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List of Italian PDO cheeses

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Pecorino Sardo PDO/DOP
Mozzarella di Bufala Campana ("Campana buffalo mozzarella") PDO/DOP)

This List of Italian PDO/DOP cheeses includes all the Italian cheeses which have protected designation of origin (denominazione di origine protetta, or DOP/PDO), status under European Union regulations. All of the formerly existing "DO" cheeses (protected under Italian law) were registered in the EU as "PDO/DOP" cheeses during the course of 1996. They have the Italian abbreviation for PDO (DOP) written on the cheese.

Prior to 1996 when the PDO system came into operation, many Italian cheeses were regulated under a denominazione di origine (DO) system, which arose out of the 1951 Stresa Conference and was established under the Italian law 125/54. These appellations of origin were recognized in a number of European countries with which Italy had bilateral agreements. The international framework of recognition was further developed, and extended from cheese to include other agricultural products, by the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration, and the modifications made to it at Stockholm in 1967. Italian cheeses protected under this agreement remain protected. Geographical indications are also protected through the TRIPS Agreement of 1994.

Italian PDO/DOP cheeses


The following table indicates for each cheese the year in which it acquired DO status (where applicable), the year of PDO/DOP registration and the approximate area within which the regulations permit it to be produced.

Key to acronyms

  • DO: Denominazione di Origine (Appellation of Origin)
  • DOP: Denominazione di Origine Protetta (PDO, or Protected Designation of Origin)
  • DPR: Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica (Presidential Decree)
  • DPCM: Decreto del Presidente del Consiglio (Prime-ministerial Decree)
  • PDO: Protected Designation of Origin
List of DOP/PDO Italian cheeses
Name and stylesDODOP/PDOMilkProduction zone
 Asiago d'allevo "mezzano"
 Asiago d'allevo "vecchio"
 Asiago pressato
19781996CowVenetoPadua (part), Treviso (part), Vicenza
Trentino-Alto Adige/SüdtirolTrentino
Bitto19951996Cow (80%)
Goat (20%)
LombardyBergamo, Sondrio
 di Alpeggio
19821996CowPiedmontCuneo, Turin
Caciocavallo Silano19931996CowApuliaBari, Taranto, Brindisi
CalabriaCrotone, Catanzaro, Cosenza
CampaniaAvellino, Benevento, Caserta, Naples
Molise(Entire territory)
BasilicataMatera, Potenza
Canestrato Pugliese19851996SheepApulia(Entire territory)
Casatella Trevigiana2008CowVenetoTreviso
Casciotta d'Urbino[1]19821996Sheep (70%–80%)
Cow (20%–30%)
MarcheProvince of Pesaro and Urbino
Sheep and/or Goat (optionally a little)
Fiore Sardo[2]19551996SheepSardiniaCagliari, Nuoro, Oristano, Sassari
Fontina19551996CowAosta Valley(Entire territory)
Formaggella del Luinese2011GoatLombardyVarese (Alpine foothills in the north of the province)[3]
Formaggio di Fossa di Sogliano[4]2009Sheep and/or CowEmilia-RomagnaBologna (part), Forlì-Cesena, Ravenna, Rimini
MarcheAncona, Ascoli Piceno, Macerata, Pesaro-Urbino
Formai de Mut from Alta Valle Brembana19851996CowLombardyBergamo
Gorgonzola19551996CowPiedmontNovara, Vercelli,
LombardyBergamo, Brescia, Como, Cremona, Lodi, Milan, Pavia
Grana Padano19551996CowLombardyLodi, Bergamo, Brescia, Como, Cremona, Mantova (to the north of the Po), Milan, Pavia, Sondrio, Lecco, Varese
PiedmontAlessandria, Asti, Cuneo, Novara, Turin, Vercelli
Trentino-Alto Adige/SüdtirolTrento
VenetoPadua, Rovigo, Treviso, Venice, Verona, Vicenza
Emilia-RomagnaBologna (east of the Reno), Ferrara, Forlì-Cesena,

Piacenza, Ravenna, Rimini

Montasio[5]19861996CowFriuli-Venezia GiuliaUdine, Pordenone, Gorizia, Trieste
VenetoBelluno, Treviso, Padua, Venice
Monte Veronese19931996CowVenetoVerona
Mozzarella di Bufala Campana19931996Italian buffaloApuliaProvince of Foggia
CampaniaProvince of Caserta, Province of Salerno, Province of Naples, Province of Benevento
LazioProvince of Frosinone, Province of Latina, province of Rome
Mozzarella di Gioia del Colle19502020CowApulia


Province of Bari

Province of Taranto

Province of Matera

Murazzano19821986Sheep (60%–100%)
Cow (0%–40%)
PiedmontProvince of Cuneo
Parmigiano-Reggiano19551996CowEmilia‑RomagnaModena, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Bologna (west of the Reno)
LombardyMantova (south of the Po)
Pecorino di Filiano2007SheepBasilicataPotenza
Pecorino Romano19551996SheepLazioRome
Sardinia(Entire Region)
Pecorino Sardo19911996SheepSardiniaCagliari, Nuoro, Oristano, Sassari
Pecorino Siciliano19551996SheepSicily(Entire territory)
Pecorino Toscano[6]19861996SheepTuscanyArezzo, Pisa, Massa Carrara, Livorno, Grosseto, Firenze, Prato, Lucca, Pistoia, Siena
Pecorino di Crotone2014SheepCalabriaProvince of Crotone
Piacentinu Ennese[7]2011SheepSicilyEnna (only within the commune of Enna)
Piave[8][9]2010CowVenetoProvince of Belluno
Provolone del Monaco[10]2010CowCampaniaNaples
Provolone Valpadana19931996CowLombardyBergamo, Brescia, Cremona, Mantova, Milan
VenetoPadua, Rovigo, Verona, Vicenza
Trentino-Alto Adige/SüdtirolTrento
Puzzone di Moena2014CowTrentino-Alto


Val di Fassa


Val di Fiemme (district)

Valle di Primiero

Quartirolo Lombardo19931996CowLombardyBergamo, Brescia, Como, Cremona, Lodi, Milan, Pavia, Varese
Ragusano19951996CowSicilyRagusa, Syracuse
Sheep and/or Goat (optionally a little)
Ricotta Romana[11]2005Lazio(Entire territory)
Robiola di Roccaverano19791996Cow (max 85%)
Sheep and/or Goat (min 15%)
PiedmontProvinces of Alessandria, Asti
Salva Cremasco[12]2011CowLombardyLowlands of Cremasco, Bergamo and Brescia
Spressa delle Giudicarie[13]2003CowTrentino-Alto Adige/SüdtirolWestern Trentino
Stelvio or Stilfser2007CowTrentino-Alto Adige/SüdtirolSouth Tyrol
Taleggio[14]19881996CowLombardyBergamo, Brescia, Como, Cremona, Lodi, Milan, Pavia
Toma Piemontese[15]19931996CowPiedmontAlessandria, Asti, Biella, Cuneo, Novara, Turin, Vercelli
Valle d'Aosta Fromadzo
(or Vallée d'Aoste Fromadzo)[16]
19951996CowAosta Valley(Entire territory)
Valtellina Casera19951996CowLombardyProvince of Sondrio
Vastedda della valle del Belìce[17]2010SheepSicilyAgrigento (part), Trapani (part), Palermo (part)

Applications under consideration


Applications have been made for DOP status in the case of the following cheeses:

See also



  1. ^ www.formaggio.it, Casciotta d'Urbino
  2. ^ www.formaggio.it, Fiore Sardo
  3. ^ Official Journal of the European Union, C 220/18, 14 August 2010.
  4. ^ Official Journal of the European Union, C 108/15, 12 May 2009
  5. ^ For DO date see DPR 10.3.86, quoted in www.formaggio.it, Montasio
  6. ^ www.formaggio.it, Pecorino Toscano
  7. ^ 'Piacentinu di Enna Piacentinu Ennese Dop', Atlante dei prodotti tipici, Formaggi tipici italiani
  8. ^ Official Journal of the European Union, C 234/20, 29 September, 2009 2010.
  9. ^ 'Piave DOP', Atlante dei prodotti tipici: Formaggi tipici italiani, Agraria.it
  10. ^ 'Provolone del Monaco DOP', Atlante dei prodotti tipici: Formaggi tipici italiani, Agraria.it
  11. ^ www.agraria.org, Ricotta Romana
  12. ^ Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1377/2011 of 20 December 2011 entering a name in the register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications [Salva Cremasco (PDO)]
  13. ^ http://www.agraria.org, Spressa delle Giudicarie
  14. ^ For DO date see www.formaggio.it, Taleggio which quotes from DPR 15.9.88
  15. ^ DPCM 10.5.93, quoted in www.formaggio.it, Toma Piemontese
  16. ^ www.formaggio.it, Valle d'Aosta Fromadzo, www.milkonline.com, Disciplinari Archived 17 October 2006 at the Wayback Machine and www.inalto.org, Vallée d'Aoste Fromadzo DOP Archived 8 October 2007 at the Wayback Machine seem to be correct in dating the DO to 1995. www.formaggio.it, Formaggi Italiani DOP e STG, however, has 1955
  17. ^ Vastedda della Valle del Belice DOP', Atlante dei prodotti tipici: Formaggi tipici italiani, Agraria.it
  18. ^ 'Disciplinare di Produzione della Denominazione di Origine Protetta «Nostrano di Valle Trompia»', Ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali.
  19. ^ DOOR database entry
  20. ^ 'Disciplinare di Produzione della Denominazione di Origine Protetta "Pecorino di Picinisco D.O.P.', Ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali.
  21. ^ DOOR database entry.
  22. ^ Disciplinare di produzione Squacquerone di Romagna DOP, Ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali.
  23. ^ DOOR database entry.


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