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Общий римский календарь

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Общий римский календарь - это литургический календарь , который указывает даты празднования святых и загадок Господа этот литургический ( Иисуса Христа ) в римском обряде католической церкви , где бы ни обряд использовался . Эти торжества являются фиксированной годовой датой или в определенный день недели. Примерами являются праздник крещения Господа в январе и праздник Христа Короля в ноябре.

Другие относятся к дате Пасхи. Примерами являются празднование Священного Сердца Иисуса и Непорочного Сердца Марии . Национальные и епархиальные календари, в том числе календарь самой епархии Рима , а также календари религиозных институтов и даже континентов, добавляют другие святые и загадки или перенести празднование конкретного святого или загадки с даты, назначенной в общем календаре, к Еще одна дата.

These liturgical calendars indicate the degree or rank of each celebration: memorial (which can be merely optional), feast, or solemnity. Among other differences, the Gloria is said or sung at the Mass of a feast but not at that of a memorial. The Creed is added on solemnities.

The last general revision of the General Roman Calendar was in 1969 and was authorized by the motu proprio Mysterii Paschalis of Paul VI. The motu proprio and the decree of promulgation were included in the book Calendarium Romanum, published in the same year by Libreria Editrice Vaticana.[1] This contained the official document Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year and the Calendar, and the list of celebrations of the General Roman Calendar. Both these documents are printed, in their present revised form, in the Roman Missal, after the General Instruction of the Roman Missal.[2][3]

Selection of saints included


While canonization involves the addition of the saint's name to the Roman Martyrology, it does not necessarily involve the insertion of the saint's name into the General Roman Calendar, which mentions only a very limited selection of canonized saints. There is a common misconception that certain saints, (e.g., Christopher) were "unsainted" in 1969 or that veneration of them was "suppressed". Christopher is recognized as a saint of the Catholic Church, being listed as a martyr in the Roman Martyrology under 25 July.[4]

In 1969, Paul VI issued the motu proprio Mysterii Paschalis. In it, he recognized that, while the written Acts of Saint Christopher are merely legendary, attestations to the veneration of the martyr date from ancient times. His change in the calendar of saints included "leaving the memorial of Saint Christopher to local calendars", because of the relatively late date of its insertion into the Roman calendar.[5]

Liturgical year


In the liturgical books, the document General Roman Calendar, which lists not only fixed celebrations but also some moveable ones, is printed immediately after the document Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year and the Calendar,[2][3] which states that "throughout the course of the year the Church unfolds the entire mystery of Christ and observes the birthdays of the Saints". The birth of a saint to heaven is as a rule celebrated on a fixed day of the year. Sometimes they may be moved either to or from a Sunday. The mysteries of Christ are often celebrated on dates that always vary from year to year.[6][7][8][9]

The Catholic Church's year combines two cycles of liturgical celebrations. One has been called the Proper of Time or Temporale, associated with the moveable date of Easter and the fixed date of Christmas. The other is associated with fixed calendar dates and has been called the Proper of Saints or Sanctorale.[6][7][8][9] The General Roman Calendar includes celebrations that belong to the Proper of Time or Temporale and is not limited to those that make up the Proper of Saints or Sanctorale. An instance where two observances occur on the same date is called an occurrence.[10]

Transfer of celebrations


Some celebrations listed in the General Roman Calendar are transferred to another date:

For the pastoral advantage of the people, it is permissible to observe on the Sundays in Ordinary Time those celebrations that fall during the week and have special appeal to the devotion of the faithful, provided the celebrations take precedence over these Sundays in the Table of Liturgical Days.[11]

List of celebrations inscribed in the GRC


This list contains all celebrations currently inscribed in the General Roman Calendar. It is updated whenever the pope makes changes to the celebrations in the General Roman Calendar.

When no citation is provided for a particular celebration, it comes from Calendarium Romanum Generale (General Roman Calendar) as printed in the Latin original of Roman Missal, ed. typ. tertia (reimpressio emendata), released in 2008.[12] Celebrations that are added or changed are cited from official decrees.

Celebration names are used from English Roman Missal (2018).


^a The solemnity of Epiphany of the Lord is always celebrated on 6 January in the General Roman Calendar, however, in particular calendars, it might by transferred to Sunday on or after 6 January.
^b When the solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord is transferred to Sunday, which occurs on 7 or 8 January, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated on the following Monday. (Ubi sollemnitas Epiphaniæ ad dominicam transfertur, quæ die 7 vel 8 ianuarii occurrit, festum Baptismatis Domini celebratur feria secunda sequenti.)[12]


^a On 25 January 2021, Pope Francis inscribed Saint Gregory of Narek, Abbot and Doctor of the Church, in the General Roman Calendar.[13]




  • 2 April: Saint Francis of Paola, Hermit – optional memorial
  • 4 April: Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
  • 5 April: Saint Vincent Ferrer, Priest – optional memorial
  • 7 April: Saint John Baptist de la Salle, Priest – memorial
  • 11 April: Saint Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr – memorial
  • 13 April: Saint Martin I, Pope and Martyr – optional memorial
  • 21 April: Saint Anselm, Bishop and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
  • 23 April: Saint George, Martyr – optional memorial
  • 23 April: Saint Adalbert, Bishop and Martyr – optional memorial
  • 24 April: Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest and Martyr – optional memorial
  • 25 April: Saint Mark, Evangelist – feast
  • 28 April: Saint Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr – optional memorial
  • 28 April: Saint Louis Grignon de Montfort, Priest – optional memorial
  • 29 April: Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church – memorial
  • 30 April: Saint Pius V, Pope – optional memorial


^a On 25 January 2021, Pope Francis inscribed Saint John of Avila, Priest and Doctor of the Church, in the General Roman Calendar.[13]
^b On 25 January 2019, Pope Francis inscribed Saint Paul VI, Pope, in the General Roman Calendar.[14]
^c On 11 February 2018, Pope Francis inscribed Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, in the General Roman Calendar.[15] In years when the memorial of the Mother of the Church coincides with another obligatory memorial, only the memorial of the Mother of the Church will be celebrated for that year.[16]
^d The solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ can be transferred to the following Sunday in particular calendars.


^a The title Doctor of the Church was conferred to Saint Irenaeus by Pope Francis on 21 January 2022.[17]
^b In 2022, the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus coincided with the solemnity of the Nativity of John the Baptist. The Holy See kept the solemnity of the Sacred Heart on 24 June and brought forward the Nativity of John the Baptist to 23 June, except in locations where John the Baptist is the patron saint, where the reverse applied.[18]
^c In years when the memorial of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary coincides with another obligatory memorial, both must be considered optional for that year.[19]


^a Pope Francis raised the rank of the celebration of Saint Mary Magdalene to feast on 3 June 2016.[20]
^b Pope Francis decreed on 26 January 2021 that Saints Mary and Lazarus of Bethany are to be celebrated alongside of Saint Martha.[21]




^a On 25 January 2021, Pope Francis inscribed Saint Hildegard of Bingen, Virgin and Doctor of the Church, in the General Roman Calendar.[13]


^a On 18 May 2020, Pope Francis inscribed Saint Faustina Kowalska, Virgin, in the General Roman Calendar.[22]
^b On 29 May 2014, Pope Francis inscribed Saint John XXIII, Pope, in the General Roman Calendar.[23]
^c On 29 May 2014, Pope Francis inscribed Saint John Paul II, Pope, in the General Roman Calendar.[23]




^a On 31 October 2019, Pope Francis inscribed Our Lady of Loreto in the General Roman Calendar.[24]

Particular calendars


The General Calendar is printed, for instance, in the Roman Missal[25] and the Liturgy of the Hours.[26] These are up to date when printed, but additional feasts may be added later. For that reason, if those celebrating the liturgy have not inserted into the books a note about the changes, they must consult the current annual publication, known as the "Ordo", for their country or religious congregation.

These annual publications, like those that, disregarding the feasts that are obligatory in the actual church where the liturgy is celebrated, list only celebrations included in the General Calendar,[27] are useful only for the current year, since they omit celebrations impeded because of falling on a Sunday or during periods such as Holy Week and the Octave of Easter.

This distinction is made in application of the decision of the Second Vatican Council: "Lest the feasts of the saints should take precedence over the feasts which commemorate the very mysteries of salvation, many of them should be left to be celebrated by a particular Church or nation or family of religious; only those should be extended to the universal Church which commemorate saints who are truly of universal importance."[28]

Institutional and societal calendars


National calendars


Personal jurisdiction calendars


Diocesan and parish calendars


The calendar for a diocese is typically based on a national calendar, with a few additions. For instance, the anniversary of the dedication of the cathedral is celebrated as a solemnity in the cathedral church and as a feast in all the other churches of the diocese. The feast day of the principal patron saint of the diocese is celebrated as a feast throughout the diocese.[29]

See also



  1. ^ Catholic Church (1969). Calendarium Romanum (1969).
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b The Roman Missal (Liturgy Training Publications ISBN 978-1-56854-991-0)
  3. ^ Jump up to: a b "Missale Romanum 2002". Scribd.
  4. ^ Martyrologium Romanum (Typis Vaticanis, 2001 ISBN 88-209-7210-7)
  5. ^ "Memoria S. Christophori, anno circiter 1550 in Calendario romano ascripta, Calendariis particularibus relinquitur: quamvis Acta S. Christophori fabulosa sint, antiqua inveniuntur monumenta eius venerationis; attamen cultus huius Sancti non pertinet ad traditionem romanam" – Calendarium Romanum (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis 1969), p. 131.
  6. ^ Jump up to: а беременный «Празднование книг литургии» . www.columbia.edu . Получено 6 ноября 2018 года .
  7. ^ Jump up to: а беременный «Правильно святых | христианство» . Encyclopædia Britannica . Получено 6 ноября 2018 года .
  8. ^ Jump up to: а беременный «Определение Sanctorale» . www.merriam-webster.com . Получено 6 ноября 2018 года .
  9. ^ Jump up to: а беременный «Словарь: собственно святых» . www.catholicculture.org . Получено 6 ноября 2018 года .
  10. ^ Кабрал, Фернан (1913). «Возникновение» . В Гербермане, Чарльз (ред.). Католическая энциклопедия . Нью -Йорк: Роберт Эпплтон Компания.
  11. ^ «Католические новости, комментарии, информация, ресурсы и литургический год» . www.catholicculture.org .
  12. ^ Jump up to: а беременный «Римский календарь». Missal [ Roman Missal ] (на латыни) (объем типичный третий, регпрессионо -измененное издание.). Libreria editrice Vaticana. 2008. Стр. 105-116. ISBN  978-88-2098-120-4 .
  13. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в «Указ о надписи Празднования святого Григория Нарека, аббата и доктора церкви, святого Иоанна де Авила, священника и доктора церкви и святого Хильдегарда Бингена, девственница и доктора церкви, в общем римском календаре (25 января 2021 г.) » . www.vatican.va . Получено 2 февраля 2021 года .
  14. ^ «Указ о надписи празднования Святого Павла VI, Папа, в общем римском календаре (25 января 2019 г.)» . www.vatican.va . Получено 5 августа 2022 года .
  15. ^ «Указ о праздновании Пресвятой Девы Марии Матери Церкви в общем римском календаре (11 февраля 2018 г.)» . www.vatican.va . Получено 5 августа 2022 года .
  16. ^ «Уведомление о мемориале Пресвятой Девы Марии, мать церкви (24 марта 2018 г.)» . www.vatican.va . Получено 13 марта 2023 года .
  17. ^ «Указ Святого Отца за призыв титула Доктора Церкви на Святой Ирнеус Лиона (21 января 2022 года)» . www.vatican.va . Получено 5 августа 2022 года .
  18. ^ «Ответ на сомнения литургического календаря 2022 года (11 мая 2022 года)» (PDF) . www.cultodivino.va . Получено 5 августа 2022 года .
  19. ^ «Появление об обязательном безупречном сердце благословенная Дева Мария с другой воспоминанием о той же степени (8 декабря 1998 г.)» . www.vatican.va . Получено 5 августа 2022 года .
  20. ^ «Указ (3 июня 2016 года)» (PDF) . www.vatican.va . Получено 5 августа 2022 года .
  21. ^ «Указ о праздновании святых Марты, Мэри и Лазаря в общем римском календаре (26 января 2021 года)» . www.vatican.va . Получено 5 августа 2022 года .
  22. ^ «Указ о надписи о праздновании Святой Фаустины Ковальска, Девственница, в общем римском календаре (18 мая 2020 года)» . www.vatican.va . Получено 5 августа 2022 года .
  23. ^ Jump up to: а беременный «Указ (29 мая 2014 г.)» . www.vatican.va . Получено 5 августа 2022 года .
  24. ^ «Указ о праздновании Пресвятой Девы Марии Лорето будет вписан в общий римский календарь (31 октября 2019 года)» . www.vatican.va . Получено 5 августа 2022 года .
  25. , Missal Missal третье издание третьего, 2002 года, Libreria editrice vaticana
  26. ^ Литургия часов в соответствии с обрядом , объемное имущество Altera 2000, Editrice Vatican
  27. ^ Пример массы массы и божественного офиса, чтобы заплатить римский календарь, генерал в литургическом 2006 году (книга editrice vaticana).
  28. ^ "Sounsanctum congilium" . www.vatican.va . Архивировано из оригинала 21 февраля 2008 года.
  29. ^ Общие нормы для литургического года и календаря , таблица литургических дней в соответствии с их приоритетом, 4 и 8.

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