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Jane Grigson

Пожилой Григсон сидит за столом на кухне.
Grigson in September 1989

Jane Grigson (born Heather Mabel Jane McIntire; 13 March 1928 – 12 March 1990) was an English cookery writer. In the latter part of the 20th century she was the author of the food column for The Observer and wrote numerous books about European cuisines and traditional British dishes. Her work proved influential in promoting British food.

Born in Gloucestershire, Grigson was raised in Sunderland, North East England, before studying at Newnham College, Cambridge. In 1953 she became an editorial assistant at the publishing company Rainbird, McLean, where she was the research assistant for the poet and writer Geoffrey Grigson. They soon began a relationship which lasted until his death in 1985; they had one daughter, Sophie. Jane worked as a translator of Italian works, and co-wrote books with her husband before writing Charcuterie and French Pork Cookery in 1967. The book was well received and, on its strength, Grigson gained her position at The Observer after a recommendation by the food writer Elizabeth David.

Grigson continued to write for The Observer until 1990; she also wrote works that focused mainly on British food—such as Good Things (1971), English Food (1974), Food With the Famous (1979) and The Observer Guide to British Cookery (1984)—or on key ingredients—such as Fish Cookery (1973), The Mushroom Feast (1975), Jane Grigson's Vegetable Book (1978), Jane Grigson's Fruit Book (1982) and Exotic Fruits and Vegetables (1986). She was awarded the John Florio Prize for Italian translation in 1966, and her food books won three Glenfiddich Food and Drink Awards and two André Simon Memorial Prizes.

Grigson was active in political lobbying, campaigning against battery farming and for animal welfare, food provenance and smallholders; in 1988 she took John MacGregor, then the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, to task after salmonella was found in British eggs. Her writing put food into its social and historical context with a range of sources that includes poetry, novels and the cookery writers of the Industrial Revolution era, including Hannah Glasse, Elizabeth Raffald, Maria Rundell and Eliza Acton. Through her writing she changed the eating habits of the British, making many forgotten dishes popular once again.



Early life; 1928–1965


Grigson was born Heather Mabel Jane McIntire on 13 March 1928 in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, the daughter of George and Doris McIntire. George was a solicitor and the deputy town clerk of Gloucester; Doris was an artist.[1][2][3] Grigson later said that home was where she "first learnt about good English food".[4] After he had been involved in the closure of an abattoir, George gave up eating meat.[5] When Grigson was four the family moved to Sunderland, North East England. She picked up a trace of a north-east accent that remained with her, and what the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography calls a "quietly left-wing" political viewpoint.[2][6] During the Second World War, Sunderland was a target of Luftwaffe bombs, so Grigson and her sister Mary were sent to Casterton School, a boarding school in Westmorland.[6] She then gained a place at Newnham College, Cambridge to read English literature.[7]

After university Grigson travelled around Italy,[8] and lived for three months in Florence.[7] On her return to the UK she became the assistant to Bryan Robertson, the curator at the Heffer Gallery in Cambridge;[8] an interest in painting, silver and textiles led her to apply for positions at the Victoria and Albert Museum, but she was unsuccessful.[6] She worked in a junior capacity in an art gallery on Bond Street; she thought the watercolours were old-fashioned, and she later said that "I wished to rip everything off the walls and hang up [works by] Ben Nicholson".[9] She began writing art reviews for the Sunderland Echo,[2] covering subjects such as fine pottery,[10] the Renaissance[11] and the work of Clarkson Frederick Stanfield.[12] In 1953 she became an editorial assistant at the publishing company Rainbird, McLean, a position she held for two years,[1] during which time she was the research assistant for the poet and writer Geoffrey Grigson.[2] He was married, and twenty-three years older than she, but they began a relationship and shortly afterwards she moved to the Farmhouse at Broad Town, Wiltshire, which had been his family home since 1945.[13] He and his wife did not divorce; his estranged wife refused to grant him one.[14][n 1] Instead, in the mid-1950s, McIntire changed her name by deed poll to Jane Grigson.[2][6][n 2]

In 1959 the Grigsons had a daughter, Sophie, who later became a food writer and television presenter.[6] Shortly after the birth, the couple purchased a cave-cottage in Trôo, France,[n 3] and it was there, according to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, that Grigson developed a conviction that "because cooking is a central part of life it should be as carefully written about as any other art form".[2]

Grigson worked for ten years as a translator from Italian,[1][19] and in 1959 she wrote a new translation of Carlo Collodi's fairy tale The Adventures of Pinocchio, which she thought was "the only version of Pinocchio to transmit the liveliness and toughness of the original".[20] She translated Gian Antonio Cibotto's 1962 work Scano Boa in 1963 and, the same year, also translated Cesare Beccaria's 1764 work Dei delitti e delle pene; the work was published as Of Crimes and Punishments, and it won the 1966 John Florio Prize for Italian translation.[2][21] Jane and Geoffrey then worked on a joint project aimed at juveniles that looked at the meaning of 65 artworks in the context of their time and their enduring impact; Shapes and Stories was published in 1964.[22] The Times and The Guardian both thought it "original and beautiful".[23][24] A follow-up work, Shapes and Adventures, was published in 1967.[22]

Mid-1960s to mid-1970s

Схема свиньи, показывающая расположение кусков свинины.
Charcuterie and French Pork Cookery: the pig, "delightful when cooked or cured, from his snout to his tail", according to Grigson.[25]

In the mid-1960s Grigson was persuaded by her friend, Adey Horton, to co-author a book on pork. Horton dropped out part-way through the project and, in 1967, Grigson published Charcuterie and French Pork Cookery.[7] The reviewer in The Times commented, "the research is detailed, the recounting lively, the information fascinating, the recipes complete from head to tail."[26] In a tour d'horizon of cookery books in 1977, Elizabeth David called the book "A valuable work on the salting, curing and cooking of pork ... as practised by French households as well as by professional charcutiers", and commented on its "authentic recipes, practical approach and good writing".[27]

On the strength of Charcuterie and French Pork Cookery—and a subsequent lunch—David recommended Grigson to The Observer as their food writer;[6][7] Grigson began her weekly column with the paper the following year.[28] For her first article she wrote about strawberries, but was unsure of how to approach the topic. Her husband suggested "we'll find out what the strawberry has meant to people, what they have done to it, how they have developed it and so on". She used the same approach for most of her future columns.[29][30]

Jay Rayner, one of her successors in the role, writes that Grigson "established ... [the] newspaper's reputation as a publication that was serious about food".[31] Nigel Slater, another successor, considers her writing "legendary".[28] She held the position until 1990.[31] Grigson and her husband would spend three months a year in Trôo—sometimes visiting twice a year—writing there and at their home in Broad Town, Wiltshire.[32][33] While in France she "delighted in proving to ... [her] French friends that British cooking could be every bit as good as theirs", according to her daughter.[34] Her articles in The Observer provided the basis of further books; in 1971 her columns provided material for Good Things, which she introduced by saying it "is not a manual of cookery, but a book about enjoying food".[35] Harold Wilshaw, the food writer for The Guardian, thought it a "magnificent book ... worth the money for the chapter on prunes alone"[36] The Times considers it "perhaps the most popular of her books".[37] Nika Hazelton, reviewing it for The New York Times writes that it is "a delight to read and to cook from. The author is literate, her food interesting but unaffected".[38] The chef and food writer Samin Nosrat lists Good Things as one of "the classic cookbooks that shaped my career as a chef and writer", alongside Jane Grigson's Fruit Book and Jane Grigson's Vegetable Book.[39][n 4]

In 1973 Grigson was invited by the Wine and Food Society to write Fish Cookery. According to the food writer Geraldene Holt, it was not common in Britain at that time for fish to be the main course at a formal meal; by the time Grigson came around to writing the updated edition in 1993, attitudes and tastes had changed, and a wider variety of fish was available for purchase.[29]

a good many things in our marketing system now fight against simple and delicate food. Tomatoes have no taste. The finest flavoured potatoes are not available in shops. Vegetables and fruits are seldom fresh. Milk comes out of Friesians. Cheeses are subdivided and imprisoned in plastic wrapping. 'Farm fresh' means eggs that are no more than ten, fourteen or twenty days old.

Grigson, introduction to English Food[40]

Grigson opened her 1974 work, English Food with "English cooking—both historically and in the mouth—is a great deal more varied and delectable than our masochistic temper in this matter allows".[40] On reading the book, Roger Baker, reviewing in The Times, described Grigson as "probably the most engaging food writer to emerge during the last few years";[41] he thought the book had "a sense of fun, a feeling for history, a very readable style and a love of simple, unaffected cooking".[41] The Times later described English Food as being "a work to set alongside Elizabeth David's books on French and Italian cuisine".[37] Holt records that with the book, "Grigson had become a crusader for the oft-maligned cooking of the British Isles";[42] she became an early critic of battery farming and passionate about the provenance of food.[6][n 5] The same year, Grigson was a contributor to The World Atlas of Food. The book was described by the food writer Elizabeth Ray as "by its nature both expensive and superficial",[44] and by Baker as containing "hectic catch-lines on every page ... a thinness in the writing".[41]

Over the next three years Grigson returned to producing books dealing with key categories of food:[45] two booklets, Cooking Carrots and Cooking Spinach were published in 1975, as was The Mushroom Feast.[46] The last of these was described by Kirkus Reviews as "A beautiful collection of recipes and culinary lore";[47] the reviewer for The Observer noted that "Grigson gives you more than recipes. She takes you down the byways of folklore and literature".[48] Grigson described it as "the record of one family's pursuit of mushrooms, both wild and cultivated, over the last twenty years".[49] Unlike many of her other books it owed little to her previously published articles, but drew on her family's experiences as mushroom enthusiasts. The idea of writing a book on fungi came to her after a friend in Trôo introduced the Grigsons to mushroom gathering. For him, as for other locals, "mushroom-hunting was part of the waste-nothing philosophy he had inherited from his farming peasant ancestors. ... mushrooms have long been accepted by chefs of the high cooking tradition in France: there is no question of allowing them to go to waste as we do so unregardingly".[50] She had gradually concluded that few available books did justice to mushrooms and other fungi: "Most cookery books—always excepting Plats du Jour by Patience Gray and Primrose Boyd—are useless".[51] Reviewing the first edition, Skeffington Ardron wrote in The Guardian that choosing between the many recipes "will drive you wild, for there is here such a magnificent collection" ranging from simple economical dishes to "the extravagant, impossible, ridiculous Poulard Derbe with its champagne, foie gras and truffles".[52]

1978 to 1985

Antoine Raspal's L'intérieur de cuisine was used as the cover for the 1980 Penguin edition of Jane Grigson's Vegetable Book.

In 1978 Grigson wrote Jane Grigson's Vegetable Book. Reviewing the book in the first edition of Petits Propos Culinaires, Jane Davidson wrote "Erudition and commonsense are not always bedfellows. In this book they snuggle happily together. ... it is light on the eye and invigorating to the imagination."[53] Writing about the first edition, the food writer Robin McDouall said in The Times that the book was "worthy to stand on the shelf by her Fish Cookery and her Charcuterie and French Pork Cookery—praise could go no higher". He commented that the cuisines of many countries were covered, but the main ones were French, Greek, Turkish and Arab.[54] In The New York Times Mimi Sheraton wrote that the book was a "large, handsome volume [with] helpful shopping, storing and cooking information on all the vegetables included in recipes, and the range of dishes is worldwide if strongest on European specialties". Sheraton remarked on the "especially good lentil recipes, wonderful fragrant and bracing soups, and intriguing preparations for lesserknown vegetables such as chayote squash, Jerusalem artichokes and hop shoots".[55] Wilshaw, reviewing the paperback edition for The Guardian, praised Grigson's "warm and erudite style ... an encyclopaedic account of vegetables, their history and their place in modern kitchens".[56] In 1986 The Guardian polled its readers to discover their most indispensable cookery books; Jane Grigson's Vegetable Book took the second place, behind Elizabeth David's French Provincial Cooking but ahead of other books by David and by Madhur Jaffrey, Delia Smith, Claudia Roden and Julia Child.[57]

In July 1978 Grigson was interviewed for Desert Island Discs by Roy Plomley. Among her selections were poetry recordings by her husband, one of his books—Notes from an Odd Country—and, as her luxury item, a typewriter and paper.[58][n 6]

Monet's Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe; a section of the painting was depicted on the cover of Food with the Famous (1979)

Following a series of articles Grigson wrote for her column in The Observer, she published Food With the Famous in 1979, a look at the food eaten by various figures through history.[59] The critic for Kirkus Reviews thought "Grigson's leisurely quotation-studded essays are almost too tantalizing; eventually one begins to miss the factual data (accounts of recipe-adaptations, etc.)"[60] while the reviewer for the Birmingham Daily Post described it as "a charming book about food, rather than a cookery book".[61] From late 1979 to 1980 the chef Anne Willan wrote "French Cookery School", a sixteen-part series in The Observer.[62][28] The series was collated into a book, The Observer French Cookery School, with Grigson adding information on French cuisine.[63]

In 1981 Grigson was a participant at the second Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, along with Elizabeth David. The symposium was founded by the food historian Alan Davidson and the social historian Theodore Zeldin.[64][65]

Grigson published Jane Grigson's Fruit Book in 1982, a companion book to her Vegetable Book.[66] Prue Leith, the cookery editor for The Guardian, said the book was "a great read and a vital leg-up for the cook temporarily bereft of ideas beyond apple pie. ... There are literary, historical, and travel anecdotes, interleaved with solid information".[67] Reviewing the book in the New York Times, Sheraton wrote that the book was "readable and spirited, with ... [a] diverse combination of practical information, enticing recipes and romantic lore and food history, all tempered with humor and goodwill".[68]

In 1983 Grigson published The Observer Guide to European Cookery. The paper sent her on what she called "a cook's tour" of European countries in early 1981 to explore and write about their cuisines.[28][69] Political difficulties and a limited timetable obliged her to miss many countries; those she visited and wrote about were Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Britain, the Scandinavian countries, Germany, Austria and Hungary.[70] Russia had seemed likely to be omitted, because of the inefficiency and obstructiveness of Soviet officials, but Pamela Davidson, a friend based in Moscow, stepped into the breach, producing "the most informative part of the book, which tells us exactly what Soviet citizens eat and give their friends".[69] Grigson's experiences were published as a ten-week series in the paper before being published in book form.[70][71] Leith, in The Guardian, wrote that, despite reading the columns in the newspaper, she was able to "read them again with undiminished pleasure".[72] A sixty-minute video was produced by The Observer showing Grigson preparing six of the book's recipes. Shona Crawford Poole, reviewing for The Times, thought it showed "Grigson's agreeable manner ... allied to great good sense".[73]

Grigson's next book, The Observer Guide to British Cookery, was published in 1984, for which Grigson and her husband travelled round the UK to sample local fare.[74] In her introduction she said "I think it helps if we try to consider the origins of our food, and its appropriateness."[75] Her aim for the book, was to "make us all think out the best way of eating good honest food, seemly food if you like, at levels and in a style that are recognisably and proudly our own".[75] Alan Davidson, reviewing for Petits Propos Culinaires, observed Grigson's long-held interest in British food, and thought "the quality of her writing shines as brightly as ever".[76] The journalist Digby Anderson, reviewing in The Spectator, stated "This is 'expanded from her articles for The Observer Magazine'. Thus it is not pure Grigson but has additives, preservatives and a good deal of artificial colouring", although he allowed "There are splendid recipes, good general advice and useful tips in British Cooking".[77]

1985 to 1990


Geoffrey Grigson died in November 1985.[78] Jane said that when married, "each day was vivid",[79] "he made every ordinary day exciting and worth living".[80] The following year she was diagnosed with cervical cancer. In a letter to the writer Colin Spencer soon afterwards, she said "When I first got cancer ... I welcomed the thought of joining him in the churchyard."[80] After medical treatment, the cancer went into remission.[79]

Not long after Geoffrey's death, Jane Grigson began to take an active role in food lobbying.[19] She campaigned for animal welfare, she promoted food provenance and smallholders.[7] It was a subject she had long thought important; in 1971, in the introduction to Good Food, she wrote:

The encouragement of fine food is not greed or gourmandise; it can be seen as an aspect of the anti-pollution movement in that it indicates concern for the quality of the environment. This is not the limited concern of a few cranks. Small and medium-sized firms, feeling unable to compete with the cheap products of the giants, turn to producing better food. A courageous pig-breeder in Suffolk starts a cooked pork shop in the high charcuterie style; people in many parts of the country run restaurants specialising in local food; I notice in grocer's shops in our small town the increasing appearance of bags of strong flour and the prominence given to eggs direct from the farm.[81]

Christ Church and its churchyard, Broad Town; the cemetery for both Geoffrey and Jane Grigson

In 1988 Grigson took John MacGregor, then the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, to task after salmonella was found in British eggs. She told McGregor "I advise action, not just another research committee. You may get away with allowing agribusiness to poison our drinking water; it cannot get away with eggs".[80][3] She also became involved in the opposition to development around Avebury, the UNESCO World Heritage Site.[82]

Grigson's last major work was Exotic Fruits and Vegetables, published in 1986.[70] The impetus for the 128-page volume came from the artist Charlotte Knox, who offered the publisher, Jonathan Cape, a portfolio of coloured drawings of exotic fruits and vegetables. Grigson's "idea was to make an album in 19th-century style with plates vivid enough for people to be excited by them, to want to pick them off the page and try them for themselves."[83]

Grigson's cancer returned in the middle of 1989 and she underwent chemotherapy in September that year;[79] she died on 12 March 1990 at Broad Town. She was buried in the cemetery of Christ Church, the local church, alongside Geoffrey.[2] A memorial service for Grigson was held at St Margaret's, Westminster in June 1990; the speakers providing the eulogies were the food writers Derek Cooper and Paul Levy.[84]



Unlike Elizabeth David, who avoided broadcasting,[85][n 7] Grigson appeared from time to time on radio and television. In 1984 she joined Prue Leith, Anton Mosimann, Albert Roux and two others in the Channel 4 television series Take Six Cooks, in which well-known cooks dined together at the Dorchester Hotel in London and each then presented their thoughts on and recipes for a particular course or dishes. Leith presented hors d'oeuvres, Mosimann fish, Roux meat and Grigson vegetables.[87] In a book associated with the series eight of her recipes were included. As was her usual practice, she interspersed classic recipes—carrots à la Forestière[n 8] and peas in the French style with spring onions and lettuce—with less well known dishes such as artichokes stuffed with a purée of broad beans.[89]

On BBC radio she took part in interviews and panel discussions giving her views on ingredients and advice on techniques,[90] and in a 1989 programme she presented a portrait of Elizabeth Raffald and her 18th-century recipes.[91] On BBC television she extolled her heroes—Elizabeth David, Henry James and Geoffrey Grigson,[92] demonstrated how to roast and stuff a goose, went in search of Britain's best fresh produce, gave advice for the health-conscious about cooking vegetables, and joined other cooks at the Savoy Hotel to supervise show-business celebrities attempting to cook classic dishes.[93]


Books by Jane Grigson



Charcuterie and French Pork Cookery (1967)

Интерьер французского продовольственного магазина: на потолочных крючках свисают колбасы и ветчина, а на полках стоят банки с мясными закусками.
French charcuterie

Grigson's first book about food and cookery was Charcuterie and French Pork Cookery, published by Michael Joseph in 1967.[97] After a brief introduction outlining the history of the pig in European agriculture and cuisine,[98] the main text begins with a "Picnic guide to the charcutier's shop", in which the author details the pork products available in a good French charcuterie. They include dishes ready to eat, such as rillettes; pâtés; cooked and cured ham (such as jambons de York and de Bayonne); and cooked sausages of the salami and other types. Dishes that require cooking include pigs' trotters; sausages including andouillettes; black puddings; and, more expensive, boudins blancs. Also listed are cuts of fresh pork, from head to tail (tête and queue de porc).[99]

Later chapters deal with charcuterie equipment;[100] herbs and seasonings;[101] and sauces and relishes.[102] They are followed by four substantial chapters of recipes for terrines, pâtés (cold and hot), and galantines;[103] sausages and boudins blancs;[104] salt pork and hams;[105] and the main cuts of fresh pork.[106] The final four chapters cover the "Extremities"; "Insides"; "Fat"; and "Blood" (black puddings).[107] Throughout, there are illustrative line drawings by M.J. Mott.[97]

When the first American edition was published, in 1968,[n 9] three of the US's leading cookery writers—Julia Child, James Beard and Michael Field—called it "the best cook book of the year".[110] In Britain, Penguin Books published a paperback edition in 1970. The book was out of print for some time in the late 1990s—the food correspondent of The Guardian encouraged readers to write to the publishers "and bully them into reprinting"[111]—but was reissued in 2001 and (at 2019) has remained in print ever since.[n 10] In 2001 the chef Chris Galvin called the book "a masterpiece":

so informative and well written ... it feels that you have someone on hand to help, steering you through the recipe, avoiding unnecessary technical terms and instead using universal words and phrases, e.g. "whirling ingredients together", "simmering and not galloping a stock". Most importantly Grigson encourages you to attempt dishes insisting, for example, that making a sausage is a simple affair then following this statement up with recipe after recipe for saucisse fumé, saucisse de campagne and saussicon sec.[112]

Translations of the book have been published in Dutch (Worst, Paté: en andere Charcuterie uit de Franse Keuken)[113] and—unusually for a book on food by a British author—in French.[114]



Good Things (1971)

фотография одиночной ярко-жёлтой айвы
A quince: one of the six fruits featured in Good Things

The sections of the book deal with fish, meat and game, vegetables and fruit, with a miscellany to conclude. In some of Grigson's later books she dealt exhaustively with specific ingredients: her Fish Cookery two years later covered more than fifty varieties of fish. Here she deals with five: kippers, lobster, mussels, scallops and trout, writing about her few chosen subjects more expansively than in the later book, and discussing the pros and cons of various recipes. She says of lobsters that there is nothing more delicious, so sweet, firm and succulent, discusses the most humane way of killing them, and although advancing the proposition that they are best eaten hot with only lemon juice and butter on them, she gives the recipes for homard à l'Americaine (quoting Édouard de Pomiane's view that it is "a gastronomic cacophony") and Thermidor, as well as bisque, which she calls "without qualification ... the best of all soups".[115][n 11]

Grigson adopts the same approach in the other sections, dealing at leisure with favoured ingredients and dishes. Not all her choices are the most frequently seen in other cookery books: in the meat section she devotes eight pages to snails, and ten to sweetbreads, and none to steaks or roasts.[117] Among the six fruits she writes about, apples and strawberries are joined by quince and prunes. She agrees that stewed prunes endured at school or in prison—the "dreadful alliance between prunes and rice or prunes and custard powder"—are best forgotten, and makes her case for the prune as a traditional ingredient in meat and fish dishes, giving as examples beef or hare casseroled with prunes, turkey with prune stuffing, and tripe slowly simmered with prunes.[118] In the final section she covers five French cakes, ice creams and sorbets, and fruit liqueurs.[119]

WorldCat records 21 editions of Good Things published between 1971 and 2009 in English and translation.[120] The original edition, like the charcuterie book four years earlier, had line drawings by M.J. Mott.[121] A reprint by the Folio Society in 2009 had illustrations, some in colour, by Alice Tait.[122]

Fish Cookery (1973)


The book was first published as The International Wine and Food Society's Guide to Fish Cookery in 1973, but became widely known in its paperback form with the shorter title, issued by Penguin in 1975.[123] Grigson did not believe that anything is truly original in recipes, and happily included those of other writers in her books, being careful to acknowledge her sources—"There's nothing new about intellectual honesty".[124] Her influences were not exclusively European: among those she credited in her Fish Cookery (1973) were Claudia Roden's A Book of Middle Eastern Food, Mary Lamb's New Orleans Cuisine and James Beard's Delights and Prejudices.[125] Nevertheless, Fish Cookery is, of Grigson's books, the one most focused on the British cook,[n 12] because, as she observes, the same edible birds and quadrupeds are found in many parts of the world, but species of fish are generally more confined to particular areas. Even given that limitation, Grigson urges her British readers to be more adventurous in their choice of fresh fish. She points out that there are more than fifty species native to British waters, not including shellfish or freshwater fish, and she urges cooks to venture beyond "cod and plaice, overcooked and coated with greasy batter".[127]

фотография целой плоской рыбы
Dover sole: Among the finest fish in Grigson's view

The chapters of Fish Cookery are "Choosing, Cleaning and Cooking Fish"; "Court-bouillons, Sauces and Butters"; "Fish Stews and Soups"; "Flat-fish"; "More Fish from the Sea"; "The Great Fish"; "Fish Caught in Fresh Water"; "Shellfish and Crustaceans"; "and "Cured and Preserved Fish". The book concludes with glossaries of fish names and cookery terms and measures.[128] "Great" in the title of the sixth chapter refers to size, rather than particular pre-eminence: it includes tuna, swordfish, shark and sunfish.[129] Grigson ascribes greatness in the qualitative sense only to sole and turbot among sea fish, trout and salmon among fresh-water species, and eel, lobster and crayfish.[130]

As well as classics such as sole Véronique,[131] bouillabaisse,[132] moules marinière,[133] and lobster Thermidor,[134] Grigson gives recipes for more unusual combinations of ingredients, including cod steaks with Gruyère cheese sauce,[135] herring with gooseberries,[136] scallop and artichoke soup,[137] and prawns in tomato, cream and vermouth sauce.[138]

A statement in the section on mussels led to minor controversy some years after publication. Grigson writes that once the mussels are cooked any that do not open should be thrown away.[139][n 13] She gives no reason, but many subsequent writers have taken it that eating a closed mussel would be injurious, rather than simply impracticable.[141] The Australian Fisheries Research and Development Corporation published research in 2012 to rebut the assumption.[141][n 14]

Grigson had completed two-thirds of the text of a revised edition of the book when she died. Her editor, Jenny Dereham, completed the revision, using additional recipes and articles Grigson had published since 1973. It was published with the title Jane Grigson's Fish Book in 1993, in hardback by Michael Joseph and in paperback by Penguin.[142] Reviewing the new edition in The Independent, Michael Leapman wrote that many of the recipes had been updated to reflect current tastes—"a little less cream and butter"—and remarked on Grigson's exploration of new areas of interest little known to readers of the first edition, such as sashimi and ceviche.[143]

English Food (1974)


The book has the subtitle, "An anthology chosen by Jane Grigson". As in her earlier books, Grigson made no claim to originality in her recipes, and was scrupulous about crediting those with a known author. The chapters cover soups; cheese and egg dishes; vegetables; fish; meat, poultry and game; puddings; cakes, biscuits and pancakes; and stuffings, sauces and preserves. Line drawings by Gillian Zeiner illustrate details of kitchen techniques, materials and equipment.[144] The introduction outlines Grigson's thoughts on good English cooking and its decline. Another point in the introduction is that whereas in France most of the great cookery writers have been men, in England it is the women writers, such as Hannah Glasse and Eliza Acton, who stand out. Many of their recipes are included in subsequent chapters. The introduction to the revised 1979 edition enlarges on the state of English food, and calls for better cookery teaching in British schools. Grigson emphasises the advantages of good, locally produced food, which she says, is not only better but usually cheaper than that offered by the large commercial concerns: "Words such as 'fresh' and 'home-made' have been borrowed by commerce to tell lies."[144]

тарелка, на которой стоит полукруглый пирог; у него золотисто-коричневая корочка и гофрированный край
Cornish pasty

In a study of "The 50 best cookbooks" in 2010, Rachel Cooke wrote that it was debatable which of Grigson's "many wonderful books" was the best, "but the one for which she will always be most celebrated is English Food". Cooke quotes the critic Fay Maschler's view that Grigson "restored pride to the subject of English food and gave evidence that there is a valid regional quality still extant in this somewhat beleaguered cuisine."[145]

The book contains mostly English recipes, but draws from time to time on the cuisines of Wales and Scotland.[146] Cooke describes it as "undoubtedly a work of scholarship: carefully researched, wide-ranging and extremely particular" but adds that it also contains "hundreds of excellent recipes, the vast majority of them short, precise and foolproof. Who could resist poached turbot with shrimp sauce, or a properly made Cornish pasty?" Among the puddings in the book are Yorkshire curd tart, brown bread ice cream, queen of puddings and Sussex pond pudding.[145]

English Food won the Glenfiddich Award for the cookery book of the year, 1974.[144] A new edition, with an introduction by Sophie Grigson, was published by Ebury Press, London, in 2002. Reviewing it, Lindsey Bareham wrote, "If you don't already own a copy of this seminal book, now is the time to invest in our edible heritage made digestible by one of the finest writers we have ever produced".[147]

The World Atlas of Food (1974)


Subtitled "A Gourmet's Guide to the Great Regional Dishes of the World", this 319-page book was published by Mitchell Beazley, a company specialising in atlases and other extensively illustrated works of reference.[148] Grigson is credited as "contributing editor".[n 15] James Beard wrote the introduction, titled "An epicurean journey". The book has pages illustrating and describing ingredients of the various areas of the world—fish, meat, vegetables, fungi and fruit. The cuisines of Europe, Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Americas are covered. [150] The American edition was published by Simon & Schuster in 1974. The book was reissued in Australia and the US in 1984 and in Britain in 1988 and was reprinted in 1989.[150]

The Mushroom Feast (1975)

Фотография белых грибов, растущих в лесу

The Mushroom Feast was published by Michael Joseph in 1975.[151] The book is in six chapters. The first, "The best edible mushrooms", has descriptions of twenty varieties of mushroom, from the familiar cultivated Agaricus bisporus, morels, cèpes, girolles and oysters, to the less well known matsutake, parasol, shaggy cap, wood-blewit and others. Each is illustrated with a line drawing by Yvonne Skargon, and followed by descriptions of the flavour and basic cooking instructions.[152] The next chapter, dealing with preserved mushrooms, sauces, stuffings, and soups, gives modern and old recipes, including some by Hannah Glasse, Eliza Acton, Marie-Antoine Carême, Hilda Leyel and Grigson's mentor and friend Elizabeth David.[153]

In the chapter on mushroom main dishes[154]—such as in an open tart or a covered pie, in a gateau with cream, or stuffed with almonds, or baked in the Genoese style[155]—other ingredients play a subordinate part in the recipes, but are given more prominence in "Mushrooms with fish"[156] and "Mushrooms with meat, poultry, and game".[157] After a section on the principal mushrooms of Japanese and Chinese cooking, an appendix gives five basic recipes for sauces to accompany mushrooms.[158]

WorldCat records 18 editions of the book published between 1975 and 2008.[120]

Jane Grigson's Vegetable Book (1978)

Фотографии четырех названных овощей
Grigson's vegetable heroes and villains: clockwise from top left artichoke, asparagus, swede and kale

For this book Grigson adopted a straightforward alphabetical layout. There are chapters on more than eighty vegetables, from artichokes to yams. Most chapters are in three parts: brief historical information about the vegetables, guidance on preparing them, and recipes using them. The author does not play down her own likes and dislikes; she praises artichokes[n 16] and asparagus as "the two finest vegetables we can grow",[160] but calls winter turnips and swedes "that grim pair", and admits to a lifelong detestation of kale.[161] Seakale, on the other hand, she rates highly, not only for its delicate flavour, but as the only vegetable in the entire book native to England.[162]

Grigson considered omitting mushrooms from the book, on the grounds that they are not a vegetable and that she had already devoted a whole book to them in 1975,[163] but decided that "leaving them out won't do", and gave them a two-page chapter, covering their choice and preparation, and giving recipes for mushroom soup and mushroom pie.[164] Also included are savoury fruits such as avocados and tomatoes. As well as ingredients familiar in European cuisine, Grigson includes sections on bean sprouts, Chinese artichokes, okra, sweet potato, pignuts and other vegetables less well known among her readership in the 1970s.[165] The longest chapters are those on lettuces (13 pages), spinach and tomatoes (both 18 pages) and potatoes (24 pages).[166]

In her preface to the first American edition in 1979, Grigson observed that although British and American cooks found each other's systems of measurement confusing (citing the US use of volume rather than weight for solid ingredients), the two countries were at one in suffering from supermarkets' obsession with the appearance rather than the flavour of vegetables.[167]

The book brought its author her first Glenfiddich Food and Drink Writer of the Year Award and the first of two André Simon Memorial Prizes. [1][168]

Food With the Famous (1979)


The book has its origins in a series of articles Grigson wrote for The Observer's colour magazine in 1978, and is described as part cookery book and part social history.[169] Her publisher wrote that she "re-read favourite novels, re-examined pictures in the great galleries, explored houses, letters, journals, and the cookery books used (or written) by her choice of famous men and women".[169] Starting with "the great diarist and salad fancier" John Evelyn in the 17th century, she traces a chronological development of western cooking. Her other examples are from the 18th century (Parson James Woodforde), the cusp of the 18th and 19th (Jane Austen, Thomas Jefferson, and the Rev Sydney Smith), the high-19th (Lord and Lady Shaftesbury, Alexandre Dumas and Émile Zola); and on into the 20th "with Marcel Proust in the gourmet's Paris, and Claude Monet among the water-lilies at Giverny".[169]

In the introduction to Evelyn's chapter, Grigson describes his contribution to British food—translating the works of Jean-Baptiste de La Quintinie, promoting ice-houses and recording the earliest example of the pressure cooker.[170] She quotes him on vegetables, for instance on beetroot: "vulgar, but eaten with oil and vinegar, as usually, it is no despicable salad." [171] Evelyn's garden was organised so that mixed green salad could be put on the table every day of the year; Grigson lists the 35 different species from balm to tripe-madam[n 17] that Evelyn specified for his salads.[173] For the chapters on the novelists, Grigson gives recipes for dishes mentioned in their books, including white soup[n 18] and fricassée of sweetbread for Jane Austen,[175] asparagus soup à la comtesse, and fillets of sole with ravigote sauce for Zola,[176] brill Radziwill and boeuf à la mode for Proust,[177] and for Dumas, who published a book about food,[n 19] she prints his own recipes for cabbage soup, scrambled eggs with shrimps, and several others.[179]

Although Grigson's favourite of her works was the 1982 fruit book, she said she had a particular fondness for Food With the Famous.[124]



The Observer French Cookery School (1980)


This book was a spin-off from an Observer series. Its two authors, Grigson and Anne Willan of La Varenne cookery school in Paris, augmented their Observer articles for the book. Willan's sections, occupying the majority of the 300 pages, give technical advice on various aspects of cooking, such as boning, making choux pastry, the use of gelatine, and cooking with bains-marie. A 1991 bibliography describes Grigson's section—a 47-page "Anthology of French cooking and kitchen terms"—as "an alphabetic listing of descriptions written in condensed but detailed prose, full of personal observation; almost a little book in itself".[180]

Jane Grigson's Fruit Book (1982)


For Grigson, this book was more fun to write than any of her others.[181] Her particular fondness for fruits caused her to protest in her introduction about the quality offered by large suppliers:

The food trade makes the egalitarian mistake, which is also a convenience for itself, of thinking that every food has to be as cheap and inoffensive as every other similar food. This mistake has ruined chicken and potatoes and bread. No wine merchant sells only plonk, no flower shop sticks to daisies. In the matter of vegetables and fruit, we seem often to be reduced to a steady bottom of horticultural plonk.[182]

корзина с маленькими, коричневыми, круглыми фруктами

The layout follows that of the vegetable book of three years earlier: chapters on each fruit, set out alphabetically from apples to water-melon. In between, familiar fruits such as bananas, cherries, pears and strawberries are interspersed with cherimoyas, medlars, persimmons and sapodillas.[183] There are 46 of these chapters, taking 432 pages.[183] The book finishes with a miscellany of fruit-related topics, such as matching fruits and wines, fruit preserves, and recipes for biscuits suitable to eat with fruit.[184]

As well as recipes in which the fruit is the star ingredient, Grigson gives details of many dishes where fruit is combined with meat, poultry or fish, including pheasant with apples,[185] lamb with apricots,[186] sole with banana,[187] quail with cherries,[188] oxtail with grapes,[189] and eel soup with pears.[190] As in the vegetable book, Grigson is clear about her likes and dislikes. "Rhubarb: Nanny-food. Governess-food. School-meal-food." She finds some recipes for it worth including, but falls short of calling them delectable—"merely not too undelectable".[191]

Reviewing the book in Petits Propos Culinaires, Jane Davidson called it "brilliant", adding, "Anecdotes, history, poetry and personal appreciation are all here as well as practical suggestions on how to use both the familiar and less so. ... In Michelin language, four stars and six place settings".[192][n 20] Like the Vegetable Book, this one won Grigson a Glenfiddich and an André Simon award.[1][194]

The Observer Guide to European Cookery (1983)

блюдо из приготовленных нарезанных баклажанов
Parmigiana di melanzane

Grigson published The Observer Guide to European Cookery in 1983. She expanded her original articles from The Observer into this 256-page book, extensively illustrated by uncredited Observer photographers.[70] A reviewer commented that one might expect the author, her life based partly in France, to begin with French cuisine,[195] but Grigson explains:

Greece comes first, with classical and Hellenic chefs already theorising about food in terms that do not seem odd today. In terms that make perfect sense. Italy took on the skills of Greece, since well-off Romans employed chefs from Athens just as well-off Northerners have looked to Paris for their chefs. Through Spain, Arab dishes and Arab gardening, as well as new vegetables and foods from America, were handed on to the rest of Europe. Portugal comes in here, in its great phase of travel and discovery. France next, in the perfect, unique position between Mediterranean and Atlantic seas, exactly poised to take advantage of the Renaissance and the New World.[196]

In each chapter Grigson mixes the well known and the offbeat. In the opening Greek chapter, recipes for taramasalata, moussaka and dolmades sit alongside hare in walnut sauce and salad of calf brains.[197] Italian recipes include classics such as osso buco with risotto milanese, Parmigiana di melanzane and vitello tonnato,[198] but also grilled eel, sole with Parmesan, tripe with pig's trotters, and lamb sautéed with olives.[199] Similar juxtapositions are found in other chapters—Portuguese cuisine beyond sardines,[200] British beyond steak and kidney pudding,[201] and Scandinavian beyond smörgåsbord.[195][202] Among the less well-known dishes described by Grigson are beef fillet with gentleman's sauce,[203][n 21]chicken in a dressing-gown,[204][n 22] chilled grape soup,[205] quaking pudding,[206] red wine soup,[207] and Siberian ravioli.[208]

In the US the book was published in 1983 by Atheneum, under the title Jane Grigson's Book of European Cookery.[70]

The Observer Guide to British Cookery (1984)


This 231-page book is similar in layout and approach to the previous year's guide to European cooking, but unlike its predecessor it was published in book form before recipes from it were extracted and printed by the newspaper. The British regions are considered in nine sections, each with an introduction describing the character and ingredients, followed by recipes associated with places within the region.[209]

тарелка золотисто-коричневого печенья, усыпанного изюмом
Shrewsbury cakes

The South-West chapter includes Cornish bouillabaisse from Gidleigh Park; Sedgemoor eel stew; lardy cake; and "Cornwall's most famous and most travestied dish", the Cornish pasty—"pronounced with a long 'ah' as in Amen".[210] Among the dishes in the London and the South section are steak and kidney pudding, using beef rump steak and lambs' kidneys; salt beef; and bread and butter pudding.[211] Dishes from the Midlands include rabbit and pig tail stew; Oldbury gooseberry pies; Bakewell pudding; and Shrewsbury cakes.[212] The East Anglia section includes turnip pie; stuffed guinea fowl; Lincolnshire plum bread; and, for its connection with Trinity College, Cambridge, crème brûlée.[213]

In the North East chapter Grigson includes recipes for mutton and leek broth, mussel or oyster pudding and toad in the hole.[214] Dishes from the North West include potted shrimps, Lancashire hotpot, Liverpool's scouse, Cumberland sausage and the chicken dish Hindle Wakes.[215] Throughout the book Grigson includes lesser-known dishes alongside famous classics. The chapter on Scotland has recipes for Scotch broth, Haggis, Atholl brose and shortbread alongside Scotch woodcock and the sheep's head broth Powsowdie.[216] Among the Welsh dishes, cawl and Welsh rabbit[n 23] are joined by caveach (pickled mackerel) and Lady Lanover's salt duck.[219] In the final chapter, Ireland, Irish stew and soda bread are included alongside nettle soup and boxty (potato pancakes).[220]

Each chapter concludes with a section contributed by Derek Cooper on "Regional drink". For the English regions and Wales the drinks are mostly beers and ciders, with some wines in the south. Sloe gin is included for Cumbria as are whisky for Scotland and whiskey and stout for Ireland.[221]

Exotic Fruits and Vegetables (1986)

круглые плоды оранжевого цвета, один целый, другой разрезанный пополам.

The illustrations play a particularly large part in this book, and the artist, Charlotte Knox, is given equal billing on the covers of both the British and the American editions. The book is described by its publisher as "An illustrated guide to fruits and vegetables from the world's hotter climates."[222] Grigson added notes on the choice, preparation, and culinary use of each fruit or vegetable, and recipes using them. These include mango and carambola salad,[223] mango and paw paw tart,[224] persimmon fudge, [225] and grey mullet with pomegranate sauce in the fruit chapters,[226] and in the vegetable sections, plantain and chicken,[227] snake gourd Malay style,[228] drumstick curry with prawns,[229] and yam and goat meat pottage.[230] The book concludes with sections on 14 herbs and spices, from banana leaf to turmeric.[231]

A US edition (1987) was published by Henry Holt as Cooking With Exotic Fruits and Vegetables.[232]

Short books and booklets


Cooking Carrots (1975) and Cooking Spinach (1976)


These two booklets, of 36 pages each, were written for Abson Books, Bristol. They follow the same pattern: brief guidance on choosing, buying and preparing the vegetable, followed by 37 recipes apiece. Both books conclude with advice on growing the vegetable. The spinach book was originally sold with a packet of seeds attached to the cover.[233]

The Year of the French (1982)


This booklet (16 pages) containing six recipes by Grigson, originally published in The Radio Times, was issued to accompany the BBC Television series of the same name, "A calendar of French life in 12 film portraits". Each section of the booklet has a one or two-page introduction by Grigson relating the recipe to a representative French person shown in the series, from the driver of a TGV to the octogenarian head of a beaujolais wine-growers collective.[234]

Dishes from the Mediterranean (1984)


This publication is a slim (96-page) hardback, with numerous coloured photographs and line drawings of dishes. It was published by Woodhead-Faulkner for the supermarket chain J. Sainsbury. A new and enlarged edition was published in paperback the following year; it was reissued in 1991 with the title The Cooking of the Mediterranean.[235]

The book contains chapters on Mediterranean ingredients; sauces and relishes; soups; first courses and meze dishes; fish; meat, poultry and game; rice and bread; and sweet dishes. In addition to descriptions and some historical notes, Grigson includes practical advice such as, for preparing fegato alla veneziana, "Half-freeze the liver so that it is solid enough to cut into thin, tissue-paper slivers".[236] and for a chicken casserole with fifty cloves of garlic (poulet aux cinquante gousses d'ail) reassurance about the number of garlic cloves: "the purée they make is delicious and unidentifiable".[237]

The Cooking of Normandy (1987)


This book, published for Sainsbury's, follows the pattern of the earlier Mediterranean publication. It is a 96-page, extensively illustrated addition to the "Sainsbury Cookbook" series. Line drawings by Mandy Doyle show details of some of the techniques described in the text. The sections cover ingredients and specialities; soups and first courses; fish and shellfish; meat, poultry and game; and desserts and drinks, with a short epilogue.[238] In her introduction Grigson writes, "For me, Normandy cooking is a return to good, basic home dishes, with the added pleasure of tracking down ingredients of the highest quality."[239] Although the book was published for and sold by a supermarket chain, Grigson's recipes include dishes for which such stores would not be expected to stock key ingredients, such as saddle of rabbit (she suggests using chicken if rabbit is not available) for lapin à la moutarde[240] and sorrel for fricandeau à la oseille (mentioning spinach as a substitute if necessary).[241]

Contributions to books by others

роспись вазы с вишней на столе
Китайская фарфоровая тарелка с вишней : одна из картин Джованны Гарцони 17 века, которую Григсон комментирует в книге «Фрукты, травы и овощи Италии».

В библиографии, опубликованной в Petis Propos Culinaires в 1991 году, перечислены существенные вклады Григсона в книги других писателей: введение к «Книге ингредиентов» Эйдана Бейли, Элизабет Ламберт Ортис и Хелены Радеке; [№ 24] одно из пяти вводных эссе в «Путеводителе Shell по Франции» , в котором она предлагает информацию о продовольственных магазинах во Франции — пуассонери, кондитерских, супермаркетах и ​​т. д. — и о том, как в них делать покупки; [№ 25] и предисловие объемом около 1600 слов к «Книге французского сыра» Патрика Рэнса . [№ 26]

В предисловии к Джиллиан Райли новому переводу книги Джакомо Кастельветро 1614 года «Фрукты, травы и овощи Италии» Григсон описывает свое знакомство с творчеством Кастельветро и картинами Джованны Гарцони , которые в основном фигурируют в иллюстрациях к новому изданию. [22] [№ 27]

WorldCat перечисляет введения Григсона к пяти другим книгам: «Поваренная книга Elle» (позже переизданная как «Искусство французской кухни »); [№ 28] британское издание кулинарной книги «Меню Chez Panisse» Элис Уотерс ; [№ 29] Фрэнсиса Бисселла «Календарь повара» ; [№ 30] «Полный каталог туалетных и пищевых товаров» Тессы Трэгер и Мими Эррингтон; [№ 31] и новое издание книги Джеффри Григсона «Флора англичанина» . [№ 32]

Посмертно изданные антологии

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Наслаждение едой: лучшее от Джейн Григсон (1992)

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Эта 464-страничная антология рецептов из книг Григсона была составлена ​​Роем Фулликом и опубликована Майклом Джозефом. [242] В предисловии Фуллик пишет, что она задумана «как дань уважения кулинарным навыкам и учености Джейн Григсон, а также как практическая кулинарная книга». [243]

В книге есть предисловие, написанное Элизабет Дэвид, в котором она напоминает о своей дружбе с Григсоном и напоминает читателям, что, хотя сейчас считалось само собой разумеющимся, что Григсон была классическим кулинарным писателем, она ворвалась на кулинарную сцену в конце 1960-х годов, когда «ясность письмо и уверенные знания..., продемонстрированные этим молодым автором, были новым удовольствием для всех нас». [244] Дэвид комментирует, что «этот разнообразный, но сбалансированный сборник» напомнит читателям, какую потерю понес кулинарный мир из-за преждевременной смерти Григсона, и вдохновит их приобретать больше работ Григсона. «Ее книги можно читать, не выходя из гостиной, а также использовать на кухне». [245]

Основной текст состоит из восьми разделов с заголовками «Дома в Англии»; «Дома во Франции»; «Мясные закуски», «Средиземноморье», «Европейцы», «Америка», «Индия и Дальний Восток» и «Угощения и праздники». Есть рецепты от писателей прошлого, таких как Элиза Эктон, Ханна Гласс, Мария Ранделл и Огюст Эскофье , а также от современников, включая Элизабет Дэвид, Ричарда Олни , Джулию Чайлд, Элис Уотерс, Антонио Карлуччио и дочь Григсона Софи. [246] Рецепты перемежаются обычной исторической справочной информацией Григсона: в них появляются лорд Байрон , Чосер , Казанова , Людовик XIV , Эвелин, Сидней Смит и другие из «Еды со знаменитостями» . [246]

Книга была переиздана в 2015 году под названием « Лучшее о Джейн Григсон: удовольствие от еды» издательством Grub Street в ознаменование 25-летия со дня смерти Григсон. [242]

Десерты Джейн Григсон (1993)

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Это одна из двух книг рецептов Григсона, изданных одновременно Майклом Джозефом. Это 92-страничный том в твердом переплете небольшого формата — 12 × 15 см (5 × 6 дюймов). Он иллюстрирован штриховыми рисунками и содержит 50 рецептов десертов, взятых из ранее опубликованных книг Григсона. Включены некоторые старые рецепты, такие как пирог с крыжовником Роберта Саути и апельсиновый заварной крем Элизабет Раффальд, а также многие из зарубежных рецептов (пирог с красной смородиной из Австрии, клубничные оладьи из Франции и сладкая тыква из Турции), а также любимые британские блюда, такие как летний пудинг . [247]

Супы Джейн Григсон (1993)

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Как и предыдущий том, книга содержит 50 рецептов из более ранних книг Григсона. Известные классические супы, такие как буйабес, гаспачо и петушка-порей, перемежаются более необычными рецептами, включающими абрикос и яблоко, красный лук и вино, огурец и щавель. [248]

Пудинги (1996)

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Это 64-страничная книга в мягкой обложке небольшого формата (приблизительно А6 ), выпущенная в виде одной из миниатюрных книг «Серии Пингвинов 60-х годов» вместе, среди прочего, с «Пеперонатой и другими итальянскими блюдами» Элизабет Дэвид и сборником рецептов Софи Григсон. Со стола Софи . Как и в вышеприведенной коллекции десертов 1993 года, в ней повторно использованы материалы из ранее опубликованных книг Григсона. [249]

Стиль, репутация и наследие

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De Nieuwe Vismarkt te Amsterdam , Эмануэль де Витте ; часть картины была изображена на обложке журнала Fish Cookery издания Penguin (1994).

Наряду с Элизабет Дэвид, Григсону широко приписывают превращение британской кулинарной книги в нечто большее, чем просто сборник рецептов. [250] [251] Как и сочинения Дэвида, сочинения Григсона предлагали не только списки ингредиентов и инструкции по приготовлению, но и интересный исторический и социальный фон. [250] [251] Некрологи были теплыми и полны похвалы стилю и широкой привлекательности Григсона. [252] В The Independent Алан Дэвидсон писал:

Она завоевала себе такую ​​широкую аудиторию, потому что была, прежде всего, дружелюбным писателем, способным легко общаться с ней как по настроению, так и по стилю письма.

Хотя она знала о том или ином гораздо больше, чем остальные из нас, казалось, она никогда ни с кем не разговаривала свысока. Напротив, на кухне она очень дружелюбный человек; часто захватывая воображение искусно выбранным фрагментом истории или поэзии, но никогда не упуская возможности объяснить, почему и как готовят еду. Как часто я слышала, как люди заявляли, что ее рецепты не просто приятно читать – они всегда работают ! [33]

Софи Григсон пишет, что ее мать «думала, что еда — это ключ к открытию жизни»; [6] во введении к «Хорошим вещам » Джейн заявила:

Готовить что-нибудь вкусненькое действительно приятнее, чем рисовать картины или швырять горшки. ... Еда имеет такт исчезнуть, оставив место и возможность для появления шедевров. Ошибки не висят на стенах и не стоят на полках, чтобы вечно вас корить. [253]

По мнению Элизабет Дэвид, книги Григсона отличаются «ясностью написания и уверенным знанием предмета и истории». [254] Социолог Стивен Меннелл считает, что произведения Григсона, как и произведения Дэвида, следует считать «гастрономической литературой», а не кулинарными книгами, и поэтому читать их как литературу; [255] Культурсоциологи Боб Эшли, Джоанн Холлоуз, Стив Джонс и Бен Тейлор считают, что из-за «значительной эрудиции» в ее работе книги Григсон можно читать как «кулинарные, исторические книги», а не как кулинарные книги. [250] [256] Джеральден Холт, считающая прозу Григсона одновременно лирической и сильной, [257] описывает стиль письма Григсона так:

откровенная, но интересная, в том же духе, что и ее выдающиеся предки, в число которых входят Мортон Шэнд , Эдвард Баньярд , леди Джекилл и Элизабет Дэвид. Однако эссе Джейн Григсон незабываемо оживлены соответствующей информацией и цитатами из удивительно широкого круга источников — поэтов, писателей, садовников, ранних авторов кулинарии и кулинарных руководств. [258]

По словам писателей Хейзел Кастелл и Кэтлин Гриффин, Григсон пытался показать еду в ее историческом, социальном и культурном контексте, который был «в самом сердце жизни, поэтому было естественно, что литература, история и поэзия должны быть включены наряду с рецептами». . [259] Журналист Дейдра Маккуиллан считает, что научные ссылки «всегда вызывают восторг, но никогда не впечатляют». [260] Рейнер видит в ее письме «легкость» использования научного материала. [31] Кристофер Драйвер пишет:

Ассортимент Григсона был шире, чем у Элизабет Дэвид, поскольку он простирался от рыбы и грибов до экзотических фруктов и овощей, которые появились на международном рынке в восьмидесятые годы. Она была бы первой, кто признал бы, что кулинарные познания Элизабет были глубже, а ее точность превосходила: одной из малозаметных причин доминирования миссис Дэвид среди ее аудитории в 1950-х годах было ее чудесное чувство ясности в деталях, в то время как миссис Григсон в 1970-х и 1970-х годах 1980-е годы могли позволить себе в печати элемент беззаботного восторга, в зависимости от здравого смысла продвинутых поваров того времени, как мужчин, так и женщин. [19]

Историк литературы Никола Хамбл отмечает, что из-за того, что Григсон более спокойно использовала исторические и литературные источники, ее сочинения были «менее надменными», чем могли бы быть сочинения Дэвида. [261]

Наследие и репутация

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В 1991 году в память о Григсоне был создан Фонд Джейн Григсон. Заявленная цель - «продвинуть общественное понимание еды, ее культурных и пищевых аспектов, а также искусства ее приготовления». Фонд финансирует ежегодные лекции Джейн Григсон на Оксфордском симпозиуме по еде и кулинарии каждый июль. В 2015 году, в ознаменование 25-летия со дня ее смерти, была учреждена премия Джейн Григсон Траст для автора первой научно-популярной книги на тему еды. [262]

Вскоре после смерти Григсон было предложено создать в ее честь библиотеку книг о еде и кулинарии в рамках Фонда Джейн Григсон. Софи Григсон предоставила в бессрочную аренду основную часть личной коллекции книг о еде своей матери. Библиотека Джейн Григсон, открытая в 1992 году, первоначально располагалась в библиотеке Ратуши в лондонском Сити . К 2005 году, благодаря пожертвованиям и завещаниям, библиотека удвоила свой первоначальный размер и составила более 4000 томов. [263] [264] он был переведен в Оксфордский университет Брукса . В 2005 году [265] Библиотека доступна для использования учеными, исследователями и представителями общественности. [263] В марте 2015 года в университете прошла месячная выставка «Джейн Григсон: хорошие дела», посвященная ее жизни и творчеству. [266]

Элизабет Раффальд , одна из кулинарных писательниц, о которой Григсон писал в журнале English Food.

В 1992 году Международная ассоциация кулинаров учредила Премию Джейн Григсон в честь «книги, которая иллюстрирует исключительную способность Джейн Григсон помещать еду в более широкий культурный контекст, используя прилежные, но не педантичные исследования». [267] Первой победительницей стала канадская писательница Маргарет Виссер за книгу «Ритуалы ужина» . [268] В число других победителей вошли в 1995 году Элизабет Дэвид и Джилл Норман , «Урожай холодных месяцев: социальная история льда и льдов». [269] [№ 33] а в 2014 году — Дженсис Робинсон , Джулия Хардинг и Хосе Вуйамоз за Wine Grapes . [270]

В 2015 году, к 25-й годовщине ее смерти, The Food Program показала специальный выпуск из двух частей, посвященный Григсон и ее влиянию на культуру британской кухни. [271] [272]

Хамбл считает, что работа Григсона обратила внимание британской общественности на британскую еду промышленной революции, приготовленную Ханной Гласс , Элизабет Раффальд , Марией Ранделл и Элизой Эктон ; это, как утверждает Хамбл, оказало «преобразующее влияние на… [британские] привычки питания». [273] Она пишет, что причина этого эффекта в том, что текст Григсона удобен для чтения, а английская еда снова сделала модными многие блюда. [274] Шеф-повар Шон Хилл считает, что «наследие Григсона продолжается - оно еще не закончено»; [275] он считает, что хотя большая часть ее произведений была написана 40 лет назад, они по-прежнему актуальны для современных читателей. [276] Кулинарный писатель Дайана Генри сказала о Григсоне:

Джейн Григсон — пример того, каким должен быть кулинарный писатель. Она умна и практична (трудно найти практикующих, которые обладают и тем, и другим), и она инклюзивна. Она не просто хотела рассказать вам о кулинарии и передать знания, она хотела, чтобы вы тоже готовили. Она не была ни величественной, ни снобисткой. Ты знал, что если у тебя когда-нибудь появится возможность готовить для нее, она не будет возражать, если ты приготовишь что-то далеко не идеальное. [277]

Примечания, ссылки и источники

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  1. Джеффри Григсон в конце концов развелся со своей женой в 1976 году; он и Джейн поженились в 1976 году в Суиндоне. [15] [14]
  2. В Великобритании в 1950-е годы многие считали развод постыдным, и многие жили вне брака, но предположительно прилично. [16]
  3. ^ В Тру, в долине Луары (не Луары), до сих пор используются многочисленные жилища троглодитов или полутроглодитов. Именно один из них купили Григсоны. В пещере не было электричества, воды и газа. [17] [18]
  4. ^ Другие работы в списке Носрата: «Итальянская еда Элизабет Дэвид» и «Французская провинциальная кухня» ; «Мед из травки» Пейшенс Грей и «Искусство еды» МФК Фишер . Об этих работах Носрат говорит: «Хотя я почти ничего не узнал от них о технике приготовления пищи, их произведения в совокупности научили меня больше тому, как должны чувствоваться приготовление пищи, написание еды и еда: полная красоты и удовольствия». [39]
  5. В одной из своих колонок в The Observer она предостерегла своих читателей от «амбарных яиц», поскольку они скрывают «какой-то концентрационный лагерь под красивыми словами, выложенными плиткой Котсуолда». [43]
  6. ^ Выбор Григсона был: Шуберта « Пастух на скале » Баха ; Месса си минор ; чтение Джеффри Григсоном собственного стихотворения «Полый камень»; Нелли Лутчер поет « Cool Water »; Ги Беара «Quand Au Temple» Шумана ; « Траумерай » Моцарта ; «Bei Männern, welche Liebe fühlen» (из оперы «Волшебная флейта »); и Ноктюрн из Серенады Бриттена для тенора, валторны и струнных . [58]
  7. Нежелание Дэвида выходить в эфир привело к тому, что она отсутствовала в программе, посвященной ее работе, хотя Григсон, Мишель Ру , Хью Джонсон , Прю Лейт, Джойс Молинье и другие. в ней приняли участие [86]
  8. ^ Тушеное в говяжьем бульоне и подаваемое с грибным и сливочным соусом. [88]
  9. Американское издание, опубликованное издательством Knopf , называлось «Искусство мясных закусок» . [108] Версия в мягкой обложке от Knopf, выпущенная в 1986 году, называлась «Искусство изготовления колбас, паштетов и других мясных закусок» . [109]
  10. С тех пор по 2010 год издатели зафиксировали семь переизданий выпуска 2001 года. [97]
  11. ^ Homard à l'américaine — блюдо из омара, обжаренного в оливковом масле с вином, помидорами, чесноком и зеленью. [116]
  12. В отличие от других самых известных книг Григсона, «Рыбная кулинария» не была опубликована в американском издании. [126]
  13. Григсон дал тот же совет, в той же формулировке, в «Хороших вещах» годом ранее, но комментарии вызвала версия 1973 года. [140] [141]
  14. ^ Исследования корпорации показывают, что закрытые мидии можно готовить дольше, пока раковина не откроется, или их можно вскрыть ножом, и они безопасны в пищу. [141]
  15. ^ Среди других 28 участников были Вина Борн , Алан Дэвидсон , Арто Дер Арутюнян , Хью Джонсон , Элизабет Ламберт Ортис , Линн Рид Бэнкс и Олвинн Уиллер . [149]
  16. ^ Под «артишоком» Григсон имеет в виду шаровидный артишок; топинамбуру . присвоено название, состоящее из двух слов [159]
  17. ^ Англизированная форма французского рубца-мадам : Sedum reflexum ( Оксфордский словарь английского языка ). [172]
  18. Белый суп, упомянутый в «Гордости и предубеждении» , был основным продуктом развлечений высшего сословия в 18 и начале 19 века. Его готовили из лука, сельдерея и моркови, тушеных в телячьем бульоне, протертых, загущенных молотым миндалем и обогащенных двойными сливками. [174]
  19. Дюма «Большой словарь кухни» (1873 г.), его последняя книга, насчитывает около 750 000 слов и включает многочисленные рецепты Брийя-Саварена и других более ранних авторов. [178]
  20. ^ Ресторанные гиды Мишлен присуждают максимум три звезды («Исключительная кухня, достойная особого путешествия») и пять сервизов (для самых роскошных заведений). [193]
  21. Соус — sugo Signore — готовится из карамелизированного молока и сливок. [203]
  22. Халат — это венское название покрытия из яиц и сухарей. [204]
  23. Как и Элизабет Дэвид и «Оксфордский компаньон по еде» , Григсону было не до неологизма «редкий бит». [217] [218]
  24. ^ Лондон, Майкл Джозеф, 1980. ОСЛК   930864914
  25. ^ Лондон, Майкл Джозеф, 1986. ОКЛК   0718122550
  26. ^ Лондон, Макмиллан, 1989. OCLC   476157241 .
  27. ^ Лондон, Пингвин Викинг, 1989. ОСЛК   477139224
  28. ^ Лондон, Майкл Джозеф, 1981. ОСЛК   485473060
  29. ^ Лондон, Чатто и Виндус, 1984. ОСЛК   12474109
  30. ^ Лондон, Чатто и Виндус, 1985. ОСЛК   12501640
  31. ^ Лондон, Крэбтри и Эвелин, 1986. ОСЛК   1043087256
  32. ^ Лондон, Общество фолио, 1987. ОСЛК   50396110
  33. Для Дэвида награда была посмертной; она умерла в мае 1992 года. [85]
  1. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д и «Григсон, (Хизер Мэйбл) Джейн». Кто есть кто .
  2. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д и ж г час «Григсон, Джейн». Оксфордский национальный биографический словарь .
  3. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Леви 1990 , с. 51.
  4. ^ Grigson 1993 , p. v.
  5. ^ Авила 1986 , с. 100.
  6. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д и ж г час Кук 2015 .
  7. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д и «О Джейн». Фонд Джейн Григсон .
  8. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Робертсон 1990 , с. 15.
  9. ^ Диски Desert Island , 11 июля 1978 г. , Событие происходит в 5:30–5:55.
  10. ^ Макинтайр 1951a , с. 2.
  11. ^ Макинтайр 1951b , с. 2.
  12. ^ Макинтайр 1953 , с. 9.
  13. ^ Хили 2002 , с. 174.
  14. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Григсон 2008 .
  15. ^ "Хизер М.Дж. Макинтайр". Родословная .
  16. ^ Эбботт 2003 , с. 108.
  17. ^ Григсон 1970 , с. 88.
  18. ^ Продовольственная программа: Дань уважения: Часть первая , 10 мая 2015 г. , Мероприятие происходит в 14:10–14:30.
  19. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с Водитель 1990 , с. 39.
  20. ^ Григсон и Григсон, 1967 , Задняя обложка.
  21. ^ «Премии за перевод: Общество авторов». Общество авторов .
  22. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с Холланд, Хантер и Стоунхэм, 1991 , с. 49.
  23. ^ Льюис 1964 , с. 28.
  24. ^ «Для всех детей». Таймс .
  25. ^ Григсон 2001 , с. 12.
  26. ^ «Мягкие обложки», The Times .
  27. ^ Дэвид 2008 , с. 447.
  28. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д Слейтер 1999 , с. 70.
  29. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Холт 2013 , с. 63.
  30. ^ Продовольственная программа: Дань уважения: Часть первая , 10 мая 2015 г. , Мероприятие происходит в 18:00–18:30.
  31. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с Рейнер 2016 .
  32. ^ Бэйтман 1993 .
  33. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Дэвидсон 1990 , с. 11.
  34. ^ Григсон 2019 , с. 45.
  35. ^ Григсон 2007 , с. ix.
  36. ^ Уилшоу 1973 , с. 9.
  37. ^ Перейти обратно: а б «Джейн Григсон». Таймс .
  38. ^ Хейзелтон 1971 , с. 30.
  39. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Носрат 2017 .
  40. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Григсон 1993 , с. xi.
  41. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с Бейкер 1974 , с. VII.
  42. ^ Холт 2013 , стр. 63–64.
  43. ^ Плащ 2015 .
  44. ^ Рэй 1974 , с. 30.
  45. ^ Дэвидсон 1999 , с. 365.
  46. ^ Голландия, Хантер и Стоунхэм, 1991 , стр. 32–35.
  47. ^ "Грибной праздник". Обзоры Киркуса .
  48. ^ «Выбор в мягкой обложке», The Observer .
  49. ^ Григсон 1981 , с. хх.
  50. ^ Григсон 1981 , с. xii.
  51. ^ Григсон 1981 , с. xiii–xiv.
  52. ^ Ардрон 1975 .
  53. ^ Дэвидсон 1979 , с. 71.
  54. ^ Макдуалл 1978 , с. ix.
  55. ^ Шератон 1979 .
  56. ^ Уилшоу 1980 , с. 8.
  57. ^ Водитель 1986 .
  58. ^ Перейти обратно: а б "BBC Radio 4 - Диски с необитаемого острова, Джейн Григсон". Би-би-си .
  59. ^ Голландия, Хантер и Стоунхэм, 1991 , стр. 37–38.
  60. ^ "Еда со знаменитостями". Обзоры Киркуса .
  61. ^ Пардо 1979 , с. VI.
  62. ^ «Победители французской кулинарии». Наблюдатель .
  63. ^ "Мешок Санты" . Наблюдатель .
  64. ^ "Лекция". Фонд Джейн Григсон .
  65. ^ «О нас». Оксфордский продовольственный симпозиум .
  66. ^ "Фруктовая книга Джейн Григсон" . Пингвин .
  67. ^ Лейт 1982 , с. 11.
  68. ^ Шератон 1982 , с. С3.
  69. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Григсон 1983 , с. 7.
  70. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д и Холланд, Хантер и Стоунхэм, 1991 , с. 43.
  71. ^ "В вашем обозревателе 1982 года" . Наблюдатель .
  72. ^ Лейт 1983 , с. 12.
  73. ^ Пул 1983 , с. 5.
  74. ^ Аллен 2015 , с. 11.
  75. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Григсон 1984 , с. 8.
  76. ^ Дэвидсон 1985 , стр. 65–66.
  77. ^ Андерсон 1984 , стр. 35–36.
  78. ^ «Григсон, Джеффри». Оксфордский национальный биографический словарь .
  79. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с Григсон 1989 , с. 40.
  80. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с Спенсер 1990 , с. 22.
  81. ^ Григсон 2007 , с. х.
  82. ^ Григсон 1987b , с. 15.
  83. ^ Григсон 1986 , с. 7.
  84. ^ «Персик, пожалуйста: мемориал» . Хранитель .
  85. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Купер 2017 .
  86. ^ «Дело вкуса». Геном BBC .
  87. ^ Авила 1986 , стр. 4–5.
  88. ^ Авила 1986 , с. 108.
  89. ^ Авила 1986 , стр. 104–109.
  90. ^ "Джейн Григсон (Радио)" . Геном BBC .
  91. ^ "Опытная английская домработница". Геном BBC .
  92. ^ «Герои». Геном BBC .
  93. ^ "Джейн Григсон (Телевидение)" . Геном BBC .
  94. ^ Голландия, Хантер и Стоунхэм 1991 , стр. 27–28.
  95. ^ Grigson 1993a , суперобложка, обложка и титульный лист.
  96. ^ Grigson 1993b , суперобложка, обложка и титульный лист.
  97. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с Григсон 2001 , ненумерованная вводная страница.
  98. ^ Григсон 2001 , стр. 7–12.
  99. ^ Григсон 2001 , стр. 13–23.
  100. ^ Григсон 2001 , стр. 24–32.
  101. ^ Григсон 2001 , стр. 33–44.
  102. ^ Григсон 2001 , стр. 45–72.
  103. ^ Григсон 2001 , стр. 73–113.
  104. ^ Григсон 2001 , стр. 114–170.
  105. ^ Григсон 2001 , стр. 171–218.
  106. ^ Григсон 2001 , стр. 219–238.
  107. ^ Григсон 2001 , стр. 239–336.
  108. ^ «Искусство мясных закусок», WorldCat .
  109. ^ «Искусство изготовления колбас, паштетов и других мясных изделий», WorldCat .
  110. ^ "Эго Два". Наблюдатель .
  111. ^ Эрлих 1998 .
  112. ^ Гэлвин 2001 .
  113. ^ «Колбаса, паштет и другие мясные закуски французской кухни», WorldCat .
  114. ^ Григсон 1975 , с. 1.
  115. ^ Григсон 2007 , стр. 16–23.
  116. ^ Григсон 2007 , стр. 20.
  117. ^ Григсон 2007 , стр. 76–93.
  118. ^ Григсон 2007 , стр. 288–301.
  119. ^ Григсон 2007 , стр. 327–365.
  120. ^ Перейти обратно: а б «Джейн Григсон», WorldCat .
  121. ^ Григсон 2007 , ненумерованная вводная страница.
  122. ^ «Хорошие вещи». Общество Фолио .
  123. ^ "Руководство Международного общества вина и продуктов питания по рыбной кулинарии" . МирКэт .
  124. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Производитель 1984 года выпуска .
  125. ^ Григсон 1975 , с. 6.
  126. ^ "Рыбная кулинария Григсон", WorldCat .
  127. ^ Григсон 1975 , стр. 9–10.
  128. ^ Григсон 1975 , с. 7.
  129. ^ Григсон 1975 , стр. 201–216.
  130. ^ Григсон 1975 , с. 89.
  131. ^ Григсон 1975 , стр. 97–98.
  132. ^ Григсон 1975 , стр. 83–85.
  133. ^ Григсон 1975 , стр. 321–322.
  134. ^ Григсон 1975 , с. 282.
  135. ^ Григсон 1975 , стр. 116–117 и 189.
  136. ^ Григсон 1975 , стр. 166–167.
  137. ^ Григсон 1975 , с. 70.
  138. ^ Григсон 1975 , с. 292.
  139. ^ Григсон 1975 , с. 321.
  140. ^ Григсон 2007 , с. 29.
  141. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д «Промышленность использует мидии в кулинарном мифе». ФРДЦ .
  142. ^ "Рыбная книга Джейн Григсон" . МирКэт .
  143. ^ Липман 1993 .
  144. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с Холланд, Хантер и Стоунхэм, 1991 , стр. 28–29.
  145. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Кук 2010 .
  146. ^ «Книги: английская еда» . Фонд Джейн Григсон .
  147. ^ «Английская еда». МирКэт .
  148. ^ Голландия, Хантер и Стоунхэм, 1991 , стр. 30–32.
  149. ^ Григсон 1974 , с. 4.
  150. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Холланд, Хантер и Стоунхэм, 1991 , стр. 31–31.
  151. ^ Григсон 1981 , ненумерованная вводная страница.
  152. ^ Григсон 1981 , стр. 1–26.
  153. ^ Григсон 1981 , стр. 27–64.
  154. ^ Григсон 1981 , стр. 65–146.
  155. ^ Григсон 1975 , стр. 74–76, 95 и 101.
  156. ^ Григсон 1981 , стр. 147–188.
  157. ^ Григсон 1981 , стр. 189–256.
  158. ^ Григсон 1981 , стр. 257–305.
  159. ^ Григсон 1978 , стр. 15 и 271.
  160. ^ Григсон 1978 , с. 15.
  161. ^ Григсон 1978 , стр. 279–280, 480.
  162. ^ Григсон 1978 , с. 451.
  163. ^ Григсон 1978 , с. 331.
  164. ^ Григсон 1978 , стр. 331–332.
  165. ^ Григсон 1978 , стр. 216, 252, 337, 459 и 493.
  166. ^ Григсон 1978 , стр. 7–9.
  167. ^ Григсон 1979a , ненумерованная вводная страница.
  168. ^ «Хороший повар». Наблюдатель .
  169. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с Григсон 1979b , ненумерованная вводная страница.
  170. ^ Григсон 1979b , стр. 16 и 18.
  171. ^ Григсон 1979b , с. 21.
  172. ^ "Трип-госпожа" . Оксфордский словарь английского языка .
  173. ^ Григсон 1979b , стр. 23–24.
  174. ^ Григсон 1979b , стр. 69–70.
  175. ^ Григсон 1979b , стр. 69–70 и 80–85.
  176. ^ Григсон 1979b , стр. 181 и 184.
  177. ^ Григсон 1979b , стр. 232–324 и 236–239.
  178. ^ Дэвидсон 1999 , стр. 259–260.
  179. ^ Григсон 1979b , стр. 158–160 и 162–163.
  180. ^ Холланд, Хантер и Стоунхэм 1991 , стр. 39.
  181. ^ Григсон 1982 , с. xi.
  182. ^ Григсон 1982 , с. 1.
  183. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Григсон 1982 , стр. vii-viii.
  184. ^ Григсон 1982 , стр. 435–478.
  185. ^ Григсон 1982 , с. 12.
  186. ^ Григсон 1982 , с. 32.
  187. ^ Григсон 1982 , стр. 52–53.
  188. ^ Григсон 1982 , стр. 116–118.
  189. ^ Григсон 1982 , стр. 183–184.
  190. ^ Григсон 1982 , стр. 314–315.
  191. ^ Григсон 1982 , с. 405.
  192. ^ Дэвидсон 2002 , стр. 331–332.
  193. ^ Гарин 2019 , безнумерованная вводная страница.
  194. ^ «Джейн Григсон получает награды» . Наблюдатель .
  195. ^ Перейти обратно: а б «Королева кулинарных книг устроила литературный грандиозный тур по европейской кухне». Южно-Китайская Морнинг Пост .
  196. ^ Григсон 1983 , с. 8.
  197. ^ Григсон 1983 , стр. 17–19 и 29–30.
  198. ^ Григсон 1983 , стр. 51–52.
  199. ^ Григсон 1983 , стр. 43, 54 и 56–57.
  200. ^ Григсон 1983 , с. 84.
  201. ^ Григсон 1983 , с. 148.
  202. ^ Григсон 1983 , с. 164.
  203. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Григсон 1983 , с. 54.
  204. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Григсон 1983 , с. 214.
  205. ^ Григсон 1983 , с. 66.
  206. ^ Григсон 1983 , с. 155.
  207. ^ Григсон 1983 , с. 184.
  208. ^ Григсон 1983 , с. 243.
  209. ^ Григсон 1984 , с. 3.
  210. ^ Григсон 1984 , стр. 13, 19, 32 и 24.
  211. ^ Григсон 1984 , стр. 45, 46 и 56–57.
  212. ^ Григсон 1984 , стр. 73, 77, 81 и 857.
  213. ^ Григсон 1984 , стр. 97, 99, 109 и 105.
  214. ^ Григсон 1984 , стр. 114, 117 и 121.
  215. ^ Григсон 1984 , стр. 138, 141–142, 143–144 и 146–147.
  216. ^ Григсон 1984 , стр. 159, 167–168, 176, 178 и 160.
  217. ^ Дэвид 1986 , стр. 25, 156 и 161.
  218. ^ Дэвидсон 1999 , стр. 840–841.
  219. ^ Григсон 1984 , стр. 182, 186, 188 и 192–193.
  220. ^ Григсон 1984 , стр. 203, 209, 199 и 200.
  221. ^ Григсон 1984 , стр. 36, 60, 86, 110, 135, 154, 179 и 211.
  222. ^ Григсон 1986 , ненумерованная вводная страница.
  223. ^ Григсон 1986 , с. 13.
  224. ^ Григсон 1986 , с. 24.
  225. ^ Григсон 1986 , с. 31.
  226. ^ Григсон 1986 , с. 33.
  227. ^ Григсон 1986 , с. 74.
  228. ^ Григсон 1986 , с. 68.
  229. ^ Григсон 1986 , с. 53.
  230. ^ Григсон 1986 , с. 99.
  231. ^ Григсон 1986 , стр. 104–121.
  232. ^ «Экзотические фрукты и овощи». МирКэт .
  233. ^ Холланд, Хантер и Стоунхэм 1991 , стр. 35.
  234. ^ Холланд, Хантер и Стоунхэм 1991 , стр. 42.
  235. ^ Холланд, Хантер и Стоунхэм, 1991 , стр. 45–46.
  236. ^ Григсон 1985 , с. 44.
  237. ^ Григсон 1985 , с. 48.
  238. ^ Холланд, Хантер и Стоунхэм, 1991 , стр. 47–48.
  239. ^ Григсон 1987a , с. 7.
  240. ^ Григсон 1987a , с. 71.
  241. ^ Григсон 1987a , с. 72.
  242. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Григсон 2015 , с. 2.
  243. ^ Григсон 2015 , с. 5.
  244. ^ Григсон 2015 , с. 7.
  245. ^ Григсон 2015 , с. 8.
  246. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Григсон 2015 , стр. 453–463.
  247. ^ Григсон 1993a , стр. 28, 70, 40, 31, 65 и 48.
  248. ^ Григсон 1993b , стр. 44, 88, 36, 83, 52 и 62.
  249. ^ Григсон 1996 , ненумерованная вводная страница.
  250. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с Эшли и др. 2004 , с. 166.
  251. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Джонс и Тейлор 2001 , стр. 173–174.
  252. ^ Холт 2013 , с. 68.
  253. ^ Григсон 2007 , с. xi.
  254. ^ Дэвид 1990 , с. 51.
  255. ^ Меннелл 1996 , с. 271.
  256. ^ Джонс и Тейлор 2001 , с. 174.
  257. ^ Продовольственная программа: дань уважения: часть вторая , 11 мая 2015 г. , событие происходит в 14:05–14:10.
  258. ^ Холт 2013 , с. 66.
  259. ^ Кастелл и Гриффин 1993 , с. 57.
  260. ^ Маккуиллан 1990 , с. 37.
  261. ^ Скромный 2006 , с. 136.
  262. ^ «О тресте». Фонд Джейн Григсон .
  263. ^ Перейти обратно: а б «Библиотека». Фонд Джейн Григсон .
  264. ^ "Коллекция Джейн Григсон". Оксфордский университет Брукса .
  265. ^ Павлин 2015 .
  266. ^ «Стеклянный резервуар в Оксфорд-Бруксе откроет следующую выставку под названием «Джейн Григсон: хорошие вещи»» . Оксфордский университет Брукса .
  267. ^ "Награды кулинарной книги" . Международная ассоциация кулинаров .
  268. ^ Уокер 1992 , с. Ф2.
  269. ^ «Объявлены победители книжной премии Джулии Чайлд» . Сиэтл Таймс .
  270. ^ Форбс 2014 .
  271. ^ «Продовольственная программа, Джейн Григсон – дань уважения: Часть первая». Би-би-си .
  272. ^ «Продовольственная программа, Джейн Григсон – дань уважения: Часть вторая». Би-би-си .
  273. ^ Humble 2006 , стр. 155, 181.
  274. ^ Скромный 2006 , с. 184.
  275. ^ Продовольственная программа: Дань уважения: Часть вторая , 11 мая 2015 г. , Мероприятие происходит в 17:40–17:50.
  276. ^ Продовольственная программа: Дань уважения: Часть вторая , 11 мая 2015 г. , Мероприятие происходит в 17:20–17:40.
  277. ^ Генри 2015 .


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  • Продовольственная программа: Джейн Григсон – Дань уважения: Часть первая (Радио). Радио BBC 4. 10 мая 2015 г.
  • Продовольственная программа: Джейн Григсон – Дань уважения: Часть вторая (Радио). Радио BBC 4. 11 мая 2015 г.
  • Григсон, Джейн (8 июля 1978 г.). Диски с необитаемым островом (Радио). Радио Би-би-си 4.

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