Амвросий Миланский | |
Епископ Миланский | |
![]() | |
Diocese | Mediolanum (Milan) |
See | Mediolanum |
Installed | 374 AD |
Term ended | 4 April 397 |
Predecessor | Auxentius |
Successor | Simplician |
Orders | |
Consecration | 7 December 374 |
Personal details | |
Born | Aurelius Ambrosius c. 339 |
Died | 4 April 397 Mediolanum, Italia, Western Roman Empire | (aged 56–57)
Buried | Crypt of the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio |
Denomination | Christian |
Sainthood | |
Feast day | 7 December |
Venerated in | |
Title as Saint | Doctor of the Church |
Patronage | Milan and beekeepers[2]
Other patronage |
Shrines | Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio |
Theology career | |
Notable work |
Theological work | |
Era | Patristic Age |
Tradition or movement | Trinitarianism |
Main interests | Christian ethics and mariology |
Notable ideas | Anti-paganism, mother of the Church[4] |
Амвросий Миланский ( лат . Aurelius Ambrosius ; ок. 339 – 4 апреля 397), почитаемый как святой Амвросий , [ а ] был богословом и государственным деятелем, служившим епископом Милана с 374 по 397 год. Он проявил себя как общественный деятель, яростно пропагандируя римское христианство против арианства и язычества . [ 5 ] Он оставил значительную коллекцию сочинений, наиболее известные из которых включают этический комментарий De officiis ministrorum (377–391) и экзегетический Exameron (386–390). Его проповеди, действия и литературные произведения, а также новаторская музыкальная гимнография сделали его одним из самых влиятельных церковных деятелей IV века.
Амвросий служил римским губернатором Эмилии в Милане , - Лигурии когда в 374 году он был неожиданно назначен епископом Милана при одобрении народа. Будучи епископом, он занял твёрдую позицию против арианства и попытался выступить посредником в конфликте между императорами Феодосием I и Великим Великим . Традиция приписывает Амвросию разработку антифонного пения, известного как амброзианское пение , и сочинение гимна « Te Deum », хотя современные ученые теперь отвергают оба этих приписывания. Авторство Амвросия по крайней мере четырех гимнов, включая знаменитый « Veni redemptor gentium », достоверно; они составляют ядро Амвросианских гимнов , в которое входят и другие, иногда приписываемые ему. Он также оказал заметное влияние на Августина Гиппонского (354–430), которому помог обратить в христианство.
Western Christianity identified Ambrose as one of its four traditional Doctors of the Church. He is considered a saint by the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Anglican Communion, and various Lutheran denominations, and venerated as the patron saint of Milan and beekeepers.
Background and career
Painting by Michael Pacher
Engraving of a statue of Ambrose
Fresco of Ambrose baptizing Saint Augustine, by Benozzo Gozzoli
Legends about Ambrose had spread through the empire long before his biography was written, making it difficult for modern historians to understand his true character and fairly place his behaviour within the context of antiquity. Most agree he was the personification of his era.[6][7] This would make Ambrose a genuinely spiritual man who spoke up and defended his faith against opponents, an aristocrat who retained many of the attitudes and practices of a Roman governor, and also an ascetic who served the poor.[8]
Early life
Ambrose was born into a Roman Christian family in the year 339.[10] Ambrose himself wrote that he was 53 years old in his letter number 49, which has been dated to 392. He began life in Augusta Treverorum (modern Trier) the capital of the Roman province of Gallia Belgica in what was then northeastern Gaul and is now in the Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany.[11] Scholars disagree on who exactly his father was. His father is sometimes identified with Aurelius Ambrosius,[12][b] a praetorian prefect of Gaul;[14] but some scholars identify his father as an official named Uranius who received an imperial constitution dated 3 February 339 (addressed in a brief extract from one of the three emperors ruling in 339, Constantine II, Constantius II, or Constans, in the Codex Theodosianus, book XI.5).[15][16] What does seem certain is that Ambrose was born in Trier and his father was either the praetorian prefect or part of his administration.[17]
A legend about Ambrose as an infant recounts that a swarm of bees settled on his face while he lay in his cradle, leaving behind a drop of honey.[18] His father is said to have considered this a sign of his future eloquence and honeyed tongue. Bees and beehives often appear in the saint's symbology.[19]
Ambrose's mother was a woman of intellect and piety.[20] It was probable that she was a member of the Roman family Aurelii Symmachi,[21] which would make Ambrose a cousin of the orator Quintus Aurelius Symmachus.[22] The family had produced one martyr (the virgin Soteris) in its history.[23] Ambrose was the youngest of three children. His siblings were Satyrus, the subject of Ambrose's De excessu fratris Satyri,[24] and Marcellina, who made a profession of virginity sometime between 352 and 355; Pope Liberius himself conferred the veil upon her.[25] Both Ambrose's siblings also became venerated as saints.
Sometime early in the life of Ambrose, his father died. At an unknown later date, his mother fled Trier with her three children, and the family moved to Rome.[26][27] There Ambrose studied literature, law, and rhetoric.[23] He then followed in his father's footsteps and entered public service. Praetorian Prefect Sextus Claudius Petronius Probus first gave him a place as a judicial councillor,[28] and then in about 372 made him governor of the province of Liguria and Emilia, with headquarters in Milan.[14][29][failed verification]
Bishop of Milan
[edit]In 374 the bishop of Milan, Auxentius, an Arian, died, and the Arians challenged the succession. Ambrose went to the church where the election was to take place to prevent an uproar which seemed probable in this crisis. His address was interrupted by a call, "Ambrose, bishop!", which was taken up by the whole assembly.[30]
Ambrose, though known to be Nicene Christian in belief, was considered acceptable to Arians due to the charity he had shown concerning their beliefs. At first, he energetically refused the office of bishop, for which he felt he was in no way prepared: Ambrose was a relatively new Christian who was not yet baptized nor formally trained in theology.[14] Ambrose fled to a colleague's home, seeking to hide. Upon receiving a letter from the Emperor Gratian praising the appropriateness of Rome appointing individuals worthy of holy positions, Ambrose's host gave him up. Within a week, he was baptized, ordained and duly consecrated as the new bishop of Milan. This was the first time in the West that a member of the upper class of high officials had accepted the office of bishop.[31]
As bishop, he immediately adopted an ascetic lifestyle, apportioned his money to the poor, donating all of his land, making only provision for his sister Marcellina. This raised his standing even further; it was his popularity with the people that gave him considerable political leverage throughout his career. Upon the unexpected appointment of Ambrose to the episcopate, his brother Satyrus resigned a prefecture in order to move to Milan, where he took over managing the diocese's temporal affairs.[11]
[edit]Arius (died 336) was a Christian priest who around the year 300 asserted that God the Father must have created the Son, indicating that the Son was a lesser being who was not eternal and of a different "essence" than God the Father. This Christology, though contrary to tradition, quickly spread through Egypt, Libya and other Roman provinces.[32] Bishops engaged in the dispute, and the people divided into parties, sometimes demonstrating in the streets in support of one side or the other.[33]
Arianism appealed to many high-level leaders and clergy in both the Western and Eastern empires. Although the western Emperor Gratian (r. 367–383) supported orthodoxy, his younger half brother Valentinian II, who became his colleague in the empire in 375, adhered to the Arian creed.[34] Ambrose sought to refute Arian propositions theologically, but Ambrose did not sway the young prince's position.[34] In the East, Emperor Theodosius I (r. 379–395) likewise professed the Nicene creed; but there were many adherents of Arianism throughout his dominions,[20] especially among the higher clergy.
In this state of religious ferment, two leaders of the Arians, bishops Palladius of Ratiaria and Secundianus of Singidunum, confident of numbers, prevailed upon Gratian to call a general council from all parts of the empire. This request appeared so equitable that Gratian complied without hesitation. However, Ambrose feared the consequences and prevailed upon the emperor to have the matter determined by a council of the Western bishops. Accordingly, a synod composed of thirty-two bishops was held at Aquileia in the year 381. Ambrose was elected president and Palladius, being called upon to defend his opinions, declined. A vote was then taken and Palladius and his associate Secundianus were deposed from their episcopal offices.[20]
Ambrose struggled with Arianism for over half of his term in the episcopate.[35] Ecclesiastical unity was important to the church, but it was no less important to the state, and as a Roman, Ambrose felt strongly about that.[36] Conflict over heresies loomed large in an age of religious ferment comparable to the Reformation of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.[37] Orthodox Christianity was determining how to define itself as it faced multiple challenges on both a theological and a practical level,[38] and Ambrose exercised crucial influence at a crucial time.[39]
Imperial relations
[edit]Ambrose had good relations and varying levels of influence with the Roman emperors Gratian, Valentinian II and Theodosius I, but exactly how much influence, what kind of influence, and in what ways, when, has been debated in the scholarship of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.[40][41][42]
[edit]It has long been convention to see Gratian and Ambrose as having a personal friendship, putting Ambrose in the dominant role of spiritual guide, but modern scholars now find this view hard to support from the sources.[43] The ancient Christian historian Sozomen (c. 400 – c. 450) is the only ancient source that shows Ambrose and Gratian together in any personal interaction. In that interaction, Sozomen relates that, in the last year of Gratian's reign, Ambrose intruded on Gratian's private hunting party in order to appeal on behalf of a pagan senator sentenced to die. After years of acquaintance, this indicates that Ambrose could not take for granted that Gratian would see him, so instead, Ambrose had to resort to such manoeuvrings to make his appeal.[44]
Gratian was personally devout long before meeting Ambrose.[45] Modern scholarship indicates Gratian's religious policies do not evidence capitulation to Ambrose more than they evidence Gratian's own views.[44] Gratian's devotion did lead Ambrose to write a large number of books and letters of theology and spiritual commentary dedicated to the emperor. The sheer volume of these writings and the effusive praise they contain has led many historians to conclude that Gratian was dominated by Ambrose, and it was that dominance that produced Gratian's anti-pagan actions.[44] McLynn asserts that effusive praises were common in everyone's correspondence with the crown. He adds that Gratian's actions were determined by the constraints of the system as much as "by his own initiatives or Ambrose's influence".[44]
McLynn asserts that the largest influence on Gratian's policy was the profound change in political circumstances produced by the Battle of Adrianople in 378.[46] Gratian had become involved in fighting the Goths the previous year and had been on his way to the Balkans when his uncle and the "cream of the eastern army" were destroyed at Adrianople. Gratian withdrew to Sirmium and set up his court there.[47] Several rival groups, including the Arians, sought to secure benefits from the government at Sirmium.[47] In an Arian attempt to undermine Ambrose, whom Gratian had not yet met, Gratian was "warned" that Ambrose's faith was suspect. Gratian took steps to investigate by writing to Ambrose and asking him to explain his faith.[48]
Ambrose and Gratian first met, after this, in 379 during a visit to Milan. The bishop made a good impression on Gratian and his court, which was pervasively Christian and aristocratic – much like Ambrose himself. [c] The emperor returned to Milan in 380 to find that Ambrose had complied with his request for a statement of his faith – in two volumes – known as De Fide: a statement of orthodoxy and of Ambrose' political theology, as well as a polemic against the Arian heresy – intended for public discussion.[51] The emperor had not asked to be instructed by Ambrose, and in De Fide Ambrose states this clearly. Nor was he asked to refute the Arians. He was asked to justify his own position, but in the end, he did all three.[52]
It seems that by 382 Ambrose had replaced Ausonius to become a major influence in Gratian's court. Ambrose had not yet become the "conscience" of kings he would in the later 380s, but he did speak out against reinstating the Altar of Victory.[53] In 382, Gratian was the first to divert public financial subsidies that had previously supported Rome's cults. Before that year, contributions in support of the ancient customs had continued unchallenged by the state.[54]
Valentinian II
[edit]The childless Gratian had treated his younger brother Valentinian II like a son.[55] Ambrose, on the other hand, had incurred the lasting enmity of Valentinian II's mother, the Empress Justina, in the winter of 379 by helping to appoint a Nicene bishop in Sirmium. Not long after this, Valentinian II, his mother, and the court left Sirmium; Sirmium had come under Theodosius' control, so they went to Milan which was ruled by Gratian.[56]
In 383 Gratian was assassinated at Lyon, in Gaul (France) by Magnus Maximus. Valentinian was twelve years old, and the assassination left his mother, Justina, in a position of something akin to a regent.[57] In 385 (or 386) the emperor Valentinian II and his mother Justina, along with a considerable number of clergy, the laity, and the military, professed Arianism.[34] Conflict between Ambrose and Justina soon followed.
The Arians demanded that Valentinian allocate to them two churches in Milan: one in the city (the Basilica of the Apostles), the other in the suburbs (St Victor's).[34] Ambrose refused to surrender the churches. He answered by saying that "What belongs to God, is outside the emperor's power." In this, Ambrose called on an ancient Roman principle: a temple set apart to a god became the property of that god. Ambrose now applied this ancient legal principle to the Christian churches, seeing the bishop, as a divine representative, as guardian of his god's property.[58]
Subsequently, while Ambrose was performing the Liturgy of the Hours in the basilica, the prefect of the city came to persuade him to give it up to the Arians. Ambrose again refused. Certain deans (officers of the court) were sent to take possession of the basilica by hanging upon it imperial escutcheons.[34][59] Instead, soldiers from the ranks the emperor had placed around the basilica began pouring into the church, assuring Ambrose of their fidelity. The escutcheons outside the church were removed, and legend says the children tore them to shreds.[58]
Ambrose refused to surrender the basilica, and sent sharp answers back to his emperor: "If you demand my person, I am ready to submit: carry me to prison or to death, I will not resist; but I will never betray the church of Christ. I will not call upon the people to succour me; I will die at the foot of the altar rather than desert it. The tumult of the people I will not encourage: but God alone can appease it."[59] By Thursday, the emperor gave in, bitterly responding: "Soon, if Ambrose gives the orders, you will be sending me to him in chains."[60]
In 386, Justina and Valentinian II received the Arian bishop Auxentius the younger, and Ambrose was again ordered to hand over a church in Milan for Arian usage. Ambrose and his congregation barricaded themselves inside the church, and again the imperial order was rescinded.[61] There was an attempted kidnapping, and another attempt to arrest him and to force him to leave the city.[62] Several accusations were made, but unlike in the case of John Chrysostom, no formal charges were brought. The emperor certainly had the power to do so, and probably did not solely because of Ambrose's popularity with the people and what they might do.[63]
When Magnus Maximus usurped power in Gaul (383) and was considering a descent upon Italy, Valentinian sent Ambrose to dissuade him, and the embassy was successful (384).[59] A second, later embassy was unsuccessful. Magnus Maximus entered Italy (386–387) and Milan was taken. Justina and her son fled, but Ambrose remained and had the plate of the church melted for the relief of the poor.[59]
After defeating the usurper Maximus at Aquileia in 388 Theodosius handed the western realm back to the young Valentinian II, the seventeen-year-old son of the forceful and hardy Pannonian general Valentinian I and his wife, the Arian Justina. Furthermore, the Eastern emperor remained in Italy for a considerable period to supervise affairs, returning to Constantinople in 391 and leaving behind the Frankish general Arbogast to keep an eye on the young emperor. By May of the following year, Arbogast's ward was dead amidst rumours of both treachery and suicide...[64]
[edit]While Ambrose was writing De Fide, Theodosius published his own statement of faith in 381 in an edict establishing Nicene Catholic Christianity as the only legitimate version of the Christian faith. There is unanimity amongst scholars that this represents the emperor's own beliefs.[65] The aftermath of the death (378) of Valens (Emperor in the East from 364 to 378) had left many questions for the church unresolved, and Theodosius' edict can be seen as an effort to begin addressing those questions.[66] Theodosius' natural generosity was tempered by his pressing need to establish himself and to publicly assert his personal piety.[67]
On 28 February 380, Theodosius issued the Edict of Thessalonica, a decree addressed to the city of Constantinople, determining that only Christians who did not support Arian views were catholic and could have their places of worship officially recognized as "churches".[68][36][d] The Edict opposed Arianism, and attempted to establish unity in Christianity and to suppress heresy.[71] German ancient historian Karl Leo Noethlichs writes that the Edict of Thessalonica was neither anti-pagan nor antisemitic; it did not declare Christianity to be the official religion of the empire; and it gave no advantage to Christians over other faiths.[72]
Liebeschuetz and Hill indicate that it was not until after 388, during Theodosius' stay in Milan following the defeat of Maximus in 388, that Theodosius and Ambrose first met.[73]

After the Massacre of Thessalonica in 390, Theodosius made an act of public penance at Ambrose's behest.[75] Ambrose was away from court during the events at Thessalonica, but after being informed of them, he wrote Theodosius a letter.[76] In that still-existing letter, Ambrose presses for a semi-public demonstration of penitence from the emperor, telling him that, as his bishop, he will not give Theodosius communion until it is done. Wolf Liebeschuetz says "Theodosius duly complied and came to church without his imperial robes, until Christmas, when Ambrose openly admitted him to communion".[77]
Formerly, some scholars credited Ambrose with having an undue influence over Emperor Theodosius I, from this period forward, prompting him toward major anti-pagan legislation beginning in February of 391.[78][79][80] However, this interpretation has been heavily disputed since the late-twentieth century. McLynn argues that Theodosius's anti-pagan legislation was too limited in scope for it to be of interest to the bishop.[81][82] The fabled encounter at the door of the cathedral in Milan, with Ambrose as the mitred prelate braced, blocking Theodosius from entering, which has sometimes been seen as evidence of Ambrose' dominance over Theodosius, has been debunked by modern historians as "a pious fiction".[83][84] There was no encounter at the church door.[85][86][87][88] The story is a product of the imagination of Theodoret, a historian of the fifth century who wrote of the events of 390 "using his own ideology to fill the gaps in the historical record".[89]
The twenty-first-century view is that Ambrose was "not a power behind the throne".[83] The two men did not meet each other frequently, and documents that reveal the relationship between the two are less about personal friendship than they are about negotiations between two formidable leaders of the powerful institutions they represent: the Roman State and the Italian Church.[90] Cameron says there is no evidence that Ambrose was a significant influence on the emperor.[91]
For centuries after his death, Theodosius was regarded as a champion of Christian orthodoxy who decisively stamped out paganism. This view was recorded by Theodoret, who is recognized as an unreliable historian, in the century following their deaths.[92] Theodosius's predecessors Constantine (r. 306–337), Constantius (r. 337–361), and Valens had all been semi-Arians. Therefore, it fell to the orthodox Theodosius to receive from Christian literary tradition most of the credit for the final triumph of Christianity.[93] Modern scholars see this as an interpretation of history by orthodox Christian writers more than as a representation of actual history.[94][95][96][97] The view of a pious Theodosius submitting meekly to the authority of the church, represented by Ambrose, is part of the myth that evolved within a generation of their deaths.[98]
Later years and death
In April 393 Arbogast (magister militum of the West) and his puppet Emperor Eugenius marched into Italy to consolidate their position against Theodosius I and his son, Honorius, now appointed Augustus to govern the western portion of the empire. Arbogast and Eugenius courted Ambrose's support by very obliging letters; but before they arrived at Milan, he had retired to Bologna, where he assisted at the translation of the relics of Saints Vitalis and Agricola. From there he went to Florence, where he remained until Eugenius withdrew from Milan to meet Theodosius in the Battle of the Frigidus in early September 394.[99]
Soon after acquiring the undisputed possession of the Roman Empire, Theodosius died at Milan in 395, and Ambrose gave the eulogy.[100] Two years later (4 April 397) Ambrose also died. He was succeeded as bishop of Milan by Simplician.[59] Ambrose's body may still be viewed in the church of Saint Ambrogio in Milan, where it has been continuously venerated – along with the bodies identified in his time as being those of Saints Gervase and Protase.
Ambrose is remembered in the calendar of the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church on 7 December, and is also honoured in the Church of England and in the Episcopal Church on 7 December.[101][102]
[edit]In 1960, Neil B. McLynn wrote a complex study of Ambrose that focused on his politics and was intended to "demonstrate that Ambrose viewed community as a means to acquire personal political power". Subsequent studies of how Ambrose handled his episcopal responsibilities, his Nicene theology and his dealings with the Arians in his episcopate, his pastoral care, his commitment to community, and his personal asceticism, have mitigated this view.[103][104]

All of Ambrose's writings are works of advocacy for his religion, and even his political views and actions were closely related to his religion.[105] He was rarely, if ever, concerned about simply recording what had happened; he did not write to reveal his inner thoughts and struggles; he wrote to advocate for his God.[106] Boniface Ramsey writes that it is difficult "not to posit a deep spirituality in a man" who wrote on the mystical meanings of the Song of Songs and wrote many extraordinary hymns.[107] Despite an abiding spirituality, Ambrose had a generally straightforward manner, and a practical rather than a speculative tendency in his thinking.[108] De Officiis is a utilitarian guide for his clergy in their daily ministry in the Milanese church rather than "an intellectual tour de force".[109]
Christian faith in the third century developed the monastic lifestyle which subsequently spread into the rest of Roman society in a general practice of virginity, voluntary poverty and self-denial for religious reasons. This lifestyle was embraced by many new converts, including Ambrose, even though they did not become actual monks.[110]
The bishops of this era had heavy administrative responsibilities, and Ambrose was also sometimes occupied with imperial affairs, but he still fulfilled his primary responsibility to care for the well-being of his flock. He preached and celebrated the Eucharist multiple times a week, sometimes daily, and dealt directly with the needs of the poor, as well as widows and orphans, "virgins" (nuns), and his own clergy. He replied to letters personally, practised hospitality, and made himself available to the people.[111]

Ambrose had the ability to maintain good relationships with all kinds of people.[112] Local church practices varied quite a bit from place to place at this time, and as the bishop, Ambrose could have required that everyone adapt to his way of doing things. It was his place to keep the churches as united as possible in both ritual and belief.[25] Instead, he respected local customs, adapting himself to whatever practices prevailed, instructing his mother to do the same.[113] As bishop, Ambrose undertook many different labours in an effort to unite people and "provide some stability during a period of religious, political, military, and social upheavals and transformations".[114]
Brown says Ambrose "had the makings of a faction fighter".[115] While he got along well with most people, Ambrose was not averse to conflict and even opposed emperors with a fearlessness born of self-confidence and a clear conscience and not from any belief he would not suffer for his decisions.[116] Having begun his life as a Roman aristocrat and a governor, it is clear that Ambrose retained the attitudes and practices of Roman governance even after becoming a bishop.[117]
His acts and writings show he was quite clear about the limits of imperial power over the church's internal affairs including doctrine, moral teaching, and governance. He wrote to Valentinian: "In matters of faith bishops are the judges of Christian emperors, not emperors of bishops." (Epistle 21.4). He also famously said to an Arian bishop chosen by the emperor, "The emperor is in the church, not over the church." (Sermon Against Auxentius, 36).[118][119] Ambrose's acts and writings "created a sort of model which was to remain valid in the Latin West for the relations of the Church and the Christian State. Both powers stood in a basically positive relationship to each other, but the innermost sphere of the Church's life--faith, the moral order, ecclesiastical discipline--remained withdrawn from the State's influence."[119]
Ambrose was also well aware of the limits of his power. At the height of his career as a venerable, respected and well-loved bishop in 396, imperial agents marched into his church, pushing past him and his clergy who had crowded the altar to protect a political suspect from arrest, and dragged the man from the church in front of Ambrose who could do nothing to stop them.[120] "When it came to the central functions of the Roman state, even the vivid Ambrose was a lightweight".[120]
Attitude towards Jews
[edit]Ambrose is recorded on occasions as taking a hostile attitude towards Jews,[121] for example in 388, when the Emperor Theodosius I was informed that a crowd of Christians had retaliated against the local Jewish community by destroying the synagogue at Callinicum on the Euphrates.[122] The synagogue most probably existed within the fortified town to serve the soldiers stationed there, and Theodosius ordered that the offenders be punished and that the synagogue be rebuilt at the expense of the bishop.[123] Ambrose wrote to the emperor arguing against this, basing his argument on two assertions: first, if the bishop obeyed the order, it would be a betrayal of his faith,[124] and second, if the bishop instead refused to obey the order, he would become a martyr and create a scandal embarrassing the emperor.[124] Ambrose, referring to a prior incident where Magnus Maximus issued an edict censuring Christians in Rome for burning down a Jewish synagogue, warned Theodosius that the people, in turn, exclaimed "the emperor has become a Jew", implying that Theodosius would receive the same lack of support from the people.[125] Theodosius rescinded the order concerning the bishop.[126][124]
That was not enough for Ambrose, however, and when Theodosius next visited Milan Ambrose confronted him directly in an effort to get him to drop the entire case. McLynn argues that Ambrose failed to win the emperor's sympathy and was mostly excluded from his counsels thereafter.[127][128] The Callinicum affair was not an isolated incident. Generally speaking, however, while McLynn says it makes Ambrose look like a bully and a bigot to modern eyes, scholars also agree that Ambrose's attitudes toward the Jews cannot be fairly summarized in one sentence, as not all of Ambrose's attitudes toward Jews were negative.[128]
For example, Ambrose makes extensive and appreciative use of the works of a Jew, Philo of Alexandria, in his own writings, treating Philo as one of the "faithful interpreters of the Scriptures".[129] Philo was an educated man of some standing and a prolific writer during the era of Second Temple Judaism. Forty–three of his treatises have been preserved, and these by Christians, rather than Jews.[121] Philo became foundational in forming the Christian literary view on the six days of creation through Basil's Hexaemeron. Eusebius, the Cappadocian Fathers, and Didymus the Blind appropriated material from Philo as well, but none did so more than Ambrose. As a result of these extensive references, Philo was accepted into the Christian tradition as an honorary Church Father. "In fact, one Byzantine catena even refers to him as 'Bishop Philo'. This high regard for Philo even led to a number of legends of his conversion to Christianity, although this assertion stands on very dubious evidence".[130] Ambrose also used Josephus, Maccabees, and other Jewish sources for his writings. He praises some individual Jews.[131] Ambrose tended to write negatively of all non-Nicenes as if they were all in one category. This served a rhetorical purpose in his writing and should be considered accordingly.[132]
Attitude towards pagans
[edit]Modern scholarship indicates that paganism was a lesser concern than heresy for Christians in the fourth and fifth centuries, including Ambrose, but it was still a concern.[133] Writings of this period were commonly hostile and often contemptuous toward paganism which Christianity saw as already defeated in Heaven.[134] The great Christian writers of the third to fifth centuries attempted to discredit the continuation of these "defeated practices" by searching pagan writings, "particularly those of Varro, for everything that could be regarded by Christian standards as repulsive and irreligious."[135] Ambrose' work reflects this triumphalism.[e]
Throughout his time in the episcopate, Ambrose was active in his opposition to any state sponsorship of pagan cults.[54] When Gratian ordered the Altar of Victory to be removed, it roused the aristocracy of Rome to send a delegation to the emperor to appeal against the decision, but Pope Damasus I induced Christian senators to petition against it, and Ambrose blocked the delegates from obtaining an audience with the emperor.[140][141][142] Under Valentinian II, an effort was made to restore the Altar of Victory to its ancient station in the hall of the Roman Senate and to again provide support for the seven Vestal Virgins. The pagan party was led by the refined senator Quintus Aurelius Symmachus, who used all his prodigious skill and artistry to create a marvellous document full of the maiestas populi Romani.[143] Hans Lietzmann writes that "Pagans and Christians alike were stirred by the solemn earnestness of an admonition which called all men of goodwill to the aid of a glorious history, to render all worthy honour to a world that was fading away".[144]
Then Ambrose wrote to Valentinian asserting that the emperor was a soldier of God – not simply a personal believer, but one bound by his position to serve the faith; under no circumstances could he agree to something that would promote the worship of idols.[f] Ambrose held up the example of Valentinian's brother, Gratian, reminding Valentinian that the commandment of God must take precedence.[147] The bishop's intervention led to the failure of Symmachus' appeal.[148][149]
In 389, Ambrose stepped in against a pagan senatorial delegation who wished to see the emperor Theodosius I. Although Theodosius refused their requests, he was irritated at the bishop's presumption and refused to see him for several days.[91] Later, Ambrose wrote a letter to the emperor Eugenius complaining that some gifts the latter had bestowed on pagan senators could be used for funding pagan cults.[150][151]
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Ambrose joins Augustine, Jerome, and Gregory the Great as one of the Latin Doctors of the Church. Theologians compare him with Hilary, who they claim fell short of Ambrose's administrative excellence but demonstrated greater theological ability. He succeeded as a theologian despite his juridical training and his comparatively late handling of biblical and doctrinal subjects.[59]
Ambrose's intense episcopal consciousness furthered the growing doctrine of the Church and its sacerdotal ministry, while the prevalent asceticism of the day, continuing the Stoic and Ciceronian training of his youth, enabled him to promulgate a lofty standard of Christian ethics. Thus we have the De officiis ministrorum, De viduis, De virginitate and De paenitentia.[59]
Ambrose displayed a kind of liturgical flexibility that kept in mind that liturgy was a tool to serve people in worshiping God, and ought not to become a rigid entity that is invariable from place to place. His advice to Augustine of Hippo on this point was to follow local liturgical custom. "When I am at Rome, I fast on a Saturday; when I am at Milan, I do not. Follow the custom of the church where you are."[152][153] Thus Ambrose refused to be drawn into a false conflict over which particular local church had the "right" liturgical form where there was no substantial problem. His advice has remained in the English language as the saying, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
One interpretation of Ambrose's writings is that he was a Christian universalist.[154] It has been noted that Ambrose's theology was significantly influenced by that of Origen and Didymus the Blind, two other early Christian universalists.[154] One quotation cited in favour of this belief is:
Our Savior has appointed two kinds of resurrection in the Apocalypse. 'Blessed is he that hath part in the first resurrection,' for such come to grace without the judgment. As for those who do not come to the first, but are reserved unto the second resurrection, these shall be disciplined until their appointed times, between the first and the second resurrection.[155]
One could interpret this passage as being another example of the mainstream Christian belief in a general resurrection (that both those in Heaven and in Hell undergo a bodily resurrection), or an allusion to purgatory (that some destined for Heaven must first undergo a phase of purification). Several other works by Ambrose clearly teach the mainstream view of salvation. For example: "The Jews feared to believe in manhood taken up into God, and therefore have lost the grace of redemption, because they reject that on which salvation depends."[156]
Other scholars interpret Ambrose's soteriology to be in agreement with Jerome of Stridon and the anonymous individuals whom Augustine criticized in his treatise "on faith and works", who argued that while the unbelievers would experience eternal judgement, all Christians who have believed in Jesus will be reunited to God at some point, even if they have sinned and fallen away.[157][158]
Giving to the poor
[edit]In De Officiis, the most influential of his surviving works, and one of the most important texts of patristic literature, he reveals his views connecting justice and generosity by asserting these practices are of mutual benefit to the participants.[159][160][161] Ambrose draws heavily on Cicero and the biblical book of Genesis for this concept of mutual inter-dependence in society. In the bishop's view, it is concern for one another's interests that binds society together.[162] Ambrose asserts that avarice leads to a breakdown in this mutuality, therefore avarice leads to a breakdown in society itself. In the late 380s, the bishop took the lead in opposing the greed of the elite landowners in Milan by starting a series of pointed sermons directed at his wealthy constituents on the need for the rich to care for the poor.[163]
Some scholars have suggested Ambrose's endeavours to lead his people as both a Roman and a Christian caused him to strive for what a modern context would describe as a type of communism or socialism.[103] He was not just interested in the church but was also interested in the condition of contemporary Italian society.[164] Ambrose considered the poor not a distinct group of outsiders, but a part of a united people to be stood with in solidarity. Giving to the poor was not to be considered an act of generosity towards the fringes of society but a repayment of resources that God had originally bestowed on everyone equally and that the rich had usurped.[165] He defines justice as providing for the poor whom he describes as our "brothers and sisters" because they "share our common humanity".[166]
[edit]The theological treatises of Ambrose of Milan would come to influence Popes Damasus, Siricius and Leo XIII. Central to Ambrose is the virginity of Mary and her role as Mother of God.[167]
- The virgin birth is worthy of God. Which human birth would have been more worthy of God, than the one in which the Immaculate Son of God maintained the purity of his immaculate origin while becoming human?[168]
- We confess that Christ the Lord was born from a virgin, and therefore we reject the natural order of things. Because she conceived not from a man but from the Holy Spirit.[169]
- Christ is not divided but one. If we adore him as the Son of God, we do not deny his birth from the virgin. ... But nobody shall extend this to Mary. Mary was the temple of God but not God in the temple. Therefore, only the one who was in the temple can be worshipped.[170]
- Yes, truly blessed for having surpassed the priest (Zechariah). While the priest denied, the Virgin rectified the error. No wonder that the Lord, wishing to rescue the world, began his work with Mary. Thus she, through whom salvation was being prepared for all people, would be the first to receive the promised fruit of salvation.[171]
Ambrose viewed celibacy as superior to marriage and saw Mary as the model of virginity.[172]
[edit]Ambrose studied theology with Simplician, a presbyter of Rome.[20] Using his excellent knowledge of Greek, which was then rare in the West, Ambrose studied the Old Testament and Greek authors like Philo, Origen, Athanasius, and Basil of Caesarea, with whom he was also exchanging letters.[173] Ambrose became a famous rhetorician whom Augustine came to hear speak. Augustine wrote in his Confessions that Faustus, the Manichean rhetorician, was a more impressive speaker, but the content of Ambrose's sermons began to affect Augustine's faith. Augustine sought guidance from Ambrose and again records in his Confessions that Ambrose was too busy to answer his questions. In a passage of Augustine's Confessions in which Augustine wonders why he could not share his burden with Ambrose, he comments: "Ambrose himself I esteemed a happy man, as the world counted happiness, because great personages held him in honour. Only his celibacy appeared to me a painful burden."[174] Simplician regularly met with Augustine, however, and Augustine writes of Simplician's "fatherly affection" for him. It was Simplician who introduced Augustine to Christian Neoplatonism.[175] It is commonly understood in the Christian Tradition that Ambrose baptized Augustine.
In this same passage of Augustine's Confessions is an anecdote which bears on the history of reading:
When [Ambrose] read, his eyes scanned the page and his heart sought out the meaning, but his voice was silent and his tongue was still. Anyone could approach him freely and guests were not commonly announced, so that often, when we came to visit him, we found him reading like this in silence, for he never read aloud.[174]
This is a celebrated passage in modern scholarly discussion. The practice of reading to oneself without vocalizing the text was less common in antiquity than it has since become. In a culture that set a high value on oratory and public performances of all kinds, in which the production of books was very labour-intensive, the majority of the population was illiterate, and where those with the leisure to enjoy literary works also had slaves to read for them, written texts were more likely to be seen as scripts for recitation than as vehicles of silent reflection. However, there is also evidence that silent reading did occur in antiquity and that it was not generally regarded as unusual.[176][177][178]
Сочинения Амвросия простираются не только на литературу, но и на музыку, где он был важным новатором в раннехристианской гимнографии . [179] His contributions include the "successful invention of Christian Latin hymnody",[180] while the hymnologist Guido Maria Dreves designated him to be "The Father of church hymnody".[181] He was not the first to write Latin hymns; the Bishop Hilary of Poitiers had done so a few decades before.[179] Однако считается, что гимны Хилари были в значительной степени недоступны из-за их сложности и длины. [ 179 ] [ 182 ] Хилари Существуют только фрагменты гимнов из Liber hymnorum , что делает гимны Амвросия самыми ранними из сохранившихся полных латинских гимнов. [ 182 ] Сборка сохранившихся произведений Амброуза остается спорной; [ 179 ] [ 183 ] Почти немедленная популярность его стиля быстро вызвала появление подражаний, некоторые из которых, возможно, даже датируются его жизнью. [ 184 ] Есть четыре гимна, авторство которых Амвросия общепризнано, поскольку они приписаны ему Августином: [ 179 ]
- «вечный творец вещей»
- «Бог — творец всего сущего»
- «Он встает в три часа»
- « Приди, искупитель народов » (также известный как «Подумай, кто царь Израиля»)
Каждый из этих гимнов состоит из восьми четырехстрочных строф и написан строгим четырехстопным ямбом (то есть 4 × 2 слога, причем каждый ямб состоит из двух слогов). Отличаясь достойной простотой, они послужили плодотворным образцом для последующих времен. [ 59 ] Такие ученые, как теолог Брайан П. Данкл, отстаивали подлинность еще тринадцати гимнов. [ 183 ] в то время как музыковед Джеймс Маккиннон утверждает, что дальнейшие атрибуции могут включать «возможно, около десяти других». [ 179 ] Традиционно считается, что Амвросий составил какой-либо репертуар амброзианских песнопений, также известных просто как «антифонное пение », метод пения, при котором одна сторона хора попеременно реагирует на другую, но на самом деле не известно. Хотя амброзианские песнопения были названы в его честь, ни одна амброзианская мелодия не может быть приписана Амвросию. [ 185 ] Вместе с Августином Амвросию традиционно приписывают сочинение гимна « Te Deum ». Однако со времен гимнолога Гвидо Марии Древеса в 1893 году ученые отвергли эту атрибуцию. [ 186 ]
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Источник: [ 189 ] [ 190 ] Все произведения изначально на латыни. После каждого из них его можно найти в стандартном сборнике сочинений Амвросия. Его первой работой, вероятно, было «De paradiso» (377–378). [ 191 ] Большинство из них имеют приблизительные даты, а такие работы, как De Helia et jeunio (377–391), Expositio evangelii secundum Luke (377–389) и De officiis ministrorum (377–391), получили от ученых самые разные датировки. [ г ] Его самая известная работа, вероятно, «О кабинетах министров» (377–391). [ 188 ] в то время как Exameron (386–390) и De obitu Theodosii (395) являются одними из его самых известных работ. [ 191 ] [ 2 ] В вопросах экзегезы он, как и Хилари, александриец . В догме он следует за Василием Кесарийским и другими греческими авторами, но, тем не менее, придает отчетливо западный оттенок размышлениям, которые он рассматривает. Это особенно проявляется в более весомом акценте, который он придает человеческому греху и божественной благодати , а также в том месте, которое он отводит вере в индивидуальной христианской жизни. [ 59 ] Были споры об атрибуции некоторых произведений: например, «De mysteriis» обычно приписывают Амвросию, в то время как связанное с ним « De Sacramentis» написано в другом стиле с некоторыми молчаливыми разногласиями, поэтому по поводу его автора существует меньше консенсуса. [ 192 ] Эту последнюю работу иногда приписывали святому Августину, хотя это ошибочно. [ 193 ]
[ редактировать ]- Экзамерон [ Шесть дней творения ]. Том. 6 книг. 386–390. ( ПЛ , 14.133–288; ЧСЭЛ , 32.1.3–261; ФК , 42.3–283)
- De paradiso [ В раю ]. 377–378. ( ПЛ , 14.291–332; CSEL , 32.1.265–336; ФК , 42.287–356)
- Де Каин и Авель [ О Каине и Авеле 377–378. ( ПЛ , 14.333–80; ЧСЭЛ , 32.1.339–409; ФК , 42.359–437)
- Де Ноэ [ О Ное ]. 378–384. ( ПЛ , 14.381–438; ЧСЭЛ , 32.1.413–97)
- Но Авраам [ Об Аврааме ]. Том 2 книги. 380 с. ( ПЛ , 14.441–524; ЧСЭЛ , 32.1.501–638)
- De Isaac et anima [ Об Исааке и душе ]. 387–391. ( ПЛ , 14.527–60; ЧСЭЛ , 32.1.641–700; ФК , 65,9–65.)
- De bono mortis (« О благе смерти »). 390. ( ПЛ , 14.567–96; ЧСЭЛ , 32.1.707–53; ФК , 65.70–113)
- De fuga saeculi ( «Бегство из мира »). 391–394. ( PL , 14.597–624; CSEL , 32.2.163–207; FC , 65.281–323)
- De Iacob et vita beata [ О Иакове и счастливой жизни ]. 386–388. ( ПЛ , 14.627–70; ЧСЭЛ , 32.2.3–70; ФК , 65.119–84)
- Де Жозеф [ О Джозефе ]. 387–388. ( ПЛ , 14.673–704; ЧСЭЛ , 32.2.73–122; ФК , 65.187–237)
- О Патриархах 391. ( PL , 14.707–28; CSEL , 32.2.125–60; FC , 65.243–75)
- посте Илии Об и 377–391. ( ПЛ , 14.731–64; ЧСЭЛ , 32.2.411–65)
- Де Навуфай [ О Навуфее ]. 389. ( ЧСЭЛ , 32.2.469)
- Но Тобиас [ О Тобиасе ]. 376–390. ( ПЛ , 14.797–832; ЧСЭЛ , 32.2.519–573)
- De interpellatione Iob et David [ Молитва Иова и Давида ]. Том. 4 книги. 383–394. ( ПЛ , 14.835–90; ЧСЭЛ , 32.2.211–96; ФК , 65.329–420)
- пророка Защита Давида 387. ( ПЛ , 14.891–926; ЧСЭЛ , 32.2.299–355)
- Псалмов Объяснения Давида Двенадцати ( ПЛ , 14.963–1238; ЧСЭЛ , 64)
- Изложение Псалма cxviii [ Комментарий к Псалму 118 ]. 386–390. ( ПЛ , 15.1197–1526; ЧСЭЛ , 62)
- Пророку Исайе Комментарий к ( CCSL , 14.405–8)
- от Луки Евангелия Толкование Том. 10 книг. 377–389. ( PL , 15.1527–1850; CSEL , 32,4; CCSL , 14,1–400)
Морально-аскетический комментарий
[ редактировать ]- министров обязанностях Об . 377–391. ( ПЛ , 16.25–194)
- De virginibusО девственницах 377
- De viduisО вдовах 377. ( ПЛ , 16.247–76)
- De virginitateО девственности 378. ( ПЛ , 16.279–316)
- девственницы Инструкция для 391–392. ( ПЛ , 16.319–43)
- девственности славу Во 393–395. ( ПЛ , 16.351–80)
Догматические сочинения
[ редактировать ]- Def fide [ О вере ]. Том. 5 книг. 378–380. ( ПЛ , 16.549–726; ЧСЭЛ , 78)
- De Spiritu Sancto [ О Святом Духе ]. 381. ( PL , 16.731–850; CSEL , 79.15–222; FC , 44.35–214)
- О Таинстве Воплощения Господня . 381–382. ( ПЛ , 16.853–84; ЧСЕЛ , 79.223–81; ФК , 44.219–62)
- Explanatiosymboli ad initiandos [ Объяснение Символа веры для тех, кто собирается креститься ]. ПЛ , 17.1193–96; ЧСЭЛ , 73,1–12)
- О Таинствах Том. 6 книг 390. ( PL , 16.435–82; CSEL , 73.13–116; FC , 44.269–328)
- О тайнах
- De paenitentiaО покаянии 384–394. ( ПЛ , 16.485–546; ЧСЭЛ , 73.117–206)
- веры Объяснение ( ПЛ , 16.847–50)
- О философии О таинстве возрождения, или (фрагментированный; CSEL , 11.131)
[ редактировать ]- смерти брата О 375–378. ( PL , 16.1345–1414; CSEL , 73.207–325; FC , 22.161–259)
- De obitu Valentiniani [ О смерти Валентиниана] ( ПЛ , 16.1417–44; ЧСЭЛ , 73.327–67; ФК , 22.265–99)
- смерти Феодосия О . 25 февраля 395 г. ( PL , 16.1447–88; CSEL , 73.369–401; FC , 22.307–332)
- базилик Авксентия о передаче Против 386. ( ПЛ , 16.1049–53)
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История изданий творений преп. Амвросия длительна. Эразм отредактировал их в четырех томах в Базеле (1527 г.). Ценное римское издание в пяти томах было выпущено в 1580 году как результат многолетнего труда; его начал Сикст V , будучи еще монахом Феличе Перетти. К нему прилагается житие святого Амвросия, составленное Баронием для его «Annales Ecclesiastici» . Превосходное мауристское издание « Дю Фрише» и «Ле Нурри» появилось в Париже (1686–1690 гг.) в двух томах-ин-фолио; он дважды переиздавался в Венеции (1748–51 и 1781–82). Последним изданием сочинений святого Амвросия является издание Паоло Анджело Баллерини (Милан, 1878 г.) в шести томах фолиантов.
Стандартные выпуски
[ редактировать ]- Минь, Джеймс Пол , изд. (1845). Латинская патология (на латыни). Том. 14–17. Париж. На основе мауристского издания, опубликованного в Париже Жаком Дю Фрише и Дени-Николя Ле Нурри.
- Корпус латинских церковных писаний (на латыни). Том. 11, 32, 62, 64, 73, 78–79. Вена: Императорская академия наук в Вене . 1866 г.
- Баллерини, Пенсильвания , изд. (1875–1883). Все работает (на латинице). Милан
{{cite book}}
: CS1 maint: отсутствует местоположение издателя ( ссылка ) На основе издания Maurist, опубликованного в Париже Жаком Дю Фрише и Дени-Николя Ле Нурри . - Католический университет Америки , изд. (1947). Отцы Церкви . Том. 22, 42, 44, 65. Вашингтон, округ Колумбия: Издательство Католического университета Америки . OCLC 8110481 .
- Тело христиан Том. 14. Тюрнхаут: Брепольс . 1953. OCLC 1565173 .
[ редактировать ]- Гексамерон, О рае, О Каине, О Ное, Об Аврааме, Об Исааке, О доброй смерти - ред. К. Шенкль 1896, Том. 32/1 ( на латыни )
- Об Иакове, об Иосифе, о патриархах, о бегстве мира, о прекращении Иова и Давида, об апологии пророка Давида, о Гелии, о Навуфее, о Товии - изд. К. Шенкль 1897, Том. 32/2
- Изложение Евангелия от Луки – изд. К. Шенкль 1902, Том. 32/4
- Изложение Псалма 118 - изд. М. Петшениг 1913, Том. 62; во втором выпуске добавок увеличилось – почему. М. Зельцер 1999 г.
- Толкование на 12-й псалом - изд. М. Петшениг 1919, Том. 64; во втором выпуске добавок увеличилось – почему. М. Зельцер 1999 г.
- Объяснение символа, О таинствах, О таинствах, О покаянии, О избытке брата-сатира, О смерти Валентиниана, О смерти Феодосия - прим. ред. Отто Фаллер 1955, Том. 73
- De fide ad Gratianus Augustus - изд. Отто Фаллер 1962, Том. 78
- О святом духе, О таинстве воплощения Господня - ред. Отто Фаллер 1964, Том. 79
- Письма и дела - ред. Отто Фаллер (Том 82/1: книги 1–6, 1968); Отто Фаллер , М. Зельцер (Том 82/2: lib. 7–9, 1982); М. Зельцер (Том 82/3: lib. 10, приложение Extra Collectionem. gesta concilii Aquileiensis, 1990); Списки и дополнения – сост. М. Зельцер, 1996, Том. 82/4
[ редактировать ]- Х. Уэйс и П. Шафф, ред., Избранная библиотека никейских и постникейских отцов христианской церкви , 2-е изд., Том. X [Содержит переводы Of Officiis (под названием Of Officiis Ministrorum ), Of Spiritu Sancto ( О Святом Духе ), Excessu Fratris Satyri ( О смерти его брата Сатира ), Изложения христианской веры , De mysteriis ( О тайнах). ), De paenitentia ( О покаянии ), De Virginibus ( О девственницах ), De viduis ( О вдовах ) и подборка писем]
- Св. Амвросий «О тайнах» и трактат о таинствах неизвестного автора в переводе Т. Томпсона (Лондон: SPCK, 1919) [переводы De Sacramentis и De mysteriis ; ред. опубликовано в 1950 г.]
- С. Амвросий Де Набутае : комментарий , переведенный Мартином Макгуайром (Вашингтон, округ Колумбия: Католический университет Америки, 1927) [перевод книги «О Навоте »]
- С. Амброзии De Helia et ieunio : комментарий с введением и переводом, сестра Мэри Джозеф Алоизиус Бак (Вашингтон, округ Колумбия: Католический университет Америки, 1929 ).
- С. Амбросии Де Тобия : комментарий с введением и переводом, Лоис Майлз Цукер, (Вашингтон, округ Колумбия: Католический университет Америки, 1933) [перевод On Tobit ]
- Надгробные речи , перевод Л. П. Макколи и др., Отцы Церкви, том 22 (Нью-Йорк: Отцы Церкви, Inc., 1953) [Григорий Назианзин и Амвросий],
- Письма , перевод Мэри Мельхиор Бейенка, Отцы Церкви, том 26, (Вашингтон, округ Колумбия: Католический университет Америки, 1954) [Перевод писем 1–91]
- Святой Амвросий о таинствах , под редакцией Генри Чедвика, Исследования евхаристической веры и практики 5 (Лондон: А. Р. Моубрей, 1960).
- Гексамерон, Рай и Каин и Авель , перевод Джона Дж. Сэвиджа, Отцы Церкви, том 42, (Нью-Йорк: Отцы Церкви, 1961) [содержит переводы Гексамерона, Де рая и Де Каина и Авеля ]
- Святой Амвросий: Богословские и догматические труды том 44, (Вашингтон: Католический университет американской Отцы Церкви, ) прессы , 1963 , перевод Роя Дж. Деферрари , Spiritu Sancto ), Таинство воплощения Господа нашего , ( De incarnationis Dominicae) Сакраменто ) Таинства и
- Семь экзегетических произведений , переведенных Майклом МакХью, Отцы Церкви, том 65, (Вашингтон: Издательство Католического университета Америки, 1972) [Содержит переводы Исаака, или души , ( De Isaac vel anima ), Смерть как добро , ( De bono mortis ), Иаков и счастливая жизнь , ( De Iacob et vita beata ), Иосиф , ( De Ioseph ), Патриархи , ( De patriarchis ), Бегство от мира , ( De fuga saeculi ), Молитва Иова и Давид , ( De interpellatione Iob et David ).]
- Проповеди святого Амвросия на 118-й псалом , перевод Иде Ни Риайн, (Дублин: Halcyon Press, 1998) [перевод части Explanatio psalmorum ]
- Амвросианские гимны в переводе Чарльза Крашевского (Леман, Пенсильвания: Libella Veritatis, 1999)
- Комментарий святого Амвросия к двенадцати псалмам , перевод Иде М. Ни Риайна (Дублин: Halcyon Press, 2000) [переводы Explanatio psalmorum на Псалмы 1, 35–40, 43, 45, 47–49]
- Об Аврааме , перевод Теодосии Томкинсон, (Этна, Калифорния: Центр традиционалистских православных исследований, 2000) [перевод Де Абрахама ]
- De officiis , отредактированный Айвором Дж. Дэвидсоном с введением, переводом и комментариями, 2 тома (Оксфорд: OUP, 2001) [содержит текст на латыни и английском языке]
- Комментарий святого Амвросия к Евангелию от Луки , перевод Иде М. Ни Риайна, (Дублин: Halcyon, 2001) [перевод Expositio evangelii secundum Lucam ]
- Амвросий Миланский: политические письма и речи , переведенные с введением и примечаниями JHWG Либшуетца (Ливерпуль: Liverpool University Press, 2005) [содержит десятую книгу писем Амвросия, включая речь о смерти Феодосия I; Письма вне коллекции ( Epistulae extra Collectionem ); Письмо 30 Магнусу Максимусу; Речь о смерти Валентиниана II ( De obitu Valentiniani ).]
Несколько работ Амвросия недавно были опубликованы в двуязычной латино-немецкой серии Fontes Christiani (в настоящее время под редакцией Бреполса ).
См. также
[ редактировать ]- Амвросийская гимнография
- Амвросианская литургия и чин
- Базилика Святого Амвросия , Милан
- Отцы Церкви
- Собор Святого Амвросия, Линарес
- Университет Святого Амвросия , Давенпорт, Айова
- Университетский колледж Амброуза , Калгари, Альберта
- Генри Бехер , ранний английский переводчик святого Амвросия
[ редактировать ]Примечания
[ редактировать ]- ^ Итальянский : Sant'Ambrogio [ˌsantamˈbrɔːdʒo] ; Ломбард : Сант-Амброеус [ˌsãːt ãˈbrøːs] .
- ^ "С. Паулин в Vit. Ambr. 3 имеет следующее: posito in Administratione Prefecture Galliarum patre eius Ambrosio natus est Ambrosius . Из этого практически все биографы Амвросия пришли к выводу, что отец Амвросия был преторианским префектом в Галлии. Это Однако мы располагаем единственным свидетельством того, что префектом Галлии когда-либо был Амвросий». [ 13 ]
- ^ С этого времени были записаны два закона. Один из них отменил «закон терпимости», ранее изданный Грацианом в Сирмиуме. Эта терпимость позволяла свободу вероисповедания всем, за исключением еретиков -манихеев , фотиниан и евномиан . [ 49 ] Закон, отменяющий это, был представлен в предыдущих исследованиях как доказательство влияния Амвросия на Грациана, но целью закона был донатизм , который не был включен в список исключений. Нет никаких доказательств того, что Амвросий имел какое-либо отношение к этому повторению, поскольку санкции против донатизма существовали со времен Константина. [ 50 ]
- ↑ Недавние исследования имели тенденцию отвергать прежние мнения о том, что указ был ключевым шагом в установлении христианства в качестве официальной религии империи, поскольку он был нацелен исключительно на Константинополь и, похоже, остался практически незамеченным современниками за пределами столицы. [ 69 ] [ 70 ] Тем не менее, этот указ является первым известным светским римским законом, положительно утверждающим религиозную ортодоксальность. [ 68 ]
- ^ Эти христианские источники оказали большое влияние на восприятие этого периода, создав впечатление открытого и непрерывного конфликта, который предполагался в масштабах всей империи, в то время как археологические данные показывают, что, помимо использования жестокой риторики, упадок язычество вдали от императорского двора было относительно неконфронтационным. [ 136 ] [ 137 ] [ 138 ] [ 139 ]
- ↑ Римляне считались самым религиозным из народов. [ 145 ] Их уникальный успех в войне, завоеваниях и формировании империи был приписан тому, что империя поддерживала хорошие отношения с богами посредством надлежащего почтения и практики поклонения. [ 146 ] Это не изменилось, когда официальной религией империи стало христианство.
- ↑ Хотя и Paredi 1964 , стр. 436–440, и Ramsey 2002 , стр. 55–64 дают даты для большинства произведений Амброуза, даты Рэмси являются предпочтительными, поскольку публикация более поздняя, и автор датирует произведения из с точки зрения научного консенсуса, тогда как в «Пареди» автор предлагает даты, основанные на его собственном исследовании. Тем не менее, когда Рэмси не указывает даты работы, используются даты Пареди.
[ редактировать ]- ^ «Святой Амвросий в святилище Сан-Витторе в Сиэль д'Оро» . Артстор . Проверено 8 января 2021 г.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Браун 2021 .
- ^ Гайли 2001 , с. 16.
- ^ Шарки и Вайнанди 2009 , с. 208.
- ^ Маккиннон 2001 .
- ^ Смит 2021 , с. 5.
- ^ Рэмси 2002 , с. ix.
- ^ Рэмси 2002 , стр. ix–x, 1–2.
- ^ Пареди 1964 , с. 442–443.
- ^ Цветкович 2019 , стр. 44.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Лафлин 1907 год .
- ^ Гринслейд 1956 , с. 175.
- ^ Парад 1964 , с. 380.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б с Аттуотер и Джон 1993 .
- ^ Барнс 2011 , стр. 45–46.
- ^ Цветкович 2019 , стр. 44–46.
- ^ Цветкович 2019 , стр. 46.
- ^ ван дер Нат, PG; Хамман, Адальберто (март 1971 г.). «Полный курс патрологии, латинская серия. Приложение, том IV» . бдения Христианские 25 (1): 76. дои : 10.2307/1583516 . ISSN 0042-6032 . JSTOR 1583516 .
- ^ Торнтон 1879 , с. 15.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д Грив 1911 , с. 798.
- ^ Барнс 2011 , с. 50.
- ^ Цветкович 2019 , стр. 55–57.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Цветкович 2019 , стр. 52.
- ^ Санти Беати (на итальянском языке), Италия
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Милан 2005 , с. 6.
- ^ Цветкович 2019 , стр. 49.
- ^
Одно или несколько предыдущих предложений включают текст из публикации, которая сейчас находится в свободном доступе : Лафлин, Джеймс Фрэнсис (1907). « Святой Амвросий ». В Герберманне, Чарльз (ред.). Католическая энциклопедия . Том. 1. Нью-Йорк: Компания Роберта Эпплтона.
- ^
МакШерри, Джеймс (2011). Пропагандистская деятельность и обновление: наследие первого тысячелетия для церкви третьего тысячелетия . Серия цистерцианских исследований, 236. Колледжвилл, Миннесота: Liturgical Press. п. 19. ISBN 9780879072360 .
Опытный оратор и адвокат, Амвросий был назначен членом Судебного совета Пробом, преторианским префектом Италии.
- ^ Спаравинья 2016 , с. 2.
- ^ Батлер 1991 , с. 407.
- ^ Литцманн 1951 , с. 57.
- ^ Кэй 1853 , с. 33.
- ^ Кэй 1853 , с. 5.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д и Батлер 1991 , с. 408.
- ^ Ramsey 2002 , стр. 6–7: «Ко дням Амвросия [арианство] находилось в медленном упадке, но далеко не испустило дух: борьба Амвросия с ним занимала его силы более половины его срока на посту епископа».
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Литцманн 1951 , с. 37.
- ^ Рэмси 2002 , с. 6: «[...] история ранней Церкви [...] была [...] золотым веком религиозного брожения и противоречий, которые, как вполне можно утверждать, не повторятся до тех пор, пока не наступит Реформация. , более чем тысячелетие спустя.
- ^ Ramsey 2002 , стр. 7–8: «Перед лицом всех этих соперников ортодоксальное христианство не было бесстрастным объектом. Реагируя на них, оно определяло себя и принимало все больше и больше контуров, которые мы признаем сегодня».
- ^ Рэмси 2002 , с. 5: «Задача, стоявшая перед христианским руководством, заключалась в том, чтобы [...] заменить одну форму священного другим. Четвертый век был прежде всего моментом, когда эта замена была организована, и той ролью, которую Амвросий сыграл в процесс имел решающее значение.
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , с. 79.
- ^ Николсон 2018 , с. хв.
- ^ Зальцман, Саги и Теста 2016 , стр. 2.
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , с. 79–80.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д Маклинн 1994 , с. 80.
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , с. 79–80, 87.
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , с. 80,90;105.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Маклинн 1994 , с. 90.
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , с. 98.
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , с. 91.
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , с. 100-102.
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , с. 103-105.
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , с. 98-99.
- ^ Траут 1999 , с. 50.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Литцманн 1951 , с. 68.
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , с. 104.
- ^ Либешуец, Hill & Milan 2005 , с. 129
- ^ Либешуец, Hill & Milan 2005 , стр. 129–130.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Литцманн 1951 , стр. 79–80.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д и ж г час я Грив 1911 , с. 799.
- ^ Литцманн 1951 , с. 80.
- ^ CAH 1998 , с. 106.
- ^ Либешуец, Hill & Milan 2005 , с. 130
- ^ Либешуец, Hill & Milan 2005 , с. 131
- ^ Издательство 1976 , стр. 235–244.
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , с. 106-110.
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , с. 108.
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , с. 109.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Эррингтон 2006 , с. 217.
- ^ Эррингтон 1997 , стр. 410–415.
- ^ Хебблуайт , с. 82.
- ^ Сары 2019 , стр. 73.
- ^ Сары 2019 , стр. 72–74, сн. 32, 33, 34, 77.
- ^ Либешуец, Hill & Milan 2005 , с. 17.
- ^ Чеснут 1981 , с. 245-252.
- ^ Херрин 1987 , с. 64.
- ^ Либешуец, Hill & Milan 2005 , стр. 262.
- ^ Либешуец, Hill & Milan 2005 , стр. 262–263.
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , с. 331.
- ^ Эррингтон 1997 , с. 425.
- ^ Карран 1998 , стр. 78–110.
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , стр. 330–333.
- ^ Хебблуайт 2020a , с. вступление.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Маклинн 1994 , с. 291.
- ^ Кэмерон 2011 , стр. 63, 64.
- ^ Браун 1992 , с. 111.
- ^ Мурхед 2014 , с. 3, 13.
- ^ Кэмерон 2011 , стр. 60, 63, 131.
- ^ МакМаллен 1984 , с. 100.
- ^ Уошберн 2006 , с. 215.
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , стр. 291–292, 330–333.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Кэмерон, 2011 г. , стр. 63–64.
- ^ Эррингтон 1997 , с. 409.
- ^ Кэмерон 2011 , с. 74 (и примечание 177).
- ^ Николсон 2018 , стр. 1482, 1484.
- ^ Эррингтон 2006 , стр. 248–249.
- ^ Кэмерон 2011 , с. 74.
- ^ Хебблуайт , глава 8.
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , с. 292.
- ^ «Святой Амвросий, епископ и исповедник, Учитель Церкви. 7 декабря. Преподобный Альбан Батлер. 1866. Том XII: Декабрь. Жития святых» . www.bartleby.com . Проверено 10 июня 2019 г.
- ^ Норидж 1989 , с. 116.
- ^ «Календарь» . Англиканская церковь . Проверено 27 марта 2021 г.
- ^ Малые праздники и посты 2018 . Church Publishing, Inc. 17 декабря 2019 г. ISBN 978-1-64065-235-4 .
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Смит, 2021 г. , стр. 3–4.
- ^ Милан 2005 , стр. 4–5.
- ^ Милан 2005 , с. 5.
- ^ Милан 2005 , с. 4.
- ^ Рэмси 2002 , стр. ix–x.
- ^ Рэмси 2002 , с. 1.
- ^ Дэвидсон 1995 , с. 315.
- ^ Рэмси 2002 , с. 9.
- ^ Рэмси 2002 , стр. 5–6.
- ^ Смит 2021 , с. 2.
- ^ Рэмси 2002 , с. 6.
- ^ Смит 2021 , с. 1.
- ^ Браун 2012 , с. 124.
- ^ Рэмси 2002 , с. 2.
- ^ Смит 2021 , стр. 6–7.
- ^ Браун 2003 , с. 80.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Кемпф 1980 , с. 88.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Браун 2012 , с. 146.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Эллиотт 2019 , с. 23.
- ^ Эллиотт 2019 , с. 27.
- ^ Ли 2013 , с. 41.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б с Эллиотт 2019 , с. 28.
- ^ Ниренберг 2013 , стр. 117–118.
- ^ МакКаллох 2010 , с. 300
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , стр. 308–9.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Эллиотт 2019 , с. 29.
- ^ Эллиотт 2019 , с. 23, 49.
- ^ Эллиотт 2019 , с. 26.
- ^ Эллиотт 2019 , с. 30.
- ^ Эллиотт 2019 , с. 31.
- ^ Зальцман 1993 , с. 375.
- ^ Хагендал 1967 , стр. 601–630.
- ^ Норт, Джон (2017). «Религиозная история Римской империи» . Оксфордская исследовательская энциклопедия религии . дои : 10.1093/акр/9780199340378.013.114 . ISBN 978-0-19-934037-8 . Проверено 19 июня 2021 г.
- ^ Бэйлисс , стр. 65, 68.
- ^ Зальцман, Саги и Теста 2016 , стр. 7.
- ^ Кэмерон 1991 , стр. 121–124.
- ^ Тромбли 2001 , стр. 166–168, Том I; Тромбли 2001 , стр. 335–336, Том II .
- ^ Литцманн 1951 , с. 69.
- ^ Шеридан 1966 , с. 187.
- ^ Послания Амвросия 17-18; Отношения Симмаха 1-3
- ^ Литцманн 1951 , с. 76.
- ^ Литцманн 1951 , стр. 76, 77.
- ^ Цицерон, Марк Туллий (1997). Природа богов; и «О гадании» . Амхерст, Нью-Йорк: Книги Прометея. ISBN 978-1-57392-180-0 . 2.8
- ^ Шерк, Роберт К. (1984). Рим и греческий Восток до смерти Августа . Кембридж: Издательство Кембриджского университета. ISBN 978-0-511-55268-7 . док. 8, 9–10.
- ^ Литцманн 1951 , с. 77.
- ^ Зальцман 2006 , с. 362.
- ^ Литцманн 1951 , стр. 77–78.
- ^ Маклинн 1994 , стр. 344–346.
- ^ Кэмерон 2011 , стр. 74–80.
- ^ Августин Гиппопотамский, Послание к Януарию , II, раздел 18.
- ^ Августин Гиппонский, Послание к Казуалану , XXXVI, раздел 32.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Хэнсон, JW (1899). «18. Дополнительные полномочия» . Универсализм: преобладающая доктрина христианской церкви в течение первых пятисот лет ее существования . Бостон и Чикаго: Издательство «Универсалист» . Проверено 8 декабря 2012 г.
- ^ Отцы церкви об универсализме , Tentmaker , получено 5 декабря 2007 г.
- ^ Амвросий (1907), «Изложение христианской веры, Книга III», Католическая энциклопедия , Нью-Йорк: Robert Appleton Co , получено 24 февраля 2009 года из New Advent.
- ^ Augustine & Lombardo 1988 , стр. 64, 65. «Однако Августин не упоминает никаких имен, и ни здесь, ни в каком-либо другом месте нет свидетельств того, что он ссылается на эти отрывки из произведений Иеронима. Тем не менее, и Иероним, и Амвросий, по-видимому, разделяли весьма распространенную ошибку своего времени, а именно, что все христиане рано или поздно воссоединятся с Богом, ошибку, которую Августин опровергает здесь и в ряде других мест».
- ^ Келли 2000 , с. 484, . «Иероним развивает то же различие, заявляя, что, в то время как Дьявол и нечестивцы, отрекшиеся от Бога, будут подвергаться пыткам без прощения, те, кто доверился Христу, даже если они согрешили и отпали, в конечном итоге будут спасены. Во многом то же самое учение появляется у Амвросия, развитое более подробно».
- ^ Дэвидсон 1995 , с. 312.
- ^ Смит 2021 , стр. 205–210.
- ^ Дэвидсон 1995 , с. 313.
- ^ Смит 2021 , стр. 210–212.
- ^ Браун 2012 , с. 147.
- ^ Войцешак 2014 , стр. 177–187.
- ^ Браун 2012 , с. 133.
- ^ Смит 2021 , стр. 214, 216.
- ^ « Св. Амвросий», «Католические коммуникации, Сиднейская архиепархия» . Архивировано из оригинала 2 апреля 2015 года.
- ^ Амвросий Миланский CSEL 64, 139
- ^ Амвросий Миланский, De Mysteriis, 59, стр. 16, 410
- ^ «NPNF2-10. Амвросий: Избранные произведения и письма - Эфирная библиотека христианской классики» . www.ccel.org . Проверено 10 июня 2019 г.
- ^ Амвросий Миланский, Изложение Луки 2, 17; ПЛ 15, 1640 г.
- ^ De Virginibus (О девственницах); О девственности
- ^ Шафф (редактор), Письмо Василия Амвросию , Библиотека Christian Classics Ethereal , получено 8 декабря 2012 г.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Августин. Исповедь Книга шестая, глава третья.
- ^ Гаффорд II 2015 , с. 20–21.
- ^ Фентон, Джеймс (28 июля 2006 г.). «Читай по моим губам» . Хранитель . Лондон.
- ^ Gavrilov 1997 , p. 56–73, esp. 70–71.
- ^ Burnyeat 1997 , pp. 74–76.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д и ж Маккиннон 2001 , § пар. 4.
- ^ Каннингем 1955 , с. 509.
- ^ Темный 2016 , с. 1.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Бойнтон 2001 , «1. История репертуара».
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Темный 2016 , с. 11.
- ^ Дарк 2016 , стр. 3–4.
- ^ «Амброзианское пение | Происхождение, история и обозначения | Британика» . www.britanica.com . Проверено 14 июня 2024 г.
- ^ Маккиннон 2001 , § параграф. 2.
- ^ «Амвросий, Об обязанностях служителей » . e-codes.unifr.ch швейцарские университеты Проверено 8 января 2021 г.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Рэмси 2002 , с. 60.
- ^ Пареди 1964 , с. 436–440.
- ^ Рэмси 2002 , стр. 55–64.
- ^ Перейти обратно: а б Рэмси 2002 , с. 56.
- ^ Св. Амвросий «О тайнах» и трактат «О таинствах» неизвестного автора , archive.org
- ^ Рой Дж. Деферрари, введение к Таинствам , в книге Амвросий: Теологические и догматические труды , изд. Деферрари, Отцы Церкви: Новый перевод, том. 44. ДЖСТОР .
Цитируемые работы
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Дальнейшее чтение
[ редактировать ]- Байфилд, Тед (2003). Наступает тьма: 350–565 гг. н.э., падение Западной Римской империи . Проект христианской истории. ISBN 978-0-9689873-3-9 .
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- Дадден, Ф. Хоумс (1935), Жизнь и времена святого Амвросия , Оксфорд: Clarendon Press
- Гиллиард, Фрэнк Д. (1984), «Сенаторские епископы в четвертом веке», Harvard Theological Review , 77 (2): 153–175, doi : 10.1017/s0017816000014279 , S2CID 162747415
- Кинг, NQ (1960), Император Феодосий и установление христианства , Филадельфия: Вестминстер Пресс
- Паулин (1952), Жизнь святого Амвросия Паулина. , перевод Джона А. Лейси, Нью-Йорк: Отцы Церкви
- фон Кампенхаузен, Ганс (1964), Люди, которые сформировали западную церковь , перевод Хоффмана, Манфреда, Нью-Йорк: Харпер и Роу
- «Амвросий», Индекс святых покровителей , SPQN, январь 2009 г. , получено 8 декабря 2012 г.
Внешние ссылки
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- Работы Амвросия в Project Gutenberg
- Работы Эмброуза или о нем в Интернет-архиве
- Работы Эмброуза в LibriVox (аудиокниги, являющиеся общественным достоянием)
- Эфирная библиотека христианской классики, произведения Амвросия Миланского
- Гимны Амвросия (латиница)
- EarlyChurch.org.uk Обширная библиография
- Произведения Амвросия : текст, симфонии и частотный список.
- Эмброуз в Интернет-библиотеке Свободы
- Все работы
- Амвросий в англосаксонской Англии, с Псевдо-Амброузом и Амвросием , «Вклад в источники англосаксонской литературной культуры», Дэбни Андерсон Банкерт, Джессика Вегманн и Чарльз Д. Райт.
- «Святой Амвросий» на христианской иконографии. сайте
- «О святом Амвросии» из Кэкстонского перевода «Золотой легенды».
- Рассказ Августина о покаянии Феодосия
- Аврелий
- 340 рождений
- 397 смертей
- Итальянские епископы IV века
- Христианские святые IV века
- Христианские богословы IV века
- Галло-римляне IV века
- Писатели IV века на латыни
- Философы IV века
- Римские поэты IV века
- Епископы Милана
- Похороны в базилике Сант-Амброджо.
- Католическая мариология
- Католические философы
- Христианские специалисты по этике
- Христианские авторы гимнов
- Отцы Церкви
- Доктора Церкви
- Галло-римские святые
- Гимнографы
- Насекомые в религии
- Писатели писем на латыни
- Противники арианства
- Люди из Трира
- Англиканские святые