Список выпускников Университета Брауна
(Перенаправлено из списка людей из Университета Брауна )
Ниже приводится неполный список известных Университета Брауна выпускников , известных как брунонианцы . [ 1 ] В его состав входят выпускницы Университета Брауна и Пембрук-колледжа , бывшего женского колледжа Брауна. «Класс» используется для обозначения выпускного класса лиц, которые учились в Брауне, но не закончили или не закончили его. Если указывается только год окончания учебы, это происходит потому, что еще не определено, какую степень получил человек.
Стипендиаты Макартура "Гений"
[ редактировать ]- Дональд Антрим (AB 1981) – писатель, «Изберите мистера Робинсона за лучший мир »; получатель стипендии Макартура 2013 г.
- Грег Асбед (бакалавр наук, 1985 г.) – стратег по правам человека и организатор профсоюзов; получатель стипендии Макартура 2017 г.
- Келли Бенуа-Бёрд (бакалавр наук, 1998 г.) - старший научный сотрудник Научно-исследовательского института аквариумов Монтерей-Бей ; получатель стипендии Макартура 2010 г.
- Ричард Бенсон (1961) – фотограф, декан Йельской школы искусств (1996–2006); получатель стипендии Макартура 2010 г. [ 2 ]
- Люси Блейк (AB 1981) - защитник природы, получатель стипендии Макартура 2000 года.
- Джон К. Бонифас (AB 1987) - основатель Национального института избирательных прав , получатель стипендии Макартура 1999 года.
- Эдвидж Дантикат (МИД 1993) - американский писатель гаитянского происхождения , лауреат стипендии Макартура 2009 года.
Эдвидж Дантикат (1993) - Майкл Х. Дикинсон (бакалавр наук, 1984 г.) - Эстер М. и Эйб М. Зарем, профессор биоинженерии и аэронавтики в Калифорнийском технологическом институте ; получатель стипендии Макартура 2001 г.
- Ричард Форман (AB 1959) – драматург и пионер авангардного театра; получатель стипендии Макартура 1995 г.
- Рина Фойгель Барбер (бакалавр наук, 2005 г.) - профессор статистики Луи Блока, Чикагский университет ; получатель стипендии Макартура 2023 года [ 3 ]
- Джим Ён Ким (AB 1982) – 12-й президент Всемирного банка , почетный президент Дартмутского колледжа и врач общественного здравоохранения; получатель стипендии Макартура 2003 г. [ 4 ]
- Бен Лернер (AB 2001, MFA 2003) – поэт; получатель стипендии Макартура 2015 г.
- Дэвид Лобелл (бакалавр наук, 2000 г.) – директор Глории и Ричарда Кушел Центра продовольственной безопасности и окружающей среды Стэнфордского университета ; получатель стипендии Макартура 2015 г.
- Моника Муньос Мартинес (AB 2006) – общественный историк; получатель стипендии Макартура 2021 года
- Линн Ноттедж получившая Пулитцеровскую премию (AB 1986) - первая женщина-драматург, дважды ; получатель стипендии Макартура 2007 г.
Линн Ноттедж (1986) - Наваль М. Нур (AB 1988) – акушер и гинеколог , профессор Кейт Мэйси Лэдд Гарвардской медицинской школы ; получатель стипендии Макартура 2013 г. [ 5 ]
- Лорен Реднисс (AB 1996) – художница и писательница; получатель стипендии Макартура 2016 г.
- Дженнифер Ричесон (бакалавр наук, 1994 г.) - профессор психологии Филипа Р. Аллена, Йельский университет ; получатель стипендии Макартура 2006 г.
- Сара Рул (AB 1997, MFA 2001) - драматург; получатель стипендии Макартура 2006 г.
- Себастьян Рут (AB 1997) - скрипач, лауреат стипендии Макартура 2010 г.
- Джоанна Скотт (МА 1985) – автор; получатель стипендии Макартура 1992 г.
- Уильям Сили (AB 1993) – профессор неврологии и патологии Калифорнийского университета в Сан-Франциско , получатель стипендии Макартура 2011 года. [ 6 ]
[ редактировать ]Академические администраторы
[ редактировать ]- Джаспер Адамс (AB 1815) – президент Чарльстонского колледжа ; 1-й президент Хобарт-колледжа [ 7 ]
- Вернон Олден (AB 1945) – 15-й президент Университета Огайо [ 8 ]
- Джеймс Беррилл Энджелл (AB 1849) – третий президент Мичиганского университета
Джеймс Беррилл Энджелл (1849) - Руфус Бэбкок (1821) – второй президент Колби-колледжа
- Рави В. Белламконда (доктор философии, 1994 г.) – декан Инженерной школы Пратта , Университет Дьюка (2016–2021 гг.); Проректор и исполнительный вице-президент по академическим вопросам Университета Эмори (2021–) [ 9 ]
- Сэмюэл Белкин (доктор философии 1935 г.) - второй президент Университета Иешива
- Ли Элиот Берк (AB 1964) – второй президент и тезка Музыкального колледжа Беркли
- Сара Болтон (доктор бакалавриата, 1988 г.) - 12-й президент Колледжа Вустера ; бывший декан колледжа Уильямс-колледжа
- Хермон Кэри Бампус (доктор философии 1884 г.) - пятый президент Университета Тафтса
- Уолтер Берс (1920) – второй президент Саффолкского университета
- Дама Фрэнсис Кернкросс (AM 1966) - ректор Эксетер-колледжа, Оксфорд [ 10 ]
- Джеймс Тифт Чамплин (1834) – седьмой президент Колби-колледжа
- Гордон Кейт Чалмерс (AB 1925) – 13-й президент Кеньон-Колледжа ; 9-й президент Рокфордского колледжа
- Иеремия Чаплин (1799) – основатель и первый президент Колби-колледжа
Иеремия Чаплин (1799) - Орен Б. Чейни (выпуск 1840 г.) – основатель и первый президент Бейтс-колледжа
- Барбара Черноу (AB 1979) – исполнительный вице-президент по финансам и администрированию, Университет Брауна
- Арам Чобанян (AB 1951) - девятый президент Бостонского университета
- Джей Куган (AB 1980) – 16-й президент Колледжа искусств и дизайна Миннеаполиса
- Уильям Э. Купер (AB, AM 1973) – восьмой президент Ричмондского университета
- Роберт А. Корриган (AB 1957) – 12-й президент Государственного университета Сан-Франциско [ 11 ]
- Гленн Каммингс (MAT 1984) – 13-й президент Университета Южного Мэна [ 12 ]
- Элифас Фэй (AB 1821) – четвертый президент Колби-колледжа
- Уиллбур Фиск (AB 1815) – первый президент Уэслианского университета [ 13 ]
- Генри Симмонс Фриз (AB 1841) – исполняющий обязанности президента Мичиганского университета
- Эдвард Гильяно (1972) – третий президент Нью-Йоркского технологического института [ 14 ]
- Томас Хассан (1978) – 14-й директор Академии Филлипса в Эксетере ; первый джентльмен Нью-Гэмпшира
- Джон Хоуп (1894) – 4-й президент Колледжа Морхауз ; пятый президент Университета Атланты ; первый афроамериканец в обеих ролях; соучредитель Ниагарского движения , ставшего NAACP
- Сюзанна Кин (AB 1984, AM 1986) - 10-й президент Колледжа Скриппса
- Джим Ён Ким (AB 1982) – 17-й президент Дартмутского колледжа ; 12-й президент Всемирного банка
- Джоан Лейтцель (MA 1961) - 17-й президент Университета Нью-Гэмпшира [ 15 ]
- Лютер Людтке (доктор философии 1971 г.) - пятый президент Калифорнийского лютеранского университета
- Джеймс А. Макалистер (1856) – первый президент Дрексельского университета [ 16 ]
- Гораций Манн (AB 1819) – первый президент Антиохийского колледжа ; отец американского государственного образования ; член Палаты представителей США
Гораций Манн (1819) - Джонатан Максси (AB 1787) – второй президент Брауновского университета; 1-й президент Университета Южной Каролины ; 3-й президент Юнион-колледжа
- Дэвид Максвелл (AM 1968) - 12-й президент Университета Дрейка
- Александр Мейкледжон (AB 1893, AM 1895) – восьмой президент Амхерстского колледжа ; декан Брауновского университета; философ и защитник свободы слова
- Алонсо Дж. Морон (бакалавр 1932) – восьмой президент Хэмптонского университета , социолог, государственный служащий [ 17 ]
- Ричард Л. Моррилл (AB 1961) – восьмой президент Ричмондского университета ; 18-й президент Центрального колледжа ; Президент Салемского колледжа
- Роберт В. Морс (1947 г., доктор философии 1949 г.) - первый президент Университета Кейс Вестерн Резерв [ 18 ]
- Бернард Мьюир (1990) – спортивный директор Стэнфордского университета
- Сэмюэл М. Набрит (доктор философии, 1932 г.) - второй президент Южного Техасского университета
- Луи Э. Ньюман (доктор философии, 1983 г.) - заместитель проректора по бакалавриату, Стэнфордский университет
- Мелисса Ноблс (AB 1985) – канцлер и профессор политологии Массачусетского технологического института
- Элифалет Нотт (1795 г.) - 4-й президент Юнион-колледжа ; третий президент Политехнического института Ренсселера ; самый продолжительный президент американского колледжа
- Инман Э. Пейдж (AB 1877, AM 1880) – президент Института Линкольна , Лэнгстонского университета , Западного университета и Университета Роджера Уильямса
- Линн Паскерелла (доктор философии 1985 г.) - 18-й президент колледжа Маунт-Холиок
- Уиллард Престон (AB 1806) – четвертый президент Университета Вермонта [ 19 ]
- Венделл Притчетт (AB 1986) - ректор Университета Рутгерса в Камдене (2009–14); Проректор Пенсильванского университета (2017–21); Временный президент Пенсильванского университета (2022 г.); первый цветной человек, возглавивший Пенсильванский университет [ 20 ]
Венделл Притчетт (1986) - Сюзанна М. Ривера (AB 1991) - 17-й президент Макалестерского колледжа
- Чейз Ф. Робинсон (AB 1985) – президент и заслуженный профессор Аспирантуры, CUNY
- Леонард Шлезингер (AB 1972) - 12-й президент Бэбсон-колледжа
- Артур Р. Тейлор (AB 1957, AM 1961) – 10-й президент Мюленберг-колледжа ; Президент CBS (1972–1976)
- Сэр Ричард Трейнор (AB 1970) – директор Королевского колледжа Лондона (2004–2014); Ректор Эксетер-колледжа, Оксфорд (2014–)
Сэр Ричард Трейнор (1970) - Ян Вэй (доктор философии 1985 г.) - президент Чжэцзянского университета
- Нильс Ингве Вессел (AM 1935) – восьмой президент Университета Тафтса
- Бенджамин Ид Уиллер (AB 1875, AM 1878) – восьмой президент Калифорнийского университета
- Чарльз Линкольн Уайт (AB 1887) – 13-й президент Колби-колледжа
- Бениа Лонгли Уитмен (AB 1887, AM 1890) – 11-й президент Колби-колледжа ; 7-й президент Университета Джорджа Вашингтона
- Мэри Эмма Вулли (AB 1894, AM 1895) - 11-й президент колледжа Маунт-Холиок
Прикладные науки
[ редактировать ]- Лаллит Ананд (доктор философии 1972 г., доктор философии 1975 г.) - профессор машиностроения Уоррена и Таунли Росенов, Массачусетский технологический институт
- Панос Анцаклис (доктор философии, 1977 г.) - Х. Клиффорд и Эвелин А. Брози, профессор электротехники, Университет Нотр-Дам
- Рави В. Белламконда (доктор философии, 1994 г.) – декан Инженерной школы Пратта , Университет Дьюка (2016–2021 гг.); Проректор и исполнительный вице-президент по академическим вопросам Университета Эмори (2021–) [ 9 ]
- Сангита Н. Бхатия (бакалавр наук, 1990) - Джон Дж. и Дороти Уилсон, профессор медицинских наук и технологий, а также электротехники и информатики, Массачусетский технологический институт [ 21 ]
Сангита Н. Бхатия (1990) - Бернард Будянский (доктор философии 1950 г.) - профессор инженерных наук Джеймса Лоуренса Гарвардского университета ; обладатель медали Тимошенко 1989 г.
- Герман Чернофф (доктор философии, 1948 г.) – почетный профессор прикладной математики Массачусетского технологического института ; известен границей Чернова , распределением Чернова и гранью Чернова
- Кэтлин М. Эйзенхардт (бакалавр наук, 1969) - Стэнфордский профессор медицины В. Ашермана, факультет управленческих наук и техники, Стэнфордский университет
- Теджал Десаи (бакалавр наук, 1994 г.) - декан инженерного факультета семьи Соренсен, профессор инженерного факультета Университета Брауна
- Филипп Фоше (MSc 1980) – Брюс и Бриджит Эванс, декан инженерного факультета Инженерного факультета Университета Вандербильта
- Рина Фойгель Барбер (бакалавр наук, 2005 г.) - профессор статистики Луи Блока, Чикагский университет ; получатель стипендии Макартура 2023 года [ 3 ]
- Ли Хохберг (бакалавр наук, 1990 г.) - профессор инженерных наук Университета Л. Герберта Баллоу, Университет Брауна; Старший преподаватель неврологии Гарвардской медицинской школы
- Филип Г. Ходж (доктор философии, 1949 г.) - почетный профессор механики, Университет Миннесоты
- Аянна Ховард (бакалавр наук, 1993 г.) – декан инженерного колледжа Университета штата Огайо
Аянна Ховард (1993) - Джозеф Джейкобсон (бакалавр наук, 1987) – доцент кафедры медиаискусств и наук Массачусетского технологического института
- Ричард Д. Джеймс (бакалавр наук, 1974 г.) - заслуженный профессор механики аэрокосмической техники Университета Макнайта, Университет Миннесоты
- Марк Качанов (доктор философии 1981 г.) – профессор машиностроения Университета Тафтса
- Джон Ким (доктор медицинских наук, 1974 г.) - заслуженный профессор машиностроения и аэрокосмической техники, Калифорнийский университет в Лос-Анджелесе
- Виктор Ли (бакалавр 1977 г., магистр 1978 г., доктор философии 1981 г.) - заслуженный профессор инженерных наук Университета Джеймса Р. Райса и университетский профессор гражданского строительства им. Э.Б. Уайли, Мичиганский университет ; изобретатель цементных композитов
- Реда Р. Манкбади (доктор философии, 1979 г.) – заслуженный профессор и декан-основатель инженерного колледжа Аэронавтического университета Эмбри-Риддла
- Роберт МакМикинг (магистр 1974 г., доктор философии 1977 г.) - заслуженный профессор Тони Эванса конструкционных материалов и машиностроения, Калифорнийский университет в Санта-Барбаре ; обладатель медали Тимошенко 2014 г.
- Yves Moreau (MSc 1994) – Professor of Engineering, KU Leuven
- Simon Ostrach (Sc.M. 1945, PhD 1950) – Wilbert J. Austin Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Engineering, Case Western Reserve University; pioneer in space science
- Stella Pang (BSc 1977) – Department Head and Chair Professor of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong
- Louise Prockter (MSc PhD 1999) – Chief Scientist, Space Exploration Sector, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University
- Upadrasta Ramamurty (PhD 1994) – Professor, Department of Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science
- Kavita Ramanan (MSc 1993, PhD 1998) – Roland George Dwight Richardson University Professor of Applied Mathematics, Brown University
- Kaliat Ramesh (Sc.M. 1985, Sc.M. 1987, PhD 1988) – Alonzo G. Decker Jr. Professor of Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering
- Guruswami Ravichandran (PhD 1987) – John E. Goode Jr., Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering; Otis Booth Leadership Chair, Division of Engineering and Applied Science at the California Institute of Technology[22]
- Ares J. Rosakis (ScM. 1980, PhD 1982) – Theodore von Kármán Professor of Aeronautics and Professor of Mechanical Engineering, California Institute of Technology
- Ed Scheinerman (BSc 1980) –Professor of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, Johns Hopkins University
- Paul H. Steen (Sc.B. A.B., 1975) – Maxwell M. Upson Professor, Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University
- Katia Sycara (Sc.B. 1969) – Edward Fredkin Research Professor of Robotics, Carnegie Mellon University
- Gretar Tryggvason (Sc.M. 1982, PhD 1985) – Department Head and Charles A. Miller Jr. Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
- Krystyn Van Vliet (Sc.B. 1998) – Michael and Sonja Koerner Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT
- Richard W. Ziolkowski (Sc.B. 1974) – Litton Industries John M. Leonis Distinguished Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Arizona
Economics and management
[edit]- Mark Aguiar (A.B. 1988) – Walker Professor of Economics and International Finance, Princeton University
- Igor Ansoff (PhD 1948) – economist and applied mathematician; Founding Dean, Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University
- Clarence Edwin Ayres (A.B. 1912, M.A. 1914) – Professor of Economics, University of Texas at Austin; leading proponent of institutional economics[23]
- Malcolm Baker (A.B. 1992) – Robert G. Kirby Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School[24]
- William A. Darity Jr. (A.B. 1974) – Samuel DuBois Cook Distinguished Professor of Public Policy, Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University
William Darity (1974) - Steven J. Davis (A.M. 1981, PhD 1986) – William H. Abbott Distinguished Service Professor of International Business and Economics, University of Chicago Booth School of Business; Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
- Mihir A. Desai (A.B. 1989) – Mizuho Financial Group Professor of Finance, Harvard Business School; Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
- Douglas Diamond (A.B. 1975) – Merton H. Miller Distinguished Service Professor of Finance, University of Chicago Booth School of Business; Nobel laureate (Economic Sciences, 2022)
Douglas Diamond (1975) - Karen Dynan (A.B. 1985) – Professor of the Practice, Economics Department, Harvard Kennedy School
- James Feyrer (A.M., PhD 2001) – Professor and Vice-Chair of Economics, Dartmouth College
- Marvin Goodfriend (PhD 1980) – Friends of Allan Meltzer Professor of Economics, Carnegie Mellon University[25]
- John Haltiwanger (Sc.B. 1977) – Dudley and Louisa Dillard Professor of Economics and Distinguished University Professor of Economics, University of Maryland, College Park
- Janice Hammond (Sc.B.) – Jesse Philips Professor of Manufacturing, Harvard Business School
- Jerry A. Hausman (A.B. 1968) – John and Jennie S. MacDonald Professor of Economics, MIT[26]
- Guido Imbens (A.M. 1989, PhD 1991) – Applied Econometrics Professor and Professor of Economics, Stanford Graduate School of Business; Nobel laureate (Economic Sciences, 2021)
Guido Imbens (1989, 1991) - Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan (A.M. 1997, PhD 2000) – Neil Moskowitz Endowed Professor of Economics, University of Maryland, College Park
- Bruce J. Katz (A.B. 1981) – Vice President, Brookings Institution; Visiting Professor, London School of Economics
- Michael Keane (PhD 1989) – Wm. Polk Carey Distinguished Professor, Johns Hopkins University[27]
- Robert G. King (A.B., A.M., PhD) – Professor of Economics, Boston University
- Randall Kroszner (Sc.B. 1984) – Norman R. Bobins Professor of Economics, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
- Neale Mahoney (Sc.B. 2005) – Professor of Economics, Stanford University
- Edwin Mills (A.B. 1951) – Professor Emeritus of Real Estate and Finance, Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
- Robert A. Moffitt (A.M. 1972, PhD 1975) – Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Economics, Johns Hopkins University
- Jonathan Morduch (A.B. 1985) – Professor of Public Policy and Economics, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at NYU
- Anna Nagurney (A.B. 1977, Sc.B. 1977, Sc.M. 1980, PhD 1983) – John F. Smith Memorial Professor, Isenberg School of Management at University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Georgia Perakis (Sc.M. 1988, PhD 1993) – William F. Pounds Professor of Management, MIT Sloan School of Management
- Eswar Prasad (A.M. 1986) – Tolani Senior Professor of Trade Policy, Cornell University; Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
Eswar Prasad (1986) - Nancy Rothbard (A.B. 1990) – Deputy Dean and David Pottruck Professor of Management, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania[28]
- David Schmittlein (A.B. 1977) – John C Head III Dean and Professor of Marketing, MIT Sloan School of Management
- Scott Shane (A.B. 1986) – A. Malachi Mixon III Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies and Professor of Economics, Case Western Reserve University[29]
- Anthony Shorrocks (A.M. 1970) – Professor, London School of Economics; 5th Director of World Institute for Development Economics Research;
- Julia Steinberger (Sc.B. 1996) – Professor of Ecological Economics, University of Lausanne
- Ebonya Washington (A.B. 1995) – Samuel C. Park Jr. Professor of Economics, Yale University
- David N. Weil (A.B. 1982) – James and Merryl Tisch Professor of Economics, Brown University
- John Henry Williams (A.B. 1912) – Founding Dean, Harvard Kennedy School; economist of international trade theory[30]
- Janet Yellen (A.B. 1967) – Eugene E. and Catherine M. Trefethen Professor Emeritus of Business Administration, Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley; 78th U.S. Secretary of the Treasury; 15th Chair of the Federal Reserve; the first woman in both roles
Janet Yellen (1967)
Formal sciences
[edit]- Frederick J. Almgren Jr. (PhD 1962) – Professor of Mathematics, Princeton University; recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship[31]
- Douglas N. Arnold (A.B. 1975) – McKnight Presidential Professor of Mathematics, University of Minnesota
- Dorothy Lewis Bernstein (PhD 1939) – President, Mathematical Association of America; the first woman elected to position
- David Blei (Sc.B. 1997) – Professor of Computer Science and Statistics, Columbia University
- Dick Bulterman (Sc.M. 1977, PhD 1982) – Professor and Chair of the Department of Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Nelson Dunford (PhD 1936) – James E. English Professor of Mathematics Emeritus, Yale University; namesake of the Dunford decomposition, Dunford–Pettis property, and Dunford-Schwartz theorem;
- Steven K. Feiner (A.B. 1973, PhD 1985) – Professor of Computer Science, Columbia University
- George Forsythe (PhD 1941) – founder and chair of the Computer Science Department, Stanford University;[32] creator of the term "Computer Science"
George Forsythe (PhD 1941) - William Fulton (A.B. 1961) – Oscar Zariski Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, University of Michigan
- Anne Gelb (Sc.M. 1991, PhD 1996)– John G. Kemeny Parents Professor of Mathematics, Dartmouth College
- Mark Goresky (PhD 1976) – Member, Institute for Advanced Study; co-inventor of intersection homology
- John Guttag (A.B. 1971) – Chair of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department (1999–2004), MIT
- James Hendler (MSc 1983, PhD 1986) – Tetherless World Professor of Computer, Web and Cognitive Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; one of the originators of the Semantic Web
- Scott Klemmer (A.B. 1999) – Professor of Cognitive Science and Computer Science & Engineering, UC San Diego
- Robert Lazarsfeld (PhD 1980) – Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Chair of the Mathematics Department, Stony Brook University
- Edward D. Lazowska (A.B. 1972) – Bill & Melinda Gates Chair Emeritus, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at University of Washington
- Derrick Henry Lehmer (PhD 1930) – Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, UC, Berkeley; "father of computational number theory"[33][34]
Derrick Henry Lehmer (1930) - Katrina Ligett (Sc.B. 2004) – Associate Professor of Computer Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Michael L. Littman (PhD 1996) – University Professor of Computer Science, Brown University
- Dan Margalit (Sc.B. 1998) – Professor of Mathematics, Georgia Tech
- Kathleen McKeown (A.B. 1976) – Henry and Gertrude Rothschild Professor of Computer Science and Founding Director, Data Science Institute at Columbia University
- Melanie Mitchell (A.B. 1980) – Davis Professor of Complexity, Santa Fe Institute; co-developer of Copycat
- John Coleman Moore (PhD 1952) – Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Princeton University; known for the Borel−Moore homology and Eilenberg–Moore spectral sequence
- Edward F. Moore (PhD 1950) – Professor of Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Wisconsin–Madison; known for the Moore machine
- Anthony Morse (PhD 1937) – Professor of Mathematics, UC Berkeley; known for the Morse–Kelley set theory, Morse–Sard theorem and the Federer–Morse theorem
- John Mylopoulos (Sc.B. 1966) – Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, University of Toronto
- David Nadler (BSc 1996) – Professor of Mathematics, UC Berkeley
- David Notkin (Sc.B. 1977) – Professor of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington
- Peter J. Olver (Sc.B. 1973) – Professor of Mathematics, University of Minnesota
- Randy Pausch (Sc.B. 1982) – Professor of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
- Carl Pomerance (A.B. 1966) – Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Dartmouth College
- Ken Ribet (A.B., A.M. 1969) – Professor of Mathematics, UC Berkeley; known for the Herbrand–Ribet theorem and Ribet's theorem
Ken Ribet (1969) - Stefan Roth (Sc.M. 2003, PhD 2007) – Professor of Computer Science, Chair of the Department of Computer Science, Technische Universität Darmstadt
- Robert Schapire (Sc.B. 1986) – former David M. Siegel '83 Professor in Computer Science, Princeton University
- Robert Sedgewick (Sc.B. 1968, Sc.M. 1970) – Department Chair and William O. Baker Professor in Computer Science, Princeton University[35]
- Scott Shenker (Sc.B. 1978) – Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Chief Scientist, UC Berkeley
- Shu Shien-Siu (PhD 1948) – Chair Emeritus, Purdue University School of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Joseph H. Silverman (Sc.B. 1977) – Professor of Mathematics, Brown University
- Scott A. Smolka (PhD 1984) – Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, Stony Brook University
- Halil Mete Soner (MSc 1983, PhD 1986) – Professor of Operations Research and Financial Engineering, Princeton University
- John A. Stankovic (BSc 1970, MSc 1975, PhD 1979) – BP America Professor of Computer Science, University of Virginia
- John Stasko (Sc.M. 1985, PhD 1989) – Regents Professor, School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech
- Frank Tompa (Sc.B., Sc.M. 1970) – Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
- Kari Vilonen (PhD 1983) – Professor in Pure Mathematics, University of Melbourne
- Martin M. Wattenberg (A.B. 1991) – Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science, Harvard University
- Raymond Louis Wilder (Ph.B. 1918, Sc.M. 1921) – Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan
- Thaleia Zariphopoulou (MSc 1989, PhD 1989) V.F. Neuhaus Centennial Professor and Presidential Chair in Mathematics, University of Texas at Austin
[edit]- Linda Martín Alcoff (PhD 1987) – Professor of Philosophy, Hunter College
- Margaret L. Anderson (PhD 1971) – Professor Emerita of History, UC Berkeley[36]
- Leora Auslander (PhD 1988) – Arthur and Joann Rasmussen Professor in Western Civilization, Professor of European Social History, University of Chicago
- Jacques Bailly (A.B. 1988) – classicist at the University of Vermont; National Spelling Bee Official Pronouncer
- Janetta Rebold Benton (PhD 1980) – Distinguished Professor of Art History, Pace University
- Olivier Berggruen (A.B. 1986) – art historian
- Bernard Bloch (PhD 1935) – Professor of Linguistics, Yale University
- George Boas (A.B., A.M. 1913) – Professor of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University
- Edgar S. Brightman (A.B. 1907, A.M. 1908) – philosopher, Martin Luther King Jr.'s advisor at Boston University
- Marcia Chatelain (A.M., PhD 2008) – Professor of History and African American Studies, Georgetown University, recipient of the Pulitzer Prize for History for Franchise: The Golden Arches in Black America
Marcia Chatelain (2008) - Roderick Chisholm (A.B. 1938) – Professor of Philosophy, Brown University
- James Corum (A.M.) – military historian; Lecturer, University of Salford
- Christina Crosby (PhD 1982) – Professor of English, Wesleyan University; scholar of feminism and critical disability studies
- Kenneth Dean (A.B. 1979) – Raffles Professor of Humanities, National University of Singapore
- Matt Delmont (A.M. 2004, PhD 2008) – Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Professor of History, Dartmouth College
- Melvin Dixon (PhD 1975) – Professor of Literature, Queens College
- Anne Dufourmantelle – philosopher and psychoanalyst[37]
- Fred Feldman (PhD 1968) – Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Ann Ferguson (PhD 1965) – Professor Emerita of Philosophy and Women's Studies, University of Massachusetts Amherst[38]
- Alison Fields (M.A. 2003) – Mary Lou Milner Carver Professor of Art of the American West, University of Oklahoma
- Diana Fuss (PhD 1988) – Louis W. Fairchild Class of ’24 Professor of English, Princeton University
- Alexander R. Galloway (A.B. 1996) – Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication, New York University
Alexander R. Galloway (1996) - Gary Gerstle (A.B. 1976) – Paul Mellon Professor of American History, University of Cambridge
- Brie Gertler (PhD 1997) – Commonwealth Professor of Philosophy and Vice-Provost for Academic Affairs, University of Virginia
- George Gorse (A.M. 1974, PhD 1980) – Viola Horton Professor of Art History, Pomona College
- Jacqueline Wernimont (A.M 2005, PhD 2009) – Distinguished Chair in Digital Humanities and Social Engagement, Dartmouth College
- John Greco (PhD 1989) – Robert L. McDevitt and Catherine H. McDevitt Professor of Philosophy, Georgetown University
- Roland Greene (A.B. 1979) – Mark Pigott KBE Professor, Anthony P. Meier Family Professor of the Humanities, director, Humanities Center, Stanford University; President, Modern Language Association (2015–16)
- Albert Harkness (1842) – founder of the American Philological Association and the American School of Classical Studies at Athens[39]
- John Hattendorf (A.M. 1971) – Ernest J. King Professor Emeritus of Maritime History, United States Naval War College
- Dagmar Herzog (A.M. 1985, PhD 1991) – Distinguished Professor of History, Daniel Rose Faculty Scholar, Graduate Center, CUNY
- Marianne Hirsch (A.B., A.M. 1970, PhD 1975) – William Peterfield Trent Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University
Marianne Hirsch (1970, 1975) - Charles Hill (A.B. 1957) – Senior Lecturer in the Humanities, Brady-Johnson Distinguished Fellow in Grand Strategy, Yale University
- James S. Holmes (1948–1950) – founding figure in translation studies
- Jean E. Howard (A.B. 1970) – George Delacorte Professor in the Humanities, Princeton University
- George B. Hutchinson (A.B. 1975) – Newton C. Farr Professor of American Culture, Cornell University
- Matthew Frye Jacobson (PhD 1992) – Sterling Professor of American Studies and History, Yale University
- Dale Jacquette (A.M. 1981, PhD 1983) – Professor Ordinarius of Philosophy, University of Bern
- Gene Andrew Jarrett (A.M. 1999, PhD 2002) – Dean of the Faculty and William S. Tod Professor of English, Princeton University[40]
- Donald Kagan (A.M. 1955) – Sterling Professor Emeritus of Classics & History, Yale University; winner of the National Humanities Medal
Donald Kagan (1955) - Matthew Kapstein (PhD 1987) – Numata Visiting Professor of Buddhist Studies, University of Chicago Divinity School
- Patricia Keating (A.M. 1976, PhD 1980) – Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Linguistics, UCLA
- David Kelley (A.B., A.M.) – philosopher, founder of The Atlas Society
- Sean Dorrance Kelly (Sc.B. 1989, M.S. 1989) – Teresa G. and Ferdinand F. Martignetti Professor of Philosophy at Harvard University
- Ari Kelman (A.M. 1993, PhD 1998) – Chancellor's Leadership Professor of History, University of California, Davis; winner of the 2014 Bancroft Prize
- Karen Leigh King (PhD 1984) – Hollis Professor of Divinity, Harvard University[41]
- Mark Kishlansky (A.M. 1972, PhD 1977) – Frank Baird Jr. Professor of History, Harvard University
- Carolyn Korsmeyer (PhD 1972) – Professor Emerita of Philosophy, University at Buffalo
- Jennifer Lackey (PhD 2000) – Wayne and Elizabeth Jones Professor of Philosophy, Northwestern University
- Aditi Lahiri (PhD 1982) – Chair of Linguistics, University of Oxford
- Wallace Lambert (A.B. 1947) – psychologist of linguistics; "widely considered the father of the psychological study of bilingualism"[42][43]
- Keith Lehrer (PhD 1960) – Regents' Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus, University of Arizona[44]
- Jeffrey Lesser (A.B. 1982; M.A. 1984) – Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of History, Emory University
- Nancy MacLean (A.B. 1981, A.M. 1981) – William H. Chafe Professor of History and Public Policy, Duke University
Nancy MacLean (1981) - Sharon Marcus (A.B. 1986) – Orlando Harriman Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University[45]
- Brian Massumi (A.B. 1979) – philosopher and social theorist, former Professor of Communication, Université de Montréal[46]
Brian Massumi (1979) - Brian McHale (A.B. 1974) – Arts and Humanities Distinguished Professor, Ohio State University
- Jeffrey L. Meikle (A.B. 1971, A.M. 1971) – Stiles Professor in American Studies Emeritus, University of Texas at Austin
- Anne K. Mellor (A.B. 1963) – Distinguished Professor of English and Women's Studies, UCLA
- Nara Milanich (A.B. 1994) – Professor of History, Barnard College
- Monica Muñoz Martinez (A.B. 2006) – Associate Professor of History, UT Austin, recipient of the Macarthur fellowship
- Ronald H. Nash (A.M. 1960) – Evangelical Baptist philosopher and apologist; Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary
- Sianne Ngai (A.B. 1993) – Andrew W. Mellon Professor of English, University of Chicago
- Kathy Peiss (PhD 1982) – Roy F. and Jeannette P. Nichols Professor of American History, University of Pennsylvania
- Nelson W. Polsby (A.M. 1956) – Heller Professor of Political Science, UC Berkeley
- Arthur Upham Pope (A.B. 1904) – expert on Iranian art; founder and first director, Asia Institute
- Gerald Prince (PhD 1968) – Professor of Romance Languages, University of Pennsylvania
- Arthur S. Reber (M.A. 1965, PhD 1967) – psychologist known for introducing the concept of implicit learning; Broeklundian Professor, Emeritus, Brooklyn College[47]
- Christina J. Riggs (A.B. 1993) – Professor of History of Visual Culture, Durham University
- Camille Robcis (A.B. 1999) – Professor of History and French, Columbia University, recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship
- Daniel T. Rodgers (A.B., Sc.B. 1965) – Henry Charles Lea Professor of History Emeritus, Princeton University
- Tricia Rose (A.M. 1987, PhD 1993) – Chancellor's Professor of Africana studies, Director of the Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America, Brown University
Tricia Rose (1987, 1993) - Alvin Hirsch Rosenfeld (PhD 1967) – Professor of English and M. Glazer Chair and Professor of Jewish Studies, Indiana University Bloomington
- James F. Ross (PhD 1958) – Professor of Philosophy and Law, University of Pennsylvania
- John Howland Rowe (A.B. 1939) – Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, UC Berkeley
- Mari Ruti (A.B. 1988) – Distinguished Professor of Critical Theory and of Gender and Sexuality Studies, University of Toronto Mississauga
- Nathan Schneider (A.B. 2006) – journalist; Assistant Professor of Media Studies, University of Colorado Boulder
- Daniel R. Schwarz (PhD 1968) – Frederic J. Whiton Professor of English Literature & Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow, Cornell University
- Julius S. Scott (A.B 1973) – scholar of slavery and Caribbean and Atlantic history, author, The Common Wind
- Russ Shafer-Landau (A.B. 1986) – Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Ethan H. Shagan (A.B. 1994) – Zaffaroni Family Chair in Education of the History Department, UC Berkeley
- Tracy Denean Sharpley-Whiting (PhD 1994) – Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Distinguished Professor of Humanities, Chair of African American and Diaspora Studies, Vanderbilt University
- Maxim D. Shrayer (A.B. 1989) – Professor of Russian, English, and Jewish Studies, Boston University
- Kaja Silverman (PhD 1977) – Katherine and Keith L. Sachs Professor of Art History, University of Pennsylvania[48]
- Richard Slotkin (PhD 1966) – Olin Professor of English Emeritus, Wesleyan University
- Timothy D. Snyder (A.B. 1991) – Richard C. Levin Professor of History, Yale University, Permanent Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences
Timothy Snyder (1991) - David Sosa (A.B. 1989) – Professor and Chair of Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin
- Jeffrey Stout (A.B. 1972) – Professor Emeritus of Religion, Princeton University
- David Summers (A.B. 1963) – William R. Kenan Jr. Professor Emeritus of Art Theory and Italian Renaissance Art, University of Virginia.
- Charles Taliaferro (A.M., PhD 1984) – Oscar and Gertrude Boe Overby Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, St. Olaf College
- Richard Taylor (PhD 1959) – philosopher; subject of David Foster Wallace's prize-winning undergraduate thesis[49][50]
- John L. Thomas (PhD 1961) – George L. Littlefield Professor of American History Emeritus, Brown University; winner of the 1964 Bancroft Prize
- Salamishah Tillet (M.A.T. 1997) – Henry Rutgers Professor of African American Studies and Creative Writing, Rutgers University–Newark; recipient of the Pulitzer Prize for Criticism
Salamishah Tillet (1997) - Francesca Trivellato (PhD 2004) – Andrew W Mellon Professor in the School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study[51]
- Adam Ulam (A.B. 1943) – Gurney Professor of History and Political Science, Harvard University; one of the world's foremost authorities on Russia and the Soviet Union[52][53]
- Dell Upton (M.A. 1975, PhD 1980) – Chair of the Department of Art History, University of California, Los Angeles
- Geoffrey Wawro (A.B. 1983) – Professor of Military History and Director of the Military History Center, University of North Texas
- Charles Edwin Wilbour (Class of 1854) – Egyptologist, co-discoverer of the Elephantine Papyri
- Dean Zimmerman (PhD 1992) – Professor of Philosophy, Rutgers University[54]
- Steven Zwicker (PhD 1969) – Stanley Elkin Professor in the Humanities, Washington University in St. Louis
[edit]- Herman Vandenburg Ames – legal scholar, Professor of American Constitutional History, University of Pennsylvania
- Richard Reeve Baxter (A.B. 1942) – Judge, International Court of Justice; Manley Hudson Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
- Karima Bennoune (A.B. 1988) – Homer G. Angelo and Ann Berryhill Endowed Chair and Martin Luther King Jr. Professor of Law, UC Davis School of Law
- Samuel W. Buell (A.B. 1987) – Bernard M. Fishman Distinguished Professor of Law, Duke University School of Law
- Zechariah Chafee (A.B. 1907) – First Amendment scholar; University Professor of Law, Harvard University[55]
- Sarah Cleveland (A.B. 1987) – Louis Henkin Professor of Human and Constitutional Rights, Columbia Law School
Sarah Cleveland (1987) - Jennifer Daskal (A.B. 1994) – Professor of Law, Washington College of Law at American University
- Lawrence Douglas (A.B. 1982) – James J. Grosfeld Professor of Law, Jurisprudence and Social Thought, Amherst College
- Justin Driver (A.B. 1997) – Robert R. Slaughter Professor of Law, Yale Law School[56]
- Heidi Li Feldman (A.B. 1986) – Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center
- Daniel Fischel (A.M. 1974) – Lee and Brena Freeman Professor Emeritus of Law and Business and Dean Emeritus, University of Chicago Law School
- James Forman Jr. (A.B. 1988) – J. Skelly Wright Professor of Law, Yale Law School;[57] Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America
James Forman Jr (1988) - Kent Greenfield (A.B. 1984) – Professor of Law and Dean's Distinguished Scholar, Boston College Law School[58]
- Henry B. Hansmann (A.B. 1967) – Oscar M. Ruebhausen Professor Emeritus of Law, Yale Law School
- Harold Dexter Hazeltine (A.B. 1894) – Downing Professor of the Laws of England (1919–1942), University of Cambridge
- Sonia Katyal (A.B. 1993) – Distinguished Haas Chair, UC Berkeley School of Law[59]
- David Kennedy (A.B. 1976) – Manley O. Hudson Professor of Law and Director of the Institute for Global Law and Policy, Harvard Law School
- Larry Kramer (A.B. 1980) – Richard E. Lang Professor of Law and Dean Emeritus, Stanford Law School; president of the Hewlett Foundation
- Alexandra Lahav (A.B. 1993) – Anthony W. and Lulu C. Wang Professor of Law, Cornell Law School
- Bruce H. Mann (A.B., A.M. 1972) – Carl F. Schipper Jr. Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, husband of U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren[60]
Bruce H. Mann (1972) - Eric L. Muller (1984) – Dan K. Moore Distinguished Professor of Law in Jurisprudence and Ethics, University of North Carolina School of Law
- Wendell Pritchett (A.B. 1986) – James S. Riepe Presidential Professor of Law and Education, University of Pennsylvania Law School[20]
- Alexander A. Reinert (A.B. 1994) – Max Freund Professor of Litigation & Advocacy, Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University
- Vincent Rougeau (A.B. 1985) – President, College of the Holy Cross; Dean Emeritus, Boston College Law School
- Paul M. Schwartz (A.B. 1981) – Jefferson E. Peyser Professor of Law, UC Berkeley School of Law
- Harry Shulman (A.B. 1923) – Dean Emeritus, Yale Law School
- Kenneth Starr (A.M. 1969) – Duane and Kelly Roberts Dean Emeritus, Pepperdine University School of Law; Solicitor General of the United States (1989–93); Independent Counsel for the Whitewater controversy; 14th President of Baylor University
- Francis Wayland III (A.B. 1846) – Dean Emeritus, Yale Law School
Medicine and public health
[edit]- Cheryl A. M. Anderson (A.B. 1992) – Professor and Dean, Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health, UC San Diego
- Louise Aronson (A.B. 1986) – author; Professor of Geriatrics, University of California, San Francisco
- Ann Arvin (A.B. 1966) – Lucile Salter Packard Professor of Pediatrics and Professor of Microbiology and Immunology Emerita, Stanford University School of Medicine
- Aaron T. Beck (A.B. 1942) – "father of cognitive behavioral therapy"; founder of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy at the University of Pennsylvania; winner of the Lasker Award
Aaron T. Beck (1942) - Jonathan Berek (M.MSc 1973) – Laurie Kraus Lacob Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine
- John M. Barry (A.B. 1968) – author; Professor, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
- Linda Bartoshuk (PhD 1965) – Presidential Endowed Professor of Community Dentistry and Behavioral Science, University of Florida
- Mark S. Blumenkranz (A.B. 1972, M.D. 1975, M.MSc 1976) – H.J. Smead Professor Emeritus, Stanford University School of Medicine
- Atul Butte (A.B. 1991, M.D. 1995) – Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg Distinguished Professor, University of California, San Francisco; Director, Baker Computational Health Sciences Institute
- Christopher G. Chute (A.B. 1977, M.D. 1982) – Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Health Informatics at Johns Hopkins University
- Barbara E. Ehrlich (Sc.B. 1974) – Professor of Pharmacology and of Cellular And Molecular Physiology, Yale School of Medicine
- Nancy Etcoff (A.B.) – Assistant Clinical Professor in Psychology, Harvard Medical School
- Stanley Falkow (PhD 1961) – father of microbiology, discoverer of the molecular nature of antibiotic resistance; Robert W. and Vivian K. Cahill Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Stanford University School of Medicine; winner of the Lasker Award[61]
Stanley Falkow (1961) - James D. Griffin (A.B. 1970) – Professor, Harvard Medical School; Chair of Medical Oncology, Dana–Farber Cancer Institute; Director of Medical Oncology, Brigham and Women's Hospital
- Tina Hartert (A.B. 1985) – Lulu H. Owen Chair in Medicine and Vice President for Translational Research, Vanderbilt University
- Arthur L. Horwich (A.B. 1972, M.D. 1975) – Sterling Professor of Genetics and Professor of Pediatrics, Yale School of Medicine; winner of the Lasker Award, Shaw Prize, and Breakthrough Prize; discoverer of the functions and mechanisms of chaperone-mediated protein folding
- Howard Hu (BSc 1976) – Flora L. Thornton Chair and Professor of Population and Public Health Sciences, Keck School of Medicine of USC; Founding Dean, Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto
- William Kessen (Sc.M. 1950) – Eugene Higgins Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Professor of Pediatrics, Yale University
- Jim Yong Kim (A.B. 1982) – President, Dartmouth College; co-founder of Partners in Health; Professor of Medicine and Social Medicine and Chair of the Department of Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School; Chief of the Division of Social Medicine and Health Inequalities at Brigham and Women's Hospital; Director of the François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights; former director of the World Health Organization's HIV/AIDS department; recipient of the Macarthur fellowship; 12th President of the World Bank
Jim Yong Kim (1982) - Beth Levine (A.B. 1981) – Charles Cameron Sprague Distinguished Chair in Biomedical Sciences, UT Southwestern Medical Center
- Jonathan S. Lewin (A.B. 1981) – Executive Vice President for Health Affairs, Emory University; Professor, Emory School of Medicine and Rollins School of Public Health
- David C. Lewis (A.B. 1957) – Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Community Health and Donald G. Millar Distinguished Professor of Alcohol and Addiction Studies, Brown University.
- Stacy Tessler Lindau (M.D. 1996) – Catherine Lindsay Dobson Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Director of the Program in Integrative Sexual Medicine Director, University of Chicago
- George Makari (A.B. 1982) – Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the De Witt Wallace Institute for the History of Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medicine
- Joseph Matarazzo (A.B. 1946) – 98th President of the American Psychological Association, chair of the first department of medical psychology in the United States[62]
- Jessica Meir (A.B. 1999) – NASA astronaut; former Assistant Professor of Anesthesia, Harvard Medical School
- Craig C. Mello (Sc.B. 1982) – Nobel laureate (2006, Physiology or Medicine); Blais University Chair in Molecular medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Craig C. Mello (1982) - Lloyd B. Minor (Sc.B. 1979, M.D. 1982) – Carl and Elizabeth Naumann Dean, Stanford University School of Medicine; former Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Johns Hopkins University[63]
Lloyd B. Minor (1979, 1982) - Mark Musen (Sc.B. 1977, M.D. 1980) – Professor of Biomedical Informatics and of Biomedical Data Science, Stanford University; Director, Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research
- Srihari S. Naidu (Sc.B. 1993, M.D. 1997) – Professor of Medicine, New York Medical College
- Jordan S. Orange (A.B., PhD, 1996, M.D., 1997) – Chair of Pediatrics, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons; Pediatrician-in-Chief of New York-Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital
- Thomas G. Plante (Sc.B. 1982) – clinical psychologist; Augustin Cardinal Bea, S.J. University Professor of Psychology, Santa Clara University
- Paul Ridker (BSc. 1981) – Eugene Braunwald Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Director of the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Brigham and Women's Hospital
- Janet Sinsheimer (BSc 1979) – Professor of Biostatistics, Biomathematics, and Human Genetics, Fielding School of Public Health, UCLA
- Thomas A. Wadden (A.B. 1975) – Albert J. Stunkard Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
- Augustus A. White (A.B. 1957) – Ellen and Melvin Gordon Distinguished Professor of Medical Education and Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School
Natural sciences
[edit]- Anthony Aguirre (Sc.B. 1995) – Faggin Family Presidential Chair for the Physics of Information, UC Santa Cruz
- Stephon Alexander (PhD 2000) – theoretical physicist and musician, Professor of Physics, Brown University
- Edgar Allen (Sc.B. 1915, A.M. 1916, PhD 1921) – anatomist and physiologist, discoverer of estrogen and father of endocrinology
- Amy Arnsten (A.B. 1976) – Albert E. Kent Professor of Neuroscience and Professor of Psychology, Yale University
- Raymond Arvidson (PhD 1974) – James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis
- Biman Bagchi (PhD 1980) – biophysical chemist, theoretical chemist; Amrut Mody Professor, Indian Institute of Science
Biman Bagchi (1980) - Mark Bear (PhD 1984) – Picower Professor of Neuroscience, Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, MIT; former Howard Hughes Medical Investigator[64]
- Joy M. Bergelson (Sc.B. 1984) – Dorothy Schiff Professor of Genomics, New York University
- Marianne Bronner (Sc.B. 1975) – Edward B. Lewis Professor of Biology; Director of the Beckman Institute, California Institute of Technology
- Stephen L. Buchwald (Sc.B. 1977) – Camille Dreyfus Professor of Chemistry, MIT; developed Buchwald-Hartwig amination
- Sankar Das Sarma (PhD 1979) – Distinguished University Professor and Richard E. Prange Chair in Physics, University of Maryland, College Park
- Richard E. Carson (Sc.B. 1977) – Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging and of Biomedical Engineering, Yale University
- Andrew G. Clark (Sc.B. 1976) – Jacob Gould Schurman Professor of Population genetics and Chair of Computational Biology, Cornell University[65]
- Julia Clarke (A.B. 1995) – John A. Wilson Professor in Vertebrate Paleontology, University of Texas at Austin
- Tejal A. Desai (Sc.B. 1994) – bioengineer and therapeutic nanotechnologist; Sorensen Family Dean of Engineering, Brown University School of Engineering
- Michael H. Dickinson (Sc.B. 1984) – Zarem Professor of Bioengineering and Biology, California Institute of Technology; recipient of the Macarthur fellowship
- Neil Donahue (BSc 1985) – atmospheric chemist; Thomas Lord Professor of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
- John Donoghue (PhD 1979) – H.M. Wriston Professor of Neuroscience and Engineering, Brown University
- Bethany Ehlmann (M.S. 2008, PhD 2010) — president of The Planetary Society; Professor of Planetary Science, California Institute of Technology; Rhodes Scholar
- Anne Fausto-Sterling (PhD 1970) – major contributor to sexology and biology of gender; Nancy Duke Lewis Professor of Biology and Gender Studies, Brown University
Anne Fausto-Sterling (1970) - W. Tecumseh Fitch (A.B. 1986, PhD 1994) – Professor of Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna
- Raymond Fuoss (PhD 1932) – Sterling Professor Chair of Chemistry, Yale University
- Paul Garabedian (A.B. 1946) – Director of the Division of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University[66]
- Margaret Gardel (Sc.B. 1998) – Horace B. Horton Professor of Physics, University of Chicago
- Miriam B. Goodman (BSc 1986) – Mrs. George A. Winzer Professor of Cell Biology, Stanford University; Chair, Stanford Neuroscience Institute
- Andrew V. Granato (PhD 1955) – Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
- Alan Grossman (Sc.B. 1979) – Praecis Professor of Biology and Department Head of Biology, MIT
- David Grinspoon (A.B., Sc.B.) – astrobiologist; Senior Scientist, Planetary Science Institute
- James W. Head (PhD 1969) – Louis and Elizabeth Scherck Distinguished Professor Emeritus of the Geological Sciences, Brown University
- Arthur Hoag (A.B. 1942) – astronomer; discoverer of Hoag's Object
- Michael R. Hoffmann (PhD 1973) – John S. and Sherry Chen Professor of Environmental Science, Caltech
- Albrecht Hofmann (PhD 1969) – Director Emeritus, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, ForMemRS
Albrecht Hofmann (1969) - John Edwards Holbrook (A.B. 1815) – zoologist, herpetologist, and naturalist
- Donald C. Hood (PhD 1969) – James F. Bender Professor in Psychology and Professor of Ophthalmic Science, Columbia University
- Arthur L. Horwich (A.B. 1972, M.D. 1975) – Sterling Professor of Genetics and Professor of Pediatrics, Yale School of Medicine; winner of the Lasker Award, Albany Medical Center Prize, Shaw Prize, and Breakthrough Prize; discoverer of the functions and mechanisms of chaperone-mediated protein folding
Arthur L. Horwich (1972, 1975) - Richard Ivry (A.B. 1981) – Distinguished Professor in the Department of Psychology, UC Berkeley
- Bor-ming Jahn (MSc 1967) – Distinguished Chair Emeritus in Geosciences, National Taiwan University
- Lucy Jones (A.B. 1976) – seismologist
- Richard Kaner (A.B. 1980) – Dr. Myung Ki Hong Endowed Chair in Materials Innovation, UCLA
- Suzanne Mahlburg Kay (PhD 1975) – William & Katherine Snee Professor of Geological Sciences Emeritus, Cornell University
- Brian Keating (MSc 1995, PhD 2000) – Chancellor's Distinguished Professor of Physics, UC San Diego
- Steven Kliewer (BSc 1985) – Diana K. and Richard C. Strauss Distinguished Chair in Developmental Biology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
- Philip Kocienski (PhD 1971) – Professor Emeritus of Organic Chemistry, University of Leeds
- Clifford Kubiak (Sc.B 1975) – Distinguished Professor and Harold C. Urey Chair in Chemistry, UC San Diego
- Krishna Kumar (PhD 1996) – Robinson Professor in Chemistry, Tufts University
- Ka Yee Christina Lee (Sc.B. 1986) – 14th Provost (2020–23) and David Lee Shillinglaw Distinguished Service Professor of Chemistry, University of Chicago[67][68]
- Wen-Hsiung Li (PhD 1972) – James Watson Professor of Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago
- Robert Bruce Lindsay (A.B., Sc.M. 1920) – Chair of the Physics Department and Dean of the Graduate School, Brown University; recipient of the ASA Gold Medal
- David Lobell (Sc.B. 2000) – Gloria and Richard Kushel Director at the Center on Food Security and the Environment and Professor in the Department of Earth System Science, Stanford University; recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship
- Robert H. MacArthur (A.M. 1953) – founding figure in evolutionary ecology; Professor, University of Pennsylvania and Princeton University[69]
- Nick McCave (PhD 1967) – Woodwardian Professor of Geology, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge; fellow, St John's College, Cambridge
- Warren Meck (PhD 1982) – Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke University
- Kenneth R. Miller (Sc.B. 1970) – Professor of Biology, Brown University
- David Moore (A.B. 1974) – Professor and Chair of Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology, University of California, Berkeley; discoverer of constitutive androstane receptor, farnesoid X receptor, and small heterodimer partner.
Kenneth R. Miller (1970) - John F. Mustard (MSc 1986, PhD 1990) – Professor of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences, Brown University
- Myung Kyungjae (PhD 1999) – biologist, Distinguished Professor, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
- Samuel M. Nabrit (PhD 1932) – first African American to receive doctorate degree from Brown University; first African American trustee at Brown University; first African American appointed to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission; second president of Texas Southern University
- Michael Paradiso (PhD 1984) – Sidney A. Fox and Dorothea Doctors Fox Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Science and Professor of Neuroscience, Brown University
- Robert L. Park (PhD 1964) – Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park; former Director of Public Information at the American Physical Society
- Robert Parr (A.B. 1942) – Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, UNC Chapel Hill; co-founder of quantum chemistry[70]
- Ainissa Ramirez (Sc.B. 1990) – material scientist and science communicator
- Maureen Raymo (Sc.B 1982) – paleoclimatologist; Bruce C. Heezen/Lamont Research Professor and Director of the Lamont-Doherty Core Repository, Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory; Co-Founding Dean, Columbia Climate School
- Collin Roesler (Sc.B. 1985) – William R. Kenan Professor of Earth and Oceanographic Science, Bowdoin College
- Rachel Rosen (Sc.B.) – Associate Professor of Physics, Columbia University
- Carolyn Rovee-Collier (MSc 1964, PhD 1966) – Professor of Psychology, Rutgers University; pioneering developmental psychologist
- David M. Sabatini (Sc.B. 1990) – Professor of Biology, MIT (2002–2021); Member, Whitehead Institute; Howard Hughes Medical Investigator; discoverer of mTOR
David M. Sabatini (1990) - Jenny Saffran (A.B. 1991) – Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Psychology, University of Wisconsin
- Ellery Schempp (PhD 1967) – physicist, primary student involved in the landmark 1963 Supreme Court case, Abington School District v. Schempp
- William Seeley (A.B. 1993) – Zander Family Endowed Professor in Neurology, UC San Francisco, recipient of the Macarthur fellowship[6]
- Michael Shadlen (A.B. 1981, M.D. 1988) – Professor of Neuroscience, Columbia University, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator[71]
- Vijay Balakrishna Shenoy (PhD 1998) – Professor of Physics, Indian Institute of Science
- Gabriela Schlau-Cohen (BSc 2003) – Associate Professor of Chemistry, MIT
- Barbara Shinn-Cunningham (Sc.B. 1986) – Director, Carnegie Mellon Neuroscience Institute, George A. and Helen Dunham Cowan Professor, Carnegie Mellon University[72]
- Steven H. Simon (Sc.B. 1990) – Professor of Physics, University of Oxford[73]
- Daniel L. Stein (Sc.B. 1975) – Professor of Physics and Mathematics, New York University
- Eliot Stellar (MSc 1942, PhD 1947) – Provost Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania; one of the founders of behavioral neuroscience[74]
- James W. Stigler (A.B. 1976) – Distinguished Professor of Psychology, UCLA
- Jesse Thaler (Sc.B. 2002) – Professor of Physics, MIT; Director, NSF AI Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions
- Jessica Tierney (A.B. 2005, MSc 2008, PhD 2010) – Associate Professor of Geosciences and Thomas R. Brown Distinguished Chair in Integrative Science, University of Arizona[75]
- Jan Peter Toennies (PhD 1957) – Director Emeritus, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization; Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Göttingen
- Stefanie Tompkins (MSc 1993, PhD 1997) – Director, DARPA; former vice president for Research and Technology Transfer, Colorado School of Mines[76]
- Mark Trodden (MSc, PhD 1995) – Fay R. and Eugene L. Langberg Professor and Department Chair of Physics, Co-Director of the Penn Center for Particle Cosmology, University of Pennsylvania
- Fyodor Urnov (PhD 1996) – Professor of Genetics, Genomics, and Development, University of California, Berkeley
- John S. Werner (PhD 1979) – Distinguished Professor in the Departments of Ophthalmology and Vision Science and Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior, UC Davis
- Xi-Cheng Zhang (PhD 1986) – Parker Givens Chair of Optics, University of Rochester; Director of Institute of Optics
- Maria Zuber (PhD 1986) – E. A. Griswold Professor of Geophysics and Vice President for Research, MIT; NASA planning advisor; Co-chair of the Council of Advisors on Science and Technology[77]
Maria Zuber (1986)
Social sciences
[edit]- Massimo Livi Bacci (1960–61) – Professor Emeritus of Demography, University of Florence
- Mary Beaudry (A.M. 1975, PhD 1980) – Professor of Archaeology, Anthropology, and Gastronomy, Boston University[78]
- Peter Bearman (A.B. 1978) – Jonathan R. Cole Professor of the Social Sciences, Columbia University[79]
- Aaron Belkin (A.B. 1988) – Professor of Political Science, San Francisco State University; authority on LGBT people in the United States Armed Forces
- Adia Benton (A.B. 1999) – cultural and medical anthropologist, Associate Professor of Anthropology at Northwestern University
- Kenneth A. Bollen (A.M. 1975, PhD 1977) – Henry Rudolph Immerwahr Distinguished Professor in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, UNC Chapel Hill[80]
- Jason Bordoff (A.B. 1994) – Co-Founding Dean of the Columbia Climate School, Founding Director of the Center on Global Energy Policy, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
Jason Bordoff (1994) - Selmer Bringsjord (PhD 1987) – Chair of the Department of Cognitive Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Melani Cammett (A.B. 1991) – Clarence Dillon Professor of International Affairs, Harvard University; Director, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs; Professor, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- Prudence Carter (BSc 1991) – Sarah and Joseph Jr. Dowling Professor of Sociology, Brown University; Mary E. Pardee Professor and Dean of the Graduate School of Education, UC Berkeley (2016–2021)
- Neta Crawford (A.B. 1985) – Montague Burton Professor of International Relations, Oxford University[81]
- Lee Drutman (A.B. 1999) – Senior Fellow, New America; Lecturer, Johns Hopkins University[82]
- Emily Falk (Sc.B. 2004) – Professor of Communication, Psychology, and Marketing, Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania
- William H. Frey (A.M. 1971, PhD 1974) – Senior Fellow in the Metropolitan Policy Program, Brookings Institution
- Ester Fuchs (A.M. 1974) – Professor of International and Public Affairs and Political Science, Columbia University SIPA
- Robert M. Gagné (Sc.M 1939, PhD 1940) – educational psychologist; Professor, Florida State University; author of Conditions of Learning
- John Ghazvinian (A.B. 1996) – Executive Director, Middle East Center, University of Pennsylvania[83]
- John Wesley Gilbert (A.B. 1888, A.M. 1891) – first African American to receive an A.M. from Brown, first African American archaeologist[84]
- Michael Inzlicht (Sc.M. 1999, PhD 2001) – Professor of Psychology, University of Toronto Scarborough
- David Kertzer (A.B. 1969) – Paul Dupee University Professor of Social Science, Brown University; recipient of the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography
David Kertzer (1969) - Michael Kimmel (M.A. 1974) – Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Stony Brook University
- Eric Klinenberg (A.B. 1993) – Professor of Sociology and Helen Gould Shepard Professor in Social Science, New York University
- Prema Kurien (A.M. 1989, PhD 1993) – Professor of Sociology, Syracuse University
- Harold Leavitt (Sc.M. 1944) – pioneer in management psychology; Walter Kenneth Kilpatrick Professor of Organizational Behavior, Stanford University[85]
- Jacob T. Levy (A.B. 1993) – Tomlinson Professor of Political Theory and Chair of the Department of Political Science, McGill University
- Ogden Lindsley (A.B. 1948, Sc.M. 1950) – developer of precision teaching; Professor, University of Kansas
- Geoffrey Loftus (A.B. 1967) – Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Washington
- Sabina Magliocco (A.B. 1980) – Professor of Sociocultural Anthropology, University of British Columbia
- Leslie McCall (A.B. 1986) – Presidential Professor of Political Science and Sociology, Graduate Center, CUNY
- Ruth Milkman (A.B. 1975) – Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Graduate Center, CUNY; former president, American Sociological Association[86]
- Melissa Nobles (A.B. 1985) – Chancellor and Professor of Political Science, MIT; Kenan Sahin Dean of the MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (2015–2021)[87]
Melissa Nobles (1985) - Lloyd Ohlin (A.B. 1940) – sociologist and criminologist; Professor Emeritus, Harvard University, Columbia University, University of Chicago[88]
- Hal Pashler (A.B. 1980) – Distinguished Professor of Psychology, UC San Diego
- Thomas Pepinsky (A.B. 2001) – Walter F. LaFeber Professor of Government, Cornell University
- Nelson W. Polsby (A.M. 1957) – Heller Professor of Political Science, UC Berkeley, member, Council on Foreign Relations
- Imam Prasodjo (PhD 1997) –Professor in the Department of Social and Political Science, University of Indonesia[89]
- Jennifer Richeson (Sc.B. 1994) – Philip R. Allen Professor of Psychology, Yale University; Macarthur fellowship recipient
Jennifer Richeson (1994) - Bruce Riedel (A.B. 1975) – Senior Fellow, Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution; Professor, Johns Hopkins SAIS
- Lisa Rofel (A.B. 1975) – Professor Emerita of Anthropology, UC Santa Cruz[90]
- Eldar Shafir (A.B. 1984) – Class of 1987 Professor of Behavioral Science and Public Policy and Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs, Princeton University
Eldar Shafir (1984) - Patrick Sharkey (A.B. 2000) – Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs, Princeton University[91]
- William Herbert Sheldon (A.B. 1919) – psychologist, creator of the field of somatotype and constitutional psychology
- Rachel Sherman (A.B. 1991) – Professor and Chair of Sociology, The New School for Social Research
- Adam T. Smith (A.B. 1990) – Distinguished Professor of Arts and Sciences in Anthropology, Cornell University
- Richard Solomon (A.B. 1940, A.M. 1942, PhD 1947) – experimental psychologist; author of the opponent-process theory of emotion; James M. Skinner University Professor of Science, University of Pennsylvania[92]
- Erroll Southers (A.B. 1978) – Director of the Safe Communities Institute and Homegrown Violent Extremism Studies, USC Price School of Public Policy
- Deborah A. Thomas (A.B. 1988) – R. Jean Brownlee Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Center for Experimental Ethnography, University of Pennsylvania
- Fred Turner (A.B. 1984) – Harry and Norman Chandler Professor of Communication, Stanford University
- Khachig Tölölyan (PhD 1975) – founding figure in diaspora studies; Professor Emeritus of English and Letters, Wesleyan University
- Jeffrey K. Tulis (A.M. 1974) – Professor of Government, The University of Texas at Austin
- Sam Wineburg (Class of 1980) – Margaret Jacks Professor of Education Emeritus, Stanford University
- Deborah J. Yashar (A.B. 1985) – Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University
[edit]- Asger Aaboe (PhD 1957) – Professor Emeritus of the History of Science, Mathematics and of Near Eastern Languages and Literatures, Yale University
- Ryan S. Baker (BSc 2000) – Professor, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education; Director, Penn Center for Learning Analytics
- Albert T. Corbett (A.B. 1972) – Associate Research Professor Emeritus of Human–Computer Interaction, Carnegie Mellon University
- Julie Beth Lovins (A.B. 1968) – computational linguist who developed the first stemming algorithm for word matching
- Jamie Metzl (A.B. 1990) – futurist; Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council
Jamie Metzl (1990) - Pedro Noguera (A.B. 1981, A.M. 1982) – Dean, USC Rossier School of Education
- Bina Venkataraman (A.B. 2002) – Director of Global Policy Initiatives, Broad Institute
- Noah Wardrip-Fruin (PhD 2006) – Professor of Computational Media, University of California, Santa Cruz
Science, technology and innovation
[edit]- Willis Adcock (PhD 1948) — chemist, professor of electrical engineering, grew silicon boules for construction of the first silicon transistor at Texas Instruments
- Katherine L. Adams (A.B. 1986) – General Counsel and Senior Vice President of Legal and Global Security, Apple Inc.[93]
- Zachariah Allen (1813) – Inventor of the steam engine automatic cut-off valve[94]
- Seth Berkley (Sc.B. 1978, M.D. 1981) – CEO of GAVI, founder and former President and CEO of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
Seth Berkley (1978, 1981) - John Seely Brown (A.B. 1962) – inventor of spellcheck[citation needed]
- Walter Guyton Cady (1895) – physicist and electrical engineer; developed the first quartz crystal oscillator
- Bryan Cantrill (BSc 1996) – one of the three authors of DTrace, CTO of Oxide Computer Company, former CTO of Joyent
- John H. Crawford (1975) – chief architect, Intel386 and Intel486 microprocessors; co-managed the development of the Pentium microprocessor; Intel Fellow, Enterprise Platforms Group
- John Cumbers (PhD 2011) – British molecular biologist, founder of SynBioBeta
- Helen Wendler Deane (PhD 1943) – American histophysiologist
- Lisa Gelobter (1991) – developed visual programs such as Shockwave
- Lillian Moller Gilbreth (PhD 1915) – one of the first working female engineers; arguably the first true industrial/organizational psychologist; mother of twelve children as described by the book Cheaper by the Dozen
Lillian Moller Gilbreth (1915) - Morton Gurtin (PhD 1961) – Timoshenko Medal-winning mechanical engineer and mathematical physicist
- Andy Hertzfeld (Sc.B. 1975) – key member of original Apple Macintosh development team; one of the primary software architects of the classic Mac OS
- Alexander Lyman Holley (1853) – American inventor, founding member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Eliot Horowitz (Sc.B. 2003) – co-founder and former CTO of MongoDB
Eliot Horowitz (2003) - Mary Lou Jepsen (1987, PhD 1997) – technology executive and inventor, co-founder of One Laptop per Child
- Chirinjeev Kathuria (BSc 1988, M.D. 1993) – co-founder and co-chairman of UpHealth Inc, co-founder of Ocean Biomedical
- Amy Leventer (Sc.B. 1979) – marine biologist, micropaleontologist, Antarctic researcher
- Adam Leventhal (Sc.B. 2001) – software engineer, one of the three authors of DTrace
- David J. Lipman (A.B.) – Director, National Center for Biotechnology Information
- Hilary Mason – data scientist, former general manager of machine learning at Cloudera and chief scientist at Bitly
- Rebecca Moore (1977) – Director, Google Earth
- Meredith Ringel Morris (Sc.B. 2001) – Director and Principal Scientist, People + AI Research Team, Google Research
- Peter Norvig (Sc.B. 1978) – Director of Research, Google Inc.
- Erin Pettit (Sc.B. 1994) – glaciologist, Antarctic researcher
- David Shrier (Sc.B. 1995) – American futurist and author
- Ken Silverman (Sc.B. 2000) – writer of the Build engine
- Marion Elizabeth Stark (A.B. 1916, A.M. 1979) – one of the first female American mathematics professors
- Gordon Kidd Teal (PhD 1931) – inventor of the commercial silicon transistor
- John Tukey (Sc.B. 1936, Sc. M. 1937) – co-developed the Cooley–Tukey fast Fourier transform algorithm; coined the terms bit, byte, software and cepstrum, recipient of the National Medal of Science
Bob Wallace (Class of 1971) – ninth Microsoft employee, inventor of the term sharewareBob Wallace (1971)
Space science and exploration
[edit]- Brian Binnie (Sc.B. 1975, Sc.M. 1976) – test pilot, privately funded experimental spaceplane SpaceShipOne
- James B. Garvin (Sc.B. 1978, Sc.M. 1981, PhD 1984) – Chief Scientist, NASA Mars and lunar exploration programs
- David Grinspoon (Sc.B. 1982) – astrobiologist, senior scientist at the Planetary Science Institute
- Wesley Huntress (Sc.B. 1964) – president, The Planetary Society
- Byron K. Lichtenberg (Sc.B. 1969) – NASA astronaut
- Sarah Milkovich (Sc.M. 2002, PhD 2005) – Lead of Science Operations for the Mars 2020 rover at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Jessica Meir (A.B. 1999) – NASA astronaut; one of two women to participate in the first all-female spacewalk[95]
Jessica Meir (1999) - Lynn J. Rothschild (PhD 1985) – evolutionary biologist and astrobiologist at NASA's Ames Research Center Thomas O. Paine (A.B. 1942) – third Administrator of NASA, oversaw first seven Apollo crewed missions
Thomas O. Paine (1942) - Ellen Stofan (PhD 1989) – NASA Chief Scientist (2013–2016), John and Adrienne Mars Director, National Air and Space Museum[96][97]
- Suzanne Smrekar (BSc 1984) – Deputy Principal Investigator for the Mars InSight lander
- Paul Spudis (Sc.M. 1977) – noted lunar scientist associated with the NASA Office of Space Science[98]
- Winslow Upton (Sc.B. 1875) – astronomer, director of Ladd Observatory
- George Wallerstein (Sc.B. 1951) – astronomer, winner of the Henry Norris Russell Lectureship
- Maria Zuber (PhD 1986) – Principal Investigator of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission[77]
Government, law and public policy
[edit]- Philip Allen (A.B. 1803) – 22nd Governor of Rhode Island (1851–1853), U.S. Senator, Rhode Island (1853–1859)[99]
- Oliver Ames (1851–1853) – 35th Governor of Massachusetts (1887–1890)
- Henry B. Anthony (A.B. 1833) – 21st Governor of Rhode Island (1849–1851), U.S. Senator, Rhode Island (1859–1884), President pro tempore of the U.S. Senate[100]
- Augustus O. Bourn (1855) – 36th Governor of Rhode Island (1883–1885)
- Donald Carcieri (A.B. 1965) – 73rd Governor of Rhode Island (2003–2011)[101]
- Norman S. Case (A.B. 1908) – 56th Governor of Rhode Island (1928–1933)
- Lincoln Chafee (A.B. 1975) – 74th Governor of Rhode Island (2011–2015), U.S. Senator, Rhode Island[102]
Lincoln Chafee (1975) - William Claflin (Class of 1837) – 27th Governor of Massachusetts (1869–1872)
- John H. Clifford (1827) – 21st Governor of Massachusetts (1853–1854)
- Samuel Cony (1829) – 31st Governor of Maine (1864–1867)[103]
- Elisha Dyer (A.B. 1829) – 25th Governor of Rhode Island (1857–1859)[104]
- Elisha Dyer Jr. – 45th Governor of Rhode Island (1897–1900)[105]
- James Fenner (A.B. 1789) – 7th, 11th, and 17th Governor of Rhode Island (1807–1811, 1824–1831, 1843–1845)[106]
- John Brown Francis (A.B. 1808) – 13th Governor of Rhode Island (1833–1838)[107]
- William Gaston (1840) – 29th Governor of Massachusetts (1875–1876)
- Theodore Francis Green (1887) – 57th Governor of Rhode Island (1933–1936); U.S. Senator, D–Rhode Island (1937–1961)[108]
T. F. Green (1887) - Maggie Hassan (A.B. 1980) – 81st Governor of New Hampshire (2013–2017); U.S. Senator, D–New Hampshire (2017–)[109]
- James H. Higgins (A.B. 1898) – 50th Governor of Rhode Island (1907–1909)
- Charles Evans Hughes (A.B. 1881) – 36th Governor of New York (1907–1910)[110]
- Charles Jackson (A.B. 1917, A.M. 1920) – 18th Governor of Rhode Island (1845–46)[111]
- Piyush "Bobby" Jindal (Sc.B. 1992) – 55th Governor of Louisiana (2008–2016)[112]
- Otto Kerner Jr. (1930) – 33rd Governor of Illinois – (1961–1968)[113]
- Samuel Ward King – 15th Governor of Rhode Island (1839–1843)
- Frank Licht (A.B. 1938) – 67th Governor of Rhode Island (1969–1973)
- William L. Marcy (A.B. 1808) – Justice of New York State Supreme Court (1829); 11th Governor of New York (1833–1839); U.S. Secretary of War (1845–1849); U.S. Senator from New York; U.S. Secretary of State (1853–1857)[114]
William L. Marcy (1808) - Jack Markell (1982) – 18th United States Ambassador to the OECD, 73rd Governor of Delaware (2009–2017)[115]
Jack Markell (1982) - Marcus Morton (A.B. 1804, A.M 1807) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1817–1821), 16th & 18th Governor of Massachusetts (1825, 1840–1844)[116]
- Pendleton Murrah (1848) – 10th Governor of Texas (1863–1865)[117]
- Philip W. Noel (1954) – 68th Governor of Rhode Island (1973–1977)[118]
- Robert E. Quinn (1915) – 58th Governor of Rhode Island (1937–1939), Judge for the Rhode Island Superior Court[119]
- Edward C. Stokes (1883) – 32nd Governor of New Jersey (1905–1908)[120]
- John Milton Thayer (1841) – 2nd Governor of Wyoming Territory (1875–1878) and 6th Governor of Nebraska (1887–1892)[121]
- David Rogerson Williams (1792–1795) – 45th Governor of South Carolina (1814–1816)
- Jared W. Williams (A.B. 1818) – 21st Governor of New Hampshire (1847–1849)
- William D. Williamson (1804) – 2nd Governor of Maine (1821–1821), U.S. Congressman, Maine (1821–1823)[122]
[edit]United States senators
[edit]- Philip Allen (A.B. 1803) – U.S. Senator, Rhode Island (1853–1859), Governor of Rhode Island (1851–1853)[99]
- Henry B. Anthony (A.B. 1833) – U.S. Senator, Rhode Island (1859–1884), President pro tempore of the United States Senate (1875–1875), Governor of Rhode Island (1849–1851)[100]
Henry B. Anthony (1833) - Samuel G. Arnold (A.B. 1841) – U.S. Senator from Rhode Island[123]
- James Burrill Jr. (A.B. 1788) – U.S. Senator from Rhode Island[124]
- Lincoln Chafee (A.B. 1975) – U.S. Senator, Rhode Island (1999–2007); Governor of Rhode Island (2011–2015)[125]
- John Hopkins Clarke (A.B. 1809) – U.S. Senator from Rhode Island[126]
- Nathan F. Dixon I (A.B. 1799) – U.S. Senator, Rhode Island[127]
- Nathan F. Dixon III (A.B. 1869) – U.S. Senator from Rhode Island[128]
- James Fenner (A.B. 1789) – U.S. Senator from Rhode Island[129]
- Dwight Foster (A.B. 1774) – U.S. Senator from Massachusetts[130]
- Lafayette S. Foster (A.B. 1828) – U.S. Senator, Connecticut (1855–1867), President pro tempore of the Senate (1865–1867)[131]
Lafayette S. Foster (1828) - Theodore Foster (A.B. 1770) – U.S. Senator from Rhode Island[132]
- John Brown Francis (A.B. 1808) – U.S. Senator from Rhode Island[107]
- Theodore F. Green (A.B. 1887) – U.S. Senator, Rhode Island (1937–1961)[133]
- Maggie Hassan (A.B. 1980) – 81st Governor of New Hampshire (2013–2017); U.S. Senator, D–New Hampshire (2017–)
Maggie Hassan (1980) - Nathaniel P. Hill (A.B. 1856) – U.S. Senator, Colorado (1879–1885)[134]
- John Holmes (A.B. 1796) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1817–1820), U.S. Senator, Maine (1820–1827, 1829–1833)[135]
- Jeremiah B. Howell (A.B. 1789) – U.S. Senator, Rhode Island (1811–1817)[136]
- William Hunter (A.B. 1791) – U.S. Senator, Rhode Island (1811–1821)[137]
- Edward L. Leahy (A.B.) – U.S. Senator, Rhode Island (1949–1950)[138]
- Henry F. Lippitt (A.B. 1878) – U.S. Senator, Rhode Island (1911–1917)[139]
- William L. Marcy (A.B. 1808) – U.S. Senator, New York (1831–1833)[140]
- Blair Moody (A.B. 1922) – U.S. Senator, Michigan (1951–1952)[141]
- John Ruggles (A.B. 1813) – U.S. Senator from Maine (1835–1841)[142]
- Frederic M. Sackett (1890) – U.S. Senator, Kentucky (1924–1930), U.S. Ambassador to Germany (1930–1933)[143]
- John Milton Thayer (1841) – U.S. Senator, Nebraska (1867–1871)
John Milton Thayer (1841) - Jared W. Williams (A.B. 1818) – U.S. Senator, New Hampshire (1853–1854); U.S. Congressman, New Hampshire (1837–1841); 21st Governor of New Hampshire (1847–1849)[144]
Members of the United States House of Representatives
[edit]- Benjamin Adams (A.B. 1788) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1816–1821)
- Jeremiah Bailey (1795) – U.S. Congressman, Maine (1835–1837)[145]
- John Bailey (1807) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1824–1831)
- John Baldwin (A.B. 1797) – U.S. Congressman, Connecticut (1825–1829)[146]
- Gideon Barstow (1803) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1821–1823)
- William Baylies (1795) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1809–1809, 1813–1817, 1833–1835)[145]
- William H. Bates (1940) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1950–1969)
- Barnabas Bidwell – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1805 –1807)
- William Daniel Brayton – U.S Congressman, Rhode Island (1857–1861)
- Franklin E. Brooks (1883) – U.S. Congressman, Colorado (1903–1907)
- George H. Browne (1840) – U.S Congressman, Rhode Island (1861–1863)
- Tristam Burges (A.B. 1796) – U.S Congressman, Rhode Island (1825–1835)[147]
- David Cicilline (A.B. 1983) – first openly gay mayor of a state capital–Providence, Rhode Island; U.S Congressman, Rhode Island (2011–2023).[148]
David Cicilline (1983) - Gil Cisneros (M.A. 2015) – U.S. Congressman, California (2019–2021),[149] 10th Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness[150]
Gil Cisneros (2015) - William Claflin – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1877 –1881)
- Stephen A. Cobb (1858) – U.S. Congressman, Kansas (1873–1875)
- Howard A. Coffin (1901) – U.S. Congressman, Michigan (1947–1949)[151]
- Samuel S. Cox (1846) – U.S. Congressman, Ohio, New York, U.S. ambassador to the Ottoman Empire[152]
- Samuel L. Crocker (1822) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1853–1855)[153]
- Robert Lee Davis – U.S. Congressman, Pennsylvania (1932–1933)[154]
- Nathan F. Dixon II (1833) – U.S Congressman, Rhode Island (1849–1851, 1863–1871)[145]
- Job Durfee (A.B. 1813) – U.S Congressman, Rhode Island (1821–1825)[155]
- Samuel Eddy (1787) – U.S Congressman, Rhode Island (1819–1825), Chief Justice of the Rhode Island Supreme Court (1827–1835)[156]
- Frederick D. Ely (1859) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1885–1887)
- James Ervin (1797) U.S. Congressman, South Carolina (1817–1821)[157]
- Horace Everett (A.B. 1797) – U.S. Congressman, Vermont (1829–1843)[158]
- Thomas Ewing Jr. – U.S. Congressman, Ohio (1877–1881)
- George Fisher (1813) – U.S. Congressman, New York (1829–1830)[159]
- Dwight Foster (A.B. 1774) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1793–1800)[130]
- George B. Francis (1904) – U.S. Congressman, New York (1917–1919)
- Daniel L. D. Granger (1874) – U.S Congressman, Rhode Island (1903–1909)
- Julian Hartridge (1848) – U.S. Congressman, Georgia (1875–1879)[160]
- Nathaniel Hazard (1792) – U.S Congressman, Rhode Island (1819–1820)[161]
- Aaron Hobart (1805) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1820–1827)
- Thomas Jenckes (1838) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1859–1863)
- Piyush "Bobby" Jindal (Sc.B. 1992) – U.S. Congressman, Louisiana (2004–2008)[162]
Bobby Jindal (1992) - George Gordon King (1825) – U.S Congressman, Rhode Island (1849–1853)
- Oscar Lapham (1864) – U.S. Congressman, Rhode Island (1891–1895)[163]
- Dan Maffei (A.B. 1990) – U.S. Congressman, D-New York (2009–2011, 2013–2015)[164]
- Seth Magaziner (A.B. 2006) – U.S. Congressman, D-Rhode Island (2022–)
Seth Magaziner (2006) - Horace Mann (A.B. 1819) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1848–1853)
- James Brown Mason (A.B. 1791) – U.S Congressman, Rhode Island (1815–1819)[165]
- Charles D. Millard (1897) – U.S Congressman, New York (1931–1937)
- Marcus Morton (A.B. 1804, A.M 1807) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1817–1821); Governor of Massachusetts (1825, 1840–1844)[166]
- John J. O'Connor (1906) – U.S. Congressman, New York (1923–1939)[167]
- Richard Olney II (1892) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1815–1921)
- Dutee Jerauld Pearce (A.B. 1808) – U.S Congressman, Rhode Island (1825–1837)[168]
- Dean Phillips (A.B. 1991) – U.S. Congressman, Minnesota (2019–);[169] former candidate for the 2024 Democratic Party presidential nomination
Dean Phillips (1991) - Henry Kirke Porter (1860) – U.S. Congressman, Pennsylvania (1903–1905)[170]
- John Reed Jr. (1803) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1813–1817, 1821–1841)
- Edwin R. Reynolds (1839) – U.S. Congressman, New York (1860–1861)
- Christopher Robinson (1825) – U.S Congressman, Rhode Island (1859–1861)
- Deborah K. Ross (1985) – U.S Congresswoman, North Carolina (2021–)[171]
- Jonathan Russell (1791) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1820)[145]
- Zabdiel Sampson (1803) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1817–1820)[172]
- William P. Sheffield, II (1877) – U.S. Congressman, Rhode Island (1909–1911)[173]
- Solomon Sibley (1794) – first United States Attorney for the Michigan Territory; territorial Delegate to Congress[174]
- Thomas Hale Sill (1804) – U.S. Congressman, Pennsylvania (1826 –1827, 1829 –1831)
- Edward L. Sittler Jr. (1930) – U.S. Congressman, Pennsylvania, 23rd Congressional District[175]
- Albert Smith (1813) – U.S. Congressman, Maine (1839–1841)[145]
- Henry J. Spooner (1860) – U.S Congressman, Rhode Island (1881–1891)
- Walter Russell Stiness (1877) – U.S Congressman, Rhode Island (1815–1823)
- Ebenezer Stoddard (1807) – U.S Congressman, Connecticut.[176]
- James Tallmadge Jr. (1798) – U.S. Congressman, New York (1817–1819), President of New York University (1830–1846)
James Tallmadge Jr. (1798) - Eli Thayer (1845) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1857–1861)
- Benjamin Thomas (1830) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1861–1863)[145]
- Charles R. Train (1837) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1859–1863)
- Daniel Wardwell (1811) – U.S. Congressman, New York (1831–1837)[177]
- Ezekiel Whitman (1795) – U.S. Congressman, Maine (1835–1837)[145]
- David Rogerson Williams (1792–1795) – U.S. Congressman, South Carolina (1811– 1813), Governor of South Carolina (1814–1816)
- Henry Williams (1826) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1839 –1831, 1843–1845)[145]
- William D. Williamson (1804) – U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts (1809–1811) and Maine (1821–1822)
- William Widnall (1926) – U.S. Congressman, New Jersey (1950–1975)[178]
- John W. Wydler (1947) – U.S. Congressman, New York (1963–1981)[179]
State legislators
[edit]- Sullivan Ballou (Class of 1852) – member of Rhode Island House of Representatives; Major in Rhode Island militia; killed at First Battle of Bull Run
- Brian Benjamin (A.B. 1998) – member of the New York State Senate ( 2017–present), Lieutenant Governor of New York (2021–2022)
- Antonio F. D. Cabral (1997) – member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives (1990–present)
- Dan Greenberg (A.B. 1988) – member of the Arkansas General Assembly (2006–2011)
- Elijah Hamlin – member of the Maine House of Representatives (1830–1832)
- Steve Harrison (1990) – member of the West Virginia State Senate (2003–2006) and the West Virginia House of Delegates (1993–2002)
- Wingate Hayes (1844) – Speaker of the Rhode Island House of Representatives from 1859 to 1860
- Ratcliffe Hicks (1864) – member of the Connecticut House of Representatives (1866–1895), benefactor of the University of Connecticut
- Walter M. D. Kern – politician who served in the New Jersey General Assembly from 1978 to 1990, where he represented the 40th Legislative District.[180]
- Dana Levenberg (1986)- member of the New York State Assembly (2023–present), Town Supervisor of Ossining (2016–2022)
- Mee Moua (1992) – Minnesota State Senator, first elected Hmong-American politician
- Mark Strama (1990) – member of the Texas House of Representatives
- Austin Volk (1941) – member of the New Jersey General Assembly and mayor of Englewood, New Jersey
- Aaron Regunberg (2012) – member of the Rhode Island House of Representatives and 2018 Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Rhode Island
- Kyle Evans Gay – member of the Delaware Senate[181]
[edit]- Kostas Bakoyannis (A.B. 2000) – Mayor of Athens, Greece (2019–present)[182]
- David Cicilline (A.B. 1983) – first openly gay mayor of a state capital–Providence, Rhode Island; U.S Congressman, Rhode Island (2011–).[148]
- Buddy Dyer (Sc.B. 1980) – 32nd Mayor of Orlando, Florida (2003–)
- Henry Loeb (1943) – Mayor of Memphis, Tennessee (1960–1963, 1968–1971)
- Alex Morse (A.B. 2011) – 44th Mayor of Holyoke, Massachusetts (2012–2021); elected youngest mayor of Holyoke at age 22[183]
Alex Morse (2011) - Freddie O'Connell (A.B., BSc 2000) – 10th Mayor of Nashville, Tennessee[184]
- Chelsie J. Senerchia – 26th Mayor of Miami, Florida (1951–1953)
- Solomon Sibley (A.B. 1794) – 1st Mayor of Detroit, Michigan (1806–1806)
- Sumbul Siddiqui (A.B. 2010) – Mayor of Cambridge, Massachusetts (2020–); first Muslim mayor in Massachusetts history[185][186]
- Samuel Starkweather (1822) – 7th and 15th Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio (1844–1845, 1857–1858)
- Konstantinos Zervas (Sc.M. 1989) – Mayor of Thessaloniki, Greece (2019–)[187]
[edit]- Willard L. Beaulac (1918) – U.S. Ambassador to Paraguay (1944–1947), Colombia (1947–1951), Cuba (1951–1953), Chile (1953–1956) and Argentina (1956–1960)
- W. Randolph Burgess (1912) – U.S. Ambassador to NATO (1957–1961)
- William H. Courtney (PhD 1972) – U.S. Ambassador to Georgia (1995–1997) and Kazakhstan (1992–1994)
- Samuel S. Cox (1846) – U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire (1885–1886)
- Nathaniel Davis (1944) – U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland (1976–1977), Chile (1971–1973), Guatemala (1968–1971), and Bulgaria (1965–1966); Director General of the Foreign Service (1973–1975)
- Roy T. Davis (A.B. 1910) – U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica (1922–1930), Panama (1930–1933), and Haiti (1953–1957)
- Rosemary DiCarlo (A.B. 1969, M.A. 1971, PhD 1979) – acting U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (2013)
Rosemary DiCarlo (1969) - Norm Eisen (A.B. 1985) – U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic (2011–2014)[188]
- Ana A. Escrogima (A.B. 2001) – nominee for U.S. Ambassador to Oman
- Rufus Gifford (A.B. 1996) – U.S. Ambassador to Denmark (2013–2017),[189] Deputy Campaign Manager for Joe Biden's 2020 presidential campaign, Chief of Protocol of the United States[190]
- John Hay (A.B. 1858) – 37th U.S. Secretary of State (1898–1905)
- Richard Holbrooke (A.B. 1962) – U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (1999–2001), U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, U.S. Ambassador to Germany (1993–1994) , former Chairman of the Asia Society, member of the Atlantic Council of the United States, Counselor to the Council on Foreign Relations, Founding Chairman of the American Academy in Berlin
Richard Holbrooke (1962) - Charles Evans Hughes (A.B. 1881) – 44th U.S. Secretary of State (1921–1925)
- Noble Brandon Judah (1904) – U.S. Ambassador to Cuba (1927–1929)
- Suzan G. LeVine (A.B. 1993) – U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland and Lichtenstein (2014–2017)[191]
- Frederick Irving (A.B. 1943) – U.S. Ambassador to Iceland (1972–1976)[192]
- Roberta S. Jacobson (A.B. 1982) – U.S. Ambassador to Mexico (2016–2018)[193]
- William L. Marcy (A.B. 1808) – 21st U.S. Secretary of State (1853–1857), 20th United States Secretary of War (1845–1849)
- Anthony Dryden Marshall (1950) – U.S. Consul in Istanbul, 1958–59; U.S. Ambassador to Malagasy Republic, (1969–71), Trinidad and Tobago (1972–74), Kenya (1973–77), Seychelles (1976–77); theatrical producer; felon[194]
- Adam Namm (A.B. 1985) – U.S. Ambassador to Ecuador (2012–2015)
- James D. Nealon (A.B. 1980) – U.S. Ambassador to Honduras (2014–2017)
- Victoria Nuland (A.B. 1983) – Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (2021–), U.S. Ambassador to NATO (2005–2008)
Victoria Nuland (1983) - Richard Olson (A.B. 1981) – U.S. Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates (2008–2011) and Pakistan (2012–2015)
- Richard Olney (A.B. 1856) – 34th U.S. Secretary of State (1895–1897), 40th United States Attorney General (1893–1895)
- Ely Palmer (A.B. 1907) – U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan (1948)[195]
- Nit Phibunsongkhram (A.M. 1967) – Foreign Minister of Thailand (2006–2008), Thai Ambassador to the United States (1996–2000)
- David Pressman (A.B. 1999) – U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations for Special Political Affairs (2014–2017), U.S. Ambassador to Hungary (2022–), co-founder Not on Our Watch
- Frederic M. Sackett (A.B. 1890) – U.S. Senator, Kentucky (1924–1930), U.S. Ambassador to Germany (1930–1933)
- John J. Sullivan (A.B. 1981) – U.S. Ambassador to Russia (2020–2022), U.S. Deputy Secretary of State (2017–2019), acting U.S. Secretary of State (2018)
- Stephanie S. Sullivan (A.B. 1980) – U.S. Ambassador to Ghana (2019–2022), and Republic of the Congo (2013–2017)
- William H. Sullivan (A.B. 1943) – U.S. Ambassador to Laos (1964–1969), the Philippines (1973–1977), and Iran (1977–1979)[196]
- W. Stuart Symington (A.B. 1974) – U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria (2016–2019) and Rwanda (2008–2011)
- Thomas J. Watson Jr. (A.B. 1937) – U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union (1979–1981); 2nd President of IBM (1952–71); 11th national president of the Boy Scouts of America (1964–68); recipient of the 1964 Presidential Medal of Freedom
Thomas J. Watson Jr. (1937) - Henry Wheaton (A.B. 1802) – U.S. Minister to Denmark (1827–1835) and Prussia (1837–1846)
- Curtin Winsor Jr. (A.B. 1961) – U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica (1983–1985)
Advisors and officials
[edit]- Charles "Chuck" Colson (1953) – chief counsel to Richard Nixon (1969–1973); figured in the Watergate Scandal; founder of Prison Fellowship
- Thomas Corcoran (1922) – member of President Franklin Roosevelt's "brain trust"; guided New Deal legislation; high-powered Washington lobbyist
- Tad Devine (A.B. 1978) – political consultant, senior adviser in Al Gore's 2000 and John Kerry's 2004 Presidential campaigns, chief strategist for Bernie Sanders' 2016 presidential campaign
- David F. Duncan (1995) – domestic policy advisor to Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton; co-originator of the self-medication hypothesis of drug addiction
- John Hay (1858) – U.S. Secretary of State under presidents William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt (1898–1905), private secretary and assistant to Abraham Lincoln
John Hay (1858) - Charles Hill (A.B. 1957) – Senior Lecturer in the Humanities, Brady-Johnson Distinguished Fellow in Grand Strategy, Yale University; former executive aid to former U.S. Secretary of State George P. Shultz; research fellow, Hoover Institution[197][198]
- E. Howard Hunt (1940) – author, OSS & CIA officer, worked under President Richard Nixon; figured in the Watergate scandal
- Randall Kroszner (A.B. 1984) – member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
- Ira Magaziner (1969) – Clinton advisor, current chairman of Clinton AIDS Initiative; co-instigator of Brown's New Curriculum
- Seema Nanda (1992) – United States Solicitor of Labor, CEO of the Democratic National Convention
- Annette Nazareth (A.B. 1979) – former Securities and Exchange Commissioner, partner at Davis Polk & Wardell
- Richard Olney (1856) – United States Attorney General (1893–1895), United States Secretary of State (1895–1897)
- David Onek (1991) – candidate for District Attorney of San Francisco
- Thomas Perez (A.B. 1983) – Chair of the Democratic National Committee, former United States Secretary of Labor (2013–2017)
Thomas Perez (1983) - John A. Rizzo (A.B. 1969) – Acting General Counsel and Deputy General Counsel at the Central Intelligence Agency noted for his role in "laying the legal groundwork" for the War on Terror[199]
- Tahesha Way (A.B. 1993) – Secretary of State of New Jersey (2018–2023), Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey (2023–)[191][200]
- Janet Yellen (A.B. 1967) – United States Secretary of the Treasury, former Chair of the Federal Reserve, former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco; Trefethen Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Economics, University of California, Berkeley
International politicians
[edit]- Junaid Ahmad (A.B.) – Bangladeshi economist, World Bank country director for India
- Ichirō Fujisaki – Japanese Ambassador to the United States (2008–12), Japanese Ambassador to the United Nations, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (1995–99)
- Shigeyuki Goto (A.M. 1984) – Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan (2021–present)
- Martín Guzmán (PhD 2013) – Minister of Economy of Argentina (2019–2022)[201]
Martín Guzmán (2013) - Nitya Pibulsonggram (A.M. 1967) – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand (2006–2008)
- Nadiem Makarim (2006) – Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia (2021–present)[202]
- Eduardo Montealegre (Sc.B. 1976) – Nicaraguan politician, Deputy to the National Assembly, Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Aeneas Mackay, 15th Lord Reay – Member of the House of Lords Excepted Hereditary (2019–present)
Aeneas Mackay, 15th Lord Reay - Uttama Savanayana (Sc.B. 1982) – Former Minister of Finance (2019–2020), Industry (2016–2018), and Digital Economy and Society of Thailand (2015–2016)
- Tarek Shawki (MSc 1983, MSc 1985, PhD 1985) – Minister of Education and Technical Education of Egypt
- Ijyaraj Singh (Sc.B. 1987) – Member of the Lok Sabha representing Kota (2009–2014)
- Julio Velarde (M.A. 1977, PhD 1978) – Chairman of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (2006–present)
Activists, reformers, and thought leaders
[edit]- Junaid Ahmad (A.B. 1983) – economist; World Bank Country Director for India[203]
- Benjamin Boas (A.B. 2007) – Cool Japan Ambassador to the Cabinet Office of Japan and cultural consultant
- John Bonifaz (1987) – founder, National Voting Rights Institute, recipient of the MacArthur Fellowship
- Geoffrey Bowers – plaintiff an early HIV/AIDS discrimination case[204]
- Katherine Chon (Sc.B. 2002) – co-founder and Board President of anti-human trafficking non-profit Polaris Project
- Bhupendranath Datta (M.A. 1914) – Indian revolutionary, sociologist and anthropologist
- Sean Eldridge (A.B. 2009) – political activist and former congressional candidate[205]
- Derek Ellerman (Sc.B. 2002) – co-founder and Board Chairman of anti-human trafficking non-profit Polaris Project, former Ashoka fellow and current Ashoka Ambassador
- John Dix Fisher (1820) – founder of the Perkins Institution for the Blind—the first school for the blind established in the U.S.
- Kathryn S. Fuller (A.B. 1968) – chairman of the Board Ford Foundation former president and CEO of non-governmental organization World Wildlife Fund – U.S. (1989–2005)
- Laura Germino (A.B. 1984) - co-founder, Fair Food Program, Coalition of Immokalee Workers
- Samuel Gridley Howe (1821) – prominent physician, abolitionist, advocate of education for the blind
- Gene Karpinski (1974) – President, League of Conservation Voters
- Kerry Kennedy (A.B. 1981) – activist, writer; President of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights; former wife of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo; daughter of Robert F. Kennedy[206]
Kerry Kennedy (1981) - Maya Keyes – anarchist and gay rights activist
- Alfie Kohn (A.B. 1979) – proponent of progressive education
- Nancy Lublin (1993) — founder of Crisis Text Line
- Horace Mann (A.B. 1819) – educationist; father of American public school education
- Nancy Northup (A.B. 1981) – President, Center for Reproductive Rights
- Nawal M. Nour (A.B. 1988) – physician, founder of the first hospital center in the United States devoted to the medical needs of African women who have undergone FGM, recipient of the MacArthur Fellowship
- Michael Parenti (A.M. 1957) – political scientist, social critic, and author
Michael Parenti - Jesselyn Radack (A.B. 1992) – national security and human rights attorney
- Cecile Richards (1980) – President, Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Cecile Richards (1980) - George Lincoln Rockwell (Class of 1942) – founder of the American Nazi Party; dropped out after second year to join the Navy
- Kenneth Roth (A.B. 1978) – Executive Director of Human Rights Watch (1993–2022)
Kenneth Roth (1978) - Malika Saada Saar (A.B. 1992) – Director of the Human Rights Project for Girls; co-founder of Rebecca Project for Human Rights[207]
- Rinku Sen (A.B. 1988) – Co-president of the Women's March board of directors, former executive director of Race Forward[208]
- Martha Sharp (A.B. 1926) – Unitarian who aided hundreds of Jews in escaping the Holocaust[209]
- Michael Soussan (A.B. 1996) – whistleblower and author
- Irving Stowe (A.B. 1936) – founder of Greenpeace[210]
Jurists and attorneys
[edit]- Leslie Abrams Gardner (A.B. 1997) – District Judge, United States District Court for the Middle District of Georgia[211]
- Asa Aldis (A.B. 1796) – Chief Justice of the Vermont Supreme Court[212]
- Peleg Arnold (A.B.) – Chief Justice of the Rhode Island Supreme Court from 1795 to 1812; represented Rhode Island as a delegate to the Continental Congress in the 1787–1788 session; incorporator of the Providence Society for the Abolition of Slavery in 1790[213]
- Haiganush R. Bedrosian (A.B. 1965) – Chief Justice, Rhode Island Family Court[214]
- Francisco Besosa (A.B. 1971) – District Judge, U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico
- Theodore R. Boehm (A.B. 1960) – Justice, Supreme Court of Indiana[215]
- Charles S. Bradley (A.B. 1838) – Chief Justice, Rhode Island Supreme Court
- George Moulton Carpenter (A.B. 1864) – Federal Judge for United States District Court for the District of Rhode Island
- Zachary A. Cunha (A.B. 1998) – United States Attorney for the District of Rhode Island
- Herbert F. DeSimone (A.B. 1910) – Attorney General of Rhode Island and Assistant Secretary of Transportation[216]
- Job Durfee (A.B. 1813) – Chief Justice, Rhode Island Supreme Court
- Samuel Eddy (1787) – U.S Congressman, Rhode Island (1819–1825), Chief Justice, Rhode Island Supreme Court (1827–1835)
- John Patrick Hartigan (A.B. 1951) – Rhode Island Attorney General, 1933–1939; US District Court, 1940–1951; US Court of Appeals, First Circuit, 1951–1968[217]
- Richard Hertling, (A.B. 1982) – Judge, United States Court of Federal Claims[218]
- Charles Evans Hughes (A.B. 1881) – 11th Chief Justice of the United States (1930–1941); Governor of New York (1907–1910); U.S. Secretary of State (1921–1925)
Charles Evans Hughes (1881) - Charles Evans Hughes Jr. (A.B. 1909) – 20th United States Solicitor General; son of Charles Evans Hughes[219]
- Alfred H. Joslin (A.B. 1936) – Justice of the Rhode Island Supreme Court (1963–1979)
- Lino S. Lipinsky de Orlov (A.B. 1979) – Judge of the Colorado Court of Appeals
- Patrick C. Lynch (1987) – Rhode Island Attorney General (D)
- Lewis Linn McArthur – Associate Justice of the Oregon Supreme Court
- Theron Metcalf (A.B. 1805) – Associate Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court[220]
- Marcus Morton (1838) – Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (1882–1890)
- Michael Newdow (Sc.B. 1974) – atheist doctor and lawyer who unsuccessfully argued Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow before the U.S. Supreme Court
- Thomas J. Perrelli (A.B. 1988) – former United States Associate Attorney General
- Solomon Sibley (A.B. 1794) – Chief Justice, Michigan Supreme Court; first United States Attorney for the Michigan Territory; territorial Delegate to Congress
- Kenneth Starr (M.A. 1969) – former U.S. Solicitor General; former U.S. appeals court judge; special counsel in Bill Clinton impeachment proceedings and namesake of the Starr Report; President of Baylor University
Kenneth Starr (1969) - Norman O. Tietjens (Ph.B. 1925, M.A. 1927) – judge of the United States Tax Court[221][222]
- Ojetta Rogeriee Thompson (A.B. 1973) – federal judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit and former Rhode Island Superior Court judge
- William Tong (A.B. 1995) – Attorney General of Connecticut (2019–)[223]
- Anne Rachel Traum (A.B. 1991) – Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Nevada
- Craig Waters (A.B. 1979) – communications counsel to the Florida Supreme Court
[edit]- Lawrence D. Ackman (1960) – real estate entrepreneur, father of billionaire Bill Ackman[224]
- Giovanni Alberto Agnelli (1986) – heir apparent and designated future chairman of the Fiat group
- Akash Ambani (A.B. 2013) – Director of Jio and Reliance Retail; eldest son of Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani[225][226]
- George S. Barrett (A.B. 1977) – CEO of Cardinal Health (2009–2017)[227]
- John Berylson (A.B. 1975) – American investor
- Marvin Bower (Sc.B. 1925) – co-founder of McKinsey & Company
- Aneel Bhusri (Sc.B. 1988) – billionaire, co-founder and CEO of Workday
Aneel Bhusri (1988) - Alfred S. Bloomingdale (1938) – co-founder and President, Diners Club International[228]
- Orlando Bravo (1970) – first Puerto Rican billionaire businessman
Orlando Bravo (1970) - Willard C. Butcher (1948) – former chairman and CEO, Chase Manhattan Bank
- Adam Cahan (A.B. 1993) – former Senior Vice President of Mobile and Emerging Products, Yahoo![229]
- Arthur L. Carter (1953) – investor, namesake of the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at New York University
- Lisa Caputo (A.B. 1986) – chief marketing officer, Citigroup
- Finn M. W. Caspersen (A.B. 1963) – financier, chairman and chief executive of the Beneficial Corporation
- John S. Chen (Sc.B. 1978) – chairman and CEO of BlackBerry Limited
- Chung Yong-jin (A.B. 1994) – South Korean billionaire, vice chairman and CEO of Shinsegae Group[230]
- Glenn Creamer (A.B. 1984) – billionaire, Senior managing director of Providence Equity Partners
- Dan DiMicco (BSc 1972) – CEO (2000–12) and chairman (2006–12) of Nucor
- Tanya Dubash (A.B. 1991) – Indian businesswoman
- David Ebersman (A.B. 1991) – former chief financial officer of Facebook, Inc.; founder, Lyra Health
- Donna M. Fernandes (Sc.B 1981) President and CEO, Buffalo Zoo 2000–2017
- Dylan Field (Class of 2013½) – founder and CEO of Figma
Dylan Field - Devin Finzer (BSc 2013) – billionaire, CEO and co-founder of OpenSea
- George M. C. Fisher (Sc. M. 1964, PhD 1966) – former CEO of Motorola and Eastman Kodak Company
- Sidney Frank (Class of 1942) – billionaire founder of Grey Goose and Jägermeister
- Tom Gardner (A.B. 1990) – co-founder and co-chairman of the Motley Fool
- Kenneth Gaw (1992) – Hong Kong businessman
- Charles Giancarlo (BSc 1979) – chairman and CEO of Pure Storage, former chief technology officer at Cisco Systems[231]
- Jeffrey W. Greenberg (A.B. 1973) – chairman and CEO of Marsh & McLennan Companies
- Theresia Gouw (Sc.B. 1990) – investor, wealthiest female venture capitalist in the United States[232][233]
- Ross Greenburg (1977) – president of HBO Sports
- Oliver Haarmann (1990) – founding partner of Searchlight Capital Partners
- James Harmon (A.B. 1957) – investor; President and CEO, Export–Import Bank of the United States (1997–2001)
- Walter Hoving (Ph.B. 1920) – CEO of Tiffany & Co.
- Nina Jacobson (A.B. 1987) – former president, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Nina Jacobson (1987) - Parth Jindal (A.B. 2012) – managing director of JSW Cement, son of Sajjan Jindal
- Craig Kallman (A.B. 1987) – chairman and CEO of Atlantic Records Group[234]
- Ray Kassar (1948) – former CEO of Atari
- Paul Kazarian (M.A. 1980) – billionaire investor[235]
- Dara Khosrowshahi (Sc.B. 1991) – CEO of Uber, former CEO of Expedia Group[236]
Dara Khosrowshahi (1991) - İpek Kıraç (2007, M.P.H. 2011) – Turkish billionaire heiress and businesswoman
- Beth Kobliner (A.B. 1986) – personal finance commentator
- Randy Komisar (A.B. 1976) – co-founder of Claris, former CEO of LucasArts[237]
- Jonathan Klein (A.B. 1980) – former president of CNN/US
- Steph Korey (A.B. 2009) – founder of Away
- Liz Lange (A.B. 1988) – founder of Liz Lange Maternity
- Debra L. Lee (A.B. 1976) – chairman and CEO of Black Entertainment Television
- Gordon Macklin (A.B. 1950) – former president and CEO, NASDAQ
- Nadiem Makarim (A.B. 2006) – founder of Gojek, current Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia
- Brian Moynihan (A.B. 1981) – president and CEO, Bank of America
Brian Moynihan (1981) - Jonathan M. Nelson (A.B. 1977) – billionaire, investor, founder of Providence Equity Partners
- Karan Paul (1992) – chairman, Apeejay Surrendra Group
- Steven Price (Sc.B. 1984) – co-founder of Townsquare Media, and minority owner of the Atlanta Hawks
- George Pyne (1988) – founder and CEO of Bruin Sports Capital
- Sridhar Ramaswamy (PhD 1995) – former Senior Vice President of Advertising and Commerce, Google
- Ajit Ranade (A.M., PhD 1997) – Chief Economist with the Aditya Birla Group
- Steven Rattner (A.B. 1974) – Deputy chairman and Deputy CEO, Lazard Frères & Co.
- William R. Rhodes (A.B. 1957) – Senior vice-chairman, Citigroup
- Stephen Robert (A.B. 1962), chairman and CEO of Oppenheimer & Co. (1983–1997), Chancellor of Brown University (1998–2007)
- John D. Rockefeller Jr. (A.B. 1897) – financer, philanthropist, son of John D. Rockefeller, and builder of Rockefeller Center
John D. Rockefeller Jr. (1897) - Tom Rothman (A.B. 1976) – president, 20th Century Fox Film Group
- Tom Scott (A.B. 1989) – co-founder of Nantucket Nectars, with Tom First
- John Sculley (A.B. 1961) – president of PepsiCo (1977–1983); CEO of Apple Computer (1983–1993)
- Josh Silverman (A.B. 1991) – CEO of Etsy (2017–) and Skype (2008–10); founder of Evite
- Rashmi Sinha (PhD 1998) – co-founder and CEO of SlideShare
- Lawrence M. Small (A.B. 1963) – president of Fannie Mae; secretary of the Smithsonian Institution
- Orin R. Smith (1957) – chairman and CEO, Engelhard (1999–2001)
- Barry Sternlicht (A.B. 1982) – co-founder and CEO of Starwood Capital Group, co-founder of Starwood
- Jeff Stibel (Sc.M. 1999) – entrepreneur, founder of Bryant Stibel
- Jeffrey Swartz (A.B. 1982) – former CEO of Timberland
- Melvin Swig (A.B. 1939) – real estate developer and philanthropist
- Ted Turner (Class of 1960) – billionaire founder of CNN and Turner Broadcasting
Ted Turner - Amelia Warren Tyagi (A.B. 1993) – businesswoman, author; daughter of Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren[238]
- Thomas J. Watson Jr. (1937) – president and CEO of IBM (1956–1971); U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union (1979–1981)
- Gus Wenner (2012) – CEO of Rolling Stone
- Jochen Wermuth (A.M. 1992) – German investor, founder and Chief Investment Officer of Wermuth Asset Management
- Melanie Whelan (1999) – CEO of SoulCycle (2015–2019)
- Meredith Whitney (A.B. 1992) – equity research analyst notable for her prediction of the financial crisis of 2007–2009
- Andrew Yang (A.B. 1996) – founder of Venture for America (VFA), 2020 U.S. Democratic presidential candidate
Andrew Yang (1996) - Nancy Zimmerman (A.B. 1985) – hedge fund manager, co-founder of Bracebridge Capital
[edit]- Leroy F. Aarons (A.B. 1955) – journalist; founder of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association[239]
- Rachel Aviv (A.B. 2004) – staff writer at The New Yorker[240]
- Jim Axelrod (A.M. 1989) – Chief White House correspondent, CBS News
- Rebecca Ballhaus (A.B. 2013) – Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist[241]
- Chris Berman (A.B. 1977) – ESPN host and anchor
- Martin Bernheimer (1958) – Pulitzer Prize–winning music critic[242]
- Duncan B. Black, aka Atrios (PhD 1999) – political blogger
- Elizabeth Bruenig (2014–2015) – opinion writer at The New York Times and formerly The Washington Post
Elizabeth Bruenig - Robert Conley (1953) – founding member and former general manager of NPR; creator and original host of All Things Considered; former New York Times front-page correspondent; National Geographic writer; reporter and anchor for NBC and the Huntley-Brinkley Report
- Gareth Cook (A.B. 1991) – Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting, Boston Globe, for writing about stem cell research
- David Corn (1981) – Washington, D.C. bureau chief for Mother Jones
- Dana Cowin (A.B. 1982) – Editor-in-Chief of Food & Wine
- Lyn Crost (A.B. 1938) – World War II correspondent and author, Honor by Fire:Japanese Americans at War in Europe and the Pacific
- Adrian Dearnell (A.B. 1994) – Franco-American financial journalist, CEO and founder of EuroBusiness Media[243]
- Larry Elder (A.B. 1974) – columnist; radio personality; TV talk show host, The Larry Elder Show; author; unsuccessful Republican candidate in the 2021 California gubernatorial recall election
- Katherine Eban (A.B. 1989) – investigative journalist
- Chip Giller (A.B. 1993) – environmentalist, founder of Grist
- Ira Glass (A.B. 1982) – host and producer, National Public Radio, This American Life
Ira Glass (1982) - Jerry Green (A.B. 1950) – sports journalist, member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
- Catherine Gund (A.B. 1988) – documentary filmmaker; activist[244]
- Chris Hayes (A.B. 2001) – Editor of The Nation and host of All in with Chris Hayes on MSNBC
Chris Hayes (2001) - Tony Horwitz (1980) – journalist, Wall Street Journal, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting
- A. J. Jacobs (1990) – journalist and author, The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World, The Year of Living Biblically
- Edward Davis Jones (Class of 1877) – co-founder of The Wall Street Journal, namesake of the Dow Jones Industrial Average
- Sasha Frere-Jones (Class of 1988) – writer, music critic, and musician
- John F. Kennedy Jr. (A.B. 1983) – lawyer; journalist; publisher of George magazine; son of President John F. Kennedy; killed in an airplane crash on July 16, 1999
John F. Kennedy Jr. (1983) - Glenn Kessler (A.B. 1981) – diplomatic correspondent for The Washington Post
- Noel King (A.B. 2004) – co-host of Morning Edition and Up First
- Hiroko Kuniya (A.B. 1979) – Japanese news anchor
- Erik Kuselias (1991) – host of hosts Sportsline and CBS Sports
- Sharon LaFraniere (A.B. 1977) – Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist at The New York Times[245]
- Sharon Lerner – American investigative reporter and environmental journalist
- Josh Levin (2002) – National Editor at Slate
- Irving R. Levine (1944) – former NBC News correspondent
- Mara Liasson (A.B. 1977) – NPR correspondent[246]
- Bill Lichtenstein (1978) – journalist, documentary filmmaker, president of LCMedia, Inc.; recipient of Guggenheim Fellowship and Peabody Award
- Andrew Marantz (2006) – staff writer at The New Yorker
- Mark Maremont (1980) – senior special writer for the Wall Street Journal; two-time Pulitzer Prize winner
- Josh Marshall (PhD 2003) – Polk Award-winning journalist; founder, Talking Points Memo
- Matthew Miller (A.B. 1983) – Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress; columnist for Fortune; regular contributor to The New York Times Magazine
- George Musser (Sc.B. 1988) – author and editor at Scientific American
- Pamela Paul (A.B. 1993) – opinion columnist, The New York Times, editor of The New York Times Book Review (2013–2022)
Pamela Paul (1993) - Holly Peterson (A.B. 1987) – contributing editor for Newsweek magazine, editor-at-large for Talk magazine, producer for ABC News
- Sasha Polakow-Suransky (2001) – deputy editor at Foreign Policy, Rhodes Scholar
- Scott Poulson-Bryant (A.B. 2008, originally Class of 1989) – co-founding editor of VIBE Magazine
- Andrew Revkin (A.B. 1978) – environmental journalist, New York Times; recipient of 2008 Columbia University Journalism School John Chancellor Award
- Quentin Reynolds (1924) – World War II war correspondent.
- James Risen (1977) – journalist for The Intercept; author of two books about the Central Intelligence Agency; broke the 2005 story of warrantless NSA wiretapping; winner of the 2006 Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting
- David S. Rohde (A.B. 1990) – Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist; escaped from 7-month Taliban captivity in 2009
- Kevin Roose (Class of 2009) – technology columnist for The New York Times
- Alissa J. Rubin (A.B. 1980) – Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist, Baghdad Bureau chief, The New York Times
- Margaret Russell (1980) – Editor-in-Chief, Elle Decor magazine; design judge, Top Design
- Laura Secor (A.B.) – journalist
- Aaron Schatz (1996) – ESPN NFL analyst, founder of Football Outsiders
- Kathryn Schulz (A.B. 1996) – Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist, staff writer at The New Yorker
Kathryn Schulz (1996) - Julia Flynn Siler (A.B. 1983) – journalist and nonfiction author[247]
- Elissa Silverman (A.B. 1995) – journalist, member of the Council of the District of Columbia at-large (2015–2023)
- Amy Sohn (A.B. 1995) – columnist, New York magazine; novelist, Run Catch Kiss and Sex and the City: Kiss and Tell
- Doreen St. Félix (2014) – staff writer at The New Yorker
- Alison Stewart (A.B. 1988) – host, MSNBC's The Most with Alison Stewart
- A. G. Sulzberger (A.B. 2003) – publisher, The New York Times; chairman of The New York Times Company
A. G. Sulzberger (2005) - André Leon Talley (A.M. 1973) – Vogue magazine editor-at-large; first African-American male creative director of Vogue; regarded as "fashion icon"[248][249]
- Wallace Terry (A.B. 1959) – African-American journalist, author, and oral historian known for his coverage of Black soldiers in the Vietnam War[250][251]
- Salamishah Tillet (M.A.T. 1997) – Pulitzer Prize-winning essayist
- Krista Tippett (A.B. 1983) – host, NPR's Speaking of Faith, and creator and host of On Being
- Larry Tye (A.B. 1977) – journalist
- Alex Wagner (A.B. 1999) – host, Alex Wagner Tonight, MSNBC
Alex Wagner (1999) - David Wallace-Wells (A.B. 2004) – opinion columnist, The New York Times; author of The Uninhabitable Earth
- Ivan Watson (A.B. 1997) – senior international correspondent, CNN[252]
- Curtis Yarvin (1992) – blogger, political theorist, software engineer, and internet entrepreneur associated with the Dark Enlightenment[253]
- Sachi Cunningham (1994) – PBS FRONTLINE/World producer and director of photography, Los Angeles Times video journalist[254]
[edit]- Lauren Acampora (A.B. 1997) – author
- David Allyn (A.B. 1991) – author, Make Love, Not War, I Can't Believe I Just Did That, playwright, Baptizing Adam
- Donald Antrim (A.B. 1981) – author, Elect Mr. Robinson for a Better World, The Verificationist, The Hundred Brothers, recipient of the MacArthur fellowship
- Jacob M. Appel (A.B. 1995) – author, playwright, Arborophilia, Creve Coeur, The Mistress of Wholesome
- Mona Awad (M.F.A. 2014) – novelist and short story writer[255]
- Peter Balakian (PhD 1980) – Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, Ozone Journal
- Edward Ball (A.B. 1982) – National Book Award-winning nonfiction writer, Slaves in the Family, The Genetic Strand
- Mark Baumer (M.F.A. 2011) – writer and environmental activist
- Josh Bazell (A.B. 1992) – novelist
- Bill Berkson (1957–1959) – poet and critic[256]
- Lisa Birnbach (A.B. 1978) – author, The Official Preppy Handbook
- Kate Bornstein (née Albert Bornstein) (A.B. 1969) – transgender activist, performance artist, playwright, gender theorist, and author
- Jeffrey Carver (A.B. 1971) – science fiction author, Nebula Award finalist
- Andrew Chaikin (A.B. 1978) – author, A Man on the Moon
- Jessamine Chan (2000) – author, The School for Good Mothers
- Susan Cheever (A.B. 1965) – author
- Frank Chipasula (A.M. 1980, PhD 1987) – Malawian writer
- Franny Choi (A.B. 2011) – poet
- Mallika Chopra (A.B. 1993) — author and self-help entrepreneur[257]
- Ted Chiang (Sc.B. 1989) – Nebula Award, Locus Award, and Hugo Award-winning science fiction writer; author of Story of Your Life, the basis for the film Arrival
Ted Chiang (1989) - Brian Christian (A.B. 2006) – author, The Most Human Human
- Zinzi Clemmons (A.B. 2007) – author
- Nicole Cooley (A.B. 1988) – poet, Professor of English, Queens College, City University of New York[258]
- Nilo Cruz (M.F.A. 1994) – Pulitzer Prize–winning playwright, Anna in the Tropics
- Edwidge Danticat (M.F.A. 1993) – American Book Award-winning author, Breath, Eyes, Memory, The Dew Breaker, recipient of the MacArthur fellowship
- Cyrus Grace Dunham (2014) – author, A Year Without A Name: A Memoir
- David Ebershoff (A.B. 1991) – Lambda Literary Award-winning author, The Danish Girl, editor-at-large at Random House, professor at Columbia University
- Jeffrey Eugenides (A.B. 1983) – Pulitzer Prize–winning author, Middlesex, The Virgin Suicides, The Marriage Plot[259][260]
Jeffrey Eugenides (1983) - Percival Everett (A.M. 1982) – novelist, poet; Distinguished Professor of English, University of Southern California[261]
- Rudolph Fisher (A.B. 1919, A.M. 1920) – author, musician, physician; a leader of the Harlem Renaissance
- Richard Foreman (A.B. 1959) – playwright/avant-garde theater pioneer; founder, Ontological-Hysteric Theater, recipient of the MacArthur fellowship
- Sam Walter Foss (A.B. 1882) – poet
- Sarah Gambito (M.F.A. 1999) – poet; director of creative writing, Fordham University[262]
- Deborah Garrison (A.B. 1986) – poet[263]
- Peter Gizzi (M.F.A. 1991) – poet, professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst's MFA Program for Poets & Writers
- Xochitl Gonzalez (A.B. 1999) – author and screenwriter, Olga Dies Dreaming; staff writer at The Atlantic
- Jaimy Gordon (A.M. 1972, A.D. 1975) – National Book Award-winning author, Lord of Misrule
- Andrew Sean Greer (A.B. 1992) – Pulitzer Prize–winning author, Less[264]
- Jennifer Haley (M.F.A. 2005) – playwright, winner of the 2012 Susan Smith Blackburn Prize[265]
- Scott Haltzman (1982, M.D. 1985) – psychiatrist, self-help author
- Jordan Harrison (M.F.A. 2003) – playwright, finalist for the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for Drama
- Tony Horwitz (A.B. 1980) – Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist, author of Confederates in the Attic, Blue Latitudes[266]
- Shelley Jackson (M.F.A. 1994) – hyperfiction writer, author of Patchwork Girl
- Steven Johnson (A.B. 1990) – writer and popular science author
- Winthrop Jordan (PhD 1960) – American Civil War and racial history writer, winner of the National Book Award and Bancroft Prize
- Gayl Jones (M.A. 1973, PhD 1975) – novelist, poet, and playwright; "literary legend" of Black literature[267][268]
Gayl Jones (1973, 1975) - Zeyn Joukhadar (PhD 2014) – novelist[269]
- Bess Kalb (A.B. 2010) – author and television writer
- Phil Kaye (A.B. 2010) – poet and spoken word artist[270][271]
- Sarah Kay (A.B. 2010, M.A.T. 2012) – poet and spoken word artist[270][271]
- Jonathan Karp (A.B. 1986) – publisher, CEO of Simon & Schuster[272]
- Caroline Kepnes (A.B. 1999) – American author and screenwriter, You, Hidden Bodies, Providence
- Alexandra Kleeman (A.B. 2007) – writer
- T. E. D. Klein (A.B. 1969) – horror fiction writer and magazine editor
- Caroline Knapp (A.B. 1981) – essayist and author, Drinking: A Love Story
- Richard Kostelanetz (A.B.1962) – cultural historian, fictioner, poet, experimental writer, critic of avant-garde arts and artists, anthologist
- Geoffrey A. Landis (PhD 1988) – Nebula Award and Hugo Award-winning scientist-writer and hard science fiction author
- Reif Larsen (A.B 2003) – professor at Columbia University; author, The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet
- Marie Myung-Ok Lee (A.B. 1986) – author and essayist[273]
- Joanne Leedom-Ackerman (A.M. 1969) – author and journalist
- Ben Lerner (A.B. 2001, M.F.A. 2003) – poet, author of Angle of Yaw, Leaving the Atocha Station, 10:04, The Topeka School, and The Lichtenberg Figures, recipient of the MacArthur fellowship[274]
Ben Lerner (2001, 2003) - Steven Levenson (A.B. 2006) – author, Dear Evan Hansen, winner of the 2017 Tony Award for Best Book of a Musical
- David Levithan (A.B. 1993) – author, Boy Meets Boy, Will Grayson, Will Grayson, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
- Alan Levy (A.B. 1952) – author
- David Lipsky (A.B. 1987) – author, Three Thousand Dollars, The Art Fair, Absolutely American
- Sam Lipsyte (A.B. 1990) – author, Home Land, Venus Drive, The Fun Parts
- Lois Lowry (Class of 1958) – Newbery Medal-winning author, The Giver
Lois Lowry - Thomas Mallon (A.B. 1973) – author, Henry and Clara, Bandbox, Dewey Defeats Truman, Two Moons
- Ben Marcus (M.F.A. 1991) – author, The Age of Wire and String, Notable American Women
- Alex McAulay (A.B.) – author, Bad Girls, Lost Summer, Oblivion Road, Shelter Me
- Emily Arnold McCully (A.B. 1961) – Caldecott Award-winning children's author, Mirette on the High Wire
- Mark C. McGarrity (A.B. 1966) – wrote crime fiction under the name Bartholomew Gill
- Roland Merullo (A.B. 1975, A.M.) – author
- Madeline Miller (A.B. 2000, A.M. 2001) – Women's Prize for Fiction-winning author of The Song of Achilles and Circe[275]
Madeline Miller (2000, 2001) - Steven Millhauser (1968–71) – Pulitzer Prize–winning author, Martin Dressler
- Rick Moody (A.B. 1983) – author, The Ice Storm, Garden State, Purple America, The Diviners
- Kass Morgan (A.B.) – author, The 100
- Rebecca Morris (M.F.A. 1986) – nonfiction author, Ted and Ann, If I Can't Have You, A Killing in Amish Country
- Ottessa Moshfegh (M.F.A. 2011) – writer, author of My Year of Rest and Relaxation[276]
Ottessa Moshfegh (2011) - Jandy Nelson (M.F.A. 1992) – author, I'll Give You the Sun
- Emily Nemens (A.B. 2005) – writer, editor, The Paris Review[277]
- Naomi Novik (A.B. 1995) – fantasy author, His Majesty's Dragon
- Dan O'Brien (M.F.A. 1999) – playwright and poet, author of The Body of an American
- Nicanor Parra (1943–1945) – Chilean poet, author of Poemas y antipoemas ,[278] winner of the 2011 Miguel de Cervantes Prize
- S. J. Perelman (Class of 1925) – humorist, The New Yorker; author; Academy Award-winning screenwriter, Around the World in Eighty Days
- Nathaniel Philbrick (A.B. 1978) – nonfiction writer; National Book Award winner, author of In the Heart of the Sea
- Marilynne Robinson (A.B. 1966) – Pulitzer Prize and Orange Prize-winning author, Gilead, Housekeeping, Home
Marilynne Robinson (1966) - Ariel Sabar (A.B. 1993) – author, National Book Critics Circle Award 2009 for My Father's Paradise
- Joanna Scott (M.A. 1985) – author, recipient of the MacArthur Foundation Fellowship and the Lannan Literary Award for Fiction
- Dana Schwartz (A.B. 2015) – author
- David Shenk (A.B. 1988) – author, The Forgetting, Data Smog, The Immortal Game
- Reginald Shepherd (M.F.A. 1988) – poet and author
- Daniel Sherrell (A.B. 2013) – author and climate organizer
- David Shields (A.B. 1978) – author, Reality Hunger
- Scott Snyder (A.B. 1998) – author of the story collection Voodoo Heart and writer of Vertigo Comics's ongoing original series American Vampire
- Gustaf Sobin (A.B. 1957) – poet, expatriate
- Brian Kim Stefans (M.F.A. 2006) – poet, professor of English at UCLA
- Nathanael West (Ph.B. 1924) – author, Miss Lonelyhearts, The Day of the Locust
- Meg Wolitzer (A.B. 1981) – author, The Wife, The Interestings, The Position
- Adelle Waldman (A.B. 1988) – author, The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P.
- Afaa M. Weaver (M.F.A. 1987) – poet, author, and editor
- Sherley Anne Williams (A.M. 1972) – poet and novelist
- Kevin Young (M.F.A. 1996) – poetry editor, New Yorker; director of the National Museum of African American History and Culture[279]
Kevin Young (1996) - Joshua M. Zeitz (A.M. 1998, PhD 2002) – historian
- C Pam Zhang (2011) – author, How Much of These Hills Is Gold
Medicine and public health
[edit]- Samuel Warren Abbott (A.M. 1858) – first medical examiner and first secretary of Massachusetts's first state board of health from 1886 to 1904
- Justin M. Andrews (Ph.B. 1923) – Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2nd Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases[280]
- Aaron T. Beck (A.B. 1942) – "father of cognitive behavioral therapy"; founder of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy at the University of Pennsylvania; winner of the Lasker Award
- Seth Berkley (Sc.B. 1978, M.D. 1981) – CEO of GAVI, founder and former President and CEO of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
- Tom Catena (A.B. 1986) – Catholic medical missionary working in central Sudan
Tom Catena (1986) - William A. Catterall (A.B. 1968) – Chair and Professor of Pharmacology, University of Washington School of Medicine, ForMemRS
- Charles V. Chapin (A.B. 1876) – Providence Superintendent of Health (1884–1932), pioneer in public health research and practice, first president of the American Epidemiological Society, professor of physiology at Brown[281]
- Tina L. Cheng, Chair of Pediatrics at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.[282]
- Lynda Chin (A.B. 1988) – Department Chair and Professor of genomic medicine, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center; Scientific Director, MD Anderson Institute for Applied Cancer Science[283]
- James J. Cimino (BSc 1977) – Professor of Medicine and director, Informatics Institute, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine
- George E. Coghill (A.B. 1896, PhD 1902) – anatomist
- Solomon Drowne (A.B. 1773) – physician, academic, and surgeon during the American Revolution
- Jacqueline A. French (M.D. 1982) – neurologist, professor, NYU Langone Health, and Chief Scientific Officer of the Epilepsy Foundation
- Nora Groce (PhD) – Leonard Cheshire Chair of Disability and Inclusive Development, Institute of Epidemiology & Health, University College London
- Tina Hartert – Lulu H. Owen Endowed Chair in Medicine at Vanderbilt University
- Andrew C. Hecht (1989) – Chief of Spine Surgery, Mount Sinai Hospital; Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and of Neurologic Surgery, Icahn School of Medicine
- Insoo Hyun (PhD 1998) – Professor of Bioethics, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine; Senior Lecturer, Harvard Medical School
- Judith V. Jordan (1965) – co-director, Jean Baker Miller Institute; Assistant Professor of Psychology, Harvard Medical School
- Mark L. Kahn (A.B. 1984, M.D. 1987) – Edward S. Cooper, M.D./Norman Roosevelt and Elizabeth Meriwether McLure Professor of Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
- Philip Kantoff (1976, M.D. 1979) – former Chairman of Medicine at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Jerome and Nancy Kohlberg Professor of Medicine Emeritus at Harvard Medical School
William Williams Keen (A.B. 1859) – first American brain surgeonWilliam Williams Keen (1859) - Linda Liau (A.B., S.B. 1987) – W. Eugene Stern Chair of the Department of Neurosurgery, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
- Lloyd B. Minor (Sc.B. 1979, M.D. 1982) – Carl and Elizabeth Naumann Dean, Stanford University School of Medicine; former provost, Johns Hopkins University[63]
- Christine Montross (M.D. 2006, M.MSc 2007) – Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Alpert Medical School at Brown University
- Nawal M. Nour (A.B. 1984) – Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Brigham and Women's Hospital; Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School
- Michael Polydefkis (BSc 1988) – Director, Cutaneous Nerve Lab, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator
- Megan Ranney (M.P.H. 2010) – Dean, Yale School of Public Health
Megan Ranney (2010) - Joan Reede (Sc.B. 1976) – physician, Dean for Diversity and Community Partnership, Harvard Medical School[284]
- Griffin P. Rodgers (Sc.B. 1976, M.MSc & M.D. 1979) – Director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
- Matthew Sacchet (A.B. 2010) – Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
- Sally Satel (M.D. 1984) – Lecturer in Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine
- Erica Schwartz (Sc.B. 1994, M.D. 1998) – Deputy Surgeon General of the United States (2019–2021)
- Harry Selker (M.D. 1978) – Dean and professor, Tufts University School of Medicine
- Manny Sethi (A.B. 2000) – physician, president and founder of the non-profit Healthy Tennessee
- Neel Shah (Sc.B. 2004, M.D. 2009) – Executive Director of Costs of Care, Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School
- Jerome K. Sherman (Sc.B. 1947) - Professor of biology at University of Arkansas. A founder of modern sperm banking and cryopreservation.
[edit]- John F. Aiso (1931) – highest-ranking Japanese American in the U.S. Army during World War II, first Japanese American judge in the contiguous U.S.
John F. Aiso (1931) - William C. Chase (A.B. 1916) – Major general during World War II
- G. Edward Buxton (Ph.B. 1902) – commanding officer of Sergeant Alvin C. York; first assistant director of the OSS
- Thomas Ewing Jr. (Class of 1856) – Union Army general during the American Civil War, first chief justice of Kansas
- Ployer Peter Hill (BSc 1916) – test pilot, namesake of Hill Air Force Base in Utah
- James Mitchell Varnum (A.B. 1769) – General in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War and justice of the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territory
Performing arts
[edit]- Sean Altman (A.B. 1983) – founding tenor member of Rockapella, known for the theme song of Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
- Charles Ansbacher (1965) – founder and conductor of the Boston Landmarks Orchestra
- MC Paul Barman (A.B. 1997) – cult rapper[285]
- Marco Beltrami (Sc.B. 1988) – two-time Academy Award-nominated film score composer, Scream (1996), Resident Evil (2002), Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003), Hellboy (2004), Live Free or Die Hard (2007), 3:10 to Yuma (2007), Max Payne (2008), Mesrine (2008), The Hurt Locker (2009), The Wolverine (2013), Warm Bodies (2013), World War Z (2013), Free Solo (2018), Ford v Ferrari (2019), and the video game Fortnite
- Clare Burson (1997) – singer-songwriter
- David Buskin (A.B 1965) – singer-songwriter (Modern Man), jingle composer, Clio Award winner (1983)
- Julia Cafritz – musician, known for Pussy Galore
- Wendy Carlos (A.B. 1962) – composer and electronic musician, Switched-On Bach (1968); film score composer, A Clockwork Orange (1971), Tron (1982)
Wendy Carlos (1962) - Mary Chapin Carpenter (A.B. 1981) – country singer-songwriter
- Chubb Rock – rapper and radio host[286]
- Joel Cohen (A.B. 1963) – director of the Boston Camerata
- Alvin Curran (A.B. 1960) – avant-garde composer
- Catie Curtis (1987) – contemporary folk singer-songwriter
- Dave Dederer (A.B.) – guitarist, singer, and founding member of rock band The presidents of the United States of America
- Shelby Gaines (1991) – musician and artist
- Tucker Halpern (2013) – musician and DJ, one half of electronic pop group Sofi Tukker[287]
- Dhani Harrison (2001) – son of George Harrison, composer, guitarist[288]
Dhani Harrison (2001) - Sophie Hawley-Weld (2014) – musician, one half of electronic pop group Sofi Tukker
- Lili Haydn (1992) – singer-songwriter, violinist
- Dave Harrington (2009) – multi-instrumentalist and producer[289]
- Lingua Ignota (M.F.A. 2016) – multidisciplinary artist and instrumentalist[290]
Lingua Ignota (2016) - Nicolás Jaar (A.B. 2012) – avant-garde electronic music producer, owner and founder of record label and art house Clown & Sunset
- Gabriel Kahane (2003) – singer-songwriter
- Elliott Kerman (Sc.B. 1981) – founding baritone member of Rockapella
- Tad Kinchla (1995) – bassist for jam band Blues Traveler
- Richard Kostelanetz (A.B. 1962) – electro-acoustic composer (New York City Oratorio, America's Game), writer on innovative musics and musicians
- Damian Kulash (A.B. 1998) – lead singer and founding member of indie rock band OK Go
- Erich Kunzel (1964) – conductor, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
- Lawrence – soul-pop group founded by Clyde Lawrence '15 and Gracie Lawrence (Class of 2020)
- Lisa Loeb (A.B. 1990) – Grammy Award-winning alternative singer-songwriter; first unsigned artist to top the American charts
Lisa Loeb (1990) - The Low Anthem – indie folk band that includes alums Ben Knox Miller (2006), Jeff Prystowsky (2006) and Jocie Adams
- Erin McKeown (2000) – folk singer-songwriter
- Elizabeth Mitchell (1990) – musician, member of indie folk–pop band Ida; played in a band with Lisa Loeb and Duncan Sheik while at Brown
- Will Oldham (Class of 1992) – indie rock/alternative country singer-songwriter who also performs under the names Bonnie 'Prince' Billy and Palace
- Elvis Perkins (1995) – singer-songwriter
- Navah Perlman (A.B. 1992) – concert pianist; daughter of Itzhak Perlman
- Dan Prothero – producer / engineer and owner of Fog City Records
- The Range – DJ and electronic musician[291]
- Sebastian Ruth (A.B. 1997) – violinist, 2010 MacArthur Fellow and faculty member of the Yale School of Music
- Susan Salms-Moss (A.B. 1967) – soprano
- Theodore Shapiro (A.B. 1993) – film score composer, State and Main (2000), Old School (2003), Starsky & Hutch (2004), The Devil Wears Prada (2006), Marley & Me (2008), Tropic Thunder (2008), I Love You, Man (2008), We're the Millers (2013), The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013), Ghostbusters (2016), The Eyes of Tammy Faye (2021), Severance (2022)
- Duncan Sheik (A.B. 1992) – alternative rock singer-songwriter; top 10 hit for the song "Barely Breathing"; Grammy and two-time Tony Award-winning composer, Spring Awakening
- Sasha Spielberg (2012) – musician, Wardell; daughter of Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw[292]
Sasha Spielberg (2012) - Susie Suh (A.B. 2002) – alternative rock singer-songwriter
- Saleka (A.B. 2018) – R&B singer-songwriter; daughter of M. Night Shyamalan[293]
- Jon Spencer – singer and composer, known for Pussy Galore and Boss Hog[294]
- Sally Taylor (1996) – musician, daughter of Carly Simon and James Taylor
- Gwyneth Walker (A.B. 1967) – composer
- J. Mayo Williams (1920) – first African-American producer at a major record label
- Jamila Woods, (A.B. 2011) singer, songwriter and poet signed to Jagajaguwar
- ZOX – SideOneDummy recording artist, composed of John Zox '02, Eli Miller '02, Daniel Edinberg '02, and Spencer Swain
[edit]- Andrew Ahn (2008) – director, Spa Night, Driveways
- Eva Amurri (2007) – actress, Loving Annabelle, Saved!, The Banger Sisters; daughter of Susan Sarandon
Eva Amurri (2007) - Scott E. Anderson (Sc.B. 1986) – Academy Award-winning Visual Effects Supervisor, Babe, and nominee Starship Troopers, Hollow Man
- Bess Armstrong (1975) – actress, The Four Seasons (1981), High Road to China
- Raymond J. Barry (A.B) – actor, Born on the Fourth of July, Steel City
- David Bartis (A.B. 1988) – producer, The Wall, Edge of Tomorrow, Fair Game
- Randall Batinkoff (1990) – actor, For Keeps, School Ties
- Steve Bloom (A.B. 1978) – screenwriter, James and the Giant Peach, The Sure Thing, Tall Tale, Jack Frost
- Joseph Bologna – actor, My Favorite Year, Blame It on Rio[295]
- Sara Colangelo (A.B. 2001) – writer and director, Little Accidents, Worth
- David Conrad (A.B. 1990) – actor, Wedding Crashers, Ghost Whisperer
- Michael Costigan (1990) – producer, Brokeback Mountain, American Gangster, Under the Banner of Heaven
- Louis Ozawa Changchien (M.F.A. 2006) – actor, Predators, The Bourne Legacy, Bosch
- Yaya Da Costa (A.B. 2004) – actress, Take the Lead, Honeydripper, The Kids Are All Right, The Butler; fashion model
Yaya Da Costa (2004) - Lucy DeVito (A.B. 2005) – actress, Melissa and Joey, Leaves of Grass
- Tom Dey (A.B. 1987) – director, Shanghai Noon, Showtime, Failure to Launch, Marmaduke, Wedding Season
- Alice Drummond (A.B. 1950) – actress, Awakenings, Nobody's Fool (1994), Doubt (2008)
- Richard Fleischer (A.B. 1939) – director, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), The Narrow Margin, Fantastic Voyage, Tora! Tora! Tora!, The Boston Strangler, Doctor Dolittle, Mandingo, Soylent Green; Academy Award-winning documentary producer, Design for Death
- Josh Friedman (1989) – screenwriter, War of the Worlds, The Black Dahlia; executive producer, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles; developer, Snowpiercer
- Liz Garbus (A.B. 1992) – Academy Award-nominated documentary filmmaker, What Happened, Miss Simone?, The Farm: Angola, USA, Killing in the Name, All In: The Fight for Democracy, Ghosts of Abu Ghraib
- Francesca Gregorini (A.B. 1990) – Italian-American writer and film director
- Davis Guggenheim (1986) – Academy Award-winning documentary film director, An Inconvenient Truth, It Might Get Loud, and Waiting for "Superman"; film director for Gracie, Gossip (2000), and episodes of 24, Alias, The Shield, ER, NYPD Blue
Davis Guggenheim (1986) - John Hamburg (A.B. 1992) – director, I Love You, Man, Along Came Polly; screenwriter, Zoolander, Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers
- Josh Hamilton (1991) – actor, Eighth Grade, 13 Reasons Why[296]
- Hill Harper (A.B. 1988) – actor, Constellation, Lackawanna Blues, CSI: NY
- Phil Hay – screenwriter, Destroyer, The Invitation, Ride Along
- Todd Haynes (A.B. 1983) – Academy Award-nominated writer/director, Mildred Pierce, I'm Not There, Far from Heaven, Velvet Goldmine, Safe (1995), Poison, Dark Waters, The Velvet Underground

- David Hedison (Class of 1949) – film, television, and stage actor
- Sean Hood (1988) – screenwriter, Conan the Barbarian, Halloween: Resurrection, Cursed, Cube 2: Hypercube
- Ruth Hussey (A.B. 1933) – Academy Award-nominated actress, The Philadelphia Story
- Oren Jacoby (1977) – Academy Award-nominated documentarian, Constantine's Sword
- Kirsten Johnson (1987)[297] – documentarian, director, and cinematographer, Dick Johnson Is Dead, Cameraperson
- Rory Kennedy (A.B. 1991) – independent filmmaker, Moxie Firecracker Films, Inc.; Ghosts of Abu Ghraib
- Simon Kinberg (A.B. 1995) – screenwriter and producer, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Sherlock Holmes, Jumper (2008), X-Men: The Last Stand, Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)
- Alison Klayman (A.B. 2006) – documentary filmmaker and journalist, Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry
- Paul Kowalski (A.B. 2004) – film director and screenwriter, Paper Tiger (2020)
- John Krasinski (A.B. 2001) – playwright, actor, director, and producer, The Office, Jack Ryan, A Quiet Place, A Quiet Place Part II, Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, License to Wed, 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, IF
John Krasinski (2001) - Ellen Kuras (1981) – cinematographer, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Blow, He Got Game, Summer of Sam, Be Kind Rewind
- Justin Kuritzkes (2012) – playwright and screenwriter, Challengers
- Jonathan Levine (A.B. 2000) – writer/director, Warm Bodies, 50/50 (2011), The Wackness, All The Boys Love Mandy Lane
- Doug Liman (A.B. 1988) – director and producer, The O.C., Edge of Tomorrow, Fair Game (2010),Jumper (2008), Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005), The Bourne Identity (2002), The Bourne Supremacy, Go (1999), Swingers (1996)
- Laura Linney (A.B. 1986) – three-time Academy Award and two-time Tony Award-nominated actress, The Big C, The Savages, The Nanny Diaries, The Squid and the Whale, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Kinsey, Mystic River, Love Actually, You Can Count on Me, The Truman Show, Absolute Power, Primal Fear, Ozark
Laura Linney (1986) - Kurt Luedtke (A.B. 1961) – Academy Award-winning screenwriter, Out of Africa
- Kátia Lund (A.B. 1989) – co-director, Cidade de Deus (City of God) (2002)
- George Macready (A.B. 1921) – actor of film, stage, and television, Tora! Tora! Tora!, Paths of Glory
- Eli Marienthal (Class of 2008) – actor, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, The Iron Giant, Jack Frost (1998)
- Matt Manfredi – screenwriter, Crazy/Beautiful, Ride Along, The Mysterious Benedict Society
- Ross McElwee (A.B. 1970) – documentary filmmaker, Sherman's March (1986) and Bright Leaves
- Leah Meyerhoff (A.B. 2001) – Student Academy Award-nominated writer/director, Twitch
- Tim Blake Nelson (A.B. 1986) – actor, Lincoln (2012), The Incredible Hulk, Syriana, Minority Report, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, The Thin Red Line (1998); director, Leaves of Grass, O, The Grey Zone
Tim Blake Nelson (1986) - Lorraine Nicholson (2012) – actress, Soul Surfer, daughter of Jack Nicholson
- Matthew Reeve (002 )– producer and director, son of Christopher Reeve[298]
- Yoruba Richen (A.B. 1994) – film director, screenwriter, and producer
- Angela Robinson (A.B. 1992) – director, Herbie: Fully Loaded, D.E.B.S. (2003), D.E.B.S. (2004)
- Jane Rosenthal – founder of the Tribeca Film Festival[299]
- Danny Rubin (A.B. 1979) – screenwriter, Groundhog Day
- Michael Showalter (A.B. 1992) – actor/writer/director, Wet Hot American Summer, The Baxter and the series The State, Stella and Michael & Michael Have Issues
- Leelee Sobieski (Class of 2005) – actress, Eyes Wide Shut, Never Been Kissed, Here on Earth, Joy Ride (2001), The Glass House (2001), Wicker Man (2006), 88 Minutes, Public Enemies (2009); nominated for an Emmy for Joan of Arc
Leelee Sobieski - Alison Stewart (A.B. 1988) – radio and television journalist; filmmaker
- Matthew Sussman – actor, documentary filmmaker
- Sara Tanaka (A.B. 2000) – actress, Rushmore, Old School, Imaginary Heroes
- Astra Taylor (Class of 2001) – activist and filmmaker, Zizek!, Examined Life, What Is Democracy?[300]
- Christine Vachon (A.B. 1983) – acclaimed independent film producer, I'm Not There, Infamous (2006), The Notorious Bettie Page, Far From Heaven, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Boys Don't Cry (1999); executive producer, This American Life
- Andrew Wagner (A.B. 1985) – writer, director, Starting Out in the Evening, The Talent Given Us
- Earl Wallace (A.B. 1955) – Academy Award-winning screenwriter, Witness
- Julie Warner (A.B. 1987) – actress, Doc Hollywood, Tommy Boy
- Emma Watson (A.B. 2014) – actress, model, and activist, Harry Potter, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Beauty and the Beast (2017), Little Women (2019)
Emma Watson (2014) - Betsy West (1973) – filmmaker and director, RBG, My Name Is Pauli Murray; Fred W. Friendly Professor of Professional Practice in Media Society Emeritus, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism
- JoBeth Williams (A.B. 1970) – actress, The Big Chill, Poltergeist
- Elizabeth Woodward – producer, The Great Hack, The Vow, You Resemble Me.
- Janet Yang (A.B. 1978) – first Asian-American president, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (2022–);[301] producer, The Joy Luck Club, The People vs. Larry Flynt, South Central
- Jeff Zimbalist (2000) – filmmaker, Favela Rising
[edit]- Sosie Bacon (Class of 2014) – actress, 13 Reasons Why, Loverboy, Smile; daughter of Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick[302]
- Iris Bahr (1998) – actress, Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector, Curb Your Enthusiasm[303][304]
- Kenneth Biller (1986) – television producer, writer, and director
- Julie Bowen (A.B. 1991) – actress, Modern Family, Boston Legal, Ed, Happy Gilmore
Julie Bowen (1991) - Roger Bowen (A.B.) – comedic actor, M*A*S*H; novelist[305]
- Warren Brown – host, Sugar Rush
- Jessica Capshaw (A.B. 1998) – actress, Grey's Anatomy, The Practice, Minority Report
- Jordan Carlos (A.B. 2001) – comedian, Stephen Colbert's "black friend"
- Charise Castro Smith (A.B. 2005) actress, writer, playwright, producer, The Exorcist, The Haunting of Hill House, Encanto
- Kitty Chen (A.B. 1966) – actress, Law & Order, writer
- Nick Chinlund – actor, The X-Files
- Jude Ciccolella (A.B. 1969) – actor, best known for his role as Mike Novick in 24
- Julian Cihi (A.B. 2009) – Japanese and American actor
- Yaya DaCosta (A.B. 2004) – actress and model
- Joel de la Fuente (A.B. 1991) – actor, best known for his role as Dr. Johann Pryce in Hemlock Grove
- Aunjanue Ellis (A.B. 1993) – actress, The Mentalist
Aunjanue Ellis (1993) - India Ennenga (A.B.) – actress, Treme[306][307]
- Eve Gordon (A.B. 1978) – actress, Recount, Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves, Felicity, American Horror Story, Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23, Supernatural
- Robin Green (1967) – Emmy Award-winning writer and producer, The Sopranos, Northern Exposure
- Andy Greenwald (1999)– writer, podcaster, and producer[308]
- Jonathan Groff (A.B. 1983) – actor, BlackAF; producer, Black-ish; writer, The Jon Stewart Show and Late Night with Conan O'Brien
- David Groh (1961) – actor, Rhoda
- Marin Hinkle (1988) – actress, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Once and Again, Two and a Half Men
- Takehiro Hira (1997) – Japanese-born actor, Giri/Haji, Sekigahara
- Tina Holmes (1995) – actress, Six Feet Under
- Peter Jacobson (1987) – actor, House M.D.
- Rafe Judkins (2005) – contestant on Survivor: Guatemala, television writer
- Rhonda Ross Kendrick (A.B. 1993) – Daytime Emmy-nominated actress, Another World, daughter of Diana Ross
- Rory Kennedy (A.B. 1990) – Emmy Award-winning documentary producer, director, and writer, American Hollow, Ghosts of Abu Ghraib
Rory Kennedy (1990) - John Krasinski (A.B. 2002) – actor, The Office, Leatherheads, License to Wed; director, A Quiet Place
- Clea Lewis (A.B. 1987) – actress, Ellen, Andy Barker, P.I.
- Florencia Lozano (A.B. 1992) – actress, One Life to Live
- Ian Maxtone-Graham (A.B. 1982.5) – writer, producer, The Simpsons, Saturday Night Live
- Silas Weir Mitchell (A.B. 1991) – actor, Grimm[309]
- Peter Nowalk (A.B. 2000) – creator, How to Get Away with Murder; producer, Scandal, Grey's Anatomy
- Masi Oka (Sc.B. 1997) – actor, Heroes, Scrubs, Will and Grace, Gilmore Girls, Get Smart
Masi Oka (1997) - Monica Owusu-Breen (1990) – writer, Alias, Lost; executive producer, Brothers & Sisters, Midnight, Texas[310]
- John Pleshette (1964) – actor, Knots Landing, The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald
- Tracee Ellis Ross (A.B. 1995) – actress, Girlfriends, Black-ish, daughter of Diana Ross
Tracee Ellis Ross (1995) - Ben Shenkman (A.B. 1990) – actor, Royal Pains and Angels in America
- Sam Trammell (A.B. 1991) – actor, True Blood
- Bee Vang (2015) – actor, Gran Torino, writer[311]
- Julie Warner (A.B. 1987) – actress, Nip/Tuck, Family Law, The Guiding Light
- Suzanne Whang (Sc. M. 1986) – General Hospital, Las Vegas; host HGTV's House Hunters
- David Walton (2001) – actor, About a Boy
- Moisés Zamora (A.B. 2000) – creator, Selena: The Series[312]
[edit]- Ayad Akhtar (1993) – Pulitzer Prize–winning playwright, Disgraced
- Adam Bock (1989) – Obie Award-winning playwright, The Thugs
- Kate Burton (A.B. 1979) – actress; nominated for three Tony Awards; on Grey's Anatomy as Dr. Ellis Grey
- Zoë Chao (A.B. 2008) – actress in theatre and star of her own television show The God Particles; currently starring as Isobel in Facebook Watch drama Strangers
- Nilo Cruz (M.F.A. 1994) – Pulitzer Prize–winning playwright, Anna in the Tropics
Nilo Cruz (1994) - Daveed Diggs (A.B. 2004) – actor, Tony Award-winning originator of the roles of Thomas Jefferson and Marquis de Lafayette in the Pulitzer-Prize winning 2015 musical Hamilton
Daveed Diggs (2004) - Jackie Sibblies Drury (M.F.A.) – Pulitzer Prize–winning playwright, Fairview
- Gina Gionfriddo (M.F.A. 1997) – playwright, two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist, Becky Shaw (2009) and Rapture, Blister, Burn (2013); producer, Law and Order
- Ann Harada (A.B. 1985) – actress in the original Broadway casts of Avenue Q and Cinderella
- Quiara Alegría Hudes (M.F.A. 2004) – Pulitzer Prize–winning playwright, Water by the Spoonful, In the Heights (Tony Award winner for Best Musical), Elliot, a Soldier's Fugue, In the Heights
- Stephen Karam (2002) – playwright, Speech & Debate (2006); Tony Award winner, The Humans (2016); two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist, Sons of the Prophet (2012) and The Humans
- James Naughton (A.B. 1967) – actor, two-time Tony Award winner for City of Angels (1992) and Chicago (1996); also featured in films such as The Paper Chase (1973), The Glass Menagerie (1987) and The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
- John Ford Noonan (A.B. 1964) – actor and playwright best known for A Coupla White Chicks Sitting Around Talking[313]
- Lynn Nottage (A.B. 1986) – first female playwright to win the Pulitzer Prize twice, Macarthur fellowship recipient, Ruined, Sweat
- Sarah Ruhl (A.B. 1997, M.F.A 2001) – playwright and two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist, recipient of the Macarthur fellowship, The Clean House, Eurydice, Passion Play, In the Next Room (or The Vibrator Play)
- Burt Shevelove (1937) – Tony Award-winning playwright, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
- Miriam Silverman (A.B. 2001, M.F.A. 2005) – Tony Award winning actress,[314] The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Miriam Silverman (2001, 2005) - Alfred Uhry (1958) – playwright; Pulitzer Prize, Academy Award and Tony Award winner, Driving Miss Daisy, The Last Night of Ballyhoo
- Amy Van Nostrand – actress, The Hothouse
- David Yazbek (1982) – Tony and Emmy Award-winning writer, musician, composer, and lyricist, The Band's Visit (2017), The Full Monty (2000), Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (2005) and Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (2010)
- John Lloyd Young (A.B. 1998) – actor; Tony Award winner for Jersey Boys (2006); lead vocalist, 2007 Grammy-winning Jersey Boys album for Clint Eastwood's 2014 Jersey Boys; member of President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities
Religion and theology
[edit]- Alfred W. Anthony (A.B. 1883) – Professor at Bates College and Cobb Divinity School, author, Free Will Baptist minister
- Mark E. Brennan (A.B. 1969) – Catholic auxiliary bishop of Baltimore
- Alexander Viets Griswold (A.B. 1810) – Episcopal Bishop of the Eastern Diocese, which included all of New England with the exception of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut
- Mark Antony DeWolfe Howe (A.B. 1828) – first Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania (now Diocese of Bethlehem)
- William Bullein Johnson (A.M. 1814) – South Carolina Baptist leader; first president of the Southern Baptist Convention; instrumental figure in the founding Furman University, out of which emerged Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Adoniram Judson (A.B. 1807) – Baptist missionary; due in part to his efforts, Myanmar has the third largest number of Baptists worldwide
Adoniram Judson (1807) - Swami Kriyananda (1945–47) – founder of the Ananda movement
- Yehuda Kurtzer (A.M. 2001) – President of the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America
- Jonathan Maxcy (A.B. 1787) – President of Brown University and Baptist minister
- George Maxwell Randall (A.B. 1835) – Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado and Parts Adjacent
- Katherine Sonderegger (PhD 1990) – William Meade Chair in Systematic Theology at Virginia Theological Seminary
- Joshua Toulmin (A.M. 1769) – English dissenting minister with U.S. sympathies
Royalty and nobility
[edit]- Prince Rahim Aga Khan (A.B. 1995) – eldest son of Prince Karim Aga Khan IV
Prince Rahim Aga Khan (1995) - Prince Alexander-Georg von Auersperg (1983) – son of Sunny von Bülow
- Countess Cosima von Bülow Pavoncelli (1989) – daughter of Claus von Bülow and Sunny von Bülow
- Prince Alexander von Fürstenberg (A.B. 1993) – businessman, son of Diane von Fürstenberg and Prince Egon von Fürstenberg
- Princess Tatiana von Fürstenberg (A.B. 1991) –singer-songwriter, daughter of Diane von Fürstenberg and Prince Egon von Fürstenberg[315]
- Prince Faisal bin Al Hussein (Sc.B. 1985) – son of the late King Hussein of Jordan; Commander of the Jordan Royal Air Force
- Lady Gabriella Kingston (A.B. 2004) – freelance writer and member of the royal family of the United Kingdom
- Prince Nikolaos of Greece and Denmark (A.B. 1993) – member of the titular royal family of Greece
- Princess Nissa Raad (A.B. 2002) – member of the Jordanian royal family
- Princess Lila Pahlavi (A.B. 1992) – Princess of Iran; youngest daughter of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, deposed Shah of Iran
- Princess Theodora of Greece and Denmark (A.B. 2006) – member of the titular royal family of Greece
- Lady Gabriella Windsor (A.B. 2004) – member of the British royal family[316]
Fine and applied arts
[edit]- Stan Allen (A.B. 1978) – architect; George Dutton '27 Professor of Architecture and former Dean (2002–2012), Princeton University School of Architecture
- Edwin T. Banning (1885) – architect active in Rhode Island
- Prescott O. Clarke (1880) – architect active in Rhode Island
- Henry Atherton Frost – architect
- Sarah Williams Goldhagen (A.B. 1982) – architectural critic
- John G. Haskell – architect of Kansas public buildings, including the Kansas State Capitol
- Raymond Hood (1898–99) – architect of the Tribune Tower in Chicago and Rockefeller Center in New York
Raymond Hood (1902) - Charles Evans Hughes III (A.B.) – architect, grandson of Charles Evans Hughes[317]
- Francis L. V. Hoppin (A.B.) – architect
- Norman Isham (A.B. 1886, M.A. 1890) – Rhode Island historical architect
- Harry Wild Jones – architect
- John Black Lee – mid-century modern architect
- Robert Somol (A.B. 1982) – architectural theorist
- Laurinda Hope Spear (B.F.A. 1972) – architect, co-founder of Arquitectonica
- Thomas Alexander Tefft (1851) – pioneer American architect
[edit]- Jonathan Adler (A.B. 1988) – potter, designer and author
- Julie Carlson (A.B. 1983) – co-founder of Remodelista[318]
- Tom Geismar (A.B. 1953) – graphic designer, designer of the PBS and Mobil logos[319]
- Chuck Hoberman (1974–1976) – designer, inventor of the Hoberman sphere
[edit]- Montana Levi Blanco (A.M.) – costume designer, recipient of the 2022 Tony Award for Best Costume Design in a Play[320][321]
- Dana Buchman (A.B. 1973) – fashion designer
- Kimberly Ovitz (A.B. 2005) – fashion designer
- André Leon Talley (A.M. 1973) – Vogue magazine editor-at-large; first African-American male creative director of Vogue[248][249]
Andre Leon Talley (1973)
Visual arts
[edit]- David Aldrich (A.B. 1929) – watercolor painter
- Deborah Aschheim (A.B. 1986) – new media artist
- Marc Erwin Babej (A.B. 1992) – photographic artist, writer
- Éric Baudelaire (A.B. 1994) – artist[322]
- Richard Benson (1961) – photographer, Dean of the Yale School of Art (1996–2006), recipient of the MacArthur Fellowship[2]
- Bill Bollinger (1961) – minimalist sculptor and installation artist[323]
- Susan Chen (A.B. 2015) – painter
- Dawn Clements (A.B. 1986) – contemporary artist known for her panoramas[324]
- Dave Cole (A.B. 2000) – sculptor, visual artist
- John Connell (Class of 1962) – sculptor and painter
- Devon Dikeou (A.B. 1986) – artist and curator
- Barnaby Evans (1975) – creator of the environmental art installation WaterFire
- Ayana Evans (A.B. 1998) – performance artist[325]
- Brian Floca (A.B. 1991) – author and book illustrator
- Coco Fusco (A.B. 1982) – interdisciplinary artist and feminist
Coco Fusco (1982) - Susan Freedman (A.B. 1982) – president of the Public Art Fund
- Chitra Ganesh (A.B. 1996) – artist[326]
- Orly Genger (A.B. 2001) – contemporary sculptor and installation artist
- Sanford Robinson Gifford (A.B. 1844) – landscape painter of the Hudson River School
Sanford Robinson Gifford (1844) - Isca Greenfield-Sanders (A.B. 2000) – artist
- Karl Haendel (A.B. 1998) – artist known for his pencil drawings
- Ilana Halperin (A.B. 1995) – artist
- George Hitchcock (A.B. 1872) – impressionist painter
- Akiko Ichikawa (A.B. 1994) – interdisciplinary visual artist and writer
- Bill Jacobson (A.B. 1977) – photographer
- Ken Johnson (A.B. 1976) – art critic for the New York Times
- Paul Ramirez Jonas (A.B. 1987) – contemporary artist; Chair of the Department of Art, Cornell University College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
- Nina Katchadourian (A.B. 1989) – multimedia artist
- Richard Kostelanetz (A.B. 1962) – book-art, audio, video, photography, film, holography
- Paul Laffoley (A.B. 1962) – artist and architect
- Walter Liedtke (A.M. 1969) – curator of European paintings Metropolitan Museum of Art[327]
- Candice Lin (A.B 2001) – artist
- Sarah Morris (A.B. 1988) – contemporary painter and filmmaker
- Elizabeth Neel (A.B. 1997) – contemporary painter
- Lisa Oppenheim (A.B. 1998) – multimedia artist
- Sarah Oppenheimer (A.B. 1995) – sculptor and installation artist
- Maureen Paley (A.B. 1975) – established the first East End gallery in London, represents the work of important contemporary artists
- Bern Porter (Sc.M. 1933) – visual artist and scientist involved in the development of the cathode-ray tube and the Manhattan Project
- Seth Price (A.B. 1997) – post-conceptual artist
- Lauren Redniss (A.B. 1996) – artist and writer, recipient of Guggenheim Fellowship and Macarthur fellowship[328][329]
- Willoughby Sharp (A.B. 1957) – pioneer in conceptual and performance art[330]
- Jeff Shesol (A.B. 1991) – cartoonist, Thatch; scriptwriter for Bill Clinton[331]
- Taryn Simon (A.B. 1997) – multidisciplinary artist
- Scott Snibbe (A.B. 1991, MSc 1994) – interactive media artist
- Anne Morgan Spalter (A.B. 1987) – digital mixed media artist and pioneering computer art academic; founder of Brown's and RISD's original digital fine arts courses
- Martha Tedeschi (A.B. 1980) – Elizabeth and John Moors Cabot Director of the Harvard Art Museums[332]
- Kerry Tribe (A.B. 1997) – installation artist[333]
Kerry Tribe (1997) - Mark Tribe (A.B. 1990) – artist; chair of the School of Visual Arts' MFA program[334]
- Marcus Waterman (1857) – Orientalist painter
- Virgil Macey Williams (1847–1850) – painter, co-founder of the San Francisco Art Association[335]
- Saya Woolfalk (A.B. 2001) – multimedia artist
Game Design
[edit]- Elizabeth Hargrave (1994) – board game designer[336]
[edit]- Bill Almon (1975) – professional baseball player for the San Diego Padres, New York Mets, Chicago White Sox, Oakland Athletics and Pittsburgh Pirates; No. 1 pick in the 1974 draft[337]
- Mark Attanasio (A.B. 1979) – financier and owner of the Milwaukee Brewers[338]
- Charley Bassett – professional baseball player[339]
- Tommy Dowd – professional baseball player[340]
- Dave Fultz – professional baseball player[341]
- Irving "Bump" Hadley (Class of 1928) – professional baseball player, pitcher for the Washington Senators and New York Yankees[342]
- Mike Lynch – professional baseball player[343]
- Frank Philbrick – professional baseball player[344]
- Lee Richmond – professional baseball player, pitched the first perfect game in major league baseball history[345]
- Fred Tenney – professional baseball player[346]
- William Edward White – possibly the first African-American to play major league baseball[347]
William Edward White
[edit]- Lindsay Gottlieb (1999) – head coach, USC Trojans women's basketball
- Bernard Muir (1990) – athletic director at Stanford University
- Stephen Silas (1996) – head coach for the Houston Rockets
[edit]- Don Colo (1950) – professional football player, three-time Pro Bowl selection; played for the Cleveland Browns[348]
- Zak DeOssie (2007) – linebacker and long snapper for the New York Giants, two-time Pro Bowl selection (2008, 2010)[349]
- James Develin (2010) – fullback for the New England Patriots; 2014 and 2016 Super Bowl Champion; 2017 Pro Bowl selection
- Mark Donovan (1988) – President of the Kansas City Chiefs
- John W. Heisman (Class of 1891) – college football player and coach; namesake of the Heisman Trophy[350]
Джон Хейсман (1891) - Steve Jordan (Sc.B. 1982) – professional football player, six-time All-Pro tight end who played for the Minnesota Vikings[351]
- Sean Morey (1999) – Special Teams Captain of 2005 Super Bowl XL Champion Pittsburgh Steelers[352]
- Билл О'Брайен (AB 1992) – координатор нападения и тренер защитников в Университете Алабамы , бывший главный тренер штата Пенсильвания , [ 353 ] бывший главный тренер НФЛ Хьюстон Тексанс
- Керли Оден (1921) - Национальной футбольной лиги бегущий защитник и член чемпиона лиги 1928 года Providence Steam Roller.
- Джо Патерно (AB 1950) - главный тренер Пенсильванского университета (1966–2011), лучший футбольный тренер первого дивизиона за всю историю. [ 354 ]
- Э. Джей Перри (AB 2021) - защитник Мичиган Пантерз [ 355 ]
Джо Патерно (1950) - Фриц Поллард (AB 1919) – первый чернокожий всеамериканский полузащитник ; первый чернокожий главный тренер Национальной футбольной лиги ; как игрок привел « Акрон Прос» к первому в истории чемпионату НФЛ в 1920 году; введен в Зал славы профессионального футбола [ 356 ]
Фриц Поллард (1919) - Эдвард Норт Робинсон (1896) – футбольный тренер в Университете Небраски-Линкольн , Браун, Тафтс , Бостонский университет , а также в компании Providence Steam Roller ; член Зала славы студенческого футбола [ 357 ]
- Уоллес Уэйд (1917) – футбольный тренер Университета Алабамы , а затем Университета Дьюка , член Зала славы студенческого футбола ; тезка футбольного стадиона Дьюка [ 358 ]
Хоккей с шайбой
[ редактировать ]- Курт Беннетт (1970) – профессиональный хоккеист , Сент-Луис Блюз и Атланта Флэймз
- Янн Данис (AB 2004) - профессиональный хоккейный вратарь команды «Нью-Йорк Айлендерс».
- Брайан Эклунд (AB 2002) - профессиональный хоккейный вратарь команды « Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг».
- Гарнет Хэтэуэй (2014) - профессиональный хоккейный нападающий « Вашингтон Кэпиталз». [ 359 ]
- Брайан Иначак (1985) - профессиональный хоккейный нападающий ХК '05 Банска-Бистрица
- Сэм Лафферти (2018) - профессиональный хоккейный нападающий « Ванкувер Кэнакс». [ 360 ]
[ редактировать ]- Тимоти Келли (2002) – генеральный менеджер New York Titans Национальной лиги лакросса
- Дилан Моллой (2017) - игрок клуба лакросса Chrome
- Ларс Тиффани (1990) - главный тренер мужской программы лакросса Virginia Cavaliers в Университете Вирджинии.
- Дом Старсия (1974) - бывший главный тренер мужской программы лакросса Virginia Cavaliers в Университете Вирджинии. [ 361 ]
Олимпийские игры
[ редактировать ]Золото
[ редактировать ]- Тесса Гоббо (2013) - американский гребец, золотой призер Олимпийских игр ( 2016 ) в гребле восьмеркой под рулевым среди женщин.
- Хелен Джонс Кэрролл (AB 1936) – американская пловчиха вольным стилем, олимпийская золотая ( 1932 ) медалистка.
- Бекки Келлар-Дьюк (1997) – канадская хоккеистка, олимпийская чемпионка (2002, 2006, 2010) и серебряная (1998) медалистка.
- Кэти Кинг (1997) – американская хоккеистка, олимпийская золотая ( 1998 ), серебряная ( 2002 ) и бронзовая ( 2006 ) медалистка.
- Тара Маунси (Sc.B. 2001) - американская хоккеистка, олимпийская золотая (1998) и серебряная (2002) медалистка.
- Ксено Мюллер (2002) – швейцарский гребец, олимпийский золотой ( 1996 ) и серебряный ( 2000 ) призер Олимпийских игр в одиночке.
- Альбина Осипович (AB 1933) - американская пловчиха вольным стилем, олимпийское золото (1928) медали на дистанции 100 метров вольным стилем и 4х100 метров вольным стилем.
- Алисия Сакрамоне (2010) – американская гимнастка, серебряная олимпийская медаль ( 2008 ) в женском командном многоборье.
- Джек Спеллман (1924) – американский борец, олимпийская золотая ( 1924 ) медаль в мужском вольном стиле в полутяжелом весе.
- Норман Тейбер (1913) – американский бегун, олимпийская золотая ( 1912 ) медаль в эстафете на 3000 метров.
[ редактировать ]- Лорен Гиббс (2006) - американская бобслеистка, серебряный призер Олимпийских игр ( 2018 ) в женском парном бобслее.
- Джонатан Смит (1983) - американский гребец, серебряный ( 1984 ) и бронзовый ( 1988 ) олимпийский призер в четверке без рулевого и восьмерке среди мужчин.
- Сара Херндон (1983) - американская морячка, серебряный призер Олимпийских игр (2000) в женской команде 470 (экипаж).
- Джон Уэлчли (1950) – американский гребец, серебро Олимпийских игр ( 1956 ).
- Винсент Чжоу (2023) — американский фигурист, серебро Олимпийских игр в командном зачёте ( 2022 ). [ 362 ]
Винсент Чжоу (2023)
[ редактировать ]- Игорь Борашка (1995) – хорватский гребец, бронзовая олимпийская медаль ( 2000 ) в соревнованиях восьмерок.
- Роберт Беннетт (1949) – американский спортсмен, бронзовая олимпийская медаль ( 1948 среди мужчин. ) в метании молота
- Чарльз Томас Батлер (1955) – американский бобслеист, бронзовая олимпийская медаль ( 1956 ) в четверке.
- Эмили Байдвелл (2008 г.) - американский тренер по регби-7, тренировала женскую сборную США по регби-7 на Олимпийском Брауне на летних Олимпийских играх 2024 года .
- Джон Коллиер (1929) – американский спортсмен, бронзовая олимпийская медаль ( 1928 ) в беге на 110 метров с барьерами.
- Пэм Дрейер (2003) – американская хоккеистка, бронзовая олимпийская медаль ( 2006 ) на женском турнире.
- Глен Фостер (1952) – американский моряк, бронзовая олимпийская медаль ( 1972 ) в классе Tempest.
- Дэвид Холл (1901) – американский бегун, бронзовый призер Олимпийских игр ( 1900 ) в беге на 800 метров.
- Ким Инсалако (2003 г.) - американская хоккеистка, бронзовая олимпийская медаль (2006 г.) на женском турнире.
- Кэтлин Каут (2001) - американская хоккеистка, бронзовый призер Олимпийских игр (2006).
- Джанет Люн (2016) – канадская софтболистка, олимпийская бронза ( 2020 )
- Тед Паттон (1988) – американский гребец, олимпийская бронза (1988).
- Джимми Педро (AB 1994) - самый титулованный американский спортсмен-дзюдоист мужского пола; Чемпион мира по дзюдо (1999); двукратный бронзовый призер Олимпийских игр (1996, 2004 ).
- Дональд Уистон (1951) – американский хоккеист, обладатель бронзовой олимпийской медали ( 1952 ) в мужском турнире.
[ редактировать ]- Ханна Баракат (2022 г.) - палестино-американская бегунья, участвовавшая в летних Олимпийских играх 2020 г. [ 363 ]
- Дик Дрейсигакер (1969) - американский гребец, участвовал в летних Олимпийских играх 1972 года.
- Сисели Мэдден (2018) - американский гребец, участвовавший в летних Олимпийских играх 2020 года. [ 363 ]
- Раджанья Шах (1996) - американский гребец, участвовал в летних Олимпийских играх 2000 года.
- Джаггер Стивенс (2020) - гуамский пловец, участвовал в летних Олимпийских играх 2020 года.
- Никола Стоич (1997) - сербский гребец, участвовал в четырех летних Олимпийских играх подряд (2000, 2004, 2008, 2012).
- Эван Вайнсток (1914) – американский бобслеист, участвовавший в зимних Олимпийских играх 2018 года.
- Андерс Вайс (2016) - американский гребец, участвовал в летних Олимпийских играх 2020 года. [ 364 ]
- Анна Уиллард (2006) - олимпийская квалификация 2008 года в беге с препятствиями на 3000 метров, рекордсменка Америки в беге на 3000 метров с препятствиями. [ 365 ]
- Джоанна Зейгер (1992) - четвертая в первых Олимпийских играх по женскому триатлону, Летние Олимпийские игры 2000 года, Сидней; Олимпийский отборочный турнир по марафону, триатлону и плаванию; чемпион мира по триатлону
Другие виды спорта
[ редактировать ]- Ретт Бернштейн (2009) – профессиональный футболист
- Марк Донохью (1959) – профессиональный автогонщик; 1972 года Победитель Индианаполиса 500 ; смертельно ранен в аварии на тренировке Формулы-1 Гран-при Австрии 1975 года ; введен в Зал славы автоспорта Америки и Международный зал славы автоспорта (1991). [ 366 ]
- Чарли Энрайт (2008) - американский моряк, победитель Ocean Race 2023 года.
- Кори Гиббс (2001) – профессиональный футболист, Чарльтон Атлетик , Премьер-лига Англии
- Фред Хови (1890) - профессиональный теннисист, чемпион US Open в мужском парном разряде (1893) и чемпион в мужском одиночном разряде (1895).
- Джефф Ларентович (2005) – профессиональный футболист, New England Revolution , Высшая футбольная лига
- Билл Виртц (1950) – владелец Чикаго Блэкхокс
Выпускники колониальной эпохи (1769–1783)
[ редактировать ]- Соломон Дроун (AB 1773) - врач
Соломон Дроун - Дуайт Фостер (AB 1770) – сенатор США от Массачусетса, член Палаты представителей США от Массачусетса
- Теодор Фостер (AB 1770) - сенатор США от Род-Айленда
- Дэвид Хауэлл (AM 1769) - делегат Конгресса Конфедерации
- Джошуа Тулмин (AM 1769) - английский несогласный министр
- Джеймс Митчелл Варнум (AB 1769) - командир 1-го полка Род-Айленда , широко известного как первый черный батальон в истории США.
- Сэмюэл Уорд младший (AB 1771) - делегат Хартфордской конвенции
[ редактировать ]- Майкл В. Бхатия (AB 1999) - Медали Свободы обладатель
- Сьюзен Беннетт от Apple (1971) - актриса озвучивания, оригинальный голос Siri [ 367 ]
- Флоренсио Кампоманес (AM 1951) - бывший президент Всемирной шахматной федерации [ 368 ]
- Эми Картер (выпуск 1989 г.) – дочь бывшего президента Джимми Картера ; политический активист
Эми Картер - Эндрю Декстер младший (AB 1798) – основатель Монтгомери, Алабама
- Исаак Хэкстон (2008) – профессиональный игрок в покер [ 369 ]
- Дуглас Гарриман Кеннеди (AB) – десятый ребенок Роберта Ф. Кеннеди и Этель Кеннеди
- Кейси Джонсон (2001) – светская львица, наследница Johnson & Johnson , дочь Нэнси Сейл и Вуди Джонсон [ 370 ]
- Александра Керри (AB 1997) – дочь кандидата в президенты и сенатора США Джона Керри
- Садад Ибрагим Аль Хусейни (MS 1970, доктор философии 1973) – эксперт нефтегазовой отрасли
- Теодор Морд (1935–36) – знаменитый исследователь и авантюрист, который утверждал, что открыл «Затерянный город Обезьяньего Бога» в Гондурасе.
- Кара Мунд (выпуск 2016 г.) – Мисс Америка 2018 г.
- Аллегра Версаче (выпуск 2008 г.) - наследница состояния Джанни Версаче и дочь Донателлы Версаче.
[ редактировать ]- ^ «Брунониан | Определение брунониана на английском языке в Оксфордских словарях» . Оксфордские словари | Английский . Проверено 11 марта 2019 г. [ мертвая ссылка ]
- ^ Jump up to: а б Сандомир, Ричард (28 июня 2017 г.). «Ричард Бенсон, фотограф и печатник, умер в возрасте 73 лет» . Нью-Йорк Таймс . ISSN 0362-4331 . Проверено 21 декабря 2021 г.
- ^ Jump up to: а б «Рина Фойгель Барбер» . www.macfound.org . Проверено 10 октября 2023 г.
- ^ «Джим Ён Ким» . www.macfound.org . Проверено 18 января 2022 г.
- ^ «Наваль М. Нур» . www.macfound.org . Проверено 18 января 2022 г.
- ^ Jump up to: а б «Уильям Сили» . www.macfound.org . Проверено 26 марта 2021 г.
- ^ «Образование для всех: инновации и влияние Брауна в университетском образовании» . библиотека.brown.edu . Проверено 20 ноября 2017 г.
- ^ «Верн Олден (2014) – Зал славы» . Легкая атлетика Университета Брауна . Проверено 24 августа 2020 г.
- ^ Jump up to: а б «Пратт Дин Рави Белламконда станет проректором и исполнительным вице-президентом в Эмори» . Хроника . Проверено 8 марта 2021 г.
- ^ «Фрэнсис Кернкросс» . www.hw.ac.uk. Проверено 7 декабря 2017 г.
- ^ «Роберт А. Корриган, президент» . Нью-Йорк Таймс . 20 августа 2002 г. ISSN 0362-4331 . Проверено 2 апреля 2021 г.
- ^ Каммингс, Гленн А. (2015). «Оправдание ожиданий нового президента: Гленн А. Каммингс» (PDF) .
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- ^ «Эдвард Гильяно» . nyit.edu . Проверено 28 апреля 2014 г.
- ^ «Документы Джоан Лейтцель, 1996–2002» . Библиотека Университета Нью-Гэмпшира. 25 июня 2014 года . Проверено 18 января 2018 г.
- ^ «Документы Джеймса Макалистера» . Архивы и специальные коллекции Университета Дрекселя. 16 ноября 2005 года. Архивировано из оригинала 7 сентября 2006 года . Проверено 24 февраля 2008 г.
- ^ Заки, Хода М. (июль 2004 г.). «Дебил, Алонсо Гразеано (1909–1971)» . Американская национальная биография . Издательство Оксфордского университета. doi : 10.1093/anb/9780198606697.article.0700790 . Проверено 9 марта 2023 г.
- ^ Саксон, Вольфганг (26 января 2001 г.). «Роберт В. Морс, 79 лет, педагог и конструктор подводных лодок» . Нью-Йорк Таймс . ISSN 0362-4331 . Проверено 31 марта 2021 г.
- ^ «Преподобный Уиллард Престон» . Университет Вермонта . Архивировано из оригинала 26 февраля 2018 г. Проверено 22 февраля 2018 г.
- ^ Jump up to: а б Снайдер, Сьюзен (4 февраля 2022 г.). «Поскольку в ближайшее время ожидается уход Эми Гутманн, Пенн назначает временного президента» . Филадельфийский исследователь . Проверено 27 марта 2022 г.
- ^ «Сангита Бхатия, доктор медицинских наук, доктор философии | Лаборатория многомасштабных регенеративных технологий» . lmrt.mit.edu . Архивировано из оригинала 1 декабря 2017 г. Проверено 20 ноября 2017 г.
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