Index of oncology articles
This is a list of terms related to oncology. The original source for this list was the US National Cancer Institute's public domain Dictionary of Cancer Terms.
[edit]10-propargyl-10-deazaaminopterin– 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate– 13-cis retinoic acid– 17-N-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin– 18F-EF5– 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging– 2-methoxyestradiol– 2IT-BAD monoclonal antibody 170– 3-aminopyridine-2-carboxaldehyde thiosemicarbazone– 3-AP– 3-dimensional conformal radiation therapy– 3-dimensional radiation therapy– 4-demethoxydaunorubicin– 4-hydroxytamoxifen– 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide– 4-NQO– 5-FU– 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid– 5-hydroxytryptamine– 506U78– 5Q- syndrome– 6-hydroxymethylacylfulvene– 9-cis retinoic acid– 90Y-DOTA-biotin
[edit]A33 monoclonal antibody– AAP– abarelix– ABCD rating– ABI-007– ABT-510– ABT-751– ABX-EGF– accelerated phase– ACE inhibitor– acetylcysteine– achlorhydria– acitretin– acoustic neurofibromatosis– acridine carboxamide– acrylonitrile– actinic keratosis– action study– Activase– acute erythroid leukemia– acute lymphoblastic leukemia– acute lymphocytic leukemia– acute myelogenous leukemia– acute myeloid leukemia– acute nonlymphocytic leukemia– AD 32– adenocarcinoma– adenoid cystic cancer– adenoma– adenopathy– adenosine triphosphate– adenovirus– adjunct agent– adjunctive therapy– adjuvant therapy– adrenocortical– Adriamycin– adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma– AE-941– AEE788– aerobic metabolism– aerobic respiration– aerodigestive tract– aerosolize– aflatoxin– AFP– AG013736– AG2037– AG3340– AG337– agent study– agglutinin– aggressive lymphoma– agnogenic myeloid metaplasia– agonist– agranulocytosis– AJCC staging system– alanine aminopeptidase– alanine transferase– alanosine– aldesleukin– alemtuzumab– alendronate sodium– alkalinization– alkylating agent– ALL– all-trans retinoic acid– allogeneic– allogeneic bone marrow transplantation– allogeneic stem cell transplantation– allogenic– allopurinol– Allovectin-7– aloe-emodin– alopecia– alpha-fetoprotein– Alteplase– altretamine– aluminium sulfate– ALVAC-CEA vaccine– Amanita phalloides– Ambien– amelanotic melanoma– Ames, Bruce– amifostine– amikacin– aminocamptothecin– aminoglutethimide– aminoglycoside antibiotic– aminolevulinic acid– aminopterin– AML– amonafide– amoxicillin– amphotericin B– ampulla– ampulla of Vater– amputation– amsacrine– amylase– amyloidosis– anagrelide– anakinra– anaphylactic shock– anaplastic– anaplastic large cell lymphoma– anaplastic thyroid cancer– anastomosis– anastrozole– androgen– androgen ablation– androgen suppression– androgen-independent– anecdotal report– anemia– anetholtrithione– Angelica root– angiogenesis– angiogenesis inhibitor– angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma– angiosarcoma– angiostatin– angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor– anhydrovinblastine– anidulafungin– animal model– annamycin– anorexia– ansamycin– antagonist– anterior mediastinotomy– anterior mediastinum– anthracenedione– anthracycline– anthraquinone– anti-CEA antibody– anti-idiotype vaccine– anti-inflammatory– antiandrogen– antiandrogen therapy– anti-angiogenesis– antiangiogenic– antibody– antibody therapy– anticachexia– anticancer antibiotic– anticarcinogenic– anticoagulant– anticonvulsant– antidepressant– antiemetic– antiestrogen– antifolate– antifungal medication– antigen– antigen-presenting cell– antigen-presenting cell vaccine– antiglobulin test– antihormone therapy– antimetabolite– antimicrotubule agent– antimitotic agent– antineoplastic– antineoplastic antibiotic– antioxidant– antiparasitic– antiretroviral therapy– antisense c-fos– antithymocyte globulin– antituberculosis– antitumor antibiotic– Antiviral drug– anxiolytic– APC– APC vaccine– APC8015– apheresis– aplastic anemia– aplidine– apocrine gland– apolizumab– apoptosis– appendix– arctigenin– arctiin– arginine butyrate– aromatase inhibitor– arsenic trioxide– arteriogram– arteriography– asbestos– ascites– asparaginase– aspartate transaminase– aspergillosis– Aspergillus– asthenia– astrocyte– astrocytoma– asymptomatic– atamestane– ataxia– ataxia-telangiectasia– ataxic gait– atelectasis– athymic nude mouse– ATLL– ATP– atrasentan– atypical hyperplasia– ATRT atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor– augmerosen– autoimmune disease– autologous– autologous bone marrow– autologous bone marrow transplantation– autologous lymphocyte– autologous stem cell transplantation– autologous tumor cell– Avastin– axilla– axillary artery– axillary bud– axillary dissection– axillary lymph node– axillary lymph node dissection– axillary nerve– axillary vein– azacitidine– azoxymethane– AZQ– AZT
[edit]B cell– B lymphocyte– B3 antigen– B43-PAP immunotoxin– B7-1– Bacillus Calmette Guérin– bacterial toxin– barium enema– barium solution– barium swallow– Barrett's esophagus– basal cell– basal cell carcinoma– basal cell nevus syndrome– basophil– batimastat– BAY 12-9566– BAY 43-9006– BAY 56-3722– BAY 59-8862– BB-10901– BBBD– BBR 2778– BBR 3464– BCG– BCG solution– bcl-2 antisense oligodeoxynucleotide G3139– BCX-1777– Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome– beclomethasone– Bellini duct carcinoma– bendamustine– benign– benign proliferative breast disease– benign prostatic hyperplasia– benign prostatic hypertrophy– benign tumor– benzaldehyde– benzoylphenylurea– benzydamine– Beriplast P– best practice– beta alethine– beta carotene– beta hemolytic streptococcus group B– beta-endorphin– beta-glucan– beta-human chorionic gonadotropin– bevacizumab– bexarotene– Bexxar regimen– BG00001– BI-RADS– Biafine cream– BIBX 1382– bicalutamide– bidi (oncology)– bilateral cancer– bilateral nephrectomy– bilateral prophylactic mastectomy– bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy– bile duct– biliary– bilirubin– binding agent– bioavailable– biochanin A– biochemical reactions– biological response modifier– biological therapy– biomarker– Biomed 101– biopsy– biopsy specimen– biotherapy– Birt–Hogg–Dube syndrome– bispecific antibody– bispecific monoclonal antibody– bisphosphonate– bizelesin– BL22 immunotoxin– black cohosh– black snakeroot– blast– blast crisis– blast phase– bleomycin– blessed thistle– blinded study– blood cell count– blood chemistry study– blood thinner– blood transfusion– blood–brain barrier– blood–brain barrier disruption– BMS-182751– BMS-184476– BMS-188797– BMS-214662– BMS-247550– BMS-275291– BMS-354825– Bolus (medicine)– bolus infusion– bone marrow– bone marrow ablation– bone marrow aspiration– bone marrow biopsy– bone marrow metastases– bone marrow transplantation– bone metastases– bone scan– bone-seeking radioisotope– Boron neutron capture therapy– boronophenylalanine-fructose complex– bortezomib– Bowen's disease– BPH– brachial plexopathy– brachial plexus– brachytherapy– brain metastasis– brainstem glioma– brain stem tumor– brain tumor– BRCA1– BRCA2– breakthrough pain– breast cancer in situ– breast density– breast duct endoscopy– Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System– breast implant– breast reconstruction– breast self-exam– breast-conserving surgery– breast-sparing surgery– Brief Pain Inventory– BRIP1– brivudine– BRM– bromelain– bronchiole– bronchitis– bronchoscope– bronchoscopy– bronchus– brostallicin– broxuridine– bryostatin 1– buccal mucosa– budesonide– bupropion– burdock– Burkitt's leukemia– Burkitt's lymphoma– burr hole– buserelin– buspirone– busulfan– buthionine sulfoximine
[edit]C cell– c-erbB-2– c-kit– CA 19-9 assay– CA-125– CA-125 test– cachexia– calcitonin– calcitriol– CAM– Campath-1H– camptothecin– camptothecin analog– cancer– cancer induction– Cancer Information Service– cancer of unknown primary origin– cancer stem cell– cancer vaccine–– Candidiasis– Candidosis– CAP-1– capecitabine– capsaicin– captopril– carbendazim– carbogen– carbon-11 acetate– carboplatin– carboxyamidotriazole– carboxypeptidase-G2– carcinoembryonic antigen– carcinoembryonic antigen peptide-1– carcinogen– carcinogenesis– carcinoid– carcinoid syndrome– carcinoma– carcinoma in situ– carcinomatosis– carcinosarcoma– carcinosis– carcinostatic– cardin (oncology)– carmustine– carnitine– carotenoid– carzelesin– case report– case series– case-control study– caspofungin acetate– Castleman's disease– CAT scan– catechol– cauterization– cauterize– cBR96-doxorubicin immunoconjugate– CC-1088– CC-49 monoclonal antibody– CC-5013– CC-8490– CCI-779– CD34 antigen– CD40-ligand– CEA– CEA assay– cecum– cefalexin– cefepime– cefixime– ceftriaxone– celecoxib– celiac disease– cell– cell differentiation– cell motility– cell proliferation– cell respiration– cell adhesion– cellular adoptive immunotherapy– cellular metabolism– cellulitis– central nervous system primitive neuroectodermal tumor– central venous access catheter– CEP-2563 dihydrochloride– CEP-701– cephalosporin– ceramide– cerebellar hemangioblastoma– cerebellopontine– cerebral hemisphere– cerebrospinal fluid– cerebrospinal fluid diversion– cervical– cervical intraepithelial neoplasia– cervix– cetuximab– cevimeline– CGP 48664– Chamberlain procedure– chemoembolization– chemoimmunotherapy– chemoprevention– chemoprevention studies– chemoprotective– chemoradiation– chemoradiotherapy– chemosensitivity– chemosensitivity assay– chemosensitizer– chemotherapeutic agent– chemotherapy– chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy– chest x-ray– chiasma– child-life worker– chitin– chlorambucil– chlorine– chloroma– chloroquinoxaline sulfonamide– cholangiocarcinoma– cholangiosarcoma– cholelith– cholestasis– chondrocyte– chondroitin sulfate– chondrosarcoma– chordoma– chorioallantoic membrane– choriocarcinoma– choroid plexus tumor– CHPP– chronic granulocytic leukemia– chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis– chronic leukemia– chronic lymphoblastic leukemia– chronic lymphocytic leukemia– chronic myelogenous leukemia– chronic myeloid leukemia– chronic myelomonocytic leukemia– chronic phase– chronic phase chronic myelogenous leukemia– CHS 828– CI-1033– CI-958– CI-980– CI-994– ciclosporin– cidofovir– cilengitide– cimetidine– Cipro– ciprofloxacin– circulatory system– cirrhosis– CIS– cisplatin– citric acid/potassium-sodium citrate– cladribine– clarithromycin– clear cell adenocarcinoma– clear-cell sarcoma– clear cell sarcoma of the kidney– clinical breast exam– clinical resistance– clinical series– clinical study– clinical trial– CLL– clodronate– clofarabine– CML– CMML– CMV– cnicin– CNS– CNS metastasis– CNS prophylaxis– CNS sanctuary– CNS tumor– co-culture– co-trimoxazole– coactivated T cell– cobalt 60– Cockayne syndrome– coenzyme Q10– cohort study– COL-3– cold nodule– Coley's toxins– collagen disease– collagenase– collecting duct– coloanal anastomosis– coloanal pull-through– Colorectal cancer (colon cancer)– colon polyp– colonoscope– colonoscopy– colony-stimulating factor– colorectal– colposcope– colposcopy– combination chemotherapy– combretastatin A4 phosphate– comedo carcinoma– common bile duct– comorbidity– compassionate use trial– complementary and alternative medicine– complete blood count (CBC)– complete hysterectomy– complete metastasectomy– complete remission– complete response– compound nevus– compression bandage– computed tomographic colonography– computed tomography– computed tomography colography– computerized axial tomography– computerized tomography– concurrent therapy– condylomata acuminata– cone biopsy– congestive heart failure– conization– consecutive case series– consolidation therapy– contiguous lymphoma– continent reservoir– contingency management– continuous hyperthermic peritoneal perfusion– continuous infusion– contralateral– control animal– control group– controlled clinical trial– controlled study– conventional therapy– conventional treatment– cooperative group– CoQ10– cordectomy– cordycepin– core biopsy– corticosteroid– Corynebacterium granulosum– coumestan– coumestrol– CP-358,774– CP-609,754– CP-724,714– CP4071– CpG 7909– CPT 11– CQS– craniopharyngioma– craniotomy– creatine– creatinine– cribriform– crisnatol mesylate– Crohn's disease– cryopreservation– cryosurgery– cryotherapy– cryptorchidism– CSF– CT scan– CT-2103– CT-2106– CT-2584– CTC– cultured cell– cultured cell line– cumulative dose– curcumin– cutaneous breast cancer– cutaneous T-cell lymphoma– cyanogenic glucoside– cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibitor– cyclophosphamide– cyclosporine– cyproheptadine– cyproterone acetate– cyst– cystectomy– cystosarcoma phyllodes– cystoscope– cystoscopy– cytarabine– cytochlor– cytogenetics– cytokine– cytology– cytomegalovirus– cytopenia– cytoplasm– cytotoxic– cytotoxic chemotherapy– cytotoxic T cell
[edit]D-20761– da-huang– dacarbazine– dacliximab– daclizumab– dactinomycin– daidzein– dalteparin– danazol– darbepoetin alfa– darkfield microscope– Data Safety and Monitoring Committee– daunorubicin– DCIS– de novo– death cap– debulking operation– decitabine– decortication– deferoxamine– defibrotide– degenerative disease– dehydroepiandrosterone– delayed-type hypersensitivity response– dendritic cell– dendritic cell vaccine– denileukin diftitox– dental implant– deoxycytidine– deoxyribonucleic acid– DepoFoam-encapsulated cytarabine– depsipeptide– dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans– dermatologist– dermis– DES– deslorelin– desmoid tumor– desmoplastic– desmoplastic melanoma– desmoplastic small round cell tumor– dexamethasone– dexmethylphenidate– dexrazoxane– dextroamphetamine-amphetamine– dextromethorphan acetic acid– DFMO– DHA-paclitaxel– DHEA– di-dgA-RFB4 monoclonal antibody– diagnosis– diagnostic mammogram– diagnostic procedures– diagnostic trial– diathermy– diaziquone– didanosine– DIEP flap– diethylstilbestrol– differentiation– difluoromethylornithine– digital mammography– digital photography– digital rectal examination– dihematoporphyrin ether– dimesna– dimethyl sulfoxide– dimethylxanthenone acetic acid– diphosphonate– dipyridamole– disease progression– disease-free survival– disease-specific survival– distal– distal pancreatectomy– distant cancer– distraction– disulfiram– DJ-927– DNA– docetaxel– dock– dolasetron– dolastatin 10– donepezil– dose– dose-dense chemotherapy– dose-dependent– dose-limiting– dose-rate– dosimetrist– double-blinded– double-contrast barium enema– doubling time– doxercalciferol– doxorubicin– doxycycline– DRE– dronabinol– drug tolerance– dry orgasm– DTGM fusion protein– ductal carcinoma– ductal carcinoma in situ– ductal lavage– Dukes' classification– dumping syndrome– duodenitis– DX-52-1– DX-8951f– dyscrasia– dysesthesia– dysgeusia– dysphagia– dysplasia– dysplastic nevi– dysplastic nevus– dyspnea
[edit]E7070– E7389– EBV– ecchymosis– echocardiography– ecteinascidin 743– ectocervical– edatrexate– edotecarin– edrecolomab– efaproxiral– effector cell– efficacy– eflornithine– EGb761– EGFR– EKB-569– electroacupuncture– electrodesiccation– electrolarynx– electroporation therapy– eligibility criteria– embolism– embolization– embryoma– embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma– embryonal tumor– embryonic– EMD 121974– emitefur– emodin– enalapril– encephalopathy– enchondroma– endocervical curettage– endocrine cancer– endocrine pancreas cell– endocrine therapy– endometrial– endometrial biopsy– endometrial disorder– endometrial hyperplasia– Endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia– endometriosis– endometrium– endorectal ultrasound– endoscope– endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography– endoscopic ultrasound– endoscopy– endostatin– endothelial cell– endothelin receptor antagonist– endothelin-1 protein receptor antagonists– eniluracil– enoxaparin– ENT– enterostomal therapist– enucleation– enveloped virus– eosinophil– eosinophilia– EP-2101– ependymal tumor– ependymoma– epidemiology– epidermal growth factor receptor– epidermoid carcinoma– epigastric– epiglottis– epinephrine– epipodophyllotoxin– epirubicin– epithelial– epithelial carcinoma– epithelial ovarian cancer– epithelium– epitope– EPO906– epoetin alfa– epoetin beta– epothilone– epothilone B– epothilone D– epratuzumab– Epstein-Barr virus– EPT– ER– ER+– ER-– ERA-923– erb-38 immunotoxin– ErbB1– ERCP– erlotinib– ERT– ERUS– erythema– erythrocyte– erythrocyte sedimentation rate– erythrodysplasia– erythroid dysplasia– erythroleukemia– erythroleukoplakia– erythroplakia– erythropoietin– esophageal– esophagectomy– esophagitis– esophagoscopy– esophagram– esophagus– ESR– essential thrombocythemia– essential thrombocytosis– estradiol– estramustine– estramustine phosphate– estrogen– estrogen receptor– estrogen receptor negative– estrogen receptor positive– estrogen receptor test– estrogen replacement therapy– etanercept– etanidazole– ethynyluracil– etidronate– etiology– etoposide– etoposide phosphate– ETS– evaluable disease– evaluable patients– everolimus– Ewing's family of tumors– Ewing's sarcoma– exatecan mesylate– excision– excisional biopsy– exemestane– exisulind– exocrine pancreas cell– expanded access trial– extensive-stage small cell lung cancer– external radiation– external-beam radiation– extrahepatic– extrapleural pneumonectomy
[edit]false-negative test result– false-positive test result– familial adenomatous polyposis– familial atypical multiple mole melanoma syndrome– familial cancer– familial dysplastic nevi– familial polyposis– Family history (medicine)– FAMMM syndrome– Fanconi anemia– Fanconi syndrome– FAP– fatty-replaced breast tissue– fazarabine– fecal occult blood test– fenretinide– fentanyl– fiber– fibrin sealant– fibroblast– fibroid– fibromatosis– fibrosarcoma– fibrosis– fibrous– fifth cranial nerve– filgrastim– filgrastim-SD/01– finasteride– fine-needle aspiration– first-line therapy– FK463– flavonoid– flavopiridol– flecainide– flow cytometry– floxuridine– flt3L– fluconazole– flucytosine– fludarabine– fludeoxyglucose F 18– fludrocortisone– fluoropyrimidine– fluoroscope– fluoroscopy– fluorouracil– fluoxetine– flutamide– FOBT– folate– folate antagonist– FOLFOX– folic acid– follicular large cell lymphoma– follicular mixed cell lymphoma– follicular thyroid cancer– formaldehyde– FR901228– fractionation– free radical– fulguration– fulvestrant– functional magnetic resonance imaging– fundus– fungating lesion– fusion protein
[edit]G-CSF– gabapentin– Gail model– gallium nitrate– gallium scan– gamma knife– gamma ray– ganciclovir– ganglioside– gastrectomy– gastric atrophy– gastrinoma– gastroenterologist– gastroesophageal junction– gastroesophageal reflux disease– gastrointestinal– gastrointestinal stromal tumor– gastrointestinal tract– gastroscope– gastroscopy– gefitinib– geldanamycin analog– GEM 231– gemcitabine– gemtuzumab ozogamicin– gene expression profiling– gene therapy– gene transfer– gene-modified– genetic analysis– genetic counseling– genetic deletion– genetic markers– genetic susceptibility– genetic testing– genistein– genitourinary system– genome– germ cell– germ cell tumor– German Commission E– germinoma– germline mutation– Gerota's capsule– Gerota's fascia– gestational trophoblastic disease– gestational trophoblastic neoplasia– gestational trophoblastic tumor– GI14721– giant cell fibroblastoma– gimatecan– GIST– Gleason score– Gleevec– Gliadel Wafer– glial cell– glial tumor– glioblastoma– glioblastoma multiforme– glioma– gliosarcoma– glossectomy– glucagon– glucagonoma– glucocorticoid– gluconeogenesis– glufosfamide– glutamine– glutathione– glutathione S-transferase– glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase inhibitor[1]– glycolysis– glycopeptide– glycoprotein– glycoprotein 100– glycosaminoglycan– GM-CSF– GM2-KLH vaccine– GnRH– gonadotropin-releasing hormone– gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist– Gonzalez regimen– Gorlin syndrome– goserelin– gossypol– gp100– gp209-2M– GPX-100– grade IV astrocytoma– graft-versus-host disease– graft-versus-tumor– granisetron– granulocyte– granulocyte colony-stimulating factor– granulocytic sarcoma– granulocytopenia– granulosa cell tumor– GTI-2040– GVHD– GW572016– GW786034– gynecologic– gynecologic cancer– gynecologic oncologist
[edit]HAART– hairy cell leukemia– halofuginone hydrobromide– Halsted radical mastectomy– hamartoma– hand-foot syndrome– head and neck cancer– Hedyotis diffusa– HeLa– helical computed tomography– helper T cell– hemagglutinin-neuraminidase– hemangiopericytoma– hemangiosarcoma– hematogenous– hematologic malignancy– hematologist– hematopoiesis– hematopoietic growth factor– hematopoietic tissue– hematoporphyrin derivative– hemilaryngectomy– heparin– hepatectomy– hepatic– hepatic arterial infusion– hepatic artery– hepatic portal vein– hepatic veno-occlusive disease– hepatoblastoma– hepatocellular carcinoma– hepatocyte– hepatoma– hepatomegaly– HER1– HER2/neu– HER2/neu gene– herba scutellaria barbatae– hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer syndrome– hereditary mutation– hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer– herpesvirus– heterogenic– hexyl 5-aminolevulinate– high-dose chemotherapy– high-dose-rate remote brachytherapy– high-dose-rate remote radiation therapy– high-energy photon therapy– high-grade lymphoma– high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion– high-risk cancer– highly active antiretroviral therapy– hilar– histamine dihydrochloride– histiocytic lymphoma– histologic examination– histology– histone– histone deacetylase– historic cohort study– historical control subject– HLA– HNPCC– Hodgkin's disease– Hodgkin's lymphoma– holmium Ho 166 DOTMP– homoharringtonine– hormonal therapy– hormone receptor– hormone receptor test– hormone replacement therapy– hormone responsive– hormone therapy– Horner's syndrome– host cell– hot nodule– HPPH– HPV– HRT– HTLV-1– hu14.18-interleukin-2 fusion protein– Huang Lian– human epidermal growth factor receptor 2– human leukocyte antigen– human lymphocyte antigen– human papillomavirus– human T-cell leukemia virus type 1– Hürthle cell neoplasm– hydrazine sulfate– hydromorphone– hydronephrosis– hydroureter– hydroxychloroquine– hydroxyurea– hypercalcemia– hyperfractionation– hyperglycemia– hypericum perforatum– hypernephroma– hyperplasia– hypersensitivity– hyperthermia therapy– hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion– hyperthermic perfusion– hyperthyroidism– hyperuricemia– hypervascular– hypoglycemia– hypopharynx– hypotension– hypothalamus– hypothesis– hypothyroidism– hypoxia– hypoxic– hysterectomy
[edit]ibandronate– ICI 182,780– ICI D1694– idarubicin– IDEC-Y2B8 monoclonal antibody– idiopathic– idiopathic myelofibrosis– idoxifene– idoxuridine– ifosfamide– IH636 grape seed extract– IL-1– IL-1-alfa– IL-11– IL-12– IL-2– IL-3– IL-4– IL-6– ileostomy– iloprost– ILX-295501– ILX23-7553– IM-862– imaging procedure– imatinib mesylate– imipenem– imiquimod– immune adjuvant– immune function– immune response– immune system– immune system tolerance– immunoassay– immunocompetence– immunocompetent– immunocompromised– immunodeficiency– immunodeficiency syndrome– immunoglobulin– immunological adjuvant– immunology– immunomodulation– immunophenotyping– immunoscintigraphy– immunostimulant– immunosuppression– immunosuppressive– immunosuppressive therapy– immunotherapy– immunotoxin– in situ cancer– incisional biopsy– incomplete Freund's adjuvant– indinavir– indium In 111 ibritumomab tiuxetan– indium In 111 pentetreotide– indole-3-carbinol– indolent lymphoma– indometacin– induction therapy– infiltrating cancer– infiltrating ductal carcinoma– inflammatory breast cancer– infliximab– infrared coagulation– inguinal orchiectomy– inoperable– inositol– inositol hexaphosphate– instillation– Institutional Review Board– intensification therapy– Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy– intercalator– interferon– interleukin– interleukin-1– interleukin-1-alpha– interleukin-11– interleukin-12– interleukin-2– interleukin-3– interleukin-4– interleukin-4 PE38KDEL cytotoxin– interleukin-4 PE38KDEL immunotoxin– interleukin-6– interleukin-7– intermediate-grade lymphoma– internal radiation– interstitial radiation therapy– intestinal villi– intoplicine– intracarotid infusion– intracavitary– intracavitary radiation– intracellular– intracolonic– intracranial tumor– intradermal– intraductal carcinoma– intraepithelial– intrahepatic– intrahepatic bile ducts– intrahepatic infusion– intralesional– intraluminal intubation and dilation– Intramuscular injection (IM)– intraocular melanoma– intraoperative radiation therapy– intraperitoneal– intraperitoneal chemotherapy– Intraperitoneal hyperthermic chemoperfusion– intraperitoneal infusion– intraperitoneal radiation therapy– intrapleural– intrathecal– intrathecal chemotherapy– intratumoral, meaning within a tumour– intravenous pyelogram– intravenous pyelography– intraventricular infusion– intravesical– invasive cancer– invasive cervical cancer– inverted papilloma– investigational– inviable– iodine I 131 tositumomab– iododoxorubicin– ionomycin– IORT– Incontinentia pigmenti – IRB– irinotecan– irofulven– irradiated– irradiation– irreversible toxicity– iseganan hydrochloride– ISIS 2503– ISIS 3521– ISIS 5132– islet cell– islet cell cancer– islet of Langerhans cell– isoflavone– isointense– isolated hepatic perfusion– isolated limb perfusion– isolated lung perfusion– isotretinoin– itraconazole– IU– IV– IVP– ixabepilone
[edit]J-107088– J-pouch coloanal anastomosis– jaundice– Jewett staging system– JM 216– junctional nevus– juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
[edit]Kaposi's sarcoma– karenitecin– Karnofsky Performance Status– keloid– keratan sulfate– keratinocyte growth factor– keratoacanthoma– ketoconazole– ketorolac– keyhole limpet hemocyanin– KGF– killer cell– Kinaret– Klatskin tumor– Klebsiella– Klinefelter syndrome– KOS-862– KPS– kretek– KRN5500– KRN7000– Krukenberg tumor– KW2189
[edit]L-377,202– L-778,123– L-carnitine (see Carnitine)– laboratory study– laboratory test– lacrimal gland– lactate dehydrogenase– lactic acid dehydrogenase– LAK cell– lamina propria– lamivudine– lamotrigine– laparoscope– laparoscopic prostatectomy– laparoscopic-assisted colectomy– laparoscopy– laparotomy– lappa– large cell carcinoma– large granular lymphocyte– laryngectomy– laser surgery– laser therapy– LCIS– LDH– lectin– leflunomide– leiomyoma– leiomyosarcoma– lentinan– lepirudin– leptomeningeal– leptomeningeal cancer– leptomeningeal metastases– leridistim– lerisetron– Leser-Trélat– letrozole– leucovorin– leukapheresis– leukemia– leukocyte– leukopenia– leukoplakia– leuprorelin– leuvectin– levamisole– levocarnitine– levofloxacin– LGD1069– LH-RH– Lhermitte's sign– Li-Fraumeni syndrome– liarozole– ligation– light-emitting diode therapy– lignan– limb perfusion– limited-stage small cell lung cancer– linac– liothyronine sodium– lipophilic– liposarcoma– liposomal– lisofylline– Hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer)– liver metastases– liver scan– LMB-1 immunotoxin– LMB-2 immunotoxin– LMB-7 immunotoxin– LMB-9 immunotoxin– lobaplatin– lobectomy– lobradimil– lobular carcinoma in situ– lobule– local cancer– local therapy– localized gallbladder cancer– locally advanced cancer– lometrexol– lomustine– lonafarnib– loop electrosurgical excision procedure– loop excision– loperamide hydrochloride– losoxantrone– low-grade lymphoma– lower GI series– LU 79553– LU-103793– lubricant– lumbar puncture– lumpectomy– lung metastases– lurtotecan– luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone– luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist– lutetium texaphyrin– LY231514– LY293111– LY317615– LY335979– LY353381 hydrochloride– lycopene– lymph gland– lymph node– lymph node dissection– lymph node drainage– lymph node mapping– lymph vessel– lymphadenectomy– lymphadenopathy– lymphangiogram– lymphangiography– lymphangiosarcoma– lymphatic fluid– lymphatic mapping– lymphatic system– lymphatic vessel– lymphedema– lymphoblast– lymphocyte– lymphocytic– lymphocytic leukemia– lymphoepithelioma– lymphography– lymphoid– lymphokine-activated killer cell– lymphoma– lymphomatoid granulomatosis– lymphoproliferative disorder– lymphosarcoma– lymphoscintigraphy– Lynch syndrome– lysis– lysosome– lytic– lytic lesion
[edit]M protein– macroglobulinemia– macrophage– mafosfamide– MAGE-3– magnetic resonance imaging– magnetic resonance perfusion imaging– magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging– magnetic-targeted carrier– maintenance therapy– malabsorption syndrome– malignancy– malignant– malignant ascites– malignant fibrous cytoma– malignant fibrous histiocytoma– malignant meningioma– malignant mesothelioma– malignant mixed Müllerian tumor– malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor– malondialdehyde– MALT lymphoma– mammary– mammogram– mammography– Mammotome– mantle field– marimastat– mast cell– mastectomy– mastocytoma– matrix metalloproteinase– MDL 101,731– MDX-060– mean survival time– measurable disease– mechlorethamine– MEDI-507– medial supraclavicular lymph node– median survival time– mediastinal pleura– mediastinoscopy– mediastinum– medical castration– medical oncologist– medroxyprogesterone– medullary breast carcinoma– medullary thyroid cancer– medulloblastoma– mega-voltage linear accelerator– megestrol– meiosis– melanocyte– melanoma– melanoma vaccine– melphalan– MEN-10755– MEN1 syndrome– meningeal– meningeal metastases– meningioma– menopausal hormone therapy– mercaptopurine– mercury– Merkel cell cancer– mesenchymal– mesenteric membrane– mesna– mesonephroma– mesothelioma– metaplasia– metaplastic carcinoma– metastasectomy– metastasis– metastasize– metastatic– metastatic cancer– metasynchronous– meteorism– methotrexate– methoxsalen– Methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta– methyl-5-aminolevulinate– methylphenidate– methylprednisolone– metoclopramide– metronidazole– metronomic therapy– Mexican valerian– MG98– microcalcification– micrometastases– micromolar– microsatellite– microsatellite instability– microstaging– microwave therapy– microwave thermotherapy– mifepristone– Miraluma test– misoprostol– mistletoe lectin– mitochondria– mitolactol– mitomycin– mitosis– mitotane– mitotic activity– mitotic index– mitotic inhibitor– mitoxantrone– mivobulin isethionate– mixed glioma– MLN2704– modafinil– modality– modified radical mastectomy– Mohs surgery– molar pregnancy– molecular risk assessment– molecularly targeted therapy– monoclonal antibody– monoclonal antibody 3F8– monocyte– Montanide ISA-51– Morinda citrifolia– morphology– motexafin gadolinium– moxifloxacin– MPNST– MRI– MRSI– MS 209– MS-275– mucinous carcinoma– mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma– muJ591 monoclonal antibody– Müllerian tumor– multicenter study– multicentric breast cancer– multidrug resistance– multidrug resistance inhibition– multifocal breast cancer– multimodality treatment– multiple endocrine adenomatosis– multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome– multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 syndrome– multiple myeloma– multiple sclerosis– multiplicity– muromonab-CD3 monoclonal antibody– musculoskeletal– mycophenolate mofetil– mycosis fungoides– mycostatin– myelin– myeloablation– myelodysplasia– myelodysplastic syndrome– myelofibrosis– myelogenous– myelogram– myeloid– myeloma– myeloproliferative disorder– myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia– myelosuppression– myelosuppressive therapy– myometrium
[edit]N-acetylcysteine– N-acetyldinaline– N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine– naloxone– National Cancer Institute– National Institutes of Health– natural killer cell– NB1011– NBI-3001– NCI– nebulizer– neck dissection– needle biopsy– needle-localized biopsy– negative axillary lymph node– negative test result– nelarabine– nelfinavir mesylate– neoadjuvant therapy– neoplasia– neoplasm– nephrotomogram– nephrotoxic– nephroureterectomy– nerve block– nerve grafting– nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy– nerve-sparing surgery– neuro-oncologist– neurobehavioral– neuroblastoma– neuroectodermal tumor– neuroendocrine– neuroendocrine tumor– neuroepithelial– neurofibroma– neurofibromatosis type I– neurofibromatosis type 2– neuroma– neuron– neuropathologist– neuropathy– neuropeptide– neuroradiologist– neurotoxicity– neurotoxin– neurotropism– neutropenia– neutrophil– nevus– NF1– NG-monomethyl-L-arginine– niacinamide– nicotinamide– NIH– nilutamide– nimodipine– nipple discharge– nitrocamptothecin– nitrosourea– NK cell– NMRI– node-negative– node-positive– nodular parenchyma– nolatrexed– non-Hodgkin's lymphoma– non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)– nonconsecutive case series– noncontiguous lymphoma– nonhematologic cancer– noni– nonlytic– nonmalignant– nonmalignant hematologic disorder– nonmelanoma skin cancer– nonmelanomatous– nonmetastatic– nonopioid– nonprescription– nonrandomized clinical trial– nonseminoma– nonspecific immune cell– nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug– nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor– novobiocin– NPO– NR-LU-10 antigen– NSAID– nuclear magnetic resonance imaging– nuclear medicine scan– nutraceutical– nystatin
[edit]O(6)-benzylguanine– oat cell cancer– objective improvement– objective response– oblimersen– obtundation– occult stage non-small cell lung cancer– octreotide– ocular melanoma– ofloxacin– OGX-011– oblimersen– oligoastrocytoma– oligodendroglial tumor– oligodendroglioma– oltipraz– omega-3 fatty acid– omentectomy– omentum– omeprazole– Ommaya reservoir– oncogene– oncologist– oncology– oncology nurse– oncology pharmacy specialist– oncolysate– oncolysis– oncolytic– Oncolytic virus– Onconase– ondansetron– ONYX-015– oophorectomy– open biopsy– open colectomy– open label study– opioid– opportunistic infection– oral and maxillofacial surgeon– orchidectomy– orchiectomy– oropharynx– OSI-7904L– osmolality– osteitis deformans– osteogenic sarcoma– osteolytic– osteoporosis– osteosarcoma– ostomy– ovarian ablation– ovarian epithelial cancer– ovarian suppression– Overall Survival (OS)– overexpress– overgrowth syndrome– oxaliplatin– oxandrolone– OXi-104– oxidative metabolism– oxidative stress
[edit]P-32– p-value– p53 gene– Pacific valerian– paclitaxel– Paget's disease of bone– Paget's disease of the nipple– PALA– palatine uvula– palliative care– palliative therapy– Palmar plantar erythrodysesthesia– pamidronate– Pancoast's tumor– pancreatectomy– pancreatic cancer– pancreatic duct– pancreatic enzyme– pancreatic juice– pancreatitis– PAP, same as Pap smear– Pap smear– Pap test, same as Pap smear– papillary serous carcinoma– papillary thyroid cancer– papillary tumor– papilledema– paracentesis– parageusia– paramyxovirus– paraneoplastic syndrome– parathyroid gland– parathyroid hormone– parenchyma– paresthesias– paricalcitol– parietal pericardium– Parkinson's disease– parotidectomy– paroxetine hydrochloride– partial cystectomy– partial laryngectomy– partial mastectomy– partial nephrectomy– partial oophorectomy– partial remission– partial response– passive antibody therapy– Paterson–Kelly syndrome– pathological staging– patient-controlled analgesia– Patient derived tumor xenografts– PCA– PDQ– peau d'orange– PEG-interferon alfa-2a– PEG-interferon alfa-2b– PEG-MGDF– pegaspargase– pegfilgrastim– PEITC– peldesine– pelvic exenteration– pelvic lymphadenectomy– pemetrexed disodium– penclomedine– penicillamine– pentetic acid calcium– pentosan polysulfate– pentostatin– pentoxifylline– peptide– peptide 946– percutaneous ethanol injection– percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage– percutaneous transhepatic cholangiodrainage– percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography– perfusion– perfusion magnetic resonance imaging– pericardial effusion– perifosine– perineal colostomy– perineal prostatectomy– peripheral blood lymphocyte therapy– peripheral neuropathy– peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor– peripheral stem cell– peripheral stem cell support– peripheral stem cell transplantation– peristalsis– peritoneal cancer– peritoneal infusion– peritoneal perfusion– pernicious anemia– pertuzumab– PET scan– petechiae– Peutz–Jeghers syndrome– phagocyte– pharmacokinetics– phase I trial– phase I/II trial– phase II trial– phase II/III trial– phase III trial– phase IV trial– phenethyl isothiocyanate– phenoxodiol– phenylacetate– phenylbutyrate– pheochromocytoma– pheresis– Philadelphia chromosome– photodynamic therapy– photothermal therapy– photofrin– photopheresis– phyllodes tumor– Physician Data Query– phytic acid– phytoestrogen– phytosterol– PI-88– pilocarpine– pilocytic– pineal region tumor– pineoblastoma– pineocytoma– piperacillin/tazobactam– pirfenidone– piritrexim– pixantrone– PJS– PKC412– plasmacytic– plasmacytoma– plasmapheresis– Plenaxis– pleomorphic– pleural effusion– pleurodesis– plexiform neurofibroma– plexopathy– ploidy– Plummer–Vinson syndrome– pluripotent– pluripotent stem cell– pM-81 monoclonal antibody– PNET– pneumonectomy– PNU 166148– PNU-93914– polifeprosan 20 carmustine implant– poly-ICLC– polyglutamate camptothecin– polyglutamate paclitaxel– polymerase chain reaction– polymorphism– polyneuritis– polyp– polypectomy– polyphenol– Polyphenon E– polyposis– pons– pontine– porfimer sodium– porfiromycin– port-a-cath– positive axillary lymph node– positive test result– positron emission tomography scan– postremission therapy– PR+– PR-– precancerous– precancerous dermatitis– precancerous dermatosis– precancerous polyps– predictive factor– prednisolone– prednisone– preleukemia– premalignant– pretracheal space– prevascular space– preventive mastectomy– primary central nervous system lymphoma– primary endpoint– primary myelofibrosis– primary peritoneal cancer– primary tumor– primitive neuroectodermal tumor– prinomastat– pro-oxidant– probenecid– procarbazine– prochlorperazine– proctoscopy– proctosigmoidoscopy– progesterone receptor negative– progesterone receptor positive– progesterone receptor test– progression-free survival (PFS)– progressive disease– proliferative index– prolymphocytic leukemia– promegapoietin– promyelocytic leukemia– prophylactic cranial irradiation– prophylactic mastectomy– prophylactic oophorectomy– prophylactic surgery– prophylaxis– prospective cohort study– Prost 30 monoclonal antibody– prostate-specific antigen– prostate-specific antigen test– prostatectomy– prostatic acid phosphatase– prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia– prostatitis– protease inhibitor– protein kinase C– proteoglycan– proteomic profile– proteomics– proton beam radiation therapy– proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging– PS-341– PSA– psammoma body– PSC 833– pseudomyxoma peritonei– psoralen– PTC– PTCD– PTK787/ZK 222584– ptosis– pulmonary sulcus tumor– PV701– pyrazine diazohydroxide– pyrazoloacridine– pyroxamide
[edit]R-flurbiprofen– r-tPA– R101933– R115777– radiation fibrosis– radiation oncologist– radiation physicist– radiation surgery– radiation therapist– radiation therapy– radical cystectomy– radical lymph node dissection– radical mastectomy– radical perineal prostatectomy– radical prostatectomy– radical retropubic prostatectomy– radioactive drug– radioactive iodine– radioactive palladium– radioactive seed– radiofrequency ablation– radiographer– radioimmunoguided surgery– radioimmunotherapy– radioisotope– radiolabeled– radiologic exam– radionuclide scanning– radiopharmaceutical– radiosensitization– radiosensitizer– radiosurgery– radiotherapy– raloxifene– raltitrexed– randomized clinical trial– ranpirnase– rapamycin– rapid hormone cycling– rapid-onset opioid– ras gene– rasburicase– rattlesnake root– ravuconazole– rebeccamycin– recombinant tissue plasminogen activator– reconstructive surgeon– reconstructive surgery– recurrent cancer– Red blood cell– Reed–Sternberg cell– reflux– refractory cancer– regional cancer– regional chemotherapy– regional enteritis– regional lymph node– regional lymph node dissection– rehabilitation specialist– relative survival rate– relaxation technique– remission induction therapy– remote brachytherapy– renal cell cancer– renal collecting tubule– renal glomerulus– renal tubular acidosis– retinoblastoma– retinoid– retinol– retinyl palmitate– retroperitoneal– retropubic prostatectomy– retrospective cohort study– retrospective study– retroviral vector– retrovirus– RevM10 gene– rhabdoid tumor– rhabdomyosarcoma– rhizoxin– ribavirin– ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor– rifampin– risedronate– ritonavir– rituximab– RK-0202– RMP-7– RNA– Ro 31-7453– Ro 50-3821– rofecoxib– rosiglitazone– RPI.4610– RPR 109881A– RSR13– RSV
[edit]S-1– S-phase fraction– safingol– salpingo-oophorectomy– salvage therapy– samarium 153– saponin– saquinavir mesylate– sarCNU– sarcoma– sarcosinamide nitrosourea– sargramostim– satraplatin– SC-70935– SCH 54031– SCH 66336– SCH-58500– Schiller test– Schwann cell– schwannoma– scintimammography– scleroderma– screening mammogram– Scutellaria barbata– SDX-102– SDX-105– second primary cancer– second-line therapy– second-look surgery– secondary cancer– sedoxantrone trihydrochloride– segmental cystectomy– segmental mastectomy– selective estrogen receptor modulator– selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor– sella turcica– semaxanib– seminal vesicle biopsy– seminoma– semiparasitic– semustine– senile keratosis– sentinel lymph node– sentinel lymph node biopsy– sentinel lymph node mapping– seocalcitol– SERM– serotonin– sertraline– serum albumin– serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase– Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase– serum tumor marker test– sesquiterpene lactone– sestamibi breast imaging– severe myelosuppression– Sézary syndrome– SGN-00101– SGN-15– SGOT– SGPT– sham therapy– shave biopsy– Sho-saiko-to– sialic acid– sialyl Tn-KLH– side-to-end coloanal anastomosis– sideropenic dysphagia– sigmoidoscope– sigmoidoscopy– signal transduction inhibitor– signet ring cell carcinoma– SIL– sildenafil– Silybum marianum– silymarin– simple mastectomy– simple nephrectomy– single blind study– single-photon emission computed tomography– siplizumab– sirolimus– small cell lung cancer– small intestine– smoldering leukemia– smoldering myeloma– SMT-487– SnET2– SNX 111– soblidotin– sodium borocaptate– sodium salicylate– sodium sulfite– sodium thiosulfate– soft tissue sarcoma– solar keratosis– solid tumor– somatic cell– somatic mutation– somnolence syndrome– sonogram– sorivudine– specific immune cell– SPECT– SPF– spiculated mass– spindle cell cancer– spindle cell sarcoma– spiral CT scan– splenomegaly– sputum cytology– squalamine lactate– squamous cell– squamous cell carcinoma– squamous intraepithelial lesion– SR-29142– SR-45023A– SR49059– SSRI– staging– staurosporine– stavudine– stellate– stem cell– stem cell factor– stem cell transplantation– stent– stereotactic biopsy– stereotactic body radiation therapy– stereotactic external-beam radiation– stereotactic injection– stereotactic radiation therapy– stereotactic radiosurgery– stereotaxic radiosurgery– stereotaxis– steroid therapy– STI481– STI571– stoma– stomatitis– streptavidin– streptozocin– Stromagen– stromal tumor– strontium-89– Sturge–Weber syndrome– SU011248– SU101– SU5416– SU6668– subcutaneous port– subependymal– suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid– subglottis– subset analysis– subtenon– sucralfate– sulfonamide– sulindac– superior vena cava– superior vena cava syndrome– supraclavicular lymph node– supraglottic laryngectomy– supraglottis– supratentorial– suramin– surgical oncologist– survival rate– symptom management– syncytium– syngeneic bone marrow transplantation– syngeneic stem cell transplantation– synovial membrane– synovial sarcoma– synthetic protegrin analog– synthetic retinoid– systemic chemotherapy– systemic disease– systemic lupus erythematosus– systemic therapy
[edit]T cell– T-3– T-cell depletion– T-cell lymphoma– T138067– T4N5 liposomal lotion– T900607– TAC-101– tacrolimus– TAG-72 antigen– talampanel– talaporfin sodium– tamoxifen– tariquidar– taurolidine– taxane– technetium tc 99m dextran– technetium tc 99m sulfur colloid– tegafur– teicoplanin– telangiectasia– temoporfin– temozolomide– teniposide– TENS– teratoma– terminal disease– tetanus toxoid– tetrahydrouridine– TG4010– theophylline– thermal ablation– thermography– thiotepa– third-line therapy– thoracentesis– thoracoscopy– thoracotomy– thrombocyte– thrombocytopenia– thrombohemorrhagic event– thrombophlebitis– thrombopoietin– thymidine– thymidylate synthase inhibitor– thymoma– Thyrogen– thyroglobulin– thyroid follicular cell– thyroid hormone– thyroid-stimulating hormone– thyroidectomy– thyrotropin alfa– tiazofurin– time to progression– tin ethyl etiopurpurin– tin Sn 117m DTPA– tinidazole– tioguanine– tipifarnib– tirapazamine– tissue plasminogen activator– TLK286– TM– Transplacental carcinogenesis– TNF– TNFerade– TNM staging system– TNP-470– tocladesine– tomography– topical chemotherapy– topoisomerase inhibitor– topotecan– toremifene– tositumomab– total androgen blockade– total estrogen blockade– total nodal irradiation– total parenteral nutrition– total-body irradiation– TP-38 immunotoxin– tPA– TPA– trabecular cancer– transabdominal ultrasound– transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation– transdermal– transferrin-CRM107– transitional cell– transitional cell carcinoma– transperineal biopsy– transrectal biopsy– transrectal ultrasound– transurethral biopsy– transurethral needle ablation– transurethral resection– transurethral resection of the prostate– transvaginal ultrasound– trastuzumab– Traumeel S– treosulfan– tretinoin– triacetyluridine– triamcinolone– Triapine– tributyrin– trichothiodystrophy– triiodothyronine– trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole– trimetrexate glucuronate– triptorelin– troglitazone– tropisetron– troxacitabine– TRUS– tuberous sclerosis– tubulovillous adenoma– tumor– tumor antigen vaccine– tumor board review– tumor burden– tumor debulking– tumor infiltrating lymphocyte– tumor load– tumor marker– tumor model– tumor necrosis factor– tumor suppressor gene– tumor-derived– tumor-specific antigen– TUR– TURP– TVS– tympany– type I and type II errors– tyrosinase peptide– tyrosine kinase inhibitor– TZT-1027
[edit]ubiquinone– UCN-01– UGT1A1– ultrasonogram– ultrasonography– ultrasound-guided biopsy—see ultrasound and biopsy– ultraviolet radiation therapy—see ultraviolet radiation and radiation therapy– uncontrolled study—see clinical trial– unconventional cancer treatments—see experimental cancer treatment– undifferentiated—see cellular differentiation– unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy—see oophorectomy– unresectable—see resection– unresectable gallbladder cancer—see gallbladder cancer– unsealed internal radiation therapy—see radiation therapy– upper GI series– urachus– uracil– urea nitrogen—see blood urea nitrogen– ureteroscopy– urine cytology—see urine– urokinase– urologic oncologist—see urology and oncologist– urothelium– ursodiol– UV radiation– UVA radiation– UVB radiation– uvula
[edit]vaccine adjuvant– vaccine therapy– vaccinia CEA vaccine– vaginal cancer – vaginal melanoma–vaginal tumors – valacyclovir– valdecoxib– valerian– Valeriana officinalis– Valerianae radix– valganciclovir– valproic acid– vancomycin– vapreotide– varicose veins– vascular endothelial growth factor– VEGF– VEGF Trap– venlafaxine– video-assisted resection– video-assisted surgery– villous adenoma– villus– vinblastine– vinca alkaloid– vincristine– vindesine– vinorelbine– viral vector– virotherapy– virtual colonoscopy– Virulizin– virus replication cycle– virus-neutralizing antibody– viscotoxins– visilizumab– visual pathway glioma– VNP20009– VNP40101M– von Hippel–Lindau disease– voriconazole– vorozole– vulvar cancer– VX 853– VX-710
[edit]Waldenström macroglobulinemia– warfarin– wedge resection– Wermer's syndrome– Whipple procedure– white blood cell– Whitmore-Jewett staging system– whole cell vaccine– Wilms' tumor– Wobe-Mugos E
[edit]X-ray– X-ray therapy– xenograft– xeroderma pigmentosum– xerogram– xerostomia– XK469– XR9576
[edit]YM598– yttrium Y 90 ibritumomab tiuxetan– yttrium Y 90 SMT 487– yttrium Y 90-DOTA-tyr3-octreotide
[edit]ZD 1839– ZD0473– ZD6474– ziconotide– zidovudine– zileuton– zoledronate– Zollinger–Ellison syndrome– Zoloft– zolpidem– zosuquidar trihydrochloride
[edit]- ^ "glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase inhibitor". Dictionary of Cancer Terms. National Cancer Institute. Retrieved 2 December 2008.