Список организаций по сертификации дайверов
В этой статье перечислены известные агентства по сертификации подводных дайверов . К ним относятся сертификаты по пещерному дайвингу , коммерческому дайвингу , рекреационному дайвингу , техническому дайвингу и фридайвингу . Агентства по сертификации дайверов — это организации, которые выдают сертификаты компетентности в области навыков дайвинга под своим именем и которые обучают, оценивают, сертифицируют и регистрируют инструкторов, имеющих лицензию на проведение курсов в соответствии со стандартами выдаваемых ими сертификатов.
по сертификации рекреационного подводного плавания аквалангом с Агентства
Организации, которые публикуют стандарты компетентности в навыках и знаниях любительского подводного плавания с аквалангом и выдают сертификаты дайверам, признанным компетентными в соответствии с этими стандартами дочерними школами или инструкторами:
- ACDC - Дайвинг-центр CMAS Италия Ассоциация Код CMAS ITA/F07 [1]
- ACUC - Американско-канадские подводные сертификаты - Агентство по обучению и сертификации дайверов-любителей. [2] [3] [4]
- AED — Ассоциации европейских дайверов INT/F09. код CMAS [1]
- AFUS - Армянская федерация подводного спорта, код CMAS ARM/F00 [1]
- Проект Альбатрос Паоло Пинто, код CMAS ITA/F14 [1]
- AMCQ — Ассоциация инструкторов CMAS Квебека, код CMAS CAN/F05 [1]
- ANDI - American Nitrox Divers International - агентство по обучению и сертификации дайверов-любителей, также ANDI International. [5] ЭУФ ЦБ 2005005 [6] [7]
- ANIS - Associaziona Nazionale Istruttori Subacquei CMAS code ITA/F08[1]
- ANMP - Association nationale des moniteurs de plongée – French recreational diver training and certification agency
- APT - Antincendio Prevencione Tecnologia CMAS code ITA/F05[1]
- ASD Acqua Team CMAS code ITA/F04[1]
- ASI - Alleanza Sportiva Italiana Divisione Subacquea CMAS code ITA/F11[1]
- AUF - Australian Underwater Federation – Governing body for underwater sports in Australia CMAS code AUS/F00[1]
- AUSI - Associated Underwater Scuba Instructors (formerly Australian Underwater Scuba Instructors)[8][9]
- BEFOS-FEBRAS - Fédération Royale Belge De Recherches et d'Activites Sous-Marines (Royal Belgian Diving Federation) CMAS code BEL/F00[1]
- Belarus Federation of Underwater Sport CMAS code BLR/F00[1]
- BNAUA - Bulgarian National Association of Underwater Activity CMAS code BUL/F01[1]
- BSAC - British Sub Aqua Club – Recreational diving club, training and certification agency based in the UK EUF CB 2007001[6][7]
- CBPDS - Confederaçao Brasiliera de Pesca e Desportos Subaquáticos CMAS code BRA/F00[1]
- CDP - Canadian Diving Program CMAS code CAN/F08[1]
- CFT - Comhairle Fo-Thuinn – Governing body for recreational diving and underwater hockey in Ireland (Irish Underwater Council) CMAS code IRL/F00[1]
- CFUA - Cyprus Federation of Underwater Activities CMAS code CYP/F00[1]
- CIRSS - Comitato Italiano Ricerche Studi Subaquei CMAS code ITA/F01[1]
- CMAS - Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques – International organisation for underwater activities [10][4][11]
- CMAS Baltic - CMAS Baltic Sporta Biedrtba (Latvia) CMAS code LAT/F01[1]
- CMAS-CH - CMAS Switzerland CMAS code SUI/F01[1]
- CMAS-ISA - CMAS Instructors of South Africa CMAS code RSA/F01[1]
- CRASA - Confederation Russe des Activites Subaquatiques CMAS code RUS/F00[1]
- CTUF - Chinese Taipei Underwater Federation CMAS code TPE/F01[1]
- CUA - Chinese Underwater Association CMAS code CHN/F00[1]
- DDI - Disabled Divers International EUF CB 2011003[6]
- DSF - Dansk Sports Dykker Forbund Danish Sports Divers Federation CMAS code DEN/F00,[1] EUF CB 2005006[6]
- EAVSL - Eesti Allveeliit (Estonian Sportdivers Association) CMAS code EST/F00[1]
- ESA - ESA Worldwide CMAS code ITA/F12[1][4]
- EOBV - Erste Österreichische Berufstauchlehrer Verband[4]
- EDLF - Egyptian Diving & Lifesaving Federation CMAS code EGY/F00[1]
- FAAS - Federación Argentina de Actividades Subacuaticas (Argentine Underwater Federation) CMAS code ARG/F00[1]
- FADAS - Federacio Andorrana d'Activitats Subaquaticas CMAS code AND/F00[1]
- FASSAS - Fédération Algerienne de Sauvetage de Secourisme et des Activites Subaquatiques. CMAS code ALG/F00[1]
- FAS - Federatia de Activitati Subacvatice din Republica Moldava (Federation of Underwater Activities of the Republic of Moldava) CMAS code MDA/F02[1]
- FAST - Federation des Activites Subaquatiques de Tunisie CMAS code TUN/F00[1]
- FAUI - Formation of Australian Underwater Instructors (formerly National Association of Scuba Diving Schools Australasia)[8][12]
- FCAS - Federacion Cubana de Actividades Subacuaticas CMAS code CUB/F00[1]
- FCVDS - Federacao Cabo Verde Desportivo Subm. José Maria Aquatico CMAS code CPV/F00[1]
- FEDAS - Federación Española de Actividades Subacuáticas – Spanish national federation for underwater activities, affiliated to CMAS (Spain) CMAS code ESP/F00[1]
- FEDASUB - Federación Ecuatoriana de Buceo y Actividades Subacuaticas CMAS code ECU/F00[1]
- FEDECAS - Federacion Colombiana de Actividades Subacuaticas CMAS code COL/F00[1]
- FEDEPASA - Federacion Peruana de Actividades Subacuaticas CMAS code PER/F00[1]
- FEDESUB - Federation Deportiva Nacional de Deportes Submarinos (Chile) CMAS code CHI/F00[1]
- FFESSM - Fédération Française d'Études et de Sports Sous-Marins – French diver training and certification agency (French Underwater Federation) CMAS code FRA/F00[1][13]
- Federazione Italiana Sport Acquatici CMAS code ITA/F10[1]
- FIAS - Federazione Italiana Attività Subacquee – Italian non-profit recreational diver training organisation affiliated to CMAS CMAS code ITA/F09,[1] EUF CB 2005004[6][4]
- Finnish Underwater Certification Kluster
- FIPSAS - Federazione Italiana Pesca Sportiva e Attività Subacquee CMAS code ITA/F00[1]
- FLASSA - Fédération Luxembourgeoise des Activites et Sports Subaquatiques ASBL CMAS code LUX/F00[1][4]
- FMAS - Federation Monegasque des Activites Subaquatiques (Monaco) CMAS code MON/F00[1]
- FMAS - Federacion Mexicana de Actividades Subacuaticas A.C. CMAS code MEX/F00[1]
- FMPAS - Federation Marocaine de Plongée et Activites Subaquatiques (Moroccan Federation of Diving and Underwater Activities) CMAS code MAR/F00[1]
- FPAS - Federacao Portuguesa Actividades Subaquaticas (Portuguese Federation of Underwater Activities) CMAS code POR/F00[1]
- FSAS - Federazione Sammarinese Attivita Subacquee CMAS code SMR/F00[1]
- FSGT -Fédération Sportive et Gymnique du Travail[14][13]
- FUAM - Federation of Underwater Activities Malta CMAS code MLT/F00[1]
- FVAS - Federacion Venezolana de Actividades Subacuaticas CMAS code VEN/F00[1]
- GUE - Global Underwater Explorers – Recreational/technical scuba training and certification agency EUF CB 2013001[6][7]
- HSA - Handicapped Scuba Association[4]
- HFUA - Elliniki Ohospondia Ypoyrichias Drastriottas Athlitikis Alkias kai Technikis Kolymvisis (Hellenic Federation for Underwater Activities, Sportfishing and Finswimming) CMAS code GRE/F00[1]
- HKUAL - Hong Kong Underwater Association CMAS code HKG/F00[1]
- HRS - Hrvatski Ronilacki savez (Croatian Diving Federation) CMAS code CRO/F00[1]
- IAC - International Aquanautic Club[15] EUF CB 2005001[6]
- IAHD - International Association for Handicapped Divers – Non-profit organisation based in the Netherlands EUF CB 2007005[6][4]
- IAHD Adriatic - Mednarodno zdruzenje hendikepiranih potapljacev Adriatic (International Association for Handicapped Divers Adriatic) CMAS code SLO/F01[1]
- IANTD - International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers – Recreational and technical scuba training and certification agency CMAS code INT/F01[1]
- IDA International Diving Association[16]
- IDEA - International Diving Educators Association[17][4]
- IPA - International Police Association – Non-Governmental Organisation of police and ex-police (Monaco) CMAS code INT/F11[1]
- IDSA International Diving Schools Association – Organisation to develop common standards for commercial diver training[4]
- ISDA - International Scuba Diving Academy EUF CB 2010002[6][4]
- ISC - International Scuba Certification [18]
- ISE - InnerSpace Explorers[19][20]
- Irish Underwater Council – Governing body for recreational diving and underwater hockey in Ireland EUF CB 2006003[6]
- Islamic Republic of Iran Lifesaving Federation CMAS code IRI/F00[1]
- ITDA - International Technical Diving Agency[7]
- JCIA - Japan CMAS Instructor Association CMAS code JPN/F00[1]
- JCS - JCS CMAS code JPN/F03[1]
- JEFF - Japan Educational Facilities Federation CMAS code JPN/F02[1]
- KD Japan - Kansai Sensui Renmei (Kansai Sports Diving Federation Japan) CMAS code JPN/F05[1]
- KDP PTTK - Polskie Towarzystwo Turystyczno-Krajoznawcze Komisja Dzialalnosci Podw (Polish Tourist Country-Lovers Society Underwater Activity Commission) CMAS code POL/F00[1]
- KP-LOK - Komisja Pletwonurkowania LOK (Commission Diving National Defense League) CMAS code POL/F02[1]
- KSC - Kuwait Science Club CMAS code KUW/F02[1]
- KUA - Korea Underwater Association CMAS code KOR/F00[1]
- KUF - Kyrgyz Underwater Federation CMAS code KGZ/F00[1]
- KWTDIVERS - Kuwait Academy for Diving and Swimming CMAS code KUW/F01[1]
- LDA - Libyan Diving Association (Ajamiaa Alibia Lil Gaus) CMAS code LBA/F00[1]
- LIB - Lebanese Diving and Salvage Federation CMAS code LIB/F00[1]
- LTV - Liechtensteiner Tauchsport Verband (CMAS Liechtenstein) CMAS code LIE/F00[1]
- LUSF - Lietuvos Povandeninio Sporto Federacija (Lithuanian Underwater Sport Federation) CMAS code LTU/F00[1]
- LZSF - Latviejas Zemudens Sporta Federacija (Federation of Underwater Sports of Latvia) CMAS code LAT/F02[1]
- MBSz - Magyar Búvár Szakszövetség (Hungarian Divers Federation) CMAS code HUN/F00[1]
- MICRODIVE - Microdive[7]
- MDEA - Multinational Diving Educators Association[4]
- MSDA - Mauritian Scuba Diving Association CMAS code MRI/F00[1]
- MSAC - Malayan Sub Aqua Club CMAS code MAS/F00[1]
- MTES - Marine Techno Educational System diving division. CMAS code JPN/F04[1]
- MUF - Maldives Underwater Federation CMAS code MDV/F01[1]
- NADD - NADD Global Diving Agency CMAS code ITA/F03[1] EUF S 000513[6]
- NASE - National Academy of Scuba Educators – Recreational scuba training and certification agency EUF CB 2008003[6][4]
- NASDS - National Association of Scuba Diving Schools[21]
- NAUI - National Association of Underwater Instructors – Non-profit training and certification agency association of scuba instructors[1][7]
- NDF - Norges Dykkeforbund (Norwegian Diving Federation) CMAS code NOR/F00[1][4]
- NDL - National Dive League EUF CB 2007003[6][4]
- NOB - Nederlandse Onderwatersport Bond – Dutch governing body for underwater sports (Dutch Underwater Federation) CMAS code NED/F00[1][4]
- NUWF - Namibia Underwater Federation CMAS code NAM/F00[1]
- PADI - Professional Association of Diving Instructors – Recreational diver training and certification agency EUF CB 2004001[6][7][17]
- PCIA - Philippine Federation of CMAS Underwater Activities (CMAS Philippines) CMAS code PHI/F01[1]
- PDA - Professional Diving Association EUF CB 2006004[6]
- PDIC - Professional Diving Instructors Corporation International – Recreational diver training and certification agency [17][4]
- PDSA - Professional Diving Schools Association of Malta[4]
- POSSIISSA - Persartuan Olahraga Selam Seluruh Indonesia (Indonesian Subaquatic Sport Association) CMAS code INA/F00[1]
- ProTec - Professional Technical and Recreational Diving – Diver certification agency CMAS code INT/F08[1][4]
- PSAI - Professional Scuba Association International[7][4]
- PSS - Professional Scuba Schools[15][4][22]
- PTA - Pure Tech Agency CMAS code INT/F07[1]
- PTRD - Professional, Technical & Rebreather Diving EUF S 000786[6]
- PZPn - Polski Zwiazek Pletwonurkowania (Polish Underwater Sports Federation) CMAS code POL/F01[1]
- Ronilacki Savez Crne Gore (Diving Association of Montenegro) CMAS code MNE/F00[1]
- RAID - Rebreather Association of International Divers – Recreational diver training and certification agency[7]
- RJMSF - Royal Jordanian Marine Sports Federation CMAS code JOR/F00[1]
- RUF - Russian Underwater Federation CMAS code RUS/F01[1]
- Saudi Arabia Maritime Sports Federation CMAS code KSA/F00[1]
- Savez Ronilaca Bosne I Hergegovine (Diving association of Bosnia and Herzegovina) CMAS code BIH/F00[1]
- SAA - The Sub-Aqua Association – British recreational diver training and certification organisation CMAS code GBR/F03[1][7]
- SEI - Scuba Educators International – Recreational diver training and certification agency USOA CMAS code USA/F00[1][23]
- SDFS - Scuba Diver Federation of Seychelles CMAS code SEY/F00[1]
- SDI - Scuba Diving International – Recreational diver training and certification agency[17] EUF CB 2006002[6][7]
- Serbian Underwater Federation CMAS code SRB/F00[1]
- SNSI - Scuba and Nitrox Safety International [15][4]
- SPCR - Svaz Potapecu Ceske Republikiy (Divers Association of the Czech Republic) CMAS code CZE/F00[1]
- SPZ - Slovenska Potapljaska Zveza (Slovenian Diving Federation) CMAS code SLO/F00[1]
- SSAC -Scottish Sub Aqua Club – Scottish recreational diver training and certification agency[7][24]
- SSDF - Svenska Sportdykarförbundet (Swedish Sports Diving Federation) CMAS code SWE/F00[1][4]
- SSI - Scuba Schools International – Recreational scuba and freediving training and certification agency[17] EUF CB 2005002[6][7]
- SUF - Singapore Underwater Federation CMAS code SIN/F00[1]
- Sukeltajaliitto Ry (Finnish Divers Federation) CMAS code FIN/F00[1]
- SUSV - Schweizer Unterwassersport-Verband CMAS code SUI/F00[1]
- Syrian Underwater Sport Federation CMAS code SYR/F00[1]
- Taiwan Technical and Science Diving Association CMAS code TPE/F02[1]
- TDA - Thailand Diving Association CMAS code THA/F01[1]
- TIDF - Israeli Diving Federation – Israeli recreational diver training and certification agency EUF CB 2012001[6]
- Toa Engineering Corporation CMAS code IMA/F00 (Marianas)[1]
- TSSF - Türkiye Sualti Sporlari Federasyonu (Turkish Underwater Sports Federation) CMAS code TUR/F00
- TVSÖ - Tauchsportverband Österreichs CMAS code AUT/F00[1]
- UEF - Underwater Explorers' Federation (Hungary) CMAS code HUN/F01[1]
- UFUSUA - Ukrainian Federation of Underwater Sport and Underwater Activities CMAS code UKR/F00[1]
- UISP - Union Italienne Sport Pour Tous CMAS code ITA/F06[1]
- Underwater Federation Republic of Kazakhstan CMAS code KAZ/F00[1]
- USOA - Underwater Society of America – American national representative organization for underwater sport. CMAS code USA/F00[1]
- UTD - Unified Team Diving[25]
- VDST - Verband Deutscher Sporttaucher. CMAS code GER/F00,[1] EUF CB 2004002[6][4]
- VDTL - Verband Deutscher Tauchlehrer EUF CB 2009001[6]
- VIT - Verband Internationaler Tauchschulen[16]
- WADI- Worldwide Association of Diving Instructors[26][27][28]
- WOSD - World Organisation of Scuba Diving EUF CB 2011002[6]
- ZPS-SDA - Zväs Potapacov Slovenska (Slovak Diving Union) CMAS code SVK/F00[1]
Recreational certification organisations no longer operating[edit]
- NASDS (USA) - National Association of Scuba Diving Schools only USA (Founded in the 1960s and merged with SSI in 1999)[29]
- TAC - The Aquatic Club - existed in the UK between 1982 and 1986. dissolved organization[30]
- YMCA SCUBA – Defunct recreational diver training and certification agency (1959-2008).[31][32]
Technical diving certification agencies[edit]
Organisations which publish standards for competence in technical diving skills and knowledge, and issue certification for divers assessed as competent against these standards by affiliated schools or instructors:
- ANDI - American Nitrox Divers International – Recreational diver training and certification agency
- BSAC - British Sub Aqua Club – Recreational diving club, training and certification agency based in the UK
- PADI TecRec (DSAT) - Professional Association of Diving Instructors – Recreational diver training and certification agency
- GUE - Global Underwater Explorers – Recreational/technical scuba training and certification agency
- IANTD - International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers – Recreational and technical scuba training and certification agency CMAS code INT/F01[1][7]
- IART - International Association of Rebreather Trainers[7]
- ISE - InnerSpace Explorers[19][20]
- NAUI Tech - National Association of Underwater Instructors – Non-profit training and certification agency association of scuba instructors
- ProTec - Professional Technical and Recreational Diving – Diver certification agency CMAS code INT/F08[1]
- PSAI - Professional Scuba Association International[7][4]
- PSS Technical Division - Professional Scuba Schools[15]
- RAID - Recreational, Professional, Technical, and Rebreather training www.diveraid.com SAA - The Sub-Aqua Association – British recreational diver training and certification organisation CMAS code GBR/F03[1][7]
- TDI - Technical Diving International – Technical diver training and certification agency EUF CB 2006002[6] CMAS code INT/F05[1][7]
- SSI TXR - Scuba Schools International – Recreational scuba and freediving training and certification agency
- SwedTech Diving - SwedTech Diving [citation needed]
- UTD - Unified Team Diving
- NASE - National Academy of Scuba Educators – Recreational scuba training and certification agency
- ITDA - International Technical Diving Agency[citation needed]
- RAID - Rebreather Association of International Divers – Recreational diver training and certification agency
- ISSDA - International Surface Supply Diving Association[citation needed]
- DIWA - Diving Instructor World Association[citation needed]
Cave diving certification agencies[edit]
Organisations which publish standards for competence in cave diving skills and knowledge, and issue certification for divers assessed as competent against these standards by affiliated schools or instructors:
- ANDI - American Nitrox Divers International – Recreational diver training and certification agency[33]
- CDAA - Cave Divers Association of Australia – Association to represent cave divers and administrate and support cave diving in Australia[34]
- CDG - Cave Diving Group – UK based cave diver training and certification agency[35]
- GUE - Global Underwater Explorers – Recreational/technical scuba training and certification agency[36]
- IANTD - International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers – Recreational and technical scuba training and certification agency CMAS code INT/F01[1]
- ISE - InnerSpace Explorers[37][19][20]
- ITDA - International Technical Diving Agency[7]
- NACD - National Association for Cave Diving – American non-profit organization for improving cave diving safety[4]
- NASE - National Academy of Scuba Educators – Recreational scuba training and certification agency
- NAUI Tec- National Association of Underwater Instructors – Non-profit training and certification agency association of scuba instructors
- NSS-CDS - National Speleological Society Cave Diving Section – Organization for exploration, conservation, and study of caves in the United States[4]
- ProTec - Professional Technical and Recreational Diving – Diver certification agency, Cave division. CMAS code INT/F08[1]
- PSAI - Professional Scuba Association International[7][4]
- SCD - Swiss Cave Diving [citation needed]
- UTD - Unified Team Diving
- TDI - Technical Diving International – Technical diver training and certification agency CMAS code INT/F05[1][7]
- TSA - Trimix Scuba Association – Recreational technical scuba training and certification agency
- RAID - Rebreather Association of International Divers – Recreational diver training and certification agency[38]
Freediving and snorkelling certification agencies[edit]
Organisations which publish standards for competence in freediving and snorkelling skills and knowledge, and issue certification for divers assessed as competent against these standards by affiliated schools or instructors:
- AIDA International – Worldwide rule- and record-keeping body for competitive breath-hold events[39]
- Apnea Academy[39]
- Apnea Total[39]
- AUF - Australian Underwater Federation – Governing body for underwater sports in Australia[40]
- CMAS - Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques – International organisation for underwater activities[39]
- FII - Freediving Instructors International[39]
- IANTD -International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers – Recreational and technical scuba training and certification agency[39]
- Molchanovs Freediving Education[41]
- PFI - Performance Freediving International – Freediver training agency[39]
- PADI Professional Association of Diving Instructors – Recreational diver training and certification agency[39]
- Pure Apnea - Specialising in both sports and recreational freediving. Currently the only freedive education system separating competitive from recreational freediving (www.pureapnea.com)
- ProTec - Professional Technical and Recreational Diving – Diver certification agency, Apnoea division CMAS code INT/F08[1]
- PSS - Professional Scuba Schools[15][4][22]
- SSI Freediving – Recreational scuba and freediving training and certification agency[39]
- RAID World Series Freediving – Recreational diver training and certification agency[39]
Commercial diver training and registration authorities[edit]
Organisations which publish standards for competence in commercial diving skills and knowledge, and issue certification for divers assessed as competent against these standards by registered or affiliated schools:
- ADCI – Association of Diving Contractors International [citation needed]
- ACDE – Association of Commercial Diving Educators[citation needed]
- ADAS – Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme – Australian based international occupational diver accreditation organisation[42]
- CSA Group – Canadian standards development organisation
- DCBC – Diver's Certification Board of Canada[citation needed]
- HSE – Health and Safety Executive of the United Kingdom – United Kingdom government agency[43]
- ITDA - International Technical Diving Agency[7]
- Standards Australia – Australian non-governmental standards organisation
- WorkSafeBC – Statutory agency in British Columbia, Canada (Workers Compensation Board British Columbia)[44]
- (SA)DEL – Department of Employment and Labour (South Africa) – Department of the South African government responsible for matters related to employment[45]
- Sicilian online repertory of commercial divers – Department of Employment and Labour of Sicilian regional government (Regione siciliana) keeps an online repertory of commercial divers trained according IDSA standards[46]
Organisations specifically certifying public safety divers:
- DRI - Dive Rescue International[4]
- ERDI - Emergency Response Diving International – American organisation for training and certification of emergency response divers[47]
Scientific diving certification agencies[edit]
Organisations which publish standards for competence in scientific diving skills and knowledge, and issue certification for divers assessed as competent against these standards by affiliated schools or instructors:
- AAUS - American Academy of Underwater Sciences[48]
- CAUS - Canadian Association for Underwater Science[49]
- The Scientific Committee of CMAS[50]
- DIA - Dive International Agency[51]
- SDSC - Scientific Diving Supervisory Committee[52]
- ITDA - International Technical Diving Agency[citation needed]
Other certification agencies for skills associated with diving[edit]
Dedicated diver first aid & rescue training[edit]
- DAN - Divers Alert Network[53]
- ILS - International Life Saving Federation[54]
- IHMP - IHMP First Aid and Medical Training[citation needed]
Maritime archaeology[edit]
Professional associations for diving instructors[edit]
- ANMP - Association nationale des moniteurs de plongée (France) [13]
- CEDIP - European Committee of Professional Diving Instructors (Comité Européen Des Instructeurs de Plongée professionnels) [56]
International standards, accreditation and quality assurance organisations[edit]
- CMAS - Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques [11]
- EUF - European Underwater Federation[57]
- IDSA – International Diving Schools Association[58][59]
- IDSSC - International Diving Safety Standards Commission [citation needed]
- IMCA – International Marine Contractors Association[60]
- RTC - Rebreather Training Council[61]
- WRSTC - World Recreational Scuba Training Council
- ^ Jump up to: Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt "List of CMAS affiliated diving federations". Retrieved 11 July 2016.
- ^ ACUC Course Standards http://www.acuc.es/webacuc3_archivos/Page2168.htm Archived 27 September 2013 at the Wayback Machine retrieved 26 September 2013
- ^ Canadian agencies membership list of WRSTC "WRSTC Member Councils". Archived from the original on 2 October 2013. Retrieved 11 December 2012. retrieved 26 September 2013
- ^ Jump up to: Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad "Training Agencies (recognised by the CDWS)". The Chamber of Diving and Watersports (Egypt). Archived from the original on 18 November 2016. Retrieved 8 November 2016.
- ^ "Staff, Introduction to ANDI". American Nitrox Divers International. 26 September 2013. Retrieved 26 September 2013.
- ^ Jump up to: Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w "EUF Certified Training Systems/Training Organisations". EUF Certification International. 12 January 2016. Retrieved 9 June 2016.
- ^ Jump up to: Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v "Diving at Work Regulations 1997 List of Approved Diving Qualifications dated 18th March 2015" (PDF). Health and Safety Executive (UK). pp. 5 and 24–25. Retrieved 10 June 2015.
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