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Права ЛГБТ по странам или территориям

Страница полузащищена
(Перенаправлено с Права геев )

Мировые законы, касающиеся однополых сношений, союзов и выражения мнений
Однополые сношения незаконны. Штрафы:
  Тюрьма; смерть не принуждена
  Смерть под ополчением
  Тюрьма с арестами или задержанием
  Тюрьма, не принуждаемая 1
Однополые отношения законны. Признание профсоюзов:
  Экстерриториальный брак 2
  Ограниченная иностранная
  Дополнительная сертификация
  Ограничения выражения
  Ограничения связи с арестом или задержанием
Кольца указывают на местное или индивидуальное применение.
1 Никакого тюремного заключения за последние три года или моратория на закон.
2 Брак недоступен на местном уровне. В некоторых юрисдикциях могут существовать другие типы партнерств.
Права ЛГБТ в ООН
Ни один Государства, которые не поддержали ни одну декларацию
Государства, не являющиеся членами Государства, не являющиеся членами Организации Объединенных Наций с правом голоса
Против Государства, которые поддержали противоположную декларацию в 2008 году и продолжили свою оппозицию в 2011 году.
Последующий член Южный Судан не существовал в 2008 году.
Поддерживать Государства, которые поддержали декларацию о правах ЛГБТ на Генеральной Ассамблее или в Совете по правам человека в 2008 или 2011 годах.

Права лесбиянок , геев , бисексуалов и трансгендеров ( ЛГБТ ) сильно различаются в зависимости от страны или юрисдикции — от юридического признания однополых браков до смертной казни за гомосексуализм .

Законы, касающиеся выражения гендерной идентичности по странам или территориям
  Изменение личности, хирургическое вмешательство не требуется
  Изменение личности, требуется хирургическое вмешательство
  Никакой смены юридического лица

Примечательно, что по состоянию на май 2024 г. 37 стран признают однополые браки . [1] [2] Напротив, если не считать негосударственных субъектов и внесудебных казней, считается, что только две страны налагают смертную казнь за однополые половые акты по обоюдному согласию: Иран и Афганистан . [3] [4] [5] [6] Смертная казнь официально является законом , но, как правило, не практикуется в Мавритании , Саудовской Аравии , Сомали (в автономном государстве Джубаленд ) и Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах . [7] [8] ЛГБТ также сталкиваются с внесудебными казнями в российском регионе Чечня . [9] В 2020 году Судан отменил неисполненную смертную казнь за анальный секс (гетеро или гомосексуальный ) . секс, но это обеспечивается законными властями в Иране и Нигерии (в северной трети страны). [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]

В 2011 году Совет ООН по правам человека принял свою первую резолюцию, признающую права ЛГБТ, после чего Управление Верховного комиссара ООН по правам человека выпустило доклад, документирующий нарушения прав ЛГБТ, включая преступления на почве ненависти , криминализацию гомосексуальной деятельности. и дискриминация . После публикации отчета Организация Объединенных Наций призвала все страны, которые еще не сделали этого, принять законы, защищающие основные права ЛГБТ. [15] [16] Исследование 2022 года показало, что права ЛГБТ (согласно индексу радуги ILGA-Europe ) коррелируют с меньшим уровнем заболеваемости ВИЧ/СПИДом среди геев и бисексуальных мужчин, независимо от рискованного сексуального поведения. [17]

2023 года, Согласно Индексу равенства Equaldex страны Северной Европы , Чили , Уругвай , Канада , страны Бенилюкса , Испания , Андорра и Мальта входят в число стран с лучшими показателями прав ЛГБТ. Индекс ставит Нигерию , Йемен , Бруней , Афганистан , Сомали , Мавританию , Палестину и Иран в число худших стран. [18] [ нужен лучший источник ] В своем рейтинге за 2023 год компания Asher & Lyric включила Канаду, Швецию и Нидерланды в тройку самых безопасных стран для ЛГБТ. [19]

Сфера действия законов

Законы, затрагивающие ЛГБТ, включают, помимо прочего, следующее:

Древняя Индия

Айони , или невагинальный секс всех видов, наказуем в Арташастре . Однако гомосексуальные действия рассматриваются как менее серьезное правонарушение, наказуемое штрафом, тогда как незаконный гетеросексуальный секс влечет за собой гораздо более суровое наказание. Дхармашастры Вашиштха , особенно более поздние, предписывают против невагинального секса, как, например, Дхармасутра . « Ягьявалкья-смрити» предписывает штрафы за подобные действия, в том числе с другими мужчинами. Манусмрити предписывает легкие наказания за подобные действия. [20][21] Vanita states that the verses about punishment for a sex between female and a maiden is due to its strong emphasis on a maiden's sexual purity.[22]

Ancient Israel

The ancient Law of Moses (the Torah) forbids men from lying with men (i.e., from having intercourse) in Leviticus 18 and gives a story of attempted homosexual rape in Genesis 19, in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, after which the cities were soon destroyed with "brimstone and fire, from the Lord"[23][24] and the death penalty was prescribed to its inhabitants – and to Lot's wife, who was turned into a pillar of salt because she turned back to watch the cities' destruction.[25][26] In Deuteronomy 22:5, cross-dressing is condemned as "abominable".[27][28]


In Assyrian society, sex crimes were punished identically whether they were homosexual or heterosexual.[29] An individual faced no punishment for penetrating someone of equal social class, a cult prostitute, or with someone whose gender roles were not considered solidly masculine.[29] Such sexual relations were even seen as good fortune, with an Akkadian tablet, the Šumma ālu, reading, "If a man copulates with his equal from the rear, he becomes the leader among his peers and brothers".[30][31] However, homosexual relationships with fellow soldiers, slaves, royal attendants, or those where a social better was submissive or penetrated, were treated as bad omens.[32][33]

Middle Assyrian Law Codes dating 1075 BC has a particularly harsh law for homosexuality in the military, which reads: "If a man have intercourse with his brother-in-arms, they shall turn him into a eunuch."[34][35] A similar law code reads, "If a seignior lay with his neighbor, when they have prosecuted him (and) convicted him, they shall lie with him (and) turn him into a eunuch". This law code condemns a situation that involves homosexual rape. Any Assyrian male could visit a prostitute or lie with another male, just as long as false rumors or forced sex were not involved with another male.[36]

Ancient Rome

In ancient Rome, the bodies of citizen youths were strictly off-limits, and the Lex Scantinia imposed penalties on those who committed a sex crime (stuprum) against a freeborn male minor.[37] Acceptable same-sex partners were males excluded from legal protections as citizens: slaves, male prostitutes, and the infames, entertainers or others who might be technically free but whose lifestyles set them outside the law.

A male citizen who willingly performed oral sex or received anal sex was disparaged, but there is only limited evidence of legal penalties against these men.[38] In courtroom and political rhetoric, charges of effeminacy and passive sexual behaviors were directed particularly at "democratic" politicians (populares) such as Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.[39]

Roman law addressed the rape of a male citizen as early as the 2nd century BC when it was ruled that even a man who was "disreputable and questionable" had the same right as other citizens not to have his body subjected to forced sex.[40] A law probably dating to the dictatorship of Julius Caesar defined rape as forced sex against "boy, woman, or anyone"; the rapist was subject to execution, a rare penalty in Roman law.[41] A male classified as infamis, such as a prostitute or actor, could not as a matter of law be raped, nor could a slave, who was legally classified as property; the slave's owner, however, could prosecute the rapist for property damage.[42]

In the Roman army of the Republic, sex among fellow soldiers violated the decorum against intercourse with citizens and was subject to harsh penalties, including death,[43] as a violation of military discipline.[44] The Greek historian Polybius (2nd century BC) lists deserters, thieves, perjurers, and "...on young men who have abused their persons" as subject to the fustuarium, clubbing to death.[45] Ancient sources are most concerned with the effects of sexual harassment by officers, but the young soldier who brought an accusation against his superior needed to show that he had not willingly taken the passive role or prostituted himself.[46] Soldiers were free to have relations with their male slaves;[47] the use of a fellow citizen-soldier's body was prohibited, not homosexual behaviors per se.[48] By the late Republic and throughout the Imperial period, there is increasing evidence that men whose lifestyle marked them as "homosexual" in the modern sense served openly.[49]

Although Roman law did not recognize marriage between men, and in general Romans regarded marriage as a heterosexual union with the primary purpose of producing children, in the early Imperial period some male couples were celebrating traditional marriage rites. Juvenal remarks with disapproval that his friends often attended such ceremonies.[50] The emperor Nero had two marriages to men, once as the bride (with a freedman Pythagoras) and once as the groom. His consort Sporus appeared in public as Nero's wife wearing the regalia that was customary for the Roman empress.[51]

Apart from measures to protect the prerogatives of citizens, the prosecution of homosexuality as a general crime began in the 3rd century of the Christian era when male prostitution was banned by Philip the Arab. By the end of the 4th century, after the Roman Empire had come under Christian rule, passive homosexuality was punishable by burning.[52] "Death by sword" was the punishment for a "man coupling like a woman" under the Theodosian Code.[53] Under Justinian, all same-sex acts, passive or active, no matter who the partners are, were declared contrary to nature and punishable by death.[54]

British Empire

The United Kingdom introduced anti-homosexuality laws throughout its colonies, particularly in the 19th century when the British Empire was at its peak.[55] As of 2018, more than half of the 71 countries that criminalised homosexuality were former British colonies or protectorates.[56]


In 2001, the Netherlands was the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage.[57]

Global LGBT rights maps

Note that for simplicity the table below does not distinguish between 'legal' and 'lawful'. An action can only be legal or illegal where a specific law has been passed.


Decriminalization of homosexuality timeline
Never been illegal
18th century
19th century
20th century
21st century



List of countries or territories by LGBT rights in Africa
This table:

Northern Africa

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGB people allowed to serve openly in militaryAnti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expression
Algeria AlgeriaNo Illegal since 1966
Penalty: Up to 3 years imprisonment with fines up to 10,000 dinars.[65] Torture,[66] beatings,[67] or vigilante executions are also common.
Canary Islands Canary Islands
(Autonomous community of Spain)
Yes Legal since 1979
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes De facto unions legal since 2003[69]Yes Legal since 2005[70]Yes Legal since 2005[71][72]Yes Spain responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[73]Yes Since 2007, all documents can be amended to the recognised gender[74]
Ceuta Ceuta
(Autonomous city of Spain)
Yes Legal since 1979
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes De facto union since 1998[75]Yes Legal since 2005[70]Yes Legal since 2005[71]Yes Spain responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discriminationYes Since 2007, all documents can be amended to the recognised gender[74]
Egypt EgyptYes/ No Ambiguous. Male de jure legal, but de facto illegal since 2000
Penalty: Up to 17 years imprisonment with or without hard labour and with or without fines under broadly-written morality laws.[68][76]
Libya LibyaNo Illegal since 1953
Penalty: Up to 5 years in jail or vigilante execution.[77][78]
Madeira Madeira
(Autonomous region of Portugal)
Yes Legal since 1983
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes De facto union since 2001[79][80]Yes Legal since 2010[81]Yes Legal since 2016[82][83][84]Yes Portugal responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination.[73]Yes Since 2011, all documents can be amended to the recognised gender[85]
Melilla Melilla
(Autonomous city of Spain)
Yes Legal since 1979
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes De facto union since 2008[86]Yes Legal since 2005[70]Yes Legal since 2005[71]Yes Spain responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[87]Yes Since 2007, all documents can be amended to the recognised gender[74]
Morocco Morocco
(including Southern Provinces)
No Illegal since 1962
Penalty: Up to 3 to 6 years imprisonment with hard labour.[68][88]
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
(Disputed territory; excluding Southern Provinces)
No Illegal
Penalty: Up to 3 years imprisonment.[68][89][90]
Sudan SudanNo Illegal since 1899 (as Anglo-Egyptian Sudan)
Penalty: Life imprisonment for a third offense of anal sex.[91]
Tunisia TunisiaNo Illegal since 1913 (as the French protectorate of Tunisia)
Penalty: 3 years imprisonment.[68][92]

Western Africa

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGB people allowed to serve openly in militaryAnti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expression
Benin BeninYes Legal (No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the country);[68][94]
Age of consent discrepancy[68]
Burkina Faso Burkina FasoYes Legal, Criminalization pending since 2024 (Law hasn't come into effect yet) [95]NoNo Constitutional ban since 1991NoNo
Cape Verde Cape VerdeYes Legal since 2004
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNoNoYes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[68]
The Gambia GambiaNo Illegal since 1888 (as the Gambia Colony and Protectorate)
Penalty: Up to Iife imprisonment.[68][96][97]
NoNoNoNoNoNo Forms of gender expression criminalized since 2013[98]
Ghana Ghana
Guinea GuineaNo Illegal since 1988
Penalty: 6 months to 10 years imprisonment.[103]
Guinea-Bissau Guinea-BissauYes Legal since 1993[68]
+ UN decl. sign.
Ivory Coast Ivory CoastYes Legal (No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the country);
Age of consent discrepancy[68]
Liberia LiberiaNo Illegal since 1976
Penalty: 1 year imprisonment.[68][104] (repeal disputed)
Mali MaliYes Legal (No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the country)[68]NoNo Constitutional ban since 2023[105]NoNoNo[106]
Mauritania MauritaniaNo No Illegal since 1983
Penalty: Capital punishment for men, (not enforced); prison and a fine for women.[68][107]
Niger NigerYes Legal (No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the country);
Age of consent discrepancy[68]
Nigeria NigeriaNo Illegal since 1904 (Northern Region only)
Illegal since 1916 (Region-wide)
Penalty: Up to 14 years imprisonment.
No Death in the states of Bauchi, Borno, Gombe, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Niger, Sokoto, Yobe, and Zamfara. (not enforced)[68][108][97]
NoNo Statutory ban since 2013NoNoNoNo Forms of gender expression criminalized in Sharia provinces.
Saint Helena Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
(Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
Yes Legal since 2001
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Legal since 2017Yes Legal since 2017[109][110]Yes Legal since 2017Yes UK responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination
Senegal SenegalNo Illegal since 1966
Penalty: 1 to 5 years imprisonment.[68][111]
Sierra Leone Sierra LeoneNo Male illegal since 1861 (as the Sierra Leone Colony and Protectorate)
Penalty: Up to life imprisonment (Not enforced, repeal disputed).
Yes Female always legal
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Togo TogoNo Illegal since 1980
Penalty: Fine and 3 years imprisonment [68] (repeal proposed)[112]

Central Africa

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGB people allowed to serve openly in militaryAnti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expression
Cameroon CameroonNo Illegal since 1972
Penalty: Fines to 5 years imprisonment.[68][97] or vigilante execution and torture,[113] (repeal proposed) [114]
Central African Republic Central African RepublicYes Legal (No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the country)[68]
+ UN decl. sign.
NoNo Constitutional ban since 2016[115]NoNoNo[106]
Chad ChadNo Illegal since 2017
Penalty: Between 3 months and 2 years in prison, with fines of 50,000 to 500,000 FCFA. (Penal Code, Chapter 2, Article 354) [116]
Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the CongoYes Legal (No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the country)[68]NoNo Constitutional ban since 2005NoNoNo
Republic of the Congo Republic of the CongoYes Legal (No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the country);
Age of consent discrepancy[68]
Equatorial Guinea Equatorial GuineaYes Legal (No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the country)[68]NoNoNoNoNo[106]
Gabon GabonYes Legal since 2020[117];
Age of consent discrepancy,
+ UN decl. sign.
São Tomé and Príncipe São Tomé and PríncipeYes Legal since 2012
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNoNoYes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[118]

Eastern Africa

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGB people allowed to serve openly in militaryAnti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expression
Burundi BurundiNo Illegal since 2009
Penalty: fine, and 3 months to 2 years imprisonment. [68][119] (repeal disputed)
NoNo Constitutional ban since 2005NoNoNoNo
Djibouti DjiboutiYes Legal (No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the country) [68][120]NoNoNoNoNo[106]
Eritrea EritreaNo Illegal
Penalty: Up to 3 years imprisonment.[68][121] or vigilate execution[122] Beatings and torture are also tolerated.[123][124]
Ethiopia EthiopiaNo Illegal
Penalty: Up to 15 years. [68] (repeal disputed) [125]
NoNo Statutory ban since 2009[126]NoNoNoNo
Kenya KenyaNo Illegal since 1897 (as the East Africa Protectorate)
Penalty: up to 14 years imprisonment. (repeal proposed) [68][97][127]
NoNo Constitutional ban since 2010[128]NoNoYes/No Limited protection following legal process by the authorities.[129]Yes[130]
Rwanda RwandaYes Legal (No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the country)[68]
+ UN decl. sign.
NoNo Constitutional ban since 2003NoYes Bans some anti-gay discrimination.[131]No
Somalia SomaliaNo Illegal
Penalty: Up to 3 years prison.
Jubaland Jubaland No Illegal. Penalty: Up to death in Jubaland.[citation needed]
Somaliland Somaliland
(Disputed territory)
No Illegal
Penalty: Up to 3 years prison, sometimes death sentences.[132]
South Sudan South SudanNo Illegal since 1899 (as Anglo-Egyptian Sudan)
Penalty: Up to 10 years imprisonment. (not enforced) [68][97]
NoNo Constitutional ban since 2011[citation needed]NoNoNoNo Forms of gender expression are criminalized.
Tanzania TanzaniaNo Illegal since 1864 (only Zanzibar)
Illegal since 1899
Penalty: Up to life imprisonment.[68][97] Vigilante executions, beatings and torture[133][134] are also tolerated.
Uganda UgandaNo No Male illegal since 1902 (as Protectorate)
Female illegal since 2000
Penalty: Life imprisonment, Death penalty in some cases, Beatings, torture, or vigilante execution. [135][136]
NoNo Constitutional ban since 2005NoNoNoNo

Indian Ocean states

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGB people allowed to serve openly in militaryAnti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expression
Comoros ComorosNo Illegal since 1982
Penalty: 5 years imprisonment and fines. (not enforced)[68][137]
French Southern and Antarctic Lands French Southern and Antarctic Lands
(Overseas territory of France)
Yes Legal
(No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the territory)[68]
Yes Civil solidarity pact since 1999[citation needed]Yes Legal since 2013Yes Legal since 2013Yes France responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discriminationYes Under French law
Madagascar MadagascarYes Legal
(No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the country);
Age of consent discrepancy[68]
Mauritius MauritiusYes Legal since 2023[138]
+ UN decl. sign.
NoNoNoNoYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[139][140]
Mayotte Mayotte
(Overseas region of France)
Yes Legal
(No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the region)[68]
Yes Civil solidarity pact since 2007Yes Legal since 2013Yes Legal since 2013Yes France responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discriminationYes Under French law
Réunion Réunion
(Overseas region of France)
Yes Legal since 1791[68]Yes Civil solidarity pact since 1999Yes Legal since 2013Yes Legal since 2013Yes France responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discriminationYes Under French law
Seychelles SeychellesYes Legal since 2016[141]
+ UN decl. sign.
NoNoNoYes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[68]

Southern Africa

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGBT people allowed to serve openly in militaryAnti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expression
Angola AngolaYes Legal since 2021 [142]NoNoNoNoYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[143] May possibly change gender under the Código do Registro Civil 2015[144]
Botswana BotswanaNo Legal since 2019 [145]NoNoNoNo(Only LGB)Yes Bans all anti-gay discriminationYes Legal gender change recognized as a constitutional right since 2017[146]
Eswatini EswatiniNo Male illegal since the 1880s (not enforced, repeal proposed)
Penalty: Unknown
Yes Female always legal[68][97]
Lesotho LesothoYes Male legal since 2012
Female always legal[68]
NoNoNoNo May possibly change gender under the National Identity Cards Act 9 of 2011[147]
Malawi MalawiNo Illegal since 1891 (as British Central Africa Protectorate)[97]
Penalty: Up to 14 years imprisonment, with or without corporal punishment for men
up to 5 years imprisonment for women (repeal proposed)[68][148][97][149][150]
Mozambique MozambiqueYes Legal since 2015[151][152]NoNoNoNoYes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[68][139]
Namibia NamibiaYes Legal since 2024[153]No/Yes Foreign same-sex marriages recognised[citation needed].No/Yes Foreign same-sex marriages recognised[citation needed].NoNoYes Bans some anti-gay discrimination.[154]Yes Under the Births, Marriages and Deaths Registration Act 81 of 1963[155]
South Africa South AfricaYes Male legal since 1998
Female always legal; equal age of consent since 2007
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Limited recognition of unregistered partnerships since 1998; same-sex marriage since 2006Yes Legal since 2006Yes Legal since 2002Yes Since 1998Yes Constitution bans all anti-gay discriminationYes Anti-discrimination laws are interpreted to include gender identity[citation needed]; legal gender may be changed after surgical or medical treatment
Zambia ZambiaNo Illegal since 1911 (as part of the British South Africa Company rule of Rhodesia)
Penalty: up to 14 years imprisonment. (repeal proposed)[68][97]
Zimbabwe ZimbabweNo Male illegal since 1891 (as part of the British South Africa Company rule of Rhodesia)
Penalty: up to 14 years imprisonment. (repeal proposed)
Yes Female always legal[68][97]
NoNo Constitutional ban since 2013[156]NoNoNoNo


List of countries or territories by LGBT rights in the Americas


North America

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGB people allowed to serve openly in militaryAnti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expressionLack of a Presence of Anti-LGBT laws
Bermuda Bermuda
(Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
Yes Legal since 1994; equal age of consent since 2019
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Domestic partnerships since 2018[157]No Was legal between November 2018 and March 2022 and between May 2017 and June 2018Yes Legal since 2015[158]Yes UK responsible for defenceNo Bans all anti-gay discrimination[159]No
Canada CanadaYes Legal since 1969; equal age of consent since 1987
+ UN decl. sign.[68][160]
Yes Domestic partnerships in Nova Scotia (2001);[161]
Civil unions in Quebec (2002);[162]
Adult interdependent relationships in Alberta (2003);[163]
Common-law relationships in Manitoba (2004)[164]
Yes Legal in some provinces and territories since 2003, nationwide since 2005[165]Yes Legal in some provinces and territories since 1996, nationwide since 2011[166]Yes Since 1992[167]; Includes transgender people[168]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination. Ban on conversion therapy since 2022 nationwideYes Transgender people can change their gender and name without completion of medical intervention and human rights protections explicitly include gender identity or expression within all of Canada since 2017[169][170][171][172]Yes[173][174]
Greenland Greenland
(Autonomous Territory within the Kingdom of Denmark)
Yes Legal since 1933; equal age of consent since 1977
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Registered partnerships between 1996 and 2016 (Existing partnerships are still recognised.)[175]Yes Legal since 2016Yes Stepchild adoption since 2009;[176]
joint adoption since 2016[177]
Yes The Kingdom of Denmark responsible for defenceYes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[68]Yes Legal gender change and recognition possible without surgery or hormone therapy[178][179]Yes
Mexico MexicoYes Legal since 1871
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes/No Civil unions in Mexico City (2007), Coahuila (2007),[180] Colima (between 2013 and 2016),[181] Campeche (2013),[182] Jalisco (between 2014 and 2018),[183] Michoacán (2015), Tlaxcala (2017), and Veracruz (2020)Yes Starting in 2010; nationwide since 2022Yes/No Legal in Mexico City (2010),[184] Coahuila (2014), Chihuahua (2015), Jalisco (2016), Michoacán (2016), Colima (2016), Morelos (2016), Campeche (2016), Veracruz (2016), Baja California (2017), Querétaro (2017), Chiapas (2017), Puebla (2017), Aguascalientes (2018), San Luis Potosi (2019), Hidalgo (2019), Yucatán (2021), Nayarit (2022), Quintana Roo (2022), Baja California Sur (2022), Zacatecas (2023), Tabasco (2024), Durango, Tamaulipas, and Nuevo León (the latter three never had adoption bans)[185][186] (ambiguous)Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[187] Pathologization or attempted treatment of sexual orientation by mental health professionals illegal in Mexico City (2020), México (2020), Baja California Sur (2020), Colima (2021), Tlaxcala (2021), Oaxaca (2021), Yucatán (2021), Zacatecas (2021), Baja California (2022), Hidalgo (2022), Jalisco (2022), Puebla (2022), Sonora (2022), Nuevo León (2022), Querétaro (2023), Sinaloa (2023), Quintana Roo (2023), Morelos (2023), Guerrero (2024), and nationwide (2024).Yes/No Transgender persons can change their legal gender and name in Mexico City (2008),[188] Michoacán (2017), Nayarit (2017), Coahuila (2018), Hidalgo (2019), San Luis Potosí (2019), Colima (2019), Baja California (2019), Oaxaca (2019), Tlaxcala (2019), Chihuahua (2019), Sonora (2020), Jalisco (2020), Quintana Roo (2020), Puebla (2021), Baja California Sur (2021), México (2021), Morelos (2021), Sinaloa (2022), Zacatecas (2022), Durango (2023), and Yucatán (2024) [189]Yes
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
(Overseas collectivity of France)
Yes Legal since 1791
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil solidarity pact since 1999[190]Yes Legal since 2013[191]Yes Legal since 2013[192]YesYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[87]Yes Under French law[193]Yes
United States United StatesYes Legal in some states since 1962, nationwide since 2003
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Domestic partnerships in California (1999), the District of Columbia (2002), Maine (2004), Washington (2007), Maryland (2008), Oregon (2008), Nevada (2009) and Wisconsin (2009).
Civil unions in Vermont (2000), Connecticut (2005), New Jersey (2007), New Hampshire (2008), Illinois (2011), Rhode Island (2011), Delaware (2012), Hawaii (2012) and Colorado (2013).
Yes Legal in some states since 2004, nationwide since 2015Yes Legal in some states since 1993, nationwide since 2016Yes/No Lesbians, gays, and bisexuals have been allowed to serve openly in the U.S. military since 2011, following the repeal of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy.
Transgender people have been allowed to serve openly since 2021.[194]
"Transvestites" are currently banned from the military since 2012.[195]
Most openly Intersex people may be banned from the military under the Armed Forces ban of "hermaphrodites".[195]
Yes/No Employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is prohibited nationwide since 2020.
More extensive protections exist in 23 states, DC, and some municipalities.
Conversion therapy for minors is banned in 22 states, DC, and some municipalities.
Sexual orientation is covered by the federal hate crime law since 2009.
Yes/No Since April 11, 2022 by legal self determination - gender X became available and recognized formally on US passports.[196] Gender change is legal on birth certificates (under varying conditions by state), in 48 states + DC.
Nonbinary gender markers are available, under varying circumstances, in 25 states + DC.
Employment discrimination on the basis of gender identity is prohibited nationwide since 2020.
More extensive protections exist in 22 states, DC, and some municipalities.
Gender identity is covered by the federal hate crime law since 2009.
Yes Federally
Yes/No Status varies state to state

Central America

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGB people allowed to serve openly in militaryAnti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expressionLack of a Presence of Anti-LGBT laws
Belize BelizeYes Legal since 2016[197]NoNoNoNoYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[198][199][200]No[201]No
Costa Rica Costa RicaYes Legal since 1971
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Unregistered cohabitation since 2014[202][203]Yes Legal since 2020Yes Legal since 2020[204]Has no militaryYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[68]Yes/No Transgender persons can change their legal name without surgeries or judicial permission since 2018. Legal gender cannot be changed. Sex indicator removed from all ID cards issued since May 2018[205][206][207] One-time sex change allowed for passports. [208]Yes[173][174]
El Salvador El SalvadorYes Legal since 1822
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNoNoYes[209][210]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[209]No[211] Bans discrimination based on gender identity.Yes
Guatemala GuatemalaYes Legal since 1871
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No PendingNoNoYes Bans some anti-gay discriminationNo[212]
Honduras HondurasYes Legal since 1899
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No Constitutional ban on de facto unions since 2005No Constitutional ban since 2005;[213][214] court decision pendingNo Constitutional ban since 2005NoYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[215]NoNo
Nicaragua NicaraguaYes Legal since 2008
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNoNoYes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[68]NoNo
Panama PanamaYes Legal since 2008
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No Court decision pendingNo Court decision pendingNo Court decision pendingHas no militaryYes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[216][217]Yes Transgender persons can change their legal gender and name after completion of medical intervention since 2006[218][219]Yes/No


LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGB people allowed to serve openly in militaryAnti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expressionLack of a Presence of Anti-LGBT laws
Anguilla Anguilla
(Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
Yes Legal since 2001
Age of consent discrepancy
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNoNoYes UK responsible for defenceNo
Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and BarbudaYes Legal since 2022NoNoNoNoNoNo
Aruba Aruba
(Constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
Yes Legal (No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the country)
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Registered partnerships since 2021[220]Yes [221]YesYes The Netherlands responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[222]No
The Bahamas BahamasYes Legal since 1991;
Age of consent discrepancy
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Barbados BarbadosYes Legal since 2022.No/Yes Foreign Domestic Partnerships recognized for immigration purposes "Welcome Stamp"[223]

Civil Unions proposed.[224]

NoNoNoYes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[225]No
Bonaire Bonaire
(a special municipality of the Netherlands)
Yes Legal (No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the municipalities)
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Registered partnerships since 2012[226]Yes Legal since 2012[227]Yes[228]Yes The Netherlands responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[229]YesYes
British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands
(Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
Yes Legal since 2001
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNoNoYes UK responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[230]NoNo
Cayman Islands Cayman Islands
(Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
Yes Legal since 2001;
Age of consent discrepancy[68]
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Civil partnerships since 2020[231]NoYes Legal since 2020Yes UK responsible for defenceNoNo
Cuba CubaYes Legal since 1979
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Legal since 2022 Legal since 2022 Legal since 2022Yes[68][232]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination [233][234][235]Yes Transgender people allowed to change gender after sex change operations[236]Yes[173][174]
Curaçao Curaçao
(Constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
Yes Legal (No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the country)
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
YesYes [237]YesYes The Netherlands responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[238]No
Dominica DominicaYes Legal since 2024[239]
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNoNoHas no militaryYes Bans some anti-gay discriminationNoNo
Dominican Republic Dominican RepublicYes Legal since 1822
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNo Constitutional ban since 2010[citation needed]NoNo[240]NoNoNo
Grenada GrenadaNo Male illegal
Penalty: 10-year prison sentence (not enforced). [241] Legalization proposed[242]
Yes Female always legal[68]
NoNoNoHas no militaryNoNoNo
Guadeloupe Guadeloupe
(Overseas department of France)
Yes Legal since 1791
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil solidarity pact since 1999[190]Yes Legal since 2013[191]Yes Legal since 2013[192]Yes France responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[87]Yes Under French law[193]Yes
Haiti HaitiYes Legal since 1791 (as Saint-Domingue)[68]NoNoNoHas no militaryNoNoNo
Jamaica JamaicaNo Male illegal
Penalty: 10 years and/or hard labor (Not enforced). Legalization proposed[243]
Yes Female always legal.[68]
NoNo Constitutional ban since 1962NoNoNoNoNo
Martinique Martinique
(Overseas department of France)
Yes Legal since 1791
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil solidarity pact since 1999[190]Yes Legal since 2013[191]Yes Legal since 2013[192]Yes France responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[87]Yes Under French law[193]Yes
Montserrat Montserrat
(Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
Yes Legal since 2001
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNoNoYes UK responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[244]Yes
Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
(Commonwealth of the United States)
Yes Legal since 2003Yes Legal since 2015Yes Legal since 2015[245]Yes Legal since 2015Yes United States responsible for defense[246][247]Yes Bans some anti-gay discriminationYes Gender change legal since 2018; does not require surgeryYes
Saba (island) Saba
(a special municipality of the Netherlands)
Yes Legal (No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the municipalities)
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Registered partnerships since 2012[226]Yes Legal since 2012[227]Yes[228]Yes The Netherlands responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[229]Yes[248]Yes
Saint Barthélemy
(Overseas collectivity of France)
Yes Legal since 1791
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil solidarity pact since 1999[190]Yes Legal since 2013[191]Yes Legal since 2013[192]Yes France responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[87]Yes Under French law[193]Yes
Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts and NevisYes Legal since 2022NoNoNoNoNo
Saint Lucia Saint LuciaNo Male illegal
Penalty: Fine and/or 10-year prison sentence (Not enforced). Legalization proposed[249]
Yes Female always legal[68]
NoNoNoHas no militaryYes Bans some anti-gay discriminationNo
Saint Martin
(Overseas collectivity of France)
Yes Legal since 1791
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil solidarity pact since 1999[190]Yes Legal since 2013[191]Yes Legal since 2013[192]Yes France responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[87]Yes Under French law[193]Yes
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesNo Illegal
Penalty: Fine and/or 10-year prison sentence (Not enforced).[68] Legalization proposed[250]
NoNoNoHas no militaryNo
Sint Eustatius Sint Eustatius
(a special municipality of the Netherlands)
Yes Legal (No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the municipalities)
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Registered partnerships since 2012[226]Yes Legal since 2012[227]Yes[228]Yes The Netherlands responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[229]YesYes
Sint Maarten Sint Maarten
(Constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
Yes Legal (No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the country)
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNo/Yes Same-sex marriages performed in the Netherlands recognized[251]NoYes The Netherlands responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[252]Yes
Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and TobagoYes Legal since 2018[253]NoNoNoNoNoNo
Turks and Caicos Islands Turks and Caicos Islands
(Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
Yes Legal since 2001
Age of consent discrepancy
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNoNoYes UK responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[68]No
United States Virgin Islands United States Virgin Islands
(Territory of the United States)
Yes Legal since 1985Yes Legal since 2015[254]Yes Legal since 2015[254]Yes Legal since 2015[254]Yes United States responsible for defense[246][247]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[255]Yes Legislation enacted in 2022, also explicitly includes gender identity.[255]Yes

South America

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGB people allowed to serve openly in militaryAnti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expressionLack of a Presence of Anti-LGBT laws
Argentina ArgentinaYes Legal since 1887
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil unions in Buenos Aires (2003),[256] Río Negro Province (2003),[257] Villa Carlos Paz (2007) and Río Cuarto (2009)
Cohabitation unions nationwide since 2015[258]
Yes Legal since 2010[259]Yes Legal since 2010Yes Since 2009[260]Yes/No Legal protection in some cities;[261]
pending nationwide.
Pathologization or attempted treatment of sexual orientation by mental health professionals illegal since 2010
Yes Transgender persons can change their legal gender and name without surgeries or judicial order since 2012[262]

Transgender persons have a law reserving 1% of Argentina's public sector jobs. Economic incentives included in the new law aim to help trans people find work in all sectors.[263]

Bolivia BoliviaYes Legal since 1832
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
YesFree unions officially recognised starting in 2020; nationwide since 2023.[264]No Constitutional ban since 2009[265]Yes Same-sex couples in a free union are permitted to adopt[266]Yes Since 2015[267][268][269]; Includes transgender people[168]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[68]Yes Transgender persons can change their legal gender and name without surgeries or judicial order since 2016[270][271][272]Yes
Brazil BrazilYes Legal since 1830
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes "Stable unions" legal and all rights as recognized family entities available nationwide since 2011[273][274]Yes Starting in 2011; nationwide since 2013[275][276]Yes Legal since 2010[277]YesSince 1969[278]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination.[279]
Pathologization or attempted treatment of sexual orientation by mental health professionals illegal since 1999[280][281]
Yes Transgender people can change their legal gender and name before a notary without the need of surgeries or judicial order since 2018. The sex reassignment surgery, hormonal and psychological treatment are offered free of charge by the Brazilian Unified Health System (UHS) [282][283][284]Yes
Chile ChileYes Legal since 1999; equal age of consent since 2022
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil unions since 2015[285]Yes Legal since 2022[286]Yes Legal since 2022[286]Yes Since 2012[287]; Includes transgender people[288]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[289]
Pathologization or attempted treatment of sexual orientation by mental health professionals illegal since 2021
Yes Transsexual persons can change their registral sex and name since 1974.
Transgender persons can change their registral sex and name, no surgeries or judicial order for adults above 18 years old since 2019.[290]
Colombia ColombiaYes Legal since 1981
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes De facto marital union since 2007[291]Yes Legal since 2016[292][293]Yes Stepchild adoption since 2014;[294] joint adoption since 2015[295]Yes Since 1999[68]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[296]Yes Since 2015, transgender persons can change their legal gender and name manifesting their solemn will before a notary, no surgeries or judicial order required[297]Yes
Ecuador EcuadorYes Legal since 1997
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes De facto unions since 2009[298][299]Yes Legal since 2019[300]No LGBT individuals may adopt, but not same-sex couples[301][302]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination.[303]
Pathologization or attempted treatment of sexual orientation by mental health professionals illegal since 2014
Yes Since 2016, transgender persons are allowed to change their birth name and gender identity; no surgeries or judicial order required[304][305]Yes
Falkland Islands Falkland Islands
(Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
Yes Legal since 1989; equal age of consent since 2006
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil partnerships since 2017[306]Yes Legal since 2017[306]Yes Legal since 2017Yes UK responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[307]NoYes
French Guiana French Guiana
(Overseas department of France)
Yes Legal since 1791
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil solidarity pact since 1999[190]Yes Legal since 2013[191]Yes Legal since 2013[192]Yes France responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[87]Yes Under French law[193]Yes
Guyana GuyanaNo Illegal
Penalty: Up to life imprisonment (Not enforced).[68] Legalization proposed[308]
Paraguay ParaguayYes Legal since 1880; Age of consent discrepancy
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No Constitutional ban on de facto unions since 1992[311]No Constitutional ban since 1992[312]NoYes[313]Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination.
Pathologization or attempted treatment of sexual orientation by mental health professionals illegal since 2022
Peru PeruYes Legal since 1924; equal age of consent since 2012
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No/Yes Limited recognition for same-sex partners of health-care workers since 2020.NoNoYes Since 2009[314]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[315][316][317][318][319]Yes Transgender persons can change their legal gender and name without the need for the completion of medical intervention since 2016. Judicial order required.[320][321]No
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
(Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
Yes Legal since 2001
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Legal since 2014[322]Yes Legal since 2014[322]Yes UK responsible for defenceNoYes
Suriname SurinameYes Legal since 1869 (as Dutch Guiana);
Age of consent discrepancy
NoNoNoYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[323]Yes Transgender persons can change their legal gender since 2022. Court order required.[324][325][326]Yes
Uruguay UruguayYes Legal since 1934
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Concubinage union since 2008[327]Yes Legal since 2013[328]Yes Legal since 2009[329]Yes Since 2009[330]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination.[331] Pathologization or attempted treatment of sexual orientation by mental health professionals illegal since 2017Yes Transgender persons can change their legal gender and name without surgeries or judicial order required since 2009.[332] Self-determination since 2018.Yes
Venezuela VenezuelaYes Legal since 1997
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No Constitutional ban on de facto stable unions since 1999No Constitutional ban since 1999NoYes Since 2023[333]Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[68]No


List of countries or territories by LGBT rights in Asia
This table:

North Asia

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGBT people allowed to serve openly in military?Anti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expression
Russia RussiaYes Yes Fully legal since 1993[334][68]

No No Illegal de facto in Chechnya, where homosexuals are abducted and sent to concentration camps based on their perceived sexual orientation.
No NoNo No Constitutional ban since 2020[335]No NoYes Yes[336]No NoNo No Gender change has not been legal since 2023[337]

Central Asia

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGBT people allowed to serve openly in military?Anti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expression
Kazakhstan KazakhstanYes Yes Legal since 1998[68]No NoNo NoNo NoYes Yes Since 2022[338]No NoYes Yes[339]
Kyrgyzstan KyrgyzstanYes Yes Legal since 1998[68]No NoNo No Constitutional ban since 2016[340]No NoUn­knownNo NoYes Yes Requires sex reassignment surgery[341][339]
Tajikistan TajikistanYes Yes Legal since 1998[68]No NoNo NoNo NoUn­knownNo NoYes Yes Requires sex reassignment surgery[342][339]
Turkmenistan TurkmenistanNo No Illegal for Males since 1927
Penalty: up to 2 years imprisonment.[343]
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo No
Uzbekistan UzbekistanNo No Illegal for Males since 1926
Penalty: up to 3 years imprisonment.[343]
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo No

West Asia

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGBT people allowed to serve openly in military?Anti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expression
Abkhazia Abkhazia
(Disputed territory)
Yes Yes LegalNo NoNo NoNo NoUn­knownNo NoUn­known
Akrotiri and Dhekelia Akrotiri and Dhekelia
(Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
Yes Yes Legal since 2000
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Yes Civil partnerships since 2005Yes Yes Legal since 2014Un­knownYes Yes UK responsible for defenceYes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[344]Un­known
Armenia ArmeniaYes Yes Legal since 2003
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No NoNo No Constitutional ban since 2015[345][346]No No LGBT individuals may adopt, but not same-sex couples.No No [347]No NoNo No
Azerbaijan AzerbaijanYes Yes Legal since 2000[68]No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo No
Bahrain BahrainYes Yes Legal since 1976[68]No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoYes Yes Transgender people allowed to change legal gender, but only after sex reassignment surgery.[348]
Cyprus CyprusYes Yes Legal since 1998
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Yes Civil cohabitation since 2015[349]No NoNo NoYes Yes[350]Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Yes Forbids some discrimination based on gender identity.[352]
No No Gender change is not legal.
Egypt EgyptYes Yes/ No No Ambiguous. Male de jure legal, but de facto illegal since 2000
Penalty: Up to 17 years imprisonment with or without hard labour and with or without fines under broadly-written morality laws.[68][353]
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo No
Georgia (country) GeorgiaYes Yes Legal since 2000
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No NoNo No Constitutional ban since 2018No NoUn­knownYes Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[354]Yes Yes Requires sterilization and sex reassignment surgery for change[355]
Iran IranNo No No Illegal
Penalty: 74 lashes for immature men and death penalty for mature men (although there are documented cases of minors executed because of their sexual orientation)[356]. For women, 100 lashes for women of mature sound mind and if consenting. Death penalty offense after fourth conviction.[68]
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoYes Yes Legal gender recognition legal if accompanied by a medical intervention[357]
Iraq IraqNo No Re-criminalized in 2024.[358] Penalty: Prison sentence between 10 and 15 years.No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo No
Israel IsraelYes Yes Legal since 1963 (de facto), 1988 (de jure)[359]
+ UN decl. sign.[68][360]
Yes Yes Unregistered cohabitation since 1994.No No/Yes Yes Foreign same-sex marriages are recognized and recorded in the population registryNo No Permitted by law since 2008,[361] but in practice not possible in nearly every case[362]Yes Yes Since 1993; Includes transgender people[363]Yes Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[364][365][366]Yes Yes Almost full recognition of gender's ID without a surgery or medical intervention (Excluding changing gender and name in birth certificate) ;[367] equal employment opportunity law bars discrimination based on gender identity[368][369][370]
Jordan JordanYes Yes Legal[68]No NoNo NoNo NoUn­knownNo NoYes Yes Allowed since 2014[371]
Kuwait Kuwait
  • No No Male illegal
  • Penalty: Fines or up to 6-year prison sentence.
  • Yes Yes Female always legal[68][372]
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo No
Lebanon LebanonYes Yes / No No Ambiguous. Illegal under Article 534 of the Penal Code. Some judges have ruled not to prosecute individuals based on the law, however, this has not been settled by the Supreme Court and thus homosexuality is still illegal.[373] However, a 2017 court ruling claims that it is legal, but the law against it is still in place.
Penalty: Up to 1 year imprisonment (unenforced).
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoYes Yes Legal gender change allowed, but sex reassignment surgery required[374]
Northern Cyprus Northern Cyprus
(Disputed territory)
Yes Yes Legal since 2014[375][376][68]No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoYes Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[375][376]Yes Yes Legal, requires surgery for change[377]
Oman OmanNo No Illegal
Penalty: Fines and prison sentence up to 3 years (only enforced when dealing with "public scandal").[68]
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo No Laws against forms of gender expression.
State of Palestine Palestine
West Bank:
Yes Yes Legal[68]
No consensus on legal applicability of British 1936 Sexual offences provisions to homosexual conduct[378][379][380][381]
West Bank:
No No
No No
No NoNo NoUn­knownNo NoNo No
Qatar QatarNo No No Illegal
Penalty: Fines, up to 7 years imprisonment[68] Death penalty for Muslims.
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo No
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo No Laws against forms of gender expression.
South Ossetia South Ossetia
(Disputed territory)
Yes Yes LegalNo NoNo NoNo NoUn­knownNo NoUn­known
Syria SyriaNo No Illegal
Penalty: Up to 3 years imprisonment (Law de facto suspended)[385][68]
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo
Turkey TurkeyYes Yes Legal since 1858[68]No NoNo NoNo No LGBT individuals may adopt, but not same-sex couples.No NoNo NoYes Yes Requires sterilisation and sex reassignment surgery for change[386]
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
  • No No Illegal (unenforced): Prosecution only on complaint of husband or (male) legal guardian[387][388]
  • Penalty: Max – no upper limit, sentence at courts' discretion
  • Min. – 6 months' imprisonment[387][389]
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo No Sex reassignment surgery severely restricted to limited circumstances (mainly physical intersex traits), highly regulated by the state.[390][391] Laws used against forms of gender expression.[392]
Yemen YemenNo No No Illegal (codified in 1994)
Penalty: Unmarried men punished with 100 lashes of the whip or a maximum of one year of imprisonment, stoning for adultery is not enforced. Women punished up to three years of imprisonment.[68]
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo No

South Asia

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGBT people allowed to serve openly in military?Anti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expression
Afghanistan AfghanistanNo No No Illegal
Penalty: Death penalty[393]
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo No
Bangladesh BangladeshNo No Illegal since 1862
Penalty: 10 years to life imprisonment (Occasionally enforced).[68][394]
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoA third gender option (hijra) besides male and female is available for a certain sect of third genders[395]
Bhutan BhutanYes Yes Legal since 2021[396]No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo No
British Indian Ocean Territory British Indian Ocean Territory
(Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
Yes Yes Legal since 2001
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Yes Civil partnerships since 2005Yes Yes Legal since 2014Un­knownYes Yes UK responsible for defenseUn­knownUn­known
India IndiaYes Yes Legal since 2018[397]No No/Yes Yes symboic live-In relationships exist [398]No NoNo NoNo NoYes Yes/ No No Discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity prohibited by court decision. No nationwide law.[399][400][401]Yes Yes A third gender option (hijra) besides male and female is available; transgender people have a constitutional right to change gender, only after medical/surgical intervention[402][401]
Maldives MaldivesNo No Illegal (codified in 2014)
Penalty: Up to 8 years imprisonment, house arrest, lashings and fines. (unenforced)[403] LGBTQ welcomed in tourist islands [404]
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo No
Nepal NepalYes Yes Legal since 2007
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No NoNo NoNo NoYes Yes Since 2007[405]Yes Yes/No No Limited protection since 2015[406]No No Change to third gender "O" legal since 2007, unable to change to male or female[407]
Pakistan PakistanNo No Illegal since 1862
Penalty: 2 years to life sentence (Occasionally enforced).[68][408]
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoYes Yes Transphobia illegal

No No Homophobia/biphobia is not illegal

Yes Yes Right to change gender; transgender and intersex citizens have legal protections from all discrimination and harassment[409]
Sri Lanka Sri LankaNo No Illegal since 1885
Penalty: Up to 10 years imprisonment with fines.[68] (Ruled unenforcable by the Supreme Court) Legalization proposed
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoYes Yes Transgender people allowed to change legal gender without surgery

East Asia

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of relationshipsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGBT people allowed to serve openly in military?Anti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expression
China ChinaYes Yes Legal since 1997[68]No No/Yes Yes "Legal guardianship" since 2017No NoNo NoYes Yes can serve
No No open displays [410][411]
No NoYes Yes/No No Transgender people allowed to change legal gender, but only after sex reassignment surgery. However, it is difficult to change the gender information of educational attainments and academic degrees for lack of legal procedures, even after sex reassignment surgery[412], which has caused discrimination against well-educated trans women[413].
Hong Kong Hong KongYes Yes Legal since 1991[68]No No/Yes Yes Same-sex marriages registered overseas for government benefits and taxation, and limited recognition of local cohabiting partnersNo NoNo No LGBT individuals may adopt, but not same-sex couples[414]The central government of China is responsible for the defense of Hong Kong.[415]Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination (government discrimination only)Yes Yes Surgery not required since 2023 in accordance to a court ruling[416]
Japan JapanYes Yes Legal since 1882
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No No * Symbolic recognition in some jurisdictions.No No Proposed in 2023[417]No NoYes Yes The Japan Self-Defense Forces allow gay people to enlist.[418]No No nationwide protections
Yes Yes some cities ban some anti-gay discrimination[68]
Yes Yes Transgender people allowed to change legal gender, but only after sex reassignment surgery
Macau MacauYes Yes Legal since 1996No NoNo NoNo NoThe central government of China is responsible for the defence of Macau.Yes Yes Bans some anti-gay discriminationUn­known
Mongolia MongoliaYes Yes Legal since 1993
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No NoNo No Constitutional ban since 1992No NoUn­knownYes Yes Bans some anti-gay discriminationYes Yes Transgender people allowed to change legal gender but only after sex reassignment surgery
North Korea North KoreaYes Yes / No No Ambiguous, punishable through Articles 193 and 262 regarding obscenity and decency laws.[dubiousdiscuss]
Penalty: Unknown
No NoNo NoNo NoYes Yes can serve with 10-year celibacy required for all soldiers.[419]
No No open displays of LGBT attitudes.
No NoNo No
South Korea South KoreaYes Yes Legal
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No NoNo No Proposed in 2023[420]No NoNo NoYes Yes/No No Protection from discrimination varies by jurisdiction in some areas, including SeoulYes Yes Transgender people allowed to change legal gender but usually requires sex reassignment surgery
Taiwan TaiwanYes Yes Legal[421][422] Legal since 2019[423][424][425]Yes Yes Stepchild adoption since 2019
Yes Yes Joint adoption legal since 2023[426]
Yes YesYes Yes Constitutionally bans all anti-gay discrimination from government[427]; several laws banning anti-gay discrimination regarding education and employment.[428][429]Yes Yes Transgender people allowed to change legal gender, but only after sex reassignment surgery.[d]

Southeast Asia

LGBT rights inSame-sex sexual activityRecognition of relationshipsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGBT people allowed to serve openly in military?Anti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expression
Aceh Aceh (autonomous territory of Indonesia)No No Illegal
Penalty: 100 strokes of the cane or 8 years in prison[431]
No NoNo NoNo No LGBT individuals may adopt, but not same-sex couplesNo No The central government of Indonesia is responsible for the defense of Aceh.Yes Yes Follows the law of the central Indonesian government.Yes Yes Follows the law of the central Indonesian government.
Brunei BruneiNo No No Illegal since 1908
Penalty: Death by stoning (in abeyance), 1 year imprisonment and 100 lashes for men. Caning and 10 years prison for women.[432]
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoLaws prohibit forms of gender expression.
Cambodia CambodiaYes Yes Legal[68]No No/Yes Yes Partnerships recognized in certain citiesNo No Constitutional ban since 1993No NoUn­knownNo NoNo No[433]
East Timor East TimorYes Yes Legal since 1975
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No NoNo NoYes Yes LGBT individuals may adopt
but same-sex couples can not adopt
Un­knownYes Yes Bans some anti gay discrimination, Hate crime protections since 2009.[434]Un­known
Indonesia IndonesiaYes Yes Legal (except in Aceh)[68][435]No NoNo NoNo No LGBT individuals may adopt, but not same-sex couplesNo No Not explicitly prohibited by Law (de jure), Illegal (de facto)Yes Yes Limited protection following legal process by the authorities.[436]Yes Yes Transgender people allowed to change legal gender, but only after sex reassignment surgery.
Laos LaosYes Yes Legal[68]No NoNo NoNo NoUn­knownNo NoUn­known
Malaysia MalaysiaNo No Illegal since 1871
Penalty: fines, prison sentence (2–20 years), or whippings.[68][437]
No NoNo NoNo No LGBT individuals may adopt, but not same-sex couplesNo NoNo NoNo No Generally impossible to change gender. However, a 2016 court ruling recognizes gender changes as fundamental constitutional rights[438] Forms of gender expression are criminalized.
Myanmar MyanmarNo No Illegal since 1886
Penalty: Up to 20 years in prison (Occasionally enforced).[68][439]
No NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo NoNo No
Philippines PhilippinesYes Yes Legal
+ UN decl. sign.[440][68][441][442] [e]
No No (Pending) [440]No No (Pending) [443]No No LGBT individuals may adopt, but not same-sex couples[444][443]Yes Yes Since 2009Yes Yes/No No Bans some anti-gay discrimination in certain cities and provinces,[445] including the City of Manila,[446]Cebu City,[447] Quezon City,[448] and Davao City;[449]
Nationwide anti-bullying law for basic education students.[450]
No No Generally impossible to change legal gender. However in Cagandahan vs Philippines, allowed an intersex man to change his legal gender from female to male.
Singapore SingaporeYes Yes Legal since 2022No NoNo NoAmbiguous, a gay Singaporean man with a male partner in 2018 won an appeal in court to adopt a child that he fathered through a surrogate.[451]Yes YesYes Yes Protections against anti-gay discrimination, harassment and violence[452]Yes Yes Transgender people allowed to change legal gender, but only after sex reassignment surgery
Thailand ThailandYes Yes Legal since 1956
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Yes Pending for 2024[453]Yes Yes Pending for 2024[453][454][455]Yes Yes Pending for 2024[453]Yes Yes Since 2005 [456]Yes Yes Bans all anti-gay discriminationNo No[454][457]

Yes Yes Anti-discrimination protections for gender expression.[437]

Vietnam VietnamYes Yes Legal[68]
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No NoNo NoNo No LGBT individuals may adopt, not same-sex couples[458]Yes Yes Irrespective of one's sexual orientationYes Yes Bans some anti-gay discriminationYes Yes Gender changes recognized and officially practised since 2017[459][460]


List of countries or territories by LGBT rights in Europe

European Union

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGB people allowed to serve openly in militaryAnti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expression
European Union European UnionYes Legal in all 27 member states[461]Yes/No Recognized in 25/27 member states
Yes/No Legal in 16/27 member states
Yes/No Stepchild adoption legal in 20/27 member states;
joint adoption legal in 17/27 member states
Yes Legal in all member statesYes Membership requires a state to ban discrimination based on person's sexual orientation in employment.
4/27 states ban some anti-gay discrimination.
23/27 states ban all anti-gay discrimination
Yes/No Legal in 25/27 member states[462]

Central Europe

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGB people allowed to serve openly in militaryAnti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expressionLack of a Presence of Anti-LGBT laws
Austria AustriaYes Legal since 1971; equal age of consent since 2002[68]
+ UN decl. sign.
Yes Registered partnerships since 2010[463]Yes Legal since 2019[464]Yes Stepchild adoption since 2013;
joint adoption since 2016[465][466][467]
Yes Includes transgender people[468]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Transgender people allowed to change gender without undergoing surgery[355]Yes[173][174]
Czech Republic Czech RepublicYes Legal since 1962 (As part of Czechoslovakia); equal age of consent since 1990
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Registered partnerships since 2006[469]NoUpcoming Effective from January 1, 2025 “biological and partial step-child” adoption for same-sex couples, not full joint adoption.Yes Includes transgender people[470]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Legal recognition after sex reassignment surgery (with mandatory sterilisation)[471][173][174]
Germany GermanyYes Legal in East Germany since 1968
Legal in West Germany since 1969; equal age of consent since 1988 in East Germany and since 1994 in unified Germany
+ UN decl. sign.[68][472]
Yes Registered life partnerships from 2001 to 2017 (existing partnerships and new foreign partnerships still recognised)[473][474]Yes Legal since 2017[475]Yes Stepchild adoption since 2005; successive adoption since 2013; joint adoption legal since 2017[475]Yes Includes transgender people[476]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[477]Upcoming Effective from November 1, 2024 self-determination of gender changes.Yes[173][174]
Hungary HungaryYes Legal since 1962; equal age of consent since 2002
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Registered partnerships since 2009[478]No Constitutional ban since 2012[479][480][481][482]No Constitutional ban since 2020[483][480]Yes[citation needed]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Forbids discrimination based on gender identity

No Transgender people are not allowed to change gender since 2020.[484]

Liechtenstein LiechtensteinYes Legal since 1989; equal age of consent since 2001
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Registered partnerships since 2011[485]Yes Upcoming Legal since January 1, 2025 [486][487][488][489][490][491]Yes Stepchild adoption since 2022;
joint adoption since 2023[492][493]
Has no militaryYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]No Gender change is not legal[471]No[173][174]
Poland PolandYes Legal since 1932
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No/Yes Unregistered cohabitation since 2012;
registered partnership proposed 2019
No Constitutional ban since 1997[494] (Article 18 of the Constitution is generally interpreted as limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples[495][496][497][498][499][500])[f]No LGBT individuals may adopt, but not same-sex couples[502]YesYes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Transgender people allowed to change gender but require undergoing medical treatment such as HRT or surgery. No provisions for nonbinary people.No[173][174]
Slovakia SlovakiaYes Legal since 1962 (As part of Czechoslovakia); equal age of consent since 1990
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No/Yes some limited rights for unregistered cohabiting same-sex couples since 2018;
Limited residency rights for married same-sex couples since 2018 (Proposed)
No Constitutional ban since 2014No LGBT individuals may adopt, but not same-sex couples[503]Yes[citation needed]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[504][505]Yes/No Allowed to change legal gender in theory. However because of lack of care and refusal by the state, de facto almost impossible since 2022. See LGBT rights in Slovakia § Gender identity and expressionNo[173][174]
Slovenia SloveniaYes Legal since 1977 (As part of Yugoslavia); equal age of consent since 1990
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Registered cohabitation since 2006[506];
Registered partnerships since 2017[507]
Yes Legal since 2022[508]Yes Stepchild adoption since 2011;
joint adoption since 2022[509]
YesYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Gender change is legal[510]Yes[173][174]
Switzerland SwitzerlandYes Legal nationwide since 1942
Legal in the cantons of Geneva (as part of France), Ticino, Valais, and Vaud since 1798; equal age of consent since 1990
+ UN decl. sign.[68][511]
Yes Registered partnerships in Geneva (2001),[512] Zürich (2003),[513] Neuchâtel (2004)[514] and Fribourg (2005)[514]
Nationwide since 2007[515]
Yes Legal since 2022[118]Yes Stepchild adoption since 2018;
joint adoption since 2022[118][516]
Yes Includes transgender people[517]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination [518]Yes Gender change is legal on simple declaration (self-determination +16 yo); surgery/sterilisation not required. [519]Yes[173][174]

Eastern Europe

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGB people allowed to serve openly in militaryAnti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expressionLack of a Presence of Anti-LGBT laws
Abkhazia Abkhazia
(Disputed territory)
Yes Legal after 1991NoNoNoNo
Armenia ArmeniaYes Legal since 2003
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNo Constitutional ban since 2015[520][521]No LGBT individuals may adopt, but not same-sex couples.No[522]NoNoNo
Azerbaijan AzerbaijanYes Legal since 2000[68]NoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Belarus BelarusYes Legal since 1994[68]NoNo Constitutional ban since 1994[523]NoNo/Yes Banned from military service during peacetime, but during wartime homosexuals are permitted to enlist as partially able[524]NoYes/No (Highly bureaucratic, lengthy two-stage process: deciding body meets only twice a year; permission for medical or surgical interventions only at the second stage. Flaw in passport conversion whereby passport number may reveal former designation of sex to agencies.)[525]No
Georgia (country) GeorgiaYes Legal since 2000
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNo Constitutional ban since 2018NoYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[526]Yes Requires sterilisation and surgery for change[471]No
Kazakhstan KazakhstanYes Legal since 1998[68]NoNoNoYes[527]NoYes Requires sex reassignment surgery, sterilization, hormone therapy and medical examinations[citation needed]
Moldova MoldovaYes Legal since 1995
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNo Constitutional ban since 1994[528]NoYes[citation needed]Yes Bans all anti-gay discriminationYes No longer requires sterilisation or surgery for change since 2017[471]No
Russia RussiaYes Male legal since 1993
Female always legal[334][68]
No Illegal in practice in Chechnya, where homosexuals are abducted and sent to concentration camps based on their perceived sexual orientation.
NoNo Constitutional ban since 2020[335]NoNoNoNo Gender change has not been legal since 2023[529]No
South Ossetia South Ossetia
(Disputed territory)
Yes Legal after 1991NoNoNoNo
Transnistria Transnistria
(Disputed territory)
Yes Legal since 2002[530]NoNoNoNo
Ukraine UkraineYes Legal since 1991
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNo Constitutional ban since 1996[531]No LGBT individuals may adopt, but not same-sex couples[532]Yes[533][534]Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[535]Yes No longer requires sterilisation or surgery for change since 2016Yes/No[173][174]

Northern Europe

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGB people allowed to serve openly in militaryAnti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expressionLack of a Presence of Anti-LGBT laws
Denmark DenmarkYes Legal since 1933; equal age of consent since 1973
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Registered partnerships from 1989 to 2012 (existing partnerships are still recognised)[536]Yes Legal since 2012[537][538]Yes Stepchild adoption since 1999;
joint adoption since 2010[539][540]
Yes Includes transgender people[541]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Legal gender change and recognition possible without surgery or hormone therapy[542]Yes[173][174]
Estonia EstoniaYes Legal since 1992
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Cohabitation agreement since 2016[543]Yes Legal since 2024[544]Yes Stepchild adoption since 2016;
joint adoption since 2024[545]
Yes[citation needed] Includes transgender people[546]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Gender reassignment legal; surgery not required[471]Yes
Faroe Islands Faroe Islands
(Autonomous Territory within the Kingdom of Denmark)
Yes Legal since 1933; equal age of consent since 1977
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
YesYes Legal since 2017[547][548]Yes Legal since 2017Yes The Kingdom of Denmark responsible for defenceYes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[549][550]No[551]Yes
Finland Finland
Åland (includes Åland)
Yes Legal since 1971; equal age of consent since 1999
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Registered partnerships from 2002 to 2017 (existing partnerships are still recognised)[552]Yes Legal since 2017[553]Yes Stepchild adoption since 2009;
joint adoption since 2017
Yes Includes transgender people[554]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Since 2023, by way of self-determination.[555]Yes
Iceland IcelandYes Legal since 1940; equal age of consent since 1992
(As part of Denmark)
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Registered cohabitation since 2006;[556]
Registered partnerships from 1996 to 2010 (existing partnerships are still recognised)[557]
Yes Legal since 2010[558][559]Yes Legal since 2006[560][561]No standing armyYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Documents can be amended to the recognised gender, sterilisation not required[562][471]Yes
Latvia LatviaYes Legal since 1992
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Registered partnerships since 2024[563][564]No Constitutional ban since 2006[565]No LGBT individuals may adopt, but not same-sex couples, incl. stepchild adoption[566]Yes[567]Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[568]YesLegal change allowed[569] but requires "full" transition and doctor's or court's approval.[570] Sterilization required.[571]
Lithuania LithuaniaYes Legal since 1993
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No/Yes Limited residency rights for married same-sex couples since 2018; Cohabitation agreement pending [572] Civil unions proposed.No Constitutional ban since 1992[573]No Only married couples can adopt[574]YesSince 2015[575]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Effective from 2/2/2022, gender change on legal documents permitted without surgery and no non-binary option available.[576][577]No
Norway NorwayYes Legal since 1972
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Registered partnerships from 1993 to 2009 (existing partnerships are still recognised)[578]Yes Legal since 2009[579][580]Yes Stepchild adoption since 2002;
joint adoption since 2009[581][582]
Yes Includes transgender people[583]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[584]Yes All documents can be amended to the recognised gender[355]Yes
Sweden SwedenYes Legal since 1944; equal age of consent since 1972
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Registered partnerships from 1995 to 2009 (existing partnerships are still recognised)[585]Yes Legal since 2009[586]Yes Legal since 2003[587][588]Yes[589] Includes transgender people[590]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes/Upcoming First country within the world in 1972 to allow gender reassignment procedures for individuals. Effective from July 1, 2025 by self-determination for individuals to change gender.Yes

Southern Europe

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGBT people allowed to serve openly in militaryAnti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expressionLack of a Presence of Anti-LGBT laws
Akrotiri and Dhekelia Akrotiri and Dhekelia
(Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
Yes Legal since 2000; equal age of consent since 2003
+ UN decl. sign.[68][591][592]
Yes Since 2005, for members of the British Armed Forces[593]Yes Since 2014, for members of the British Armed Forces[594]Yes UK responsible for defenceYes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[595]
Albania AlbaniaYes Legal since 1995
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNoNoYesYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]No No legal recognition[471]
Andorra AndorraYes Legal since 1791
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Stable unions since 2005[596]; Civil unions from 2014–2023, replaced by civil marriage[597]Yes Legal since 2023Yes Legal since 2014[598][597][599]Has no militaryYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Since 2023, without SRS and sterilization - but with a mandatory 2-year waiting period.[600]Yes[173][174]
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and HerzegovinaYes Legal since 1996 in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Republika Srpska since 1998, and in Brčko District since 2003
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNoNoYes[citation needed]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Requires surgery for change[601]
Bulgaria BulgariaYes Legal since 1968; equal age of consent since 2002
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No/Yes Limited residency rights for married same-sex couples since 2018No Constitutional ban since 1991[602]No LGBT individuals may adopt, but not same-sex couples[603]YesYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Forbids discrimination based on gender identity.[604][605]

No Transgender people are not allowed to change gender since 2017.[606][607]

Croatia CroatiaYes Legal since 1977 (As part of Yugoslavia); equal age of consent since 1998
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Unregistered cohabitation since 2003 [608] Life partnerships since 2014[609]No Constitutional ban since 2013[610]Yes Legal since 2022[611]YesYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351][612]Yes Act on the elimination of discrimination bans all discrimination based on both gender identity and gender expression. Gender change is regulated by special policy issued by Ministry of Health.[613]Yes/No
Cyprus CyprusYes Legal since 1998; equal age of consent since 2002
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil cohabitation since 2015[349]NoNoYes[350]Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Forbids some discrimination based on gender identity.[352]
Gender change legal.
Gibraltar Gibraltar; equal age of consent since 2012
(Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
Yes Legal since 1993
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil partnerships since 2014[614]Yes Legal since 2016[615]Yes Legal since 2014Yes UK responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[616]Yes Forbids discrimination on the grounds of gender reassignment[616]

No Gender change is not legal

Greece GreeceYes Legal since 1951; equal age of consent since 2015
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Cohabitation agreements since 2015[617]Yes Legal since 2024[618]Yes Legal since 2024YesYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Under the Legal Gender Recognition Act 2017[619][620]Yes
Italy ItalyYes Legal since 1890
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil unions since 2016[621]No In 2018 the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriages performed abroad must be registered as civil unions. (Proposed) [622]Yes/No Stepchild adoption admitted by the Court of Cassation since 2016[623][624]YesYes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Legal recognition and documents can be amended to the recognised gender, sterilisation not required[625][626]Yes
Kosovo Kosovo
(Disputed territory)
Yes Legal since 1994
(as part of Yugoslavia); equal age of consent since 2004[68]
NoNo[627]No LGBT individuals may adopt, but not same-sex couples[628][629]Yes[citation needed]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[630]Yes Forbids discrimination based on gender identity.

No No legal recognition[471]

Malta MaltaYes Legal since 1973
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil unions since 2014[631]Yes Legal since 2017Yes Legal since 2014YesYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]
Pathologization or attempted treatment of sexual orientation by mental health professionals illegal since 2016
Yes Transgender people allowed to change gender; surgery not required since 2015[632]Yes
Montenegro MontenegroYes Legal since 1977 (As part of Yugoslavia)
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Life partnership from July 2021[633]No Constitutional ban since 2007 (Court decision pending)[634][635]NoYes[citation needed]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Requires sterilisation and surgery for change[355][471]Yes/No
North Macedonia North MacedoniaYes Legal since 1996
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No (Proposed)NoNoYes[citation needed]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Forbids discrimination based on gender identity.

Gender change is legally recognized since 2021

Northern Cyprus Northern Cyprus
(Disputed territory)
Yes Legal since 2014[375][376][68]NoNoNoNoYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[375][376]Yes Legal, requires surgery for change[377]
Portugal PortugalYes Legal since 1983; equal age of consent since 2007
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes De facto unions since 2001[636][637]Yes Legal since 2010[638]Yes Legal since 2016[639][640][641]YesYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes All documents can be amended to the recognised gender since 2011[642]Yes
Romania RomaniaYes Legal since 1996; equal age of consent since 2002
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No/Yes Limited residency rights for married same-sex couples since 2018;[643]
NoNo LGBT individuals may adopt, but not same-sex couples[644]YesYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Legal recognition after sex reassignment surgery (sterilisation mandatory)[471]No
San Marino San MarinoYes Legal since 1865
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil unions since 2019NoYes/No Stepchild adoption legal since 2019Yes Bans all anti-gay discriminationNo No legal recognition[355]
Serbia SerbiaYes Legal from 1858, when nominally a vassal of the Ottoman Empire to 1860,[645] and again since 1994 (As part of Yugoslavia); equal age of consent since 2006
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
No (Proposed)No Constitutional ban since 2006[646]No LGBT individuals may adopt, but not same-sex couplesYesYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Legal after 1 year of hormone therapy, surgery no longer required since 2019[647]No
Spain SpainYes Legal since 1979
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes De facto unions in Catalonia (1998),[648] Aragon (1999),[648] Navarre (2000),[648] Castile-La Mancha (2000),[648] Valencia (2001),[649] the Balearic Islands (2001),[650] Madrid (2001),[648] Asturias (2002),[651] Castile and León (2002),[652] Andalusia (2002),[648] the Canary Islands (2003),[648] Extremadura (2003),[648] Basque Country (2003),[648] Cantabria (2005),[653] Galicia (2008)[654] La Rioja (2010),[655] and Murcia (2018),[656][657] and in both autonomous cities; Ceuta (1998)[658] and Melilla (2008).[659]Yes Legal since 2005[660]Yes Legal since 2005[661][662]Yes Includes transgender people[663]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]
Pathologization or attempted treatment of sexual orientation by mental health professionals illegal nationwide since 2023.[664]
Yes Since 2023, by way of self-determination[665]Yes
Turkey TurkeyYes Legal since 1858[68]NoNoNoNoNoYes Legal since 1988, requires sterilisation and surgery for change[666]No
Vatican City Vatican CityYes Legal since 1890 (As part of Italy)[68]NoNoNoHas no militaryNoNo

Western Europe

LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGB people allowed to serve openly in militaryAnti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expressionLack of a Presence of Anti-LGBT laws
Belgium BelgiumYes Legal nationwide since 1795; equal age of consent since 1985
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Legal cohabitation since 2000[667]Yes Legal since 2003[668][669][670]Yes Legal since 2006[671][672]Yes Includes transgender people[673]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Since 2018, sex changes do not require sterilisation and surgery[674]Yes[173][174]
France FranceYes Legal nationwide since 1791
Legal in Savoy since 1792; equal age of consent since 1982
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil solidarity pact since 1999[675]Yes Legal since 2013[676]Yes Legal since 2013[677]Yes Includes transgender people[678]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[351]Yes Since 2017, sex changes no longer requires sterilisation and surgery[679]Yes
Bailiwick of Guernsey Guernsey
(Crown Dependency of the United Kingdom)
Yes Legal since 1983; equal age of consent since 2012
+ UN decl. sign.[680][681][68]
Yes Civil partnerships performed in the UK abroad recognised for succession purposes in inheritance and other matters respecting interests in property since 2012[682][683] Legal cohabitation since 2017[684]Yes Legal since 2017 in Guernsey, since 2018 in Alderney, and since 2020 in Sark[685]
Yes Legal since 2017[687]Yes UK responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[688][689]Yes Legal gender changes since 2007[690][691]Yes
Republic of Ireland IrelandYes Male legal since 1993
Female always legal
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil partnerships from 2011 to 2015 (existing partnerships are still recognised)[692]Yes Legal since 2015 after a constitutional referendum[693]Yes Legal since 2017[694][695][696][697][698][699]Yes Includes transgender people[700]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[701][702][703]Yes Under the Gender Recognition Act 2015, by self-declaration.[704]Yes
Isle of Man Isle of Man; equal age of consent since 2006
(Crown Dependency of the United Kingdom)
Yes Legal since 1992
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil partnerships since 2011[705]Yes Legal since 2016[706]Yes Legal since 2011Yes UK responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[707]Yes Transgender people are allowed to change their legal gender and to have their new gender recognised as a result of the Gender Recognition Act 2009 (c.11)[708][709]Yes
Jersey Jersey; equal age of consent since 2006
(Crown Dependency of the United Kingdom)
Yes Legal since 1990
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil partnerships since 2012[710]Yes Legal since 2018[711][712]Yes Legal since 2012Yes UK responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[713]Yes Under the Gender Recognition (Jersey) Law 2010[714]Yes
Luxembourg LuxembourgYes Legal since 1795; equal age of consent since 1992
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Registered partnerships since 2004[715]Yes Legal since 2015[716][717]Yes Legal since 2015[718]YesYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[719]Yes No divorce, sterilization and/or surgery legally required since September 2018 for change of gender[720][471]Yes
Monaco MonacoYes Legal since 1793
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Cohabitation agreements since 2020No (Proposed)NoYes France responsible for defenceYes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[68]
Netherlands NetherlandsYes Legal since 1811; equal age of consent since 1971
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Registered partnership since 1998[721]Yes Legal since 2001[722]Yes Legal since 2001[723][724]Yes Includes transgender people[725]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[726]Yes Since 2014, sex changes do not require sterilisation and surgery[727][728]Yes
United Kingdom United KingdomYes Female always legal. Male legal in England and Wales since 1967, in Scotland since 1981, and in Northern Ireland since 1982; equal age of consent since 2001
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil partnerships since 2005[729]Yes Legal in England, Wales, and Scotland since 2014, and Northern Ireland since 2020[730][730]Yes Legal in England and Wales since 2005, in Scotland since 2009 and Northern Ireland since 2013[731][732][733]Yes Since 2000; Includes transgender people[734]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[735][68] [736]Yes Under the Gender Recognition Act 2004Yes


List of countries or territories by LGBT rights in Oceania


LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGBT people allowed to serve openly in military?Anti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expressionLack of a Presence of Anti-LGBT laws
Australia Australia
(including territories of
 Christmas Island, the
 Cocos (Keeling) Islands and
 Norfolk Island)
Yes Always legal for women. Male legal in some states and territories since 1975, nationwide since 1997. Tasmania was the last state to legalise male homosexuality; Equal age of consent in some states and territories since 1975, nationwide since 2016.
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Unregistered cohabitation nationally since 2009;
Domestic partnerships in Tasmania (2004),[737] South Australia (2007),[738] Victoria (2008),[739] New South Wales (2010),[740] and Queensland (2012);[741]
Civil unions in the Australian Capital Territory (2012)[742]
Yes Legal since 2017[743]Yes Legal nationwide since 2018Yes Gay men and lesbians since 1992[744]; Transgender and intersex people since 2010[745]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination.[746]Yes Different regulations within each jurisdiction on change of sex. NSW explicitly legally requires sexual reassignment surgery to change sex on a birth certificate, since 1996.[747][748]Yes[749][750]
New Zealand New ZealandYes Legal since 1986
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Unregistered cohabitation since 2002;
Civil unions since 2005
Yes Legal since 2013[751]Yes Legal since 2013[751]Yes Since 1993; Includes transgender people[752]Yes Bans all anti-gay discriminationYes Covered under the "sex discrimination" provision of the Human Rights Act 1993; From July 2023, change of sex on a birth certificate by self-determination.[753][754]Yes


LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGBT people allowed to serve openly in military?Anti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expressionLack of a Presence of Anti-LGBT laws
Fiji FijiYes Legal since 2010
+ UN decl. sign.[755][68]
NoNoNoYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[68]
Pathologization or attempted treatment of sexual orientation by mental health professionals illegal since 2010
Indonesia IndonesiaYes Legal (except in Aceh)[68][756]NoNoNoNoYes Limited protection following legal process by the authorities.[757]Yes Transgender people allowed to change legal gender, but only after sex reassignment surgery.No
New Caledonia New Caledonia
(Special collectivity of France)
Yes Legal
(No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the collectivity)
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil solidarity pact since 2009[758]Yes Legal since 2013Yes Legal since 2013Yes France responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discriminationYes Under French lawYes
Papua New Guinea Papua New GuineaNo Male illegal
Penalty: 3 to 14 years imprisonment (Not enforced, Legalization proposed).
Yes Female always legal[68]
Solomon Islands Solomon IslandsNo Illegal
Penalty: Up to 14 years imprisonment (Not enforced, Legalization proposed).[68]
NoNoNoHas no militaryNo[759]NoNo
Vanuatu VanuatuYes Legal
(No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed since independence[760])
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNoNoYes Bans some anti-gay discriminationNo


LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGBT people allowed to serve openly in military?Anti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expressionLack of a Presence of Anti-LGBT laws
Guam Guam
(Unincorporated territory of the United States)
Yes Legal since 1978Yes Since 2015Yes Legal since 2015Yes Legal since 2002Yes United States responsible for defense[761][762]Yes Bans some anti-gay discriminationYes Allowed to legally change gender, but requires sex reassignment surgeryYes
Federated States of Micronesia MicronesiaYes Legal
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNoNoHas no militaryYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[763]
Kiribati KiribatiNo Male illegal
Penalty: 5-14 years imprisonment (Not enforced, Legalization proposed).
Yes Female legal[68]
NoNoNoHas no militaryYes Bans some anti-gay discriminationNo
Marshall Islands Marshall IslandsYes Legal since 2005
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNoNoHas no militaryYes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[764]
Nauru NauruYes Legal since 2016[765][766]
+ UN decl. sign.
NoNoNoHas no militaryNo
Pathologization or attempted treatment of sexual orientation by mental health professionals illegal since 2016
Northern Mariana Islands Northern Mariana Islands
(Unincorporated territory of the United States)
Yes Legal since 1983Yes Since 2015Yes Legal since 2015Yes Legal since 2015Yes United States responsible for defense[761][762]Yes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[767][768]Yes Under the Vital Statistics Act of 2006Yes
Palau PalauYes Legal since 2014
+ UN decl. sign.[769]
NoNo Constitutional ban since 2008NoHas no militaryNoNo
United States United States Minor Outlying Islands
(Unincorporated territories of the United States)
Yes LegalYesYes LegalYes LegalYes United States responsible for defense[761][762]NoNoYes


LGBT rights in:Same-sex sexual activityRecognition of same-sex unionsSame-sex marriageAdoption by same-sex couplesLGBT people allowed to serve openly in military?Anti-discrimination laws concerning sexual orientationLaws concerning gender identity/expressionLack of a Presence of Anti-LGBT laws
American Samoa American Samoa
(Unincorporated territory of the United States)[770]
Yes Legal since 1980No/Yes Same-sex marriages recognized but not performed under Respect for Marriage Act since 2022.No/Yes Same-sex marriages recognized but not performed under Respect for Marriage Act since 2022.[771]NoYes United States responsible for defense[761][762]NoYes[772]
Cook Islands Cook Islands
(Part of the Realm of New Zealand)
Yes Legal since 2023
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNoNoYes New Zealand responsible for defenceYes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[773]No
Easter Island Easter Island
(Special territory of Chile)
Yes Legal since 1999
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil unions since 2015[774]Yes Since 2022[775]Yes Since 2022[775]Yes Chile responsible for defence[776][777]Yes Bans all anti-gay discrimination[778]
Pathologization or attempted treatment of sexual orientation by mental health professionals illegal since 2021
Yes Transgender persons can change their legal gender and name since 1974.
No surgeries or judicial order since 2019.[779]
French Polynesia French Polynesia
(Overseas collectivity of France)
Yes Legal
(No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the collectivity)
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Since 2013Yes Legal since 2013Yes Legal since 2013Yes France responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discriminationYes Under French lawYes
Hawaii Hawaii
(Constituent state of the United States)
Yes Since 1972Yes Since 1997Yes Since 2013Yes Since 2012Yes United States responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discriminationYesYes
Niue Niue
(Part of the Realm of New Zealand)
No Male illegal
Penalty: 5-10 years imprisonment. (Not enforced, Legalization proposed).[780]
Yes Female legal
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNoNoYes New Zealand responsible for defence
Pitcairn Islands Pitcairn Islands
(Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
Yes Legal since 2001
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Since 2015Yes Legal since 2015[781]Yes Legal since 2015[782]Yes UK responsible for defenceYes Constitutional ban on all anti-gay discrimination[783]Yes
Samoa SamoaNo Male illegal
Penalty: 5-7 years imprisonment (Not enforced). Legalization proposed
Yes Female always legal
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNoNoHas no militaryYes Bans some anti-gay discrimination[784]
Pathologization or attempted treatment of sexual orientation by mental health professionals illegal since 2007
Samoa has a large transgender or "third-gender" community called the fa'afafine. They are a recognized part of traditional Samoan customs.Yes/No
Tokelau Tokelau
(Dependent territory of the Realm of New Zealand)
Yes Legal since 2003[785]
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNoNoYes New Zealand responsible for defenceNoNo
Tonga TongaNo Male illegal
Penalty: Up to 10 years imprisonment (Not enforced, Legalization proposed).
Yes Female always legal[68]
Tuvalu TuvaluNo Male illegal
Penalty: Up to 14 years imprisonment (Not enforced). Legalization proposed
Yes Female legal
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
NoNo Consitutional ban since 2023NoHas no militaryYes Bans some anti-gay discrimination
Wallis and Futuna Wallis and Futuna
(Overseas collectivity of France)
Yes Legal
(No laws against same-sex sexual activity have ever existed in the collectivity)
+ UN decl. sign.[68]
Yes Civil solidarity pact since 2009Yes Legal since 2013Yes Legal since 2013Yes France responsible for defenceYes Bans all anti-gay discriminationYes Under French lawYes

See also


  1. ^ Legal nationwide, except in the province of Aceh
  2. ^ De facto illegal in Chechnya
  3. ^ A country in this list is to be presumed to have equalized the age of consent at the same time as it decriminalized homosexual acts, unless otherwise noted
  4. ^ In Taiwan, gender change is not explicitly stated in any law; instead it is permitted by an executive order published by the Ministry of the Interior, which dictates that sex reassignment surgeries are required before gender change. In 2021 a judgement by the Taipei High Administrative Court[430] ruled that the executive order above was unconstitutional and therefore the defendant (district household registration office) must allow the plaintiff to change their gender. The judgement was finalized since the defendant did not appeal. However, since rulings in Taiwan are generally not precedential, said judgement only applies to the plaintiff and does not bind other cases nor the executive branch.
  5. ^ Except for the settlements Marawi and M'lang.
  6. ^ In January 2019, a lower administrative court in Warsaw ruled that the language in Article 18 of the Constitution does not explicitly ban same-sex marriage.[501]


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  29. ^ Jump up to: a b Nissinen, Martti (2004). Homoeroticism in the Biblical World: A Historical Perspective. Fortress Press. pp. 24–28. ISBN 978-1-4514-1433-2. Archived from the original on 14 April 2020. Retrieved 12 May 2024.
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  32. ^ Pritchard, p. 181.
  33. ^ Gay Rights Or Wrongs: A Christian's Guide to Homosexual Issues and Ministry, by Mike Mazzalonga, 1996, p.11
  34. ^ Halsall, Paul. "The Code of the Assura". Internet History Sourcebooks Project. Fordham University. Archived from the original on 11 September 2015. Retrieved 16 November 2015.
  35. ^ Wilhelm, Amara Das (18 May 2010). Tritiya-Prakriti: People of the Third Sex. Xlibris Corporation. ISBN 9781453503164. Archived from the original on 17 February 2022. Retrieved 22 March 2017.
  36. ^ G. R. Driver and J. C. Miles, The Assyrian Laws (Oxford, Clarendon Press [1935]), 71.
  37. ^ Plutarch, Moralia 288a; Thomas Habinek, "The Invention of Sexuality in the World-City of Rome," in The Roman Cultural Revolution (Cambridge University Press, 1997), p. 39; Richlin, "Not before Homosexuality," pp. 545–546. Scholars disagree as to whether the Lex Scantinia imposed the death penalty or a hefty fine.
  38. ^ Williams, Roman Homosexuality, pp. 214–215; Richlin, "Not before Homosexuality," passim.
  39. ^ Catharine Edwards, The Politics of Immorality in Ancient Rome (Cambridge University Press, 1993), pp. 63–64.
  40. ^ As recorded in a fragment of the speech De Re Floria by Cato the Elder (frg. 57 Jordan = Aulus Gellius 9.12.7), noted and discussed by Richlin, "Not before Homosexuality," p. 561.
  41. ^ Richlin, "Not before Homosexuality," pp. 562–563. See also Digest 48.5.35 [34] on legal definitions of rape that included boys.
  42. ^ Under the Lex Aquilia. See McGinn, Prostitution, Sexuality, and the Law in Ancient Rome, p. 314.
  43. ^ McGinn, Prostitution, Sexuality and the Law in Ancient Rome, p. 40.
  44. ^ Sara Elise Phang, Roman Military Service: Ideologies of Discipline in the Late Republic and Early Principate (Cambridge University Press, 2008), p. 93.
  45. ^ Polybius. "The Histories Fragments of Book VI". Retrieved 12 May 2024.
  46. ^ Phang, The Marriage of Roman Soldiers, pp. 280–285.
  47. ^ Phang, The Marriage of Roman Soldiers, p. 3.
  48. ^ Williams, Roman Homosexuality, p. 112 et passim.
  49. ^ Phang, Sara Elise (13 May 2024). The Marriage of Roman Soldiers. BRILL. pp. 285–292. ISBN 978-90-04-12155-3. Archived from the original on 5 August 2020.
  50. ^ Juvenal, Satire 2; Williams, Roman Homosexuality, p. 28.
  51. ^ Suetonius Life of Nero 28–29; Williams, Roman Homosexuality, p. 279ff.
  52. ^ Michael Groneberg, "Reasons for Homophobia: Three Types of Explanation," in Combatting Homophobia: Experiences and Analyses Pertinent to Education (LIT Verlag, 2011), p. 193.
  53. ^ Codex Theodosianus 9.7.3 (4 December 342), introduced by the sons of Constantine in 342.
  54. ^ Groneberg, "Reasons for Homophobia," p. 193.
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  494. ^ «Конституция Республики Польша» . Сейм РП . Проверено 5 мая 2015 г. Брак, являющийся союзом мужчины и женщины, а также семья, материнство и родительство находятся под защитой и опекой Республики Польша.
  495. ^ Постановление Верховного Суда от 7 июля 2004 года II КК 176/04 , В действующей судебной практике Верховного Суда, сложившейся и закрепленной как в период действия предыдущего, так и в действующем УПК, а также в В доктрине (см. высказывания В. Вольтера, А. Золлы, А. Вонски) понятие «сожительство» относится только к сожительством, а в частности к союзу лиц разного пола, соответствующему фактически брачным отношениям ( которое согласно статье 18 Конституции является исключительно союзом лиц разного пола). Такую трактовку полностью разделяет Верховный Суд, выносящий решение по настоящему делу, и не находит оснований считать убедительными те утверждения, которые встречаются в литературе, в которых предпринимаются попытки поставить под сомнение такую ​​трактовку рассматриваемого понятия и свести ее исключительно к сожительство (М. Плахта, К. Лоевский, А. М. Либерковский). Понимая стремление расширить толкование понятия «совместное проживание», используемого в ст. 115 § 11 Уголовного кодекса, однако следует отметить, что в этом отношении полностью отсутствуют достаточно точные критерии.
  496. ^ «Решение Конституционного Трибунала от 11 мая 2005 г. К 18/04» . Конституция Польши определяет брак как союз только между мужчиной и женщиной. Наоборот, он не допускает однополых отношений. [...] Брак (как союз мужчины и женщины) приобрел в национальном законодательстве Республики Польша отдельный конституционный статус, определяемый положениями ст. 18 Конституции. Изменение этого статуса будет возможно только при сохранении строгости процедуры внесения изменений в Конституцию, указанной в ст. 235 настоящего закона.
  497. ^ «Решение Конституционного Трибунала от 9 ноября 2010 г. СК 10/08» . Доктрина конституционного права также указывает на то, что единственным нормативным элементом, который можно расшифровать из ст. 18 Конституции призвана установить принцип гетеросексуальности брака.
  498. ^ «Решение Высшего административного суда Польши от 25 октября 2016 г., II GSK 866/15» . Закон о медицинском обслуживании, финансируемом из государственных средств, не уточняет, кто является супругом. Однако это понятие достаточно и четко определено в указанной статье. 18 Конституции Республики Польша, где говорится о браке как о союзе между женщиной и мужчиной. В литературе подчеркивается, что ст. 18 Конституции закрепляет принцип гетеросексуальности брака, который является не столько принципом системы, сколько юридической нормой, запрещающей рядовому законодателю придавать характер брака отношениям между лицами одного пола (см.: Л . Комментарий Гарлицкого к статье 18 Конституции, стр. 2-3 [в: Комментарий к Конституции Республики Польша, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Варшава, 2003 г.). Поэтому очевидно, что брак в свете Конституции и, следовательно, в свете польского законодательства может и является лишь гетеросексуальным союзом, и поэтому в браке супруги не могут быть лицами одного пола.
  499. ^ «Постановление Высшего административного суда Польши от 28 февраля 2018 г. II OSK 1112/16» . искусство. 18 Конституции Республики Польша, которая определяет брак как союз между мужчиной и женщиной и, таким образом, следует принципу, согласно которому в Польше браком следует считать только гетеросексуальные союзы.
  500. ^ * Галло Д; Паладини Л; Пусторино П., ред. (2014). Однополые пары в национальной, наднациональной и международной юрисдикции . Берлин: Шпрингер. п. 215. ИСБН  978-3-642-35434-2 . составители Конституции Польши 1997 года включили в текст конституции юридическое определение брака как союза женщины и мужчины, чтобы гарантировать, что введение однополых браков не будет принято без внесения поправки в конституцию.
    • Марек Сафьян; Лешек Босек, ред. Конституция Республики Польша. Том I. Комментарии к ст. 1-86 . Варшава: CH Beck Wydawnictwo Polska. ISBN  9788325573652 . Приведенный выше анализ работы над Конституцией Республики Польша ясно показывает, что включение в ст. 18 Конституции Республики Польша, определительная фраза «союз женщины и мужчины» стала реакцией на появление в зарубежных странах правил, подчиняющих однополые отношения правилам, аналогичным или совпадающим с институтом брака. Дополненное этой фразой конституционное положение «должно было сыграть роль инструмента, препятствующего введению такого регулирования в польское законодательство» (А. Мончинский, Конституционные основы семейного права, стр. 772). Никакой другой причины для его введения в Конституцию Республики Польша указать нельзя (Б. Банашкевич, «Брак как союз женщины и мужчины», стр. 640 и след.; см. также З. Струс, Смысл статьи 18 Конституции, стр. 236 и последующие). Как отмечает А. Мончиньский, сутью этого регулирования было нормативное определение не только невозможности регулирования в польском законодательстве «браков между лицами одного пола», но и других отношений, которые хотя бы и не определялись как брак, выполнял бы подобную ему функцию (А. Мончинский, Конституционные основы семейного права, стр. 772; там же, Конституционные и международные условия, стр. 91; аналогично Л. Гарлицкий, Статья 18, в: Гарлицкий, Konstytucja, т. 4, л., который отмечает, что в этом отношении статья 18 приобретает «характер правовой нормы»).
    • Шерпе Дж. М., изд. (2016). Европейское семейное право, Том III: Семейное право в семье с европейской точки зрения . Челтнем, Великобритания: Издательство Эдварда Элгара. п. 121. ИСБН  978-1-78536-304-7 . Конституционные запреты на однополые браки теперь действуют в десяти европейских странах: статья 32 Конституции Беларуси; статья 46 Конституции Болгарии; статья L Конституции Венгрии, статья 110 Конституции Латвии; Статья 38.3 Конституции Литвы; Статья 48 Конституции Молдовы; Статья 71 Конституции Черногории; Статья 18 Конституции Польши; статья 62 Конституции Сербии; и статья 51 Конституции Украины.
    • Стюарт Дж., Ллойд К.С. (2016). «Равенство в браке в Европе» . Семейный адвокат . 38 (4): 37–40. Статья 18 Конституции Польши ограничивает институт брака парами противоположного пола.
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