Список одобрений президентской кампании Джо Байдена 2020 года
(Перенаправлено из списка первичных одобрений президентской кампании Джо Байдена 2020 года )
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Персональный Сенатор США от Делавэра 47-й вице-президент США Вице-президентские кампании 46-й президент США Действующий президент Срок владения ![]() |
Это список известных людей и организаций, которые поддержали Джо Байдена на кампанию пост президента Соединенных Штатов на президентских выборах в США 2020 года .
Бывшие федеральные чиновники исполнительной власти
[ редактировать ]Президенты
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- Джимми Картер , 39-й президент США (1977–1981), губернатор Джорджии (1971–1975), сенатор штата Джорджия от округа 14 (1963–1967), лауреат Нобелевской премии мира 2002 года. [1]
- Билл Клинтон , 42-й президент США (1993–2001), губернатор Арканзаса (1979–1981, 1983–1992), генеральный прокурор Арканзаса (1977–1979) [2]
- Барак Обама , 44-й президент США (2009–2017 гг.) – при котором Байден занимал пост вице-президента , сенатор США от Иллинойса (2005–2008 гг.), сенатор штата Иллинойс от округа 13 (1997–2004 гг.), лауреат Нобелевской премии мира. Премия 2009 года. [3]
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- Эл Гор , 45-й вице-президент США (1993–2001), сенатор США от Теннесси (1985–1993), представитель США от TN-06 (1983–1985) и TN-04 (1977–1983), кандидат 2000 г. президент, лауреат Нобелевской премии мира 2007 г. [4]
- Уолтер Мондейл , 42-й вице-президент США (1977–1981), посол США в Японии (1993–1996), сенатор США от Миннесоты (1964–1976), генеральный прокурор Миннесоты (1960–1964), кандидат на пост президента 1984 года. [5]
Чиновники Кабинета министров
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- Мадлен Олбрайт , госсекретарь США (1997–2001), посол США в ООН (1993–1997) [6]
- Питер Аллгейер , торговый представитель США (2005, 2009) (республиканец) [7]
- Рэнд Бирс , министр внутренней безопасности США (2013 г.), заместитель министра внутренней безопасности США (2013 г.), заместитель министра внутренней безопасности по вопросам национальной защиты и программ (2009–2014 гг.) [8]
- Эрскин Боулз , президент системы Университета Северной Каролины (2005–2010 гг.), Администратор управления малым бизнесом (1993–1994 гг.), Руководитель аппарата Белого дома (1997–1998 гг.), Заместитель руководителя аппарата Белого дома по операциям (1994 г.) –1996) [9]
- Кэрол Браунер , администратор Агентства по охране окружающей среды (1993–2001), директор Управления энергетики и политики в области изменения климата Белого дома (2009–2011) [10]
- Уильям Дж. Бернс , госсекретарь США (2009 г.) [8]
- Эш Картер , министр обороны США (2015–2017 гг.) [8]
- Джулиан Кастро , министр жилищного строительства и городского развития США (2014–2017), мэр Сан-Антонио , штат Техас (2009–2014), кандидат в президенты 2020 года. [11] [а]
- Стивен Чу , министр энергетики США (2009–2013), лауреат Нобелевской премии по физике (1997) [12]
- Генри Сиснерос , министр жилищного строительства и городского развития США (1993–1997), мэр Сан-Антонио, Техас (1981–1989) [13] [б]
- Джеймс Клэппер , директор национальной разведки (2010–2017 гг.), заместитель министра обороны по разведке (2007–2010 гг.), директор Национального агентства геопространственной разведки (2001–2006 годы), директор Разведывательного управления Министерства обороны (1991–1995 годы). [14]
- Хиллари Клинтон , госсекретарь США (2009–2013), сенатор США от Нью-Йорка (2001–2009), первая леди США (1993–2001), кандидат на пост президента 2016 года. [15]
- Уильям Коэн , министр обороны США (1997–2001), сенатор США от штата Мэн (1979–1997), представитель США от ME-02 (1973–1979) [16] (республиканец)
- Мария Контрерас-Свит , администратор Управления малого бизнеса (2014–2017), секретарь Калифорнийского агентства по делам бизнеса, транспорта и жилищного строительства (1999–2003) [17]
- Джеймс Б. Каннингем , посол США в ООН (2001 г.), посол США в Афганистане (2012–2014 гг.), посол США в Израиле (2008–2011 гг.) [8]
- Уильям М. Дейли , министр торговли США (1997–2000 гг.), руководитель аппарата Белого дома (2011–2012 гг.) [18]
- Том Донилон , советник по национальной безопасности США (2010–2013), заместитель советника по национальной безопасности (2009–2010) [19]
- Рам Эмануэль , мэр Чикаго , штат Иллинойс (2011–2019), руководитель аппарата Белого дома (2009–2010), представитель США от IL-05 (2003–2009), старший советник президента (1993–1998) [20]
- Майк Эспи , министр сельского хозяйства США (1993–1994), кандидат в Сенат 2020 года, представитель США от MS-02 (1987–1993) [21]
- Энтони Фокс , министр транспорта США (2013–2017 гг.), мэр Шарлотты, Северная Каролина (2009–2013 гг.) [22]
- Майкл Фроман , торговый представитель США (2013–2017 гг.) [23]
- Стюарт М. Герсон , генеральный прокурор США (1993 г.) (республиканец) [24]
- Дэн Гликман , министр сельского хозяйства США (1995–2001), представитель США от KS-04 (1977–1995) [25]
- Карлос Гутьеррес , министр торговли США (2005–2009 гг.) [26] (республиканец)
- Чак Хейгел , министр обороны США (2013–2015), сенатор США от Небраски (1997–2009) [27] (республиканец)
- Майкл Хайден , директор Центрального разведывательного управления (2006–2009), директор Агентства национальной безопасности (1999–2005) [28] (Независимый)
- Карла Андерсон Хиллз , министр жилищного строительства и городского развития США (1975–1977), торговый представитель США (1989–1993) (республиканец) [29]
- Эрик Холдер , генеральный прокурор США (2009–2015 гг.), заместитель генерального прокурора США (1997–2001 гг.), прокурор США по округу Колумбия (1993–1997 гг.) [30]
- Салли Джуэлл , министр внутренних дел США (2013–2017 гг.) [31]
- Микки Кантор , министр торговли США (1996–1997), торговый представитель США (1993–1996) [32]
- Питер Кейслер , генеральный прокурор США (2007 г.) (республиканец) [24]
- Джон Керри , специальный посланник президента США по вопросам климата (2021–2024 гг.), государственный секретарь США (2013–2017 гг.), сенатор США от Массачусетса (1985–2013 гг.), вице-губернатор Массачусетса (1983–1985 гг.), кандидат на пост президента 2004 г. [33]
- Рэй ЛаХуд , министр транспорта США (2009–2013 гг.), представитель США от Ил-18 (1995–2009 гг.) [34] (республиканец)
- Джек Лью , министр финансов США (2013–2017), руководитель аппарата Белого дома (2012–2013), директор Управления управления и бюджета (2010–2012, 1998–2001) [35]
- Гэри Локк , посол США в Китае (2011–2014 гг.), министр торговли США (2009–2011 гг.), губернатор Вашингтона (1997–2005 гг.) [36]
- Джеймс Лой , министр внутренней безопасности США (2005 г.) [8]
- Джина Маккарти , администратор Агентства по охране окружающей среды (2013–2017) [37]
- Боб Макдональд , министр США по делам ветеранов (2014–2017 гг.) [38] (республиканец)
- Денис Макдонаф , министр по делам ветеранов США (2021 – настоящее время), руководитель аппарата Белого дома (2013–2017), заместитель советника по национальной безопасности (2010–2013) [39]
- Дональд МакГенри , посол США в ООН (1979–1981) [8]
- Норман Минета , министр транспорта США (2001–2006 гг.), министр торговли США (2000–2001 гг.), представитель США от CA-15 (1993–1995) и CA-13 (1975–1993) [40]
- Джанет Наполитано , президент системы Калифорнийского университета (2013–2020 гг.), министр внутренней безопасности США (2009–2013 гг.), губернатор Аризоны (2003–2009 годы), председатель Национальной ассоциации губернаторов (2006–2007 годы) [41]
- Джон Негропонте , заместитель госсекретаря США (2007–2009 гг.), директор национальной разведки (2005–2007 гг.), посол США в Ираке (2004–2005 годы), посол США в ООН (2001–2004 годы), посол США в ООН. Филиппины (1993–1996), посол США в Мексике (1989–1993), заместитель советника по национальной безопасности (1987–1989), помощник государственного секретаря по океанам, международным экологическим и научным вопросам (1985–1987), посол США в Гондурасе ( 1981–1985) [42] (республиканец)
- Леон Панетта , министр обороны США (2011–2013), директор Центрального разведывательного управления (2009–2011), руководитель аппарата Белого дома (1994–1997), директор Административно-бюджетного управления (1993–1994), Представитель США от CA-16 (1977–1993) [43]
- Энн В. Паттерсон , помощник госсекретаря по делам Ближнего Востока (2013–2017 гг.), посол США в Египте (2011–2013 гг.), посол США в Пакистане (2007–2010 гг.), посол США в Организации Объединенных Наций (2005 г.), помощник Государственный секретарь по международным вопросам борьбы с наркотиками и правоохранительной деятельности (2005–2007 гг.), Посол США в Колумбии (2000–2003 гг.), Посол США в Сальвадоре (1997–2000 гг.) [14]
- Федерико Пенья , министр энергетики США (1997–1998), министр транспорта США (1993–1997), мэр Денвера , Колорадо (1983–1991) [44]
- Кэл Пенн , бывший главный заместитель директора Управления по связям с общественностью Белого дома (2009–2011) и актер [ нужна ссылка ]
- Уильям Перри , министр обороны США (1994–1997), заместитель министра обороны США (1993–1994), заместитель министра обороны по исследованиям и разработкам. [8]
- Мэри Э. Питерс , министр транспорта США (2006–2009 гг.) [45] (республиканец)
- Томас Р. Пикеринг , посол США в ООН (1989–1992 гг.) [8]
- Джон Подеста , руководитель аппарата Белого дома (1998–2001)
- Колин Пауэлл , госсекретарь США (2001–2005), председатель Объединенного комитета начальников штабов (1989–1993), советник по национальной безопасности США (1987–1989) [46] (республиканец)
- Саманта Пауэр , посол США в ООН (2013–2017 гг.) [27]
- Пенни Притцкер , министр торговли США (2013–2017 гг.) [47]
- Роберт Райх , министр труда США (1993–1997) [48]
- Уильям К. Рейли , администратор Агентства по охране окружающей среды (1989–1993) [45] (республиканец)
- Сьюзан Райс , директор Совета по внутренней политике США (2021–2023 гг.), советник по национальной безопасности США (2013–2017 гг.), посол США в Организации Объединенных Наций (2009–2013 гг.), помощник госсекретаря по делам Африки (1997–2001 гг.). ) [49]
- Билл Ричардсон , губернатор Нью-Мексико (2003–2011), министр энергетики США (1998–2001), посол США в Организации Объединенных Наций (1997–1998), представитель США от NM-03 (1983–1997) [8]
- Том Ридж , министр внутренней безопасности США (2003–2005 гг.), советник внутренней безопасности США (2001–2003 гг.), губернатор Пенсильвании (1995–2001 гг.), представитель США от ПА-21 (1983–1995 гг.) (республиканец) [50]
- Ричард Райли , министр образования США (1993–2001), губернатор Южной Каролины (1979–1987) [51]
- Роберт Рубин , директор Национального экономического совета США (1993–1995), министр финансов США (1995–1999), председатель Совета по международным отношениям (2007–2017) [52]
- Кен Салазар , министр внутренних дел США (2009–2013 гг.), сенатор США от Колорадо (2005–2009 гг.) [53]
- Мириам Сапиро , торговый представитель США (2013 г.), заместитель торгового представителя США (2009–2014 гг.) [8]
- Кэтлин Сибелиус , министр здравоохранения и социальных служб США (2009–2014 гг.), губернатор Канзаса (2003–2009 гг.) [54]
- Томас А. Шеннон-младший , государственный секретарь США (2017 г.) (республиканец) [29]
- Хильда Солис , министр труда США (2009–2013 гг.), представитель США от CA-32 (2001–2009 гг.) [55]
- Лоуренс Саммерс , директор Национального экономического совета (2009–2011), президент Гарвардского университета (2001–2006), министр финансов США (1999–2001) [56]
- Энн Венеман , министр сельского хозяйства США (2001–2005 гг.) [57] (республиканец)
- Том Вилсак , министр сельского хозяйства США (2009–2017, 2021 – настоящее время), губернатор Айовы (1999–2007) [58]
- Джек Уотсон , руководитель аппарата Белого дома (1980–1981) [8]
- Уильям Х. Вебстер , председатель Консультативного совета по внутренней безопасности (2005–2020 гг.), Директор Центральной разведки (1987–1991 гг.), Директор Федерального бюро расследований (1978–1987 гг.), Судья Апелляционного суда США по Восьмой округ (1973–1978), судья Окружного суда США Восточного округа Миссури (1970–1973), прокурор США Восточного округа Миссури (1960–1961) [59] (республиканец)
- Кристин Тодд Уитмен , администратор Агентства по охране окружающей среды (2001–2003 гг.), Губернатор Нью-Джерси (1994–2001 гг.) [60] (Вперед)
- Нил С. Волин , заместитель министра финансов США (2009–2013 гг.), министр финансов США (2013 г.), председатель Совета по надзору за разведкой (2015–2017 гг.) [52]
- Салли Йейтс , генеральный прокурор США (2017 г.), заместитель генерального прокурора США (2015–2017 гг.), прокурор США Северного округа Джорджии (2010–2015 гг.) [61]
- Джанет Йеллен , министр финансов США (2021 – настоящее время), председатель Федеральной резервной системы (2014–2018), вице-председатель Федеральной резервной системы (2010–2014), член Совета управляющих Федеральной резервной системы (2010–2018), 1994–1997), президент Федерального резервного банка Сан-Франциско (2004–2010), председатель Совета экономических консультантов (1997–1999). [62]
- Эндрю Янг , мэр Атланты , Джорджия (1982–1990), посол США в Организации Объединенных Наций (1977–1979), представитель США от GA-05 (1973–1977) [63]
- Джеффри Зиентс , директор по производительности США (2009–2013), директор Управления управления и бюджета (2010, 2012–2013), директор Национального экономического совета (2014–2017) [52]
- Роберт Зеллик , торговый представитель США (2001–2005) (республиканец) [8]
Представители Госдепартамента
[ редактировать ]- Хади Амр , заместитель специального посланника США по израильско-палестинским переговорам (2014–2017 гг.) [52]
- Ричард Армитидж , заместитель госсекретаря США (2001–2005) (республиканец) [28]
- Элизабет Фроули Бэгли , специальный советник по инициативам госсекретаря (2010–2013, 2014–2017), специальный представитель по глобальному партнерству (2009–2010), посол США в Португалии (1994–1997) [52]
- Джон Б. Беллинджер III , юрисконсульт Государственного департамента (2005–2009) (республиканец) [28]
- Вирджиния Л. Беннетт , помощник государственного секретаря по вопросам демократии, прав человека и труда (2017 г.) [8]
- Ниша Бисвал , помощник госсекретаря по делам Южной и Центральной Азии (2014–2017 гг.) [64]
- Роберт О. Блейк-младший , посол США в Индонезии (2014–2016 гг.), помощник госсекретаря по делам Южной и Центральной Азии (2009–2013 гг.) [8]
- Тони Блинкен , заместитель госсекретаря США (2015–2017), заместитель советника по национальной безопасности (2013–2015) [19]
- Ричард Баучер , помощник государственного секретаря по делам Южной и Центральной Азии (2006–2009) (республиканец) [29]
- Рубен Бригети , посол США в Южной Африке (с 2022 г. по настоящее время), посол США в Африканском союзе (2013–2015 гг.), заместитель помощника госсекретаря по делам Африки (2011–2013 гг.), декан Школы международных отношений Эллиотта (2015 г.) –2020) [23]
- Р. Николас Бернс , заместитель государственного секретаря по политическим вопросам (2005–2008 гг.) [23]
- Курт М. Кэмпбелл , помощник государственного секретаря по делам Восточной Азии и Тихого океана (2009–2013 гг.) [65]
- Ричард А. Кларк , помощник государственного секретаря по военно-политическим вопросам (1989–1992) [8]
- Элиот А. Коэн , советник Государственного департамента США (2007–2009) (республиканец) [66]
- Элинор Констебль , помощник государственного секретаря по вопросам океанов, международной окружающей среды и науки (1993–1995), посол США в Кении (1986–1989) [65]
- Честер Крокер , помощник государственного секретаря по делам Африки (1981–1989) (республиканец) [29]
- Эван Добелл , начальник протокола (1977–1978) [65]
- Уильям А. Итон , посол США в Панаме (2005–2008 гг.), помощник государственного секретаря по администрации (2001–2005 гг.) [8]
- Эрик С. Эдельман , заместитель министра обороны по политике (2005–2009 гг.), посол США в Турции (2003–2005 гг.), посол США в Финляндии (1998–2001 гг.) (республиканец) [8]
- Стюарт Э. Эйзенштат , заместитель государственного секретаря США по экономическому росту, энергетике и окружающей среде (1997–1999), посол США в Европейском Союзе (1993–1996) [67]
- Джеффри Д. Фельтман , помощник госсекретаря по делам Ближнего Востока (2009–2012 гг.), посол США в Ливане (2004–2008 гг.) [14] [68]
- Хосе В. Фернандес , помощник государственного секретаря по экономическим и деловым вопросам (2009–2013 гг.) [65]
- Джонатан Файнер , директор по планированию политики (2016–2017 гг.) [14]
- Карл В. Форд младший , помощник государственного секретаря по разведке и исследованиям (2001–2003) (республиканец) [29]
- Ира Форман , специальный посланник по мониторингу и борьбе с антисемитизмом (2013–2017 гг.) [69]
- Дуглас Франц , помощник государственного секретаря по связям с общественностью (2013–2015 гг.) [14]
- Роберт С. Гелбард , посол США в Индонезии (1999–2001), помощник государственного секретаря по международным вопросам борьбы с наркотиками (1993–1997), посол США в Боливии (1988–1991) [65]
- Джеймс К. Глассман , заместитель государственного секретаря по общественной дипломатии и связям с общественностью (2008–2009) (республиканец) [29]
- Л. Феличе Горордо , Бюро по делам Западного полушария (2006–2007 гг.) [70]
- Роуз Гетемюллер , помощник государственного секретаря по контролю над вооружениями, проверке и соблюдению требований (2009–2014 гг.), заместитель государственного секретаря по вопросам контроля над вооружениями и международной безопасности (2012–2016 гг.) [8]
- Коллин Граффи , заместитель помощника государственного секретаря по общественной дипломатии в Европе и Евразии (2004–2009) (республиканец) [29]
- Хизер Хиггинботтом , заместитель государственного секретаря по управлению и ресурсам (2013–2017), советник Государственного департамента США (2013), заместитель директора Управления управления и бюджета (2011–2013) [14]
- Кристофер Р. Хилл , помощник госсекретаря по делам Восточной Азии и Тихого океана (2005–2009 гг.), посол США в Ираке (2009–2010 гг.), посол США в Южной Корее (2004–2005 гг.), посол США в Польше (2000–2004 гг. ) ), посол США в Македонии (1996–1999), посол США в Албании (1991). [23]
- Карл Индерфурт , помощник государственного секретаря по делам Южной и Центральной Азии (1997–2001 гг.) [8]
- Роберта С. Джейкобсон , помощник госсекретаря по делам Западного полушария (2011–2016 гг.), посол США в Мексике (2016–2018 гг.) [23] [8]
- Трейси Энн Джейкобсон , помощник госсекретаря по делам международных организаций (2017 г.), посол США в Косово (2012–2015 гг.), посол США в Таджикистане (2006–2009 гг.) [8]
- Джеймс А. Келли , помощник государственного секретаря по делам Восточной Азии и Тихого океана (2001–2005 гг.) (республиканец) [29]
- Кристи Кенни , советник Государственного департамента США (2016–2017 гг.) [8]
- Гарольд Хонджу Ко , юрисконсульт Государственного департамента (2009–2013 гг.), помощник государственного секретаря по вопросам демократии, прав человека и труда (1998–2001 гг.) [12]
- Дэвид Дж. Крамер , помощник государственного секретаря по вопросам демократии, прав человека и труда (2008–2009 гг.) (республиканец) [29]
- Стивен Д. Краснер , директор по политическому планированию (2005–2007) (республиканец) [29]
- Барбара Ларкин , помощник государственного секретаря по законодательным вопросам (1996–2001 гг.) [65]
- Рета Джо Льюис , специальный представитель по глобальным межправительственным делам Госдепартамента [8]
- Джон Лимберт , заместитель помощника госсекретаря по Ирану (2009–2010), посол США в Мавритании (2000–2003) [68]
- Дэвид Лайл Мак , заместитель помощника госсекретаря по делам Ближнего Востока (1990–1993), посол США в Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах (1986–1989) [68]
- Нэнси МакЭлдауни , директор Института дипломатической службы (2013–2017), посол США в Болгарии (2008–2009) [8]
- Томас О. Мелиа , помощник администратора USAID по Европе и Евразии (2015–2017 гг.) [65]
- Альберто Дж. Мора , главный юрисконсульт Информационного агентства США (1989–1993) (республиканец) [29]
- Томас Р. Найдс , заместитель государственного секретаря по управлению и ресурсам (2011–2013 гг.) [8]
- Сюзанна Носсель , заместитель помощника госсекретаря по делам международных организаций (2009 г.) [14]
- Виктория Нуланд , помощник госсекретаря по делам Европы и Евразии (2013–2017 гг.), официальный представитель Госдепартамента США (2011–2013 гг.), посол США в НАТО (2005–2008 гг.) [23]
- Дуглас Х. Паал Госдепартамента США , бывший член штаба политического планирования (республиканец) [29]
- Майкл К. Полт , посол США в Эстонии (2009–2012 гг.), посол США в Сербии (2006–2007 гг.), посол США в Сербии и Черногории (2004–2006 гг.), помощник государственного секретаря по законодательным вопросам (2001 г.) [23]
- Робин Рэйфел , посол США в Тунисе (1997–2001 гг.), помощник госсекретаря по делам Южной и Центральной Азии (1993–1997 гг.) [8]
- Джоэл Мартин Рубин , заместитель помощника государственного секретаря по законодательным вопросам (2014–2017 гг.) [71] [с]
- Эван Райан , помощник государственного секретаря по вопросам образования и культуры (2013–2017 гг.) [52]
- Кори Шейк , заместитель директора по планированию политики Государственного департамента США (2007–2008) (республиканец) [29]
- Элейн Шустер , общественный делегат на Генеральной Ассамблее ООН (2009–2010 гг.) [52]
- Питер А. Селфридж , руководитель протокола США (2014–2017 гг.) [52]
- Венди Шерман , заместитель госсекретаря США (2014–2015 гг.) [8]
- Джей Т. Снайдер , комиссар Консультативной комиссии США по публичной дипломатии [65]
- Джеймс Стейнберг , заместитель госсекретаря США (2009–2011), заместитель советника по национальной безопасности (1996–2000) [8]
- Линда Томас-Гринфилд , помощник госсекретаря по делам Африки (2013–2017 гг.), генеральный директор дипломатической службы (2012–2013 гг.), посол США в Либерии (2008–2012 гг.) [23]
- Артуро Валенсуэла , помощник государственного секретаря по делам Западного полушария (2009–2011 гг.) [65]
- Николас А. Велиотес , помощник государственного секретаря по делам Ближнего Востока и Южной Азии (1981–1983), посол США в Египте (1984–1986), посол США в Иордании (1978–1981) [23]
- Ричард Верма , помощник госсекретаря по законодательным вопросам (2009–2011 гг.), посол США в Индии (2015–2017 гг.) [23] [64]
- Эдвард С. Уокер-младший , помощник госсекретаря по делам Ближнего Востока (2000–2001 гг.), посол США в Израиле (1997–2000 гг.), посол США в Египте (1994–1997 годы), посол США в Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах (1989 год). –1992) [23] [68]
- Эрл Энтони Уэйн , помощник государственного секретаря по экономическим и деловым вопросам (2000–2006), посол США в Аргентине (2007–2009), посол США в Мексике (2011–2015) [8]
- Фрэнк Г. Виснер , посол США в Замбии (1979–1982), посол США в Египте (1986–1991), посол США на Филиппинах (1991–1992), заместитель государственного секретаря по вопросам международной безопасности (1992–1993), Заместитель министра обороны по политике (1993–1994), посол США в Индии (1994–1997). [68] [23]
- Джон Вольф , помощник госсекретаря по делам международных организаций (1989–1992), посол США в Малайзии (1992–1995) (республиканец) [29]
- Филип Д. Зеликов , советник Госдепартамента США (2005–2007) (республиканец) [29]
- Питер Циммерман , бывший главный научный сотрудник Комитета Сената США по международным отношениям и науке, советник по контролю над вооружениями [8]
Послы США
[ редактировать ]

- Джина Аберкромби-Уинстенли , посол США на Мальте (2012–2016 гг.) [8]
- Чарльз Адамс-младший , посол США в Финляндии (2015–2017 гг.) [8] [68]
- Лесли М. Александер , посол США в Эквадоре (1996–1999), посол США на Маврикии , посол США на Коморских островах (1994–1996), посол США на Гаити (1992–1993) [65]
- Мари Кармен Апонте , посол США в Сальвадоре (2012–2015 гг.) [8]
- Николь Авант , посол США на Багамах (2009–2011 гг.) [52]
- Роберт К. Барбер , посол США в Исландии (2015–2017 гг.) [52]
- Роберт Л. Барри , посол США в Индонезии (1992–1995), посол США в Болгарии (1981–1984) [65]
- Мэтью Барзун , посол США в Великобритании (2013–2017 гг.), посол США в Швеции (2009–2011 гг.) [23]
- Лесли А. Бассетт , посол США в Парагвае (2015–2017 гг.) [8]
- Майкл А. Баттл-старший, посол США в Африканском союзе (2009–2013 гг.) [8]
- Макс Баукус , сенатор США от Монтаны (1978–2014), посол США в Китае (2014–2017), представитель США от МТ-01 (1975–1978) [72]
- Дениз Бауэр , посол США в Бельгии (2013–2017 гг.) [23]
- Коллин Белл , посол США в Венгрии (2015–2017 гг.) [8]
- Джек Р. Биннс , посол США в Гондурасе (1980–1981) [65]
- Роберт Блэквилл , посол США в Индии (2001–2003 гг.) [29] (республиканец)
- Джеймс Бланшар , посол США в Канаде (1993–1996), губернатор Мичигана (1983–1991), представитель США от МИ-18 (1975–1983) [65]
- Джон Блейни , посол США в Либерии (2002–2005 гг.) [8]
- Джефф Блайх , посол США в Австралии (2009–2013 гг.) [52]
- Алан Блинкен , посол США в Бельгии (1993–1997) [65]
- Барбара Бодин , посол США в Йемене (1997–2001 гг.) [68]
- Авис Болен , посол США в Болгарии (1996–1999) [8]
- Эми Л. Бондюран , посол США в Организации сотрудничества и развития (1997–2001 гг.) [8] [68]
- Чарльз Р. Бауэрс, посол США в Боливии (1991–1994) (республиканец) [29]
- Кэрол Мозли Браун , сенатор США от Иллинойса (1993–1999), посол США в Новой Зеландии и Самоа (1999–2001) [73]
- Аурелия Э. Бразил , посол США в Эфиопии (2002–2005 гг.), посол США в Кении (1993–1996 гг.), посол США в Микронезии (1990–1993 гг.) [8]
- Уолли Брюстер , посол США в Доминиканской Республике (2013–2017 гг.) [65]
- Питер Бриджес , посол США в Сомали (1984–1986) (республиканец) [29]
- Тим Броас , посол США в Нидерландах (2014–2016 гг.) [65]
- Сью К. Браун , посол США в Черногории (2011–2015 гг.) [8]
- Джордж Чарльз Бруно , посол США в Белизе (1994–1997) [8]
- Марк Бжезинский , посол США в Польше (2022 – настоящее время), посол США в Швеции (2011–2015) [65]
- Ричард Берт , посол США в Германии (1985–1989) (республиканец) [29]
- Дуайт Л. Буш-старший , посол США в Марокко (2014–2017 гг.) [65] [68]
- Пруденс Бушнелл , посол США в Гватемале (1999–2002 гг.), посол США в Кении (1996–1999 гг.) [8]
- Джудит Бет Чефкин , посол США на Фиджи (2015–2018 гг.), посол США в Кирибати (2015–2018 гг.), посол США в Науру (2015–2018 гг.), посол США в Тонге (2015–2018 гг.), посол США в Тувалу (2015 г.) –2018) [8]
- Дик Селеста , губернатор штата Огайо (1983–1991), посол США в Индии (1997–2001), директор Корпуса мира (1979–1981), вице-губернатор штата Огайо (1975–1979) [74]
- Питер Р. Чавеас, посол США в Сьерра-Леоне (2001–2004 гг.), посол США в Малави (1994–1997 гг.) [8]
- Марк Б. Чилдресс , посол США в Танзании (2014–2016 гг.) [65]
- Джек Чоу , бывший специальный представитель госсекретаря США по глобальному ВИЧ/СПИДу (республиканец) [29]
- Изобель Коулман , посол США в ООН по вопросам управления и реформ (2014–2017 гг.) [65]
- Маура Коннелли , посол США в Сирии (2008–2010 гг.), посол США в Ливане (2010–2013 гг.) [68]
- Элинор Дж. Констебль , посол США в Кении (1986–1989) [8]
- Фрэнсис Д. Кук , посол США в Бурунди (1980–1983), посол США в Камеруне (1989–1993), посол США в Омане (1996–1999) [68]
- Сьюзан Джонсон Кук , посол США по особым поручениям по вопросам международной религиозной свободы (2011–2013 гг.) [75]
- Джером Дж. Купер , посол США на Ямайке (1994–1997 гг.) [8]
- Джеймс Костос , посол США в Испании и Андорре (2013–2017 гг.) [76]
- Синди Курвиль , посол США в Африканском союзе (2006–2008 гг.) [8]
- Райан Крокер , посол США в Афганистане (2002, 2011–2012 гг.), посол США в Ираке (2007–2009 гг.), посол США в Пакистане (2004–2007 гг.), посол США в Сирии (1999–2001 гг.), посол США в Кувейте ( 1994–1997), посол США в Ливане (1990–1993). [68]
- Рут А. Дэвис , посол США в Бенине (1992–1995 гг.) [8]
- Джеффри ДеЛаурентис , посол США на Кубе (2014–2017 гг.), посол США в ООН по специальным политическим вопросам (2011–2014 гг.) [23]
- Грег Делави , посол США в Косово (2015–2018 гг.) [14]
- Роберт Шервуд Диллон , посол США в Ливане (1981–1983) [68]
- Кэтлин А. Доэрти , посол США на Кипре (2015–2018 гг.) [8]
- Уильям Ичо , посол США в Австрии (2009–2013 гг.) [23]
- Стюарт Эйзенштат , директор Совета по внутренней политике Белого дома (1977–1981), заместитель министра финансов США (1999–2001), посол США в Европейском Союзе (1993–1996) [65]
- Сьюзан М. Эллиотт , посол США в Таджикистане (2012–2015 гг.) [8]
- Джон Б. Эмерсон , посол США в Германии (2013–2017 гг.) [8]
- Джон Л. Эстрада , посол США в Тринидаде и Тобаго (2016–2017 гг.) [8]
- Джеральд Файерстайн , посол США в Йемене (2010–2013 гг.) [14] [68]
- Джудит Фергин , посол США в Восточном Тиморе (2010–2013 гг.) [8]
- Джули Финли , посол США в Организации по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе (2005–2009) (республиканка) [29]
- Роберт Стивен Форд , посол США в Сирии (2011–2014 гг.), посол США в Алжире (2006–2008 гг.) [8] [68]
- Элизабет Фроули Бэгли , посол США в Португалии (1994–1997) [23]
- Лори С. Фултон , посол США в Дании (2009–2013 гг.) [8]
- Джули Фурута-Той , посол США в Экваториальной Гвинее (2016–2019 гг.) [8]
- Эдвард М. Габриэль , посол США в Марокко (1997–2001 гг.) [8] [68]
- Питер Гэлбрейт , посол США в Хорватии (1993–1998 гг.) [8]
- Энтони Л. Гарднер , посол США в Европейском Союзе (2014–2017 гг.) [65]
- Гордон Гиффин , посол США в Канаде (1997–2001 гг.) [8]
- Руфус Гиффорд , посол США в Дании (2013–2017 гг.) [77]
- Марк Гилберт , посол США в Новой Зеландии (2015–2017 гг.) [52]
- Марк Гинзберг , посол США в Марокко (1994–1998 гг.) [65]
- Марк Гитенстайн , посол США в Румынии (2009–2012 гг.) [23]
- Эдвард Гнем , посол США в Иордании (2001–2014 гг.), посол США в Австралии (2000–2001 гг.), посол США в Кувейте (1991–1994 гг.) [68]
- Кристофер Э. Голдтуэйт , посол США в Чаде (1999–2004 гг.) [23]
- Гэри А. Граппо , посол США в Омане (2006–2009 гг.) [23]
- Гордон Грей III , посол США в Тунисе (2009–2012 гг.) [8] [68]
- Габриэль Герра-Мондрагон , посол США в Чили (1994–1998 гг.) [78]
- Лино Гутьеррес , посол США в Аргентине (2003–2006), посол США в Никарагуа (1996–1999) [8]
- Говард Гутман , посол США в Бельгии (2009–2013 гг.) [8]
- Нина Хачигян , посол США в Ассоциации государств Юго-Восточной Азии (2014–2017 гг.) [14]
- Тони П. Холл , посол США в агентствах ООН по продовольствию и сельскому хозяйству (2002–2006 гг.) [75]
- Памела Хамамото , посол США в международных организациях ООН в Женеве (2014–2017 гг.) [8]
- С. Фицджеральд Хейни , посол США в Коста-Рике (2015–2017 гг.) [79]
- Энтони Стивен Харрингтон , посол США в Бразилии (1999–2001 гг.) [8]
- Джейн Д. Хартли , посол США во Франции (2014–2017 гг.), посол США в Монако (2014–2017 гг.) [80]
- Брюс Хейман , посол США в Канаде (2014–2017 гг.) [8]
- Карл В. Хофманн , посол США в Того (2000–2002 гг.) [65]
- Лаура Холгейт , посол США в международных организациях ООН в Вене (2016–2017 гг.) [8]
- Томас К. Хаббард , посол США в Южной Корее (2001–2004 гг.), посол США на Филиппинах (1996–2000 гг.) [23]
- Вики Дж. Хаддлстон , посол США в Мали (2000–2005 гг.), посол США на Мадагаскаре (1995–1996 гг.) [23]
- Дэвид Хюбнер , посол США в Новой Зеландии и Самоа (2010–2014 гг.) [8]
- Эдмунд Халл , посол США в Йемене (2001–2004 гг.) [68]
- Дэвид Т. Джонсон , посол США в Организации по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе (1998–2001 гг.) [8]
- А. Элизабет Джонс , посол США в Казахстане (1995–1997 гг.) [8] [68]
- Дебора К. Джонс , посол США в Ливии (2013–2015 гг.), Посол США в Кувейте (2008–2011 гг.) [14] [68]
- Сэмюэл Л. Каплан , посол США в Марокко (2009–2013 гг.) [68]
- Теодор Х. Каттуф , посол США в Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах (1999–2001 гг.), Посол США в Сирии (2001–2003 гг.) [68]
- Ричард Козларич , посол США в Боснии и Герцеговине (1997–1999), посол США в Азербайджане (1994–1997) [14]
- Кэролайн Кеннеди , посол США в Японии (2013–2017 гг.) [81]
- Лора Э. Кеннеди , посол США в Туркменистане (2001–2003 гг.) [8]
- Кристи Кенни , посол США в Таиланде (2011–2014), посол США на Филиппинах (2006–2009), посол США в Эквадоре (2002–2005) [8]
- Джимми Дж. Колкер , посол США в Уганде (2002–2005 гг.), посол США в Буркина-Фасо (1999–2002 гг.) [8]
- Карен Корнблу , посол США в Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития (2009–2012 гг.) [8]
- Томас К. Краески , посол США в Йемене (2004–2007 гг.), Посол США в Бахрейне (2011–2014 гг.) [68]
- Лиза Кубиске . Посол США в Гондурасе (2011–2014 гг.) [14]
- Мадлен Кунин , губернатор Вермонта (1985–1991), посол США в Лихтенштейне (1997–1999), посол США в Швейцарии (1996–1999), заместитель министра образования США (1993–1996), вице-губернатор Вермонта (1979–1999). 1983) [82]
- Марк П. Лагон , посол США по особым поручениям по мониторингу и борьбе с торговлей людьми (2007–2009 гг.) [65]
- Дэвид Флойд Ламбертсон , посол США в Таиланде (1991–1995) [65]
- Фрэнк Лавин , посол США в Сингапуре (2001–2005) (республиканец) [26]
- Джойс Эллен Лидер , посол США в Гвинее (1999–2000 гг.) [8]
- Ричард ЛеБарон, посол США в Кувейте (2004–2007 гг.) [68]
- Альфонсо Э. Ленхардт , посол США в Танзании (2009–2013 гг.) [8]
- Джеффри Д. Левин , посол США в Эстонии (2012–2015 гг.) [8]
- Сьюзан Дж. ЛеВайн , посол США в Швейцарии и Лихтенштейне (2014–2017 гг.) [83] [ нужен лучший источник ]
- Дон М. Либери , посол США в Бурунди (2012–2016 гг.) [8]
- Кармен Ломеллин , посол США в Организации американских государств (2009–2014 гг.) [8]
- Уинстон Лорд , посол США в Китае (1984–1989) [29] (республиканец)
- Дуглас Лют , посол США в НАТО (2013–2017 гг.) [23]
- Рэй Мабус , министр военно-морского флота (2009–2017), посол США в Саудовской Аравии (1994–1996), губернатор Миссисипи (1988–1992) [д] [84] [ нужен лучший источник ]
- Дебора Р. Малак , посол США в Уганде (2016–2020 гг.), посол США в Либерии (2012–2015 гг.) [8]
- Роберт А. Манделл , посол США в Люксембурге (2011–2015 гг.), председатель Комиссии по экологическому регулированию Флориды (1987–1990 гг.) [8]
- Р. Нильс Марквардт , посол США на Мадагаскаре и Коморских островах (2007–2010 гг.), посол США в Экваториальной Гвинее (2004–2006 гг.), посол США в Камеруне (2001–2004 гг.) [23]
- Гейл Д. Матье , посол США в Намибии (2007–2010 гг.), посол США в Нигере (2002–2005 гг.) [8]
- Маршалл Флетчер Маккалли , посол США в Намибии (1993–1996) [8]
- Стивен Дж. Макфарланд , посол США в Гватемале (2008–2011 гг.) [8]
- Майкл МакКинли , посол США в Бразилии (2017–2018 гг.), посол США в Афганистане (2015–2016 гг.), посол США в Колумбии (2010–2014 гг.), посол США в Перу (2007–2010 гг.) (республиканец) [29]
- Элизабет Дэвенпорт МакКьюн , посол США в Катаре (1998–2001 гг.) [23]
- Кристофер МакМаллен , посол США в Анголе (2010–2013 гг.) [23]
- Джеймс Д. Мелвилл-младший , посол США в Эстонии (2015–2018 гг.) [8]
- Том Миллер , посол США в Греции (2001–2004 гг.), посол США в Боснии и Герцеговине (1999–2001 гг.) [23]
- Ричард Морнингстар , посол США в Азербайджане (2012–2015 гг.) [23]
- Дэвид Д. Нельсон , посол США в Уругвае (2009–2011 гг.) [8]
- Кристал Никс-Хайнс , посол США в ЮНЕСКО (2014–2017 гг.) [8]
- Линдон Лоуэлл Олсон-младший , посол США в Швеции (1998–2001 гг.) [23]
- Кевин О'Мэлли , посол США в Ирландии (2014–2017 гг.) [65]
- Луи О'Нил , посол США в Организации по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе (2006–2008 гг.) [8]
- Роберт Орр , посол США в Азиатском банке развития (2010–2016), президент Boeing Japan (2002–2007) [65]
- Джозеф Р. Паолино мл. , посол США на Мальте (1994–1996). [52]
- Джун Картер Перри , посол США в Лесото (2004–2007 гг.), посол США в Сьерра-Леоне (2004–2007 гг.) [14]
- Нэнси Бикофф Петтит , посол США в Латвии (2015–2019 гг.) [8]
- Джоан М. Плейстед , посол США в Кирибати (1995–2000), посол США на Маршалловых островах (1995–2000), посол США в Марокко (1991–1994) [65]
- Нэнси Джо Пауэлл , посол США в Индии (2012–2014 гг.) [8]
- Морин Э. Куинн , посол США в Катаре (2001–2004 гг.) [8]
- Азита Раджи , посол США в Швеции (2016–2017 гг.) [65]
- Чарльз А. Рэй , посол США в Зимбабве (2009–2012 гг.), заместитель помощника министра обороны по делам военнопленных и пропавших без вести кадров (2006–2009 гг.), посол США в Камбодже (2002–2005 гг.) [19]
- Джулисса Рейносо , посол США в Уругвае (2012–2014 гг.) [23]
- Томас Боллинг Робертсон , посол США в Словении (2004–2008 гг.) [14]
- Джеймс Розапепе , посол США в Румынии (1998–2001 гг.) [85]
- Лесли В. Роу , посол США в Мозамбике (2010–2012 гг.), посол США в Папуа-Новой Гвинее (2006–2009 гг.), посол США на Соломоновых островах (2006–2009 гг.), посол США в Вануату (2006–2009 гг.) [8]
- Уильям А. Раг, посол США в Северном Йемене (1984–1987), посол США в Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах (1992–1995) [68]
- Кэтрин М. Рассел , посол США по особым поручениям по глобальным женским вопросам (2013–2017 гг.) [65]
- Джанет А. Сандерсон , посол США на Гаити (2006–2009 гг.), посол США в Алжире (2000–2003 гг.) [68]
- Тересита Карри Шаффер , посол США в Шри-Ланке (1992–1995), посол США на Мальдивах (1992–1995) [8]
- Том Шиффер , посол США в Японии (2005–2009), посол США в Австралии (2001–2005) [23]
- Грегори Шульте , посол США в Международном агентстве по атомной энергии (2005–2009) (республиканец) [29]
- Тод Седжвик , посол США в Словакии (2010–2015 гг.) [8]
- Дэниел Б. Шапиро , посол США в Израиле (2011–2017 гг.) [86]
- Мэтти Р. Шарплесс , посол США в Центральноафриканской Республике (2001–2003 гг.) [8]
- Роберт А. Шерман , посол США в Португалии (2014–2017 гг.) [23]
- Дана Шелл Смит , посол США в Катаре (2014–2017 гг.) [14] [68]
- Нэнси Содерберг , посол США в ООН по специальным политическим вопросам (1997–2001 гг.) [23]
- Алан Соломон , посол США в Испании и Андорре (2010–2013 гг.) [8]
- Дэниел В. Спекхард , посол США в Греции (2007–2010 гг.), посол США в Беларуси (1997–2000 гг.) [65]
- Карл Шпильфогель , посол США в Словакии (2000–2001 гг.) [52]
- Карен Кларк Стэнтон , посол США в Восточном Тиморе (2014–2017 гг.) [8]
- Чарльз Ричард Стит , посол США в Танзании (1998–2001 гг.) [65]
- Марк С. Сторелла , посол США в Замбии (2010–2013 гг.) (республиканец) [8]
- Ширин Р. Тахир-Хели , заместитель представителя США при Организации Объединенных Наций по специальным политическим вопросам (1990–1993) (республиканец) [29]
- Роберт Х. Таттл , посол США в Великобритании (2005–2009 гг.) (республиканец) [29]
- Чарльз Х. Твининг , посол США в Камеруне (1995–1998), посол США в Экваториальной Гвинее (1995–1998), посол США в Камбодже (1994–1995), посол США в Бенине (1982–1983) [65]
- Николас А. Велиотес , посол США в Иордании (1978–1981), посол США в Египте (1984–1986) [68]
- Александр Вершбоу , посол США в НАТО (1997–2001), посол США в России (2001–2005), посол США в Южной Корее (2005–2008) [8]
- Фредерик Вриланд , посол США в Марокко (1992–1993) [68]
- Марсель Вахба , посол США в Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах (2001–2004 гг.) [68]
- Дженонн Р. Уокер , посол США в Чехии (1995–1998 гг.) [8]
- Марк М. Уолл , посол США в Чаде (2004–2007 гг.) (беспартийный) [65]
- Джеймс Дональд Уолш , посол США в Аргентине (2000–2003 гг.) [8]
- Мэри Берс Уорлик , посол США в Сербии (2010–2012 гг.) [23]
- Джозеф Вестфаль , посол США в Саудовской Аравии (2014–2017 гг.), заместитель министра армии (2009–2014 гг.), министр армии (2001 г.) [23]
- Барри Б. Уайт , посол США в Норвегии (2009–2013 гг.) [8]
- Биса Уильямс , посол США в Нигере (2010–2013 гг.) [8]
- Дуэйн Вёрт, представитель США в совете Международной организации гражданской авиации (2010–2013 гг.) [8]
- Ли С. Волоски , специальный посланник США по вопросу закрытия следственного изолятора Гуантанамо (2015–2017 гг.) [14]
- Мэри Карлин Йейтс , посол США в Гане (2002–2005 гг.), посол США в Бурунди (1999–2002 гг.) [23]
- Джонни Янг , посол США в Словении (2001–2004 гг.), посол США в Бахрейне (1997–2001 гг.), посол США в Того (1994–1997 гг.), посол США в Сьерра-Леоне (1989–1992 гг.) [8]
- Мари Йованович , посол США в Украине (2016–2019), посол США в Армении (2008–2011), посол США в Кыргызстане (2005–2008) [87]
- Сьюзан Л. Зиаде , посол США в Катаре (2011–2014 гг.) [68]
- Энтони Зинни , специальный посланник США в Катаре (2017–2019 гг.) (независимый) [8]
Представители Министерства обороны
[ редактировать ]

- Чарльз С. Эббот , заместитель главнокомандующего Европейским командованием США (1998–2000 гг.) [8]
- Клара Адамс-Эндер , начальник корпуса медсестер армии США (1987–1991) [8]
- Джеймс А. Адкинс , бывший генерал-майор армии США. [8]
- Клиффорд Александр-младший , министр армии США (1977–1981) [8]
- Рикардо Апонте , бригадный генерал Командования резерва ВВС и ВВС США (1972–2007). [8]
- Дональд Артур , главный хирург ВМС США (2004–2007 гг.) [8]
- Джереми Баш , руководитель аппарата министра обороны США (2011–2013), руководитель аппарата директора Центрального разведывательного управления (2009–2011) [52]
- Чарльз Бланшар , главный юрисконсульт армии (1999–2001 гг.), главный юрисконсульт ВВС (2009–2013 гг.) [8]
- Ronald R. Blanck, Surgeon General of the U.S. Army (1996–2000)[8]
- Charles G. Boyd, four-star general in the U.S. Air Force (1959–1995)[8]
- John A. Bradley, lieutenant general in the U.S. Air Force (1967–2008)[8]
- David M. Brahms, brigadier general in the U.S. Marine Corps (1961–1988)[8]
- Douglas A. Brook, Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) (2007–2009) (Republican)[8]
- Louis Caldera, U.S. Secretary of the Army (1998–2001), director of the White House Military Office (2009)[8]
- Donald M. Campbell Jr., lieutenant general in the U.S. Army (1978–2014)[8]
- Robert Cardillo, director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (2014–2019), deputy director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (2010)[8]
- Patrick G. Carrick, former deputy director of the Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency[8]
- Antonia Chayes, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Manpower & Reserve Affairs) (1977–1979), U.S. Under Secretary of the Air Force (1979–1981)[8]
- Stephen A. Cheney, brigadier general in the U.S. Marine Corps (1971–2001)[8]
- Peter W. Chiarelli, four-star general in the U.S. Army (1972–2012)[8]
- Henry G. Chiles Jr., four-star admiral in the U.S. Navy (1960–1996)[8]
- Deborah P. Christie, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Financial Management and Comptroller (1994–1998)[14]
- Wesley Clark, Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (1997–2000), 2004 candidate for president[8]
- Torie Clarke, Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs (2001–2003)[88] (Republican)
- Ronald S. Coleman, lieutenant general in the U.S. Navy (1968–1970) and the U.S. Marine Corps (1974–2009)[8]
- Erin Conaton, Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (2012)[8]
- Peter Cooke, commander of the 96th Regional Readiness Command[8]
- John Dalton, U.S. Secretary of the Navy (1993–1998)[8]
- Richard Danzig, U.S. Secretary of the Navy (1998–2001, Under Secretary of the Navy (1993–1997)[14]
- Rudy de Leon, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense (2000–2001), Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (1997–2000), Under Secretary of the Air Force (1994–1997)[8]
- Susan Y. Desjardins, former major general in the U.S. Air Force (1980–2012)[8]
- Richard T. Devereaux, former major general in the U.S. Air Force[8]
- Michael Donley, U.S. Secretary of the Air Force (2008–2013)[8] (Republican)
- John W. Douglass, Assistant Secretary of the Navy (1995–1998)[19]
- Raymond DuBois, acting Under Secretary of the Army (2005–2006)[8] (Republican)
- Paul Eaton, deputy chief of staff for operations and training at Fort Monroe[89]
- Mari K. Eder, major general in the U.S. Army (1977–2012)[8]
- Stephen C. Evans, rear admiral in the U.S. Navy (1986–2020)[8]
- John R. Ewers, major general in the U.S. Marine Corps (1984–2020)[8]
- Eric Fanning, U.S. Secretary of the Army (2016–2017) and acting secretary (2015–2016), Acting U.S. Secretary of the Air Force (2013)[90]
- Michèle Flournoy, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (2009–2012)[8]
- Pat Foote, brigadier general in the U.S. Army (1959–1989)[8]
- Michael T. Franken, vice admiral in the U.S. Navy (1978–2017)[8]
- Juan M. Garcia III, Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) (2009–2016)[8]
- Robert G. Gard Jr., lieutenant general in the U.S. Army (1950–1981)[8]
- Jonathan D. George, brigadier general in the U.S. Air Force (1981–2011)[8]
- Daniel B. Ginsberg, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Manpower & Reserve Affairs) (2009–2013)[8]
- Sherri W. Goodman, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment (1993–2001)[8]
- Michael Green, senior adviser to the Office of Asia Pacific Affairs (1997–2000) (Republican)[8]
- Robert Hale, Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (2009–2014)[8]
- Irv Halter, major general in the U.S. Air Force (1977–2009)[8]
- Ken Harbaugh, lieutenant in the U.S. Navy (1996–2005)[8]
- Robert Harding, former major general in the U.S. Army[8]
- Richard D. Hearney, four-star general in the U.S. Marine Corps (1962–1996)[8]
- Clare Helminiak, rear admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (1983–2005)[8]
- Reynold N. Hoover, lieutenant general in the U.S. Army (1983–2020)[8]
- P. Gardner Howe III, former vice admiral in the U.S. Navy[8]
- John Hutson, former rear admiral in the U.S. Navy[8]
- Paul Ignatius, U.S. Secretary of the Navy (1967–1969)[8]
- Chris Inglis, Deputy Director of the National Security Agency (2006–2014)[8]
- Bobby Inman, Director of the National Security Agency (1977–1981), Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (1981–1982)[8]
- Deborah Lee James, U.S. Secretary of the Air Force (2013–2017)[91]
- Les Janka, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Near Eastern and African Affairs (1976–1978) (Republican)[8]
- Randy Jayne, major general in the U.S. Air Force and the Air National Guard (1962–2000)[8]
- James Johnson, major general in the U.S. Army (1950–1990)[8]
- Michelle D. Johnson, lieutenant general in the U.S. Air Force (1981–2017)[8]
- Michele S. Jones, U.S. Army Reserve (1982–2007), first woman to reach the position of command sergeant major of the U.S. Army Reserve[92]
- Jan-Marc Jouas, lieutenant general in the U.S. Air Force (1979–2015)[8]
- Frank Kendall III, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (2011–2017)[65]
- Susan Koch, nuclear reduction expert for the Secretary of Defense[14]
- Ken Krieg, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (2005–2007) (Republican)[8]
- Thomas R. Lamont, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) (2009–2013)[8]
- J. William Leonard, director of the Information Security Oversight Office (2002–2008)[14]
- Frank Libutti, lieutenant general in the U.S. Marine Corps (1966–2001)[8]
- George E. Little, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs (2012–2013)[14]
- Samuel J. Locklear, admiral in the U.S. Navy (1972–2015)[8]
- Deborah Loewer, rear admiral in the U.S. Navy (1976–2007), first woman promoted to a flagship rank in the U.S. Navy[8]
- Letitia Long, director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (2010–2014)[8]
- Charles D. Luckey, lieutenant general in the U.S. Army (1977–2020)[8]
- Michael D. Lumpkin, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (2014), Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (2013–2015)[8]
- Boris Lushniak, U.S. Surgeon General (2013–2014)[8]
- David M. Maddox, four-star general in the U.S. Army (1960–1995)[8]
- Stanley McChrystal, general in the U.S. Army and Commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan (2009–2010)[93]
- Merrill McPeak, U.S. Secretary of the Air Force (1993)[8]
- William H. McRaven, four-star admiral, commander of the U.S. Special Operations Command (2011–2014)[94]
- Dee McWilliams, major general in the U.S. Army (1974–2003)[8]
- Joseph V. Medina, brigadier general in the U.S. Marine Corps (1976–2007)[8]
- Christopher Mellon, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (1999–2002)[8]
- James N. Miller, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (2012–2014)[65]
- Kenneth P. Moritsugu, U.S. Surgeon General (2002, 2006–2007)[8]
- Charles L. Munns, vice admiral in the U.S. Navy (1974–2007)[8]
- Patrick Murphy, Acting U.S. Secretary of the Army (2016), Under Secretary of the Army (2016–2017), U.S. Representative from PA-08 (2007–2011)[8]
- Robert B. Murrett, director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (2006–2010)[8]
- Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General (2014–2017)[95]
- Michael Myatt, major general in the U.S. Marine Corps (1963–1995)[8]
- John B. Nathman, admiral in the U.S. Navy (1970–2007)[8]
- Lloyd W. Newton, four-star general in the U.S. Air Force (1966–2000)[8]
- Joseph Nye, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (1994–1995)[8]
- Sean O'Keefe, NASA Administrator (2001–2004), Secretary of the Navy (1992–1993)[28] (Republican)
- David R. Oliver Jr., rear admiral (1963–1995)[8]
- Eric T. Olson, admiral in the U.S. Navy (1973–2011)[8]
- Charles P. Otstott, lieutenant general in the U.S. Army (1960–1990)[8]
- B.J. Penn, acting Secretary of the Navy (2009), Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Installations and Environment (2005–2009)[8]
- Whit Peters, U.S. Secretary of the Air Force (1999–2001), Under Secretary of the Air Force (1997–1999)[8]
- Robert B. Pirie Jr., acting Secretary of the Navy (2001), Under Secretary of the Navy (2000–2001)[14]
- Gale Pollock, Deputy Surgeon General of the U.S. Army (2006–2007), former major general in the U.S. Army[8]
- Fernandez Ponds, rear admiral in the U.S. Navy (1983–2015)[8]
- Kevin M. Quinn, former rear admiral in the U.S. Navy[8]
- Joe Reeder, Under Secretary of the Army (1993–1997)[8]
- Raymond F. Rees, major general in the U.S. Army (1966–2013)[8]
- Charles H. Roadman II, lieutenant general in the U.S. Air Force (1968–1999)[8]
- Patricia Rose, first openly LGBT major general in the U.S. Air Force (1984–2017)[8]
- Joseph E. Schmitz, Inspector General of the Department of Defense (2002–2005) (Republican)[96]
- Paul Selva, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (2015–2019)[97]
- Robert W. Sennewald, four-star General in the U.S. Army (1951–1986)[8]
- Walter B. Slocombe, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (1994–2001)[8]
- Robert M. Speer, U.S. Secretary of the Army (2017){[8]
- Clifford L. Stanley, Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (2010–2011)[8]
- Howard D. Stendahl, Chief of Chaplains of the United States Air Force (1985–2015)[8]
- Maura Sullivan, assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs (2015)[8]
- Loree Sutton, former brigadier general of the U.S. Army, candidate for Mayor of New York City in 2021[8]
- William Howard Taft IV, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense (1984–1989) and the great-grandson of President William Howard Taft[8] (Republican)
- Antonio Taguba, major general in the U.S. Army (1972–2007)[8]
- Paul E. Tobin Jr., rear admiral in the U.S. Navy (1963–1998)[8]
- Henry G. Ulrich III, four-star admiral in the U.S. Navy (1972–2007)[8]
- Robin Umberg, brigadier general of the U.S. Army (1973–2020)[8]
- W. Craig Vanderwagen, rear admiral of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (1978–2006)[8]
- Francis D. Vavala, Adjutant General of the Delaware Army National Guard (1999–2017)[65]
- Dale Vesser, lieutenant general in the U.S. Army (1954–1987)[8]
- Michael G. Vickers, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (2011–2015)[28] (Republican)
- Matthew Waxman, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Detainee Affairs (2004–2005)[8] (Republican)
- Andrew C. Weber, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense Programs (2009–2014)[14]
- Jack Weinstein, Lieutenant General of the U.S. Air Force (1982–2018)[8]
- Joseph J. Went, U.S. Marine Corps four-star general (1952–1990)[8]
- Sheila Widnall, U.S. Secretary of the Air Force (1993–1997)[8]
- Kayla Williams, former intelligence specialist in the U.S. Army, author[8]
- Michael J. Williams, U.S. Marine Corps four star general (1967–2002)[8]
- Margaret C. Wilmoth, former brigadier general in the U.S. Army Reserve[8]
- Jesse A. Wilson Jr., Commander of Naval Surface Force Atlantic (2017–2020)[8]
- Johnnie E. Wilson, four-star general in the U.S. Army (1961–1999)[8]
- Margaret H. Woodward, major general in the U.S. Army (1982–2014)[8]
- Dov Zakheim, Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (2001–2004)[8] (Republican)
Justice Department officials

- A. Brian Albritton, U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Florida (2008–2010) (Republican)[98]
- Donald B. Ayer, U.S. Deputy Attorney General (1989–1990), U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of California (1981–1986) (Republican)[99][98]
- A. Lee Bentley, III, U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Florida (2014–2017)[96]
- Daniel Bogden, U.S. Attorney for the District of Nevada (2001–2007, 2009–2017) (Republican)[98]
- Greg Brower, U.S. Attorney for the District of Nevada (2008–2009) (Republican)[98]
- Wayne Budd, U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts (1989–1992), U.S. Associate Attorney General (1992–1993) (Republican)[98]
- John P. Carlin, U.S. Assistant Attorney General for the National Security Division (2014–2016)[65]
- Paul K. Charlton, U.S. Attorney for the District of Arizona (2001–2006) (Republican)[98]
- James M. Cole, U.S. Deputy Attorney General (2010–2015)[65]
- James Comey, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (2013–2017), U.S. Deputy Attorney General (2003–2005) (Independent)[100]
- Roxanne Conlin, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa (1977–1981)[96]
- Michael W. Cotter, U.S. Attorney for the District of Montana (2009–2017)[96]
- Deirdre M. Daly, U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut (2013–2017)[96]
- Steve Dettelbach, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio (2009–2015)[96]
- Conner Eldridge, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Arkansas (2010–2015)[96]
- David B. Fein, U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut (2010–2013)[96]
- Paul J. Fishman, U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey (2009–2017)[96]
- John P. Fishwick Jr., U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia (2015–2017)[96]
- Charles Fried, U.S. Solicitor General (1985–1989) (Republican)[24]
- Deborah R. Gilg, U.S. Attorney for the District of Nebraska (2009–2017)[96]
- Jonathan L. Goldstein, U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey (1974–1977) (Republican)[98]
- Barry Grissom, U.S. Attorney for the District of Kansas (2010–2016)[96]
- Timothy J. Heaphy, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia (2009–2015)[96]
- Thomas B. Heffelfinger, U.S. Attorney for the District of Minnesota (1991–1993, 2001–2006) (Republican)[98]
- Dwight Holton, U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon (2010–2011)[96]
- David Iglesias, U.S. Attorney for the District of New Mexico (2001–2006) (Republican)[98]
- Marcos Jimenez, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida (2002–2005) (Republican)[98]
- David N. Kelley, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York (2003–2005) (Republican)[98][101]
- Nicholas A. Klinefeldt, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa (2009–2015)[96]
- David S. Kris, U.S. Assistant Attorney General for the National Security Division (2009–2011)[96]
- Karen L. Loeffler, U.S. Attorney for the District of Alaska (2009–2017)[96]
- Neil MacBride, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia (2009–2013)[96]
- Ronald Machen, U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia (2010–2015)[96]
- Kenneth Magidson, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Texas (2011–2017)[96]
- John McKay, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Washington (2001–2006) (Republican)[98]
- Michael McKay, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Washington (1989–1993) (Republican)[98]
- Patrick Miles Jr., U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Michigan (2012–2017)[96]
- Jan Paul Miller, U.S. Attorney for the Central District of Illinois (2002–2005) (Republican)[98]
- Lisa Monaco, Homeland Security Advisor (2013–2017), U.S. Assistant Attorney General for the National Security Division (2011–2013)[19]
- Bill Nettles, U.S. Attorney for the District of South Carolina (2010–2016)[96]
- Carmen Ortiz, U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts (2009–2017)[96]
- Matthew D. Orwig, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Texas (2001–2007) (Republican)[98]
- Paul Perez, U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Florida (2002–2007) (Republican)[98]
- Tim Purdon, U.S. Attorney for the District of North Dakota (2010–2015)[96]
- Carole Rendon, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio (2016–2017)[96]
- Sarah Saldaña, director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (2014–2017), U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas (2011–2014)[96]
- Kevin W. Techau, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Iowa (2014–2017)[96]
- Anne Tompkins, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina (2010–2015)[96]
- Stanley Twardy, U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut (1985–1991) (Republican)[98]
- John W. Vaudreuil, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Wisconsin (2010–2017)[96]
- Benjamin B. Wagner, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of California (2009–2016)[96]
- Kenneth L. Wainstein, U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia (2004–2006), U.S. Assistant Attorney General for the National Security Division (2006–2008), U.S. Homeland Security Advisor (2008–2009) (Republican)[98][96]
- John F. Walsh, U.S. Attorney for the District of Colorado (2010–2016)[96]
- Bill Weld, U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts (1981–1986), U.S. Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division (1986–1988), Governor of Massachusetts (1991–1997) (Republican)[98][45]
- Tony West, U.S. Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division (2009–2012), U.S. Associate Attorney General (2012–2014), brother-in-law of Kamala Harris[52]
- Kinney Zalesne, Council to the U.S. Attorney General (1998–2003)[52]
Homeland Security Department officials
- Jarrod Bernstein, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs (2009–2011)[52]
- James C. Card, vice admiral in the U.S. Coast Guard (1964–2000)[8]
- Richard Falkenrath, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security (2003–2004) (Republican)[8]
- Betsy Markey, Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for Intergovernmental Affairs (2011–2013), U.S. Representative from CO-04 (2009–2011)[citation needed]
- Alejandro Mayorkas, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security (2013–2016), U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security (2021–present)[65]
- John Mitnick, general counsel of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (2018–2019) (Republican)[29]
- D. Brian Peterman, vice admiral in the U.S. Coast Guard (1973–2008)[8]
- Clyde Robbins, vice admiral in the U.S. Coast Guard (1955–1990)[8]
- Francis X. Taylor, Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Intelligence and Analysis (2014–2017)[8]
- Miles Taylor, chief of staff of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (2017–2019) (Republican)[102]
- Paul Zukunft, former commandant of the United States Coast Guard (2014–2018)[103]
Energy Department officials
[edit]- Linton Brooks, Under Secretary of Energy for Nuclear Security and administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration (2003–2007) (Republican)[29]
- Frank Klotz, Under Secretary of Energy for Nuclear Security (2014–2018)[8]
- Arun Majumdar, director of the Energy Advanced Research Projects Agency (2009–2012)[104]
- Franklin Orr, Under Secretary of Energy for Science (2014–2017)[104]
- Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, Deputy Secretary of Energy (2014–2017)[65]
- Steve Spinner, stimulus adviser for the U.S. Department of Energy (2009–2010)[52]
White House officials

- Steve Abbot, Deputy Homeland Security Advisor (2001–2003) (Republican)[29]
- Kiran Ahuja, executive director of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (2009–2015)[64]
- Eli Attie, screenwriter, producer, White House speech writer (2000)[105]
- Kenneth Baer, associate director of communications for the White House's Office of Management and Budget (2009–2012)[52]
- Bruce Bartlett, author, historian, policy advisor to Ronald Reagan (Independent, former Republican)[a][106][107]
- Robert Bauer, White House Counsel (2010–2011)[108]
- Kenneth Bernard, special assistant to the president for biodefense and as assistant surgeon general (2002–2005) (Republican)[29]
- Jason Bordoff, member of the U.S. National Security Council (2009–2013)[8]
- Jake Braun, White House Liaison to the Department of Homeland Security[109]
- Victor Cha, director of Asian Affairs of the U.S. National Security Council (2004–2007) (Republican)[29]
- Aneesh Chopra, U.S. Chief Technology Officer (2009–2012)[64]
- Nelson Cunningham, senior advisor to the special envoy for the Americas[65]
- Nancy-Ann DeParle, White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy (2011–2013), director of the White House Office of Health Reform (2009–2011)[12]
- Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel, White House assistant (1963–1966)[52]
- Anita Dunn, White House Communications Director (2009)[110]
- R. P. Eddy, director of the U.S. National Security Council (1994–1996)[8]
- Gary Edson, Deputy National Security Advisor (2001–2004) (Republican)[29]
- Aaron Friedberg, deputy assistant to the vice president for National Security (2003–2005) (Republican)[29]
- Michael Gerson, White House director of speechwriting (2001–2006) (Republican)[111]
- Chad Griffin, former member of the White House Press Office[112]
- Avril Haines, Deputy National Security Advisor (2015–2017), Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (2013–2015)[19]
- Cynthia Hogan, counsel to the vice president (2009–2013)[38]
- John Holdren, director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (2009–2017)[104]
- Joel Hunter, advisory counsel for the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (2009–2010)[113]
- Valerie Jarrett, director of the White House Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs (2009–2017), Senior Advisor to the President (2009–2017)[114]
- Colin Kahl, National Security Advisor to the Vice President (2014–2017)[19]
- Gil Kerlikowske, commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (2014–2017), director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (2009–2014), Chief of Police of Seattle, Washington (2001–2009)[96]
- Christopher A. Kojm, chair of the National Intelligence Council (2009–2014)[14]
- Bill Kristol, Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States (1989–1993), founder of The Weekly Standard, editor of conservative The Bulwark[115]
- Anthony Lake, U.S. National Security Advisor (1993–1997), Director of Policy Planning (1977–1981)[8]
- Ann Lewis, Counselor to the President (1999–2001), White House Communications Director (1997–1999)[116]
- Chris Lu, White House Cabinet Secretary (2009–2013), U.S. Deputy Secretary of Labor (2014–2017)[117]
- Brett McGurk, Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (2015–2018)[118]
- John E. McLaughlin, Director of Central Intelligence (2004)[8]
- Jami Miscik, chair of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board (2014–2017)[8]
- Omarosa Manigault Newman, director of communications for the Office of Public Liaison (2017–2018) (Independent)[119]
- Gautam Raghavan, associate director of the Office of Public Engagement (2011–2014)[38]
- Steve Ricchetti, White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (1998–2001) (National Chair)[120]
- Desirée Rogers, White House Social Secretary (2009–2010)[52]
- Dan K. Rosenthal, Assistant to the President and director of Advance (1997–2000), special assistant to the president and deputy director of Advance (1995–1997)[68]
- Anthony Scaramucci, White House Communications Director (2017)[121] (Republican)
- Greg Schultz, special assistant to the president (2013–2017) and senior advisor to Biden's campaign[122]
- Sonal Shah, director of the Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation (2009–2011)[64]
- Stephen Slick, special assistant to the president (2005–2009) (Republican)[29]
- Joseph Stiglitz, chair of the Council of Economic Advisers (1995–1997)[123]
- Mona Sutphen, White House Deputy Chief of Staff for policy (2009–2011)[8]
- Olivia Troye, Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Advisor to Vice President Pence (2018–2020) (Republican)[124]
- Jeffrey Zients, director of the National Economic Council (2014–2017), acting director of the Office of Management and Budget (2012–2013, 2010)[38]
Other executive branch officials

- William Drea Adams, Chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities (2014–2017)[125]
- Kenneth Adelman, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Director (1983–1987) (Republican)[29]
- Roger Altman, U.S. Deputy Secretary of the Treasury (1993–1994)[52]
- Hunter Biden, vice chairman of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (2006–2009), Biden's son[126]
- Charles Bolden, Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (2009–2017)[8]
- David Cohen, Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (2015–2017)[8]
- Nani A. Coloretti, Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (2014–2017), Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Management (2012–2014)[12]
- Richard Cordray, director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (2012–2017), 2018 nominee for Governor of Ohio[127]
- Leah D. Daughtry, assistant secretary for Administration and Management[128]
- James M. Galloway, former Public Health Service officer for Region V[8]
- W. Scott Gould, Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs (2009–2013)[8]
- Jimmy Gurulé, Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (2001–2003) (Republican)[26]
- Jonathan Jarvis, director of the National Park Service (2009–2017)[104]
- Ray Jefferson, U.S. Assistant Secretary for the Veterans' Employment and Training Service (2009–2011)[8]
- Douglas Kamerow, U.S. Public Health Service employee (1979–2001)[8]
- Donald Kerr, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence (2007–2009) (Republican)[29]
- David A. Kessler, Commissioner of Food and Drugs (1990–1997)[129]
- Esther Kia'aina, Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Insular Areas (2014–2017)[12]
- Howard Koh, Assistant Secretary for Health (2009–2014)[12]
- Jim Leach, chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities (2009–2013), U.S. Representative from IA-02 (2003–2007), chair of the House Committee on Financial Services (1995–2001)[130] (Republican)
- Michael Leiter, director of the National Counterterrorism Center (2007–2011) (Republican)[29]
- Chris Lu, Deputy Secretary of Labor (2014–2017), White House Cabinet Secretary (2009–2013)[12]
- Jane Lubchenco, administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (2009–2013), Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere (2009–2013)[104]
- Rosario Marin, Treasurer of the United States (2001–2003) (Republican)[131]
- Sharon McGowan, former acting general counsel for Policy at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management[132]
- Susan Ness, Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission (1994–2001)[52]
- Dava Newman, Deputy Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (2015–2017)[8]
- Matthew G. Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center (2011–2014)[8]
- Edward Powell Jr., U.S. Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs (2000–2001)[8]
- Clyde V. Prestowitz Jr., former counselor to the U.S. Secretary of Commerce (Republican)[29]
- Sonny Ramaswamy, administrator of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (2012–2018)[104]
- Robert Roche, former member of the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations[52]
- Lillian Salerno, Deputy Undersecretary for Rural Development, U.S. Department of Agriculture (2015–2017)[52]
- Rob Shepardson, former member of the President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition[52]
- Marc Stanley, former Council Member of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum[52]
- Eric Stein, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Consumer Protection at the U.S. Treasury Department (2009–2010)[52]
- Joshua Steiner, chief of staff of the U.S. Treasury Department (1993–2001)[52]
- Kathryn D. Sullivan, Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (2013–2017), former NASA astronaut[8]
- Neera Tanden, senior advisor in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services[133]
- John D. Trasviña, Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (2009–2014)[134]
- Harold E. Varmus, director of the National Cancer Institute (2010–2015), director of the National Institutes of Health (1993–1999)[104]
- Juan Verde, U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Europe (2009–2011)[52]
- Robert A. Whitney, acting Surgeon General of the United States (1993)[8]
U.S. Congress
[edit]Former federal judicial officials
[edit]- Moe Davis, Administrative Law Judge in the U.S. Department of Labor (2015–2019), Chief Prosecutor of the Guantanamo military commissions (2005–2007)[135]
- Lacy Thornburg, judge of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina (1995–2009), Attorney General of North Carolina (1985–1993)[136]
State, territorial, and tribal executive officials
[edit]Current governors
[edit]State and territorial

- Andy Beshear, Governor of Kentucky (2019–present), Attorney General of Kentucky (2016–2019)[137]
- Muriel Bowser, Mayor of the District of Columbia (2015–present) (governor-equivalent)[e][138]
- Kate Brown, Governor of Oregon (2015–2023), Secretary of State of Oregon (2009–2015)[139]
- Albert Bryan, Governor of the United States Virgin Islands (2019–present)[140]
- Steve Bullock, Governor of Montana (2013–2021), 2020 nominee for Senate, 2020 candidate for president, chair of the National Governors Association (2018–2019), Attorney General of Montana (2009–2013)[136]
- John Carney, Governor of Delaware (2017–present), U.S. Representative from DE-AL (2011–2017)[141]
- Roy Cooper, Governor of North Carolina (2017–present), Attorney General of North Carolina (2001–2017)[142]
- Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York (2011–2021), chair of the National Governors Association (2020–2021), Attorney General of New York (2007–2010), U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (1997–2001)[143]
- John Bel Edwards, Governor of Louisiana (2016–2024), minority leader of the Louisiana House of Representatives (2012–2015), member of the Louisiana House of Representatives 72nd district (2008–2015)[144]
- Tony Evers, Governor of Wisconsin (2019–present), Superintendent of Public Instruction of Wisconsin (2009–2019)[145]
- Michelle Lujan Grisham, Governor of New Mexico (2019–present), U.S. Representative from NM-01 (2013–2019)[146]
- Lou Leon Guerrero, Governor of Guam (2019–present), senator of the Guam Legislature (1995–2005)[147]
- Jay Inslee, Governor of Washington (2013–present), U.S. Representative for WA-01 (1999–2012) and WA-04 (1993–1995), 2020 candidate for president[148]
- Ned Lamont, Governor of Connecticut (2019–present)[149]
- Janet Mills, Governor of Maine (2019–present), Attorney General of Maine (2013–2019)[150]
- Lolo Matalasi Moliga, Governor of American Samoa (2013–2021)[151]
- Phil Murphy, Governor of New Jersey (2018–present)[f][152]
- Gavin Newsom, Governor of California (2019–present), Lieutenant Governor of California (2011–2019), Mayor of San Francisco, California (2004–2011)[153][d]
- Ralph Northam, Governor of Virginia (2018–2022), Lieutenant Governor of Virginia (2014–2018), member of the Virginia Senate from the 6th district (2008–2014)
- Jared Polis, Governor of Colorado (2019–present), U.S. Representative from CO-02 (2009–2019)[154]
- J. B. Pritzker, Governor of Illinois (2019–present)[155]
- Gina Raimondo, Governor of Rhode Island (2015–2021), treasurer of Rhode Island (2011–2015)[e][156]
- Phil Scott, Governor of Vermont (2017–present), Lieutenant Governor of Vermont (2011–2017) (Republican)[157]
- Steve Sisolak, Governor of Nevada (2019–2023), chair of the Clark County Commission (2013–2019)[citation needed]
- Tim Walz, Governor of Minnesota (2019–present), U.S. Representative from MN-01 (2007–2019)[158]
- Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan (2019–present), minority leader of the Michigan Senate (2011–2015) (National Co-Chair)[159]
- Tom Wolf, Governor of Pennsylvania (2015–2023), Secretary of Revenue of Pennsylvania (2007–2008)[160]
Tribal leaders and governor-equivalent officials
[edit]- Gabe Aguilar, president of the Mescalero Apache Tribe[161]
- W. Ron Allen, chairman of the Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe of Washington (1977–present)[161]
- Ricky Armstrong, president of the Seneca Nation of New York[161]
- Floyd Azure, chairman of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation (2015–2023)[161]
- Jamie Azure, chairman of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians (2018–present)[161]
- Melanie Benjamin, chief executive of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe (2000–2008, 2012–present)[162][161]
- Devon Boyer, chairman of the Shoshone-Bannock of Fort Hall[161]
- Shelley Buck, president of the Prairie Island Indian Community[161]
- Rodney Butler, chair of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe (2010–present)[163][161]
- Frances Charles, chairwoman of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe[161]
- E. Ken Choke, chairman of the Nisqually Reservation[161]
- Michael Conners, Chief of the St. Regis Mohawk Reservation[161]
- Cedric Cromwell, Tribal Council Chairman of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe (2009–2020)[164][161]
- Carol Evans, chairwoman of the Spokane Tribe of Indians[161]
- Leonard Forsman, chairman of the Suquamish Tribe[161]
- Mark Fox, chairman of the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation[161]
- Harold Frazier, chairman of the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation (2014–present)[165][161]
- Teri Gobin, chairwoman of the Tulalip (2019–present)[161]
- Shannon Holsey, president of the Stockbridge–Munsee Community (2015–present)[166][161]
- Delbert Hopkins, chairman of the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate[161]
- Michael Hunter, Tribal Chairman of the Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians (2013–present)[161]
- Faron Jackson, chairman of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe (2016–present)[161]
- Norma Jean, chairwoman of the Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe of Washington[161]
- Kenneth Kahn, chairman of the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians[161]
- Stephen Roe Lewis, Governor of the Gila River Indian Community (2014–present)[167][161]
- Mark Macarro, chairman of the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians[161]
- Marilynn Malerba, Chief of the Mohegan Tribe (2010–present)[162][161]
- Margie Mejia, chairwoman of the Lytton Band of Pomo Indians[162][161]
- Robert Miguel, Council Chairman of the Ak-Chin Indian Community (2017–present)[161]
- Guy Miller, chairman of the Skokomish Indian Tribe[161]
- Bryan Newland, president of the Bay Mills Indian Community (2017–2021), Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affairs (2021–present)[161]
- Jonathan Nez, President of the Navajo Nation (2019–present)[168][161]
- Ned Norris Jr., chairman of the Tohono Oʼodham Nation (2007–2015, 2019–2023)[161]
- Timothy Nuvangyaoma, chairman of the Hopi Reservation (2017–present)[161]
- Dennis Patch, chairman of the Colorado River Indian Tribes (2018–2020)[161]
- Aaron Payment, Governor of the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians (2004–2008, 2012–present)[166][161]
- Bob Peters, chairperson of the Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians of Michigan (2018–present)[161]
- Marshall Pierite, chairman of the Tunica-Biloxi (2018–present)[161]
- Erica Pinto, chairwoman of the Jamul Indian Village (2015–present)[161]
- Rhonda Pitka, First Chief of Beaver Village[161]
- Julian R. President, president of the Oglala Lakota Nation[161]
- Terry Rambler, chairman of the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation[161]
- Delano Saluskin, chairman of the Yakama Indian Reservation (2020–present)[161]
- Darrell G. Seki Sr., chairman of the Red Lake Indian Reservation[161]
- Fawn Sharp, president of the Quinault Indian Nation[161]
- Lawrence Solomon, chairman of the Lummi Nation[161]
- Lee Spoonhunter, chairman of the Northern Arapaho Tribe[161]
- Bill Sterud, chairman of the Puyallup Tribe of Indians[161]
- Patrick Suarez, councilman of the Meherrin Nation[161]
- Warren Swartz, Tribal President of the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (2018–present)[161]
- Edward Thomas, president of the Tlingit Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska[161]
- Amber Torres, chairwoman of the Walker River Paiute Tribe[161]
- Mike Williams, chair of the Akiak Native Community[161]
- Thomas Wooten, chairman of the Samish Indian Nation[161]
Former governors

- George Ariyoshi, Governor of Hawaii (1973–1986), Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii (1970–1974)[169]
- John Baldacci, Governor of Maine (2003–11), U.S. Representative from ME-02 (1995–2003), Member of the Maine Senate from the 9th district (1982–94)[citation needed]
- Roy Barnes, Governor of Georgia (1999–2003)[170]
- Steve Beshear, Governor of Kentucky (2007–2015), Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky (1983–1987), Attorney General of Kentucky (1979–1983)[citation needed]
- Jerry Brown, Governor of California (1975–1983, 2011–2019), Attorney General of California (2007–2011), Mayor of Oakland, California (1999–2007), Secretary of State of California (1971–1975), 1976, 1980, and 1992 candidate for president[171]
- John W. Carlin, Governor of Kansas (1979–1987), chair of the National Governors Association (1984–1985), Archivist of the United States (1995–2005)[172]
- Arne Carlson, Governor of Minnesota (1991–1999), Minnesota State Auditor (1979–1991)[173] (Republican)
- Ben Cayetano, Governor of Hawaii (1994–2002), Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii (1986–1994)[169]
- Richard J. Codey, Governor of New Jersey (2004–2006), president of the New Jersey Senate (2002–2010)[174]
- Jon Corzine, Governor of New Jersey (2006–2010), U.S. Senator from New Jersey (2001–2006)[citation needed]
- Chet Culver, Governor of Iowa (2007–2011), Secretary of State of Iowa (1999–2007)[175]
- Gray Davis, Governor of California (1999–2003), Lieutenant Governor of California (1995–1999)[176]
- Mark Dayton, Governor of Minnesota (2011–2019), U.S. Senator from Minnesota (2001–2007), Minnesota State Auditor (1991–1995)[citation needed]
- Howard Dean, Governor of Vermont (1991–2003), chair of the Democratic National Committee (2005–2009), chair of the National Governors Association (1994–1995), Lieutenant Governor of Vermont (1987–1991), 2004 candidate for president[177]
- Jim Doyle, Governor of Wisconsin (2003–2011), Attorney General of Wisconsin (1991–2003)[178]
- Michael Dukakis, Governor of Massachusetts (1975–1979, 1983–1991), 1988 nominee for president[179][a]
- Mike Easley, Governor of North Carolina (2001–2009), Attorney General of North Carolina (1993–2001)[136]
- Jim Edgar, Governor of Illinois (1991–1999), Secretary of State of Illinois (1981–1991)[180] (Republican)
- Alejandro García Padilla, Governor of Puerto Rico (2013–2017)[78]
- Parris Glendening, Governor of Maryland (1995–2003), chair of the National Governors Association (2000–2001)[181]
- Jennifer Granholm, Governor of Michigan (2003–2011), Attorney General of Michigan (1999–2003)[182]
- Bill Graves, Governor of Kansas (1995–2003) (Republican) [183]
- Christine Gregoire, Governor of Washington (2005–2013), chair of the National Governors Association (2010–2011), Attorney General of Washington (1993–2005)[184]
- John Hickenlooper, chair of the National Governors Association (2014–2015), Governor of Colorado (2011–2019), Mayor of Denver, Colorado (2003–2011), 2020 candidate for president and 2020 nominee for Senate[185]
- Jim Hodges, Governor of South Carolina (1999–2003)[186]
- Bob Holden, Governor of Missouri (2001–2005), State Treasurer of Missouri (1993–2001)[187]
- Jim Hunt, Governor of North Carolina (1977–1985, 1993–2001), Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina (1973–1977)[188]
- John Kasich, Governor of Ohio (2011–2019), 2016 candidate for president[189] (Republican)
- Tony Knowles, Governor of Alaska (1994–2004) Mayor of Anchorage, Alaska (1981–1987)[190][better source needed]
- Ted Kulongoski, Governor of Oregon (2003–2011), associate justice of the Oregon Supreme Court (1997–2001), Attorney General of Oregon (1993–1997)[136]
- John Lynch, Governor of New Hampshire (2005–2013)[191]
- Dannel Malloy, Governor of Connecticut (2011–2019), Mayor of Stamford (1995–2009)[citation needed]
- Jack Markell, Governor of Delaware (2009–2017), chair of the National Governors Association (2012–2013)[192]
- Terry McAuliffe, Governor of Virginia (2014–2018), chair of the National Governors Association (2016–2017)[193]
- Jim McGreevey, Governor of New Jersey (2002–2004), Mayor of Woodbridge Township, New Jersey (1992–2002)[194]
- Bob Miller, Governor of Nevada (1989–1999), chair of the National Governors Association (1989–1999)[195]
- Ronnie Musgrove, Governor of Mississippi (2000–2004), Lieutenant Governor of Mississippi (1996–2000)[196]
- Jay Nixon, Governor of Missouri (2009–2017), Attorney General of Missouri (1993–2009)[187][e]
- Martin O'Malley, Governor of Maryland (2007–2015), 2016 candidate for president[197] (previously endorsed Beto O'Rourke)[g]
- Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts (2007–2015), 2020 candidate for president[198]
- Pat Quinn, Governor of Illinois (2009–2015), Lieutenant Governor of Illinois (2003–2009), Treasurer of Illinois (1991–1995)[199]
- Marc Racicot, Governor of Montana (1993–2001), Attorney General of Montana (1989–1993), chair of the Republican National Committee (2001–2003)[200] (Republican)
- Ed Rendell, Governor of Pennsylvania (2003–2011), chair of the National Governors Association (2008–2009), General Chair of the Democratic National Committee (1999–2001)[201]
- Bill Ritter, Governor of Colorado (2007–2011), District Attorney of Denver (1993–2005)[202] (previously endorsed Michael Bennet)
- Roy Romer, Governor of Colorado (1987–1999), General Chair of the Democratic National Committee (1997–1999), chair of the National Governors Association (1992–1993)[203]
- Bill Sheffield, Governor of Alaska (1982–1986)[190]
- Peter Shumlin, Governor of Vermont (2011–2017)[204]
- Don Siegelman, Governor of Alabama (1999–2003), Lieutenant Governor of Alabama (1995–1999), Attorney General of Alabama (1987–1991), Secretary of State of Alabama (1979–1987)[136]
- Rick Snyder, Governor of Michigan (2011–2019)[205] (Republican)
- John D. Waihe'e III, Governor of Hawaii (1986–1994), Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii (1982–1986)[169]
- Peterson Zah, President of the Navajo Nation (1991–1995) (governor-equivalent)[206]
Lieutenant governors
[edit]Current state and territorial
- Mandela Barnes, Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin (2019–2023)[207]
- Susan Bysiewicz, Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut (2019–present), Secretary of State of Connecticut (1999–2011)[208]
- John Fetterman, Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania (2019–2023), Mayor of Braddock, Pennsylvania (2005–2019), U.S. Senator (2023–present)[209][210]
- Peggy Flanagan, Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota (2019–present)[158]
- Garlin Gilchrist, Lieutenant Governor of Michigan (2019–present)[211]
- Kathy Hochul, Lieutenant Governor of New York (2015–2021),Governor of New York (2021–present)[212]
- Eleni Kounalakis, Lieutenant Governor of California (2019–present)[213]
- Kate Marshall, Lieutenant Governor of Nevada (2019–2021), Treasurer of Nevada (2007–2015)[214]
- Daniel McKee, Lieutenant Governor of Rhode Island (2015–2021),Governor of Rhode Island (2023–present)[215]
- Sheila Oliver, Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey (2018–2023)[216]
- Juliana Stratton, Lieutenant Governor of Illinois (2019–present)[217]
- Josh Tenorio, Lieutenant Governor of Guam (2019–present)[218]
- David Zuckerman, Lieutenant Governor of Vermont (2017–2021, 2023–present), 2020 nominee for Governor of Vermont (Vermont Progressive)[219]
Current tribal
[edit]- Jason Cooke, vice chairman of the Yankton Sioux Tribe (2017–present)[161]
- Jefferson Keel, Lieutenant Governor Emeritus of the Chickasaw Nation (2019–2021), Lieutenant Governor of the Chickasaw Nation (1999–2019)[161]
- Jodie Palmer, vice chair of the Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians of Michigan (2017–present)[161]
- Wendy Schlater, Vice Chairwoman of the La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians (2013–2024), Chairwoman of the La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians (2024–present)[161]
- Richard Silliboy, Vice Chief of the Miꞌkmaq[161]
- Brandon Yellowtail Stevens, vice-chairman of Oneida Nation of Wisconsin[220][161]
- Clark Tenakhongva, vice chair of the Hopi Reservation (2009–2021)[161]
- Bill Baxley, Lieutenant Governor of Alabama (1983–1987), Attorney General of Alabama (1971–1979)[136]
- Doug Chin, Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii (2018), Attorney General of Hawaii (2015–2018)[221]
- Kathy Davis, Lieutenant Governor of Indiana (2003–2005)[222]
- Lee Fisher, Dean of Cleveland–Marshall College of Law (2017–present), Lieutenant Governor of Ohio (2007–2011), Attorney General of Ohio (1991–1995)[136]
- Jefferson Keel, Lieutenant Governor of Chickasaw Nation (1999–2019) (Lieutenant Governor-equivalent)[161]
- Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Lieutenant Governor of Maryland (1995–2003)[223]
- John Mutz, Lieutenant Governor of Indiana (1981–1989)[224] (Republican)
- Barbara O'Brien, Lieutenant Governor of Colorado (2007–2011)[225]
- Thomas P. O'Neill III, Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts (1975–1983)[226]
- Michael Steele, Lieutenant Governor of Maryland (2003–2007), chair of the Republican National Committee (2009–2011), chair of the Maryland Republican Party (2000–2002)[227] (Republican)
- Shan Tsutsui, Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii (2012–2018)[221]
- Fran Ulmer, Lieutenant Governor of Alaska (1994–2002), Mayor of Juneau, Alaska (1983–1985)[228]
Secretaries of State
[edit]Current state and territorial
[edit]- Jocelyn Benson, Secretary of State of Michigan (2019–present), Dean of the Wayne State University Law School (2012–2016)[229]
- Alex Padilla, Secretary of State of California (2015–2021)[d][230]
- Jesse White, Secretary of State of Illinois (1999–2023)[231]
[edit]- Michelle Beaudin, secretary-treasurer of the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribe (2019–present)[161]
- Jeff Martin, Secretary of the Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians of Michigan (2016–present)[161]
- Christie Modlin, Tribal Secretary of the Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma, former chairman[161]
[edit]- Robin Carnahan, Secretary of State of Missouri (2005–2013)[187]
- Jason Kander, Secretary of State of Missouri (2013–2017)[232]
- Kathy Karpan, Secretary of State of Wyoming (1987–1995)[233]
- John P. McDonough, Secretary of State of Maryland (2008–2015)[234]
Attorneys general

[edit]- Hector Balderas, Attorney General of New Mexico (2015–2023), New Mexico State Auditor (2007–2015)[235]
- Xavier Becerra, Attorney General of California (2017–2021), House Democratic Assistant to the Leader (2007–2009), U.S. Representative from CA-34 (2013–2017), CA-31 (2003–2013), and CA-30 (1993–2003)[236]
- T. J. Donovan, Attorney General of Vermont (2017–2022)[c][235]
- Keith Ellison, Attorney General of Minnesota (2019–present), U.S. representative from MN-05 (2007–2019)[237]
- Bob Ferguson, Attorney General of Washington (2013–present)[235]
- Aaron D. Ford, Attorney General of Nevada (2019–present), majority leader (2016–2018) and minority leader (2014–2016) of the Nevada Senate[235]
- Aaron Frey, Attorney General of Maine (2019–present)[235]
- Brian Frosh, Attorney General of Maryland (2015–2023)[238]
- Gurbir Grewal, Attorney General of New Jersey (2018–2021), Director of the Division of Enforcement for the SEC (2021–present)[239]
- Maura Healey, Attorney General of Massachusetts (2015–2023), Governor of Massachusetts (2023–present)([235]
- Mark Herring, Attorney General of Virginia (2014–2022)[235]
- Letitia James, Attorney General of New York (2019–present)[235]
- Kathy Jennings, Attorney General of Delaware (2019–present)[240]
- Josh Kaul, Attorney General of Wisconsin (2019–present)[235]
- Tom Miller, Attorney General of Iowa (1995–2023, 1979–1991)[241] (previously endorsed Steve Bullock)[g][242]
- Peter Neronha, Attorney General of Rhode Island (2019–present), U.S. Attorney for the District of Rhode Island (2009–2017)[235]
- Dana Nessel, Attorney General of Michigan (2019–present)[243]
- Karl Racine, Attorney General of the District of Columbia (2015–2023)[d][235]
- Kwame Raoul, Attorney General of Illinois (2019–present)[244]
- Ellen Rosenblum, Attorney General of Oregon (2012–present)[235]
- Josh Shapiro, Attorney General of Pennsylvania (2017–2023), Governor of Pennsylvania (2023–present)[245]
- Josh Stein, Attorney General of North Carolina (2017–present)[235]
- William Tong, Attorney General of Connecticut (2019–present)[235]
- Phil Weiser, Attorney General of Colorado (2019–present), Dean of the University of Colorado Law School (2011–2016)[225]

- Robert Abrams, Attorney General of New York (1979–1993)[136]
- Jeff Amestoy, Chief Justice of the Vermont Supreme Court (1997–2004), Attorney General of Vermont (1985–1997)[136] (Republican)
- Doug Baily, Attorney General of Alaska (1989–1990)[136] (Republican)
- Thurbert Baker, Attorney General of Georgia (1997–2011)[136]
- Rosalie Ballentine, Attorney General of the United States Virgin Islands (1991–1995)[136]
- Paul Bardacke, Attorney General of New Mexico (1983–1986)[136]
- Bruce Botelho, Attorney General of Alaska (1994–2002), Mayor of Juneau, AK (2003–2012, 1988–1991)[136]
- Ethel Branch, Attorney General of the Navajo Nation (2015–2019, 2023–present) (attorney general-equivalent)[246]
- Margery Bronster, Attorney General of Hawaii (1995–1999)[136]
- Bob Butterworth, Attorney General of Florida (1987–2002)[96]
- Bonnie Campbell, Attorney General of Iowa (1991–1995)[247]
- Pamela Carter, Attorney General of Indiana (1993–1997)[136]
- Steve Clark, Attorney General of Arkansas (1979–1991)[136]
- Martha Coakley, Attorney General of Massachusetts (2007–2015)[136]
- Mike Cody, Attorney General of Tennessee (1984–1988)[136]
- Walter Cohen, Attorney General of Pennsylvania (1995)[136] (Republican)
- Jack Conway, Attorney General of Kentucky (2008–2016)[136]
- Frederick Cooke, Attorney General of the District of Columbia (1987–1990)[136]
- Robert E. Cooper Jr., Attorney General of Tennessee (2006–2014)[136]
- J. Joseph Curran Jr., Attorney General of Maryland (1987–2007), Lieutenant Governor of Maryland (1983–1987)[136]
- Frankie Sue Del Papa, Attorney General of Nevada (1991–2003), Secretary of State of Nevada (1987–1991)[96][136]
- Michael Delaney, Attorney General of New Hampshire (2009–2013)[136]
- Matthew Denn, Attorney General of Delaware (2015–2019), Lieutenant Governor of Delaware (2009–2015), Insurance Commissioner of Delaware (2005–2009)[136]
- M. Jerome Diamond, Attorney General of Vermont (1975–1981)[136]
- Rufus Edmisten, Attorney General of North Carolina (1974–1984), Secretary of State of North Carolina (1989–1996)[248][136]
- Drew Edmondson, Attorney General of Oklahoma (1995–2011)[249][250]
- Joseph Foster, Attorney General of New Hampshire (2013–2017)[96]
- Karen Freeman-Wilson, Attorney General of Indiana (2000–2001), Mayor of Gary, IN (2012–2019)[e][251]
- Steve Freudenthal, chair of the Wyoming Democratic Party (1999–2001), Attorney General of Wyoming (1981–1983)[136]
- Doug Gansler, Attorney General of Maryland (2007–2015)[136]
- Terry Goddard, Attorney General of Arizona (2003–2011), Mayor of Phoenix, AZ (1984–1990)[96]
- Chris Gorman, Attorney General of Kentucky (1992–1996)[136]
- Jan Graham, Attorney General of Utah (1993–2001)[136]
- Scott Harshbarger, Attorney General of Massachusetts (1991–1999)[136]
- Neil Hartigan, Attorney General of Illinois (1983–1991), Lieutenant Governor of Illinois (1973–1977)[136]
- Peter C. Harvey, Attorney General of New Jersey (2003–2006)[136]
- Mike Hatch, Attorney General of Minnesota (1999–2007)[96]
- Jim Hood, Attorney General of Mississippi (2004–2020)[136]
- Skip Humphrey, Attorney General of Minnesota (1983–1999)[136]
- Richard Ieyoub, Attorney General of Louisiana, (1992–2003)[136]
- George Jepsen, Attorney General of Connecticut (2011–2019)[136]
- Jim Jones, Chief Justice (2015–2017) and justice (2015–2017) of the Idaho Supreme Court, Attorney General of Idaho (1983–1991) (Republican)[136]
- Drew Ketterer, Attorney General of Maine (1995–2001)[136]
- Peter Kilmartin, Attorney General of Rhode Island (2011–2019)[136]
- Gary King, Attorney General of New Mexico (2007–2015)[136]
- Oliver Koppell, Attorney General of New York (1994)[136]
- Jahna Lindemuth, Attorney General of Alaska (2016–2018)[136] (Independent)
- Bill Lockyer, Treasurer of California (2007–2015), Attorney General of California (1999–2007), President pro tempore of the California Senate (1994–1998)[136]
- David M. Louie, Attorney General of Hawaii (2011–2014)[136]
- Lisa Madigan, Attorney General of Illinois (2003–2019)[136]
- Patricia A. Madrid, Attorney General of New Mexico (1999–2007)[136]
- Robert Marks, Attorney General of Hawaii (1992–1995)[136]
- Dustin McDaniel, Attorney General of Arkansas (2007–2015)[136]
- Frank Mendicino, Attorney General of Wyoming (1975–1978)[136]
- Anne Milgram, Attorney General of New Jersey (2007–2010)[136]
- Jeff Modisett, Attorney General of Indiana (1997–2000)[252]
- Mike Moore, Attorney General of Mississippi (1988–2004)[136]
- Irvin B. Nathan, Attorney General of the District of Columbia (2011–2014), general counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives (2007–2011)[136]
- Charles Oberly, U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware (2010–2017), Attorney General of Delaware (1983–1995)[96][136]
- Jeffrey B. Pine, Attorney General of Rhode Island (1993–1999)[136] (Republican)
- Edwin L. Pittman, Chief Justice (2001–2004) and justice (1989–2004) of the Supreme Court of Mississippi, Attorney General of Mississippi (1984–1988)[136]
- Warren Price, Attorney General of Hawaii (1986–1992)[136]
- Hector Reichard, Secretary of Justice of Puerto Rico (1981–1983)[136]
- Thomas Reilly, Attorney General of Massachusetts (1999–2007)[136]
- Clarine Nardi Riddle, Secretary of Justice of Puerto Rico (1981–1983)[136]
- Nancy H. Rogers, Attorney General of Ohio (2008–2009), Dean of Moritz College of Law (2001–2006)[136]
- Stephen Rosenthal, Attorney General of Virginia (1993–1994)[136]
- Luis Sánchez Betances, Secretary of Justice of Puerto Rico (2013)[136]
- Mark Shurtleff, Attorney General of Utah (2001–2013) (Republican)[136]
- Steve Six, Attorney General of Kansas (2008–2011)[136]
- Gregory Smith, Attorney General of New Hampshire (1980–1984)[136] (Republican)
- James C. Smith, Secretary of State of Florida (2002–2003, 1987–1995), Attorney General of Florida (1979–1987) (Republican)[253]
- Bill Sorrell, Attorney General of Vermont (1997–2017)[136]
- Robert Spagnoletti, Attorney General of the District of Columbia (2004–2006)[136]
- Lori Swanson, Attorney General of Minnesota (2007–2019)[136]
- Mary Sue Terry, Attorney General of Virginia (1986–1993)[136]
- James Tierney, Attorney General of Maine (1981–1991)[136]
- Anthony Troy, Attorney General of Virginia (1977–1978)[136]
- Mike Turpen, Attorney General of Oklahoma (1983–1987)[52][136]
- John Knox Walkup, Attorney General of Tennessee (1997–1999)[136]
- Grant Woods, Attorney General of Arizona (1991–1999) (Republican before 2018, Democratic from 2018–present)[254]
- James R. Zazzali, Chief Justice (2006–2007) and associate justice (2000–2006) of the New Jersey Supreme Court, Attorney General of New Jersey (1981–1982)[136]
- Greg Zoeller, Attorney General of Indiana (2009–2017) (Republican)[136]
Other executive elected officials
[edit]Current state
[edit]- Nikki Fried, Agriculture Commissioner of Florida (2019–2023)[255]
- Nicole Galloway, 2020 nominee for Governor of Missouri, State Auditor of Missouri (2015–2023)[256]
- Sarah Godlewski, Treasurer of Wisconsin (2019–2023), Secretary of State of Wisconsin (2023–present)[257]
- Richard Hodges, director of the Ohio Department of Health (2014–2017), Ohio House Representative (1993–1999) (Republican)[258]
- Kathy Hoffman, Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction (2019–2023)[259]
- Sandra Kennedy, member of the Arizona Corporation Commission (2019–2023, 2009–2013), Arizona Senator (1993–2000), Arizona House Representative (1987–1992)[260]
- Fiona Ma, Treasurer of California (2019–present), Speaker pro tempore of the California State Assembly (2010–2012)[261]
- Susana Mendoza, Comptroller of Illinois (2016–present)[262]
- Joe Torsella, Treasurer of Pennsylvania (2017–2021), U.S. Representative to the United Nations for Management and Reform (with the rank of ambassador) (2011–2014), chair and chief executive of the National Constitution Center (2006–2009, 1997–2003)[263]
- Betty Yee, Controller of California (2015–2023)[264]
[edit]- John Daniels Jr, treasurer of the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe[161]
- Misty Napeahi, treasurer of the Tulalip[161]
- Tommie Williamson, treasurer of the Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians of Michigan (2018–present)[161]
[edit]- Phil Angelides, California State Treasurer (1999–2007)[52]
- Rebecca Holcombe, Vermont Secretary of Education (2014–2018)[265]
- Lisa Graham Keegan, Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction (1995–2001) (Republican)[88]
- Andrew Sidamon-Eristoff, New Jersey State Treasurer (2010–2015) (Republican)[266]
- Lynn Simons, Wyoming Superintendent of Public Instruction (1979–1991)[233]
- Inez Tenenbaum, South Carolina Superintendent of Education (1999–2007)[267]
- Steve Westly, California State Controller (2003–2007)[52]
State and territorial legislative officials
[edit]State, territorial, and tribal judicial officials
[edit]- Cheri Beasley, Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court (2019–2020), associate justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court (2012–2019)[268]
[edit]- Rebecca White Berch, Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court (2009–2014) (Republican)[254]
- John T. Broderick Jr., Chief Justice of the New Hampshire Supreme Court (1995–2004)[191]
- Janine P. Geske, associate justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court (1993–1998) (Republican)[269]
- Robert C. Hunter, justice on the North Carolina Court of Appeals (1998–2014), North Carolina State Representative from District 49 (1980–1998)[248]
- Stacy Leeds, justice of the Cherokee Nation Supreme Court, Dean of the University of Arkansas School of Law (2011–2018)[162]
- Greg Mathis, judge of the District Court of the State of Michigan (1995–1998)[270]
- Robert F. Orr, justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court (1994–2004) (Republican)[271]
- Leo E. Strine Jr., Chief Justice of the Delaware Supreme Court (2014–2019)[52]
- Charles T. Wells, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Florida (2000–2002), member of the Supreme Court of Florida (1994–2009)[272]
Municipal and local officials
[edit]Party officials
Party chairs
[edit]- Donna Brazile, acting chair of the Democratic National Committee (2011, 2016–2017)[273]
- Maurice Mitchell, national director of the Working Families Party (2018–present) (Working Families Party)[274]
- Tom Perez, chair of the Democratic National Committee (2017–2021), U.S. Secretary of Labor (2013–2017), Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division (2013–2017)[275]
- David Wilhelm, chair of the Democratic National Committee (1993–1994)[52]
- Rosalind Wiener Wyman, chair of the 1984 Democratic National Convention, member of the Los Angeles City Council from District 5 (1953–1965)[276]
Members of the DNC
[edit]- Lindy Li, Women's co-chair and Mid-Atlantic Regional Chair at the Democratic National Committee[277]
- Bob Mulholland, senior advisor for the California Democratic Party[278][d][279]
- Henry R. Muñoz III, finance chair of the Democratic National Committee (2017–2019)[280][better source needed]
- Jason Rae, Secretary of the Democratic National Committee[281]
- James Roosevelt, attorney, grandson of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, co-chair of the Rules and Bylaws Committee of the Democratic National Committee (1995–present)[282]
- Symone Sanders, political commentator, national press secretary for the Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign, senior advisor for the Joe Biden 2020 presidential campaign[283]
[edit]- Steve Kerrigan, CEO of the DNC (2009–2012)[284][better source needed]
- Hildy Kuryk, national finance director (2011–2013)[52]
- Jane Watson Stetson, national finance chair (2009–2013)[52]
- Andrew Tobias, treasurer of the DNC (1999–2017)[52]
State and territory party chairs
[edit]- Cecil Benjamin, chair of the Democratic Party of the Virgin Islands[285]
- Nancy DiNardo, chair of the Connecticut Democratic Party (2020–present, 2005–2015)[286]
- Jane Kleeb, chair of the Nebraska Democratic Party (2016–present)[287]
- Felecia Rotellini, chair of the Arizona Democratic Party (2018–2021)[246]
[edit]- Paul Berendt, chair of the Washington State Democratic Party (1995–2006)[83][better source needed]
- Matt Borges, chair of the Ohio Republican Party (2013–2017) (Republican)[288]
- Pat Brady, chair of the Illinois Republican Party (2009–2013) (Republican)[289]
- Chip Forrester, chair of the Tennessee Democratic Party (2009–2013)[290]
- Jaime Harrison, 2020 nominee for Senate, chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party (2013–2017)[291]
- Wayne Holland, chair of the Utah Democratic Party (2005–2011), president of United Steelworkers District 12 (2019–present)[292][better source needed]
- Jennifer Horn, chair of the New Hampshire Republican Party (2013–2017), co-founder of The Lincoln Project (Republican)[293]
- Bob Tuke, chair of the Tennessee Democratic Party (2005–2007)[294]
- David Young, chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party (2009–2011)[248]
Other 2020 candidates

- Jake Auchincloss, 2020 nominee for Massachusetts's 4th congressional district[295]
- Jamaal Bowman, 2020 nominee for New York's 16th congressional district[296]
- Nancy Goroff, 2020 nominee for New York's 1st congressional district, chair of the chemistry department at Stony Brook University[297]
- Al Gross, Alaska 2020 nominee for Senate, orthopedic surgeon, former commercial fisherman[298]
- MJ Hegar, 2020 Texas nominee for Senate[299]
- Mondaire Jones, 2020 nominee for New York's 17th congressional district[300]
- Mark Kelly, Arizona 2020 nominee for Senate, former astronaut[301]
- Amy Kennedy, 2020 nominee for New Jersey's 2nd congressional district[216]
- Sri Preston Kulkarni, 2020 nominee for Texas's 22nd congressional district[302]
- Preston Love Jr., Nebraska 2020 write-in candidate for Senate[287]
- Kathy Manning, 2020 nominee for North Carolina's 6th congressional district[303]
- Amy McGrath, Kentucky 2020 nominee for Senate[304]
- Woody Myers, 2020 nominee for Governor of Indiana[305]
- Marie Newman, 2020 nominee for Illinois' 3rd congressional district[306]
- Christopher Peterson, 2020 nominee for Governor of Utah, John J. Flynn Endowed Professor of Law at the University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law[307]
- Nikil Saval, Pennsylvania 2020 candidate for State Senate[308]
- Raphael Warnock, Georgia 2020 candidate for Senate, senior pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church[229]
International officials
[edit]Heads of state and government
- Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine (2005–present) (Fatah)[309]
- Alberto Fernández, President of Argentina (2019–2023) (Justicialist Party)[310]
- Zoran Milanović, President of Croatia (2020–present) (Independent)[311]
- Mohammad Shtayyeh, Prime Minister of the State of Palestine (2019–2024) (Fatah)[312]

- Carl Bildt, Prime Minister of Sweden (1991–1994) (Moderate Party)[313]
- Tony Blair, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1997–2007) (Labour Party)[314]
- Jim Bolger, Prime Minister of New Zealand (1990–1997) (New Zealand National Party)[315]
- Felipe Calderón, President of Mexico (2006–2012) (National Action Party)[316]
- David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (2010–2016) (Conservative Party)[317]
- Helen Clark, Prime Minister of New Zealand (1999–2008) (New Zealand Labour Party)[318]
- Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador (2007–2017) (Citizen Revolution Movement)[319]
- Mikuláš Dzurinda, Prime Minister of Slovakia (1998–2006), President of Slovakia (1998–1999) (Slovak Democratic and Christian Union – Democratic Party)[320]
- Laurent Fabius, Prime Minister of France (1984–1986) (Socialist Party)[321]
- José María Figueres, President of Costa Rica (1994–1998) (National Liberation Party)[322]
- Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Prime Minister of Denmark (2001–2009), Secretary General of NATO (2009–2014) (Venstre)[313]
- Vicente Fox, President of Mexico (2000–2006) (Independent)[323]
- Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia (2010–2013) (Labor Party)[324]
- Ferenc Gyurcsány, Prime Minister of Hungary (2004–2009) (Democratic Coalition)[325]
- Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia (2006–2018) (Independent)[326]
- Albin Kurti, Prime Minister of Kosovo (2020) (Vetëvendosje)[327]
- Henry McLeish, First Minister of Scotland (2000–2001), Leader of the Scottish Labour Party (2000–2001) (Scottish Labour)[328]
- Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia (2018–2020, 1981–2003) (Homeland Fighters' Party)[329]
- Evo Morales, President of Bolivia (2006–2019) (Movement for Socialism)[330]
- Brian Mulroney, Prime Minister of Canada (1984–1993) (Conservative Party)[331]
- P. J. Patterson, Prime Minister of Jamaica (1992–2006) (People's National Party)[332]
- Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine (2014–2019) (European Solidarity)[333]
- Fredrik Reinfeldt, Prime Minister of Sweden (2006–2014) (Moderate Party)[334]
- Matteo Renzi, Prime Minister of Italy (2014–2016) (Italia Viva)[335]
- Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia (2007–2010, 2013) (Labor Party)[336]
- Malcolm Turnbull, Prime Minister of Australia (2015–2018) (Liberal Party)[337]
- Donald Tusk, President of the European Council (2014–2019), Prime Minister of Poland (2007–2014 and 2023–present) (Civic Platform)[338]
- Leo Varadkar, Taoiseach of Ireland (2022–2024, 2017–2020) (Fine Gael)[339]
Other executive officials
[edit]- Jean Asselborn, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg (2004–2023), Deputy Prime Minister of Luxembourg (2004–2013)[340]
- Francesco Boccia, Italian Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomies (2019–2021), member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (2008–2022) (Democratic Party)[341]
- Hilde Crevits, Vice Minister-President and Minister for Economy, Innovation, Work, Social economy and Agriculture of the Flemish Government (2019–present), Vice Minister-President and Minister of Education of the Flemish Government (2014–2019) (Christen-Democratisch en Vlaams)[342]
- Jan Hamáček, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (2018–2021) (Czech Social Democratic Party)[343]
- Kamina Johnson-Smith, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Jamaica (2016–present) (Labour Party)[344]
- Meryame Kitir, Minister of Development Cooperation and Urban Policy of Belgium (2020–2022) (Socialistische Partij Anders)[342]
- Sammy Mahdi, Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration of Belgium (2020–2022) (Christen-Democratisch en Vlaams)[342]
- Vincent Van Quickenborne, Minister of Justice and the North Sea of Belgium (2020–2023) (Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten)[342]
- Olaf Scholz, Federal Minister of Finance and Vice-Chancellor of Germany (2018–2021), Chancellor of Germany (2021–present)(Social Democratic Party of Germany)[345]
- Petra De Sutter, Minister of Civil Service of Belgium (2020–present) (Groen)[342]
[edit]- Simon Burns, Minister of State for Transport of the United Kingdom (2012–2013) (Conservative Party)[346]
- Alan Duncan, Minister of State for International Development of the United Kingdom (2010–2014) (Conservative Party)[346]
- Sigmar Gabriel, Vice-Chancellor of Germany (2013–2018) (Social Democratic Party of Germany)[347]
- William Hague, First Secretary of State of the United Kingdom (2010–2015), Leader of the House of Commons (2014–2015), Leader of the Conservative Party (1997–2001) (Conservative Party)[348]
- Sajid Javid, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government of the United Kingdom (2016–2018), Home Secretary (2018–2019), Chancellor of the Exchequer (2019–2020) (Conservative Party)[349]
- Marina Kaljurand, Minister of Foreign Affairs for Estonia (2015–2016) (Social Democratic Party)[350]
- Luis Gilberto Murillo, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia (2016–2018) (Radical Change)[351]
- Ana Palacio, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain (2002–2004) (People's Party)[313]
- Christopher Pyne, Minister for Defence of Australia (2018–2019) (Liberal Party)[352]
- Fahrudin Radončić, Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2012–2014, 2019–2020) (Union for a Better Future of BiH)[353]
Legislative officials
[edit]- Markéta Adamová, party leader of TOP 09 (2019–present), member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic (2013–present) (TOP 09)[343]
- Meyrem Almaci, Party President of Groen (2014–2022), member of the Flemish Parliament (2019–present), member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives (2007–2019) (Groen)[342]
- Anna Ascani, member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (2013–present) (Democratic Party)[341]
- Ivan Bartoš, member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic (2017–present), leader of the Czech Pirate Party (2016–present) (Czech Pirate Party)[343]
- Alfredo Bazoli, member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (2013–2022), member of the Italian Senate (2022–present) (Democratic Party)[341]
- Caterina Biti, member of the Italian Senate (2018–2022) (Democratic Party)[341]
- Georges-Louis Bouchez, President of the Mouvement Réformateur (2019–present), member of the Belgian Senate (2019–present) (Mouvement Réformateur)[342]
- Nooshi Dadgostar, Leader of the Left Party (2019–present), member of the Riksdag from Stockholm County (2014–present) (Left Party)[354]
- Ed Davey, Leader of the Liberal Democrats (2020–present), Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom for Kingston and Surbiton (1997–2015, 2017–present) (Liberal Democrats)[355]
- Pia Olsen Dyhr, Leader of the Socialist People's Party (2004–present), member of the Danish Folketing (2006, 2007–present) (Socialist People's Party)[356]
- Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, leader of Venstre (2019–2023), member of the Danish Folketing (2011–2023) (Venstre)[356]
- Davide Faraone, member of the Italian Senate (2019–present) (Italia Viva)[341]
- Stephen Farry, Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom for North Down (2019–2024) (Alliance Party of Northern Ireland)[357]
- Valeria Fedeli, member of the Italian Senate (2013–2022) (Democratic Party)[341]
- Maximiliano Ferraro, National Deputy for the City of Buenos Aires (2019–present), President of the Civic Coalition ARI (2018–present) (Civic Coalition ARI)[358]
- Emanuele Fiano, member of the Italian Chamber of deputies (2006–2022) (Democratic Party)[341]
- Dagmar Freitag, member of the German Bundestag (1994–2021) (Social Democratic Party of Germany)[359]
- Peđa Grbin, President of the Social Democratic Party of Croatia (2020–present), member of the Croatian Parliament (2011–present) (Social Democratic Party of Croatia)[360]
- Gregor Gysi, member of the German Bundestag for Berlin-Treptow-Köpenick (2005–present) (The Left)[361]
- Marian Jurečka, Leader of KDU-ČSL (2020–present), member of the Chamber of deputies of the Czech Republic (2013–present) (KDU-ČSL)[343]
- Neil Kinnock, member of the House of Lords of the United Kingdom (2005–present), Leader of the Labour Party (1983–1992), Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom for Islwyn (1983–1995), MP for Bedwellty (1970–1983) (Labour Party)[362]
- Ulf Kristersson, Leader of the Opposition (2017–2022), Leader of the Moderate Party (2017–present), member of the Riksdag (1994–2000, 2014–present) (Moderate Party)[354]
- Egbert Lachaert, member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives (2014–present) (Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten)[342]
- Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, member of the German Bundestag for North Rhine-Westphalia (2017–2023) (Free Democratic Party)[347]
- Facundo Suárez Lastra, National Deputy of Argentina (2017–2021) (Radical Civic Union)[358]
- Stefan Liebich, member of the German Bundestag for Berlin (2009–2021) (The Left)[363]
- Annie Lööf, Leader of the Centre Party (2011–2023), member of the Riksdag (2006–2023) (Centre Party)[354]
- Luca Lotti, member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (2013–present) (Democratic Party)[341]
- Andrea Marcucci, member of the Italian Senate (2008–2022) (Democratic Party)[341]
- Salvatore Margiotta, member of the Italian Senate (2013–2021) (Democratic Party)[341]
- Maurizio Martina, member of the Italian Chamber of deputies for Lombardy (2018–2021) (Democratic Party)[341]
- John McGahon, Seanad Éireann (2020–present) (Fine Gael)[364]
- Erin McGreehan, Seanad Éireann (2020–present) (Fianna Fáil)[364]
- Katherine Miranda, member of the Chamber of Representatives of Colombia (2018–present) (Green Alliance)[365]
- Alessia Morani, member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (2013–2022) (Democratic Party)[341]
- Omid Nouripour, member of the German Bundestag for Hesse (2006–2021), member of the German Bundestag for Frankfurt am Main II (2021–present) (Alliance 90/The Greens)[347]
- Dario Parrini, member of the Italian Senate (2018–present) (Democratic Party)[341]
- Adam Price, Leader of Plaid Cymru (2018–2023), Member of the Senedd (2016–present) and MP (2001–2010) for Carmarthen East and Dinefwr (Plaid Cymru)[366]
- Lia Quartapelle, member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (2013–present) (Democratic Party)[341]
- Vít Rakušan, member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic (2017–present) (Mayors and Independents)[343]
- Neale Richmond, member of the Teachta Dála of Ireland (2020–present) (Fine Gael)[367]
- Gabriela Rivadeneira, member of the Ecuadorian National Assembly for the National Constituency (2013–2021) (Citizen Revolution Movement)[368]
- Randolfe Rodrigues, Brazilian Senator for Amapá (2011–present) (Sustainability Network)[369]
- Ettore Rosato, member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (2008–present, 2003–2006) (Italia Viva)[341]
- Norbert Röttgen, member of the Bundestag for Rhein-Sieg-Kreis II of Germany (1994–present) (Christian Democratic Union)[370]
- Jagmeet Singh, member of the Canadian Parliament for Burnaby South (2019–present), leader of the New Democratic Party (2017–present) (New Democratic Party[371]
- Pernille Skipper, member of the Danish Folketing (2011–2021) (Red–Green Alliance)[356]
- Jonas Gahr Støre, Leader of the Opposition (2014–2021), Leader of the Labour Party (2014–present), Member of the Norwegian Parliament (2009–present) (Labour Party)[372]
- Gabriele Toccafondi, member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (2018–2022, 2008–2013) (Italia Viva)[341]
- Erkki Tuomioja, member of the Parliament of Finland (1970–1979, 1991–present) (Social Democratic Party of Finland)[373]
- Walter Verini, member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (2008–2022), member of the Italian Senate (2022–present) (Democratic Party)[341]
- Louisa Wall, member of the New Zealand Parliament, (2008, 2011, 2020–2022) (New Zealand Labour Party)[374]
[edit]- Ricardo Anaya, president of the Mexican Chamber of Deputies (2013–2014), 2018 nominee for president (National Action Party)[375]
- Elisa Carrió, National Deputy for the City of Buenos Aires (2005–2007, 2009–2019) (Civic Coalition ARI)[358]
- Josephine Fock, member of the Danish Folketing (2015–2018) (The Alternative)[356]
- Antonello Giacomelli, member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (2004–2020) (Democratic Party)[341]
- Neil Kinnock, Leader of the Opposition in parliament (1983–1992) (Labour Party)[376]
- Boris Miletić, member of the Croatian Parliament (2008–2011, 2015–2018) (Istrian Democratic Assembly)[360]
- Leopoldo Martínez Nucete, deputy of the National Assembly of Venezuela (2000–2005)[377]
- Struan Stevenson, member of the European Parliament for Scotland (1999–2014) (Scottish Conservative)[378]
- Anne Tolley, Deputy Speaker of the New Zealand House of Representatives (2017–2020) (New Zealand National Party)[374]
Academics and scholars

- Andreas Acrivos, Albert Einstein Professor Emeritus of Science and Engineering at City College of New York[104]
- Peter Agre, physician, molecular biologist, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2003[379]
- George Akerlof, economist, professor at the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University, professor of Economics Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley and 2001 recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics[123]
- Bruce Alberts, Chancellor's Leadership Chair in Biochemistry and Biophysics for Science and Education at the University of California, San Francisco, president of the National Academy of Sciences (1993–2005)[104]
- Parney Albright, physicist, weapons scientist and former director of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory[380]
- James P. Allison, immunologist, professor and chair of immunology and executive director of immunotherapy platform at the MD Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2018[379]
- Gar Alperovitz, historian, political economist, Lionel R. Bauman Professor of Political Economy at the University of Maryland, College Park[381]
- Sidney Altman, molecular biologist, Sterling Professor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology and Chemistry at Yale University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1989[379]
- Bernard Amadei, professor of civil engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder, founder of Engineers without Borders USA[104]
- Frances Arnold, chemical engineer, Linus Pauling Professor of Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering and Biochemistry at California Institute of Technology and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2018[379]
- Reza Aslan, Iranian-American scholar of religious studies, writer, television host[382]
- Myron Augsburger, theologian, former president of Eastern Mennonite University and the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, pastor[383]
- Richard Axel, molecular biologist, professor in the Department of Neuroscience at Columbia University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2004[379]
- David Baltimore, biologist, professor of Biology and former president at California Institute of Technology and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1975[379]
- Barry Barish, experimental physicist, professor of physics, emeritus, at the California Institute of Technology and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2017[379]
- Paul Berg, biochemist and professor emeritus at Stanford University, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1980[379]
- Joshua Berman, professor of Bible at Bar-Ilan University[52]
- J. Michael Bishop, immunologist, microbiologist, former chancellor of University of California, San Francisco and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1989[379]
- Rachel Bitecofer, author, assistant director of the Wason Center for Public Policy at Christopher Newport University and senior fellow at the Niskanen Center[384]
- Elizabeth Blackburn, biologist, former president of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2009[379]
- Manuel Blum, former professor of computer science at University of California, Berkeley and Carnegie Mellon University[385]
- Philip Bobbitt, Herbert Wechsler Professor of Jurisprudence at Columbia Law School[14]
- Michael Stuart Brown, geneticist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1985[379]
- Linda B. Buck, biologist at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2004[379]
- Diana Butler Bass, historian of Christianity, independent scholar, advocate for Progressive Christianity[75]
- Daniel Byman, Senior Associate Dean at the Georgetown University Walsh School of Foreign Service[14]
- Mario Capecchi, geneticist, distinguished professor of Human Genetics and Biology at the University of Utah School of Medicine and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2007[379]
- Thomas Cech, chemist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1989[379]
- Vint Cerf, internet pioneer, former assistant professor at Stanford University[385]
- Martin Chalfie, neurobiologist, professor at Columbia University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2008[379]
- Aviva Chomsky, historian, professor of history and the coordinator of Latin American, Latino and Caribbean Studies at Salem State University[381]
- Noam Chomsky, linguist, Institute Professor Emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology[c][386]
- Kim Cobb, professor in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology[104]
- Marjorie Cohn, professor of law at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild[381]
- Elias James Corey, organic chemist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1990[379]
- Yi Cui, professor of materials science and engineering at Stanford University[104]
- John Dabiri, Centennial Chair Professor of Fluid Dynamics at the California Institute of Technology[104]
- Gretchen Daily, Bing Professor of Environmental Science at Stanford University[104]
- Ruth DeFries, environmental geographer and professor at Columbia University[104]
- Alan Dershowitz, lawyer and former Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School[387]
- Peter Diamond, economist, Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2010[123]
- Whitfield Diffie, consulting scholar at Stanford University[385]
- Anne H. Ehrlich, associate director of the Center for Conservation Biology at Stanford University[104]
- Paul R. Ehrlich, Bing Professor of Population Studies at Stanford University[104]
- Ezekiel Emanuel, oncologist, bioethicist, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress and vice provost for global initiatives at the University of Pennsylvania[388]
- Ann Ferguson, philosopher, Professor Emerita of Philosophy and Women's Studies at the University of Massachusetts Amherst[381]
- Edmond H. Fischer, biochemist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1992[379]
- Joachim Frank, biophysicist at Columbia University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2017[379]
- Linda P. Fried, Dean of the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health (2008–present)[104]
- Jerome Isaac Friedman, physicist, professor of physics, emeritus, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1990[379]
- Walter Gilbert, biochemist, physicist, molecular biology pioneer and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1980[379]
- Sheldon Glashow, theoretical physicist, Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics, Emeritus, at Harvard University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1979[379]
- Joseph L. Goldstein, biochemist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1985[379]
- Shafi Goldwasser, director of the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, former mathematical science professor at Weizmann Institute of Science and RSA professor at MIT[385]
- John B. Goodenough, materials scientist, a solid-state physicist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2019[379]
- Carol W. Greider, Daniel Nathans Professor and director of molecular biology and genetics at Johns Hopkins University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2009[104]
- David Gross, theoretical physicist, string theorist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004[379]
- Andrej Grubačić, Yugoslav world-systems historian, professor and department chair of anthropology and social change at the California Institute of Integral Studies[381]
- Robin Hahnel, economist, professor of economics at Portland State University[381]
- Jeffrey C. Hall, geneticist, chronobiologist, professor Emeritus of Biology at Brandeis University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2017[379]
- John L. Hall, physicist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2005[379]
- Oliver Hart, economist, university professor at Harvard University, winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2016[123]
- Leland H. Hartwell, geneticist, former president, and director of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2001[379]
- Oona A. Hathaway, Gerard C. and Bernice Latrobe Smith Professor of International Law at Yale Law School[14]
- Alan J. Heeger, physicist, academic and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2000[379]
- Dudley R. Herschbach, chemist at Harvard University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1986[379]
- Roald Hoffmann, Holocaust survivor, theoretical chemist, Frank H. T. Rhodes Professor of Humane Letters, Emeritus, at Cornell University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1981[379]
- H. Robert Horvitz, biologist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2002[379]
- Louis Ignarro, pharmacologist, professor emeritus of pharmacology at the UCLA School of Medicine's department of molecular and medical pharmacology and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1998[379]
- William Kaelin Jr., physician-scientist, professor of medicine at Harvard University and the Dana–Farber Cancer Institute, and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2019[379]
- Daniel Kammen, Distinguished Professor of Energy in the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley[104]
- Eric Kandel, medical doctor, neuroscientist, professor of biochemistry and biophysics at Columbia University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2000[379]
- Rebecca Katz, professor and director of the Center for Global Health Science and Security at Georgetown University Medical Center[389]
- Wolfgang Ketterle, physicist, professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2001[379]
- Brian Kobilka, physiologist, professor in the department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology at Stanford University School of Medicine and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2012[379]
- Roger D. Kornberg, biochemist, professor of structural biology at Stanford University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2006[379]
- J. Michael Kosterlitz, physicist, professor of physics at Brown University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2016[379]
- Herbert Kroemer, physicist, professor emeritus of electrical and computer engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2000[379]
- Robert B. Laughlin, theoretical physicist, Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Stanford University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1998[379]
- Yann LeCun, computer scientist and Silver Professor of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University[385][390]
- Robert J. Lefkowitz, physician, biochemist, professor of biochemistry and chemistry at Duke University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2012[379]
- Anthony James Leggett, theoretical physicist. professor emeritus at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2003[379]
- Samuel T. Logan, professor of church history at Biblical Theological Seminary, ecclesiastic historian, Presbyterian minister[383]
- Roderick MacKinnon, biophysicist, neuroscientist, professor of molecular neurobiology and biophysics at Rockefeller University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2003[379]
- Michael E. Mann, director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University[104]
- Eric Maskin, economist, Harvard University Professor, professor of economics and mathematics at Harvard University[123]
- John C. Mather, cosmologist, senior astrophysicist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Maryland and adjunct professor of physics at the University of Maryland College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2006[379]
- Robert W. McChesney, Gutgsell Endowed Professor in the department of communication at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign[381]
- Daniel McFadden, econometrician, recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2000, Presidential Professor of Health Economics at the University of Southern California, professor of the Graduate School at University of California, Berkeley[123]
- Bill McKibben, environmentalist, author, journalist, Schumann Distinguished Scholar at Middlebury College, leader of 350.org[391]
- Jon Meacham, writer, presidential biographer and Carolyn T. and Robert M. Rogers Endowed Chair in American Presidency at Vanderbilt University[392]
- Craig Mello, biologist, professor of molecular medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2006[379]
- Paul L. Modrich, biochemist, James B. Duke Professor of biochemistry at Duke University, investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2015[379]
- William E. Moerner, physical chemist and chemical physicist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2014[379]
- Mario J. Molina, chemist, professor at the University of California, San Diego and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1995[379]
- Richard Mouw, former president of the Fuller Theological Seminary, theologian, philosopher[383]
- Roger Myerson, economist, recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2007, David L. Pearson Distinguished Service Professor of Global Conflict Studies at the University of Chicago[123]
- Shuji Nakamura, electronic engineer, professor at the College of Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2014[379]
- Jeremy Nathans, professor of molecular biology and genetics at Johns Hopkins University[104]
- Tom Nichols, professor of national security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College and Harvard Extension School[384]
- William Nordhaus, economist, recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2018, Sterling Professor of Economics at Yale University[123]
- John O'Keefe, neuroscientist, psychologist, professor at the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour and the Research Department of Cell and Developmental Biology at University College London, and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2014[379]
- Paul Ortiz, historian, professor of history at the University of Florida, director of the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program[381]
- Douglas Osheroff, physicist, J. G. Jackson and C. J. Wood Professor of Physics, Emeritus at Stanford University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2012[379]
- Jim Peebles, astrophysicist, astronomer, theoretical cosmologist who is currently the Albert Einstein Professor of Science, Emeritus, at Princeton University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2019[379]
- Arno Allan Penzias, physicist, radio astronomer and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1978[379]
- Saul Perlmutter, astrophysicist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011[379]
- Taylor G. Petrey, scholar of religion, former associate professor and research associate at Harvard Divinity School[75]
- Edmund Phelps, economist, recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, former McVickar Professor of Political Economy at Columbia University[123]
- Anthony B. Pinn, Agnes Cullen Arnold Professor of Humanities and Professor of Religious Studies at Rice University[393]
- Hugh David Politzer, theoretical physicist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004[379]
- Paul Romer, economist, recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2018, former professor of economics at University of Chicago, University of California, Berkeley, Stanford Graduate School of Business, and University of Rochester, former World Bank Chief Economist (2016–2018)[123]
- Michael Rosbash, geneticist, chronobiologist, professor and researcher at Brandeis University, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2017[379]
- James Rothman, biochemist, Fergus F. Wallace Professor of Biomedical Sciences at Yale University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2013[379]
- Joseph Sakran, assistant professor of surgery at the Johns Hopkins University[52]
- Barbara A. Schaal, professor of evolutionary biology, Dean of Arts and Sciences at Washington University (2013–present)[104]
- Randy Schekman, professor of cell biology at the University of California, Berkeley and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2013[104]
- Brian Schmidt, astrophysicist, vice-chancellor of the Australian National University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011[379]
- Juliet Schor, economist and Sociology Professor at Boston College[381]
- Richard R. Schrock, chemist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2005[379]
- Gregg L. Semenza, physician, professor of genetic medicine at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2019[379]
- Stephen Shalom, professor of political science at William Paterson University (Socialist Party of America)[381]
- Karl Barry Sharpless, chemist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2001[379]
- Drew Shindell, physicist and professor of climate science at Duke University[104]
- Ron Sider, theologian, Distinguished Professor of Theology, Holistic Ministry and Public Policy at the Palmer Theological Seminary of St. Davids, Pennsylvania, social activist[75]
- Hamilton O. Smith, microbiologist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1978[379]
- Kirk R. Smith, professor of Global Environmental Health at the University of California, Berkeley[104]
- Adam Sobel, professor of applied physics, applied mathematics, and earth sciences at Columbia University[104]
- Sean Solomon, William B. Ransford Professor of Earth and Planetary Science and director of the Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University[104]
- Robert Solow, economist, Eremitus Institute Professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1987[123]
- Alfred Sommer, ophthalmologist and epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health[104]
- Michael Spence, economist, professor William R. Berkley Professor in Economics and Business at the Stern School of Business at New York University, Philip H. Knight Professor of Management, Emeritus, and dean at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2001[123]
- Fraser Stoddart, chemist, Board of Trustees Professor of Chemistry and head of the Stoddart Mechanostereochemistry Group in the department of chemistry at Northwestern University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2016[379]
- Thomas C. Südhof, biochemist, professor at Stanford University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2013[379]
- Karel Svoboda, neuroscientist at Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Janelia Research Campus[104]
- Jack W. Szostak, biologist, professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, Alexander Rich Distinguished Investigator at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2009[379]
- Joseph Hooton Taylor Jr. astrophysicist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1993[379]
- Richard Thaler, economist, Charles R. Walgreen Distinguished Service Professor of Behavioral Science and Economics at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2017[123]
- Kip Thorne, theoretical physicist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2017[379]
- Susumu Tonegawa, molecular biologist, neuroscientist, and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1987[379]
- Laurence Tribe, Carl M. Loeb University Professor at Harvard Law School[a][394]
- Daniel C. Tsui, physicist, Arthur Legrand Doty Professor of Electrical Engineering, emeritus, at Princeton University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1998[379]
- Harold E. Varmus, biologist, former director of the National Institutes of Health, former director of the National Cancer Institute, Lewis Thomas University Professor of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1989[379]
- Burton Visotzky, scholar of Midrash, Appleman Professor of Midrash and Interreligious Studies at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America[75]
- Rainer Weiss, physicist, professor of physics, emeritus, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2017[379]
- Cornel West, historian[381]
- Maureen White, senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies[52]
- M. Stanley Whittingham, chemist, professor of chemistry, director of both the Institute for Materials Research and the Materials Science and Engineering program at Binghamton University and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2019[379]
- Eric F. Wieschaus, evolutionary developmental biologist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1995[379]
- Torsten Wiesel, neurophysiologist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1981[379]
- Frank Wilczek, theoretical physicist, mathematician, Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004[379]
- Robert Woodrow Wilson, astronomer and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1978[379]
- David J. Wineland, physicist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2012[379]
- Michael W. Young, biologist, geneticist, and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2017[379]
Activists and public figures

- Clay Aiken, Democratic candidate for NC-02 in 2014, singer, television personality, actor, activist[395]
- Michael Albert, economist, speaker, writer, political critic[381]
- Valerie Alexander, speaker, writer for The Huffington Post[52]
- Aimee Allison, founder and president of She the People[396]
- Debbie Almontaser, schoolteacher, Yemeni activist, founder of the Khalil Gibran International Academy[75]
- Clayton Anderson, retired NASA astronaut, author, motivational speaker[75]
- Bob Avakian, chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA[397] (Revolutionary Communist)
- Michael Avenatti, former attorney to Stormy Daniels, convicted felon[398]
- Ady Barkan, activist, attorney[a][399]
- Lisa Blue Baron, trial lawyer[52]
- David Barsamian, Armenian-American radio broadcaster, writer, founder and director of Alternative Radio[381]
- Ryan J. Bell, atheist, former Seventh-day Adventist Pastor, contributor to HuffPost[393]
- Medea Benjamin, political activist, co-founder of Code Pink[381]
- Ruthie Berman, LGBT rights activist[400]
- Megan Beyer, journalist, activist, advocate of women's rights and gender issues, former Second Lady of Virginia (1990–1998)[401]
- Ashley Biden, Biden's daughter, social worker, activist, philanthropist, fashion designer[402]
- Jill Biden, Second Lady of the United States (2009–2017), Biden's wife, educator[403]
- Richard Bloomingdale, president of the Pennsylvania AFL–CIO (2010–2022)[404]
- Max Boot, author, consultant, military historian, columnist for The Washington Post (Republican before 2016, now independent)[405]
- Keith Boykin, progressive broadcaster, political commentator for CNN[132]
- Greg Boyle, Roman Catholic priest of the Jesuit order, founder and director of Homeboy Industries[406]
- Ruby Bridges, civil rights activist and the first African-American child to desegregate the all-white William Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana during the New Orleans school desegregation crisis[407]
- Sharon Brous, senior rabbi at IKAR[382]
- Amy Butler, Christian minister, former senior minister at the Riverside Church[75]
- Leslie Cagan, activist, writer, socialist organizer[381]
- Simone Campbell, Roman Catholic Religious Sister, lawyer, executive director of NETWORK[408]
- Amanda Carpenter, author, political advisor, speechwriter (Republican)[409]
- Gwen Carr, activist, public speaker, author, mother of police brutality victim Eric Garner[410]
- Rosalynn Carter, First Lady of the United States (1977–1981) and First Lady of Georgia (1971–1975)[411]
- James Carville, Democratic political consultant[412]
- Mona Charen, columnist, journalist, political commentator, writer (Republican)[413]
- Niki Christoff, economic policy advisor, campaign operative (Republican)[88]
- Connie Chung, journalist, reporter, former evening news anchor[414]
- Shane Claiborne, Christian activist, author[381]
- Charlotte Clymer, LGBTQ+ activist, writer for The Washington Post[a][415]
- Jeff Cohen, journalist, co-founder of RootsAction.org[416]
- Michael Cohen, disbarred lawyer, former attorney of Donald Trump (Former Republican, later Democratic)[417]
- Claudia Conway, liberal activist, daughter of Kellyanne Conway and George Conway[418]
- George Conway, attorney, co-founder of The Lincoln Project (Republican before 2018, now Independent)[419]
- Christian Cooper, LGBTQ+ activist, comic book writer, birder[420]
- Phil Coorey, Australian journalist, political editor for The Australian Financial Review[421]
- Benjamin Crump, civil rights lawyer[422]
- Alphonso David, LGBTQ+ activist president of Human Rights Campaign (2019–2021)[423]
- Susan Del Percio, political strategist, media analyst (Republican)[424]
- Anthony Diekema, former president of Calvin University[75]
- TJ Ducklo, political aide, media strategist[425]
- Chaz Ebert, attorney, businesswoman[426]
- Douglas Emhoff, entertainment lawyer, Harris's husband[427]
- Adam C. Engst, publisher of TidBITS[428]
- Greg Epstein, Humanist rabbi, chaplain at Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology[75]
- Liza Featherstone, journalist, writer for The Nation and Jacobin[381]
- Karen Finney, political commentator for CNN, spokesperson for the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign[429]
- Mary Fisher, HIV/AIDS activist[45]
- Abraham Foxman, lawyer, Holocaust survivor, national director of the Anti-Defamation League (1987–2015)[430]
- Roxane Gay, writer, professor, editor[427]
- Helene D. Gayle, doctor, CEO of the Chicago Community Trust[431]
- Menachem Genack, Orthodox rabbi, CEO of the Orthodox Union Kosher Division[432]
- Joseph Gerson, peace and disarmament activist[381]
- Jeffrey Goldberg, journalist and editor-in-chief of The Atlantic magazine[433]
- X González, gun control activist, co-founder of Never Again MSD[434]
- Linda Gordon, feminist, historian[381]
- Suzanne Gordon, journalist, author[381]
- Chad Griffin, founder of American Foundation for Equal Rights, President of Human Rights Campaign (2012–2019)[435]
- Eugene Gu, former resident physician, social media personality (previously endorsed Andrew Yang)[436]
- Rhiana Gunn-Wright, Climate Policy Director at the Roosevelt Institute, co-author of the Green New Deal[437]
- Bruce Guthrie, Australian journalist[438]
- Fred Guttenberg, gun control activist, father of Stoneman Douglas High School shooting victim Jaime Guttenberg[439]
- Maya Harris, lawyer, public policy advocate, television commentator, Harris' sister[440]
- Meena Harris, lawyer, children's book author, founder of the Phenomenal Woman Action Campaign, Harris' niece[441]
- Jill Hazelbaker, communications director for the 2008 McCain presidential campaign (Republican)[88]
- Mary Kay Henry, labor leader, international president of SEIU[442]
- Doug Henwood, journalist, economic analyst, author, financial trader[381]
- Katrina vanden Heuvel, publisher, part-owner, and former editor of The Nation[443]
- Anita Hill, lawyer, professor, accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment in 1991[444]
- David Hogg, gun control activist, student who survived the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting[445]
- Ilyse Hogue, progressive activist, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America[396]
- Jared Hohlt, writer, editor of Slate[446]
- Dolores Huerta, labor leader, civil rights activist, co-founder of United Farm Workers[d][447]
- Coleman Hughes, writer, opinion columnist[448]
- Joel Hunter, former senior pastor of Northland Church[449]
- John Ibbitson, Canadian journalist, columnist for The Globe and Mail[450]
- Ben Jealous, civil rights leader, president of People for the American Way (2020–2022)[451]
- Karine Jean-Pierre, political campaign organizer, activist, political commentator, lecturer in international and public affairs at Columbia University[452]
- Miriam Jerris, rabbi of the Society for Humanistic Judaism[75]
- Alexis McGill Johnson, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood (2020–present)[396]
- Derrick Johnson, lawyer, current CEO of the NAACP (2017–present)[453]
- Molly Jong-Fast, author, liberal political commentator, editor-at-large at The Daily Beast[384]
- Fred Kaplan, author, journalist, writer of the "War Stories" column for Slate[446]
- Cameron Kasky, activist, gun control activist, co-founder of Never Again MSD (previously endorsed Andrew Yang)[g][454]
- Valarie Kaur, activist, documentary filmmaker, lawyer, educator and faith leader[455]
- Joshua Keating, foreign policy analyst, staff writer and author of the World blog at Slate[446]
- Mara Keisling, founding executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality[456]
- Kathy Kelly, peace activist, pacifist, author[381]
- Kate Kendell, former executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights[456]
- Ibram X. Kendi, author, historian, activist, professor[454]
- Victoria Reggie Kennedy, attorney, widow of former senator Ted Kennedy[457]
- Khizr Khan, father of deceased U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan[458]
- Brian Klaas, political scientist, columnist for The Washington Post[459]
- Sharon Kleinbaum, rabbi, spiritual leader of New York City's Congregation Beit Simchat Torah[75]
- Jeff Klepper, cantor, Contemporary Jewish religious music influencer[75]
- Howard Krein, Biden's son-in-law, otolaryngologist, plastic surgeon, business executive[460]
- María Teresa Kumar, Colombian American political rights activist, president and CEO of Voto Latino[461]
- Dan La Botz, labor union activist, academic, journalist, author (Socialist Party USA)[381]
- Joy Ladin, poet and the David and Ruth Gottesman Chair in English at Stern College for Women at Yeshiva University[462]
- Khalid Latif, imam[463]
- James Lawson, activist in the Civil Rights Movement, pastor, professor[464]
- Lilly Ledbetter, equal pay for equal work activist, lead plaintiff in the landmark employment discrimination Supreme Court case, Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., namesake of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009[465]
- Robert W. Lee IV, activist, former pastor, descendant of Robert E. Lee[466]
- Rodrigo Lehtinen, Cuban-American LGBT rights advocate[400]
- Josh Levin, writer, executive editor at Slate[446]
- Sarah Longwell, publisher of The Bulwark, former board chair of the Log Cabin Republicans (Republican)[467]
- John R. MacArthur, journalist, president of Harper's Magazine[468]
- Ben Mathis-Lilley, journalist, chief news blogger of Slate's news section Slatest[446]
- Cindy McCain, businesswoman, philanthropist, humanitarian, widow of late Senator John McCain[469] (Republican)
- Steve McIntosh, author, lawyer, entrepreneur[470]
- Vashti Murphy McKenzie, Bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church[128]
- Evan McMullin, activist, former CIA officer, 2016 independent candidate for President (Independent)[471]
- Michael Medved, radio show host[472]
- Mike Mignola, comics artist, writer[473]
- Stuart Milk, LGBT rights activist, political speaker, nephew of civil rights leader Harvey Milk[474]
- Laura Miller, journalist, critic, Books and Culture columnist at Slate[446]
- Dale Minami, lawyer, represented Fred Korematsu in Korematsu v. United States[117]
- Shannon Minter, civil rights attorney, legal director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights[132]
- Jack Moline, Conservative rabbi, executive director of Interfaith Alliance[75]
- Michael Mulgrew, president of the United Federation of Teachers (2009–present)[475]
- Mike Murphy, political consultant, strategist (Republican)[88]
- Tammy Murphy, First Lady of New Jersey (2018–present)[216]
- William Murphy, former Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rockville Centre[128]
- Ana Navarro, political commentator, strategist (Republican)[476]
- Bill Nye, science communicator, television presenter, and mechanical engineer[477]
- Michelle Obama, activist, First Lady of the United States (2009–2017)[478]
- Jim Obergefell, lead plaintiff in landmark civil rights Supreme Court case Obergefell v. Hodges[435]
- Jen O'Malley Dillon, political strategist, campaign manager for the Joe Biden 2020 presidential campaign, campaign manager for the Beto O'Rourke 2020 presidential campaign[110]
- Howard Opinsky, national press secretary of the 2000 McCain presidential campaign (Republican)[88]
- Doug Pagitt, progressive evangelical pastor, author[381]
- Claudia Palacios, Colombian journalist, former news anchor for CNN en Español[479]
- John M. Perkins, Christian minister, civil rights activist, Bible teacher, best-selling author, philosopher, community developer[383]
- Mike Pesca, radio journalist, host of Slate’s podcast The Gist[446]
- Alexandra Petri, humorist, columnist for The Washington Post[480]
- Megan Phelps-Roper, former member and spokesperson of the Westboro Baptist Church[393]
- Leonard Pitts, commentator, journalist, and novelist[481]
- Abigail Pogrebin, writer, journalist, podcast host for Tablet magazine, former director of Jewish Outreach for the Michael Bloomberg 2020 presidential campaign[71][e]
- Katha Pollitt, post, essayist, critic[482]
- Dan Rather, journalist, former national evening news anchor[483]
- Irwin Redlener, pediatrician, public health activist[104]
- Cecile Richards, former president of Planned Parenthood[396]
- Laura Ricketts, former attorney, first openly gay owner of a major-league sports franchise[484]
- Gene Robinson, former bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire[75]
- Julie Chavez Rodriguez, political rights activist, designated director of the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs for Biden[133]
- Joanne Rogers, widow of Fred Rogers[485]
- Shmuel Rosner, Israeli columnist, editor, researcher[486]
- Jonathan Rotenberg, executive coach, co-founder of the Boston Computer Society[52]
- Jennifer Rubin, journalist, columnist for The Washington Post (Independent)[487]
- Faiza Saeed, attorney, partner at Cravath, Swaine & Moore[52]
- Bamby Salcedo, founder of TransLatina Coalition[488]
- William Saletan, writer and national correspondent at Slate[446]
- Mark Salter, speechwriter of the 2008 McCain presidential campaign (Republican)[88]
- David Sanford, civil rights attorney[52]
- Lydia Sargent, feminist, writer, author, playwright, actor[381]
- Harut Sassounian, Armenian-American writer, public activist, publisher of The California Courier[489]
- Reshma Saujani, lawyer, founder of Girls Who Code[490]
- Andrea Saul, press secretary of the 2012 Romney presidential campaign (Republican)[88]
- Rob Schenck, Evangelical clergyman, president of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Institute[75]
- Jack Schlossberg, grandson of former president John F. Kennedy[491]
- Steve Schmidt, chief strategist for the John McCain 2008 presidential campaign, co-founder of The Lincoln Project (Republican before 2018, now Democrat)[492]
- Stephen F. Schneck, Catholic activist, executive director of Franciscan Action Network[408]
- Stephanie Schriock, political strategist and president of EMILY's List[396]
- Stuart Schuffman, contemporary travel writer, blogger[493]
- Connie Schultz, writer, journalist, wife of Senator Sherrod Brown[494]
- Jacques Servin, leading member of The Yes Men[495]
- Tara Setmayer, CNN political commentator, contributor to ABC News (Republican)[409]
- Fawn Sharp, politician, attorney, president of the National Congress of American Indians (since 2019)[162]
- Al Sharpton, civil rights activist, Baptist minister, talk show host[496][497]
- Dennis Shepard, father of Matthew Shepard, co-founder of the Matthew Shepard Foundation, LGBTQ+ activist[498]
- Judy Shepard, mother of Matthew Shepard, co-founder of the Matthew Shepard Foundation, LGBTQ+ activist[498]
- Maria Shriver, journalist, author, First Lady of California (2003–2011) (Independent)[499]
- Timothy Shriver, chairman of the Special Olympics, disability rights activist, film producer, member of the Kennedy family[70]
- Ron Sider, theologian, social activist and founder of Evangelicals for Social Action[449]
- Simran Jeet Singh, educator, writer and activist[500]
- Marina Sitrin, writer, professor, lawyer, activist[381]
- Norman Solomon, journalist, activist, co-founder of RootsAction.org[416]
- Mohamed Soltan, Egyptian-American human rights advocate, former political prisoner in Egypt[52]
- Andy Spahn, political activist, consultant[501]
- Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association, author[393]
- Richard B. Spencer, neo-Nazi, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, white supremacist[502] (endorsement rejected by Biden)[503]
- Andrea Dew Steele, co-founder of Emerge California[52]
- Bret Stephens, recipient of the Pulitzer Prize, conservative journalist, editor, columnist[504]
- Stuart Stevens, writer and senior political strategist for Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign (Republican)[384]
- Tom Steyer, hedge fund manager, liberal activist, philanthropist, 2020 candidate for president[505]
- Mac Stipanovich, political activist, strategist[506]
- Sully Sullenberger, former U.S. Air Force captain and commercial airline pilot during the water landing of US Airways Flight 1549[507]
- Charlie Sykes, conservative talk show radio host, founder of The Bulwark (Republican)[508]
- Greta Thunberg, Swedish environmental activist and de facto leader of the school strike for climate movement[509]
- Richard Trumka, president of the AFL–CIO (2009–2021), president of the United Mine Workers (1982–1995)[510]
- Mary L. Trump, psychologist, businessperson, author, niece of Donald Trump[511]
- Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez, labor organizer, writer[512]
- Cenk Uygur, liberal political commentator, media host, journalist[513]
- Alexandria Villaseñor, climate activist, co-founder of US Youth Climate Strike[514][515]
- Christie Vilsack, First Lady of Iowa (1999–2007), 2012 nominee for IA-04[516]
- Ou Virak, Cambodian human rights activist, public intellect[517]
- Suzyn Waldman, sportscaster[518]
- Dane Waters, campaign strategist (Republican)[88]
- Mikal Watts, attorney[52]
- Jeff Weaver, president of Our Revolution (2016–2017), campaign manager for the Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign, advisor to the Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign[519][c]
- John Weaver, political consultant, chief strategist for the John Kasich 2016 presidential campaign, co-founder of The Lincoln Project (Republican)[106]
- Peter Wehner, writer for The New York Times, former speechwriter (Republican)[520]
- Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers (2008–present), President of the United Federation of Teachers (1998–2008), labor leader, attorney, educator[521]
- Perry Weitz, attorney, partner at Weitz & Luxenberg P.C.[52]
- George Will, journalist, columnist for The Washington Post (Formerly Republican, now Independent since 2016)[522]
- John Eddie Williams, pharmaceutical injury and mass tort attorney[52]
- Gregory Wilpert, German activist, founder of Venezuelanalysis.com[381]
- Nancy Wilson, cleric, former moderator of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches[75]
- Rick Wilson, political strategist, media consultant, author, co-founder of The Lincoln Project (Former Republican, now Independent since 2019)[492]
- Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, writer, Baptist preacher[381]
- Mark Winer, interfaith activist, rabbi[75]
- Evan Wolfson, attorney, gay rights activist, founder and president of Freedom to Marry[523]
- Eric Yoffie, rabbi, president of the Union for Reform Judaism (1996–2012)[524]
- Rick Zbur, executive director of Equality California[456]
- James Zogby, founder and president of the Arab American Institute[68]
- Marc Zwillinger, founder and managing member of the privacy and information security law firm ZwillGen[52]
Business executives and leaders

- Joyce Aboussie, founder and CEO of Aboussie & Associates and Telephone Contact Inc.[52]
- S. Daniel Abraham, investor, philanthropist and founder of Thompson Medical[525]
- Michael Alter, president and owner of the Alter Group[484]
- Ashok Amritraj, chairman and CEO of the Hyde Park Entertainment Group[526]
- José Andrés, chef and founder of World Central Kitchen[454]
- Mark Arabo, Chaldean-American businessman[52]
- Amy Banse, managing director and head of funds for Comcast Ventures, senior vice president of Comcast, member of the board of directors at Adobe Systems and Clorox[52]
- Robert Bass, Texas billionaire investor[527]
- Arthur Blank, co-founder of The Home Depot[528]
- David Bonderman, billionaire, founding partner of TPG Capital and Newbridge Capital[484]
- Lisa Brummel, co-owner of the Seattle Storm[529]
- Sandy Carter, vice president at Amazon Web Services[381]
- Edwin Catmull, co-founder of Pixar, former president of Walt Disney Animation Studios, computer scientist[385]
- Peter Chernin, chairman and CEO of the Chernin Group[530]
- David L. Cohen, senior executive vice-president and chief lobbyist for Comcast[52]
- Mark Cuban, investor and owner of the Dallas Mavericks[531] (Independent)
- Leslee Dart, founder and co-CEO of 42West[532]
- Michael De Luca, chairman of MGM Studios[518]
- Morgan DeBaun, founder and CEO of Blavity Inc.[532]
- Barry Diller, chairman and senior executive of IAC/InterActiveCorp and Expedia Group, founder of Fox Broadcasting Company and USA Broadcasting[530]
- Jamie Dinan, investor, hedge fund manager, philanthropist[484]
- Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios[518]
- Carly Fiorina, chair (2000–2005), president and CEO (1999–2005) of Hewlett-Packard, 2016 candidate for president, California 2010 nominee for Senate (Republican)[533][534]
- Rob Friedman, media executive[530]
- Nely Galán, former president of entertainment for Telemundo[532]
- Mark Gallogly, managing principal and founder of Centerbridge Partners[535]
- Jim Gianopulos, CEO of Paramount Pictures[536]
- L. Felice Gorordo, entrepreneur and CEO of eMerge Americas[70]
- Julia S. Gouw, former president and COO of East West Bank[532]
- Peter Guber, chairman and CEO of Mandalay Entertainment[484]
- Reed Hastings, co-founder, chairman, and co-chief executive officer (CEO) of Netflix[525]
- John L. Hennessy, computer scientist and chair of Alphabet Inc.[537]
- Mellody Hobson, president and co-CEO of Ariel Investments[530]
- Reid Hoffman, co-founder and former executive chairman of LinkedIn[52]
- Lisa Hook, former president of CEO of Neustar[532]
- Alan F. Horn, co-chairman of Walt Disney Studios[518]
- Bob Iger, executive chairman of The Walt Disney Company[530]
- Laurene Powell Jobs, billionaire heiress, businesswoman, executive and founder of the Emerson Collective[538]
- Jeffrey Katzenberg, co-founder and CEO of DreamWorks Animation and DreamWorks Records,[539] (previously endorsed Steve Bullock)[g][540]
- Donna Langley, chairwoman of Universal Pictures[52]
- Sherry Lansing, former CEO of Paramount Pictures[52]
- Marc Lasry, billionaire, hedge fund manager, co-founder and CEO of Avenue Capital Group, co-owner of the Milwaukee Bucks[484]
- Keith Leaphart, entrepreneur, philanthropist and physician[541]
- Aileen Lee, founder of Cowboy Ventures[532]
- Kevin Liles, record executive and co-founder and CEO of 300 Entertainment[542]
- Bryan Lourd, partner, managing director and co-chairman of Creative Artists Agency[530]
- Li Lu, founder and chairman of Himalaya Capital Management[117]
- Daniel Lubetzky, founder and executive chairman of Kind[543]
- Larry Lucchino, former CEO of the Boston Red Sox[518]
- Christina Weiss Lurie, part owner of the Philadelphia Eagles[518]
- Jacqueline Mars, heiress to Mars, Inc and investor[525]
- David Morehouse, CEO and president of the Pittsburgh Penguins[518]
- James Murdoch, former CEO of 21st Century Fox[530]
- Dominic Ng, chairman, president and CEO of East West Bank[117]
- Indra Nooyi, former chairman and CEO of PepsiCo[544]
- Jorge M. Pérez, chairman and CEO of The Related Group, real estate developer, art collector, and philanthropist[525]
- Kathryn Petralia, co-founder and COO of Kabbage[532]
- John Pritzker, billionaire and investor[525]
- M. R. Rangaswami, Indian software executive[52]
- Douglas Rediker, founder and chairman of International Capital Strategies, LLC[52]
- Joyce Rey, luxury real estate agent, head of the Global Luxury division for Coldwell Banker[52]
- Joseph L. Rice III, co-founder of Clayton, Dubilier & Rice[52]
- Katie Rodan, dermatologist, entrepreneur and author[525]
- John W. Rogers Jr., investor, philanthropist founder of Ariel Investments[52]
- Art Rooney II, owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers[518]
- Angelica Ross, businesswoman, founder and CEO of TransTech Social Enterprises[545]
- Tom Rothman, chairman of Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group[52]
- Haim Saban, Israeli-American media proprietor, investor, and producer of records, film, and television[546]
- Howard Schultz, former CEO of Starbucks[547]
- Mark Schuster, dean and CEO of the Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine[52]
- Jon Shirley, former president, chief operating officer, and director of Microsoft[52]
- David A. Siegel, founder of Westgate Resorts[525]
- Herbert Simon, real estate developer, owner of the Indiana Pacers[484]
- Nat Simons, hedge fund manager, billionaire, philanthropist[31]
- Michael Peter Skelly, renewable energy and infrastructure developer and entrepreneur[52]
- Harry E. Sloan, director of ZeniMax Media[52]
- Brad Smith, president of Microsoft[52]
- Chip Smith, executive vice president of Public Affairs at 21st Century Fox[52]
- Jay T. Snyder, philanthropist[52]
- Jonathan Soros, founder and chief executive officer of JS Capital Management LLC[52]
- Bill Stetson, businessman[52]
- Arn Tellem, vice chairman of the Detroit Pistons[518]
- Jonathan Tisch, chairman emeritus of the United States Travel Association, board member of the Tribeca Film Institute and co-owner of the New York Giants[525]
- Glen Tullman, former CEO of Allscripts[52]
- Jon F. Vein, co-founder and former co-Chief of MarketShare[52]
- Dana Walden, chairman of entertainment at Walt Disney Television[52]
- Tom Werner, chairman of the Boston Red Sox[518]
- Meg Whitman, CEO of Quibi, CEO of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (2011–2018), CEO of eBay (1998–2008), 2010 nominee for Governor of California (Republican)[548]
- Zygi Wilf, billionaire, co-owner of the Minnesota Vikings[528]
- Whitney Williams, businesswoman[52]
- Anna Wintour, journalist, editor-in-chief of Vogue[549]
- Anne Wojcicki, co-founder and CEO of 23andMe[532]
- Robert Wolf, chairman and CEO of UBS Americas[52]
- Andrew Yang, Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship (2015–17), founder of Venture for America, 2020 candidate for president[550]
- Kneeland Youngblood, co-founder of private equity firm Pharos Capital Group, LLC[52]
- Kinney Zalesne, general manager for corporate strategy at Microsoft[532]
- Peng Zhao, CEO of Citadel LLC[117]
- Jeremy Zimmer, CEO of United Talent Agency[518]
Entertainment and sports personalities
[edit]See also
[edit]- Endorsements in the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries
- News media endorsements in the 2020 United States presidential primaries
- News media endorsements in the 2020 United States presidential election
- List of Donald Trump 2020 presidential campaign political endorsements
- List of Donald Trump 2020 presidential campaign non-political endorsements
- List of former Trump administration officials who endorsed Joe Biden
- List of Jo Jorgensen 2020 presidential campaign endorsements
- List of Howie Hawkins 2020 presidential campaign endorsements
- List of Republicans who opposed the Donald Trump 2020 presidential campaign
- List of Joe Biden 2024 presidential campaign primary endorsements
[edit]- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Previously endorsed Elizabeth Warren.
- ^ Previously endorsed Julian Castro.
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d Previously endorsed Bernie Sanders.
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Previously endorsed Kamala Harris.
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e Previously endorsed Michael Bloomberg.
- ^ Previously endorsed Cory Booker.
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d Previously endorsed another candidate.
[edit]- ^ "Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Make Their Case for Biden at DNC". CNN. August 18, 2020. Archived from the original on August 19, 2020. Retrieved August 19, 2020.
- ^ Otterbein, Holly (August 11, 2020). "DNC Lineup Will Feature VP Candidates Plus Obamas, Clintons and AOC". Politico. Archived from the original on August 12, 2020. Retrieved August 11, 2020.
- ^ Forgey, Quint; Caputo, Marc (April 14, 2020). "Obama Endorses Biden's White House Bid". Politico. Archived from the original on October 5, 2020. Retrieved April 14, 2020.
- ^ Barrow, Bill (April 22, 2020). "Gore Says Backing Biden Isn't 'Rocket Science'". Yahoo News. Associated Press. Archived from the original on April 26, 2020. Retrieved April 22, 2020.
- ^ "The Weekly With Walter Mondale | C-SPAN.org". www.c-span.org. Archived from the original on May 3, 2023. Retrieved May 24, 2024.
- ^ Albright, Madeleine (March 11, 2020). "Albright: Joe Biden Will Restore America's Stature in the World". Miami Herald. Archived from the original on April 9, 2020. Retrieved March 12, 2020.
- ^ "Peter Allgeier". 43 Alumni for Joe Biden. Archived from the original on December 28, 2020. Retrieved October 23, 2020.
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im Bender, Bryan (September 24, 2020). "Biden gets major endorsements today". Politico Morning Defense. Archived from the original on September 26, 2020. Citing the open letter with list of signatories: Smith, Michael E.; et al. (September 24, 2020). "To Our Fellow Citizens". National Security Leaders for Biden. Archived from the original on September 29, 2020.
- ^ Morrill, Jim (August 7, 2019). "Former VP Biden, leading in NC polls, coming to Charlotte this month for fundraiser". The Charlotte Observer. Archived from the original on September 6, 2020. Retrieved October 23, 2020.
- ^ Geman, Ben (July 3, 2020). "Biden rolls out team to boost climate vote". Archived from the original on September 24, 2020. Retrieved October 14, 2020.
- ^ McCammond, Alexi (June 2, 2020). "Julián Castro Endorses Joe Biden for President". Axios. Archived from the original on June 3, 2020. Retrieved October 14, 2020.
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Онлайн-мероприятие провела... Валери Каур...
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На этот раз я голосую за Джо Байдена не потому, что уверен, что он примирит враждующие племена страны, а потому, что верю, что есть хотя бы шанс, что он это сделает. При очередном сроке Трампа шансов нет.
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- ^ Шонам, Сет (24 августа 2020 г.). « Абсолютно отвратительно»: предвыборный штаб Байдена решительно отвергает поддержку со стороны неонациста Ричарда Спенсера» . Бизнес-инсайдер . Проверено 24 августа 2020 г.
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- ^ Конча, Джо (24 июня 2020 г.). «Марк Кьюбан поддерживает Байдена в отношении Хэннити: он «действительно хочет управлять страной» » . Холм . Архивировано из оригинала 24 июня 2020 года . Проверено 24 июня 2020 г.
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- ^ Шварц, Брайан (9 января 2020 г.). «Председатель отдела национальных финансов Камалы Харрис готовится поддержать Джо Байдена, поскольку бывший вице-президент начинает 2020 год с увеличения сбора средств» . CNBC . Архивировано из оригинала 15 января 2020 года . Проверено 17 января 2020 г.
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- ^ Элиас, Дженнифер (18 сентября 2020 г.). «Председатель Alphabet среди технических руководителей поддерживает Джо Байдена, ссылаясь на иммиграционную политику» . CNBC . Архивировано из оригинала 5 октября 2020 года . Проверено 5 октября 2020 г.
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- ^ Хэвенс, Линдси (4 июня 2020 г.). «Кевин Лайлс поддерживает Байдена и говорит о социальной справедливости в прямом эфире в Instagram: 5 ключевых выводов» . Рекламный щит . Архивировано из оригинала 5 июня 2020 года . Проверено 5 июня 2020 г.
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