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Демография Соединенных Штатов

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Демография Соединенных Штатов
Население Увеличивать 335 893 238 (оценка на 2024 г.) [1]
Плотность 86,16/кв. миль (33,27/км) 2 )
Темпы роста Увеличивать 0.4% (2022)
Рождаемость Увеличивать 11,0 рождений/1000 населения (2021 г.)
Death rate10.4 deaths/1,000 population (2021)
Life expectancyУвеличивать 80.8 years (2023)[2]
 • maleУвеличивать 78.5 years (2023)[2]
 • femaleУвеличивать 82.9 years (2023)[2]
Fertility rateУвеличивать 1.665 children born/woman (2022)[3]
Infant mortality rate5.4 deaths/1,000 live births (2020)[4]
Net migration rate3 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2020)[5]
Age structure
Under 18 years22.2% (2021)[6]
18–44 years35.9% (2021)[6]
45–64 years25.2% (2021)[6]
65 and over16.8% (2021)[6]
Major ethnic
Minor ethnic
OfficialNo official language at national level. English is designated official in 32 of 50 states (and in all 5 U.S. territories). Hawaiian is official in Hawaii, 20 Native languages are official in Alaska, and Sioux is official in South Dakota.[8] Samoan is an official language in American Samoa,[9] Chamorro is an official language in Guam,[10] Chamorro and Carolinian are official languages in the Northern Mariana Islands,[11] and Spanish is an official language in Puerto Rico.[12]
Source: The World Factbook[5]

составляла , на 1 июля 2023 года официальная численность постоянного населения США По данным Бюро переписи населения США 334 914 895 человек . [13] Эта цифра включает 50 штатов и Вашингтон, округ Колумбия , но не включает население пяти некорпоративных территорий США ( Пуэрто-Рико , Гуам , Виргинские острова США , Американское Самоа и Северные Марианские острова ), а также несколько мелких островных владений . Соединенные Штаты являются третьей по численности населения страной в мире и самой густонаселенной в Северной и Южной Америке и Западном полушарии . [14] Бюро переписи населения показало прирост населения на 0,4% за двенадцатимесячный период, заканчивающийся в июле 2022 года. [13] ниже среднемирового годового показателя на 0,9%. [15] По оценкам, общий коэффициент рождаемости в США на 2022 год составит 1,665 детей на одну женщину. [3] что ниже коэффициента воспроизводства, составляющего примерно 2,1. По нескольким показателям, включая расовое и этническое происхождение, религиозную принадлежность и процентное соотношение между городом и деревней, Иллинойс является наиболее репрезентативным из более широкой демографии Соединенных Штатов. [16]

The U.S. population almost quadrupled during the 20th century – at a growth rate of about 1.3% a year – from about 76 million in 1900 to 281 million in 2000.[17] It is estimated to have reached the 200 million mark in 1967, and the 300 million mark on October 17, 2006.[17][18] Foreign-born immigration caused the U.S. population to continue its rapid increase, with the foreign-born population doubling from almost 20 million in 1990 to over 45 million in 2015,[19] representing one-third of the population increase.[20] The U.S. population grew by 1.6 million from 2018 to 2019, with 38% of growth from immigration.[21] Population growth is fastest among minorities as a whole, and according to the Census Bureau's 2020 estimation, 50% of U.S. children under the age of 18 are members of ethnic minority groups.[22] As of 2020, white people numbered 235,411,507 or 71% of the population, including people who identified as white in combination with another race. People who identified as white alone (including Hispanic whites) numbered 204,277,273 or 61.6% of the population and Non-Latino whites made up 57.8% of the country's population.[23]

Latino Americans accounted for 51.1% of the total national population growth between 2010 and 2020.[24] The Hispanic or Latino population increased from 50.5 million in 2010 to 62.1 million in 2020: a 23% increase and a numerical increase of more than 11.6 million.[24] Immigrants and their U.S.-born descendants are expected to provide most of the U.S. population gains in the decades ahead.[25]

Asian Americans are the fastest growing racial group in America, with a growth rate of 35%. However, multi-racial Asian Americans are the fastest growing group in the country, with a growth rate of 55%, reflecting the increase of mixed-race marriages in the United States.[26][27]

As of 2022, births to White American mothers remain around 50% of the US total, reflecting a decline of 3% compared to 2021.[28] In the same time period, births to Asian American and Hispanic women increased by 2% and 6%, respectively.[29]

The 12 month ending general fertility rate increased from 56.6 to 57.0 in 2022 Q1 compared to 2021 Q4.[30]



On April 1, 2020, the United States had a population of 331,449,281, according to the 2020 United States census.[31]

The following demographic statistics are from the CIA World Factbook estimated as of 2018,[5] unless otherwise indicated.

Note: Population estimate of United States excluding overseas armed forces.[32][33]

Population pyramid by race of the United States over time from 1900 to 2020

Age and sex distribution

Proportion of Americans under the age of 18 in each county of the fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico as of the 2020 United States Census
Proportion of Americans under the age of 5 in each county of the fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico as of the 2020 United States Census
Age and sex distribution as of 2021[34]
age (years)total (in thousands)% of US pop.males (in thousands)females (in thousands)% male% femalesex ratio: male/female
< 518,8275.7%9,6249,20351.1%48.9%1.05
< 1560,46718.2%30,98929,57851.2%48.8%1.05

Age distribution by selected age groups.[34]

  • 0 – 14 years: 18.2%
  • 15 – 24 years: 13.0%
  • 25 – 54 years: 39.0%
  • 55 – 64 years: 12.9%
  • 65 years and over: 16.8%
Median Age by County 2022
  46 or more
  43 to 45.9
  39 to 42.9
  35 to 39.9
  34.9 or less

The median age of the total population as of 2021 is 38.8 years; the male median age is 37.7 years; the female median age is 39.8 years.[34]

Birth rate

Historical population
2024 (est.)335,893,238[1]1.3%
U.S. Decennial Census
  • 12.023 births/1,000 population (2023)[3] Country comparison to the world: 151st[35]

Death rate

  • 10.45 deaths/1,000 population (2021 est.)[36] Country comparison to the world: 78th[35]
  • 8.81 deaths/1,000 population (2021 est)*[37] *age-adjusted death rate

Total fertility rate (TFR)

TFR of the United States overtime from 1820 to 2016

In 1800 the average U.S. woman had 7.04 children;[38] by the first decade of the 1900s, this number had already decreased to 3.56.[39] Since the early 1970s the birth rate has been below the replacement rate of 2.1 with 1.72 children per woman in 2018.[40]

The drop in the U.S. fertility rate from 2.08 per woman in 2007 to 1.76 in 2017 was mostly due to the declining birth rate of Hispanics, teenagers, and young women, although the birth rate for older women rose.[41]

  • 1.664 children born/woman (2021).[42]

Mother's mean age at first birth

Percentage of women childless by age cohort in the US over time
  • 27.1 years (2020 est.)[42]

Dependency ratio

Bi-variate choropleth map comparing the estimated percent of the population 65 and older and 17 and younger in the Contiguous United States by county, 2020

The dependency ratio is the age-population ratio of people who are normally not in the labor force (the dependent population, which includes those aged 0 to 14 and 65 and older) to those who are (the productive part, ages 15 to 64). It is used to gauge the strain on the populace that is productive. The support ratio is the ratio of the working-age population to the elderly population, that is, the reciprocal of the aged dependency ratio.

  • Total dependency ratio: 54.03% (2021)[34] Country comparison to the world*: 110th[43]
  • Child dependency ratio: 28.11% (2021) Country comparison to the world*: 138th
  • Aged dependency ratio: 25.92% (2021) Country comparison to the world*: 42nd
  • Potential support ratio: 3.86 (2021) Country comparison to the world*: 160th

*Ratios are ranked from highest to lowest by country.

Life expectancy in the United States since 1880
Life expectancy in the United States since 1960 by gender

Life expectancy

  • Total population: 80.8 years (2023),[44][45] 76.1 years (2021), 77.0 years (2020)[46]
  • Male: 78.5 years (2023),[44][45] 73.2 years (2021), 74.2 years (2020)
  • Female: 82.9 years (2023),[44][45] 79.9 years (2021), 79.9 years (2020)

The average life expectancy in the United States has been on a decline since 2014. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cites three main reasons: a 72% increase in overdoses in the last decade (including a 30% increase in opioid overdoses from July 2016 to September 2017, but did not differentiate between accidental overdose with a legal prescription and overdose with opioids obtained illegally and/or combined with illegal drugs i.e., heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, etc.), a ten-year increase in liver disease (the rate for men age 25 to 34 increased by 8% per year; for women, by 11% per year), and a 33% increase in suicide rates since 1999.[47]

From 2019 to 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to approximately 61% of the decrease in life expectancy in the United States.[48] While increases in mortality from unintentional injuries, heart disease, homicide, and diabetes contributed to 11.7%, 5.8%, 2.9%, and 2.8% of the decrease in life expectancy from 2019 to 2020, respectively.[48] Life expectancy has also varied by racial and ethnic group, with Non-Hispanic Asians having the highest life expectancy and Non-Hispanic American Indians having the lowest.[48] In 2021, life expectancy at birth in the United States fell for the second year in a row, the first two-year drop since 1961–1963.[49]

Number of persons per square kilometer in the United States in 2010
States and territories in the United States by population per square mile, according to the 2020 United States census
Counties in the United States by population growth since 2010 according to the U.S. Census Bureau 2018 Annual Estimate of the Resident Population.[50] Counties with population growth greater than the United States as a whole are in dark green, counties with population growth slower than the United States in light green, and counties with declining populations in light red.
States in the United States by population growth since 2010 according to the U.S. Census Bureau 2018 Annual Estimate of the Resident Population.[50] States with population growth greater than the United States as a whole are in dark green, states with population growth slower than the United States in light green, and states with declining populations in light red.
Life expectancy by Hispanic origin and race, and sex: United States, 2019, 2020 & 2021[46]
RaceMale LEB

in 2021

Female LEB

in 2021

Total LEB

in 2021*

Total LEB

in 2020

Total LEB

in 2019

2019 - 2021


NH White73.779.276.477.478.8Снижаться 2.4
NH Black66.774.870.871.574.8Снижаться 4.0
NH Asian81.285.683.583.685.6Снижаться 2.1
NH American Indian or Alaska Native61.569.Снижаться 6.6
Hispanic74.481.077.777.981.9Снижаться 4.2
All origins and races73.Снижаться 2.7

NOTE: Life expectancy at birth data for 2021 are provisional.*

  • NH = Non-Hispanic.
  • LEB = Life expectancy at birth
  • Growth arrows (Увеличивать/Снижаться) indicate an increase or decrease in total life expectancy compared to years before.

Life tables

Life table of the United States, 2020[48]
AgeCohortLife expectancyCohortLife expectancyCohortLife expectancy



The most densely populated state is New Jersey (1,263/mi2 or 488/km2).

The population is highly urbanized, with 82.3% of the population residing in cities and suburbs.[5] Large urban clusters are spread throughout the eastern half of the United States (particularly the Great Lakes area, northeast, east, and southeast) and the western tier states; mountainous areas, principally the Rocky Mountains and Appalachian chain, deserts in the southwest, the dense boreal forests in the extreme north, and the central prairie states are less densely populated; Alaska's population is concentrated along its southern coast – with particular emphasis on the city of Anchorage – and Hawaii's is centered on the island of Oahu.[5] California and Texas are the most populous states, as the mean center of U.S. population has consistently shifted westward and southward.[51][52] New York City is the most populous city in the United States[53] and has been since at least 1790.

In the U.S. territories, population centers include the San Juan metro area in Puerto Rico,[54] Saipan in the Northern Mariana Islands,[55] and the island of Tutuila in American Samoa.[56]

Growth rate

  • Population growth rate: 0.12%.[34] Country comparison to the world: 130th

Births and fertility by race


A total of 3,659,289 babies were born in 2021, a 1% increase from 2020. Additionally, researchers also looked at births by race and found that White and Hispanic women each saw the number of births increase by about 2% from 2020 to 2021. Meanwhile, Black and Asian women saw the number of births decline by 2.4% and 2.5%, respectively, over the same period, while American Indian/Alaskan Native women saw their numbers fall by 3.2%.[57] It also marks the first rise in births since 2014. Prior to this report, the total number of births had been decreasing by an average of 2% per year.[57] However, the total fertility rate (the number of births that the average women have over their lifetimes) was 1,663.5 births per every woman. This is still below the replacement level, the level a population needs to replace itself, which is, at least, 2,100 births per woman.[57]

Quarterlies of years, Recent estimates. Race and Hispanic origin refers to the mother.[58]
General Fertility Rate:
15–44 years
2020 Q12020 Q22020 Q32020 Q42021 Q12021 Q22021 Q32021 Q42022 Q12022 Q22022 Q3
All races and origins58.157.656.856.
Non-Hispanic Black61.361.
Non-Hispanic White55.254.754.053.252.753.153.654.454.353.753.2
Number of Births and Total Fertility Rate (number of births/mother) by race and origin[59][60][61]
YearTotalNon-Hispanic WhiteNon-Hispanic BlackHispanicNon-Hispanic AsianNon-Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan NativeNon-Hispanic Native HawaiianMultiracial
20213,664,292 (TFR: 1.664)1,887,656 (TFR: 1.598)517,889 (TFR: 1.675)885,916 (TFR: 1.899)213,813 (TFR: 1.351)26,124 (TFR: 1.477)9,531 (TFR: 2.131)86,982 (TFR: 1.52)
20203,613,647 (TFR: 1.641)1,843,432 (TFR: 1.551)529,811 (TFR: 1.713)866,713 (TFR: 1.879)219,068 (TFR: 1.379)26,813 (TFR: 1.520)9,626 (TFR: 2.134)
20193,747,540(TRF: 1.7061,915,912 (TFR: 1.610)548,075 (TFR: 1.775)886,467 (TFR: 1.940)238,769 (TFR: 1.511)28,450 (TFR: 1.611)9.770 (TFR: 2,178)
Number of Births, by race and Hispanic origin of the mother and month of birth: United States, January–June, final 2019 and 2020, and provisional 2021 (Provisional 2021 data is based on 99.92% of births)[62]
Race and Hispanic origin of mother and yearJanuary–JuneJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneTotal pop.'s percent (January–June)
Non-Hispanic White (2019)937,741156,819142,992157,502156,516165,587158,32551.67%
Non-Hispanic White (2020)916,986152,519138,756155,981150,953156,888156,93351.43%
Non-Hispanic White (2021)914,813142,083138,803159,055153,980156,969163,92352.32%
Non-Hispanic Black (2019)262,11447,48641,49743,58342,15144,58442,81314.45%
Non-Hispanic Black (2020)259,75946,35640,58743,59141,39542,99943,38114.57%
Non-Hispanic Black (2021)245,75341,31038,62841,95239,81040,93643,11714.05%
Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska native (2019)14,0132,5252,1822,3322,2932,3822,2990.77%
Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska native (2020)13,2342,2921,9772,2132,1952,2402,2460.74%
Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska native (2021)12,4982,1351,9322,1812,0981,9612,1910.69%
Non-Hispanic Asian (2019)116,28919,62817,97519,91019,26120,16819,3476.41%
Non-Hispanic Asian (2020)110,81119,30317,06819,26817,98618,69617,8806.21%
Non-Hispanic Asian (2021)102,27915,65815,41018,01917,48217,55218,1585.85%
Non-Hispanic Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (2019)4,6957907628147388477440.26%
Non-Hispanic Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (2020)4,6658037597947058207570.26%
Non-Hispanic Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (2021)4,4137996167537318067080.25%
Hispanic (of any race) (2019)421,99173,74265,66770,44268,51772,74770,87623.26%
Hispanic (of any race) (2020)420,56373,60165,14070,36168,00070,08571,05023.59%
Hispanic (of any race) (2021)409,94165,68761,96170,06068,20270,72273,30923.44%
All races and origins (2019)1,814,497310,872279,963304,237298,947316,386304,092
All races and origins (2020)1,783,124304,722272,907301,625290,478301,481302,164
All races and origins (2021)1,748,768276,980266,107302,137292,454299,308311,782
Percent change in births from 2019 to 2020 and 2020–2021[62]
Race and Hispanic origin of mother and yearJanuary–JuneJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune
Non-Hispanic White (2019-2020)-2-3-3-1-4-5-1
Non-Hispanic White (2020-2021)†0-7†022†04
Non-Hispanic Black (2019-2020)-1-2-2†0-2-4†1
Non-Hispanic Black (2020-2021)-5-11-5-4-4-5†-1
Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska native (2019-2020)-6-9-9†-5†-4-6†-2
Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska native (2020-2021)-6-7†-2†-1†-4-12†-2
Non-Hispanic Asian (2019-2020)-5†-2-5-3-7-7-8
Non-Hispanic Asian (2020-2021)-8-19-10-6-3-6†2
Non-Hispanic Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (2019-2020)†-1†2†0†-2†-4†-3†2
Non-Hispanic Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (2020-2021)5†0-19†-5†4†-2†-6
Hispanic (of any race) (2019-2020)†0†0†-1†0†-1-4†0
Hispanic (of any race) (2020-2021)-3-11-5†0†0†13
All races and origins (2019-2020)-2-2-3-1-3-5-1
All races and origins (2020-2021)-2-9-2†01-13

U.S.-born people


Note: Hispanics are counted both by their ethnicity and by their race, giving a higher overall number. Also note that growth arrows indicate an increase or decrease in the number of births, not in the fertility rate.[63][64][65][66]

Race of motherNumber of births
in 2016
% of all
Number of births
in 2017
% of all
Number of births
in 2018
% of all
Number of births
in 2019
% of all
Number of births
in 2020
% of all


> NH White2,056,33252.1%1.7191,992,46151.7%1.6661,956,41351.6%1.6401,915,91251.1%1.6111,843,43251.0%1.552Снижаться10.35%
> NH Black558,62214.2%1.832560,71514.5%1.824552,02914.6%1.792548,07514.6%1.776529,81114.7%1.714Снижаться5.16%
NH Asian254,4716.5%1.690249,2506.5%1.597240,7986.4%1.525238,7696.4%1.511219,0686.1%1.385Снижаться13.9%
NH American Indian or Alaska native31,4520.8%1.79429,9570.8%1.70229,0920.8%1.65128,4500.76%1.61226,8130.74%1.517Снижаться14.75%
NH Hawaiian (incl. other Pacific Islander)9,3420.2%2.0769,4260.2%2.0859,4760.3%2.1069,7700.26%2.1789,6260.26%2.142Увеличивать3.04%


  • NH = Non-Hispanic.
  • TFR = Total fertility rate (number of children born per woman).
  • Growth arrows (Увеличивать/Снижаться) indicate an increase or decrease in the number of births, not in the fertility rate, comparing to the previous year.
Ethnicity of motherNumber of births
in 2016
% of all
Number of births
in 2017
% of all
Number of births
in 2018
% of all
Number of births
in 2019
% of all
Number of births
in 2020
% of all


Non-Hispanic (of any race)3,027,4282,956,7362,905,5022,861,0732,746,933Снижаться
Hispanic (of any race)918,44723.3%2.093898,76423.3%2.007886,21023.4%1.959886,46723.7%1.940866,71424.0%1.876Снижаться5.63%
Foreign-born total fertility rate by race
and those of Hispanic origin[67]
Hispanic (of any race)3.152.772.46

Percent of births to White Non-Hispanic women that were their 8th+ child, by US state, in 2021


New York: 2.21%, New Jersey: 1.7%, Wisconsin: 1.04%, Arkansas: 1.02%, Montana: 0.86%, Ohio: 0.85%, Iowa: 0.84%, Pennsylvania: 0.82%, Kansas: 0.76%, Kentucky: 0.76%, Utah: 0.75%, Minnesota: 0.75%, Indiana: 0.72%, Wyoming: 0.72%, Mississippi: 0.7%, Michigan: 0.7%, Idaho 0.65%, West Virginia: 0.64%, Arizona: 0.62%, North Dakota 0.59%, South Dakota 0.54%, Arkansas 0.51%, New Mexico: 0.50%, Maryland: 0.49%, Oregon: 0.46%, Michigan: 0.44%, Oklahoma: 0.44%, Florida: 0.43%, Tennessee: 0.42%, Virginia: 0.41%, Illinois: 0.40%, Nevada: 0.40%, West Virginia: 0.39%, Delaware: 0.38%, Georgia: 0.36%, Nebraska: 0.36%, Texas: 0.33%, Alabama: 0.33%, Missouri: 0.32%, Vermont: 0.31%, South Carolina: 0.30%, California: 0.29%, Colorado: 0.29%, North Carolina: 0.25%, Alaska: 0.25%, Connecticut: 0.20%, New Hampshire: 0.19%, Massachusetts: 0.17%.


Immigrants in the United States[68]
 Puerto Rico1,829,000+
 El Salvador1,411,000+
 Dominican Republic1,168,000+
 South Korea1,039,000+
In recent decades, the U.S. has grown from having 9% (1990) to 15% (2020) of the population being born abroad.[69] The slopes of the tops of the differently-colored columns show the rate of percent increase in foreign-born people living in the respective countries.
Foreign born population percentage in the US over time from 1850 to 2020

In 2017, out of the U.S. foreign-born population, some 45% (20.7 million) were naturalized citizens, 27% (12.3 million) were lawful permanent residents (including many eligible to become citizens), 6% (2.2 million) were temporary lawful residents, and 23% (10.5 million) were unauthorized immigrants.[70] Among current living immigrants to the U.S., the top five countries of birth are Mexico (25% of immigrants), China (6%), India (6%), the Philippines (5%) and El Salvador (3%). Some 13% of current living immigrants come from Europe and Canada, and 10% from the Caribbean.[70] Among new arrivals, Asian immigrants have been more numerous than Hispanic immigrants since 2010; in 2017, 37.4% of immigrant arrivals were Asian, and 26.6% were Hispanic.[70] Until 2017 and 2018, the United States led the world in refugee resettlement for decades, admitting more refugees than the rest of the world combined.[71] From fiscal year 1980 until 2017, 55% of refugees came from Asia, 27% from Europe, 13% from Africa, and 4% from Latin America, fleeing war and persecution.[71]

  • Net migration rate (2022): 3.02 migrants/1,000 population.[35] Country comparison to the world: 35th[35]
  • Net migration rate* (2020-2021): 0.73 migrants/1,000 population.[72]

*(mid-year estimates)

As of 2017, 13.6% (44.4 million) of the population was foreign born – an increase from 4.7% in 1970 but less than the 1890 record of 14.8%. 45% of the foreign born population were naturalized US citizens. 23% (10.3 million) of the foreign born community is undocumented, accounting for 3.2% of the total population.[70] According to the 2010 census, Latin America and the Caribbean is the largest region-of-birth group, accounting for 53% of the foreign born population. As of 2018 this region is still the largest source of immigrants to the United States[73][74][75] In 2018, there were almost 90 million immigrants and U.S. born children of immigrants (second-generation Americans) in the United States, accounting for 28% of the overall U.S. population.[76] In 2018, 1,096,611 immigrants were granted either permanent or temporary legal residence in the United States[77]

Inflow of New Legal Permanent Residents, Top 15 Sending Countries, 2021[78]
 Dominican Republic24,553
 El Salvador18,668
 South Korea12,351
Inflow of New Legal Permanent Residents by Region, 2021[79]
Not Specified1,011
Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status by Type and Major Class of Admission[80]
Class of Admission (Adjustments of Status and New Arrivals)2021
Immediate relatives of U.S. citizens385,396
Family-sponsored preferences65,690
Employment-based preferences193,338
Children born abroad to alien residents75
Certain Iraqis and Afghans employed by U.S. Government and their spouses and children8,303
Cancellation of removal5,017
Victims of human trafficking942
Victims of crimes and their spouses and children9,257

Vital statistics

Births, deaths and natural increase in the United States 1935–2021
Marriages, Families & Intimate Relationships in the US, 1970–2000
Median age at first marriage in the US

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2021, the population of the United States grew at a slower rate than in any other year since the country's founding.[81] The U.S. population grew only 0.1% from the previous year before.[81] The United States' population has grown by less than one million people for the first time since 1937, with the lowest numeric growth since at least 1900, when the Census Bureau began yearly population estimates.[81] Apart from the previous few years, when population growth plummeted to historically low levels, the slowest pace of increase in the twentieth century occurred between 1918 and 1919, when the influenza epidemic and World War I were both in full swing.[81] Slower population growth has been the norm in the United States for some years, owing to lower fertility and net international migration, as well as rising mortality from an aging population.[81]

To put it another way, since the mid-2010s, births and net international migration have been dropping while deaths have risen. These trends have a cumulative effect of reduced population increase.[81]

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this trend, resulting in a historically slow population increase in 2021.

The growth rate is 0.1% as estimated for 2021.[81]

The birth rate is 11.0 births/1,000 population, as of 2020.[42] This was the lowest birth rate since records began. There were 3,613,647 births in 2020, this was the lowest number of births since 1980.[42]

11.0 births/1,000 population per year (final data for 2020).
11.4 births/1,000 population per year (final data for 2019).[42]

In 2020, the CDC reported that there were 1,676,911 marriages in 2020, compared to 2019, there were 2,015,603 marriages.[82] Marriage rates varied significantly by state, ranging from 3.2 marriages/1,000 population in California to 21.0 marriages/1,000 population in Nevada.*[83]

  • 5.1 marriages/1,000 population per year (provisional data for 2020).[82]
  • 6.1 marriages/1,000 population per year (provisional data for 2019).[82]

*Rates are based on provisional counts of marriages by state of occurrence

In 2009, Time magazine reported that 40% of births were to unmarried women.[84] The following is a breakdown by race for unwed births: 17% Asian, 29% White, 53% Hispanics (of any race), 66% Native Americans, and 72% Black American.[85]

According to the CDC, in 2020, there were at least, 1,461,121 births to unmarried women. In 2020, 40.5% of births were to unmarried women. The following is breakdown by race for unwed births: 28.4% Non-Hispanic White, 70.4% Non-Hispanic Black, and 52.8% Hispanic (of any race).[86]

The drop in the birth rate from 2007 to 2009 is believed to be associated with the Great Recession.[87]

A study by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) found that more than half (51 percent) of live hospital births in 2008 and 2011 were male.[88]

Per U.S. federal government data released in March 2011, births fell 4% from 2007 to 2009, the largest drop in the U.S. for any two-year period since the 1970s.[89]Births have declined for three consecutive years, and are now 7% below the peak in 2007.[90] This drop has continued through 2010, according to data released by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics in June 2011.[90] Numerous experts have suggested that this decline is largely a reflection of unfavorable economic conditions.[91] This connection between birth rates and economic downturns partly stems from the fact that American birth rates have now fallen to levels that are comparable to the Great Depression of the 1930s.[92] Teen birth rates in the U.S. are at the lowest level in U.S. history.[93] In fact, teen birth rates in the U.S. have consistently decreased since 1991 through 2011, except for a brief increase between 2005 and 2007.[93] The other aberration from this otherwise steady decline in teen birth rates is the 6% decrease in birth rates for 15- to 19-year-olds between 2008 and 2009.[93] Despite these years of decrease, U.S. teen birth rates are still higher than in other developed nations.[93] Racial differences prevail with teen birth and pregnancy rates as well. The American Indian/Alaska Native, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic Black teen pregnancy rates are more than double the non-Hispanic white teen birth rate.[94]

Age group (2010)Total
(of population)
White alone
(of race/age group)
Black alone
(of race/age group)
Mixed and/or Some Other Race
(of race/age group)
Asian alone
(of race/age group)
Either American Indian or Alaska Native
(of race/age group)
Either Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
(of race/age group)

U.S. demographic table, 1935–2023



Average populationLive births[96]DeathsNatural changeCrude birth rate (per 1,000)Crude death rate (per 1,000)[97]Natural change (per 1,000)Crude migration change (per 1,000)Total fertility rate[fn 1][98]

p = provisional data

Current vital statistics



PeriodLive birthsDeathsNatural increase
January to May 20231,447,8371,310,082+137,755
January to May 20241,462,3051,291,090+171,215
DifferenceIncrease +14,468 (+0.999%)Positive decrease -18,992 (-1.449%)Increase +33,460

All current numbers in this section are provisional and may change through future updates. For more information, please see the reference link (CDC WONDER).

U.S. projected population table


The United States Census Bureau's 2017 projections were produced using the cohort-component method. In the cohort-component method, the components of population change (fertility, mortality, and net migration) are projected separately for each birth cohort (persons born in a given year). The base population is advanced each year by using projected survival rates and net international migration. Each year, a new birth cohort is added to the population by applying the projected fertility rates to the female population.

Observed and Total Population for the States, 2030-2040[112]
StatesTotal Population
District of Columbia888,8911,058,820
New Hampshire1,385,7991,393,451
New Jersey9,363,3179,470,012
New Mexico2,132,8232,127,318
New York20,638,06620,873,488
North Carolina11,673,84912,658,927
North Dakota923,4521,060,457
Rhode Island1,068,6631,055,318
South Carolina5,792,2476,352,502
South Dakota973,3611,043,032
West Virginia1,746,5771,661,849
US population projections (resident population as of July 1 & numbers in thousands)[113]

Since 1790

Historical population
Sources: United States Census Bureau[114][115][116][117]
2020 data (as of population clock)[14]
Note that the census numbers do not
include American natives before 1860.

In 1900, when the U.S. population was 76 million, there were 66.8 million white Americans in the United States, representing 88% of the total population,[118] 8.8 million Black Americans, with about 90% of them still living in Southern states,[119] and slightly more than 500,000 Hispanics.[120]

Under the law, the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965,[121] the number of first-generation immigrants living in the United States has increased,[122] from 9.6 million in 1970 to about 38 million in 2007.[123] Around a million people legally immigrated to the United States per year in the 1990s, up from 250,000 per year in the 1950s.[124]

In 1900, non-Hispanic whites comprised almost 97% of the population of the 10 largest U.S. cities.[125] The Census Bureau reported that minorities (including Hispanic whites) made up 50.4% of the children born in the U.S. between July 2010 and July 2011,[126] compared to 37% in 1990.[127]

In 2014, the state with the lowest fertility rate was Rhode Island, with a rate of 1.56, while Utah had the greatest rate with a rate of 2.33.[63] This correlates with the ages of the states' populations: Rhode Island has the ninth-oldest median age in the US – 39.2 – while Utah has the youngest – 29.0.[128]

In 2017, the U.S. birth rate remains well below the replacement level needed – at least 2.1 children per woman so as not to experience population decreases – as white American births fell in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Among non-Hispanic white women, no states had a fertility rate above the replacement level. Among non-Hispanic Black women, 12 states reached above the replacement level needed. Among Hispanic women, 29 states did.[129] For non-Hispanic white women, the highest total fertility rate was in Utah, at 2.099, and the lowest in the District of Columbia, at 1.012. Among non-Hispanic Black women, the highest total fertility rate was in Maine, at 4.003, and the lowest in Wyoming, at 1.146. For Hispanic women, the highest total fertility rate was in Alabama, at 3.085, and the lowest in Vermont, at 1.200, and Maine, at 1.281.[129][130] Due to the aging and low birth rates among white people, deaths now outnumber births among white people (non-Hispanic) in more than half the states in the country.[131]

In 2018, U.S. births fell to the lowest level in 32 years.[132]

Median age of the population


Median age of the U.S. population through history. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Census, United States Census Bureau and The World Factbook.[98][133]

Median age of the total population16.717.217.818.919.420.220.922.022.9
Median age of males16.617.217.919.219.820.221.222.323.3
Median age of females16.817.317.818.619.120.120.721.622.4
Median age of the total population24.125.326.529.030.229.628.130.032.935.337.238.238.8
Median age of males24.625.826.729.129.928.726.828.831.734.035.836.937.7
Median age of females23.524.725.229.030.530.429.831.234.136.538.539.539.8

Vital statistics

States in the US shown with population change 2010 to 2020 census[134]
  -2.00% or less
  -0.01% to -1.99%
  0% to 0.99%
  1% to 2.49%
  2.5% to 4.99%
  5% to 8.99%
  9% to 11.99%
  12% or more
One person households in the US over time

The U.S. total fertility rate as of 2020 is 1.641[42]


(Note that ≈95% of Hispanics are included as "white Hispanics" by CDC, which does not recognize the Census's "Some other race" category and counts people in that category as white.)

Source: National Vital statistics report based on 2010 US Census data[135]

Total Fertility Rates from 1800 to 2020


The total fertility rate is the number of children born per woman. Sources: Ansley J. Coale, Zelnik and National Center for Health Statistics.[136]

Total Fertility Rate in the United States7.
Total Fertility Rate in the United States3.

Life expectancy at birth from 1901 to 2015


Life expectancy in the United States from 1901 to 2015. Source: Our World In Data and the United Nations.


Life expectancy in the United States49.350.550.649.650.350.250.151.952.851.8
Life expectancy in the United States53.454.153.554.655.
Life expectancy in the United States58.258.157.558.558.557.959.458.358.559.6
Life expectancy in the United States60.361.060.960.260.960.461.162.463.163.2
Life expectancy in the United States63.864.664.365.165.666.366.767.367.668.1


PeriodLife expectancy
in Years
1901–190949.3 – 52.8
1910–191953.5 – 55.3[138]
1920–192955.4 – 59.4
1930–193960.2 – 63.1
1940–194963.8 – 67.6

Source: UN World Population Prospects[139]

Percent distribution of the total population by age: 1900 to 2015

Population pyramid of United States in 1950

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce, United Nations medium variant projections.[140][141]

0–14 years34.532.131.829.425.026.931.128.522.621.521.420.219.8
15–24 years19.619.717.718.318.214.713.417.418.814.813.9
25–44 years28.129.229.629.530.
45–64 years13.714.616.117.519.820.320.120.619.618.622.0
65 years and over4.
Total (%)10010010010010010010010010010010033.234.1

Population centers


The United States has dozens of major cities, including 31 "global cities"[142] of all types, with 10 in the "alpha" group of global cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Boston, San Francisco, Miami, Philadelphia, Dallas, and Atlanta.[143] As of 2021, the United States had 56 metropolitan areas with 1 million or more inhabitants. (The U.S. Census Bureau ranked Urban Honolulu as the 56th most populous area, with just over 1 million residents. See Table of United States Metropolitan Statistical Areas.)

As of 2011, about 250 million Americans live in or around urban areas. That means more than three-quarters of the U.S. population shares just about three percent of the U.S. land area.[144]

The following table shows the populations of the top twenty metropolitan areas.

Largest metropolitan areas in the United States
New York
New York
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
1New YorkNortheast19,498,24911BostonNortheast4,919,179Chicago
Dallas–Fort Worth
Dallas–Fort Worth
2Los AngelesWest12,799,10012Riverside–San BernardinoWest4,688,053
3ChicagoMidwest9,262,82513San FranciscoWest4,566,961
4Dallas–Fort WorthSouth8,100,03714DetroitMidwest4,342,304
6AtlantaSouth6,307,26116Minneapolis–Saint PaulMidwest3,712,020
7Washington, D.C.South6,304,97517Tampa–St. PetersburgSouth3,342,963
8PhiladelphiaNortheast6,246,16018San DiegoWest3,269,973

Race and ethnicity


Hispanics and Non-Hispanics in the United States (2020 census)[7]

  Non-Hispanic Americans (81.27%)
  Hispanic Americans (18.73%)
United States of America – Racial and Ethnic Composition
(NH = Non-Hispanic)
Note: the US Census treats Hispanic/Latino as an ethnic category. This table excludes Latinos from the racial categories and assigns them to a separate category. Hispanics/Latinos may be of any race.
Race / EthnicityPop 2000[146]Pop 2010[147]Pop 2020[148]% 2000% 2010% 2020
White alone (NH)194,552,774196,817,552191,697,64769.13%63.75%57.84%
Black or African American alone (NH)33,947,83737,685,84839,940,33812.06%12.21%12.05%
Native American or Alaska Native alone (NH)2,068,8832,247,0982,251,6990.74%0.73%0.68%
Asian alone (NH)10,123,16914,465,12419,618,7193.60%4.69%5.92%
Pacific Islander alone (NH)353,509481,576622,0180.13%0.16%0.19%
Some Other Race alone (NH)467,770604,2651,689,8330.17%0.20%0.51%
Mixed Race/Multi-Racial (NH)4,602,1465,966,48113,548,9831.64%1.93%4.09%
Hispanic or Latino (any race)35,305,81850,477,59462,080,04412.55%16.35%18.73%
Hispanic and Non-Hispanic racial groups (2020 census)

Racial Non-Hispanic groups in the United States (2020 census)[7]

  White (71.16%)
  African (14.83%)
  Asian (7.28%)
  Multiracial (5.03%)
  Native (0.84%)
  Islander (0.23%)
  Others (0.63%)
Non-Hispanic Americans in 2020 (Anglo America)
YearPopulation% of
% of
the USA
Percent Change
White (alone)191,697,64771.16%57.83%Decrease -2.6%
African (alone)39,940,33814.83%12.05%Increase 6.0%
Asian (alone)19,618,7197.28%5.92%Increase 35.6%
Multiracial13,548,9835.03%4.09%Increase 127.1%
Native (alone)2,251,6990.84%0.67%Increase 0.2%
Pacific Islander (alone)622,0180.23%0.19%Increase 29.2%
Some Other Race (alone)1,689,8330.63%0.51%Increase 179.7%
Source: 2020 United States census[7]

Racial Hispanic groups in the United States (2020 census)[7]

  Multiracial (32.70%)
  White (20.26%)
  Native (2.38%)
  African (1.87%)
  Asian (0.43%)
  Islander (0.11%)
  Others (42.25%)
Hispanic Americans in 2020 (Hispanic America)
YearPopulation% of
% of
the USA
Percent Change
Multiracial20,299,96032.70%6.12%Increase 567.2%
White (alone)12,579,62620.26%3.80%Decrease -52.9%
Native (alone)1,475,4362.38%0.45%Increase 115.3%
African (alone)1,163,8621.87%0.35%Decrease -6.2%
Asian (alone)267,3300.43%0.08%Increase 27.8%
Pacific Islander (alone)67,9480.11%0.02%Increase 16.3%
Some Other Race (alone)26,225,88242.25%7.91%Increase 41.7%
Source: 2020 United States census[7]

Racial and ethnic groups in the United States (2020 census)[149]

  White Americans* (57.8%)
  Hispanic Americans** (18.7%)
  Black Americans* (12.1%)
  Asian Americans* (5.9%)
  Two or more races* (4.1%)
  Native Americans* (0.7%)
  Some other race* (0.5%)


Racial groups in the United States (2020 census) including racial identification of Hispanic[150]

  White Americans (61.6%)
  Black Americans (12.4%)
  Two or more races (10.2%)
  Some other race (8.4%)
  Asian Americans (6.0%)
  Native Americans (1.1%)
U.S. race by Hispanic origin demographics from 1940 to 2020
Ethnic origins in the United States
Ethno-racial makeup of the United States by single year ages from 1990 to 2020
Ethno-racial makeup of the United States by single year ages in 2020
Counties in the United States by percentage of the population which is non-Hispanic or Latino and/or non-white according to the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey 2013–2017 5-Year Estimates.[151] Counties with larger populations of Hispanic/Latino and/or non-white than the United States as a whole are in full purple.
States in the United States by Hispanic/Latino and/or non-white population according to the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey 2013–2017 5-Year Estimates.[151] States with larger Hispanic/Latino and/or non-white populations than the United States as a whole are in full purple.


Population pyramid by race/ethnicity in 2020

The United States Census Bureau collects racial data in accordance with guidelines provided by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and these data are based on self-identification. Many other countries count multiple races based on origin while America compiles multiple dozens of ethnicity groups into skin color grouping them together.[152] The racial classifications and definitions used by the U.S. Census Bureau are:[153]

  • White: a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.[154] It includes people who indicate their race as "White" or report entries such as English, Iranian (Azerbaijani, Kurd and Lur), Irish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Lebanese, Arab, Moroccan, or Caucasian.
  • Black or African American: a person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.[154] It includes people who indicate their race as "Black, African Am." or report entries such as African American, Kenyan, Nigerian, or Haitian.
  • American Indian or Alaska Native: a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.[154] This category includes people who indicate their race as "American Indian or Alaska Native" or report entries such as Navajo, Blackfeet, Inupiat, Yup'ik, Central American Indian groups, or South American Indian groups.
  • Asian: a person having origins in any of the original peoples of East Asia, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.[154]
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.[154]
  • Some other race: includes all other responses not included in the "White", "Black or African American", "American Indian or Alaska Native", "Asian", and "Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander" racial categories described above includes Asians from West Asia or Russia (non-European Russia) and White Africans
  • Two or more races: people may choose to provide two or more races either by checking two or more race response check boxes, providing multiple responses, or some combination of check boxes and other responses.

Data about race and ethnicity are self-reported to the Census Bureau. Since the 2000 census, Congress has authorized people to identify themselves according to more than one racial classification by selecting more than one category. Only one ethnicity may be selected, however, because the Census Bureau recognizes only two ethnicities – "Hispanic or Latino" and "Not Hispanic or Latino" – which are mutually exclusive since you can be one or the other, but not both. The singular term Hispanic has been supplanted as a federally-recognized ethnicity by the combined "Hispanic or Latino," defined by the Census Bureau as a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.[155]

According to the Census Bureau website, the racial composition of the United States in 2021 was:[156]

Race (2021)PopulationShare of population
(Non-Hispanic) White, percent187,925,10058.2%
Black or African American, percent37,520,80011.6%
Hispanic or Latino, percent61,241,90019.0%
Asian, percent18,558,6005.7%
American Indian and Alaska Native, percent1,667,1000.5%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander541,2000.2%
Two or more Races, percent15,711,1004.9%

According to the 2022 American Community Survey, the racial composition of the United States in 2022 was:[157][158]

RacePopulation (2022 est.)Share of total
One race291,505,26287.5%
  Black or African American40,603,65612.2%
  American Indian and Alaska Native3,205,3311%
  Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander665,8070.2%
  Other races24,444,4827.3%
Two or more races41,782,28812.5%
  White and Black or African American3,831,6831.1%
  White and American Indian and Alaska Native3,012,8490.9%
  White and Asian2,865,5040.9%
  Black or African American and American Indian and Alaska Native464,6790.1%
  White and Some Other Race26,317,2367.9%
  Hispanic or Latino (of any race)63,553,64019.1%
  Central American6,531,2672%
  Puerto Rican5,905,1781.8%
  South American4,666,9701.4%
  Other Hispanic or Latino4,203,0951.3%
  Not Hispanic or Latino269,733,92080.9%
  White (non-Hispanic)192,153,07057.7%
  Black or African American (non-Hispanic)39,582,96011.9%
  American Indian and Alaska Native (non-Hispanic)1,750,4890.5%
  Asian (non-Hispanic)19,415,2525.8%
  Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander (non-Hispanic)590,3390.2%
  Some other race (non-Hispanic)1,912,6800.6%
  Two or more races14,329,1274.3%
Distribution of Total Population by Race, 1900 to 2020 (in %)

Hispanic are shown like part of the races. Source: U.S. Census Bureau.[140][133]

Black or African American11.610.
American Indian and Alaska Native0.
Asian and Native Hawaiian
and other Pacific Islander
Some other race3.
Two or more races2.42.910.2
Sum (%)99.599.699.699.599.699.599.198.6100100100100100

*Data are shown for the White, Black or African American, American Indian and Alaska Native, Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, and Some other race alone populations.

Median age by each race alone & ethnicity, 2021

Source: United States Census Bureau.[159]

RaceMedian age (both sexes) (years)Median age (male) (years)Median age (female) (years)
Total Population38.837.739.8
White (Non-Hispanic)43.842.645.0
Black or African American34.532.936.1
American Indian and Alaska Native32.131.832.5
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander32.732.532.9
Two or More Races21.120.421.8
Hispanic alone30.530.230.8
Not Hispanic41.039.842.1
Median age by race alone or in combination & ethnicity, 2021

Source: United States Census Bureau.[159]

RaceMedian age (both sexes) (years)Median age (male) (years)Median age (female) (years)
Black or African American32.731.234.2
American Indian and Alaska Native31.630.932.2
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander29.829.330.3
White (Non-Hispanic)42.841.744.0
Most common age by race/ethnicity, 2018[160]
Race/ethnicityWhiteBlack or
African American
HispanicAsianAmerican Indian and
Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian and
Pacific Islander
Most common age58 yo27 yo11 yo29 yo26 yo28 yo3 yo
Racial breakdown of population by state (plus D.C. and Puerto Rico), 2015[161]
State or territoryPopulation

(2015 est.)

WhiteBlack or

African American

American Indian

and Alaska Native

AsianNative Hawaiian and

Other Pacific Islander

Some other raceTwo or more races
District of Columbia647,48440.2%48.9%0.3%3.7%0.0%4.2%2.7%
New Hampshire1,324,20193.7%1.3%0.2%2.4%0.0%0.5%1.8%
New Jersey8,904,41368.3%13.5%0.2%9.0%0.0%6.4%2.5%
New Mexico2,084,11773.2%2.1%9.1%1.4%0.1%10.9%3.3%
New York19,673,17464.6%15.6%0.4%8.0%0.0%8.6%2.9%
North Carolina9,845,33369.5%21.5%1.2%2.5%0.1%3.0%2.4%
North Dakota721,64088.7%1.6%5.3%1.2%0.0%0.8%2.2%
Puerto Rico3,583,07369.7%8.4%0.3%0.3%0.0%12.0%9.3%
Rhode Island1,053,66181.1%6.5%0.5%3.2%0.0%5.8%2.8%
South Carolina4,777,57667.2%27.5%0.3%1.4%0.1%1.5%2.0%
South Dakota843,19085.0%1.6%8.6%1.2%0.0%0.9%2.6%
West Virginia1,851,42093.6%3.3%0.2%0.7%0.0%0.2%2.0%
Racial and Ethnic breakdown of population by state (plus D.C. and Puerto Rico), 2022[162]
State or territoryPopulation
(2022 est.)
White (Non Hispanic)Black or
African American (Non Hispanic)
American Indian
and Alaska Native (Non Hispanic)
Asian (Non Hispanic)Native Hawaiian and
Other Pacific Islander (Non Hispanic)
Some other race (Non Hispanic)Two or more races (Non Hispanic)Hispanic or Latino
District of Columbia671,80336.7%41.7%0.2%4.1%0.1%0.6%5.0%11.7%
New Hampshire1,395,23186.6%1.3%0.1%2.6%0.1%0.5%4.4%4.5%
New Jersey9,261,69951.5%12.0%0.1%10.0%0.0%1.0%3.6%21.9%
New Mexico2,113,34434.8%1.7%8.1%1.7%0.0%0.4%3.1%50.2%
New York19,677,15252.9%13.4%0.2%9.0%0.0%1.1%3.7%19.7%
North Carolina10,698,97360.7%20.1%0.9%3.2%0.1%0.5%4.1%10.4%
North Dakota779,26182.0%3.3%4.3%1.6%0.4%0.4%3.7%4.4%
Puerto Rico3,221,7890.6%0.1%0.0%0.1%0%0.1%0.1%99.0%
Rhode Island1,093,73468.2%4.7%0.1%3.4%0.0%0.9%5.2%17.6%
South Carolina5,282,63462.5%24.9%0.2%1.7%0.0%0.6%3.6%6.5%
South Dakota909,82479.9%2.0%7.1%1.4%0.1%0.3%4.5%4.7%
West Virginia1,775,15689.8%3.3%0.1%0.7%0.0%0.3%3.8%1.9%
Racial breakdown of population in the Insular Areas, 2010[163][164][165][166]
(2010 est.)
WhiteBlack or
African American
American Indian
and Alaska Native
AsianNative Hawaiian and
Other Pacific Islander
Some other raceTwo or more races
American Samoa55,5190.9%0.0%3.6%92.6%0.1%2.7%
Northern Mariana Islands53,8832.1%0.1%49.9%34.9%0.2%12.7%
U.S. Virgin Islands106,40515.6%76.0%1.4%0.0%4.9%2.1%
U.S. Births by race/ethnicity in 2018[132]
YearWhite AloneBlack AloneHispanicNative American AloneAsian AlonePacific Islander Alone
Percentage distribution of the U.S. resident population 5 to 17 years old, by race/ethnicity: 2000 and 2017[167]
YearWhiteBlack or
African American
HispanicAsianPacific IslanderAmerican Indian
Alaska Native
Two or more races
Percentage distribution of the U.S. resident population 18 to 24 years old, by race/ethnicity: 2000 and 2017[167]
YearWhiteBlack or
African American
HispanicAsianPacific IslanderAmerican Indian
Alaska Native
Two or more races
Percentage of population between non-Hispanic whites and Minority by age group, 2013[168]
Age group85+80–8475–7970–7465–6960–6455–5950–5445–4940–4435–3930–3425–2920–2415–1910–145–9<5
non-Hispanic white83%81%79%78%77%74%72%69%65%61%58%57%57%56%55%54%52%50%

Hispanic or Latino origin

CensusViewer US 2010 Census Latino Population as a heatmap by census tract

The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) defines "Hispanic or Latino" as a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Dominican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race. People who identify with the terms "Hispanic" or "Latino" are those who classify themselves in one of the specific Hispanic or Latino categories listed on the decennial census questionnaire and various Census Bureau survey questionnaires – "Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano" or "Puerto Rican" or "Cuban" – as well as those who indicate that they are "another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin."[169] People who identify their origin as Hispanic or Latino may be of any race.[153]

Hispanic or Latino and RacePopulation (2022 est.)Percentage of total
United States population333,287,550100%
Hispanic or Latino (of any race)63,553,64019.1%
  Black or African American1,020,6950.3%
  American Indian and Alaska Native1,454,8420.4%
  Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander75,4680.0%
  Some other race22,531,8026.8%
  Two or more races27,453,1628.2%
Not Hispanic or Latino269,733,92080.9%
Population distribution by Hispanic origin 1970–2020 (in %)

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, decennial census of population, 1970 (5-percentsample), 1980 to 2020.[133]

Not Hispanic or Latino95.593.691.087.583.781.3
Hispanic or Latino4.
Total (%)100100100100100100
Median age of each race alone, 2021 (Hispanic)

Source: United States Census Bureau.[159]

RaceMedian age (both sex) (years)Median age (male) (years)Median age (female) (years)
Total (Hispanic)30.530.230.8
Black or African American27.126.128.2
American Indian and Alaska Native28.429.027.8
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander27.828.327.2
Two or More Races21.521.122.0
Median age of each race alone or in combination, 2021 (Hispanic)

Source: United States Census Bureau.[159]

RaceMedian age (both sex) (years)Median age (male) (years)Median age (female) (years)
Black or African American25.324.326.3
American Indian and Alaska Native27.627.827.3
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander24.824.924.7

Note: Hispanic origin is considered an ethnicity, not a race. Hispanics may be of any race.

Indigenous peoples


As of 2020, there are 9,666,058 people identifying as American Indian and Alaska Native people in the United States, including those identifying with more than one race,[170] representing around 3% of the U.S. population. This number includes not only groups indigenous to the United States, but any Indigenous people of the Americas,[171] including Mesoamerican peoples such as the Maya, as well as Canadian and South American natives. In 2022, 634,503 Indigenous people in the United States identified with Central American Indigenous groups, 875,183 identified with the Indigenous people of Mexico, and 47,518 identified with Canadian First Nations.[172] Of the 3.2 million Americans who identified as American Indian or Alaska Native alone in 2022, around 45% were of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity,[173][174] with this number growing as increasing numbers of Indigenous people from Latin American countries immigrate to the US and more Latinos self-identify with indigenous heritage. Of groups Indigenous to the contiguous United States, the largest self-reported tribes are Cherokee (1,449,888), Navajo (434,910), Choctaw (295,373), ( Blackfeet (288,255), and Sioux (220,739). Additionally, 205,954 identify with an Alaska Native tribe. There are 573 federally recognized tribal governments[175] in the United States.[176]

The US Census Bureau classifies Native Hawaiians separately from American Indians and Alaska Natives, grouping them with Pacific Islanders instead. According to 2022 estimates, 714,847 Americans identified with Native Hawaiian ancestry.[177]

Other groups


There were 16.1 million veterans in 2022,[178] with only 6.2% of Americans having served in the Armed Forces.[179]

In 2010, The Washington Post estimated that there were 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country.[180] As of 2017, Pew Research reported that there an estimated 10.5 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S.[181]

In 2022, an estimated 1,849,176 adults were imprisoned in the US.[182]


U.S. Census Population projections (2023)[183]
White Americans175.5%72.3%
> Non-Hispanic Whites58.9%44.9%
Black Americans113.6%14.8%
Asian Americans16.3%9.4%
Multiracial Americans13.0%6.1%
Native Americans11.3%1.4%
Pacific Islanders10.3%0.4%
Hispanics/Latinos (of any race)19.1%26.9%
1 Including Hispanics

A report by the U.S. Census Bureau projects a decrease in the ratio of non-Hispanic Whites between 2023 and 2060, a decline from 58.9% of the population to 44.9%. Non-Hispanic Whites are projected to no longer make up a majority of the population by 2050, but will remain the largest single ethnic group. Non-Hispanic whites made up 85% of the population in 1960.[184]

While non-Hispanic whites are projected to become a minority, the total White population (including Hispanics), will remain a majority from 2023 to 2060, falling from 75.5% to 72.3% of the population who are white alone according to the projections.[185] However, these projections are not directly comparable to other Census Bureau data, as they are based on a modified race dataset,[186] which does not include the "some other race" category used in census surveys.[187] Individuals identifying as “some other race” alone or in combination made up 16.2% of the population in 2022,[188] and they are reclassified into recognized race categories in the dataset used for the projections.[189] As a result, there is a significant discrepancy between the share of the white alone population in 2023 according to the projections (75.5%), and the estimated share of white alone (60.9%), as reported by the American Community Survey in 2022.[190]

The report foresees the Hispanic or Latino population rising from 19.1% today to 26.9% by 2060, the Black percentage barely rising from 13.6% to 14.8%, and Asian Americans upping their 6.3% share to 9.4%. The United States had a population of 333 million people in July 2023, and is projected to reach 355  million by 2040 and 364 million in 2060.[191][192][193][194][195] It is further projected that all of the increase in population from 2023 to 2060 will be due to immigrants.

Of the nation's children in 2060, 64% are expected to be of a minority ethnicity, up from 51% today. Approximately 32% are projected to be Hispanic or Latino (up from 26% in 2023), and 36% are projected to be single-race, non-Hispanic Whites (down from 49% in 2023). Racial and ethnic minorities surpassed non-Hispanic whites as the largest group of U.S. children under 5 years old in 2015.[196]

The fastest growing racial group in America is Asian Americans with a growth rate of 35%, however the multi-racial mixed Asian group is growing even faster, with a growth rate of 55%. Multi-racial Asians are therefore the fastest growing demographic group in America.[27][26]

In 2020, it was reported that 51.0% of births were to non-Hispanic white mothers.[135] In 2021, the percentage increased to 51.5%.[135][197] However, by 2022 the rate of births to white mothers had declined by 3%, dropping to 50% of all total births. In the same period, the rate of births to Asian and Hispanic women increased by 2% and 6%, respectively.[29][28]

Pew Research Center projections

The United Nations projects a population of just over 400 million in 2060.[198]

Pew Research Center projections (2008)[199]
White Americans85%67%47%
Hispanic Americans3.5%14%29%
Black Americans11%13%14%
Asian Americans0.6%5%9%
Note: All races modified and not Hispanic; American Indian/Alaska Native not shown.

The country's racial profile will be vastly different, and although whites will remain the single largest ethnic group in the U.S., they will no longer be a majority excluding White Hispanics by 2055 according to Pew Research Center. Growth in the Hispanic and Asian populations is predicted to almost triple over the next 40 years. By 2055, the breakdown is estimated to be 48% non-Hispanic white, 24% Hispanic, 16% Black, and 14% Asian.[198]

As of 2015, 14% of the United States' population is foreign born, compared to just 5% in 1965. Nearly 39 million immigrants have come to the U.S. since 1965, with most coming from Asia and Latin America. The 2015 Census Report predicts that the percentage of the U.S. population that is foreign-born will continue to increase, reaching 19% by 2060. This increase in the foreign-born population will account for a large share of the overall population growth.[198]

The average person in the U.S. of 2060 is likely to be older than the average person of 2018 today, and almost one in four people will be 65 or older.[198]

U.S. Census Census Bureau projections

Percent minority 1970–2042 (2008 projections)
Percent minority (%)16.520.424.430.936.339.944.549.250.1

Note: "Minority" refers to people who reported their ethnicity and race as something other than non-Hispanic White alone in the decennial census.

Total US population
YearProjection (Census Bureau)[192]


Projection (UN)[200]


Actual result

Self-Reported Ancestry

Most common ancestry group in the United States by county

This table displays all self-reported ancestries with over 50,000 members, alone or in combination, according to estimates from the 2022 American Community Survey. The total population of the US according to the survey was 333,287,550, and 251,732,240 people reported an ancestry. Of these, 175,054,020 reported a single ancestry, and 76,678,224 reported two or more ancestries.[201] Hispanic groups are not distinguished between total and partial ancestry:

Ancestry[202][203][204][205]Number in 2022 (Alone)[206]Number as of 2022 (Alone or in any combination)% Total
Black or African American

(Including Afro-Caribbean &Sub-Saharan African)


(Mostly old-stock white Americans of British descent)


(Not including French Canadian)

Puerto Rican5,905,1781.8%

(Not including Taiwanese)

Broadly "European"

(No country specified)

Indigenous American

(No tribe specified)

Other Hispanic or Latino

(Including Hispano, Californio,Tejano, Isleño, and unspecifiedHispanic origins)


(Including Lebanese (583,719), Egyptian (334,574), Syrian (203,282), Palestinian (171,969), Iraqi (164,851), Moroccan (140,196), and all other Arab ancestries)


(Including responses of "Spaniard," "Spanish," and "Spanish American." Many Hispanos of New Mexico identify as Spanish/Spaniard)

Broadly “African

(Not further specified)

French Canadian694,0891,626,4560.5%
Broadly “British

(Not further specified)

Broadly "Eastern European"

(Not further specified)

Broadly "Scandinavian"

(Not further specified)

Indigenous Mexican548,717875,1830.3%
Native Hawaiian185,466714,8470.2%
Indigenous Central American

(Mayan, etc)

Broadly "Asian"

(Not further specified)

Other Sub-Saharan African

All Sub-Saharan African origins other those already listed + Ugandan (35,849), Senegalese (31,462), and Zimbabwean (17,991)

Broadly "Northern European"

(No country specified)

Central Asian

Not including Kazakh (21,913) or Uzbek (52,304)

Other Pacific Islander

(Pacific Islander origin without a specified Melanesian, Polynesian, or Micronesian group)

Broadly "West Indian"

(No country specified)

Pennsylvania German155,563228,6340.07%

(Not further specified)

Alaska Native

(Including all tribes)


(Not further specified)

Costa Rican186,1590.06%

(10,194 additionally reported their ancestry as "Guamanian" alone, and 25,888 reported "Guamanian" alone or in combination)

Broadly "Slavic"

(No country specified)

"British West Indian"

(No country/territory specified)

Cape Verdean71,306104,7100.03%
South African64,89098,3090.03%
Indigenous South American28,81391,5080.03%
Other Micronesian

(All Micronesian groups otherthan Chamorro/Guamanian, Chuukese (12,567), or Marshallese)

Sri Lankan58,21075,8080.02%



Religious affiliations


Religion in the United States (2023)[207]

  Protestantism (41%)
  Catholicism (18%)
  Unaffiliated (31%)
  Jewish (2%)
  Muslim (1%)
  Buddhist (1%)
  Hindu (1%)

The table below is based mainly on selected data as reported to the United States Census Bureau. It only includes the voluntary self-reported membership of religious bodies with 750,000 or more. The definition of a member is determined by each religious body.[208] In 2004, the US census bureau reported that about 13% of the population did not identify themselves as a member of any religion.[209][clarification needed]

In a Pew Research Survey performed in 2012, Americans without a religion (atheists, agnostics, nothing in particular, etc.) approached the numbers of Evangelical Protestant Americans with almost 20% of Americans being nonreligious (compared to just over 26% being Evangelical Protestant). If this current growth rate continues, by 2050, around 51% of Americans will not have a religion.[210]

Surveys conducted in 2014 and 2019 by Pew indicated that the percentage of Americans unaffiliated with a religion increased from 16% in 2007 to 23% in 2014 and 26% of the population in 2019.[211][212]

According to statistical data made by the Pew Research Center in 2021 about 63% of the US population is Christian, 28% is Unaffiliated, 2% is Jewish, 1% follows Buddhism, 1% follows Hinduism, 1% follows Islam and 2% follow traditional religions and others. Currently, the United States has the largest Christian population in the world (approximately 230-250 million) and the largest Protestant Christian population (approximately 150-160 million). The country also has the second largest Jewish community in the world (after Israel) and the largest Buddhist and Hindu communities in the West, as well as the largest number of followers of Islam in North America. The country has about 64 million non-affiliates (only China and Japan have more).[citation needed][213]

Religious bodyYear
Places of
African Methodist Episcopal Church1999no data2,5007,741
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church20023,2261,4313,252
American Baptist Association20091,600[214]100[214]1,740
Amish, Old Order19938982273,592
American Baptist Churches USA20175,0571,146[215]4,145
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America199822065263
Armenian Apostolic Church20101531,000200
Armenian Catholic Church201036
Assemblies of God201813,017[216]1,857[216]38,199[216]
Baptist Bible Fellowship International20104,000[217]1,100[217]4,190[217]
Baptist General Conference1998876141no data
Baptist Missionary Association of America20101,272[218]138[218]1,525
Buddhism2001no data1,082no data
Christian and Missionary Alliance, The19981,9643461,629
Christian Brethren (Plymouth Brethren)19971,150100no data
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)20183,624382[219]2,066
Christian churches and churches of Christ19985,5791,0725,525
Christian Congregation, Inc., The19981,4381171,436
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church19832,340719no data
Christian Reformed Church in North America1998733199655
Church of God in Christ199115,3005,50028,988
Church of God of Prophecy19971,908772,000
Church of God (Anderson, IN)19982,3532343,034
Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee)19956,0607533,121
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints201414,0186,46638,259
Church of the Brethren2019978[220]99[220]827
Church of the Nazarene19985,1016274,598
Churches of Christ201911,989[221]1,116[221]14,500
Conservative Baptist Association of America19981,200200no data
Community of Christ19981,23614019,319
Coptic Orthodox Church20032001,000200
Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians2012383130500
Cumberland Presbyterian Church199877487630
Episcopal Church20186,423[222]1,676[222]8,131
Evangelical Covenant Church, The199862897607
Evangelical Free Church of America, The19951,2242431,936
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America20189,091[223]3,363[223]9,646
Evangelical Presbyterian Church1998187145[224]262
Free Methodist Church of North America199899073no data
Full Gospel Fellowship19998962752,070
General Association of General Baptists1997790721,085
General Association of Regular Baptist Churches19981,415102no data
U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches199636882590
Grace Gospel Fellowship199212860160
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America2006560[225]1,500[225]840[225]
Hinduism2001no data766no data
Independent Fundamental Churches of America199965962no data
International Church of the Foursquare Gospel19981,8512384,900
International Council of Community Churches1998150250182
International Pentecostal Holiness Church19981,7161771507
Islam2011no data2,600no data
Jainismno datano data50no data
Jehovah's Witnesses201413,8711,243no data
Judaism20063,7276,588no data
Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, The20176,046[226]1,969[226]6,055[226]
Macedonian Orthodox Church – Ohrid Archbishopric20101950no data
Mennonite Church USA2005943114no data
National Association of Congregational Christian Churches199841667534
National Association of Free Will Baptists20072,369[227]186[227]3,915[227]
National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.19872,5003,5008,000
National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.199233,0008,20032,832
National Missionary Baptist Convention of America2004300[228]400[228]no data
Orthodox Church in America2010750[229]131[229]970[229]
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc.19981,7501,5004,500
Pentecostal Church of God19981,237104no data
Pentecostal Church International, United200828,3514,03722,881
Presbyterian Church in America19971,340385[230]1,642
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)20189,161[231]1,245[232]19,243[231]
Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.20171,200[228]1,500[228]no data
Reformed Church in America2018902200[233]915
Religious Society of Friends19941,200104no data
Roman Catholic Church200219,48466,40450,017 (1997)[234]
Romanian Orthodox Episcopate1996376537
Salvation Army, The19981,3884712,920
Serbian Orthodox Church1986686760
Seventh-day Adventist Church19984,4058402,454
Sikhism199924480no data
Southern Baptist Convention201947,530[236]14,525[236]71,520
Unitarian Universalism2001no data629no data
United Church of Christ20165,0008805,868
United House of Prayer for All Peopleno data10025no data
United Methodist Church, The201836,1706,672[237]no data
Wesleyan Church, The19981,5901201,806
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod20181,281[238]359[238]1,222
Zoroastrianism2006no data11no data

According to Pew Research Center study released in 2018, by 2040, Islam will surpass Judaism to become the second largest religion in the US due to higher immigration and birth rates.[239]

Religions of U.S. adults


The United States government does not collect religious data in its census. The survey below, the American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS) 2008, was a random digit-dialed telephone survey of 54,461 American residential households in the contiguous United States. The 1990 sample size was 113,723; 2001 sample size was 50,281.

Adult respondents were asked the open-ended question, "What is your religion, if any?". Interviewers did not prompt or offer a suggested list of potential answers. The religion of the spouse or partner was also asked. If the initial answer was "Protestant" or "Christian" further questions were asked to probe which particular denomination. About one-third of the sample was asked more detailed demographic questions.

Religious Self-Identification of the U.S. Adult Population: 1990, 2001, 2008[240]
Figures are not adjusted for refusals to reply; investigators suspect refusals are possibly more representative of "no religion" than any other group.

Source:ARIS 2008[240]
× 1,000
× 1,000
× 1,000

as %
of 1990
% of
% of
% of
in % of
Adult population, total175,440207,983228,18230.1%
Adult population, Responded171,409196,683216,36726.2%97.7%94.6%94.8%−2.9%
Total Christian151,225159,514173,40214.7%86.2%76.7%76.0%−10.2%
Non-Catholic Christian105,221108,641116,20310.4%60.0%52.2%50.9%−9.0%
Mainline Protestant32,78435,78829,375−10.4%18.7%17.2%12.9%−5.8%
United Church of Christ4381,37873668.0%0.2%0.7%0.3%0.1%
Christian Generic25,98022,54632,44124.9%14.8%10.8%14.2%−0.6%
Jehovah's Witness1,3811,3311,91438.6%0.8%0.6%0.8%0.1%
Christian Unspecified8,07314,19016,384102.9%4.6%6.8%7.2%2.6%
Non-denominational Christian1942,4898,0324040.2%0.1%1.2%3.5%3.4%
Protestant – Unspecified17,2144,6475,187−69.9%9.8%2.2%2.3%−7.5%
Evangelical/Born Again5461,0882,154294.5%0.3%0.5%0.9%0.6%
Pentecostal – Unspecified3,1164,4075,41673.8%1.8%2.1%2.4%0.6%
Assemblies of God6171,10581031.3%0.4%0.5%0.4%0.0%
Church of God59094366312.4%0.3%0.5%0.3%0.0%
Other Protestant Denomination4,6305,9497,13154.0%2.6%2.9%3.1%0.5%
Seventh-day Adventist66872493840.4%0.4%0.3%0.4%0.0%
Churches of Christ1,7692,5931,9218.6%1.0%1.2%0.8%−0.2%
Mormon/Latter-Day Saints2,4872,6973,15827.0%1.4%1.3%1.4%0.0%
Total non-Christian religions5,8537,7408,79650.3%3.3%3.7%3.9%0.5%
Eastern Religions6872,0201,961185.4%0.4%1.0%0.9%0.5%
New Religious Movements & Others1,2961,7702,804116.4%0.7%0.9%1.2%0.5%
None/ No religion, total14,33129,48134,169138.4%8.2%14.2%15.0%6.8%
Did Not Know/ Refused to reply4,03111,30011,815193.1%2.3%5.4%5.2%2.9%

LGBT population


The 2000 U.S. Census counted same-sex couples in an oblique way; asking the sex and the relationship to the "main householder", whose sex was also asked. Community Marketing & Insights, an organization specializing in analyzing gay demographic data, reported, based on this count in the 2000 census and in the 2000 supplementary survey, that same-sex couples comprised between 1.0% and 1.1% of U.S. couples in 2000.[242] A 2006 report issued by The Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation concluded that the number of same-sex couples in the U.S. grew from 2000 to 2005, from nearly 600,000 couples in 2000 to almost 777,000 in 2005.[243] A 2006 UCLA study reported that 4.1% of Americans aged 18–45 identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual.[244]

A 2011 report by the Williams Institute estimated that nine million adults identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, representing 3.5% of the population over 18.[245] A spokesperson said that, until recently, few studies have tried to distinguish people who had occasionally undertaken homosexual behavior or entertained homosexual thoughts, from people who identified as lesbian or gay.[246] (Older estimates have varied depending on methodology and timing; see Demographics of sexual orientation for a list of studies.)

Foreign-born population


As of 2017, an estimated 44,525,458 residents of the United States were foreign-born,[247] 13.5% of the country's total population. This demographic includes recent as well as longstanding immigrants; statistically Europeans have resided in the US longer than those from other regions with approximately 66% having arrived prior to 2000.[248]

Place of birth of the foreign-born population in the United States, 2017[247]
Place of birthEstimatePercentage of total foreign-born people
> Cuba1,311,8033.0%
> Dominican Republic1,162,5682.6%
Central America (including Mexico)14,796,92633.2%
> Mexico11,269,91325.3%
> El Salvador1,401,8323.2%
South America3,213,1877.2%
Northern Europe941,7962.1%
Western Europe949,5912.1%
Southern Europe761,3901.7%
Eastern Europe2,153,8554.8%
Eastern Asia4,267,3039.6%
> China2,639,3655.9%
> Korea1,064,9602.4%
South Central Asia4,113,0139.2%
> India2,348,6875.3%
South Eastern Asia4,318,6479.8%
> Philippines1,945,3454.4%
> Vietnam1,314,9273.0%
Western Asia1,159,8352.6%
Eastern Africa693,7841.6%
Middle Africa163,3640.4%
Northern Africa359,5590.8%
Southern Africa116,2970.2%
Western Africa837,2901.9%
Australia and New Zealand Subregion123,0800.3%

Citizens living abroad


As of April 2015, the U.S. State Department estimated that 8.7 million American citizens live overseas. Americans living abroad are not counted in the U.S. Census unless they are federal government employees or dependents of a federal employee.[249] A 2010 paper estimated the number of civilian Americans living abroad to be around 4 million.[250] So-called "accidental Americans" are citizens of a country other than the United States who may also be considered U.S. citizens or be eligible for U.S. citizenship under specific laws but are not aware of having such status (or became aware of it only recently).[251]

As of 2022, 1.6 million U.S. Americans live in Mexico, according to the State Department.[252]





In 2020, the median household income in the United States was around $67,521, 2.9 percent less than the 2019 median of $69,560.[253] Household and personal income depends on variables such as race, number of income earners, educational attainment and marital status.

Median household income by selected characteristics [254]
Type of householdRace and Hispanic originRegion
All householdsFamily
AsianNon-Hispanic WhiteHispanic
(of any race)
Median household income by selected characteristics cont.
Age of HouseholderNativity of HouseholderMetropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) StatusEducational Attainment of Householder*
Under 65 years65 years and olderNative-bornForeign-bornInside MSAOutside MSANo high school diplomaHigh school, no collegeSome collegeBachelor's degree or higher
*Householders aged 25 and older. In 2021, the median household income for this group was $72,046.
Median earnings by work status and sex (Persons, aged 15 years and older with earnings)
Total workersFull-Time, year-round workers
Both sexesMaleFemaleBoth sexesMaleFemale
2020 Median earnings & household income by educational attainment [255] [256]
MeasureOverallLess than 9th gradeSome High SchoolHigh school graduateSome collegeAssociate's degreeBachelor's degree or higherBachelor's degreeMaster's degreeProfessional degreeDoctorate degree
Persons, age 25+ w/ earnings*$46,985$25,162$26,092$34,540$39,362$42,391$66,423$60,705$71,851$102,741$101,526
Male, age 25+ w/ earnings*$52,298$30,089$31,097$40,852$47,706$52,450$80,192$71,666$91,141$126,584$121,956
Female, age 25+ w/ earnings*$40,392$18,588$19,504$27,320$31,837$36,298$57,355$51,154$62,522$92,780$85,551
Persons, age 25+, employed full-time$59,371$33,945$34,897$42,417$50,640$52,285$77,105$71,283$82,183$130,466$119,552
*Total work experience
Household income distribution
10th percentile20th percentile30th percentile40th percentile50th percentile60th percentile70th percentile80th percentile90th percentile95th percentile
≤ $15,700≤ $28,000≤ $40,500≤ $55,000$70,800≤ $89,700≤ $113,200≤ $149,100≤ $212,100≤ $286,300
Source: US Census Bureau, 2021; income statistics for the year 2021

Экономический класс

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Социальные классы в Соединенных Штатах не имеют четких границ и могут пересекаться. Даже их существование (в отличие от экономических слоев) является спорным. В следующей таблице представлено краткое изложение некоторых известных академических теорий о стратификации американского общества:

Модели академического класса
Деннис Гилберт , 2002 г. Уильям Томпсон и Джозеф Хики, 2005 г. Леонард Бигли , 2004 г.
Сорт Типичные характеристики Сорт Типичные характеристики Сорт Типичные характеристики
Капиталистический класс (1%) Руководители высшего уровня, высокопоставленные политики, наследники. Общее образование в Лиге плюща. Высший класс (1%) Руководители высшего уровня, знаменитости, наследники; доход $500,000+ обыкновенный. Общее образование в Лиге плюща. Сверхбогатые (0,9%) Мультимиллионеры, чьи доходы обычно превышают 3,5 миллиона долларов; включает знаменитостей и влиятельных руководителей/политиков. Общее образование в Лиге плюща.
Высший средний класс [1] (15%) Высокообразованные (часто с ученой степенью), чаще всего наемные специалисты и менеджеры среднего звена с большой автономией в работе. Высший средний класс [1] (15%) Высокообразованные (часто с ученой степенью) специалисты и менеджеры с семейным доходом, варьирующимся от пятизначного диапазона до обычно выше 100 000 долларов. Богатые (5%) Домохозяйства с собственным капиталом в 1 миллион долларов и более; в основном в форме собственного капитала. Обычно имеют высшее образование.
Средний класс (множественность/
большинство?; ок. 46%)
Работники с высшим образованием, доходы и оплата которых значительно выше среднего; типичными могут быть мужчина, зарабатывающий 57 000 долларов, и женщина, зарабатывающая 40 000 долларов.
Нижний средний класс (30%) Полупрофессионалы и ремесленники с примерно средним уровнем жизни. Большинство из них имеют высшее образование и являются белыми воротничками. Нижний средний класс (32%) Полупрофессионалы и мастера с некоторой самостоятельностью в работе; Доходы домохозяйств обычно колеблются от 35 000 до 75 000 долларов. Как правило, некоторое высшее образование.
Рабочий класс (30%) Конторские работники и большинство рабочих, чья работа сильно рутинизирована. Уровень жизни варьируется в зависимости от количества получателей дохода, но обычно он вполне достаточен. Среднее школьное образование.
Рабочий класс (32%) Конторские работники, «розовые» и «синие воротнички», зачастую с низкими гарантиями трудоустройства; Общие доходы домохозяйств колеблются от 16 000 до 30 000 долларов. Среднее школьное образование. Рабочий класс
(ок. 40–45%)
Работники синих воротничков и те, чья работа сильно рутинизирована с низкой экономической безопасностью; Типичными могут быть мужчина, зарабатывающий 40 000 долларов, и женщина, зарабатывающая 26 000 долларов. Среднее школьное образование.
Работающие бедные (13%) Служба, низшие служащие и некоторые рабочие. Высокая экономическая незащищенность и риск бедности. Немного среднего образования.
Низший класс (около 14–20%) Те, кто занимает низкооплачиваемые должности или рассчитывает на государственные трансферты. Немного среднего образования.
Низший класс (12%) Лица с ограниченным участием или вообще без участия в рабочей силе. Зависит от государственных трансфертов. Немного среднего образования. Бедные (около 12%) Те, кто живет за чертой бедности и практически не участвует в рабочей силе; Типичным может быть семейный доход в размере 18 000 долларов. Немного среднего образования.
Ссылки: Гилберт, Д. (2002) Классовая структура Америки: в эпоху растущего неравенства . Бельмонт, Калифорния: Уодсворт, ISBN   0534541100 . (см. также Модель Гилберта );
Томпсон В. и Хики Дж. (2005). Общество в фокусе . Бостон, Массачусетс: Пирсон, Аллин и Бэкон; Били, Л. (2004). Структура социальной стратификации в США . Бостон, Массачусетс: Пирсон, Аллин и Бэкон.
1 Высший средний класс также можно назвать «профессиональным классом» (Ehrenreich, B. (1989). Внутренняя жизнь среднего класса . Нью-Йорк, Нью-Йорк: Харпер-Коллинз.

Уровень безработицы (с учетом сезонных колебаний)

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Безработица в США по штатам в декабре 2015 г. (официальный уровень или уровень U3) [259]

По состоянию на июль 2020 г. Уровень безработицы в США составил 10,2 процента (уровень U3).

По состоянию на июль 2019 г. Уровень безработицы в США составил 3,7 процента (уровень U3).

По состоянию на июль 2018 г. Уровень безработицы в США составил 3,7 процента (уровень U3).

По состоянию на июль 2017 г. Уровень безработицы в США составил 4,3 процента (уровень U3). [260]

По состоянию на июль 2016 г. Уровень безработицы в США составил 4,9 процента (уровень U3). [260]

По состоянию на июль 2015 г. Уровень безработицы в США составил 5,3 процента (уровень U3). [261]

По состоянию на июль 2014 г. Уровень безработицы в США составил 6,2 процента (уровень U3). [260]

Уровень безработицы U6 по состоянию на апрель 2017 г. составил 8,6 процента. [262] Уровень безработицы U6 учитывает не только людей, не имеющих работы и ищущих работу на полный рабочий день (более известный уровень U3), но также учитывает «незначительно привязанных работников и тех, кто работает неполный рабочий день по экономическим причинам». Некоторые из этих работников, работающих неполный рабочий день, которые считаются занятыми в U6, могут работать всего час в неделю. А к «маргинально привязанным работникам» относятся те, кто разочаровался и перестал искать, но все равно хочет работать. Возраст, учитываемый при расчете, составляет 16 лет и старше.

У городских американцев больше возможностей трудоустройства, чем у жителей сельских районов. С 2008 по 2018 год 72% роста занятости в стране пришлось на города с населением более миллиона человек, на которые приходится 56% общей численности населения. [263]

Когорты поколений

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Подробное недавнее исследование поколений в США было проведено Шуманом и Скоттом (2012), в ходе которого широкой выборке взрослых всех возрастов был задан вопрос: «Какие мировые события особенно важны для вас?» [264] Они обнаружили, что 33 события упоминались с большой частотой. Когда возраст респондентов был соотнесен с выраженным рейтингом важности, стали очевидными семь (некоторые называют 8 или 9) отдельных когорт.

Сегодня для этих когорт часто используются следующие дескрипторы:

Демографические когорты США по рождению

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Рождаемость, смертность и естественный прирост в США в 1935–2021 гг.

Подразделенные группы присутствуют в годы пикового бума или в годы перевернутого пика спада и могут быть представлены нормальной или перевернутой колоколообразной кривой (а не прямой кривой). Подразделенные когорты бума можно рассматривать как «предпиковые» (включая пиковый год) и «послепиковые». 1957 год стал пиком бэби-бума: родилось 4,3 миллиона человек, а коэффициент рождаемости составил 122,7. Хотя рождаемость после пика (например, среди бумеров на отставании) снижается, что иногда называют «спадом», число по-прежнему относительно рождений велико. К когортам с дефицитом рождаемости относятся те, кто родился до года рождения в долине, а также те, кто включительно и позже, что приводит к последующему нормальному уровню рождаемости. Бэби-бум начался примерно в 1943–1946 годах. [270]

Из-за снижения рождаемости в США, начавшегося в 1958 году, и введения противозачаточных таблеток в 1960 году кривая нормального распределения бэби-бумеров имеет отрицательный сдвиг . Тенденция рождаемости с 1958 по 1961 год имеет тенденцию заканчиваться в конце десятилетия примерно в 1969 году, возвращаясь таким образом к довоенным уровням, с 12 годами роста и 12 годами снижения рождаемости. Такие демографы, как Тойберы, Филип М. Хаузер и Уильям Филдинг Огберн , определили довоенный уровень рождаемости как период между 1939 и 1941 годами. [271]


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В 2021 году 27,1 миллиона американцев заявили, что живут в другом месте, чем годом ранее, по сравнению с 29,8 миллионами в 2020 году. Это отражает уровень переселения 8,4%, самый низкий показатель за более чем 70 лет. [272]


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См. также

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  1. ^ Что касается коэффициента рождаемости, 2,1 и выше представляет собой стабильное население и отмечено синим цветом, 2 и ниже приводят к старению населения, в результате чего численность населения уменьшается.
  1. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Мур, Дерик (29 декабря 2022 г.). «Население США на 1 января 2024 года оценивается в 335 893 238 человек» .
  2. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с «Список стран по продолжительности жизни 2023» . ЛЛ . Декабрь 2023 года . Проверено 5 апреля 2023 г.
  3. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с «Рождаемость: предварительные данные на 2022 год» (PDF) . cdc.gov . 1 июня 2023 г. Проверено 3 июня 2023 г.
  4. ^ «Детская смертность» . cdc.gov . 22 июня 2022 г. . Проверено 6 июля 2022 г.
  5. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д и «Северная Америка: США» . Центральное разведывательное управление . Проверено 11 февраля 2020 г. Общественное достояние В данную статью включен текст из этого источника, находящегося в свободном доступе .
  6. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д «Таблицы оценок численности населения и жилищного фонда» . Census.gov . Проверено 30 июня 2022 г.
  7. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д и ж г час я дж к «Раса и этническая принадлежность в Соединенных Штатах: перепись 2010 года и перепись 2020 года» . Бюро переписи населения США. 12 августа 2021 года. Архивировано из оригинала 7 октября 2021 года . Проверено 18 сентября 2021 г.
  8. ^ Качке, Лиза (25 марта 2019 г.). «Южная Дакота признает официальный язык коренных народов» . Лидер Аргуса .
  9. ^ «Самоа теперь является официальным языком обучения в Американском Самоа» . Радио Новой Зеландии Интернэшнл . 3 октября 2008 г.
  10. ^ «Гуам» . Британская энциклопедия . 24 октября 2018 г.
  11. ^ «Северные Марианские острова» . Британская энциклопедия . 19 октября 2018 г.
  12. ^ Кроуфорд, Джеймс. «Пуэрто-Рико и официальный английский» . Языковая политика.net . Проверено 27 апреля 2011 г.
  13. ^ Перейти обратно: а б «Рост населения США указывает на ранние признаки восстановления на фоне пандемии COVID-19» .
  14. ^ Перейти обратно: а б «Часы населения» . Бюро переписи населения США .
  15. ^ «Темпы роста населения - Всемирная книга фактов» . www.cia.gov . Проверено 6 июля 2022 г.
  16. ^ «Согласно анализу данных Washington Post, Иллинойс считается «самым нормальным штатом» в США» . Иллинойс. WMAQ-ТВ . 14 мая 2024 г. . Проверено 15 мая 2024 г.
  17. ^ Перейти обратно: а б «Статистический обзор США» (PDF) . Бюро переписи населения США . 2005 . Проверено 25 октября 2015 г.
  18. ^ «Население США достигло отметки в 300 миллионов человек» . MSNBC . Ассошиэйтед Пресс . 17 октября 2006 года. Архивировано из оригинала 17 октября 2006 года . Проверено 17 октября 2006 г.
  19. ^ «Современная волна иммиграции привела в США 59 миллионов человек», проект «Латиноамериканские тенденции» Исследовательского центра Pew . 28 сентября 2015 г.
  20. ^ «Изменение моделей иммиграции и населения США» . Благотворительные фонды Пью . 18 декабря 2014 г.
  21. ^ «Годовой отчет 2021» . Факты о США . Архивировано из оригинала 11 мая 2021 года . Проверено 11 мая 2021 г.
  22. ^ «Цветные дети, по прогнозам, составят большинство молодежи США в этом году» . PBS NewsHour . 9 января 2020 г.
  23. ^ «Расовое и этническое разнообразие в Соединенных Штатах: перепись 2010 года и перепись 2020 года» . Бюро переписи населения США . Проверено 3 марта 2022 г.
  24. ^ Перейти обратно: а б «Перепись 2020 года раскрывает расовый и этнический состав страны» . Census.gov . Проверено 27 июня 2022 г.
  25. ^ «Прогнозы народонаселения США: 2005–2050 годы» . Испаноязычный центр Пью . 11 февраля 2008 года . Проверено 19 сентября 2011 г.
  26. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Леми, Даниэль Касарес (23 сентября 2021 г.). «Анализ: расовые категории в переписи населения США менялись на протяжении веков. Как скачок числа многорасовых представителей повлияет на политику?» . Вашингтон Пост . Проверено 19 июня 2023 г. «Американцы азиатского происхождения — самая быстрорастущая расовая группа в Америке — выросли на 35,5 процента, а азиаты плюс представители другой расы — на 55,5 процента».
  27. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Фостер-Фрау, Сильвия (8 октября 2021 г.). « Мы говорим о большом и мощном явлении: многорасовые американцы способствуют переменам» . Вашингтон Пост . Проверено 19 июня 2023 г.
  28. ^ Перейти обратно: а б «Рождаемость в США в 2022 году не вернулась к допандемическому уровню» . СТАТ . Ассошиэйтед Пресс. 1 июня 2023 г. Проверено 19 июня 2023 г. «Рождаемость у латиноамериканских мам в прошлом году выросла на 6% и превысила 25% от общего числа в США. Рождаемость у белых мам упала на 3%, но по-прежнему составляла 50% рождений. общий."
  29. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Америка, доброе утро (1 июня 2023 г.). «Уровень подростковой рождаемости в США достигнет рекордно низкого уровня в 2022 году: отчет CDC» . Доброе утро, Америка . Проверено 19 июня 2023 г. «Среди расы/этнической принадлежности в период с 2021 по 2022 год предварительное число рождений снизилось на 3% для американских индейцев/коренных жителей Аляски и белых женщин и на 1% для чернокожих женщин с 2021 по 2022 год. Однако уровень рождаемости увеличился на 2% для азиатских женщин и 6% для коренных жителей Гавайских островов/Тихоокеанских островов и латиноамериканских женщин».
  30. ^ «Ежеквартальные предварительные оценки статистики естественного движения населения» . 29 июня 2022 г. . Проверено 10 июля 2022 г.
  31. ^ «Население США выросло до 331 449 281 человека, сообщает Бюро переписи населения» . Новости США и мировой отчет . Проверено 10 мая 2021 г.
  32. ^ Перейти обратно: а б «Статистическая справка по Соединенным Штатам, 1951 г., стр. 8, расчетная численность населения континентальной части США, исключая зарубежные вооруженные силы» (PDF) . Бюро переписи населения США .
  33. ^ Перейти обратно: а б «Текущие отчеты о народонаселении, 1962 г., стр. 2» (PDF) . Бюро переписи населения США .
  34. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д и «Население страны по характеристикам: 2020-2021 годы» . Census.gov . Проверено 6 июля 2022 г.
  35. ^ Перейти обратно: а б с д «Соединенные Штаты» , The World Factbook , Центральное разведывательное управление, 13 июля 2022 г. , получено 20 июля 2022 г.
  36. ^ «Панель ежеквартальных предварительных оценок смертности» . www.cdc.gov . 20 июля 2022 г. Проверено 20 июля 2022 г.
  37. ^ Мерфи, Шерри; Кочанек, Кеннет; Сюй, Цзяцюань; Ариас, Элизабет (2021). «Смертность в США, 2020 г.» (PDF) . Краткий обзор данных NCHS (427). Центры по контролю и профилактике заболеваний: 1–8. ПМИД   34978528 . Проверено 1 марта 2022 г.
  38. ^ Вайнштейн, Джей; Пиллаи, Виджаян К. (2016). Демография: наука о народонаселении (2-е изд.). Роуман и Литтлфилд. п. 208. ИСБН  978-1-44223521-2 .
  39. ^ Доан, Алеша Э. (2007). Оппозиция и запугивание: Войны за аборты и стратегии политического преследования . Мичиганский университет. п. 40 . ISBN  978-0-472099757 .
  40. ^ Беллуз, Юлия (22 мая 2018 г.). «Исторически низкий уровень рождаемости, объясненный на 3 диаграммах» . Вокс . Проверено 27 декабря 2018 г.
  41. ^ Стоун, Лайман (16 мая 2018 г.). «Детский кризис: рождаемость снижается больше всего среди женщин из числа меньшинств» . Институт семейных исследований . Проверено 27 декабря 2018 г.
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