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Координаты : 41 ° 36' с.ш. 72 ° 42' з.д.  /  41,6 ° с.ш. 72,7 ° з.д.  / 41,6; -72,7
(Перенаправлено с US-CT )

Прозвища :
  • Конституция государства (официальная)
  • Мускатный штат
  • Провизионное государство
  • Страна устойчивых привычек
Девизы :
Гимн: « Янки Дудл ».
Duration: 1 minute and 38 seconds.
Map of the United States with Connecticut highlighted
Map of the United States with Connecticut highlighted
CountryUnited States
Before statehoodConnecticut Colony
Admitted to the UnionJanuary 9, 1788 (5th)
Largest cityBridgeport
Largest county or equivalentCapitol
Largest metro and urban areasNew York (combined)
Greater Hartford (metro and urban)
 • GovernorNed Lamont (D)
 • Lieutenant GovernorSusan Bysiewicz (D)
LegislatureGeneral Assembly
 • Upper houseSenate
 • Lower houseHouse of Representatives
JudiciaryConnecticut Supreme Court
U.S. senatorsRichard Blumenthal (D)
Chris Murphy (D)
U.S. House delegation5 Democrats (list)
 • Total5,543 sq mi (14,356[3] km2)
 • Land4,849 sq mi (12,559 km2)
 • Water698 sq mi (1,809 km2)  12.6%
 • Rank48th
 • Length70 mi (113 km)
 • Width110 mi (177 km)
500 ft (150 m)
Highest elevation
(Massachusetts border on south slope of Mount Frissell[4][a])
2,379 ft (725 m)
Lowest elevation0 ft (0 m)
 • Total3,605,944[5]
 • Rank29th
 • Density745/sq mi (288/km2)
  • Rank4th
 • Median household income
 • Income rank
  • Connecticuter[8]
  • Connecticutian[9]
 • Official languageNone
Time zoneUTC– 05:00 (Eastern)
 • Summer (DST)UTC– 04:00 (EDT)
USPS abbreviation
ISO 3166 codeUS-CT
Traditional abbreviationConn.
Latitude40°58′ N to 42°03′ N
Longitude71°47′ W to 73°44′ W

Коннектикут ( / k ə ˈ n ɛ t ɪ k ə t / ка -НЕТ -ик-эт ) [ 10 ] — самый южный штат в регионе Новая Англия на северо-востоке США . Он граничит с Род-Айлендом на востоке, Массачусетсом на севере, Нью-Йорком на западе и проливом Лонг-Айленд на юге. Ее столица — Хартфорд , а самый густонаселенный город — Бриджпорт . Коннектикут расположен между основными транспортными узлами Нью-Йорка и Бостона вдоль Северо-восточного коридора . Агломерация Нью-Йорка , включающая шесть из семи крупнейших городов Коннектикута, простирается далеко в юго-западную часть штата, а северо-восточный угол достигает Большого Бостона . [ 11 ] Коннектикут является третьим по величине штатом по площади после Род-Айленда и Делавэра и 29-м по численности населения с чуть более чем 3,6 миллионами жителей по состоянию на 2020 год . [ 12 ] ставя его на четвертое место среди самых густонаселенных штатов США .

The state is named after the Connecticut River, the longest in New England which roughly bisects the state and drains into the Long Island Sound between the towns of Old Saybrook and Old Lyme. The name of the river is in turn derived from anglicized spellings of Quinnetuket, a Mohegan-Pequot word for "long tidal river".[13] До прибытия первых европейских поселенцев регион был населен различными алгонкинскими племенами. В 1633 году Голландская Вест-Индская компания основала в Хартфорде небольшое недолговечное поселение под названием « Дом надежды» . На половину Коннектикута первоначально претендовала голландская колония Новые Нидерланды , которая включала большую часть земель между реками Коннектикут и Делавэр , хотя первые крупные поселения были основаны англичанами примерно в то же время. Томас Хукер возглавил группу последователей из колонии Массачусетского залива, чтобы сформировать колонию Коннектикут , в то время как другие поселенцы из Массачусетса основали колонию Сэйбрук и колонию Нью-Хейвен ; оба объединились в первый к 1664 году.

Connecticut's official nickname, the "Constitution State", refers to the Fundamental Orders adopted by the Connecticut Colony in 1639, which is considered by some to be the first written constitution in Western history.[14] As one of the Thirteen Colonies that rejected British rule during the American Revolution, Connecticut was influential in the development of the federal government of the United States. In 1787, Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth, state delegates to the Constitutional Convention, proposed a compromise between the Virginia and New Jersey Plans;[15] its bicameral structure for Congress, with a respectively proportional and equal representation of the states in the House of Representatives and Senate, was adopted and remains to this day. In January 1788, Connecticut became the fifth state to ratify the Constitution.

Connecticut is a developed and affluent state, performing well on the Human Development Index and on different metrics of income except for equality. It is home to a number of prestigious educational institutions, including Yale University in New Haven, as well as other liberal arts colleges and private boarding schools in and around the “Knowledge Corridor”. Due to its geography, Connecticut has maintained a strong maritime tradition; the United States Coast Guard Academy is located in New London by the Thames River. The state is also associated with the aerospace industry through major companies Pratt & Whitney and Sikorsky Aircraft headquartered in East Hartford and Stratford, respectively. Historically a manufacturing center for arms, hardware, and timepieces,[16] Connecticut, as with the rest of the region, had transitioned into an economy based on the financial, insurance, and real estate sectors; many multinational firms providing such services can be found concentrated in the state capital of Hartford and along the Gold Coast in Fairfield County.


A map of the Connecticut, New Haven, and Saybrook colonies

First people


The name Connecticut is derived from the Mohegan-Pequot word that has been translated as "long tidal river" and "upon the long river",[17] both referring to the Connecticut River. Evidence of human presence in the Connecticut region dates to as far back as 10,000 years ago. Stone tools were used for hunting, fishing, and woodworking.[18][19] Semi-nomadic in lifestyle, these peoples moved seasonally to take advantage of various resources in the area.[20][21] They shared languages based on Algonquian.[22] The Connecticut region was inhabited by multiple Native American tribes which can be grouped into the Nipmuc, the Sequin or "River Indians" (which included the Tunxis, Schaghticoke, Podunk, Wangunk, Hammonasset, and Quinnipiac), the Mattabesec or "Wappinger Confederacy" and the Pequot-Mohegan.[23] Some of these groups still reside in Connecticut, including the Mohegans, the Pequots, and the Paugusetts.[24]

Colonial period


The first European explorer in Connecticut was Dutchman Adriaen Block,[25] who explored the region in 1614. Dutch fur traders then sailed up the Connecticut River, which they called Versche Rivier ("Fresh River"), and built a fort at Dutch Point in Hartford that they named "House of Hope" (Dutch: Huis van Hoop).[26]

On April 26, 1935, the U.S. Post Office issued a postage stamp commemorating the 300th anniversary of the initial settlement of the Connecticut colony.

The Connecticut Colony was originally a number of separate, smaller settlements at Windsor, Wethersfield, Saybrook, Hartford, and New Haven. The first English settlers came in 1633 and settled at Windsor, and then at Wethersfield the following year.[27] John Winthrop the Younger of Massachusetts received a commission to create Saybrook Colony at the mouth of the Connecticut River in 1635.[28]

The main body of settlers came in one large group in 1636. They were Puritans from Massachusetts Bay Colony led by Thomas Hooker, who established the Connecticut Colony at Hartford.[29] The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut were adopted in January 1639, and have been described as the first constitutional document in America.[30]

The Quinnipiack Colony[31] was established by John Davenport, Theophilus Eaton, and others at New Haven in March 1638. The New Haven Colony had its own constitution called "The Fundamental Agreement of the New Haven Colony", signed on June 4, 1639.[32]

The settlements were established without official sanction of the English Crown, and each was an independent political entity.[33] In 1662, Winthrop traveled to England and obtained a charter from Charles II which united the settlements of Connecticut.[34] Historically important colonial settlements included Windsor (1633), Wethersfield (1634), Saybrook (1635), Hartford (1636), New Haven (1638), Fairfield (1639), Guilford (1639), Milford (1639), Stratford (1639), Farmington (1640), Stamford (1641), and New London (1646).

The Pequot War marked the first major clash between colonists and Native Americans in New England. The Pequots reacted with increasing aggression to Colonial settlements in their territory—while simultaneously taking lands from the Narragansett and Mohegan tribes. Settlers responded to a murder in 1636 with a raid on a Pequot village on Block Island; the Pequots laid siege to Saybrook Colony's garrison that autumn, then raided Wethersfield in the spring of 1637. Colonists declared war on the Pequots, organized a band of militia and allies from the Mohegan and Narragansett tribes, and attacked a Pequot village on the Mystic River, with death toll estimates ranging between 300 and 700 Pequots. After suffering another major loss at a battle in Fairfield, the Pequots asked for a truce and peace terms.[35]

The western boundaries of Connecticut have been subject to change over time. The Hartford Treaty with the Dutch was signed on September 19, 1650, but it was never ratified by the British. According to it, the western boundary of Connecticut ran north from Greenwich Bay for a distance of 20 miles (32 km),[36][37] "provided the said line come not within 10 miles [16 km] of Hudson River".[36][37] This agreement was observed by both sides until war erupted between England and The Netherlands in 1652. Conflict continued concerning colonial limits until the Duke of York captured New Netherland in 1664.[36][37]

On the other hand, Connecticut's original Charter in 1662 granted it all the land to the "South Sea"—that is, to the Pacific Ocean.[38] Most Colonial royal grants were for long east–west strips. Connecticut took its grant seriously and established a ninth county between the Susquehanna River and Delaware River named Westmoreland County. This resulted in the brief Pennamite-Yankee Wars with Pennsylvania.[39]

Yale College was established in 1701, providing Connecticut with an important institution to educate clergy and civil leaders.[40] The Congregational church dominated religious life in the colony and, by extension, town affairs in many parts.[41]

With more than 600 miles (970 km) of coastline including along its navigable rivers,[42] Connecticut developed during its colonial years the antecedents of a maritime tradition that would later produce booms in shipbuilding, marine transport, naval support, seafood production, and leisure boating.

Historical records list the Tryall as the first vessel built in Connecticut Colony, in 1649 at a site on the Connecticut River in present-day Wethersfield.[43] In the two decades leading up to 1776 and the American Revolution, Connecticut boatyards launched about 100 sloops, schooners and brigs according to a database of U.S. customs records maintained online by the Mystic Seaport Museum, the largest being the 180-ton Patient Mary launched in New Haven in 1763.[44] Connecticut's first lighthouse was constructed in 1760 at the mouth of the Thames River with the New London Harbor Lighthouse.[45]

American Revolution

A 1799 map of Connecticut which shows The Oblong, from Low's Encyclopaedia

Connecticut designated four delegates to the Second Continental Congress who signed the Declaration of Independence: Samuel Huntington, Roger Sherman, William Williams, and Oliver Wolcott.[46] Connecticut's legislature authorized the outfitting of six new regiments in 1775, in the wake of the clashes between British regulars and Massachusetts militia at Lexington and Concord. There were some 1,200 Connecticut troops on hand at the Battle of Bunker Hill in June 1775.[47] In 1775, David Bushnell invented the Turtle which the following year launched the first submarine attack in history, unsuccessfully against a British warship at anchor in New York Harbor.[48]

In 1777, the British got word of Continental Army supplies in Danbury, and they landed an expeditionary force of some 2,000 troops in Westport. This force then marched to Danbury and destroyed homes and much of the depot. Continental Army troops and militia led by General David Wooster and General Benedict Arnold engaged them on their return march at Ridgefield in 1777.[49] For the winter of 1778–79, General George Washington decided to split the Continental Army into three divisions encircling New York City, where British General Sir Henry Clinton had taken up winter quarters.[50] Major General Israel Putnam chose Redding as the winter encampment quarters for some 3,000 regulars and militia under his command. The Redding encampment allowed Putnam's soldiers to guard the replenished supply depot in Danbury and to support any operations along Long Island Sound and the Hudson River Valley.[51] Some of the men were veterans of the winter encampment at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, the previous winter. Soldiers at the Redding camp endured supply shortages, cold temperatures, and significant snow, with some historians dubbing the encampment "Connecticut's Valley Forge".[52]

The state was also the launching site for a number of raids against Long Island orchestrated by Samuel Holden Parsons and Benjamin Tallmadge,[53] and provided soldiers and material for the war effort, especially to Washington's army outside New York City. General William Tryon raided the Connecticut coast in July 1779, focusing on New Haven, Norwalk, and Fairfield.[54] New London and Groton Heights were raided in September 1781 by Benedict Arnold, who had turned traitor to the British.[55]

At the outset of the American Revolution, the Continental Congress assigned Nathaniel Shaw Jr. of New London as its naval agent in charge of recruiting privateers to seize British vessels as opportunities presented, with nearly 50 operating out of the Thames River which eventually drew the reprisal from the British force led by Arnold.[56]

Early statehood


Early national period and industrial revolution


Connecticut ratified the U.S. Constitution on January 9, 1788, becoming the fifth state.[57]

The state prospered during the era following the American Revolution, as mills and textile factories were built and seaports flourished from trade[58] and fisheries. After Congress established in 1790 the predecessor to the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service that would evolve into the U.S. Coast Guard, President Washington assigned Jonathan Maltbie as one of seven masters to enforce customs regulations, with Maltbie monitoring the southern New England coast with a 48-foot cutter sloop named Argus.[59]

In 1786, Connecticut ceded territory to the U.S. government that became part of the Northwest Territory. The state retained land extending across the northern part of present-day Ohio called the Connecticut Western Reserve.[60] The Western Reserve section was settled largely by people from Connecticut, and they brought Connecticut place names to Ohio.

Connecticut made agreements with Pennsylvania and New York which extinguished the land claims within those states' boundaries and created the Connecticut Panhandle. The state then ceded the Western Reserve in 1800 to the federal government,[60] which brought it to its present boundaries (other than minor adjustments with Massachusetts).

19th century


For the first time in 1800, Connecticut shipwrights launched more than 100 vessels in a single year. Over the following decade to the doorstep of renewed hostilities with Britain that sparked the War of 1812, Connecticut boatyards constructed close to 1,000 vessels, the most productive stretch of any decade in the 19th century.[44]

During the war, the British launched raids in Stonington and Essex and blockaded vessels in the Thames River. Derby native Isaac Hull became Connecticut's best-known naval figure to win renown during the conflict, as captain of the USS Constitution.

The British blockade during the War of 1812 hurt exports and bolstered the influence of Federalists who opposed the war.[61] The cessation of imports from Britain stimulated the construction of factories to manufacture textiles and machinery. Connecticut came to be recognized as a major center for manufacturing, due in part to the inventions of Eli Whitney and other early innovators of the Industrial Revolution.[62]

The war led to the development of fast clippers that helped extend the reach of New England merchants to the Pacific and Indian oceans. The first half of the 19th century saw as well a rapid rise in whaling, with New London emerging as one of the New England industry's three biggest home ports after Nantucket and New Bedford.[63]

The state was known for its political conservatism, typified by its Federalist party and the Yale College of Timothy Dwight. The foremost intellectuals were Dwight and Noah Webster,[64] who compiled his great dictionary in New Haven. Religious tensions polarized the state, as the Congregational Church struggled to maintain traditional viewpoints, in alliance with the Federalists. The failure of the Hartford Convention in 1814 hurt the Federalist cause, with the Democratic-Republican Party gaining control in 1817.[65]

Connecticut had been governed under the "Fundamental Orders" since 1639, but the state adopted a new constitution in 1818.[66]

Civil War era

View of New London in 1854

Connecticut manufacturers played a major role in supplying the Union forces with weapons and supplies during the Civil War. The state furnished 55,000 men, formed into thirty full regiments of infantry, including two in the U.S. Colored Troops, with several Connecticut men becoming generals. The Navy attracted 250 officers and 2,100 men, and Glastonbury native Gideon Welles was Secretary of the Navy. James H. Ward of Hartford was the first U.S. Naval Officer killed in the Civil War.[67] Connecticut casualties included 2,088 killed in combat, 2,801 dying from disease, and 689 dying in Confederate prison camps.[68][69][70]

A surge of national unity in 1861 brought thousands flocking to the colors from every town and city. However, as the war became a crusade to end slavery, many Democrats (especially Irish Catholics) pulled back. The Democrats took a pro-slavery position and included many Copperheads willing to let the South secede. The intensely fought 1863 election for governor was narrowly won by the Republicans.[71][72]

Second industrial revolution

1895 map from Rand McNally

Connecticut's extensive industry, dense population, flat terrain, and wealth encouraged the construction of railroads starting in 1839. By 1840, 102 miles (164 km) of line were in operation, growing to 402 miles (647 km) in 1850 and 601 miles (967 km) in 1860.[73]

The New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, called the New Haven or "The Consolidated", became the dominant Connecticut railroad company after 1872. J. P. Morgan began financing the major New England railroads in the 1890s, dividing territory so that they would not compete. The New Haven purchased 50 smaller companies, including steamship lines, and built a network of light rails (electrified trolleys) that provided inter-urban transportation for all of southern New England. By 1912, the New Haven operated over 2,000 miles (3,200 km) of track with 120,000 employees.[74]

As steam-powered passenger ships proliferated after the Civil War, Noank would produce the two largest built in Connecticut during the 19th century, with the 332-foot wooden steam paddle wheeler Rhode Island launched in 1882, and the 345-foot paddle wheeler Connecticut seven years later. Connecticut shipyards would launch more than 165 steam-powered vessels in the 19th century.[44]

In 1875, the first telephone exchange in the world was established in New Haven.[75]

20th century


World War I


When World War I broke out in 1914, Connecticut became a major supplier of weaponry to the U.S. military; by 1918, 80% of the state's industries were producing goods for the war effort.[76] Remington Arms in Bridgeport produced half the small-arms cartridges used by the U.S. Army,[77] with other major suppliers including Winchester in New Haven and Colt in Hartford.[78]

Connecticut was also an important U.S. Navy supplier, with Electric Boat receiving orders for 85 submarines,[79] Lake Torpedo Boat building more than 20 subs,[80] and the Groton Iron Works building freighters.[81] On June 21, 1916, the Navy made Groton the site for its East Coast submarine base and school.

The state enthusiastically supported the American war effort in 1917 and 1918 with large purchases of war bonds, a further expansion of industry, and an emphasis on increasing food production on the farms. Thousands of state, local, and volunteer groups mobilized for the war effort and were coordinated by the Connecticut State Council of Defense.[82] Manufacturers wrestled with manpower shortages; Waterbury's American Brass and Manufacturing Company was running at half capacity, so the federal government agreed to furlough soldiers to work there.[83]

Interwar period


In 1919, J. Henry Roraback started the Connecticut Light & Power Co.[84] which became the state's dominant electric utility. In 1925, Frederick Rentschler spurred the creation of Pratt & Whitney in Hartford to develop engines for aircraft; the company became an important military supplier in World War II and one of the three major manufacturers of jet engines in the world.[85]

On September 21, 1938, the most destructive storm in New England history struck eastern Connecticut, killing hundreds of people.[86] The eye of the "Long Island Express" passed just west of New Haven and devastated the Connecticut shoreline between Old Saybrook and Stonington from the full force of wind and waves, even though they had partial protection by Long Island. The hurricane caused extensive damage to infrastructure, homes, and businesses. In New London, a 500-foot (150 m) sailing ship was driven into a warehouse complex, causing a major fire. Heavy rainfall caused the Connecticut River to flood downtown Hartford and East Hartford. An estimated 50,000 trees fell onto roadways.[87]

World War II


The advent of lend-lease in support of Britain helped lift Connecticut from the Great Depression,[88] with the state a major production center for weaponry and supplies used in World War II. Connecticut manufactured 4.1% of total U.S. military armaments produced during the war, ranking ninth among the 48 states,[89] with major factories including Colt[90] for firearms, Pratt & Whitney for aircraft engines, Chance Vought for fighter planes, Hamilton Standard for propellers,[91] and Electric Boat for submarines and PT boats.[92] In Bridgeport, General Electric produced a significant new weapon to combat tanks: the bazooka.[93]

On May 13, 1940, Igor Sikorsky made an untethered flight of the first practical helicopter.[94] The helicopter saw limited use in World War II, but future military production made Sikorsky Aircraft's Stratford plant Connecticut's largest single manufacturing site by the start of the 21st century.[95]

Post-World War II economic expansion


Connecticut lost some wartime factories following the end of hostilities, but the state shared in a general post-war expansion that included the construction of highways[96] and resulting in middle-class growth in suburban areas.

Prescott Bush represented Connecticut in the U.S. Senate from 1952 to 1963; his son George H. W. Bush and grandson George W. Bush both became presidents of the United States.[97] In 1965, Connecticut ratified its current constitution, replacing the document that had served since 1818.[98]

In 1968, commercial operation began for the Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Plant in Haddam; in 1970, the Millstone Nuclear Power Station began operations in Waterford.[99] In 1974, Connecticut elected Democratic Governor Ella T. Grasso, who became the first woman in any state to be elected governor without being the wife or widow of a previous governor.[100]

Late 20th century


Connecticut's dependence on the defense industry posed an economic challenge at the end of the Cold War. The resulting budget crisis helped elect Lowell Weicker as governor on a third-party ticket in 1990. Weicker's remedy was a state income tax which proved effective in balancing the budget, but only for the short-term. He did not run for a second term, in part because of this politically unpopular move.[101]

In 1992, initial construction was completed on Foxwoods Casino at the Mashantucket Pequots reservation in eastern Connecticut, which became the largest casino in the Western Hemisphere. Mohegan Sun followed four years later.[102]

Early 21st century


In 2000, presidential candidate Al Gore chose Senator Joe Lieberman as his running mate, marking the first time that a major party presidential ticket included someone of the Jewish faith.[103] Gore and Lieberman fell five votes short of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney in the Electoral College. In the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, 65 state residents were killed, mostly Fairfield County residents who were working in the World Trade Center.[104] In 2004, Republican Governor John G. Rowland resigned during a corruption investigation, later pleading guilty to federal charges.[105][106]

Connecticut was hit by three major storms in just over 14 months in 2011 and 2012, with all three causing extensive property damage and electric outages. Hurricane Irene struck Connecticut August 28, and damage totaled $235 million.[107] Two months later, the "Halloween nor'easter" dropped extensive snow onto trees, resulting in snapped branches and trunks that damaged power lines; some areas were without electricity for 11 days.[108] Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey and passed over Connecticut with hurricane-force winds and tides up to 12 feet above normal. Many coastal buildings were damaged or destroyed.[109] Sandy's winds drove storm surges into streets and cut power to 98% of homes and businesses, with more than $360 million in damage.[110]

On December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, and then killed himself.[111] The massacre spurred renewed efforts by activists for tighter laws on gun ownership nationally.[112]

In the summer and fall of 2016, Connecticut experienced a drought in many parts of the state, causing some water-use bans. As of November 15, 2016 (2016-11-15), 45% of the state was listed at Severe Drought by the U.S. Drought Monitor, including almost all of Hartford and Litchfield counties. All the rest of the state was in Moderate Drought or Severe Drought, including Middlesex, Fairfield, New London, New Haven, Windham, and Tolland counties. This affected the agricultural economy in the state.[113][114][115]



Connecticut is bordered on the south by Long Island Sound, on the west by New York, on the north by Massachusetts, and on the east by Rhode Island. The state capital and fourth largest city is Hartford, and other major cities and towns (by population) include Bridgeport, New Haven, Stamford, Waterbury, Norwalk, Danbury, New Britain, Greenwich, and Bristol. There are 169 incorporated towns in Connecticut, with cities and villages included within some towns.[116]

Reference Map showing major highways and settlements

The highest peak in Connecticut is Bear Mountain in Salisbury in the northwest corner of the state. The highest point is just east of where Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York meet (42°3′ N, 73°29′ W), on the southern slope of Mount Frissell, whose peak lies nearby in Massachusetts.[117] At the opposite extreme, many of the coastal towns have areas that are less than 20 feet (6.1 m) above sea level.

Connecticut has a long maritime history and a reputation based on that history—yet the state has no direct oceanfront (technically speaking). The coast of Connecticut sits on Long Island Sound, which is an estuary. The state's access to the open Atlantic Ocean is both to the west (toward New York City) and to the east (toward the "race" near Rhode Island). Due to this unique geography, Long Island Sound and the Connecticut shoreline are relatively protected from high waves from storms.[118]

The Connecticut River cuts through the center of the state, flowing into Long Island Sound. The most populous metropolitan region centered within the state lies in the Connecticut River Valley. Despite Connecticut's relatively small size, it features wide regional variations in its landscape; for example, in the northwestern Litchfield Hills, it features rolling mountains and horse farms, whereas in areas to the east of New Haven along the coast, the landscape features coastal marshes, beaches, and large scale maritime activities.

Connecticut's rural areas and small towns in the northeast and northwest corners of the state contrast sharply with its industrial cities such as Stamford, Bridgeport, and New Haven, located along the coastal highways from the New York border to New London, then northward up the Connecticut River to Hartford. Many towns in northeastern and northwestern Connecticut center around a green. Near the green typically stand historical visual symbols of New England towns, such as a white church, a colonial meeting house, a colonial tavern or inn, several colonial houses, and so on, establishing a scenic historical appearance maintained for both historic preservation and tourism. Many of the areas in southern and coastal Connecticut have been built up and rebuilt over the years, and look less visually like traditional New England.

The northern boundary of the state with Massachusetts is marked by the Southwick Jog or Granby Notch, an approximately 2.5 miles (4.0 km) square detour into Connecticut. The origin of this anomaly is clearly established in a long line of disputes and temporary agreements which were finally concluded in 1804, when southern Southwick's residents sought to leave Massachusetts, and the town was split in half.[119][120]

The southwestern border of Connecticut where it abuts New York State is marked by a panhandle in Fairfield County and the Western Connecticut Planning Region, containing the towns of Greenwich, Stamford, New Canaan, Darien, and parts of Norwalk and Wilton. This irregularity in the boundary is the result of territorial disputes in the late 17th century, culminating with New York giving up its claim to the area, whose residents considered themselves part of Connecticut, in exchange for an equivalent area extending northwards from Ridgefield to the Massachusetts border, as well as undisputed claim to Rye, New York.[121]

Areas maintained by the National Park Service include Appalachian National Scenic Trail, Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers Valley National Heritage Corridor, and Weir Farm National Historic Site.[122]


Köppen climate types of Connecticut, using 1991–2020 climate normals.

Connecticut lies at the rough transition zone between the southern end of the humid continental climate, and the northern portion of the humid subtropical climate. Northern Connecticut generally experiences a climate with cold winters with moderate snowfall and hot, humid summers. Far southern and coastal Connecticut has a climate with cool winters with a mix of rain and infrequent snow, and the long hot and humid summers typical of the middle and lower East Coast.



Connecticut sees a fairly even precipitation pattern with rainfall/snowfall spread throughout the 12 months.[123] Connecticut averages 56% of possible sunshine (higher than the U.S. national average), averaging 2,400 hours of sunshine annually.[124] On average, about one third of days in the state see some amount of precipitation each year.[123] Occasionally, some months may see extremes in precipitation, either much higher or lower than normal, though long term droughts and floods are rare.[123]

Early spring can range from slightly cool (40s to low 50s F) to warm (65 to 70 F), while mid and late spring (late April/May) is warm. By late May, the building Bermuda High creates a southerly flow of warm and humid tropical air, bringing hot weather conditions throughout the state. Average highs are 81 °F (27 °C) in New London and 85 °F (29 °C) in Windsor Locks at the peak of summer in late July. On occasion, heat waves with highs from 90 to 100 °F (38 °C) occur across Connecticut. Connecticut's record high temperature is 106 °F (41 °C) which occurred in Danbury on July 15, 1995.[125] Although summers are sunny in Connecticut, quick moving summer thunderstorms can bring brief downpours with thunder and lightning. Occasionally these thunderstorms can be severe, and the state usually averages one tornado per year.[126] During hurricane season, the remains of tropical cyclones occasionally affect the region, though a direct hit is rare. Some notable hurricanes to impact the state include the 1938 New England hurricane, Hurricane Carol in 1954, Hurricane Sandy in 2012, and Hurricane Isaias in 2020.[127][128]

Weather commonly associated with the fall season typically begins in October and lasts to the first days of December. Daily high temperatures in October and November range from the 50s to 60s (Fahrenheit) with nights in the 40s and upper 30s. Colorful foliage begins across northern parts of the state in early October and moves south and east reaching southeast Connecticut by early November. Far southern and coastal areas, however, have more oak and hickory trees (and fewer maples) and are often less colorful than areas to the north. By December daytime highs are in the 40s °F for much of the state, and average overnight lows are below freezing.

Winters (December through mid-March) are generally cold from south to north in Connecticut. The coldest month (January) has average high temperatures ranging from 38 °F (3 °C) in the coastal lowlands to 33 °F (1 °C) in the inland and northern portions on the state. The lowest temperature recorded in Connecticut is −32 °F (−36 °C) which has been observed twice: in Falls Village on February 16, 1943, and in Coventry on January 22, 1961.[125] The average yearly snowfall ranges from about 60 inches (1,500 mm) in the higher elevations of the northern portion of the state to only 20–25 inches (510–640 mm) along the southeast coast of Connecticut (Branford to Groton). Generally, any locale north or west of Interstate 84 receives the most snow, during a storm, and throughout the season. Most of Connecticut has less than 60 days of snow cover. Snow usually falls from late November to late March in the northern part of the state, and from early December to mid-March in the southern and coastal parts of the state.

During winter every few years, Connecticut can occasionally get heavy snowstorms, called nor'easters, which may produce as much as two feet of snow on rare occasions.[123][129] Ice storms also occur on occasion, such as the Southern New England ice storm of 1973 and the December 2008 Northeastern United States ice storm. These storms can cause widespread power outages and damage.

Monthly normal high and low temperatures for various Connecticut cities (°F)
City Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Bridgeport 38/24 40/25 47/32 58/41 68/51 77/61 83/67 81/67 75/59 64/48 53/38 43/30
Hartford 35/18 38/20 47/28 60/38 71/48 79/57 85/63 83/61 75/53 63/42 51/33 40/24



Forests consist of a mix of Northeastern coastal forests of oak in southern areas of the state, to the upland New England-Acadian forests in the northwestern parts of the state. Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) is the state flower and is native to low ridges in several parts of Connecticut. Rosebay rhododendron (Rhododendron maximum) is also native to eastern uplands of Connecticut and Pachaug State Forest is home to the Rhododendron Sanctuary Trail. Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides), is found in wetlands in the southern parts of the state. Connecticut has one native cactus (Opuntia humifusa), found in sandy coastal areas and low hillsides. Several types of beach grasses and wildflowers are also native to Connecticut.[132] Connecticut spans USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 5b to 7a. Coastal Connecticut is the broad transition zone where more southern and subtropical plants are cultivated. In some coastal communities, Magnolia grandiflora (southern magnolia), crape myrtles, scrub palms (Sabal minor), needle palms (Rhapidophyllum hystrix), and other broadleaved evergreens are cultivated in small numbers.[citation needed]



Largest cities and towns

Largest cities or towns in Connecticut
Rank Name Region Pop.
1 Bridgeport Greater Bridgeport 148,654 New Haven
New Haven
2 Stamford Western 135,470
3 New Haven South Central 134,023
4 Hartford Capitol 121,054
5 Waterbury Naugatuck Valley 114,403
6 Norwalk Western 91,184
7 Danbury Western 86,518
8 New Britain Capitol 74,135
9 West Hartford Capitol 64,083
10 Greenwich Western 63,518


Historical population
2023 (est.)3,617,1760.3%

As of the 2020 United States census, Connecticut has a population of 3,605,944, an increase of 31,847 people (0.9%) from the 2010 United States census.[136] Among the census records, 20.4% of the population was under 18.

In 1790, 97% of the population in Connecticut was classified as "rural". The first census in which less than half the population was classified as rural was 1890. In the 2000 census, only 12.3% was considered rural. Most of western and southern Connecticut (particularly the Gold Coast) is strongly associated with New York City; this area is the most affluent and populous region of the state and has high property costs and high incomes. The center of population of Connecticut is located in the town of Cheshire.[137]

According to HUD's 2022 Annual Homeless Assessment Report, there were an estimated 2,930 homeless people in Connecticut.[138][139]

Ethnic origins in Connecticut
Connecticut's population density map
Racial and ethnic composition as of the 2020 census
Race and ethnicity[140] Alone Total
White (non-Hispanic) 63.2% 63.2
66.6% 66.6
Hispanic or Latino[b] 17.3% 17.3
African American (non-Hispanic) 10.0% 10
11.4% 11.4
Asian 4.7% 4.7
5.5% 5.5
Native American 0.2% 0.2
1.1% 1.1
Pacific Islander 0.03% 0.03
0.1% 0.1
Other 0.8% 0.8
2.1% 2.1
Historical racial composition of Connecticut
Racial composition 1990 [141] 2000 [142] 2010[143] 2020[144]
White 87.0% 81.6% 77.6% 66.4%
Black 8.3% 9.1% 10.1% 10.8%
Asian 1.5% 2.4% 3.8% 4.8%
Native 0.2% 0.3% 0.3% 0.4%
Native Hawaiian and
other Pacific Islander
Other race 2.9% 4.3% 5.6% 8.3%
Two or more races 2.2% 2.6% 9.2%

In common with the majority of the United States, non-Hispanic whites have remained the dominant racial and ethnic group in Connecticut. From being 98% of the population in 1940, however, they have declined to 63% of the population as of the 2020 census.[136][145] These statistics have represented fewer Americans identifying as non-Hispanic white, which has given rise to the Hispanic and Latino American population and Asian American population overall.[146][147] As of 2011, 46.1% of Connecticut's population younger than age 1 were minorities.[148] As of 2004, 11.4% of the population (400,000) was foreign-born. In 1870, native-born Americans had accounted for 75% of the state's population, but that had dropped to 35% by 1918. Also as of 2000, 81.69% of Connecticut residents age 5 and older spoke English at home and 8.42% spoke Spanish, followed by Italian at 1.59%, French at 1.31%, and Polish at 1.20%.[149]

The largest ancestry groups since 2010 were:[150] 19.3% Italian, 17.9% Irish, 10.7% English, 10.4% German, 8.6% Polish, 6.6% French, 3.0% French Canadian, 2.7% American, 2.0% Scottish, and 1.4% Scotch Irish.

The top countries of origin for Connecticut's immigrants in 2018 were India, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Poland and Ecuador.[151]

Birth data


Note: Births in table do not add up because Hispanics are counted both by their ethnicity and by their race, giving a higher overall number.

Live Births by Single Race/Ethnicity of Mother
Race 2013[152] 2014[153] 2015[154] 2016[155] 2017[156] 2018[157] 2019[158] 2020[159] 2021[160] 2022[161]
White: 28,454 (78.8%) 28,543 (78.7%) 28,164 (78.8%) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
> Non-Hispanic White 20,704 (57.4%) 20,933 (57.7%) 20,395 (57.0%) 19,551 (54.3%) 18,842 (53.5%) 18,488 (53.2%) 18,366 (53.6%) 17,785 (53.2%) 19,136 (53.6%) 18,681 (52.9%)
Black 5,103 (14.1%) 5,154 (14.2%) 4,988 (14.0%) 4,453 (12.4%) 4,301 (12.2%) 4,423 (12.7%) 4,221 (12.3%) 4,056 (12.1%) 4,357 (12.2%) 4,298 (12.2%)
Asian 2,221 (6.1%) 2,280 (6.3%) 2,497 (7.0%) 2,583 (7.2%) 2,475 (7.0%) 2,232 (6.4%) 2,199 (6.4%) 1,992 (6.0%) 1,921 (5.4%) 1,878 (5.3%)
American Indian 307 (0.9%) 308 (0.8%) 97 (0.3%) 26 (0.1%) 28 (0.1%) 38 (0.1%) 24 (0.1%) 35 (0.1%) 33 (0.1%) 33 (0.1%)
Hispanic (of any race) 8,208 (22.7%) 8,129 (22.4%) 8,275 (23.1%) 8,622 (23.9%) 8,833 (25.1%) 8,762 (25.2%) 8,728 (25.5%) 8,861 (26.5%) 9,482 (26.6%) 9,597 (27.2%)
Total Connecticut 36,085 (100%) 36,285 (100%) 35,746 (100%) 36,015 (100%) 35,221 (100%) 34,725 (100%) 34,258 (100%) 33,460 (100%) 35,670 (100%) 35,332 (100%)
Religion in Connecticut (2014)[162]
Religion Percent
Eastern Orthodox
Other Christian
Do not know
  • Since 2016, data for births of White Hispanic origin are not collected, but included in one Hispanic group; persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.



A Pew survey of Connecticut residents' religious self-identification showed the following distribution of affiliations in 2014:[162] Protestant 35%, Mormonism 1%, Jewish 3%, Roman Catholic 33%, Orthodox 1%, Non-religious 28%, Jehovah's Witness 1%, Hinduism 1%, Buddhism 1% and Islam 1%.[162][163] Jewish congregations had 108,280 (3.2%) members in 2000.[164]

The Jewish population is concentrated in the towns near Long Island Sound between Greenwich and New Haven, in Greater New Haven and in Greater Hartford, especially the suburb of West Hartford. According to the Association of Religion Data Archives, the largest Christian denominations, by number of adherents, in 2010 were: the Catholic Church, with 1,252,936; the United Church of Christ, with 96,506; and non-denominational Evangelical Protestants, with 72,863.[164]

Recent immigration has brought other non-Christian religions to the state, but the numbers of adherents of other religions are still low. Connecticut is also home to New England's largest Protestant church: The First Cathedral in Bloomfield, Connecticut. Hartford is seat to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford, which is sovereign over the Diocese of Bridgeport and the Diocese of Norwich.

By the Public Religion Research Institute's study in 2020, 71% of the population identified as Christian.[165] In contrast to the 2014 study by the Pew Research Center, the irreligious declined from 28% of the population to 21% at the 2020 Public Religion Research Institute's study.


A welcome sign on I-91 in Enfield.

Connecticut's economic output in 2019 as measured by gross domestic product was $289 billion, up from $277.9 billion in 2018.[166]

Connecticut's per capita personal income in 2019 was estimated at $79,087, the highest of any state.[167] There is, however, a great disparity in incomes throughout the state; after New York, Connecticut had the second largest gap nationwide between the average incomes of the top 1% and the average incomes of the bottom 99%.[168] According to a 2018 study by Phoenix Marketing International, Connecticut had the third-largest number of millionaires per capita in the United States, with a ratio of 7.75%.[169] New Canaan is the wealthiest town in Connecticut, with a per capita income of $85,459. Hartford is the poorest municipality in Connecticut, with a per capita income of $13,428 in 2000.[170]

As of December 2019, Connecticut's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 3.8%, with U.S. unemployment at 3.5% that month. Dating back to 1982, Connecticut recorded its lowest unemployment in 2000 between August and October, at 2.2%. The highest unemployment rate during that period occurred in November and December 2010 at 9.3%,[171] but economists expected record new levels of layoffs as a result of business closures in the spring of 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.[172]



Tax is collected by the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services[173] and by local municipalities.[174]

As of 2012, Connecticut residents had the second highest rate in the nation of combined state and local taxes after New York, at 12.6% of income compared to the national average of 9.9% as reported by the Tax Foundation.[175]

Before 1991, Connecticut had an investment-only income tax system. Income from employment was untaxed, but income from investments was taxed at 13%, the highest rate in the U.S., with no deductions allowed for costs of producing the investment income, such as interest on borrowing.

In 1991, under Governor Lowell P. Weicker Jr., an independent, the system was changed to one in which the taxes on employment income and investment income were equalized at a maximum rate of 4%. The new tax policy drew investment firms to Connecticut; as of 2019, Fairfield County was home to the headquarters for 16 of the 200 largest hedge funds in the world.[176]

As of 2019, the income tax rates on Connecticut individuals were divided into seven tax brackets of 3% (on income up to $10,000); 5% ($10,000–$50,000); 5.5% ($50,000–$100,000); 6% ($100,000–$200,000); 6.5% ($200,000–$250,000); 6.9% ($250,000–$500,000); and 6.99% above $500,000, with additional amounts owed depending on the bracket.[177]

All wages of Connecticut residents are subject to the state's income tax, even if earned outside the state. However, in those cases, Connecticut income tax must be withheld only to the extent the Connecticut tax exceeds the amount withheld by the other jurisdiction.[178] Since New York has higher income tax rates than Connecticut,[179] this effectively means that Connecticut residents who work in New York have no Connecticut income tax withheld. Connecticut permits a credit for taxes paid to other jurisdictions, but since residents who work in other states are still subject to Connecticut income taxation, they may owe taxes if the jurisdictional credit does not fully offset the Connecticut tax amount.[178]

Connecticut levies a 6.35% state sales tax on the retail sale, lease, or rental of most goods.[180] Some items and services in general are not subject to sales and use taxes unless specifically enumerated as taxable by statute. A provision excluding clothing under $50 from sales tax was repealed as of July 1, 2011.[180] There are no additional sales taxes imposed by local jurisdictions. In 2001, Connecticut instituted what became an annual sales tax "holiday" each August lasting one week, when retailers do not have to remit sales tax on certain items and quantities of clothing that has varied from year to year.[181]

State law authorizes municipalities to tax property, including real estate, vehicles and other personal property, with state statute providing varying exemptions, credits and abatements. All assessments are at 70% of fair market value.[174] The maximum property tax credit is $200 per return[182] and any excess may not be refunded or carried forward.[183] According to the Tax Foundation, on a per capita basis in the 2017 fiscal year Connecticut residents paid the 3rd highest average property taxes in the nation after New Hampshire and New Jersey.[184]

As of January 1, 2020, gasoline taxes and fees in Connecticut were 40.13 cents per gallon, 11th highest in the United States which had a nationwide average of 36.13 cents a gallon excluding federal taxes. Diesel taxes and fees as of January 2020 in Connecticut were 46.50 cents per gallon, ninth highest nationally with the U.S. average at 37.91 cents.[185]

Real estate


In 2019, sales of single-family homes in Connecticut totaled 33,146 units, a 2.1 percent decline from the 2018 transaction total. The median home sold in 2019 recorded a transaction amount of $260,000, up 0.4 percent from 2018.[186]

Connecticut had the seventh highest rate of home foreclosure activity in the country in 2019 at 0.53 percent of the total housing stock.[187]



Finance, insurance and real estate was Connecticut's largest industry in 2018 as ranked by gross domestic product, generating $75.7 billion in GDP that year.[188] Major employers include The Hartford, Travelers, Harman International, Cigna, the Aetna subsidiary of CVS Health, Mass Mutual, People's United Financial, Bank of America, Realogy,[189] Bridgewater Associates,[190] GE Capital,[191] William Raveis Real Estate,[192] and Berkshire Hathaway through reinsurance and residential real estate subsidiaries.

The combined educational, health and social services sector was the largest single industry as ranked by employment, with a combined workforce of 342,600 people at the end of 2019,[193] ranking fourth the year before in GDP at $28.3 billion.

The broad business and professional services sector had the second highest GDP total in Connecticut in 2018 at an estimated $33.7 billion.[188]

Manufacturing was the third biggest industry in 2018 with GDP of $30.8 billion,[188] dominated by Raytheon Technologies formed in the March 2020 merger of Hartford-based United Technologies and Waltham, Mass.-based Raytheon Co. As of the merger, Raytheon Technologies employed about 19,000 people in Connecticut through subsidiaries Pratt & Whitney and Collins Aerospace.[194] Lockheed Martin subsidiary Sikorsky Aircraft operates Connecticut's single largest manufacturing plant in Stratford,[192] where it makes helicopters.

The world's largest audio equipment manufacturing company Harman International is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut.[citation needed] It owns many brands like JBL, Akg and Harman kardon.[195]

Other major manufacturers include the Electric Boat division of General Dynamics, which makes submarines in Groton,[196] Boehringer Ingelheim, a pharmaceuticals manufacturer with its U.S. headquarters in Ridgefield,[192] and ASML, which in Wilton makes precision lithography machines used to create circuitry on semiconductors and flat-screen displays.[197]

Connecticut historically was a center of gun manufacturing, and four gun-manufacturing firms continued to operate in the state as of December 2012, employing 2,000 people: Colt, Stag, Ruger, and Mossberg.[198] Marlin, owned by Remington, closed in April 2011.[199]

Other large components of the Connecticut economy in 2018 included wholesale trade ($18.1 billion in GDP); information services ($13.8 billion); retail ($13.7 billion); arts, entertainment and food services ($9.1 billion); and construction ($8.3 billion).[188]

Tourists spent $9.3 billion in Connecticut in 2017 according to estimates as part of a series of studies commissioned by the state of Connecticut.[200] Foxwoods Resort Casino and Mohegan Sun are the two biggest tourist draws and number among the state's largest employers;[201] both are located on Native American reservations in the southeastern Connecticut.

Connecticut's agricultural production totaled $580 million in 2017, with just over half of that revenue the result of nursery stock production. Milk production totaled $81 million that year, with other major product categories including eggs, vegetables and fruit, tobacco and shellfish.[202]



Connecticut's economy uses less energy to produce each dollar of GDP than all other states except California, Massachusetts, and New York. It uses less energy on a per-capita basis than all but six other states. It has no fossil-fuel resources, but does have renewable resources. Average retail electricity prices are the highest among the 48 contiguous states. While most of the state's energy consumption is generated using fossil fuels, nuclear power delivered over 40% of state's electricity generation in 2019. Refuse-derived fuels and other biomass provided the largest share of renewable electricity at about a 3% share. Solar and wind generation have grown in recent years. More than three-quarters of solar generation came from distributed small-scale installations such as rooftop solar in 2019, and there is planning underway to significantly increase renewable generation with the state's offshore wind resource.[203]




The Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge, locally known as the Q Bridge, carries ten lanes over the Quinnipiac River in New Haven, along the Connecticut Turnpike.

The Interstate highways in the state are Interstate 95 (I-95) traveling southwest to northeast along the coast, I-84 traveling southwest to northeast in the center of the state, I-91 traveling north to south in the center of the state, and I-395 traveling north to south near the eastern border of the state. The other major highways in Connecticut are the Merritt Parkway and Wilbur Cross Parkway, which together form Connecticut Route 15 (Route 15), traveling from the Hutchinson River Parkway in New York parallel to I-95 before turning north of New Haven and traveling parallel to I-91, finally becoming a surface road in Berlin. I-95 and Route 15 were originally toll roads; they relied on a system of toll plazas at which all traffic stopped and paid fixed tolls. A series of major crashes at these plazas eventually contributed to the decision to remove the tolls in 1988.[204] Other major arteries in the state include U.S. Route 7 (US 7) in the west traveling parallel to the New York state line, Route 8 farther east near the industrial city of Waterbury and traveling north–south along the Naugatuck River Valley nearly parallel with US 7, and Route 9 in the east.

Between New Haven and New York City, I-95 is one of the most congested highways in the United States. Although I-95 has been widened in several spots, some areas are only three lanes and this strains traffic capacity, resulting in frequent and lengthy rush hour delays. Frequently, the congestion spills over to clog the parallel Merritt Parkway and even US 1. The state has encouraged traffic reduction schemes, including rail use and ride-sharing.[205]

Connecticut also has a very active bicycling community, with one of the highest rates of bicycle ownership and use in the United States, particularly in New Haven. According to the U.S. Census 2006 American Community Survey, New Haven has the highest percentage of commuters who bicycle to work of any major metropolitan center on the East Coast.[206]


A Metro-North Railroad New Haven Line train leaving Stamford Station

Rail is a popular travel mode between New Haven and New York City's Grand Central Terminal. Southwestern Connecticut is served by the Metro-North Railroad's New Haven Line, operated by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Metro-North provides commuter service between New York City and New Haven, with branches to New Canaan, Danbury, and Waterbury. Connecticut lies along Amtrak's Northeast Corridor, which features frequent Northeast Regional and Acela Express service from New Haven south to New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, DC, and Norfolk, VA, as well as north to New London, Providence and Boston. Since 1990, coastal cities and towns between New Haven and New London are also served by the Shore Line East commuter line.[207]

In June 2018, a commuter rail service called the Hartford Line began operating between New Haven and Springfield on Amtrak's New Haven-Springfield Line.[208] Hartford Line service is provided by both Amtrak and the Connecticut Department of Transportation's CT Rail, and in addition to its termini serves New Haven State Street, Wallingford, Meriden, Berlin, Hartford, Windsor, and Windsor Locks. Several infill stations are planned to be added in the near future as of 2021. Amtrak's Vermonter runs from Washington to St. Albans, Vermont via the same line. In July 2019, Amtrak launched the Valley Flyer, which runs between New Haven and Greenfield, Massachusetts.[209]

A proposed commuter rail service, the Central Corridor Rail Line, would connect New London with Norwich, Willimantic, Storrs, and Stafford Springs, with service continuing into Massachusetts and Brattleboro, Vermont.[210]



Statewide bus service is supplied by Connecticut Transit, owned by the Connecticut Department of Transportation, with smaller municipal authorities providing local service. Bus networks are an important part of the transportation system in Connecticut, especially in urban areas like Hartford, Stamford, Norwalk, Bridgeport and New Haven. Connecticut Transit also operates CTfastrak, a bus rapid transit service between New Britain and Hartford, which opened to the public on March 28, 2015.[211][212][213]


Bradley International Airport, the state's largest

Connecticut's largest airport is Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, 15 miles (24 km) north of Hartford.[citation needed] Many residents of central and southern Connecticut also make heavy use of JFK International Airport and Newark International Airports, especially for international travel. Smaller regional air service is provided at Tweed New Haven Regional Airport. Larger civil airports include Danbury Municipal Airport and Waterbury-Oxford Airport in western Connecticut, Hartford–Brainard Airport in central Connecticut, and Groton-New London Airport in eastern Connecticut. Sikorsky Memorial Airport is located in Stratford and mostly services cargo, helicopter and private aviation.



Several ferry services cross Long Island Sound and connect the state to Long Island. The Bridgeport & Port Jefferson Ferry travels between Bridgeport, Connecticut, and Port Jefferson, New York.[214] Ferry service also operates out of New London to Orient, New York; Fishers Island, New York; and Block Island, Rhode Island, which are popular tourist destinations.[214] Two ferries cross the Connecticut River: the Rocky Hill–Glastonbury ferry and the Chester–Hadlyme ferry, the former of which is the oldest continuously operating ferry in the United States, operating since 1655.[214]

Law and government

The Connecticut State Capitol in downtown Hartford

Hartford has been the sole capital of Connecticut since 1875. Before then, New Haven and Hartford alternated as dual capitals.[57]

Constitutional history


Connecticut is known as the "Constitution State". The origin of this nickname is uncertain, but it likely comes from Connecticut's pivotal role in the federal constitutional convention of 1787, during which Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth helped to orchestrate what became known as the Connecticut Compromise, or the Great Compromise. This plan combined the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan to form a bicameral legislature, a form copied by almost every state constitution since the adoption of the federal constitution. Variations of the bicameral legislature had been proposed by Virginia and New Jersey, but Connecticut's plan was the one that was in effect until the early 20th century, when Senators ceased to be selected by their state legislatures and were instead directly elected. Otherwise, it is still the design of Congress.

The nickname also might refer to the Fundamental Orders of 1638–39. These Fundamental Orders represent the framework for the first formal Connecticut state government written by a representative body in Connecticut. The State of Connecticut government has operated under the direction of four separate documents in the course of the state's constitutional history. After the Fundamental Orders, Connecticut was granted governmental authority by King Charles II of England through the Connecticut Charter of 1662.

Separate branches of government did not exist during this period, and the General Assembly acted as the supreme authority. A constitution similar to the modern U.S. Constitution was not adopted in Connecticut until 1818. Finally, the current state constitution was implemented in 1965. The 1965 constitution absorbed a majority of its 1818 predecessor, but incorporated a handful of important modifications.



The governor heads the executive branch. As of 2020, Ned Lamont is the Governor[215] and Susan Bysiewicz is the Lieutenant Governor;[216] both are Democrats. From 1639 until the adoption of the 1818 constitution, the governor presided over the General Assembly. In 1974, Ella Grasso was elected as the governor of Connecticut. This was the first time in United States history when a woman was a governor without her husband being governor first.[100]

There are several executive departments: Administrative Services, Agriculture, Banking, Children and Families, Consumer Protection, Correction, Economic and Community Development, Developmental Services, Construction Services, Education, Emergency Management and Public Protection, Energy & Environmental Protection, Higher Education, Insurance, Labor, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Military, Motor Vehicles, Public Health, Public Utility Regulatory Authority, Public Works, Revenue Services, Social Services, Transportation, and Veterans Affairs. In addition to these departments, there are other independent bureaus, offices and commissions.[217]

In addition to the governor and lieutenant governor, there are four other executive officers named in the state constitution that are elected directly by voters: secretary of the state, treasurer, comptroller, and attorney general. All executive officers are elected to four-year terms.[57]



Connecticut's legislative branch is known as the General Assembly. It is a bicameral legislature consisting of an upper body, the State Senate (36 senators); and a lower body, the House of Representatives (151 representatives).[57] Bills must pass each house in order to become law. The governor can veto bills, but this veto can be overridden by a two-thirds majority in both houses. Per Article XV of the state constitution, Senators and Representatives must be at least 18 years of age and are elected to two-year terms in November on even-numbered years. There also must always be between 30 and 50 senators and 125 to 225 representatives. The Lieutenant Governor presides over the Senate, except when absent from the chamber, when the President pro tempore presides. The Speaker of the House presides over the House.[218] As of 2021, Matthew Ritter is the Speaker of the House of Connecticut.

As of 2021, Connecticut's United States Senators are Richard Blumenthal (Democrat) and Chris Murphy (Democrat).[219] Connecticut has five representatives in the U.S. House, all of whom are Democrats.[220]

Locally elected representatives also develop local ordinances to govern cities and towns.[221] The town ordinances often include noise control and zoning guidelines.[222] However, the State of Connecticut also provides statewide ordinances for noise control as well.[223]



The highest court of Connecticut's judicial branch is the Connecticut Supreme Court, headed by the Chief Justice of Connecticut. The Supreme Court is responsible for deciding on the constitutionality of laws, or cases as they relate to the law. Its proceedings are similar to those of the United States Supreme Court: no testimony is given by witnesses, and the lawyers of the two sides each present oral arguments no longer than thirty minutes. Following a court proceeding, the court may take several months to arrive at a judgment. As of 2020, the Chief Justice is Richard A. Robinson.

In 1818, the court became a separate entity, independent of the legislative and executive branches.[224] The Connecticut Appellate Court is a lesser statewide court, and the Superior Courts are lower courts that resemble county courts of other states.

Local government

Planning Regions of Connecticut

Connecticut does not have county government, unlike all other states except Rhode Island. Connecticut county governments were mostly eliminated in 1960, with the exception of sheriffs elected in each county.[225] In 2000, the county sheriff was abolished and replaced with the state marshal system, which has districts that follow the old county territories. The judicial system is divided into judicial districts at the trial-court level which largely follow the old county lines.[226] The eight counties are still widely used for purely geographical and statistical purposes, such as weather reports and census reporting, although the latter of which will cease in 2024.

The state is divided into nine regional councils of government defined by the state Office of Planning and Management, which facilitate regional planning and coordination of services between member towns.[227] The Intragovernmental Policy Division of this Office coordinates regional planning with the administrative bodies of these regions. Each region has an administrative body made up chief executive officers of the member towns. The regions are established for the purpose of planning "coordination of regional and state planning activities; redesignation of logical planning regions and promotion of the continuation of regional planning organizations within the state; and provision for technical aid and the administration of financial assistance to regional planning organizations".[227] By 2015, the State of Connecticut recognized COGs as county equivalents, allowing them to apply for funding and grants made available to county governments in other states. In 2019 the state recommended to the United States Census Bureau that the nine Councils of Governments replace its counties for statistical purposes.[228] This proposal was approved by the Census Bureau in 2022, and will be fully implemented by 2024.[229]

Connecticut shares with the rest of New England a governmental institution called the New England town. The state is divided into 169 towns which serve as the fundamental political jurisdictions.[57] There are also 21 cities,[57] most of which simply follow the boundaries of their namesake towns and have a merged city-town government. There are two exceptions: the City of Groton, which is a subsection of the Town of Groton, and the City of Winsted in the Town of Winchester. There are also nine incorporated boroughs which may provide additional services to a section of town.[57][230] Naugatuck is a consolidated town and borough.



Connecticut is generally considered to be a blue state. The last Republican presidential candidate to win Connecticut's votes in the Electoral College was George H. W. Bush in 1988.[231]

Connecticut political party registration 1958–2012, marked with presidential influence

Registered voters


Connecticut residents who register to vote may declare an affiliation to a political party, may become unaffiliated at will, and may change affiliations subject to certain waiting periods. As of 2022, around 58% of registered voters are enrolled in a political party. The Democratic Party of Connecticut is the largest party in the state by voter registration, with 36% of voters, followed by the Connecticut Republican Party with approximately 20%. An additional 1.6% are registered to third parties. As of 2022, 4 third parties have statewide enrollment privileges (meaning any state resident may register as a member), including the Libertarian Party of Connecticut, the Independent Party of Connecticut, the Connecticut Green Party, and the Connecticut Working Families Party.[232] Connecticut allows electoral fusion, where the same candidate can run on the ballot of more than one political party; this is often used by the Connecticut Working Families Party to cross-endorse Democratic candidates.[233]

Party registration as of October 31, 2023 [234]
Party Total voters Percentage
Unaffiliated 1,035,711 42.0%
Democratic 888,707 36.1%
Republican 500,485 20.3%
Minor parties 39,656 1.6%
Total 2,464,919 100%



In July 2009, the Connecticut legislature overrode a veto by Governor M. Jodi Rell to pass SustiNet, the first significant public-option health care reform legislation in the nation.[235]

In April 2012, both houses of the Connecticut state legislature passed a bill (20 to 16 and 86 to 62) that abolished capital punishment for all future crimes, while 11 inmates who were waiting on the death row at the time could still be executed.[236]


Yale's motto means "light and truth".

Connecticut ranked third in the nation for educational performance, according to Education Week's Quality Counts 2018 report. It earned an overall score of 83.5 out of 100 points. On average, the country received a score of 75.2.[237] Connecticut posted a B-plus in the Chance-for-Success category, ranking fourth on factors that contribute to a person's success both within and outside the K-12 education system. Connecticut received a mark of B-plus and finished fourth for School Finance. It ranked 12th with a grade of C on the K-12 Achievement Index.[237]



Public schools


Hartford Public High School (1638) is the third-oldest secondary school in the nation after the Collegiate School (1628) in Manhattan and the Boston Latin School (1635). Today, the Connecticut State Board of Education manages the public school system for children in grades K–12. Board of Education members are appointed by the Governor of Connecticut.

Private schools

University of Connecticut, the state's main public university

Connecticut has a number of private schools. Private schools may file for approval by the state Department of Education, but are not required to. Per state law, private schools must file yearly attendance reports with the state.[238]

Notable private schools include Choate Rosemary Hall, The Hotchkiss School, Loomis Chaffee School, and Taft School.

Colleges and universities


Connecticut was home to the nation's first law school, Litchfield Law School, which operated from 1773 to 1833 in Litchfield. Well known universities in the state include Yale University, Wesleyan University, Trinity College, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield University, Quinnipiac University, and the University of Connecticut. The Connecticut State University System includes 4 state universities, and the state also has 12 community colleges. The United States Coast Guard Academy is located in New London.



There are two Connecticut teams in the American Hockey League. The Bridgeport Islanders is a farm team for the New York Islanders which competes at the Total Mortgage Arena in Bridgeport. The Hartford Wolf Pack is an affiliate of the New York Rangers; they play in the XL Center in Hartford.

The Hartford Yard Goats of the Double-A Northeast are a AA affiliate of the Colorado Rockies. Also, the Norwich Sea Unicorns play in the Futures Collegiate Baseball League. The New Britain Bees play in the Atlantic League of Professional Baseball. The Connecticut Sun of the WNBA currently play at the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville. In soccer, Hartford Athletic began play in the USL Championship in 2019.

The state hosts several major sporting events. Since 1952, a PGA Tour golf tournament has been played in the Hartford area. It was originally called the "Insurance City Open" and later the "Greater Hartford Open" and is now known as the Travelers Championship.

Lime Rock, a home of the American Le Mans Series

Lime Rock Park in Salisbury is a 1.5-mile (2.4 km) road racing course, home to the International Motor Sports Association, SCCA, United States Auto Club, and K&N Pro Series East races. Thompson International Speedway, Stafford Motor Speedway, and Waterford Speedbowl are oval tracks holding weekly races for NASCAR Modifieds and other classes, including the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour. The state also hosts several major mixed martial arts events for Bellator MMA and the Ultimate Fighting Championship.

Professional sports teams


Команда «Хартфорд Уэйлерс» из Национальной хоккейной лиги играла в Хартфорде с 1975 по 1997 год в Хартфордском административном центре . Они отправились в Роли, Северная Каролина , после споров со штатом по поводу строительства новой арены, и теперь известны как Каролина Харрикейнз . Бейсбольная команда, известная как «Хартфордс» (или «Хартфорд Дарк Блюз» ), играла в Национальной ассоциации с 1874 по 1875 год, прежде чем стать членами Национальной лиги в 1876 году. Команда переехала в Бруклин, штат Нью-Йорк , а затем распалась через сезон. В 1926 году «Хартфорд» также имел право выступать в Национальной футбольной лиге, известное как «Хартфорд Блюз» . [ 239 ] С 2000 по 2006 год город был домом для команды Hartford FoxForce World TeamTennis . [ 240 ]

Команда Спорт Лига
Бриджпорт Айлендерс Хоккей с шайбой Американская хоккейная лига
Хартфордская волчья стая Хоккей с шайбой Американская хоккейная лига
Хартфорд Ярд Козы Бейсбол Дабл-А Северо-Восток
Норвич Си Юникорнс Бейсбол Университетская бейсбольная лига будущего
Нью-Британские пчелы Бейсбол Университетская бейсбольная лига будущего
Коннектикут Сан Баскетбол Женская национальная баскетбольная ассоциация
Хартфорд Атлетик Футбольный Чемпионат ЮСЛ
AC Коннектикут Футбольный Вторая лига ЮСЛ

Колледж спорта

[ редактировать ]
Йельский кубок во время « Игры » между Йельским университетом и Гарвардом. Боул также был домом для команды « » НФЛ Нью -Йорк Джайентс в 1973–74 годах.

Коннектикут Хаски — команда Университета Коннектикута (UConn); они занимаются спортом первого дивизиона NCAA . И мужская , и женская баскетбольные команды выиграли несколько национальных чемпионатов. В 2004 году Калифорнийский университет в Коннектикуте стал первой школой в   истории первого дивизиона NCAA, мужская и женская баскетбольная программа которой выиграла национальный титул в том же году; они повторили этот подвиг в 2014 году и до сих пор являются единственной   школой первого дивизиона, выигравшей оба титула в одном году. [ 241 ] [ 242 ] Женская баскетбольная команда Калифорнийского университета в Коннектикуте является рекордсменом по самой длинной подряд победной серии в студенческом баскетболе NCAA - 111 игр, эта серия закончилась в 2017 году. [ 243 ] Обе команды играют в исторических павильоне Гарри А. Гампеля и центре XL в Хартфорде. Футбольная команда UConn Huskies играет в подразделении Football Bowl с 2002 года и провела четыре игры в чашу.

В Нью-Хейвене раз в два года проводится « Игра » между « Йельскими бульдогами» и «Гарвард Кримсон» , второе по возрасту футбольное соперничество в стране. Выпускник Йельского университета Уолтер Кэмп считается «отцом американского футбола», и он способствовал развитию современного футбола, живя в Нью-Хейвене. [ 244 ] Другими университетами Коннектикута, в которых представлены   спортивные команды Дивизиона I, являются Университет Квиннипиак , Университет Фэрфилда , Центральный государственный университет Коннектикута и Университет Святого Сердца .

Этимология и символы

[ редактировать ]
Государственные символы Коннектикута
Список государственных символов
Лозунг Полный сюрпризов
Живые знаки отличия
Птица Американский малиновка
Рыба Американский шад
Цветок Горный лавр
Насекомое Европейский богомол
млекопитающее Кашалот
Дерево Чартерный дуб , белый дуб.
Неодушевленные знаки различия
Танец Сквер-данс
Ископаемое Следы динозавров
Минерал Гранат
Оболочка Восточная устрица
Корабль Военный корабль США «Наутилус» (SSN-571) , шхуна «Свобода Амистад»
Тартан Тартан штата Коннектикут
Указатель государственного маршрута
Маркер маршрута
Государственный квартал
Монета в четверть доллара Коннектикута
Выпущен в 1999 году.
Списки государственных символов США

Название «Коннектикут» произошло от могеганского слова quonehtacut , что означает «место длинной приливной реки». [ 57 ] Официальное прозвище Коннектикута — «Конституционный штат», принятое в 1959 году и основанное на его колониальной конституции 1638–1639 годов, которая была первой в Америке и, возможно, в мире. [ 1 ] Коннектикут также неофициально известен как « Мускатный штат». [ 1 ] происхождение которого неизвестно. Возможно, оно пришло от моряков, возвращавшихся из путешествий с мускатным орехом, который был очень ценной пряностью в XVIII и XIX веках. Возможно, он возник в первых мельницах для мускатного ореха из листовой жести, которые продавались первыми торговцами из Коннектикута. Также в шутку говорят, что его придумали торговцы- янки из Коннектикута, которые продавали ничего не подозревающим покупателям небольшие резные деревянные ручки в форме мускатного ореха. [ 245 ] Джордж Вашингтон присвоил Коннектикуту титул «Провизионного штата». [ 1 ] из-за материальной помощи, которую государство оказало усилиям американской войны за независимость . Коннектикут также известен как «Земля устойчивых привычек». [ 1 ]

Согласно Новому международному словарю Вебстера (1993), человек, уроженец или житель Коннектикута, является «коннектикутцем». Существует множество других терминов, придуманных в печати, но не используемых, таких как «Коннектикут» ( Коттон Мэзер в 1702 году) и «Коннектикут» ( Сэмюэл Питерс в 1781 году). Лингвист Аллен Уокер Рид предлагает более игривый термин «Коннектикути». [ 246 ] « Мускатный орех », Иногда используется [ 245 ] как и " Янки ".

Официальная песня штата — « Yankee Doodle ». Традиционное сокращение названия штата - «Конн.»; официальное почтовое сокращение — CT.

Памятные марки , выпущенные Почтовой службой США на темы Коннектикута, включают Натана Хейла , Юджина О'Нила , Джозайю Уилларда Гиббса , Ноя Вебстера , Эли Уитни , китобойное судно « Чарльз Морган» , пришвартованное в морском порту Мистик , и приманку. ширококлювой утки .

Знаки отличия штата Коннектикут и исторические личности
Исходные сайты, печати и символы, если не указано иное.
Государственный самолет Воут F4U Корсар
Государственный герой Натан Хейл
Государственная героиня Пруденс Крэндалл
Государственный композитор Чарльз Эдвард Айвз
Государственные статуи в Зале скульптур Роджер Шерман и Джонатан Трамбалл
Государственный поэт, лауреат Маргарет Гибсон [ 247 ]
Трубадур штата Коннектикут Некита Уоллер [ 248 ]
Государственный композитор, лауреат Джейкоб Дракман

Известные люди

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См. также

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  1. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Высота скорректирована с учетом североамериканской вертикальной точки отсчета 1988 года.
  2. ^ Лица латиноамериканского или латиноамериканского происхождения не различают полное и частичное происхождение.
  1. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д и «Места, печати и символы» . Государственный секретарь . Штат Коннектикут. 28 августа 2015 года. Архивировано из оригинала 31 июля 2008 года . Проверено 25 октября 2015 г.
  2. ^ «Общее описание и факты» . Штат Коннектикут. Архивировано из оригинала 16 октября 2015 года . Проверено 6 июня 2016 г.
  3. ^ «Измерения площади штата и координаты внутренних точек» .
  4. ^ Перейти обратно: а б «Самые высокие и низкие высоты» . Высоты и расстояния в США . Геологическая служба США . 2001. Архивировано из оригинала 9 ноября 2013 года . Проверено 25 октября 2015 г.
  5. ^ «Краткая информация о Бюро переписи населения США» . Бюро переписи населения США . Проверено 30 апреля 2022 г.
  6. ^ «Средний годовой доход семьи» . Бюро переписи населения США . Архивировано из оригинала 28 января 2020 года . Проверено 28 января 2020 г.
  7. ^ «Имена резидентов штата» . Электронный справочный стол . Архивировано из оригинала 17 ноября 2015 года . Проверено 25 октября 2015 г.
  8. ^ «Руководство по стилю» . Типография правительства США . §5.23. 2000. Архивировано из оригинала 31 августа 2008 года.
  9. ^ «Коннектикут» . Мерриам-Вебстер Онлайн . Архивировано из оригинала 31 декабря 2015 года . Проверено 25 октября 2015 г.
  10. ^ «Коннектикут» . Словарь.com . Архивировано из оригинала 24 ноября 2010 года . Проверено 25 октября 2015 г.
  11. ^ «CSA 2012 (базовая карта), Бостон-Вустер-Провиденс, Объединенная статистическая зона MA-RI-NH-CT» (PDF) . Бюро переписи населения США . Проверено 16 августа 2024 г.
  12. ^ «Таблица 1. Распределение населения и количества представителей по штатам: перепись 2020 года» (PDF) . Бюро переписи населения . 26 апреля 2021 г. Архивировано (PDF) из оригинала 26 апреля 2021 г. . Проверено 26 апреля 2021 г.
  13. ^ Трамбалл, Джеймс Хаммонд (1881). Индийские названия мест и т. д. в Коннектикуте и на его границах: с интерпретациями некоторых из них . Хартфорд, Коннектикут: Пресса по делу, Lockwood & Brainard Company. п. 60.
  14. ^ «Прозвища Коннектикута» . CT.gov . Архивировано из оригинала 1 января 2024 года . Проверено 5 мая 2024 г.
  15. ^ «Компромисс Коннектикута» . История Коннектикута . 16 июля 2020 года. Архивировано из оригинала 20 декабря 2023 года . Проверено 6 мая 2024 г.
  16. ^ «Производственная мощь Коннектикута» . CTvisit . Архивировано из оригинала 29 ноября 2023 года . Проверено 5 мая 2024 г.
  17. ^ Проект федеральных писателей (1938). Коннектикут: Путеводитель по его дорогам, знаниям и людям . Издательство истории США. п. 3. ISBN  978-1-60354-007-0 . Проверено 23 сентября 2010 г.
  18. ^ «Доисторические артефакты из Коннектикута» .
  19. ^ «Первые иммигранты, англичане» . 23 мая 2022 г.
  20. ^ «Путешествие по суше в Коннектикуте, от пешеходных дорожек до межштатных автомагистралей - история Коннектикута | проект CTHumanities» . 2 января 2022 г.
  21. ^ «Часто задаваемые вопросы для Индийской ассоциации Нипмук Коннектикута» .
  22. ^ «Коннектикут: Колонизация» . Британская Академическая . Проверено 18 октября 2022 г.
  23. ^ Генеалогия, история и. «Домашняя страница LibGuides: Исследования коренных американцев: список исторических племен Коннектикута» . Libguides.ctstatelibrary.org . Архивировано из оригинала 26 октября 2020 года . Проверено 17 апреля 2021 г.
  24. ^ « Индейские племена Коннектикута. Архивировано 27 сентября 2013 года в Wayback Machine », Библиотека штата Коннектикут. Проверено 16 мая 2014 г.
  25. ^ Варекамп, Йохан; Варекамп, Дафна (весна – лето 2006 г.). «Адриен Блок, Открытие пролива Лонг-Айленд и колония Новые Нидерланды: что определяло ход истории?» (PDF) . Линии разрушения . 6 (1). Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 31 декабря 2015 года . Проверено 16 мая 2014 г.
  26. ^ «1614 Адриан» . Общество колониальных войн в штате Коннектикут . Архивировано из оригинала 17 мая 2014 года . Проверено 16 мая 2014 г.
  27. ^ «Ранние поселенцы Коннектикута» . Государственная библиотека Коннектикута. Архивировано из оригинала 20 апреля 2010 года . Проверено 25 июля 2010 г.
  28. ^ «Краткая история Старого Сэйбрука» . Историческое общество Олд-Сэйбрука . Архивировано из оригинала 16 мая 2014 года . Проверено 16 мая 2014 г.
  29. ^ «1636-Хартфорд» . Общество колониальных войн в Коннектикуте . Архивировано из оригинала 11 февраля 2014 года . Проверено 16 мая 2014 г.
  30. ^ Секретарь штата Коннектикут (2007 г.). «ШТАТ КОННЕКТИКУТ Сайты º Печати º Символы» . Реестр и руководство штата Коннектикут . Штат Коннектикут . Архивировано из оригинала 26 сентября 2012 года . Проверено 25 января 2008 г.
  31. ^ Тайлер, Эдвард Ройалл; Кингсли, Уильям Латроп; Фишер, Джордж Парк; и др., ред. (1887). Житель Новой Англии и Йельский обзор . Том. 47. У.Л. Кингсли. стр. 176–177.
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Библиотека Конгресса

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41 ° 36' с.ш. 72 ° 42' з.д.  /  41,6 ° с.ш. 72,7 ° з.д.  / 41,6; -72,7

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