Дуглас SBD Dauntless
SBD Dauntless А-24 Банши | |
![]() Отреставрированный SBD-5 из-за музея воздушного музея плоскостей славы | |
Общая информация | |
Тип | Дайв -бомбардировщик Разведчика самолета |
Национальное происхождение | Соединенные Штаты |
Производитель | Дуглас самолеты |
Дизайнер | |
Основные пользователи | ВМС США |
Номер построен | 5,936 |
История | |
Производится | 1940–1944 |
Дата введения | 1940 |
Первый полет | 1 мая 1940 года |
Ушедший на пенсию | 1959 (Мексика) |
Разработан из | Northrop Bt |
Douglas SBD Dauntless -это войне американский бомбардировщик самолет военно-морской скаутов во Второй , который был изготовлен Douglas с 1940 по 1944 год . самолетом и мировой Бомбардировщик с середины 1940 года по середину 1944 года. SBD также был доставлен Корпусом морской пехоты Соединенных Штатов , как из Land Air Bases , так и от авианосцев . SBD лучше всего запоминается как бомбардировщик, который нанес роковые удары японским носителям в битве за Мидуэй в июне 1942 года. [ 1 ] Тип заработал свое прозвище «медленно, но смертельно» (от его инициалов SBD) в течение этого периода.
Во время боевой службы SBD оказался эффективной плоскостью военно -морского разведчика и бомбардировщиком. Он обладал большим диапазоном, хорошими характеристиками управления, маневренностью, мощной нагрузкой бомбы, отличными характеристиками дайвинга из перфорированных тормозов . К средним месяцам 1943 года бомбардировщик считался пилотами слишком уязвимыми для обслуживания благодаря его вооружению и медленной скорости и был отнесен к ролям, не относящимся к борьбе. [ 2 ] Один из наземных вариантов SBD-пропущенный крючок Arrestor -был специально построен для воздушных сил армии США , как A-24 банши .
Дизайн и разработка
[ редактировать ]Проектные работы на Northrop BT-1 начались в 1935 году. В 1937 году корпорация Northrop была захвачена Дугласом, и активные проекты Northrop продолжались под руководством Douglas Aircraft Corporation. [ 3 ] Northrop BT-2 был разработан из BT-1 путем модификаций, заказанных в ноябре 1937 года, и предоставил основу SBD, который впервые вступил в службу в середине 1939 года. Эд Хейнеманн возглавил команду дизайнеров, которые рассматривали разработку с 1000 л.с. (750 кВт) двигателем Wright Cyclone . Самолет был разработан на заводе Дугласа Эль -Сегундо, штат Калифорния, и этот объект, наряду с заводом компании в Оклахома -Сити, построил почти все произведенные SBD. [ 1 ] Годом ранее и военно-морской и морской корпус США разместили заказы на новый бомбардировщик, обозначали SBD-1 и SBD-2 (у последнего увеличилась мощность топлива и различное вооружение). SBD-1 отправился в Корпус морской пехоты в конце 1940 года, а SBD-2-на военно-морской флот в начале 1941 года, заменив эскадрильи SBU Corsair и Curtiss SBC Helldiver на американских перевозчиках. Отличительные перфорированные сплит -лоскуты или «дайв-тормоза» были включены в BT-1, чтобы устранить хвостовые пушины во время маневров дайвинга. [ 4 ] Необычный для самолетов -перевозчиков, складные крылья не были выбраны для дизайна, вместо этого выбирая прочность на конструкцию. [ 5 ]
Следующей версией была SBD-3 , которая начала производство в начале 1941 года. У нее была увеличена броня , самоочитывающие топливные баки и четыре пулеметы . SBD -4 предоставил 12-вольту (вверх от 6-вольт) электрическую систему, а некоторые были преобразованы в SBD-4P самолеты разведки .

Следующая (и наиболее производимая) версия, SBD-5 , была произведена в основном на заводе Дугласа в Талсе, штат Оклахома . Эта версия была оснащена двигателем 1200 л.с. (890 кВт) и увеличенной подачей боеприпасов. Более 2400 из них были построены. Некоторые из них были отправлены в Королевский флот для оценки. В дополнение к американской службе, SBD увидел в бою с японской армией и флотом с эскадрилья № 25 Королевских ВВС Новой Зеландии , но RNZAF вскоре заменил их более крупными, более быстрыми, тяжелыми и наземными корсасами Vought F4U . [ Цитация необходима ]
Некоторые SBD также были доставлены свободными французскими ВВС против немецкого Хира и Люфтваффе . SBD также были проданы в Мексику. [ Цитация необходима ]
В финальной версии, SBD-6 , было больше улучшений, [ нужно разъяснения ] Но его производство закончилось летом 1944 года.
У воздушных сил армии США была своя версия SBD, которая называется A-24 Banshee. У него не было хвостового крючка, используемого для посадков для носителей, и пневматическая шина заменила твердое хвостовое колесо. Впервые назначен 27-й группе бомбардировки (свет) в Хантер-Филд , штат Джорджия, А-24, вылетевшие в Луизиане маневра в сентябре 1941 года. Было три версии Банши (A-24, A-24A и A-24B). Армия в очень незначительной степени на ранних стадиях войны. [ 6 ] USAAF использовал 948 из 5937 построенных Dauntless.
Оперативная история
[ редактировать ]ВМС и корпус морской пехоты США
[ редактировать ]
SBDS ВМС США и корпуса морской пехоты увидела свое первое действие в Перл-Харборе , когда большинство морских корпусов SBD из бомбардировки морской пехоты 232 (VMSB-232) были уничтожены на земле на Moorging Mast Field . Большинство SBD ВМС США вылетели из своих авианосцев , которые не работали в тесном сотрудничестве с остальной частью флота. Большинство военно -морских SBD в Перл -Харборе, как и их коллеги по корпусу морской пехоты, были уничтожены на земле. [ 7 ] On 10 December 1941, SBDs from USS Enterprise sank the Japanese submarine I-70.[8] В феврале -марте 1942 года SBD от перевозчиков USS Lexington , USS Yorktown и USS Enterprise приняли участие в различных набегах на японские установки на островах Гилберта , на островах Маршалл , Новой Гвинеи , Рабаул , острове Уэйк и острове Маркус .
The first major use of the SBD in combat was at the Battle of the Coral Sea where SBDs and TBD Devastators sank the Japanese light aircraft carrier (CVL) Shōhō and damaged the Japanese fleet carrier Shōkaku. SBDs were also used for anti-torpedo combat air patrols (CAP) and these scored several victories against Japanese aircraft trying to attack Lexington and Yorktown.[9] Their relatively heavy gun armament with two forward-firing .50 in (12.7 mm) M2 Browning machine guns and either one or two rear flexible-mount .30 in (7.62 mm) AN/M2 machine guns was effective against the lightly built Japanese fighters, and many pilots and gunners took aggressive attitudes to the fighters that attacked them. SBD pilot Stanley "Swede" Vejtasa was attacked by three A6M2 Zero fighters; he shot down two of them and cut off the wing of the third in a head-on pass with his wingtip.[10] [N 1]

The SBD's most important contribution to the American war effort came during the Battle of Midway in early June 1942. Four squadrons of Navy SBD dive bombers attacked and sank or fatally damaged all four Japanese fleet carriers present, disabling three of them in the span of just six minutes (Akagi, Kaga, Sōryū) and, later in the day, Hiryū. They also caught two straggling heavy cruisers of the Midway bombardment group of four, heavily damaging them, with Mikuma eventually sinking.
At the Battle of Midway, Marine Corps SBDs were not as effective. One squadron, VMSB-241, flying from Midway Atoll, was not trained in the techniques of dive-bombing with their new Dauntlesses (having just partially converted from the SB2U Vindicator).[11] Its pilots resorted to the slower but easier glide bombing technique. This led to many of the SBDs being shot down during their glide, although one survivor from these attacks is now on display at the National Naval Aviation Museum and is the last surviving aircraft to have flown in the battle. The carrier-borne squadrons were effective, especially when they were escorted by Grumman F4F Wildcats.[12] The success of dive bombing resulted from one important circumstance:
Unlike American squadrons that attacked shortly before one at a time, allowing defending Japanese Zero fighters to concentrate on each squadron to shoot them down or drive them away from the carriers, three squadrons totaling 47 SBDs (VS-6, VB-6, and VB-3), one squadron of 12 TBD torpedo aircraft (VT-3), and six F4F fighters (from VF-3) all arrived simultaneously, with two of the SBD squadrons (VS-6 and VB-6) arriving from a different direction from the other squadrons. Without central fighter direction, the approximately 40 Zeros concentrated on the TBDs, with some fighting the F4Fs covering the TBDs, leaving the SBDs unhindered by fighter opposition in their approach and attack (although most of the TBDs were shot down).[13]

SBDs played a major role in the Guadalcanal campaign, operating off both American carriers and from Henderson Field on Guadalcanal. SBDs proved lethal to Japanese shipping that failed to clear New Georgia Sound (The Slot) by daylight. Losses inflicted included the carrier Ryūjō, sunk near the Solomon Islands on 24 August. Three other Japanese carriers were damaged during the six-month campaign. SBDs sank a cruiser and nine transports during the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal.
In the Atlantic Ocean the SBD saw action during Operation Torch, the Allied landings in North Africa in November 1942. The SBDs flew from USS Ranger and two escort carriers. Eleven months later, during Operation Leader, the SBDs saw their European debut when aircraft from Ranger attacked Nazi German shipping around Bodø, Norway.[14]

By 1944 the U.S. Navy began replacing the SBD with the more powerful SB2C Helldiver. During the Battle of the Philippine Sea in June 1944, a long range twilight strike was made against the retreating Japanese fleet, at (or beyond) the limit of the combat radius of the aircraft. The force had about twenty minutes of daylight over their targets before attempting the long return in the dark. Of the 215 aircraft, only 115 made it back. Twenty were lost to enemy action in the attack, and 80 were lost as one by one they expended their fuel and had to ditch into the sea.[15] In the attack were 26 SBDs, all of which made it back to the carriers.
The Battle of the Philippine Sea was the last major engagement of the carrier-borne SBDs. Marine squadrons continued to fly SBDs until the end of the war. Although the Curtiss Helldiver had a more powerful engine, a higher maximum speed and could carry nearly a thousand pounds more in bomb load, many of the dive bomber pilots preferred the SBD, which was lighter and had better low-speed handling characteristics, critical for carrier landings.
The Dauntless was one of the most important aircraft in the Pacific War, sinking more enemy shipping in the Pacific than any other Allied bomber. Barrett Tillman, in his book on the Dauntless, claims that it has a "plus" score against enemy aircraft, meaning it was credited with more victories over enemy planes than losses from enemy action. This is considered to be a rare event for a nominal "bomber".[16]
A total of 5,936 SBDs were produced during the war. The last SBD rolled off the assembly lines at the Douglas Aircraft plant in El Segundo, California, on 21 July 1944. The Navy placed emphasis on the heavier, faster and longer-ranged SB2C. From Pearl Harbor through April 1944, SBDs had flown 1,189,473 operational hours, with 25% of all operational hours flown off aircraft carriers being in SBDs. Its battle record shows that in addition to six Japanese carriers, 14 enemy cruisers had been sunk, along with six destroyers, 15 transports or cargo ships and scores of various lesser craft.[17]
United States Army Air Forces

The USAAF sent 52 A-24 Banshees in crates to the Philippines in the fall of 1941 to equip the 27th Bombardment Group, whose personnel were sent separately. However, after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, these bombers were diverted to Australia and the 27th BG fought on the Bataan Peninsula as infantry. While in Australia the aircraft were reassembled for flight to the Philippines, but their missing parts, including solenoids, trigger motors and gun mounts delayed their shipment. Plagued with mechanical problems, the A-24s were diverted to the 91st Bombardment Squadron and designated for assignment to Java instead.
Referring to themselves as "Blue Rock Clay Pigeons" (after a brand of trap shooting targets), the 91st BS based at Malang attacked the enemy-held harbor and airbase at Bali and damaged or sank numerous ships around Java during the Dutch East Indies campaign.[18] After the Japanese downed two A-24s and damaged three so badly that they could no longer fly, the 91st received orders to evacuate Java in early March 1942.
The A-24s remaining in Australia were assigned to the 8th Bombardment Squadron of 3d Bombardment Group, to defend New Guinea. On 29 July 1942, seven A-24s attacked a convoy off Buna, but only one survived: the Japanese shot down five of them and damaged the sixth so badly that it did not make it back to base. Regarded by many pilots as too slow, short ranged and poorly armed, the remaining A-24s were relegated to non-combat missions. In the U.S., the A-24s became training aircraft or towed targets for aerial gunnery training. The more powerful A-24B was used later against the Japanese forces in the Gilbert Islands.[6] From December 1943 until March 1944, the 531st Fighter Squadron of the 7th Air Force flew A-24Bs from Makin Island in the Gilbert Islands against Japanese controlled islands in the Marshall Islands. The A-24Bs were then withdrawn from combat.
The A-24B (equivalent to the U.S. Navy SBD-5, with the omission of the arrestor hook) arrived in 1943 with the more powerful 1,200-hp Wright R-1820-60 Cyclone engine, a more powerful engine than either the A-24 or A-24A. As a result, the A-24B could fly slightly faster and higher than the earlier models. The A-24B lacked the small air intake on the top of the engine cowling present on the earlier models and that is an easy way to distinguish the B model. The 407th Bomb Group, assigned to the 11th Air Force, flew A-24Bs against the Japanese held island of Kiska, Alaska, during July and August 1943.
A handful of A-24s survived in the inventory of the USAAF long enough to be taken over by the Air Force (USAF) when that service became independent of the Army in September 1947. The USAF established a new designation system for its aircraft, eliminating the "A-" (for attack) category (through 1962); all of the single-engined "A-" aircraft were given "F-" (for fighter) nomenclature (or were determined to be obsolete and scrapped); thus the few remaining A-24 Banshees became known as F-24 Banshees, soldiering on in a reserve role until 1950 when they were scrapped.[19]
French Air Force and Naval Aviation (Aeronavale)
[edit]The first production Dauntless sent into action was the "SBD-3", which was produced for the French Naval Aviation. A total of 174 Dauntlesses were ordered by the French Navy, but with the fall of France in the spring of 1940 that production batch was diverted to the U.S. Navy, which ordered 410 more.
The Free French received about 80 SBD-5s and A-24Bs from the United States in 1944. They were used as trainers and close-support aircraft.
- Free French squadrons received 40 to 50 A-24Bs in Morocco and Algeria during 1943.
- French Naval Aviation (Aeronautique Navale) received 32 in late 1944 for Flotilles 3FB and 4FB (16 SBD-5s for each).
Squadron I/17 Picardie used a few A-24Bs for coastal patrol. The most combat-experienced of the Banshee units was GC 1/18 Vendee, which flew A-24Bs in support of Allied forces in southern France and also experienced how deadly German flak was, losing several aircraft in 1944. This squadron flew from North Africa to recently liberated Toulouse to support Allied and French resistance troops. Later, the unit was assigned to support attacks on cities occupied by the Germans on the French Atlantic coast. In April 1945 each SBD-5 averaged three missions a day in the European theater. In 1946 the French Air Force based its A-24Bs in Morocco as trainers.
French Navy Dauntlesses were based in Cognac at the end of 1944. The French Navy Dauntlesses were the last ones to see combat, during the Indochina War, flying from the carrier Arromanches (the former Royal Navy carrier Colossus). In late 1947 during one operation in the Indochina War, Flotille 4F flew 200 missions and dropped 65 tons of bombs. By 1949, the French Navy removed the Dauntless from combat status although the type was still flown as a trainer through 1953.
Royal New Zealand Air Force
[edit]The Royal New Zealand Air Force received 18 SBD-3s and 23 SBD-4s and No. 25 Squadron RNZAF used them in combat over the South Pacific. Under the original plan, four Squadrons (25, 26, 27 and 28) of the RNZAF were going to be equipped with the Dauntless but only 25 Squadron used them. The RNZAF soon replaced them with F4U Corsairs.

- XBT-2
- prototype, airframe was a production Northrop BT-1 heavily modified and redesignated as the XBT-2. Further modified by Douglas as the XSBD-1.
- SBD-1
- Marine Corps version without self-sealing fuel tanks; 57 built.
- SBD-1P
- reconnaissance aircraft, converted from SBD-1s.
- SBD-2
- Navy version with increased fuel capacity and different armament but without self-sealing fuel tanks, starting in early 1941; 87 built.
- SBD-2P
- reconnaissance aircraft, converted from SBD-2s.
- SBD-3
- began to be manufactured in early 1941. This provided increased protection, self-sealing fuel tanks, and four machine guns; 584 were built.
- SBD-4
- provided a 24-volt (up from 12 volt) electrical system; In addition, a new propeller and fuel pumps rounded out the improvements over the SBD-3. 780 built.
- SBD-4P
- reconnaissance aircraft, converted from SBD-4s.
- SBD-5
- The most produced version, primarily produced at the Douglas Aircraft plant in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Equipped with a 1,200-hp engine and an increased ammunition supply. A total of 2,965 were built, and a few were shipped to the Royal Navy for evaluation. In addition to American service, these saw combat against the Japanese with No. 25 Squadron of the Royal New Zealand Air Force which soon replaced them with F4Us, and against the Luftwaffe with the Free French Air Force. A few were also sent to Mexico.
- SBD-5A
- as A-24B, for USAAF but delivered to USMC; 60 built.
- SBD-6
- The final version, providing more improvements, including a 1,350 hp (1,010 kW) engine, but production ended in the summer of 1944; 450 built.
- A-24 Banshee (SBD-3A)
- USAAF equivalent of the SBD-3 without arrestor hook; 168 built.[20]
- A-24A Banshee (SBD-4A)
- USAAF equivalent of the SBD-4; 170 built.
- A-24B Banshee (SBD-5A)
- USAAF equivalent of the SBD-5; 615 built.

- Chilean Air Force operated A-24B Banshees.[21][22]
- Royal Air Force received aircraft for evaluation from the nine originally tested by the Fleet Air Arm.[21]
- Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm received nine former United States Navy SBD-5s for evaluation.
- United States Army Air Forces
- 339th Bombardment Group (Dive), as operational training unit in 1942-1943
- United States Marine Corps
- United States Navy
Notable accidents
[edit]- On 7 December 1943, during a joint U.S. Navy–U.S. Marine simulated close air support exercise near Pauwela, Maui, Territory of Hawaii, the pilot of a U.S. Navy SBD-5, BuNo 36045[27] of squadron VB-10,[28] initiated a slight right-hand turn and deployed dive brakes in preparation for a bomb run, but his aircraft was struck by a second VB-10[28] SBD-5, 36099,[27] that did not have dive brakes deployed. Both aircraft crashed, and a bomb knocked loose from 36045 fell in the midst of a group of marines and detonated, killing 20 and seriously injuring 24. Both SBD pilots parachuted to safety, but both SBD gunners died, one after an unsuccessful bailout attempt. The collision was attributed to poor judgment and flying technique by both pilots.[27] Aviation Archaeology Investigation & Research gives the date of this accident as 6 December.[28]
Surviving aircraft
[edit]The hyphenated numbers are original U.S. Army Air Forces Serial Numbers (AAF Ser. No.); four or five digit numbers are original U.S. Navy Bureau of Aeronautics (BuAer) Bureau Numbers (BuNo).

New Zealand
[edit]- On display
- SBD-4
- 06853 – Royal New Zealand Air Force Museum in Christchurch.[29]
Solomon Islands
- On display
- SBD-?
- Unknown – Vilu Military Museum in Guadalcanal.
United States
[edit]- Airworthy
- A-24A
- 42-60817 – based at the Erickson Aircraft Collection in Madras, Oregon as an SBD-3.[30][31]
- A-24B
- 42-54682 – based at the Lone Star Flight Museum in Houston, Texas as an SBD-5.[32][33]
- SBD-4
- 10518 – based at the Yanks Air Museum in Chino, California.[34][35]
- 10694 – based at the National Museum of World War II Aviation in Colorado Springs, Colorado.[36][37]
- SBD-5
- 28536 – based at the Planes of Fame in Chino, California.[38][39]
- 54532 – based at the Commemorative Air Force – Airbase Georgia in Peachtree City, Georgia[40][41][42]
- On display
- A-24B
- 42-54582 – National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.[43]
- 42-54654 – Pima Air & Space Museum, adjacent to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Tucson, Arizona.[44]
- SBD-2
- 02106 – National Naval Aviation Museum at Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida.[45] Veteran of the Pearl Harbor attack and the Battle of Midway.
- 02173 – Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum at Ford Island, Hawaii.[46]
- SBD-3

- 06508 – National World War II Museum in New Orleans, Louisiana.[47]
- 06583 – National Museum of the Marine Corps at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia.[48]
- 06624 – Air Zoo in Kalamazoo, Michigan. It is on loan from National Naval Aviation Museum at Naval Air Station Pensacola.[49]
- 06694 – USS Lexington (CV-16) museum in Corpus Christi, Texas. It is on loan from National Naval Aviation Museum at Naval Air Station Pensacola.[50]
- SBD-4
- 06833 – National Naval Aviation Museum at Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida in its recovered condition in a simulated underwater exhibit.[51]
- 06900 – San Diego Aerospace Museum in San Diego, California. It is on loan from the National Naval Aviation Museum at Naval Air Station Pensacola.[52]
- 10575 – Battle of Midway Memorial at Midway Airport in Chicago, Illinois.[53]
- SBD-5
- 36173 – USS Yorktown (CV-10) at the Patriot's Point Naval and Maritime Museum in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.[54]
- 36176 – Palm Springs Air Museum in Palm Springs, California.[55]
- 36291 - Valiant Air Command Warbird Museum in Titusville, Florida. It is on loan from the National Naval Aviation Museum at Naval Air Station Pensacola.[56]
- 36711 - American Heritage Museum in Hudson, Massachusetts. Long term loan from the National Naval Aviation Museum at Naval Air Station Pensacola. Formerly on display at Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum at Ford Island, Hawaii.[57]
- SBD-6
- 54605 – National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.[58]
- 54654 – USS Midway Museum in San Diego, California.[59]
- Under restoration or in storage
- SBD-1
- 1612 – for display at the Air Zoo in Portage, Michigan.[60]
- SBD-4
- 10508 – for display at the Castle Air Museum at the former Castle Air Force Base in Atwater, California.[61]
- SBD-5
- 36175 – to flightworthiness at the Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach, Virginia.[62]
Specifications (SBD-5)
Data from McDonnell Douglas aircraft since 1920 : Volume I[63]
General characteristics
- Crew: 2
- Length: 33 ft 1.25 in (10.0902 m)
- Wingspan: 41 ft 6.375 in (12.65873 m)
- Height: 13 ft 7 in (4.14 m)
- Wing area: 325 sq ft (30.2 m2)
- Airfoil: root: NACA 2415; tip: NACA 2407[64]
- Empty weight: 6,404 lb (2,905 kg)
- Gross weight: 9,359 lb (4,245 kg)
- Max takeoff weight: 10,700 lb (4,853 kg)
- Fuel capacity: 260 US gal (220 imp gal; 980 L) in non-metallic self-sealing fuel tanks
- Powerplant: 1 × Wright R-1820-60 Cyclone 9-cylinder air-cooled radial piston engine, 1,200 hp (890 kW)
- Propellers: 3-bladed Hamilton-Standard constant-speed propeller
- Maximum speed: 255 mph (410 km/h, 222 kn) at 14,000 ft (4,300 m)
- Cruise speed: 185 mph (298 km/h, 161 kn)
- Range: 1,115 mi (1,794 km, 969 nmi)
- Ferry range: 1,565 mi (2,519 km, 1,360 nmi)
- Service ceiling: 25,530 ft (7,780 m)
- Rate of climb: 1,700 ft/min (8.6 m/s)
- Wing loading: 28.8 lb/sq ft (141 kg/m2)
- Power/mass: 0.128 hp/lb (0.210 kW/kg)
- Guns: ** 2 × 0.50 in (12.7 mm) forward-firing synchronized Browning M2 machine guns in engine cowling
- 2 × 0.30 in (7.62 mm) flexible-mounted Browning M1919 machine guns in rear
- Bombs: 2,250 lb (1,020 kg) of bombs
See also
[edit]Related development
Aircraft of comparable role, configuration, and era
- Aichi D3A "Val"
- Blackburn Skua
- Breda Ba.65
- Brewster SB2A Buccaneer
- Curtiss SB2C Helldiver
- Fairey Barracuda
- Junkers Ju 87 Stuka
- Saab 17
- Vought SB2U Vindicator
- Vultee A-31 Vengeance
Related lists
- List of aircraft of World War II
- List of United States Navy aircraft designations (pre-1962)
- List of military aircraft of the United States
- List of attack aircraft
[edit]- ^ Jump up to: a b Parker, Dana T. Building Victory: Aircraft Manufacturing in the Los Angeles Area in World War II, pp. 25–34, Cypress, CA, 2013. ISBN 978-0-9897906-0-4.
- ^ "HyperWar: The Army Air Forces in WWII: Vol. IV--The Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan [Chapter 1]". www.ibiblio.org. Retrieved 21 May 2024.
- ^ Francillon, 1979
- ^ Parker, Dana T. Building Victory: Aircraft Manufacturing in the Los Angeles Area in World War II, p. 28, Cypress, CA, 2013. ISBN 978-0-9897906-0-4.
- ^ "The Douglas SBD Dauntless & Curtiss SB2C Helldiver".
- ^ Jump up to: a b "Douglas A-24". National Museum of the United States Air Force.
- ^ Salamander Books, Ltd. 1974. ISBN 0 690 00606 3.
- ^ "USS Enterprise (CV 6), America's Navy, Navy News Service". Archived from the original on 22 November 2016. Retrieved 13 December 2016.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless Scout / Dive Bomber, Plane Talk". Archived from the original on 27 October 2016. Retrieved 13 December 2016.
- ^ Jump up to: a b "USAF UA Vejtasa bio." au.af.mil. Retrieved: 23 August 2010.
- ^ "Action Reports. CO Marine Scout-Bombing Squadron 241. June 12, 1942". Midway 1942 : Documents.
- ^ [The Dauntless Dive Bomber of World War Two, by Barrett Tillman, Naval Institute Press, 2006]
- ^ Parshall and Tully, Shattered Sword, pp. 215–228
- ^ Smith 2007, p. 186.
- ^ Potter 2005, p. 170.
- ^ Tillman, Barrett The Dauntless Dive Bomber of World War Two. Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press, 1976. ISBN 1-59114-867-7.
- ^ "Navy's Final SBD Is Built: Type to be Supplanted by SB2C's." Naval Aviation News, 15 September 1944, p. 11.
- ^ Oktorino 2019, pp. 157 & 160
- ^ Yenne 1985, p. 46.
- ^ Mondey 1996, p. 127.
- ^ Jump up to: a b Smith 1997, p. 150.
- ^ Pęczkowski 2007, pp. 41–43.
- ^ Jump up to: a b Smith 1997, pp. 151–155.
- ^ Pęczkowski 2007, pp. 35–40.
- ^ Tillman 1998, p. 85.
- ^ Smith 1997, pp. 115–121.
- ^ Jump up to: a b c Gero, David B. "Military Aviation Disasters: Significant Losses Since 1908". Sparkford, Yoevil, Somerset, UK: Haynes Publishing, 2010, ISBN 978-1-84425-645-7, pp. 26–27.
- ^ Jump up to: a b c "USN Overseas Aircraft Loss List December 1943". Aviation Archaeology Investigation & Research. Retrieved 24 October 2014.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/Bu. 06853." pacificwrecks.com Retrieved: 6 March 2015.
- ^ "FAA Registry : N5254L" FAA.gov Retrieved: 15 July 2021.
- ^ "Douglas A-24 Banshee/42-60817." Erickson Aircraft Collection Retrieved: 2023 May 23.
- ^ "FAA Registry : N93RW" FAA.gov Retrieved: 15 July 2021.
- ^ "Douglas A-24 Banshee/42-54682." Lone Star Flight Museum Retrieved: 12 January 2018.
- ^ "FAA Registry: N4864J" FAA.gov Retrieved: 15 July 2021.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/Bu. 10518." Yanks Air Museum. Retrieved: 1 March 2018.
- ^ "FAA Registry: N34N." FAA.gov Retrieved: 15 July 2021.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/Bu. 10694." SBD Dauntless. Retrieved 14 July 2021.
- ^ "FAA Registry : N670AM" FAA.gov Retrieved: 15 July 2021.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/Bu. 28536." Planes of Fame Retrieved: 13 January 2020.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/Bu. 54532." CAF Airbase Georgia. Retrieved: 12 January 2018.
- ^ Wood, Keith. "CAF Douglas SBD-5 Dauntless BuAer 54532" (PDF). Commemorative Air Force Dixie Wing. CAF Dixie Wing. Retrieved 1 June 2018.
- ^ "FAA Registry: N82GA" FAA.gov Retrieved: 15 July 2021.
- ^ "Douglas A-24 Banshee/42-54582." National Museum of the USAF. Retrieved: 12 January 2018.
- ^ "Douglas A-24 Banshee/42-54654" Pima Air & Space Museum. Retrieved: 15 July 2014.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/Bu. 02106." Archived 7 February 2015 at the Wayback Machine National Naval Aviation Museum. Retrieved: 12 April 2012.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/Bu. 02173." Pacific Aviation Museum. Retrieved: 7 March 2018.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/Bu. 06508." National World War II Museum. Retrieved: 18 February 2013.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/Bu. 06583" National Museum of the Marine Corps. Retrieved 12 January 2018.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/Bu. 06624." Air Zoo. Retrieved: 13 January 2020.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/Bu. 06694." USS Lexington Museum. Retrieved: 12 April 2012.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/Bu. 06833." Archived 12 March 2014 at the Wayback Machine National Naval Aviation Museum. Retrieved: 12 April 2012.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/Bu. 06900." San Diego Air & Space Museum. Retrieved: 12 January 2018.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/Bu. 10575." Chicago Marine Heritage Society Retrieved: 15 September 2022.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/Bu. 36173." Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum. Retrieved: 12 April 2012.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/Bu. 36176." Archived 17 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine Palm Springs Air Museum. Retrieved: 12 April 2012.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/Bu. 36291" Valiant Air Command. Retrieved: 7 June 2021.
- ^ "Douglas SBD-5 Dauntless" American Heritage Museum. Retrieved: 16 March 2023.
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- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/54654." Archived 25 March 2013 at the Wayback Machine USS Midway Museum. Retrieved: 15 July 2014.
- ^ "Douglas SBD Dauntless/Bu. 1612." Air Zoo Retrieved: 17 February 2022.
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- ^ "Military Aviation Museum Acquires an SBD-5 Dauntless". Warbirds News. 1 March 2021. Retrieved 2 March 2021.
- ^ Francillon, René J. (1988). McDonnell Douglas aircraft since 1920 : Volume I. London: Naval Institute Press. pp. 184–193. ISBN 0870214284.
- ^ Lednicer, David. "The Incomplete Guide to Airfoil Usage". m-selig.ae.illinois.edu. Retrieved 16 April 2019.
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