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Список распространенных заблуждений

Каждая запись в этом списке распространенных заблуждений сформулирована как исправление; сами заблуждения скорее подразумеваются, чем констатируются. Эти записи представляют собой краткое изложение; Более подробную информацию можно найти в основных тематических статьях.

Распространенные заблуждения — это точки зрения или факты , которые часто принимаются за истинные, но на самом деле являются ложными. Обычно они возникают из общепринятых представлений (таких как бабушкины сказки ), стереотипов , суеверий , заблуждений , неправильного понимания науки или популяризации псевдонауки . Некоторые распространенные заблуждения также считаются городскими легендами и иногда приводят к моральной панике .

Искусство и культура

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Фотография Адольфа Дасслера , тезки Adidas ( ок. 1915 г. )
  • Adidas — это не аббревиатура от «Весь день я мечтаю о спорте», «Весь день я мечтаю о футболе» или « Весь день я мечтаю о сексе ». Компания была названа в честь ее основателя Адольфа «Ади» Дасслера в 1949 году. Самая ранняя публикация последнего бэкронима была сделана в шутку в 1978 году. [2] [3]
  • Буквы «AR» в AR-15 означают «ArmaLite Rifle», указывая на компанию ( ArmaLite ), которая первоначально производила это оружие. Они не означают « штурмовая винтовка ». [4] [5]
  • Chevrolet Nova хорошо продавался на Латинской Америки рынках ; General Motors не стала переименовывать машину. Хотя no va на испанском языке означает «не идет», nova легко понять как «новое». [6]
  • Распространенный образ Санта-Клауса ( Деда Мороза ) как веселого крупного мужчины в красных одеждах был создан компанией Coca-Cola не в качестве рекламного инструмента. Санта-Клаус уже принял эту форму в американской популярной культуре к концу 19 века, задолго до того, как Coca-Cola использовала его образ в 1930-х годах. [7]
  • не Контур бутылки Coca-Cola был разработан известным промышленным дизайнером Рэймондом Лоуи . [8] [9]
  • Netflix не была основана после того, как ее соучредитель Рид Гастингс штраф в размере 40 долларов за просрочку платежа получил от Blockbuster . Гастингс придумал эту историю, чтобы подвести итог ценностному предложению Netflix , а основатели Netflix на самом деле были вдохновлены Amazon . [10]
  • PepsiCo ни в каком реальном смысле никогда не владела «шестым по мощности военно-морским флотом» в мире после сделки с Советским Союзом . В 1989 году Pepsi приобрела несколько списанных военных кораблей в рамках бартерной сделки. [11] [12] Нефтяные танкеры были сданы в аренду или проданы, а остальные суда проданы на металлолом. [13] В последующую сделку вошли еще 10 кораблей. [14]

Еда и приготовление пищи

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История еды и напитков

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Печенье с предсказаниями ассоциируется с китайской кухней , но на самом деле оно возникло в Японии, и его почти никогда не едят в Китае, где оно считается американским.
  • Стейк-тартар изобрели не монгольские воины, которые размягчали конину под седлами. [43] Вероятно, он назван в честь французского соуса тартар , произошедшего от французского блюда начала 20-го века, где соус подавали со стейками. [44]
  • Марко Поло не завез макароны в Италию из Китая. [45] Заблуждение возникло в результате рекламных материалов в Macaroni Journal , информационном бюллетене, издаваемом ассоциацией американских производителей макаронных изделий. [46]
  • В средние века специи не использовались, чтобы замаскировать вкус тухлого мяса перед охлаждением. Специи были дорогим предметом роскоши; те, кто мог себе это позволить, могли позволить себе хорошее мясо, и не существует современных документов, призывающих к использованию специй для маскировки вкуса плохого мяса. [47]

Микроволновые печи

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  • Микроволновые печи не настроены на какую-либо конкретную резонансную частоту для молекул воды в пище. [70] [71] Они готовят еду посредством диэлектрического нагревания полярных молекул, в том числе воды. [72]
  • Микроволновые печи не готовят пищу изнутри. Микроволны с частотой 2,45 ГГц могут проникать только приблизительно дюйма ( + 1 2–3 + 3 1–1,5 2 сантиметра ) в большинство продуктов . Внутренние порции более толстых продуктов нагреваются в основном за счет тепла, передаваемого от внешних слоев. [73] [74] [75]
  • Излучение микроволновой печи неионизирующее. Поэтому он не подвержен риску рака, связанному с ионизирующим излучением , таким как рентгеновские лучи и частицы высокой энергии . Долгосрочные исследования на грызунах по оценке риска развития рака до сих пор не выявили какой-либо канцерогенности микроволнового излучения частотой 2,45 ГГц даже при уровнях хронического воздействия (т.е. значительной части продолжительности жизни), намного превышающих те, с которыми люди могут столкнуться при протекающих духовках. [76] [77]
  • Приготовление пищи в микроволновой печи существенно не снижает ее пищевую ценность и позволяет сохранить ее лучше, чем при других процессах приготовления, благодаря более короткому времени приготовления. [78]

Кино и телевидение

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английский язык

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«Рождество» вместе с современным Санта-Клаусом на рождественской открытке (1910 г.).

Закон, преступность и армия

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Соединенные Штаты

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Уровень насильственных преступлений в США значительно снизился в период с 1991 по 2022 год.
Уровень арестов в Техасе в 2012–2018 гг.


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Изобразительное искусство

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Классическая музыка

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  • Известно, что исторический Будда не был толстым. Пухлый монах, известный на Западе как «толстый Будда» или «смеющийся Будда», — это китайский буддийский народный герой X века по имени Будай . [201]


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  • Иисус , скорее всего, родился не 25 декабря, когда его рождение традиционно празднуется как Рождество . Более вероятно, что его рождение произошло либо весной , либо, возможно, летом . Хотя наша эра якобы отсчитывает годы со дня рождения Иисуса, [202] маловероятно, что он родился либо в 1 году нашей эры, либо в 1 году до нашей эры, как предполагает такая система нумерации. Современные историки оценивают дату ближе к 6–4 г. до н.э. [203]
  • В Библии не говорится ни о том, что ровно три волхва пришли навестить младенца Иисуса, ни о том, что они были царями, или ездили на верблюдах, ни о том, что их звали Каспар , Мельхиор и Бальтазар , ни о том, какого цвета была их кожа. [204] [205] [206] [ нужна ссылка ] Предполагается о трех волхвах, поскольку описаны три дара, но Библия говорит только, что волхвов было больше одного. [207] [208] [209]
Никакие библейские или исторические свидетельства не подтверждают, что Мария Магдалина была проституткой. [210] [211]
Афганские женщины в парандже
Турецкие женщины в никабах
Турецкие женщины в хиджабах
  • Паранджу с (также транслитерируемую как паранджа или паранджа) часто путают с другими типами головных уборов, которые носят мусульманские женщины, особенно никабом и хиджабом . Паранджа закрывает тело, голову и лицо с сетчатой ​​решеткой, через которую можно видеть. Никаб закрывает волосы и лицо, исключая глаза. Хиджаб закрывает волосы и грудь, но не лицо. [225]
  • Не все мусульманки носят покрытия для лица или головы. [226]
  • Фетва – это , как правило, не имеющее обязательной силы юридическое заключение, вынесенное исламским ученым в соответствии с исламским законодательством ; Поэтому разногласия в фетвах разных авторов являются обычным явлением. Заблуждение о том, что это смертный приговор, проистекает из указа, изданного аятоллой Рухоллой Хомейни из Ирана в 1989 году, в котором он заявил, что писатель Салман Рушди был приговорен к смертной казни за богохульство . Спорный вопрос, была ли это фетва. [227] [228]
  • Слово « джихад » не всегда означает « священную войну »; его буквальное значение на арабском языке — «борьба». Хотя существует такая вещь, как джихад мечом , джихад может быть любым духовным или моральным усилием или борьбой. [229] [230] например, поиск знаний, ставить других выше себя и приглашать других в ислам. [231]
  • Коран . не обещает мученикам 72 девственницы на небесах девственные спутницы, гурии , но число не указано. Там упоминается, что всем людям, мученикам или нет, на небесах даются [232] Источником 72 девственниц является хадис в «Сунан ат-Тирмизи» имама Тирмизи . [233] [234] Хадисы — это высказывания и действия Мухаммеда, переданные другими, а не часть самого Корана. [235] [233]
Часто изображаемый в искусстве в виде яблока, этот плод в Эдемском саду не упоминается в книге Бытия . [236]
Маркос Торрегроса носит черный пояс по BJJ с красной полосой, обозначающей первую степень.


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  • Минойская цивилизация не была уничтожена извержением Теры . Ранние археологи предположили, что извержение могло быть упомянуто в об притче Платона Атлантиде . Однако извержение произошло за несколько столетий до конца минойской эры. [268]
  • Древние греки не использовали слово « идиот » ( древнегреческий : ἰδιώτης , латинизированный : idiṓtēs ), чтобы унижать людей, которые не принимали участия в гражданской жизни. ἰδιώτης был просто частным лицом , а не государственным чиновником. Это слово также означало любого неспециалиста или непрофессионала. [269] затем, позже, кто-то необразованный или невежественный, а гораздо позже - глупый или умственно отсталый. [270]
Древние римляне не использовали римское приветствие, как это изображено на картине «Клятва Горациев» (1784).
в Рвотный зал римском амфитеатре в Тулузе.

Средний возраст

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  • Средние века не были «временем невежества , варварства и суеверий »; Церковь ; не ставила религиозный авторитет выше личного опыта и разумной деятельности а термин « Темные века » отвергается современными историками. [277]
  • Хотя современная продолжительность жизни намного выше, чем в средние века и ранее, [278] [279] взрослые в средние века в среднем не умирали в возрасте 30 лет. Это была ожидаемая продолжительность жизни при рождении , которая была искажена высокой младенческой и подростковой смертностью. Ожидаемая продолжительность жизни среди взрослых была намного выше; [280] Например, 21-летний мужчина в средневековой Англии мог рассчитывать дожить до 64 лет. [281] [280] Однако в разных местах и ​​эпохах продолжительность жизни была заметно ниже, например, монахи часто умирали в 20-30 лет. [282]
  • Нет никаких свидетельств того, что воины- викинги носили рога на своих шлемах ; это было бы непрактично в бою. [283] [284]
  • Викинги не пили из черепов побежденных врагов . Это было основано на неправильном переводе скальдического поэтического использования слова ór bjúgviðum hausa (ветви черепов) для обозначения рогов для питья . [285]
  • Викинги называли Исландию « Исландия » не для того, чтобы препятствовать переселению населения. Согласно сагам исландцев , Храфна-Флоки Вильгердарсон увидел на острове айсберги, когда путешествовал туда, и назвал остров в их честь. [286] Популярная легенда гласит, что Гренландия была названа в надежде привлечь поселенцев. [287]
  • В сказке о короле Кануте и приливе король не приказал приливу повернуть вспять в приступе бредового высокомерия. Согласно истории, его намерением было доказать, что ни один человек не является всемогущим и что все люди должны подчиняться силам, находящимся вне их контроля, таким как приливы и отливы. [288]
  • Нет никаких свидетельств того, что железных девиц использовали для пыток или даже изобрели в средние века. Вместо этого в 18 веке они были собраны воедино из нескольких артефактов, найденных в музеях, арсеналах и т.п., чтобы создать впечатляющие объекты, предназначенные для коммерческих выставок. [289]
  • Винтовые лестницы в замках не были спроектированы по часовой стрелке, чтобы препятствовать нападающим-правшам. [290] [291] Хотя винтовые лестницы по часовой стрелке чаще встречаются в замках, чем против часовой стрелки, они были еще более распространены в средневековых сооружениях, не имеющих военного назначения, таких как религиозные здания. [292]
  • Пластинчатые доспехи европейских солдат не мешали солдатам передвигаться и не требовали крана, чтобы посадить их в седло. Им нужно было иметь возможность сражаться пешком на случай, если они не смогут ездить на лошади и смогут садиться и слезать без посторонней помощи. [293] Однако доспехи, используемые на турнирах в позднем Средневековье, были значительно тяжелее, чем те, которые использовались в войне. [294]
  • том, были ли пояса верности , устройства, предназначенные для предотвращения половых сношений женщин , изобретены в средние Современные историки оспаривают вопрос о века. Сейчас считается, что большинство существующих поясов верности являются преднамеренными подделками XIX века. [295]
Средневековое изображение сферической Земли

Ранний модерн

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Портрет Марии-Антуанетты
Фразу « пусть едят торт » обычно ошибочно приписывают Марии-Антуанетте .
Зубные протезы Джорджа Вашингтона на выставке в Маунт-Вернон .


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Наполеон на «Беллерофоне» , Чарльз Локк Истлейк . его прозвище « Маленький Капораль ». Наполеон был выше, чем предполагает
Albert Einstein, photographed at 14, did not fail mathematics at school.

United States

The flag that Betsy Ross purportedly designed
Areas covered by the Emancipation Proclamation are in red, slave-holding areas not covered are in blue. The Thirteenth Amendment was the article that abolished legal slavery in the United States nationwide, not the Emancipation Proclamation.

Science, technology, and mathematics


Astronomy and spaceflight

The dark side of the Moon, photographed by Apollo 16 in 1972, clearly illuminated by the Sun. It is much more crater-ridden than the near side of the Moon.
  • The "dark side of the Moon" receives about the same amount of light from the Sun as the near side of the Moon. Describing the far side of the Moon as "dark" does not mean that it never receives light, but rather that it had never been seen until humans sent spacecraft around the Moon, since the same side of the Moon always faces the Earth due to tidal locking.[398]
  • Black holes have the same gravitational effects as any other equal mass in their place. They will draw objects nearby towards them, just as any other celestial body does, except at very close distances to the black hole, comparable to its Schwarzschild radius.[399] If, for example, the Sun were replaced by a black hole of equal mass, the orbits of the planets would be essentially unaffected. A black hole can pull in a substantial inflow of surrounding matter, but only if the star from which it formed was already doing so.[400]
The Earth's equator does not line up with the plane of the Earth's orbit, meaning that for half of the year the Northern Hemisphere is tilted more towards the Sun and for the other half of the year the Northern Hemisphere is tilted more away from the Sun. This is the dominant cause of seasonal temperature variation, not the distance of the Earth from the Sun in its orbit.
A satellite image of a section of the Great Wall of China, running diagonally from lower left to upper right (not to be confused with the much more prominent river running from upper left to lower right). The region pictured is 12 by 12 kilometers (7.5 mi × 7.5 mi).
  • The Great Wall of China is not the only human-made object visible from space or from the Moon.[416] None of the Apollo astronauts reported seeing any specific human-made object from the Moon, and even Earth-orbiting astronauts can see it only with magnification. City lights, however, are easily visible on the night side of Earth from orbit.[417]
  • The Big Bang model does not fully explain the origin of the universe. It does not describe how energy, time, and space were caused, but rather it describes the emergence of the present universe from an ultra-dense and high-temperature initial state.[418]




The color of a red cape does not enrage a bull.
  • Bulls are not enraged by the color red, used in capes by professional bullfighters. Cattle are dichromats, so red does not stand out as a bright color. It is not the color of the cape, but the perceived threat by the bullfighter that incites it to charge.[420]
  • Domestic cats' behavioral and personality traits cannot be predicted from their coat color. Rather, these traits depend on a complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors.[421]
  • Lemmings do not engage in mass suicidal dives off cliffs when migrating. The scenes of lemming suicides in the 1958 Disney documentary film White Wilderness, which popularized this idea, were completely fabricated. The lemmings in the film were actually purchased from Inuit children, transported to the filming location in Canmore, Alberta,[citation needed] and repeatedly shoved off a nearby cliff by the filmmakers to create the illusion of a mass suicide.[422][423] The misconception itself is much older, dating back to at least the late 19th century, though its exact origins are uncertain.[424][422]
  • Dogs do not consistently age seven times as quickly as humans. Aging in dogs varies widely depending on the breed; certain breeds, such as giant dog breeds and English bulldogs, have much shorter lifespans than average. Most dogs age consistently across all breeds in the first year of life, reaching adolescence[clarification needed] by one year old; smaller and medium-sized breeds begin to age more slowly in adulthood.[425]
  • The phases of the Moon have no effect on the vocalizations of wolves, and wolves do not howl at the Moon.[426] Wolves howl to assemble the pack usually before and after hunts, to pass on an alarm particularly at a den site, to locate each other during a storm, while crossing unfamiliar territory, and to communicate across great distances.[427]
  • There is no such thing as an "alpha" in a wolf pack. An early study that coined the term "alpha wolf" had only observed unrelated adult wolves living in captivity. In the wild, wolf packs operate like families: parents are in charge until the young grow up and start their own families, and younger wolves do not overthrow an "alpha" to become the new leader.[428][429]
  • Bats are not blind. While about 70% of bat species, mainly in the microbat family, use echolocation to navigate, all bat species have eyes and are capable of sight. In addition, almost all bats in the megabat or fruit bat family cannot echolocate and have excellent night vision.[430]
  • Contrary to the allegorical story about the boiling frog, frogs die immediately when cast into boiling water, rather than leaping out; furthermore, frogs will attempt to escape cold water that is slowly heated past their critical thermal maximum.[431]
  • The memory span of goldfish is much longer than just a few seconds. It is up to a few months long.[432][433]
  • Sharks can get cancer. The misconception that sharks do not get cancer was spread by the 1992 book Sharks Don't Get Cancer, which was used to sell extracts of shark cartilage as cancer prevention treatments. Reports of carcinomas in sharks exist, and current data does not support any conclusions about the incidence of tumors in sharks.[434]
  • Great white sharks do not mistake human divers for seals or other pinnipeds. When attacking pinnipeds, the shark surfaces quickly and attacks violently. In contrast, attacks on humans are slower and less violent: the shark charges at a normal pace, bites, and swims off. Great white sharks have efficient eyesight and color vision; the bite is not predatory, but rather for identification of an unfamiliar object.[435]
  • Snake jaws cannot unhinge. The posterior end of the lower jaw bones contains a quadrate bone, allowing jaw extension. The anterior tips of the lower jaw bones are joined by a flexible ligament allowing them to bow outwards, increasing the mouth gape.[436][437]
  • Tomato juice and sauce are ineffective at neutralizing the odor of a skunk.[438] There are effective treatments for skunk odor.[439]
  • Porcupines do not shoot their quills. They can detach, and porcupines will deliberately back into attackers to impale them, but their quills do not project.[440][441][442]
  • Mice do not have a special appetite for cheese, and will eat it only for lack of better options; they actually favor sweet, sugary foods. The myth may have come from the fact that before the advent of refrigeration, cheese was usually stored outside and was therefore an easy food for mice to reach.[443]
  • There is no credible evidence that the candiru, a South American parasitic catfish, can swim up a human urethra if one urinates in the water in which it lives. The sole documented case of such an incident, written in 1997, has been heavily criticized upon peer review, and this phenomenon is now largely considered a myth.[444]
  • Pacus, South American fish related to piranhas, do not attack or feed on human testicles. This myth originated from a misinterpreted joke in a 2013 report of a pacu being found in Øresund, the strait between Sweden and Denmark, which claimed that the fish ate "nuts".[445][446]
  • Piranhas do not eat only meat but are omnivorous, and they only swim in schools to defend themselves from predators and not to attack. They very rarely attack humans, only when under stress and feeling threatened, and even then, bites typically only occur on hands and feet.[447]
  • The hippopotamus does not produce pink milk, nor does it sweat blood. The skin secretions of the hippopotamus are red due to the presence of hipposudoric acid, a red pigment which acts as a natural sunscreen, and is neither sweat or blood. It does not affect the color of their milk, which is white or beige.[448]
  • The Pacific tree frog and the Baja California chorus frog are some of the only frog species that make a "ribbit" sound. The misconception that all frogs, or at least all those found in North America, make this sound comes from its extensive use in Hollywood films.[449][450]
  • A human touching or handling eggs or baby birds will not cause the adult birds to abandon them.[451] The same is generally true for other animals having their young touched by humans as well, with the possible exception of rabbits (as rabbits will sometimes abandon their nest after an event they perceive as traumatizing).[452]
  • Eating rice, yeast, or Alka-Seltzer does not cause birds to explode and is rarely fatal. Birds can flatulate and regurgitate to expel gas, and some birds even include wild rice as part of their diet.[453][454] The misconception has often led to weddings using millet, confetti, or other materials to shower the newlyweds as they leave the ceremony, instead of the throwing of rice that is traditional in some places.[453][455][456]
  • The bold, powerful cry commonly associated with the bald eagle in popular culture is actually that of a red-tailed hawk. Bald eagle vocalizations are much softer and chirpier, and bear far more resemblance to the calls of gulls.[457][458]
  • Ostriches do not stick their heads in the sand to hide from enemies or to sleep.[459] This misconception's origins are uncertain but it was probably popularized by Pliny the Elder (23–79 CE), who wrote that ostriches "imagine, when they have thrust their head and neck into a bush, that the whole of their body is concealed".[460]
  • A duck's quack actually does echo,[461] although the echo may be difficult to hear for humans under some circumstances.[462] Despite this, a British panel show compiling interesting facts has been given the name Duck Quacks Don't Echo.
  • 60 common starlings were released in 1890 into New York's Central Park by Eugene Schieffelin, but there is no evidence that he was trying to introduce every bird species mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare into North America. This claim has been traced to an essay in 1948 by naturalist Edwin Way Teale, whose notes appear to indicate that it was speculation.[463][464]
  • The skin of a chameleon is not adapted solely for camouflage purposes,[465] nor can a chameleon change its skin colour to match any background.[466] Chameleons usually change color for social signaling, based on their mood, and for heat regulation.[466][467] The use in social signaling may be to display bright colors for only brief periods of time to avoid increased visibility to predators.[465]
  • Rabbits are not specially partial to carrots. Their diet in the wild primarily consists of dark green vegetables such as grasses and clovers, and excessive carrot consumption is unhealthy for them due to containing high levels of sugar. This misconception originated from Bugs Bunny cartoons, whose carrot-chomping habit was meant as a reference to a minor character in It Happened One Night.[468][469]
  • The cells in the human body are not outnumbered 10 to 1 by microorganisms. The 10 to 1 ratio was an estimate made in 1972; current estimates put the ratio at either 3 to 1 or 1.3 to 1.[470][471][472]


  • Not all earthworms become two worms when cut in half. Only a limited number of earthworm species[473] are capable of anterior regeneration.
  • Houseflies have an average lifespan of 20 to 30 days, not 24 hours.[474] However, members of one species of mayfly have an adult lifespan of as little as 5 minutes.[475]
  • The daddy longlegs spider (Pholcidae) is not the most venomous spider in the world. Their fangs are capable of piercing human skin, but the tiny amount of venom they carry causes only a mild burning sensation for a few seconds.[476] Other species such as harvestmen and crane flies are also called daddy longlegs, and share the misconception of being highly venomous but unable to pierce the skin of humans.[477][478]
  • People do not swallow large numbers of spiders during sleep. A sleeping person makes noises that warn spiders of danger.[479][480] Most people also wake up from sleep when they have a spider on their face.[481]
A female Chinese mantis simultaneously copulating with and cannibalizing her mate; this does not occur every time mantises mate.
Bombus pratorum over an Echinacea inflorescence; a widespread misconception holds that bumblebees should be incapable of flight.


  • Carnivorous plants can survive without food. Catching insects, however, supports their growth.[506]
  • Poinsettias are not highly toxic to humans or cats. While it is true that they are mildly irritating to the skin or stomach,[507] and may sometimes cause diarrhea and vomiting if eaten, they rarely cause serious medical problems.[508]
Sunflowers with the Sun clearly visible behind them

Evolution and paleontology

  • The word theory in "the theory of evolution" does not imply scientific doubt regarding its validity; the concepts of theory and hypothesis have specific meanings in a scientific context. While theory in colloquial usage may denote a hunch or conjecture, a scientific theory is a set of principles that explains an observable phenomenon in natural terms.[513][514] "Scientific fact and theory are not categorically separable",[515] and evolution is a theory in the same sense as germ theory or the theory of gravitation.[516]
  • The theory of evolution does not attempt to explain the origin of life[517] or the origin and development of the universe. The theory of evolution deals primarily with changes in successive generations over time after life has already originated.[518] The scientific model concerned with the origin of the first organisms from organic or inorganic molecules is known as abiogenesis, and the prevailing theory for explaining the early development of the universe is the Big Bang model.
  • Evolution is not a progression from inferior to superior organisms, and it also does not necessarily result in an increase in complexity. Evolution through natural selection only causes organisms to become more fit for their environment.[519] A population can evolve to become simpler or to have a smaller genome,[520] and atavistic ancestral genetic traits can reappear after having been lost through evolutionary change in previous generations.[521] Biological devolution or de-evolution is a misnomer, not only because it implies that organisms can only evolve backward or forward, but also because it implies that evolution may cause organisms to evolve in the "wrong" direction.[522][523]
  • The phrase "survival of the fittest" refers to biological fitness, not physical fitness. Biological fitness is the quantitative measure of individual reproductive success, e.g. the tendency of lineages containing individuals that produce more offspring in a particular environment to persist and thrive in that environment. Further, while the related concepts of "survival of the fittest" and "natural selection" are often used interchangeably, they are not the same: natural selection is not the only form of selection that determines biological fitness (see sexual selection, fecundity selection, viability selection, and artificial selection).[524][525][526]
  • Evolution does not "plan" to improve an organism's fitness to survive.[527][528] This misconception is encouraged as it is common shorthand for biologists to speak of a purpose as a concise form of expression (sometimes called the "metaphor of purpose");[529] it is less cumbersome to say "Dinosaurs may have evolved feathers for courtship" than "Feathers may have been selected for when they arose as they gave dinosaurs a selective advantage during courtship over their non-feathered rivals".[530] However, this can result in many students explaining evolution as an intentional and purposeful process.[531]
  • Mutations are not entirely random, nor do they occur at the same frequency everywhere in the genome. Certain regions of an organism's genome will be more or less likely to undergo mutation depending on the presence of DNA repair mechanisms and other mutation biases. For instance, in a study on Arabidopsis thaliana, biologically important regions of the plant's genome were found to be protected from mutations, and beneficial mutations were found to be more likely, i.e. mutation was "non-random in a way that benefits the plant".[532][533][534]
  • Although the word dinosaur can be used pejoratively to describe something that is becoming obsolete due to failing to adapt to changing conditions, non-avian dinosaurs themselves did not go extinct due to an inability to adapt to environmental change as was initially theorized. Moreover, not all dinosaurs are extinct (see below).[535][536][537][538]
Pelagornis. Non-avian dinosaurs died out in the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, but some theropod dinosaurs survive to the present day.
Despite cultural depictions, plesiosaurs were not dinosaurs, nor did either plesiosaurs or non-avian dinosaurs coexist with humans.
Dimetrodon, the iconic sail-backed synapsid, was not a dinosaur, nor did it live at the same time as the dinosaurs.
Aegyptopithecus, a prehistoric monkey predating the split between apes and other Old World monkeys during the course of human evolution. Aegyptopithecus also postdates the division of the Old and New World monkeys, making it more closely related to humans than to all New World monkeys.[556]

Chemistry and materials science


Computing and the Internet



Total population living in extreme poverty, by world region 1987 to 2015[588]
  • The total number of people living in extreme absolute poverty globally, by the widely used metric of $1.00/day (in 1990 U.S. dollars) has decreased over the last several decades, but most people surveyed in several countries incorrectly think it has increased or stayed the same.[589] However, this depends on the poverty line calculation used. For instance, if the metric used is instead one that prioritizes meeting a standard life expectancy that no longer significantly rises with additional consumption enabled by income, the number of individuals in poverty has risen by nearly 1 billion.[590][591]
  • Human population growth is decreasing and the world population is expected to peak and then begin falling during the 21st century. Improvements in agricultural productivity and technology are expected to be able to meet anticipated increased demand for resources, making a global human overpopulation scenario unlikely.[592][593][594]
  • For any given production set, there is not a set amount of labor input (a "lump of labor") to produce that output. This fallacy is commonly seen in Luddite and later, related movements as an argument either that automation causes permanent, structural unemployment, or that labor-limiting regulation can decrease unemployment. In fact, changes in capital allocation, efficiency, and economies of learning can change the amount of labor input for a given set of production.[595]
  • Income is not a direct factor in determining credit score in the United States. Rather, credit score is affected by the amount of unused available credit, which is in turn affected by income.[596] Income is also considered when evaluating creditworthiness more generally.
  • The US public vastly overestimates the amount spent on foreign aid.[597]
  • In the US, an increase in gross income will never reduce a taxpayer's post-tax earnings (net income) by putting them in a higher tax bracket. Tax brackets specify marginal tax rates: only income earned in the higher tax bracket is taxed at the higher rate.[598] An increase in gross income can reduce net income in a welfare cliff, however, when benefits are withdrawn when passing a certain income threshold.[599] Prevalence of the misconception varies by political party affiliation.[600]
  • Constructing new housing decreases the cost of rent or of buying a home in both the immediate neighborhood and in the city as a whole. In real estate economics, "supply skepticism" leads many Americans to misunderstand the effect of increasing the supply of housing on housing costs. The misconception is unique to the housing market.[601][602]

Earth and environmental sciences

Global surface temperature reconstruction over the last 2000 years using proxy data from tree rings, corals, and ice cores in blue.[603] Directly observed data is in red.[604]
Ozone depletion is not a cause of global warming.
Cooling towers from the now-decommissioned Cottam power stations in England. The gases expelled by the towers are harmless water vapors from the cooling process.
  • Cooling towers in power stations and other facilities do not emit smoke or harmful fumes; they emit water vapor and do not contribute to climate change.[618][619]
  • Nuclear power is one of the safest sources of energy, resulting in orders of magnitude fewer deaths than conventional power sources per unit of energy produced. Extremely few people are killed or injured due to nuclear power on a yearly basis.[620][621][622][623] (See also: Radiophobia)
  • Earthquake strength (or magnitude) is not commonly measured using the Richter scale. Although the Richter scale was used historically to measure earthquake magnitude (although, notably, not earthquake damage), it was found in the 1970s that it does not reliably represent the magnitude of large earthquakes. It has therefore been largely replaced by the moment magnitude scale,[624] although very small earthquakes are still sometimes measured using the Richter scale.[625] Nevertheless, earthquake magnitude is still widely misattributed to the Richter scale.[626][627][628]
    Death rates from air pollution and accidents related to energy production, measured in deaths in the past per terawatt hours (TWh) (left). Carbon emissions measured in tons per gigawatt hour (GWh) on the right.
  • Lightning can, and often does, strike the same place twice. Lightning in a thunderstorm is more likely to strike objects and spots that are more prominent or conductive. For instance, lightning strikes the Empire State Building in New York City on average 23 times per year.[629]
  • Heat lightning does not exist as a distinct phenomenon. What is mistaken for "heat lightning" is usually ordinary lightning from storms too distant to hear the associated thunder.[630]
  • The Yellowstone Caldera is not overdue for a supervolcano eruption.[631] There is also no evidence that it will erupt in the near future. In fact, data indicate there will not be an eruption in the coming centuries.[632] The most likely eruption would be hydrothermal rather than volcanic. A caldera-forming volcanic eruption (and subsequent impacts on global weather patterns and agricultural production) is the least likely scenario and has an extremely low likelihood.[633][634]
  • The Earth's interior is not molten rock. This misconception may originate from a misunderstanding based on the fact that the Earth's mantle convects, and the incorrect assumption that only liquids and gases can convect. In fact, a solid with a large Rayleigh number can also convect, given enough time, which is what occurs in the solid mantle due to the very large thermal gradient across it.[635][636] There are small pockets of molten rock in the upper mantle, but these make up a tiny fraction of the mantle's volume.[637] The Earth's outer core is liquid, but it is liquid metal, not rock.[638]
  • The Amazon rainforest does not provide 20% of Earth's oxygen. This is a misinterpretation of a 2010 study which found that approximately 34% of photosynthesis by terrestrial plants occurs in tropical rainforests (so the Amazon rainforest would account for approximately half of this). Due to respiration by the resident organisms, all ecosystems (including the Amazon rainforest) have a net output of oxygen of approximately zero. The oxygen currently present in the atmosphere was accumulated over billions of years.[639]


Map of the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Agulhas, the southernmost point of Africa

Human body and health

A widely held misconception in South Korea is that leaving electric fans on while asleep can be fatal.
  • Eating burnt food – which contains acrylamide – does not increase the risk of getting cancer.[645]
  • It is not just heavy metals which can be toxic; other metals (for example beryllium and lithium) can be toxic too.[646]
  • Sleeping in a closed room with an electric fan running does not result in "fan death", as is widely believed in South Korea among older people.[647][648] As of 2019 this belief was in decline.[649]
  • Nocturia (waking up at night to urinate) is equally prevalent in women and men,[650] although it more common among men over 50 and more common among women under 50.[651]
  • Waking up a sleepwalker does not harm them. Sleepwalkers may be confused or disoriented for a short time after awakening, but the health risks associated with sleepwalking are from injury or insomnia, not from being awakened.[652][medical citation needed]
  • Seizures cannot cause a person to swallow their own tongue,[653][654] and it is dangerous to attempt to place a foreign object into a convulsing person's mouth. Instead it is recommended to gently lay a convulsing person on their side to minimize the risk of asphyxiation.[655]
  • Drowning is often inconspicuous to onlookers.[656] In most cases, the instinctive drowning response prevents the victim from waving or yelling (known as "aquatic distress"),[656] which are therefore not dependable signs of trouble; indeed, most drowning victims undergoing the response do not show prior evidence of distress.[657]
  • Herbal medicines are not necessarily safe and side-effect free; such medicines can have adverse effects.[658]
  • Human blood in veins is not actually blue. Blood is red due to the presence of hemoglobin; deoxygenated blood (in veins) has a deep red color, and oxygenated blood (in arteries) has a light cherry-red color. Veins below the skin can appear blue or green due to subsurface scattering of light through the skin, and aspects of human color perception. Many medical diagrams also use blue to show veins, and red to show arteries, which contributes to this misconception.[659]
  • Exposure to a vacuum, or experiencing all but the most extreme uncontrolled decompression, does not cause the body to explode or internal fluids to boil (although the fluids in the mouth and lungs will indeed boil at altitudes above the Armstrong limit); rather, it will lead to a loss of consciousness once the body has depleted the supply of oxygen in the blood, followed by death from hypoxia within minutes.[660]
  • Exercise-induced delayed onset muscle soreness is not caused by lactic acid build-up. Muscular lactic acid levels return to normal levels within an hour after exercise; delayed onset muscle soreness is thought to be due to microtrauma from unaccustomed or strenuous exercise.[661]
  • Stretching before or after exercise does not reduce delayed onset muscle soreness.[662]
  • Urine is not sterile, not even in the bladder.[663] This misconception may derive from urine bacterial screening tests, which return "negative" when bacteria levels are low, but nonzero.[663]
  • Sudden immersion into freezing water does not typically cause death by hypothermia, but rather from the cold shock response, which can cause cardiac arrest, heart attack, or hyperventilation leading to drowning.[664]
  • Cremated remains are not ashes in the usual sense. After the incineration is completed, the dry bone fragments are swept out of the retort and pulverized by a machine called a cremulator (essentially a high-capacity, high-speed blender) to process them into "ashes" or "cremated remains".[665]
  • The lung's alveoli are not tiny balloons that expand and contract under positive pressure following the Young–Laplace equation, as is taught in some physiology and medical textbooks. The tissue structure is more like a sponge with polygonal spaces that unfold and fold under negative pressure from the chest wall.[666]
  • Half of body heat is not lost through the head, and covering the head is no more effective at preventing heat loss than covering any other portion of the body. Heat is lost from the body in proportion to the amount of exposed skin.[667][668] The head accounts for around 7–9% of the body's surface, and studies have shown that having one's head submerged in cold water only causes a person to lose 10% more heat overall.[669] This myth likely comes from a flawed United States military experiment in 1950, involving a prototype Arctic survival suit where the head was one of the few body parts left exposed.[670] The misconception was further perpetuated by a 1970 military field manual that claimed "40–45%" of heat is lost through the head, based on the 1950 study.[668][670][medical citation needed]
  • Adrenochrome is not harvested from living people and has no use as a recreational drug. Hunter S. Thompson conceived a fictional drug of the same name in his book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, apparently as a metaphor and unaware that a real substance by that name existed; it is Thompson's fictional adrenochrome, and not the real chemical compound, that is the source of numerous conspiracy theories revolving around human trafficking to harvest the fictional drug.[671][672]
  • Men and women have the same number of ribs: 24, or 12 pairs. The erroneous idea that women have one more rib than men may stem from the biblical creation story of Adam and Eve.[673]
  • The use of cotton swabs (aka cotton buds or Q-Tips) in the ear canal has no associated medical benefits and poses definite medical risks.[674]
  • The idea that a precise number of stages of grief exist is not supported in peer-reviewed research or objective clinical observation, let alone the five stages of grief model.[675]
  • 98.6 °F (37.0 °C) is not the normal or average temperature of the human body. That figure comes from an 1860 study,[676] but modern research shows that the average internal temperature is 36.4 °C (97.5 °F), with small fluctuations.[677][678][679]

Disease and preventive healthcare

  • Tuberculosis is not purely a disease of the lungs that has symptoms of coughing. It may instead infect a wide range of other organs in the body.[680]
  • Cancer cannot be treated by restricting food intake and so supposedly "starving" tumors. Rather, the health of people with cancer is best served by maintaining a healthy diet.[681]
  • The common cold and the common flu are caused by viruses, not exposure to cold temperatures. However, low temperatures may somewhat weaken the immune system, and someone already infected with a cold or influenza virus but showing no symptoms can become symptomatic after they are exposed to low temperatures.[682][683] Viruses are more likely to spread during the winter for a variety of reasons such as dry air, less air circulation in homes, people spending more time indoors, and lower vitamin D levels in humans.[684][685][686]
  • Antibiotics will not cure a cold; they treat bacterial diseases and are ineffectual against viruses.[687][688] However, they are sometimes prescribed to prevent or treat secondary infections.[689]
  • There is little to no evidence that any illnesses are curable through essential oils or aromatherapy,[690] and fish oil has not been shown to cure dementia.[691]
  • In those with the common cold, the color of the sputum or nasal secretion may vary from clear to yellow to green and does not indicate the class of agent causing the infection.[692] The color of the sputum is determined by immune cells fighting an infection in the nasal area.[693]
  • Vitamin C does not prevent or treat the common cold, although it may have a protective effect during intense cold-weather exercise. If taken daily, it may slightly reduce the duration and severity of colds, but it has no effect if taken after the cold starts.[694]
The bumps on a toad are not warts and cannot cause warts on humans.
  • Humans cannot catch warts from toads or other animals; the bumps on a toad are not warts.[695] Warts on human skin are caused by human papillomavirus, which is only known to affect humans.[696]
  • Cracking one's knuckles does not cause osteoarthritis.[697][698]
  • In people with eczema, bathing does not dry the skin as long as a moisturizer is applied soon after. If moisturizer is not applied after bathing, then the evaporation of water from the skin can result in dryness.[699]
  • There have never been any programs in the US that provide access to dialysis machines in exchange for pull tabs on beverage cans.[700] This rumor has existed since at least the 1970s, and usually cites the National Kidney Foundation as the organization offering the program. The Foundation itself has denied the rumor, noting that dialysis machines are primarily funded by Medicare.[701]
  • High dietary protein intake is not associated with kidney disease in healthy people.[702] While significantly increased protein intake in the short-term is associated with changes in renal function, there is no evidence to suggest this effect persists in the long-term and results in kidney damage or disease.[703]
  • Rhinoceros horn in powdered form is not used as an aphrodisiac in traditional Chinese medicine as Cornu Rhinoceri Asiatici (犀角, xījiǎo, "rhinoceros horn"). It is prescribed for fevers and convulsions,[704] a treatment not supported by evidence-based medicine.
  • Leprosy is not auto-degenerative as commonly supposed, meaning that it will not (on its own) cause body parts to be damaged or fall off.[705] Leprosy causes rashes to form and may degrade cartilage and, if untreated, inflame tissue. In addition, leprosy is only mildly contagious, partly because 95% of those infected with the mycobacteria that causes leprosy do not develop the disease.[706][705] Tzaraath, a Biblical disease that disfigures the skin is often identified as leprosy, and may be the source of many myths about the disease.[707]
  • Rust does not cause tetanus infection. The Clostridium tetani bacterium is generally found in dirty environments. Since the same conditions that harbor tetanus bacteria also promote rusting of metal, many people associate rust with tetanus. C. tetani requires anoxic conditions to reproduce and these are found in the permeable layers of rust that form on oxygen-absorbing, unprotected ironwork.[708]
  • Quarantine has never been a standard procedure for those with severe combined immunodeficiency, despite the condition's popular nickname ("bubble boy syndrome") and its portrayal in films. A bone marrow transplant in the earliest months of life is the standard course of treatment. The exceptional case of David Vetter, who lived much of his life encased in a sterile environment because he would not receive a transplant until age 12, was an inspiration for the "bubble boy" trope.[709]
  • Gunnison, Colorado, did not avoid the 1918 flu pandemic by using protective sequestration. The implementation of protective sequestration did prevent the virus from spreading outside a single household after a single carrier came into the town while it was in effect, but it was not sustainable and had to be lifted in February 1919. A month later, the flu killed five residents and infected dozens of others.[710]
  • Statements in medication package inserts listing the frequency of side effects describe how often the effect occurs after taking a drug, but are not making any assertion that there is a causal connection between taking the drug and the occurrence of the side effect. In other words, what is being reported on is correlation, not necessarily causation.[711]
  • Wounds that are licked by dogs do not heal faster, as is believed by some in France.[712]
  • There is no peer-reviewed scientific evidence that crystal healing has any effect beyond acting as a placebo.[713][714][715]
  • There is a scientific consensus[716][717][718] that currently available food derived from genetically modified crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food.[719]
  • Reading in dim light causes eye strain rather than permanent damage to the eye.[31]

Nutrition, food, and drink

  • Diet has little influence on the body's detoxification, and there is no evidence that detoxification diets rid the body of toxins.[720][721] Toxins are removed from the body by the liver and kidneys.[720]
  • Drinking milk or consuming other dairy products does not increase mucus production.[722] As a result, they do not need to be avoided by those with the flu or cold congestion. However, milk and saliva in one's mouth mix to create a thick liquid that can briefly coat the mouth and throat. The sensation that lingers may be mistaken for increased phlegm.[723]
  • Drinking eight glasses (2–3 liters) of water a day is not needed to maintain health.[724] The amount of water needed varies by person, weight, diet, activity level, clothing, and the ambient heat and humidity. Water does not actually need to be drunk in pure form, and can be derived from liquids such as juices, tea, milk, soups, etc., and from foods including fruits and vegetables.[724][725]
  • Drinking coffee and other caffeinated beverages does not cause dehydration for regular drinkers, although it can for occasional drinkers.[726][725]
  • Eating disorders do not exclusively affect women: women are merely more likely than men to suffer from eating disorders.[727]
  • Spicy food or coffee do not have a significant effect on the development of peptic ulcers.[728]
  • Sugar does not cause hyperactivity in children.[729] Double-blind trials have shown no difference in behavior between children given sugar-full or sugar-free diets, even in studies specifically looking at children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or those considered sensitive to sugar.[730] A 2019 meta-analysis found no positive effect of sugar consumption on mood but did find an association with lower alertness and increased fatigue within an hour of consumption, known as a sugar crash.[731]
  • Eating nuts, popcorn, or seeds does not increase the risk of diverticulitis.[732] These foods may actually have a protective effect.[733]
  • Eating less than an hour before swimming does not significantly increase the risk of experiencing muscle cramps, and does not increase the risk of drowning. One study shows a correlation between alcohol consumption and drowning, but not between eating and stomach cramps.[734]
  • Vegan and vegetarian diets can provide enough protein for adequate nutrition.[735] In fact, typical protein intakes of ovo-lacto vegetarians meet or exceed requirements.[736] The American Dietetic Association maintains that appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful.[737] However, a vegan diet does require supplementation of vitamin B12,[735] and vitamin B12 deficiency occurs in up to 80% of vegans that do not supplement their diet.[738] Consuming no animal products increases the risk of deficiencies of vitamins B12 and D, calcium, iron, omega-3 fatty acids,[739] and sometimes iodine.[740] Vegans are also at risk of low bone mineral density without supplementation for the aforementioned nutrients.[741]
  • Swallowed chewing gum does not take seven years to digest. Chewing gum is mostly indigestible, and passes through the digestive system at the same rate as other matter.[742]
  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG) does not trigger migraine headaches or other symptoms of so-called Chinese restaurant syndrome, nor is there evidence that some individuals are especially sensitive to MSG. There is also little evidence it impacts body weight.[743]
  • The beta carotene in carrots does not enhance night vision beyond normal levels for people receiving an adequate amount, only in those with a deficiency of vitamin A.[744] The belief that it does may have originated from World War II British disinformation meant to explain the Royal Air Force's improved success in night battles, which was actually due to radar and the use of red lights on instrument panels.[745]
  • Spinach is not a particularly good source of dietary iron. While it does contain more iron than many vegetables such as asparagus, Swiss chard, kale, or arugula, it contains only about one-third to one-fifth of the iron in lima beans, chickpeas, apricots, or wheat germ. Additionally, the non-heme iron found in spinach and other vegetables is not as readily absorbed as the heme iron found in meats and fish.[746][747][748]
  • Most cases of obesity are not related to slower resting metabolism. Resting metabolic rate does not vary much between people. Overweight people tend to underestimate the amount of food they eat, and underweight people tend to overestimate. In fact, overweight people tend to have faster metabolic rates due to the increased energy required by the larger body.[749]
  • Eating normal amounts of soy does not cause hormonal imbalance.[750]
Alcoholic beverages
  • Alcoholic beverages do not make the entire body warmer.[751] Alcoholic drinks create the sensation of warmth because they cause blood vessels to dilate and stimulate nerve endings near the surface of the skin with an influx of warm blood. This can actually result in making the core body temperature lower, as it allows for easier heat exchange with a cold external environment.
  • Alcohol does not necessarily kill brain cells.[752] Alcohol can, however, lead indirectly to the death of brain cells in two ways. First, in chronic, heavy alcohol users whose brains have adapted to the effects of alcohol, abrupt ceasing following heavy use can cause excitotoxicity leading to cellular death in multiple areas of the brain.[753] Second, in alcoholics who get most of their daily calories from alcohol, a deficiency of thiamine can produce Korsakoff's syndrome, which is associated with serious brain damage.[754]
  • The order in which different types of alcoholic beverages are consumed ("Grape or grain but never the twain" and "Beer before liquor never sicker; liquor before beer in the clear") does not affect intoxication or create adverse side effects.[755]
  • Authentic absinthe has no hallucinogenic properties, and is no more dangerous than any other alcoholic beverage of equivalent proof.[756] This misconception stems from late-19th- and early-20th-century distillers who produced cheap knockoff versions of absinthe, which used copper salts to recreate the distinct green color of true absinthe, and some also reportedly adulterated cheap absinthe with poisonous antimony trichloride, reputed to enhance the louching effect.[757]

Sexuality and reproduction

  • "Double bagging", the practice of using two condoms at once, in not an extra-effective method of birth control; instead such use is more likely to cause condom breakage due to friction between the condoms.[758]
  • It is not possible to get pregnant from semen released in a commercial swimming pool without penetration. The sperm cells would be quickly killed by the chlorinated water and would not survive long enough to reach the vagina.[759]
  • An examination of the hymen is not an accurate or reliable indicator that a woman or girl has had penetrative sex, because the tearing of the hymen may have been the result of some other event, and some women are born without one.[760][761][762] Virginity tests, such as the "two-finger" test, are widely considered to be unscientific.[763][764][765]
  • Hand size[766] and foot size[767] do not correlate with human penis size, but finger length ratio may.[768]
  • While pregnancies from sex between first cousins do carry a slightly elevated risk of birth defects, this risk is often exaggerated.[769] The risk is 5–6% (similar to that of a woman in her early 40s giving birth),[769][770] compared with a baseline risk of 3–4%.[770] The effects of inbreeding depression, while still relatively small compared to other factors (and thus difficult to control for in a scientific experiment), become more noticeable if isolated and maintained for several generations.[771]
  • Having sex before a sporting event or contest is not physiologically detrimental to performance.[772] In fact it has been suggested that sex prior to sports activity can elevate male testosterone levels, which could potentially enhance performance for male athletes.[773]
  • There is no definitive proof of the existence of the vaginal G-spot, and the general consensus is that no such spot exists on the female body.[774]
  • Closeted or latent homosexuality is not correlated with internalized homophobia. A 1996 study claiming a connection in men[775] has not been verified by subsequent studies, including a 2013 study that found no correlation.[776]
  • The menstrual cycles of people who live together do not tend to synchronize. A 1971 study made this claim, but subsequent research has not supported it.[777][778]

Skin and hair

  • Water-induced wrinkles are not caused by the skin absorbing water and swelling.[779] They are caused by the autonomic nervous system, which triggers localized vasoconstriction in response to wet skin, yielding a wrinkled appearance.[780]
  • A person's hair and fingernails do not continue to grow after death. Rather, the skin dries and shrinks away from the bases of hairs and nails, giving the appearance of growth.[781]
  • Shaving does not cause terminal hair to grow back thicker or darker. This belief is thought to be due to the fact that hair that has never been cut has a tapered end, so after cutting, the base of the hair is blunt and appears thicker and feels coarser. That short hairs are less flexible than longer hairs contributes to this effect.[782]
  • MC1R, the gene mostly responsible for red hair, is not becoming extinct, nor will the gene for blond hair do so, although both are recessive alleles. Redheads and blonds may become rarer but will not die out unless everyone who carries those alleles dies without passing their hair color genes on to their children.[783]
  • Acne is not caused by a lack of hygiene or eating fatty foods, though certain medication or a carbohydrate-rich diet may worsen it.[784]
  • Dandruff is not caused by poor hygiene, though infrequent hair-washing can make it more obvious. The exact causes of dandruff are uncertain, but they are believed to be mostly genetic and environmental factors.[785]


  • James Watt did not invent the steam engine,[786] nor were his ideas on steam engine power inspired by a kettle lid pressured open by steam.[787] Watt improved upon the already commercially successful Newcomen atmospheric engine (invented in 1712) in the 1760s and 1770s, making certain improvements critical to its future usage, particularly the external condenser, increasing its efficiency, and later the mechanism for transforming reciprocating motion into rotary motion; his new steam engine later gained huge fame as a result.[788]
  • Although the guillotine was named after the French physician Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, he neither invented nor was executed with this device. He died peacefully in his own bed in 1814.[789]
  • Thomas Crapper did not invent the flush toilet.[790] A forerunner of the modern toilet was invented by the Elizabethan courtier Sir John Harington in the 16th century,[791] and in 1775 the Scottish mechanic Alexander Cumming developed and patented a design for a toilet with an S-trap and flushing mechanism.[792] Crapper, however, did much to increase the popularity of the flush toilet and introduced several innovations in the late 19th century, holding nine patents, including one for the floating ballcock.[793]
  • Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb.[794] He did, however, develop the first practical light bulb in 1880 (employing a carbonized bamboo filament), shortly prior to Joseph Swan, who invented an even more efficient bulb in 1881 (which used a cellulose filament).
  • Henry Ford did not invent either the automobile or the assembly line. He did improve the assembly line process substantially, sometimes through his own engineering but more often through sponsoring the work of his employees, and he was the main person behind the introduction of the Model T, regarded as the first affordable automobile.[795] Karl Benz (co-founder of Mercedes-Benz) is credited with the invention of the first modern automobile,[796] and the assembly line has existed throughout history.
  • Al Gore never said that he had "invented" the Internet. What Gore actually said was, "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet", in reference to his political work towards developing the Internet for widespread public use.[797] Gore was the original drafter of the High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991, which provided significant funding for supercomputing centers,[798] and this in turn led to upgrades of a major part of the already-existing early 1990s Internet backbone, the NSFNet,[799] and development of NCSA Mosaic, the browser that popularized the World Wide Web.[798] (See also: Al Gore and information technology)


Marble bust of a man with a long, pointed beard, wearing a taenia, a kind of ancient Greek head covering in this case resembling a turban. The face is somewhat gaunt and has prominent, but thin, eyebrows, which seem halfway fixed into a scowl. The ends of his mustache are long a trail halfway down the length of his beard to about where the bottom of his chin would be if we could see it. None of the hair on his head is visible, since it is completely covered by the taenia.
Bust of Pythagoras in the Capitoline Museums, Rome.[800] Classical historians dispute whether he ever made any mathematical discoveries.[801][802]


An illustration of the (incorrect) equal-transit-time explanation of aerofoil lift
  • The lift force is not generated by the air taking the same time to travel above and below an aircraft's wing.[814] This misconception, sometimes called the equal transit-time fallacy, is widespread among textbooks and non-technical reference books, and even appears in pilot training materials. In fact, the air moving over the top of an aerofoil generating lift is always moving much faster than the equal transit theory would imply,[814] as described in the incorrect and correct explanations of lift force.
  • Blowing over a curved piece of paper does not demonstrate Bernoulli's principle. Although a common classroom experiment is often explained this way,[815] Bernoulli's principle only applies within a flow field, and the air above and below the paper is in different flow fields.[816] The paper rises because the air follows the curve of the paper and a curved streamline will develop pressure differences perpendicular to the airflow.[817][818]
  • The Coriolis effect does not cause water to consistently drain from basins in a clockwise/counter-clockwise direction depending on the hemisphere. The common myth often refers to the draining action of flush toilets and bathtubs. In fact, rotation is determined by whatever minor rotation is initially present at the time the water starts to drain, as the magnitude of the coriolis acceleration is negligibly small compared to the inertial acceleration of flow within a typical basin.[819]
  • Neither gyroscopic forces nor geometric trail are required for a rider to balance a bicycle or for it to demonstrate self-stability.[820][821] Although gyroscopic forces and trail can be contributing factors, it has been demonstrated that those factors are neither required nor sufficient by themselves.[820]
  • A penny dropped from the Empire State Building would not kill a person or crack the sidewalk. A penny is too light and has too much air resistance to acquire enough speed to do much damage since it reaches terminal velocity after falling about 50 feet. Heavier or more aerodynamic objects could cause significant damage if dropped from that height.[822][823]
  • Using a programmable thermostat's setback feature to limit heating or cooling in a temporarily unoccupied building does not waste as much energy as leaving the temperature constant. Using setback saves energy (5–15%) because heat transfer across the surface of the building is roughly proportional to the temperature difference between its inside and the outside.[824][825]
  • It is not possible for a person to completely submerge in quicksand, as commonly depicted in fiction,[826] although sand entrapment in the nearshore of a body of water can be a drowning hazard as the tide rises.[827]
  • Quantum nonlocality caused by quantum entanglement does not allow faster-than-light communication or imply instant action at a distance, despite its common characterization as "spooky action at a distance". Rather, it means that certain experiments cannot be explained by local realism.[828][829]
  • The slipperiness of ice is not due to pressure melting. While it is true that increased pressure, such as that exerted by someone standing on a sheet of ice, will lower the melting point of ice, experiments show that the effect is too weak to account for the lowered friction. Materials scientists still debate whether premelting or the heat of friction is the dominant cause of ice's slipperiness.[830][831]

Psychology and neuroscience

  • Cannabis use in pregnancy is not low risk. The THC exposure resulting from cannabis use affects fetal brain development and the male offspring of cannabis users are, as a result, more susceptible to psychotic illness.[832]
  • True photographic memory (the ability to remember endless images, particularly pages or numbers, with such a high degree of precision that the image mimics a photo) has never been demonstrated to exist in any individual,[833] although a small number of young children have eidetic memory, where they can recall an object with high precision for a few minutes after it is no longer present.[834] Many people have claimed to have a photographic memory, but those people have been shown to have high precision memories as a result of mnemonic devices rather than a natural capacity for detailed memory encoding.[835] There are rare cases of individuals with exceptional memory, but none of them have a memory that mimics that of a camera.
  • The phase of the Moon does not influence fertility, cause a fluctuation in crime, or affect the stock market. There is no correlation between the lunar cycle and human biology or behavior. However, the increased amount of illumination during the full moon may account for increased epileptic episodes, motorcycle accidents, or sleep disorders.[836]

Mental disorders

  • Vaccines do not cause autism. There have been no successful attempts to reproduce fraudulent research by British ex-doctor Andrew Wakefield, where the misconception likely originates. Wakefield's research was ultimately shown to have been manipulated.[837]
  • Dyslexia is not defined or diagnosed as mirror writing or reading letters or words backwards.[838][839] Mirror writing and reading letters or words backwards are behaviors seen in many children (dyslexic or not) as they learn to read and write.[838][839] Dyslexia is a neurodevelopmental disorder of people who have at least average intelligence and who have difficulty in reading and writing that is not otherwise explained by low intelligence.[840]
  • Self-harm is not generally an attention-seeking behavior. People who engage in self-harm are typically very self-conscious of their wounds and scars and feel guilty about their behavior, leading them to go to great lengths to conceal it from others.[841] They may offer alternative explanations for their injuries, or conceal their scars with clothing.[842][843]
  • There is no evidence that a chemical imbalance or neurotransmitter deficiency is the sole factor in depression and other mental disorders, but rather a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors.[844][845]
  • Schizophrenia is characterized by continuous or relapsing episodes of psychosis. Major symptoms include hallucinations (typically hearing voices), delusions, paranoia, and disorganized thinking. Other symptoms include social withdrawal, decreased emotional expression, and apathy.[846] The term was coined from the Greek roots schizein and phrēn, "to split" and "mind", in reference to a "splitting of mental functions" seen in schizophrenia, not a splitting of the personality.[847] It does not involve split or multiple personalities—a split or multiple personality is dissociative identity disorder.[848]


  • Broad generalizations are often made in popular psychology about certain brain functions being lateralized, or more predominant in one hemisphere than the other. These claims are often inaccurate or overstated.[849]
  • The human brain, particularly the prefrontal cortex, does not reach "full maturity" or "full development" at any particular age (e.g. 16, 18, 21, 25, 30). Changes in structure and myelination of gray matter are recorded to continue with relative consistency all throughout life including until death. Different mental abilities peak earlier or later in life.[850] The myth is believed to have originated from Jay Giedd's work on the adolescent brain funded by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy,[851] though it has also been popularized by Laurence Steinberg in his work with adolescent criminal reform who has considered ages 10–25 to constitute cognitive adolescence, despite denying any connection to the notion of the brain maturing at '25'.[852]
Golgi-stained neurons in human hippocampal tissue. It is commonly believed that humans will not grow new brain cells, but research has shown that some neurons can reform in humans.
  • Humans do not generate all of the brain cells they will ever have by the age of two years. Although this belief was held by medical experts until 1998, it is now understood that new neurons can be created after infancy in some parts of the brain into late adulthood.[853]
  • People do not use only 10% of their brains.[854][855] While it is true that a small minority of neurons in the brain are actively firing at any one time, a healthy human will normally use most of their brain over the course of a day, and the inactive neurons are important as well. The idea that activating 100% of the brain would allow someone to achieve their maximum potential and/or gain various psychic abilities is common in folklore and fiction,[855][856][857] but doing so in real life would likely result in a fatal seizure.[858][859] This misconception was attributed to late 19th century leading thinker William James, who apparently used the expression only metaphorically.[856]
  • Although Phineas Gage's brain injuries, caused by a several-foot-long tamping rod driven completely through his skull, caused him to become temporarily disabled, many fanciful descriptions of his aberrant behavior in later life are without factual basis or contradicted by known facts.[860]


An incorrect map of the tongue showing zones that taste bitter (1), sour (2), salty (3) and sweet (4). Actually, all zones can sense all tastes, and there is also the taste of umami (not shown on picture).
  • The human sense of smell is not weak or underdeveloped. Humans have similar senses of smell to other mammals, and are more sensitive to some odors than rodents and dogs.[868]




  • The Bermuda Triangle does not have any more shipwrecks or mysterious disappearances than most other waterways.[879]
  • Toilet waste is never intentionally jettisoned from an aircraft. All waste is collected in tanks and emptied into toilet waste vehicles.[880] Blue ice is caused by accidental leakage from the waste tank. Passenger train toilets, on the other hand, have indeed historically flushed onto the tracks; modern trains in most developed countries usually have retention tanks on board and therefore do not dispose of waste in such a manner.
  • Automotive batteries stored on a concrete floor do not discharge any faster than they would on other surfaces, in spite of a worry that concrete harms batteries.[881] Early batteries with porous, leaky cases may have been susceptible to moisture from floors, but for many years lead–acid car batteries have had impermeable polypropylene cases.[882] While most modern automotive batteries are sealed, and do not leak battery acid when properly stored and maintained,[883] the sulfuric acid in them can leak out and stain, etch, or corrode concrete floors if their cases crack or tip over or their vent-holes are breached by floods.[884]

See also



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    б. «Два других убеждения о [золотом сечении] часто упоминаются в журналах и книгах: древние греки верили, что именно эта пропорция прямоугольника кажется глазу наиболее приятной, и что они соответственно включали прямоугольник во многие свои здания, включая знаменитый Парфенон. Эти два одинаково стойких убеждения также заведомо ложны и, во всяком случае, совершенно необоснованны». Девлин, Кейт (2008). Неоконченная игра: Паскаль, Ферма и письмо семнадцатого века, сделавшее мир современным . Основные книги. п. 35.
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    б. Девлин, Кейт (май 2007 г.). «Миф, который не исчезнет» . Архивировано из оригинала 1 июля 2013 года . Проверено 10 апреля 2013 г. Часть процесса становления писателем-математиком, по-видимому, заключается в осознании того, что нельзя ссылаться на золотое сечение, не сопровождая первое упоминание фразой, которая звучит примерно так: «которое, как полагали древние греки и другие, обладало божественными и мистическими свойствами». ' Почти столь же навязчивым является желание добавить второй факт вроде «Леонардо да Винчи верил, что человеческая форма отражает золотое сечение». Нет ни малейшего доказательства, подтверждающего ни одно из утверждений, и есть все основания предполагать, что они оба ложны. Тем не менее, оба утверждения, наряду с другими в том же духе, продолжают жить.
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  816. ^ а. Крейг, Гейл М. «Физические принципы крылатого полета» (PDF) . Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 7 марта 2021 г. Проверено 5 сентября 2012 г. Если подъем на рисунке А был вызван «принципом Бернулли», то бумага на рисунке Б должна опускаться еще больше, когда под ней продувается воздух. Однако, как показано, оно повышается, когда восходящий градиент давления в изгибающемся вниз потоке добавляется к атмосферному давлению на нижней поверхности бумаги.
    б. Бабинский, Хольгер (2003). «Как работают крылья» . Физическое образование . 38 (6): 497–502. Бибкод : 2003PhyEd..38..497B . дои : 10.1088/0031-9120/38/6/001 . S2CID   1657792 . Проверено 7 января 2021 г.
    в. Иствуэлл, Питер (2007). «Бернулли? Возможно, но как насчет вязкости?» (PDF) . Обзор научного образования . 6 . Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 18 марта 2018 года . Проверено 10 сентября 2023 г. ...воздух не имеет пониженного бокового давления (или статического давления...) просто потому, что его заставляют двигаться, статическое давление свободного воздуха не уменьшается с увеличением скорости воздуха, что предполагает неправильное понимание принципа Бернулли. что это именно то, что он нам говорит, и поведение изогнутой бумаги объясняется другими рассуждениями, а не принципом Бернулли. ... Объяснение, основанное на принципе Бернулли, к данной ситуации неприменимо, поскольку этот принцип ничего не говорит о взаимодействии воздушных масс, имеющих разные скорости... Кроме того, хотя принцип Бернулли позволяет сравнивать скорости и давления жидкости вдоль одна линия тока и... вдоль двух разных линий тока, которые возникают в одинаковых условиях жидкости, использовать принцип Бернулли для сравнения воздуха над и под изогнутой бумагой на рисунке 1 бессмысленно; в этом случае под бумагой вообще нет никаких линий тока!
    д. Раскин, Джеф. «Эффект Коанды: понимание того, почему работают крылья» .
    и. Ауэрбах, Дэвид (2000). «Почему летают самолеты» . Европейский журнал физики . 21 (4): 292, 295. Бибкод : 2000EJPh...21..289A . дои : 10.1088/0143-0807/21/4/302 . S2CID   250821727 .
    ф. Смит, Норман Ф. (ноябрь 1972 г.). «Бернулли и Ньютон в механике жидкости». Учитель физики . 10 (8): 451–455. Бибкод : 1972PhTea..10..451S . дои : 10.1119/1.2352317 .
  817. ^ а. Бабинский, Хольгер (2003). «Как работают крылья» . Физическое образование . 38 (6): 497–503. Бибкод : 2003PhyEd..38..497B . дои : 10.1088/0031-9120/38/6/001 . S2CID   1657792 . Проверено 7 января 2021 г. ... если линия тока искривлена, поперек линии тока должен существовать градиент давления, причем давление увеличивается в направлении от центра кривизны.
    б. Смит, Норман Ф. (апрель 1973 г.). «Бернулли, Ньютон и динамический лифт, часть II *: Бернулли или Ньютон?». Школьная наука и математика . 73 (4): 327–335. дои : 10.1111/j.1949-8594.1973.tb09040.x . Изогнутая бумага поворачивает поток воздуха вниз, и это действие вызывает подъемную силу, которая поднимает бумагу.
    в. «АЭРОНАВТИКА: Руководство для преподавателя по естественным наукам, математике и технологическому образованию» (PDF) . НАСА. п. 26 . Проверено 7 января 2021 г. Изогнутая поверхность языка создает неравномерное давление воздуха и подъемное действие. ... Подъемная сила возникает за счет движения воздуха по изогнутой поверхности.
  818. ^ а. Андерсон, Дэвид Ф.; Эберхардт, Скотт (2000). Понимание полета . МакГроу Хилл Профессионал. п. 229. ИСБН  978-0-07-138666-1 – через Google Книги. Демонстрации принципа Бернулли часто представляют собой демонстрации физики подъемной силы. Это действительно демонстрации подъемной силы, но уж точно не принципа Бернулли.
    б. Фейл, Макс. Файл по аэронавтике . В качестве примера возьмем вводящий в заблуждение эксперимент, который чаще всего используется для «демонстрации» принципа Бернулли. Держите лист бумаги так, чтобы он обвивал палец, а затем подуйте на верхнюю часть. Бумага поднимется. Однако большинство людей не осознают, что бумага НЕ поднялась бы, если бы она была плоской, даже если вы с бешеной скоростью продуваете ее сверху воздухом. Принцип Бернулли в данном случае напрямую не применим. Это связано с тем, что воздух на обеих сторонах бумаги исходил из разных источников. Воздух внизу — это окружающий воздух из комнаты, но воздух вверху исходил из вашего рта, где вы фактически увеличили его скорость, не уменьшая его давления, вытесняя его изо рта. В результате воздух с обеих сторон плоской бумаги фактически имеет одинаковое давление, хотя воздух сверху движется быстрее. Причина, по которой изогнутый лист бумаги поднимается, заключается в том, что воздух изо рта ускоряется еще больше, следуя изгибу бумаги, что, в свою очередь, снижает давление, согласно Бернулли.
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  850. ^ а. Более современные исследования показывают, что структура префронтальной коры головного мозга меняется даже после 30 лет. Хартсхорн, Джошуа К.; Жермин, Лаура Т. (апрель 2015 г.). «Когда когнитивная функция достигает пика? Асинхронный рост и падение различных когнитивных способностей на протяжении всей жизни» . Психологическая наука . 26 (4): 433–443. дои : 10.1177/0956797614567339 . ПМЦ   4441622 . ПМИД   25770099 . Некоторые способности достигают пика и начинают снижаться после окончания средней школы; некоторые способности выходят на стадию в раннем взрослом возрасте, начиная снижаться к 30 годам; а третьи не достигают пика, пока субъекты не достигнут 40-летнего возраста или позже. Эти результаты послужили основанием для создания детальной теории взросления и возрастного упадка, в которой множество разъединяемых факторов по-разному влияют на разные области познания. б. Мэтьюз, МЭэлисса (19 марта 2019 г.). «Человеческий мозг не достигает взрослой жизни до 30 лет, как показало исследование » Мужское здоровье . На самом деле мы хотим сказать, что определение того, когда вы переходите из детства во взрослую жизнь, выглядит все более абсурдным... Это гораздо более тонкий переход, который происходит в течение трех десятилетий.
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    б. Агентство по охране окружающей среды США (1999), Федеральный руководящий отчет 13 , стр. 16: «Например, коэффициент риска проглатывания для 40K не подходит для применения при проглатывании 40 K в сочетании с повышенным потреблением природного калия. Это связано с тем, что биокинетическая модель калия, используемая в этом документе, представляет собой относительно медленное выведение калия (биологический период полураспада 30 дней), которое, по оценкам, происходит при типичном потреблении калия, тогда как повышенное потребление калия приведет к выведению из организма почти равная масса природного калия и, следовательно, 40 К., в течение короткого периода времени».
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Заголовок, (Title) документа по адресу, URL1:
List of common misconceptions - Wikipedia
Данный printscreen веб страницы (снимок веб страницы, скриншот веб страницы), визуально-программная копия документа расположенного по адресу URL1 и сохраненная в файл, имеет: квалифицированную, усовершенствованную (подтверждены: метки времени, валидность сертификата), открепленную ЭЦП (приложена к данному файлу), что может быть использовано для подтверждения содержания и факта существования документа в этот момент времени. Права на данный скриншот принадлежат администрации Ask3.ru, использование в качестве доказательства только с письменного разрешения правообладателя скриншота. Администрация Ask3.ru не несет ответственности за информацию размещенную на данном скриншоте. Права на прочие зарегистрированные элементы любого права, изображенные на снимках принадлежат их владельцам. Качество перевода предоставляется как есть. Любые претензии, иски не могут быть предъявлены. Если вы не согласны с любым пунктом перечисленным выше, вы не можете использовать данный сайт и информация размещенную на нем (сайте/странице), немедленно покиньте данный сайт. В случае нарушения любого пункта перечисленного выше, штраф 55! (Пятьдесят пять факториал, Денежную единицу (имеющую самостоятельную стоимость) можете выбрать самостоятельно, выплаичвается товарами в течение 7 дней с момента нарушения.)