music and dance; and preparation for festival performances.[188] Theological instruction includes classes on the tradition's history and doctrines, and the life and work of the tradition's gurus.[200]

Types of Swaminarayan temples

Swaminarayan Akshardham, New Delhi

Swaminarayan followers conduct their worship in various types of mandirs. The homes of Swaminarayan devotees contain ghar mandirs, or home shrines, which serve as spaces for the daily performance of worship and ritual activities such as arti, thal, and reading sermons or scripture.[201]

The majority of freestanding public Swaminarayan mandirs are hari mandirs, whose architectural style and consecration rituals are adopted to the means available to the local congregation.[186]

As a means of expressing their devotion to Swaminarayan and their guru, some congregations elect to construct stone, shikharbaddha mandirs following Hindu architectural scriptures.[202] In addition to being an expression of devotion, congregants strengthen their sense of community by cooperatively volunteering to construct these mandirs.[203]

A fourth type of mandir, called a mahamandiram (mahāmandiram) can be found in India and the United States, in New Delhi, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, and Robbinsville, NJ.[204][205][206] These mahamandirs are the largest type of mandir constructed and they contain exhibits which present the life of Swaminarayan and the history of Hinduism in various formats with the goal of inspiring introspection and self-improvement.[207]

Scriptural tradition

The Vachanamrut

In addition to Swaminarayan's acceptance of perennial Hindu texts such as the four Vedas, Vedanta-sutras, and the Bhagavad Gita, Swaminarayan encouraged the creation of a scriptural tradition specific to the Swaminarayan Sampradaya,[14][15] as part of the institutionalization of his charisma.[3] Along with theological texts with revelatory status, the genres of textual production in the Swaminarayan Sampradaya include sacred biographies, ethical precepts, commentaries, and philosophical treatises.[208][209]


The Vachanamrut, literally the 'immortalizing ambrosia in the form of words', is the fundamental text for the Swaminarayan Sampradaya, containing Swaminarayan's interpretations of the classical Hindu texts.[103][210] The text is a compilation of 273 discourses, with each discourse within the collection also called a Vachanamrut.[211] Swaminarayan delivered these discourses in Gujarati between the years of 1819–1829, and his senior disciples noted his teachings while they were delivered and compiled them during Swaminarayan's lifetime.[212] In this scripture, Swaminarayan gives his interpretation of the classical Hindu texts, which includes five eternal entities: jiva, ishwar, maya, Aksharbrahman, Parabrahman.[213][163] He also describes the ultimate goal of life, moksha (mokṣa), a spiritual state of ultimate liberation from the cycle of births and deaths and characterized by eternal bliss and devotion to God.[214][105] To attain this state, Swaminarayan states that the jiva needs to follow the four-fold practice of ekantik dharma[note 29] to transcend maya[215][note 30] and become brahmarup[118] and reside in the service of God.[216][217]

As followers believe Swaminarayan to be God, the Vachanamrut is considered a direct revelation of God and thus the most precise interpretation of the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, and other important Hindu scriptures.[103][210] This scripture is read by followers regularly and discourses are conducted daily in Swaminarayan temples around the world.[218]


An illustration of Swaminarayan writing the Shiskhapatri

The Shikshapatri is a composition of 212 Sanskrit verses believed to be authored by Swaminarayan and completed in 1826.[36][15] As an 'epistle of precepts,' the verses primarily communicate the Swaminarayan Sampradaya's moral injunctions for devotees which should be read daily.[219][220][note 31] Swaminarayan states that the Shikshapatri is not merely his words but his personified form and merits worship in its own right.[221][222]

Sacred biographies

The Swaminarayan Sampradaya has produced voluminous biographical literature on Swaminarayan. The Satsangi Jivan, a five volume Sanskrit sacred biography of Swaminarayan, consists of 17,627 verses written by Shatananda Muni that also incorporates some of Swaminarayan's teachings.[223] The Bhaktachintamani is a sacred biography of Swaminarayan composed by Nishkulanand Swami. Consisting of 8,536 couplets, this biography serves as a record of Swaminarayan's life and teachings.[224] The Harililamrut is a longer biographical text in verse written by Dalpatram and published in 1907.[225] The Harilila Kalpataru a 33,000-verse Sanskrit biographical text, was written by Achintyanand Brahmachari, at the suggestion of Gunatitanand Swami.[223][226] These and many other sacred biographies complement the theological texts, insofar as their incidents serve as practical applications of the theology.[14]

Swamini Vato

The Swamini Vato is a compilation of teachings delivered by Gunatitanand Swami over the course of his forty-year ministry,[219] which is valued by the BAPS.[85] He was one of Swaminarayan's foremost disciple,[227][219] and according to the BAPS and some denominations of the Swaminarayan Sampradaya, he was the first manifestation of Swaminarayan in a lineage of Aksharbrahman Gurus.[228][96] Similarly to the Vachanamrut, Gunatitanand Swami's followers recorded his teachings, which were compiled in his lifetime and reviewed by Gunatitanand Swami himself.[219] These teachings were first published by Balmukund Swami in 5 chapters and then 7 chapters by Krishnaji Ada.[web 17] The text consists of approximately 1,478 excerpts taken from Gunatitanand Swami's sermons.[229] In his teachings, he reflects on the nature of human experience and offers thoughts on how one ought to frame the intentions with which they act in this world, while also elaborating on Swaminarayan's supremacy, the importance of the sadhu, and the means for attaining liberation.[230] Often, Gunatitanand Swami elaborates upon topics or passages from the Vachanamrut, which lends the text to be considered a 'natural commentary' on the Vachanamrut within the Swaminarayan Sampradaya. In addition, he often made references to other Hindu texts, parables, and occurrences in daily life in order not only to explain spiritual concepts, but also to provide guidance on how to live them.[231]

Vedanta commentaries

Swaminarayan Bhashyam

Early commentaries

From its early history, the Swaminarayan Sampradaya has also been involved in the practice of producing Sanskrit commentarial work as a way of engaging with the broader scholastic community. The classical Vedanta school of philosophy and theology is of particular import for the Swaminarayan Sampradaya, which has produced exegetical work on the three canonical Vedanta texts—the Upanishads, Brahmasutras, and the Bhagavad Gita.[232] While Swaminarayan himself did not author a commentary on these texts, he engaged with them and their interpretations in the Vachanamrut. The earliest Vedanta commentarial literature in the Swaminarayan Sampradaya reflects a heavy dependence on the Vedanta systems of Ramanuja and Vallabha. Although authorship of these nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century texts[233] are attributed to two of Swaminarayan's eminent disciples, Muktanand Swami and Gopalanand Swami,[62]

Swaminarayan Bhashyam

The most comprehensive commentarial work on Vedanta in the Swaminarayan Sampradaya is the Swaminarayan Bhashyam authored by Bhadreshdas Swami, an ordained monk of BAPS. It is a five-volume work written in Sanskrit and published between 2009 and 2012. The format and style of exegesis and argument conform with the classical tradition of Vedanta commentarial writing. In more than two thousand pages, the commentator Bhadreshdas Swami, offers detailed interpretations of the principal ten Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Brahmasutras (Vedanta Sutras) that articulate Swaminarayan's ideas and interpretations.[234]

The Swaminarayan Bhashyam has led to some recognition for Swaminarayan's Akshar-Purushottam distinction as a distinct view within Vedanta. The Shri Kashi Vidvat Parishad, an authoritative council of scholars of Vedic dharma and philosophy throughout India, stated in a meeting in Varanasi on 31 July 2017 that it is "appropriate to identify Sri Svāminārāyaṇa's Vedānta by the title: Akṣarapuruṣottama Darśana,"[note 32] and that his siddhanta ("view," "doctrine") on the Akshar-Purushottam distinction is "distinct from Advaita, Viśiṣṭādvaita, and all other doctrines."[web 5][web 18] Swaminarayan's Akshar-Purushottam darshan was also acclaimed as a distinct view within Vedanta in 2018 by professor Ashok Aklujkar, at the 17th World Sanskrit Conference, stating that the Swaminarayan Bhashyam "very clearly and effectively explains that Akshar is distinct from Purushottam."[web 4][note 33][235]

Влияние на общество

Гуманитарная служба

В дополнение к его усилиям в области социальных реформ, Сваминараян сыграл важную роль в предоставлении гуманитарной помощи народу Гуджарата в бурные времена голода. [ 236 ] Когда Сваминараян предоставила возможность получить два бунга от своего гуру, попросил получить любые страдания, предназначенные для последователей, и нести любые нехватки еды или одежды вместо любых последователей. [ 237 ] В первые годы Sampradaya Swaminaryan поддерживал Almshouses по всему Гуджарату и поручил Swamis поддерживать Almshouses даже под угрозой физической травмы со стороны противников. [ 238 ] Во время особенно сурового голода в 1813–14 годах сам Сваминараян собирал и распределял зерна тем, кто страдал, и у него были ступенчатые скважины и водохранилища в различных деревнях. [ 236 ] Он кодифицировал участие преданных с гуманитарным служением в Шикшапатри, указав последователей помочь бедным и тем, кто нуждается во время стихийных бедствий, создавать школы и обслуживать себя в соответствии с их способностями. [ 239 ]

Следовательно, различные конфессии Swaminarayan Sampradaya в настоящее время участвуют в гуманитарной службе в глобальном масштабе. Эйссо Сева, дочерняя компания Ахмедабадской епархии, участвует в помощи в оказании бедствий, пищевых продуктах и ​​пожертвованиях крови в Соединенных Штатах и ​​обеспечении доступного здравоохранения в Африке. [ Веб 19 ] [ Лучший источник необходим ] Благотворительные организации BAPS , гуманитарное крыло BAP, участвует в медицинских, образовательных и стихийных усилиях. [ 240 ] [ 241 ] Гунатит Самадж также проводит медицинские лагеря, предоставляет образовательные услуги, здравоохранение и другие социальные услуги в Индии. [ Веб 20 ] Епархия Сваминараяна Гади (Манинагар) в основном проводит лагеря здравоохранения и другие социальные службы в Великобритании, Африке и Северной Америке. [ Web 21 ] Благотворительная организация SVG, дочерняя компания Laxmi Narayan Dev Gadi , участвует в оказании помощи в стихийных бедствиях, пожертвованиях в области пищевых продуктов и медицины, крови и регистрациях по донорству органов в Соединенных Штатах, Европе, Канаде и Индии. [ Веб 22 ] [ Веб 23 ]


Во время Сваминараяна, репрессивная природа кастовых обычаев, таких как эндогамия, дресс-коды и комменсальность, пронизывала многие аспекты общества. [ 242 ] Религиозные группы и другие учреждения часто регулируют членство на основе касты, [ 243 ] и Сваминараян тоже поддерживал кастовую систему. [ 244 ] По словам Уильямса, кастовые различия и несоответствия между теорией касты и практикой все еще существуют в Swaminarayan Sampraday. [ 245 ]

Далиты или бывшие неприкасаемые были запрещены в храмах Сваминараян с самого начала определенных сект. Однако был один случай, который был построен в Чхани недалеко от Вадодры отдельный храм для далитов. [ 246 ] После независимости Индии в 1947 году, чтобы быть освобожденным от Закона о вступлении в храм в Бомбее Хариджан от ноября 1947 года, который сделал незаконным для любого храма, чтобы запретить свои двери в ранее общинные общины, епархия Нараяна отправилась в суд, чтобы утверждать, что это Они были не «индусами», а членами совершенно другой религии. Поскольку секта не была «индуистской», они утверждали, что Закон о входе в храм не относится к ним. Секта выиграла дело в 1951 году, которое впоследствии была отменена Верховным судом Индии. [ 247 ] [ Интернет 24 ]

Сваминараян потребовал от своих последователей клятву, что они не примут еду от членов нижних каст, [ 244 ] и объяснил это в Шикшапатри, в котором Сваминараян заявляет, что его последователи должны следовать правилам кастовой системы при употреблении пищи и воды: [ 248 ] [ 249 ]

Никто не должен получить пищу и воду, которые неприемлемы от рук некоторых людей под сулки кастовой системы, может случиться то же самое с освященными частями Шри Кришны, за исключением Джаганнатха Пури ». [ 250 ] [ 251 ]

BAPS-член Parikh приписывает это утверждение «глубоко укоренившейся жесткости векового варна-стратичного общества», и предполагает, что «возможно, Сваминараян стремился тонко подозревать и тем самым подорвать традиционный социальный порядок вместо того, чтобы отрицать его из-за таких рецептов. " [ 252 ]

BAPS-SADHU MANGALNIDHIDAS признает, что Swaminarayan принял кастовую систему, которая, согласно Мангалнидхидам [ 253 ] Но признавая, что это, возможно, имело «непреднамеренные негативные последствия, такие как подкрепление кастовой идентичности». [ 254 ] Мангалнидхидас утверждает, что в первые годы Сваминараяна Сампрадейи индусы с высокой кастом критиковали Сваминараяна за его учения, инклюзивность и практики, которые подорвали дискриминацию на основе касты, [ 53 ] [ Примечание 34 ] и утверждает, что в целом последователи, практики и учения Сваминараяна помогли снизить репрессивный характер кастовых обычаев, распространенных в эту эпоху, и привлекли людей нижних слоев в сторону Swaminarayan Sampraday. [ 249 ]

Смотрите также


  1. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и Отношение с Vishistadvaita:
    • Шри Сваминараян Мандир Вадталь: «Сваминараян распространил философию под названием Вишистадваита». [ Веб 6 ]
    • Brahmbhatt 2016b : «Сахаджананд явно заявляет, что его школа Веданты - это Вишиштадваита Рамануджи», а «он также заявляет, что его система преданной практики основана на традиции Валлабхи».
    • Brahmbhatt 2016b : «Некоторые части комментариев Сваминараян Веданты указывают на сродство к интерпретации Вишиштадваита канонических текстов; другие указывают на совпадение со школой Шуддхадваита, и еще другие являются совершенно уникальными интерпретациями».
    • Уильямс (2018 , стр. 38): «Они не шривайшнавы, но они распространяют богословие, которое развивалось в связи с модифицированным ненуализмом Рамануджи, и они следуют по религиозному пути в вайшнавизме»
    • Ким 2005 : «Философская основа для Сваминараянской ретизму-это висишадваита, или квалифицированный не-дуализм, Рамануджа (1017–1137 г. н.э.».
    • Дуайер 2018 , с. 186: «Происхождение секты в Вишистадваите»
    • Beckerlegge 2008 : «Сваминараянское богословие в значительной степени зависит от теистической Веданты Рамануджи и традиции Вишиштадваита»
    • Герман 2010 , с. 153: «Наверняка, секта напрямую связана с традиционной Вишиштадваитой, изложенной Рамануджей в 12 веке.
    • Рошен Далал (2020), Индуизм: алфавитный гид , Пингвин книги Индия: [ 258 ] «Говорят, что философия Сваминараяна похожа на Вишистадваиту, с некоторыми незначительными различиями».
    • Уильямс (2018 , стр. 91): «Рамануджа позволила провести некоторое различие в пределах конечной реальности, и Сахаджананд подробно рассказал об этой двойственности, указывая на то, что две сущности, пурушоттам и Акшар, являются вечными и свободны от иллюзии майи».
    • Йоги Триведи (2016), с. 134: «... было много, которые последовали за [после Шанкары]: Рамануджа (одиннадцатый -десятки веков), Мадхва (тринадцатый век), Валлабха и те, кто находится в традиции Чайтаньи (оба пятнадцатогонадцатого века), упомянуть четыре из четырех Наиболее заметный в Ведантической традиции, особенно в том, что они выражают в мышлении этих четырех бхакти акари (ачарьяс), появилась доктрина Сваминараяна.
    • Дуайер 2018 , с. 185: «В то время как Вишистадваита формирует богословскую и философскую основу секты Свамияранам, существует несколько существенных различий».
  2. ^ Секта в прошлом утверждала, что не принадлежит индуизму, чтобы отрицать проникновение в маргинализованные или далиты [ 2 ]
  3. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Сваминараянская мантра представляет собой соединение из двух санскритских слов, Свами (инициированный аскет [ 43 ] [ Веб 7 ] Но здесь "Мастер, Господь" [ Веб 1 ] [ Web 2 ] ) и Нараян (Верховный Бог, Вишну). [ 10 ] Первоначально имя относится к одному сущности, а именно лорду Нараяну. [ Веб 6 ] [ Web 2 ] Некоторые более поздние ветви, в том числе BAP, считают, что Свами обозначает Акшарбрахмана (идеальный преданный Бога), а именно Gunatitanand Swami , как идентифицировано Сахаджанандом Свами, и Нараян обозначает Парабосман (Бог), ссылку на сам Сахахананд Свами. [ 44 ] [ 8 ] Последняя интерпретация напоминает более раннюю вайшнаву традицию божественного общения между совершенным преданным и Богом (например, Радха и Кришна или Лакшми и Вишну ). [ 45 ]
  4. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Брахмбхатт (2016): «Сахаджананд явно заявляет, что школа Веданты - это Вишиштадваита Рамануджи».
    См. Шикшапатри Шлок 121: «Вишиштадваита принимается в качестве философии Господа. Философия Ануджи Вишиштадваита [ Веб 14 ]
  5. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый Шрути Патель (2017): «Вполне вероятно, что Сахаджананд не обладал средством инициировать его взгляды и их или его или его было легко принято в Западной Индии в начале века. По этой причине сначала включает общий и наблюдаемый Аспекты культуры вайшавы смягчали бы его появление неизвестного, сделанные цели Сахаджананд кажутся менее радикальными и способствовали продвижению его местного влияния с аурой укоренности. быть связанным с идентифицируемым, укрепленным духом. [ 148 ]
  6. ^ Через несколько лет после создания Сампрадейи, индуистского реформатора 19-го века Даянанда Сарасвати, расспросил принятие Сахаджананд Свами как проявление Бога в секте. По словам Даянанды, Сахаджананда украл себя как Нараян, чтобы получить учеников. [ 42 ]
  7. ^ Его последователи, особенно его аскеты, также столкнулись с преследованиями. [ 52 ] [ 49 ] Аскеты Сваминараяна, которые легко идентифицировались, должны были воздерживаться от ответных мер и гневных ответов. Чтобы помочь им избежать такого преследования, в 30 июня 1807 года Сваминараян предан 500 Свами в самый высокий уровень аскетизма в качестве Параманзаса , что позволило им приостановить все отличительные практики, такие как применение священных следов. [ 52 ] [ 57 ] [ 10 ]
  8. ^ Их потомки продолжают наследственную линию преемственности. [ 10 ] Он официально принял сына от каждого из своих братьев и назначил его в должность Ачарья. Сваминараян постановил, что офис должен быть наследственным, чтобы Ачарьяс поддерживал прямую линию кровавого происхождения от его семьи. [ 75 ] Сваминараян заявил всем преданным и святым, чтобы повиноваться как ачарьяс, так и гопалананд Свами , которые считались основным столпом и главным аскетом [ 76 ] Для Сампрадейи. [ 77 ] Их соответствующие жены, известные как «Гадивала», являются инициатором всех женщин -сатсанги. [ 78 ] Нынешняя ачарья Нар Нараян Дев Гади - Кошалендрапрасад Панде , в то время как в настоящее время существует активное дело относительно руководства Вадталя Гади между Дев Пакш, фракция, возглавляемая Ракешпрасадом Панде , и Сиддхант Пакш, возглавляемой Аджендрапрасадом Панде. [ Веб 8 ] Высокий суд Гуджарата остался в суде Надиада, сняв Аджендрапрасад, пока не будет достигнут окончательный приговор. Он ограничен от права на права Ачарья во время разбирательства. [ Веб 9 ] Дев Пакш, управляющий Трастом Вадтальского храма, назначил Ракешпрасада действовать и исполнять обязанности Ачарья. [ Веб 10 ] [ 79 ]
  9. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 208: «Первоначальные епархии Ахмедабада и Вадталя ценят лех, где, как те группы, которые подчеркивают авторитет садху над ачарью и различные линии гуру угнетены или игнорируют лех как просто административный документ для временного применения, а не как Священное Священное Писание. .
  10. ^ Линия гуру для BAP начинается с Gunatitanand Swami , за которым следует Бхагатджи Махарадж , Шастриджи Махарадж , Йогиджи Махарадж , Прамух Свами Махарадж и представил Махант Свами .
  11. ^ Swaminarayan Gadi (Maninagar) Lineage of Gurus Begin with Gopalanand Swami , Nirgundas Swami, Abji Bapa, Ishwarcracrandas Swami, Muktajivandas Swami, Purushottampriyadasji Maharaji Maharaji Maharaji Maharaji Maharaji Maharaji Maharaji Maharaji
  12. ^ См. Сахаджананда 2015 : Гадхада II.50, Гадхада III.39, Карияни 12.
  13. ^ Jump up to: а беременный См. Сахаджананда 2015 : Гадхада II.21, Гадхада III.21, Сарангпур 11
  14. ^ См. Sahajānanda 2015 : жениться II.21, есть 28, есть.
  15. ^ См. Сахаджананда 2015 : Сарангпур 11, Гадхада II.21, и Гадхада III.21.
  16. ^ См. Сахаджананда 2015 : Гадхада II.51.
  17. ^ См. Сахаджананда 2015 : Гадхада III.34.
  18. ^ См. Сахаджананда 2015 : Панчала 9.
  19. ^ См . Сахаджандан .
  20. ^ Другое значение - вид образа Божьего, [ 70 ] Святой человек, [ 166 ] или Гуру как обитель Божий. [ 167 ]
  21. ^ См. Sahjānada 2015 : Гадхада I.71, Loya 4, Kariyani 10, Vartal 19.
  22. ^ В Vachanamrut Gadhada I-63 Сваминараян подчеркивает необходимость понимания Акшара, чтобы понять Бога (Парабрахман) идеально и полностью. [ 176 ]
  23. ^ См. Сахаджананда 2015 : Гадхада I.13, Гадхада III.10, Loya 17.
  24. ^ См. Sahjānada 2015 : Loya 10.
  25. ^ См . Сахаджандан
  26. ^ Просмотр 2015 : Сон II.31, земля III.66, 18, хранение 1, 4.
  27. ^ Просмотр 2015 : содержит II.31, выберите 12, Паннер 5, Пандрат 2.
  28. ^ См. Сахаджананда 2015 : Гадхада I.21, Гадхада I.44, Гадхада III.22, Гадхада III.39, Jetalpur 2.
  29. ^ См. Сахаджананда 2015 : Сарангпур 11.
  30. ^ См. Сахаджананда 2015 : Гадхада III-39.
  31. ^ См. Сахаджананда 2015 : Гадхада III III-14
  32. ^ В рамках философии, как и Ведта Шри Шахкара, идентифицирована как Адваита Даршана, ведана Шри -Рамануджа отождествляется как идентифицированная висина, идентифицированная в Инте Дхадваита Даршана и другие соответственно известно; [ Веб 5 ]
  33. ^ «Профессор Ашок Аклуджкар сказал [...] так же, как Каши Видват Паришад признал Даршан Сваминараяна Бхагвана Даршан в традиции Веданты в традиции Веданты, мы должны сделать то же самое на платформе мировой конференции Санскритской конференции [. ..] Профессор Джордж Кардона [сказал] «Это очень важный классический санскритский комментарий, который очень четко и эффективно объясняет, что Акшар отличается от Пурушоттама». [ Веб 4 ]
  34. ^ По словам Кишорелала Машрувалы, ученый Ганди, цитируемый Мангалнидхидасом, «Сваминараян был первым, кто привел к религиозному развитию Шудрас в Гуджарате и регионе Катиавад [...], и это стало главной причиной, по которой многие выступают против Сампрадай». [ 253 ] [ 255 ] Мангалнидхиды далее относится к меморандуму 1823 года от британского чиновника в азиатском журнале, отмечает, что местные высшие классы «сожалеют (как индуистские индусы), выравнивающую природу системы [Сваминараяна],« принимая людей из всех каст в Сампрадейю, а также мусульмане и и и мусульмане и и и и и мусульмане, а также Племенные народы, приводящие к их насильственной оппозиции и частым беспощадным избиениям учеников Сваминараяна. [ 253 ] [ 256 ] Кроме того, различные исторические источники указывают на то, что сам Сваминараян часто игнорировал кастовые правила и призывал своих последователей сделать то же самое. [ 53 ] [ 252 ] Многочисленные исторические отчеты показывают, что на практике сам Сваминараян и его последователи обменивали еду и открыто взаимодействовали со всеми без дискриминации. [ 257 ]


  1. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Rinehart 2004 , p. 215
  2. ^ Хардиман Д. (1988). Классовая база Сваминараяна секты. Экономический и политический еженедельный, 23 (37), 1907–1912. JStor .
  3. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и фон глин Schreiner 2001 .
  4. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 80-90.
  5. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый Ким 2014 , с. 243.
  6. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и фон Ким 2010 , с. 362
  7. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 18, 85.
  8. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и I.Patel 2018 , с. 1
  9. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и фон глин Paramtattvadas 2017 , p. 1
  10. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и фон глин час я Дж k л м не а п I.Patel 2018 , с. 2
  11. ^ Jump up to: а беременный S.Patel 2017 , с. 65
  12. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Triedi 2015 , p. 353.
  13. ^ Хэтчер 2020 .
  14. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Paramtattvadas 2017 , p. 64
  15. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Williams 2018 , p. 200
  16. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый Ким 2014 , с. 240.
  17. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Chancela nd , p. 19.6 Концепция мокши.
  18. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый S.Patel 2017 .
  19. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Brahmbhatt 2016b .
  20. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и фон Bhadreshdas & Aksharananddas 2016 .
  21. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Paramtattvadas 2017 .
  22. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и Paramtattvadas 2019 .
  23. ^ Jump up to: а беременный I.Patel 2018 .
  24. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и фон глин час я Дж k л м не а п Q. Ким 2005 .
  25. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Warrier 2012 , p. 172.
  26. ^ A.Patel 2018 , с. 55, 58.
  27. ^ Mamtor 2018 .
  28. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и фон Williams 2018 , p. 18
  29. ^ Burman 2005 , p. 17
  30. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 16
  31. ^ Schreiner 2001 , p. 155,158.
  32. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 13
  33. ^ Уильямс 1984 , с. 8-9.
  34. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 13-14.
  35. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 15-16.
  36. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый Brahmbhatt 2016 , с. 101.
  37. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Williams 2018 , p. 17
  38. ^ Триведи 2015 , с. 126
  39. ^ Дейв 2004 , с. 386.
  40. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 8, 13–14.
  41. ^ Уильямс 2016 , с. XVII.
  42. ^ Нараян 1992 , с. 141–143.
  43. ^ Brewer 2009 , p. «Свами» вход.
  44. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 55, 93.
  45. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 92
  46. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 22
  47. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 23-24.
  48. ^ Schreiner 2001 , p. 159-161.
  49. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Paramtattvadas & Williams 2016 , с. 65
  50. ^ Уильямс 2001 , с. 81.
  51. ^ Уильямс 2001 , с. 19 ..
  52. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и Williams 2018 , p. 24-25.
  53. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Mangalnidhidas 2016 , с. 122-126.
  54. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 29
  55. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и Williams 2018 , p. 30
  56. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Хардиман 1988 .
  57. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Triedi 2015 , p. 207
  58. ^ Уильямс 1984 , с. 17
  59. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Williams 2018 , p. 26
  60. ^ Триведи 2016 , с. 198-214.
  61. ^ Раджпурохит 2016 , с. 218-230.
  62. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Brahmbhatt 2016b , p. 142–143.
  63. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Williams 2018 , p. 103
  64. ^ Васавада 2016 , с. 263-264.
  65. ^ Васавада 2016 , с. 264
  66. ^ Packert 2019 , с. 198.
  67. ^ Packert 2016 , с. 253.
  68. ^ Триведи 2015 , с. 370.
  69. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Ким 2010 , с. 363.
  70. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Williams 2018 , p. 36
  71. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый Cush 2008 , с. 536.
  72. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Tripathy 2010 , с. 107-108.
  73. ^ Уильямс, Рэймонд Брэди (2001). Введение в индуизм Swaminarayan . Издательство Кембриджского университета. с. 173 . ISBN  9780521654227 .
  74. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 37-38.
  75. ^ Уильямс 2001 , с. 35
  76. ^ Williams 2001 , с. 59
  77. ^ Дэйв, Рамеш (1978). Сахаджананд Чаритра . Калифорнийский университет: бапс. Стр. 199–200. ISBN  978-8175261525 .
  78. ^ Уильямс 2019 , с. 261.
  79. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 51
  80. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 38
  81. ^ Brahmbhatt 2016 , с. 102
  82. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 23
  83. ^ Санстхан, Шри Сваминараян Гурукул Раджкот. «История» . Раджкот Гурукул . Получено 24 августа 2022 года .
  84. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 49-51.
  85. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Williams 2018 , p. 208
  86. ^ Уильямс 2001 , с. 59
  87. ^ Уильямс 2001 , с. 59-60.
  88. ^ Уильямс 2001 , с. 60
  89. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Paramtattvadas 2017 , p. 132-156.
  90. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Paramtattvadas 2017 , p. 134.
  91. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 93.
  92. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Williams 2018 , p. 60-61.
  93. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 22
  94. ^ Ким 2012 , с. 419.
  95. ^ Гаджет 2016 , с. 157
  96. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Williams 2018 , p. 61.
  97. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 72
  98. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 72-73,127.
  99. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Williams 2018 , p. 58
  100. ^ Санстхан, Манинагар Шри Сваминараян Гади. «Манинагар Шри Сваминараян Гади Санстхан» . Swaminarayangadi.com . Получено 21 января 2024 года .
  101. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 205.
  102. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 6
  103. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Paramtattvadas 2017 , p. 13-4, 45.
  104. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 272-284.
  105. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Bhadreshdas & Aksharananddas 2016 , с. 13, 173.
  106. ^ Triedi 2016b , p. 134, 135.
  107. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Правительство 2016 .
  108. ^ Triedi 2016b , p. 134.
  109. ^ Bhadreshdas & Aksharananddas 2016 , с. 186
  110. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Williams 2018 , p. 91
  111. ^ Bhadreshdas 2018 , с. 53
  112. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 319
  113. ^ Bhawshdas & Akshandanddas 2016 , с. "Цель сходства"
  114. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 277, 303-4.
  115. ^ Ким 2014 , с. 246-247.
  116. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 273-4.
  117. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 287-8.
  118. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый Ким 2014 , с. 247
  119. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Mangalnidhidas 2016 , с. 126
  120. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Paramtattvadas 2017 , p. 287-288.
  121. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 308.
  122. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 74-84, 303-304.
  123. ^ Ким 2014 , с. 239-40.
  124. ^ Гаджет 2016 , с. 166-169.
  125. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 150
  126. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 287
  127. ^ LAGASSE 2013 .
  128. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Williams 2018 , p. 174.
  129. ^ Vivekjivandas 2016 , с. 344.
  130. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 165-174.
  131. ^ Гаджет 2016 , с. 166
  132. ^ Мужество 2007 , с. 107
  133. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 62
  134. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 169-170.
  135. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 61-62.
  136. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 151.
  137. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 275
  138. ^ Уильямс 1998 , с. 861.
  139. ^ Ким 2013 , с. 132.
  140. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 308-310.
  141. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. Ch.2, 48.
  142. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Mosher 2006 , p. 44
  143. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Williams 2018 , p. 100
  144. ^ Ким 2016 .
  145. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 140.
  146. ^ Уильямс 1998 , с. 852.
  147. ^ Bhatt 2016 , с. 91
  148. ^ Jump up to: а беременный S.Patel 2017 , с. 53
  149. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 78
  150. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 79
  151. ^ Уильямс 2016 .
  152. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый Paramtattvadas 2017 , p. 154
  153. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 80-90.
  154. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 80
  155. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 82
  156. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 89-90.
  157. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Williams 2018 , p. 85
  158. ^ Brahmbhatt 2016b , p. 141–142.
  159. ^ Гаджет 2016 , с. 157-60.
  160. ^ Bhadreshdas & Aksharananddas 2016 , с. 183-4.
  161. ^ Триведи 2016 , с. 211.
  162. ^ Ким 2001 , с. 319
  163. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Ким 2014 , с. 244
  164. ^ Брахмбхатт 2016 .
  165. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 69-71.
  166. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 261.
  167. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 183.
  168. ^ Ким 2014 , с. 362-363.
  169. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 71,75,109.
  170. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 158, 200-1.
  171. ^ Гаджет 2016 , с. 156, 165-9.
  172. ^ Ким 2013 , с. 131.
  173. ^ Гаджет 2016 , с. 169
  174. ^ Ким 2014 , с. 245
  175. ^ Bhadreshdas & Aksharananddas 2016 , с. 172-90.
  176. ^ Гаджет 2016 , с. 162.
  177. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 71-3, 245.
  178. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Paramtattvadas 2017 , p. 71, 246.
  179. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Ким 2001 , с. 320.
  180. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 245, 249-50.
  181. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Ким 2016 , с. 388–9.
  182. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 234-5.
  183. ^ Триведи 2016 , с. 215
  184. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 211-18.
  185. ^ Ким 2001 , с. 320-321.
  186. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Kim 2007 , p. 64
  187. ^ Васавада 2016 , с. 263.
  188. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Ким 2010 , с. 377.
  189. ^ Ким 2010 , с. 367
  190. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 124-130.
  191. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Triedi 2016b , p. 236
  192. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 148-149.
  193. ^ Уильямс 2019 .
  194. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 133.
  195. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 138.
  196. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 137.
  197. ^ Ким 2007 , с. 65–66.
  198. ^ Ким 2012 .
  199. ^ Vivekjivandas 2016 , с. 341, 344-345.
  200. ^ Ким 2007 , с. 66
  201. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 145-147.
  202. ^ Ким 2010 , с. 366-367.
  203. ^ Ким 2010 , с. 370.
  204. ^ Ким 2007 , с. 68
  205. ^ Ким 2016 , с. 384.
  206. ^ Ким 2011 , с. 46
  207. ^ Ким 2016 , с. 392–398.
  208. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 47
  209. ^ Triedi 2016b , p. 133.
  210. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Bhadreshdas & Aksharananddas 2016 , с. 173.
  211. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 13
  212. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 333.
  213. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 69
  214. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 272-84.
  215. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 273
  216. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 303-4.
  217. ^ Ким 2014 , с. 246
  218. ^ Brear 1996 , p. 217
  219. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый Paramtattvadas 2017 , p. 16
  220. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 200-202.
  221. ^ Хэтчер 2020 , с. 156
  222. ^ Уильямс 2018 , с. 41
  223. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Williams 2018 , p. 203.
  224. ^ Mangalnidhidas 2016 , с. 118
  225. ^ Paramtattvadas & Williams 2016 , с. 86
  226. ^ Дэйв 2018 , с. 133.
  227. ^ Mangalnidhidas 2016 , с. 119
  228. ^ Уильямс 2016 , с. XVIII.
  229. ^ Mamtora 2019 , p.
  230. ^ Mamtor 2019 , p.
  231. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 17
  232. ^ Brahmbhatt 2016b , p. 138-140.
  233. ^ Brahmbhatt 2018 , с. 120.
  234. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 19
  235. ^ Paramtattvadas 2017 , с. 40
  236. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Brahmbhatt 2016 , с. 105
  237. ^ Beckerlegge 2006 , p. 192.
  238. ^ Дани 1980 , с. 11–12.
  239. ^ Parekh 1936 .
  240. ^ Brahmbhatt 2016 , с. 112–114.
  241. ^ Brahmbhatt 2016 , с. 117
  242. ^ Mangalnidhidas 2016 , с. 121.
  243. ^ Mangalnidhidas 2016 , с. 117
  244. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Хардиман 1988 , с. 1907.
  245. ^ Уильямс 2019 , с. 185.
  246. ^ Хардиман Д. (1988). Классовая база Сваминараяна секты. Экономический и политический еженедельный, 23 (37), 1907–1912. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4379024
  247. ^ Хардиман Д. (1988). Классовая база Сваминараяна секты. Экономический и политический еженедельный, 23 (37), 1907–1912. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4379024
  248. ^ Parikh 2016 , с. 106–107.
  249. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Mangalnidhidas 2016 .
  250. ^ Уильямс и 2018b .
  251. ^ Parikh 2016 , с. 143.
  252. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Parikh 2016 , с. 105–107.
  253. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Mangalnidhidas 2016 , с. 122
  254. ^ Mangalnidhidas 2016 , с. 116
  255. ^ Semruawala в 1940 , с. 63-64.
  256. ^ Na 1823 , p. 348–349.
  257. ^ Mangalnidhidas 2016 , с. 122–124.
  258. ^ p.403


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  • Vivekjivandas, Sadhu (2016). «Транснациональный рост BAP в Восточной Африке». В Уильямсе Рэймонд Брэди; Триведи, Йоги (ред.). Сваминараян индуизм: традиция, адаптация и идентичность . Патель, Махендра; Iswarcharandas, Sadhu (1 -е изд.). Нью -Дели, Индия: издательство Оксфордского университета. ISBN  978-0-19-908657-3 Полем OCLC   948338914 .
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  • Уильямс, Рэймонд Брэди (1984). Новое лицо индуизма: Сваминараянская религия . Кембридж [Cambridgeshire]: издательство Кембриджского университета. ISBN  0-521-25454-X Полем OCLC   9442462 .
  • Уильямс, Рэймонд Брэди (1998). «Обучение религиозных специалистов для транснационального индуизма: учебный центр Swaminarayan Sadhu». Журнал Американской академии религии . 66 (4): 841–862. doi : 10.1093/jaarel/66.4.841 .
  • Уильямс, Раймонд Брэди (2006). «Сваминараян индуизм». В Кларке, Питер Б. (ред.). Энциклопедия новых религиозных движений . Лондон; Нью -Йорк: Routledge. С. 609–611. ISBN  9-78-0-415-26707-6 .
  • Уильямс, Рэймонд Брэди (2016). "Введение". В Уильямсе Рэймонд Брэди; Триведи, Йоги (ред.). Сваминараян индуизм: традиция, адаптация и идентичность (1 -е изд.). Нью -Дели, Индия: издательство Оксфордского университета. ISBN  978-0-19-908657-3 Полем OCLC   948338914 .
  • Уильямс, Рэймонд Брэди (2018). Введение в индуизм Swaminarayan (третье изд.). Кембридж, Великобритания: издательство Кембриджского университета. ISBN  978-1-108-42114-0 Полем OCLC   1038043717 .
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  1. ^ Jump up to: а беременный "Свами" . Оксфордский английский словарь (онлайн изд.). Издательство Оксфордского университета. 2011 год Получено 31 августа 2011 года .
  2. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Шри Сваминараян Мандир Калупур-Ахмедабад, лорд Сваминараян и его Сампрадей
  3. ^ «Когда миллион человек верят, что ваш муж - Бог» . www.vice.com . 3 октября 2017 года . Получено 25 июня 2021 года .
  4. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в 17-я мировая санскритская конференция признает, что Бхагван Сваминараян Акшар-Пурушоттам Даршан как отдельная традиция Веданты
  5. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый Научно-исследовательский институт Swaminarayan, HH Mahant Swami Maharaj, открывает Svāminārāhaasiddhāntasudhā и объявляет парабоман Сваминарайану Даршана как Акшара-Пуруштама, архивирована 9 июля 2021 года .
  6. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и Официальный веб -сайт Шри Сваминараян Мандир Вадталь, Сваминараянская секта
  7. ^ «Святая традиция: война Байраги Святых была« Ванде Матарам » . www.jansatta.com . 20 июля 2020 года . Получено 20 июня 2021 года .
  8. ^ «Министр опосредует между боевыми фракциями вадтальской Сваминараянской секты» . Deshgujarat . 12 июля 2015 года . Получено 26 сентября 2020 года .
  9. ^ Банерджи, Нирупам (3 октября 2018 г.). «Высокий суд Гуджарата обеспечивает помощь Ачарье Аджендрапрасаду Панде» . ДНК Индия . Получено 26 сентября 2020 года .
  10. ^ «Высокий суд Гуджарата подтягивает траст Swaminarayan Sect для« прокси -войны » » . The Times of India . 15 декабря 2018 года . Получено 15 августа 2020 года .
  11. ^ Сваминараян Саншта, Поклонение Богу с Гуру - Акшар Пурушоттам Философия
  12. ^ «Манинагар Сваминараян Гади Санстхан получает нового наследника» . Ахмедабад зеркало . 12 июля 2020 года . Получено 28 июля 2020 года .
  13. ^ "Новый глава управляющего Сванагаана . The Times of India июля 13 28 2020июля
  14. ^ Шикшапатри Шлок 121
  15. ^ Библиотека мудрости, Брахмарупа
  16. ^ «Тилак Чандало» . www.swaminarayan.nu . Получено 1 июля 2021 года .
  17. ^ "Свамини Вато" .
  18. ^ Бэпс Сваминараян Саншха, Акламация Шри Каси Видват Парисад
  19. ^ "Isso Seva" . Essoseva.org . Получено 3 мая 2020 года .
  20. ^ «Индекс /деятельности» . www.anoopam-mission.org . Получено 3 мая 2020 года .
  21. ^ Санстхан, Манинагар Шри Сваминараян Гади. «Манинагар Шри Сваминараян Гади» . Swaminarayangadi.com . Получено 3 мая 2020 года .
  22. ^ "Благотворительность" . Swaminarayan Vadtal Gadi - Svg . 20 марта 2014 года . Получено 3 мая 2020 года .
  23. ^ «Золотая книга мировых рекордов Наибольшее количество регистраций пожертвований глаз за один час» . 29 октября 2015 года . Получено 3 мая 2020 года .
  24. ^ Индуистское доверие, обвиняемое в нарушениях труда в США, однажды подал дело против входа в храм для далитов , провод, 13 мая 2021 года.

Дальнейшее чтение

  • Раймонд Брэди Уильямс (2018), введение в индуизм Сваминараяна . Издательство Кембриджского университета, ISBN   978-1-108-42114-0 , OCLC   1038043717
  • Уильямс, Рэймонд Брэди; Триведи, Йоги (ред.) (2016). Сваминараян индуизм: традиция, адаптация и идентичность (1 -е изд.). Нью -Дели, Индия: издательство Оксфордского университета. ISBN   978-0-19-908657-3 . OCLC   948338914
  • Paramtattvadas, Swami (2017). Введение в индуистскую теологию Сваминараяна . Кембридж, Великобритания: издательство Кембриджского университета. ISBN   978-1-107-15867-2 . OCLC   964861190 .
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