Ливерпуль | |
Девиз(ы): | |
![]() Ливерпуль показан в Мерсисайде | |
Координаты: 53 ° 24'34 "N 2 ° 58'43" W / 53,4094 ° N 2,9785 ° W | |
Суверенное государство | Великобритания |
Страна | Англия |
Область | Северо-Запад |
Церемониальное графство | Мерсисайд |
Район города | Ливерпуль |
Основан | 1207 |
Статус города | 1880 |
Столичный район | 1 апреля 1974 г. |
Административный штаб | Здание Кунарда |
Районы города | Список |
Правительство | |
• Тип | Столичный район |
• Тело | Городской совет Ливерпуля |
• Исполнительный | Лидер и кабинет |
• Контроль | Труд |
• Лидер | Лиам Робинсон ( L ) |
• Лорд-мэр | Мэри Расмуссен |
• депутаты | 5 депутатов |
Область | |
• Общий | 52 квадратных миль (134 км ) 2 ) |
• Земля | 43 квадратных миль (112 км ) 2 ) |
• Классифицировать | 185-й |
Население (2022) [3] | |
• Общий | 496,770 |
• Классифицировать | 12-е |
• Плотность | 11 500/кв. миль (4442/км) 2 ) |
Демонимы |
Этническая принадлежность ( 2021 ) | |
• Этнические группы | Список |
Религия (2021) | |
• Религия | Список |
Часовой пояс | UTC+0 ( GMT ) |
• Лето ( летнее время ) | UTC+1 ( летнее время ) |
Область почтового индекса | |
Телефонный код | 0151 |
Код ISO 3166 | ГБ ЖИЗНЬ |
Код ГСС | E08000012 |
Веб-сайт | Ливерпуль |
Ливерпуль — собор , портовый город столичный район Мерсисайда и , Англия. В 2022 году его население составляло 496 770 человек. [3] Город расположен на восточной стороне устья Мерси , рядом с Ирландским морем , и находится примерно в 178 милях (286 км) от Лондона . Ливерпуль — пятый по величине город Соединенного Королевства, крупнейший населенный пункт Мерсисайда и часть городского округа Ливерпуль , объединенного органа власти с населением более 1,5 миллиона человек. [5]
Ливерпуль был основан как район в 1207 году в графстве Ланкашир и стал важным городом в конце семнадцатого века, когда порт в соседнем Честере начал заиливать. Порт Ливерпуля стал активно участвовать в работорговле в Атлантическом океане : первый невольничий корабль покинул город в 1699 году. Порт также импортировал большую часть хлопка, необходимого соседним текстильным фабрикам Ланкашира , и стал основным отправным пунктом для англичан и Ирландские эмигранты в Северной Америке. В 19 веке Ливерпуль приобрел мировое экономическое значение, находясь в авангарде промышленной революции , и построил первую междугородную железную дорогу , первую складскую систему из негорючих материалов ( Королевский Альберт-док ) и новаторскую надземную электрическую железную дорогу ; ему был предоставлен статус города в 1880 году. Как и многие британские города, город вступил в период упадка в середине 20-го века, хотя он пережил возрождение после того, как был выбран культурной столицей Европы в 2008 году. [6] [7]
Ливерпуля Современная экономика диверсифицирована. В нем есть такие сектора, как туризм, культура , морское судоходство , гостиничный бизнес , здравоохранение , науки о жизни , передовое производство, креатив и цифровые технологии . [8] [9] [10] Город занимает второе место в Великобритании по количеству национальных музеев , памятников архитектуры и парков , больше только в Лондоне. [11] Город часто используется в качестве места съемок благодаря своей архитектуре, и в 2022 году он вошел в пятерку городов Великобритании, наиболее посещаемых иностранными туристами. [12] Это единственный в Англии , внесенный в список ЮНЕСКО город музыки , и здесь появилось множество выдающихся музыкальных коллективов , в первую очередь «Битлз» , а музыканты из города выпустили больше хит-синглов номер один в Великобритании, чем где-либо еще в мире. [13] Он также выпустил много актеров , художников , поэтов и писателей . В спорте город известен как дом Премьер-лиги футбольных команд «Эвертон» и «Ливерпуль» . Порт города был четвертым по величине в Великобритании в 2023 году. [14] Здесь расположены штаб-квартиры и офисы многочисленных судоходных и грузовых линий.
Жителей Ливерпуля часто называют «скаузерами» в отношении скаузера , местного тушеного мяса, которое стало популярным среди моряков в городе, и это название также применяется к отчетливому местному акценту . В городе проживает культурно и этнически разнообразное население, и исторически он привлекал множество иммигрантов, особенно из Ирландии, Скандинавии и Уэльса. Это дом самой ранней черной общины в Великобритании , самой ранней китайской общины в Европе и первой мечети в Англии. [15]
Название происходит от древнеанглийского lifer , что означает густую или мутную воду, и pōl , что означает заводь или ручей, и впервые упоминается около 1190 года как Liuerpul . [16] [17] Согласно Кембриджскому словарю топонимов английского языка , «первоначально речь шла о бассейне или приливном ручье, который теперь заполнился, и в который впадают два ручья». [18] Место, обозначенное как Лейрпол в юридической записи 1418 года, также может относиться к Ливерпулю. [19] Было предложено другое происхождение названия, в том числе «элверпул», ссылка на большое количество угрей в Мерси . [20] Прилагательное «ливерпульский» впервые было записано в 1833 году. [17]
Хотя древнеанглийское происхождение названия «Ливерпуль» не подлежит сомнению, иногда высказываются утверждения, что название «Ливерпуль» имеет валлийское происхождение, но это необоснованно. Валлийское название Ливерпуля — Lerpwl , от бывшего английского местного названия Leerpool. Это сокращение формы «Леверпул» с потерей интервокального [v] (встречается в других английских именах и словах, например, Давентри (Нортгемптоншир) > Данетри, никогда не преуспевающий > неуспевающий).
В 19 веке в некоторых валлийских публикациях использовалось название « Lle'r Pwll » («(место) бассейна»), реинтерпретация слова «Lerpwl» , вероятно, полагая, что « Lle'r Pwll » было оригиналом. форма.
Другое название, широко известное даже сегодня, — Ллинллейфиад , опять-таки чеканка 19-го века. « Ллин » — это пул, но « леефиада » не имеет очевидного значения. Дж. Мелвилл Ричардс (1910–1973), пионер научной топонимики в Уэльсе, в «Топонимах Северного Уэльса», [21] не пытается объяснить это, за исключением того, что отмечает, что « леефиада » используется как валлийский эквивалент слова «Печень».
Производная форма ученого заимствования в валлийский язык ( * llaf ) латинского lāma (трясина, болото, болото) для образования « lleifiad » возможна, но не доказана.



Ранняя история
В средние века Ливерпуль существовал сначала как сельскохозяйственные угодья в пределах Западной Дерби-Сотни. [22] прежде чем превратиться в небольшой городок фермеров, рыбаков и торговцев и тактическую военную базу короля Англии Джона . Город планировался с собственным замком , хотя из-за вспышек болезней и его подчинения близлежащему римскому порту Честер рост и процветание города застопорились до конца 17 - начала 18 веков. Существенный рост произошел в середине-конце 18 века, когда город стал наиболее активно вовлеченным европейским портом в работорговлю в Атлантическом океане . [23]
короля Джона от В патенте на письма 1207 года было объявлено об основании городка Ливерпуль (тогда называвшегося Люэрпул ). Нет никаких свидетельств того, что это место ранее было центром какой-либо торговли. Создание городка, вероятно, произошло из-за того, что король Джон решил, что это будет удобное место для погрузки людей и припасов для его ирландских кампаний , в частности ирландской кампании Джона 1209 года . [24] [25] Говорят, что первоначальный план улиц Ливерпуля был разработан королем Джоном примерно в то же время, когда ему была предоставлена королевская хартия , сделавшая его городком. Первоначальные семь улиц были расположены в форме двойного креста: Бэнк-стрит (ныне Уотер-стрит ), Касл-стрит , Чапел -стрит , Дейл-стрит , Джагглер-стрит (ныне Хай-стрит ), Мур-стрит (ныне Титебарн-стрит ) и Уайтакр-стрит. (ныне Олд-Холл-стрит ). [25] Ливерпульский замок был построен до 1235 года, он просуществовал до тех пор, пока не был снесен в 1720-х годах. [26] К середине 16-го века население все еще составляло около 600 человек, хотя, вероятно, оно упало с более раннего пика в 1000 человек из-за медленной торговли и последствий чумы . [27] [28] [29]
В 17 веке наблюдался медленный прогресс в торговле и росте населения. Бои за контроль над городом велись во время гражданской войны в Англии , включая короткую осаду в 1644 году. [30] В 1699 году, в том же году, когда его первый зарегистрированный невольничий корабль « Ливерпульский торговец » отправился в Африку, [31] Ливерпуль стал приходом согласно парламентскому акту . Но, возможно, закон 1695 года, реформировавший совет Ливерпуля, имел большее значение для его последующего развития. [32] Со времен Римской империи близлежащий город Честер на реке Ди был главным портом региона на Ирландском море . Однако, когда Ди начал заиливаться , морская торговля из Честера становилась все более затруднительной и переместилась в сторону Ливерпуля на соседней реке Мерси . Первый из доков Ливерпуля был построен в 1715 году, и система доков постепенно превратилась в большую взаимосвязанную систему. [33]
Поскольку торговля из Вест-Индии , включая сахар, превзошла торговлю с Ирландией и Европой, а река Ди продолжала заиливать, Ливерпуль начал расти все быстрее. Первый коммерческий мокрый док был построен в Ливерпуле в 1715 году. [34] [35] Существенные доходы от работорговли и табака помогли городу процветать и быстро расти, хотя несколько видных местных мужчин, в том числе Уильям Рэтбоун , Уильям Роско и Эдвард Раштон , были в авангарде местного аболиционистского движения . [36]
19 век


В 19 веке Ливерпуль приобрел мировое экономическое значение. В городе открылись новаторские, первые в мире технологические и гражданские объекты для обслуживания растущего населения, вызванного притоком этнических и религиозных общин со всего мира.
К началу XIX века через Ливерпуль проходил большой объем торговли, и строительство крупных зданий отражало это богатство. В 1830 году Ливерпуль и Манчестер стали первыми городами, имеющими междугороднее железнодорожное сообщение через Ливерпульско-Манчестерскую железную дорогу . Население продолжало быстро расти, особенно в 1840-х годах, когда ирландские мигранты начали прибывать сотнями тысяч в результате Великого голода . Хотя многие ирландцы поселились в это время в городе, большой процент также эмигрировал в Соединенные Штаты или переехал в промышленные центры Ланкашира , Йоркшира и Мидлендса . [37]

В своей поэтической иллюстрации «Ливерпуль» (1832 г.), воспевающей мировую торговлю города, Летиция Элизабет Лэндон конкретно обращается к экспедиции Макгрегора Лэрда на реку Нигер, которая в то время продолжалась. [38] Это картина Сэмюэля Остина , Ливерпуль, из Мерси . [39]
Великобритания была крупным рынком для хлопка, импортируемого с глубокого юга Соединенных Штатов, который питал текстильную промышленность страны. Учитывая решающее место, которое хлопок занимал в экономике города, во время Гражданской войны в США Ливерпуль был, по словам историка Свена Беккерта , «самым проконфедеративным местом в мире за пределами самой Конфедерации ». [40] Ливерпульские купцы помогали вывозить хлопок из портов, блокированных ВМС Союза , строили военные корабли для Конфедерации и поставляли хлопок.Юг с военной техникой и кредитами. [41]
Во время войны ВМС Конфедерации корабль CSS «Алабама » был построен в Биркенхеде на реке Мерси, и там же сдался CSS «Шенандоа» (это была окончательная капитуляция в конце войны). Город также был центром закупок Конфедерацией военной техники, включая оружие и боеприпасы, униформу и военно-морские припасы, которые контрабандой переправлялись британскими участниками блокады на юг . [42]
В течение некоторых периодов XIX века богатство Ливерпуля превышало богатство Лондона. [43] и Ливерпульская таможня вносила самый крупный вклад в британское казначейство . [44] Ливерпуль был единственным британским городом, когда-либо имевшим собственный офис в Уайтхолле . [45] В этом столетии через Ливерпуль проходило не менее 40% всей мировой торговли. [46]
В начале 19 века Ливерпуль играл важную роль в в Антарктике промысле тюленей , в знак признания этого пляж Ливерпуля на Южных Шетландских островах назван в честь города. [47]
Еще в 1851 году город называли «Нью-Йорком Европы». [48] В конце 19 - начале 20 века Ливерпуль привлекал иммигрантов со всей Европы. Это привело к строительству в городе множества религиозных зданий для новых этнических и религиозных групп, многие из которых используются до сих пор. Немецкая церковь Ливерпуля , Греческая православная церковь Святого Николая , Церковь Густава Адольфа и синагога Принсес-Роуд были основаны в 1800-х годах для обслуживания растущей немецкой, греческой, нордической и еврейской общин Ливерпуля соответственно. Одна из старейших сохранившихся церквей Ливерпуля, Римско-католическая церковь Святого Петра , в последние годы своего существования служила польской общине местом поклонения.
20 век

В 20-м веке устоявшийся статус Ливерпуля как мировой экономической державы был поставлен под сомнение. Стратегическое расположение международного морского порта сделало его особенно уязвимым в двух мировых войнах . Экономическая депрессия (как в Соединенном Королевстве, так и во всем мире), изменение структуры жилищного строительства и контейнеризация в морской отрасли способствовали снижению производительности и процветания города. Несмотря на это, влияние города на мировую популярную культуру было превосходным, и к концу века продолжающийся процесс обновления города проложил путь к новому современному городу 21 века.
Период после Великой войны был отмечен социальными волнениями, поскольку общество боролось с огромными военными потерями молодых людей, а также пыталось реинтегрировать ветеранов в гражданскую жизнь и экономику. Безработица и низкий уровень жизни постигли многих бывших военнослужащих. Организация профсоюзов и забастовки происходили во многих местах, включая в Ливерпуле забастовку городской полиции . Многочисленные колониальные солдаты и моряки из Африки и Индии, служившие в британских вооруженных силах , поселились в Ливерпуле и других портовых городах. В июне 1919 года они подверглись нападению белых во время расовых беспорядков; Среди жителей порта были шведские иммигранты , и обеим группам приходилось конкурировать с коренными жителями Ливерпуля за рабочие места и жилье. В этот период расовые беспорядки имели место и в других портовых городах. [49]

Закон о жилье 1919 года привел к массовому строительству муниципального жилья по всему Ливерпулю в 1920-х и 1930-х годах. В 1920-х и 1930-х годах до 15% населения города (около 140 000 человек) было переселено из центральной части города в специально построенные пригородные жилые комплексы с меньшей плотностью населения, исходя из убеждения, что это улучшит их уровень жизни. , хотя общие преимущества были оспорены. [50] [51] В это время также было построено множество частных домов. Во время Великой депрессии начала 1930-х годов безработица в городе достигла пика - около 30%. Великобритании Ливерпуль был местом расположения первого провинциального аэропорта , работавшего с 1930 года.
Во время Второй мировой войны решающее стратегическое значение Ливерпуля признавалось и Гитлером , и Черчиллем . Город подвергся сильным бомбардировкам со стороны немцев, уступив лишь Лондону. [52] Решающая битва за Атлантику была спланирована, проведена и выиграна Ливерпулем. [53]
Люфтваффе , убив 2500 человек и причинив совершило 80 воздушных налетов на Мерсисайд ущерб почти половине домов в столичном регионе. После войны последовала значительная реконструкция, включая огромные жилые комплексы и док Сифорт , крупнейший доковый проект в Великобритании. С 1952 года Ливерпуль является побратимом немецкого Кёльна , города, который также пострадал от серьёзных бомбардировок с воздуха во время войны. В 1950-х и 1960-х годах большая часть немедленной реконструкции, проводившейся в центре города, оказалась крайне непопулярной. Исторические части города, пережившие немецкие бомбардировки, сильно пострадали во время обновления города. Утверждалось, что так называемый «План Шенкленда» 1960-х годов, названный в честь градостроителя Грэма Шенкленда , привел к нарушению городского планирования и обширным схемам строительства дорог, которые опустошили и разделили центральные районы города. конкретная бруталистская архитектура Предметом осуждения стала , скомпрометированные идеи, неудачные проекты и грандиозные замыслы, которые так и не были реализованы. Историк Рафаэль Сэмюэл назвал Грэма Шенкленда «мясником Ливерпуля». [54] [55] [56] [57]
Значительная чернокожая община Вест-Индии существовала в городе с первых двух десятилетий 20-го века. Как и большинство британских и промышленных городов, Ливерпуль стал домом для значительного числа иммигрантов из Содружества , начиная с Первой мировой войны с колониальными солдатами и моряками, служившими в этом районе. После Второй мировой войны прибыло больше иммигрантов, в основном поселившихся в старых городских районах, таких как Токстет , где жилье было дешевле. В 2011 году черное население Ливерпуля составляло 1,90%. По данным переписи 2021 года 5,2% назвали себя чернокожими африканцами, выходцами из Карибского бассейна, смешанными белыми и черными африканцами, смешанными белыми и карибскими или «другими черными». [58] [59]

В 1960-х годах Ливерпуль был центром звучания « Merseybeat », которое стало синонимом «Битлз» и других ливерпульских рок-групп. Под влиянием американского ритм-н-блюза и рок-музыки они, в свою очередь, сильно повлияли на американскую музыку. The Beatles стали всемирно известными в начале 1960-х годов и вместе выступали по всему миру ; они были и продолжают оставаться самой коммерчески успешной и музыкально влиятельной группой в истории популярности. Их соучредитель, певец и композитор Джон Леннон был убит в Нью-Йорке в 1980 году. В 2002 году в его честь был переименован аэропорт Ливерпуля , став первым британским аэропортом, названным в честь человека. [60] [61]
Ливерпуль, ранее входивший в состав Ланкашира и являвшийся городским округом с 1889 года, в 1974 году стал столичным районом в рамках вновь созданного столичного графства Мерсисайд . С середины 1970-х годов доки Ливерпуля и традиционные обрабатывающие отрасли пришли в упадок из-за реструктуризации судоходства и тяжелой промышленности, что приводит к массовым потерям рабочих мест. Появление контейнеризации означало, что городские доки в значительной степени устарели, а докеры остались без работы. К началу 1980-х годов уровень безработицы в Ливерпуле был одним из самых высоких в Великобритании. [62] к январю 1982 года этот показатель составлял 17%, хотя это было примерно вдвое меньше уровня безработицы, который затронул город во время Великой депрессии около 50 лет назад. [63] В этот период Ливерпуль стал центром ожесточенной левой оппозиции центральному правительству в Лондоне. [64] Ливерпуль в 1980-е годы называли британским «шоковым городом». Когда-то второй город Британской империи , соперничавший со столицей по мировому значению, Ливерпуль рухнул в свой «надир» в глубинах постколониальной , постиндустриальной Британии. [65] [66] В конце 20 века экономика Ливерпуля начала восстанавливаться. В конце 1980-х годов был открыт обновленный Альберт-Док , который стал катализатором дальнейшего возрождения. [67] В середине 1990-х годов темпы роста города были выше, чем в среднем по стране. В конце 20-го века «Ливерпуль» сосредоточился на возрождении, и этот процесс продолжается и сегодня.
21 век

Продолжающееся восстановление в сочетании с проведением мероприятий международного значения помогло превратить Ливерпуль в один из самых посещаемых и ориентированных на туристов городов Соединенного Королевства. Руководители города сосредоточены на долгосрочных стратегиях роста населения и экономики города, в то время как национальное правительство изучает постоянный потенциал передачи полномочий в городе.
В 2002 году королева Елизавета II и принц Филипп, герцог Эдинбургский посетили Ливерпуль, чтобы отметить золотой юбилей . Выступая перед аудиторией в ратуше Ливерпуля , королева признала Ливерпуль «одной из самых самобытных и энергичных частей Соединенного Королевства» и отдала дань уважения «крупным оркестрам, музеям и галереям мирового уровня». Она также признала заявку Ливерпуля на звание культурной столицы Европы . [68] [69] Чтобы отпраздновать золотой юбилей Елизаветы II в 2002 году, природоохранная благотворительная организация Plantlife организовала конкурс по выбору окружных цветов ; морской падуб был окончательным выбором Ливерпуля. Инициатива была разработана, чтобы подчеркнуть растущую угрозу видам цветов Великобритании, а также спросить общественность о том, какие цветы лучше всего представляют их графство. [70]
Благодаря популярности рок-групп 1960-х годов, таких как «Битлз» , а также городским художественным галереям мирового класса, музеям и достопримечательностям, туризм и культура стали важным фактором экономики Ливерпуля.

В 2004 году застройщик Grosvenor запустил проект Paradise Project , стоимостью 920 миллионов фунтов стерлингов, на базе Paradise Street . Это привело к одному из самых значительных изменений в центре Ливерпуля со времен послевоенной реконструкции. переименованный в Liverpool One Центр, , открылся в мае 2008 года.
В 2007 году прошли мероприятия и торжества в честь 800-летия основания района Ливерпуль. Ливерпуль был объявлен объединенной культурной столицей Европы в 2008 году. В рамках празднования было воздвигнуто Принцессу , большого механического паука высотой 20 метров и весом 37 тонн, который олицетворял «восемь ног» Ливерпуля: честь, историю, музыку, Мерси, порты, управление, солнечный свет и культура. Во время торжества Принцесса бродила по улицам города и завершила свое выступление входом в туннель Квинсуэй .
Возрождение , возглавляемое многомиллиардным проектом Liverpool ONE, продолжалось на протяжении 2010-х годов. Некоторые из наиболее значительных проектов реконструкции включали новые здания в Коммерческом районе , Королевском доке , острове Манн , вокруг Лайм-стрит , Балтийском треугольнике , RopeWalks и Edge Lane . [71] [72] [73]

Изменения в управлении Ливерпулем произошли в 2014 году. Местные власти городского совета Ливерпуля решили объединить свою власть и ресурсы с окружающими районами путем формирования Объединенного управления городского региона Ливерпуля в форме передачи полномочий . Благодаря децентрализованному бюджету, предоставленному центральным правительством , власти теперь контролируют и инвестируют в важнейшие стратегические дела по всему региону Ливерпуля , включая крупные проекты восстановления. Власти вместе с самим городским советом Ливерпуля приступили к реализации долгосрочных планов по росту населения и экономики города. [74] [75] [76] [77]
К 2020-м годам регенерация города продолжится. Liverpool Waters , многофункциональный комплекс в заброшенных северных доках города, был признан одним из крупнейших мегапроектов в истории Великобритании. Новый стадион «Эвертона» в доке Брэмли-Мур на момент строительства считался крупнейшим проектом частного сектора в Соединенном Королевстве. [78] [79]
В городе регулярно проходят крупные мероприятия, деловые и политические конференции, которые составляют важную часть экономики. В июне 2014 года премьер-министр Дэвид Кэмерон открыл Международный фестиваль бизнеса в Ливерпуле, крупнейшее в мире деловое мероприятие 2014 года. [80] и крупнейший в Великобритании со времен Фестиваля Британии в 1951 году. [81] Начиная с середины 2010-х годов, Лейбористская партия неоднократно выбирала Ливерпуль для проведения своей ежегодной конференции Лейбористской партии . Ливерпуль принимал конкурс песни «Евровидение-2023» .
Изобретения и инновации
Ливерпуль был центром изобретений и инноваций. Железные дороги, трансатлантические пароходы , муниципальные трамваи, [82] и электрички были впервые использованы в Ливерпуле как виды общественного транспорта. В 1829 и 1836 годах под Ливерпулем были построены первые в мире железнодорожные туннели ( Wapping Tunnel ). курсировало первое в мире регулярное пассажирское вертолетное сообщение С 1950 по 1951 год между Ливерпулем и Кардиффом . [83]
Первая школа для слепых , [84] Механический институт , [85] Средняя школа для девочек, [86] [87] муниципальный дом, [88] и суд по делам несовершеннолетних [89] все были основаны в Ливерпуле. Благотворительные организации, такие как RSPCA , [90] НСПЦК , [91] Возрастная озабоченность , [92] Relate и Бюро консультаций граждан [93] все сложилось из работы в городе.
Первая спасательная станция, общественная баня и прачечная, [94] санитарный акт, [95] медицинский работник ( Уильям Генри Дункан ), участковая медсестра, расчистка трущоб , [96] специально построенная машина скорой помощи, [97] рентгенологическая медицинская диагностика, [98] школа тропической медицины ( Ливерпульская школа тропической медицины ), моторизованная муниципальная пожарная машина, [99] бесплатное школьное питание, [100] центр онкологических исследований, [101] и зоонозов научно-исследовательский центр [102] все зародилось в Ливерпуле. Первая британская Нобелевская премия была присуждена в 1902 году Рональду Россу , профессору Школы тропической медицины, первой школы такого рода в мире. [103] Ортопедическая хирургия была впервые разработана в Ливерпуле Хью Оуэном Томасом . [104] и современные медицинские анестетики Томаса Сесила Грея .
Первая в мире интегрированная канализационная система была построена в Ливерпуле Джеймсом Ньюлендсом , назначенным в 1847 году первым городским инженером Великобритании. [105] [106] Ливерпуль также основал первую в Великобритании страховщиков. Ассоциацию [107] и первый институт бухгалтеров . Первые финансовые деривативы (фьючерсы на хлопок) в западном мире торговались на Ливерпульской хлопковой бирже в конце 1700-х годов. [108]

В сфере искусства Ливерпуль был домом для первой библиотеки ( Лицей ), общества атенеума ( Ливерпульский Атенеум ), центра искусств ( Bluecoat Chambers ), [109] и центр консервации общественного искусства ( Национальный центр консервации ). [110] Здесь также находится старейший сохранившийся классический оркестр Великобритании ( Королевский филармонический оркестр Ливерпуля ). [111] и репертуарный театр ( Liverpool Playhouse ). [112]
В 1864 году Питер Эллис построил первое в мире с навесными стенами офисное здание и железным каркасом — Oriel Chambers , которое было прототипом небоскреба. Первым специально построенным универмагом в Великобритании был Compton House , построенный в 1867 году для розничного торговца JR Jeffrey. [113] В то время это был самый большой магазин в мире. [114]

Между 1862 и 1867 годами в Ливерпуле проводился ежегодный Большой Олимпийский фестиваль . Эти игры, разработанные Джоном Халли и Чарльзом Пьером Мелли , были первыми, которые носили полностью любительский характер и международный характер. [115] [116] Программа первой современной Олимпиады в Афинах 1896 года была практически идентична программе Олимпийских игр в Ливерпуле. [117] В 1865 году Халли стал соучредителем Национальной олимпийской ассоциации в Ливерпуле, предшественницы Британской олимпийской ассоциации . Ее устав лег в основу Олимпийской хартии .
Концепция, разработанная розничным предпринимателем Дэвидом Льюисом , — первый рождественский грот, открытый в Льюиса в Ливерпуле в 1879 году. универмаге [118] Сэр Альфред Льюис Джонс , судовладелец, привез бананы в Великобританию через доки Ливерпуля в 1884 году. [119] Железная дорога Мерси , открытая в 1886 году, включала первый в мире туннель под приливным устьем. [120] и первые в мире станции метро глубокого уровня ( железнодорожная станция Liverpool James Street ).

В 1889 году городской инженер Джон Александр Броди изобрел сетку для футбольных ворот. Он также был пионером в использовании сборных домов. [122] и курировал строительство первой в Великобритании кольцевой дороги ( А5058 ) и междугородного шоссе ( Ист-Ланкашир-роуд ), а также туннеля Куинсуэй, соединяющего Ливерпуль и Биркенхед . Описываемый как «восьмое чудо света» на момент постройки, он был самым длинным подводным туннелем в мире на протяжении 24 лет.
В 1897 году братья Люмьер сняли фильм «Ливерпуль». [123] включая то, что считается первым в мире следящим выстрелом , [124] взято с Ливерпульской надземной железной дороги , первой в мире надземной электрифицированной железной дороги. Надземная железная дорога была первой железной дорогой в мире, которая использовала электропоезда , автоматическую сигнализацию и установила эскалатор.
Изобретатель из Ливерпуля Фрэнк Хорнби был провидцем в разработке и производстве игрушек, создав три самые популярные линии игрушек в 20 веке: Meccano , Hornby Model Railways и Dinky Toys . Британское межпланетное общество , основанное в Ливерпуле в 1933 году Филиппом Эллаби Клитором, является старейшей в мире существующей организацией, занимающейся продвижением космических полетов . Его журнал, «Журнал Британского межпланетного общества» , является старейшим астронавтическим изданием в мире. [125]
В 1999 году Ливерпуль стал первым городом за пределами Лондона, награжденным голубыми мемориальными досками от организации English Heritage в знак признания «значительного вклада, внесенного его сыновьями и дочерьми во всех сферах жизни». [126]

Для целей местного самоуправления город Ливерпуль классифицируется как столичный район . Столичный район расположен как в графстве Мерсисайд , так и в городском регионе Ливерпуля . Каждая из этих географических зон рассматривается как административная территория, к каждой из которой применяются разные уровни местного управления.
Городской совет Ливерпуля является руководящим органом исключительно города Ливерпуль и выполняет функции, стандартные для английского унитарного органа власти . оставляет Объединенное управление городского региона Ливерпуля за собой основные стратегические полномочия в отношении таких вопросов, как транспорт, экономическое развитие и восстановление города, а также пяти прилегающих районов городского региона Ливерпуля. Объединенный орган власти обладает компетенцией в отношении территорий, переданных национальным правительством и специфичных для данного региона. [127]
Тем не менее, помимо этих двух структур, из местного управления есть несколько исключений. Ливерпуль находился под управлением Совета графства Мерсисайд в период с 1974 по 1986 год, и некоторые остаточные аспекты организации, относящиеся к этому времени, сохранились. Когда Совет графства был распущен в 1986 году, большинство гражданских функций было передано городскому совету Ливерпуля. Однако некоторые органы власти, такие как полиция , пожарно-спасательная служба , продолжают управляться на уровне округа. Таким образом, графство Мерсисайд продолжает существовать как административная территория только для нескольких ограниченных служб, в то время как возможности и возможности Объединенного управления региона города Ливерпуль со временем развиваются. [128]
Город также избирает пять членов парламента (депутатов) в Вестминстерский парламент , все от лейбористской партии по состоянию на всеобщие выборы 2024 года.
Лидер городского совета и кабинет министров

Городской совет Ливерпуля действует в соответствии с конституцией, состоящей из 85 членов городского совета, которые избираются прямым голосованием избирателей Ливерпуля каждые 4 года и представляют множество различных политических партий . Члены городского совета принимают решения о местных услугах для жителей города.
На каждых выборах политическая партия, получившая большинство из 85 мест в совете, возглавляет совет в течение следующих 4 лет. Местный лидер этой партии берет на себя роль лидера городского совета, который затем возглавляет кабинет из 9 советников, на которых возложены конкретные обязанности, известные как «портфели».
Действующим лидером городского совета Ливерпуля является советник Лиам Робинсон , который представляет Лейбористскую партию , которая получила значительное большинство на местных выборах 2023 года . [130]
Решения городского совета и проверка его деятельности осуществляются рядом различных комитетов и комиссий, в том числе обзорных и контрольных комитетов, контрольных комиссий, регулирующих комитетов и других комитетов. Повседневное управление советом осуществляется управленческой командой, в которую входят генеральный директор, а также несколько директоров и старших должностных лиц. Команда управления работает с Кабинетом министров и советниками для определения стратегического направления и приоритетов, таких как бюджет и план города. [131] [132]
Выборы в городской совет Ливерпуля
Каждые 4 года город избирает 85 членов совета местных советов из 64 округов . [133] которые в алфавитном порядке:
Во время выборов в городской совет Ливерпуля в 2023 году Лейбористская партия укрепила свой контроль над городским советом Ливерпуля после предыдущих выборов. Из общего числа 85 мест в городском совете, выставленных на выборы, Лейбористская партия получила 61 место (53,13% от общего числа голосов избирателей), Либерал-демократы получили 15 мест (21,61% голосов), Партия зеленых получила 3 места (9,76). % голосов), Независимые от сообщества Ливерпуля получили 3 места (4,64% голосов), а Либеральная партия получила оставшиеся 3 места (3,21% голосов). Консервативная партия , политическая партия, находящаяся у власти в национальном правительстве , не имела представительства в городском совете Ливерпуля. Только 27,27% имеющих право голоса избирателей Ливерпуля пришли на голосование. [134]
На протяжении большей части XIX и начала XX веков Ливерпуль был муниципальным оплотом ториизма . Однако поддержка Консервативной партии в последнее время была одной из самых низких в любой части Британии, особенно после монетаристской экономической политики бывшего премьер-министра Маргарет Тэтчер . После всеобщих выборов 1979 года многие утверждали, что ее победа способствовала давнему высокому уровню безработицы и упадку города. [135] Ливерпуль — один из ключевых оплотов Лейбористской партии; однако город также пережил тяжелые времена при лейбористском правительстве. Особенно зимой недовольства (конец 1978 - начало 1979 года), когда Ливерпуль, как и остальная часть Соединенного Королевства, пострадал от забастовок в государственном секторе, но также и когда он пережил особенно унизительное несчастье, когда могильщики объявили забастовку, оставив мертвых непогребенными. в течение длительных периодов времени. [136]
Критика и улучшение городского совета
В последние годы городской совет Ливерпуля начал обширную программу улучшений, призванную обеспечить эффективное использование властями денег налогоплательщиков и стимулировать рост бизнеса и инвестиций в город. Grosvenor Group , компания по недвижимости, ответственная за Liverpool One , оценила изменения как «возможность для смелого мышления в Ливерпуле». [137]
В 2021 году крайне критическая правительственная проверка и последующий отчет городского совета Ливерпуля (именуемый отчетом Звонящего) выявили множество недостатков в городском совете Ливерпуля. Государственный секретарь по делам жилищного строительства, сообществ и местного самоуправления Роберт Дженрик направил правительственных комиссаров для наблюдения за шоссейными дорогами городского совета, восстановлением, управлением собственностью, управлением и принятием финансовых решений. Власти были вынуждены принять трехлетний план улучшений, согласно которому вся структура совета будет пересмотрена. В результате вмешательства к местным выборам в Соединенном Королевстве в 2023 году произошли серьезные структурные изменения в городском совете , которые были названы «самыми непредсказуемыми [выборами] в истории города». Число избирательных округов в городе было увеличено вдвое с 30 до 64, а общее число членов городского совета, выставляемых на выборы, сократилось с 90 до 85. В будущем совет также будет переходить на «всеобщие» выборы каждые четыре года, в результате чего каждый член городского совета будет иметь право на переизбрание одновременно. Роль избранный мэр города также был упразднен, и Совет вернулся к прежнему лидера и кабинета министров стилю руководства . Результаты выборов рассматривались не только как проверка того, как широкая общественность отреагирует на вмешательство правительства в дела города, но и как проверка того, как широкая общественность отреагирует на вмешательство правительства в дела города. Правительство премьер-министра Риши Сунака в целом. [138] [139] [140] [141]
Член совета Лиам Робинсон стал новым лидером городского совета Ливерпуля на выборах в городской совет 2023 года. Была создана Ливерпульская консультативная группа по стратегическому будущему под председательством мэра городского региона Ливерпуля Стива Ротерама , в состав которой вошли несколько высокопоставленных деятелей, имеющих опыт работы в местном самоуправлении . Перед комиссией была поставлена задача определить долгосрочное будущее совета, не ограничиваясь мерами государственного вмешательства, а также дать рекомендации относительно планов и приоритетов, которым городу следует следовать. [142]
В феврале 2008 года городской совет Ливерпуля был признан советом с наихудшими показателями в стране, получившим всего одну звезду (классифицированным как неадекватный). Основная причина низкого рейтинга связана с плохим обращением совета с деньгами налогоплательщиков, в том числе с накоплением дефицита в 20 миллионов фунтов стерлингов, когда город носил титул культурной столицы Европы . [143] В апреле 2024 года Управление местного самоуправления опубликовало рейтинг местных органов власти, поставив городской совет Ливерпуля на 317-е место из 318 возможных. [144]
Лорд-мэр Ливерпуля

Лорд -мэр Ливерпуля — древняя церемониальная должность. Члены городского совета Ливерпуля (а не широкая общественность) ежегодно избирают лорд-мэра, который затем избирается сроком на один год. Лорд-мэр считается «первым гражданином» и избирается для того, чтобы представлять город на общественных мероприятиях и мероприятиях, продвигать его в более широком мире, поддерживать местные благотворительные организации и общественные группы, посещать религиозные мероприятия, встречаться с делегатами из городов-побратимов Ливерпуля , председательствовать заседания совета и присвоение почетных граждан и ассоциаций . [145]
Мэр метрополитена Ливерпульского городского округа
Город Ливерпуль — один из шести округов местного самоуправления, входящих в состав городского региона Ливерпуля . Мэр метрополитена городского региона Ливерпуля раз в четыре года посещает жителей этих шести районов и курирует Объединенное управление городского региона Ливерпуля . Объединенная администрация является высшим административным органом местного управления городским регионом, и ей поручено принимать важные стратегические решения по таким вопросам, как транспорт и инвестиции, экономическое развитие, занятость и профессиональная подготовка, туризм, культура, жилье и физическая инфраструктура. Нынешний мэр метро - Стив Ротерам.
Парламентские округа и депутаты
Ливерпуль включен в пять парламентских округов , через которые избираются депутаты, представляющие город в Вестминстере : Ливерпуль Риверсайд , Ливерпуль Уолтон , Ливерпуль Уэвертри , Ливерпуль Вест Дерби и Гарстон и Хейлвуд . [146] На последних всеобщих выборах все были выиграны Лейбористской партией, представленной Ким Джонсоном , Дэном Карденом , Полой Баркер и Яном Бирном соответственно. [147] Из-за изменений границ перед выборами 2010 года округ Ливерпуль-Гарстон был объединен с большей частью Ноусли-Саут , чтобы сформировать Гарстон и Хейлвуд трансграничный округ . На последних выборах 2024 года это место получила Мария Игл от Лейбористской партии. [147]

Ливерпуль называют «самым великолепным местом среди всех английских городов». [148] В 53 ° 24'0 "N 2 ° 59'0" W / 53,40000 ° N 2,98333 ° W (53,4, -2,98), в 176 милях (283 километрах) к северо-западу от Лондона, в Ливерпульском заливе Ирландского моря . Город Ливерпуль построен на гряде холмов из песчаника, поднимающихся на высоту около 230 футов ( 70 м) над уровнем моря на холме Эвертон, который представляет собой южную границу прибрежной равнины Западного Ланкашира .
Устье Мерси отделяет Ливерпуль от полуострова Уиррал . Границы Ливерпуля примыкают к Бутлу , Кросби и Магхаллу на юге Сефтона на севере, а также Киркби , Хайтону , Прескоту и Хейлвуду в Ноусли на востоке.
Ливерпуль | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Климатическая карта ( пояснение ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
В Ливерпуле умеренный морской климат ( Köppen : Cfb ), как и на большей части Британских островов, с относительно мягким летом, прохладной зимой и осадками, распределяющимися довольно равномерно в течение года. Записи об осадках и температуре велись в Бидстон-Хилле с 1867 года, но записи атмосферного давления датируются как минимум 1846 годом. [149] Бидстон закрылся в 2002 году, но у метеорологического бюро также есть метеостанция в Кросби . С момента начала регистрации в 1867 году температура колебалась от -17,6 ° C (0,3 ° F) 21 декабря 2010 г. до 34,5 ° C (94,1 ° F) 2 августа 1990 г., хотя в аэропорту Ливерпуля была зафиксирована температура 35,0 ° C (95,0 °). F) 19 июля 2006 г. [150]
Наименьшее количество солнечного света за всю историю наблюдений составило 16,5 часов в декабре 1927 года, тогда как наибольшее — 314,5 часов в июле 2013 года. [151] [152]
Активность торнадо или образование воронкообразных облаков очень редки в районе Ливерпуля и его окрестностях, а образующиеся торнадо обычно слабы. Последние торнадо или воронкообразные облака в Мерсисайде наблюдались в 1998 и 2014 годах. [153] [154]
В период 1981–2010 гг. Кросби регистрировал в среднем 32,8 дней заморозков в году, что является низким показателем для Соединенного Королевства. [155] Зимой довольно часто бывает снег, хотя сильный снегопад бывает редко. Снег обычно выпадает в период с ноября по март, но иногда может выпасть раньше или позже. В последнее время самый ранний снегопад выпал 1 октября 2008 года. [156] а последнее произошло 15 мая 2012 года. [157] Хотя исторически самый ранний снегопад выпал 10 сентября 1908 года. [158] и последний раз 2 июня 1975 г. [159]
Осадки, хотя и небольшие, являются довольно распространенным явлением в Ливерпуле: самым влажным месяцем за всю историю наблюдений был август 1956 года, когда было зарегистрировано 221,2 мм (8,71 дюйма) дождя, а самым засушливым - февраль 1932 года - 0,9 мм (0,035 дюйма). [160] Самым засушливым годом за всю историю наблюдений был 1991 год с выпадением 480,5 мм (18,92 дюйма) осадков, а самым влажным был 1872 год с выпадением 1159,9 мм (45,67 дюйма). [161]
Климатические данные для Кросби [а] Идентификатор ВМО : 03316; координаты 53 ° 29'50 "N 3 ° 03'28" W / 53,49721 ° N 3,05767 ° W ; высота: 30 м (98 футов); 1991–2020 гг. Нормальные, [б] [с] крайности 1867 – настоящее время [д] | |||||||||||||
Месяц | Ян | февраль | Мар | апрель | Может | июнь | июль | август | Сентябрь | октябрь | ноябрь | декабрь | Год |
Рекордно высокий °C (°F) | 15.1 (59.2) | 18.9 (66.0) | 21.2 (70.2) | 24.6 (76.3) | 28.2 (82.8) | 30.7 (87.3) | 35.5 (95.9) | 34.5 (94.1) | 30.4 (86.7) | 25.9 (78.6) | 18.7 (65.7) | 15.8 (60.4) | 35.5 (95.9) |
Среднесуточный максимум °C (°F) | 7.5 (45.5) | 7.9 (46.2) | 9.9 (49.8) | 12.8 (55.0) | 15.9 (60.6) | 18.4 (65.1) | 20.0 (68.0) | 19.7 (67.5) | 17.7 (63.9) | 14.2 (57.6) | 10.5 (50.9) | 8.0 (46.4) | 13.6 (56.5) |
Среднесуточное значение °C (°F) | 5.2 (41.4) | 5.3 (41.5) | 6.9 (44.4) | 9.2 (48.6) | 12.1 (53.8) | 14.9 (58.8) | 16.7 (62.1) | 16.6 (61.9) | 14.5 (58.1) | 11.4 (52.5) | 8.1 (46.6) | 5.6 (42.1) | 10.5 (50.9) |
Среднесуточный минимум °C (°F) | 2.8 (37.0) | 2.7 (36.9) | 3.9 (39.0) | 5.6 (42.1) | 8.3 (46.9) | 11.3 (52.3) | 13.5 (56.3) | 13.5 (56.3) | 11.2 (52.2) | 8.5 (47.3) | 5.7 (42.3) | 3.1 (37.6) | 7.5 (45.5) |
Рекордно низкий °C (°F) | −13.1 (8.4) | −11.3 (11.7) | −8.6 (16.5) | −5.6 (21.9) | −1.7 (28.9) | 1.0 (33.8) | 5.0 (41.0) | 3.1 (37.6) | 1.7 (35.1) | −2.9 (26.8) | −7.5 (18.5) | −17.6 (0.3) | −17.6 (0.3) |
Среднее количество осадков , мм (дюймы) | 69.4 (2.73) | 57.1 (2.25) | 53.3 (2.10) | 49.8 (1.96) | 52.5 (2.07) | 64.4 (2.54) | 65.5 (2.58) | 72.1 (2.84) | 76.6 (3.02) | 89.7 (3.53) | 82.2 (3.24) | 91.9 (3.62) | 824.3 (32.45) |
Среднее количество осадков в дни (≥ 1,0 мм) | 13.8 | 11.5 | 11.3 | 10.0 | 9.8 | 10.4 | 11.0 | 12.2 | 11.8 | 14.4 | 15.5 | 15.4 | 146.9 |
Среднее количество снежных дней | 6 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 22 |
Средняя относительная влажность (%) | 85.1 | 83.5 | 80.7 | 77.9 | 76.6 | 78.9 | 79.0 | 80.1 | 81.9 | 84.6 | 85.1 | 85.6 | 80.8 |
Среднемесячное количество солнечных часов | 56.0 | 70.3 | 105.1 | 154.2 | 207.0 | 191.5 | 197.0 | 175.2 | 132.7 | 97.3 | 65.8 | 46.8 | 1,499.1 |
Mean daily daylight hours | 8.2 | 9.9 | 11.9 | 14.1 | 15.9 | 16.9 | 16.4 | 14.7 | 12.7 | 10.5 | 8.6 | 7.6 | 12.3 |
Average ultraviolet index | 0 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
Source 1: Met Office[162] | |||||||||||||
Source 2: National Oceanography Centre[163] WeatherAtlas[164] CEDA Archive[165] |
- ^ Weather station is located 7 miles (11 km) from the Liverpool city centre.
- ^ Sunshine hours were recorded at the Bidston Observatory from the period of 1971–2000.
- ^ Humidity was recorded at the Bidston Observatory for the period of 1975–June 2002. The period Jul–Sep 1992 has no record, with Jan–May 2001 reporting unreliabe data.
- ^ From 1867–2002, extremes were recorded at the Bidston Observatory in Wirral. Since 1983, extremes were recorded at Crosby, Sefton.
Suburbs and districts
Suburbs and districts of Liverpool include:
- Aigburth
- Allerton
- Anfield
- Belle Vale
- Broadgreen
- Canning
- Childwall
- Chinatown
- City Centre
- Clubmoor
- Croxteth
- Dingle
- Dovecot
- Edge Hill
- Everton
- Fairfield
- Fazakerley
- Garston
- Gateacre
- Gillmoss
- Grassendale
- Hunt's Cross
- Kensington
- Kirkdale
- Knotty Ash
- Mossley Hill
- Netherley
- Norris Green
- Oglet
- Old Swan
- Orrell Park
- St Michael's Hamlet
- Speke
- Stoneycroft
- Toxteth
- Tuebrook
- Vauxhall
- Walton
- Wavertree
- West Derby
- Woolton
Green Liverpool
UK core cities – Population and population density (Number of usual residents per km2) (2021)[166][167][168][169] | |||
Core City | Population | Population density | |
Birmingham | 1,144,900 | 4275.4 | |
Leeds | 812,000 | 1471.7 | |
Glasgow | 635,130 | 3637 | |
Sheffield | 556,500 | 1512.5 | |
Manchester | 552,000 | 4772.7 | |
Liverpool | 486,100 | 4346.1 | |
Bristol | 472,400 | 4308.1 | |
Cardiff | 362,400 | 2571.3 | |
Belfast | 345,418 | 2597.8 | |
Nottingham | 323,700 | 4337.6 | |
Newcastle | 300,200 | 2646.1 |
In 2010, Liverpool City Council and the Primary Care Trust commissioned the Mersey Forest to complete "A Green Infrastructure Strategy" for the city.[170]
Green belt
Liverpool is a core urban element of a green belt region that extends into the wider surrounding counties, which is in place to reduce urban sprawl, prevent the towns in the conurbation from further convergence, protect the identity of outlying communities, encourage brownfield reuse, and preserve nearby countryside. This is achieved by restricting inappropriate development within the designated areas and imposing stricter conditions on permitted building.[171]
Due to being already highly built up, the city contains limited portions of protected green belt area within greenfield throughout the borough at Fazakerley, Croxteth Hall and country park and Craven Wood, Woodfields Park and nearby golf courses in Netherley, small greenfield tracts east of the Speke area by the St Ambrose primary school, and the small hamlet of Oglet and the surrounding area south of Liverpool Airport.[172]
The green belt was first drawn up in 1983 under Merseyside County Council[173] and the size in the city amounts to 530 hectares (5.3 km2; 2.0 sq mi).[174]
Since the mid-20th century, Scouser has become the predominant demonym for the inhabitants of Liverpool, and is strongly associated with the Scouse accent and dialect of the city.[175] The Scouse accent is described as progressively diverging from the Lancastrian accent in the late 19th century.[176][177][178][179][180]
The etymology of Scouser is derived from the traditional dish Scouse brought to the area by sailors travelling through Liverpool's port.[181][180][182]
Other demonyms
Prior to the establishment of Scouser as there have been a number of different terms used to refer to inhabitants of Liverpool of varying popularity and longevity:
- Liverpoldon (17th century)[183]
- Leeirpooltonian (17th Century)[180]
- Liverpolitan (19th century)[184]
- Liverpudlian (19th century to present)[185]
Professor Tony Crowley argues that up until the 1950s, inhabitants of Liverpool were generally referred to by a number of demonyms. He argues that there was a debate in the mid 20th century between the two rival terms of 'Liverpolitan' and 'Liverpudlian'. The debate surrounded the lexicology of these terms and their connotations of social class.[182][186]
Professor John Belchem suggests that a series of other nicknames such as 'Dick Liver', 'Dicky Sam' and 'whacker' were used, but gradually fell out of use. Belchem and Philip Boland suggest that comedic radio presenters and entertainers brought the Liverpool identity to a national audience, which in turn encouraged locals to be gradually more known as 'scousers'. By the time that Frank Shaw's My Liverpool, a Celebration of 'Scousetown' was published in 1971, Belchem argues that 'Scouser' had firmly become the dominant demonym.[175][187][188]
Historical population of Liverpool (numbers vary by source) Sources:[189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199] | |||
Date | Population | Notes | |
1207 | Borough of Liverpool founded by John, King of England. The economy was focused on agricultural and food processing, grain mills and warehouses until the 16th century. | ||
1272 | 840 | ||
14th century | 1,000 – 1,200 | Population roughly 1,000 in 1300. Because Liverpool was a port, it was more at risk from the spread of disease. Townspeople lived partly by farming and fishing. Some were craftsmen or tradesmen such as bakers, brewers, butchers, blacksmiths, and carpenters. A watermill existed to ground grain into flour for the townspeople's bread, and there was a windmill. Black Death wiped out whole families and bodies were buried in a mass grave at St Nicholas's churchyard. | |
16th century | Ireland was still Liverpool's main trading partner. In 1540, a writer said: "Irish merchants come much hither as to a good harbor". He also said there was "good merchandise at Liverpool and much Irish yarn, that Manchester men buy there". Skins and hides were still imported from Ireland. Exports from Liverpool included coal, woolen cloth, knives and leather goods. There were still many fishermen in Liverpool. In the mid 16th century, the town was under the control of the country gentry and trade was slow. The population dropped to below 600, in part due to deaths in the 1558 plague when a third of the townspeople died. Further plague outbreaks took place in 1609, 1647 and 1650 which led to static or retrogressive population levels. The town was regarded as subordinate to Chester until the 1650s. | ||
1600 | <2,000 | English troops bound for rebellions in Ireland settled in the 16th and early 17th centuries. | |
1626 | Charles I of England issued new Charter for the town. Trade with other cities, Ireland, Isle of Man, France and Spain increased. Fish and wool was exported to the Continent, and wines, iron and other commodities imported. In the following decades, merchants invested in Liverpool and its importance grew. Regular shipping began to America and West Indies. Liverpool was controlled by the Crown, the Molyneux and Stanley families. | ||
1642 | 2,500 | Liverpool overtook Chester in exporting coal and salt in early 17th century, especially to Ireland. | |
1644 | During English Civil War, Prince Rupert led a royalist army to capture Liverpool. He described the town as a "mere crow's nest which a parcel of boys could take". He stormed Liverpool Castle in the 'Siege of Liverpool' with considerable slaughter. | ||
1647 | Liverpool was made a free and independent port, no longer subject to Chester. | ||
1648 | First recorded cargo from America landed at Liverpool. | ||
Late 17th century | Liverpool grew rapidly with the growth of English colonies in North America and West Indies. Liverpool was well placed to trade across Atlantic Ocean. The writer Celia Fiennes visited Liverpool and said: "Liverpool is built on the River Mersey. It is mostly newly built, of brick and stone after the London fashion. The original (town) was a few fishermen's houses. It has now grown into a large, fine town. It is but one parish with one church though there be 24 streets in it, there is indeed a little chapel and there are a great many dissenters in the town (Protestants who did not belong to the Church of England). It's a very rich trading town, the houses are of brick and stone, built high and even so that a street looks very handsome. The streets are well paved. There is an abundance of persons who are well dressed and fashionable. The streets are fair and long. It's London in miniature as much as I ever saw anything. There is a very pretty exchange. It stands on 8 pillars, over which is a very handsome Town Hall." | ||
1700 | 5,714 | First recorded Liverpool slave ship, the 'Liverpool Merchant', sold a cargo of 220 slaves in Barbados. In the early 1700s, the writer Daniel Defoe said: "Liverpool has an opulent, flourishing and increasing trade to Virginia and English colonies in America. They trade around the whole island (of Great Britain), send ships to Norway, to Hamburg, and to the Baltic as also to Holland and Flanders (roughly modern Belgium)." Welsh people in search of work and opportunity made up a large amount of population in early 18th century. | |
1715 | World's first wet dock opened in Liverpool, symbolising a new era in the town's growth, the starting point of the 18th century boom in Liverpool's fortunes. | ||
1720s | Liverpool Castle demolished (built in the 1230s) | ||
1750 | 20,000 | ||
1795 | Influx of Irish, Welsh, Scandinavian and Dutch communities grew the town rapidly. Most of the population were not native to Liverpool. | ||
1797 | 77,708 | ||
1801 | 77,000 – 85,000 | ||
1811 | 94,376 | ||
1821 | 118,972 | ||
1831 | 165,175 | ||
1835 | Boundary of Liverpool expanded to include Everton, Kirkdale and parts of Toxteth and West Derby. Liverpool was second only to London in importance. Poor, overcrowded and unsanitary living conditions led to disease and epidemics of cholera in 1830s to 1860s. | ||
1841 | 286,487 | ||
1851 | 375,955 | At the height of the potato famine, Liverpool's Irish born population peaked to about 83,000–90,000. 43,000 were settled in the area around the docks. More Irish people lived in Liverpool than the majority of Irish towns. 40% of the world's trade was passing through Liverpool's docks. | |
1861 | 413,000 – 462,749 | ||
1871 | 493,405 – 539,248 | ||
1880 | Liverpool officially became a city. | ||
1881 | 552,508 – 648,616 | ||
1891 | 617,032 – 644,243 | ||
1895 | Boundary of Liverpool expanded to include Wavertree, Walton, and parts of Toxteth and West Derby. | ||
1901 | 684,958 – 711,030 | ||
1902 | Boundary of Liverpool expanded to include Garston, Aigburth, Cressington and Grassendale. | ||
1904 | Boundary of Liverpool expanded to include Fazakerley. | ||
1907 | 746,144 | ||
1911 | 746,421 – 766,044 | ||
1913 | Boundary of Liverpool expanded to include Woolton and Gateacre. | ||
1921 | 805,046 – 821,000 | ||
1931 | 855,688 | ||
1937 | 867,000 | The highest recorded population of Liverpool city proper. | |
1941 | 806,271 | Liverpool's population fell in the following decades, largely due to the new towns movement and the British government's policy to displace thousands of people from major British cities (including Central Liverpool) to various new towns such as Kirkby, Skelmersdale, Runcorn and Warrington. Liverpool's downward population trend continued until the early 21st century as people escaped rising unemployment and increasing deprivation. | |
1951 | 765,641 – 768,337 | ||
1961 | 683,133 – 737,637 | ||
1971 | 595,252 – 607,454 | ||
1981 | 492,164 – 503,726 | High levels of unemployment led to significant numbers of people leaving the city. | |
1991 | 448,629 – 480,196 | ||
2001 | 439,428 – 439,476 | Liverpool's population steadily increased again, partly attributed to a rise in students, student accommodation, young professionals, and increased job opportunities through urban regeneration. | |
2011 | 466,415 | ||
2021 | 486,100 |
The city
The city of Liverpool is at the core of a much larger and more populous metropolitan area, however, at the most recent UK Census in 2021, the area governed by Liverpool City Council had a population of 486,100, a 4.2% increase from the previous Census in 2011. This figure increased to 500,500 people by 2022, according to data from Liverpool City Council.
Taking in to account how local government is organised within the cities and metropolitan areas of England, the city of Liverpool was the fifth largest of England's 'core cities' and had the second overall highest population density of those, by 2021.[200][201][202]
The population of the city has steadily risen since the 2001 Census. As well as having a growing population, the population density also grew at the 2021 Census compared to the previous Census. This makes Liverpool the second most densely populated local authority in North West England, after Manchester.
The population of the city is comparatively younger than that of England as a whole. Family life in the city is also growing at odds with the North West England region as a whole: At the 2021 Census, the percentage of households including a couple without children increased in Liverpool, but fell across the North West. The percentage of people aged 16 years and over (excluding full-time students) who were employed also increased in Liverpool compared to the overall North West region where it fell.

The 2021 Census also showed that Liverpool's ethnic and international population was growing. The number of residents in the city born outside of England has increased since the previous Census, while the number of residents who did not identify with any national identity associated with the UK has also increased at a faster rate than England as a whole. The overall share of the city's population who identified as Asian and Black increased, while the percentage who identified as white decreased in the city compared with previous Census.[203]
It has been argued that the city can claim to have one of the strongest Irish heritages in the United Kingdom, with as many as 75 percent (estimated) of Liverpool's population with some form of Irish ancestry.[204]
The growing population of Liverpool in the 21st century reverses a trend which took place between the 1930s and 2001, when the population of the city proper effectively halved.
At the 1931 United Kingdom census, Liverpool's population reached an all-time high of 846,302. Following this peak, in response to central government policy, the Council authority of Liverpool then built and owned large several 'new town' council estates in the suburbs within Liverpool's metropolitan area. Tens of thousands of people were systematically relocated to new housing in areas such as Halton, Knowsley, St Helens, Sefton, Wirral, Cheshire West and Chester, West Lancashire, Warrington and as far as North Wales.
Such a mass relocation and population loss during this time was common practice for many British cities, including London and Manchester, In contrast, satellite towns such as Kirkby, Skelmersdale and Runcorn saw a corresponding rise in their populations (Kirkby being the fastest growing town in Britain during the 1960s).[205][206][207][208]
Urban and metropolitan area
Liverpool is typically grouped with the wider Merseyside (plus Halton) area for the purpose of defining its metropolitan footprint, and there are several methodologies. Sometimes, this metropolitan area is broadened to encompass urban settlements in the neighbouring counties of Lancashire and Cheshire.[209][210]
The Office for National Statistics in the United Kingdom uses the international standardised International Territorial Levels (ITLs) to divide up the economic territory of the UK. This enables the ONS to calculate regional and local statistics and data. The ONS uses a series of codes to identify these areas. In order of hierarchy from largest area to smallest area, Liverpool is part of the following regions:[211][212][213]
ITL 1 region
North West England (code TLD)
At the 2021 Census, the ITL 1 region of North West England had a usual resident population of 7,417,300.[214]
ITL 2 region
Merseyside (code TLD7)
The ITL 2 region of Merseyside is defined as the area comprising East Merseyside (TLD71) plus Liverpool (TLD72), Sefton (TLD73) and Wirral (TLD74).
At the 2021 Census, the population of this area was as follows:[215]
East Merseyside (TLD71):
- Halton = 128,200
- Knowsley = 154,500
- St. Helens = 183,200
Liverpool (TLD72) = 486,100
Sefton (TLD73) = 279,300
Wirral (TLD74) = 320,200
Therefore, the total population of the ITL 2 Merseyside region was 1,551,500 based on the 2021 Census.
ITL 3 region
The smallest ITL 3 area classed as Liverpool (code TLD72), therefore, had a population of 486,100 at the 2021 Census.
Other definitions
At the 2021 Census, the ONS used a refreshed concept of built-up areas (BUAs) based on the physical built environment, using satellite imagery to recognise developed land, such as cities, towns, and villages. This allows the ONS to investigate economic and social statistics based on actual settlements where most people live. Data from the 2021 Census is not directly comparable with 2011 Census data due to this revised methodology. Using the population figures of BUAs at the 2021 Census (excluding London), Liverpool Built-up Area is the third largest in England with some 506,565 usual residents (behind only Birmingham and Leeds). Liverpool's built-up area is, therefore, larger than the major English cities of Bristol, Manchester, Newcastle upon Tyne, Nottingham and Sheffield.[216]

Excluding London, the Liverpool City Region was the 4th largest combined authority area in England, by 2021. The population is approximately 1.6 million. The Liverpool City Region is a political and economic partnership between local authorities including Liverpool, plus the Metropolitan boroughs of Knowsley, Sefton, St Helens, Wirral and the Borough of Halton. The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority exercises strategic governance powers for the region in many areas. The economic data of the Liverpool city region is of particular policy interest to the Office for National Statistics, particularly as the British Government continuously explores the potential to negotiate increased devolved powers for each combined authority area.[217][218][219][220]
A 2011 report, Liverpool City Region – Building on its Strengths, by Lord Heseltine and Terry Leahy, stated that "what is now called Liverpool City Region has a population of around 1.5 million", but also referred to "an urban region that spreads from Wrexham and Flintshire to Chester, Warrington, West Lancashire and across to Southport", with a population of 2.3 million.[221]
In 2006, in an attempt to harmonise the series of metropolitan areas across the European Union, ESPON (now European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) released a study defining a "Liverpool/Birkenhead Metropolitan area" with an estimated population of 2,241,000 people. The metro area comprised a functional urban area consisting of a contiguous urban sprawl, labour pool, and commuter Travel to work areas. The analysis defined this metropolitan area as Liverpool itself, combined with the surrounding areas of Birkenhead, Wigan/Ashton, Warrington, Widnes/Runcorn, Chester, Southport, Ellesmere Port, Ormskirk and Skelmersdale.[222]
Liverpool and Manchester are sometimes considered as one large polynuclear metropolitan area,[223][224][225] or megalopolis.
In recent decades, Liverpool's population is becoming more multicultural. According to the 2021 census, 77% of all Liverpool residents described their ethnic group as White English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British. The remaining 23% were described as non-White English/British. Between 2011 and 2021, there was population growth across all ethnic groups, except 'White English/British' and 'Any Other', where there were overall losses. The number of 'Other White residents' in Liverpool also increased by almost 12,000 people, with notable increases in the 'Other Asian', 'Arab', and 'Other Mixed/Multiple' population categories. The non-White English/British population as a percentage of the total population across the 'newly organised city electoral wards' ranged from 5% in the Orrell Park ward to 69% in the Princes Park ward. 9 out of 10 Liverpool residents regarded English as their main language. The highest non-English languages in the city were Arabic (5,743 main speakers) followed by Polish (4,809 main speakers). Overall, almost 45,000 residents had a main language that was not English.[226]
According to a 2014 survey, the ten most popular surnames of Liverpool and their occurrence in the population are:[227][228]
- 1. Jones – 23,012
- 2. Smith – 16,276
- 3. Williams – 13,997
- 4. Davies – 10,149
- 5. Hughes – 9,787
- 6. Roberts – 9,571
- 7. Taylor – 8,219
- 8. Johnson – 6,715
- 9. Brown – 6,603
- 10. Murphy – 6,495
Liverpool is home to Britain's oldest Black community, dating to at least the 1730s. Some Liverpudlians can trace their black ancestry in the city back ten generations.[229] Early Black settlers in the city included seamen, the children of traders sent to be educated, and freed slaves, since slaves entering the country after 1722 were deemed free men.[230] Since the 20th century, Liverpool is also noted for its large African-Caribbean,[4] Ghanaian,[231] and Somali[232] communities, formed of more recent African-descended immigrants and their subsequent generations.

The city is also home to the oldest Chinese community in Europe; the first residents of the city's Chinatown arrived as seamen in the 19th century.[233] The traditional Chinese gateway erected in Liverpool's Chinatown is the largest gateway outside China. Liverpool also has a long-standing Filipino community. Lita Roza, a singer from Liverpool who was the first woman to achieve a UK number one hit, had Filipino ancestry.
Ethnic breakdown in Liverpool – (UK Census 2021)[234][226] | |||
Ethnic group | Population | Percentage | |
White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British | 375,785 | 77.3 | |
White: Other White | 24,162 | 5 | |
Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: African | 12,709 | 2.6 | |
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Chinese | 8,841 | 1.8 | |
Other ethnic group: Arab | 8,312 | 1.7 | |
Other ethnic group: Any other ethnic group | 7,722 | 1.6 | |
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Other Asian | 7,085 | 1.5 | |
White: Irish | 6,826 | 1.4 | |
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Indian | 6,251 | 1.3 | |
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups: Other mixed or multiple ethnic groups | 4,934 | 1 | |
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups: White and Black African | 4,157 | 0.9 | |
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups: White and Black Caribbean | 4,127 | 0.8 | |
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Pakistani | 3,673 | 0.8 | |
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups: White and Asian | 3,662 | 0.8 | |
Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: Other Black | 2,762 | 0.6 | |
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Bangladeshi | 1,917 | 0.4 | |
Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: Caribbean | 1,493 | 0.3 | |
White: Roma | 1,169 | 0.2 | |
White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller | 501 | 0.1 |
The city is also known for its large Irish and Welsh populations.[235] In 1813, 10 per cent of Liverpool's population was Welsh, leading to the city becoming known as "the capital of North Wales."[235]
During, and in the decades following, the Great Irish Famine in the mid-19th century, up to two million Irish people travelled to Liverpool within one decade, with many subsequently departing for the United States.[236] By 1851, more than 20 per cent of the population of Liverpool was Irish.[237] At the 2001 Census, 1.17 per cent of the population were Welsh-born and 0.75 per cent were born in the Republic of Ireland, while 0.54 per cent were born in Northern Ireland,[238] but many more Liverpudlians are of legacy Welsh or Irish ancestry.[239]
Other contemporary ethnicities include Indian,[4] Latin American,[240] Malaysian,[241] and Yemeni[242] communities, which number several thousand each.
The thousands of migrants and sailors passing through Liverpool resulted in a religious diversity that is still apparent today. This is reflected in the equally diverse collection of religious buildings,[244] including two Christian cathedrals.
Liverpool is known to be England's 'most Catholic city', with a Catholic population much larger than in other parts of England.[245] This is mainly due to high historic Irish migration to the city and their descendants since.[246]
The parish church of Liverpool is the Anglican Our Lady and St Nicholas, colloquially known as "the sailors church", which has existed near the waterfront since 1257. It regularly plays host to Catholic masses. Other notable churches include the Greek Orthodox Church of St Nicholas (built in the Neo-Byzantine architecture style), and the Gustav Adolf Church (the Swedish Seamen's Church, reminiscent of Nordic styles).
Liverpool's wealth as a port city enabled the construction of two enormous cathedrals in the 20th century. The Anglican Cathedral, which was designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott and plays host to the annual Liverpool Shakespeare Festival, has one of the longest naves, largest organs and heaviest and highest peals of bells in the world. The Roman Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral, on Mount Pleasant next to Liverpool Science Park, was initially planned to be even larger. Of Sir Edwin Lutyens's original design, only the crypt was completed. The cathedral was eventually built to a simpler design by Sir Frederick Gibberd. While this is on a smaller scale than Lutyens' original design, it still incorporates the largest panel of stained glass in the world. The road running between the two cathedrals is called Hope Street. The cathedral has long been colloquially referred to as "Paddy's Wigwam" due to its shape.[247]
Liverpool contains several synagogues, of which the Grade I listed Moorish Revival Princes Road Synagogue is architecturally the most notable. Princes Road is widely considered to be the most magnificent of Britain's Moorish Revival synagogues and one of the finest buildings in Liverpool.[248] Liverpool has a thriving Jewish community with a further two orthodox Synagogues, one in the Allerton district of the city and a second in the Childwall district of the city where a significant Jewish community reside. A third orthodox Synagogue in the Greenbank Park area of L17 has recently closed and is a listed 1930s structure. There is also a Lubavitch Chabad House and a reform Synagogue. Liverpool has had a Jewish community since the mid-18th century. The Jewish population of Liverpool is around 5,000.[249] The Liverpool Talmudical College existed from 1914 until 1990, when its classes moved to the Childwall Synagogue.[citation needed]
Liverpool also has a Hindu community, with a Mandir on Edge Lane, Edge Hill. The Shri Radha Krishna Temple from the Hindu Cultural Organisation in Liverpool is located there.[250] Liverpool also has the Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara in Wavertree[251] and a Baháʼí Centre in the same area.[252]
The city had the earliest Mosque in England and possibly the UK, founded in 1887 by William Abdullah Quilliam, a lawyer who had converted to Islam who set up the Liverpool Muslim Institute in a terraced house on West Derby Road.[253] Apart from the first mosque in England which now houses a museum,[254][255] the largest and main one, Al-Rahma mosque, was also the third purpose built mosque in the United Kingdom.[256] The second largest mosque in Liverpool is the Masjid Al-Taiseer.[257] Other mosques in the city include the Bait ul Lateef Ahmadiyya Mosque,[258] Hamza Center (Community Center),[259] Islamic community centre,[260] Liverpool Mosque and Islamic Institute,[261] Liverpool Towhid Centre,[262] Masjid Annour,[263] and the Shah Jalal Mosque.[264]
City and region

The Liverpool City Region GDP in 2021 was £40.479 billion. The 6 contributing boroughs to this GDP were as follows:[268]
The City of Liverpool forms an integral part of North West England's economy, the third largest regional economy in the United Kingdom. The city is also a major contributor to the economy of Liverpool City Region, worth over £40 billion per year.[269][270][271]
The local authority area governed by Liverpool City Council accounts for 39% of the Liverpool city region's total jobs, 40% of its total GVA and 35% of its total businesses. At the local authority level, the city's GVA (balanced) at current basic prices was £14.3 billion in 2021. Its GDP at current market prices was £15.9 billion. This equates to £32,841 per head of the population.[272][273]
At the 2021 United Kingdom census, 51.1% of Liverpool's population aged 16 years and over was classed as employed, 44.2% economically inactive and 4.8% unemployed. Of those employed, the most popular industries providing the employment were human health and social work activities (18.7%), wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles (15%), education (10.8%), public administration and defence; compulsory social security (7.3%), accommodation and food service activities (6.8%), construction (6.5%), transport and storage (5.8%), manufacturing (5.5%) and professional, scientific and technical activities (5.2%).[274]
According to the ONS Business Register and Employment Survey 2021, some industries within Liverpool perform strongly compared to other local authorities in Great Britain. In terms of absolute number of jobs per industry in Great Britain's local authority areas, Liverpool features in the national top 10 for human health and social work activities; arts, entertainment and recreation; public administration and defence; compulsory social security; accommodation and food service activities and real estate activities. Liverpool features in the national top 20 for number of jobs in education; construction; wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; transportation and storage; financial and insurance activities and professional, scientific and technical activities.[275]
In 2023, Liverpool City Council set out an economic growth plan for the city over the following 20 years. The City Council will have particular focus on economic sectors such as the visitor economy (tourism), culture, life sciences, digital and creative sectors, and advanced car manufacturing.[276]
According to the International passenger Survey, from the ONS, Liverpool was one of the top 5 most visited cities in the UK by overseas tourists in 2022. As of the same year, the city's tourist industry was worth a total of £3.5 billion annually and was part of a larger city region tourist industry worth £5 billion. A consistent calendar of major events, as well as a plethora of cultural attractions, continue to provide a significant draw for tourists. Tourism related to the Beatles is worth an estimated £100m to the Liverpool economy each year alone. Liverpool One, as well as a growing retail offer overall, has led to the city being one of the most prominent destinations for shopping in the UK. Liverpool Cruise Terminal, which is situated close to the Pier Head, enables tourists to berth in the centre of the city.[277][278][279][280][281][282][283]
Liverpool is home to the Knowledge Quarter, a 450-acre city centre district that hosts some of the world's most influential institutions in science, health, technology, education, music and the creative performing arts. The UK government has also identified the city as a 'pharmaceutical production superpower' and one of the UK's leading regions for bioprocessing. The accolade led to the government choosing the city for England's second ever 'Investment Zone' in 2023. This will involve millions of pounds being invested over the coming years in to science orientated districts including the Knowledge Quarter and the so-called 'pharma cluster' in the city suburb of Speke. The two clusters form an internationally significant role in infectious disease control. Liverpool City Council also plan to invest in the city's Baltic Triangle, which is renowned in the creative and digital industries.[284][285][286][287][288][289]
Car manufacturing also takes place in the city at the Jaguar Land Rover Halewood plant, where the Range Rover Evoque model is assembled. In 2023, Jaguar Land Rover announced that the Halewood plant would begin to shift its focus to electric car production.[290][291]
Historically, the economy of Liverpool was centred on the city's port and manufacturing base. Today, the Port of Liverpool is the UK's fourth largest port by tonnage of freight, handling over 30 million tonnes in 2020. The city is also the UK's largest port for transatlantic trade, handling 45% of the country's trade from the United States. In 2023, the city was chosen by the British government to be a designated Freeport to encourage growing international commerce.
The Liverpool2 container terminal, completed in 2022, has greatly increased the volume of cargo which Liverpool is able to handle and has facilitated the world's biggest container vessels.[292][293][294][295][296][297][298]
Liverpool is also home to numerous UK headquarters, or the major strategic branch offices, of many shipping and freight lines including: Atlantic Container Line,[299] Bibby Line,[300] Borchard Lines Ltd,[301] CMA CGM,[302] Hapag-Lloyd,[303] Independent Container Line,[304] Irish Ferries,[305] Maersk Line,[306] Mediterranean Shipping Company[307] and Zim Integrated Shipping Services.[308]
Liverpool's rich architectural base has helped the city become the second most filmed city in the UK outside London. As well as being a featured location in its own right, it often doubles up for Chicago, London, Moscow, New York City, Paris and Rome. The Depot studios, close to the city centre, provide space for film and TV productions.[309][310]
Major economic projects planned for the city include the revitalisation of disused land in the North docks/Ten Streets area, Liverpool Waters and a new purpose built TV studio at the former Littlewoods Pools building, adjacent to the Depot.[311][312][313]
City region economy and devolution
The policy agenda of the British Government is to continuously monitor the economy and productivity of the UK's core cities within the context of their respective city regions. The government's longer-term plan is to assess each area's potential for increased devolution and transfer of additional powers and budgets from central government in Whitehall to their corresponding combined authorities. As such, official statistics about Liverpool's economy within the context of the Liverpool City Region, are closely monitored by the Office for National Statistics. This allows policy and decision makers to more accurately assess the 'functional economic area' of the city, which is not bound by traditional local government geographies.[314][315][316][317][318]
As of 2023, there are 10 city regions in England with Combined Authorities. The economy of Liverpool's combined authority area in comparison to the other city regions is as follows:
Combined authority area | Core city (if applicable) | GVA (2021) (£ billions) | GDP (2021) (£ billions) | GDP per head (2021) (£) |
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough | 28.648 | 31.698 | 35,348 | |
Greater Manchester | Manchester | 78.744 | 87.703 | 30,576 |
Liverpool City Region | Liverpool | 35.345 | 40.479 | 26,086 |
North East | 22.516 | 26.255 | 23,038 | |
North of Tyne | Newcastle upon Tyne | 19.725 | 22.444 | 27,075 |
South Yorkshire | Sheffield | 28.971 | 33.528 | 24,399 |
Tees Valley | 14.241 | 16.346 | 24,103 | |
West Midlands | Birmingham | 70.961 | 79.076 | 27,117 |
West of England | Bristol | 34.110 | 37.571 | 39,371 |
West Yorkshire | Leeds | 60.137 | 67.607 | 28,769 |

Liverpool's long commercial history has given rise to a considerable variety of architectural styles found within the city, ranging from 16th century Tudor buildings to modern-day contemporary architecture.[320] The majority of buildings in the city date from the late-18th century onwards, the period during which the city grew into one of the foremost powers in the British Empire.[321] There are over 2,500 listed buildings in Liverpool, of which 27 are Grade I listed[322] and 85 are Grade II* listed.[323] The city also has a greater number of public sculptures than any other location in the United Kingdom aside from Westminster[324] and more Georgian houses than the city of Bath.[325] This richness of architecture has subsequently seen Liverpool described by English Heritage, as England's finest Victorian city.[326]
The value of Liverpool's architecture and design was recognised in 2004, when several areas throughout the city were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Known as the Liverpool Maritime Mercantile City, the sites were added in recognition of the city's role in the development of international trade and docking technology.[327] However, this status was revoked in July 2021, when UNESCO resolved that recent and proposed developments, such as the Bramley-Moore Dock Stadium and Liverpool Waters projects, had resulted in the "serious deterioration" of the area's significance.[328]
Waterfront and docks


As a major British port, the docks in Liverpool have historically been central to the city's development. Several major docking firsts have occurred in the city including the construction of the world's first enclosed wet dock (the Old Dock) in 1715 and the first ever hydraulic lifting cranes.[329] The best-known dock in Liverpool is the Royal Albert Dock, which was constructed in 1846 and today comprises the largest single collection of Grade I listed buildings anywhere in Britain.[330] Built under the guidance of Jesse Hartley, it was considered to be one of the most advanced docks anywhere in the world upon completion and is often attributed with helping the city to become one of the most important ports in the world. Today, the Royal Albert Dock houses restaurants, bars, shops, two hotels as well as the Merseyside Maritime Museum, International Slavery Museum, Tate Liverpool and The Beatles Story. North of the city centre is Stanley Dock, home to the Stanley Dock Tobacco Warehouse, which was at the time of its construction in 1901, the world's largest building in terms of area[331] and today stands as the world's largest brick-work building.[332]
One of the most famous locations in Liverpool is the Pier Head, renowned for the trio of buildings – the Royal Liver Building, the Cunard Building and the Port of Liverpool Building – which sit upon it. Collectively referred to as the Three Graces, these buildings stand as a testament to the great wealth in the city during the late 19th and early 20th century. Built in a variety of architectural styles, they are recognised as being the symbol of 'maritime Liverpool' and are regarded by many as contributing to one of the most impressive waterfronts in the world.[333][334][335][336]
In the 21st century, several areas along Liverpool's waterfront have undergone significant redevelopment. Among the notable developments are the Museum of Liverpool, the construction of the Liverpool Arena, ACC Liverpool and Exhibition Centre Liverpool on King's Dock, Alexandra Tower and 1 Princes Dock on Prince's Dock and Liverpool Marina around Coburg and Brunswick Docks. The Wheel of Liverpool opened on 25 March 2010.[337][338]
However, plans to redevelop parts of Liverpool city centre have been marred by controversy. In December 2016, a newly formed company called North Point Global Ltd. was given the rights to develop part of the docks under the "New Chinatown" working name. Though heavily advertised in Liverpool, Hong Kong and Chinese cities with high profile advertisements and videos, the "New Chinatown" development failed to materialise.[339] In January 2018, the Liverpool Echo and Asia Times revealed that the site remained sans any construction. North Point Global as well as its subcontractor "Bilt" had both declared bankruptcy, and the small investors (mostly middle class couples) who had already paid money for the apartments had lost most of their savings in them.[340]
Commercial district and cultural quarter


Liverpool's historic position as one of the most important trading ports in the world has meant that over time many grand buildings have been constructed in the city as headquarters for shipping firms, insurance companies, banks and other large firms. The great wealth this brought then allowed for the development of grand civic buildings, which were designed to allow the local administrators to 'run the city with pride'.[341]
The commercial district is centred on the Castle Street, Dale Street and Old Hall Street areas of the city, with many of the area's roads still following their medieval layout. Having developed predominantly over a period of three centuries, the area is regarded as one of the most important architectural locations in the city, as recognised by its inclusion in Liverpool's former World Heritage site.[342]
The oldest building in the area is the Grade I listed Liverpool Town Hall, which is located at the top of Castle Street and dates from 1754. Often regarded as the city's finest piece of Georgian architecture, the building is known as one of the most extravagantly decorated civic buildings anywhere in Britain.[343][344] Also on Castle Street is the Grade I listed Bank of England Building, constructed between 1845 and 1848, as one of only three provincial branches of the national bank.[343] Among the other buildings in the area are the Tower Buildings, Albion House (the former White Star Line headquarters), the Municipal Buildings and Oriel Chambers,[345] which is considered to be one of the earliest Modernist style buildings ever built.[346]
The area around William Brown Street is referred to as the city's 'Cultural Quarter', owing to the presence of numerous civic buildings, including the William Brown Library, Walker Art Gallery, Picton Reading Rooms and World Museum Liverpool. The area is dominated by neo-classical architecture, of which the most prominent, St George's Hall,[347] is widely regarded as the best example of a neo-classical building anywhere in Europe.[348] A Grade I listed building, it was constructed between 1840 and 1855 to serve a variety of civic functions in the city and its doors are inscribed with "S.P.Q.L." (Latin senatus populusque Liverpudliensis), meaning "the senate and people of Liverpool". William Brown Street is also home to numerous public monuments and sculptures, including Wellington's Column and the Steble Fountain. Many others are located around the area, particularly in St John's Gardens, which was specifically developed for this purpose.[349] The William Brown Street area has been likened to a modern recreation of the Roman Forum.[350]
Other notable landmarks



While the majority of Liverpool's architecture dates from the mid-18th century onwards, there are several buildings that pre-date this time. One of the oldest surviving buildings is Speke Hall, a Tudor manor house located in the south of the city, which was completed in 1598.[351] The building is one of the few remaining timber framed Tudor houses left in the north of England and is particularly noted for its Victorian interiors, which were added in the mid-19th century.[352] In addition to Speke Hall, many of the city's other oldest surviving buildings are also former manor houses including Croxteth Hall and Woolton Hall, which were completed in 1702 and 1704 respectively.[353]
The oldest building within the city centre is the Grade I listed Bluecoat Chambers,[354] which was built between 1717 and 1718. Constructed in British Queen Anne style architecture,[355][356] the building was influenced in part by the work of Christopher Wren[357] and was originally the home of the Bluecoat School (who later moved to a larger site in Wavertree in the south of the city). Since 1908, it has acted as a centre for arts in Liverpool.[355]
Liverpool is noted for having two Cathedrals, each of which imposes over the landscape around it.[358] The Anglican Cathedral, which was constructed between 1904 and 1978, is the largest Cathedral in Britain[359] and the fifth largest in the world. Designed and built in Gothic style, it is regarded as one of the greatest buildings to have been constructed during the 20th century[360] and was described by former British Poet Laureate, John Betjeman, as "one of the great buildings of the world".[361] The Roman Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral was constructed between 1962 and 1967 and is known as one of the first cathedrals to break the traditional longitudinal design.[362]
In the 21st century, many parts of Liverpool's city centre have undergone significant redevelopment and regeneration after years of decline. So far, the largest of these developments has been Liverpool One, which saw almost £1 billion invested in the redevelopment of 42 acres (17 hectares) of land, providing new retail, commercial, residential and leisure space.[363] Around the north of the city centre, several new skyscrapers have also been constructed including the RIBA award-winning Unity Buildings and West Tower, which at 140m is Liverpool's tallest building. Many redevelopment schemes are also in progress including Circus,[364] King's Dock,[365] Paddington Village[366] and Liverpool Waters.[367]
There are many other notable buildings in Liverpool, including the art deco former terminal building of Speke Airport, the University of Liverpool's Victoria Building, (which provided the inspiration for the term Red Brick University), and the Adelphi Hotel, which was in the past considered to be one of the finest hotels anywhere in the world.[368]
Parks and gardens
The Register of Historic Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England describes Merseyside's Victorian Parks as collectively the "most important in the country".[369] The city of Liverpool has ten listed parks and cemeteries, including two Grade I and five Grade II*, more than any other English city apart from London.[370]
Liverpool has an extensive transport infrastructure that connects the city with its metropolitan area, the rest of the United Kingdom, Europe and the world. Various modes of transport provide considerable connections by road, rail, air and sea. The local network of buses, trains and ferries is managed by Merseytravel on behalf of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and the Metro Mayor of the Liverpool City Region. The Mayor and Combined Authority have control of a devolved transport budget and associated transport powers for this local system. The city's major port and international airport provide global links for both passengers and freight.[371][372]
National and international travel

The city of Liverpool proper sits at the centre of a much larger metropolitan area. The city's suburbs run contiguously in to the neighbouring boroughs of the Liverpool City Region, a heavily urbanised region with substantial road links to many other areas within England. The city is surrounded by a network of six motorways (M58 to the north, M56 to the south, M6 & M62 to the east and M53 to the west). The M57 also acts as an outer ring road and bypass for the city of Liverpool itself.
To the north, the M58 motorway runs 12 miles and provides links from Liverpool to the neighbouring counties of Lancashire and Greater Manchester.[373] To the south, Liverpool is connected to Widnes and Warrington via the A562 and across the River Mersey to Runcorn, via the Silver Jubilee and Mersey Gateway bridges. The M56 motorway then provides routes in to parts of the neighbouring counties of Cheshire and Greater Manchester, with connections to the Wirral and North Wales.[374] To the east, the M62 motorway connects Liverpool with Hull and along the route to several large cities including Manchester, Leeds and Bradford. The M62 also provides a connection to both the M6 and M1 motorways, providing indirect links to more distant areas including Birmingham, London, Nottingham, Preston and Sheffield.[375][376] To the west of the city, the Kingsway and Queensway Tunnels connect Liverpool with the Wirral Peninsula, including Birkenhead, and Wallasey. The A41 road and M53 motorway, which both begin in Birkenhead, link to Cheshire and Shropshire and via the A55, to North Wales.[377] The M57 acts as a 10 mile ring road for the city itself and links various towns east of the city with the M62 and M58 motorways.[378]
Liverpool is served by two separate rail networks. The local rail network is managed and run by Merseyrail and provides links throughout the Liverpool city region and beyond (see Local travel below). The national network, which is managed by Network Rail, provides Liverpool with connections to major towns and cities across England. The city's primary main line station is Lime Street station, which is the terminus for several lines into the city. The station is served by a number of different train operating companies including Avanti West Coast, East Midlands Railway, London North Eastern Railway, Northern Rail, TransPennine Express and West Midlands Trains.[380][381] Between them, the station is connected with direct train services to numerous destinations including London (in 2 hours 8 minutes with Pendolino trains), Birmingham, Glasgow, Hull, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle upon Tyne, Norwich, Nottingham, Preston, Scarborough, Sheffield and York.[382][383][384][385] Opened in 1836, Lime Street station is the world's oldest mainline terminus station still in use.[386] In the south of the city, Liverpool South Parkway provides a connection to the city's airport.

The Port of Liverpool connects passengers and freight to Liverpool from all around the world. Passenger ferry services depart from the city across the Irish Sea to Belfast, Dublin and the Isle of Man. Services are provided by several companies, including the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company, P&O Ferries and Stena Line.
The Liverpool Cruise Terminal handles over 200,000 passengers and crew annually and is located alongside the Pier Head in the city centre. Berthing facilities for long-distance passenger cruises are provided and served by a large number of different cruise lines. Ports in Australia, France, Faroe Islands, Iceland, North America, Norway, Spain and the Caribbean are served by the facility.[387][388][389] The cruise lines that call at Liverpool cruise terminal include the following:
- Ambassador[390]
- Atlas Ocean Voyages[391]
- Azamara[392]
- Carnival Cruise Line[393]
- Celebrity Cruises[394]
- Cunard Line[395]
- Disney Cruise Line[396]
- Fred Olsen[397]
- Hapag-Lloyd cruises[398]
- Holland America Line[399]
- Noble Caledonia[400]
- Norwegian[401]
- P&O Cruises[402]
- Princess Cruises[403]
- Regent Seven Seas[404]
- Royal Caribbean[405]
- Saga Cruises[406]
- Silversea Cruises[407]
- Viking[408]
As of 2022[update], the Port of Liverpool is the fourth busiest port in the UK by freight tonnage, handling 33 million tonnes of freight cargo.[409] It is the main port in the country for transatlantic trade and the largest port on the west coast of the UK. The Royal Seaforth and Liverpool2 container terminals are the port's two main terminals and handle a wide variety of cargo including containers, liquid and dry bulk cargoes such as coal and grain, biomass and roll-on/roll-off cargoes such as cars and trucks.[410][411][412][413][414][415]Leeds and Liverpool Canal runs into Liverpool city centre via Liverpool Canal Link at Pier Head since 2009.[416]

Liverpool John Lennon Airport, which is located in the south of the city, provides Liverpool with direct air connections across the United Kingdom and Europe. It offers direct services to over 60 airports worldwide and to over 100 destinations via one-stop connections in Frankfurt, Dublin and Reykjavík. The airport is primarily served by low-cost airlines namely Aer Lingus, easyJet, Jet2.com, Loganair, Lufthansa, Play, Ryanair, Widerøe and Wizz Air, although it does provide facilities for private aircraft. Jet2 have announced that new services to winter sun destinations will be starting from winter 2024 to destinations such as Lanzarote & Tenerife.[417][418][419][420][421][422]
Local travel

Liverpool's urban railway network, known as Merseyrail, is one of the busiest and most extensive in the country. The network provides approximately 30 million passenger journeys per year, across a system of 69 stations throughout Liverpool's metropolitan area, within the formal boundaries of the Liverpool city region and adjacent areas of Cheshire and Lancashire.[423][424][425][426]
The network consists of three lines: the Northern Line, which runs to Southport, Ormskirk, Headbolt Lane and Hunts Cross; the Wirral Line, which runs through the Mersey Railway Tunnel and has branches to New Brighton, West Kirby, Chester and Ellesmere Port; and the City Line, which begins at Lime Street, providing links to St Helens, Wigan, Preston, Warrington and Manchester.[427][428] The network is predominantly electric and covers 75 miles (120 kilometres) of track.[429][430] Trains are owned and operated by the Merseyrail franchise and managed by Merseytravel under the direction of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority. Local services on the City Line are operated by Northern rather than Merseyrail, although the line itself remains part of the Merseyrail network. Within Liverpool city centre, four stations and over 6+1⁄2 miles (10.5 kilometres) of tunnels are underground.[429] Hamilton Square and Liverpool James Street are the oldest deep level underground stations in the world.[431] In 2023, for the first time in UK history, battery-powered passenger trains launched on Merseyrail tracks from the newly opened Headbolt Lane station in Kirkby. The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority's long term "Merseyrail for All" plan is to reduce dependency on live third rail and promote battery power in order to further expand Merseyrail to previously inaccessible places across the city region and as far as Manchester, Wrexham, Warrington and Preston.[432][433]

Local bus services within and around Liverpool are managed by Merseytravel[434] and are run by several different companies, including Arriva and Stagecoach. The two principal termini for local buses are Queen Square bus station (located near Lime Street railway station) for services north and east of the city, and Liverpool One bus station (located near the Royal Albert Dock) for services to the south and east.[435] Cross-river services to the Wirral use roadside terminus points in Castle Street and Sir Thomas Street. A night bus service also operates on Saturdays providing services from the city centre across Liverpool and wider region.[436] Tour bus services are provided by Maghull Coaches which allow tourists to hop-on-hop-off and view historical landmarks and attractions, as well as Liverpool F.C. and Beatles related locations.[437][438] National Express services operate from the Liverpool One bus station to and from destinations across the UK.[439] In 2023, the Liverpool city region confirmed plans to become the second place outside London to implement bus franchising. Local leaders have argued that it will improve services by transferring control over fares, ticketing and routes from bus companies to the Combined Authority. The full implementation of bus franchising will take place by the end of 2028.[440][441]
Mersey Ferry

The cross-river ferry service in Liverpool, known as the Mersey Ferry, is managed and operated by Merseytravel, with services operating between the Pier Head in Liverpool city centre and both Woodside in Birkenhead and Seacombe in Wallasey. Services operate at intervals ranging from 20 minutes, at peak times, to every hour during the middle of the day and at weekends.[442] Despite remaining an important transport link between the city and the Wirral Peninsula, the Mersey Ferry has become an increasingly popular tourist attraction within the city, with daytime River Explorer Cruises providing passengers with an historical overview of the River Mersey and surrounding areas.[443]
Cycling and scooters
A scooter-sharing system and electric bicycle scheme operates throughout Liverpool which allows residents and visitors to move around the city on rented scooters and bicycles. The scheme is operated by Swedish technology company Voi, and riders are able to pick up and drop off bikes and scooters at various locations around the city.[444][445][446] National Cycle Route 56, National Cycle Route 62 and National Cycle Route 810 run through Liverpool.
As with other large cities, Liverpool is an important cultural centre within the United Kingdom, incorporating music, performing arts, museums and art galleries, literature and nightlife among others. In 2008, the cultural heritage of the city was celebrated with the city holding the title of European Capital of Culture, during which time a wide range of cultural celebrations took place in the city, including Go Superlambananas! and La Princesse. Liverpool has also held Europe's largest music and poetry event, the Welsh national Eisteddfod, three times, despite being in England, in 1884, 1900, and 1929.

Liverpool is internationally known for music and is recognised by Guinness World Records as the "World Capital City of Pop".[448] Musicians from the city have produced 58 No. 1 singles, more than any other city in the world.[449] Both the most successful male band and girl group in global music history have contained Liverpudlian members. Liverpool is most famous as the birthplace of the Beatles and during the 1960s was at the forefront of the Beat Music movement, which would eventually lead to the British Invasion. Many notable musicians of the time originated in the city including Billy J. Kramer, Cilla Black, Gerry and the Pacemakers and The Searchers. The influence of musicians from Liverpool, coupled with other cultural exploits of the time, such as the Liverpool poets, prompted American poet Allen Ginsberg to proclaim that the city was "the centre of consciousness of the human universe".[450] Other musicians from Liverpool include Billy Fury, A Flock of Seagulls, Echo & the Bunnymen, Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Frankie Vaughan, Anathema, Ladytron, The Zutons, Cast, Atomic Kitten and Rebecca Ferguson. The La's 1990 hit single "There She Goes" was described by Rolling Stone as a "founding piece of Britpop's foundation."[451]

The city is also home to the oldest surviving professional symphony orchestra in the UK, the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, which is based in the Philharmonic Hall.[452] The chief conductor of the orchestra is Vasily Petrenko.[453] Sir Edward Elgar dedicated his Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 to the Liverpool Orchestral Society, and the piece had its first performance in the city in 1901.[454] Among Liverpool's curiosities, the Austrian émigré Fritz Spiegl is notable. He not only became a world expert on the etymology of Scouse, but composed the music to Z-cars and the Radio 4 UK Theme.
Well established festivals in the city include Africa Oyé and Brazilica which are the UK's largest free African and Brazilian music festivals respectively.[455][456] The dance music festival Creamfields was established by the Liverpool-based Cream clubbing brand which started life as a weekly event at Nation nightclub. There are numerous music venues located across the city, however, the Liverpool Arena is by far the largest. Opened in 2008, the 11,000-seat arena hosted the MTV Europe Music Awards the same year, and since then has played host to world-renowned acts such as Andrea Bocelli, Beyoncé, Elton John, Kanye West, Kasabian, The Killers, Lady Gaga, Oasis, Pink, Rihanna, and UB40.

On 7 October 2022, the BBC and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) announced that Liverpool would host the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 on behalf of the previous year's winning country Ukraine, which was unable to meet the demands of hosting the event due to security concerns caused by the Russian invasion of the country. The contest was held at Liverpool Arena, and consisted of two semi-finals on 9 and 11 May and a final on 13 May 2023. This was the first time that the contest took place in the city, and was also a record-extending ninth time that the UK has hosted the contest, having last done so in Birmingham in 1998.[457]
Visual arts

Liverpool has more galleries and national museums than any other city in the United Kingdom apart from London.[11] National Museums Liverpool is the only English national collection based wholly outside London.[458] The Tate Liverpool gallery houses the modern art collection of the Tate in the North of England and was, until the opening of Tate Modern, the largest exhibition space dedicated to modern art in the United Kingdom. The FACT centre hosts touring multimedia exhibitions, while the Walker Art Gallery houses one of the most impressive permanent collections of Pre-Raphaelite art in the world.[459] Sudley House contains another major collection of pre-20th-century art.[460] Liverpool University's Victoria Building was re-opened as a public art gallery and museum to display the university's artwork and historical collections which include the largest display of art by Audubon outside the US.[461] A number of artists have also come from the city, including painter George Stubbs who was born in Liverpool in 1724.
The Liverpool Biennial festival of arts runs from mid-September to late November and comprises three main sections; the International, The Independents and New Contemporaries although fringe events are timed to coincide.[462] It was during the 2004 festival that Yoko Ono's work "My mummy was beautiful" invited controversy when photographs of a woman's breast and crotch were exhibited on the main shopping street.[463]

Felicia Hemans (née Browne) was born in Dale Street, Liverpool, in 1793, although she later moved to Flintshire, in Wales. Felicia was born in Liverpool, a granddaughter of the Venetian consul in that city. Her father's business soon brought the family to Denbighshire in North Wales, where she spent her youth. They made their home near Abergele and St. Asaph (Flintshire), and it is clear that she came to regard herself as Welsh by adoption, later referring to Wales as "Land of my childhood, my home and my dead". Her first poems, dedicated to the Prince of Wales, were published in Liverpool in 1808, when she was only fourteen, arousing the interest of Percy Bysshe Shelley, who briefly corresponded with her.[464]
An engraving of a painting of The Wishing Gate. by S. F. Serres was published in Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book, 1834 with a poetical illustration by Letitia Elizabeth Landon to which she adds the note 'I believe that to this haunted gate, a common superstition is attached, namely, that to wish, and to have that wish fulfilled, is the result of such wish being uttered while passing'. It stood on the North Shore before the docks were built and was a place where farewells could be waved to departing voyagers.[465]
A number of notable authors have visited Liverpool, including Daniel Defoe, Washington Irving, Thomas De Quincey, Herman Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Charles Dickens, Gerard Manley Hopkins and Hugh Walpole. Daniel Defoe, after visiting the city, described it, as "one of the wonders of Britain in his 'Tour through England and Wales'".[466]
Herman Melville's novel Redburn deals with the first seagoing voyage of 19 years old Wellingborough Redburn between New York and Liverpool in 1839. Largely autobiographical, the middle sections of the book are set in Liverpool and describe the young merchantman's wanderings, and his reflections.[464] Hawthorne was stationed in Liverpool as United States consul between 1853 and 1856.[467] Charles Dickens visited the city on numerous occasions to give public readings.[468] Hopkins served as priest at St Francis Xavier Church, Langdale St., Liverpool, between 1879 and 81.[469] Although he is not known to have ever visited Liverpool, Jung famously had a vivid dream of the city which he analysed in one of his works.[470]

Of all the poets who are connected with Liverpool, perhaps the greatest is Constantine P. Cavafy, a twentieth-century Greek cultural icon, although he was born in Alexandria. From a wealthy family, his father had business interests in Egypt, London and Liverpool. After his father's death, Cavafy's mother brought him in 1872 at the age of nine to Liverpool, where he spent part of his childhood being educated. He lived first in Balmoral Road, then when the family firm crashed, he lived in poorer circumstances in Huskisson Street. After his father died in 1870, Cavafy and his family settled for a while in Liverpool. In 1876, his family faced financial problems due to the Long Depression of 1873, so, by 1877, they had to move back to Alexandria.[464]
Her Benny, a novel telling the tragic story of Liverpool street urchins in the 1870s, written by Methodist preacher Silas K. Hocking, was a best-seller and the first book to sell a million copies in the author's lifetime.[471] The prolific writer of adventure novels, Harold Edward Bindloss (1866–1945), was born in Liverpool.
The writer, docker and political activist George Garrett was born in Seacombe, on the Wirral Peninsula in 1896 and was brought up in Liverpool's South end, around Park Road, the son of a fierce Liverpool–Irish Catholic mother and a staunch 'Orange' stevedore father. In the 1920s and 1930s, his organisation within the Seamen's Vigilance Committees, unemployed demonstrations, and hunger marches from Liverpool became part of a wider cultural force. He spoke at reconciliation meetings in sectarian Liverpool, and helped found the Unity Theatre in the 1930s as part of the Popular Front against the rise of fascism, particularly its echoes in the Spanish Civil War. Garrett died in 1966.[472]
The novelist and playwright James Hanley (1897–1985) was born in Kirkdale, Liverpool, in 1897 (not Dublin, nor 1901 as he generally implied) to a working-class family.[473] Hanley grew up close to the docks and much of his early writing is about seamen. The Furys (1935) is first in a sequence of five loosely autobiographical novels about working-class life in Liverpool. James Hanley's brother, novelist Gerald Hanley (1916–92) was also born in Liverpool (not County Cork, Ireland, as he claimed).[474] While he published a number of novels he also wrote radio plays for the BBC as well as some film scripts, most notably The Blue Max (1966).[475] He was also one of several scriptwriters for a life of Gandhi (1964).[476] Novelist Beryl Bainbridge (1932–2010) was born in Liverpool and raised in nearby Formby. She was primarily known for her works of psychological fiction, often set among the English working classes. Bainbridge won the Whitbread Awards prize for best novel in 1977 and 1996 and was nominated five times for the Booker Prize. The Times newspaper named Bainbridge among their list of "The 50 greatest British writers since 1945".[477]
J. G. Farrell was born in Liverpool in 1935 but left at the outbreak of war in 1939.[478] A novelist of Irish descent, Farrell gained prominence for his historical fiction, most notably his Empire Trilogy (Troubles, The Siege of Krishnapur and The Singapore Grip), dealing with the political and human consequences of British colonial rule. However, his career ended when he drowned in Ireland in 1979 at the age of 44.

Helen Forrester was the pen name of June Bhatia (née Huband) (1919–2011),[479][480] who was known for her books about her early childhood in Liverpool during the Great Depression, including Twopence to Cross the Mersey (1974), as well as several works of fiction. During the late 1960s the city became well known for the Liverpool poets, who include Roger McGough and the late Adrian Henri. An anthology of poems, The Mersey Sound, written by Henri, McGough and Brian Patten, has sold well since it was first being published in 1967.
Liverpool has produced several noted writers of horror fiction, often set on Merseyside – Ramsey Campbell, Clive Barker and Peter Atkins among them. A collection of Liverpudlian horror fiction, Spook City was edited by a Liverpool expatriate, Angus Mackenzie, and introduced by Doug Bradley, also from Liverpool.[481] Bradley is famed for portraying Barker's creation Pinhead in the Hellraiser series of films.
Performing arts

Liverpool also has a long history of performing arts, reflected in several annual theatre festivals such as the Liverpool Shakespeare Festival, which takes place inside Liverpool Cathedral and in the adjacent historic St James' Gardens every summer; the Everyword Festival of new theatre writing, the only one of its kind in the country;[482] Physical Fest, an international festival of physical theatre;[483] the annual festivals organised by Liverpool John Moores University's drama department and the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts; and other festivals by the large number of theatres in the city, such as the Empire, Epstein, Everyman,[484][485] Playhouse,[486][487] Royal Court, and Unity theatres.
Notable actors and actresses from Liverpool include Arthur Askey, Tom Baker, Kim Cattrall, Jodie Comer, Stephen Graham, Rex Harrison, Jason Isaacs, Tina Malone, the McGann brothers (Joe, Mark, Paul, and Stephen), David Morrissey, Elizabeth Morton, Peter Serafinowicz, Elisabeth Sladen, Alison Steadman, and Rita Tushingham. Actors and actresses from elsewhere in the world have strong ties to the city, such as Canadian actor Mike Myers (whose parents were both from Liverpool) and American actress Halle Berry (whose mother was from Liverpool).

Liverpool has a thriving and varied nightlife. The majority of the city's late-night restaurants, bars, pubs, nightclubs, music venues and comedy clubs are located in a number of distinct districts.
In 2023, figures from global data company Square show that night-time spending in bars and restaurants in Liverpool city centre outperformed all major UK cities, including London.[488]
Figures by the Liverpool BID Company suggest that the busiest nights of the week in Liverpool city centre are Friday and Saturday. Using cameras to track the flow of people in key locations between 7 pm and 4 am, at least 1.5 million people pass through the city centre every Friday night and almost 2 million people on Saturday nights. The data demonstrates that Monday night is the quietest night of the week in the city centre and footfall then increases every single night to reach its peak on Saturday nights. 125,889 people worked in the city's night time economy as of 2022, according to the Liverpool BID Company.[489][490][491]
Liverpool's nightlife is concentrated in a number of districts including Ropewalks which comprises Concert Square, St. Peter's Square and the adjoining Seel Street and Duke Street. Other popular areas include Hardman Street, the Cavern Quarter, Baltic Triangle, Royal Albert Dock and the city's Pride Quarter, which is home to a large number of LGBT venues.[492][493]
In the city's suburbs, Lark Lane in Aigburth is noted for an abundance of bars and late-night venues.[494][495]

In Liverpool primary and secondary education is available in various forms supported by the state including secular, Church of England, Jewish, and Roman Catholic. Islamic education is available at primary level, but there is no secondary provision.One of Liverpool's important early schools was The Liverpool Blue Coat School; founded in 1708 as a charitable school.
The Liverpool Blue Coat School is the top-performing school in the city with 100% 5 or more A*-C grades at GCSE resulting in the 30th best GCSE results in the country and an average point score per student of 1087.4 in A/AS levels.[496] Other notable schools include Liverpool College founded in 1840 Merchant Taylors' School founded in 1620.[497] Another of Liverpool's notable senior schools is St. Edward's College situated in the West Derby area of the city. Historic grammar schools, such as the Liverpool Institute High School and Liverpool Collegiate School—both closed in the 1980s—are still remembered as centres of academic excellence. Bellerive Catholic College is the city's top-performing non-selective school, based upon GCSE results in 2007.

Liverpool has three universities: the University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores University and Liverpool Hope University. Edge Hill University, founded as a teacher-training college in the Edge Hill district of Liverpool, is now located in Ormskirk in South-West Lancashire. Liverpool is also home to the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA).
The University of Liverpool was established in 1881 as University College Liverpool. In 1884, it became part of the federal Victoria University. Following a Royal Charter and Act of Parliament in 1903, it became an independent university, the University of Liverpool, with the right to confer its own degrees. It was the first university to offer degrees in biochemistry, architecture, civic design, veterinary science, oceanography and social science.

Liverpool Hope University, which was formed through the merger of three colleges, the earliest of which was founded in 1844, gained university status in 2005. It is the only ecumenical university in Europe.[498] It is situated on both sides of Taggart Avenue in Childwall and has a second campus in the city centre (the Cornerstone).
The Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, founded to address some of the problems created by trade, continues today as a post-graduate school affiliated with the University of Liverpool and houses an anti-venom repository.
Liverpool John Moores University was previously a polytechnic, and gained status in 1992. It is named in honour of Sir John Moores, one of the founders of the Littlewoods football pools and retail group, who was a major benefactor. The institution was previously owned and run by Liverpool City Council. It traces it lineage to the Liverpool Mechanics' institute, opened in 1823, making it by this measure England's third-oldest university.
The city has one further education college, City of Liverpool College in the city centre. Liverpool City Council operates Burton Manor, a residential adult education college in nearby Burton, on the Wirral Peninsula.
There are two Jewish schools in Liverpool, both belonging to the King David Foundation. King David School, Liverpool, is the High School and the King David Primary School. There is also a King David Kindergarten, featured in the community centre of Harold House. These schools are all run by the King David Foundation located in Harold House in Childwall; conveniently next door to the Childwall Synagogue.

Liverpool is one of the most successful footballing cities in England, and is home to two top flight Premier League teams. Everton F.C. was founded in 1878 and was one of the twelve founder members of the Football League. It plays at Goodison Park. Liverpool F.C. were founded in 1892 and play at Anfield. Between them, the clubs have won 28 English First Division titles, 12 FA Cup titles, 10 League Cup titles, 6 European Cup titles, 1 FIFA Club World Cup title, 1 European Cup Winners' Cup title, 3 UEFA Cup titles, and 24 FA Charity Shields.
The two clubs contest the Merseyside derby, dubbed the 'friendly derby'. Despite the name the fixture is known for its keen rivalry, having seen more sending-offs in this fixture than any other. Unlike many other derbies it is not rare for families in the city to contain supporters of both clubs.[499] Liverpool F.C. is the English and British club with the most European Cup titles with six, the latest in 2019.

Liverpool has played at Anfield since 1892, when the club was formed to occupy the stadium following Everton's departure due to a dispute with their landlord. Liverpool are still playing there 125 years later, although the ground has been completely rebuilt since the 1970s. The Spion Kop (rebuilt as an all-seater stand in 1994–95) was the most famous part of the ground, gaining cult status across the world due to the songs and celebrations of the many fans who packed onto its terraces. Anfield as capacity for 54,000 spectators in comfort and is a distinctive landmark in an area filled with smaller and older buildings. Liverpool club also has a multimillion-pound youth training facility called The Academy.
After leaving Anfield in 1892, Everton moved to Goodison Park on the opposite side of Stanley Park. The ground was opened on 24 August 1892, by Lord Kinnaird and Frederick Wall of the FA but the first crowds to attend the ground saw a short athletics meeting followed by a selection of music and a fireworks display. Everton's first game there was on 2 September 1892 when they beat Bolton 4–2. It was one of the host venues during the 1966 FIFA World Cup. It now has the capacity for just under 40,000 spectators all-seated, but the last expansion took place in 1994 when a new Park End Stand gave the stadium an all-seater capacity. The Goodison Road Stand dates back to the 1970s, while the Gwladys Street Stand and Bullens Road Stand are refurbished pre-Second World War structures.
Everton is currently in the process of relocating, with a stadium move first mooted as early as 1996.[500] In 2003, the club were forced to abandon plans for a 55,000-seat stadium at King's Dock due to financial constraints,[501] with further proposed moves to Kirkby (comprising part of Destination Kirkby, moving the stadium just beyond Liverpool's council boundary into Kirkby) and Walton Hall Park similarly scrapped.
The club will relocate to the multimillion-pound Everton Stadium designed by the American architect Dan Meis at the nearby Bramley-Moore Dock on the River Mersey waterfront during the 2024/25 season, with ground broken on the project in August 2021.[502] The new stadium will have a capacity of 52,888 which could be expanded to 62,000 demand permitting and it will be a host venue for the UEFA Euro 2028. Everton also have a multimillion-pound training facility based at Finch Farm. The Everton Women's Team play in the Women's Super League at the Walton Hall Park Stadium.
Boxing is massively popular in Liverpool. The city has a proud heritage and history in the sport and is home to around 22 amateur boxing clubs, which are responsible for producing many successful boxers, such as Nel Tarleton, Alan Rudkin, John Conteh, Andy Holligan, Liam Smith, Paul Hodkinson, Tony Bellew and Robin Ried. The city also boasts a consistently strong amateur contingent which is highlighted by Liverpool being the most represented city on the GB Boxing team, as well as at the 2012 London Olympics, the most notable Liverpool amateur fighters include; Jimmy Lloyd, George Turpin, Tony Willis, Robin Reid and David Price who have all medalled at the Olympic Games. Boxing events are usually hosted at the Echo Arena and Liverpool Olympia within the city, although the former home of Liverpool boxing was the renowned Liverpool Stadium.
Horse racing
Aintree Racecourse in the adjacent Metropolitan Borough of Sefton is home to the world's most famous steeple-chase, the Randox Grand National which takes place annually in early April. The race meeting attracts horse owners/ jockeys from around the world to compete in the demanding 4-mile (6.5-kilometre) and 30-fence course. There have been many memorable moments of the Grand National, for instance, the 100/1 outsider Foinavon in 1967, the dominant Red Rum and Ginger McCain of the 1970s and Mon Mome (100/1) who won the 2009 meeting. In 2010, the National became the first horse race to be televised in high-definition in the UK.
The Royal Liverpool Golf Club, situated in the nearby town of Hoylake on the Wirral Peninsula, has hosted The Open Championship on a number of occasions, most recently in 2023. It also hosted the Walker Cup in 1983.

Greyhound racing
Liverpool once contained four greyhound tracks, Seaforth Greyhound Stadium (1933–1965), Breck Park Stadium (1927–1948), Stanley Greyhound Stadium (1927–1961) and White City Stadium (1932–1973). Breck Park also hosted boxing bouts and both Stanley and Seaforth hosted Motorcycle speedway.
Wavertree Sports Park is home to the Liverpool Harriers athletics club, which has produced such athletes as Curtis Robb, Allyn Condon (the only British athlete to compete at both the Summer and Winter Olympics), and Katarina Johnson-Thompson; Great Britain was represented by Johnson-Thompson at the 2012 London Olympics in the women's heptathlon, and she would go on to win the gold medal at the 2019 World Championships, giving Liverpool its first gold medal and breaking the British record in the process.
In August 2012, Liverpool gymnast Beth Tweddle won an Olympic bronze medal in London 2012 in the uneven bars at her third Olympic Games, thus becoming the most decorated British gymnast in history. Park Road Gymnastics Centre provides training to a high level.
Liverpool has produced several swimmers who have represented their nation at major championships such as the Olympic Games. The most notable of which is Steve Parry who claimed a bronze medal at the 2004 Athens Olympics in the 200m butterfly. Others include Herbert Nickel Haresnape, Margaret Kelly, Shellagh Ratcliffe and Austin Rawlinson. There is a purpose-built aquatics centre at Wavertree Sports Park, which opened in 2008. The City of Liverpool Swimming Club has been National Speedo League Champions 8 out of the last 11 years.

The city is the hub of the Liverpool and District Cricket Competition, an ECB Premier League.[503] Sefton Park and Liverpool are the league's founder members based in the city with Wavertree, Alder and Old Xaverians clubs having joined the league more recently.[504] Liverpool plays host Lancashire County Cricket Club as an outground most seasons, including six of eight home County Championship games during Lancashire's 2011[505] title winning campaign[506] while Old Trafford was refurbished.[507][508]
Since 2014 Liverpool Cricket Club has played host[509] to the annual Tradition-ICAP Liverpool International tennis tournament, which has seen tennis stars such as Novak Djokovic, David Ferrer, Mardy Fish, Laura Robson and Caroline Wozniacki. Previously this had been held at Calderstones Park, situated in Allerton in the south of the city. Liverpool Tennis Development Programme at Wavertree Tennis Centre is one of the largest in the UK.

Professional basketball came to the city in 2007 with the entry of Everton Tigers, later known as Mersey Tigers, into the elite British Basketball League. The club was originally associated with Everton F.C., and was part of the Toxteth Tigers youth development programme, which reached over 1,500 young people every year.[510] The Tigers began to play in Britain's top league for the 2007–08 season, playing at the Greenbank Sports Academy before moving into the newly completed Echo Arena during that season. After the 2009–10 season, Everton F.C. withdrew funding from the Tigers, who then changed their name to Mersey Tigers. The club were expelled from the British Basketball League in 2013 due to financial problems.[511]
Liverpool is one of three cities which still host the traditional sport of British baseball and it hosts the annual England-Wales international match every two years, alternating with Cardiff and Newport. Liverpool Trojans are the oldest existing baseball club in the UK.
The 2014 Tour of Britain cycle race began in Liverpool on 7 September, using a city centre circuit to complete 130 km (80.8 mi) of racing.[512] The Tour of Britain took nine stages and finished in London on 14 September.
A 2016 study of UK fitness centres found that, of the top 20 UK urban areas, Liverpool had the highest number of leisure and sports centres per capita, with 4.3 centres per 100,000 of the city population.[513]
The city has one daily newspaper: the Echo, published by Reach plc. The Liverpool Daily Post was also published until 2013. The UK's first online only weekly newspaper called Southport Reporter (Southport and Mersey Reporter), is also one of the many other news outlets that cover the city. The independent media organisation The Post[514] also covers Liverpool, while Nerve magazine publishes articles and reviews of cultural events.
TalkLiverpool is a local television station serving Liverpool City Region and surrounding areas. The station is owned and operated by Made Television Ltd and forms part of a group of eight local TV stations. It broadcasts from studios and offices in Liverpool.

The ITV region which covers Liverpool is ITV Granada. In 2006, the Television company opened a new newsroom in the Royal Liver Building. Granada's regional news broadcasts were produced at the Royal Albert Dock News Centre during the 1980s and 1990s.[515] The BBC also opened a new newsroom on Hanover Street in 2006.
ITV's daily magazine programme This Morning was broadcast from studios at Royal Albert Dock until 1996, when production was moved to London. Granada's short-lived shopping channel "Shop!" was also produced in Liverpool until it was cancelled in 2002.[516]
Liverpool is the home of the TV production company Lime Pictures, formerly Mersey Television, which produced the now-defunct soap operas Brookside and Grange Hill. It also produces the soap opera Hollyoaks, which was formerly filmed in Chester and began on Channel 4 in 1995. All three series were/are largely filmed in the Childwall area of Liverpool.
Radio stations include BBC Radio Merseyside, Hits Radio Liverpool, Greatest Hits Radio, Capital Liverpool, In Demand Radio, Liverpool Live Radio,[517] and Melodic Distraction.[518] Hits Radio and Greatest Hits Radio are owned by Bauer and located in St Johns Beacon which, along with the two cathedrals, dominates the city's skyline.
Liverpool has also featured in films;[519] see List of films set in Liverpool for some of them. In films the city has "doubled" for London, Paris, New York, Chicago, Moscow, Dublin, Venice and Berlin.[43][520]
Notable people
Quotes about Liverpool
- "Lyrpole, alias Lyverpoole, a pavid towne, hath but a chapel ... The king hath a castelet there, and the Earl of Darbe hath a stone howse there. Irisch merchants cum much thither, as to a good haven ... At Lyrpole is smaul custom payed, that causith marchantes to resorte thither. Good marchandis at Lyrpole, and much Irish yarrn that Manchester men do buy there ..." – John Leland, Itinerary, c. 1536–1539[521]
- "Liverpoole is one of the wonders of Britain ... In a word, there is no town in England, London excepted, that can equal [it] for the fineness of the streets, and the beauty of the buildings." – Daniel Defoe, A tour thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain, 1721–1726
- "[O]ne of the neatest, best towns I have seen in England." – John Wesley. Journal, 1755
- "I have not come here to be insulted by a set of wretches, every brick in whose infernal town is cemented with an African's blood." – George Frederick Cooke (1756–1812), an actor responding to being hissed at when he came onstage drunk during a visit to Liverpool[522]
- "That immense City which stands like another Venice upon the water ... where there are riches overflowing and every thing which can delight a man who wishes to see the prosperity of a great community and a great empire ... This quondam village, now fit to be the proud capital of any empire in the world, has started up like an enchanted palace even in the memory of living men." – Thomas Erskine, 1st Baron Erskine, 1791
- "I have heard of the greatness of Liverpool, but the reality far surpasses my expectation." – Prince Albert, speech, 1846
- "Liverpool ... has become a wonder of the world. It is the New York of Europe, a world city rather than merely British provincial." – Illustrated London News, 15 May 1886
- "The dream represented my situation at the time. I can still see the greyish-yellow raincoats, glistening with the wetness of the rain. Everything was extremely unpleasant, black and opaque – just as I felt then. But I had a vision of unearthly beauty, and that is why I was able to live at all. Liverpool is the "pool of life." The "liver," according to an old view, is the seat of life, that which makes to live." – C. G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, 1928
- "The centre is imposing, dignified and darkish, like a city in a rather gloomy Victorian novel ... We had now arrived in the heart of the big city, and as usual it was almost a heart of darkness. But it looked like a big city, there was no denying that. Here, emphatically, was the English seaport second only to London. The very weight of stone emphasised that fact. And even if the sun never seems to properly rise over it, I like a big city to proclaim itself a big city at once..." – J. B. Priestley, English Journey, 1934
- "If Liverpool can get into top gear again, there is no limit to the city's potential. The scale and resilience of the buildings and people is amazing – it is a world city, far more so than London and Manchester. It doesn't feel like anywhere else in Lancashire: comparisons always end up overseas – Dublin, or Boston, or Hamburg. The city is tremendous, and so, right up to the First World War, were the abilities of the architects who built over it. The centre is humane and convenient to walk around in, but never loses its scale. And, in spite of the bombings and the carelessness, it is still full of superb buildings. Fifty years ago it must have outdone anything in England." – Ian Nairn, Britain's Changing Towns, 1967
International links
Twin cities
Liverpool is twinned[523] with:
- Surabaya, Indonesia (2017)
- Birmingham, Alabama, United States (2015)
- Cologne, Germany (1952)
- Dublin, Ireland (1997)
- Johor Bahru, Malaysia
- Medan, Indonesia
- Odesa, Odesa Oblast, Ukraine
- Penang, Malaysia
- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2003)
- Shanghai, China (1999)
Friendship links
Liverpool has friendship links (without formal constitution)[524] with the following cities:
- Givenchy-lès-la-Bassée, Pas-de-Calais, France
- Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Havana, La Habana, Cuba
- La Plata, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
- Memphis, Tennessee, US
- Minamitane, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan
- Naples, Campania, Italy
- New Orleans, Louisiana, US
- Ponsacco, Tuscany, Italy
- Râmnicu Vâlcea, Vâlcea County, Romania
- Valparaíso, Valparaíso Province, Chile
- Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
The first overseas consulate of the United States was opened in Liverpool in 1790, and it remained operational for almost two centuries.[525] Today, a large number of consulates are located in the city serving Chile, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Sweden and Thailand. Tunisian & Ivory Coast Consulates are located in the neighbouring Metropolitan Borough of Sefton.
Freedom of the City
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The following people and military units have received the Freedom of the City of Liverpool.
Military units
- Duke of Lancaster's Regiment: 14 September 2008.[526]
- War Widows Association (Merseyside Branch): 1 December 2014.[527]
- 208 (3rd West Lancashire) Battery 103rd (Lancashire Artillery Volunteers) Regiment Royal Artillery: 14 October 2017.[528]
- 8th Engineer Brigade, RE: 11 December 2020.[529][530][531]
Organisations and groups
- The Pain Relief Foundation: 3 March 2010.[532]
- The Whitechapel Centre: 5 October 2016.[533]
- The Parachute Regiment Association (Liverpool Branch): 24 October 2021.[534]
- The Royal Signals Association (Liverpool Branch): 26 November 2021.[535]
See also
- 2008 European Amateur Boxing Championships
- Atlantic history
- Big Dig (Liverpool)
- Healthcare in Liverpool
- History of slavery
- International Garden Festival
- List of films and television shows set in Liverpool
- List of hotels in Liverpool
- Magistrates Courts, Liverpool
- Triangular
- Williamson Tunnels
- Category: Culture in Liverpool
- Liver bird
- 1911 Liverpool general transport strike
- 1345 Liverpool riot
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- ^ Олуфеми, Топе (2 сентября 2021 г.). «Ливерпульская компания Melodic Distraction открыла собственную площадку» . Миксмаг . Архивировано из оригинала 8 мая 2022 года . Проверено 5 апреля 2022 г.
- ↑ Movie City: Liverpool. Архивировано 13 января 2010 г. в Wayback Machine Film in Focus, 10 ноября 2009 г.
- ↑ Город борется за сохранение звездного качества. Архивировано 9 мая 2021 г. в Wayback Machine The Guardian , 8 ноября 1999 г.
- ^ Маршрут Джона Леланда-антикваря: опубликовано на основе оригинального рукописного текста. в Бодлиане , с. 47
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- ^ «Города-побратимы Ливерпуля» . Liverpoolecho.co.uk . 4 января 2012 года. Архивировано из оригинала 16 мая 2021 года . Проверено 10 июля 2015 г.
- ^ «Побратимские и дружеские связи» . Архивировано из оригинала 26 августа 2019 года . Проверено 10 июля 2015 г.
- ^ « Орел консульства США приземляется в Ливерпуле. Архивировано 27 сентября 2017 года в Wayback Machine », Discover Britain , около декабря 2013 г., по состоянию на 21 января 2017 г. Датой открытия является 1790 год, а закрытием - «после Второй мировой войны».
- ^ Шофилд, Бен (15 сентября 2008 г.). «Полк марширует в знак приветствия Свободы города» . Ливерпуль Дейли Пост . Архивировано из оригинала 20 апреля 2013 года.
- ^ Бреннан, Кристофер (1 декабря 2014 г.). «Ассоциация военных вдов получила свободу города в честь лорд-мэра» . Архивировано из оригинала 15 мая 2021 года . Проверено 23 ноября 2019 г.
- ^ «Армейская батарея наградила Ливерпуль свободой» . Новости ИТВ . 16 октября 2017 г. Архивировано из оригинала 16 мая 2021 г. Проверено 5 июня 2020 г.
- ^ «Covid-19: Войска армейского испытательного центра получают свободу Ливерпуля» . Новости Би-би-си . 11 декабря 2020 года. Архивировано из оригинала 10 мая 2021 года . Проверено 4 января 2021 г.
- ^ Тиррелл, Ник (11 декабря 2020 г.). «Армейские войска получат свободу города для поддержки массовых испытаний» . Ливерпульское Эхо . Архивировано из оригинала 9 мая 2021 года . Проверено 4 января 2021 г.
- ^ Наки, Джеймс (11 декабря 2020 г.). «Солдаты получили свободу Ливерпуля после пилотного массового тестирования на COVID» . Сеть Сил . Архивировано из оригинала 9 мая 2021 года . Проверено 4 января 2021 г.
- ^ «Свобода города» . Фонд облегчения боли . 28 августа 2021 года. Архивировано из оригинала 28 августа 2021 года . Проверено 28 августа 2021 г.
- ^ Томас, Джо (5 октября 2016 г.). «Благотворительная организация для бездомных Центр Уайтчепел вручила свободу города» . Ливерпульское Эхо . Архивировано из оригинала 15 мая 2021 года . Проверено 20 октября 2020 г.
- ^ «Ассоциация парашютного полка Ливерпуля получит в эти выходные Свободу города» . Путеводитель по Ливерпулю . 22 октября 2021 года. Архивировано из оригинала 9 ноября 2021 года . Проверено 8 ноября 2021 г.
- ^ «Королевская ассоциация связи Ливерпуля получит в эти выходные «Свободу города» . Путеводитель по Ливерпулю . 26 ноября 2021 года. Архивировано из оригинала 21 декабря 2021 года . Проверено 21 декабря 2021 г.
- Хьюз, Квентин (1999). Ливерпуль: Город архитектуры . Блюкоут Пресс . ISBN 978-1-872568-21-8 .
- Городской совет Ливерпуля (2005 г.). Морской торговый город: Ливерпуль . Издательство Ливерпульского университета . ISBN 978-1-84631-006-5 .
- Мокардини, Энтони (2008). Центр города Ливерпуля: архитектура и наследие . Блюкоут Пресс . ISBN 978-1-904438-64-9 .
- Николлс, Роберт (2005). Интересные места Мерсисайда . Издательство Саттон . ISBN 978-0-7509-3984-3 .
- Шарплс, Джозеф (2004). Путеводители по архитектуре Певснера: Ливерпуль . Издательство Йельского университета . ISBN 978-0-300-10258-1 .
Дальнейшее чтение
- Берк, Том (1910). Католическая история Ливерпуля . Клак Пресс. ISBN 978-1408642504 .
- Ливерпуль , Диксон Скотт, 1907 год.
- История Ливерпуля , Рамзи Мьюир , 1907 год.
- Ушедший Ливерпуль , Рамзи Мьюир, 1913 год.
- Ушедший Ливерпуль , Дэвид Кленси, 2008 год. ISBN 978-1-4357-0897-6
- «Ливерпуль 800» , Джон Белчем, 2006 год. ISBN 978-1-84631-035-5
- Битл Пит, Путешественник во времени , Мэллори Керли, 2005.
- Китайские ливерпульцы , Мария Лин Вонг, 1989 год. ISBN 978-1-871201-03-1
- Написание «Ливерпуля: эссе и интервью» под редакцией Майкла Мерфи и Риса Джонса, 2007 г. ISBN 978-1-84631-073-7
- Дженкинсон, Жаклин, Блэк 1919: беспорядки, расизм и сопротивление в имперской Британии (Ливерпуль: Liverpool University Press, 2009)
- Мэй, Рой и Коэн, Робин, «Взаимодействие между расой и колониализмом: пример расовых беспорядков в Ливерпуле 1919 года», «Раса и класс XVI.2» (1974), стр. 111–26.




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